Occupation of the human body middle group. Lesson in valeology "Here we are!" in the middle group. Visual activity "Our palms"

Synopsis of an integrated lesson in the middle group

on the topic: "I am a man in the world."

Integration of educational areas:

"Cognitive development", "Speech development", "Social and communicative development", "Physical development".

Target: Form an idea of ​​yourself as a person;to activate the mental analytical activity of the child - self-knowledge of one's own personality.


  1. To learn to realize one's own importance among people; be able to see the similarities and differences of people, the difference between man and animal.
  2. Clarify and generalize children's knowledge about the structure of the human body, about its various functions.
  3. Develop self-examination skills.
  4. Enrich vocabulary.
  5. To consolidate the concept of what our body can do: speak, listen, cry, laugh.
  6. Cultivate interestself-care,friendly attitude towards peers.

Materials: paintings "People", "Man", mirrors for each child, a toy cat (rabbit), pictures depicting a person in motion and action;album sheets, pencils.


Attracting children's attention:
- Guys, are you awake yet? (Yes).
Did they smile at each other? (Smiling at each other).
- Did you wish health? (Greetings).
- And played a little (Yes).
- Well, then stand in a circle ...
(Children with a teacher stand in a circle in the center of the group, performing movements).

Good morning Girls and Boys! (bow).
Good morning Bunnies and Bears! (waving toys).
Good morning golden sun! (raise hands up).
You are bright for us, dear! (put hands on chest).
Let's study something today
Let's have fun playing today! (jump).
We will smile, laugh joyfully, (laugh).
After all, today is a new day! (clap their hands).

(Children sit on the carpet).


Guys, every day we learn something new! And today we will talk to you about ourselves.

(makes a riddle)

He is the strongest on earth.

Because everyone is smarter. (Human).


Guys, can we call Matvey a man? And Nastya?

What is the name of Vika? Who is she? (Human)

Who is Dima? Also a human. And I'm a man, and Sonya too.

And who are we all together? (People)

And if one, they call "man", andwhen a lot - "people"!

(The teacher shows pictures of one person and people, reinforcing the concepts of people and people).


A lot of people live on our vast Earth, they are all different. Some are tall, others are short, some people have dark skin, others have light skin, and people on Earth speak different languages. But each of us has something in which all people are alike. What do you think it is? (Answers of children).


That's right guys. Each person has a body, and in this we are all alike.

All people have a head, a torso, two upper limbs are arms, and two lower limbs are legs.

Each of you also has your own body. Get up, consider our body.

(Children stand up, repeat the names of body parts and show with their hands).

- Look, my body is similar to yours, because we are all human.
What are hands for? (Answers of children).
What are the legs for? (Answers of children).
- And why do we need a head? (Answers of children).
- And what does each of us have on our arms and legs? (Fingers).
Let's play with them!

Finger gymnastics:
(With the right hand we massage the fingers of the left hand, sentencing.

Then with the left hand massage the fingers of the right hand).

Big finger from the edge -
The fattest and funniest.
This is the index
Strict and attentive.
This is the middle finger
Not the first, not the last.
This is the nameless
Clumsy and funny.
Well, this is our little finger.
He is our all favorite.



(After all the children sit down at the tables. There is a mirror in front of each of the children).

- Now we will consider what we have on our heads.

Look in the mirror. What does every person have on their head?

(Hair, ears and face).

What do you see on the face?
(Eyes, nose, mouth, chin, eyebrows and eyelashes).
(Children look at their face in the mirror).

Teacher: (asks questions).
- Why does a person need ears, eyes, nose, mouth? (Answers of children).
- Look in the mirror, open your mouth. What did you see? (Teeth, tongue).
Why do people need teeth and tongues? (Answers of children).

- Guys, all people are alike and we have the same body.

Are we like animals? Do they have a body like a human? (children's answers)

Knock on the door.

The teacher brings the box and invites all the children to sit freely on the carpet.

- What do you think is in the box? (Children's options).
(The teacher removes the cloth and takes out a rabbit or cat toy from the box).

- Guys, meet Fenya. He likes silence, let's try not to make noise. Fenya wants to say hello to each of you, but try to be quiet so as not to scare him.

(Fenya allows each child to stroke himself).

Let's take a look at his body.
He doesn't have arms and legs, he has paws. You and I walk on two legs, and he?

(on four).
- Fenya has a tail, but a man? (no tail).
- He, like us, has a head, and on it ears, eyes, nose and mouth, like ours

With you.
- The body is covered with hair, and a person has smooth skin. Stroke your hands

Feel how smooth people's skin is.
- People can talk, but animals can't.
Are we like animals? (No).
- Of course not. You and I are people, and what about a rabbit (cat)? (Animal).

We have our body, and animals have theirs.

Conclusion: man is not like an animal.
(Children say goodbye to the rabbit (cat).


Studying our body, we saw that all people are similar. We have a head, torso, arms, legs.But if you look closely at each other, then we are very different and different from each other? What do you think?

(Answers of children).


How is a boy different from a girl?

What are the boys wearing? (Shorts, shirts, they have different shoes).

What are the girls wearing?

(Dresses, skirts, sundresses, beautiful blouses, high heels, etc.)

What kind of hair do boys have? (Short).

What about girls? (long braids with bows).

Game "Boys and Girls"

(Children take turns getting up, squatting, clapping their hands, etc.)

- How can you call Masha? (Human).
- And when there are a lot of us, we say ...? (People).
What parts of the body do you already know? (Head, torso, arms, legs).
What is on the man's head?
Why do we need a body? (Answers of children).

The game "What the artist forgot"is carried out as a fixing of the material in the afternoon.
Each child receives a piece of paper with a picture of a person. But in each picture, a person has something missing (ears, mouth, eyebrows, eyes, nose).

Children should see and finish them.


Formation of children's ideas about the external features of the body structurehuman ;

Familiarize yourself with the capabilities of the bodyhuman (I can run, jump, etc.) ;

Develop the ability to consider yourself, each other;

Develop the ability to analyze, compare, draw conclusions;

Material used:

Illustrations depicting different people

Doll - "Arina".

Pictures with the imagehuman and body parts ;

Poster with a picturehuman body .

Course progress.

Children look at illustrations depicting different people (children and adults of all ages).

The teacher brings the doll, draws attention to it children: guys, look who came to us, this is Arina's doll.

caregiver : Guys, Arina is the smartest doll in the world, she wants to know everything and she is interested in everything, and now Arina wants you to help her learn more about body partshuman . let's go with herlet's say hello : Hello, Arina.

Arina: - Hello guys, where are you looking, what kind of pictures do you have hanging here, who is depicted on them? (children's answers). Oh, really, people are drawn here, they are all so different.

The teacher - Arina, you speak correctly - different people are drawn here, but if you look more closely, you will see that they are similar to each other.

Arina - no, they don’t look like, look, mom is so big, and the child in her arms is very small.

Educator - guys, what do you think, do these people have something in which they all look alike? Let's look at the people in the pictures and name what they have in common, how they are similar.

A game "How similar" images: girl and boy, mother and child, grandfather and father, etc. The teacher asks the children to name signs of similarity of the people depicted (resemblance features - there are arms, legs, head, torso, on the head - ears, eyes, mouth, nose, hair).

Educator - guys, let's get up and show Arina what we havebody .


I have my head turning my head

Right - one, left - two. right to left, head tilt.

She sits on a strong neck,

Turned - turned. neck circles.

Then the torso goes, hands on the belt,

Tilt back, lean forward, lean,

Turn - turn. turns

Everyone has skillful hands, jerking hands

Up - down, down - up. up down

We need legs to run, running in place

jump, jumps (2-3 times,

squat, stand… squats (2-3 times).

Here is mybody !

You do everything with him "five"!

Educator - now you see, Arina, that all people have something in which they are similar to each other.

Arina - this is so interesting, right, guys? I want to know better how it worksthe human body .

Educator - Well, guys, let's help Arina?

Is ourthe body is designed :

The head is placed on top, it is connected to the body with the help of the neck. The neck helps the head to make various movements.

Now answer questions:

. For whatman hands ? (work, draw, sculpt, etc.)

. For whathuman legs ? (walk, run, jump)

. For whatman's head ? (think, talk, look)

. What parts does the body consist of?

The body also has parts (the teacher calls the child and shows on it): chest, stomach, back.

caregiver: All parts of the body to us needed: we eat with our hands, we draw, we do different work, with the help of our legs we can move around. We need a head to think, on the face we have eyes to see, ears to hear, a nose to breathe and smell. And we need a body. After all, inside it are bodies: heart, lungs, stomach, intestines (shows on the table).

Arina - it can't be, I don't believe it.

Educator - then try, give our children tasks, and they will complete them.

Children do practical exercises:

Show me where your head is

Touch your neighbor's head, pet it

Stretch your neck like a goose

Pull your neck into your shoulders

Make a circular motion with your head

Turn your head one way and now the other

After completing the tasks, Arina praises the children.

Also, with the help of the neck, the head is connected to the body. The body can also move.

Children do practical exercises:

Lean forward and then back

Turn one way and now the other

And inside the body "stored" important internal organs - the heart, you can listen to its beats from each other (children listen to the heartbeat of their neighbor, lungs - they help us breathe and other very necessary and important organs.

Educator - Hands are attached to the body from above.

Arina - Show me your pens, how many do you have?

The hand has a palm, and there are fingers on it, what can your hands do? (children's answers)-practical exercises:

clap your hands

pet your tummy

hide your hands behind your back

touch your back

touch your neighbor's back

wag your finger

raise your hands in front of you

reach your palms to the floor

clench your hand into a fist

wiggle your fingers

Educator - Legs are attached to the body from below.

Arina - Show your legs. How many do you have? (There are also two.) Show what funny legs you have - practical exercises:

stomp your feet

jump on two legs, and now on one

put your feet wide

look like on toes, and now on heels

bend your knee

sit down

caregiver: Guys, let's play a game, it's called "How similar":

A game "How similar"- consideration and discussion images: girl and boy, mother and child, grandfather and father, etc. The teacher asks the children to name signs of similarity of the people depicted (resemblance features - there are arms, legs, head, torso, on the head - ears, eyes, mouth, nose, hair).

You see, guys, you and I can do a lot of different movements, and ourbody .

And now I want to read you a poem by M. Efremov -« The human body » listen carefully.

M. Efremov "The human body"

What is our body?

What can it do?

Smile and laugh

Jump, run, play.

Our ears hear sounds.

Our nose breathes air.

Roth can tell.

Eyes can see.

Legs can run fast.

Hands can do everything.

Fingers grab tight

And they squeeze it tight.

To have a healthy body

We need to recharge.

We raise our hands: "Oh!",

Let's take a deep breath!

Leaning left and right...

What a flexible body!

And in the palms together: "Clap!"

And do not frown a beautiful forehead!


And they smiled at each other.

How do we skillfully

That slim, strong body!

At the endclasses Arina thanks the children, says that she will definitely come to them again.

Topic: “Parts of the body are my helpers” Purpose: - to consolidate the concept of body parts; - clarify children's knowledge about body parts, their names; - develop friendly relations with each other; - develop speech; - develop motor skills and tactile sensations.

Tasks: Improving the lexical structure of speech: - enrich, activate and expand the vocabulary on the topic “Parts of the body are my helpers”; - learn the names of parts of the human body, their functions (we see with our eyes, we hear with our ears, we breathe with our nose, etc.); - to expand ideas about the perception of smells; - clarify the meaning of the words "aroma", "smell". Development of coherent speech: - create a problem situation, take part in its discussion; - develop the ability to correctly answer questions; - to find motivation for reasoning on this topic. Improving general and fine motor skills. Developing tasks: - development of tactile sensations; - development of proper physiological breathing. Educational: - to form ideas about the parts of the body: eyes, ears, nose, tongue, hands, about their role in human life; - educate cultural and hygienic skills. To achieve the goal, the following methods and techniques were used: - visual method (use of video materials) - verbal method (talk about body parts) - game technique (articulatory gymnastics "Cheerful tongue") - experimentation method (find out in which teapot the water is cold, and in how hot, without touching - aromatherapy (scented candles are used) Problem solving is carried out through the following educational areas: - health (ability to breathe correctly) - cognition (teacher's story about eyes and perception of smells) - music ("Sounds of the Forest") Equipment : - a poster depicting the structure of the human body; - video materials (landscapes, flora, fauna; nose, ears, eyes; fish, frog, chickens, pigeons, owl, eagle owl, cancer, lizard, ants, dog, cat, deer, horse, dolphin); - audio recording "Sounds of the forest"; - two teapots with water - hot and cold; - "miracle box"; - scented candles; - whatman paper, red gouache, faces without a mouth. The course of direct educational activities 1 . Organizing time. Educator. Guys, let's say hello. Hello palms! (children clap their hands: clap-clap) Hello, boots! (stomp: stomp) Hello, frogs! (croaking qua-qua) Hello, cuckoos! (cooking: coo-coo) Hello, ringing heel! (clicking tongue: clack-clack) And baby firefly! (on the exhale they say: s-s-s) Hello, nimble breeze, (blow) A sonorous children's voice! (talking: bl - bl) The train is long at the platform! (pull: thoo) Good afternoon to the wristwatch, (tick: tick-tock) Loud children's voices! And now everyone sat down together, Everyone looked at me. 2. The main part. Today we will talk about a person. A lot of people live on Earth - billions. All people are similar, we all know how to speak, think, walk, but each person is unique. We differ in appearance, eye color, hair color, height, gait, voice, character. And now guess my riddles: 1) They put on us In winter - boots, in autumn - shoes, in summer - sandals. (Legs) 2) I don’t go to the hospital with my foot, I go around everything, I’m trembling all over, my lips are shaking, I was treated yesterday ... (teeth). 3) Five brothers are equal for years. They are different in height. (Fingers) 4) Everything that we put in our mouth will fall into our ... (stomach). 5) The pot has seven holes in it. (Head). Educator: Well done guys, they coped with the task. Can you tell me what is the name of the largest part of the human body? (torso) The teacher shows where the torso is.

What parts of the body are on the torso and inside? (children's answers: arms, legs, head, heart) Well done, you know everything.

And what is on the head (hair, eyes, mouth, lips, eyebrows, ears). The teacher shows an image of a person.

Now let's figure it out together, children What are the eyes for? And why do we all have a pair of eyes on our faces? So why do people need eyes? The children answer. Educator. That's right, the eyes help a person to know the world around him: we see objects around us, their color, size, shape, we can determine the distance at which they are from each other. (Children look at video materials depicting landscapes, flora, fauna.) - The eyes are very sensitive, so they must be protected. For people with low vision, the doctor recommends wearing glasses. All representatives of the animal world have different eyes. For example, fish see well objects located nearby. Frogs only notice moving objects. To consider a motionless object, she herself needs to start moving. In crayfish, the eyes are located on special stalked antennae, move far forward and can rotate on their own when the crayfish is motionless. The owl and the eagle owl have large, but motionless eyes, but the head rotates around its axis in a full circle. In addition, they can only see in the dark. Chickens, pigeons, lizards can only see in the light. Ants see the stars even during the day. - What are the eye colors? The children answer. Educator. What are your eyes? The children answer.

Educator. You close your eyes with your palm, Let's sit for a while: It immediately became dark. Where is the bed, where is the window? Strange, boring and insulting - You can't see anything around. Children sit with their eyes closed, musical recordings "Sounds of the Forest" are turned on. Educator. In the dark, a person feels bad, uncomfortable, but he has one more helper. What do you hear? The children answer. Educator. With what help do we hear the sounds around us? The children answer. Educator. And what sounds can we hear? The children answer. Educator: Thanks to hearing, we perceive the sounds around us, orient ourselves in the world. A person with the help of his ears hears the singing of birds and the voices of people, the murmur of a brook and the sound of the wind, and many different sounds. Now tell me, do you smell the aroma in the room, a pleasant smell? Children inhale the pleasant strawberry smell of scented candles.
Educator: - With the help of what do we sense aromas? The children answer. Why do you think a person needs a nose? The children answer. Educator: Some people think that the nose is just an ornament on the face. Others think that nature gave us a nose to turn it up. There are even expressions: “Look, you turned up your nose!”, “Well, why did you hang your nose?”. It's a joke. In fact, even the smallest nose is a very important part of the body. We breathe through our nose. And the nose helps to smell and distinguish smells. Why do babies need a nose? There are straight noses, There are snub-nosed noses ... Every nose is very necessary, Since it has grown to the face. Y. Prokopovich Fizminutka. We stomp our feet. We clap our hands, we nod our heads. We raise our hands, we lower our hands. We give hands, And run around. Educator: People perceive each other with the help of sight, hearing in the process of conversation. But for animals, the sense of smell plays an important role. It is the most important sense, often replacing sight or hearing. Not to smell a predator during the time or not to find prey on the trail for some of them is tantamount to death. Better than other animals perceive the smells of dogs, cats and horses. They usually recognize the scent of a familiar person long before they approach. In wild animals, the sense of smell is even better developed. The deer smells the predator from a great distance and manages to run away or hide. On the other hand, birds are very weak in distinguishing smells, but dolphins do not distinguish them at all. The teacher uses video materials and subject pictures depicting animals. If you catch a cold and catch a runny nose, it is more difficult for you to breathe. You need to take care of your health, be able to breathe properly, inhale air through your nose, and exhale through your mouth. The nose is a human organ. What or what has it? The teacher uses video materials depicting an animal and a person, a boat and a kettle. Teacher: What is a kettle? What parts does it have? (Spout, lid, handle, bottom, walls). Educator: What is the kettle for? (To drink from it). Educator: What kind of water is needed to make tea? The children answer. Two teapots of water are placed in front of the children - cold and hot, they are invited to find out where which is, without touching, then a series of questions are asked. Children understand how to determine the temperature of water. Educator: There are two teapots in front of you, cold water in one teapot, warm water in the other. Which one do you think has cold water? The children answer.
Educator: We touch objects with our fingers. They help us write, sew. Sculpt, do a lot of different things. With the help of fingers, we can feel heat and cold, feel - a hard or soft object, smooth or rough. Some very subtle movements need to be learned, for example, the hands of artists are very well developed. I suggest a little play with our fingers. Let's try to guess by touch what is in our miracle box? Children perform.
Educator: What would happen if a person had one eye, but two mouths and two noses? The children answer. Educator: One head is given to us. And two eyes and two ears, And two temples, and two hands, But one and a nose and mouth. And if we had the opposite, One leg, one arm, two languages, We would only know What we ate and chatted. G. Heine. - The tongue lives in our mouth. With it, we can determine the taste. Why else would a person need a language? The children answer. Educator: Language helps to make a variety of sounds, and most importantly, to talk. Sometimes he plays the role of a watchman, guarding the entrance to the house (mouth) and checking food for its suitability or unsuitability for consumption. During chewing, the tongue turns over pieces of food.
Summary of the lesson. Educator: Guys, today you learned a lot of interesting things, studied our body and figured out what parts of the body and organs we have and what they are for. But you must not forget about the most important thing, a person must always be neat and clean. It is always a pleasure to deal with such a person. To do this, you need to wash your hands daily, comb your hair, bathe, brush your teeth, take care of your clothes, not be lazy, do morning exercises and eat right. Tell us what you liked the most?

Synopsis of GCD on speech development.

Age group – mixed age (younger)

GCD theme: "Me and my body"

Activities: speech, communication, perception of fiction, cognitive research, music.

Forms of organization of children's activities: game situation.

Purpose: the formation of ideas about parts of the body.

A) educational - enter names in the active dictionary of children nouns: forehead, neck, eyebrows, eyelashes, shoulders, elbows, knees, chin, etc.; activate the verb dictionary: watch, listen, eat, breathe, walk, run, hold, wear, etc; use nouns in the genitive case in speech; encourage children to read a familiar poem; fix the name of the parts of the body.

B) developing - develop the main types motility: general and small, the ability to correlate their movements with the words of the song; develop visual and auditory attention and memory, thinking, phonemic hearing.

C) educational - to arouse interest in further self-knowledge.

preliminary work:

Examining the poster "My body» . Showing and naming parts of the body and face on oneself and on the doll in everyday communication during games and regime moments. Examination of body parts and animal toys. Discuss with children what certain parts of the body are for. Reading a poem by A. Barto "Bear" and showing illustrations. Learn this poem with children.

Materials and equipment:

Soft toy "Bear", Pictures "What is the bear missing?".

Literature: O. A. Novikovskaya "Synopses of complex classes with children 3-4 years old "

V. V. Gerbova "Classes on the development of speech in the second junior group of kindergarten"

V. I. Kovalko

I. E. Averina

Stages of activity


Gymnastics. One, two, three, four, five - the body will be studied.

(The teacher reads the rhyme with the children and shows the parts of the body listed in it.)

One two three four five -

We will study the body. (Step in place.)

Here is the back, and here is the tummy (Show your back with both hands, then the stomach.)

legs, (Stomp your feet.)

Handles, (Stretch your arms forward and rotate your brushes.)

Eyes, (With the index fingers of both hands, point to the eyes.)

Mouth, (Point to the mouth with the index finger of the right hand.)

Spout, (Point to the nose with the index finger of the right hand.)

Ears, (Point at the ears with the index fingers of both hands.)

Head ... (Put hands on head.)

I barely managed to show. (Shake head from side to side.)

The neck turns its head - (Cover your neck with your palms.)

Oh, tired! Oh-oh-oh-oh!

caregiver: Although I listed for a long time, I still didn’t name all the parts of the body.

Show more:

Forehead (With the fingers of both hands, stroke the forehead from the middle to the temples.)

And eyebrows. (With index fingers, run along the eyebrows from the middle to

Here are the cilia (Show eyelashes with index fingers)

They fluttered like birds. (Blink eyes.)

Pink cheeks, (Palms stroke cheeks from nose to temples and finish)

Chin bump. (Movement on the chin.)

Thick hair, (Fingers of both hands, like a comb,

Like meadow grasses. (Brush hair.)

Now I look down

I'll name what I see:

Shoulders, (Touch the right shoulder with the right hand, and with the left hand

Elbows (Without removing your hands from your shoulders, put your elbows forward.)

And knees (Bend over slightly and pat your knees.)

I, Eva, Poli ... (Stand up and spread your arms to the sides, gesturing at the children.)

Knock on the door. Bear comes to visit (soft toy). Gets well with children.

caregiver: The little bear really liked the poem about body parts and he also wanted to show what parts of the body he has.

But he asks you guys to help him answer questions. What are the different parts of the body for? What to do? Will you help Mishka?

3. Collaboration

1. Mishkin questions.

bear: Guys, what are the eyes for?

Children: To watch.

bear: What are the ears for?

Children: To listen.

bear: What is the nose for?

Children: To breathe, sniff.

bear: What is the mouth for?

Children: To eat, to speak.

bear Q: What are the hands for?

Children: To hold, wear, do different work, play, draw...

bear Q: What are the legs for?

Children: To walk, run, jump, stomp...

bear: Guys, we have a lot of similar body parts. But I have something that people do not have. Try to guess what it is.

I have it small, while others have it big, fluffy and elegant. What is this? Children: Tail. Bear: And also, guys, people have nails on their fingers, and animals have claws.

2. Be careful.

caregiver: And, really, Mishenka, only animals have paws, a tail, and claws. Now we will check whether the guys remember it well. Guys, I will name the parts of the body, and you listen carefully and answer who has them - Mishka or you.

(Educator, children, movement, the teacher and children perform).

Who has nails? I have. ( .) Who has claws? At the bear. (Pointing to Mishka.) Who has paws? At the bear. (Pointing to Mishka.) Who has legs? I have. (Stomp your feet.) Who has a tail? At the bear. (Pointing to Mishka.) Who has hands? I have. ( Stretch your hands forward.)

Physical education minute: And now, Mishka, we would like to play with you.

"Bear clubfoot"(movements to music)

Educator: Once a misfortune happened to Mishka - a tramp. Do you know what's the trouble?

Dropped the bear on the floor

Tore off the bear's paw

I won't throw it away anyway.

Because he's good.

caregiver: Do you feel sorry for Mishka? How can we help him?

You and I will not leave Mishka in trouble, we will cure Mishka - the tramp - we will sew on his paw.

The teacher invites the children to go to the tables. On the tables are pictures depicting Mishka - a tramp, on which any part of the body is missing.

caregiver: What part of the body does the teddy bear lack?

Children: Mishka has no paws (ear, nose, torso).

caregiver: - And now we will take the necessary parts of the body and treat the cubs.

Children superimpose these parts on their pictures.

caregiver: What is sewn (A) to your Mishka?

Children's answers.

caregiver: The teddy bear was very sad, and now that the guys have cured him, he has become cheerful again.

This Mishka has become because he has reliable friends - guys who are always ready to help him.

And you, Mishka, stay, stay at our place.

bear: Thank you, I would love to stay.

5. Reflection

Educator: Today we talked about parts of the body of humans and animals.

What are they needed for?

What else did we do with you? (We treated Mishka).

What did you enjoy doing the most?

Mishka and I liked the way you answered. All the guys are great.



Synopsis of GCD on speech development.

Age group – mixed age (younger)

GCD theme: "Me and my body"

Activities: speech, communication, perception of fiction, cognitive research, music.

Forms of organization of children's activities: game situation.

Purpose: the formation of ideas about parts of the body.


A) educational - enter names in the active dictionary of childrennouns: forehead, neck, eyebrows, eyelashes, shoulders, elbows, knees, chin, etc.; activate the verb dictionary : watch, listen, eat, breathe, walk, run, hold, wear, etc; use nouns in the genitive case in speech; encourage children to read a familiar poem; h name the parts of the body.

B) developing - develop the main types motor skills: general and fine, the ability to correlate their movements with the words of the song; develop visual and auditory attention and memory, thinking, phonemic hearing.

C) educational - to arouse interest in further self-knowledge.

Preliminary work:

Examining the poster"My body " . Showing and naming parts of the body and face on oneself and on the doll in everyday communication during games and regime moments. Examination of body parts and animal toys. Discuss with children what certain parts of the body are for. Reading a poem by A. Barto"Bear" and showing illustrations. Learn this poem with children.

Materials and equipment:

Soft toy "Bear" , pictures "What is the bear missing?".

Literature: O. A. Novikovskaya"Synopses of complexclasses with children 3-4 years old "

V. V. Gerbova "Classes on the development of speech in the second junior group of kindergarten"

V. I. Kovalko "The ABC of physical education minutes for preschoolers"

I. E. Averina "Physical training minutes and dynamic pauses in the preschool educational institution"

Stages of activity


Gymnastics. One, two, three, four, five -the body will be studied.

(The teacher reads the rhyme with the children and shows the parts of the body listed in it.)

One two three four five -

We will study the body. (Step in place.)

Here is the back, and here is the tummy (Show your back with both hands, then the stomach.)

legs, (Stomp your feet.)

Handles, (Stretch your arms forward and rotate your brushes.)

Eyes, (With the index fingers of both hands, point to the eyes.)

Mouth, (Point to the mouth with the index finger of the right hand.)

Spout, (Point to the nose with the index finger of the right hand.)

Ears, (Point at the ears with the index fingers of both hands.)

Head ... (Put hands on head.)

I barely managed to show. (Shake head from side to side.)

The neck turns its head - (Cover your neck with your palms.)

Oh, tired! Oh-oh-oh-oh!

caregiver : Although I listed for a long time, I still didn’t name all the parts of the body.

Show more:

Forehead (With the fingers of both hands, stroke the forehead from the middle to the temples.)

And eyebrows. (With index fingers, run along the eyebrows from the middle to


Here are the cilia (Show eyelashes with index fingers)

They fluttered like birds. (Blink eyes.)

Pink cheeks, (Palms stroke cheeks from nose to temples and finish)

Chin bump. (Movement on the chin.)

Thick hair, (Fingers of both hands, like a comb,

Like meadow grasses. (Brush hair.)

Now I look down

I'll name what I see:

Shoulders, (Touch the right shoulder with the right hand, and with the left hand


Elbows (Without removing your hands from your shoulders, put your elbows forward.)

And knees (Bend over slightly and pat your knees.)

I, Eva, Poli ... (Stand up and spread your arms to the sides, gesturing at the children.)

Knock on the door. Bear comes to visit(soft toy) . Gets well with children.

2. Goal setting (solving a problem situation)

Educator: The little bear really liked the poem about body parts and he also wanted to show what parts of the body he has.

But he asks you guys to help him answer questions. What are the different parts of the body for? What to do? Will you help Mishka?

3. Collaboration

1. Mishkin questions.

bear : Guys, what are the eyes for?

Children : To watch.

Bear: What are the ears for?

Children: To listen.

Bear: What is the nose for?

Children : To breathe, sniff.

Bear: What is the mouth for?

Children: To eat, to speak.

bear Q: What are the hands for?

Children: To hold, wear, do different work, play, draw...

bear Q: What are the legs for?

Children : To walk, run, jump, stomp...

Bear: Guys, we have a lot of similar body parts. But I have something that people do not have. Try to guess what it is.

I have it small, while others have it big, fluffy and elegant. What is this? Children: Tail. Bear: And also, guys, people have nails on their fingers, and animals have claws.

2. Be careful.

Educator: And, really, Mishenka, only animals have paws, a tail, and claws. Now we will check whether the guys remember it well. Guys, I will name the parts of the body, and you listen carefully and answer who has them - Mishka or you.

(Educator, children, movement, the teacher and children perform).

Who has nails? I have. (Show nails by stretching your hands forward with the back side up.) Who has claws? At the bear.(Pointing to Mishka.)Who has paws? At the bear.(Pointing to Mishka.)Who has legs? I have.(Stomp your feet.)Who has a tail? At the bear.(Pointing to Mishka.)Who has hands? I have. (Stretch your hands forward.)

Physical education minute: And now, Mishka, we would like to play with you.

"Bear clubfoot"(movements to music)

4. Independent activity of children to test methods of activity

Educator: Once a misfortune happened to Mishka - a tramp. Do you know what's the trouble?

Dropped the bear on the floor

Tore off the bear's paw

I won't throw it away anyway.

Because he's good.

caregiver : Do you feel sorry for Mishka? How can we help him?

You and I will not leave Mishka in trouble, we will cure Mishka - the tramp - we will sew on his paw.

The teacher invites the children to go to the tables. On the tables are pictures depicting Mishka - a tramp, on which any part of the body is missing.

Educator: What part of the body does the teddy bear lack?

Children: Mishka has no paws(ear, nose, torso).

Educator: - And now we will take the necessary parts of the body and treat the cubs.

Children superimpose these parts on their pictures.

Educator: What did you sew (a) to your Mishka?

Children's answers.

Educator: The teddy bear was very sad, and now that the guys have cured him, he has become cheerful again.

This Mishka has become because he has reliable friends - guys who are always ready to help him.

And you, Mishka, stay, stay at our place.

Bear: Thank you, I would love to stay.

5. Reflection

Educator: Today we talked about parts of the body of humans and animals.

What are they needed for?

What else did we do with you? (We treated Mishka).

What did you enjoy doing the most?

Mishka and I liked the way you answered. All the guys are great.

Target: To form children's ideas about the structure of man. Cultivate the desire to be healthy.


Developing: to develop in children ideas about themselves, their body; activate dialogic speech; develop creative thinking, attention, imagination, fantasy, arbitrary memory; develop the ability to relate words to actions.

Educational: to cultivate the habit of a healthy lifestyle; the ability to listen to each other, an adult. Continue to cultivate friendly relationships between pupils; create a happy mood.

Educational: learn to identify and correctly name parts of the body; To consolidate knowledge about the purpose of individual parts of the body.




Tasks: Developing: Educational: Educational:


Preliminary work:

Course progress.




Children: Hair.

Teeth to chew, bite.

Educator: This finger wants to sleep

This finger went to bed.

This finger is a little dozed off.

This finger is already asleep.

This one is fast asleep.

Hush, hush, don't make noise!

The red sun will rise

The red morning will come

The birds will chirp

Fingers will stand up.

They are not sown, they are not planted, they grow on their own. (Hair)


Summary of directly educational activities in the middle group on the topic: "My body parts."

Target: To form children's ideas about the structure of man. Cultivate the desire to be healthy.

Tasks: Developing: to develop in children ideas about themselves, their body; activate dialogic speech; develop creative thinking, attention, imagination, fantasy,arbitrary memory; develop the ability to relate words to actions. Educational: to cultivate the habit of a healthy lifestyle;the ability to listen to each other, an adult. Continue to cultivate friendly relationships between pupils; create a happy mood.Educational:learn to identify and correctly name parts of the body;To consolidate knowledge about the purpose of individual parts of the body.

Material: a picture of a person and a part of the body, an audio recording of a song about a giraffe.

Preliminary work:looking at pictures depicting the human body, showing the sense organs on oneself, talking about a healthy lifestyle; didactic game "Collect a little man."

Course progress.

Teacher: All the children gathered in a circle. I am your friend and you are my friend. Let's start our day with a good mood. What do you think a good mood means?

Children: It's when people smile.

Educator: That's right, let's smile at each other now. First we smile at the neighbor on the right, then at the neighbor on the left. So we shared a good mood with each other.

Educator: Let's say hello to you.

Hello palms! (children clap their hands: clap-clap)

Hello boots! (stomp: top-top)

Hello frogs! (croak qua-qua)

Hello cuckoos! (cuckoo: cuckoo)

Hello, ringing heel! (clicking tongue: clack-clack)

Hello, quick breeze, (blow)

The train is long at the platform! (pull: tu-tu-tu)

Good afternoon to the wrist watch, (tick: tick-tock)

Hello, radiant sun! (Hands raised up)

Hello, kids, girls and boys! (hands forward).

Educator: And we will also play the game "We will not tell, but we will show"

I will say body parts, and you show them to me. During the game, I confuse children, say one part of the body, and point to another.


The song "A giraffe has spots, spots, spots everywhere."

Educator: As you may have guessed, we will talk about a person. There are a lot of people on our Earth. People are similar, they can talk, think, walk. But all people are different. They differ in appearance, eye color, hair, height, gait, voice, character.

Educator: Look carefully at each other and say how we are similar.

Children: We have arms, legs, a head, etc.

Educator: Well done! All people have arms, legs, head, torso. Guess the riddle: They don’t sow, they don’t plant, they grow on their own.

Children: Hair.
Educator: Well done! There is hair on the head.front of human head- this is a face, it has a mouth, ears, eyes, nose. Why do we need them?

Children: eyes to see objects, people, distinguish colors, see the sun and stars, everything that surrounds us.

Nose to smell, breathe.

Mouth to eat, breathe, speak.

Ears to hear people talking, birds singing, music playing.

Hands to work, sew, write, draw.

Legs to walk, stand, run, jump.

Teeth to chew, bite.

Head to think and nod.

The trunk connects all these parts together.

The teacher shows a picture where a person and parts of the body are depicted. The children look at the picture.

Educator: That's right, these are our helpers, as they help us learn everything about the world in which we live.

Educator: Let's play the game "Repeat the movements after me."

Pull your ears; stroke your forehead; close your eyes with your hands; stroke your cheeks with your hands; cover your nose with your hand;

And now I will confuse you, and you must show correctly. Be careful.

Educator: All that we have now touched is our face, head.

Educator: Guys, today we learned what parts of the body we have and what they are for.

Educator: Let's repeat once again, the eyes help a person to see objects around him, their color, size, shape. Through hearing, we are able to distinguish sounds. A person with the help of his ears hears the singing of birds and the voices of people, the murmur of a stream and the sound of the wind. Even the smallest nose is a very important part of the body. We breathe through our nose. And the nose helps to smell and distinguish smells.

Educator: With the help of fingers, we can write, sew, draw, sculpt, do many different things. With the help of fingers, we can feel heat and cold, feel - a hard or soft object, smooth or rough.

Educator: Guys, today you learned a lot of interesting things.Let's love our helpers, and learn to protect them from dirt, disease and bruises.But you must not forget about the most important thing, a person must always be neat and clean. It is always a pleasure to deal with such a person.And we'll talk about how to protect them next time.

Educator: Shall we play with our fingers? Children: yes.

Educator: This finger wants to sleep

This finger went to bed.

This finger is a little dozed off.

This finger is already asleep.

This one is fast asleep.

Hush, hush, don't make noise!

The red sun will rise

The red morning will come

The birds will chirp

Fingers will stand up.

Children alternately bend the fingers of the opposite hand with one hand and hold them in a fist. To the words “fingers will stand up”, the children raise their hands up and straighten their fingers.

Educator: And in conclusion, I suggest you listen to the poem:One head is given to us. And two eyes and two ears, And two temples, and two hands, But one and a nose and mouth. And if we had the opposite, One leg, one arm, But two mouths, two languages ​​We would only know What we ate and chatted.

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