Happy birthday wishes to brother from sister in your own words. Happy birthday greetings to brother beautiful in your own words Congratulate your brother on his birthday in short words

On your wonderful holiday, on your birthday, I want to wish you quite a bit.
First, health and energy: without them, a person cannot move on.
Secondly, good friends: their support is very important for any person.
Thirdly, true love: without it, everything in life loses its meaning.
Be, dear brother, always at the height that you choose and determine for yourself.
Look forward and don't look back.
Decide what happiness is for you, and always strive for it!

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Happy birthday, congratulations, brother!
I want to wish you the fulfillment of all your cherished desires!
Let the road of life be full of only pleasant surprises!
I wish you always great male strength and non-decreasing health!
Treasure every minute, rejoice and have fun!
Never despair, may you have tremendous achievements in everything!
In love, you - the desired happiness, the ideal of family, comfort and pleasure!

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Brother, congratulations!
Happy birthday to you!
I speak for myself and wish you all the best!
May your eyes always burn with love, happiness and hobbies!
Live to the fullest, all your entertainment!
Be healthy, have a lot of strength all the years of your long life!
Don't be depressed, go in for sports! Be rich!
May true friends always be with you!
Good luck to you, and joy for every day!

Brother in your own words
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Brother, beloved and dear! Happy birthday congratulations!
And I wish you to achieve your plans in life!
Achieve high peaks of victories! Let dreams come true!
Don't despair when you're out of luck! Say you're lucky anyway!
Laugh, successes and years of life are added from laughter!
Live long and in good health! Don't be sad and don't freak out!
Have fun and invigorate, do not lose your strength or optimism!
Let everything be as you want in love! Be young!

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Dear bro! Happy birthday!
I wish you good health and happiness!
Full of pockets of money and many days of happy holidays!
Have fun and frolic like a child, laugh out loud!
Achieve your own, take everything from life!
Let love inspire you and raise you to great things!
Burn in love and at work, but do not burn out!
May your best friends always be with you!

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For you, brother, I want to wish the best!
So that neither friends nor health ever let you down!
Be strong and brave like a lion!
Become steadfast and strong as a rock!
Be strong like Hercules!
Eat with a big appetite, go in for sports!
Make your plans come true!
Be happy in love!
Family warmth to you, comfort and prosperity!
Happy birthday!

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How dear you are to me, brother, and I don’t need any friend!
You mean so much to me! Good health to you, brother!
On your birthday, I want to wish you great fun!
Rejoice today from the bottom of your heart, receive pleasant and valuable gifts!
Keep the best moments in your heart!
May great impressions and moods always be with you!
Be the master of your plans, reach the highest!
I wish you prosperity in your career, prosperity in your family!
Let love become a real fairy tale and last a lifetime!

Brother in your own words
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Dear my brother!
I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!
We grew up together and have always walked side by side.
You are one of the closest people to me.
I wish you not to know what diseases and hospitals are.
Always be confident and firm in your decisions.
Be loved in your family and among your friends.
Be the winner in battles with opponents and be able to win their respect.
Be a man and a real person, feel like the master of your life!

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Dear brother, happy birthday!
I wish you to always be the same generous, strong body and spirit!
Never despair, go forward to your goals and win!
May you be lucky in your career and love!
Love yourself with all your heart and let life give only pleasant gifts!
I wish you excellence in your hobbies!
Follow the lucky star and go everywhere in the world!

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I want to wish you the best on your birthday, brother!
Be strong and healthy all your life!
Do not give in to difficulties, but overcome them with dignity!
Become a winner and leader in any business!
Do things you love, they bring joy!
Be hardworking, and may the cherished blessings and riches be given to you!
In love, fly and create, let you be sincerely and immensely loved!
May everything you have planned come true soon!

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Brother, accept my congratulations!

Happy birthday, congratulations, brother!
I want to wish you the fulfillment of all your cherished desires!
Let the road of life be full of only pleasant surprises!
I wish you always great male strength and non-decreasing health!
Treasure every minute, rejoice and have fun!
Never despair, may you have tremendous achievements in everything!
In love, you - the desired happiness, the ideal of family, comfort and pleasure!

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Brother, be always good!

Brother, beloved and dear! Happy birthday congratulations!
And I wish you to achieve your plans in life!
Achieve high peaks of victories! Let dreams come true!
Don't despair when you're out of luck! Say you're lucky anyway!
Laugh, successes and years of life are added from laughter!
Live long and in good health! Don't be sad and don't freak out!
Have fun and invigorate, do not lose your strength or optimism!
Let everything be as you want in love! Be young!

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Happy birthday wishes to your brother in your own words in prose

Dear brother

On your wonderful holiday, on your birthday, I want to wish you quite a bit.
First, health and energy: without them, a person cannot move on.
Secondly, good friends: their support is very important for any person.
Thirdly, true love: without it, everything in life loses its meaning.
Be, dear brother, always at the height that you choose and determine for yourself.
Look forward and don't look back.
Decide what happiness is for you, and always strive for it!

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Brother, you have my super wishes!

You are my brother, we have been friends since childhood, we have a great relationship!
Your birthday is a joyful holiday for me!
With what I congratulate you, my brother, and myself!
Be always so cool, interesting, strong and irresistible!
May you be lucky in business, lucky in love, rushing through life!
Relax and have fun, laugh out loud, don't give up on failure!
More wheelbarrows, wealth and human happiness!

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Dear brother!

Dear brother!
I congratulate you on your birthday!
On this holiday, I want to wish you to choose the right direction in your life.
May you always be able to solve all the difficulties that arise on your way.
May fate send you people who can understand and support you.
Let there be a faithful and loving companion next to you, with whom you can create a strong and friendly family.
May you manage to become an exemplary father and adored grandfather, wait for great-grandchildren and become an example for them!

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Good brother, my best wishes!

Brother - the only, good, happy birthday!
I wish you great love and eternal luck!
Live with joy and happiness!
Be rich and have as many cars as you want!
Do not complain about life, let it give you the best!
Be kept by all the saints, never get sick!
Go ahead for victories and may God help you!

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Happy birthday wishes to brother in your own words

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There is nothing more important in life than family. Therefore, it is so important to choose the right words on your birthday. And since not everyone is endowed with the talent to speak beautifully, in this article you can find congratulations to your brother from your brother.

What to wish little brother

They say that men do not tend to display tender feelings. But when it comes to a prankster who, in childhood, had to give away his toys, learn to fight and communicate with girls, kind words on a bright holiday are simply necessary:

  1. My little brother, from a very young age I watched you grow. So today I want to tell you something. May this birthday give you attention, love and understanding of loved ones. I always sincerely wanted close friends to be next to you, and in the future there will be a girl with whom you will spend a life like a fairy tale. Your personal story!
  2. On this bright day, I sincerely want to congratulate my younger brother. I wish you to live and enjoy life, and also - the fulfillment of desires, bright ideas, good luck in business and family happiness.
  3. Happy birthday, Small. Yes, I know you've grown up and become quite an adult. But for me, you will forever remain that kid who stole candy from me, thinking that I didn’t know it, who woke me up at night when I had nightmares and the one for whom I always drank tasteless milk. Be happy, live life to the fullest, learn to think with your own head. And remember that I will always come to your aid.
  4. How quickly time flies! My younger brother has become a real man. I want you to always remain yourself, love and respect women, help those you can help, and never forget your father's house. Learn to cope with troubles yourself in order to be a worthy defender of the family hearth, but know that I am the one who will never refuse advice and help.
  5. My beloved brother. Rather, get happy birthday wishes from your older brother. I used to beat you often, joked about you and scared you with horror stories at night. Forgive me for this, because I was very stupid. But despite this, the love in my heart for you only grew. And I want to wish that there are only clear days in your life and that those horror stories from childhood remain the worst thing that has ever happened to you.
  6. Brother! I remember well the day you were born. For me, this was the main event in my life, so the day you were brought from the hospital, I realized that I would always protect you. I don't care how many years pass, but you can always call me in a difficult moment, and I will rush to your aid. I will never give out your secrets and I will cover them in front of my parents. Yes, I don’t know how to speak beautifully, but my main dream is to see you happy, successful, needed and loved!
  7. I would like to wish my younger brother many pleasant and unexpected adventures, a lot of happiness and a little luck. May one of your dreams come true on this day, which will forever change fate and show the right path. Know, my brother, you deserve it!
  8. May today bring you many surprises, a sea of ​​gifts and pleasant experiences. Let only close and dear people, devoted friends and a sincere girl be next to you. Remember, brother, life is very unpredictable, but only you can make it truly happy. I believe that you will succeed!
  9. On your birthday, I want to wish you, first of all, health, self-confidence, a friendly family and a peaceful sky above your head. Fulfill your dreams, always confidently go towards your goal and know that wherever you are, your family will gladly accept you and help you in a difficult situation. I love you my little brother. I'm sorry I rarely say this.
  10. I appreciate you very much, brother. I want only luck, love and hope for a better future to accompany you in life. I know what a wonderful person you are and I really want you to keep the kindness in your heart. May your mother's prayer protect you from adversity, and I - I am always glad to see you in my house. Happy birthday!

Coming up with birthday wishes for your brother is sometimes very difficult. But at such moments it is worth considering that the birthday boy will be incredibly pleased to hear nice words from his brother. After all, this is an incentive to move on, become better and take an example from someone who has always been there.

Congratulations for big brother

When the holidays are approaching, every little thing counts. And sometimes nice words are more important than the most expensive gifts. Do not be ashamed of your feelings and even more so show them on your older brother's birthday:

  1. I'm extremely lucky to have you brother. You have become an example of a real man for me. Yes, when I was a kid, I could play well on your nerves, but you always forgave me and were patient. Therefore, today I want to wish you success in all your endeavors, strong relationships and true friends who will always be there. Know that I am also your friend and will remain so for the rest of my life. Happy birthday!
  2. Brother, you have always been my support and support. I appreciate this very much and I want to wish today that a guiding star will accompany you all your life. Let luck smile and only happiness awaits in the future. And if it rains outside, then let the sunlight in your heart illuminate your life path!
  3. Happy Birthday, brother. Let your life be bright and unforgettable, work brings profit and pleasure, let your friends be there not only in joy, but also in grief, well, and love warms your heart day by day. Be happy and never give up!
  4. I have long wanted to confess to you that you, my brother, have become my support, support and the best guide in life. Yes, sometimes we argue and even fight, but for me you have become the whole world. Thank you for letting me know that having an older brother is real happiness. I want you to live in love and harmony, listen to your feelings, but do not make decisions on a hot head. You can always rely on me and know that in my house the door is open for you!
  5. Accept birthday wishes from your brother! I have no one dearer than you, beloved, older brother, so take care and love yourself, be happy and do what you like. Develop your talents, travel and remember that the best is always ahead. Create your happiness with your own hands, remain a kind, faithful and loving person who is respected by everyone. Live happily and never give up!
  6. Brother, today is a great occasion for us to meet and, as before, drink a hundred grams. After all, you taught me everything that I know and can do. You managed to grow a real man from a harmful varmint. Therefore, today I drink to your health, happiness and good luck in business. You can do everything, because you have an iron character and a strong will. Be happy and happy birthday!
  7. I wish you to remain brave, kind and skillful in life. As before, to amuse everyone with your jokes, to achieve success in all matters and not to stop during a period of temporary difficulties. Remember that all bad things come to an end, and happiness and goodness lives in ourselves!
  8. There are no more like you. I seriously think so, because you are my only brother. And on your birthday, I would like to wish that everything in your life happens on time, and there are much more bright days than rainy ones!
  9. Brother, you are a real fighter who overcame difficulties all his life and achieved incredible heights. May your life become easier in the future, and all that is well-deserved arrives and multiplies. Know that our entire family believes in your strength and is very proud of you!
  10. I am very proud that in my life there is such an example as you - the elder brother. Today is a holiday for our whole family, because without you, everything would be different. I wish you happiness, health, faithful brothers nearby and everything that you sincerely want.

Congratulations to a brother on his birthday from a brother should come from a pure heart. It does not matter at all what words will be said, the main thing is that everything be sincere and for real.

You should not pay attention to the long time that you did not see each other, to the distance and other possible obstacles. A family always remains a family, and on holidays you need to make it clear to a person that he is needed and loved.

Congratulations words for cousin

Distant relatives are also family. Sometimes a person connects with them even more than with their own parents. Therefore, on your birthday, you need to find a free minute and call your cousin:

Beloved brother, I congratulate you on your day. You are the dearest little man to me, and despite all the quarrels between us, you will remain my closest friend. Be happy, may your health be heroic and may all your plans come true. For me, you will forever remain a little boy with whom we played and learned lessons. Happy holiday!

Happy holiday! Here you have become another year wiser, stronger and more mature. I wish you well-being and successful business. To find the only one with which even to the ends of the world. I wish you to remain always so warm and sincere. May there always be a spark in your eyes and a desire to move forward. Happy Birthday!

On this wonderful day, you, my brother, were born. A strong hug and I wish steel health, love, warmth, reliable friends nearby. You are my support and protection. Thanks for all the advice you gave me. May there be no adversity and bad weather on your life path. Stay so strong, beautiful and wise.

Happy birthday my dear blood! Accept congratulations on this most important day and wish to remain so positive and cheerful. Let no problems confuse you and I wish you to go to your goal and achieve it. Be confident, honest, open person. I wish you to remember this day for a long time. Congratulations!

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday and wish you to achieve heights in all your plans. Stay so handsome, strong, kind, loyal and courageous guy. May there be prosperity and comfort, happiness in the heart. You are the best brother. Happy day, dear!

Happy birthday my dear! May your life be full of unexpected surprises and devoid of black stripes. With your perseverance, you will surely achieve all your plans. I wish there were understanding people around who will always help and give advice. May there be much happiness, joy and optimism. Be happy and healthy. Happy holiday!

Happy holiday my dear man. Happiness is that you are my brother, so I want to wish you all the very best. May your soul be happy, love and good luck so that you are completely covered, and adversity is gone away. I wish you not to know sadness and sadness, may the days be successful and full of happy moments. Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday to one of the most important men in my life. My brother, I love you and you are our pride. You deserve the best, so I wish you never lose heart, be healthy and energetic. May you be surrounded by loving family and good friends. So that every day is festive and full of gifts. Let everything be at the highest level. Congratulations!

Dear brother! With all my heart I wish you to remain such a kind, fair, wise person. I want us to be always friendly and devoted to each other. Let everything turn out as you wish, success to you all. Successful career, luck and a sea of ​​optimism. And of course, health, because without it, nowhere. Be happy!

Happy Birthday brother! Not fading optimism, energize everyone, and kindness and sincerity reward you with the fulfillment of desires, and charm will help you find a soul mate. Let only honest, kind people meet on the path of life. Be full of joy, prosperity and enthusiasm.

I wish you to be confident in the future, so that all plans come true, and the career ladder leads to the top. May your life be filled with joy and happiness, and success does not keep you waiting. May health fill the body and soul, and love warm the heart.

Happy birthday to my best friend and most wonderful brother. Thank you for your understanding, support and fun childhood. I wish you to overcome all heights, to be healthy and the happiest. Let fortune smile at you, and there will be no black stripes in life. Let every day bring joy and pleasure. Congratulations!

Brother. You know that you are a very dear and valuable person to me. You have always been a great role model for me. Do you remember how you protected me from bullies? Let time pass and we get older, but you will always remain an important person for me, who will support, regret and teach you to be strong. Congratulations!

Beloved brother. Catch a congratulation and smile. You know how much I love you. I want everything in your life to be on top! I wish you to create a strong and friendly family, raise wonderful children and climb the career ladder to incredible heights.

Beloved brother. When I write you a congratulation, I remember how in childhood you were proud that you are older than me. And now I'm glad that I'm younger. Joke, dear. I am so happy that we have become adults, and all childhood grievances are in the past. I wish you to build a wonderful career and realize all your plans.

Dear my brother. Every year we get older, but this is not a reason to be sad. Rather the opposite. I am glad that all our misunderstandings and quarrels remained in childhood. Growing up, I look at you with different eyes: you are a real man, whom I am proud of. Dear, may your life be bright, full of happy moments and unforgettable adventures.

Brother! On this day I want to remind you that you are my main protector and support. Thank you for everything! I really want all your dreams to come true. To make everything easy, without problems and troubles. Love you!

Who has a birthday today? That's right, the coolest brother in the world! Hooray! Well, what do you wish, dear? I want you to be surrounded by real, faithful and devoted friends. Let life rage and be full of unforgettable impressions and crazy travels. Hug you!

Dear my brother. I want to hug you as soon as possible and congratulate you on such a wonderful day! Your day! May every new day be filled to the brim with joy, happiness, love and health!

My protector. My best brother. Congratulations on your day! I want to wish you a lot of bright colors, so that with their help you decorate your rich life the way you yourself wish it. Never give up! Forward and only forward.

My pride. My brother! Catch a wish from me, and I hope that it will certainly come true. I want to tell you that you are a wonderful person. Never change your principles, don't give up, be healthy and loved. Always strive for more, because you deserve a fabulous life. Love you.

Big brother is a blessing. Especially in my case! Dear, I want your closest and dearest to surround you on your day. Let the holiday be on top and bring you a lot of joy and pleasure. Never get sick and always achieve your desired goal. Hug you. Hooray!

Happy birthday wishes to brother in your own words

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On your wonderful holiday, on your birthday, I want to wish you quite a bit.
First, health and energy: without them, a person cannot move on.
Secondly, good friends: their support is very important for any person.
Thirdly, true love: without it, everything in life loses its meaning.
Be, dear brother, always at the height that you choose and determine for yourself.
Look forward and don't look back.
Decide what happiness is for you, and always strive for it!


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Create a postcard

Brother, accept my congratulations!

Happy birthday, congratulations, brother!
I want to wish you the fulfillment of all your cherished desires!
Let the road of life be full of only pleasant surprises!
I wish you always great male strength and non-decreasing health!
Treasure every minute, rejoice and have fun!
Never despair, may you have tremendous achievements in everything!
In love, you - the desired happiness, the ideal of family, comfort and pleasure!


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Create a postcard

Brother, happy birthday!

Brother, congratulations!
Happy birthday to you!
I speak for myself and wish you all the best!
May your eyes always burn with love, happiness and hobbies!
Live to the fullest, all your entertainment!
Be healthy, have a lot of strength all the years of your long life!
Don't be depressed, go in for sports! Be rich!
May true friends always be with you!
Good luck to you, and joy for every day!


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Create a postcard

Brother, be always good!

Brother, beloved and dear! Happy birthday congratulations!
And I wish you to achieve your plans in life!
Achieve high peaks of victories! Let dreams come true!
Don't despair when you're out of luck! Say you're lucky anyway!
Laugh, successes and years of life are added from laughter!
Live long and in good health! Don't be sad and don't freak out!
Have fun and invigorate, do not lose your strength or optimism!
Let everything be as you want in love! Be young!


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Create a postcard

I wish you all bro!

Dear bro! Happy birthday!
I wish you good health and happiness!
Full of pockets of money and many days of happy holidays!
Have fun and frolic like a child, laugh out loud!
Achieve your own, take everything from life!
Let love inspire you and raise you to great things!
Burn in love and at work, but do not burn out!
May your best friends always be with you!


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Create a postcard

Brother, my best wishes!

For you, brother, I want to wish the best!
So that neither friends nor health ever let you down!
Be strong and brave like a lion!
Become steadfast and strong as a rock!
Be strong like Hercules!
Eat with a big appetite, go in for sports!
Make your plans come true!
Be happy in love!
Family warmth to you, comfort and prosperity!
Happy birthday!


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Create a postcard

To me, brother, you mean so much!

How dear you are to me, brother, and I don’t need any friend!
You mean so much to me! Good health to you, brother!
On your birthday, I want to wish you great fun!
Rejoice today from the bottom of your heart, receive pleasant and valuable gifts!
Keep the best moments in your heart!
May great impressions and moods always be with you!
Be the master of your plans, reach the highest!
I wish you prosperity in your career, prosperity in your family!
Let love become a real fairy tale and last a lifetime!

Happy birthday wishes to brother in your own words

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Create a postcard

Dear my brother!
I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!
We grew up together and have always walked side by side.
You are one of the closest people to me.
I wish you not to know what diseases and hospitals are.
Always be confident and firm in your decisions.
Be loved in your family and among your friends.
Be the winner in battles with opponents and be able to win their respect.
Be a man and a real person, feel like the master of your life!

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