Dream Interpretation are the same people. Why don't different people have the same dreams? What are recurring dreams

Sometimes the subconscious kindly launches a series of identical dreams for us so that we finally pay attention to them. This is how our psyche helps to solve real life problems and points to something important to think about.

If an important person dreams

The subconscious stubbornly “throws” you in a dream of the same person - an acquaintance, a friend? Think about who he is for you, what is his image in your mind, what features distinguish him from others. Most likely, this is a dream clue, and you lack the qualities of this person.

If an important person is dreaming, think about who he is for you.

Permanent characters of your dreams that do not exist in real life, may be a reminder that you are turning your back on someone who could be a real friend, or that you have unfinished business. So, one woman constantly dreamed of a beggar who asked her for alms, but she always passed by, while feeling embarrassed. It turned out that she once had a conflict with a relative, after which they stopped communicating and in which she considered herself guilty. When the woman resumed the lost connection, the dreams stopped.

Oh, well, who didn’t dream that a cruel teacher intends to give him an “unsuccessful”? The topic of study arises in dreams when you need to solve a life problem, make a choice, but you are afraid to make a mistake. At the same time, you care about the opinions of others. Such "plots" are often dreamed of during a period of change - when looking for a job, changing status, moving to a new place of residence.

The topic of study is dreamed when you need to solve a life problem

A young man who had finished school long ago dreamed several times over the course of a month that a chemistry teacher was tearing his notebooks to shreds because he mixed up the formulas. It turned out that the guy had an important interview at a new job. After he was accepted, the dream with the chemist stopped pestering him.

Chasing in your dreams

In a dream, someone is chasing you, you fall off the roof, crash in a car. And you wake up... Familiar? This is how your fears or habits get you. Most likely, you do not feel balance in life, you are afraid of losing control over the situation.

dream chase

Turn to face the "enemy", try to do what you are afraid of. And - try to avoid literal interpretation. Most often, this is a sign of the beginning of a new stage in your life.

Looking for a hiding place

Sometimes in dreams we are desperately looking for a secluded place in order to change clothes, satisfy natural needs, etc. But we are constantly disturbed by suddenly appearing people, closed doors, unexpected circumstances.

Sometimes in dreams we are looking for a secluded place

Such recurring dreams are like a struggle for self-affirmation. That is, your natural desires in life meet with obstacles, and you think that you are not able to overcome them.

House or apartment

Any room, dreaming from time to time, symbolizes the personality of a person. In this case, determine whether, for example, the apartment that you constantly dream about exists, in reality? If this is the home of relatives, then you are still dependent on the rules established in this house many years ago. If you manage to get out of this room in a dream, part with it, then wait for a new stage in life.

House in a dream

When an apartment is unfamiliar to you in a dream, describe it to yourself in as much detail as possible: what is the interior, decor, colors, cleanliness - all these are indicators of your internal state at the moment. Pay attention to the atmosphere in the room. If repairs or cleaning are required, your life is a mess right now. This reflects problems with the dreamer's personality: dissatisfaction with himself, his position.

How to understand what the same dreams mean

So, the subconscious mind sends us the same dreams when it insistently demands the solution of some problem. In order for everything to fall into place, and dreams to stop, serial dreams must be carefully analyzed. Immediately after waking up, close your eyes and mentally restore sleep. Try to reproduce everything exactly. After that, imagine that your dream is a play.

Same dreams

Determine where the introduction is, the plot, the course of events, understand the meaning of the problem raised. Has it been resolved? What is behind the finale? Studying a dream in this way, you may wonder what its main symbols are. What associations with the past do they evoke in you? What are they telling you? When you understand what needs to be changed in your life, do it. And rewrite the script of the recurring dream on paper in such a way as to reverse the development of the plot in a favorable direction. If possible, twist this plot in your head, especially when you are going to go to bed. This work must be done until the recurring dreams cease.

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A recurring dream that has the same plot and the same images is a fairly common phenomenon. Usually, such dreams are well remembered and have a bright emotional coloring, and their plots and images are often unusual, strange, far from reality.

Why is the dream recurring?

There are many reasons that affect the quality of dreams, including their repetition. Since sleep is the processing of information received by a person during the day, and the reflection of the internal, psychological processes of a person, we can say that a recurring dream is a symbol of the same process.

This may be some unresolved problem that worries a person for a certain period of time. Due to his busyness, the bustle of days, a person is not always aware of it, postpones its decision until later, and in this case, an unresolved issue may appear in a dream in the form of an obsessive image. This is a reminder from the depths of the subconscious that pending problems should be resolved.

A recurring dream can also indicate that the person who sees it is doing the same, persistent action in his life, and getting the same result. In other words, he steps on the same rake. This resembles a vicious circle, so it is quite likely that dreams will occur with an annoyingly repetitive plot. If you change the way you act in reality, such a dream will cease to occur.

Such a reason for recurring sleep as neurosis is not excluded - if a person is preoccupied with any problem, he feels constant anxiety, worries about a certain reason, this will be reflected in a dream.

How to get rid of repetitive sleep?

If the dream is repeated over a long period of time, then to solve the problem, you need to try to remember the period when this dream arose for the first time, what events took place at that moment, what issue or situation remained unresolved.

In order to get rid of an obsessive dream, you can perform an action "from the opposite" - that is, start not with solving the problem in reality, but try to reprogram the plot of the dream. This requires concentration, before falling asleep, you need to remember the plot of the obsessive dream and imagine its desired ending. If in this way it is possible to change the main line of sleep, then the solution to the problem will begin with the subconscious. This does not always work out the first time, but after persistent attempts, the ending of the dream plot will change in the desired direction.

What are recurring dreams?

The images present in dreams are purely individual, these are personal experiences of a person, his subconscious problems, fears, complexes, therefore the plots of such dreams are subjective. However, there are dreams that have similar images, the same plots and endings, even for different people.

For example, if a person often sees himself flying in a dream, this most often indicates that he wants to escape from the routine of everyday life, to gain freedom in his actions. This is a thirst for change and liberation from the shackles of everyday life.

If a person in a dream feels a fall from a height, then such a dream has two meanings. The first is fears of something, perhaps the fear of failing in upcoming important events. Another meaning of sleep is the mobilization of the body, a kind of “military exercise”, when the brain “tests” a person’s ability to quickly mobilize their physical and psychological forces in case of an emergency. In this case, a fall in a dream indicates that such abilities have been successfully tested, and in the event that a quick reaction is required, the human body will do everything necessary to resolve the problem.

Often people have dreams in which they appear in a public place in strange clothes (for example, pajamas), half-dressed or completely naked. This dream indicates problems associated with public opinion and its influence on a person. This is a symbol of fear of being in a ridiculous situation, of being ridiculed or ashamed.

If a person sees a dream in which he takes exams, then this indicates that changes are coming. This is a kind of test of a person on the accumulated experience and knowledge, assessment of skills, in order to move to the next “level”. That is, in a dream, a person checks himself: is he sufficiently prepared to make important decisions, or to perform any act.

A dream in which a person is in a hurry somewhere and is late, or is going somewhere for a long time, performing a lot of useless and chaotic actions, indicates problems with the distribution of one's time and planning. This is a kind of instruction to be more collected, not to scatter over many problems and tasks, to learn how to plan your personal time.

Unpleasant dreams are very common, in which the same plot is repeated - a person wanders around the city for a long time, trying to find his home. Or he walks up the stairs in the house, unable to find his apartment. Stairs in such dreams often break off in the middle, the elevator turns out to be broken or looks so intimidating and unreliable that a person does not dare to use it. Dreams of this kind speak of an inner search for oneself, a desire to understand one's Self, accept it, find one's place in life.

Recurring dreams are always signs of unresolved problems, a period of stagnation or running in circles. They indicate the need for changes in life, in thoughts and actions, in the way of action, and so on. Such dreams are the voice of the subconscious, which should be heeded.

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It is human nature to subjectively perceive individual events, an eyewitness of which he becomes. First of all, this is due to the extent to which what is happening affects his personality. Everyone sees the same event differently: some are its eyewitnesses or witnesses, others are participants, still others are victims, and still others are generally aloof from these circumstances. In this case, everyone perceives the event from their own point of view, from a different angle. The same objective circumstance in the subjective perception of each person changes and acquires its own, sometimes very different from real, forms.

Inner world and human emotions

The perception and display in a dream of what he saw is quite strongly influenced by the inner world of the dreamer, his inherent emotionality. The most vivid and unusual dreams are dreamed by people with a rich inner world and violent imagination. The plot of a dream is often bizarrely intertwined with elements of read works, watched movies, and events experienced in the past. It happens that in a dream a person is “visited” by people he knows in the real world: living or. Therefore, even if two people live the day in exactly the same way, their mental activity and reaction to certain events differ. Accordingly, everyone sees everything that happens during the day in their own way, through their own prism of seeing the world.

Dreams are also influenced by the very emotional state in which a person resides. If, due to life circumstances, he fell into a deep depression, then his dreams are usually gloomy.

Horror films and dreams

Horror films, especially those watched at night, have a considerable influence on the human psyche. They can slip in a whole series of dreams scattered over a rather long time period. Sometimes a film with terrible episodes, seen in childhood, haunts an adult in dreams. Such dreams-nightmares interfere with the proper rest of the body.

In addition, there are people who rarely dream. This phenomenon in most cases is associated with fatigue of the body from heavy physical work. But there may be other explanations for the absence of dreams.

In general, dreams are a purely individual phenomenon, associated with the perception of objective reality, memories, experienced events, the emotional state of a person and his complex inner world. And there are very few people who dream relatively rarely.


they have the same cockroaches))))))


because they are twins.

Most Day

A huge pillar is going into the abyss, for which people, both murderers and the righteous, have grabbed and hang on it. Take away this pillar from them - they will all fly into the abyss. Make them climb another pole, so the majority will fall into that abyss

And on that pillar, a bunch of IDEAS, green on one side, red on the other, and blue on the third. But all the same, on ONE PILLAR.

That is why there is no difference in people - BUT THEY DO NOT UNDERSTAND THIS, and they fight, some for a green idea, others for a red one, and still others for a blue one.


fools have thoughts

. .

The result of a similar perception of the events that took place ..) ... The same reactions flow into the same impressions that are displayed in dreams .. But let's not make confusion))). Dreams that are completely identical to microscopic details cannot be dreamed by two people, even those between which have the strongest energy bond... Most likely, similar key SYMBOLS are dreaming - For example, they climb MOUNTAINS, or drink WATER, or both of them dream of MOTHER .. The same symbols give similarity to dreams.

if two people had the same dream at the same time, what does this mean?


Dmitry Igorevich

it’s just that there is a psychophysical connection between them ... quite strong

Khadia Sayfulina

let them both describe this dream in detail and compare the coincidences, if there are enough of them, then it is better to listen to intuition, what a person feels when he remembers this dream (good or anxiety). and the dead usually warn about something and you need to think about it. if they see someone, maybe they saw him somewhere or will see him soon, then he is somehow connected with them

Why did two people have essentially the same dream on the same night?



your dad is giving you a sign from the other world. maybe he's trying to say something. in such cases it is better to turn to knowledgeable people (psychics, mediums).

valentina shilova

think about him.

Little Nubito

Both are going through a lot.


The answer is in the question: NOT SO LONG. . .
you have not fully realized yet.

Tier 4 Mage

Maxim is right, so you need to visit him as soon as possible (in the next world)

angel roy

My condolences to you and your sister. These dreams for both of you may indicate that there may be a problem, most likely he himself has not yet realized that he has died, especially when relatives and friends are very sad after death. Yes, this sometimes happens for various reasons.
If any of you continue to have dreams with him, you can write to me, I will try to translate them.

What if two people have the same dream?


Liusy Lius

maybe you have kindred spirits and you “travel” together in a dream


I don't know why, but it happened to me too. My husband and I had the same dream, very scary, I woke him up, because there, in a dream, they wanted to kill him, he said that he had seen the same thing. Actually it was creepy. Everything is like in real life. Maybe this is not an ordinary dream, but something from the “astral”?

What does it mean if two people have the same dream?


Manka bondღ ღ

one information, one sign

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One of the axioms of modern psychiatry is the assertion that two people cannot have the same dreams at the same time. Alas, in this psychiatry is not much different from other scientific specialties, jealously protecting the building they have built from external shocks that can break something in it, or even completely destroy it.

In 1998, the UFO magazine published a short letter from the city of Pushkin, Lyudmila Volchik, under the remarkable title: "They saw each other in a dream." And this story is curious because in real life its participants have never met before.

“In my youth, my grandmother lived in Simferopol. One night she had a strange dream: she was walking around the cemetery and suddenly, from behind one monument, a young handsome sailor came out to meet her. He bowed to her and walked past, and then she woke up, but remembered his face for a long time.

Several years have passed. One summer, she and her husband and friends rested in Yalta. At the pier stood a beautiful white ship, recently arrived from France, and all the walkers admired it. Suddenly, one of the acquaintances brings a sailor from this ship to the grandmother and her companions and introduces them. My grandmother immediately recognized in him the man she once dreamed of!

And he, introducing himself to her, asks:

“Madame, have we met before?”

“No,” she says, “never.

- Then, probably, you were in France?

- No, - says the grandmother, - was not.

“But I definitely know that I've seen you somewhere before.

- Yes, - she answers him, - we saw you in a dream!

- My God! - the sailor exclaims. - I really saw you in a dream, but it was in France!

And after talking, they found out that they had had the same dream, but in different parts of Europe…”

A similar incident happened with an associate professor at one of the universities. He was well into his thirties the year it happened, and his life was overshadowed by a recent divorce. Once, walking around the city, he passed by the house where he spent his childhood, looked into the courtyard, looked with quiet sadness at the windows of his former apartment, and, meeting no one, moved on. So there was nothing surprising that, according to all the laws of psychiatry, he dreamed of his old courtyard at night, but with a continuation that was absent in reality: he met a girl there, a young woman, with whom he even talked and learned her name.

A dream (or rather a girl) sunk into his soul, he again came to his old house and began to wait. They met, her name was exactly the same, and she also remembered a random acquaintance from her dream. And she even admitted that she recognized him, although when he moved from there, she was just a little girl.

And there are dozens of similar cases when several people have the same dream at once. So it is quite possible to assert about the impact in these dreams on the brain of completely different people of a certain factor, in this case from the Future.

A similar situation is widely known from the media with Robert and Jacqueline Kennedy, who a few days before the tragedy had the same dream that John F. Kennedy would be assassinated. They even exchanged phone calls on this occasion. But the American president, unlike the American billionaire, is not always free in his actions.

An almost similar situation was with Lincoln and his wife, who, long before the tragedy, saw her in a dream. Candidate of Technical Sciences V. Pravdivtsev spoke about such a case. “In St. Petersburg, my friends bought a beautiful family mirror from an old woman. And immediately at night they began to be tormented by nightmares, strange dreams. Not exactly the same, but very similar. Each night they began to dream of fire, or heat, covering the whole body: a burning car, a summer house, a ladle with molten metal, clothes on fire. And all in the same vein - they woke up from horror and their own screams.

During the next trip to St. Petersburg, it turned out that even during the blockade, this old woman's younger brother knocked over a burning kerosene lamp on himself, and the tragedy occurred in the room where the mirror hung.

So we have to ask the sacramental question again: where do we go in our dreams? Answer: "in the astral plane" is not entirely correct - this is just one of the hypotheses, and not entirely scientific. In any case, without external influence, our brain is not capable of creating such stories.

Valentin PSALOMSHCHIKOV, Candidate of Phys.-Math. Sciences

  1. I would like to tell my story a little, maybe you can explain it somehow.

    In general, I recently had a dream that it was as if I was in the hospital and waiting for my girlfriend to come to visit me. But I'm not sure if she should come, I just hope. As a result, no one visits. In general, I wake up, so to speak, in disappointment and it would seem nothing special.

    Then in the afternoon I meet with her and she says they say I saw you in a dream, do you want to tell your dream? I say come on and she starts to tell that as if I was in the hospital, she came to visit me, but she was not allowed to see me. And she tells how she stood in front of my room and argued with the doctor.
    When I told about my dream, she didn’t believe it right away. Usually in dreams, any nonsense is incomprehensible, but this one was very clear and logical, and at the same time, we dreamed about it on the same night. It turns out that we saw the same dream, only each from his own face. I myself am not religious and not superstitious, and therefore I cannot explain how so?! Have you ever had anything similar?

  2. Irena Slave to her spindle...

    Apparently you are on the same wavelength with each other and feel good about each other))
    This is all from the category of synchronistic events - that is, the same in meaning, but different in space or time.
    I often see dreams that come true. Some on the same day, and some only after six months, a year. I think that this is how they prepare me for certain events in my life.
    my name,
    in general, read Jung, he has such an article “Synchronicity”, and there are also a lot of interesting things about dreams.

  3. my name
    And it’s also quite possible for you to go from above, I advise you to pay attention to your health and the health of the girl. Even if you are healthy as a bull. And carefully cross the streets with your girlfriend. That is, do not forget about your weak points. Take care of your health.

  4. SVO Shagane you are mine, Shagane...

    OS - feedback
    OS - single start
    OS - environment
    OS - operating system.
    OS - constitutive ratio, the term MSS and TOC
    OS - oral sex
    OS - orbital station
    OS - fixed assets - (in accounting), a type of company's assets.
    OS - lucid dreaming
    OS - post office
    OS - burglar alarm
    KEFIR Which one?)

    There are different dreams. Things for the distant future, this was not. Dreams are dreams, and I suffer from empathy, this is what I call what is happening to me. The only suitable definition. She did not find anything interesting for herself.

  5. In general, recently I had a dream that it was as if I was in a hospital

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  6. Which one?)

    Click to reveal...

    I think this is it -

    The same dream two different people"

    2 users liked this.

  7. SVO Shagane you are mine, Shagane...

    It’s logical, and yet. The variant of lucid dreaming could well come up. Or maybe the “oral sex” preceding sleep is directly related to dreams for two) I would describe a few more variations with the abbreviation S.O., but I, like Kefir, are too lazy .)

  8. SVO,
    Anal sex of course

    OS - lucid dreaming

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    I'm talking about this option Survive it, especially if you didn't even intend to, it's something from outer space Everything around feels absolutely real. You can touch anything, look around the corner, look at anything. Only now you are well aware that this is a dream and you are now sleeping

    3 people liked this.

  9. SVO Shagane you are mine, Shagane...

    Cool, let's expand the topic, share your feelings, impressions.
    I would tell, but not now. No inspiration, my head hurts (when will it fall off?))

    Anal sex of course

    Click to reveal...

    more about this, how often, with what intensity? - in order to establish the astral))

  10. SVO Shagane you are mine, Shagane...

    I didn’t have lucid dreams, but there is such a borderline state between sleep and reality. (The term sleep is used figuratively here) As a rule, you get up in the morning and didn’t sleep at all. In the same state as before the “rest.” The same tension in the body. I would classify it as the so-called light sleep, but then there should be a difference according to physical sensations, at least a tired state from lack of sleep. Nothing, no changes. sleep / rest. What else is interesting. A clear sense of events. But unfortunately I can’t remember anything specifically. Neither where I was, nor the people of the participants.

  11. _Timur_,
    Interesting, I never dreamed of new faces

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    To be honest, I don’t remember that I would ever dream of familiar girls or women. And it rarely happens to me that dreams are remembered in detail (though I remember this one, but unfortunately it was not long))), and sometimes I can’t remember what happened at all, I know that I dreamed something, but what exactly I can no longer remember.

    I didn’t have lucid dreams, but there is such a borderline

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    About two years ago, I began to have dreams in which, even during sleep, I realized that this was just a dream. Sometimes I just waited until everything was over, and sometimes I immediately tried to open my eyes, once, by the way, it scared me very much, because for several minutes I could not lift my eyelids, although I knew for sure that I was no longer sleeping. At first I thought that I had already learned to distinguish a dream from reality, but a little later I began to have dreams, mostly nightmares, of hitherto unprecedented realism, that after waking up for another five minutes, ten I can’t believe that it was a dream.

    As a rule, you wake up in the morning without sleeping at all.

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    It also happens to me, you don’t feel rested after sleep, and you don’t want to sleep further, but this happens only if I spend more than a day on my feet.

  12. When you can't tear your eyelids and wake up, it's not really OS. OS is rather a positive experience and at this moment the last thing you want to wake up. I want to study everything that happens and what you can do with it, but since you are, in fact, conscious, you can wake up at any second and find yourself in real reality.
    Another type of dreams that are not OS but very similar to reality are dreams that occur, for example, when we are afraid to oversleep. I know that this happens to many people 8) When you wake up, get dressed, have breakfast, brush your teeth, etc. Everything as usual. And then at some point you realize that something is wrong, or you just wake up and everything is new

  13. SVO Shagane you are mine, Shagane...

    There is a special technique that teaches mastering O.S.
    If my memory serves me O.S. used for therapeutic purposes in psychiatry.
    I’ll clarify tomorrow. Here, I doubted whether it was worth it at all, because, as can be seen from the scarcity of posts, no one is interested in these dreams) it’s worth getting acquainted for general development.
    How did you come to O.S.?) (smiling, I remembered your comment))

  14. SVO,
    Yes, there are certain techniques, but I think you need to keep them all in mind and find your own way to experience it 8)
    I don’t know about therapeutic goals, but they definitely exist 8) Because there, you can think of anything you like and the sensations will be as close to real as possible.
    As for me, I still don’t know how to control the OS, and I don’t even really strive for this. They occur very rarely and usually it just means that I became aware of myself in a dream.
    In fact, the fact is that I pay a lot of attention to my dreams. I even have a special diary .. a night light of dreams, in which I try to describe all my dreams in as much detail as possible, and immediately after they have a dream. Those. yes, I wake up after a dream and write down everything I saw and felt in a notebook and sleep on. In many respects thanks to this OS also arise at me. There is always a setting in the mind that an interesting dream should be recorded, and this setting helps to wake up and write down the dream. But sometimes, it is obvious that something goes wrong and consciousness wakes up not in reality, but in the same place where the dream took place (I don’t know how else this can be described).
    Further, I like to analyze and parse my dreams, trying to understand what it could mean and understand myself accordingly. Yes, I'm sure that with the help of sleep, the subconscious is trying to convey some information to consciousness. More than once I was convinced Well, and, accordingly, some .. hmm .. sleep criteria have already been deposited in the mind, i.e. with some degree of consciousness, I understand that the current situation is most likely a dream, but most often it is just suspicions. And when confidence reaches 100%, insight can happen and the dream becomes lucid
    I must say that the OS is very different from ordinary sleep, no matter how bright it is. Everything that happened in the OS is 100% remembered to the smallest detail, unlike ordinary dreams, which are forgotten almost completely by evening. Sometimes even a very vivid dream can not be remembered for dinner. Everything that surrounds the OS is realistic to the limit. Moreover, it is not at all necessary that the scenery be from reality, but everything looks and feels like the real thing: everything can be touched, traces remain in the snow, shadows fall properly, etc. As a result, very strong sensations are obtained, when you seem to understand that this is a dream and you are amazed at what your brain is capable of. This is far from any 3D and virtual reality 8))

    4 users liked this.

  15. Irena Slave to her spindle...

    I even have a special diary .. night light of dreams

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    me too

  16. SVO Shagane you are mine, Shagane...

    In general, I think I can talk about this for hours and talk about my experiences.

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    Irena-108, join. you said your dreams are “foretellers”. tell me)

  17. Tell me of course

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    I can and can tell as much as I like, but I can’t convey all the sensations, it must be experienced all the same. Very interesting!

    O.S. associated with going to the astral plane? - this is a question for you)

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    I think that the astral plane is something from unscientific obscurantism. I don’t think so. But this is some kind of special brain activity for sure.

  18. But in real life, you were in the hospital at that time?

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    You can touch anything, look around the corner, look at anything. Only now you are well aware that this is a dream and you are now sleeping

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    It happened too many times.

    Sometimes I just waited until everything was over, and sometimes I immediately tried to open my eyes.

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    And sometimes I tried my best not to wake up))

    well, since you are, in fact, conscious, then at any second you can wake up and find yourself in real reality.

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    When you wake up, get dressed, have breakfast, brush your teeth, etc. Everything as usual. And then at some point you realize that something is wrong, or you just wake up and everything is new

    Click to reveal...

    Interesting) That didn’t happen) I usually wake up in a couple of hours without an alarm when I’m very afraid to oversleep

    It also happens when you dream in a dream. Today it was

  19. The last time I was in the hospital 13 years ago) But she recently lay (like before sleep)

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  20. Well, not always. Sometimes the dream is unpleasant, you understand that it is a dream and you think “how to wake up”. There was also something that I thought “well, anyway, this is a dream, what to be afraid of”. But still, it's all going on

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  21. SVO Shagane you are mine, Shagane...

    Yes Yes. I believe that this is not exactly what is called the OS. If a nightmare turns into an OS, then everything terrible disappears and becomes interesting

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  22. Well, maybe he watched a movie about a hospital, or something else that influenced him. I once dreamed that a huge snake tried to eat me, I watched a movie about snakes, so I was impressed.

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    Well, you know, it’s one thing when I just would dream, but it’s quite another when both and each saw from their own faces) We didn’t watch movies together)

  23. I don’t believe in dreams at all .. But there are many things that are incomprehensible and unattainable for humanity .. Maybe there is something in this !!

  24. 'Cause the O.S.-and you run-so?

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    No, because you 100% understand that everything that surrounds you is unreal. This is what is amazing. You understand that it’s unreal, but it feels like everything is 100% real 8)

  25. Well, here’s my story, fresh today at night, I dreamed of some kind of ride, I don’t remember the details, but I woke up happy just kapets.)))) And my friend’s girlfriend had mulberries. I also had a dream tonight. .I came to Zaporozhye with the team. We had a great ride, talked and parted. Nothing personal, just a friend. With whom you can talk to everyone. But in real life, she has nothing to do with cycling. there would be such. The point is that we just want to meet in real life, but so far the distance is getting in the way. (((((((((

    2 users liked this.

  26. As if she took up cycling, bought a bike and a uniform

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    Well, this is probably after you buzzed all her ears about great)))

    we just want to meet in real life, but for now the distance gets in the way. (((((((((

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    Sit on the bike and meet each other))

    P.s and how many km, if not a secret?

  27. my name
    Of course, it's no secret 600 km with an excellent pagoda. 4 days drive.))) Pa 150 km per day.

  28. Well, 600 km is it a problem?))) Not necessarily on a bike) By train, 8 hours away

  29. We’ll come up with a couple already.))) But right now you need to earn colored papers.))))) There is a popular saying.)))) Without a piece of paper you are like ...... but with a piece of paper a person.))))))))

One of the axioms of modern psychiatry is the assertion that two people cannot have the same dreams at the same time. Alas, in this psychiatry is not much different from other scientific specialties, jealously protecting the building they have built from external shocks that can break something in it, or even completely destroy it.

In 1998, the UFO magazine published a short letter from the city of Pushkin, Lyudmila Volchik, under the remarkable title: "They saw each other in a dream." And this story is curious because in real life its participants have never met before.

“In her youth, my grandmother lived in Simferopol. One night she had a strange dream: she was walking around the cemetery and suddenly, from behind one monument, a young handsome sailor came out to meet her. He bowed to her and walked past, and then she woke up, but I remember his face for a long time.

Several years have passed. One summer, she and her husband and friends rested in Yalta. At the pier stood a beautiful white ship, recently arrived from France, and all the walkers admired it. Suddenly, one of the acquaintances brings a sailor from this ship to the grandmother and her companions and introduces them. My grandmother immediately recognized in him the man she once dreamed of!

And he, introducing himself to her, asks:
- Madame, have we met before?
“No,” she answers, “never.
- Then, probably, you were in France?
- No, - says the grandmother, - was not.
“But I definitely know that I've seen you somewhere before.
- Yes, - she answers him, - we saw you in a dream!
- My God! - exclaims the sailor. - I really saw you in a dream, but it was in France!

And talking, they found out that they had the same dream, but in different parts of Europe ... "

A similar incident happened with an associate professor at one of the universities. He was well into his thirties the year it happened, and his life was overshadowed by a recent divorce. Once, walking around the city, he passed by the house where he spent his childhood, looked into the courtyard, looked with quiet sadness at the windows of his former apartment, and, meeting no one, moved on. So there was nothing surprising that, according to all the laws of psychiatry, he dreamed of his old courtyard at night, but with a continuation that was absent in reality: he met a girl there, a young woman, with whom he even talked and learned her name.

A dream (or rather a girl) sunk into his soul, he again came to his old house and began to wait. They met, her name was exactly the same, and she also remembered a random acquaintance from her dream. And she even admitted that she recognized him, although when he moved from there, she was just a little girl.

And there are dozens of similar cases when several people have the same dream at once. So it is quite possible to assert about the impact in these dreams on the brain of completely different people of a certain factor, in this case from the Future.

A similar situation is widely known from the media with Robert and Jacqueline Kennedy, who a few days before the tragedy had the same dream that John F. Kennedy would be assassinated. They even exchanged phone calls about it. But the American president, unlike the American billionaire, is not always free in his actions.

An almost similar situation was with Lincoln and his wife, who, long before the tragedy, saw her in a dream. Candidate of Technical Sciences V. Pravdivtsev spoke about such a case. “In St. Petersburg, my friends bought a beautiful family mirror from an old woman. And immediately at night they began to be tormented by nightmares, strange dreams. Not exactly the same, but very similar. Each night they began to dream of fire, or heat, covering the whole body: a burning car, a summer house, a ladle with molten metal, clothes on fire. And all in the same vein - they woke up from horror and their own screams.

During the next trip to St. Petersburg, it turned out that even during the blockade, this old woman's younger brother knocked over a burning kerosene lamp on himself, and the tragedy occurred in the room where the mirror hung.

So we have to ask the sacramental question again: where do we go in our dreams? Answer: "in the astral plane" is not entirely correct - this is just one of the hypotheses, and not entirely scientific. In any case, without external influence, our brain is not capable of creating such stories.

Valentin PSALOMSHCHIKOV, Candidate of Phys.-Math. Sciences

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