List of the most low-calorie foods for fast weight loss. I'm losing weight, Klava! The most low-calorie and satisfying foods The most low-calorie food

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What is important to understand about calories when losing weight

Starting to lose weight, it is worth understanding two axioms about the energy value of food.

  1. Without a calorie deficit, you will not be able to consistently lose weight.
  2. However! There is no point in reducing calories critically.


Cutting more than 400 kcal from the Basal Metabolism (RBM) leads to severe resistance from the body. The body will begin to waste energy with great reluctance, assuming that the threat of hunger hangs over it. There is what is called "metabolic slowdown".

What is basal metabolism

  • Men: 66 + (13.7 x weight) + (5 x height in cm) - (6.8 x age)
  • Women: 655 + (9.6 x weight) + (1.8 x height in cm) - (4.7 x age)

RBC is the number of daily calories for weight loss, around which it is beneficial for us to build the current diet without significant reduction. The level of ALE is extremely important. He describes how much our body spends at rest - just "maintaining itself."

Few calories: when it's good and when it's bad

It is useful to know the RER indicator in order not to fall into the trap of too low energy value of the daily menu. Do not be alarmed if the figure is significantly higher than 1200 kcal. You will lose weight, RBB will decrease - then it will be possible to reduce incoming calories.

For example, your TEE is 1450 kcal. This is the number you should eat close to so that the body does not fear hunger and start shaking over the loss of every unit of energy. Gradually reducing the weight, you will reduce the RHV. Look again at the formula above! It includes the current weight in kilograms.

Let's say, after the first results of losing weight, the OBB will become 1380 kcal, then 1300. You will adequately reduce the calorie intake for the new OBB, but you will still give the body a minimum for normal life. And this will insure you against the so-called "metabolic slowdown."

This is how weight loss with calorie counting works. This method is still one of the most popular and quite successful methods, despite the abundance of diets that emphasize the composition of food (low-carbohydrate diets, mono-diets, alternation, etc.)

Why drastic calorie reduction doesn't work?

According to WHO: 6 out of 10 people who lose weight lose weight in the first year. 2 more in 3 years.

Our body is intelligent! It resists the harmful whim of the owner and does not allow itself to become exhausted and sick. During a half-starved diet, they lie in wait for us.

And after ruthlessly reduced methods, a rollback and a return of kilograms comes - partially, completely, or even with a vengeance. This is because most often we return to the previous diet against the backdrop of a slow metabolism. Or we eat less than before, but still more than is required to maintain a new reduced weight.

How to maintain the achieved harmony?

Option #1 is to exercise and build muscle so you can eat more calories and not gain weight.

Option number 2 - study well what foods can be used to build a healthy nutrition plan with adequate calories, calculated for the new weight.

Low-calorie foods: table by group

The list below contains the main low-calorie foods, indicating calories and composition for proteins, fats, carbohydrates. A separate column shows the glycemic index (GI), which characterizes how quickly insulin rises in the blood after eating this type of food.


The largest group of low-calorie foods. They are suitable for most diets, and even the strict low-carb phases include leafy greens and other low-GI vegetables.

How to cook vegetables properly? We advise you to eat raw vegetables in order to provide the body with useful substances without loss.

When cooking, give preference to short steaming (5-10 minutes, for example, in a slow cooker) or baking in foil. It is much worse to cook vegetables (some vitamins are not destroyed by heating, but almost completely go into the water). It is very bad to fry for a long time (excess of heated oil adds calories and greatly reduces the quality of the meal if an oil with a low smoke point is chosen.).

An intermediate option - frying quickly - can be made more useful if you use a VOK type pan and briefly cook up to 3-4 minutes with constant stirring in the style of Asian cuisine.

Vegetables: by increasing calorie content (2nd column).

100 g
kcalProteins, gFats, gAng-dy, gGI
fresh cucumbers13 0,6 0,1 1,8 15
leaf lettuce17 1,5 0,2 2,3 10
sauerkraut20 1,8 0,5 2,2 15
Radish20 1,2 0,1 3,4 15
Asparagus21 1,9 0,1 3,2 15
Spinach22 2,9 0,3 2 15
fresh tomatoes23 1,1 0,2 3,8 10
fresh cabbage25 2 4,3 10
Pepper green26 1,3 5,3 10
Salted mushrooms29 3,7 1,7 1,1 10
Cauliflower30 2,5 0,3 5,4 15
Dill31 2,5 0,5 4,1 15
Red pepper31 1,3 0,3 5,9 15
Leek33 2 6,5 15
Broccoli34 2,8 0,4 6,6 12
Raw carrots35 1,3 0,1 7,2 35
Raw beets43 1,5 0,1 8,8 38
Brussels sprouts43 4,8 5,9 15
Garlic46 6,5 5,2 30
raw onion48 1,4 10,4 10
Parsley, basil49 3,7 0,4 8 5
Boiled beets54 1,9 0,1 10,8 64
fresh green peas72 5 0,2 12,8 40
boiled potatoes75 2 0,4 15,8 65
Zucchini caviar, depending on the composition of vegetables and the amount of oil35-83

From ourselves we will add: if you are relatively healthy, pay attention to raw vegetables. All types of cabbage, carrots, beets, leafy greens and garlic with onions. Heroes do not beckon with exotics, but are useful for many aspects of health.

Fruits and berries

The danger of fruits is sugars (glucose and fructose). Therefore, it is important to pay attention not only to the number of kilocalories, but also to the amount of carbohydrates and the glycemic index.

What is the benefit of eating fruits? Raw, alone or in salads. For problems with the digestive system - before meals (!) Or a separate meal in combination with a fermented milk drink.

Don't skimp on juices hoping for the magic word "freshly squeezed." They often have fewer vitamins and minerals and always much less fiber, which reduces the satiating potential of the meal and increases the GI.

Fruits and berries: in ascending order of calories (2nd column).

100 g
kcalProteins, gFats, gAng-dy, gGI
Cranberry26 0,5 3,8 45
cherry plum27 0,2 6,4 25
Blackberry31 2 4,4 25
Strawberry32 0,8 0,4 6,3 32
Lemon33 0,9 0,1 3 20
strawberries34 0,8 0,4 6,3 25
Blueberry34 1 0,1 7,7 42
Grapefruit35 0,7 0,2 6,5 22
Red currants35 1 0,2 7,3 30
Black currant38 1 0,2 7,3 15
oranges38 0,9 0,2 8,3 35
tangerines38 0,8 0,3 8,1 40
Raspberry39 0,8 0,3 8,3 30
Melon39 0,6 9,1 60
apricots40 0,9 0,1 9 20
Watermelon40 0,7 0,2 8,8 72
Blueberry41 1,1 0,6 8,4 43
Gooseberry41 0,7 0,2 9,1 40
Peaches42 0,9 0,1 9,5 30
Pears42 0,4 0,3 9,5 34
Cowberry43 0,7 0,5 8 25
plums43 0,8 0,2 9,6 22
Apples44 0,4 0,4 9,8 30
Nectarine48 0,9 0,2 11,8 35
Cherry49 0,8 0,5 10,3 22
Kiwi49 0,4 0,2 11,5 50
pineapples49 0,5 0,2 11,6 66
Cherries50 1,2 0,4 10,6 25
Garnet52 0,9 11,2 35
Sea ​​buckthorn52 0,9 2,5 5 30
Persimmon55 0,5 13,2 55
Grape64 0,6 0,2 16 40
Mango67 0,5 0,3 13,5 55
Bananas91 1,5 0,1 21 60
Avocado160 2 14,7 8,5 10

A few words about dried fruits. They are not low-calorie, but differ in glycemic index. Average GI at, : we have described them in detail. This can be taken into account when choosing a natural replacement for sweets, in order to occasionally "freeze the worm."


The fattest fruit - avocado - is very useful for losing weight and for overall health. It is allowed to eat on low-carbohydrate diets and is recommended to be included in the menu of all overweight people. .

Cereals, grains and legumes

This food group is rich in carbohydrates. Some species are rich in vegetable protein. In raw form, all products are very high in calories.

We count in boiled form! To include them in a low-calorie diet, you need to focus on the energy value in boiled form, when cereals or beans are saturated with water.

We always look back at the glycemic index: with a protein diet, most cereals and cereals are banned or strictly limited.

List of low-calorie cereals, cereals and legumes in ascending kcal (2nd column).

100 g
kcalProteins, gFats, gAng-dy, gGI
Oatmeal on the water49 1,5 1,1 9 66
Rice porridge on the water78 1,5 0,1 17,4 70
Rice porridge with milk97 2,5 3,1 16,0 80
Barley porridge on the water109 3,1 0,4 22,2 22
Barley milk porridge111 3,6 2 19,8 50
Wholemeal macaroni113 4,7 0,9 23,2 38
Oatmeal milk porridge116 4,8 5,1 13,7 60
Quinoa boiled in water120 4 2 21 40
Milk semolina porridge122 3 5,4 15,3 65
Rice unpolished boiled125 2,7 0,7 36 65
boiled beans123 7,8 0,5 21,5 45
boiled lentils128 10,3 0,4 20,3 25
Millet porridge on the water134 4,5 1,3 26,1 70
Durum wheat pasta140 5,5 1,1 27 50
Buckwheat porridge on the water153 5,9 1,6 29 50

Milk products

Among milks, there are many options that are low in calories. Protein and calcium are good for fat loss, so adding dairy to your diet is a smart choice. Use pure products without additives. Say "No!" - sugar, fruit pieces, emulsifiers and flavor enhancers.

Of the drinks, kefir and yogurt prepared at home are especially good. from sourdough with live bacteria. It will take only a sourdough from the supermarket, 10 minutes of preparation time and from 6 hours to ripen the product in heat (yogurt maker or wrapping).

Another caveat concerns composition. Completely fat-free foods make it difficult to absorb important nutrients, incl. calcium, which helps with fat burning. It is better to choose without harm to health at least the minimum amount of fat - 1-2,5%.

The composition is especially important for protein diets, diabetics and people with hyperinsulinism (all sweet teeth are 100% in this group).

Dairy products: by increasing calorie content (2nd column).

100 g
kcalProteins, gFats, gAng-dy, gGI
Curd whey20 0,2 3,5 25
Kefir low fat30 3 0,1 3,8 25
Milk, 0.5%35 2,8 0,5 4,9 32
Kefir, 1%40 2,8 1 4 30
Ryazhenka, 1%40 3 1 4,2 35
Milk, 1%41 3,3 1 4,8 30
Yogurt natural, 1.5%47 5 1,5 3,5 35
Kefir, 2.5%50 2,8 2,5 3,9 30
Milk, 2.5%52 2,8 2,5 4,7 35
Ryazhenka, 2.5%54 2,9 2,5 4,2 35
Kefir, 3.2%56 2,8 3,2 4,1 30
Ryazhenka, 3.2%57 2,9 3,2 4,1 35
Milk, 3.2%59 2,9 3,2 4,7 35
Yogurt natural, 3.2%66 5 3,2 3,5 32
Ryazhenka, 4%67 2,8 4 4,2 35
tofu cheese73 8,1 4,2 0,6 15
Ryazhenka, 6%84 5 6,9 4,1 35
Low-fat cottage cheese88 18 1 1,2 30
Curd, 2%103 18 2 3,3 30
fruit yogurt105 5,1 2,8 15,7 52
Low-fat sour cream, 10%115 3 10 2,9 35
Curd, 5%122 17,2 5 1,8 30
Curd, 9%185 14 9 2 30

Fish and seafood

The first key point when choosing a type of fish should be the size. The larger the fish, the more harmful mercury it can accumulate.

Second, remember calorie content depends on the serving size! You should not completely exclude fatty varieties of sea beauties, for example, red fish. Omega-3 fatty acids are important to us - irreplaceable factors for skin beauty and active longevity. Do not be afraid to replace a mountain of low-calorie shrimp with a smaller portion of fatter, but healthy pink salmon and salmon.

The best way to process fish is by steaming it.

Fish and seafood: ascending kcal (column 2).

100 g
kcalProteins, gFats, gAng-dy, gGI
sea ​​kale49 0,8 5,1 0 22
Mussels boiled50 9,1 1,5
Boiled cod76 17 0,7
Pike boiled78 18 0,5
pollock boiled79 17,6 1
Crabs boiled85 18,7 1,1
Boiled hake86 16,6 2,2
Trout boiled89 15,5 3
Crab sticks94 5 4,3 9,5 40
Shrimps95 20 1,8
Oysters boiled95 14 3
Tuna in own juice96 21 1
Zander97 21,3 1,3
Crayfish boiled97 20,3 1,3 1 5
Flounder105 18,2 2,3
smoked cod111 23,3 0,9
Sea bass boiled112 19,9 3,6
boiled mullet115 19 4,3
Boiled carp125 19,4 5,3
Boiled chum salmon130 21,5 4,8
Pollack caviar131 28,4 1,9
Beluga131 23,8 4
Boiled squids140 30,4 2,2
Herring140 15,5 8,7
Cold smoked mackerel151 23,4 6,4
Fried perch158 19 8,9
Hot smoked pink salmon161 23,2 7,6
Fish cutlets168 12,5 6 16,1 50
boiled mullet115 19 4,3
Boiled pink salmon168 22,9 7,8
Ivasi salted herring173 17,5 11,4
Salted sprat191 19,8 16,2
Sturgeon balyk194 20,4 12,5
boiled salmon210 16,3 15

Meat, poultry, eggs

Proteins are critical in proper nutrition as a source of amino acids for building new cells and maintaining the functionality of existing ones.

Attention to the composition of products! The norm of protein for a person is at least 1 gram for every kilogram of weight. But 100 grams of chicken does not mean 100 grams of protein.

Meat, poultry, eggs: by increasing calorie content (2nd column).

100 g
kcalProteins, gFats, gAng-dy, gGI
Chicken egg white17 3,6 0,4 48
Chicken egg yolk59 2,7 5,2 0,3 50
Chicken egg (1 pc)76 6,3 5,2 0,7 48
Boiled beef kidneys86 15,2 2,8
beef brains124 11,7 8,6
Boiled veal134 27,8 3,1
Boiled chicken breast137 29,8 1,8
Quail eggs168 11,9 13,1 0,6
Boiled lean beef175 25,3 8,1
boiled turkey195 23,7 10,4
Boiled beef tongue231 23,9 15,0

Average raw meat calorie, protein and fat content for skinless products when surface fat has been removed from the tenderloin.

Oils and nuts

Among these products, there are no samples that are low in calories. Nevertheless, we decided to include them in the article in order to once again focus on fats when losing weight.

The diet needs fat too!

At least 25 grams per day. Otherwise - goodbye, regular cycle, beautiful skin and healthy blood vessels, liver, immunity and nervous system.

In any vegetable oil, there are about 900 kcal per 100 grams. In 1 teaspoon - 5 grams of oil (about 45 kcal). Use it in salad dressings.

See below how many nuts you can eat to hit 100 calories. This is a convenient 2nd breakfast or afternoon snack for a balanced diet.

Keep fat in your diet, avoid sweets and pastries, eat enough protein and drink more than usual on any diet. Solid results will come!

Thank you for the article (130)

Recently, a group of Israeli scientists conducted an interesting study. They interviewed several thousand men whose wives and girlfriends follow diets. The results of the research left no doubt that it is very difficult for the vast majority of men. Why?

Diet or Life?

More than 70% of the representatives of the stronger sex living in an official or civil marriage noted that as soon as a woman decides on a diet, she not only restricts her partner in nutrition, which negatively affects his condition, and not only psychological but also physical.

About 50% of men said that the representative of the fair sex in the "diet period" sharply and strongly deteriorates character. Such a woman becomes nervous and irritable, she is prone to strong negative emotions, often quarrels with relatives and “tear off evil” on loved ones, primarily on a man.

Approximately 37% of the stronger sex experience severe psychological discomfort when communicating with. They noted that such women are so focused on the process of weight loss that they simply “stop noticing the rest of the world”, talking only about diets, leaving kilograms, calorie content of foods, and so on.

About 28% of the representatives of the stronger sex assure that during a diet, a woman feels very unhappy, which affects the quality of her life in general. Such men prefer to see their girlfriends, maybe not like the ideal 90-60-90, but happy, satisfied with life and ready to enjoy it, along with loving men.

What to eat to eat less?

The development of science and technology, fortunately, makes it possible not to suffer from hunger, but simply to take into account the properties of products. Remember calories? About the amount of carbohydrates? You need to know which foods are the “lightest” and eat them as often and as much as possible. That's the whole secret!

We have compiled a list of delicious and healthy foods, 100 grams of which contain only from zero to 70 kcal. You can:

Use "light" ingredients in your favorite dishes,

Take fruits and vegetables with you as a snack,

Replace meat dishes with vegetables

Experiment, come up with new original combinations and tastes,

Do not forget that even those dishes that are prepared from low-calorie ingredients.

List of the most low-calorie foods

0–20 kcal

Water, watercress, lettuce, cucumbers, white radishes and tomatoes. really contains no calories. But it allows you to keep the skin supple and helps fight hunger pangs between meals. After all, thirst is often mistaken for the desire to eat. Train yourself to drink one and a half to two liters of clean water a day.

20–30 kcal

Lemon, green and red bell peppers, celery, corn lettuce, broccoli, coriander, spinach, cabbage, eggplant, asparagus, cauliflower, pumpkin, mushrooms, lingonberries. Eggplants are not as popular in our cuisine as the same cabbage. And in vain - one serving of these vegetables, stewed without fat, contains only about 35 kcal and saturates well. In some recipes, eggplant can even be substituted for meat.

30–40 kcal

Grapefruits, limes, watermelon, green beans, onions, green onions, strawberries, pomelo, peaches, melon, zucchini, radish, radish, low-fat yogurt. Grapefruits are one of the best low calorie snacks. contains no more than 40 kcal and is rich in vitamin C. Try adding grapefruit to a salad of leafy vegetables - it can replace salt. However, remember: grapefruits should be eaten with caution for those who are taking medication. This fruit can change the behavior of pharmaceuticals.

40–50 kcal

Carrots, root celery, stem celery, beets, blackberries, kohlrabi cabbage, gooseberries, nectarines, pineapple, cranberries, plums, oranges, apples, apricots, feijoa, fat-free kefir, skim milk. is not only a delicious snack that replaces chips, but also a real lifesaver for those who have stopped smoking. In one large stalk of celery - only ten kcal.

50-60 kcal

Cherries, raspberries, red currants, blueberries, pears, potatoes in their skins. Cherries contain the bioflavonoid quercentin, which helps fight cancerous tumors. This berry can be bought fresh or frozen all year round and added to salads, dairy products or cereals. 60-70 kcal Kiwi, leek, blackcurrant, cherry, beans, grapes, pomegranate, mango. Onions and beans are the best ingredients for making low-calorie vegetable soups. By the way, in a serving of minestrone, beloved by Italians, there are only 14 kcal. Of course, before the cheese or croutons are on the plate.

The most important

Healthy food with calories from zero to 70 kcal is a huge amount. Most of the products listed here are available all year round, pair well with each other, and - we tell you every day! We are waiting for recipes for low-calorie dishes from you in the special section "Food for a Flat Stomach". Good luck!

The article was prepared using materials from

In order to get rid of extra pounds, it is not necessary to go on strict diets or starve at all. It is enough to eat slimming food that can speed up metabolism, reduce appetite and promote weight loss, prepare low-calorie meals, and also correctly combine protein foods, fats and carbohydrates. In the article we present various grocery lists for those who want to lose weight, a calorie table and much more.

The basics of nutrition for weight loss

A balanced diet starts the processes of metabolism, fat burning and detoxification. Eating during weight loss should consist mostly of fresh foods, since they contain the maximum amount of valuable minerals - fuel for the body. Metabolic functions are directly dependent on the food that is consumed during the day.

The wrong combination of ingredients in dishes and their uncontrolled consumption leads to the accumulation of fat.

Following simple rules for eating, you can not only lose weight, but also improve the quality of life:

  1. Introduce 4-5 meals a day(preferably at the same time).
  2. cut down number of servings.
  3. Reduce Volume daily calorie intake.
  4. Exclude harmful foods from the diet.
  5. Restrict consumption of salt and other flavor enhancers.
  6. Sweet dishes transfer to use in the morning.
  7. Regularly replenish water balance.
  8. use more often raw vegetables for cooking. Heat treatment should be minimal.
  9. Take food slowly chewing each bite thoroughly.
  10. Remember that fried and smoked foods are prohibited when losing weight and do not represent any benefit to the body, so they will have to be abandoned.

List of foods that help speed up metabolism and burn fat

According to nutritionists, for quick weight loss, first of all, it is necessary to make a diet of foods that accelerate the breakdown of fat cells. Because each person's metabolism is different.

If calories are consumed more slowly, there is a process of accumulation of body fat. Eating a balanced diet will not only speed up the process of splitting and losing weight, but will also free the body from harmful toxins.

Fat burning foods are rich in active substances that normalize metabolic processes. Low-calorie dishes allow you to saturate the body with useful minerals, give energy, and have a positive effect on the digestive system.

Among the most effective products for weight loss:

  • fiber-rich vegetables (celery, broccoli, artichoke, cauliflower, etc.);
  • citrus fruits, especially grapefruit with its choleretic effect;
  • green tea;
  • raisins combined with prunes and dried apricots;
  • olive oil and olive fruits;
  • fresh raspberries;

Foods to Reduce Appetite

A diet containing foods for muscle growth will help with this:

  • oysters;
  • almond;
  • quinoa;
  • beef;
  • eggs;
  • soy and others;

List of low glycemic foods

The use of such food is allowed in large quantities, but not everyone can withstand a strict diet, especially sports and fitness enthusiasts. From the lack of energy resources, weakness, dizziness and loss of consciousness may occur. Therefore, it is necessary to draw up a menu for weight loss, taking into account the rhythm of life, physical activity and health status.

Low glycemic index contains such diet foods for weight loss:

  • black currant;
  • tomatoes;
  • sauerkraut;
  • avocado;
  • barley, lentils;
  • radish;
  • green tea, etc.;

Food combinations for weight loss

Compatibility of proteins, fats and carbohydrates

All weight loss products are divided into groups that contain:

  • protein;
  • carbohydrates;
  • fats;

The list of rules, following which you can learn how to properly combine compatible products for weight loss:

  1. Sour tasting vegetables/fruits it is not recommended to use it simultaneously with carbohydrates: potatoes, legumes, bread, dates, bananas, etc.
  2. No concentrated carbohydrates mix with proteins: meat dish with pasta, potatoes or cheese sandwich, etc.
  3. Give preference dairy products. Dairy products should not be combined with other foods.
  4. Unsuccessful is a combination of proteins and sour fruits/vegetables: meat with tomato, nuts with orange.
  5. Starch with sugar causes fermentation, so the joint intake should be excluded.
  6. Negative impact the metabolic process carries out the simultaneous use of 2 proteins: meat - egg, cheese - meat, etc.
  7. Foods high in fat do not combine with proteins: butter - cheese, cream - nuts.

Examples of compatible products that can be mixed

The following options for selecting products for weight loss are considered successful:

  • meat - vegetables (preference is given to cooking meat dishes for a couple or a stewing method);
  • fish (trout, salmon, tuna) - pasta (only hard varieties);
  • potatoes (baked in the oven, boiled) - cottage cheese;
  • cabbage (sauerkraut) - cumin;
  • rice - vegetables;
  • yogurt - nuts;
  • chicken breast (boiled) - avocado;
  • mushrooms - vegetables;
  • nuts - dried fruits;

After eating, you can have a snack with fruit only after 2 hours. Ignoring the recommendations and changing incompatible food will slow down the process of splitting and the formation of fermentation, putrefaction in the stomach and intestines. The only exception is a banana, which does not cause negative reactions when combined with other foods and is acceptable for use with other products.

The main course and dessert can be consumed with an interval of 20 minutes. And during the day you need to replenish the body with water. Either pure water or herbal teas are used as a liquid. In the absence of contraindications, you can drink decoctions of wild rose and others rich in valuable trace elements. This will help the body to quickly cope with excess weight.

Calorie food table for weight loss

Sample menu for a diet of products for weight loss

To achieve a quick but lasting result, try an effective diet menu designed for a week.

1 day


  • oatmeal (100 g);
  • vegetable salad (150 g);
  • herbal tea;


  • vegetable soup (150 g);
  • chicken breast (150 g) with vegetable slices (150 g);
  • whole grain dried bread;
  • dried fruits compote;

Evening (no later than 19-00):

  • steamed fish cakes (150 g);
  • vegetable salad (150 g);
  • jelly;

2 snacks between main meals: apple, cottage cheese (100 g).

2 day


  • omelet (1 egg);
  • sliced ​​​​vegetables (150 g);
  • toast;
  • cocoa;
  • biscuit cookies;


  • ear (150 g);
  • turkey breast (100 g);
  • vegetable stew (150 g);
  • crackers;
  • herbal tea;


  • fish baked with vegetables (200 g);
  • green tea;

2 hearty snacks in between the main meal, for which the following products are suitable: dried fruits, nuts (100 g), cereals, kefir.

3 day


  • rice with vegetables (200 g);
  • green tea;
  • toast;
  • biscuit cookies;


  • soup with meatballs (150 g);
  • tuna with pasta (150 g);
  • dried fruits compote;


  • steamed fish cakes;
  • sauerkraut;
  • herbal tea;

2 snacks in between the main meal: orange, cottage cheese (100 g).

Day 4


  • coffee;


  • vegetable stew (150 g);
  • steamed beef meatballs (150 g);
  • crackers;


  • lentils (100 g);
  • vegetable cutlets (150 g);
  • jelly;

2 times in between the main meal you can eat: an apple, kefir.

Day 5


  • egg;
  • hard cheese (40 g);
  • vegetable salad (150 g);
  • herbal tea;


  • soup with chicken wings (150 g);
  • pasta with seafood (200 g);
  • dried fruits compote;


  • vegetable stew (150 g);
  • mushrooms baked in the oven with hard cheese (150 g);
  • herbal tea;

2 times a day in between the main meal you can eat: nuts, dried fruits, cheesecakes.

Day 6


  • chicken breast with avocado (200 g);
  • green tea;
  • biscuit cookies;


  • lean borscht;
  • rice with vegetables;
  • dried bread;


  • steamed beef cutlets (150 g);
  • vegetable cutting (150 g);
  • dried fruits compote;

2 snacks in between the main meal you can allow yourself:, cottage cheese casserole.

Day 7


  • oatmeal (150 g);
  • cottage cheese (100 g);
  • cocoa;


  • puree soup (150 g);
  • turkey breast with vegetables (250 g);
  • herbal tea;


  • fish (150 g);
  • pasta (100 g);
  • green tea;

2 snacks in between the main meal, you can eat the following products: apple, kefir, biscuit cookies.

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 20 minutes


Who doesn't love delicious food? Everyone loves! No one will refuse either a hearty three-course dinner or a sweet, fragrant dessert. But, as a rule, the tastier the dish, the faster we gain those very nasty extra centimeters at the waist. Getting used to “gluttony”, we deprive the body of the ability to function normally, and the fight against extra pounds becomes an obsession. The result is severe dietary restrictions, crazy diets, no mood and no enjoyment of food. Although there are a huge variety of very tasty dishes and.

The most delicious low-calorie dishes and products for losing weight

  • Low calorie soup with mushrooms


    • 50 g dried mushrooms
    • Potatoes - 7 pcs.
    • Carrot -1 pc.
    • Bulb
    • Spices
    • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.

    Soak mushrooms for a couple of hours, boil, rinse, finely chop and fry with onion-carrots. Boil potatoes and mash until mashed, add mushroom broth to the consistency of sour cream. Next, add the roast and spices. The soup is ready.

  • Veal in wine


    • Dry red wine - 100 g
    • Veal - 450-500 g
    • Two bulbs
    • 2 spoons of vegetable oil
    • Spices (mint, salt and pepper, basil)

    Cut the meat into pieces, simmer until soft, add onion rings, chopped herbs and a little water. Simmer another fifteen minutes, add wine.

  • Zucchini casserole


    • Eggplant - 400 g
    • Zucchini - 600 g
    • Vegetable oil - 2 liters.
    • Sour cream - a glass
    • Spices

    Soak eggplant for half an hour in slightly salted water. Next, put them alternately with zucchini on a baking sheet, sprinkled with oil on top. Send to the oven. At this time, beat sour cream, spices and an egg with a mixer and pour over the roasted vegetables with this mixture. After bringing the casserole to full readiness.

  • berry cocktail

    Mix in a mixer a third of a glass of milk, fresh or frozen berries (strawberries, raspberries, currants), a glass of low-fat yogurt. This dessert is perfect for a slimming lover of sweets.

  • Fish baked in the oven

    There are many recipes for preparing a low-calorie and tasty fish dish. To do this, you need to take any fish (with the exception of the fattest varieties), clean, sprinkle with spices (ginger, salt, pepper), sprinkle with lemon juice, wrap in foil and put in the oven. Of course, the ideal option is salmon or trout, but due to the fat content of these varieties, it is preferable to choose a lighter type.

  • Shrimp skewers

    Oddly enough, an amazing barbecue can be prepared not only from meat. Leaving the tails, peel the shrimp, marinate and leave in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. We prepare the marinade from tomato paste, oregano, pepper-salt, parsley with garlic, olive oil and lemon. Next, we decorate the pickled shrimp as a traditional barbecue, stringing several pieces on each skewer. Instead of the usual onion rings, alternate shrimp with marinated lemon slices. Grill for five minutes on each side, and the low-calorie kebab is ready.

  • apple dessert

    • Peel the cores from the apples.
    • Fill the resulting holes with a mass of honey, nuts and dried fruits.
    • Bake apples in the oven for fifteen minutes.

    Tasty, healthy, low-calorie.

  • Green salad with cheese


    Even a child can cope with the preparation of this salad. Rub the cheese on a coarse grater, combine with herbs, spices and sour cream, mix, sprinkle with dill, decorate according to your imagination.

  • asparagus salad


    Mix rice and a storehouse of minerals - asparagus, after boiling them. Rub the cheese and add to the salad along with herbs, season with sour cream.

  • Ingredients:

    Pour boiling water over the tongue for fifteen minutes. Crush garlic, add spices, crushed bay leaf, oil and juice of half a lemon to it, mix. Pull out the tongue, pull off the skin, grease with the finished mixture, hide in the cold for three hours. Then wrap in prepared foil and put in the oven.

  • Mushroom omelet with spinach

    • Saute half a cup of chopped mushrooms in a spoonful of olive oil in a heated frying pan.
    • Add half a cup of spinach and sauté until soft.
    • Next, pour in the eggs (three whites and one whole egg, previously shaken).
    • After three or four minutes, place a slice of goat cheese on top of the omelet and fold the dish in half.

    Consume with whole grain bread.

    • Grease a slice of whole grain bread with a tablespoon of grated low-fat cheese.
    • Place a salmon slice on top.
    • Next - a piece of red onion and watercress.

    Serve with a salad of chickpeas, zucchini, sesame and mushrooms.

  • Put on a slice of whole grain (preferably dried) bread:

    • Mashed white beans
    • Onions poached in olive oil (sliced)
    • poached egg

    Top with grated Parmesan and chopped herbs. Serve with vegetable soup sprinkled with chopped spinach.

  • Salad "Caesar Light"

    • Place boiled potatoes in a baking dish.
    • Sprinkle with slices of boiled turkey mixed with cooked beans in equal proportions.
    • Top with grated low-fat cheese, add a pinch of chili.

    Bake until a cheese crust forms.

  • Ingredients:

    Cut zucchini into rings, apples - into cubes, onions - into half rings, potatoes - on a grater. Heat olive oil in a saucepan, fry onion, add zucchini and potatoes with apples, fry a little, pour water. After boiling, cook for fifteen minutes under the lid. A few minutes before full readiness, add greens and garlic. Remove from heat, grind in a blender, pour in milk, add cheese, salt. Cook for a few more minutes.

  • Ingredients:

    Rinse, dry and disassemble cabbage into inflorescences. Place flour, garlic powder and oil in a bowl. Gradually pour in the milk, stirring the mass. Dip each cabbage inflorescence into the prepared mixture, put on a baking sheet on top of baking paper, put in the oven for twenty minutes. Then lower the oven temperature and continue baking for another twenty minutes. Serve as an appetizer.

  • Ingredients:

    Saute the chopped onion for five minutes, add the broccoli disassembled into inflorescences, simmer for ten minutes. Put the contents of the pan, eggs, spices into a blender and mix into one mass. Add grated cheese and flour to it. Form cutlets, roll in breadcrumbs, fry in the usual way. Or bring them to readiness in the oven.

  • Sturgeon for a couple


    Rinse the fish, cut into medallions, dry with a towel, season with spices. Place on the steamer rack, skin side up. Lay olive rings on top, pour wine over, run a double boiler for half an hour. Sauce: melt the butter in a frying pan, add the sifted flour, a glass of broth from the double boiler and cook for ten minutes, stirring occasionally. Strain the sauce, add a piece of butter, salt, squeeze a lemon, cool. Put the fish on a dish, pour over the sauce, decorate, add a vegetable side dish.

  • Ingredients:

    Cut along the zucchini, salt, bake in the oven for ten minutes. Cut garlic with tomatoes, stew in a pan, add water and finely chopped beans, simmer until soft. Remove the pulp from the cooled zucchini with a spoon, chop it and add to the other vegetables in the pan. Season with spices, salt, stew. Salt the zucchini, put in the oven for another ten minutes. Cool the zucchini, fill them with vegetable stuffing from the pan.

  • Tasty and low-calorie for a diet - useful facts

    And don't forget to pamper yourself, my love, bitter chocolate. It produces a psychotherapeutic effect, and has a large number of antioxidants.

Good time of day, dear readers! Spring has finally come, which means that “weight loss” topics are becoming more and more popular. Millions of men and women are right now in search of a way to bring their figure into proper shape in the next 2-3 months. Having read the advice of nutritionists about reducing the calorie content of the diet, and, the layman seeks to fulfill the main recommendation - to reduce the number of calories consumed. And here low-calorie foods come to the rescue, which we will talk about today.

Miscellaneous calories

Driving in the search engine “Low-calorie products for weight loss list”, we most often come across vegetables or fruits that are very difficult to get enough of. And all because calories from different sources differ from each other. Some low-calorie foods can serve us only as a side dish, while not being a full meal.

Today we're going to take a little break from the established tradition of taking calories too literally, and break down low-calorie foods into several groups.

Energy sources

We are talking about food containing a lot of long-term carbohydrates. Such foods are often high in calories, and therefore they do not fall into the lists of low-calorie foods. But there is an exception. This exception is cereals.

Cereals are sources of long-lasting carbohydrates with a low glycemic index. This is a fairly low-calorie food and, at the same time, food that allows you to satisfy your hunger.

Let's highlight the main low-calorie cereals:

Note that we are talking about the energy value of the finished dish. That is, we weigh the portion, calculating the calorie content, we are after cooking, and not before it.

As for the other sources of energy that will help you get out of a lethargic state during a diet, you have to admit that they are all high in calories. Therefore, porridge is the only dish familiar in everyday life that can also be used on a diet.

Below is a small table for comparing low-calorie foods and high-calorie foods.

Protein products

High-quality protein products of animal origin are the basis of any diet. Among protein foods, you can really find products with which you can both remove the feeling of hunger and not gain extra pounds.

The emphasis on the consumption of high-quality protein foods should be done by men who plan not only to lose weight, but also to maintain the existing muscle mass. So, the least calorie protein foods:

  1. Fat-free cottage cheese - 86 kcal / 100 gr. The absolute leader for losing weight men and women. The basis of any protein diet. Moreover, cottage cheese is the cheapest quality protein food, which is important in our times of crisis.
  2. Pollock fish - 70 kcal / 100 gr. A more expensive, but equally high-quality, low-calorie source of protein.
  3. Squid - 75 kcal / 100 gr.
  4. Cod - 75 kcal / gr.
  5. Perch - 82 kcal / 100 gr.
  6. Chicken breast - 113 kcal / 100 gr.

Here is a list of quality high-protein and almost fat-free foods. All products, like cereals, are weighed after cooking. In this case, confusion can result with calories, because after boiling, the weight of the product often decreases.

From myself I advise you to eat poultry and fish, these are the best protein foods, eating which you can easily lose a couple, or even a couple of tens of extra pounds.

Vegetables and fruits

Let's move on to the main point for which ordinary people are looking for a “low-calorie weight loss list” online.

Vegetables and fruits are also low glycemic carbohydrates. But, firstly, you are unlikely to be able to get enough only with the help of them, and secondly, eating only vegetables and fruits is quite an expensive pleasure, it is better to arrange for yourself. But, of course, if you want to lose weight and not bother too much with calories, which must be counted on a diet, it is better to get half of the energy received during weight loss from vegetables and fruits. So here is our list:

This list is endless. The bottom line is that vegetables and fruits have a lower glycemic index, which is closely related to calorie content, due to which it is virtually impossible to gain weight by eating vegetables and fruits. And you can get rid of extra pounds.

How to make a diet?

To create a diet based on the consumption of calories with low energy value, you need to soberly assess your capabilities. Moreover, we are talking about both moral and material possibilities.

If you do not know how to make a diet and want to get everything ready, then this course is for you!

Learn more about the course »»

It is known that eating vegetables and fruits is an expensive pleasure that will cost you a pretty penny even with a low calorie content. In addition, a decrease in the glycemic index of food is a decrease in blood glucose, and therefore, eating kilograms of celery and cabbage, you will still feel lethargic and have a constant desire to rest.

Of course, in emergency cases, when you need to lose a few kilograms in 2-5 days, such a diet may be suitable, however, if you plan to lose weight from one week.

The ideal situation would be such a situation in which you will receive 25% of calories from cereals, 25% of energy from low-calorie protein foods, and another 50% of energy from vegetables and fruits. Add 2-3 liters of water to this scheme and your tactics for losing weight as quickly as possible can be considered ideal.

Well, that's all. Subscribe to updates, leave your comments and share information with friends. See you soon!

Sincerely, Vladimir Manerov

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