What is the lottery in the elections. Contests and concerts are announced on the single voting day. And there are specific court decisions in other cases.

According to the Central Election Commission, more than 6,000 elections will take place in Russia on September 10, including 16 governors, six regional parliaments and 11 city assemblies of regional capitals (see map). The Expert Institute for Social Research, close to the Kremlin, stressed in a recent report that the legitimacy of elections is more important than turnout. However, as Vedomosti found out, actions aimed at mobilizing voters are still taking place in many regions.

New technologies

Most often, the object of such actions is young people. So, in the communities of the Perm Territory in the social network "VKontakte" there was information about the "Choose a Cinema" campaign: voters aged 18-35 who came to the polling stations were promised flyers that can be exchanged for movie tickets. In the Vologda Oblast, with the support of the Legislative Assembly, the Vote with the Whole Family project has been launched, according to the website of the Parliament: you need to take a picture at a polling station with a ballot and family members and post a photo on social networks with a certain hashtag - the winners will receive diplomas and gifts. In the Omsk region, a special forum will be held for young voters, and the popular rapper L’One will perform on the square near the Omsk Arena after the elections. “For 2,500 young Omsk residents, participation in the elections of deputies of the Omsk City Council will be the first,” the regional government said in a statement.

The website of the Novosibirsk Regional Electoral Committee posted a message about the contest of selfies and videos "#electionsNSO2017": they should contain a positive story, evoke a positive attitude of voters towards the elections and encourage them to actively participate in them. The authors of the best materials will receive an iPhone 7, an Apple Watch, a hoverboard and Fantasmia reality quest certificates. A selfie contest from the “I decide 2017” polling station was also launched in the Kaliningrad region: each 18-year-old voter who posted such a selfie will be presented with headphones, and 100 winners will receive portable speakers. “This is not campaigning, 441 voters will vote for the first time in our country, these are memorable gifts for everyone, a sign of attention, a sign of respect,” a representative of the regional election commission explained to Vedomosti. The local company Pivnoy Dvor is also holding its action, promising a liter of beer for a selfie posted on social networks with a ballot. In the Ryazan region, the Regional Electoral Committee launched the “Let's meet at the elections” quest: voters from 18 to 35 years old are invited to participate, prizes will be drawn among them, including tablets, smartphones and flash drives.

The Dozhd TV channel reported that the Kremlin is using the Mamba dating site to increase the turnout of young people in the gubernatorial elections: the Together for the Elections application allows you to choose a partner with whom you can go to the polling station, under the slogans “Choose those you like” and “ Meet at the elections and vote together.” Applications for attracting to the elections are also available in certain regions. For example, in Perm, for downloading the “Make a Choice” application and voting, you are promised an annual ticket to the fan zone for the largest concerts held by the department of culture and youth policy of the city administration. And the regional electoral committee has developed its own application "My elections", where you can get a list of elections, information about candidates and find your polling station.

material interest

In some places, voters are lured with solid prizes. On September 10, a public opinion poll will be held in Petrozavodsk on the adoption of the republican law on the status of the capital, a Lada XRay car will be raffled among the participants, Stolitsa na Onego reported. To participate, you need to install a special application, take part in a number of surveys, and on September 10, take part in a survey about the capital status of Petrozavodsk and receive a special promotional code. The poll will be conducted outside the polling stations, Svetlana Batenkova, secretary of the Karelian electoral committee, assured Vedomosti: “We have agreed to conduct this poll, but in compliance with the law, so that it does not bear signs of agitation and is outside the polling station.” Ekaterina Litvinova, chairman of the youth council of Petrozavodsk, says that the 64 sites where the poll will be held coincide with “institutions where elections will be held, but we will be outside the voting place”: “We will have volunteers, voting posters and a questionnaire. When a person leaves the polling station, he can vote for this poll.” She is “not fully aware” about the drawing of the car: “Most likely, the business supported the survey through such a mechanism as an application. If it violated the law, then such an initiative would not be allowed in the election commission.”

Ural scope

700,000 gifts and souvenirs will be given out on voting day in the Sverdlovsk region in "award centers": they will open in schools, social assistance centers, cultural centers and partially coincide with polling stations. In addition, the gift fund includes 15 apartments, 130 cars and 10,000 household appliances.

In Tomsk, Kaliningrad, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Tagil, Perm, the Golosovach project was launched - on its website they offer to come to the site, find an activist with a special photo frame, take a picture and post a photo with a hashtag, after which you can vote for the photo, and the winners will receive prizes , including iPad and iPhone. Sergey Rumyantsev, director of the PRISP Center for Applied Research and Programs organizing the action, is also sure that this project does not violate the law: “The concept of bribery refers only to bribing voters. We do not have the concept of "bribery of turnout", and the term "pre-election campaign" refers exclusively to calls to vote for specific candidates and parties. We urge people to come and vote physically, we don’t care for whom.” The law contains a provision prohibiting lotteries on the topic of elections, Rumyantsev notes: “But we are not holding a lottery, but a competition - a person takes a picture, publishes a photo, and the winners who receive prizes are identified by the number of votes received. Young people are not interested in politics, and we are somehow trying to get them interested in the elections.”

In the report of the “Golos” movement, projects to stimulate turnout through a prize draw are called “bribery of participation”, and an action in the Sverdlovsk region is given as an example. There, the Ural Gems Foundation, established by the Urals Chamber of Commerce and Industry, held a festival, the result of which on September 10 will be a holiday in 20 settlements (see inset). According to the chairman of the regional election committee Valery Chainikov, no one violated the laws, and the competition is aimed at ensuring that talented people can show themselves.

The problem of extremes

Party representatives have already drawn the attention of election commissions to such events. So, in Pskov, United Russia complained about the Social Revolutionaries, who allegedly promised to reward voters depending on the voting results. State Duma deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Valery Rashkin accused Moscow United Russia of violating the law, who are holding a contest for young people on the eve of the elections, and the distribution of valuable prizes to the winners is scheduled for September 9. Liberal Democratic Party activists filmed a video in Kursk, where United Russia held “court holidays”, luring voters with vodka and pies (Vladimir Zhirinovsky sent a complaint to the CEC).

Another problem is the abnormally high early voting. The Communists fix it in Barnaul, Nakhodka and Vladivostok, says Yury Afonin, deputy chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. State Duma deputy from the Liberal Democratic Party Yaroslav Nilov also notes the mass delivery for early voting in Nakhodka. At the same time, ordinary people in Moscow are not allowed to vote early and only certain categories of voters are allowed to do so, he wonders. Golos is also aware of the problems with early voting in Moscow, says its co-chair Grigory Melkonyants: high percentage of early voting.

The law prohibits the holding of lotteries and other games during the election campaign in which the winnings depend on the voting results or are otherwise related to the elections. But if the lottery is held to attract voters to the polling stations, and not in favor of candidates, then this is not a violation of the law, says electoral law expert Andrei Buzin: “However, from an ethical point of view, this is a surrogate for competition. When it is low, and people need to be attracted to the polling stations in order to continue to say that the elections are legitimate, then such tricks begin.” The authorities are doing everything possible to prevent independent voters from coming, but they want to catch up with those who succumb to pressure or conformists who can be mobilized by special technologies, says political scientist Alexander Kynev: “People who are ready to go to the polls for a lottery ticket are oriented towards paternalistic relations with the authorities ". He recalls that in the spring they discussed increasing turnout, including through holding referendums, but they were abandoned, "because they did not find topics that would guarantee the arrival of loyal voters."

Already next Sunday, September 10, the inhabitants of the Sverdlovsk region will elect a governor. This will be the first popular election of the head of the region in the last 14 years. Six people are vying for the chair of the region's leader. According to the election commission, a number of innovations are envisaged for this year's elections. 805 precinct and 12 territorial election commissions in the region will be equipped with video surveillance cameras and electronic voting boxes. Also, Sverdlovsk residents will be able to vote at the location within the region without absentee ballots. Everything that a voter needs to know about the elections of the Sverdlovsk governor this year is in the material of the Academy of Sciences "Mezhdu stroki".

Who do we choose?

We elect the governor of the Sverdlovsk region. This is the highest administrative elected person in the region, who leads the state executive authorities. He heads the regional government and his own administration, coordinates the work of law enforcement agencies, and has the right to dissolve the Legislative Assembly. In accordance with Art. 44 p. 1 of the Charter of the Sverdlovsk region, the governor determines the main directions of domestic policy, ensures the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens, signs and promulgates regional laws.

The governor is elected by the inhabitants of the region for a term of five years and cannot hold the said position for more than two consecutive terms. For the first time in the Sverdlovsk region, the governor was elected in 1995. The first and so far the only head of the region elected by popular vote was Eduard Rossel, who won election campaigns three times - in 1995, 1999 and 2003. After him, Alexander Misharin and Yevgeny Kuyvashev became governors, but their candidacies had already been proposed by the president and were not submitted to a popular vote.

Who wants to take the governor's seat?

Everyone will have to choose from six candidates. These are State Duma deputy from the Liberal Democratic Party Igor Toroshchin, head of the regional branch of the Russian Party of Pensioners for Justice Dmitry Sergin, deputy of the Legislative Assembly from A Just Russia Dmitry Ionin, managing director of PJSC Plus Bank Alexei Parfyonov from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, deputy of the City Duma of Yekaterinburg, nominated by the party " The Greens, Konstantin Kiselyov and Acting Head of the Region Evgeny Kuyvashev. A month before the expiration of the latter’s term, in April 2017, Russian President Vladimir Putin accepted his resignation (the powers ended in May), but immediately signed a decree appointing him as acting head of the region. This was perceived by Ural political scientists and Kuyvashev's fellow party members as support for the Kremlin in the upcoming elections.

Only these six managed to collect the required number of signatures of municipal deputies and heads (from 126 to 132) to pass the so-called "municipal filter" and officially register as candidates for the post of Sverdlovsk governor.

Why do you need a municipal filter?

The municipal filter is formally designed to test candidates for their "seriousness" and ability to establish ties with deputies. In reality, the filter, according to the opposition parties, makes it impossible for those people who can seriously compete with the nominee from the party in power to participate in the elections. Now there are 1,547 deputies in the dumas of various levels. Of these, United Russia has 948 deputies, Just Russia has 88, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation has 71, the LDPR has 35, the RPPS has 10, and the rest are self-nominated.

No. Citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of 18 and whose place of residence is located on the territory of the region can take part in voting in the election of the governor of the Sverdlovsk region. Persons recognized by the court as incompetent or held in places of deprivation of liberty by a court verdict cannot vote. Employees of TECs recommend that you clarify in advance whether you are included in the list of voters and which polling station you belong to, so that on election day there will be no unpleasant misunderstandings for you.

My friend does not want to go to the polls, will he be punished?

“In 2013, at the election of the head, the turnout was 45%, in 2016, when deputies of the Legislative Assembly were elected, it was about the same level. Therefore, we hope that this year's turnout will be sufficient. There was a time when the people of Tagil were even less interested in the elections, the turnout was 35%, now it is becoming more active. Let's hope that the voters will come, despite the height of the gardening season,” said Lidia Bryzgalova, chairman of the Nizhny Tagil election commission.

How to find your polling place?

On the territory of Nizhny Tagil, 157 polling stations will operate from 8:00 to 20:00. You can find your address on the website of the election commission of the Sverdlovsk region.

On September 10, special groups of members of election commissions with ballot papers and a portable sealed ballot box will visit the seriously ill, elderly, people with disabilities.

What if I moved to another city?

Those who do not have time to decide on their location before September 5 can vote on the territory of the Sverdlovsk region according to a special or, as it is also called, branded application.

“Special applications will be issued from September 5 to September 9 at the PECs at the place of registration,” the local election commission says. - For example, they send someone on a business trip, he comes to his native PEC and writes a statement where he indicates the reasons for which he leaves the city, and also because of which he was previously unable to write an application for voting at the location. A part of a special stamp is stuck on the application, after which it is given to the voter. Before the elections, the regional electoral commission will publish a list of polling stations to which Ural residents can come with branded statements. In our Leninist Commission, for example, there will be seven such polling stations.”

People who have only a temporary residence permit on the territory of the Sverdlovsk region or have no registration at all will not be able to vote in the gubernatorial elections.

In the Sverdlovsk region, early voting in the gubernatorial elections will be organized only in hard-to-reach villages and hamlets. It will start on September 2 and end on September 9. Will vote at 24 settlements: in Artinsky, Volchansky, Gornouralsky, Ivdelsky, Serovsky, Sosvinsky, Tavdinsky, Tugulymsky, Turinsky and Shali urban districts, Baikalovsky and Taborinsky municipal districts, Alapaevsky municipality, urban districts of Verkhotursky and Karpinsk.

How many ballots will I be given at the polling station?

For the election of the Sverdlovsk governor, one ballot will be issued, which will indicate the full name and brief information about all six candidates. The procedure for placing information about them in the bulletin was determined by the election committee in early August. The first line was taken by Social Revolutionary Dmitry Ionin, the last - by Liberal Democrat Igor Toroshchin.

News agency "Between the Lines"

In some regions, mass events and actions will be held on the single voting day on September 10. In several regions, the authorities have focused on increasing turnout among young people by announcing contests for turnout between universities or an election relay race. Award centers will be opened in the Sverdlovsk region - the gift fund includes 15 apartments, 130 cars, 10,000 items of household appliances.

On September 10, in 16 regions governors will be elected, in 6 - deputies of legislative assemblies, in 11 - city dumas of regional centers. In Sevastopol, where the governor is elected, universities will compete in the number of students who voted. As Kommersant was told in the election committee, each university will receive its own hashtag to participate in the competition. On voting day, contestants must post a photo from their polling station with a hashtag on their personal VKontakte page no later than 20:00. When counting photos, the ratio of students who voted to the total number of students with active suffrage at the university will be taken into account.

The action "I decide 2017" is carried out by the Kaliningrad Regional Electoral Committee (the governor is elected in the region). Young people participating in the elections for the first time will receive gifts - a pen, headphones, as well as a coupon giving the right to participate in the drawing of 100 valuable gifts. In addition, the commission is holding a relay race #yaidunaelections. A stylized ballot is transported to all municipalities of the region, where the name of the city or village is marked with a tick. As part of the relay race in Kaliningrad on September 4, a holiday #yidunavybory was held on the central square.

In Perm (gubernatorial campaign) concerts by DJ Smash and Oleg Gazmanov will be held on the voting day. Information is also spreading on social networks that residents from 18 to 35 years old at polling stations will be able to receive flyers for free admission to cinemas. Tickets will be issued by cinemas of the Kinomax and Cinema Park chains.

The concert of rapper L`One on September 10 will be held in Omsk (city council elections), it was organized by the Public Chamber of the region. Free invitation tickets to the concert will be available at polling stations.

In the Sverdlovsk region, where the governor will be elected, on September 10, festive events will be held as part of the Ural Gems festival (organized by the Ural Chamber of Commerce and Industry). Award centers will open in 20 cities of the region (Ekaterinburg is not included), where anyone can choose a certificate for which they will receive a prize. The addresses of the centers coincide with or are located near the polling stations, and only residents tied to the polling station will be able to receive a gift. The gift fund includes 15 apartments, 130 cars, 10,000 household appliances and 700,000 various souvenirs. The organizers of the action note that the festival has nothing to do with the elections, does not support any of the candidates, and the presentation of gifts is not a lottery.

The drawing of the car Lada X-Ray on the election day will be held in Petrozavodsk (the governor will be elected in Karelia). In parallel with the voting, the city will conduct a survey “Do you support the initiative to adopt a republican law on the status of the capital?”, Its participants will receive a promotional code, and a winner will be selected among its owners.

The Tomsk City Hall (the governor will be elected in the Tomsk Region) will hold a “Little Tomsk Day” on September 10: children will be able to join the eco-patrol, visit the Divo Reserve, try their luck fishing in the Soda Lake, bake pancakes and pancakes.

Electoral commissions and authorities of other regions do not intend to hold mass actions on voting day. “We thought that the game was not worth the candle,” a source in one of the regional headquarters of United Russia told Kommersant. According to him, “the calculation showed” that such actions really “attract young people, but, firstly, there are not many of them, and secondly, the same students will have more important things to do on the first weekend of the academic year.” The interlocutor of Kommersant noted that in local elections in cities of up to 500 thousand people there is no global agenda like: “Your voice is for the future of Russia”, so it is not easy to achieve mass voter involvement. “And the risk of provocations and, in general, emergency situations at such events is always quite high,” the party member concluded.

15:49 — REGNUM The institution of an acting governor participating in the election, combined with the requirement to pass the municipal filter, makes the election of the heads of subjects non-competitive, manageable, with a predictable result. This opinion was expressed to the correspondent by the co-chairman of the party "Russian All-People's Union" (ROS) Evgeny Artyukh.

“There were no surprises in the election of the governor of the Sverdlovsk region. As expected, Kuyvashev won the acting governor, however, as in all 16 regions, where elections of heads of regions took place last Sunday. In this regard, on the surface, there is an obvious conclusion that the interim institution, combined with the requirement to pass the municipal filter, actually makes the elections of the heads of subjects uncompetitive and manageable with a predictable result. , the politician said.

In his opinion, the appointment of an interim to the regions also allows, in fact, to elect any person, even a person who has nothing to do with the region, as a governor, as happened in Sevastopol or Udmurtia. Evgeny Artyukh believes that such a practice may have certain negative consequences for the regions in the future, and also indicates that local personnel have no prospects for growth within the region.

“As for the municipal filter, its prohibitive nature is obvious. Moreover, I dare say that the municipal filter in its current form does not give a formal right to participate in elections to all registered political parties. Simply, if all parties from the register of the Ministry of Justice put forward their candidates in regional elections, and they have such a formal right, and it cannot be limited until the law is changed, then mathematically there is not enough number of municipal deputies to collect signatures in order to overcome the municipal filter » , the politician is convinced.

Yevgeny Artyukh believes that the peculiarity of the elections in the Sverdlovsk region was the actions of the authorities aimed at increasing the turnout, since the predetermined and sluggish campaign did not arouse interest among the inhabitants of the region. He believes that it was for this purpose that the so-called lottery was organized, the organizers of which say that it had nothing to do with the elections.

“At the same time, the lottery was actually held in the same premises as polling stations, and only those who voted and received a sheet of gratitude from the members of the election commission could take part in it. This technology is questionable, since the electoral law prohibits holding lotteries in connection with elections. Moreover, the question arises: who and why paid for all this, and in the Sverdlovsk region at least 100 million rubles were spent on the lottery. And how will these sponsors then return this money to themselves? I see elements of corruption in this and I believe that the Sverdlovsk lottery should be carefully checked by law enforcement agencies. , the politician said.

Yevgeny Artyukh is convinced that the lottery is connected with the turnout, the analysis of which shows that in cities with lotteries the turnout was higher than in Yekaterinburg, which showed turnout twice as low as the regional average. He believes that in this regard, if not a legal, then a moral aspect of the legitimacy of the elected governor arises.

At least 100 million rubles, according to media reports, was spent by the Ural Chamber of Commerce and Industry on holding a lottery on the day of the gubernatorial election. Recall that the drawing of cash prizes for tickets, which were issued along with ballots, was held in 20 municipalities. There were played 14 apartments and 65 cars.

14 apartments, 65 cars, about 5,000 household appliances and 700,000 souvenirs were raffled off during a lottery in the Sverdlovsk region, timed to coincide with the gubernatorial election, Znak.com reports. At the same time, the organizer of the lottery, the Ural Chamber of Commerce and Industry, prepared 15 apartments, 130 cars and 10,000 household appliances for the lottery in 20 municipalities. It was not possible to play all the prizes due to the turnout, which, although it increased significantly, was still lower than expected.

Recall that the election of the governor of the Sverdlovsk region was won by the acting head of the region Evgeny Kuyvashev with 62% of the vote. At the same time, the overall turnout in the region was 37.33%, exceeding expectations. And in the municipalities where the lottery was held, it basically exceeded the mark of 40 and 50%.

The amount that the Ural Chamber of Commerce and Industry spent on holding the draw is not reported. According to media reports, we are talking about at least 100 million rubles.

How to dispose of the remaining cars, apartment and household appliances, the organizers of the lottery have not yet decided. One of the curators of the draw, former deputy of the regional legislature Nafik Famiyev, said that one more event might be organized, where all the other prizes would be drawn.

Let us add that earlier complaints about the holding of the lottery on election day were expressed by the chairman of the CEC, Ella Pamfilova, who saw this as a possible attempt to bribe voters. Having dealt with the situation, the electoral commission did not find any violations in it. It should be noted that the organizers of the lottery did not call for voting for specific candidates and, in general, publicly distanced themselves from the elections in every possible way. Nevertheless, the centers for issuing gifts were located in close proximity to the PECs, and only citizens who came to the polls could receive lottery tickets - they were issued along with ballots.

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