How to cure the intestines once and for all. How to treat intestinal infection at home. Treatment for colitis

The most common cause of intestinal dysfunction is Escherichia coli. Note that there are absolutely familiar E. coli that live in the intestines of each of us and contribute to the process of digestion of food, and there are viral E. coli that provoke severe disorders.

Most often, infectious E. coli is the cause of hygiene violations. It overtakes us during the summer holidays, when we eat food with allegedly clean hands, although before that we were in the water, in public places, and not very expensive food, at street vendors, especially in summer, and in other similar places.

How to get rid of E. coli?

How to get rid of E. coli at home?

At the first signs of poisoning, you need to flush the body. To do this, you can use a manganese solution and Esmarch's mug, you can use a soda solution, and the "two fingers in the mouth" method. No matter how it sounds from the outside, the essence of therapy is extremely simple, and most importantly, very effective.

After this hellish procedure, it is better to drink tea from chamomile or calendula to the patient. These decoctions have a strong disinfecting effect, and perfectly kill the pathogenic flora. The decoction can be quite steep - 3 tablespoons per 400 ml. boiling water. Take it warm.

If there is a disorder with diarrhea, then you need to protect the body from dehydration. Chamomile decoction, you can drink liters. But with food it is better to wait. If the poisoning is quite strong, then you should starve for a while. Firstly, it reduces the field of activity of E. coli. Secondly, it makes treatment easier in the absence of antibiotics.

Do not give up vitamin complexes, if the patient uses them, this will help support his body.

If there is a temperature, then the patient should be taken to the doctor, this is unequivocal. Of course, you can give general antibiotics, but it is not a fact that this will help get rid of the problem quickly and without consequences.

If it was possible to bring the patient out of an acute condition, it is worth taking care of bifidobacteria, and settling the body with favorable flora.

You have to be careful with food. Sweet, spicy, fried, fatty and raw are not allowed. Boiled vegetables, maybe a piece of boiled meat and porridge, this is the basis of the patient's diet. Plenty of water, preferably boiled.

Infection of the organism with pathogenic flora can become a serious problem if it is not detected quickly enough. Therefore, try to take care of yourself and listen to your body. It is better if you do not have to think about how to get rid of E. coli in extreme conditions.

On vacation, away, in an unfamiliar area, be very careful about food and water, especially in the summer. Remember that your health is only in your hands.

Intestinal flu, stomach flu, gastroenteritis or rotavirus infection are the names of the same disease, which is a frequent visitor in the summer. When it's hot outside, all foods quickly deteriorate, becoming a great place to live for many intestinal bacteria, it is very easy to get infected with rotavirus.

Intestinal flu is a viral infection that enters the body by absorption through the walls of the stomach or intestines. Worst of all, this disease is tolerated by children, the elderly and pregnant women due to a weak immune system. The main danger in this disease is dehydration. Due to frequent vomiting and endless diarrhea, the body loses fluid very quickly, which can be fatal, especially in infants. Therefore, if you suspect an intestinal infection in children of the first three years of life, it is simply necessary to show the pediatrician. He will assess the situation and, if possible, give permission for home treatment. In other cases, the treatment of young children should be carried out in a hospital setting.

Symptoms of the intestinal flu

The symptoms of intestinal flu appear quite quickly, within a day after the virus enters the body. On average, the incubation period can last from 10 hours to 3-5 days. The rate of manifestation of symptoms and their intensity depends on the amount of the virus that has entered the body, as well as on the patient's immune system. Rotavirus infection is characterized by the following symptoms.

  1. First, a slight manifestation of cold symptoms begins - the throat turns red and hurts when swallowing. There may be a slight cough, runny nose, frequent sneezing. But these symptoms quickly pass, turning into more serious intestinal disorders. Such symptoms have given this type of virus the name "flu", although intestinal flu has nothing to do with traditional flu.
  2. At the beginning of the development of a viral infection, the patient develops weakness, body aches, and general malaise.
  3. Often this is accompanied by intestinal upset - diarrhea. The stool is liquid, may be dark, light or green. Often the stool is bubbling, has a sharp unpleasant odor. This means that the process of fermentation takes place in the intestines. If the stool occurs more than 10 times a day, be sure to consult a doctor.
  4. If blood or mucous inclusions were found in the feces, you need to see a doctor, you may have another disease. For rotavirus, these symptoms are not typical.
  5. Vomit. This is another common symptom of the flu, although vomiting may not occur. If the patient is sick, but vomiting does not occur, it is better to call it yourself. This will clear the stomach and possibly prevent complete absorption of the contaminated product.
  6. The patient's stomach hurts, growls, twists.
  7. When the virus enters, the body begins to resist, which leads to an increase in temperature.
  8. Usually, rotavirus is severe, with intoxication a person cannot lead a normal life. He is so weak that he constantly lies, especially for children.

The acute period of rotavirus infection lasts no more than a week, usually 3-4 days. Then for about a week the patient recovers and comes to his senses. All this time until complete recovery, the patient is considered contagious.

Causes of the intestinal flu

Rotavirus infection is a disease of dirty hands. Often people get sick with it if they start eating with dirty hands. An adult held money and handrails in public transport, a child played on the playground, and then took food into his mouth with unwashed hands - the virus easily enters the body. Also, an intestinal virus can get inside with poor-quality or stale food. Be especially careful with perishable dairy products during the hot summer. You can also get infected from a patient with gastroenteritis - through household items or by airborne droplets.

Treatment of any viral infections is aimed at removing intoxication, removing the virus from the body as soon as possible and symptomatic treatment. Here are some consistent steps to take if a person is sick with the stomach flu.

  1. The very first and most important thing is the replenishment of the water-salt balance. To do this, dissolve Regidron in a liter of water and drink in small portions throughout the day. If a child is sick, you need to solder it every 5-10 minutes, one teaspoon. If you give the baby more, this will lead to another urge to vomit and all efforts will be in vain. If Regidron is not at hand, a water-salt solution can be prepared independently. In a liter of water, dissolve a tablespoon of salt, 3 tablespoons of sugar and half a tablespoon of soda.
  2. To fight the infection, you need to drink Furozolidone, Ercefuril or Enterofuril. These remedies perfectly relieve intoxication, because they kill the bacterium itself.
  3. Against diarrhea, you should take Loperamide, Imodium, Levomycetin. The drug Enterogermina helps children very well.
  4. If a person is tormented by vomiting, it can be suppressed with drugs such as Ondosetron, Cerucal. But they should not be used by children without a doctor's prescription.
  5. It is very important to take sorbents that will absorb the remnants of toxins and bring them out. It can be Smecta, Activated carbon, Enterosgel, Filtrum. If there are no pharmaceutical preparations at hand, it is very good to drink rice water. This glue-like mass not only stops diarrhea, but also absorbs toxic substances in the intestines and stomach.
  6. In a day, when the patient's condition stabilizes a little, he will need to be fed. In addition to a sparing diet, along with food, the patient must take enzymes - Festal, Creon or similar drugs. They will help a sick stomach and upset intestines to digest food.
  7. After a few days, when the intoxication passes, the person will surely suffer from incessant diarrhea. This often happens because the intestinal microflora is disturbed. To restore it, you need to drink a course of probiotics, which will help to populate the intestines with beneficial bacteria. It can be Linex, Hilak Forte, Bifidumbacterin, Enterol.

In the acute phase of the disease, a person is unlikely to want to eat anything at all. And you don't have to force him. Now all the forces of the body are aimed at fighting the disease, and the digestion of food is an additional burden. After passing the acute period, you can start eating crackers, low-fat chicken broth, rice and rice water, oatmeal in the water. No fermented milk products - they create an ideal environment for the reproduction of bacteria. Drinking plenty of water is very important. You need to drink a lot, only with the help of liquid you can speed up the removal of the virus from the body. Usually, children during the period of rotavirus infection are allowed everything that is usually prohibited - fruit drinks, compotes, juices. Rosehip decoction, green tea, chamomile decoction helps very well.

How to protect yourself from the stomach flu

To avoid getting this infection, it is important to wash your hands thoroughly before each meal. It is best to use antibacterial soap. Especially after being in public places. Carry antibacterial wipes and gels with you, which will allow you to clean and disinfect your hands while camping. Do not eat on the street and in dubious establishments. If, for example, a mother has the flu, she should not cook food so as not to infect other family members. Sewage reservoirs without running water, where a huge number of people bathe, are also a hotbed of many diseases. You can become infected even if a small part of the liquid gets into your mouth when bathing.

Contrary to popular belief, intestinal flu is not treated with antibiotics, since the cause of this disease is a virus. The only way to cure stomach flu is to fight the symptoms and flush out the virus with fluids. To protect the body in the future, it is important to strengthen the immune system - eat right, temper, move more and spend time in the fresh air. These simple rules will help you avoid meeting such an unpleasant disease as the intestinal flu.

Video: rotavirus infection - symptoms and treatment

Medical statistics show that in half of patients with a gastroenterological profile, gastrointestinal pathologies lead to functional disorders of the organ, in which drugs with a synthetic formula are not always effective.

In this case, an integrated approach helps to achieve the desired therapeutic result, when the treatment of the intestine with folk remedies is included in the main scheme.

When to use alternative medicine recipes

So during pregnancy, taking many medications becomes contraindicated, so it is herbal remedies that come to the fore. There are a number of diseases that can be treated without the use of "heavy medical artillery" (dysbacteriosis and constipation, the initial stages of diverticulosis). Finally, there is a group of people who have intolerance to the components of synthetic agents. Therefore, the choice in favor of traditional medicine is also justified here.

When self-medication is dangerous

With the appearance of cramping pains, a sharp increase in body temperature, nausea, repeated vomiting, black feces, you should immediately consult a doctor. Another alarming symptom is the alternation of prolonged constipation and diarrhea. Permanent weight loss without changing the habitual diet should also force you to give up trying to improve your health on your own.

Diet treatment

In medicine, there is a whole area that is developing a menu for each pathology. It has been scientifically proven that compliance with certain rules for diseases of the intestinal tract allows patients in some cases to refuse to take medications, and in others to improve their condition, bringing their recovery closer.

Diet therapy helps to reduce the destructive processes that occur under the influence of pathogenic factors, it helps to train various protective and functional mechanisms that ensure the gradual restoration of a hollow organ.

All gastroenterological patients should learn to eat often, in small portions, to refuse salty and spicy foods, as well as foods that irritate the intestinal mucosa. It is useful for them to eat only warm dishes.

Patients are encouraged to use ready-made schemes. They are called "diet tables". Each has its own serial number (2, 3, 4, 5). There is also a letter designation (1a, for example). An additional explanation helps to select a restrictive diet according to the patient's diagnosis.

Video: The human intestine and its relationship with disease

Inflammation of the intestine

To successfully treat the disease, you need to know its causes. The factors provocateurs can be:

  • Viral infections.
  • Worm infestations.
  • Processes in which the immune system takes its own cells as foreign and tries to destroy them.
  • Wrong nutrition.
  • Formation of pathogenic microflora.
  • Violation of blood circulation in the vessels of the intestinal walls.
  • hereditary predisposition.

Inflammation is a reaction in which the cells of the mucous membrane die. As a result, a person feels pain, he may complain of constant bloating, nausea and vomiting, uncontrolled frequent bowel movements. That part of the mucous membrane of the organ, on which the process develops, ceases to perform its functions, poor absorption of nutrients occurs, and as a result, anemia and weight loss.

Video: What you need to know about the intestines

You can cure the intestines at home without seeking the help of doctors if there is no high temperature and blood in the stool. The following folk recipes will help relieve inflammation:

  • Mix centaury grass, chamomile flowers and sage leaves in equal amounts, brew 200 ml of boiling water in a spoonful of the collection, and leave for 30 minutes. Drink the medicine every two hours up to eight times a day. The course of admission is long - three months, the infusion does not cause side effects.
  • Take a teaspoon of onion juice before each meal, it destroys pathogenic microflora.
  • Prepare a collection of anise, fennel, licorice and buckthorn in a ratio of 1:1:2:6. Mix ingredients, 1 tbsp. l. herbs pour boiling water (200 ml). Drink the medicine twice: in the morning and at bedtime.
  • A mixture of figs, dried apricots and prunes relieves inflammation, accompanied by constipation. You need to take 100 grams of each ingredient, add two leaves of aloe to them, grind everything together and roll ten balls out of the sticky mixture. Eat them one at a time, every night.

We must not forget that treatment with folk remedies can provoke unwanted side effects, so it is important to remember about the individual intolerance of the components used.

To achieve the desired results, it is additionally necessary to follow the rules of restrictive nutrition. It is useful to learn to eat five to six times a day, while serving sizes should be no larger than a fist. It is important to reduce salt intake to a minimum, increase the drinking regimen, completely abandon vegetable fiber and natural milk.

  • Low fat broths.
  • Lean boiled beef or chicken.
  • Curd and cheese.
  • Steamed fish (perch, pike, pollock).

It is allowed to drink vegetable decoctions, compotes from bird cherry, pears, pomegranate and other fruits rich in tannins.

Treatment of colitis

The disease occurs in the small and large intestine, leads to damage to their mucous membranes. The causative agents are pathogenic microorganisms, the vital activity of which causes stagnation of the contents of the tract. As a result, putrefactive processes develop first, and then foci of infection appear. Various factors contribute to the intensive course of the pathology:

  • The presence in the daily diet of hard-to-digest food, as well as spicy, spicy or salty.
  • Alcohol abuse.
  • Prolonged constipation.
  • Allergic reaction to taking a medication.
  • Constant emotional stress.

Different symptoms can indicate the presence of colitis. These are pains around the navel, bloating, general malaise, poor appetite, upset stool, strong urge to defecate.

It is possible to treat the mucous layer of the intestine at home if the manifestations are moderate. Therapy is aimed at suppressing pathogenic microflora, improving the general condition of the patient, and eliminating symptoms. To do this, you can use the recipes below.

herbal collection

The fruits of bird cherry, alder, cumin, fennel, roots of burnet and mountaineer, peppermint leaves, licorice, chamomile flowers and St. John's wort mix, taking 10 grams of each ingredient. To prepare the medicine, you will need 2 tablespoons of raw materials, which must be poured with two glasses of water.

Boil the mixture in a saucepan for about three minutes over low heat, leave for 2 hours, cool and take half a glass four times a day before meals. To improve the taste, it is allowed to add a little honey. Such a recipe will help an adult cure enteritis.

Chamomile decoction

Helps prevent flare-ups. A medicinal drink is prepared as follows: flowers (3 tablespoons) are steamed in 700 ml of boiling water, the liquid is cooled and strained, then add one hundred grams of honey. You need to drink three times a day for half a glass. The course of treatment is one and a half months.

Hypericum tincture

Pour one hundred grams of grass with vodka (0.5 l) and incubate for 14 days. Take 50 drops three times a day: it is better to start treatment during remission.

Microclyster with sea buckthorn oil

In the anus, with a syringe with a catheter, lying on the left side, 50–60 ml of the drug is injected, which should be tried to be kept there as long as possible. The duration of the course in case of exacerbation of the disease is 30 days. Before each procedure, it is important to pre-do a cleansing enema. To do this, pharmacy chamomile must be mixed with St. John's wort (20 grams of each component) and brewed with half a liter of hot water.

To increase the effectiveness of treatment helps to take a tablespoon of oil in the morning an hour before meals.

Alcohol tincture of propolis

It has an antibacterial effect, stimulates regeneration processes, therefore it easily eliminates even the ulcerative form of the disease in the early stages of development.

To prepare the medicine, you need to take dishes made of dark glass, with a volume of 1 liter. Pour medical alcohol into it (previously dilute 100 ml with 37 ml of water) and immerse 10 grams of the product in the propolis solution for every 100 ml of liquid. Seal the container and put in a dark place for five days.

The tincture turns out to be strong, so it must be diluted before use (25 drops for half a glass of milk). Drink the medicine three times a day, one hour before meals.

Alternative treatment will not be effective if you do not follow a diet aimed at restoring the function of the large intestine and increasing the activity of the enzyme system.

Folk remedies for constipation

Absence of stool is a characteristic symptom for many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This condition can provoke various dangerous phenomena: the difficult process of emptying often leads to ruptures of the tissues of the anus, the formation of hemorrhoids.

With a long course, gas accumulates in a person’s stomach, it inflates the peritoneum, causing severe discomfort. The patient becomes irritable, lethargic. If fecal stagnation is not evacuated, general intoxication of the body will develop.

Video: How to get rid of constipation folk remedies

An adult and a child are able to experience a similar ailment for various reasons:

  • Incorrect or irregular diet.
  • The use of a small amount of liquid.
  • Nervous fatigue, constant stress, depression.
  • Violation of the hormonal background.
  • Lack of physical activity.
  • Insufficient amount of fiber in food.
  • Malfunctions of the smooth muscles of the intestine.

You can get rid of constipation quickly with the help of laxatives. But without adjusting the power supply, it will not be possible to solve the problem. It is also important to drink up to 2.5 liters of water daily, go to the toilet on time, do exercises in the morning and pump the abdominal muscles. To solve the problem, you can use the following popular recipes:

  • For cooking, you will need a pack of senna grass, one hundred grams of raisins and Holosas syrup (200 ml). Take a saucepan, add half a liter of water to it, first immerse the first ingredient, boil for 10 minutes, put the second, cook the same amount, then turn off the heat and cool the medicine.

Strain, pour in the syrup. Drink the remedy for half a glass at night (it is better to do this after 23.00). The course is two weeks. At the end, it is useful to connect the intake of probiotics (10 days). This recipe is suitable for high-quality cleaning of the tract.

  • Baked apples help well, they need to be eaten five pieces a day.
  • It is useful in the morning on an empty stomach to drink a glass of pure mineral water without gas.
  • Chronic constipation is treated with a spoonful of olive oil. Take orally on an empty stomach in the morning.
  • As a laxative, one glass of fresh kefir, drunk two hours before bedtime, or 7-8 pieces of dried prunes, eaten per day, works.

If we talk about herbs, then it is better to use a remedy made from buckthorn and senna bark. Pour the mixture with water and boil for five minutes, then insist, strain and consume one hundred grams at night.

Adding a spoonful of bran, previously steamed with water, to yoghurts, cereals and soups will help wake up a lazy intestine.

Remedies for diarrhea

When there is nothing at hand, and you need to relieve colic caused by diarrhea, it is better to prepare a decoction of rice. It has an enveloping effect: it gently "wraps" the walls of the tract and does not allow gastric juice to irritate its mucous layer. Along the way, peristalsis improves, feces begin to form correctly. Rice has a lot of starch, it absorbs water well, contributing to the thickening of the stool.

You need to prepare the remedy as follows:

  • Soak the grits beforehand. After half an hour, put water (500 ml) on a strong fire, add two teaspoons of rice to it.
  • After boiling, cook over low heat for about 50 minutes.
  • Cool to room temperature.

Drink every three hours, 150 ml for adults and 50 ml for children. The first positive results come after 60 minutes.

If diarrhea is accompanied by strong gas formation, you need to brew dill seeds (a teaspoon per 300 grams of water, boil for 1 minute, leave under the lid for about an hour). This is an excellent carminative for the treatment of newborn children. Helps normalize stools, relieve colic.

Another simple folk recipe is a decoction of bird cherry. To prepare it, take a glass of well-washed berries, pour water and simmer in the "bath" for half an hour. Then insist the same amount under the lid, cool and dilute in equal amounts with pure juice. Give your child a spoonful every 60 minutes. For adults, the dose is tripled.

Video: How to get rid of diarrhea and diarrhea at home

Pomegranates are 30% tannins, they contain plant pigments (polyphenols) that can suppress dysentery bacillus. Therefore, a decoction of fruit peels is often used in the fight against diarrhea. It is easy to prepare:

  • Grind well-dried raw materials to a powder in a coffee grinder.
  • Pour 10 grams of raw materials with cool hot water and simmer in a bath for a quarter of an hour.
  • Leave the received medicine for forty minutes.
  • Take a teaspoon four times a day.

If an integrated approach is required in the treatment of diarrhea, it is worth using oak bark. It contains elements that can have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects.

Remedies prepared on the basis of the described ingredient are equally effective for diarrhea caused by a bacterial infection, overeating or poisoning. As medicines you can use:

  • Infusion (grind the bark, brew with cold water - a teaspoon of raw materials for half a liter - stand for 8 hours).
  • Alcohol lamp (10 grams of powder pour 0.5 liters of vodka, leave for a week, take 20 drops every day).
  • Decoction (steam the whole bark - half a glass of raw materials twice as much liquid - boil for half an hour on low heat, cool and take 2 tablespoons three times a day).

Before choosing a remedy, it is important to consider the presence of individual intolerance to the main component of the selected drug.

Video: How to treat diarrhea with folk remedies

intestinal candidiasis

The cause of the disease is the growth of fungi from the genus Candida. They are part of the conditionally pathogenic microflora of the tract. A decrease in local immunity gives impetus to the active reproduction of the described microorganisms, and an imbalance leads to the appearance of characteristic symptoms.

One of them is severe flatulence, the other is an unstable stool, the third is spasms (pain that occurs immediately after eating). The patient may complain of a feeling of incomplete bowel movement. Confirm the diagnosis of "candidiasis" allow cheesy white discharge, excreted outward along with feces.

For successful treatment, five principles must be followed:

  • Dieting. It is important to completely exclude alcohol and products that contain sugar from the menu. It is useful to increase the amount of fresh vegetables and protein consumed (eggs, lean meat, turkey). It is better to give up tea and coffee for the duration of treatment.
  • The use of herbal decoctions and infusions instead of the usual drinks. They are prepared like teas, as a healing raw material it is better to choose chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort, oak bark. You need to drink them in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Consume a few cloves of garlic every day. This plant is a natural antibiotic that can cleanse the tract and restore the balance of microflora.
  • Daily intake of decoction of oats. It is prepared in large quantities and stored in the refrigerator. For five glasses of grain, thirteen of the same measured units of water are taken, the mixture is first boiled and then boiled for 3 hours. Oats are taken three times a day, one hundred grams. In parallel, it is allowed to use a medicinal therapeutic complex. The minimum course is two months.
  • Treatment with a special balm prepared according to the following recipe: take 2 large lemons and oranges, squeeze the juice out of them, and then add four medium onions, previously grated, and ten tablespoons of natural honey. Mix all the components, take the remedy three times a day, 20 g each.

It is useful in the morning to brush not only your teeth, but also your tongue, it is important to completely remove white plaque from it with soda. Since thrush causes intestinal dysbacteriosis, many healers advise patients to take folk remedies that have an astringent effect: oatmeal jelly, a decoction of burdock root, Kuril tea.

A number of preventive measures can help prevent the risk of re-infection. Patients must learn how to eat right, observe personal hygiene with particular care, and not self-medicate by prescribing broad-spectrum antibiotics.

Adhesion treatment

Their appearance is a reaction of the tract to the inflammatory process, a consequence of direct trauma or surgical intervention. Under the influence of these factors, the tissues of the intestine are fused, the lumen of the hollow organ is closed, and partial or complete obstruction occurs.

The presence of such a pathology may be indicated by bloating, constant constipation, and nagging pain. The spike is dangerous because it disrupts the blood circulation of the tissue, without receiving nutrition, its sections die off and necrosis develops. It can only be removed promptly.

Wanting to get rid of the described problem once and for all, it is necessary to use agents that have anti-inflammatory and resolving effects. These include:

  • Fruit and berry and herbal preparations. Mix dry fruits of raspberry, blackcurrant and wild rose (1:1:1) in a spoonful, pour a glass of clean water and warm in a bath for seven minutes. Take two hours later, half a cup twice a day for exactly a month.
  • The effectiveness of the following collection has been clinically proven. It is prepared on the basis of lingonberries, wild rose and dry nettle leaves. Mix all parts in equal proportions, pour a third of the raw material with boiling water, leave for three hours and drink twice: one dose in the morning, the other in the evening.
  • Inflamed and irritated intestines are best treated with infusion, which includes sweet clover, coltsfoot, yarrow. Mix dry herbs in equal amounts. Pour a spoonful of powder into a thermos and brew with boiling water. After three hours, divide the remedy into four parts, drink one before each meal.
  • If the spike is still being formed, it can be eliminated using Maryin root. Tinctures based on it relieve pain, normalize metabolic processes, eliminate the tension of the muscular frame. You need to prepare the medicine from a powder, pour 100 g of vodka with the same volume, hold for a week, and then take 30 drops three times a day inside before meals for a month. A break of 10 days and the course is resumed again.
  • If the spike has become inflamed, aloe will help. It is better not to water the plant for three days beforehand, then store the cut leaves for another three days in the refrigerator, and only after that they are passed through a meat grinder, mixed with liquid honey and butter (proportions 1: 6: 6). Before use, dilute a spoonful of medicine in milk and take a month, twice a day.

Intestinal polyps

Quite often, single or multiple local growths form in the large intestine. A person may not be aware of their existence, since at first nothing gives out such a pathological process. Pain in the abdomen, mucous and bloody discharge during defecation, difficulties associated with the promotion of feces occur when the polyp grows to a large size or several neoplasms appear in one area.

The effectiveness of alternative treatment in this case is called into question by doctors. Large growths can be removed surgically. So far, experts have agreed only in one opinion that the use of certain medicinal raw materials stimulates the strengthening of the immune system, helping the body to successfully cope with the task itself. From this point of view, herbal medicine is allowed. The most effective are the means in which there are poisonous plants (celandine, for example). Only a doctor should calculate the dosage and select the components.

There are a number of diseases for which treatment with traditional medicine is allowed. These are colitis, enteritis (the small intestine becomes inflamed), motility disorders, ulcers in the duodenum, dysbacteriosis. Obstruction of the tract and adhesive processes are best eliminated with the help of medications.

Intestinal infection- a dangerous and unpleasant ailment, almost every person has ever encountered it. The groups of intestinal infections include a large number of diseases that have a detrimental effect on the gastrointestinal tract. The main causes of the disease are viruses and bacteria. Symptoms vary greatly depending on the severity of the disease. For example, a staphylococcal infection can be cured within a few days, and cholera is a serious and problematic disease. A lethal outcome at present is a rather rare occurrence, since modern medicine can cure intestinal diseases. From an intestinal infection, no one is immune.

In the hot summer season, intestinal infections are especially dangerous. Heat always makes you thirsty, and water is sometimes not at hand, so people often drink dirty and unboiled water straight from the tap or even from natural sources. Unwashed fruits, berries and vegetables are also eaten. In hot weather, dairy, meat, fish products spoil very quickly, and without visible deformations. Insects can also carry a contagious disease. For example, one small fly can carry on its body several million bacteria, some of which may be pathogenic. One of the main factors is the excessive amount of water consumed, which dilutes the gastric juice, which reduces the protective properties and the ability to neutralize harmful microorganisms.

What can help in the fight against this unpleasant disease? Saliva also has bactericidal properties. Even at school, in anatomy lessons, we are taught to chew food thoroughly, because this not only improves the digestion process, but also disinfects harmful microbes. A good defense against intestinal infection is the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, in which special microorganisms have found their habitat, which are involved in saving the intestines from the effects of viruses and bacteria. The infection of the body is influenced by reduced immunity and lifestyle: antibiotics taken, condition, malnutrition.

Causes of an intestinal infection

Possible causes of intestinal infections are various types of pathogenic microorganisms, namely viruses and bacteria. They can cause a large number of diseases: escherichiosis, klebsiellosis, salmonellosis, diarrhea, staphylococcal infection and many others. Infection always occurs by food- along with dirty and spoiled food and bad water, harmful microorganisms enter the body, making their way from the esophagus through the stomach to the intestines. It is the intestinal flora that contributes to the reproduction of such viruses and bacteria, causing inflammation and disorders, loss of necessary moisture, cell destruction and an imbalance of important microelements.

Symptoms of an intestinal infection

Possible symptoms directly depend on the type of infectious agent. Common symptoms are: weakness, lack of appetite, heaviness in the stomach, headache. After a certain amount of time, there are severe pain in the abdomen, diarrhea, vomiting, fever, sweating and chills.

Discomfort from an intestinal infection lasts from 6 hours to 48. The most dangerous consequence of an intestinal infection in most cases is dehydration, because, together with vomiting and diarrhea, a person loses a huge amount of fluid, which causes an imbalance of potassium and sodium in the human body. Dehydration poses a significant danger to humans. There are irreversible changes in the cardiovascular system, and interferes with the proper functioning of the kidneys. Do not underestimate the seriousness of this disease - in young children and the elderly, there may be cases of death.

Treatment of intestinal infection

Mostly complex treatment is effective. In addition to the destruction of harmful bacteria, the patient needs to neutralize toxins and restore water balance. Through loose stools and vomiting, all harmful microorganisms come out, so you should not restrain vomiting impulses. It is necessary to act on the contrary - to induce vomiting. You can wash the intestines with an enema, and the neutralization of toxins is carried out with drugs called "sorbents", which include: "Smecta", "Attapulgite", "Polifepan" and many others.

Adults are advised to fast during an intestinal infection because food is a provocateur of bacteria. Rice or oatmeal porridge without the addition of salt will bring benefits, they have a calming effect on the intestines.

In order for the body to cleanse itself faster, the patient needs to drink more fluids, and a weak solution of behydron or rehydron will help restore balance in the body. It is best to drink drugs every 15 minutes, two sips. As a drink, an herbal hour or compote cooked from dried fruits is perfect.

You should not use antibiotics when the first symptoms occur, as they can cause significant harm to the human body, disrupting the natural microflora in the intestines and the functioning of the digestive system. Only the attending physician can prescribe antibiotics for intestinal infections. The microflora is quickly restored with the help of drugs such as Linex, Lactobacterin and others. They will also help get rid of an intestinal infection without causing harm to health.

But still self-medication is better to exclude. As a result of exhausting and severe vomiting, the patient loses the ability to drink water. You should also immediately seek medical help if you have a very high temperature or bloody discharge in the stool.

Do not forget that an intestinal infection is a contagious disease, so the patient must follow the rules of hygiene and have their own personal utensils.

Prevention of intestinal infection

Prevention methods are known to every person from the moment of personality formation, but this knowledge does not help to reduce the number of patients. Therefore, it is advisable to recall the elementary rules:

  • be sure to wash your hands before eating
  • avoid sweets with cream in hot weather
  • raw fish and meat should be stored separately from cooked food
  • all fruits, vegetables, herbs and berries should be thoroughly washed with hot water before use
  • before buying, pay attention to the expiration date of products and storage conditions
  • drink only boiling water or mineral water

Such simple rules will help to avoid intestinal infection in the body.


Treatment of intestinal infection with cudweed marsh

For the treatment of many diseases, folk methods are used. Of course, they are ineffective for treating an intestinal infection without dieting and taking specialized drugs, but they may well relieve pain, diarrhea and stomach discomfort. From time immemorial, swamp cudweed has been considered an excellent folk remedy. To prepare a medicinal decoction, we need a tablespoon of the plant. It is necessary to pour it into a glass with boiling water and leave for at least two hours. Strained broth is taken 150 milliliters before each meal.

Sometimes this remedy is used in tandem with blue cyanosis, for this you need to chop the roots of the plant and boil a tablespoon in 200 milliliters of water for thirty minutes. This strained decoction is best drunk after eating a tablespoon. During the day, it is desirable to make at least 4 doses of the decoction, the last dose is best done before bedtime.

In folk medicine there is a recipe, which perfectly helps to get rid of dehydration. We take one liter of boiled water, add a teaspoon of salt and 5 teaspoons of sugar, mix. You can drink in unlimited quantities. The following recipe will also relieve dehydration: dissolve 4 tablespoons of sugar, a pinch of soda, a glass of orange juice and 1 tbsp in a liter of water. a spoonful of salt.

Treatment of intestinal infection with St. John's wort

You can treat the disease with St. John's wort. It is not difficult to prepare a decoction: chopped grass in the amount of 1.5 tablespoons must be brewed in boiling water (we take 250 milliliters). The decoction is placed in a water bath and kept there for half an hour. Strain and add boiling water to the original volume. The disease will pass if you drink 1/3 cup of medicine 30 minutes before eating. It is recommended to store the decoction in the refrigerator, and the shelf life of the product is no more than 24 hours. In parallel, you can drink mineral water without salt.

Treatment of intestinal infection with decoctions and infusions

Ancient healers passed down recipes from generation to generation, so many secrets of preparing medicines have come down to us. An intestinal infection is easily treated with folk decoctions and herbal infusions.

For example, you can brew 40 grams of oak bark in a liter of boiling water and keep it on fire for twenty minutes. It is necessary to use a decoction of ½ cup at least five times a day.

A miraculous decoction of calamus root is also able to overcome the disease. We take 30 grams of dried and pre-crushed roots, cook them in a liter of boiling water for 10 minutes, filter and drink in the same dosage as oak bark.

Alder cones (50 grams) should be boiled in boiling water (1 liter) for 20 minutes. You need to drink a decoction in three approaches.

Treats intestinal infection and comfrey and marshmallow roots, which can be purchased at a pharmacy. For 10 minutes you need to boil marshmallow roots (10 grams) in water (1 liter), after that add another 10 grams of comfrey roots and cook for 20 minutes. The daily dose is 4 cups of decoction.

Wormwood folk healers brewed in beer, for this they took raw materials in the amount of 30 grams and boiled in 500 milliliters of hop drink for 5 minutes. Use this potion hot ½ cup three times a day.

Gravilat root is also famous for its medicinal properties. Bring a liter of water to a boil, add 60 grams of raw materials, reduce the heat and hold for 20 minutes. You need to drink half a glass no more than five times in 24 hours.

Bird cherry fruits are a universal remedy for intestinal infection. They can be used as a decoction or infusion, if desired. Take 50 grams of fruit for any recipe. Drink as well as an infusion of cinquefoil - three times a day for 1/2 cup.

Treatment of intestinal infection with fees

Regular fees can also save you from intestinal ailment.

Collection number 1. We need 2 tablespoons of cinquefoil roots, alder cones, nettle roots. All this insists on a water bath for 10 minutes. Then we stand for 2 hours in a warm and dark place. It is advisable to drink half a glass 4 times a day before a meal.

Collection number 2. We take equal proportions of cinquefoil, burnet roots and shepherd's purse. 5 tablespoons of this raw material should be infused overnight in one liter of water, after which you need to keep the infusion for 10 minutes over boiling water. You need to drink 1/2 cup on an empty stomach and 4 times after eating.

Collection number 3. You will need in equal parts the root of the wormwood, the grass of the cuff, the root of the marshmallow. We place the raw materials in a water bath for 2 hours. You need to use the collection in the same way as collection number 1.

Collection number 4. For the manufacture of this collection, we need goose cinquefoil, lamb, highlander (all 1 tablespoon each) and plantain (2 teaspoons). The mixed collection is taken in the amount of 50 grams and kept over boiling water for 30 minutes. They usually drink a third of a glass no more than three times a day.

Collection number 5. We mix the roots of the highlander and burnet with the fruits of blueberries and insist on boiling water for an hour. We take the ingredients in equal proportions. Drink the remedy five times a day.

Causes of intestinal infection in children

The main causes of intestinal infection in the child's body are non-compliance with hygiene rules. A child who plays outside constantly licks dirty fingers, unwashed toys, eats unwashed or already soiled fruits or berries. Harmful bacteria and viruses enter the baby's body and subsequently cause pathologies. The route of infection is oral, but in rare cases there is the possibility of transmission by airborne dust.

Symptoms of an intestinal infection in children

In children, the symptoms of the disease can manifest themselves in a complex or separately from each other. Most often, an infected baby has: vomiting, diarrhea, nausea and general weakness. Diarrhea and vomiting are the body's own ways to cleanse itself of harmful microorganisms. It is desirable to get rid of vomiting only when its character becomes debilitating and will interfere with drinking the water the body needs to replenish strength.

In a baby, dehydration has a detrimental effect not only on the cardiovascular system, but also on the functioning of the kidneys, liver, and the correctness of metabolism. Doctors recommend using special mixtures, for example, rehydron. Salt or sweet water helps in the fight against the disease.

Less commonly, the following symptoms occur: fever, headaches, weakness and confusion in the mind.

Treatment of intestinal infection in children

The first thing parents should do is to detoxify the body. It is necessary to immediately give sorbents, which include: "smecta", "activated carbon", "enterosgel". Before using antibiotics and other serious drugs, you should consult your doctor. Consultation is necessary in order not to harm the sensitive child's body. Preparations of the antibiotic group can cause dysbacteriosis or any other complication. With a very high temperature and persistent vomiting, you need to urgently call a doctor, because a sick baby may need hospitalization. It is also recommended to immediately call an ambulance in the absence of urine for six hours, blood in the feces, bouts of pain in the abdomen, refusal to drink.

You should pay attention to the nutrition of the baby during the illness. Unlike adults, fasting is not recommended. The intestines must work all the time. The ideal option is fractional meals. You can give your child boiled rice or oatmeal. To stop dehydration, let the baby drink compote, strong tea, jelly, saline. Babies are also given milk every two hours, 20 milliliters. Baked apple puree, boiled carrots, grated bananas and pumpkin will be relevant.

In any case, the correct treatment will be prescribed by the doctor, based on the results of the fecal analysis.

Giardia is the most common protozoan protozoan microorganisms that settle in the gastrointestinal tract, most often giardiasis is diagnosed in children. The main complications are gastritis, pancreatitis, biliary dyskinesia, cholestasis. Infection occurs through the use of contaminated food, water, contact-household.

Infected children refuse to eat, become lethargic, often suffer from colds, which end in various complications. Signs of infection can be circles under the eyes, nausea immediately after waking up, pain in the navel, early caries.

It is impossible to independently diagnose the presence of helminths; only a doctor can do this on the basis of an external examination, anamnesis, the results of laboratory and instrumental diagnostics.

In addition to laboratory tests, the doctor may prescribe instrumental diagnostics - x-rays, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, radiometry, ultrasound of the digestive system.

How to get rid of worms in the intestines

Medicines from the pharmacy

Treatment with folk remedies at home

If helminths have settled in the stomach, cleansing enemas, decoctions and tinctures of medicinal plants, and some food products will help get rid of them.

Carrot juice - a simple remedy for cleansing the intestines from worms

Enemas for cleansing

An effective remedy for cleansing the intestines is enemas with soda. Dissolve 40 g of sodium bicarbonate in 1 liter of water at a temperature of 37–39 degrees.

Cleansing steps:

  1. Prepare a solution for a cleansing enema - dissolve 30 g of salt in 2 liters of water at room temperature, for children, the amount of ingredients should be halved. This will help to avoid absorption of the therapeutic solution by the intestinal walls.
  2. Enter the saline solution using Esmarch's mug, the liquid should be retained in the rectum for 7-10 minutes.
  3. After emptying the intestines, introduce a soda solution, it should be delayed for half an hour.
  4. The final stage is to add 5 ml of lemon juice to the saline solution, make a cleansing enema, hold the solution inside for 10 minutes.
  5. In total, 10 procedures must be done with an interval of 2 days.

For greater effect, add lemon juice to the soda solution.

Instead of soda, you can use a decoction of onion peel - 30 g of raw materials per 1 liter of water, simmer over low heat for a quarter of an hour. The steps of the procedure are the same.

pumpkin seeds with honey

A good cleanser and tonic can be prepared with just three ingredients - grind 300 g of raw, unpeeled pumpkin seeds in a blender, pour 300 ml of warm water, add 15 ml of liquid honey. The whole mixture should be eaten in small portions before breakfast, after 3 hours take a laxative, make a cleansing enema. The duration of treatment is 2 weeks.

Pomegranate peels have anthelmintic properties

Collection of herbs

Often, helminth infection occurs in exotic countries - after the train, it is necessary to undergo a thorough diagnosis.

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