Bondarchuk divorced. After the divorce, Fedor Bondarchuk is torn between two houses. And at this time

It has become one of the most sensational topics in Russian show business. as a couple and did the effect of a bomb! But even under conditions where personal life increased interest in the media and fans, Fedor Bondarchuk is trying to maintain normal relations with his family, which was the reason that he was torn into two houses.


The fact that normal human relations remained between Svetlana and Fedor Bondarchuk is evidenced by the fact that Svetlana even has her own magazine. Also, ex-spouses often. We wrote earlier that the eldest son of the couple, Sergei, is very painfully experiencing the separation of his parents. To maintain a good relationship, the director tries to spend more time with his son, who lives in a country house. The director's neighbors told about it.

Olga, a neighbor of the former spouses, gave an interview to the Russian edition of Starhit, where she said that although Fedor Bondarchuk is actively preparing for, he does not forget about his family, but with enviable regularity visits his son Sergei, his wife Tata and babysits granddaughters.

He appears frequently. But over the past five years, Svetlana has come extremely rarely - only on holidays, photos from which she posted in social network. The Bondarchuks have a whole family nest here. Near their house, which looks like a huge birdhouse, is the cottage of the late Bondarchuk Sr. Now Konstantin Kryukov lives here with his wife. Recently, Sergei Fedorovich completed the construction of a house for his son Sergei and his family on his own plot. I can’t say that the Bondarchuk house stands out a lot, there are much cooler ones here. Their fence is beautiful, unusual, most likely the work of Svetlana. It is impossible not to recognize Fedor - a brilliant bald head, a snow-white smile. Imposing man. He either walks near the house, or drives a car - he seems to have a red Lamborghini. Their son Serezha drives his Gelenvangen Mercedes. We sometimes see our daughter Varechka. A very nice and educated girl. Her nanny takes her in a wheelchair.

So neighbor Olga confirmed the news that in the relationship between Svetlana and Fedor in the past few years, not everything was so smooth (they wrote that). The neighbor said that Fedor is a pleasant, friendly neighbor, always ready to help. The woman recalls with gratitude the case when the famous director was sympathetic to the fact that she created a problem on the road on the day, for the first time being behind the wheel.

According to some reports, Fyodor Bonarchuk is suspected of fraud with property before a divorce. The fact is that in mid-August the director was expelled, allegedly due to default, from the company that owns the Velikan Park cinema and not only. There Bondarchuk had a large share. For the fact that Fedor is no longer a shareholder, he received six thousand rubles - half of the authorized capital.

And this means that his ex-wife Svetlana Bondarchuk, after the division of property, will receive only three thousand rubles, and not a quarter of the cinema.


According to a source, Fedor Bondarchuk and his partner Eduard Pichugin invested a total of 1.2 billion rubles in the common business a few years ago.

Lawyer Alexander Khaminsky, in his blog on Snob, investigates these frauds, referring to the decision Arbitration Court St. Petersburg. But still, there is an assumption that Fedor was not at all expelled from the company, but he himself left the equity participation, so as not to share it with Svetlana Bondarchuk.

The former spouses have not yet commented on this situation. According to Khaminsky, Svetlana has the opportunity to challenge the court's decision.

By the way, your Vacation home on Rublyovka, which the Bondarchuks built 22 years ago, the spouses, apparently, are not going to share. After all, their son Sergei settled in the house with his wife Tata and two daughters.

They told why he did not marry his beloved actress Paulina Andreeva. The 50-year-old director and the 29-year-old actress began dating in 2016, but have not reached the registry office yet.

"These two are crazy, perfectionists"

“There was no more harmonious couple in my environment for a very long time,” film producer Ilya Bachurin told StarHit. - Now many people lack mutual understanding and compromise, but they have enough of it. Fedya, as a wise man, does not focus on trifles, because of which discord often occurs.

The couple's friends are sure that their union will last a very long time, because they complement each other perfectly.

“For me, Fedor has rejuvenated, become more energetic, takes on bold projects,” actor Ignat Akrachkov shared with StarHit. - He has a sincere desire to be everything to her! These two are crazy, perfectionists. At work they have common feature- to get to the bottom of the matter, to the end. Everything has already worked out for Paulina and Fedya: things are going well in their careers, in love too ... Let them live happily ever after! Together they will create more than one picture, and maybe even children. I believe in them as a couple.

still married

However, despite the fact that everything is fine with the couple in a relationship, they are in no hurry to legitimize their relationship. It turned out that there is a good reason for this. Fedor is still married to Hello magazine editor-in-chief Svetlana Bondarchuk.

According to acquaintances, Fedor and Svetlana cannot share the jointly acquired property.

“They own a spacious apartment on Mosfilmovskaya Street,” they told StarHit, surrounded by a broken family. - Plus, he inherited from his father a house on Rublevsky Highway. After the breakup, she [Svetlana] moved from the suburbs to a “spare” apartment on the Patriarch’s Ponds, an area of ​​about three hundred square meters. She also owns thirty percent of one of Fedi's restaurants in the capital.

In addition, after the divorce was announced, Svetlana opened a bistro and a fitness center.

“If it is possible to prove that the spouses do not run a joint household and also opened new projects autonomously, then they are not jointly acquired property,” the lawyer commented on the situation. “But usually the courts don’t bother and proceed from the fact that, since the marriage is not annulled, everything will have to be divided.”

“They didn’t file a divorce, but they haven’t been together for a long time”

Fedor and Svetlana Bondarchuk announced their divorce in the spring of 2016. “We broke up with Svetlana not a month before the start of my new romance, but a few years. They did not file a divorce, but they had not been together for a long time. No one took me away from the family. With Svetlana we stayed in good relations. I believe that it is right when people do not lie to themselves and to each other, but say directly that they are ready for change, ”the director commented on the situation.

While Fedor is building a relationship with Paulina. Svetlana also does not waste time and has an affair with photographer Sergei Tabunov, who is 12 years younger than her.

As it turned out, Fedor and Svetlana Bondarchuk have been divorced for more than two years now and cannot settle issues with property, which is why it is not yet possible to stamp a divorce. Read the details further in the material.


While our readers were discussing, the StarHit edition published news about why the ex-Bondarchuk couple is still officially husband and wife.

As it turned out, the couple cannot share the jointly acquired property.

They own a spacious apartment on Mosfilmovskaya Street. Plus, he inherited a house on Rublevsky Highway from his father, where his son Sergey lives with his wife and two daughters. Svetlana prefers not to visit where she used to be the hostess, she chooses neutral territory to meet with her granddaughters. After the break, she moved from the suburbs to a "spare" apartment on the Patriarch's Ponds, an area of ​​​​about three hundred square meters. She also owns thirty percent of one of Fedi's restaurants in the capital. Moreover, last summer Sveta opened the Beryozka bistro on Patriarch's Ponds, and in April 2018 she established the Fanny fitness studio.

This information comes from a source close to the couple. Divorce Bondarchuk also commented on the lawyer:

If it is possible to prove that the spouses do not run a joint household and they also opened new projects independently, then they are not jointly acquired property. But usually the courts do not bother and proceed from the fact that, since the marriage is not dissolved, everything will have to be divided.

The fact that the ex-couple cannot file a divorce also affects the marriage with which they regularly prophesy. Friends admit that this is an ideal union, from which there is much to learn. Here is what film producer Ilya Bachurin said:

Now many lack mutual understanding and compromise, but they have enough of that. Fedya, as a wise person, does not focus on trifles, because of which discord often occurs. At the beginning of love stories, it’s usually like - they met for six months, everything is fine, and then they get tired, give new sensations ... The guys are not the case - for them, trust comes first, they are above any jealousy. Usually at parties there are only artificial, plastic smiles, and light really comes from them! Paulina is a star, a pearl, Fedya is a wonderful frame, always there and supporting. I'm sure their union will last a very long time!

Time will tell: we are following the news on this matter.

The mother of Fyodor Bondarchuk, actress Irina Skobtseva, said that her son himself decided to part with his wife Svetlana. However, there has not yet been an official divorce.

August 22 People's Artist USSR Irina Skobtseva celebrates her anniversary - the actress turns 90 years old. Shortly before the anniversary, she gave an interview to journalists at the House of Cinema Veterans. According to the actress, she does not plan to celebrate her birthday and refuses the invitation to take part in the filming of the TV show.

Fyodor Bondarchuk's mother also admitted that she approved of her son's new darling. However, according to media representatives, the famous director has not yet put an end to relations with his former lover. He probably doesn't have enough time to do the decorating. required documents.

« I treat Paulina Andreeva with four pluses. She is a great actress and wonderful person. By the way, Fedor has not yet divorced Svetlana”, - correspondents convey the words of Irina Konstantinovna.

When asked if her son turned to her for help when he decided to part with his wife Svetlana, Skobtseva replied that she did not. " It is I who consult with Fedya, not he with me. Because he is the head of the Bondarchuk clan", Skobtseva said, as reported by journalists.

During a conversation with media representatives, Irina Konstantinovna admitted that she was worried about the cat Tipus, whom her housekeeper had taken to Zaporozhye. Last year, Skobtseva was injured because of her beloved pet - then she tried to step over a sleeping animal so as not to wake him up, but she caught on the carpet and fell unsuccessfully. As a result, the actress had to undergo the intervention of doctors. Some time after the operation, Skobtseva realized that she again needed to turn to medical specialists. Irina Konstantinovna does not hide the fact that she does not feel well.

« And someone so collected my bones that now I have to redo it. My business is very bad. (…) I'm afraid to have an operation because we have bad anesthesia in our country. The heart can't take it”, – shared the actress.

Skobtseva plans to go for medical care to Germany or Israel, but first she will have to deal with the preparation of the necessary documents. According to the actress, she needs to get a new passport. “While I will hobble with a stick,” the Express newspaper quotes the celebrity.

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