We determine pregnancy by basal temperature. What is basal temperature during pregnancy and how to measure it? How to measure basal temperature to determine

Basal body temperature, abbreviated as BBT, is a very important indicator, by observing which a woman can find out about the onset of ovulation, pregnancy, and the presence of health problems. Some representatives of the fair sex determine BTT in order to calculate the days of abstinence if they do not want to use contraceptives, while others determine the favorable days for conceiving a baby. Now we will talk in detail about how to measure basal temperature correctly.

Basal temperature is determined in the morning immediately after waking up. You don't need to get out of bed. It is advisable to prepare a thermometer for measurement in the evening and put it next to your bed. The slightest movement, moving around the room can affect the indicator. Measurements should be taken daily at the same time for several months.

For those who do not know how to measure basal temperature at home, it is worth noting that it is very easy to do. It is enough to insert a thermometer into the rectum, into the vagina or into the mouth.

The first option is the most preferred. If there is no desire to measure BBT in the rectum, then you can use other methods, but here you need to remember that they are less accurate. In addition, you cannot determine the indicator in different ways on different days. Under the arm, BBT is not measured.

In order for the readings to be correct, it is recommended to refuse to take alcoholic beverages, it is worth avoiding stressful situations. Basal temperature can be inaccurate due to various diseases, insomnia, frequent flights and moves, sexual contact that occurred a few hours before waking up.

When taking oral contraceptives, it makes no sense to think at all about where it is better to measure basal temperature. Its level is set by drugs. In women who use pills, the hormonal background does not change much.

That is why the basal temperature on any day is almost the same. There may be slight ups and downs, but there are no peaks characteristic of ovulation.

What thermometer to measure basal temperature?

To determine the basal temperature, a conventional mercury thermometer is used. You can also use electronic, but it shows the temperature with small errors. When measuring an indicator, accuracy is very important.

Features of scheduling BTT

It is necessary to start measuring basal body temperature from the first day of the menstrual cycle. The results obtained should be recorded daily. It is also necessary to indicate the factors that could affect the numerical indicator (whether alcohol was consumed or not, whether you had to get into stressful situations, whether a high physical load was transferred, etc.).

It is recommended to note the nature of the discharge (viscous, bloody, yellowish, watery, etc.). Using the results obtained, you can make a graph from which it will be clearly seen whether the day of ovulation is approaching or not.

Drawing a graph is easy. To do this, follow simple steps:

  • prepare a piece of paper (preferably in a cage);
  • draw 2 perpendicular lines (horizontal and vertical axes);
  • on the horizontal beam indicate the days of the menstrual cycle;
  • mark the degrees on the vertical axis.

It is necessary to measure basal temperature no more than 5 minutes. This time is enough to accurately determine the indicator and understand what processes are taking place in the body.

Every day, a corresponding mark is placed in the graph - the result obtained is noted as a dot opposite the day of the cycle and degrees. Then all marks are connected by a line. To notice a pattern in temperature changes, it must be measured over 3 menstrual cycles.

BTT during and after menstruation

It is necessary to measure the basal temperature every day, even during menstruation. What should it be on critical days? This indicator is individual for each woman. However, there are average values ​​that are typical for all the fair sex.

Normal basal temperature during menstruation is 37 ° C. At the end of critical days, it drops to 36.4 degrees. This drop is explained by the fact that the hormonal background changes in the woman's body - the level of progesterone decreases and the number of estrogens increases.

After menstruation, the basal temperature is 36.4-36.6 degrees. In the middle of the cycle, before ovulation, the value of the indicator decreases sharply. During the release of a mature egg from the ovary, the basal temperature increases by 0.5-0.6 degrees. It is the rise after the fall that indicates that ovulation has occurred.

In the second half of the menstrual cycle, BBT is usually slightly above 37 degrees. Before menstruation, the value of the indicator decreases (by 0.3 degrees). Recession is a sign of approaching critical days.

If you measure basal temperature to determine pregnancy, you need to learn how to analyze the graph. This is done very simply. The indicator is measured every day, recorded and marked on the graph.

If there is no decrease in temperature before menstruation, then the woman may be pregnant. In some cases, the fair sex does not observe ups and downs at all. This may be a sign that ovulation is not occurring and the woman is infertile.

If there is a delay in menstruation, and the numerical indicator is not normal and too low, then there may be a risk of spontaneous miscarriage. If, during menstruation, BBT continues to grow after a fall, then this is a sign of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity.

As you can see, every health-conscious woman needs to know how to measure basal temperature in the rectum. Measuring BBT and plotting is a simple procedure. ITS is recommended in the following situations: attempts to conceive a child fail, there is a suspicion of health problems (hormonal disorders, infertility), there is a desire to increase your chances of pregnancy. The main thing is to do this regularly, and you will have accurate data on the state of the reproductive system.

It is important for any woman to know how to measure basal temperature to determine pregnancy and ovulation. A universal schedule, compiled taking into account various data, makes it possible to constantly monitor the health of the female reproductive organs. Even if the family plans do not include pregnancy, the schedule helps to identify the slightest deviations of the monthly cycle, keeping the work of the hormonal system under control.

Regular visits to the gynecologist allow a woman to maintain a healthy reproductive system, as well as avoid unwanted diseases. Most often, it is from the doctor that she learns that it is desirable to keep a schedule where certain data is recorded. What is BT?

Basal body temperature is a simple test of a woman's body temperature after sleep. Night rest up to 5-6 hours in a row is obligatory. Hyperthermic change in the total degree is due to the effect of hormonal substances on the hypothalamus.

Since women's menstrual cycles can vary greatly, the temperatures before and after menstruation will also be different.

Why maintaining such a schedule is so important, many women are interested. Often, knowledge of such indicators gives the following possibilities:

  1. If the goal of a woman is the process of conception, she simply needs to correctly determine the moments of maturation and release of the egg into the abdominal cavity. In this way, the most convenient days are calculated, that is, ovulation.
  2. On the other hand, if one does not want to have children during this period, dangerous days are also recognized. Also, BT can help establish pregnancy at an early stage, when there is a delay in menstruation.
  3. Having received the necessary information using such an accessible method, some parents plan the gender of their child.
  4. With infertility, the functional method makes it possible to find out the reasons for the lack of pregnancy, and this may be the late maturation of the female germ cell or, in general, its absence.
  5. Often, hormonal disruptions become a prerequisite for infertility, and measurement of BBT will help here again.

Women often use the schedule to avoid unwanted conception. True, not everyone knows that in addition to all these important things, being able to determine BT, the representatives of the fair half are able to regulate the high quality of their intimate life and achieve one hundred percent orgasm. However, this must be done according to all the rules, because the results of testing depend on the accuracy.

How to measure basal temperature to determine pregnancy and ovulation

To begin with, what should not be expected from the method of instant answers to all questions - before drawing any conclusions, the temperature should be measured for at least three monthly cycles in a row. Even if there are certain results, you should go to the doctor with them, and not self-medicate. Only an experienced doctor will be able to correctly decipher the data.

Unshakable rules for measuring BT:

  • You need to start measurements on the first day of the monthly cycle, that is, on the very first day of menstruation;
  • This must be done at the same time, waking up, in no case getting out of bed, so the thermometer should be nearby;
  • Measurements should be made using one thermometer - mercury or digital;
  • In order not to forget to shake it before the procedure, you can do it in advance, in the evening, especially since it is better for a woman not to make active movements before the test;
  • The best place to check is the rectum - in this case, one can hope for higher information content and reliability;
  • It is impossible to determine the temperature by placing a thermometer under the armpit, this method is only suitable for measuring the general body temperature;
  • The results should be recorded immediately, it should be borne in mind that any changes in the daily routine, colds, medication, and alcohol affect BBT, so the study cannot be called complete.

A topical issue is the time of measurement, as well as the advisability of measuring in the mouth or vagina. Gynecologists answer that it is also possible to use such methods, but it is still better to check the temperature indicators through the anus. At the same time, it is necessary to keep the thermometer there for three minutes. With regard to the vagina or oral cavity, the measurement time should be up to five to seven minutes.

If a woman is simultaneously using birth control pills, it is pointless to expect reliable results.

What indicators should be recorded

So, the woman decided to study thoroughly how to measure the basal temperature to determine pregnancy and ovulation. In order to create informative records that will help in clarifying important issues, you will need to record the following:

  1. date and month;
  2. What day of the monthly cycle is this;
  3. temperature data.

But that's not all - you will need to note the nature of vaginal secretion daily. This is the only way to correctly determine the exact days of ovulation. The fact is that during the period of maturation of the egg, the secretion of mucus becomes more abundant and watery.

There are certain criteria that provoke a change in temperature, such as, for example:

  • The use of alcoholic beverages;
  • Taking pain medications;
  • Inadequate sleep;
  • A stressful situation that can provoke a change in hormonal levels;
  • Climate change, prolonged exposure to the sun or hypothermia;
  • The presence of sexual relations also affect BT.

It is clear that the gynecologist will decipher these records, but the woman herself must understand where the norm borders on pathology.

The monthly female cycle is divided into two main phases:

  1. Hypothermic;
  2. Hyperthermic.

Hypothermic includes the development of follicles, from where the germ cell then comes out. At this moment, the basal temperature does not rise above 37 degrees. And only about 12 days and later ovulation occurs. Directly before it there is a decrease. But when progesterone is intensively produced, and this happens during maturation, BBT rises by 0.5 degrees.

The hyperthermic or luteal stage lasts about two weeks and ends with menstruation if fertilization has not occurred. At this time, the optimal ratio of estrogen and progesterone is maintained in case of pregnancy. The temperature is maintained at around 37 degrees, and before natural bleeding it drops by 0.3 degrees.

It is important to understand that such changes occur monthly and fluctuations in degrees are quite natural. The graph is compiled on the passage of one cycle, and then all the recorded information is used.

Important nuances when measuring basal temperature

As a result of basal temperature measurements, the graph can show:

  • The moment of ovulation;
  • The onset of pregnancy;
  • Violation of the cycle of menstruation;
  • Gynecological pathologies.

In women, the normal monthly cycle is a period of 22 to 35 days. If the cycle is extended for more than 35 days or, conversely, compressed, this may indicate a violation of the ovaries and this issue must be discussed with the doctor.

Women should pay attention to the duration of the second luteal phase. In general, the duration of both the first and second stages should not differ much, at most, by one day. A shortened hyperthermic period also means a pathology that will have to be dealt with.

Using the graph, the days of ovulation are accurately calculated, but for this it is important to conduct research for at least three months. In this case, it is better to use an ordinary mercury thermometer, which should be placed in the anus. This has been proven to be the most effective way to accurately know the days of egg maturation.

In principle, a digital thermometer is also suitable for such a measurement, especially since, according to doctors, this is the safest device. Unlike mercury, an electronic device is harmless if dropped or broken, moreover, it is protected from moisture. If the measurement is carried out by the oral method, you need to keep the thermometer in your mouth for up to 7 minutes, practically without opening your lips, so that the temperature is as accurate as possible.

The most important question is how to measure basal temperature to determine pregnancy. Doctors suggest to carry out the procedure in the early morning - at 6-7 o'clock. This is the ideal time to detect pregnancy with a mercury thermometer, it is best to use the rectal method. If, with all the indicators ascertaining fertilization, the temperature suddenly began to decrease, a woman should urgently consult a specialist, because a decrease can mean the onset of pathology and even spontaneous abortion.

Understanding how to measure basal temperature to determine pregnancy and ovulation is not at all difficult, the main thing is that a woman does this regularly, following all the rules and recommendations. This will allow her to monitor her health and accurately calculate dangerous and favorable days. This is probably the most natural and effective method of contraception, however, as well as one of the best methods of fertilization.

How to measure basal temperature: video

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The female body is a complex system that is regulated by the work of hormones, including reproductive functions.

The menstrual cycle of a woman is subject to cyclic changes that occur at regular intervals, as a result of the increase and decrease of certain hormones.

Knowing the features of your own menstrual cycle, you can diagnose the onset of ovulation in the early stages (which is important for those planning a pregnancy).

You can also detect the onset of pregnancy itself (according to basal temperature).

This is possible if you draw up and maintain a schedule of basal temperature during pregnancy. But in order for diagnosis during pregnancy to become possible, basal temperature must be measured at least three to four months before conception occurs.

This will allow you to track the change in indicators and suggest pregnancy at a very early date, even before the start of the next cycle and menstruation.

Basal temperature during pregnancy

Measurement of basal temperature is one of the ways to determine both ovulation and pregnancy.

So, an increase in basal temperature in early pregnancy will be one of the signs that the next menstruation can no longer be expected.

Basal temperature is the temperature measured in the rectum at rest. Measurements in this way give the most accurate values, since measurements in other body cavities may not be accurate.

Such indicators may indirectly indicate the absence or presence of ovulation when measured regularly, and may also indicate pregnancy.

With a normal regular menstrual cycle and a woman in full health, the basal body temperature stays below 37 degrees until the onset of ovulation, this is approximately the middle of the cycle.

This is the first phase of the menstrual cycle. With an increase in indicators by about 0.3-0.4 degrees, you need to think about the onset of ovulation.

Then the basal temperature will remain elevated throughout the second phase of the cycle. One or two days before the start of the next menstruation, the basal temperature will again decrease to less than 37 degrees. If there is no decrease in basal temperature, and there are no signs of imminent menstruation, you may be pregnant.

Thus, for the norm of basal temperature in the early stages of pregnancy, its increased values ​​are taken, up to 37.2-37.3 degrees at the end of the second phase of the cycle and beyond.

How to measure basal temperature to determine pregnancy

For the accuracy of the results, and even more so for determining pregnancy, you need to know how to measure the basal temperature.

Based on the fact that body temperature is a dynamic indicator, and it fluctuates greatly throughout the day, depending on the state and activity, stress, food intake, movement and many other factors, it is most likely to accurately measure the true body temperature only at complete rest - in a dream.

But, since we cannot do this physically, basal temperature is measured in the morning, immediately after waking up - at the same time, while your body is in a completely relaxed and calm state, it is not affected by various external influences. It is this temperature that is called basal (true, taken as a reference).

In order for the measurement result to be informative, special rules must be observed when measuring basal temperature.

This is necessary both for calculating ovulation and pathologies in the reproductive sphere, and for early detection of pregnancy.

You can not measure basal temperature while taking oral contraception, while taking hormonal drugs or sedatives, antidepressants or alcohol.

The measurement is carried out only in the rectum, oral or vaginal temperature will be unreliable.

Start measuring basal temperature on the first day of the menstrual cycle, after sleeping at least 3-6 hours before that.

Measurements are taken every morning, immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed and without even making sudden movements, without opening your eyes and without talking, so that nothing excites or annoys you.

All extraneous actions can lead to distortion of the measurement results. You can use a conventional mercury thermometer or an electronic one, which is more convenient for measurements.

It must be prepared in the evening in close proximity to oneself, so as not to get out of bed and not move much, it must be ready for measurements (you need to knock down the last readings).

If you need to get up earlier, you need to take the temperature before getting up (to the toilet, on business), but it is advisable to always take measurements at about the same time.

A mercury thermometer takes measurements for at least 5-7 minutes, an electronic one for at least 1 minute. The duration of the measurement should be the same each time.

You always need to use the same thermometer, take it out by the top so as not to knock down the readings and not make errors in the measurements. The measurement indicators are entered in the BT chart, the possible reasons for the distortion of the results are immediately indicated (if you are tired, nervous, took alcohol).

Basal body temperature during pregnancy

With regular BBT measurements, you can almost certainly calculate the days of ovulation, and in the future, notice the onset of pregnancy.

The probability of conception taking place is especially high if you see:

  • high temperature lasts longer than the usual period of the second phase (days after ovulation, when the temperature should be increased);
  • if a third temperature jump is observed in the presence of a stable two-phase temperature graph;
  • if the second phase lasts according to the schedule for more than 18 days (a high temperature continues in a row until the days of the already expected menstruation).

What should be the basal temperature during pregnancy

If, during ovulation, an increase in temperature has its own exact explanation and biological meaning, then similarly, the same explanation for an increase in basal temperature exists during pregnancy.

All these processes occur under the influence of hormones, there is a change in their level in the blood plasma.

This is necessary so that the ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterine walls are fully prepared to receive the egg, the process of conception and, in the future, the implantation of the embryo into the uterine wall.

In cases where ovulation has occurred and then conception, hormones to maintain pregnancy, in particular progesterone, continue to be produced in an increased amount, which affects the level of basal body temperature.

The normal basal temperature in early pregnancy will be approximately 37.1-37.4 degrees, and will be elevated for about four months.

Then it will gradually decrease, and there will be no need to measure it after 16-20 weeks.

In a normal state of health and the onset of pregnancy, there is little point in measuring basal temperature, but if there is a threat of termination of pregnancy, complications with conception, or any medical indications, the doctor may recommend continuing measurements.

So, for example, the basal temperature during a frozen pregnancy, after a period of increased, may decrease and be at a constantly reduced level with the disappearance of signs of pregnancy from the body for some time before the rejection of the fetal egg.

The basal temperature also changes during an ectopic pregnancy, it can be at the borderline level - above 37.0, but not reaching high figures of 37.3 degrees.

The basal temperature also sharply decreases with the threat of miscarriage due to a decrease in the level of progesterone in the woman's blood.

For previous miscarriages, your doctor may recommend measuring your basal body temperature early in your pregnancy for monitoring.

An increase in temperature above 37.8 degrees may indicate the development of a pathological or inflammatory process, which can lead to a miscarriage of pregnancy - this is a reason for immediate medical attention.

Measurement of basal body temperature (BT). Rules. Deciphering basal temperature charts

Basal temperature - This resting body temperature after at least 6 hours of sleep. In different phases of the menstrual cycle, the basal temperature in a woman is constantly changing under the influence of hormonal changes in the female body.

Measurement of basal body temperature BT - a simple functional test that every woman can learn at home. The method is based on the hyperthermic (temperature) effect of progesterone on the thermoregulatory center located in the hypothalamus.

Why you need a basal temperature chart

By drawing up a graph of fluctuations in basal temperature, you can absolutely accurately predict not only the phase of the menstrual cycle at the moment, but also suspect possible deviations from the norm. Let's list what exactly you might need basal body temperature measurement skill in everyday life:

1. If you want to get pregnant and cannot predict when ovulation occurs - a favorable moment for conceiving a child - the release of a mature egg capable of fertilization from the ovarian follicle into the abdominal cavity;
or vice versa - you do not want to get pregnant, thanks to the basal temperature (BT) you can predict “dangerous days”.
2. To determine pregnancy in the early stages with a delay in menstruation.
3. With regular measurement of basal temperature, you can determine the possible reason for the delay in menstruation: pregnancy, lack of ovulation or late ovulation.
4. If your gynecologist suspects that you have hormonal disorders, you or your partner is infertile: if after one year of regular intercourse pregnancy has not occurred, the gynecologist may recommend that you measure basal body temperature (BT) to determine the possible causes of infertility.
5. If you want to plan the gender of your unborn child.

How to measure basal temperature (BT) correctly

As you can see, the correct measurement of basal temperature (BT) helps to answer many important questions. Most women know why they need to measure basal temperature (BT), but few know how to properly conduct a study. Let's try to deal with this issue.

Firstly, you need to immediately understand for yourself that no matter what the obtained indicators of basal temperature (BT) are, this is not a reason for self-diagnosis, and even more so for self-treatment. Only a qualified gynecologist should deal with the interpretation of basal temperature charts.

Secondly, there is no need to draw any fleeting conclusions - basal body temperature (BT) needs at least 3 menstrual cycles to more or less accurately answer questions - when do you ovulate, do you have hormonal disorders, etc. d.

Basic rules for measuring basal temperature (BT)

1. It is necessary to measure basal temperature (BT) from the first day of the menstrual cycle (from the first day of menstruation), otherwise the graph will not reflect the full dynamics of changes.

2. You can measure basal temperature (BT) in the mouth, in the vagina or in the anus, the latter is more preferable. Many gynecologists believe that it is the rectal method that is more reliable and gives fewer errors than all the others. In the mouth, you need to measure the temperature for about 5 minutes, in the vagina and in the rectum for about 3 minutes.
If you measured your basal temperature (BT) in one place, then the location of the thermometer and the duration of the measurement cannot be changed the next time you take a measurement. Today in the mouth, tomorrow in the vagina, and the day after tomorrow in the rectum - such variations are not appropriate and can lead to false diagnosis. Underarm basal temperature (BT) cannot be measured!

3. It is necessary to measure the basal temperature (BT) at the same time, preferably in the morning, immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed.

4. Always use the same thermometer - digital or mercury. If using mercury, be sure to shake well before use.

5. Write down the results immediately, while making notes if there was something that could affect the basal temperature (BT) on this day or the day before: alcohol intake, flight, stress, acute respiratory infections, inflammatory diseases, increased physical activity , sexual intercourse the night before or in the morning, taking medications - sleeping pills, hormones, psychotropic drugs, etc. All these factors can affect the basal temperature and make the study unreliable.

When taking oral contraceptives, measuring BBT does not make any sense!

Thus, in order to make a complete chart of basal body temperature (BT) fluctuations, you will need to label the indicators:
- date of the calendar month;
- day of the menstrual cycle;
- indicators of basal temperature;
- the nature of the discharge from the genital tract on a certain day of the cycle: bloody, mucous, viscous, watery, with yellowness, dry, etc. It is important to note this for the sake of completeness on the chart, as the discharge from the cervical canal becomes more watery during ovulation;
- notes as necessary by a certain day: we enter there all the provoking factors listed above, which may affect the change in BT. For example: I took alcohol the day before, didn’t sleep well or had sex in the morning before the measurement, etc. Notes must be made, even insignificant ones, otherwise the resulting graphs will not correspond to reality.

Generally speaking, your basal temperature records should look like this in a table:

Date Day mts BT Highlights Notes

5 July 13th 36.2 Watery, transparent Drank wine the day before
July 6 14th 36.3 viscous, transparent _________
July 7 15th 36.5 white, viscous _________

Normal basal temperature chart

Before you start drawing up a schedule for basal temperature (BT), you need to know how the basal temperature should normally change under the influence of hormones?

The menstrual cycle in a woman is divided into 2 phases: follicular (hypothermic) and luteal (hyperthermic). In the first phase, the follicle develops, from which the egg is subsequently released. In the same phase, the ovaries intensively produce estrogens. During the follicular phase, BT is below 37 degrees. Then ovulation occurs - in the middle of 2 phases - approximately on the 12-16th day of the menstrual cycle. On the eve of ovulation, BBT drops sharply. Further, during and immediately after ovulation, progesterone is released and BT rises by 0.4-0.6 degrees, which is a reliable sign of ovulation. The second phase - luteal, or it is also called the corpus luteum phase - lasts about 14 days, and if conception does not occur, it ends with menstruation. In the phase of the corpus luteum, very important processes take place - a balance is maintained between low levels of estrogen and high levels of progesterone - thus the corpus luteum prepares the body for a possible pregnancy. In this phase, the basal body temperature (BT) is usually kept at around 37 degrees and above. On the eve of menstruation and in the first days of the cycle, the basal body temperature (BT) again drops by about 0.3 degrees and everything starts anew. That is, normally, every healthy woman should have fluctuations in basal temperature (BT) - if there are no ups and downs, then we can talk about the absence of ovulation, and as a result, infertility.

Consider examples of basal temperature (BT) graphs, as they should be in normal and pathological conditions. The basal temperature (BT) graph that you see below reflects two normal physiological states that a healthy woman can have: 1-lilac curve - basal temperature (BT), which should be during a normal menstrual cycle, ending with menstruation; 2 - light green curve - basal temperature (BT) of a woman with a normal menstrual cycle, we will end in pregnancy. The black line is the ovulation line. The burgundy line is a mark of 37 degrees, it serves for visualization of the graph.

Now let's try to decipher this chart of basal temperature. Please note that a mandatory sign of basal temperature (BT) is normally a two-phase menstrual cycle - that is, both the hypothermic and hyperthermic phases should always be clearly visible on the graph. In the first phase, basal temperature (BT) can range from 36.2 to 36.7 degrees. We observe these fluctuations on this chart from days 1-11 of the cycle. Further, on the 12th day, BBT drops sharply by 0.2 degrees, which is a harbinger of the onset of ovulation. On the 13-14th day, a rise is visible immediately after the fall - ovulation occurs. Further, in the second phase, the basal temperature (BT) continues to rise by 0.4-0.6 degrees compared to the first phase - in this case, up to 37 degrees, and this temperature (marked with a burgundy line) is kept until the end of the menstrual cycle and before the start menstruation falls - on the 25th day of the cycle. On the 28th day of the cycle, the line breaks, which means that the cycle has ended and a new menstrual cycle has begun. But another option is also possible - the light green line, as you can see, does not fall, but continues to grow to 37.1. This means that a woman with a light green line on the basal temperature (BT) chart is most likely pregnant. False-positive results of measuring basal temperature (an increase in basal temperature in the absence of a corpus luteum) can occur with acute and chronic infections, as well as with some changes in the higher parts of the central nervous system.

Important to know when charting your basal temperature!

1. Normally, the menstrual cycle in a healthy woman is from 21 to 35 days, most often 28-30 days, as in the graph. However, for some women, the cycle may be shorter than 21 days, or vice versa, longer than 35. This is a reason to contact a gynecologist. Maybe it's ovarian dysfunction.

2. The graph of basal temperature (BT) should always clearly reflect ovulation, which divides the first and second phases. Always immediately after the preovulatory temperature drop in the middle of the cycle, a woman ovulates - on the chart this is the 14th day, marked with a black line. Therefore, the most optimal time for conception is the day of ovulation and 2 days before it. Using this chart as an example, the most favorable days for conception will be days 12, 13 and 14 of the cycle. And one more nuance: you may not detect a preovulatory decrease in basal temperature (BT) immediately before ovulation, but only see an increase - there is nothing to worry about, most likely ovulation has already begun.

3. The length of the first phase can normally change, lengthen or shorten. But the length of the second phase should not vary normally and is approximately 14 days (plus or minus 1-2 days). If you notice that the second phase is shorter than 10 days, this may be a sign of insufficiency of the second phase and requires a consultation with a gynecologist. In a healthy woman, the duration of the 1st and 2nd phases should normally be approximately the same, for example, 14 + 14 or 15 + 14, or 13 + 14, and so on.

4. Pay attention to the temperature difference between the averages of the first and second phases of the graph. If the difference is less than 0.4 degrees, this may be a sign of hormonal disorders. You need an examination by a gynecologist - take a blood test for progesterone and estrogen. In approximately 20% of cases, such a monophasic graph of BT-basal temperature without a significant temperature difference between the phases is a variant of the norm, and in such patients the hormones are normal.

5. If you have a delay in menstruation, and the hyperthermic (increased) basal temperature of BT lasts more than 18 days, this may indicate a possible pregnancy (light green line on the graph). If menstruation nevertheless came, but the discharge is rather meager and at the same time the basal temperature of BT is still elevated, you urgently need to contact a gynecologist and take a pregnancy test. Most likely - these are signs of a miscarriage that has begun.

6. If the basal temperature of BT in the first phase rose sharply for 1 day, then fell - this is not a sign of concern. This is possible under the influence of provoking factors that affect changes in basal temperature (BT).

Now let's look at examples of BT basal temperature charts for various gynecological pathologies:

Deciphering the graph of basal temperature (BT): Estrogen - progesterone deficiency.

The graph is monophasic, i.e. almost without significant temperature fluctuations of the curve. If the rise in basal temperature (BT) in the second phase is mild (0.1-0.3 C) after ovulation, then these are possible signs of a lack of hormones - progesterone and estrogen. You need to take a blood test for these hormones.

Deciphering the graph of basal temperature (BT): anovulatory cycle, that is, the absence of ovulation

If ovulation does not occur and the corpus luteum produced by progesterone does not form, then the basal temperature (BT) curve is monotonous: there are no pronounced jumps or drops - ovulation does not occur, respectively, and a woman with such a basal temperature (BT) schedule cannot become pregnant. An anovulatory cycle is normal in a healthy woman if such a cycle occurs no more than once a year. Accordingly, during pregnancy and lactation, the absence of ovulation is also the norm. If all of the above does not apply to you and this situation is repeated from cycle to cycle, you definitely need to contact a gynecologist. Your doctor will prescribe hormone therapy for you.

Deciphering the graph of basal temperature (BT): Insufficiency of the corpus luteum phase (synonyms: insufficiency of the second phase, insufficiency of the luteal phase)

The basal temperature of BT rises a few days before the end of the cycle due to hormonal deficiency and does not decrease immediately before menstruation, there is no characteristic preovulatory retraction. The second phase lasts less than 10 days. It is possible to get pregnant with such a schedule of basal temperature (BT), but there is a high probability of miscarriage. We remember that the hormone progesterone is normally produced in the second phase. If the hormone is not synthesized in sufficient quantities, then BT rises very slowly, and the pregnancy may be terminated. With such a schedule of basal temperature (BT), it is necessary to pass an analysis for progesterone in the second phase of the cycle. If progesterone is lowered, then hormonal preparations - gestagens ( Utrozhestan or Duphaston). Pregnant women with low progesterone are prescribed these drugs for up to 12 weeks. With a sharp withdrawal of drugs, a miscarriage may occur.

Deciphering the graph of basal temperature (BT): Estrogen deficiency.

In the first phase, the basal temperature of BT under the influence of estrogens is kept within 36.2-36.7 C. If the basal temperature of BT in the first phase rises above the indicated mark and if you see sharp jumps and rises on the graph, then most likely there is a lack of estrogens. In the second phase, we see the same picture - ups and downs. On the graph, in the first phase, the basal temperature of BT rises to 36.8 C, i.e. above the norm. In the second phase, there are sharp fluctuations from 36.2 to 37 C (but with a similar pathology they can be higher). Fertility in these patients is drastically reduced. For the purpose of treatment, gynecologists prescribe hormone therapy. Seeing such a graph, there is no need to rush to draw conclusions - such a picture can also be observed in inflammatory gynecological diseases, when everything is in order with estrogens, for example, with inflammation of the appendages. The chart is shown below.

Deciphering the graph of basal temperature (BT): Inflammation of the appendages.

You can see on this graph with sharp ups and downs that, due to the inflammatory process, it is problematic to determine when ovulation occurred, since the basal temperature of BT can increase both during inflammation and during ovulation. On the 9th day of the cycle, we see a rise, which can be mistaken for an ovulatory rise, but this is most likely a sign of an inflammatory process that has begun. This basal temperature (BT) chart proves once again that it is impossible to draw conclusions and make diagnoses based on the basal temperature (BT) chart of one cycle.

Deciphering the graph of basal temperature (BT): Endometritis.

We remember that at the beginning of the menstrual cycle, the basal temperature of BT is lowered. If the temperature at the end of the previous cycle decreased, and then rose sharply to 37.0 with the onset of menstruation and does not decrease, as can be seen on the graph, it may be a formidable disease - endometritis and you urgently need treatment from a gynecologist. But if you have a delay in menstruation and at the same time the basal temperature of BBT remains elevated for more than 16 days from the start of the rise, you are probably pregnant.

If you notice that during 3 menstrual cycles you have stable changes on the chart that do not correspond to the norm, you need to consult a specialist.

So, what should alert you when compiling and deciphering basal temperature (BT) charts:

Graphs of basal temperature (BT) with low or high temperature throughout the cycle;
- cycles less than 21 days and more than 35 days. This may be a sign of ovarian dysfunction, clinically manifested by bleeding in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Or there may be a different picture - the cycle is always lengthened, which is expressed in constant delays in menstruation for more than 10 days, while there is no pregnancy;
- if you observe a shortening of the second phase according to the charts;
- if the schedules are anovulatory or the manifestations of ovulation are not clearly expressed on the schedule;
- graphs with high temperature in the second phase for more than 18 days, while there is no pregnancy;
- monophasic graphs: the difference between the first and second phase is less than 0.4 C;
- if the BT schedules are absolutely normal: ovulation occurs, both phases are complete, but pregnancy does not occur within a year with regular unprotected intercourse;
- sharp jumps and rises in BT in both phases of the cycle.

If you follow all the rules for measuring basal temperature, you will discover a lot of new things. Always remember that you do not need to draw any conclusions on the basis of the obtained graphs. This can only be done by a qualified gynecologist, and then only after additional research.

The body is a unique and sensitive system. Having an identical structure, each person has features that are unique to him. An example of this is the female reproductive system.

The general concept of menstruation, their purpose and cycle are widely known. But few people think about the intricacies of their work. The active production of hormones and physiological processes, such as the release of an egg from the ovary, are accompanied by an increase in temperature in the organs involved. This process can be observed by measuring the basal body temperature.

Basal temperature - what is it?

Normal body temperature reflects the general state of the body and is measured under the arm or through the mouth. Basal temperature has a more precise focus. It must be measured rectally, since the fluctuations are not significant and have a small distribution area. According to its indicators, the activity of the genital organs and the hormonal background of a woman are determined.

  • Negative attempts to get pregnant for a year or more;
  • Suspicion of infertility in one of the partners;
  • Suspicion of hormonal disorders.

In addition, it makes sense to measure BBT when planning the sex of a child, to increase the chance of getting pregnant, or for general development - to understand the processes taking place in the body and communicate with a specialist in the same language.

It makes no sense to measure the basal temperature once. To be able to draw conclusions and monitor changes in the female body, long-term observation over several months is necessary. For clarity, they draw up a graph with which they are shown to the leading gynecologist. The doctor will be able to note all the points that interest you and explain everything in detail.

Only a qualified specialist can make the correct conclusions, according to the schemes provided by you. There are many nuances that go through the calculations and determine the various deviations.

To obtain reliable data, you should use a number of rules:

  1. Take measurements in the morning without getting out of bed. Time fluctuations should not exceed 30 minutes.
  2. Enter the thermometer rectally for 5-10 minutes.
  3. It is preferable to use a mercury thermometer. It is forbidden to move in this case. .
  4. Repeat the procedure daily for at least 3 cycles.
  5. All changes and concomitant factors (colds, diarrhea, medications) should be recorded on a schedule.

We measure basal temperature to determine pregnancy

If a woman has kept a chart of changes in basal temperature for several months, it will not be difficult for her to determine an early pregnancy from it.

In a normal cycle, the graph displays 2 phases: stability and a sharp increase followed by a decline.

  • Phase 1 - the first 2 weeks of the cycle. In this period, the basal temperature is relatively balanced (36.3 - 36.8 degrees) and does not have sharp drops;
  • Phase 2. Basal temperature jumps to 37.1 - 37.3 degrees for 3 - 4 days before ovulation and keeps at maximum levels. Then, about a week before menstruation, it goes down - from 37.0 degrees to a minimum mark of 36.3 - 36.5 degrees.

If the basal temperature did not drop before menstruation, but sticks to the mark of 37.0 degrees or higher, the probability of pregnancy is high. Information is not guaranteed and a test or visit to a doctor is required. Monitoring basal temperature is more suitable for determining safe and favorable days than for determining early pregnancy. There are many factors affecting temperature changes - disorders, mobility, changes in climatic conditions, changes in hormonal levels, an increase in body temperature in general.

BT in the early stages

An increase in basal temperature is characteristic of the entire period of pregnancy. Most women stop keeping records when they find out about their situation. In the early stages, the basal temperature corresponds to the indicators of the first days of ovulation - 37.0 - 37.3 degrees. This is due to the production of the hormone progesterone, which is activated simultaneously with ovulation. If conception does not occur, with the release of the egg, its level also decreases, lowering the basal temperature. In the case of pregnancy, the production of the hormone continues, thereby maintaining a high temperature.

How to chart your basal temperature and why

Drawing up a schedule is necessary for a visual display of the activity of the internal genital organs of a woman. On it, you can make calculations and consult with your doctor on pregnancy and diseases. It is much easier to show ordered data than to explain it yourself, especially if you yourself are not sure what is happening.

Using the graph, you can determine the following points:

  • The time of maturation of the egg, which makes it possible to calculate the days of safe sex and vice versa - a favorable period for conception;
  • Maturation of the egg and subsequent release from the ovary. Elevated basal temperature in the middle of the menstrual cycle means ovulation;
  • Find out the features of your endocrine system;
  • Calculate the date of the onset of menstruation;
  • Assess the production of hormones by the ovaries;
  • The absence of an increase in temperature at the expected time of ovulation may indicate pregnancy. For couples seeking to conceive as soon as possible, this information is very useful;
  • Diseases of the genital organs and inflammatory processes also lead to an increase in basal temperature. It becomes possible to identify them in the early stages and take timely measures for treatment, without waiting for pain.

You can create a chart in two ways:

  • Computer Applications

Specialized programs online or downloaded from the network provide the opportunity to keep electronic records. This is comfortable for women who are well versed in computer technology, who do not need outside help to fill out.

  • On your own on paper

It is preferable to keep records manually - faster and there is no need to print out in advance to provide the doctor. In addition, not all women have sufficient computer knowledge.

To draw up a schedule, you need a notebook in a box and a pen. A standard coordinate system is drawn with X and Y axes.

The x-axis marks the interval from the first to the last day of the menstrual cycle. Their number is individual. In different women, due to age, heredity and illness, menstruation can go with a difference of 18 to 40 days. The standard is a cycle of 27 - 29 days for a healthy body.

Temperature indicators are marked along the Y axis. The minimum temperature will be a degree below your usual temperature. In most cases - 35.6 degrees. The maximum indicator should be taken with a margin - 37.5 degrees. It is necessary to take into account the fact that there are people with high or low body temperature. This affects both the usual methods of measurement - under the arm or through the mouth, and rectal. Therefore, you can not use the temperature prescribed in the handbook. If up to this point you have not been interested in your standard body temperature, measure it for several days in a calm state in a way convenient for you (mouth or armpit). Having found out the initial parameters, draw up a schedule.

Chart example #1 (click to enlarge)

Chart example #2 (click to enlarge)

Having a blank, you should wait for the start of a new monthly cycle and start filling: after measuring the temperature in the morning, put the appropriate mark on the graph, and so on every day. By comparing the data of several cycles, a pattern will be found in which the temperature increase will occur in a certain period that is inherent to you personally. In the following tables, this moment is indicated by a vertical line and is called the ovulation line.

To determine the schedule of days of safe sex and days favorable for conception, you must use the following scheme.

The spermatozoon is viable for 3-4 days, and the egg cell is viable for 1-2 days. Having determined the moment of the onset of ovulation, it is necessary to count back from it the days of the existence of an active spermatozoon. Then add the days of its viability to the moment of release of the egg. The resulting period of time is characterized by the highest probability of becoming pregnant. The rest of the days are presumably safe for having sex without additional contraception. Naturally, no one can guarantee a 100% guarantee.

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