Alex Leslie - how to wake up at a party, or the secrets of successful dates. How to wake up at a party? or Secrets of successful dating Wake up at a party or secrets

Alex Leslie

How to wake up at a party?

Secrets of successful dating

Together with the trainers of the “Seduction Style” project Yuliana Shakhova, Sergey Bars, Alexey Guch.


U brilliant invention there cannot be only one author. There will definitely be someone else.

Thanks to an unknown Internet user

We express our gratitude to the person who came up with the title of this book. This is an unknown Internet user. A guy who was on a dating site.

We tested different name options. And one of the guys wrote back to us:

– I would have called this book differently!

– For example, “How to wake up at a party, or Secrets of successful dating.”

As a result, everyone really liked this name. But our profile was deleted, and we didn’t even know who to thank for it. Therefore, we decided to express our gratitude to an unknown Internet user! Thank you!

our team

I want to express my gratitude to my team, which constantly takes part in the creation of new techniques and contributes to the development of the topic.

Yuliana Shakhova. Stubbornly defends the female position. I’m afraid that without her, our entire team would have long ago become the embodiment of depravity, and this woman skillfully restrains us. She's luckier than the rest of us. She doesn’t need to do anything to charm everyone around her, she was born this way, and some women are ready to kill her for it. Of course, her life is very difficult. She has few friends, since almost anyone next to her is doomed to remain unnoticed and gray.

Alexey Guch. My student. He is famous for the fact that even before trainings and books he was an ordinary guy. By the age of 25, he had only two girls in his life. And there was no experience. Some bummers. And then the girl leaves him. He, upset, goes to Turkey and there meets a man who took my master’s course. This man blows his mind, gives him my book, after which Gooch’s life changes completely. He goes through all our trainings, makes great progress and becomes a seduction coach. Gooch is a classic example of a guy who is ordinary in appearance, but gives a head start to any mannered macho!

Seryoga Bars. Also my student, who didn’t have any special problems with women. He began to study the topic for himself in order to increase his efficiency. He was always interested in women. Now he is a master of seduction, especially in the scumbag style.

Dima Angel. And he completed my master's course. Looking at him, you will think that such a man does not need seduction. Its theme is weapons, ambushes, surveillance, snipers, training, special operations and all sorts of adventures on your own. This is the fighter who kills with his gaze. But he is terribly positive and interesting, and, oddly enough, a romantic. He works in an insanely cynical and cruel organization, does cruel things, but in the topic of seduction he makes up for his other – bright – side.


The appearance of any product is dictated by the needs of people.

This is my fourth book on this topic. I wrote it precisely for the reason that there is a need for it. I always start from human needs. My readers on the forum asked a lot of questions about how to have a date, where, what to do, what to say, what to lead to, how to act correctly, and so on.

Therefore, the book did not appear on its own, but in response to a request from society. At the moment, no one has yet written such a book. No, I don’t take into account that ton of garbage where there are philosophical arguments about how to date, and stuffed with psychological techniques copied from books.

I want to say that there is not a single book that would tell us what text messages to write to a girl in order to interest her, what are the strategies for communicating with her on the phone so that she comes on a date, what to do on it, what are the options for dates, strategies and ways to seduce on a date that really work. And examples, examples and once again examples of their real use by other people, and not one-time, but systematically! At the level that you told this trick or trick to a friend, he went and did it, and the girl remembered it for the rest of her life and told her friends! There are no such books yet. And I am glad and happy that I managed to write it right now!

Alex Leslie

How to wake up at a party?

Secrets of successful dating

Together with the trainers of the “Seduction Style” project Yuliana Shakhova, Sergey Bars, Alexey Guch.


A brilliant invention cannot have only one author. There will definitely be someone else.

Thanks to an unknown Internet user

We express our gratitude to the person who came up with the title of this book. This is an unknown Internet user. A guy who was on a dating site.

We tested different name options. And one of the guys wrote back to us:

– I would have called this book differently!

– For example, “How to wake up at a party, or Secrets of successful dating.”

As a result, everyone really liked this name. But our profile was deleted, and we didn’t even know who to thank for it. Therefore, we decided to express our gratitude to an unknown Internet user! Thank you!

our team

I want to express my gratitude to my team, which constantly takes part in the creation of new techniques and contributes to the development of the topic.

Yuliana Shakhova. Stubbornly defends the female position. I’m afraid that without her, our entire team would have long ago become the embodiment of depravity, and this woman skillfully restrains us. She's luckier than the rest of us. She doesn’t need to do anything to charm everyone around her, she was born this way, and some women are ready to kill her for it. Of course, her life is very difficult. She has few friends, since almost anyone next to her is doomed to remain unnoticed and gray.

Alexey Guch. My student. He is famous for the fact that even before trainings and books he was an ordinary guy. By the age of 25, he had only two girls in his life. And there was no experience. Some bummers. And then the girl leaves him. He, upset, goes to Turkey and there meets a man who took my master’s course. This man blows his mind, gives him my book, after which Gooch’s life changes completely. He goes through all our trainings, makes great progress and becomes a seduction coach. Gooch is a classic example of a guy who is ordinary in appearance, but gives a head start to any mannered macho!

Seryoga Bars. Also my student, who didn’t have any special problems with women. He began to study the topic for himself in order to increase his efficiency. He was always interested in women. Now he is a master of seduction, especially in the scumbag style.

Dima Angel. And he completed my master's course. Looking at him, you will think that such a man does not need seduction. Its theme is weapons, ambushes, surveillance, snipers, training, special operations and all sorts of adventures on your own. This is the fighter who kills with his gaze. But he is terribly positive and interesting, and, oddly enough, a romantic. He works in an insanely cynical and cruel organization, does cruel things, but in the topic of seduction he makes up for his other – bright – side.


The appearance of any product is dictated by the needs of people.

This is my fourth book on this topic. I wrote it precisely for the reason that there is a need for it. I always start from human needs. My readers on the forum asked a lot of questions about how to have a date, where, what to do, what to say, what to lead to, how to act correctly, and so on.

Therefore, the book did not appear on its own, but in response to a request from society. At the moment, no one has yet written such a book. No, I don’t take into account that ton of garbage where there are philosophical arguments about how to date, and stuffed with psychological techniques copied from books.

I want to say that there is not a single book that would tell us what text messages to write to a girl in order to interest her, what are the strategies for communicating with her on the phone so that she comes on a date, what to do on it, what are the options for dates, strategies and ways to seduce on a date that really work. And examples, examples and once again examples of their real use by other people, and not one-time, but systematically! At the level that you told this trick or trick to a friend, he went and did it, and the girl remembered it for the rest of her life and told her friends! There are no such books yet. And I am glad and happy that I managed to write it right now!

By the way, why did I get such an honor?

There are several reasons for this. And I will reveal them to you.

The first is experiments and the people who do them.. I have thousands of students who study this topic. Each of them constantly tries something, finds some patterns and tricks that are passed from mouth to mouth, other people try them, and as a result, these chips end up in the book.

Secondly, my extensive experience in this topic. Oddly enough, but it really is like that and is constantly being replenished. And all because I have a lively and endless interest in seducing women, for me - the more complex a girl is, the smarter she is, the more unapproachable, the more interesting she is, and I can’t help it, her strategies are looming in my head seduction.

Third, my brain is a mathematician, who was strictly trained to systematize, formalize and put everything on shelves. So that everything is clear and understandable.

One day an acquaintance called me and told me that his friend, an actor, had read one of my books and asked:

-Who wrote it?

And, having learned that it was written by a twenty-seven-year-old guy from Russia, he said:

– He couldn’t write that!

The same thing was said by many famous and educated people, including Roman Trakhtenberg, Pavel Kashin, Alexander Lyubimov, Crazy Frankie from “Silver Rain” and many people unknown to anyone, but with a higher cynical education, who drank the truth of life and who revered what I write about.

How could I write this? Hehehehe... The secret is simple!

In general, the goal of my activity is to systematize and popularize the best methods and techniques of seduction that have ever existed in the world. That’s why so many people are involved in realizing this goal!

I communicate with thousands of different people social groups and ages that throw thousands at me original ideas, ways and methods, and I just absorb everything like a sponge, and within a millisecond after a person tells me an ingenious method of seduction, I know that it will be useful to hundreds of thousands of men. And if I just wrote only about my experience, then the books would be boring, uninteresting and would look like pornographic stories. After all, from a certain moment my life began to look like an erotic film. Where I am already seducing on a completely different level, which will become clear to you only when you sleep with hundreds of women and for you another sex with beautiful woman, which you just didn’t know at all, will not be a holiday. Even if I now just tell you some methods from my Everyday life, you may be overcome by horror, and your reaction to this may be too inadequate and sometimes even suicidal!

My books are interesting precisely because their authors are thousands of seducers and simple guys who, like you, previously did not know what to do on a date, and whom I taught to come up with new tricks and methods. And by reading my books, you learn from the experience of thousands of Casans who came up with something before you that you had never thought of before! The book will contain stories of my students. They are living proof that my system works. From simple guy, missing stars from the sky, you can make a Casanova!

And in this book, about half of all the techniques were invented by the people whom I once taught. This different people, of different ages and with different life experiences. Among them, the eldest is a politician, who is 56 years old, the youngest is a manager construction company, who is 22 years old.

Therefore, I hope the book will be versatile and really useful to you!

Alex Leslie

Women's myth

"You're not my type!"

Women's tastes change after sex.

You somehow got a girl you like. An acquaintance of acquaintances, some friend of a friend, or a friend of a sister, or you simply met her by chance after reading my three previous books.

And in principle, you know everything, you know what to say, how to act correctly. But for some reason you feel stupor and don’t go all-in. Or, as practice shows, you let the situation take its course and give the woman the opportunity to decide whether you will have something or not.

In fact, no matter how strange it may sound to you, a real master of seduction does not give a woman a single chance to escape.

- What if she doesn’t like me? - you ask me.

Everything can be turned over. Unlike the situation with women. After all, the first thing a man evaluates a woman for is the external factor. If you don’t like her appearance, then she won’t make it past the first stage.

With men the situation is completely different.

Tastes, types, types of men are a standard women's myth.

Many of the women I lived with and slept with admitted to me that I was not their type. But nevertheless they loved me, and one of them lives with me to this day. That is, as you can see, it doesn’t matter here.

In fact, the most surprising thing for me about this topic was that any “I don’t like you” can be turned into “I want you so much!”

Only by your actions. If this were not so, then my previous three books would not have been published and I would not have conducted trainings.

In this book, I don’t even consider the option that actually happens once in a thousand. When you call a girl, and she wants you so much that, despite all your mistakes, she still gives herself to you!

This book will provide very specific strategies, tactics and methods that lead to the fact that a girl who has never even seen you begins to really want to meet you.

If I had read this in someone's book a few years ago, I would have said:

- Well, nonsense, this doesn’t happen!

But the trick is that in reality this is as unrealistic as flying over Moscow a ten-ton piece of iron carrying people thousands of kilometers in a few hours!

And nothing is impossible! And there are hundreds of documentary evidence of this in the records telephone conversations on my website. When a guy calls a completely wrong girl who has not seen him yet, and arouses such wild interest that the girl breaks down and goes to hell just to see him!

Personally, this no longer surprises me. Because I know a clear step-by-step strategy for causing such a reaction from a girl. And I will reveal all this to you in the book, I will give very specific real examples, which will evoke completely diverse emotions in you - from complete misunderstanding and rejection to delight and admiration for these ingenious techniques that will blow not only the girl’s mind, but also yours!

Seduction is easier than you think

Seduction is the same clearly structured science as mathematics, physics, and chemistry.

Seduction is much simpler and more obvious than psychology. After all, the fact is that in psychology everything is not so simple. The goal of psychology is to explain human behavioral strategies, the paradox of human thinking, etc. And in many ways, psychology overlaps with philosophy, which, in turn, is a much less formalized and explainable science.

Bent down. To hell with formalities!

Briefly speaking. This is why all psychologists are so complex. They do not understand what goal they are moving towards and where their legs grow from.

In the science of temptation, everything is obvious and understandable to me personally. It is known that a woman’s legs grow from her butt, some slightly higher.

Many psychologists and theorists constantly attack me with accusations of primitiveness. In response, I tell them: if your complex theories ever work and bring practical benefit to someone on the topic of temptation, I am ready to personally build a monument to you from cement with my own hands!

Some insecure people really piss me off with questions like “Why?”

Diogenes, who sat in a barrel and looked at this whole circus from the side, may indeed have the following question: “Why?”

- Why get out of the barrel?

- Why live? Why reproduce?

If you have questions like: “Why do I need seduction?”, “Why do I sleep with beautiful women?”, “Why do I need women?” - then you can immediately put this book aside and go to the section of philosophy or science, and read the books of Horgan or Einstein, learn new theories of the emergence of amino acids in cosmic dust clouds that give rise to life, and the theory of superstrings, scalar fields and basalt particles. This is really interesting and challenging for you!

And seduction is a very simple and primitive science. And this is exactly how I will present it in this book, simply and primitively! Anyone can experience seduction!

Seduction can actually be represented in the form simple instructions and techniques, performing which you influence the girl’s emotions. And, as you know, everyone’s emotions work according to the same scheme embedded in their DNA. Emotions are just a set of reflexes and a consequence of instinctive behavior. And therefore, the statement that all women are the same is true! After all, in fact, this is so: if you perceive a woman not as a person, but just as an animal, then in this capacity she will always experience the maternal instinct, the instinct to choose the best gene for her child and the most reliable breadwinner.

What's more difficult: finding a wife or sleeping with a hundred women?

Your happiness is always somewhere nearby.

I have a friend who is not nearly as much of a lover of women. He is far from a womanizer and not a fan of the theme of seduction. His requests are much less ambitious than those of most show business stars or mega-Casanas, who pursue an unrealistic, unattainable and completely useless goal - to taste absolutely all women.

My friend doesn't want to wake up with a new beauty every morning, like many of the readers of my books. My friend just wanted to find himself a wife. But, you must admit, the goal itself is not an easy one.

It’s much easier to sleep with the first beauty you come across on the way. But it is much more difficult to find a person compatible with you.

And the smarter you are, the more difficult it is for you with this. After all, you don’t want to waste your time on something that just falls into your hands. You want to get the woman who suits you. But as it turned out, this is much more difficult than sleeping with a girl who is much higher than you in status or brains. After all, after sex, it’s not a fact that you will talk for more than ten minutes.

And so my friend set out to find a wife. And he met first with one, then with the other. But sometimes it’s not suitable for sex, sometimes you don’t like the qualities, or something else is wrong. And he cannot choose a woman for himself. Not at all because he cannot seduce her. But because the process of finding a woman is much more complicated than seduction. But there is one secret. Usually your happiness lies in front of your nose.

One day we were talking at his house and a girl, his sister’s friend, came to see him.

And I asked him:

- How do you like her?

And he answered:

“I like her, but she doesn’t pay attention to me.”

And when I told him how he needed to seduce her in order for everything to work out, he did it, made a bunch of mistakes, but nevertheless, he actually seduced her and then realized that this is the woman with whom he is really ready to date for a long time.

And when I asked him:

- Why didn’t you dare to hook up with her before me?

He replied:

“I’ve never had such a beautiful woman, I’ve never even looked at someone like her!”

It's easier for you to sleep with a hundred women than to ask out the girl you really like!

Ten misconceptions men have about women

Talk about seducing a woman only with men!

So that there are no unnecessary questions, I immediately bring you down to earth. To the land of objective reality, and not to your romantic ideas of how it should be. It won’t be the same, no matter how hard you try, because there is only one objective reality, and you live in it! So, alas, we will have to disappoint you right away! From the first pages of the book.

The first misconception.

"I seduce a woman"

This is a misconception that most guys who open this book have.

You call her and say:

- Hello, what are you doing this evening?

– Today – I don’t know, but who is it?

- This is Vasya. So what are you doing tonight?

- A-a-a... And what is Vasya? Ahh, this is the one that... Well, I understand. No, I’m busy in the evening, let’s do it another time...

- A-ah-ah... That Vasya... I’m okay so far, so what?

And you invite her to meet.

Where do you see “seducing a woman”???

You called her, told her who you are, she already decided everything. Moreover, she has already decided whether she will sleep with you or whether you will just feed her.

So who's in in this case seduces whom? SHE WILL SEDUCE YOU!

You have nothing to do with it at all, you are just her prey.

Here you are not leading the conversation, she is leading it. Later in the book you will learn how to get out of this situation and not be followed, but lead. How to answer the question “Who is this?” so that she begins to feel your tight grip and, whoever you are, comes to you on a date!

Second misconception.

"You need to earn her sympathy"

This is a misconception of all men, formed by mother, whose goal, like all women, is to write into your head an effective, from the point of view of women, seduction strategy. That is, ineffective for you personally! This means that your mother inspires you to behave well, help women, listen to women, etc. Otherwise, if all the mothers in the world taught their sons to be scum, then we would have died out long ago from chaos.

But young girls, despite everything, want bad boys, they want to communicate with those who put this whole world at risk. Those who do not follow the letter of the law, but who are the law and do what they want. Girls want boys whose behavior they cannot explain, whom they cannot control, and for hours they are ready to pour out their indignation to some man who understands her, and then, at the call of this bastard, they are ready to come to any point in the city and give themselves to him.

The law of life is this: women do not need those who do not know how to make women suffer.

Yes. As sad as it may seem, such is this contradictory world. The world is a struggle of opposites. And everything in this world is ambiguous, and the most certain thing in this world is uncertainty. Therefore, no matter how you feel about it, you will have to get out of your head the constant desire to make excuses to women, do what women want, and start doing what you want!!! But this is NOT ENOUGH! I will teach you to be not just a scumbag, but the scumbag that women want!

Third misconception.

"A woman should choose me"

You think that a woman should choose you from many other men, and if Vasya gives her 25 roses, then you will give her a hundred roses, that is, you will try to be better than others in any matter, and you hope that she will choose you.

In practice, the opposite is true. Vasya gives her a hundred roses, and she sleeps with Petya, because Petya took her, aroused her and fucked her. And I will teach you to be Petya, not Vasya.

The fourth misconception.

“There are girls available, and there are girls who are unavailable”

What a blatant lie! Now I'll tell you where you got it from.

You meet women all the time. And some sleep with you right away, and some need to earn a long time to sleep with them.

One time a guy showed me a girl and said that she left him. She is touchy and behaved very inaccessibly with him, he spent a long time pursuing her, and she presented herself as a girl who just doesn’t sleep with anyone!

I liked her and that same day she was in my bed.

Question: Are all women whores?

You are really young and stupid. Not by age, but by life experience in this topic.

It's not about women, it's about men. She gives herself to one an hour after meeting, and to the other after two months of persistent courtship.

I would derive the following axiom, which I constantly confirm in practice:


The only question is – to whom? Apparently, not for you, since you think that such people still exist! And, of course, not a single woman will admit this to you.

Are you getting scared? Am I already destroying your little world? It will be even worse... :-)

Fifth misconception.

"There are those who cannot be seduced"

He-he-he... For example, one acquaintance tells me: “You can’t seduce my wife that easily.” And one day, when I slept with one of her friends, I found out how before the wedding, she, already engaged to my acquaintance, gave herself to another!

– What does she think about this?

“She says it wasn’t sex, but drunkenness!”

That is, when a woman actually cheats, she doesn’t believe in it and doesn’t admit that she really wanted to sleep with another guy. That is, a woman will never say that she is the same animal as the rest of us, men. After all, it is important for her to maintain her image as a guardian of morality! Although in fact women are people just like us!

Sixth misconception.

“Only men need kinky sex, women don’t need it”

One day I go to the publishing house. And one of the employees shows me a book about oral sex with sparkling eyes. Super pictures, etc. And very animatedly tells how great the book is. And she is clearly interested in her, great!

And then the question arises: who reads these books?

It’s strange, but I’ve never read a book about how to do cunnilingus and how to have sex. And I start interviewing men.

And what do you think? Of the thirty men I interviewed at the training, only two had read such books.

Of the thirty women I interviewed, twenty-eight had read such books.

Now the question is: who do you think needs sex more???

To an ordinary guy? Ha ha ha! A man doesn't need sex, a man needs to cum.

Now I’ll ask you, how do you usually talk about sex with your mistress to your friends?

“She has such great tits, such a great body, she’s so cool, I fucked her!”

So? Or simply:

- I took it!

Or even simpler:

How does a woman talk about this?

“He did this, then that, then he put me at the window and took me in front of people...

And if it weren’t for the ellipses, there would be another 20 pages of the book about this!

And all the girls sit with their ears open and listen to her story.

So who's the pervert here? Are they men? For whom only the FACT of sex is important?

A man meets a man:

- Well? Did you give it?

- Respect! High five!

That's the whole conversation.

For a woman, the same thing takes about two hours. She will spend two hours telling her friends how and what.

So they need all these perversions. They control you. They need these handcuffs, whips, sadomaso and BDSM, golden showers, etc.

Why is the initiator a man? Everything is very simple. You want to please her so that she will remember you for a long time. And when she feels good, you feel good. And to please her, you are ready to do anything.

All women are sexual perverts!

But if it were the other way around, then sex for a woman would last an average of two minutes!

This is the truth of life!

- Well, who is the pervert here? – after about the same speech, I asked a group of five women at a training session.

The guys sat in shock, and the girls smiled sarcastically. :-)

Seventh misconception.

"You need to listen to what she says"

I have written a lot about this! Never listen to a woman, stick to your line, rule the situation.

She will never tell you how to seduce her. On the contrary, he will tell you what not to do.

“If a guy takes care of me, gives me flowers, etc., he inspires respect and trust.”

“When a guy pleases me, I feel very good about him.”

“If I ask for help and a guy is ready to go to the ends of the earth for me, then I will think very well of him later.”

And what are you doing? What desire do you have? Be honest?

Yes, do all this, be good, so that she will appreciate you and reward you with her affection and love. And God forbid you do something wrong!

And Vasya comes without flowers, spits on the ceiling, takes her hand and says:

- Let's go fuck, I'm really ready now!

And she leaves with him.

This is our reality!

A woman manipulates you and your desires constantly.

“I love it when a guy does all this selflessly, without asking for anything in return.”

And you begin to behave this way in the hope that she will then love you. Although in fact she just learned from my training and is tricking you into doing what she needs.

And you run after her, do everything for her. But usually there is no result.

During the training I was asked:

“But I really did this, and that’s why the girl gave herself to me.”

“She gave herself up not because you did all this, but despite the fact that you did it, despite the fact that you gave flowers, constantly put yourself in front of her!”

Usually everything she says is a lie. This is done to successfully manipulate you, so that she really understands that she can control you, so that, if anything happens, you feed her and water her until the end of her days. And as a result, she is no longer interested in you, because you have already fallen into the category of “breadwinner” and not “male” (see previous books).

In fact, all this works really well for women. And women long ago learned to control us, this was necessary, because how else can they control a herd of sheep if they do not have such strength? Intelligence and cunning. Everything they do works super cool for them.

“I really love generous girls who don’t spare money and give gifts, I’m starting to treat them well.”

“I am for sincerity of feelings, I love it when a girl selflessly does something to me, without demanding anything in return.”

“One girl gave me a flower and I almost fell in love with her for it.”

The effect will not take long to appear!

Why shouldn't you listen to women?

Because everything they say is to manipulate you! Women can't be outspoken. After all, if she were frank, she would tell you this:

- Please show me those qualities for which I may not give you and send you, so that I myself do not suffer and do not look for them.

That is, a woman’s strategy is to force you to be frank in order to see you as best as possible and understand why she won’t give you anything!

One of my friends, whom I was dating, wanted me to introduce her to a guy. For sex. I went through all my friends. And there were about five out of thousands of guys who attracted her attention. Six months later, she found in everyone a reason why she did not sleep with him. Moreover, the reasons were very diverse to the point of absurdity!

“I won’t do this because he said he doesn’t want me.”

“He said this to tease you, he admitted it to me himself.”

- Oh, well, no sex for that now.

- And this one?

- And this one is cheating on his wife, I don’t care about that!

- Well, he wouldn’t cheat with you?

– Yes, but he’s already cheating with other women!

- Well, what about this one?

- He has a belly!

- He has no belly! It's like mine!

- Well, no, he has an ugly belly. In ten years it will be a huge belly!

Eighth misconception.

“The logic of conscious choice exists”

Many guys try to figure out the logic of a woman’s reasoning when she chooses a guy for sex. And what? I'll tell you a short story that will simply blow your mind. The story happened to one of my masters, who came after it with round eyes and very excited.

Two sisters were brought to the apartment.

One of the sisters breaks down and won’t give.

“I can’t give it to you without love!”

Vanya is driven, believes everything, a naive guy, young and simple.

Then suddenly it wedges.

– Listen, Vanya, okay, if my sister is having sex with your friend now, then I will too!!!

He's shocked. They leave the room, go into their sister’s room, and there the two of them have sex!

Then the touchy one takes Vanya by the hand, takes him back to the room, undresses him, sucks him off, takes off his clothes and fucks him like a nymphomaniac...

The guy came to the training with round eyes and told all this, and the partner who tore her sister confirmed it!

“But she rubbed me in so seriously and so naturally that she couldn’t live without love.” I really believed it! And where is the logic here? I can’t live without FEELINGS, but I WILL LADIES for company?!?!??!

Here it is, the female logic of choosing a guy for sex! In this example, do you understand that it doesn’t exist?

The original methods of Alex Leslie, the author of scandalous bestsellers about dating and seduction, have been tested in practice by thousands of men. Leslie's new book is about how to behave before, during and after a date. On a date, the girl sees and understands what you are getting at. Twenty minutes of communication is enough for her to learn to predict your further actions. The techniques in this book allow you to become unpredictable and inexplicable. And have a date with a girl in such a way that she will tell all her relatives and friends about him and will never forget him in her life. And whether you wake up in the same bed with her after that or go to the registry office is up to you! The book contains a lot of practical material: examples of SMS, telephone conversations, organizing unforgettable dates. This is an excerpt from the successful experience of thousands of men who know what success with women is.

A series: New Life without panties

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by liters company.

Five Stages of Dating

Here's a short, clear strategy for a successful date that ends in bed with a girl. Here, in fact, the time you spend on it does not matter. You can do this in three hours, you can do the same in three weeks.

1. SMS intrigue

The girl is not ready for the call yet. And if you just call her, it’s not a fact that she will be happy to hear from you. With the help of a certain type of text message, you make it so that she can call you back and start communicating with you. Here you are a complete winner, since the initiative already comes from her. Or you call her, and she is already warmed up, she is waiting for your call and wants to communicate. Strategies, specific SMS messages that work very well, the principles of their creation are in the book later!

2. Talking on the phone

If you call her on the phone and say: “Hello, this is Vasya, let’s meet,” you are not doing anything, you are not seducing her! After all, in fact, you showed up, and now she decides everything herself.

The master of seduction is the author of the situation. When you call her, she may be in any state, she may no longer remember you, or she may not remember you from the side that you would like. What does she think about you when she calls? What do you think, if you write this on a piece of paper, what will happen?

A WHITE SHEET OF PAPER with absolutely nothing on it!

And you write it, you draw your image from scratch! And you can draw anything you want. And when she meets you, she will put it on you, even if it goes against your appearance! And the cool thing is that a woman falls in love not with the real YOU, but with the very image that you paint. And when you say: “Hello, this is Vasya,” you lose the opportunity to draw yourself and pull out a random image from her head, which she herself can attach to you, which may end up in her memory. And then you leave everything to her!

This book has clear instructions on how to call:

1. Draw an image in her head;

2. Create her attitude towards you;

3. Create the attitude of her environment towards you;

4. Create her intentions and desired actions towards you.

Roughly speaking, in this book you will get really working technologies, as a result of which a girl who doesn’t know you at all begins to think after talking to you that you’re cool, she wants you, all her friends want you, and she’ll fuck you in front of you. meeting.

Or her thoughts and images are moving in this direction. Cool, yeah? But all this is real! And this is truly amazing!

3. Date

You must make sure that the girl remembers this date, like everything else, for the rest of her life.

But you don’t have to spend a lot of money and go out of your way to do this! The most important thing is that you enjoy your date.

On a date, your task is to place yourself and her in a variety of situations, create intensity with several movements from one place to another, the intensity of this date should be at such a level that the girl gets the impression that she has already known you forever and that she has been with you fire, water and copper pipes.

And she tells her friends and girlfriends about this date.

There are certain secrets and working technologies for blowing a woman’s mind on a date, organizing thematic dates, as a result of which she will then say:

“I’ve never heard of anything like this that happened to me today.”

I'll tell you exactly what to do for this step by step, and give examples of people whom I taught this. Then everything depends on your performance.

4. Moving to a Sex Place and Overcoming Resistance to Moving

The next move to the place of sex may sometimes be accompanied by the word “NO” on her part, this is an expected reaction! You masterfully overcome it with the help of the book’s methods and examples.

I will tell you how to act in the event of a negative reaction so that it ends up in your home.

These are very specific actions that were performed not only by me, but also by thousands of my students. And these actions work if performed correctly. And in the end, the girl has very little chance of sneaking away!

5. Transition to sex, overcoming “NO” before sex

When moving on to sex, the expected reaction of any woman is to say that she will not sleep with you today. The book contains several dozen options for processing this “NO”. If you persist and follow the instructions, you will succeed.

The principle of the masters of seduction! She must remember each stage from 1 to 5 for the rest of her life.

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The given introductory fragment of the book How to wake up at a party? or The Secrets of Successful Dating (Alex Leslie, 2009) provided by our book partner -

Alex Leslie

How to wake up at a party?

Secrets of successful dating

Together with the trainers of the “Seduction Style” project Yuliana Shakhova, Sergey Bars, Alexey Guch.


A brilliant invention cannot have only one author. There will definitely be someone else.

Thanks to an unknown Internet user

We express our gratitude to the person who came up with the title of this book. This is an unknown Internet user. A guy who was on a dating site.

We tested different name options. And one of the guys wrote back to us:

– I would have called this book differently!

– For example, “How to wake up at a party, or Secrets of successful dating.”

As a result, everyone really liked this name. But our profile was deleted, and we didn’t even know who to thank for it. Therefore, we decided to express our gratitude to an unknown Internet user! Thank you!

our team

I want to express my gratitude to my team, which constantly takes part in the creation of new techniques and contributes to the development of the topic.

Yuliana Shakhova. Stubbornly defends the female position. I’m afraid that without her, our entire team would have long ago become the embodiment of depravity, and this woman skillfully restrains us. She's luckier than the rest of us. She doesn’t need to do anything to charm everyone around her, she was born this way, and some women are ready to kill her for it. Of course, her life is very difficult. She has few friends, since almost anyone next to her is doomed to remain unnoticed and gray.

Alexey Guch. My student. He is famous for the fact that even before trainings and books he was an ordinary guy. By the age of 25, he had only two girls in his life. And there was no experience. Some bummers. And then the girl leaves him. He, upset, goes to Turkey and there meets a man who took my master’s course. This man blows his mind, gives him my book, after which Gooch’s life changes completely. He goes through all our trainings, makes great progress and becomes a seduction coach. Gooch is a classic example of a guy who is ordinary in appearance, but gives a head start to any mannered macho!

Seryoga Bars. Also my student, who didn’t have any special problems with women. He began to study the topic for himself in order to increase his efficiency. He was always interested in women. Now he is a master of seduction, especially in the scumbag style.

Dima Angel. And he completed my master's course. Looking at him, you will think that such a man does not need seduction. Its theme is weapons, ambushes, surveillance, snipers, training, special operations and all sorts of adventures on your own. This is the fighter who kills with his gaze. But he is terribly positive and interesting, and, oddly enough, a romantic. He works in an insanely cynical and cruel organization, does cruel things, but in the topic of seduction he makes up for his other – bright – side.


The appearance of any product is dictated by the needs of people.

This is my fourth book on this topic. I wrote it precisely for the reason that there is a need for it. I always start from human needs. My readers on the forum asked a lot of questions about how to have a date, where, what to do, what to say, what to lead to, how to act correctly, and so on.

Therefore, the book did not appear on its own, but in response to a request from society. At the moment, no one has yet written such a book. No, I don’t take into account that ton of garbage where there are philosophical arguments about how to date, and stuffed with psychological techniques copied from books.

I want to say that there is not a single book that would tell us what text messages to write to a girl in order to interest her, what are the strategies for communicating with her on the phone so that she comes on a date, what to do on it, what are the options for dates, strategies and ways to seduce on a date that really work. And examples, examples and once again examples of their real use by other people, and not one-time, but systematically! At the level that you told this trick or trick to a friend, he went and did it, and the girl remembered it for the rest of her life and told her friends! There are no such books yet. And I am glad and happy that I managed to write it right now!

By the way, why did I get such an honor?

There are several reasons for this. And I will reveal them to you.

The first is experiments and the people who do them.. I have thousands of students who study this topic. Each of them constantly tries something, finds some patterns and tricks that are passed from mouth to mouth, other people try them, and as a result, these chips end up in the book.

Secondly, my extensive experience in this topic. Oddly enough, but it really is like that and is constantly being replenished. And all because I have a lively and endless interest in seducing women, for me - the more complex a girl is, the smarter she is, the more unapproachable, the more interesting she is, and I can’t help it, her strategies are looming in my head seduction.

Third, my brain is a mathematician, who was strictly trained to systematize, formalize and put everything on shelves. So that everything is clear and understandable.

One day an acquaintance called me and told me that his friend, an actor, had read one of my books and asked:

-Who wrote it?

And, having learned that it was written by a twenty-seven-year-old guy from Russia, he said:

– He couldn’t write that!

The same thing was said by many famous and educated people, including Roman Trakhtenberg, Pavel Kashin, Alexander Lyubimov, Crazy Frankie from “Silver Rain” and many unknown to anyone, but with a higher cynical education, people who drank the truth of life and who revered that , what I'm writing about.

How could I write this? Hehehehe... The secret is simple!

In general, the goal of my activity is to systematize and popularize the best methods and techniques of seduction that have ever existed in the world. That’s why so many people are involved in realizing this goal!

I communicate with thousands of people of different social groups and ages, who throw at me thousands of original ideas, ways and methods, and I just absorb everything like a sponge, and within a millisecond after a person tells me a brilliant way of seduction, I know that he will be useful to hundreds of thousands of men. And if I just wrote only about my experience, then the books would be boring, uninteresting and would look like pornographic stories. After all, from a certain moment my life began to look like an erotic film. Where I am already seducing on a completely different level, which will become clear to you only when you have slept with hundreds of women and for you another sex with a beautiful woman whom you just didn’t know at all will not be a holiday. Even if I just tell you some methods from my daily life, you may be overcome by horror, and your reaction to this may be too inadequate and sometimes even suicidal!

My books are interesting precisely because their authors are thousands of seducers and simple guys who, like you, previously did not know what to do on a date, and whom I taught to come up with new tricks and methods. And by reading my books, you learn from the experience of thousands of Casans who came up with something before you that you had never thought of before! The book will contain stories of my students. They are living proof that my system works. You can make a Casanova out of a simple guy who doesn’t grab stars from the sky!

Current page: 13 (book has 22 pages total) [available reading passage: 5 pages]

What if she was late for a date?

The result of a survey on my forum shows that every second girl is late for a date. In fact, her being late is a great opportunity to play on this.

Never be rude or get into trouble.

It's wrong when you try to start sorting things out.

- Why the hell are you late? You understand that this is disrespect!

With this phrase you are ruining everything. This is mistake. Always treat it with humor when she is late. It's like you were just waiting for this. After all, that’s how it is, she set herself up. This is your trump card, you need to use it as a resource. You just need to find how to turn this delay to your advantage. Now I’ll tell you what options there are.

Always take advantage of her lateness!

1. Being late is a way to receive gifts and resources from her.

- Hello, Masha, you’re late, that’s why you’re getting ice cream!

2. Being late is a way to turn the conversation into a sexual direction.

- Hi Masha. Today you will be charged ice cream for being late, and today we are going to buy a whip at a sex shop.

– We’ll stop you from being late! I like to punish women.

And you will have to play for real pleasure. She must feel that being late gives you an advantage.

3. Being late is a reason for her to invest emotions.

– Masha, shame on you, you’re late. Okay, I'll forgive you if you ask...

And you start playing tricks on falling in love.

- Sorry!

- No not like this. Look into my eyes. Look and don't blink, in one eye. Say: “Vasya, forgive me, please,” and kiss him on the cheek.

When she confesses her love to you and asks for forgiveness, she immediately raises your importance to herself. Because it invests emotions.

What if she is more than 15 minutes late?

If she has not arrived yet, and 15 minutes have already passed, then call her.

- Hey there! How are you? What are you doing?

And figure out if she’s coming to you at all. If you understand that she is not coming to you, this means that you have been promoted. To fix the situation, it's good to give it back to her!

– You know, today we were supposed to meet with you... Sorry, I got busy and forgot... Did you wait for me for a long time?

One time, a girl responded by throwing me a hysterical showdown about why I didn’t come, although in fact she wasn’t on the date. This is how it happens, they get used to the role!

If she immediately apologizes and says that she is coming to see you, answer calmly:

What if you yourself are late?

If you yourself are late, you can write CMC: “Be 10 minutes late!”

If you are by car, then the universal excuse will always be traffic jams. But it’s still worth apologizing for being late, since now you’re the one being marked down. But you should use this as a way to bring her into a frank conversation so that she tells you everything she thinks about you.

- Masha, it seems that you are very offended by me, and I see: it is written on your face that you no longer like me, that I am a freak and an asshole. So tell me this, I won’t be offended, I promise you.

This is a great way to get a compliment if she likes you, and this is most likely the case, since she is next to you.

The biggest mistake guys make is to make it know reading.

And not only boys, but also girls.

Let me give you an example. On my forum a member writes:

“If a girl is even 3 minutes late, it means she is late. After all, we value our time and strive to teach other people to value it.”

I remember one of my not entirely confident friends who said: “My one minute costs 10 bucks. Why the hell are you late?

I once met with an oligarch whose time is worth much more than most top managers of most companies in Moscow. This man is the owner of several dozen large companies, who has made several blockbusters with his personal money.

My partner wrote to me CMC: “It’s better not to come.” BUT... he waited for me in the cafe for an hour while I was stuck in traffic. This man did not say a word about being late, and, besides, this did not affect the outcome of the meeting in any way; he put me in touch with the right people because he liked me. Being late didn't affect anything.

The practice of communicating with people shows that the more important a person is, the less he tries to demonstrate it. The more important a person is, the more delicate he is. There are, of course, exceptions, but there is a black sheep in the family, as they say!

Well, the phrase “my time is valuable” usually comes out of people who are insecure and want to be important. These are complexes that catch your eye.

Why are you trying to prove something to her? Your goal is not to prove something to her, but to seduce her. I don't care that she's late. BUT this is a cool opportunity to play with it. You can do whatever you want, but you really shouldn't be bothered by her being late. You can even say:

“One girl was late, I killed her and ate her.”

But it’s all a game, it’s all not serious, it doesn’t really affect you at all.

And if it bothers you, think about what you really need, a girl or proof of your own worth?

This is your plan. Anyway

Often I meet a girl, she gets into my car, and then I don’t know what I’ll do. After all, Moscow is so unpredictable: it is not clear where you will get stuck in a traffic jam. Sometimes I don't have any plan at all.

Will I take her home right away, or to some hotel, or into nature, or will I move with her to several places, I don’t know yet. Since I haven’t met her yet and haven’t moved. Perhaps sex will happen at the very beginning of the date. And whether I want it or not is also a question. She may need to be dropped off near the nearest metro station, and there have been such cases. When a girl turned out to be a little not my type and I realized that I wouldn’t be able to communicate with her for a long time, much less do anything else together.

Therefore, sometimes it happens that I myself do not know what we will do. BUT!

When I meet her, I pretend that everything is planned, taken care of. I am absolutely confident in what will happen next.

She asks:

-Where are we going?

- IN cool place!

- Simply superb!

I always answer confidently, although I myself don’t know where I’m going. And improvisation happens as the game progresses! Of course, for this you need to already have experience in prepared and thoughtful dates, and it’s not entirely correct to set me up as an example for someone new to this topic, but! The most important thing that you must learn is that you should always be completely confident, and the girl should have the feeling that everything is going according to plan, that you are clearly in control of the situation. And no matter what happens, that’s how it should be. Only then does the girl relax and feel calm.

That’s right: you’re going somewhere, you don’t yet know what to do with it.

-Where are we going?

And in order to enrich your experience, I have described thematic dates in detail in the book, so that you understand the principle of their execution, learn how it should be, how to manage the situation correctly, and how to make sure that she remembers these dates for the rest of her life!

Date with a virgin

What if she's a virgin? You don't know for sure, do you? How old is she? 20? 22? Maybe she's a virgin. These really do happen!

I was once asked how dating a virgin is different from dating a girl who has had sex.

There is a difference between virgins and virgins.

There are several types of virgins.


The most confused type of virgins, of which, to your surprise, there are still many left, but, thank God, not the majority. He holds onto his virginity with both hands and considers it his main treasure and asset. I am absolutely sure that sex is possible only between husband and wife. I had little experience communicating with men, little experience of touching, bodily contact, and so on. By the way, some peoples still live according to these canons, and such a girl can be Armenian, Azerbaijani, or Dagestan. In this case, it is better not to touch her at all, or to act according to the rules, so as not to run into some kind of blood feud for insulting the honor of the family. For this reason, you need to communicate with a woman, find out her attitude to certain things and collect information, which many neglect. Recently, one of my students went to woo a girl in Dagestan whom he met on the metro in Moscow. He is a Dagestani himself. Three generations of his family live in Moscow, but still their wives all belong to this type of virgin. His future wife is a virgin, and he is not going to have sex with her before the wedding, as he respects the traditions of the people. Before that, he dated virgins and ordinary girls, had sex, and we didn’t notice any problems with him about women. But he chose his wife according to the concepts and traditions of his people. These are the kind of virgins.


The most extensive category of virgins. He has no illusions about the prince and marriage, but nevertheless wants everything to be “beautiful.” Silk sheets, candles, roses, etc. For her, the value of the “first time” is very high. Therefore, during communication, she will scan, trying to understand what this first time with you might be like. When getting closer, this scanning can be turned off with the help of metaphors, strong arousal, stories that change beliefs, very strong persistence, your arousal, an erect penis, and so on. But initially on a date it is important to instill trust and a feeling of security, human, friendly closeness.


If you come across one, then you are lucky. The main thing here is to like it from the beginning and not spoil everything further. The most pragmatic and down-to-earth person, she has long outgrown her virginity and has tried, perhaps, everything except vaginal sex. Has the most best performance about men from these three categories. Great experience of communication, touch, contacts. But nevertheless, you should not communicate with her as a woman, since fears and worries remain, so it is important to kill in her the fears of a “virgin”, which were described in the first book.

The most main feature

Let’s say that in the classic version it won’t work with a virgin. What is important is her conscious desire to lose her virginity. Therefore, it is important to prepare her for this. Excite with stories, change your attitude towards sex, and so on. And all this can be done on the first date.

The strategy for seducing any virgin on the first date is this: you need to instill very strong trust and greatly increase importance. This is the first thing that is important to start with. If you bring up the topic of sex early, you've lost. If you don’t have trust and she doesn’t value your opinion on this matter, then for her you will be just another preoccupied freak.

I have had many virgins, I have already written that it is actually easier to quickly seduce them than ordinary girls, unless, of course, it is a virgin from the first group, and there are few of them.

I have positive experience in this matter, I will definitely say that the secret to seducing a virgin is very strong trust and feelings.

It’s clear that to achieve the effect of strong trust, I use a whole arsenal of techniques, I can’t even describe them all, there aren’t enough pages. But I’ll tell you about the main one. This is a trick...


The most powerful feature. Find in her what is present in any virgin - this is what makes her different from her environment, in which she does not agree with her environment, and join in with it. This may be a look at the structure of things, at bad habits people, society's beliefs, whatever.

“I see that all your friends want to get married and have children, but you want something more.” What?

– You are not saying something... You are not like those around you, you do not agree with them on something. What?

Well, after that she answers something, and you:

- Yes, I think so too, why spend your whole life raising children next to an unloved person...

- Yes, sure enough, the people around them strive to earn more money and do not see what surrounds them, this nature and so on...

- One hundred percent, they are all sitting in Mukhosransk and not moving anywhere, but they could go, earn money, fly to different countries and so on...

In short, one can draw a conclusion from any of this garbage.


This is a very powerful feature for creating a special connection, I described it very simply and with stupid examples, but I think the structure is clear. We need to extract from her what distinguishes herself from others, and join in with it. Here's what you can and should use on a date.

The big mistake you make is when you try to project your beliefs onto her at the very beginning, without getting caught in anything. The first step is precisely this joining and creating the “WE ARE OTHERS” effect.

And then you begin to introduce it into your reality. And show what else can be in this world. And continue to tear her apart, playing with statements and supporting them with facts. This is important to do, because if you just join her and don’t start to blow her mind with the reality of life and your life experience, which should be much more extensive than hers, then you will become for her just another boy who agrees with her on something . She should look at you as a guru, as a teacher who will open the horizons of knowledge of the world around her, a little girl.

Who pays? Greedy men and generous women!

Conversation between two friends.

- Listen, what a cool ring... Where did you get it from?

- A-a-and this was given to me by one

really cool guy

super gift

-What kind of guy?

- Oh, I don’t remember!

I am constantly asked whether it is necessary to pay for a girl on a date and how not to pay. After all, I already wrote in my books that when you pay for a girl, you risk falling into the frame of the man who feeds her.

For example, this is the question I received on the forum:

“I invited a girl to the cinema (very pretty). She breaks down (well, it’s as always), she seems to agree, but she says – we’ll see. In general, I think he will agree in the end.”

Again this sensational question: who pays?

And the general question is: should you NEVER PAY for a girl on the first date? Or are there exceptions in a certain situation?

Once again: what she pays is not a RULE, it is a WAY.

It doesn’t matter what you do, what matters is the end result, and it will happen if you enjoy the process, if you are passionate about the process. And if “to pay or not” causes you so many difficulties and you are so worried about it in advance, then pay for it and don’t worry. This means THIS will only bother you and ruin everything!

You CAN invite a girl to dinner, to a cafe, to a movie and pay for her, you can buy her an expensive diamond ring, an expensive car, an apartment.

But this is not a way of seduction, it is more like a rule, a norm.

And the option I proposed is a method of seduction. It evokes emotion, outrage, it violates a rule or norm. The difference between a method and a rule is that you use it whenever you want. And it doesn't bother you. If you want, you use it, if you want, you don’t.

I tell her:

– I never pay for women!

– I never fall in love!

That doesn't mean I don't cry and fall in love. This is just a challenge for her, a red rag, she asks how this can be, she is outraged, a man should not behave like that.

And it surprises, makes you fall in love, hooks you.

– I never give gifts, they give them to me.

And here, Frankie, attention: the main feature. When she is already completely convinced that I am a goner, it couldn’t be more callous, I throw a flower under her door and deny that I did it, or bring her something beautiful.

- No, I didn’t buy it for you, I found it on the Moscow Ring Road, it was lying there, I’m not capable of that at all...

Although it is obvious that I could not find it on the Moscow Ring Road at two in the morning, and she no longer knows what to believe. She, on the one hand, is so convinced that I am incapable of human feelings that it is unlikely that I bought her these rare flowers, on the other hand, I couldn’t find them on the Moscow Ring Road?

She has hope, which then destroys her heart. She clings to it. “He is not doomed, it was I who found this in him... After all, before me he was different...”

And this is only one feature, one oddity, and there are dozens and hundreds more of them, and she cannot understand them. And she is surprised, falls in love, she is shocked. She cannot explain me, I do not fit into her framework, into her understanding of a man. She can't predict me, she doesn't know what to expect from me, and she gets hooked on it, she’s bored without me, all other men are so understandable compared to me.

“I don’t pay for women,” this is how I pissed off one of my friends near the cinema box office when dozens of people were standing around.

She didn't expect this from me. It shocked her, and besides, there were so many people around! “Oh no, how cruel!” - she thought.

- I have no money. “Her eyes are already wet, a little more and you can see how her mascara has floated.”

- Okay, I'll lend it to you.

I spoke loudly and it killed her. Everyone around heard it. She muttered through her teeth:

- Fine.

I knew that she would be so shocked that she would not be able to answer me anything else.

She trusted me so much that she would never have thought that I would put her in such a situation.

Tears began to well up in her eyes as we walked away from the cash register.

I didn't pay any attention to it. In shock, she sat down at the cafe table.

I pretended as if nothing was happening. I played a man who was callous and merciless to women’s whims.

She sat there, killed.

-Are you hungry?

- I have no money.

- I'll treat you.

- You don't pay.

- I'm not crying, I'm treating...

She looked at me questioningly again:

– Are you really capable of this?

- Why? You won't sit here hungry and look at me, will you?

– Isn’t paying for a movie the same thing?

- No, I told you, I don’t pay for women, and now I want to treat you.

Here she didn’t know what to do at all, but gradually began to fall in love. This unbalanced her, killed her, she did not understand what to do with it, it seemed strange to her.

She didn’t understand what kind of philosophy this was – not to pay for a movie, but to pay for food. What kind of freaking weirdness is this? Who cares?

And this is the intrigue for her. Which continues to amaze her, I'm sure, to this day.

And the secret is that there is no connection. :) But I played a man who was stupidly convinced that he was right. And he gave a logical explanation that buying a movie ticket was worse than treating her to dinner. :-)

Of course, I laughed internally. This made me incredibly happy. I just wanted to laugh. Over the image that I played, the image of a person convinced of something that has no connection. This is what brought me pleasure.

There was another kilometer-long conversation, but this will not work for any of the guys who have experience in productive communication with only five or ten girls. This can only be achieved by someone who has learned to feel women. In my system, this is only after bodily training. I mean - not to dilute it for lunch, but to use it to influence the dark and light side, to recharge and fall in love with yourself.

And at this level, when you guys ask questions: “Maybe she will think that I’m a cheapskate?” - you, of course, will not be able to fulfill this, and in this case it is better to pay and not arise.

It is too early for you to penetrate into the deep meaning of women's emotions if you know them superficially. Gain experience, take more risks, and the sun will be on your side. :-)

Didn't pay for the girl and she froze

Guys, please tell me how to restore the relationship.

I met the girl three times. On the second date he brought me home under a rein interesting place, but I didn’t have enough persistence to hold on to the girl - she was nervous and correct, although she wanted to, at the bus stop I took her hand and through her jeans let her feel the penis in her hand, she was satisfied. She asked if you always have to restrain yourself.

The next (third) time, after reading this post by Leslie, I unexpectedly found myself in a situation with her in which I was able to produce something similar.

I called all the girls - either the phone is unreachable, or they don’t answer the phone, or they already have plans for the evening / they can’t (they are busy).

I can’t sit at home - I got ready, got dressed, I want chocolate ice cream.

This girl calls, we make an agreement, we meet, we go to shopping mall, let's take ice cream. I feel like the girl decided that I will pay. It's funny, I think now we'll have some fun - thank God, Les likes to create non-standard situations to look at ourselves and the girls from the outside, how we would feel in a difficult situation.

We approach the cash register. I add condoms to the ice cream (there are no signs of a cheerful situation on her face) and put them back (it happened once with unfamiliar girls - they blushed and couldn’t say anything for about five minutes - then, to enhance the effect, I started doubling the number of condoms in their basket. :-)))It was funny).

I ask:

-Have you ever paid for guys?

- No. - On a face like “Are you even... asking such obvious things...”

- And why?

– My principle is this. I believe this is the responsibility of men.

I think: “Yes... principles are more important to her here, not guys...”

“I never pay for girls either.” Pay for me, please,” I say this with such a smile and this, “I will be very pleased, I will be your first, it’s nice when I am first, I will be very grateful to you.”

- No.

- Ok, then let's pay separately, did you say?

- Yes.

- I'm paying for myself.

Egor,” she rummages in her purse, “I forgot my wallet, maybe I left it in the car or at work.” – She has a face like a little girl, the seller and the queue are watching our showdown.

I grimaced:

- Ok, I can lend you...

She is in shock and frostbitten. I took my chocolate ice cream.

“I don’t need ice cream, I’ll go and watch you eat.”

She walked ahead, I invited her to go to the cafe. But she, upset, did not agree. I pretended that nothing had happened, sometimes I said something, but she did not answer.

- Are you offended? Why?

- Wow, but you don’t understand?.. Okay, I won’t re-educate you.

We said goodbye, she went into her car, I said after her: “Bye.”

Two weeks passed. I think you can send a CMC, but what content? The girl doesn’t mean much to me, but is there anyway to sort the situation out?

Thank you.

If a woman doesn’t value anything in you at all, then this is a good test.

If she is ready to stop communicating with you because of such a trifle, then draw the appropriate conclusions that you are not interested in her enough. More precisely, she doesn’t need you at all, just a convenient way to sit in a cafe.

For some reason, I have never heard of cases where a girl really likes a guy, and she freezes and leaves! If you are very interested in a girl, then even if you tell her: “Get out of here, what the hell are you hatching!” – then she’s unlikely to leave! And he will take it as a joke!

And even more so this.

In addition, you started talking about your principles, began to influence her brain. Eww!!!

Learn to joke!

– Last time I paid for a girl in a cafe, she sucked me for 8 hours, I thought I was going to die, so today you pay!

What to do now? Instead of what you want to do, and I know that you want to put yourself in front of her again, you need to turn the situation around. She doesn't expect this, and it's effective.

– Hello, you disappointed me last time, but I decided to give you another chance. So you and I are meeting again! Well, if you upset me this time, there won't be another chance! And promise not to pester me, otherwise I saw your devouring eyes, you are worried, I know, watching me lick this ice cream, you pervert...


“I told my mother about your behavior, and my mother said that women don’t behave like that, she fed my father and warmed him up in due time.” And I told my friends and girlfriends, they are generally shocked by your behavior. Okay, I don’t care about their opinion, you’re a normal girl, I know, a little harmful, so let’s meet, I chatted...

I explained to you what needs to be done. But when playing from notes, if you have no ear, you will ruin any masterpiece. In general, this will work one hundred percent effectively!

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