Is the debit card insured? Is money on a debit card in Russia insured? Ways to get a policy

If the cardholder complied with all the security rules specified in the agreement with the bank, he is entitled to compensation for stolen funds, confirms Evelina Nechiporenko, Senior Director of Visa Risk Management in Russia. International payment systems have the principle of Zero liability, or zero liability, according to which the cardholder is not responsible for an unauthorized transaction that was not his fault, she explains. The rules of payment systems describe only general approaches, and then in each country this principle works in accordance with local legislation, Nechiporenko clarifies.

The bank "is obliged to reimburse the client for the amount of the transaction made without the consent of the client," says the law "On the National Payment System." But there are two limitations. Firstly, the cardholder must not violate the rules for its use established in the agreement. Secondly, he must report the illegality of the transaction the next day after the bank notified him of the debit. You can get more time to file a complaint only if the bank has not notified the client about the operation.

There are payments in accordance with the law, says an employee of one of the payment systems. At the same time, banks are trying to minimize them, the source of Vedomosti continues: for example, they can indicate in the contract that it is possible to notify the bank of an illegal operation (for which a day is given) only at the bank office. For those who are abroad, this condition is almost impossible. Another common requirement, which is not always easy to fulfill, is to provide documents from law enforcement agencies, says the employee of the payment system. According to him, banks will be more willing to compensate for the damage to a premium client - just so as not to lose it.

defenseless clients

In Russia, the rights of cardholders are infringed, according to payment systems expert Dmitry Artimovich: for example, the victim has 60 days to report the theft in the United States. In addition, he continues, in the United States, other guarantees of payment systems are also enshrined at the legislative level - for example, the right to compensation of funds if the goods did not arrive from the online store or if they are of inadequate quality.

Another problem for Russian cardholders is that they have nowhere to complain, except to the issuing bank, which is not interested in payments, explains Artimovich.

If the client applied for compensation to the issuing bank, he conducts his own investigation and is almost always ready to reimburse the lost funds if the fault does not lie with him, since he can later recover funds from the culprit. For example, a fraudulent transaction may occur through the fault of the bank serving the point of sale (acquirer), or the store, explains the employee of the payment system.

Banks themselves do not disclose the amount of payments to customers. "Renaissance Credit" on average satisfies 70% of the requirements to compensate for the stolen, says the head of its fraud investigation department, Sergei Afanasiev. Tinkoff Bank satisfies most of these requests, its representative assures.

When the law is powerless

According to Afanasiev, the most common reasons for refusing to compensate for stolen money are related to violation of the rules for using the card by the clients themselves: for example, by writing a PIN code on the card, and passwords from mobile and Internet banking into a lost smartphone. Clients have to be refused even in the case when they become victims of social engineering, that is, having succumbed to the deception of scammers, they tell them secret data - card details, a one-time sms and a pin code, lists Afanasiev.

As a rule, scammers fish out this information, posing as bank employees, and often a person calls them himself, having received an SMS about a transaction that he did not make. Attackers can use fake Chinese sites with cheap goods, fake card-to-card transfer services, where you need to enter all the card details supposedly to complete a transaction, resources like Avito are also used, on which a person is persuaded to transfer card data, says the director of monitoring electronic business of Alfa-Bank Alexey Golenishchev.

The first deputy head of the information security department of the Central Bank, Artem Sychev, called social engineering "one of the biggest problems of information security." The same opinion is shared by almost all the bankers interviewed by Vedomosti.

It turns out that the law does not protect a person from stealing money from a card by one of the most popular methods - using social engineering, since in this case it is believed that the responsibility lies with the person who disclosed confidential information.

What does the policy cover

Money protection programs on the cards of various insurance companies that many banks offer customers also do not protect from all troubles.

The most common cases, which are covered by almost all insurers, are unauthorized debiting of money from a lost or stolen card, debiting money from a card as a result of phishing or skimming, robbery at an ATM with theft of freshly withdrawn cash, and transfer of a card and pin code attackers under the threat of violence.

Most insurers understand skimming as copying card data, including using a special device on an ATM - a skimmer. As a rule, after the scammers make a duplicate of the card and withdraw funds from it.

But insurers interpret phishing in different ways: some understand it as the receipt of confidential data about the card fraudulently during a telephone conversation, messaging on the Internet, by infecting the domain name system (the AlfaStrahovaniya program for Raiffeisenbank and VTB Insurance). Others define phishing as a type of Internet fraud to obtain user identification data through mass emails on behalf of popular brands (Sberbank insurance and VSK) or do not provide any definition at all.

At the same time, each insurance company requires compliance with the standard rules for using payment cards: do not store the PIN code with the card, cover the keyboard with your hand when typing the PIN code, and do not tell anyone the card details and secret codes sent via SMS to confirm online transactions. VTB Insurance adds the use of unlicensed software to the list of prohibitions, says Deputy Director Sergei Konkin.

The main share of fraudulent transactions with cards, according to the Central Bank, falls on online transactions, which do not require the presentation of a physical card, but it is enough to enter its details. As a rule, attackers get them using the same social engineering (including phishing). But most insurers believe that the victim of social engineering violated the rules for using the card, and refuse to pay compensation. For example, the AlfaStrakhovanie program for Alfa-Bank emphasizes that the cardholder must not provide card information and SMS passwords to confirm transactions, including to bank employees.

But a representative of Raiffeisenbank claims that the disclosure of secret data by those who were misled is considered an insured event in its program (however, the insurance conditions also contain a clause that the cardholder must comply with the rules for using it). Representatives of Sberbank Insurance and Tinkoff Insurance say the same thing, but they emphasize that in this case it is necessary to prove the fact of fraudulent actions by third parties. At the same time, the Tinkoff Insurance program specifically stipulates that the company will not compensate for losses due to unauthorized debiting of funds if a secret code was entered to confirm the operation.

If fraudsters have gained access to the card itself, for example, have stolen it, then you can count on compensation only if the pin code was not lost along with the card. A number of insurers separately cover the risk of transferring the card along with the pin code under the threat of violence, however, they may limit the time during which money must be withdrawn from the card (for example, two hours at VTB Insurance), as well as introduce payout limits (RSHB insurance", "Alfastrakhovanie").

It turns out that, compared to compensation under the law, insurance covers a little more reasons for losing money - in particular, when the attackers forcibly took away the card along with the pin code or cash withdrawn from the insured card.

Insurance conditions

Such card insurance is relatively inexpensive: there are programs with an insurance premium of 300 rubles. per year and the amount of compensation is 15,000 rubles. (offered by Vostochny Bank), one of the most expensive policies (from Raiffeisenbank) will cost 6,900 rubles, but the insurance coverage is many times more - 750,000 rubles.

At the same time, insurers quite often set limits on payments for certain risks. For example, at Alfastrakhovanie for Alfa-Bank, the limit on the risk of theft of cash withdrawn from an ATM is 40-60% of the sum insured, and if the money was withdrawn from 23.00 to 07.00, then the insurer is ready to pay no more than 10,000 rubles. RSHB Insurance has payout limits (at the level of 40–60% of the sum insured) for all risks, except for the loss of the card.

If money just withdrawn from an ATM was stolen, then another important point in addition to limits - time. For example, Sberbank Insurance and VTB Insurance are ready to compensate for stolen cash only if it was stolen no later than two hours after receipt. Societe General Insurance gives the most time - 72 hours.

Most companies offer insurance for a period of one year without limiting the number of insured events. But if this happened, then, as a rule, the amount of compensation is reduced by the amount of previously made payments.

Basically, banks sell insurance against theft of funds from cards issued by themselves, less often you can insure cards of any Russian banks. The insurance mainly covers the amount of stolen funds and the cost of reissuing the card, restoring documents and keys. The beneficiary is the card holder or his representative. Most insurers are ready to compensate for losses that occurred within no more than 48 hours before the card was blocked.

Who can't get insurance

It is more difficult to receive an insurance payment than compensation from a bank, experts warn.

If an insured event has occurred, then you should hurry to inform not only the bank, but also law enforcement agencies and the insurance company. Most allow three working days for this, and this must be done in writing, an indulgence is made only for those who are abroad (they can do this by phone, and upon returning to their homeland they will have the same three days). Longer terms are rare: the program from Raiffeisenbank gives 90 working days to apply to the insurance company, but sets other deadlines - you need to submit an application to law enforcement agencies no later than 48 hours after the occurrence of the insured event, and also “no later than the 20th day of the next month” submit an application to the bank for disagreement with the operation. And Sberbank Insurance completely reserves the right to refuse payment if the cardholder did not notify the bank of the theft within 12 hours (even the law allocates more time for this - a day), an exception is only if the insured could not do this as health. There are also exotic conditions: at RSHB Insurance, fraudulent debiting of money using a stolen or copied card is considered an insured event only if the bank notified the holder about the operation, and he could not contact the bank within 24 hours and warn about fraud.

To receive payments, you will have to collect a large package of documents, all insurers require copies of decisions from law enforcement agencies to initiate criminal cases or to refuse to do so. Initiating a case on theft from bank cards may take several months, Marat Khuzhin, a lawyer for the Word and Deed bureau, warns; it is also not easy to get a refusal order, he points out. For law enforcement officers, theft from bank cards is not obvious: the law does not fully determine what evidence is sufficient to consider a crime committed, he explains.

Also, all companies immediately warn that they will not pay out insurance if someone else compensates for the losses. In the event of fraudulent debiting of money from the card, it is likely that the issuer will cover the losses, so insurers first require you to protest the transaction at the bank that issued the card and wait for the outcome of the investigation. That is, the cardholder must first try to compensate for the loss under the right established by law. The insurance company will need to provide the result of the investigation conducted by the bank.

As a rule, insurance companies also refuse payments for the same reasons as issuing banks, i.e. when the client blocked the card too late and did not have time to notify the bank in time, and also if he violated the rules for using the card by providing confidential information. “Sometimes we make an exception for pensioners when the insured mistakenly gave information about the card or access to the office,” says Irina Karnaeva, director of the department of property insurance of individuals at Alfastrakhovanie. According to her, the company refuses to pay in 30% of cases.

One of the main reasons for the refusal is the lack of evidence of illegal actions of third parties, points out the head of the product development department at Sberbank Insurance, Elena Mashitskaya.

Getting compensation from the insurance company is not always easy because of the tough conditions, admits Khudyakov of the Mains Group. The contracts contain a large number of exceptions, reservations and short deadlines in which it is necessary to fulfill all the requirements of the insurer, he continues. And even when there are no problems with documents, direct receipt of insurance compensation takes a long time. Because of this, Khudyakov compares the refund procedure with a whole quest, which includes visiting law enforcement agencies. This type of insurance is for those who are willing to spend a lot of time to receive reimbursement, indicates a top-manager of the top thirty banks.

Profitable product

The insurers themselves do not disclose the statistics of fees and payments for this product. According to VSK product manager Alexander Sporykhin, his company signed 16,000 contracts last year (it works with four partner banks), and for the entire time the average premium amounted to 530 rubles, the average amount of payments was 67,000 rubles. According to expert estimates, the card insurance product has a “very good loss ratio” (the ratio of the amount of paid losses to the collection of insurance premiums. - Vedomosti) - a maximum of 15%, Vladimir Kremer, head of the AIG financial risk insurance department, knows. Despite the fact that banks in some cases are obliged to compensate for the stolen funds, he continues, there is still a field for insuring money on the card. For example, if a person was robbed immediately after withdrawing cash from an ATM, money was withdrawn from a stolen card, etc.

Anna Tretiak participated in the preparation of the article

How much does credit card insurance cost?

Bank Insurance Company What is insured against The cost of the annual policy, rub. Sum insured for card risks, rub. Deadline for submitting an application to the insurer***
Sberbank "Sberbank Insurance" a, b, c, d, e 1900 / 3900 / 5900 rubles 120000 / 250000 / 350000 3 business days
VTB "VTB Insurance", collective program a, b, c, d, e 720 / 1080 / 1560 rubles 20000 / 75000 / 150000 ** 3 business days
RSHB "RSHB Insurance" a, c, d, e 1200 / 2400 / 3600 rub. 50000 / 100000 / 150000 3 business days
Alfa Bank "Alpha Insurance" a, b, c, d, e, HC 1690 / 3290 / 5990 rub. 45000 / 80000 / 175000 3 business days
ICD VSK in the branch a, b, c, d, e 1.65% of the sum insured from 50,000 to 500,000 rubles. 3 business days
Rosbank Society General Insurance d, e 750 / 1200 / 1900 rub. 20,000 / 75,000 / 150,000 rubles * immediately
Raiffeisenbank "Alfa insurance", collective program b, c, d, e, NS 1490 / 2990 / 6990 rub. 50,000 / 300,000 / 750,000 rubles 90 business days
"Tinkoff Bank" "Tinkoff insurance", collective program b, c, d 1188 rub. (99 rubles per month) 100 000 rub. 3 business days
"Oriental" "VTB Insurance" a, b, c, d, e 300 / 2500 / 3000 / 4000 / 5000 rubles 15,000 / 75,000 / 100,000 / 150,000 / 250,000 rubles** 3 business days
Risks: a - Withdrawal of cash from a card handed over with a pin code under the threat of violence; b - Write-off of money by card details as a result of phishing; с - Write-off of money from the card as a result of skimming; d - Write-off of money from the card as a result of its loss, theft, robbery, robbery; e - Theft of cash withdrawn from an ATM; HC - accident insurance
Reset sorting

Increasingly, payment for purchases and services occurs through bank cards - debit and credit. Therefore, a natural question arises about the insurance of bank cards - are the funds protected and how safe is it to store them on the card?

Since the balances on debit cards, including salary cards, are equated to deposits, they are insured from the moment the money is placed in the bank against the bankruptcy of a financial organization, but not against theft and other force majeure. This is possible provided that the bank is a member of the deposit insurance system, which is supervised by the State Corporation "Deposit Insurance Agency".

Insurance against loss of funds due to illegal actions of third parties is a voluntary matter, so the question “is the money on the bank card insured” should be asked, first of all, to yourself. Usually, when issuing a card, a bank employee asks the client if he wants to conclude an insurance contract. And although the idea itself is quite attractive and justified (taking into account the rapidly growing number of transactions and transactions on the Internet), the downside is the impossibility of the cardholder to independently choose an insurance company.

Despite the fact that banks often insistently offer to sign an insurance contract when issuing a debit or credit card, this is an exclusively voluntary matter. The conclusion of an insurance contract is not mandatory.

Today, many financial institutions offer bank card insurance: VTB24, Sberbank, Alfa-Bank, Promsvyazbank, Russian Standard, Tinkoff, Citibank, Rosbank and many others.

How much is credit card usually insured for?

Today, many banking institutions offer voluntary insurance to their cardholders. And although the policies and conditions of all banks are different, the average amount of insurance coverage, depending on the type of card, is as follows:

  • for Visa Electron - 50,000 rubles,
  • for Visa Classic and MasterCard Standard - 100,000 rubles,
  • for golden Visa and MasterCard - 150,000 rubles,
  • for platinum Visa and MasterCard - 250,000 rubles.

The cost of the service, i.e. insurance policy depends on the amount of insurance coverage and usually amounts to 1-1.5% of the insurance limit.

Bank customers should keep in mind that usually the whole world is covered by an insurance policy. Those. wherever the loss of the card or money occurs, if the situation falls under the insured event, cash will be reimbursed by the insurance company.

Why you can insure a bank card

Usually, bank card protection implies a list of the most common insured events:

  • theft or loss as a result of robbery,
  • skimming (theft of card data using a skimmer - a special reader),
  • phishing (illegal extraction by fraudsters of secret card data),
  • criminal actions of employees of trade and service enterprises,
  • theft of bank card details and PIN code,
  • theft of cash shortly after withdrawing it from the card through an ATM,
  • robbery on a cardholder who has withdrawn money from an ATM within 2-3 hours after withdrawal.

Sberbank's offer for card insurance

In order to protect the funds of its customers, Sberbank offers an insurance program called "Card Protection", which can be issued both online - on the website, or by contacting the nearest branch of a financial institution.

Holders of plastics issued by Sberbank are offered reliable protection of bank cards linked to a client account with one insurance policy. Customers are offered a choice of 3 insurance coverage options.

Please note that applying online is not only easier and more convenient, but also more profitable. If at the branch you have to pay 3,900 rubles for an insurance policy, on the website its cost will be only 3,510 rubles.

How to get card insurance from Sberbank

To apply for a policy from Sberbank:

  1. Download the page for applying for insurance coverage and choose the most suitable one from the three proposed options.
  2. Provide contact information, passport details and your address.
  3. Receive your insurance policy in electronic form to your e-mail.
  4. Pay for the policy with a credit card.

An electronic insurance policy has the same legal force as a paper one and is equivalent to it. The advantages of an electronic document include the convenience of its design, transmission and storage.

Additional information for Sberbank plastic holders:

  • The validity of the insurance policy is 1 year from the date of its entry into force.
  • The policy comes into force on the fifteenth day after the payment.
  • The security of bank cards after the purchase of the policy applies to all cards issued by Sberbank and linked to an account with this financial institution, including credit and debit, basic and additional.

Why are bank cards insured?

Insurance provides reliable protection of funds on bank cards against the following risks:

  • Loss of a bank card due to breakdown of an ATM, theft, robbery, robbery, demagnetization or mechanical damage,
  • Illegal receipt of money from plastic by third parties as a result of: theft of cash within two hours from the moment they were cashed out through an ATM; skimming, phishing and other similar actions related to the theft of information from the card; using fake plastic with valid payment details to pay for services or goods, as well as to withdraw money from an ATM; forgery of the cardholder's signature in order to withdraw cash from any bank; forcibly obtaining a PIN code and the bank card itself and further withdrawing money from an ATM; use of plastic after it has been stolen.

If under the insurance contract only one card is insured, and it ceased to be valid before the expiration of the insurance period, a part of the insurance time is returned to its holder in proportion to the time during which this contract was valid. If several plastic cards are insured, and one of them has ceased to be valid, the insurance contract continues to work with respect to the rest of the cards.

What deposits are insured by the state

Many are interested in whether deposits of individuals are insured, including deposits in foreign currency, as well as money on debit (salary) cards. Don't worry - they are insured.

If the bank is a member of the deposit insurance system, then the funds of individuals, regardless of citizenship, which are in deposits and on bank accounts, are subject to insurance, including:

  • - time deposits and demand deposits, including foreign currency deposits;
  • - current accounts, including those used for settlements with bank (plastic) cards, for receiving salaries, pensions or scholarships;
  • - funds on the accounts of individual entrepreneurs (for insured events that occurred after 01/01/2014);
  • - funds on nominal accounts of guardians/custodians, the beneficiaries of which are wards;
  • - funds on escrow accounts for settlements under real estate purchase and sale transactions for the period of their state registration (for insured events that occurred after 04/01/2015).

Note that not only the deposited amount of money is insured, but also the accrued interest. They are calculated in proportion to the actual term of the deposit until the day of the insured event.


Some institutions masquerade as banks, offering high interest rates and silent about the lack of appropriate guarantees! You can check whether an institution is included in the deposit insurance system on the websites of the Bank of Russia ( and DIA (, as well as on the DIA free hotline 8-800-200-08-05 .

See also:

- rates of deposits of individuals in Rosselkhozbank >>

What deposits in banks are not insured by the state

Not all the money you entrust to a bank is government-insured and will be returned to you by the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) if the bank loses its license and fails. The following are not covered by the deposit insurance system:

  • - deposits certified by a savings certificate to a bearer or a passbook to a bearer;
  • - funds on the accounts of individual entrepreneurs without forming a legal entity, if the accounts are opened in connection with professional activities (for insured events that occurred before 01/01/2014);
  • - funds on the accounts of lawyers and notaries, if the accounts are opened in connection with their professional activities;
  • - deposits in branches of Russian banks located abroad;
  • - funds transferred to banks for trust management;
  • - funds placed on depersonalized metal accounts;
  • - funds transferred to the so-called "electronic wallets" (electronic money).

Does the Agency insure funds placed with MFIs?

On the funds of citizens deposited in microfinance organizations (MFIs), the effect of the Federal Law "On Insurance of Deposits in Banks Russian Federation" does not apply. MFIs are not banks and are not included in the mandatory deposit insurance system.

Are bank deposits insured?

For a long time, the deposits of individual entrepreneurs, who are individuals, were not insured by the state, as well as deposits of legal entities. But a few years ago this incident was eliminated. Currently, the funds on the accounts of individual entrepreneurs in banks are insured (for insured events that occurred after 01/01/2014).

See also:

- what are the rates on deposits today gives Binbank >>

- interest rates of deposits in Post Bank >>

How much are deposits insured in 2019

If the insured event occurred after December 29, 2014, the maximum amount of compensation for deposits is 1,400,000 rubles. It is up to this amount that deposits of individuals in banks of the Russian Federation are insured today.

If the insured event occurred from October 2, 2008 to December 29, 2014, then the maximum amount of compensation for deposits is 700 thousand rubles.

For insured events that occurred from March 25, 2007 to October 1, 2008, the maximum amount of insurance compensation is 400 thousand rubles;

If the insured event occurred from August 9, 2006 to March 25, 2007 - 190 thousand rubles;

IMPORTANT! Separate insurance indemnity, the maximum amount of which is up to 10 million rubles, payable:

According to an escrow account opened for settlements under a real estate purchase and sale transaction;

According to an escrow account opened for settlements under an agreement on participation in shared construction.

By the way!

The Central Bank of Russia and the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) have prepared a bill to compensate depositors of failed banks up to 10 million rubles. in special situations, such as when receiving an inheritance. This was told by the head of the DIA Yuri Isaev.

We are talking about cases of high balances on the bank account “due to special life circumstances,” Isaev specified. Special situations may be associated with temporary receipt of money from the sale of residential real estate, inheritance, social payments and benefits.

Deposit insurance in 2019: questions and answers

How is the amount of compensation calculated if the deposit is placed in a foreign currency?

If the deposit is placed in a foreign currency, the amount of compensation is calculated in rubles at the exchange rate set by the Bank of Russia on the day of the insured event.

How much compensation will spouses receive if each of them has deposits in the same bank?

In the event of an insured event, each of the spouses will independently receive compensation for deposits in the amount of 100 percent of the amount of his deposits in the bank, but not more than the maximum amount of insurance compensation established by law.

What amount will the depositor receive if he has deposits in different branches (branches) of the same bank?

Deposits in different branches (branches) of the same bank are deposits in the same bank. Therefore, they are subject to the general rule for calculating the amount of compensation: 100 percent of the amount of all deposits in the bank, but not more than the maximum amount of insurance compensation established by law.

For many customers who use banking services, the question arises whether the money in the bank account, including the debit card, is insured. Any credit or debit card has the same validity as any bank account. It is for this reason that the holders of such cards are fully covered by the law on deposit insurance. This applies not only to Sberbank. Money is protected by the state, and if it is on a credit card or debit card of any bank, then it is mandatory to be insured.

If, nevertheless, the bank's license is revoked, and you have money left in your bank account, you will not lose them. They will return to you within the period prescribed by law. It is mandatory to retain all documents that will help establish the fact that you are the owner of the funds in your debit card account. However, if you lose the documents, then there is a risk of not getting your money back.

There are special restrictions regarding all bank cards, and first of all they refer to the maximum amounts of storage and withdrawal.

If the account balance exceeded the amount of 1.4 million rubles before the license was revoked from the bank, then certain problems may arise in the process of returning money to the client. These difficulties lie in the fact that the funds will not be paid in full, but only a part of it will be returned, which does not exceed 1.4 million rubles. According to the law, the remaining part must also be paid from the proceeds from the sale of property and equipment of the bankrupt bank. In practice, this process can take years.

It is important to remember that it is not recommended to keep large amounts on the cards of those banks that do not have the function of quickly setting up and disabling restrictive limits that allow you to withdraw money in a certain amount or make a purchase using the mobile application. Another sensitive issue is the issue of inflation. The official statistics on inflation for the previous year reached 7% per annum, and when storing money on a regular card, there is a risk of losing this part in a year.

In order to be able to save their money at any time with interest that is intended to be compensation for inflation, many recommend using cards from banks that charge this interest. We are talking about free debit cards issued by the following banks (the list was compiled using Finblog.RF):

  • "Rocketbank". Debit card "Opening-Rocket";
  • Tinkoff. One of the most popular cards among the clients of this bank is new map"Tinkoff Black";
  • Home Credit issues a free debit card;
  • touch bank. Offers customers a universal card, which can be both debit and credit;
  • Euroset. The debit card "Kukuruz", which has been actively used by Russians over the past years.

Using the services of Binbank, you can also select and issue a debit card, but this service is not provided free of charge in this institution.

On the issue of insuring money on a debit card

The Deposit Insurance Agency (hereinafter referred to as the DIA) starts paying out only in cases where the bank is on the verge of bankruptcy and its license is revoked. At the same time, the bank is deprived of the authority to conduct absolutely any operations, money transfers, as well as the ability to somehow use the funds that are on customer accounts and operate payment systems.

All clients who qualify under the DIA insured event (including debit card holders) will receive a full payment if the balance on the individual's account did not exceed 1.4 million rubles. When an insured event occurs, the agency must pay the required amount to clients within two weeks.

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