How to pray for the unbaptized dead. Heavenly patron of the dead unbaptized and suicides Canon to the martyr Uaru about deliverance from torment in the heterodoxy of the dead

The church has venerated the holy martyr Uar since ancient times. They resort to his intercession, asking for petitions for the health of infants and young children, and also, and especially, asking for relief from the fate of the souls of deceased relatives who have not been blessed with Holy Baptism, and babies who died in the womb or during childbirth.

The brochure will be useful for everyone who has the love and boldness to offer up a prayer to the Lord for dead unbaptized relatives and loved ones. The proper attitude during such a prayer was shown by the Optina elder Leonid, advising his disciple to pray in this way for his deceased father: “Search, Lord, for the lost soul of my father, and, if it is possible to eat, have mercy! Do not put me in the sin of this prayer. But Thy holy will be done!”

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Tone 8:

Canto 1



Be implored, O Lord, to be your holy martyr Uar and clothe yourself in mercy and bounty; and this one will be poured out even to hell, Lover of mankind, and will be generous, even if we are asked by Your rich mercy.

Chorus: Holy Martyr Uare, pray to God for us.

Great martyr of Christ, remember the embittered and helpless, sitting in the darkness of darkness, not enlightened, and do not stop, falling down to the generous Lord, until I console with His rich mercy.

Chorus: Holy Martyr Uare, pray to God for us.

You could pray for the wondrous family of Cleopatra, glorious passion-bearer, because even today, being able, you can free yourself from the torment, those who are remembered from us, if you diligently pray for them to the Lord, for your sake I will console the Lord with His rich mercy.

Bogorodichen: To the helpless Good Helper, look from Your glory, Mistress, to the darkness of hell and see the troubles of those who have been touched, before You we remember, and do not stop begging for them Your Son and the generous Lord and Master, until I console with His rich mercy.

Canto 3


Chorus: Holy Martyr Uare, pray to God for us.

Move the face of the holy Powers of heaven with you to prayer, martyr, and do a wonderful thing, and great, and honestly, moreover, joy to those who do not have hope and comfort, who do not hope, bitter our unfaithfully dead ancestor and remember with them, hedgehog to grant them forgiveness from the Lord and great mercy.

Chorus: Holy Martyr Uare, pray to God for us.

Chorus: Holy Martyr Uare, pray to God for us.

Sedalen, tone 5:

If you pray for the whole world, great martyr, and don’t stop, asking for all mercy and every criminal, the images of the fiercely vexed Lord and constantly annoying, even dead things to yourself to the end and acquiring nothing, as if you have done evil, also, passion-bearing, stand for our dead relatives, as if possible starting, do not retreat, praying and falling down to the Lord who has mercy on all, may he forgive and have mercy, even in the darkness sitting and fiercely grieved.

Another saddle, tone 3:

The joys of the eternal inhabitant, the namesake of heavenly peace, the great Uare, daring, dare to remember before the Lord the tender couple of our forefathers, if not in the tomb of them, we lay thee, with an earnest petition to pity, hedgehog from them, we copulate thee. The same, fall down and pray, for the Lord will not reject your presence, but bows down from immeasurable goodness, sends deliverance and great mercy to the distressed.

Glory, and now:


Canto 4


Chorus: Holy Martyr Uare, pray to God for us.

Chorus: Holy Martyr Uare, pray to God for us.

Chorus: Holy Martyr Uare, pray to God for us.

Bogorodichen: By you, Most Pure One, we know to glorify all the Creator, and from You the Flesh-bearer is not charming, the Savior is magnified with skill, and we praise You, the Lady, and we bow to You, and we pray, have mercy on our relatives who died in unbelief, and save them from the impoverished to the Son praying.

Canto 5


Chorus: Holy Martyr Uare, pray to God for us.

Every gift, martyr, and every mercy from the merciful Lord are poured out, even if they are amazing and wonderful, but they add up to forgiveness in the wickedness of the dead, majesty is gracefully left to this. The same day, the great work is done, the Lord, the martyr, beg.

Chorus: Holy Martyr Uare, pray to God for us.

Do not turn away, Lord, from our compunction, remember the multitude of our sins below, moreover, remember Your ancient mercy, and for the sake of Your bounty, and for the sake of War of the sufferer, do not be poor in the wealth of Your immeasurable mercy, but pour out mercy and forgiveness, hedgehog from us reminiscent.

Chorus: Holy Martyr Uare, pray to God for us.


Canto 6


Chorus: Holy Martyr Uare, pray to God for us.

Chorus: Holy Martyr Uare, pray to God for us.

The beginning of our feat of Cleopatra's kind of forgiveness, from here on, guilty of perceiving, raise you to prayer, and don’t despise those who are remembered by us, great martyr, and don’t reject sinners, but, having taken a bite, ask the Lord Christ for forgiveness and deliverance from bitter torment.

Chorus: Holy Martyr Uare, pray to God for us.


Kontakion, tone 4:


Remember our verbs, bright inhabitant of heaven, Christ's glorious great martyr Uare, the namesake of eternal rest, and with your great suffering, you acquired an impenetrable and bright rest from an impassable dungeon, and unceasing languor, and need, trying with your God-pleasing prayers to deliver the tender servants, for their sake we pray, forthcoming and in zeal, crying out, fulfill our petitions, holy one, and pray unceasingly to Christ God for our souls.

Canto 7


Chorus: Holy Martyr Uare, pray to God for us.

Chorus: Holy Martyr Uare, pray to God for us.

Chorus: Holy Martyr Uare, pray to God for us.

Bogorodichen: Mount Thee will be spoken by the wise in the prophets, we believe that and from You the Stone of the Mother of God will come out without the admixture of a man; It is our salvation and from the depths of hell the erection of the recipients, Mistress, raise up and today from hell we remember, but we unceasingly magnify Thee, the All-Merciful.

Canto 8

Chorus: Holy Martyr Uare, pray to God for us.

Chorus: Holy Martyr Uare, pray to God for us.

Chorus: Holy Martyr Uare, pray to God for us.


Canto 9


Chorus: Holy Martyr Uare, pray to God for us.

Chorus: Holy Martyr Uare, pray to God for us.

Do the deed wonderfully, O great martyr, and your glory is applied, if from the Lord forgiveness and His righteous wrath change, ask the grieved dark wickedness for the sake of our forefather and hedgehogs, in sorrow and in anticipation of the most fierce beings, but weigh in fearless deliverance, even if the Lord of the Forgiven put.

Chorus: Holy Martyr Uare, pray to God for us.



Glory, and now:


Oh, holy martyr Uare, venerable! We inflame the Lord Christ with zeal, you confessed the Heavenly King before the tormentor, and you zealously suffered for Him, and now the Church honors you, as glorified by the Lord Christ with the glory of heaven, Who has given you the grace of great boldness towards Him; and now stand before Him with the Angels, and rejoice in the highest, and see clearly the Holy Trinity, and enjoy the light of the Beginning Radiance.

Remember our relatives and languor, who died in ungodliness, accept our petition, and like Cleopatra, an unfaithful family with your prayers from eternal torment Thou hast set free, so remember the fir-trees that were buried contrary to God, who died unbaptized, trying to ask them for deliverance from eternal darkness, so that with one mouth and one heart we will praise the Most Merciful Creator forever and ever. Amen.

Canon to the Holy Martyr Ouar for those who died without holy Baptism

Tone 8:
Edgeland: Beg, Uare, for our external childbirth.

Canto 1

Irmos: Load the Pharaoh's charioteer, work wonders sometimes, Moses' rod striking the cross and dividing the sea, save Israel the fugitive pedestrian, singing the song of God.

Chorus: Holy Martyr Uare, pray to God for us.

Be implored, O Lord, to be your holy martyr Uar and clothe yourself in mercy and bounty; and this even to hell? They will pour out, O Lover of mankind, and give mercy, even if they are asked of us by Thy rich mercy.

Chorus: Holy Martyr Uare, pray to God for us.

Great martyr of Christ, remember the embittered and helpless, sitting in the darkness of darkness, not enlightened, and do not stop, falling down to the generous Lord, until? I will console you with my rich mercy.

Chorus: Holy Martyr Uare, pray to God for us.

Could you, glorious passion-bearer, pray for the wonderful family of Cleopatra? because even today, being able, you can free yourself from the torments that are remembered from us, if you diligently pray to the Lord for them, for the sake of your sake I will comfort the Lord with His rich mercy.

Bogorodichen: Helpless Good Helper, take a look? from Your glory, Mistress, to the darkness of hell and see the troubles of those who are touched, before You we remember, and do not stop begging for them, begging Your Son and the generous Lord and Master, until I console with His rich mercy.

Canto 3

Irmos: Establish at the beginning the heavens with reason and the earth on the waters, on the stone of me, Christ, affirm Thy commandments, as if it were not holy, more than You, the One Lover of Man.

Chorus: Holy Martyr Uare, pray to God for us.

Lick? Move the Holy Powers of heaven with you to prayer, martyr, and do a wonderful, and great, and honest thing, moreover, joy to those who do not have hope and comfort, who do not hope, bitter our unfaithfully dead ancestor and remembered with them, hedgehog to grant them forgiveness from the Lord and great mercy.

Chorus: Holy Martyr Uare, pray to God for us.

Quite a passion-bearer and beloved of Christ, assure, if freedom is desirable for the tormented and joy, then our relatives, and those like them who have attracted unbelief for the sake of eternal torment, will not find measures with their joy, if you ask this from the Lord for forgiveness and great mercy.

Chorus: Holy Martyr Uare, pray to God for us.

Uare, the victorious sufferer, be merciful to our prayers, and see the dejected unspeakable need, and he himself, compelled by pity, relentlessly praying to the Mistress of the Humanity, may he grant them forgiveness and great mercy.
Theotokion: World-wide hope, God-pleasing village, our reconciliation to God, Mary the Lady, accept the petitions of the present presence and do not stop praying to Your Son and the Lord of all, may He give the hopeless to You for the sake of forgiveness and great mercy.

Sedalen, tone 5:

If you pray for the whole world, great martyr, and don’t stop, asking for all mercy and every criminal, the images of the fiercely vexed Lord and constantly annoying, even dead things to yourself to the end and acquiring nothing, as if you have done evil, also, passion-bearing, stand for our dead relatives, as if possible starting, do not retreat, praying and falling down to the Lord who has mercy on all, may he forgive and have mercy, even in the darkness sitting and fierce? distressed.

Another saddle, tone 3:

The joys of the eternal inhabitant, the namesake of heavenly peace, the great Uare, daring, dare to remember before the Lord the tender couple of our forefathers, if not in the tomb of them, we lay thee, with an earnest petition to pity, hedgehog from them, we copulate thee. The same, fall down and pray, for your Lord will not reject your presence, but bow down from immeasurable goodness, send deliverance and greatness to the distressed? mercy.

Glory, and now:

Bogorodichen: Blessed Lady, glorified from the heavenly Powers, and exalted from the outside, Mother of the King of all, where then and when Your glory and majesty wants to multiply, isn’t it then, when you intercede for sinners and cover the whole world with Your prayers, the same and today multiply, Lady, Your majesty transcendence, save with your warm prayers from the fierce torments of our unfaithful and unbaptized relatives, and those who are remembered about them and with them, and grant them deliverance and great mercy.

Canto 4

Irmos: You are my fortress, Lord, You are my strength, You are my God, You are my joy, do not leave the bowels of the Father, and having visited our poverty, I call to you with the prophet Habakkuk: glory to Your strength, Lover of mankind.

Chorus: Holy Martyr Uare, pray to God for us.

Yelma, ubo, passion-bearer, love all those who come running to you with faith, and also love to be from those who pray to you. What else will the Humanitarian do with the desire to glorify you, if not by giving the asking mercy to the touched and all consolation deprived of the eternal prisoner, so henceforth, O good martyr, praying not impoverished for these.

Chorus: Holy Martyr Uare, pray to God for us.

The winter is fierce and barrenness of salvation lies in the wicked of the dead, and crying is joyless, here, after all, the essence is remembered, even from us. But you, passion-bearer, unite these to the generation of the righteous, and do not be poor in praying for them.

Chorus: Holy Martyr Uare, pray to God for us.

Let the gloomy dungeon of hell forever envelop our ancestors and relatives, and all that is remembered with them: you, the wondrous sufferer, who lowered the power of unbelief and sinful power, so and henceforth do not forgive these hedgehogs with the Cleopatra family, martyr, praying.

Bogorodichen: By you, Most Pure One, we know to glorify all kinds of Creator, and from You the Flesh-bearer is not charming the Savior majestic with skill,? and we praise Thee, the Mistress, and we bow to You, and we pray, have mercy on our relatives who died in unbelief, and save them from the poor, praying to the Son.

Canto 5

Irmos: Thou hast thrown me away from Thy presence, O unstoppable Light, and there is an alien darkness, cursed, covered me, but turn me and direct my path to the light of Thy commandments, I pray.

Chorus: Holy Martyr Uare, pray to God for us.

Every gift, martyr, and every mercy from the merciful Lord are poured out, even if they are amazing and wonderful, but they add up to forgiveness in the wickedness of the dead, majesty is gracefully left to this. Temzhe and today the great work to create,? Bishop, martyr, beseech.

Chorus: Holy Martyr Uare, pray to God for us.

Do not turn away, Lord, from our compunction, below, remember the many sins of ours, moreover, remember Your ancient mercy, and for the sake of Your bounty, and for the sake of Uar the sufferer, do not become poor in the wealth of Your immeasurable mercy, but pour out mercy and forgiveness, which we remember from us.

Chorus: Holy Martyr Uare, pray to God for us.

There is a great martyr, and the philanthropy of the Lady and to those who are in the sea far away, the same appear today and, falling down, beg Him to have mercy on the distant and faith, and the Baptism of the estranged dead, our relatives and all those who are remembered with them, to grant forgiveness and greatness mercy.

Bogorodichen: Appear, Mistress, to our exhaustion and wake up in need, helping us everywhere and all the time, Thou art the Christian Hope and Hope, the same do not reject our petitions, but make perfect and full of Your unwritten grace.

Canto 6

Irmos: Cleanse me, O Savior, many of my iniquities, and raise me from the depths of evil, I pray: I will cry out to Thee, and hear me, O God of my salvation.

Chorus: Holy Martyr Uare, pray to God for us.

May the swayings of the enemy not rejoice, having received souls for self-interest, but you, martyr, with your warm prayers destroy his desires, begging the Lord to forgive us the ones we remember, and deliver us from eternal torment.

Chorus: Holy Martyr Uare, pray to God for us.

The beginning of our feat of Cleopatra's kind of forgiveness, hence the guilty perception of perceiving you to prayer, and do not despise those who are remembered by us,? great martyr, and do not reject the sinners' intercession, but, after partaking, ask the Lord Christ for forgiveness and deliverance from bitter torment.

Chorus: Holy Martyr Uare, pray to God for us.

Even unbelief for the sake of seeing the end of evil, and the hope of the good is very much the death of the wrath of God for the sake of it, but you, passion-bearing, boldness of acceptance, the joy of absolution instead of terrible languor from the Heavenly King ask and, exhausted from sorrow, observe in the Lord's mercy.

Bogorodichen: Kaya, Mistress, will malice overcome Your mother of prayer? Truly, if you stand still today, praying for those who are asked by you, grant them joyful forgiveness, deliverance and great mercy.

Kontakion, tone 4:

Following Christ, martyr Uare, Having drunk the cup, and tied the crown of torment, and you rejoice with the Angels, pray unceasingly for our souls.


Remember our verbs, bright inhabitant of heaven, Christ's glorious great martyr Uare, the namesake of eternal rest,? and through your great suffering, an impenetrable and bright rest you acquired from an impassable dungeon, and unceasing languor, and need, rushing with your God-pleasing prayers to deliver the tender servants, for their sake we pray to you, forthcoming and in zeal calling, fulfill our petitions, holy, and pray to Christ God unceasingly for our souls.

Canto 7

Irmos: The fire of God’s condescension was ashamed in Babylon sometimes, for this sake of the children in the cave with a joyful foot, like in a flower garden, rejoicing, I sing: blessed be Thou, God of our fathers.

Chorus: Holy Martyr Uare, pray to God for us.

Like the sun, Lord, enlighten everyone, and unenviously pour rain on everyone, and unceasingly bestow mercy on those who anger You, and now listen to Uar, Your sufferer, and shed Your mercy to the end on our estranged relatives and even unfaithful with them, Humane.

Chorus: Holy Martyr Uare, pray to God for us.

Now, as before, be generous, Lord, and beg to appear, Vladyka, as if about Cleopatra, create, and about us, Merciful, create; send Your generosity and mercy to those we remember, the source of mercy is inexhaustible.

Chorus: Holy Martyr Uare, pray to God for us.

If the prophet, cheering, sings of Your mercy, Lord, forever, because we have not failed You in bounty, we believe that Your mercy is immeasurable, and from the abyss to the depths of the flooded pour out Your mercy, O our Lord.

Bogorodichen: Mount Thee will be spoken by the wise in the prophets, we believe that and from You the Stone of the Mother of God will come out without the admixture of a man; What is our salvation? and from the depths of hell the erection of the recipients, Mistress, raise up and today from hell we remember, yes, we unceasingly magnify Thee, the All-Merciful.

Canto 8
Irmos: The Musikian body coordinating and countless people worshiping the image in Deir, the three youths did not obey, the Lord was praised and praised for all ages.

Chorus: Holy Martyr Uare, pray to God for us.

May the balls be the words of Your ancient, Mercy, Lord, who speaks and raises our hope, as if You heard Your saints, Lord, hedgehog have mercy on the unfaithful dead, even today we bring Thee to prayer, but for the sake of their petitions, have mercy on the non-Orthodox who died, with knowledge and ignorance of You , Vladyko, annoyed.

Chorus: Holy Martyr Uare, pray to God for us.

The Lamb of God, having redeemed us with His Most Pure Blood, Hearing the prayer of Feklino and Blessed Gregory, Methodius with many and Macarius accepting petitions, and rejoicing, and delivering the evil-doers to the dead, and Chrysostom to pray for these, write up, accept ubo, Vladyka, with these glorious Uar and by the prayers of their remembrance from us, forgive and have mercy.

Chorus: Holy Martyr Uare, pray to God for us.

Ask for joy for us, great martyr, let us rejoice, for if we find our relatives delivered from eternal torment with your prayers; always for your prayers, the Lord hears and fulfills petitions, but you are not poor about these and now praying, let us glorify you.

Bogorodichen: Immaculate Mistress, abound in a lot of mercy and generosity, wondrous and Blessed Mother Tsareva, for us who seek mercy, where we find this India, if we do not hasten to You, crouching, You have given birth to a Stream of sweetness for us, Blessed One.

Canto 9

Irmos: The heavens were terrified about this, and the ends of the earth were amazed, as if God had appeared as a carnal man, and Your womb was more spacious than the heavens. Those are thee, the Mother of God, the Angels and the man of office are called.

Chorus: Holy Martyr Uare, pray to God for us.

O Bose, yes you can, glorious Uare, with your God-pleasing prayers to receive and pour out mercy, even alienated to the end, there is only generosity and mercy, the Parent, and everything is possible for Him as the Master, to Him relentlessly, sufferer, pray, forgive and have mercy even memories from us.

Chorus: Holy Martyr Uare, pray to God for us.

Do the work marvelously, O great martyr, and your glory is applied, if from the Lord forgiveness and His righteous wrath, ask the grieved dark wickedness for the sake of our ancestor and hedgehogs, in sorrow and in anticipation of the most fierce beings, but stir in fearless deliverance, where? weigh the Lord of forgiveness put.

Chorus: Holy Martyr Uare, pray to God for us.

And what a marvelous miracle will appear, what glory is most famous, and what kind of mercy is greater than that, if you, martyr, having regretted, implore the merciful Lord to forgive the sin of wickedness, which is remembered from us, and save them from their fierce languor.

Bogorodichen: Merciful Lady, philanthropic and not remembering evil, accept the pity of our petition and intercede relentlessly for mercy to Your merciful Son and Master, to have mercy and forgive the sin of heterodoxy by our dead relatives and even those who are mentioned with them, forgiveness and the place of this mercy is an inalienable tribute.

Let it be righteous, Lord God, who forgave Thee Cleopatra's forefathers, and today hear the prayer of Your great martyr Uar and ours, the many-sinners, the future: deliver from torment, even with pity before You are remembered. Speed ​​up the same, Generous One, and strive as if you are merciful to have mercy on these, as you can, though.

Glory, and now:

Bogorodichen: Sweep, Mistress, hear our prayer, even in Your Church brought to You, and Herself, Mother of God, bow down to the mercy of Your Son and the Lord to have mercy and from righteous anger resolve the dead ancestors, our friends and relatives, speed up, O Merciful, deliver these, you may be more merciful, wanting mercy for all.

Prayer to the Holy Martyr Uar

Oh, holy martyr Uare, venerable! We inflame the Lord Christ with zeal, you confessed the Heavenly King before the tormentor, and you zealously suffered for Him, and now the Church honors you, as glorified by the Lord Christ with the glory of heaven, Who has given you the grace of great boldness towards Him; and now stand before Him with the angels, and rejoice in the highest, and see clearly the Holy Trinity, and enjoy the light of the Beginning Radiance.

Remember the languor of our relatives, who died in wickedness, accept our petition, and like Cleopatra, the unfaithful generation freed you from eternal torment with your prayers, so remember the fir trees? buried contrary to God, who died unbaptized, trying to ask them for deliverance from eternal darkness, so that with one mouth and one heart we will praise the Most Merciful Creator forever and ever. Amen.


The Orthodox Church honors the memory of the holy martyr Huar News service | November 1, 2015 November 1st. PRAVMIR. The Orthodox Church honors the memory of the holy martyr Uar. The Orthodox Church Honors the Memory of the Holy Martyr Uar The Holy Martyr Uar (†307) lived in the main city of Egypt, Alexandria, and was the commander of the Tiana cohort. Believing in the True God, but fearful of lawless idolaters, he hid his faith. During the beginning of the persecution, Saint Ouar went around the dungeons at night and looked after the Christians imprisoned in them: he washed and bandaged their wounds, and brought them food. One day Saint Ouar visited a dungeon at night, in which there were seven Christian teachers. Saint Ouar asked them to pray that he would get rid of the fear of torment and be able to suffer for Christ. “If you are afraid of temporary torment, then you will not escape eternal torment, if you are afraid to confess Christ on earth, then you will not see His face in Heaven,” they answered. Hearing this, Saint Ouar felt such love for God in himself that he decided to endure suffering for His Name and remained in prison. In the morning one of the martyrs died of his wounds. Saint Ouar, appearing before the governor together with six teachers, said that he wanted to suffer in place of the deceased prisoner. St. Ouar was beaten with sticks, his body was planed with iron knives, then, nailed upside down to a tree, the skin was torn off his back, and his womb was tormented until all the insides fell to the ground. The saints prayed for him and inspired him to a feat. The governor ordered them to be taken back to the dungeon, and Saint Ouar cried out to them: “My teachers! pray for me last time Christ, for I am already separated from the body, but I thank you for leading me to Eternal Life". A few hours later Saint Ouar died.

Tone 6:
Canto 1



Even if you pray to the wise God, reverend father, for your servant, may he open my unworthy lips, and move my bewildered tongue, tightness and thinness, Father, open the grace of the Holy Spirit, even in you, to the singing of your miracles.

Chorus: Holy Father Paisios, pray to God for us.

I will begin your praiseworthy and soul-beneficial life from infancy, even of old Egypt the great in the prophets pronounce Moses, even glorified to God by appropriation and great miracles, even now Egypt seems to be glorified secondarily, for your sake, Father Paisios, be enriched with your honest name and many virtues, hedgehog given to you by the Lord, pray to Him, may our souls be saved.

And now:

Canto 3


Chorus: Holy Father Paisios, pray to God for us.

You became like the stone of faith, Peter the Apostle, crucified the world in all your life, reverend Paisios, and you ruled your feet irrevocably to the heavenly procession, and reached Jerusalem on high, standing with the saints of the Holy Trinity, pray for me the One Good Lover of Man.

Chorus: Holy Father Paisios, pray to God for us.

The most luminous branch of the pious root, the Lord has chosen you, the angel of your mother’s speech: this is pleasing to God. But you, from infancy, take up your cross, by an irrevocable path, follow that, and grow in years and mind, and the grace of God. Please grant me remission of sins.

And now: My fierce torments, and outer darkness, and Gehenna, free me with your prayers, Virgo, imachate more will and strength, who gave birth to the Lord, the One Most Good.

Sedalen, voice 2:

Glory, and now:
Bogorodichen: Show a quick cover, and help, and mercy on Your servant, Pure, and tame the waves of vain thoughts, and raise my fallen soul, Mother of God, for you, we, as you can, as much as you want.

Canto 4


Chorus: Holy Father Paisios, pray to God for us.

Chorus: Holy Father Paisios, pray to God for us.

Glory: Having a great fate of the abyss, He said to you: behold, I give you a gift, so that everything, if you ask from My Father in My name, will be given to you, if you pray for any sinner, your sins will be left; For this sake, I fall down to you, Father Paisios, having an abyss of sins, let him go with your prayers, like you are promised, as Good and Humane.
And now: Foretell the verb, when the right of the imam to sue, the Theotokos, to His Son, Immaculate, may I then find refuge and intercession, relieving all the torment.

Canto 5


Chorus: Holy Father Paisios, pray to God for us.

Fasting depressing your body, Father Paisios, sometimes after communion of the Body and Blood of Christ, as if an angel stayed for seventy days without bodily food, having unspeakable Divine power, and was able to contain the animal power of grace, more than food strengthening, glory to Your power, Lord.

Chorus: Holy Father Paisios, pray to God for us.

Like John the Baptist, you chose to walk in a narrow and sorrowful way, but that one in the Jordan, seeing his Creator, was afraid and crying out: I don’t dare to come, hay, to Fire; But you, Father Paisios, in the desert sometimes appearing to the Lord, you cannot see His most pure face, fall, possessed by trembling. He said more quietly: Fear not, for your companions will fill this wilderness. With them, we pray thee, father: do not forget us, your prayer book, be merciful.

And now:

Canto 6

Irmos: Cry with all my heart to the Generous God, and hear me from the hell of the underworld and raise my belly from the aphids.

Chorus: Holy Father Paisios, pray to God for us.

Soulless creature, Jordan, ashamed of its Creator, crying out: I cannot wash the Sinless One. Holy One, in the sight of the Lord, we take water, touching the Untouchable, minds His nose and, drinking water, accepting the gift of healing ailments and driving demons away from people, for this we fall down to you, father: with your prayers, have mercy on us from all demonic inductions.

Chorus: Holy Father Paisios, pray to God for us.

According to the word of our Lord Jesus Christ, having found thee, Father Paisios, a great refuge, and an intercessor, and the warmth of a prayer book for our sins, as if the first did not reject a monk, and alienated Christianity, and descended into the depths of hell with pernicious unbelief, and, when felt, flow to you, but beseech the All-Merciful. The bountiful Lord appeared to you and said: My servant, goodness is like My love, care for sinners, deign to accept torment for their deliverance.

Chorus: Holy Father Paisios, pray to God for us.

Bring your prayer and tears to God, as fragrant incense and the sacrifice is blameless and favorable, and do not forget me with your intercession to the Most Holy Theotokos, give me tears of tenderness, wash my sins of the abyss, deliver me from the depths of death, and grant great mercy to those who do not hope, and forgive their sins.

And now: From the heart of groaning, I offer Thee, Immaculate, Your asking for a prosperous intercession. Have mercy on my all-passionate soul, have mercy, Mother of the Many-merciful God, deliver me the Court and the fiery lake.

Kontakion, tone 2:


Hearing the voice of Christ, you walked in the wake of That commandments, being born of life, rejected cares, and all the acquisitions, and estates, and your brothers, and love of the mother, God-bearing Paisios, alone in the deserts of God, talking with reason, you received gifts, hedgehogs , singing in songs, fathers chief Paisie.

Canto 7


Chorus: Holy Father Paisios, pray to God for us.

Chorus: Holy Father Paisios, pray to God for us.

Chorus: Holy Father Paisios, pray to God for us.

Glory: Give me, Christ, reason and patience, so as not to condemn those who sin with the arrogance of the Pharisees, but, like a publican's repentance, accept, and, like a prodigal son, God, Thy supper is worthy of revealing me, with the prayers of the Monk Paisios, and grant me forgiveness of sins.
And now:

Canto 8


Chorus: Holy Father Paisios, pray to God for us.

Do not despise this singing that is gratefully brought to you, Father Paisios, but rather accept it and fill it with spiritual joys, but without obscurity I will bow to your image, where it is written, giving healing to everyone.

Chorus: Holy Father Paisios, pray to God for us.

Chorus: Holy Father Paisios, pray to God for us.

Lord Christ, the All-Generous God, weigh with fate, let me hate the deeds of the evil one, Thou art our God, river: ask and receive. Give love from all my soul, through the prayers of the Reverend Father Paisios, do Thy saving will.

And now:

Canto 9


Chorus: Holy Father Paisios, pray to God for us.

Chorus: Holy Father Paisios, pray to God for us.

Glory: As if I had fallen into robbers and was hurt, so I have fallen from many sins, and my soul is hurt, to whom I will resort to guilt, only to You, the Merciful Souls Physician, accept the prayer service of the warmth of the Monk Paisios and pour out Your great mercy on me with his prayers.
And now:

The passions of the winner, the souls of the helper, about all the prayers, all the salvation of the intercessor and mentor, sighing from the depths of the heart, earnestly and fervently pray to you, reverend Paisio! Hear and help us, do not reject and do not despise us, but hear abye in the humility of the hearts flowing to you. You, reverend, diligently sought to save your neighbors, and you brought many sinners to the light of salvation. He considered excessive feats of reassurance in itself, wonderful, and, always burning with love for the Lord, you were honored with the appearance of Christ the Savior, and imitating Him, for the people who died, imitating love, and praying for those who renounced Christ. Hear us, Paisios most praiseworthy, for we are unworthy of praying for the granting of the great mercy of the Lord to us, because we are sinners, and we have defiled lips and burdened hearts, and under the burden of sins we suffer, and our prayer does not reach the Lord. For this sake, pray for us with your strong and God-pleasing prayer, Saint Paisios, may the relatives who died without repentance, our neighbors and friends, be delivered from eternal torment, and our Savior will accept your prayer in good will and His mercy instead of their good deeds will give them, free them , we believe, from suffering, and will instill in the villages of the righteous, and will honor us in repentance, let us glorify together the All-Holy and magnificent name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

Canon to the Monk Paisius the Great (sung for deliverance from torment without repentance of the dead)

Tone 6:
Canto 1

Irmos: Helper and Protector be my salvation, This is my God, and I will glorify Him, the God of my father, and I will exalt Him, gloriously be glorified.

Chorus: Holy Father Paisios, pray to God for us.

Even pray to the wise God, reverend? Father, about your servant, may he open my lips to unworthiness, and move my tongue in perplexity, tightness and thinness of voice, Father, open the grace of the Holy Spirit that is in you, to the singing of your miracles.

Chorus: Holy Father Paisios, pray to God for us.

I will begin your praiseworthy and soul-beneficial life from infancy, even of old the great Egypt in the prophets pronounce Moses, even glorified to God by appropriation and great miracles, even now Egypt seems to be glorified secondarily, for your sake, Father Paisios, be enriched with your honest name and many virtues, hedgehog is the Lord's gift to you, pray to him, save him? our souls.

Glory: Having entered the Kingdom of Heaven by the narrow and sorrowful path according to the commandment of the Master of his Christ, Reverend Father Paisios, having hated the wide and spacious path, the spreading darkness of my mind, may I bring my small prayer to your most honorable memory.
And now: The spirit is broken, give me, Good, humbly heart, purity of mind, and correction of life, and abandonment of sin.

Canto 3

Irmos: Establish, O Lord, my heart that has moved on the stone of Your commandments, for Thou alone is Holy and the Lord.

Chorus: Holy Father Paisios, pray to God for us.

You became like the stone of faith, Peter the Apostle, crucified the world in all your life, reverend Paisios, and you ruled your feet irrevocably to the heavenly procession, and reached Jerusalem on high, standing with the saints of the Holy Trinity,? pray for me, the One Good Lover of mankind.

Chorus: Holy Father Paisios, pray to God for us.

The most luminous branch of the pious root, the Lord has chosen you, the angel of your mother’s speech: this is pleasing to God. But you, from infancy, take up your cross, by an irrevocable path Follow that and grow in years and mind? and the grace of God. Please grant me remission of sins.

Glory: O Master Lord, Jesus Christ, who will not be surprised at Your philanthropy, when the desire of the monk to receive monastic life for the doing of Your commandments, Your grace, like a blameless lamb, having been led into the wilderness, and reaching the verbal sheep, and being introduced to the shepherd, blessed Pamva, has come, and having put on a monastic image, confirm me in it, O Lord, with the prayers of the Monk Paisios, to do Thy commandments.
And now: My fierce torments, and pitch darkness, and hell? With your prayers, free, Virgo, have more will and strength, who gave birth to the Lord, the One Most Good.

Sedalen, voice 2:

Having bound the soul with the love of Christ and hating the whole earthly, wiser, thou hast settled, reverend father, in the deserts and mountains, having tasted the reasonable tree, glorious, thou hast shone like an angel. The same darkness, having passed through your flesh, drove away the darkness if you had demons, Paisios, the first monk, pray to Christ God of sins forsaking tribute, honoring your holy memory with love.

Glory, and now:
Bogorodichen: Show a quick cover, and help, and mercy on Your servant, Pure, and tame the waves of vain thoughts, and raise my fallen soul, Mother of God, we know, we see,? like you can, if you want.

Canto 4

Irmos: The prophet heard your coming, O Lord, and was afraid, as if you wanted to be born of the Virgin and appear as a man, and said: I heard your hearing and feared, glory to your power, Lord.

Chorus: Holy Father Paisios, pray to God for us.

Accept the law-suffering life from soft nails, God-wise Paisios, you even remained until the end, like a divine valiant, you received the crown of victory from all the King, with your prayers to deliver sinners from torment, from them I am the first, do not forget me.

Chorus: Holy Father Paisios, pray to God for us.

Having thee a prayer book is strong, blessed Paisios, and a sad promiser, a representative, and a champion, and a pious intercessor, we are saved from all troubles, misfortunes and situations.

Glory: Velia? having an abyss of fate, I say to you: behold, I give you a gift, so that everything, if you ask from My Father in My name, will be given to you, if you pray for any sinner, your sins will be left; For this sake, I fall down to you, Father Paisios, having an abyss of sins, let him go with your prayers, like you are promised, as Good and Humane.
And now: Verb proclaim, always? the right of imam to sue, Mother of God, to His Son, Immaculate, may I then find refuge and intercession, relieving all the torment.

Canto 5

Irmos: Morning from the night, Lover of mankind, enlighten, I pray, and guide me to Thy commandments, and teach me, Savior, to do Thy will.

Chorus: Holy Father Paisios, pray to God for us.

By fasting, depressing your body, Father Paisios, sometimes after communion of the Body and Blood of Christ, as if an angel stayed for seventy days without bodily food, having unspeakable Divine power, and was able to contain the animal power of grace in himself,? more than food fortification, glory to Thy power, Lord.

Chorus: Holy Father Paisios, pray to God for us.

Like John the Baptist, you chose to walk in a narrow and sorrowful way, but that one in the Jordan, having seen the Builder? your own, be afraid and cry out: I do not dare to approach, hay, Fire; But you, Father Paisios, in the desert sometimes appearing to the Lord, you cannot see His most pure face, fall, possessed by trembling. He said more quietly: Fear not, for your companions will fill this wilderness. With them, we pray thee, father: do not forget us, your prayer book, be merciful.

Glory: For in the beginning I see my sins before You, and for my iniquities I pray Your mercy, but forgive and cover with Your goodness many of my sins, and give me the rest of my life sowing sinless time, yes, make the path flow for salvation, without stumbling to a good end I will reach with Your help, except for Your help and instruction to do nothing, and whoever can receive mercy from You.
And now: I offer a slavish prayer to Thee, foolish Az, and I resort to Your compassionate mercy, do not turn me away, Pure, shamed.

Canto 6

Irmos: Cry out with all my heart to the Generous God, and hear me from hell? hell, and raise up my belly from the aphids.

Chorus: Holy Father Paisios, pray to God for us.

Soulless creature, Jordan, ashamed of its Creator, crying out: I cannot wash the Sinless One. Holy One, in the sight of the Lord, we take water, touching the Untouchable, minds His nose and, drinking water, accepting the gift of healing ailments and driving demons away from people, for this sake, we fall down to you, father: with your prayers, have mercy on us from all demonic inductions.

Chorus: Holy Father Paisios, pray to God for us.

According to the word of our Lord Jesus Christ, I have found you, Father Paisios, a great refuge, and an intercessor, and the warmth of a prayer book for our sins, as if the first did not reject a monk? having ceased and alienated Christianity, and descended into the depths of hell with pernicious unbelief, and, when you felt it, flow to you, but beseech the All-Merciful. The bountiful Lord appeared to you and said: My servant, goodness is like My love, care for sinners, deign to accept torment for their deliverance.

Chorus: Holy Father Paisios, pray to God for us.

Bring your prayer and tears to God, like fragrant incense and the sacrifice is blameless and favorable, and do not forget me with your intercession to the Most Holy Theotokos, tears of tenderness? give me, washing the abyss of my sins, deliver me from the depths of death, and give great mercy to those who do not hope, and forgive their sins.

Glory: I am obsessed with bewilderment, when I take in my mind that hour of terrible trials of the Judge and God, and I cry, and mourn, and weep, remembering the abyss of my evils. Save the same, Lover of mankind, through the prayers of Your saint, the Monk Paisios, and deliver me from torment, as you are Merciful.
And now: From the heart of groaning, I offer Thee, Immaculate, Your asking for a prosperous intercession. Have mercy on my all-passionate soul, have mercy, Mother of the Many-merciful God, deliver me the Court and the lake? fiery.

Kontakion, tone 2:

Leave worldly rumors, you loved the silent life, like the Baptist with all the images, we honor you with him, father of the fathers Paisios.


Hearing the voice of Christ, you walked in the wake of That commandment, having been born of life, rejected cares, and all acquisitions,? and the estate, and his brothers, and the love of the mother, God-bearing Paisios, alone in the deserts of God, conversing with reason, you received gifts, hedgehogs sent to me, singing in songs, the fathers chief Paisios.

Canto 7

Irmos: I have sinned, lawless, unrighteous before You, lower observant, lower co-worker, as you commanded us, but do not betray us to the end, God of the fathers.

Chorus: Holy Father Paisios, pray to God for us.

I am filled with many sins, and your prayer, like a fragrant incense, correct yourself, father, consume the abyss of my sins, and dry up the raging sea of ​​evil life, and drink the angry drink, and affirm the chaste mind with your prayers, Father Paisios.

Chorus: Holy Father Paisios, pray to God for us.

You have a mentor and a prayer book of warmth and a quick helper, like a wall is firm, and it is immovable, and the governor is strong and invincible, we pray to you: do not forget your prayer book, delivering from all sorrow and slander of enemies.

Chorus: Holy Father Paisios, pray to God for us.

Oh, great miracle, in one day you sit, Father Paisios, in the cave, be your voice, say: peace be with you, my beloved saint. But you, having risen with fear and trembling, are obsessed, fall down, bow down and say: behold your servant, Lord. For this sake, we pray to you: pray to the Lover of mankind, may our souls be saved.

Glory: Give me, Christ, reason and patience, so as not to condemn those who sin with the arrogance of the Pharisees, but, like a tax collector? repentance, accept, and, like the prodigal son, God, Thy supper is worthy of revealing me, through the prayers of the Monk Paisios, and grant me forgiveness of sins.
And now: Arise, O passionate soul, arise, accursed one, beat from the depths into Persian and let out springs of tears, may the merciful Mother of Christ God have mercy on you, cursed.

Canto 8

Irmos: His heavenly hosts praise and tremble Cherubim and Seraphim, every breath and creature, sing, bless and exalt forever.

Chorus: Holy Father Paisios, pray to God for us.

Don't despise the singing that is brought to you with gratitude, Father Paisios, but rather accept and fill spiritual joys, but without obscuring I will bow to your image, where it is written, giving healing to everyone.

Chorus: Holy Father Paisios, pray to God for us.

Jealous of the all-venerable life of the charitable father, who has lived for centuries, Father Paisios, in humility and fasting for Christ's sake, you died a martyr all your life, and you suffered a lot from the demons of the attack, and defeated them. For this sake, I pray thee, father: riot, rage and neglect of your prayers, reject me.

Chorus: Holy Father Paisios, pray to God for us.

Vladyka Christ God the All-Generous, in the image of fate, let me hate the deeds of the evil one,? Thou art our God, river: ask and you will receive. Give love from all my soul, through the prayers of the Reverend Father Paisios, do Thy saving will.

Glory: Pray: on me, a sinner, be long-suffering, Vladyka, and do not sow me, like a barren tree, with a mortal slaughter, sending me into the fire, but make me fruitful, begged by the prayers of the reverend being, give me a time of repentance, like a philanthropist.
And now: Send down streams of tears and groaning from the soul, O pure one, whenever I fall under Your cover, as if I would find the resolution of my sins with Your mercy.

Canto 9

Irmos: Even rejoice from the Angel, having received and given birth to Your Creator, Virgo, save Thee who magnify.

Chorus: Holy Father Paisios, pray to God for us.

You were a quick helper, reverend, even in this life, sometimes I’ll die at the reverend elder’s disciple in disobedience, and lead him to hell, he’s asking, begging the All-Generous for his disciple. But you, like a quick novice and guardian of love, put your hope in the All-Generous God, reaching out for prayer, and He, the Many-merciful and in vows not false, make a will for those who fear Him and, having heard your prayer, lead the soul from hell. For this reason, I, unworthy, crouching, I pray to you: reverend father, with your prayers, deliver me from torment and unquenchable fire.

Chorus: Holy Father Paisios, pray to God for us.

Laughter that was a demon, humiliation of a man, a righteous sob, an angel crying, defilement of the air, and earth, and waters, the body of the defilement and the mind of those who defiled more than words with deeds, I was the enemy of God. Alas, I have sinned! Through the prayers of the Monk Paisios, forgive me.

Glory: Like falling into robbers and wounded, so am I fallen from many sins, and my soul is wounded by me, to whom will I resort guilty az, only? to You, the Merciful Souls Physician, receive the prayer service of the warmth of the Monk Paisios and pour out Your great mercy on me with his prayers.
And now: My sins are multiplied, I am worthy of rebuke and Judgment, Pure, falling to the call of Ty: before the end, give me cleansing, and tenderness, and correction in character.

Prayer to Saint Paisios the Great

passions? the winner, the souls of the helper, about all the prayers, all the salvation of the intercessor and mentor, sighing from the depths of the heart, earnestly and ardently pray to you, reverend Paisio! Hear and help us, do not reject and do not despise us, but hear abye in the humility of the hearts flowing to you. You, reverend, diligently sought to save your neighbors and many sinners to the light of salvation? brought thou. He considered excessive feats of reassurance in itself, wonderful, and, always burning with love for the Lord, you were honored with the appearance of Christ the Savior, and imitating Him, for the people who died, imitating love, and praying for those who renounced Christ. Hear us, most praiseworthy Paisie, for we are unworthy of Esma? pray for the granting of the great mercy of the Lord to us, since we are sinners, and we have defiled lips and burdened hearts, and under the burden of sins we suffer, and our prayer does not reach the Lord. For this sake, pray for us with your strong and God-pleasing prayer, Saint Paisios, may the relatives who died without repentance, our neighbors and friends, be delivered from eternal torment, and our Savior will accept your prayer in good will and His mercy instead of their good deeds will give them, free them , we believe, from suffering, and will instill in the villages of the righteous, and will honor us in repentance, let us glorify together the All-Holy and magnificent name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.


The Monk Paisios the Great lived in Egypt. His parents, Christians, distributed generous alms to those in need. After the death of her husband, the mother, at the instigation of the Angel, gave her youngest son Paisios to the church clergy. Young Paisius fell in love with monastic life and entered one of the Egyptian sketes. Having renounced his will, he lived under the spiritual guidance of Saint Pamva (Comm. 18 July), fulfilling his orders in everything. The elder said that the novice monk especially needs to preserve his eyesight in order to protect his feelings from temptations, and Paisios, following the instruction, walked with his eyes downcast for three years. The holy ascetic diligently read spiritual books and became especially famous for the feat of fasting and prayer. At first he did not eat food for a week, then for two, and sometimes, after communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, he remained without food for seventy days. In search of solitary silence, the Monk Paisios went to the Nitrian desert, where he lived in a cave carved by his own hands. There the monk was rewarded with a wondrous vision - the Lord Jesus Christ revealed to him that for the sake of his labors the entire Nitrian desert would be inhabited by ascetics. The monk dared to ask the Lord where the monks would get everything necessary for life in the desert? The Lord answered that if they fulfill His commandments, He Himself will supply them with everything they need, will put them above demonic temptations and cunning. Over time, many monks and laity gathered to the Monk Paisios, and so the monastery was founded. The main precept of the Monk Paisius was one: do nothing of your own free will, but in everything to fulfill the will of your mentors. Burdened by the breaking of the silence, the monk withdrew to a more distant cave. Once he was caught up to heavenly abodes and was rewarded there to partake of the immaterial Divine food. For difficult feats for salvation, the Lord endowed his saint with the gift of insight and healing of human souls. From the life of an ascetic, there is a case when one of his disciples, with the blessing of the monk, went to sell needlework in Egypt and on the way he met a Jew who inspired the simple-minded monk that Christ the Savior was not the Messiah, that another, true one would come. After hesitating, the monk said: “Perhaps what you say is true,” but he did not attach much importance to his words. Returning, he saw with chagrin that the Monk Paisios did not seem to notice his presence, and asked about the reason for his anger. The monk said: "My disciple was a Christian, you are not a Christian, the grace of Baptism departed from you." Having repented, the monk with tears asked the monk to forgive him his sin. Only then did the holy elder stand up for prayer and ask the Lord for forgiveness for the monk. One monk arbitrarily left the desert and settled near the city. There he met a woman who hated and blasphemed Christ the Savior. Yielding to its influence, he not only left monasticism, but also trampled on faith in Christ and gradually came to complete unbelief. Once, by the good Providence of God, Nitrian monks passed by his house. Seeing them, the sinner remembered his former life and asked the monks to tell the Monk Paisios to pray to the Lord for him. Having listened to the request, the monk began to pray fervently, and his effective prayer was answered. The Lord, appearing to His saint, promised to have mercy on the sinner. Soon the woman who seduced the monk died, and he returned to the desert, where, weeping and lamenting over his sins, he began to work in the exploits of repentance. The Monk Paisios was distinguished by great humility, performed the feats of fasting and prayer, but, if possible, hid them from strangers. To the question of the monks, what virtue is above all, the monk answered: "The one that is done in secret and about which no one knows." The Monk Paisios died in the 5th century at a ripe old age and was honorably buried by many assembled monks. After some time, his relics were transferred by the Monk Isidore Pelusios (Comm. 4 February) to the Pelusiot monastery and laid next to the relics of the Monk Paul the Hermit, with whom the Monk Paisios during his lifetime was especially spiritually close.

Among the many Orthodox prayers that are offered after the death of a person, one can find a holy word dedicated to unbaptized souls. For example, the prayer to Uaru, the first martyr who kept his word before God for the pagans.

General information and the meaning of prayer

Ouar was born into a wealthy and respected Roman family. His father, thanks to his connections and high social position, was able to give his son an excellent education, which eventually helped the saint to move up the military ladder and become one of the close associates of Emperor Diocletian. Despite being close to the Roman authorities, where everyone was a pagan, Ouar was secretly baptized and even became close to several ascetics who were imprisoned.

Uar regularly visited the ascetics and communicated with them. Thanks to his acquaintance with these people, he was able to strengthen himself in faith, as well as imbued with martyrdom. After one of the ascetics suddenly died literally on the eve of his execution, the saint decided to take his place in order to embody the Christian duty in his own image.

The martyr appeared before the court, at which he declared that he would not renounce his faith. The judge was incredibly angry at what he heard, because the Roman army was losing an illustrious and respected military man. He sentenced Uar to many tortures in the hope that he would renounce Christianity. However, the future saint was not broken. Uar died a martyr's death, but with a smile on his lips and faith in his heart. Even in his last moments, he tirelessly glorified the name of the Lord and offered up prayers for the souls of the righteous and the unrighteous.

According to legend, one of the witnesses of the incident was a Palestinian woman named Cleopatra. Imbued with the fate of the executed, and also being a Christian, she decided to remove the remains of the saint from the ground and hide them in the basement of her own house. A few years later, she was able to rebury the relics of the martyr in the family crypt.

It was here that an event took place that made Uara for all Orthodox the main intercessor of the unbaptized. Tradition says that being buried in the crypt of Cleopatra with her unbaptized relatives, he once appeared to a woman and thanked her for her care and mercy. And for her deeds, the saint before the Lord asked for her pagan relatives a place in heaven.

Despite the fact that Ouar took care of the pagans, the prayer to this saint for the unbaptized remains a controversial moment in the ranks of Orthodox clergy. According to the canon, to pray or perform any rituals with the unbaptized in the womb Orthodox Church Absolutely forbidden. The only thing you can afford is home prayer.

As for the prayer to Saint Huar, it is offered in honor of the saint, and not in honor of unbaptized relatives or friends. He is only an intercessor, but praying for the unchurched is considered wrong.

The martyr is honored on November 1 according to the new style, and on this day you can ask him for intercession before God for all those who did not have time to come to the Christian faith, and thereby earn a place in the Kingdom of God.

Video "About Martyr Uare"

In the video, the expert talks about the main facts from the life of the martyr Huar.

Text of the appeal

Oh, holy martyr Uare, venerable! We inflame the Lord Christ with zeal, you confessed the Heavenly King before the tormentor, and you zealously suffered for Him, and now the Church honors you, as if glorified from the Lord Christ with the glory of Heaven, Who has given you the grace of great boldness towards Him, and now stand before Him with the Angels, and rejoice in the Highest, and see clearly the Holy Trinity, and enjoy the light of the Beginning Radiance.

Remember our relatives and languor, who died in ungodliness, accept our petition, and like Cleopatra, the unfaithful family freed you from eternal torment with your prayers, so remember the figurines that were buried contrary to God, who died unbaptized, trying to ask them for deliverance from eternal darkness, but with one mouth and one let us praise with our hearts the most merciful Creator forever and ever. Amen.

Spread, canon martyr. Huaru, scanned by esteemed Constantine cocpucm .
This canon is valuable in that it is read for dead unbaptized people ... since in our time, not everyone has come to Christianity and it is impossible to pray in the name, they turn their prayers to martyr. Huaru.

Uar (Greek Ouaros, Hellenization of the Latin name Var, Latin Varus; d. c. 307) is an early Christian saint, revered as a martyr, the memory is celebrated on October 19 (according to the Julian calendar) / November 1 according to the Gregorian.
According to his life, Uar was a warrior, the head of the Roman detachment in Egypt at the beginning of the 4th century, belonged to the number of secret Christians. Having openly confessed his faith, Ouar was martyred and died from torture around the year 307.
In the early printed Prologue in the Life of St. mch. Huara says that Cleopatra first placed his relics in a coffin with her pagan parents, and then built a church and placed the relics there. She really wanted her son to be taken into the imperial army, and she prayed to the martyr about this. After the consecration of the church, her son suddenly died, and Cleopatra began to cry and blame the martyr for not saving her son. Then both appeared to her: both St. Huar and her son. The martyr said something like this: "What are you blaming me for? I brought your kind, the filthy being, out of hell, and enlisted your son in the army of the King of Heaven!" Hence the custom of praying to St. Huaru for the dead unbaptized.
In Russia, this canon most likely arose at the beginning of the 17th century. In the Cathedral of the Archangel Michael in the Kremlin, a chapel is being built and dedicated to the martyr Uar. There are two reasons for this. During the Time of Troubles many children died unbaptized. The gentry, Poles, Swedes, Lithuanians, invaders brought to Russia not only the destruction of churches and monasteries, but also hunger, cold, epidemics, and in these troubles many children died who were not baptized due to circumstances, including because of destruction of churches and monasteries by the Poles.
His Holiness Patriarch Hermogenes blessed the commemoration, blessed the prayer to the martyr Uar to alleviate the fate of unbaptized children. It was from that time that the canon to the martyr Huar originated. Some say that the canon appeared recently and even name the author, but this is of course fantasy, because this canon is ancient, it was translated from Greek and is present in the liturgical books of local Eastern churches. And in this canon are collected all the pearls of Holy Tradition, which give us the opportunity to pray for the fate of the unbaptized. His Holiness Patriarch Hermogenes blessed the creation of the border to the martyr Huar also for this reason. Tsarevich Dmitry last son Ivan the Terrible, who died at the end of the 16th century, had two names. Dmitry is a baptismal name, and there was also a birth name, each person then had two names. The second name of Tsarevich Dmitry was Uar. And when his veneration spread among Muscovites, a chapel dedicated to the martyr Uar was built, and the appeal to Uar began to enter into the everyday life of believers in Russia.

(printed in 7421/1913)

Canon mch. Huaru

Publishing House of the Orthodox St. Tikhon Theological Institute, Moscow, 1999.

Life of the Holy Martyr Uar

Holy Martyr War(307) lived in the chief city of Egypt, Alexandria, and was the commander of the Tian cohort. Believing in the true God, but fearful of lawless idolaters, he hid his faith. During the beginning of the persecution, Saint Ouar went around the dungeons at night and looked after the Christians imprisoned in them. One night, Saint Ouar visited a dungeon in which there were seven Christian teachers. Saint Ouar asked them to pray for him for deliverance from fear of torment for the Christian faith. “If you are afraid of temporary torment, then you will not escape eternal torment, if you are afraid to confess Christ on earth, then you will not see His face in Heaven,”they replied. Hearing this, Saint Ouar felt such love for God in himself that he decided to endure suffering for His Name and remained in prison. In the morning one of the martyrs died from his wounds. Saint Ouar, appearing with six teachers before the governor, said that he wanted to suffer instead ofdeceased prisoner. St. Ouar was beaten with sticks, his body was planed with iron knives, then, nailed upside down to a tree, the skin was torn off his back, and his womb was tormented until all the insides fell to the ground. The saints prayed for him and inspired him to a feat. The governor ordered them to be taken back to the dungeon, and Saint Ouar cried out to them:“My teachers! Pray for me the last time to Christ, for I am already parting from the body, but I thank you for what you led me to Eternal Life." A few hours later Saint Ouar died. The tormentors threw his body to be eaten by dogs.

Blessed Cleopatra, a pious widow, looked with sorrow at the sufferings of Saint Ouar. When the body of the saint was thrown outside the city, blessed Cleopatra secretly brought him to her house and buried him in her bedroom. Blessed Cleopatra constantly lit candles over the coffin of Saint Ouar and prayed fervently, honoring him as a great intercessor and intercessor before God. When the persecution subsided, blessed Cleopatra returned to Palestine, to her native village of Edra. Under the guise of the remains of her husband, blessed Cleopatra transferred the relics of the holy martyr Uar and laid them in the tomb of her ancestors. Every day she was at the tomb, lit candles, celebrated every day, and following her example, other Christians began to resort to the prayers of St. Huar and received his healing at the tomb.

Many Christians gathered at the tomb of the saint, and the blessed Cleopatra decided to build a temple in his honor. By that time, her son John was 17 years old. Blessed Cleopatra asked the king for an honorary position in the army for him. When the church was created, blessed Cleopatra called bishops, priests, and monks, and the honest relics of Saint Ouar were transferred to a precious bed, and on top of the relics, blessed Cleopatra laid a belt and military clothing, which her son was soon to put on. She earnestly prayed to Saint Uar, so that he would ask the Lord for her son what would be pleasing to Him, and useful to her son.

After the consecration of the temple, the relics of Saint Ouar were placed under the throne, on which they performed Divine Liturgy. After the service, Blessed Cleopatra arranged a feast for the guests. Suddenly, John fell ill with a fever and died at midnight, leaving his mother in inconsolable grief. With weeping, blessed Cleopatra rushed to the temple and, crouching down to the tomb, began to reproach the holy martyr: “So did you repay me for working so hard for you? I despised my husband for you and placed all my hope in you. Who will bury my body? I'd rather die myself than see my son dead. Give it to me, or take me away from here at once, for life has become a burden to me from bitter sadness.

From extreme fatigue and great sorrow, blessed Cleopatra fell asleep at gr both. In a dream, Saint Ouar appeared to her, holding her son by the hand. They were bright as the sun, and their clotheswere whiter than snow; they had golden belts and beautiful crowns on their heads. Blessed Cleopatra threw herself at the feet of the saints,but the martyr Uar lifted her up and said: “O woman, why are you complaining about me? Do you think that I have forgotten the good deeds that you have shown me? Do I not always listen to your prayers and pray to God for you? And first of all, I begged God for your relatives, with whom you put me in coffin bow, that they may be released gre hee them. Then I took your son to the service of the Heavenly King. Didn't you yourself pray to ask God for him what would be pleasing to Him and useful to you and your son? Your son is now before the Throne of God and serves the King of Heaven, but if you want him to serve the king of the earth and the temporal, take him. But the lad embraced Saint Uar and said: “No, my intercessor! Don't listen to your mothermine, do not deprive me of communion with the saints. Addressing the blessed Cleopatra, Saint John said: “Why are you crying, my mother? I am numbered among the host of heaven and stand before Christ together with the angels. Blessed - Cleopatra said: "Take me with you, so that I can be with you." But Saint Ouar answered: “And here, remaining on earth, you are still with us; go in peace, and then, when the Lord commands, we will come to take you.” After these words, both of them became invisible. Coming to her senses, blessed Cleopatra felt an inexpressible joy and a story a la priests about the vision; with them she honorably burial fuck your son gro be holy Uar, no longer crying, a rejoicing in the Lord. After that, having distributed her estate, Cleopatra began to live at the church of St. Huar, spending day and night in fasting and prayers. Every Sunday during prayer he appeared; to her Saint Ouar with her son. After spending seven years in such deeds and pleasing God, blessed Cleopatra reposed in the year 327.

The Holy Martyr Uar is especially loved by the Russian people. They resort to his intercession, asking for petitions for the health of infants and young children, as well as alleviating the fate of the souls of deceased relatives who were not worthy of Holy Baptism, and infants who died in the womb orduring childbirth. Memorial Day of the Holy Martyr Ouar - October 19 (November 1, new style) .

Canon to the Holy Martyr Uar

Grace was given to him to pray for the deceased Cleopatra's ancestors, who were not worthy of receiving holy baptism.

voice 8th, named edge line:

Beg, Uare, for our external childbirth

Canto 1

Irmos:Load the Pharaoh's charioteer, work wonders sometimes, Moses' rod striking the cross and dividing the sea, save Israel the fugitive pedestrian, singing the song of God.

Chorus:Holy Martyr Uare, pray to God for us.

(The refrain is read before each troparion of the canon)

Be implored, O Lord, to be your holy martyr Uar and clothe yourself in mercy and bounty; and this one will be poured out even to hell, Lover of mankind, and will be generous, even if we are asked by Your rich mercy.

Great martyr of Christ, remember the embittered and helpless, sitting in the darkness of darkness, not enlightened, and do not stop, falling down to the generous Lord, until I console with His rich mercy.

You could pray for the Cleopatra Family, glorious passion-bearer, and today, being able, you can free yourself from the torment, those who are remembered from us, if you diligently pray for them to the Lord, for the sake of your sake I will console the Lord with His rich mercy.

Bogorodichen:To the helpless Good Helper, look from Your glory, Mistress, to the darkness of hell and see the troubles of those who have been touched, before You we remember, and do not stop begging for them Your Son and the generous Lord and Master, until I console with His rich mercy.

Canto 3

Irmos:Establish at the beginning Heaven with reason and founding the earth on the waters, on the stone of me, Christ, affirm Thy commandments, as if it were not holy, more than You, the Only Lover of Man.

Move the face of the Holy Powers of Heaven with you to prayer, martyr, and do a wonderful thing, and great, and honestly, moreover, joy to those who do not have hope and comfort, who do not hope, bitter our unfaithfully dead ancestor and remember with them, hedgehog to grant them forgiveness from the Lord and great mercy.

Quite a passion-bearer and beloved of Christ, assure, if freedom is desirable for the tormented and joy, then our relatives, and those like them who have attracted disbelief for the sake of eternal torment, will not find measures with their joy, if you ask the Lord for forgiveness and great mercy.

Uare, the victorious sufferer, be merciful to our prayers, and see the dejected unspeakable need, and he himself, compelled by pity, relentlessly praying to the Mistress of the Humanity, may he grant them forgiveness and great mercy.

Bogorodichen:World-wide hope, God-pleasing village, our reconciliation to God, Mary the Lady, accept the petitions of the present presence and do not stop praying to Your Son and the Lord of all, may He grant the hopeless to You for the sake of forgiveness and great mercy.

Sedalen, voice 5

If you pray for the whole world, great martyr, and don’t stop, asking for all mercy and every criminal, the images of the fiercely vexed Lord and constantly annoying, even dead things to yourself to the end and acquiring nothing, as if you have done evil, also, passion-bearing, stand for our dead relatives, as if possible starting, do not retreat, praying and falling down to the Lord who has mercy on all, may he forgive and have mercy, even in the darkness sitting and fiercely grieved.

Another saddle, tone 3

The joys of the eternal dweller, the namesake of heavenly peace, the great Uare, daring, dare to remember before the Lord the tender couple of our forefathers, if not in the tomb of them, we lay thee, with an earnest petition to pity, hedgehog from them, we copulate thee. The same, fall down and pray, for the Lord will not reject your presence, but bows down from immeasurable goodness, sends deliverance and great mercy to the distressed.

Glory, and now:

Bogorodichen:Blessed Lady, glorified from the Heavenly Forces, and exalted from the outside, Mother of the King of all, where, and when Your glory and majesty wants to multiply, isn’t it then, when you intercede for sinners and cover the whole world with Your prayers, the same and today multiply, Lady, Your majesty exaltation, save with your warm prayers from the fierce torments of our unfaithful and unbaptized relatives, and even of them and with them remembered, and give them deliverance and great mercy.

Canto 4

Irmos:You are my fortress, Lord, You are my strength, You are my God, You are my joy, do not leave the bowels of the Father, and having visited our poverty, I call with the prophet Habakkuk thus: Glory to Your power, Lover of mankind.

Yelma, ubo, passion-bearer, love all those who come running to you with faith, and also love to be from those who pray to you. What else will the Humanitarian do with the desire to glorify you, if not by giving the asking mercy to the tenderhearted and all consolation deprived of the eternal prisoner, so henceforth, O good martyr, praying for them without fail.

The winter is fierce and barrenness of salvation lies in the wicked of the dead, and crying is joyless, here, after all, the essence is remembered, even from us. But you, passion-bearer, unite these to the generation of the righteous, and do not be poor in praying for them.

Let the gloomy dungeon of hell forever envelop our ancestors and relatives, and all that is remembered with them: you, the wondrous sufferer, who lowered the power of unbelief and sinful power, so and henceforth do not forgive these hedgehogs with the Cleopatra family, martyr, praying.

Bogorodichen:By Thee, Most Pure One, we know to glorify all the Creator, and from Thee the Flesh-bearer the uncharming Savior is magnified with skill, and Thee, the Lady, we praise, and we worship Thee, and we pray, have mercy on our relatives who died in unbelief and hedgehog deliver these not impoverished to the Son praying.

Canto 5

Irmos:Thou hast thrown me away from Thy presence, O unstoppable Light, and there is an alien darkness, cursed, covered me, but turn me and direct my path to the light of Thy commandments, I pray.

Every gift, martyr, and every mercy from the merciful Lord are poured out, even if they are marvellous and wonderful, they leave it for forgiveness. The same day, the great work is done, the Lord, the martyr, beg.

Do not turn away, Lord, from our compunction, remember the multitude of our sins below, moreover, remember Your ancient mercy, and for the sake of Your bounty, and for the sake of War of the sufferer, do not be poor in the wealth of Your immeasurable mercy, but pour out mercy and forgiveness, hedgehog from us reminiscent.

There is a great martyr, and the philanthropy of the Lady and to those who are in the sea far away, the same appear today and, falling down, beg Him to have mercy on the distant and faith, and the Baptism of the estranged dead, our relatives and all those who are remembered with them, to grant forgiveness and greatness mercy.

Bogorodichen:Appear, Mistress, to our exhaustion and wake up in need, helping us everywhere and all the time, You are the Christian Hope and Hope, so do not reject our petitions, but create perfect and full of Your unwritten grace.

Canto 6

Irmos:Cleanse me, O Savior, many of my iniquities, and raise me from the depths of evil, I pray: I will cry out to Thee, and hear me, O God of my salvation.

May the swaying of the enemy not rejoice, having received souls for self-interest, but you, martyr, destroy his desires with your warm prayers, begging the Lord to forgive us the memories we remember and deliver us from eternal torment.

The beginning of our feat of Cleopatra's kind of forgiveness, from here on, guilty of perceiving, raise you to prayer, and don’t despise those who are remembered by us, great martyr, and don’t reject sinners, but, having taken a bite, ask the Lord Christ for forgiveness and deliverance from bitter torment.

Even unbelief for the sake of seeing the end of evil, and the hope of the good is very much the death of the wrath of God, but you, passion-bearing, boldness of acceptance, the joy of absolution instead of terrible languor from the Heavenly King, ask and, exhausted from sorrow, observe in the Lord's mercy.

Bogorodichen:Kaya, Mistress, will malice overcome Your Mother of prayer? Truly, if you stand still today, praying for those who are asked by you, grant them joyful forgiveness, deliverance and great mercy.

Kontakion, tone 4

Following Christ, martyr Uare, Having drunk the cup, and tied the crown of torment, and you rejoice with the Angels, pray unceasingly for our souls.


Remember our verbs, bright inhabitant of Heaven, Christ's glorious Great Martyr Uare, the namesake of eternal rest, and with your great suffering, an impenetrable and bright rest acquired from an impassable dungeon, and unceasing languor, and need, trying with your God-pleasing prayers to deliver the tender servants, for their sake we pray, forthcoming and in zeal, crying out, fulfill our petitions, holy one, and pray unceasingly to Christ God for our souls.

Canto 7

Irmos:The fire of God’s condescension was ashamed in Babylon sometimes, for this sake of the children in the cave with a joyful foot, as if in a flower garden rejoicing, I sing: blessed be Thou, God of our fathers.

Like the sun, Lord, enlighten everyone, and unenviously pour rain on everyone, and unceasingly bestow mercy on those who anger You, and now listen to Uar, Your sufferer, and shed Your mercy to the end on our estranged relatives and even unfaithful with them, Humane.

Now, as before, be generous, Lord, and beg to appear, Vladyka, as if about Cleopatra, create, and about us, Merciful, create; send Your generosity and mercy to those we remember, God be the source of mercy inexhaustible.

If the prophet, cheering, sings of Your mercy, O Lord, forever, because we have not failed You in bounty, we believe, as if Your mercy is immeasurable, and from the abyss to the depths of the flooded pour out Your mercy, O Lord our Lord.

Bogorodichen:Mount Thee will be spoken by the wise in the prophets, we believe that and from You the Stone of the Mother of God will come out without the admixture of a man; imzhe our salvation and from the depths of hell the erection of the recipients, Mistress, raise up and today from hell we remember, yes, Thee, the All-Merciful, we unceasingly magnify.

Canto 8

Irmos:The Musikian body coordinating and countless people worshiping the image in Deir, the three youths did not obey, the Lord was praised and praised for all ages.

May the balls be the words of Your ancient, Mercy, Lord, who speaks and raises our hope, as if You heard Your saints, Lord, hedgehog have mercy on the unfaithful dead, even today we bring Thee to prayer, but for the sake of their petitions, have mercy on the non-Orthodox who died, with knowledge and ignorance of You , Vladyko, annoyed.

The Lamb of God, having redeemed us with His Most Pure Blood, Hearing the prayer of Feklino and Blessed Gregory, Methodius with many and Macarius accepting petitions, and rejoicing, and delivering the evil-doers to the dead, and Chrysostom to pray for these, write up, accept ubo, Vladyka, with these glorious Uar and by the prayers of their remembrance from us, forgive and have mercy.

Ask for joy for us, great martyr, let us rejoice, for, if we find our relatives delivered from eternal torment with your prayers; For the Lord always hears your prayers and fulfills your petitions, but you are not impoverished for these and now praying, let us glorify you.

Bogorodichen:Immaculate Mistress, abound in a lot of mercy and generosity, wondrous and Blessed Mother Tsareva, for us who seek mercy, where we find this India, if we do not hasten to You, crouching, You have given birth to a Stream of sweetness for us, Blessed One.

Canto 9

Irmos:Terrified of this Heaven, and the ends of the earth were surprised, as if God appeared as a man of the flesh, and Thy womb was the most spacious of Heaven, thee, the Mother of God, the Angels and the man of office magnify.

O Bose, yes you can, glorious Uare, With your God-pleasing prayers, accept and pour out mercy, even alienated to the end, There is only one generosity and mercy Parent, and everything is possible for Him as the Master, to Him relentlessly, sufferer, praying to forgive and have mercy even from us reminiscent.

Do the work marvelously, O great martyr, and your glory is applied, if from the Lord forgiveness and His righteous wrath, the change will be asked by the grieved dark evil faith for the sake of our forefather and hedgehogs, in sorrow and in anticipation of the most fierce beings, but weigh in fearless deliverance, where the Lord of the forgiven weighs put.

And what a marvelous miracle will appear, what glory is most famous, and what kind of mercy is greater than this, if you, martyr, having regretted, beg the merciful Lord to forgive the sin of wickedness, even from us who are commemorated, and save them from their fierce languor.

Bogorodichen:Merciful Lady, philanthropic and not remembering evil, accept the pity of our petition and intercede relentlessly for mercy to Your merciful Son and Master, to have mercy and forgive the sin of heterodoxy by our dead relatives and even those who are mentioned with them, forgiveness and the place of this mercy is an inalienable tribute.


Let it be righteous, Lord God, who forgave Thee Cleopatra's forefathers, and today hear the prayer of Your great martyr Uar and ours, the many-sinners, the future: deliver from torment, even with pity before You are remembered. Speed ​​up the same, Generous One, and strive as if you are merciful to have mercy on these, as you can, though.

Glory, and now:

Bogorodichen:Sweep, Mistress, hear our prayer, even in Your Church brought to You, and Herself, Mother of God, bend to the mercy of Your Son and the Lord hedgehog to have mercy and from righteous anger resolve the dead ancestors, our friends and relatives, speed up the slaughter, All-merciful, deliver these, you may be more merciful, wanting mercy for all.

Stikhira, tone 6

Come, martyrs, let us praise the passion-bearer and with songful voices, triumphantly, cry out: Rejoice, wonderful martyr, glorious King Christ, crowned and a good and invincible warrior, having bravely defeated the enemy, today you received the crowns of Heaven and honors from the Ascetic Master, stand before the Unman, praying to deliver our unfaithful relatives and forefathers and all, we pray for them, from fierce and bitter languor and vouchsafe from the gloomy bonds of hell, already repenting of the evils of their hardness of heart and laziness, from now on, the mind in earthly graves is also despondent, not having reached the true Light, and, having acquired the fruits of their negligence, they have acquired eternal destruction, and they see their own iniquities in the darkness of unceasing languor, they are oppressed. Bow down, marvelous martyr, and bow down to the mercy of the Bower of Heaven and save the sinners Descended, but with your prayers he is mobile, mercy will pour out to the end of it to those who are deprived and do not expect comfort from anywhere, south, having received your prayers, they will be clothed with immeasurable joy and, having rejoiced inexpressibly, they will cry out To Christ God: Your mercy is great, Master, and Your bounty is not scarce, as if You give richly great mercy to everyone.

Glory, and now:

Bogorodichen:Beautiful, Word of the chamber, cultivated by the Royal concubine, animated by Christ's drawing, the Immaculate Bride of the Father, Mary, the Most Pure Virgin, look to those touched by our petition and see, as if we are distressed by pity, our forefathers and neighbors who see suffering fiercely, and even on dignity, but languor, and sorrow, and torment, look down on these, O All-Merciful One, from the heights of Your joy, and move with their fierce needs, and do not stop from asking, Mistress, until you implore Your Son and the Lord to give the helpless forgiveness and great mercy.

Prayer to the Holy Martyr Uar

O holy martyr Uare, venerable, kindled with zeal for the Mistress of Christ, you confessed the Heavenly King before the tormentor, and you suffered zealously for Him, and now stand before Him with angels, and rejoice in the highest, and see clearly the Holy Trinity, and enjoy the light of the Beginning Radiance , remember our relatives and languor, who died in ungodliness, accept our petition, and like Cleopatra, the unfaithful family freed you from eternal torment with your prayers, so remember the figurines that were buried contrary to God, who died unbaptized, trying to ask them for deliverance from eternal darkness, but with one mouth and with one heart let us praise the Most Merciful Creator forever and ever. Amen.

From the service of mch. Huaru

In praise of the stichera at 4, tone 2:

What will we bring, wonderful martyr, every Church honors you, I glorify Mago from the Lord Christ with the glory of Heaven, even as a gift to you led grace and kago boldness to Him, and now stand before Him with the Angels, glorious Uare, passion-bearing of Christ, pray to Him to forgive those who died heterodox (names) and be saved to our souls. I

The Great Holy Martyr Uare, in vain the sufferers of Christ, covered with grave wounds, we kindle zeal for the Master, you confessed the Heavenly King before the tormentor, and you suffered zealously about Him, and now you reign with Him, pray to him to send mercy to the dead in unbelief (names) and save our souls.

P ed and O Uare, your magnificent glory, rejoice in imperishable joys, rejoice with the Heavenly Forces in the Highest, and see the Holy Trinity clearly, and enjoy the light of the Beginning Radiance, remember us in your joy, remember our relatives and languor, who died in wickedness (names), and pray to Christ God to have mercy on these and be saved to our souls.Even eternal rest so we e this, glorious martyr, given to us by God for our benefit and salvation, even for Christ in suffering, a light and all the equinoxious holy angel appeared to you and pray to the Lord to grant meandcultivate humility andebut we remember (names) deliverance from us, we are the userbottom we sing: welcome and our petitions, saying, and lift them up to Christ God, and send them down to everyone in I have mercy.

Come, then, martyr-lovers, flock diligently, but today, he erected the passion-bearer, the Heavenly venetnik, the glorious Uar the great martyr, and cry e m to him, praying and saying: o d and valiant warrior and brave, King Christ voivode, sn and di to real jubilation in the hedgehog and children with prayer, anticipation, and accept our petition, and do not forget to help and to catch our remembrances, fallen in unbelief hedgehog about us, relatives, like Cleopatra and an unfaithful family with their prayers from the eternal torment of freedom and l esy, that is remembered and remembered take out our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, and even with them were taken into account, ate and buried anti-Godly, unbaptized dead (names). For these, therefore, stand before Christ God, to Your Ascetic, for the Worthless One suffered zealously 5 and strive to ask and to these from eternal darkness, deliverance and forgiveness to our souls and in I have mercy.

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