Dream interpretation of why rats dream. “Dream book Rat dreamed of why the Rat dreams in a dream. Prepare for the worst

Dream Interpretation Rat The appearance of rats in a dream means serious quarrels and clashes with neighbors. Conflicts with your colleagues are also possible. Grabbing a rat in a dream means disdaining human baseness. You will show dignity in encounters with your opponents. Killing a rat in a dream is a sign of victory in any business and in any situation. Modern dream book

Interpretation of sleep Rat A rat seen in a dream means that you will be humiliated and insulted by your neighbors. Disagreements with companions and quarrels with friends are also possible. If you dream that you are catching rats: in real life you will despise human baseness and prevail over your enemies. Killing a rat: a sign of overcoming all difficulties. Running rats: you need to go somewhere else for a while, at least for two weeks. Gnawing rat: time to think about winter preparations. Saturday dream: you will make a profitable deal that will bring you a good income. Sunday dream: pleasant household chores await you. Modern dream book

Why do you dream about the Rat? Rat: An exceptional animal that seeks to be in close proximity to humans, food, is predisposed to be in places of extreme wealth and has a tendency to cause damage to the environment it occupies. This is an image of a vampiric takeover, it has a negative connotation and is a symbol of destructiveness. Fear of losing luck, symbolic meaning of guilt, fears about health, fears about the devaluation of a loved one. An expression of emphasized female negativity associated with the desire to capture, subjugate oneself, hidden under the guise of attractiveness, the desire to possess. This image may be associated with negative maternal influences. Italian dream book Meneghetti

Dream Interpretation of Rats Seeing rats in a dream means the appearance of secret enemies that are not so easy to get rid of. Huge, impudent rats running around the house in reality foreshadow family troubles and insincerity of friends, business discord and losses. If in a dream you set a trap for rats, it means that in reality you will become aware of the intentions of your enemies. A rat caught in a trap foreshadows a robbery of an apartment or a scandal with neighbors. Kill a rat - get rid of slander and rivalry. A dead rat means a contagious disease. To drive rats out of the room, wielding a poker or something of the like, is a struggle with varying success and disastrous results. If you are afraid of rats in a dream, in reality you will end up in an unpleasant situation and be falsely accused. To grab a rat with your hands - you will experience disgust for a low, vile person. Seeing a cat catching a rat means you will receive life-saving support in time. If a cat eats a rat before your eyes, you will witness an unpleasant family scene in the house of your friends. Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Dream Interpretation Rat Rat: internal feelings of anger, shame, guilt. A sign of violent influence or a harbinger of illness. If a rat bites you: the dream foreshadows failures and illness. If you killed a rat: you will overcome difficulties and avoid alien interference. ABC of dream interpretation

Dream Interpretation Rat Rat. Seeing rats in a dream means that you will be deceived and beaten by your neighbors. Quarrels with your companions are also possible. Grabbing a rat in a dream means that you will despise human baseness and will defeat your enemies with dignity. Killing a rat in a dream is a sign of victory in any business and in any situation. Big dream book

Dream Interpretation Rat Rats dream of quarrels, so try not to aggravate relations with anyone. If in a dream you grabbed a rat, then you will be able to adequately defeat your enemies. If you killed a rat in a dream, you will become a winner in any business and in any situation. According to Nostradamus, the rat is a symbol of legibility, fastidiousness, fertility, luck and... death. A dream in which a huge number of rats eat crops speaks of a crop failure. If you saw an unusually beautiful white rat riding in a carriage, keep in mind that appearances are deceptive and a penchant for luxury does not indicate strength of character and a tendency to compromise. If you dreamed about people with rat tails, take care of your health and safety. D. Loff wrote: “In the modern world, rats are almost universally treated with contempt. For most people, dreams about rats indicate their fears of becoming lonely scavenger eaters - losing friends and becoming outcasts. According to another version, the sleeper feels that his public safety has begun to leak. Unlike theft, which occurs with lightning speed, rats destroy their environment gradually.” Large universal dream book

Dream Interpretation of Rats Seeing rats in a dream is a warning about many enemies that will cause you worry and anxiety. For lovers, this dream means a rival who has enormous influence on your betrothed, who will do everything to oust you from her heart and take your place. The dream also warns that some imaginary friend is trying to disturb your happiness and peace of mind. Ancient English dream book

Dream Interpretation Rat Rat: You have a secret enemy, and he is working against you. Someone you think is your friend (though not a close one) is actually your enemy. He (she) is not so much plotting something against you as learning your secrets in order to take advantage of them. Gypsy dream book

Dream Interpretation Rat Rat: Can symbolize a traitor or scoundrel. Have you betrayed someone? If you do this, analyze your actions and take responsibility for them. Perhaps they are betraying you? Be aware of those around you and don't become a victim. Do you allow the little things in life to bother you? If yes, try to rise above it. Declare to yourself: “I shouldn’t be scattered about trifles. I have high goals in life!” Rats can also be a symbol of those qualities that you despise in yourself or from which you turn away with disgust. It is necessary to integrate and recognize all aspects of one's own Self. Remember the story of the Hamelin musician. Together with the rats, the children of Hamelin rushed after him. Those parts of your Self that you are disgusted with also give you potential. After all, the children leaving the city along with the rats are the potential. Love and respect all parts of yourself and you will become whole. Dream Interpretation Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Dream Interpretation Rat Dream Interpretation of Medea

Dream Interpretation Rat The appearance of rats in a dream means serious quarrels and clashes with neighbors. Conflicts with your colleagues are also possible. Grabbing a rat in a dream means disdaining human baseness. You will show dignity in encounters with your opponents. Killing a rat in a dream: a sign of victory in any business and in any situation. Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Dream Interpretation Rat Rat: to an illness if you kill or expel a rat in a dream: then this sign indicates the successful completion of the disease. A conversation with a cunning, but very smart person is a vile act. If the rat is black: the meaning of the dream is enhanced. Newest dream book

Dream Interpretation Rat Rat: This animal always seeks to settle near a person, use his food and shelter, thereby causing damage. If you dream of a rat: most likely, you are in danger of losing luck, or you have reasons to fear for your health. This image may also be associated with negative influence from a mother or another woman who, using her attractiveness, seeks to subjugate you. Dream book of the past

Dream Interpretation Rat Internal feelings of anger, shame, guilt. A sign of violent influence or a harbinger of illness. If a rat bites you, the dream foreshadows failure and illness. If you killed a rat, you will overcome difficulties and avoid alien interference. Self-instruction manual for dream interpretation

Dream Interpretation Rat Rats: dream of quarrels, so try not to aggravate relations with anyone. If in a dream you grabbed a rat, you will be able to adequately defeat your enemies. If you killed a rat in a dream, you will become a winner in any business and in any situation. Family dream book

Dream Interpretation Rat For women: Running rats - you need to go somewhere else for a while, at least for two weeks. A gnawing rat is time to think about winter preparations. Saturday dream - you will make a profitable deal that will bring you a good income. Sunday dream - pleasant household chores await you.
For men: If a rat in your dream attacks you and bites your heels, this means that you have a great future ahead of you. You will be able to cope with problems and achieve an unusually high social position, and this will be supported by an increase in financial wealth.
For children: RAT - in your company there is a false friend who will betray you at the first danger. If the rat is white, then this traitor is female.

A black rat in a dream means material difficulties. Soon you will face large expenses, business failures, and loss of a source of income.

Be frugal and avoid wastefulness. Make sure you have enough savings for a rainy day.

White rat

A white rat in a dream means that someone from your environment will commit an act that will upset you. This will be a female person with whom you are on friendly terms or a close relationship.

Also, such a dream can mean problems in the family. Your household will begin to protest and express dissatisfaction due to the lack of attention on your part.

Big rat

A big rat in a dream means your attitude towards the world around you. You may have become an embittered, sullen and envious person. You will notice these changes in yourself, and you will not like them.

Reconsider your life positions. Start working on yourself and try to smooth out the negative traits of your character.

Gray rat

According to the dream book, a gray rat means tears, deceit, and resentment. You will face betrayal and deceit from a person who was your friend.

Red rat

I dreamed of a red rat - you will have a rival on the love front. Someone will persistently seek the favor of your lover, which will become a source of anxiety and worry.

Live rat

A living rat dreams of a quarrel with neighbors or partners, which could end in a fight. The cause of the conflict will be deception and its exposure.

Dead rat

A dead rat in a dream promises an infectious disease.

Pay attention to your health and hygiene standards. At the first signs of illness, seek medical help.

Dead rat

Dreaming of a dead rat means that you will be able to avoid a big problem. You will identify and eliminate the source of trouble in time.

Huge rat

A huge rat dreams of failure. You will begin to be haunted by family conflicts, betrayal of friends, illness and problems at work and financial losses.

Kill a rat

A dream in which you killed a rat is a favorable omen. Soon you will cope with the difficulties you have encountered and defeat your enemies.

Catch a rat

If you catch a rat in a dream, then you will soon gain the upper hand over your competitors.

Don't give up in the fight against your opponents. Your methods will be effective and will lead to victory.

Bitten by a rat

A dream in which you are bitten by a rat means a quarrel with a close friend or relatives. You will learn about betrayal or gossip that will come from the people who surround you.

Rats according to Miller's dream book

Seeing rats in a dream means that you will be deceived and beaten by your neighbors. Quarrels with your companions are also possible.

Grabbing a rat in a dream means that you will despise human baseness and will defeat your enemies with dignity.

Rats according to Freud's dream book

Although the rat is a small creature, it symbolizes your sexual aggressiveness. You would like to experience sexual adventures, both with elements of sadism and masochism. You are also attracted to group sex.

For people who have not yet experienced the joys of sex, the rat symbolizes their fears before engaging in sexual activity.

Rats according to the Family Dream Book

Rats dream of quarrels, so try not to aggravate relations with anyone.

If in a dream you grabbed a rat, you will be able to adequately defeat your enemies.

If you killed a rat in a dream, you will become a winner in any business and in any situation.

Rats according to the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

A rat in a dream symbolizes a hidden threat and danger. Such a dream suggests that you are burdened by vague premonitions of some kind of misfortune. Perhaps someone from your circle is preparing a trap for you or is going to abandon you in difficult times.

Rats according to the latest dream book by G. Ivanov

Rat - to illness; if you kill or drive out a rat in a dream, then this sign indicates the successful completion of the disease. To a vile act; conversation with a cunning but very smart person.

If the rat is black, the meaning of the dream is enhanced.

Rats according to the Spring Dream Book

Rat - to a smart enemy.

Rats according to the Summer Dream Book

If you see a rat in a dream and shudder with disgust, a vile person will appear next to you and will not give you peace.

Rats according to the Autumn Dream Book

Seeing a lot of rats in a dream means experiencing horror.

Rats according to the dream book from A to Z

Seeing rats in a dream means the appearance of secret enemies that are not so easy to get rid of.

Huge, impudent rats running around the house - in reality foreshadow family troubles and insincerity of friends, business discord and losses.

If in a dream you set a trap for rats, it means that in reality you will become aware of the intentions of your enemies.

A rat caught in a trap portends a robbery of an apartment or a scandal with neighbors. Kill a rat - get rid of slander and rivalry. A dead rat means a contagious disease.

To drive rats out of the room, wielding a poker or something of the like, is a struggle with varying success and disastrous results.

If you are afraid of rats in a dream, in reality you will end up in an unpleasant situation and be falsely accused.

To grab a rat with your hands - you will experience disgust for a low, vile person.

Seeing a cat catching a rat means you will receive life-saving support in time.

If a cat eats a rat before your eyes, you will witness an unpleasant family scene in the house of your friends.

Rats according to the dream book of Simon Canaanite

Enemies you need to get rid of

Rats according to Fedorovskaya’s dream book

Seeing a rat in a dream is a sign of malicious, cynical deception, coming from people close to you or neighbors. It is quite possible that some spiteful critic will even try to get into a fight with you. After you see a rat in a dream, a quarrel with your companions or employees may occur.

Grabbing a rat in a dream means that you will adequately cope with all your enemies and will be able to overcome the human baseness that life circumstances will confront you with in the near future.

If you had to kill a rat in a dream, this means that you will be lucky in all your affairs, and you will achieve victory in any situation and in any important matter.

Rats according to the dream book of a modern woman

The appearance of rats in a dream means serious quarrels and clashes with neighbors. Conflicts with your colleagues are also possible.

Grabbing a rat in a dream means contempt for human baseness. You will show dignity in encounters with your opponents.

Killing a rat in a dream is a sign of victory in any business and in any situation.

Rats according to Azar's dream book

Rat are enemies.

Rats according to the dream book of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

Rat - grief, tears, danger; killing a rat is luck, the greater the size of the killed rat in a dream; The white rat is a hidden danger.

Rats according to the Modern Dream Book

A rat seen in a dream means that you will be humiliated and insulted by your neighbors. Disagreements with companions and quarrels with friends are also possible.

If you dream that you are catching rats, in real life you will despise human baseness and gain the upper hand over your enemies.

Killing a rat is a sign of overcoming all difficulties.

Rats according to the Eastern Dream Book

Seeing a rat means quarrels with friends, colleagues, neighbors.

A dream in which you catch rats predicts a victorious war with your enemies.

If you kill a rat, it means you will be able to overcome all difficulties.

Rats according to Schiller-Shkolnik's dream book

enemies that are difficult to get rid of.

Rats according to the Noble Dream Book by N. Grishina

The rat is your spiritual uncleanliness, petty, nasty thoughts, your bitterness / shame, disgrace / secret danger / treachery of friends.

Killing a rat is good / to defeat enemies / to meet a person guilty of you.

Catching rats is dangerous.

Eating them is a nuisance.

Rats according to the dream book of the healer Akulina

You dreamed of a Rat - Betrayal of a friend. Imagine that you give a rat poison, it eats it and dies. Bury it in the ground.

Rats according to the dream book of animals

Rat - symbolizes death, decay, the underworld.

In China, it represents baseness and timidity.

In Christianity - a symbol of evil.

Rats according to the Icelandic dream book

Seeing a rat in your own home means wealth.

Rats according to the dream book of lucky omens

Killing a rat means liberation or healing.

Rats according to the dream book of the healer Fedorovskaya

Rat - to a loss.

Rats according to the dream book of Prince Zhou Gong

Rat – The white rat shows the way to the treasure. - Cooperation and support from someone. A rat bites a man's clothes. - You will achieve what you set out to achieve. A big rat runs by. - Foretells a joyful event.

Rats according to the Modern Dream Book

Rat - Enemies that need to be gotten rid of

Rats according to the British dream book

Rat - Rats are considered dirty animals that carry diseases. Indeed, most rats live in dirty places, where it is easy to contract diseases that are life-threatening to humans. However, they are also quite intelligent, adaptable and make good pets. The meaning of rats in a dream depends on how you feel about them. Why do you have a dream: Maybe the rat you dreamed about was a lover who betrayed you? Or did you dream of hordes of rats moving in one direction, fleeing from a sinking ship? This option may indicate a subconscious awareness of problems in relationships or at work. Rats in the house mean that you feel guilty because the cleanliness in it does not meet your standards; rats at work - that someone is trying to set you up.

Rats according to A. Mindelle’s dream book

You dreamed of a Rat - you see a rat in a dream - the dream suggests that someone, without any reason, will insult you; control yourself and you will soon hear this person apologizing. It’s as if you are catching a rat - one of your loved ones will commit a dishonorable act; your attitude towards this person can be called impartial. It is as if you are killing a rat - you will rise to the occasion in a difficult situation; defeating enemies is your destiny.

Rats according to the Psychoanalytic Dream Book

What does a Rat mean in a dream (see also Pests) demonstrates the devastated and cunning part of the dreamer’s nature or the dreamed situation. It may also mean something that the dreamer finds disgusting. Perhaps in reality he will be betrayed by a work colleague or friend.

Rats according to the dream book of the witch Medea

Rat in a dream - Internal feelings of anger, shame, guilt. A sign of violent influence or a harbinger of illness. If a rat bites you, the dream foreshadows failure and illness. If you killed a rat, you will overcome difficulties and avoid alien interference.

Rats according to the Russian dream book

What does a Rat mean in a dream - a harbinger of illness, failure, a sign of violent influence.

Rats according to E. Erikson's dream book

What does the Rat mean in a dream - losses, disappointments in material affairs. Defending yourself from attacked rats means a lack of faith in justice and the desire to independently solve complex cases. Seeing rats in the house is a test of fate. Seeing a rat carrying food means damage from neighbors. A rat in the workplace (in the office, etc.) is a harmful colleague who is not easy to get rid of.

Rats according to the Jewish dream book

You dreamed of a Rat - a Rat gnawing on a table leg says that you will soon discover something that has spoiled your relationship with a loved one. A rat in a pan in the kitchen means that some kind of deception will be revealed.

Rats according to the Women's Dream Book

Seeing a rat in a dream - The appearance of rats in a dream means serious quarrels and clashes with neighbors. Conflicts with your colleagues are also possible. Grabbing a rat in a dream means disdaining human baseness. You will show dignity in encounters with your opponents. Killing a rat in a dream is a sign of victory in any business and in any situation.

Rats according to a housewife's dream book

Rat is a disease; troubles; fear of becoming an outcast. Catch a rat - cope with your enemies; killing a rat means victory in any business and in any situation.

Rats according to the Mayan dream book

Good meaning If you dreamed that a rat was crawling on you, then success in love affairs awaits you in the near future. To avoid any problems, always carry some cheese with you.

Bad meaning If you dreamed of a dead rat, then someone is very jealous. To prevent this person from harming you, always wear a gold chain on your left leg.

Rats according to the dream book of catchphrases

RAT - “to become angry” (to become embittered), “thrifty as a rat.”

Rats according to the Men's Dream Book

If a rat in your dream attacks you and bites your heels, this means that you have a great future ahead of you. You will be able to cope with problems and achieve an unusually high social position, and this will be supported by an increase in financial wealth.

Rats according to Meneghetti's Italian dream book

The Rat is an exceptional animal that seeks to be in close proximity to humans, food, is predisposed to be in places of extreme wealth and has a tendency to cause damage to the environment it occupies. This is an image of a vampiric takeover, it has a negative connotation and is a symbol of destructiveness. Fear of losing luck, symbolic meaning of guilt, fears about health, fears about the devaluation of a loved one. An expression of emphasized female negativity associated with the desire to capture, subjugate oneself, hidden under the guise of attractiveness, the desire to possess. This image may be associated with negative maternal influence, this is how what you dream about is deciphered.

Rats according to Shuvalova’s dream book

this animal always seeks to settle near a person, use his food and shelter, thereby causing damage. If you dream of a rat, most likely you are in danger of losing luck, or you have reasons to fear for your health. This image may also be associated with negative influence from a mother or another woman who, using her attractiveness, seeks to subjugate you.

Rats according to the Old Russian dream book

grief, tears, danger.

Rats according to the dream book for women

Running rats - you need to go to another place for a while, at least for two weeks. A gnawing rat is time to think about winter preparations. Saturday dream - you will make a profitable deal that will bring you a good income. Sunday dream - pleasant household chores await you.

Rats according to the dream book of the Pechora healer

Rats, mice - dream of loss.

Rats according to the Idiomatic Dream Book

“Become angry” - become embittered.

Rats according to the dream book of the past

A rat is an animal that always strives to settle near a person, use his food and shelter, thereby causing damage.

If you dream of a rat, most likely you are in danger of losing luck, or you have reasons to fear for your health. This image may also be associated with negative influence from a mother or another woman who, using her attractiveness, seeks to subjugate you.

Rats according to the Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A. Roberti

The rat is an exceptional animal that seeks to be in close proximity to humans, food, is predisposed to be in places of extreme wealth, and has a tendency to cause damage to the environment it occupies. This is an image of a vampiric takeover, it has a negative connotation and is a symbol of destructiveness. Fear of losing luck, symbolic meaning of guilt, fears about health, fears about the devaluation of a loved one. An expression of emphasized female negativity associated with the desire to capture, subjugate oneself, hidden under the guise of attractiveness, the desire to possess. This image may be associated with negative maternal influences.

Rats according to the dream book for the whole family

Running rats - you need to go to another place for a while, at least for two weeks.

A gnawing rat is time to think about winter preparations.

Saturday dream - you will make a profitable deal that will bring you a good income.

Sunday dream - pleasant household chores await you.

Rats according to the online dream book

According to the dream book, a rat signals that subconsciously you are dissatisfied with yourself and are hostile to the world around you; You may be under the gross influence of another person, or your health may seriously deteriorate.

A rodent with snow-white fur - warns that some woman will stab you in the back; if it's black

She is trying to bite you - you will be disappointed and feel worse.

If you dream that you are setting a trap for a rat, you will be warned about evil plans against you.

If she gets into it, someone will covet your material wealth, and conflicts with people who live next to you are possible.

You are hunting for them - there is a serious and protracted conflict ahead, from which you will emerge victorious.

A dream in which you managed to kill a rat portends you a successful resolution of all troubles and resistance to the interference of third parties.

She horrified you - you risk getting yourself into trouble and unreasonably falling under a barrage of general criticism and discontent.

If you watch a cat hunting for it - rest assured, at the most critical moment you will not be left without the help you need.

A huge rat means some extremely pleasant event is coming.

A tame rat - to the prosperity of your family, financial difficulties will no longer bother you.

If you dreamed of beating a rat, your success haunts some people. Beware of them, do not deal with dubious partners.

To save a rat - a new meeting will inspire you, you will be in love. In life you will care for and cherish the object of your adoration.

White rat - you can use someone’s help. You will be assisted in all areas of life. This may also mean that the rat will show the way to the treasure.

The rat has bitten - you can have everything you want, just extend your hand

Kill a rat in a dream - win in all your endeavors. You can handle any task.

Black rats - take out quarrels in public. You will be determined, scandals will arise for the most insignificant reasons.

According to the dream book, a big rat means a stunning event will happen that will bring you a lot of joy and energize you for many days to come.

Catching a rat - do not forget about the pitfalls that exist in any business.

Two rats in a dream - a series of obstacles on the way. Bad news, negative news from afar. Various diseases are possible.

Rats according to the Universal Dream Book

It's funny: wherever people go, rats follow on their heels. Six rats even participated in space flight. But since rats carry diseases and live in dirt, we don’t like them and are even afraid of them.

If you dream of a rat, perhaps someone in your life is behaving dishonestly and uncleanly. Why is this man acting like a rat? Is this due to circumstances or his environment?

Rats spread diseases because they live in sewers. Perhaps a person who is associated with a rat behaves uncleanly because he simply cannot imagine another model of behavior. Perhaps you should explain something to him.

Rat - symbolizes adaptation to the environment. Rats can survive anywhere and, over generations, become resistant to certain poisons. The dream may indicate that you are also able to overcome all obstacles.

If someone in your dream is associated with a rat, perhaps this person has the character traits that you need to survive. For example, if you dream of a stingy person and in your dream you see him next to a rat, perhaps you should spend less money in real life.

You may dream of rats - also if you feel that someone is betraying you or spreading gossip about you.

Rats, along with mice, are used to conduct experiments in scientific laboratories - do you feel like a lab rat? Is someone pulling your strings and playing with your feelings and emotions just to see how you will react?

Rats according to the American Dream Book

The Rat is a traitor; intruder.

Rats according to the Old English Dream Book

Seeing rats in a dream is a warning about many enemies that will cause you worry and anxiety. For lovers, this dream means a rival who has enormous influence on your betrothed, who will do everything to oust you from her heart and take your place. The dream also warns that some imaginary friend is trying to disturb your happiness and peace of mind.

Rats according to the lovers' dream book

A dream about rats promises deception on the part of a lover or admirer, whose devotion you still have no doubt about.

Rats according to the Lunar Dream Book

Rats - grief and tears.

Rats according to the Russian dream book

Rat - to the loss of a very important thing; several rats - a quarrel with loved ones; killing her is a victory over difficulties.

Rats according to the Yellow Emperor's dream book

White rat - cooperation and support from someone.

A rat bites a person’s clothes - you will achieve what you were striving for.

A large rat runs by - portends a joyful event.

A cat catches a mouse - portends great profit and wealth.

Rats according to the Psychoanalytic Dream Book of V. Samokhvalov

Rat - soreness. Not only because the rat is the source of the plague, but largely because rats infest the house which is the image of the body. Someone whom the individual unconsciously thinks of as a rat - a symbol of treachery and being the first to abandon a sinking ship. Gluttony and the Horrible Mother archetype.

Rats according to Fairytale-mythological dream book

The WHITE RAT - one of the wonderful animals that sometimes speaks - in a dream symbolizes unexpected, but dubious (!) enrichment, profit, prosperity, family happiness, based on unseemly affairs and connections, unclean aspirations. Occasionally, it indicates real treasures and represents help in business (or rather, a form of perception in a dream of a future event with a successful but dishonest deal). In general, the white rat is a great success, material success with bad consequences and often a tragic outcome. The energetic influences of the original prophetic plot of the dream, in which the main element was this “wonderful animal,” can be traced using a specific example. After accepting help from a white rat in a dream, one man after some time suddenly became rich in reality, but over time he became addicted to alcohol and eventually became an alcoholic, who eventually lost his family and health.

Rats according to Shereminskaya's dream book

Hunting a rat means anxiety, but at the same time the rat is a symbol of material well-being.

Rats according to the Islamic dream book

The squeak of a rat portends damage that will be caused by some nosy, spoiled person or thief.

Rats according to the French dream book

Dreaming of a rat is a sign that you need to be more careful in life, since you have enemies who wish you harm.

Eating rat meat in a dream means victory over danger and evil.

Rats according to Nostradamus' dream book

The rat is a symbol of pickiness, fastidiousness, fertility, death, and good luck.

Seeing a sea of ​​rats eating crops - this dream warns that if measures are not taken to preserve the land and intelligently exterminate agricultural pests, this could result in an environmental disaster that will lead to famine.

Seeing an unusually beautiful white rat riding in a carriage means that negotiations with a northern power will not be as easy as it seems at first glance. The dream warns that appearances are deceptive and a penchant for luxury does not indicate a soft character and a willingness to compromise.

Seeing pairs of rats walking along the street like people is a harbinger of the fact that in 2020, conservationists will declare the year of the sanctity of living beings.

Seeing a ship driven by rats - this symbol means that before the era of universal prosperity, you will have to go through a difficult period, which will begin with a flood in 2066.

Seeing people preparing a dish from rats means that 2008 will be marked by widespread worship of rats, experiments on which will make it possible to discover a medicine that is very necessary for humans.

Seeing people with rat tails is a sign that warns of illness and should make you think about health and concern for life safety.

Seeing rats preparing to attack is a harbinger of aggression from Great Britain.

Rats according to the dream book for a bitch

Rat - enemies that are difficult to get rid of, deception and quarrels from colleagues.

Catching a rat means defeating your enemies with dignity.

Killing a rat in a dream means winning in any situation.

Rats according to the 21st century dream book

Catching rats in a dream means danger.

Eating them means trouble.

Seeing a rat is bad news.

Falling into a rat trap in a dream means that you need to beware of robbery; to see an empty rat trap - you are not threatened by slander and rivalry; putting a rat trap is a sign that you will become aware of the intentions of your enemies.

Rats according to the Slavic dream book

The rat is a terrible enemy. Great danger. Pluto and the 12th house.

Rats according to Loff's Dream Book

In the modern world, rats are almost universally treated with contempt. The reputation of garbage-eating carriers of infection always precedes them wherever they appear. However, some people keep rats as pets, their attitude towards them is, of course, different.

For most people, dreams about rats indicate their fears of turning into the same lonely garbage eaters - losing friends and becoming outcasts. According to another version, the sleeper feels that his public safety has begun to leak. Unlike theft, which occurs with lightning speed, rats destroy their environment gradually. In reality, do you perceive rats as pets or as dangerous predators? In your dream, do rats pose a serious threat to your health and property, or are they simply a nuisance with their presence?

Rats according to Denise Lynn's short dream book

Traitor; intruder.

Something is eating you.

Judging yourself in the eyes of others.

Rats according to Denise Lynn's detailed dream book

Rat - can symbolize a traitor or scoundrel. Have you betrayed someone? If you do this, analyze your actions and take responsibility for them. Perhaps they are betraying you? Be aware of those around you and don't become a victim. Do you allow the little things in life to bother you? If yes, try to rise above it. Declare to yourself: “I shouldn’t be scattered about trifles. I have high goals in life!”

Rats can also be a symbol of those qualities that you despise in yourself or from which you turn away with disgust. It is necessary to integrate and recognize all aspects of one's own Self. Remember the story of the Hamelin musician. Together with the rats, the children of Hamelin rushed after him. Those parts of your Self that you are disgusted with also give you potential. After all, the children leaving the city along with the rats are the potential. Love and respect all parts of yourself and you will become whole.

Rats according to the Veles dream book

Rat - danger, grief, illness, hunger, tears, troubles, threat, enemy, news of a bad friend; catch, kill - good luck, avoid danger.

Rats according to the Ukrainian dream book

The rat is trouble, the enemy.

Catch, kill - destroy the danger.

Rats according to the Children's Dream Book

Rat - you have a false friend in your company who will betray you at the first danger.

If the rat is white, then this traitor is female.

Rats according to the Gypsy dream book

Rat - you have a secret enemy, and he is acting against you. Someone you think is your friend (though not a close one) is actually your enemy. He (she) is not so much plotting something against you as learning your secrets in order to take advantage of them.

Rats according to the dream book 2012

The Rat is a reflection of vitality and/or developed intuition. A reminder of the dangers of hasty conclusions.

Rats according to the ABC of dream interpretation

Rat - internal feelings of anger, shame, guilt. A sign of violent influence or a harbinger of illness.

If a rat bites you, the dream foreshadows failure and illness.

If you killed a rat, you will overcome difficulties and avoid alien interference.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (brief)

Dream Interpretation Rat

  • Traitor; intruder.
  • Something is eating you.
  • Judging yourself in the eyes of others.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (detailed)

See a Rat in a dream

  • The rat can symbolize a traitor or a scoundrel. Have you betrayed someone? If you do this, analyze your actions and take responsibility for them. Perhaps they are betraying you? Be aware of those around you and don't become a victim.
  • Do you allow the little things in life to bother you? If yes, try to rise above it. Declare to yourself: “I shouldn’t be scattered about trifles. I have high goals in life!”
  • Rats can also be a symbol of qualities that you despise in yourself or that you turn away from in disgust. It is necessary to integrate and recognize all aspects of one's own Self. Remember the story of the Hamelin musician. Together with the rats, the children of Hamelin rushed after him. Those parts of your Self that you are disgusted with also give you potential. After all, the children leaving the city along with the rats are the potential. Love and respect all parts of yourself and you will become whole.

Dream Interpretation: Mayan Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about the Rat?

  • Good value
    If you dreamed that a rat was crawling on you, then in the near future you will experience success in love affairs. To avoid any problems, always carry some cheese with you.
  • Bad value
    If you dreamed of a dead rat, then someone is very jealous. To prevent this person from harming you, always wear a gold chain on your left leg.

Dream Interpretation: Russian Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Rat

  • To the loss of a very important thing;
  • several rats - a quarrel with loved ones;
  • killing her is victory over difficulties

Dream Interpretation: Noble Dream Book by N. Grishina

See a Rat in a dream

  • The rat is your spiritual uncleanliness, petty, nasty thoughts, your bitterness / shame, disgrace / secret danger / treachery of friends.
  • To kill a rat is good / to defeat enemies / to meet a person guilty of you.
  • Catching rats is dangerous.
  • Eating them is a nuisance.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

Dream Interpretation Rat

  • A rat is danger, hunting means anxiety, but at the same time the rat is a symbol of material well-being.

Dream Interpretation: New Family Dream Interpretation

See a Rat in a dream

  • Rats dream of quarrels, so try not to aggravate relations with anyone.
  • If in a dream you grabbed a rat, then you will be able to adequately defeat your enemies.
  • If you killed a rat in a dream, you will become a winner in any business and in any situation.

Dream Interpretation: Gypsy Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about the Rat?

  • You have a secret enemy, and he is working against you. Someone you think is your friend (though not a close one) is actually your enemy. He (she) is not so much plotting something against you as learning your secrets in order to take advantage of them.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Shuvalova

Dream Interpretation Rat

  • this animal always seeks to settle near a person, use his food and shelter, thereby causing damage. If you dream of a rat, most likely you are in danger of losing luck, or you have reasons to fear for your health. This image may also be associated with negative influence from a mother or another woman who, using her attractiveness, seeks to subjugate you.

Dream book: Ancient French dream book

Why do you dream about the Rat?

  • Dreaming of a rat is a sign that you need to be more careful in life, since you have enemies who wish you harm. Eating rat meat in a dream means victory over danger and evil.

Dream Interpretation: Chinese Dream Book of Zhou Gong

Dream Interpretation Rat

  • The white rat shows the way to the treasure. - Cooperation and support from someone.
  • A rat bites a man's clothes. - You will achieve what you set out to achieve.
  • A big rat runs by. - Foretells a joyful event.
  • The cat catches the mouse. - Portends great profits and wealth.

Dream Interpretation: Eastern Women's Dream Book

See a Rat in a dream

  • Seeing a rat means quarrels with friends, colleagues, neighbors. A dream in which you catch rats predicts a victorious war with your enemies. If you kill a rat, it means you will be able to overcome all difficulties.

Dream Interpretation: Miller's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Rat

  • Seeing rats in a dream means that you will be deceived and beaten by your neighbors. Quarrels with your companions are also possible.
  • Grabbing a rat in a dream means that you will despise human baseness and will defeat your enemies with dignity.
  • Killing a rat in a dream is a sign of victory in any business and in any situation.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Happy Omens

See a Rat in a dream

  • Killing an enemy, as well as a rat or snake, means liberation or healing.

Dream Interpretation: Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about the Rat?

  • grief, tears, danger;
  • killing a rat is luck, the greater the size of the killed rat in a dream;
  • white rat - hidden danger; fidelity in unnecessary relationships.

Dream Interpretation: Modern Dream Interpretation

See a Rat in a dream

  • Seeing a rat in a dream means quarrels with friends, colleagues, neighbors. A dream in which you catch rats predicts your victorious struggle over your enemies. If you kill a rat, then you will be able to overcome all difficulties.

Dream Interpretation: Islamic Dream Book of Ibn Sirin

See a Rat in a dream

  • The squeak of a rat foretells damage that will be caused by some nosy, spoiled person or thief.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

Dream Interpretation Rat

Dream Interpretation: Loff's Dream Interpretation

See a Rat in a dream

  • In the modern world, rats are almost universally treated with contempt. The reputation of garbage-eating carriers of infection always precedes them wherever they appear. However, some people keep rats as PETS, their attitude towards them is, of course, different.
  • For most people, dreams about rats indicate their fears of becoming lonely scavenger eaters - losing friends and becoming outcasts.
  • According to another version, the sleeper feels that his public safety has begun to leak. Unlike theft, which occurs with lightning speed, rats destroy their environment gradually.
  • In reality, do you perceive rats as pets or as dangerous predators?
  • In your dream, do rats pose a serious threat to your health and property, or are they simply a nuisance with their presence?

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Dream Interpretation Rat

  • The rat is a symbol of pickiness, fastidiousness, fertility, death, and good luck.
  • Seeing a sea of ​​rats eating crops - this dream warns that if measures are not taken to preserve the land and intelligently exterminate agricultural pests, this could turn into an environmental disaster that will lead to famine.
  • Seeing an unusually beautiful white rat riding in a carriage means that negotiations with a northern power will not be as easy as it seems at first glance. The dream warns that appearances are deceptive and a penchant for luxury does not indicate a soft character and a willingness to compromise.
  • Seeing pairs of rats walking along the street like people is a harbinger of the fact that in 2020, conservationists will declare the year of the sanctity of living beings.
  • Seeing a ship driven by rats - this symbol means that before the era of general prosperity, you will have to go through a difficult period, which will begin with a flood in 2066.
  • Seeing people preparing a dish from rats means that 2008 will be marked by widespread worship of rats, experiments on which will make it possible to discover a medicine that is very necessary for humans.
  • Seeing people with rat tails is a sign that warns of illness and should make you think about health and concern for life safety.
  • Seeing rats preparing to attack is a harbinger of aggression from Great Britain.

The dream book site - the largest dream book on the Runet, contains 75 of the best dream books: Solomon's dream book, Meneghetti's Italian dream book, Shuvalova's dream book, Old Russian dream book, Miller's dream book, old French dream book, Pythagoras' numerological dream book, Health's dream book, Aesop's dream book, old English dream book (Zedkiel's dream book ), Tsvetkov's dream book, Islamic dream book of Ibn Sirin, Nostradamus' dream book, Danilova's erotic dream book, Freud's dream book, dream book for women, modern dream book, psychotherapeutic dream book, esoteric dream book, mirror dream book of psychological states, lovers' dream book, Russian dream book, lunar dream book, dream interpreter (1829 ), and others.

Rats are “cute” mice that settle near humans, in bins where there are nutritional reserves. Since these rodents of the mouse family most often prefer sewers, cellars, garbage bins, and sewage to reproduce their population, they always cause hostility among people. A feeling of disgust arises not only in reality, but also when you dream about a rat.

The main nuances of deciphering dreams with rats

Why do you dream about rats and mice? A reasoned answer to this question can be obtained from many dream books. You should not associate rats and mice only with bad omens. Many interpretations of dreams also point to the positive aspects of the presence of rodents in a dream, even though they are unpleasant in appearance. The following summary dream book will help you decipher your dreams.

Why do rats dream, how do you know if it’s good or bad? Mice and rats that come in a dream are a reflection of a person’s real environment, which is why it is so important when interpreting your dreams to pay attention to how rodents behave in a dream:

  • dream of being alive or dead;
  • visit a person in a dream in single numbers or in entire populations;
  • attack, bite and harm, or behave quietly;
  • cause fear or tenderness;
  • dream in the house or on the street.

It is important to focus on who dreamed of unpleasant rats - an old person, a man, a pregnant woman, unrelated people, a child. In deciphering dreams with rats, important details are their color (white, black, gray) and their size.

A rodent in a dream is an important component of sleep, so you need to interpret dreams based on where in the house a rat or mouse made itself known - in the kitchen, in the doorway, in bed, in the pantry, on the roof, on the window, on the table, in personal things...

Combining all the above points together, it is very easy to conclude why nasty rats suddenly appear in dreams.

Summary dream book: why do you dream of rats?

Did you dream about unpleasant rats and mice, and you want to quickly find out what the dream promises? The summary dream book will help you with this.

Interpretation of dreams according to the color of rodents

  • If you dreamed about a white rat, you should expect meanness from your friends and female acquaintances; white color indicates an innocent disguise of an insincere person, dishonest and evil, so it would not be a bad idea to appreciate the circle of your female communication.

A white rat can also be a good sign if it is in the arms of a sleeping person or sits somewhere not far from him in a dream, this means that he is expecting the arrival of a friend or relative, in other words, uninvited guests may arrive, which you can both rejoice and No. The everyday dream book indicates that white rats are a symbol of despair, struggle, overcoming difficulties, as well as wisdom and wealth.

  • If you dreamed about a black rat, you need to turn on your intuition, evaluate your social circle before solving important problems or implementing significant projects. I often dream of black rats before a presentation of talents and achievements. Black rats can mean enemies, envious people who do not want a person to succeed and are plotting against him. The black rat is a symbol of fights, strife, scandals, and diseases.
  • If you dreamed of a gray rat, this rodent portends minor troubles that may take a little time to resolve. The difficulties that the big gray rat promises are most often associated with home life and family environment. The routine of household chores can weigh on a person and cause nervous disorders, depression and physical fatigue, which can be overcome after rest.
  • If you dreamed of a red rat, such a dream promises danger in the near future; you should be more attentive and careful in your relationships with other people. The bright color draws attention to the fact that enemies may be preparing an insidious plan; the trap may come from people from whom you would not expect meanness.

In a dream, red rats can be a symbol of imminent prosperity; if a “fiery” rat bites you on the heel, then you can expect rewards at work, increased salaries for relatives, and a successful sale of property.

What size rat did you dream about?

How do rodents behave in their sleep?

  • In a dream, angry rats bite - a rodent attacking a person indicates that soon the people around him will begin to show their secret hostility, pointing out their superiority at every opportunity.
  • If in a dream mice and rats bite a person’s arms and legs, it means unexpected profits and prosperity; if they bite other parts of the body, it means illnesses and disappointments in life.
  • Often in a dream, rats choose to bite those parts of the body on the health of which a person’s well-being depends. Such dreams can also promise injury, unemployment, or unfair dismissal.
  • When looking for an answer to the question of why you dream of a rat bite, you should also pay attention to its pain. If the rat bites weakly, then you will be able to avoid trouble, but if the rat bites deeply and painfully, troubles in reality may turn out to be too serious.
  • A rat bite in a dream can mean both betrayal of work colleagues and betrayal of a loved one.
  • Restless rats that do not attack the sleeping person promise the imminent exposure of traitors and the interruption of further relations with them.
  • Sitting rats watching from the side - the appearance of hidden enemies, the visit of old friends, the envy of people.
  • Rats in the house: in personal belongings and in bed - to family scandals, divorces, exposure of infidelity; in the kitchen, table, eating crumbs of bread - to the upcoming large financial waste; on the roof of a house, attic - to possible fires, family discord; at the door - to loss of luck. A rat in the house means loss of trust in your loved ones, intrigue and gossip.

Why do you dream about dead rats?

I dreamed of a dead rat - what would that mean? In real life, the desire to get rid of rats and mice is understandable. You always want to use force against them, to destroy them in any way, so people are often aggressive against rodents even in their sleep. But why dream of dead rats that did not die from the actions of a sleeping person?

If the road in a dream is covered with dead rodents along which the sleeping person moves, then in the future he will have to fight for his place in the sun, overcoming difficulties, this applies to both family and social life.

Dead rats speak of future victories over all kinds of evil, which can come from neighbors, colleagues, relatives, and from unfamiliar people. Interpreting what dead rats mean in dreams, it should be noted that in the fight against difficulties in reality, the dreamer will receive third-party support from patrons, that is, he will not have to overcome the hardships of fate alone.

How many rodents appear in a dream?

You may dream of one rat in a dream; it focuses attention on one important problem that will subsequently have to be solved. If you dreamed of a lot of different rats, troubles at work can be superimposed on troubles in family life, which can lead to a complete collapse of imaginary stability and personal happiness.

Rats in women's dreams

What does a rat in a dream mean for a pregnant woman? If she holds it in her hands, it means a favorable birth; if she catches it, she grabs luck by the tail.

For an unmarried woman, a rat in a dream can mean intrigue, slips of the tongue, the appearance of a rival who does not clearly show her hostility.

Rats in men's dreams

Why do men dream about a rat? Rats and mice in their dreams often indicate difficulties in their professional activities. If a man is successful, he may soon encounter difficulties in business.

The Rat almost always tells you where to expect the trick. Dreaming of rodents in your home means misunderstanding of relatives; in a dream a rat ran across the road - meeting dishonest people. For older men, the rat can promise illness and depression.

Signs about rats and conspiracies

It’s not only in dreams that rats cause anxiety. When they appear in the house, a feeling of concern arises. The rat has long been considered an indicator of misfortune.

  • Not a single sign says that rodents sense the onset of trouble and suddenly appear where an accumulation of negative energy is formed, and just as suddenly leave this place. Our ancestors used a conspiracy against rats. Previously, it was believed that a conspiracy could protect housing from destruction and the accumulation of negativity.

However, you should not take the current situation too seriously. Rats tend to run from one hot spot to another, because their population is growing rapidly and there is not enough food for everyone in the place where they are stationed. The escaped litter of rats may be small, and simple methods of exterminating rodents can quite help correct the situation.

  • Many people are frightened by a sign that says that a rat appearing in a house where a sick person lives promises death.
  • The appearance of a rat in the house was also associated with prosperity. The sign that rats promise prosperity is quite understandable, because rodents tend to settle where there is something to eat. And since they are omnivores, they are capable of causing enormous harm. It was believed that a conspiracy in such a situation helped to save all the acquired property.
  • Since the rat is considered the devil’s assistant, there is still a popular belief that with the help of this rodent one can cause damage.

Many people today believe that their dreams and home are protected from rats by a spell on a stone placed on a plate near a rat hole: “I brought home a stone for the rat tribe, let the rat tribe gnaw at this stone, and leave my home and my thoughts.” at rest".

/ Dream Interpretation Rat
A rat is an extremely unpleasant animal in reality, and its appearance in a dream does not bode well. As a rule, a rat in a dream signals the existence of some kind of enemy, vile and possibly two-faced, from whom you do not expect trickery and betrayal.

Waking up from a dream in which a rat was present will probably not be the most pleasant. Many people interpret such a dream as a symbol of something bad. However, what do rats really mean in dreams?

Have you ever thought about why a rat dreams? Most people see this as something bad. Indeed, few people would call a dream with the presence of rats pleasant, unless the dreamer is a rodent breeder. And yet, why do you dream about a rat? Does such a dream symbolize good luck or is it a harbinger of trouble?

Miller's Dream Book: Dreaming of Rats

If you saw these rodents in a dream, then in reality you will be misled by your friends or companions. Arguments and even fights with them are possible. Did you dream that you were grabbing a rat? This means that in life you do not tolerate human meanness and treat traitors with contempt. Such life principles will help you overcome your enemies. Killing a rat in a dream means victory in every endeavor.

Why do you dream about a rat according to Vanga?

The seer interprets ambiguously what rats dream about. So, this can be a sign of death, or it can symbolize good luck and the triumph of justice. Feeding a rat from your hand in a dream means wise and decisive actions in reality. If you dreamed that a rat snuck into your house, then get ready for a series of failures and troubles - fate is again preparing tests. When in a dream you want to catch a rat and set a trap for this, but the rodent turns out to be more cunning than you and runs away, expect deception from the person who seemed attractive to you. A dream where you killed a rodent says that in life you will be able to overcome the impending disaster thanks to your wisdom. If you dream that rats are attacking you and you are defending yourself, it means you do not believe in the triumph of justice and strive to solve problems yourself. Dreaming of hordes of rodents running through the streets means something terrible: soon the world will face war, as a result of which everything will disappear from the face of the Earth, and only these underground reptiles will remain.

Dreaming rats according to Loff's dream book

To understand why a rat is dreaming, you need to think about your attitude towards this rodent. Many people perceive rats solely as carriers of infection, but some keep them at home and consider them the cutest animals. If you are contemptuous of rats, then a dream with their presence means for you the fear of losing friends, becoming an outcast and turning into the likeness of these same rats. Perhaps you feel that a threat is gradually looming over your previously prosperous life. The dream book can interpret rats in different ways.

Nostradamus: seeing a rat in a dream

The astrologer believed that this animal could be a sign of completely different manifestations. As for why there are rats in a dream, he said that it can be both a symbol of good luck and a harbinger of death. Dreaming of rodents eating crops means the risk of an environmental disaster if people do not use agricultural land wisely. In a dream you saw a beautiful white rat - be careful: appearances can be deceiving.

Tsvetkov's dream book: I dreamed about rats

Tears and sorrows - this is what the rat dreams of, according to the esotericist Tsvetkov. Good luck awaits someone who kills a rodent in a dream, and the larger the animal, the greater the luck. A white rat in a dream symbolizes hidden danger.

Why do you dream of a rat according to Meneghetti's dream book

When this animal dreams of being in close proximity to you, it can be assumed that you are afraid of something: loss of health, betrayal of friends, or the fact that luck will turn away from you. If a woman sees a rat in a dream, this means that in life she strives to subjugate everyone and hides this under the guise of charm. This behavior may be a consequence of negative maternal influence in childhood.

Why do you dream about a rat in a dream?

A rat is an extremely unpleasant animal in reality, and its appearance in a dream does not bode well. As a rule, this signals the existence of some kind of enemy, vile and possibly two-faced, from whom you do not expect trickery and betrayal. It is even possible that you consider this person a friend and trust him in everything.

However, this animal can also personify similar qualities of yours - it is possible that you once acted badly towards someone, and remorse for what you have done torments you.

The rat is a symbol of uncleanness, not only physical, but also mental, nasty thoughts and vile deeds.

If you killed a rat in a dream, it means that success and victory await you in any endeavor.

Dreaming of rats always portends deception and quarrels with your neighbors. Disagreements with colleagues are likely. If you dreamed that you grabbed a rat by the tail or killed it, it means that victory over your enemies awaits you.

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