Unusual competition in the world. The most unusual sport Unusual sports in the world. Nettle Eating Contest, England

There are hardly any people who have not heard of football, basketball or baseball. These sports are spread all over the world. However, local sporting events deserve your attention no less. Let's say right away that people's creative approach to sports will not leave you indifferent

There are hardly any people who have not heard of basketball or baseball. These sports are spread all over the world. However, local sporting events deserve your attention no less. Let's say right away that people's creative approach to sports will not leave you indifferent. There are competitions for every taste: from simple interpretations of popular sports to completely unique games, the originality of which reaches the point of absurdity. So, here are the 25 most unusual sports in the world:

25. Cooperschild Cheese Race

An annual game is held in the picturesque Cotswolds, in which a crowd of daredevils run down the hillside in pursuit of a head of Double Gloucester Cheese. People from all over the world come to Cooper's Hill to watch and even take part in this dangerous, but very fun competition.

24. Hurling

Can you imagine the combination of football, baseball and hockey? And in Ireland there is already a game called hurling that fits that description perfectly. The equipment of the hurler player consists of a football uniform, a protective helmet and a wooden stick. The goal of this game is to earn as many points as possible by scoring balls into the opponent's goal.

23. Finnish run with wives

In Finland, there is one very funny competition in which men have to overcome an obstacle course with their wives, who are on the shoulders of their husbands in a strange position upside down and head down. And to make things even more difficult, the 250-meter obstacle course has two barriers and a water pit. The main prize is an amount equal to the weight of the winner's wife.

22. Buzkashi

The national sport of Afghanistan, in which players, while on horseback, must grab a goat carcass and hold it until they reach the goal line. Buzkashi resembles polo without a stick and ball, and in terms of rudeness it is compared to American football, since Buzkashi does not do without hitting, kicking and even shooting.

21. Eton wall

A traditional sports game played exclusively for students at Eton College in England. Some compare it to rugby or football, but this is erroneous, as Eton wall is a completely different game in which the wall is the playing field. Players move along the wall and lean on each other in the struggle for the ball. If the player is close enough to the edge of the wall, they are entitled to kick the ball at the target, which can be a tree or a door. This game is not as easy as it seems, given that the last time a goal was scored back in 1909.

20. Jai Alai

Jai alai is considered by sports fans as a mixture of badminton and handball. It is usually played singly or in pairs. The object of the game is to throw the ball against a wall in the opponent's zone with a scoop-like racket. And the opponent, in turn, must catch the ball directly in the air or at the first rebound from the wall. Otherwise, the player or team will lose points.

19. Chessbox

Imagine a picture: chess players moving pawns and rooks with boxing gloves, and boxers sitting on a chair and thinking how to beat an opponent in chess. Strange, isn't it? You will be surprised, but in Finland there is already a certain game where boxing and chess go hand in hand. not like any sport you know about. First, the players play a chess round, then a boxing round, and so on for 11 rounds.

18. Swim through the swamp on a mountain bike

It is genuinely surprising that the sport, which involves riding a mountain bike, being waist-deep in dirty and disgustingly stinking water, has become insanely popular all over the world. It involves not only locals, but also contestants from different countries. What can I say - even the World Cup is held on it. To win, you need to drive back and forth through the swamp ditch in the shortest possible time.

17. Kabaddi

This interesting game begins with one team sending an "invader" into the enemy's territory. If the invader touches one of the opposing team and runs into their own territory, they earn a point. But if the invader was touched or he was captured before he had time to escape, then the point goes to the opponents. Any player touched is out of the game. And so on until one of the teams loses all the participants.

16. Royal Shrovetide Football

Can you imagine a football match in which the whole city of several thousand people participates, where even women with children reach for the ball, forgetting everything in the world? This is how you can describe the royal Shrovetide football, which is held in the small English town of Ashbourne.

15. Championship kicks in the shin

This tough competition is quite popular in the Cotswolds, where the Cotswold Cheese Race is held. The essence of the game is simple, like its name. You need to kick your opponent's shins until he falls. Victory is yours if you win two out of three rounds.

14. Bossaball

Many of those who play beach volleyball would like to jump high above the net and perform a powerful attacking shot. And although it seems that only professionals can do such a complex element, however, any player, even an amateur, can do it by playing the Brazilian version of beach volleyball - bossaball. In this sport, especially for attacking players, a special inflatable platform with trampolines has been created.

13. Jibbing

This unusual sport will appeal to fans of extreme sports who have not achieved much success in roller skating or skateboarding. For jibbing, all you need is a pair of running shoes with a special groove to glide over the railing. This trick is so popular that it is used by video game characters such as Sonic and Tidus from Final Fantasy X.

12. Holding a ferret in your pants

I say right away, this is one of those games in which it is strongly not recommended to take part. Two angry rodents in your pants can quickly ruin your day. The record time for a ferret to stay in his pants is 5 hours.

11. Towel throw

In this game, the participants are divided into two teams: "throwers" and "girdle". The throwing team chooses one player, around whom the opponents gather in a round dance. The thrower must hit someone from the round dance with a towel soaked in beer. If the thrower hits, then the point is awarded to the "throwers" team. But if he misses, he drinks a certain amount of beer. The game ends when all 4 rounds have been played, or when no one is able to stay on their feet.

10. Hornussen

Hornussen is positioned as a game for farmers. It combines the features of hockey and baseball. One team launches a rubber ball called a horn with a flexible rod. In order to earn points, their opponents must hit the ball with a special racket that looks like a huge poster. Otherwise, a point is awarded to the serving team.

9. Skibob

Throughout the winter, snowboarding and skiing give us a lot of fun and thrills, but for beginners, riding at such breakneck speeds can lead to very unpleasant and even dangerous consequences for health. However, if you are a fan of winter extreme sports, then the skibob will not leave you indifferent. There is only one difference from other winter sports: instead of skiing and snowboarding, you will have a semblance of a bicycle.

8. Camel fights

Surely you have heard of cockfights, pit bull fights and even bullfights. All of the above fights are extremely brutal and usually end with the death of one of the animals. But the camel fights that are held in Turkey, fortunately, do without blood and casualties. The duel ends when one of the camels either runs away or falls to the ground.

7. Extreme ironing

The essence of this sport is very simple: you need to take an iron, ironing board and iron something in the most unexpected place. This is where pure fantasy begins. You can drive the iron on the board while skydiving, or calmly iron things while on the top of Everest. Unfortunately, there are no special sports events for extreme ironing yet, but ironers continue to show the world another crazy ways to iron things.

6. Racing on the Todd River

Have you ever seen dragon boat races that move not on water, but on land? By the way, this funny competition is called Races on the Todd River, which is held in Australia, in the town of Alice Springs. More than 20 teams are fighting for victory, among them are the names of famous corporations. All dragon boats have no bottom, so players must run in such a way as to reach the finish line without ever falling.

5. Playing trivia

Who would have thought that Winnie the Pooh could inspire people to create a new sport? Strange as it may seem, the game of Trivia has become so popular in some parts of Europe that it has even been played in world championships. Your task is to throw a wand from the bridge at the same time as other participants. The winner will be the one whose wand appears first from under the opposite side of the bridge.

4. "A real beer storm"

If you think that this is a simple bike race on a quiet afternoon, then you are very much mistaken. Everything is fine as long as these guys drive straight and hold the steering wheel firmly. By the way, as part of the annual beer festival in Central Wales, an unusual bike ride takes place. At the checkpoints, each participant is required to drink a certain amount of alcohol. The task of the riders is to get to the finish line while being able to keep on the bike. Obviously, people with a high tolerance for alcohol have an increased chance of winning.

3. Worms Charming Competition

In the UK, worm charm is an official sport. It is so popular that every year the World Worm Charming Championship takes place in Cheshire. The rules are pretty simple. You are given a plot of land 3x3 meters, and you must lure out of the ground and collect as many worms as possible in 30 minutes. I bet this sport is perfect for those who want cheap fish bait.

2. Game of conker

The World Conker Championship is held every October in the small British village of Ashton, located in Northamptonshire, where more than three hundred conker players come from all over the world. The goal of the game is to break the opponent's conker. “And what are these conkers?” - you ask. These are the fruits of horse chestnut, which are hung on a string. And the player himself must be fast and agile, otherwise his conker will be broken.

1. Bed racing

Back in 1965, bed racing was only played by the US military, but over time, this fun game has become more popular. To win, you need to be the first to cross the finish line. But there are certain rules that must be followed. First, the bed, which contains only one person, must be pushed by six participants. And secondly, the bed must float on the water, since the last stage of the race is crossing the river. Although quite often the last step is neglected.

Bonus:10 most unusual extreme sports:

People have always been interested in sports, but apparently due to the fact that popular competitions are already pretty tired and ordinary amateurs are not able to break records in them, some begin to come up with new competitions.

in the world

Fans of outdoor activities constantly but the standard rules begin to bother over time, and you have to look for alternative ways of entertainment, strengthening the body and getting another dose of adrenaline.

Developing your own competitions is a rather difficult task, during which you should decide on the rules, restrictions, and most importantly, come up with the type of competition itself. The easiest way is to take a popular competition and modify it to get the desired effect, such as diving and route orienteering, mud football and ice climbing.

What is the best unusual sport? To this question, any athlete will answer that the best is the one that he himself is engaged in. Therefore, in choosing competitions, you need to focus on, for example, a football fan will be in place in the same football, but in the mud.

Unusual sports in Russia

The Russians, just like the inhabitants of other countries of the world, are beginning to look at non-standard competitions, but in our country, not so much "strange" types of competitions, as extreme ones, are developing.

The Tver region of Russia is actively gaining popularity among fans of conquering ice peaks, underwater orienteering gathers followers not only in the Volga region but also in the northern parts of the country (Novosibirsk).

Unusual sports in Russia are interesting for athletes solely because of the increase in adrenaline levels, and not because of entertainment, because it is easier to use ordinary types of competitions for fun.

Boxer or chess player - who is stronger

Chess is a game for the mind, during which it is developed, but, apparently, one thought was not enough, and they decided to come up with a chess box, in which the competition takes place both at the level of the mind and on the fists.

A chess boxing duel consists of 5 boxing rounds and 6 chess rounds. Each of the boxing rounds lasts two minutes, while the game of chess takes 4 minutes for each round.

The winner is determined based on the number of points scored in boxing and victory in a chess game. But if a boxer wins in chess and loses in boxing (or vice versa), a draw is declared.

Weird competition on the beds

All people are accustomed to sleeping on the bed, but one of the US military (it was they who started the first competition in these unusual competitions) in 1965 decided to arrange bed races.

After some time, ordinary residents became interested in a non-standard sport, which led to its popularization.

The rules of bed racing are simple - you need to overtake rivals and come to the finish line first, but there are 3 conditions: 6 people must push the car, 1 participant must be in the bed, and the device must be able to swim.

On the one hand, this sport seems simple, but its complexity lies in the fact that before the finish the bed must be transported through a water barrier, which creates many difficulties for the athletes.

drunk racing

A group of cyclists decided to diversify the ride and began to hold competitions, supplementing the race with a large amount of alcohol, well, and then residents of the city, the country and some parts of the world joined in.

The essence of the race on bicycles is to come first, but in this case, each athlete, arriving at the checkpoint, is obliged to drink a certain amount of beer and ride on. The complexity of the competition lies in the fact that the route can be laid through 6 points, and at each one you need to drink a liter of beer, and it will be very difficult to reach the finish line, because it is difficult for athletes to walk.

Wrestling under water

Military sailors undergo special training, during which they are taught to eliminate targets at great depths without visible fluctuations in the water surface. The wrestlers understood the advantages of martial arts in the water - strengthening muscle mass, controlling the condition of the lungs - and began to practice underwater wrestling as

Aquathlon competitions are held in a pool measuring 5 by 5 meters and a minimum depth of 2 meters, and in order to win, you need to remove the bandage from the opponent's ankle.

slippery extreme

Iceclimbing - this is the name of this unusual sport - does not yet have a large number of followers, but is actively practiced among professionals in conquering rock-based peaks.

In fact, there are no rules in this sport, here the athlete simply conquers a new peak, but the difficulty of the climb allows you to get more adrenaline than ordinary mountains.

underwater racing

It is not an easy task, and to pass a certain path indicated on the map, being at a depth of several meters, is an even more difficult task.

Underwater orientation is a sport for those who love diving and are ready to be at great depths for quite a long time, and at the same time not to consider the flora, but to focus on the next checkpoint.

The essence of the competition is that a group of divers must dive in point "A", go through all the checkpoints, constantly being under water, and come first to the finish line.

The whole difficulty lies in the very orientation at depth, where the only assistant is the compass, without which it is impossible to reach the finish line.

extreme flight

Skydiving has been constantly gaining followers since its inception, but after conquering heights, some extreme people stop getting a surge of adrenaline and think about changing the rules of jumping and increasing the dose of adrenaline.

Basejumping is the most unusual sport, but in fact it is a skydiver's jump from a huge building, bridge and other structures, and the whole danger lies in the athlete's close proximity to the building from which he jumped, and the lack of time to open the parachute.

During the flight, the extreme seeker needs time to determine the correct position in the air, otherwise the parachute may open incorrectly and get tangled, after which the athlete will have a chance to open the reserve parachute, but in this case there is no chance for a mistake, and if he jumps incorrectly, he will not be able to to land.

Base jumping, although it allows you to get a huge burst of adrenaline, but only professionals can take part in it.

Competition is the engine of progress. People throughout their history competed with each other in strength, intelligence, dexterity. But sometimes the desire to be the first leads to unexpected results. We present to your attention an overview of the most unusual competitions in the world, in which participants do not want to give up the palm for anything.

Who will lure bees more, China

A very popular competition in the Celestial Empire, the meaning of which is to plant as many insects as possible on yourself. It should look like a "bee coat". The conditions of the championship are quite harsh - the participants have only glasses and swimming trunks. To calculate the results, the weight of the participant himself is first measured, then it is calculated how many kilograms of bees sat on him. At the moment, the Guinness Book of Records recorded a result of 39 kilograms, which is about 350 thousand insects.

Ironing under extreme conditions, UK

The first competition, more precisely, the world championship in this discipline took place back in 2002. Then 70 participants, representatives of 10 countries, arrived at the competition site. Wherever they don’t stroke - on a rock, in the back seat of a car, suspended, tied. And the “inventory” is also different - you have to iron T-shirts, shirts, products made of fine silk. At the very first championship, the hosts of the tournament won in the team standings, and their team consisted only of men.

Who will throw the mobile phone further, Finland

A competition in which, voluntarily or involuntarily, almost everyone who has a mobile phone participated. Unlike everyday situations, at the championship the participants are driven not by anger, but by the desire to win. There are strict rules and strict judges. For example, you can throw only branded products, with a fake they are not allowed to participate. In 2000, the competition was first held in Finland, since then it has gained popularity around the world, including in 2005 the championship was held in Russia.

Wife Carrying Competition, Finland

This competition even received a separate article on Wikipedia. Insanely fun competition, the meaning of which is to quickly overcome the obstacle course with his wife on his shoulders. As a reward - beer, the mass of which is equal to the weight of the spouse, by the way, according to the rules, it should not be lighter than 49 kilograms. It is noteworthy that in 2017 the winners were a married couple from Russia. Unofficial championships are held throughout Europe and in the USA. The roots of the competition go back to medieval Finland.

Alligator wrestling, USA

Once upon a time, for the sake of survival, the Indians had to catch alligators, and they had to be delivered to the camp as food supplies alive. Nowadays, participants are required to pay 250 dollars in order to show their skills. Pretty dangerous competition for brutal men.

Redneck Games, Georgia, USA

A very strange championship held in this state since 1996. Disciplines are typical of rednecks and cause some shock to other people. Here, participants compete in throwing toilet seats, jumping into the mud, and catching chicken bones out of the water with their teeth. Usually these games are held in an atmosphere of madness and fun, a lot of traditional beer is poured, and more and more people are eager to try their hand each time. All funds earned during the "Olympiad" are transferred to charitable foundations.

Deep freediving, Bahamas

In 2018, the tenth championship in this discipline was held. Participants dive to a depth of about 100 meters, while they are not allowed to use an oxygen tank. Not only is the competition a serious risk to life, a certificate and a fee of $645 are required to participate. Nevertheless, the championship is considered prestigious, world records are set on it. The venue is unique - the so-called "Dean's Blue Hole". Its depth is 202 meters, and it is located just a couple of meters from the shore.

Swim on rubber women, Russia

Strange amusements have not bypassed our country either. Swimming competitions with goods from sex shops have been held in Russia for more than 10 years, but last year it was unfortunately banned. The main rule was to get to the finish line faster than anyone, while not losing your rubber girlfriend along the way. Equipment brought with you or purchased locally. In terms of fun and madness, this championship was at least as good as the Redneck Games. Information about future competitions is constantly updated on the official website of the competition.

Death Race, USA

This championship is more like a special forces training. Competitors must complete a very long obstacle course on rough terrain. This includes running and crawling in the mud and swamps, overcoming barbed wire, broken glass, carrying various weights, working in the forest and in the fields. A marathon can last over 70 hours. In the photos from the competition, a large number of participants are covered in blood. Not surprisingly, no more than 10 percent of "athletes" reach the finish line. The participation fee is $300.

Nettle Eating Contest, England

Test of the digestive system of the participants. The point is to eat as much grass as possible. Many contestants drop out due to vomiting. For the victory they give 100 pounds sterling, participation fees are also present. Two years ago, a record was set - 24 meters of plant stems.

Volvo Ocean Race, England

A dangerous sailing race, in 39 weeks, participants must cover almost 40,000 nautical miles. The competition is held every 3 years and is considered quite prestigious. Many characterize it as the most dangerous round-the-world regatta in the world.

Worms Spell World Championship, England

The goal of this contest is to control worms, however strange it may sound. In a specially fenced area, the participants crawl on the ground and cause vibrations, which the prey must regard as rain and crawl out. The atmosphere of the championship is quite funny, the audience vied with each other to advise the “wizard” on winning strategies. Today, the record is 567 worms, which were deceived in half an hour.

Chessbox, Europe

These competitions are most suitable for the definition of a sporting event, as they are essentially composed of two disciplines - chess and boxing. You can win both in the ring and behind the board. There are 11 rounds, each of which lasts three minutes. Sparring and intellectual work alternate. There are different weight categories. Interestingly, representatives of Russia most often won, and in both ways.

High-speed flights, Finland

The meaning of the competition is to fall down the mountain in free flight as quickly as possible. Height - about 800 meters, for participation you have to pay 50 dollars. These competitions produce some of the most breathtaking photography and video footage in the world.

Who will eat more bull balls, Montana, USA

Enough tasty dish, if prepared correctly, is eaten here on an industrial scale without any culinary delights. The goal is simple - in 10 minutes, the participants must eat as many bull testicles as possible and prove that he has the most stable stomach. Vomiting is an integral part of the competition.

Some competitions are very fun, others are dangerous and exciting, others seem completely meaningless. But they are preparing for them, they gather more and more participants every year and they all have one thing in common - a person’s desire to win and be the best.

What can a game of chess and boxing have in common? It turns out that there are even a lot when it comes to such a sport as chess boxing or chess boxing. Haven't figured out how to play it yet? Now we will explain everything to you. We will also tell you about 14 more amazing and sometimes stupid, but very funny sports that were invented by people to compete and have fun at the same time.


1. Chess box or chess box. This is not only a game of muscles, but also of brains. Opponents in this hybrid sport play boxing and chess in alternating rounds. Chessboxing has been officially held since 2003. Dymer Agasryan from Armenia became the world champion in light heavyweight. (Photo: Ray Tang/Rex Features).
2. Carrying wives. Finns came up with this game... Men who take part in the competition win beer in an amount corresponding to the weight of their wife. Pictured: Finnish couple Ville Parviainen and Janet Oxman, who won the race last year. (Photo: EPA).
3. Toe wrestling. This is an interesting fight with the big toes. Opponents squeeze their fingers and the one that presses the opponent's foot to the floor wins. Alan "Nasty" Nash (left) of Great Britain is the reigning champion. (Photo: DARREN STAPLES/Reuters).
4. Rolling cheese. This traditional British competition has been held annually for over 200 years. The meaning of the game is to catch up with a circle of cheese rolling down the mountainside. The current champion is Chris Anderson. (Photo: REX/London News Pictures).
5. Downhill sled competitions in the city are a bit like a winter Olympic sport - luge. Its participants can accelerate on asphalt to a speed of 157 kilometers per hour. The current world champion is Denis Araugo from Brazil. For those who prefer not extreme, but traditional winter sports, such as skiing or skiing, it is worth thinking about buying equipment right now. Get your skis ready for summer! You can find out which ski model is suitable for your style and skiing place on the pages of the E-Sport sports online store, as well as choose and order the ones you like. (Photo: AP Photo).
6. Hot dog eating competition against the clock. This sport is much more difficult than it seems at first glance. The current record holder is Joey Chesnut (center), who ate 69 hot dogs in 10 minutes. (Photo: AP Photo).
7. Scuba diving in the swamp. In this competition, competitors must swim two lengths of trench, without the usual diving equipment. Only snorkel and fins are allowed. The swamp diving record belongs to Kirsty Johnson, who covered the "muddy distance" in 1 minute and 22 seconds. (Photo: Rebecca Naden/Reuters).
8. Competition in antics. There is no other way to call it, because in this competition the one who can make the strangest mines with his face wins. This competition has been held in the UK… for over 700 years. And Tommy Mattinson has been the unbeaten winner of antics for 15 consecutive years. (Photo: John Li/Getty Images).
9. World Championship in shooting ... peas. This competition requires the participant a little ingenuity and engineering ability to make a weapon for himself, and deadly accuracy to hit the target. The world champion in this strange sport is Rob Bresler from Great Britain. (Photo 6 Neil Hall/Reuters).
10. World Underwater Kissing Championship. The current champions are Xu Jun and Zhang Wenqing from Shanghai, whose kiss lasted 1 minute and 20 seconds. (Photo: Daniele La Monaca/Reuters).
11. Frog jumping. The winner of the competition is the participant whose frog makes the longest jump. Riley Kitchell from California won this year. (Photo: REX/KPA/Zuma).
12. Competition in kicks in the shin originates in the Middle Ages. Two participants in this competition hold each other by the shoulders and try to kick each other in the shin in order to knock them to the ground. This year's champion was Ross Langill from Vancouver. (Photo: Robert Hallam/Rex Features).
13. Sepak Takraw is an Asian sport in which the participants try to throw the ball into the opponent's field using only their legs, head or torso, but never their arms. Team Thailand is the reigning champion. (Photo: AP Photo/Eugene Hoshiko).
14. Regatta boats made from beer cans. This competition is like every year Mindil Beach in Australia. According to the rules, the participants of the race must stay on the water only thanks to beer tanks, no other ballast is allowed. This year the winner was the boat Tipanic. (Photo: Newspix/REX).
15. International Cherry Pit Spitting Championship. This competition, which was created in 1974 to celebrate cherry picking, is still held annually in Michigan today. In 2014, the winner was Brian "Young Gun" Krause. (Photo: AP Photo/Don Campbell).

All our lives people compete with each other, it is our nature that each of us always wants to be the first, leaving competitors behind. Maybe because of our natural love for the championship, many of us like to take part in various competitions, some of which are, to put it mildly, strange and even life-threatening. What follows is 18 of the toughest and craziest competitions you've ever seen.

Fat competition among the people of Dinka, Sudan

For four months after the rainy season, the men of the Dinka tribe in Sudan go on a milk diet. The task is to become the fattest. A huge belly shows wealth and indicates the productivity of a personal herd. Many who compete die, but those who survive the test easily find a wife.

Tough Mudder competition in USA, Europe and Oceania

Competitors in this brutal competition are challenged to overcome a 16-kilometer obstacle course, including passing through icy water, exposed electrical wires, mud pits and tear gas. Every year, tens of thousands of people around the world pay roughly $100 each to essentially torture themselves.

Bee Attraction Championship, China

Every year, beekeepers in China release their swarm and compete to attract the most insects, which can splatter from head to toe until a "bee coat" is formed. The Guinness book record holder attracted about 39 kg of bees, that is, about 350,000 bees. They compete without protection, beekeepers wear only swimming trunks. More points.

Extreme Ironing Championship, England

Extreme ironing attracts teams from all over the world. People fly to Europe with irons, where they have to iron everything from T-shirts to the finest silk while tied to a speeding car or hovering over a river.

Mobile phone throwing championship, Finland

The idea of ​​the event is very simple. In fact, many of us do it, whether by accident or in anger. Participants bring working phones with them, and the task is to throw the gadget as far as possible. The distance is fixed by the judges, everything is strict.

Sauna World Championship, Finland

This contest was very popular in Finland and attracted steam room enthusiasts from many other countries. The entry fee was 50 euros. Participants had to withstand temperatures up to +110 degrees Celsius and sit upright longer than their rivals. In 2010, the competition was suspended after a tragic duel between the two finalists, as a result of which one died and the other was hospitalized.

Wife Carrying Championship USA Europe

The organizers of the competition offer participants to carry their wives along the obstacle course, after passing which you can get beer in an amount equivalent to the weight of the spouse. According to history, the tradition of dragging wives originated in medieval Finland, when there were not enough women, they were simply stolen and carried away on their shoulders. The robber Herko Rosvo-Ronkainen became especially famous.

Alligator wrestling, USA

Alligator wrestling originated from a technique used by the Seminole Indians to capture and transport a live alligator to their camp as edible prey. Now this action has turned into an exciting sports competition, for participation in which wrestlers pay 250 dollars of membership dues. Freestyle Alligator Wrestling Competition (FAWC) has strict rules in place to ensure that no animal is harmed.

Redneck Summer Games or Redneck Games, Georgia, USA

Only in Georgia is there a place where people flock and pay to take part in such contests as belly-flopping, sunflower-seed spitting, toilet ring throwing, or cigarette butts tossing. Luckily, the money raised from this weird version of the Olympics goes to charity.

Vertical Blue Deep Freediving Competition, Bahamas

Free diving means diving without an oxygen tank. Athletes hold their breath and dive to a depth of more than 100 meters. Some divers lose consciousness. Participation requires certification and a membership fee of $645.

Swim on rubber women (Bubble Baba Challenge), Russia

This competition is almost as crazy as the redneck Olympics in Georgia. Every August, men and women in Russia plunge into the cold and choppy waters of the Vuoksa River on inflatable dolls. The task is to swim the distance without losing the "companion", rented from the organizers or brought with you.

Death Race, USA

The most extreme spartan obstacle course Death Race can last over 70 hours, the entry fee is around $300. The tests are constantly changing - sometimes you have to crawl in the mud, then climb over barbed wire and broken glass, perform agricultural work, move a loaded wheelbarrow through a dense swamp. About 90% of participants stop the race before reaching the finish line.

Nettle Eating Championship, England

In the county of Dorset, nettle eaters compete annually. The goal is to eat as much of this stinging herb as possible. Many participants begin to vomit. The 2014 champion managed to digest leaves from 24 meters of nettle stalks. Participation is paid, and the winner receives about 100 pounds.

Volvo Ocean Race, England

39,000 nautical miles under sail in 39 weeks? Not a problem! Every three years, rugged sailors embark on a journey full of challenges. This round-the-world regatta is considered the most grueling, dangerous and costly competition in the world.

World Worm Charming Championships, England

Worm Charming is apparently the reason the UK no longer rules the world. In essence, you are given a piece of land on which you move and turn to the soil, calling out to the worms. Or you can use any strategy that creates vibrations in the soil that the worms mistake for rain. The current world record is 567 organisms in 30 minutes.

Chessboxing Grand Prix, Europe and Russia

To win in this hybrid sport, you need to knock out your opponent or checkmate his king. A full match consists of six rounds of chess and five rounds of boxing. Chessboxing is popular in Europe and Russia, where there are many tournaments with different membership fees for participants.

International competitions in high-speed flights (World Base Race), Finland

Would you pay money to jump off a cliff? Although the contestants compete for the title of "The World's Fastest Flying Man", the winner is actually an extreme person who is the fastest free-faller from a mountain over 800 meters high. Such a wingsuit jump will cost NOK 400, or about $50.

Bull-Eating Contest, Montana, USA

The annual Testicle Festival takes place in the city of Clinton. The signature dish is the eggs of castrated bulls. You can compete with other volunteers in the amount eaten in 10 minutes. Vomiting is a common occurrence here.

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4.3 / 5 ( 30 votes ) Of all the existing signs of the zodiac, the most mysterious is Cancer. If a guy is passionate, then he changes ...

A childhood memory - the song *White Roses* and the super-popular group *Tender May*, which blew up the post-Soviet stage and collected ...

No one wants to grow old and see ugly wrinkles on their face, indicating that age is inexorably increasing, ...
A Russian prison is not the most rosy place, where strict local rules and the provisions of the criminal code apply. But not...
Live a century, learn a century Live a century, learn a century - completely the phrase of the Roman philosopher and statesman Lucius Annaeus Seneca (4 BC - ...
I present to you the TOP 15 female bodybuilders Brooke Holladay, a blonde with blue eyes, was also involved in dancing and ...
A cat is a real member of the family, so it must have a name. How to choose nicknames from cartoons for cats, what names are the most ...
For most of us, childhood is still associated with the heroes of these cartoons ... Only here is the insidious censorship and the imagination of translators ...