Donat the horse is the latest. Donat Skakun's mother: “The son says that the situation in the colony is normal, time flies very quickly. Differences in the testimony of the victim

Details 18.05.2017 Views: 2418

The whole accusation is built only from the words of the teacher. Donat's prints were not found, the blood found belongs to an unidentified man and woman, Donat passed a polygraph - according to the polygraph, he was not involved in the crime, the teacher refused to take a polygraph. Testimony of witnesses: classmates, their parents, teachers - everything is in Donat's favor, there is no crime weapon in the case, no blood was found in the backpack into which Donat allegedly threw a knife. Despite this, April 7 Minsk City Court sentenced Donat to eight years in prison in an educational colony under Part 1 of Art. 14 and paragraphs. 6, 10 h. 2 tbsp. 139 UK(attempted murder of a person in connection with the implementation of professional activities).

“Many Belarusians have heard about the incident that happened in the 74th gymnasium in Minsk on May 23, 2016. Then I sadly thought, how do you need to get a student so that he attacks the teacher with a knife? And now, after almost a year, we learn about the sentence: 8 years in prison. Well, they got the kid, he broke, he messed up. Got a deadline. It would be possible not to touch on this topic, if you do not delve into the details of what happened. And many Belarusians, also not understanding the essence of what is happening, condemn this act and the boy himself. But I want to shout to the whole world: people, do not believe! Donat Skakun is not involved in what happened in this gymnasium on the morning of May 23, 2016. After studying the materials available to me, analyzing the situation and conducting a small investigation, I can say with confidence that Donat was not at the scene! And I know two people who know exactly what happened that morning on May 23rd. I understand that my team and I are challenging the system, but you can’t argue against the facts. On this platform, we will publish everything that the investigation was hiding, and how the court behaved! All details will be made public. We won’t let an innocent boy go to jail so easily!”- wrote on his page former political prisoner Nikolai Autukhovich

Civil activists, caring people are photographed with a poster #Donat_innocent or #Danat_nevinavaty and post photos on social networks with the hashtag of the same name.

For the attempted murder of a teacher of Russian language and literature, he passed the exams for the 9th grade for three nines in the Bobruisk educational colony.

We believe that this is a great merit of the school and educational colony. Everything turned out thanks to the director of this school, we are sincerely grateful to him. He told Donat to write another application to the Ministry of Education - Donat was allowed to take the exam. He tried very hard, prepared and worried - he wanted everything to work out, - says Alina, the guy's mother.

Recall that the incident happened in gymnasium No. 74 in Minsk in May 2016. According to investigators, that morning a 9th-grade student, Donat Skakun, entered the classroom, closed the door behind him, and stabbed Russian language and literature teacher Valentina Gubarevich with 17 stab wounds. The former high school student was sentenced in April 2017, the Supreme Court considered the appeal in September and upheld the verdict. All this time, Donat Skakun was in jail and tried to pass the exams.

We had the permission of the investigator, they were ready to provide a room in the pre-trial detention center, but we were refused in the 74th gymnasium, - Alina recalls. - We are very happy that now everything has finally worked out.

Philologist Svetlana Bogush from Minsk helped Donat prepare for language exams - she wrote him a letter to the colony and offered her help.

I was very touched by this story, I wanted to support the boy in such a situation. But I didn’t want to write a banal “hold on” - I began to think about what exactly I could do for Donat, and the idea arose to help him prepare for language exams. I wrote a letter with such a proposal, and he agreed.

Svetlana says that she herself did not fully imagine how the training would take place, but as a result everything worked out.

I sent tasks, Donat did them, I checked, sorted out errors and sent new tasks. Donat began and ended each of his letters with words of gratitude. I am very glad that he passed all the exams perfectly, but I don’t think that I was somehow involved in this - he is a very capable and smart boy.

Donat writes 4-5 letters a week to his parents. He says that he likes school - there, according to him, there are good teachers.

He says that time flies very quickly. At first I even thought that the lessons were not for 45, but for 30 minutes, - Alina, the mother of a teenager, laughs. - Donat plans to get a specialty in the colony: they have a vocational school, by the summer he will decide where to enroll, and says that you can even get a few specialties. They were very fond of working with wood with dad - so, if possible, he would go to study as a carpenter.

Alina says that Donat is busy all day: he goes to work in the morning, then to school, or vice versa. And in the evening the son writes letters, time flies by unnoticed.

Every day is hard for us, it drags on for a long time, - the interlocutor says quietly. We had a four-hour date a month ago. Donat said that the situation in the colony was normal, the guys were good - he met some of them back in the pre-trial detention center. He was helped to adapt, treated well. It is clear that he is trying to protect us from some kind of experience. But I think it's quite difficult for him. Many letters are written to him, and strangers, classmates, and teachers support him.

The parents are now awaiting a response from the Supreme Court to the supervisory appeal.

Two days ago, the Supreme Court made its decision in the case of the attack on the teacher of gymnasium No. 74. The verdict of the Minsk City Court entered into force: 8 years in prison. However, many questions remain in the attack case. Since the trial was closed, the public did not hear the answers to them. The Investigative Committee, as promised, today revealed the details of the investigation of the case.

Experts: “His blood and the blood of the victim were found on the Skakun’s clothes”

- More facts. In the presence of the defender, washings were made from the hands of Donat Skakun. Then the teenager's clothes and shoes were seized. These items were packed in a special package, sealed and provided with an explanatory note with the signatures of the participants in the investigative action. I want to note that the investigator who carried out these actions did not take part in the inspection of the scene and did not contact Gubarevich. Further examinations were appointed for all subjects.

It should be noted that the integrity of the packaging before the examination was not violated. According to the conclusions of biological-genetic and medical-forensic examinations, it was established that the blood washes from Skakun's left hand were formed as a result of mixing biological material from Gubarevich and Skakun. Traces of splashes, I draw your attention, splashes of blood on the shirt, jacket, trousers and shoes were formed as a result of the fall of flying blood particles. Blood blots in the form of smears and prints on the shirt and shoes were formed as a result of dynamic and static contact with a surface covered with liquid blood. The traces of blood on the jacket, shirt, jacket and shoes came from Gubarevich. During the genetic study, it was also established that individual traces of blood on Skakun's jacket could be formed as a result of mixing the biological material of the blood of Gubarevich and Skakun.

- Traces of splashes and blots of blood in the form of smears and prints were found on the clothes of the accused Skakun, - says Oleg Kul, a representative of the SCSE. - Blood splatters are produced either by waving an object covered in liquid blood, or by hitting a surface covered with liquid blood, or by gushing blood from damaged vessels (usually arteries or arterioles). On the clothes of the Horse, his blood and the blood of the victim were found. No damage was found on Skakun's clothes (not related to the use of clothes).

- They say that there was no blood on the table, although it should have been there, - reporters noticed.

- There was blood on the desktop, the floor and walls of the auditorium, on the magazine, on the young man's suit,- investigators noted.

SK: Donat deliberately formed an alibi

- The mixing of blood, which I have already mentioned, allowed the investigation to believe that the accused was injured, - Evgeny Arkhireev continued. - An abrasion was found on the palmar surface of the middle phalanx of the fourth finger of the right hand. Skakun explained to the policeman who arrived at the scene that he had injured his finger the day before when he climbed over the school fence. At the same time, the damage on his arm was visually fresh. The investigation conducted an inspection of the fence of the gymnasium and found traces of blood. It was examined by experts and confirmed: the blood belonged to the Horse.

- Analysis of the collected evidence led to the conclusion that Skakun, after committing the crime, decided to leave the territory of the gymnasium in order to get rid of the instrument of crime, - Arkhireev added. - And also to imitate in the presence of an outsider the circumstances of receiving the damage he already had. This conclusion was confirmed in the testimony of a classmate whom he met in the gymnasium.

Donat urgently, at least seven times, asked to go for a walk with him, although he did not want to do this. Together they walked around the dormitories located nearby, walked along the fence of the gymnasium from the outside. Then we came to a break in the fence near the school stadium. Passing through the fence, Donat deliberately took hold of the fence with his hand, and when he removed his hand, he said that he was caught and injured his finger. Indeed, Donat's blood remained on the fence.

- It is difficult to call these actions of a teenager other than the deliberate formation of an alibi,- Evgeny Arkhireev concluded. - To complete the picture, I want to note that Gubarevich's blood was found on Skakun's backpack.

Father of Donat Skakun

What was the student's motive?

- The investigation established that Donat Skakun, on the morning of May 23, 2016, in room 317 of gymnasium No. 74, carried out the intent to kill a teacher of Russian language and literature, Valentina Gubarevich, out of a sense of revenge, allegedly for a biased assessment of knowledge, demands to retake reading Lermontov’s poem by heart, calling his mother to school for conversation with the teacher investigators noted. - With particular cruelty, he inflicted at least 17 blows with a knife and a hard blunt object on various parts of the victim's body. Including on vital organs - the head, neck and chest. As a result, the victim suffered injuries of varying severity. Skakun could not bring his intent to the end due to the fact that the victim resisted him, and also called relatives and reported the incident. And also because of the timely provision of qualified medical care.

- How did it become known that revenge was the motive, because he studied Russian literature well? - journalists specified.

- The motive was established as a result of a complex of investigative actions involving Gubarevich and Donat Skakun's parents, classmates and other persons, - noted Evgeny Arkhireev. - This is a compilation of all the data that we have collected.

- When Donat was given an A in Russian literature for a quarter, his average mark of the certificate was 8.4. This is a high score, with which Donat would not have any questions about moving to the next class. At the same time, the teacher in the diary for a quarter put him an eight, increasing the grade. So where is the motive for revenge? - journalists asked a question.

- Gubarevich gave the opportunity to retake the poem. If he had not done this, then he would have had two deuces, - Arkhireev added.

- But they showed up. And with those two deuces, he had a GPA of 8.4...

- We will not discuss the issues of the Ministry of Education,- said the representative of the UK. - The teacher, through Donat, invited the accused's mother to the school. Donat did not pass the information on to his mother. Based on what had been established during the investigation, he was worried about his academic performance and possible measures that his parents could take as a result of his poor academic performance. This is his testimony, his classmates and employees of the gymnasium.

Russian language and literature teacher Valentina Gubarevich

The teacher returned to work very quickly, why were the injuries classified as light?

- The bodily injuries that Gubarevich had (cut wounds of the face, neck, as well as abrasions), at the initial assessment, were qualified as light, - Oleg Kul, representative of the SCSE, noted. - With further additional examination (six months later), it was found that scars were the result of wounds on the face and neck. They were considered indelible because they required surgery to remove them. According to the law, such injuries have signs of serious bodily harm.

Was Donat Skakun sane?

- In June last year, a psychological and psychiatric examination of Donat Skakun was carried out, - Oleg Kul answers. - Based on its results, Donat did not reveal any mental disorders either during the attack or during the examination. Psychiatrists ruled out painful motivation.

- Skakun refused to express his attitude to the charge and give evidence on the merits of the charge. He adhered to a similar position during the entire investigation of the criminal case, - adds Evgeny Arkhireev. - Skakun's guilt was proved by voiced and other evidence obtained during the investigation. Evaluation of the evidence collected by the investigation was given by the prosecutor's office and the court.

Public prosecutor in the case of Donat Skakun

Could the teacher be lying?

- The testimony of the victim about the commission of the crime by Skakun was carefully checked during the investigation and compared with other evidence. The investigation believes that her testimony is consistent, logical and truthful, Arkhireev emphasized. - Bleeding in the gymnasium office, the teacher initially informed her colleagues from the gymnasium and the doctors who arrived at the crime scene that the attack was committed by a student named Skakun.

- Was there any doubt in her testimony?

- The investigation had no doubts about the sincerity, truthfulness, and completeness of Gubarevich's testimony,- assured the deputy head of the department of the Investigative Committee of Belarus in Minsk. - The teacher was interrogated repeatedly.

In Donat's support group, a chronology of events was outlined, according to which the student could not have time to attack the teacher. This is true?

- We made a chronology of events and restored it based on surveillance cameras at the school and interrogations of persons in a criminal case, - says Evgeny Arkhireev. - What is installed? At 8:12 Donat came to the gymnasium and left at 8:30 with his classmate. We assume that during this period of time he committed the crime. This is confirmed by the testimonies of the persons interrogated in the criminal case and by the analysis of information from the telephone connections of the participants in the process. We made our timing at the initial stage of the investigation.

- Can you give more details?

- I won't go into more detail. I think that's enough.

The defendant had two lawyers

Why did a schoolboy write a sincere confession without a psychologist, legal representative and lawyer?

- Indeed, the document, which Donat Skakun called a frank confession, was written by him on the day of the crime. He wrote this document voluntarily, with his own hand, without any coercion on the part of the employees of the investigating authorities. He confirmed these three messages during interrogation using video recording in the presence of a defense lawyer (his father), as well as a teacher,- said Evgeny Arkhireev. - According to the Code of Criminal Procedure, the presence of a legal representative and a teacher is necessary during the production of investigative actions. Writing statements, petitions, so-called candid confessions is not an investigative action. Therefore, it was a fact of the will of the suspect.

- Was it written from dictation? - journalists specified.

- Not, - representatives of the UK responded. - He also explained that no one dictated the text to him. He confirmed this himself in front of legal representatives. The investigation did not in any way regard this document as evidence of guilt and did not include it in the list of evidence in the procedural documents.

So did they find the knife that Donat used to stab?

- At the beginning of the investigation, it was stated that a knife was found with which the blows were made. We later learned that it was the wrong knife. So was he found or not?- journalists asked a question.

- As a result of the search activities, the knife mentioned in the media was indeed found, - noted Evgeny Arkhireev. - However, after a forensic examination, it turned out that this knife was not related to the event under investigation and was not a crime weapon.

Has the knife that was used to attack been found?

- Knife not found.

Teacher's lawyer Anna Dakutko

- In order to determine whether injuries were caused by this or the wrong instrument of the crime, it is necessary that the instrument of injury itself be present, - noted the representative of the GCSE. - The crime weapon was not delivered to us. This means that it was necessary to inflict experimental damage, but, as you yourself understand, no one will cut a living person, so such studies could not be carried out.

- How did she herself describe this weapon?

She said it was a knife Arkhireev added.

- At the announcement of the verdict, we heard that a knife blade was found along Artilleristov Street, 8. This building is opposite the gymnasium. What kind of knife blade is this, if the investigation found that the knife was not found? - journalists specified.

- I have already said that a knife was found, which, as it turned out, did not belong to the materials of the criminal case. And the court, guided by the provisions of the criminal procedural legislation, made a decision regarding a subject that is not related to the criminal case,- Evgeny Arkhireev concluded.

Donat passed the polygraph, and it seems that the polygraph confirmed that he did not want to kill the teacher?

- You are misinterpreting the results of a survey using a polygraph. And due to insignificant physiological reactions to questions, it was not possible to answer categorically whether he was involved in the commission of a crime or not,- noted law enforcement officers.

- The polygraph is used in operational work, but it is advisory in nature,- added Yulia Goncharova .

Donat Skakun's mother Alina Zenkovich

Why didn't they conduct an investigation?

- It is possible to conduct an investigative experiment according to the provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure in order to reproduce any events, - Answered by Evgeny Arkhireev. - Donat Skakun did not testify, in connection with this, an investigative experiment was not conducted. The mechanism of wound formation was established on the basis of the testimonies of the victims and the conducted expert studies.

On this day, four more people had to take a poem. No one else suspected?

- No, it was not. One person was charged. I assume that you are talking about accomplices, but according to the results of the investigation, only Donat Skakun was charged, - noted Arkhireev. - Objective information that the crime was committed by a group of persons was not received during the investigations. All versions were considered, but the working version was that Donat Skakun was guilty.

An innocent guy, Donat Skakun, 14 years old, was sentenced to 8 years in prison for a crime he did not commit.

The human rights organization “TimeAct” conducted its own investigation and found out that Donat Skakun had no opportunity to commit a crime.
The Investigative Committee artificially made Donat Skakun guilty.

We have a lot of questions for the investigators, who on the very first night knocked out a confession from an arrested underage guy.
Even the court did not recognize this “frank testimony” of Donat as evidence, since it was obtained by illegal methods.

We have many questions for the court, which turned a blind eye to the numerous inconsistencies in this criminal case. Moreover, the judge deliberately changed the testimony of witnesses in the minutes of the court session, wrote words and phrases that were not pronounced at all in the trial. Removed from the minutes of the court session, sometimes even whole pages of important testimony of witnesses.

If the guy is guilty, and you think that his guilt has been proven, then why did Judge Zenkevich falsify the evidence base by changing important testimony of witnesses?

Donat has an alibi, it is in the materials of this criminal case, why does no one pay attention to him? If the guy is guilty, then why did the investigative committee at a press conference refuse to announce the chronology of the events of the crime? Tell us what time Donat entered the classroom and allegedly attacked the teacher? What time did Donat leave class? Representatives of the investigative committee will not be able to answer these questions, because Donat did not commit this crime, he simply did not have time to commit this crime!

Why are there no traces of Donat in the classroom?
Why isn't his fingerprint on the classroom door?
Why didn't the examination take blood from the front door of the classroom for analysis?
And there are a lot of "whys".

This is how the law enforcement system works in Belarus.
In a criminal bunch, investigators of the UK, prosecutors and judges.
And it is impossible to open your mouth, to be indignant at this arbitrariness of the servants of the people.
And if the people are indignant, then the officials simply do not pay attention to it.
I am sure that all this arbitrariness will soon come to an end!
Our strength is in solidarity!
One cannot remain indifferent to human problems.
Tomorrow the same trouble will knock on your door.

We invite everyone to make sure that Donat's guilt has not been proven.
The whole accusation is based on the confused, contradictory, several times changing testimony of the teacher Gubarevich,
and all the evidence presented to the court was falsified.
Below are links to case files and some important publications on this page.

Two years ago, this case shook the country. A student of the capital's gymnasium Donat Skakun was detained for attacking a teacher.

Despite the fact that the knife with which the teacher was wounded was never found, and there were many strange inconsistencies in the case file, which both lawyers and human rights activists paid attention to, Donat was given eight years in prison.

The "Belarusian partisan" asked how the guy, who is now serving his sentence in the Bobruisk penal colony, is doing.

So far, there is no special news, - Donat's mother Alina said. - We're sitting. My lawyers and I are trying to do something, but so far I cannot say that there is any concrete result.

How often can you see your son?

We have a dating schedule. On average, it turns out that a short date is supposed to be once every one and a half months. And they allow for a long time, when one of the parents spends a day with the child.

How is Donat feeling?

It seems to be holding up. He writes letters to us all the time.

There was a huge wave of support for Donat, even strangers who were touched by this story sent letters to him ...

And now they write too! The son maintains relationships with so many people whom he had never seen or knew before, and now regularly corresponds with them. I think this outside support is also very important. She, in my opinion, gives him the strength to hold on, feeds him. It is clear that not all letters reach, but this is, let's say, the human factor.

- Classmates get in touch with him?

Yes, friends from school remained. In this regard, everything is fine. From time to time Donat calls us. These are very short conversations, but we always look forward to them.

- What about studies?

Everything seems to be fine. Quarter marks were just about to be given, but we still don't know about the results - Donat promised to write about everything. Health seems to hold up as well. Although, to be honest, even if something is not very good, he still won’t tell us. The son tries once again not to excite us, not to cause trouble. He always says that he is fine.

“Does the colony’s leadership tell you something about him?”

We do not communicate with the authorities, but when we arrive either for programs or for a date, we can always talk with the head of the detachment, with the educators. They make good contact and say that there are no questions for the child.

- Alina, and during all this time that Donat was in the colony, did he complain about something?

Never and no matter what! Don't worry, he says, I'm fine. He is probably an optimist with us - I want to believe in it. Otherwise, he probably would not have survived ...

- This year, Donat's classmates are entering institutes and universities ...

And Donat has just finished 10th grade. When he got to the pre-trial detention center, there were problems with passing the exams - they were not allowed to take them in the pre-trial detention center, and he lost time. Fortunately, unlike the capital's gymnasium No. 74, at the school at the colony, the teachers and management treated him well and helped him pass the exams externally. By the way, successfully.

As for plans for the future, we hope that after graduating from grade 11, Donat will be able to remotely receive higher education.

Are the lawyers visiting Donat?

Now, when we have the opportunity to meet with our son, lawyers do not go to the colony. But they continue to do business. After all, we have not yet gone through all the judicial instances, and we continue to appeal the verdict. We will use absolutely all possibilities.

We want to get answers to all our questions, but, unfortunately, so far this has not been possible ...

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