An adult cannot digest corn. Corn - beneficial properties of the vegetable and what dangers can it pose? reasons not to eat corn

Corn is the most commonly grown grain in the world. It is even ahead of rice and wheat. The problem is that today's corn is bad for our health. Although corn has never been a good choice in terms of a healthy diet.

Proven methods!

For starters, it has a lot more omega 6s than omegas. Omega-3 is good and produces anti-inflammatory substances in our body. It is different from omega-6, which stimulates the production of hormonal substances that cause inflammation.

When omega-6 outstrips omega-3 in the body, it disrupts the body's ability to control all inflammatory activity.

This inflammation can cause irreparable damage, namely:

  • Diabetes
  • Immunological diseases
  • Elevated cholesterol levels
  • Asthma
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Depression

The worst part is that it is almost inevitable to live without consuming this ingredient. We are not talking about the corn itself, which is eaten in the summer, which we grow ourselves, but its derivatives, which are included in many industrial products.

For example, ketchups, salad dressings, soft drinks and cookies contain corn syrup, a highly harmful sweetener found in most foods Americans eat every day.

5 reasons not to eat corn:

Corn is GMO

More than 9,000 years ago it was domesticated from a plant known as teosinte, a kind of grass. Although corn was most likely the first genetically modified food, it is still being restructured to this day.

To give you an idea, about 90% of all corn grown in Brazil is GMO.

In a study published in the International Journal of Biological Sciences, analyzing the effects of genetically modified foods on the health of mammals, researchers proved that transgenic corn is responsible for damage to the animal's organs.

Corn may activate autoimmune disease

Although corn is gluten-free, it can be lousy for the intestinal lining.

This is because grain proteins act like gluten, confusing the immune system.

Moreover, corn has a high glycemic index, which means it is easily converted into sugar.

And it’s no secret that sugar fires up our body cells, isn’t it?

Corn is not completely digested

Humans cannot fully digest corn because it contains cellulose fiber.

Another detail is that grains have prolamins, which are a class of proteins that our body cannot completely break down.

Corn contains lectins

Lectins, for those who don't know, are other proteins that we cannot digest.

It then passes through almost the entire intestinal wall, which damages the organ, causing inflammation.

Corn is full of pesticides

Of course, this was not always the case. However, today most of the corn sold is far from organic. It is full of Bt insecticide (Bacillus thuringiensis) and other harmful poisons.

Some studies have shown that Bt toxin accumulates in the blood, making it difficult for organs to function properly, leading to serious long-term illness.

One of the favorite summer delicacies is corn. It can be boiled, grilled, or even microwaved. Like everything tasty, it is considered not very healthy. Isn't it time to figure out what we know about corn that is a myth? Corn is used not only in the food industry. A few years ago the corporation even left it.

Dietician Jennifer McDaniel, public relations representative for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, told The Huffington Post columnist Amanda Chan a lot of interesting things about the delicious food that children and adults are accustomed to enjoying during the summer.

Myth one: Corn is bad for your health.

This is wrong! Corn contains many nutrients. The idea that corn is unhealthy most likely came about because it contains a lot of starch, which is a carbohydrate. According to the nutritionist, corn, along with the beloved potato, has suffered from mass carbohydrate phobia that has spread in the past few years.

Myth two: The human body does not digest corn

Yes, corn contains a lot of indigestible fiber that simply passes through the intestines. But this is not a bad thing, since indigestible fiber serves as a breeding ground for beneficial bacteria in the intestines. That is, in fact, these fibers are needed. While not food for humans, they feed beneficial bacteria.

Myth three: Corn is not rich in nutrients.

Needless to say, the reputation of spinach among connoisseurs of a healthy lifestyle is much higher than that of corn. These foods are considered the most nutrient dense. But corn also contains a lot of what the human body needs. These include vitamins B and vitamin C, as well as magnesium and potassium. Yellow corn is a good source of two antioxidants (antioxidants), zeaxanthin and lutein, that are beneficial for eye health.

Myth four: Corn is genetically modified

Jennifer McDaniel says that's not true. Most sweet corn is unmodified. If they are modified, it is mainly not the sweet corn, but the corn that is harvested later and processed into oil. This doesn't mean genetically modified sweet corn doesn't exist, but it is rare.

Myth #5: You can't eat corn because it's too rich in sugar.

In order to understand how untrue this myth is, you just need to compare corn... with a banana. The same banana, which is considered very healthy and even dietary. Few people consider bananas to be too rich in sugar. Meanwhile, one banana contains approximately 15 grams of sugar, while an ear of corn contains only 6 to 8 grams.

Corn is just food. Neither great benefit nor great harm

Obviously, even after these explanations from the nutritionist, corn has to be considered a product that should not be consumed in large quantities, especially if you are prone to excess weight. But the main question has been clarified - corn is not some particularly harmful product that no one should ever eat. However, nowadays everything tasty is considered harmful. This is partly true, but not always true.

In fact, in nutrition, as in everything else, it is desirable to have a sense of proportion. Good nutrition is a varied diet that contains foods that contain the maximum amount of nutrients beneficial to the body.

If you think about it, you can come to the conclusion that corn got its “bad reputation” along with another popular product - potatoes. This starch-rich root vegetable has been (and remains) the basis of the diet of different peoples for many centuries.

Meat - with potatoes, fish - with potatoes, vegetables - with potatoes. Potatoes fried, boiled, baked and fries. And, of course, chips, the addiction to eating which has become such a widespread phenomenon that... In a word, potatoes always, everywhere and for every taste! This happened because potatoes are easy to grow and prepare and are quite cheap, while remaining nutritious and tasty. Possessing all the necessary qualities for mass popularity, it has become the main dish of the dinner table. Then it turned out that you shouldn’t eat potatoes every day, just as you shouldn’t eat one thing all the time.

As a result, some supporters of a healthy lifestyle decided that it was better to exclude potatoes from the diet altogether. And at the same time, corn! Then experts began to find out to what extent the popular perceptions about these products correspond to reality. And it turned out that there is only a small grain of truth in them, nothing more. Corn is a common product that, like all other foods, should be consumed in moderation and alternating with other foods. And completely exclude from the diet only those things for which there are direct medical contraindications.

What do our readers think about corn? Should you not eat it at all, allow yourself a delicacy only occasionally, or can you eat it, especially in season, without thinking about what myths have developed about it? Have you ever had to reconsider your opinion about a food product or a method of preparing it? Which foods do you consider the most harmful and which are the most beneficial for humans?

I came across a detailed list of “foods” that are better not to eat at all

The information is more for those who still live in cities and adhere to a regular diet.
In this material I would like to highlight the topic of products that

These products are not just harmful, but DANGEROUS to health!

Monosodium glutamate.

You cannot eat foods with the additive E-326 (monosodium glutamate). Take the packaging of the product in the store and read it. If MSG is listed, don't buy it at all.

Monosodium glutamate is a flavor enhancer. Nowadays it is added even to the most unexpected products in order to “get the population hooked” on them. Be careful!

It is better to use natural products: salt, sugar, pepper, etc. But under no circumstances use glutamate – you’ll just die.


NO sweeteners should be eaten.

Trans fats.

Oil 72.5% should not be eaten under any circumstances. This is trans fat - low-grade vegetable oil broken down by hydrogen.

There is NO oil less than 82.5%. If you can’t find such oil, then it’s better to eat vegetable oil. It's better to eat two tablespoons of natural butter than a whole pack or kilogram of trans fats.

Lightly salted herring in plastic packaging.

Lightly salted herring is stored only in oil. It is not stored in any vinegar or wine. If the herring is without oil, it means that methenamine has been added to it.

Lightly salted red caviar.

The principle is the same. Red caviar does not last long. Only frozen or highly salted. If it is sold lightly salted, it means that either methenamine or citric acid has been added to it. Something else can be added, but the output is still formaldehyde.

Knownly genetically engineered products.

A) Peanuts.

The petunia gene is implanted. A terribly poisonous substance. And insects don't eat peanuts.

B) Green peas (canned)

B) Corn (canned).

D) Imported potatoes.

D) Crab sticks. (Crab essence mixed with soy)

Corn sticks and cereal with sugar.

If you buy corn flakes or sticks, they should only be NOT sweet. Because sugar is not used in production. Sugar burns at a temperature of 140 degrees. Therefore, I use sweeteners, in this case cyclomate.

Porridges and cereals with flavors and dyes identical to natural ones.

These are chemicals that have a smell - the taste of pear, strawberry, banana, etc. There is nothing natural here.



Nowadays, such a strong chemical essence is used that if you leave a slightly wet candy on the tablecloth, it will burn through the tablecloth, along with the varnish. Even plastic is destroyed. Imagine what is happening to your stomach.


Today's marmalade has nothing in common with what happened under the USSR. These are simply miracles of the chemical industry. Deadly dangerous.

The most powerful antioxidants. You will never be able to preserve cherries in such pristine form.

Fried potatoes in fast foods and ready-made in stores.

Nowadays, antioxidants are used such that potatoes last for a year and do not turn black.

Everything related to fast food. Shawarmas, pies and even salads at McDonald's

Boiled sausages.

They are made from genetically modified soybeans. Sausages, sausages, boiled sausage, pates and other products with so-called hidden fats. In their composition, lard, interior fat, and pork skin occupy up to 40% of the weight, but are disguised as meat, including with the help of flavoring additives.

Ham. Shinka, etc.

In this case we are not talking about any naturalness at all. Take a thin neck and a kilogram of gel. Overnight, in a special machine, the gel is “loose” together with a piece of the neck, and by the morning you get a huge piece of “meat”. As such, it contains no more than 5% meat. Everything else is gel (caratinine, flavor enhancers, color enhancers). The pink color of this “meat” is given by color enhancers together with special lamps. If you turn off the lamps in the window, you will see that the color is green.

Raw smoked sausages.

Nobody smokes like before. Smoking liquids are used, which again contain formaldehyde.

Dairy products with long shelf life (more than 2 months)

Anything stored for more than 2 weeks cannot be consumed. Aseptic packaging is packaging containing an antibiotic.

Mayonnaise in plastic packaging.

The vinegar in mayonnaise, although it shouldn't be there, eats away at the walls of the plastic packaging, releasing carcinogens. Only neutral products can be placed in plastic packaging.

If you got carried away 10 times, then on the 11th you may not get carried away. Watermelon is fertilized with such substances that it is a prime candidate for poisoning.

Grapes that don't spoil.

The grapes are eaten by mushrooms on the vine. They haven’t yet managed to remove it from the branch, but mushrooms are already eating it. Therefore, if some kind of shoo-mouse is sold there and sits for more than 5 days, you should know that it has been treated with chloroform and other serious antioxidants.

Pepper (out of season)

Absolutely genetically modified product.

Yeast bread. White bread.

By eating yeast bread, you are eating mushrooms. Preference should be given to rye bread. Refined white flour of the highest grades, like other refined products, is confidently included in the top harmful food products. A “sliced ​​loaf” is not a full-fledged bread. This is a “bread”, with all that it implies.

Store-bought mushrooms.

Dried apricots, prunes, raisins.

If you see beautiful dried apricots or raisins, pass by. Think about what needs to be done with it in order to preserve the apricot as if it had just come from the tree. The dried apricots should be ugly and wrinkled.

Ice cream.

Especially in specialized establishments like Baskin Robins. Or foreign ice cream. Nowadays it is virtually impossible to find ice cream made from milk. If you find a real milk ice cream somewhere, then you can safely buy it. Fruit ice creams are bare essences; there is nothing natural about them.

Cupcakes in packages.

Rolls. They do not become stale, do not spoil, do not dry out, nothing is done to them at all. He will be in bed for a month. And in a month he will be the same.


90% of chocolate is not chocolate at all (dyes are substitutes).

Chocolate bars. This is a huge amount of calories combined with chemical additives, genetically modified foods, dyes and flavors. The combination of large amounts of sugar and various chemical additives provides the highest calorie content and the desire to eat them again and again.

Men in particular should not eat chicken at all. Because chickens are all on hormones. The chicken receives 6 female hormones, including progesterone. Therefore, if a man begins to eat female hormones, his testosterone naturally drops to a level that cannot be restored later.

The ram is the only animal that will not eat any hormones. Eat meat from non-commercial lines.

Chicken is now the most commercial product!

Processed cheeses.

Instant coffee.

Men are not allowed at all! Categorically! There is a complete degeneration of the hormonal glands.

Flavored teas.

Drink natural tea, in which nothing floats, there is no additional taste. All flavored teas contain either citric acid, orange acid, or some other acid. The addiction occurs instantly. We need to remove all acids from the body.

Refined deodorized vegetable oil.

This oil should not be used raw in salads. You can only fry on it.

Mayonnaise, ketchup, various sauces and dressings.

They contain a high content of dyes, flavor substitutes and GMOs; in addition, the preservatives that protect these products from spoilage disrupt the intestinal microflora, destroying beneficial microbes in the body.

Potato chips.

Potato chips, especially those made not from whole potatoes, but from mashed potatoes. It's essentially a mixture of carbohydrates and fat plus artificial flavors.

Fast food products.

Instant products: instant noodles, instant soups, mashed potatoes, instant juices such as “Yupi” and “Zuko”. It's all chemicals that are harmful to the body.


Alcohol. Even in minimal quantities it interferes with the absorption of vitamins. In addition, alcohol itself is very high in calories. It’s probably not worth talking about the effect of alcohol on the liver and kidneys; you already know everything very well. And you shouldn’t rely on the fact that a certain amount of alcohol is beneficial. All this occurs only with a reasonable approach to its use (rather rarely and in small doses).

Sweet carbonated drinks.

Sweet carbonated drinks are a mixture of sugar, chemicals and gases to quickly distribute harmful substances throughout the body. Coca-Cola, for example, is a wonderful remedy for limescale and rust. Think carefully before putting such liquid into your stomach. In addition, carbonated sweet drinks are also harmful due to their high concentration of sugar - the equivalent of four to five teaspoons diluted in a glass of water. Therefore, you should not be surprised that, after quenching your thirst with such soda, you are thirsty again within five minutes.

Strawberries in winter.

Absolutely useless product. There is not a single “lousy” vitamin there.

Juices in packages.

We are not talking about any natural juices in this case. NO natural juices sold in packages. NO!!! Don't you dare give them to children! This is pure chemistry.

This is an approximate list of products that you need to avoid completely! We are not talking about unhealthy products, but about DEADLY DANGEROUS ones.

Corn is the most important grain after wheat and rice. Unconsciously, people, in one form or another, eat more corn every day than they can imagine. Did you know that corn is not a vegetable? Corn is a grain, and a pretty bad one... In fact, it has the worst omega-6 to omega-3 ratio. Omega 3s produce hormones that are anti-inflammatory. Omega 6s produce hormones that support inflammation. When omega 6s begin to outnumber omega 3s, they disrupt the body's ability to control the inflammatory response. This inflammation can lead to many health problems: immune system diseases, diabetes, cancer, high cholesterol, asthma, cardiovascular disease and depression.

According to Dr. Sanjay Gupta, “We are like walking pieces of corn because the proportion of corn in our diet is really, really high. In fact, there is nothing you can do about it because so many foods contain corn.”

Ketchup, salad dressings, sodas, cookies and chips typically contain corn (usually high fructose corn syrup). "I think the danger that comes with corn is that most of the corn that is currently grown in North America is turned into high fructose corn syrup," Dawson says. "So, corn itself is not bad, but the sweeteners that are made from corn, and which end up in many foods, lead to obesity and heart disease and type 2 diabetes."

6 reasons not to eat corn.

  1. Corn is not a vegetable!

Corn is a very harmful grain because it is the most sugary, starchy, empty grain. Corn has been domesticated and cultivated by people for over 6,000 years. Corn is the first genetically modified food. Today, researchers continue to genetically modify corn in a variety of ways.

2. Corn can activate autoimmune diseases.

Even though corn does not contain gluten, it can irritate the intestinal lining. This is because your body actually thinks the proteins in corn are gluten, which can compromise your immune system. Additionally, corn has a high glycemic index, meaning it is easily converted into sugar in the body, which can trigger an insulin response and may contribute to inflammation.

  1. Corn is not digestible

According to, people can't fully digest corn because it contains cellulose fiber. The human digestive system cannot fully digest cellulose because it lacks the enzyme to do so, causing the body to not fully digest corn. Like all grains, corn contains prolamines, which are a class of proteins that the body cannot properly digest.

  1. Corn contains lectins

Lectins are proteins that our body is unable to digest. Our bodies normally digest proteins and form amino acids, which are absorbed through the walls of the small intestine and used by the body to create cellular structures and components. However, since we cannot digest lectins, they pass through the intestinal wall undigested as complete proteins. This damages the intestines and causes inflammation.

  1. Today's corn contains pesticides

Most corn sold today is not organic, which means it contains the insecticide Bt (Bacillus Thuringiensis) and other harmful poisons. In 2011, a study in Canada showed that Bt toxin accumulates in human blood. In the blood system, Bt toxin can interfere with normal organ function and can also lead to long-term health problems.

  1. 85% of corn is genetically modified

Unfortunately, about 85 percent of the corn grown in America is genetically modified. The study, published in the International Journal of Biological Sciences, analyzed the effects of genetically modified foods on the health of mammals. Researchers have found that GM corn from agricultural giant Monsanto causes organ damage in rats.

Corn and its derivatives can be found in nearly 90% of the foods consumed worldwide. French fries, chicken nuggets, mayonnaise and dressings, breakfast cereals, puddings or desserts, savory snacks, cookies, ketchup, sweeteners in soda water - corn is used in all of these products.

Because this grain is considered "natural", people do not pay attention to its presence in all their dishes. But it turned out that corn causes serious damage to health! Let's consider this issue in more detail.

Why shouldn't you overuse corn?

1. Hard to digest.

This quality of corn is due to its high content of fiber, cellulose, and a number of proteins called prolamines. Our digestive system does not have enzymes that can thoroughly digest this product. Therefore, a person may experience intestinal obstruction or constipation.

2. Weakens the immune system.

Corn does not contain gluten (gluten). When your body tries to process it, it mixes the corn proteins with the gluten - this throws your immune system into complete confusion.

3. Corn is a grain, but a unique one.

Corn is indeed a grain, but an unhealthy one. It has high levels of sugar and starch, which has almost no nutritional value.

4. Promotes bloating.

Corn has class A proteins called lectins. However, since we lack the necessary enzymes to digest them, this leads to intestinal irritation and inflammation.

5. Accumulates pesticides.

A 2011 Canadian study reported results showing that corn contains an insecticide called BT (Bacillus thuringiensis) and other harmful poisons.

They are all not of organic origin, but of artificial origin. It is said that BT toxin accumulates in our blood and can eventually interfere with the proper functioning of organs.

6. Genetically modified organism (GMO).

Corn was one of the first genetically modified crops that continues to threaten human health to this day.

The International Journal of Biological Sciences wanted to study the effects of genetically modified foods on the health of mammals.

Although about 85% of American corn is genetically modified to improve all its qualities, the results of the study showed that its consumption caused organ damage in the laboratory rats on which the study was conducted.

How often do you eat corn? Do you consider this plant dangerous to health? Share your opinion in the comments!

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