How can you eliminate bitterness from radish? How to get rid of bitterness in radish

If you boil or steam a radish, turnip or radish, then the bitterness will disappear.
But the vegetables will be already boiled or steamed. And this is not always what you need.

But to remove the bitterness, and in order for the radish or radish to remain fresh, you will have to try.
The best remedy is soaking.
To make it go faster, it is best to grate the radish (radish) and fill it with water. Stir, strain, drain the water, pour new. Leave for a while. Try it in half an hour or an hour. If you still feel bitterness, change the water again.
Eventually the bitterness will go away. Only a specific smell from a radish can remain (a little).
If grated radish (radish) is not needed, then it can be cut into thin slices and also soaked in water. It will take more time here.
If the bitterness, nevertheless, still remains a little, then here you can kill it already in the dish. For example, mix with sour cream, or vegetable oil, or with some kind of whipping sauce (ketchup).
The main thing is to go to the dish.

Although the taste of radish is that it is bitter. I like to eat just such a radish.)) And especially to make radish with kvass. You can read how it's done:
Bon appetit!))

What to add to radishes or radishes if they have a pronounced bitter taste to remove bitterness? It is to add, and not soak or evaporate?

The easiest way to remove bitterness from radishes and radishes is to pour boiling water over them, after cutting or rubbing, as the author of the previous answer calls for. However, with this method, along with the bitterness of the radish and radish, the beneficial substances contained in them will also leave, not to mention the taste.

Also, green radish and red radish should not be bitter. And if, nevertheless, this is so, then this fact signals that the root crops are of poor quality and were grown in violation of technology. Therefore, I personally do not eat bitter radishes and green radishes.

However, the use of excessively bitter radishes and radishes for food is possible and even without much loss of useful substances that they contain.

What can compensate for the excessive bitterness in root vegetables (and in any other food)?

They are sugar and acid. If you chop or grate bitter radishes and radishes, and then pour lemon juice over them and sweeten them with sugar or honey, you will not feel any bitterness in them.

For example, grate bitter radish or radish on a coarse grater or cut into thin circles, transfer to a salad bowl and salt. Radishes will give juice, which we drain, wash the radishes under running water and pour over lemon juice. The bitterness goes away, and we use the radish to prepare various salads.

In addition, bitter radish and radish salads should not be salted and seasoned with vegetable oil, especially unrefined oil, which, like salt, will only emphasize the bitterness of the final product. Instead of butter, use sour cream or yogurt with a small amount of granulated sugar (or honey). Sour cream will beat off the bitterness and give the salad a piquant taste.

Hello dear readers. Surely everyone remembers black radish from childhood, when in winter my grandmother made me eat vegetable salad, the basis of which was this unusual vegetable. And with such reluctance we ate this, at that time hated, salad, in the hope of getting well-deserved sweets. But, having matured, we understand that adults did not just force us to eat radish, because it is so useful for the body, especially for children. With the help of a radish, they even treated a cough, sweetening it with honey, since the vegetable itself gives bitterness. Now we are already treating our children with the same remedy, who also do not yet understand why they eat this bitter vegetable. This mysterious root crop is used to treat a fairly wide range of diseases, so it's best to stock up on it right away before the onset of cold weather.

Of course, radish is known not only for its miraculous properties in the treatment of colds, but also for many others, which we will talk about a little later.

It also acts as a worthy alternative to summer salads in winter, which means that it will help to maintain a figure even in cold weather, when you don’t do much jogging.

Useful properties of black radish

The composition of such a vegetable is undoubtedly rich in many useful substances that are so necessary for the healthy functioning of our body.

  1. The high content of complex carbohydrate compounds, thanks to which we do not gain excess weight, as well as minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and potassium. Also, the vegetable itself contains a high concentration of essential oils, which have a beneficial effect on the work of the intestines.
  1. Vitamins A, C and group B. Such a classic set of vitamins of any fresh vegetable, isn't it? Only one ascorbic acid speaks of great benefits in the treatment and prevention of colds, as well as their possible complications. Such a vegetable on the table is very useful for people with any visual impairment, because vitamin A, which it contains, improves the quality of vision, and also prevents possible deterioration. Thus, the blood supply to the optic nerve is restored.

The calorie content of black radish per 100 g of the product is only 36 kcal.

Of course, all the female representatives instantly lit up the eyes, as this is the best way to maintain a figure, and even get rid of excess weight.

But this does not mean at all that radish salads can be eaten three times a day in large portions. As with any product that contains any oils, you need to be careful with radish, because its excessive use can lead to disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Medicinal properties of black radish

So, you should figure out what healing properties this vegetable has, and which body systems each of them affects.

1. Antiseptic action

It is used for infectious diseases, depending on the degree of damage. Eliminates bacteria, which, most often, are the source of the disease.

Therefore, it is the radish that is advised to be used for diseases of the respiratory tract, as well as for all types of tonsillitis.

And thanks to vitamin C, which we also get from this vegetable, our immunity is “turned on” in the fight against the disease.

2. Diuretic effect

Thanks to this property of black radish, our body gets rid of excess urea in the blood in a timely manner.

Thus, the blood is cleansed, which means that nothing prevents its healthy circulation. It is also an effective way to get rid of swelling caused by excess fluid.

For people suffering from various pathologies of the kidneys, such a remedy will help in cleansing the blood of urea.

3. Choleretic effect

Prevents possible stagnation of bile in the bladder, by its timely removal from the body.

This prevents the formation of stones in the gallbladder, which can completely disable the work of not only the gallbladder, but also the liver itself.

Such a failure can lead to the fact that the body will not be able to purify the blood on its own, due to which its immediate poisoning will begin.

4. Pain relief

It relieves pain, regardless of its cause, and also eliminates the very cause of pain, thanks to its rich composition.

5. Expectorant action

Thanks to the oils contained in the composition of the radish, sputum is enveloping, which cannot be removed from the patient's bronchi in any way.

After all, sputum is the main cough provocateur, which means that by eliminating it, we get rid of the cough itself.

6. Removal of toxins from the body

Thanks to fiber, which gives a slight laxative effect, as well as essential oils, which normalize intestinal contractions, all the “garbage” is removed from the body. Especially recommended for people suffering from constipation.

7. Promotes the cleansing of blood vessels

We are talking about lowering the level of cholesterol, which, sticking to the walls of blood vessels, disrupts blood circulation, which can lead to malfunctions in some systems.

And this happens due to the high content of ascorbic acid, which is the main enemy of cholesterol.

8. Awakens the appetite

Radish contributes to the rapid production of gastric juice, which is why, in fact, we feel hungry.

Black radish - the use of a miracle vegetable in traditional medicine

Radishes can be consumed both in the form of a salad as a prophylaxis, and in other forms for the treatment of an already existing disease.

Some are accustomed to eating radish salad almost every day since childhood, without even thinking about the great benefits it brings.

So, you can maintain your immunity all year round, and not be afraid to catch the flu in the cold season.

Due to such a wide range of medicinal properties of radish, almost all body functions work like clockwork.

After all, when a failure occurs in at least one of the systems, it affects both other functions and the whole organism as a whole.

Such a simple vegetable as a radish is able to normalize the work of each system, due to which internal harmony is achieved.

What diseases is it used for?

We have already familiarized ourselves a little directly with the properties of such a plant as a radish, and now we will determine for what ailments it should be used, and in what form. We highlight the main recipes for each of the diseases.

Malfunctions of the digestive system

Thanks to the fiber contained in the vegetable, timely bowel cleansing occurs, which helps it get rid of the remnants of digested food.

After all, the delay in the body of such substances, which, after a short amount of time, become toxic, can lead to poisoning of the body.

If the problem of constipation takes place in your life, then you should include simple radish salads in your diet, the recipes of which we will consider a little later.

As you know, any oils stimulate contractions of the intestinal walls, which contributes to the movement of waste through it.

Sometimes, with frequent constipation, it is advised to take a tablespoon of any oil on an empty stomach. So why torture yourself with such an unpleasant procedure?

If you can just eat a serving of fresh radish salad, which already contains oils, plus fiber, which will only help remove unnecessary substances from the body.

Radish for coughs and respiratory diseases - recipes

This vegetable helps to expel sputum with a wet cough, and has an enveloping effect with a dry one.

In addition, it eliminates other symptoms of a cold. There are several recipes that can alleviate the general condition of the body during such inflammatory processes. The most important thing is to know how to cook black radish with honey at home.

  1. Radish with honey. For cooking, you need a simple black radish juice with the addition of honey. The proportions may vary depending on your personal preferences, but the dosage is the same for everyone: one tablespoon of the finished product should be taken half an hour before meals three times a day.
  1. Whole root vegetable with honey inside. This is probably one of the most popular recipes due to its attractive appearance.

So, we need a whole radish of perfect shape. Try to find a radish with a flat bottom so that its contents do not leak out in case of instability of the "vegetable bowl".

We cut off the “lid” from the already washed radish and cut out the core, which we will fill with fragrant honey, and then close it again.

Too easy, you think? But the fact is that you need to leave the “closed vegetable” for some time so that the juice that stands out during this time has time to get to the honey.

Such "radish" honey is taken in a tablespoon once a day. Black radish with honey - great for coughs and sore throats.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

Radish to prevent gallstones

A vegetable will be useful only if there are no stones. Such miracles do not happen, for the juice of some vegetable to dissolve the stone. Sounds funny, doesn't it? On the contrary, such treatment can lead to unpleasant consequences.

When using such a remedy, the stones will only begin to move, during which the duct will clog, which means that you cannot avoid an unscheduled operation.

What is useful radish for diseases of the joints?

Due to its analgesic properties, radish will help relieve pain during the next exacerbation of arthritis or arthrosis.

It is necessary to grate the vegetable on a grater in order for the juice to come out. We wrap the finished gruel in gauze and apply it to the sore joint.

Of course, such a tool will not stop the destructive processes in the joints, but still somehow alleviate the general condition.

Harm and contraindications of black radish

Despite the rather large list of advantages of this medicinal vegetable, it still has its contraindications, which should not be neglected.

Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. The acid contained in the vegetable can only exacerbate the problem;

Colitis. During inflammation in the large intestine, its walls are already irritated, and an extra laxative effect will only increase spasms;

Individual intolerance. More often there is an allergy to just one component of the vegetable;

Gastritis. With increased acidity, any fresh products are generally prohibited, since they contain a certain percentage of acid;

Acute pancreatitis. With inflammation of the pancreas, such a product may be difficult to digest;

Gout. Additional acid in the body will only reinforce the inflammatory process, which means that the pain will become even more unbearable;

Inflammatory processes of the liver and kidneys. Acid can only irritate the walls of organs, because of which the disease will only progress.

It is better not to tempt fate, and do not consume black radish if you suffer from at least one of these diseases.

Recipes for healthy salads with black radish

Consider two different options for preparing radish salad, which differ, in fact, in additional ingredients. Thus, they are divided into winter and summer.

  1. Black radish salad with green peas. To prepare such a salad, you will definitely need fresh herbs, so the preparation of such a salad will be relevant only in the warm season.

The basis will, of course, be the radish itself, which will need 400 g, but 240 g (one tin) will be enough for peas.

We use parsley and green onions as herbs. The radish is rubbed on a coarse grater, and everything else is finely chopped. The salad is dressed with vegetable oil.

  1. Sour cream salad with black radish. All the ingredients of this salad are available at any time of the year, so we will call this salad winter. And, by the way, it is for this reason that it will be more caloric than the previous one.

You will need the same amount of root crops as for the previous salad - 400 g. In addition, you will need onions (50 g), one medium-sized carrot, and three boiled eggs.

We grate the radish and carrots themselves, while the rest of the components are simply cut. The whole thing is seasoned with sour cream, after which we add salt to taste.

Both salads will be useful regardless of the season, because the basis of each of them is a black radish.

How to remove bitterness from black radish

There are several options for getting rid of bitterness in this vegetable. Some advise to simply rinse the grated vegetable in water, or even pour boiling water over it.

But in fact, in both cases, the juice will be removed, and hence the medicinal properties along with it. In the end, you just get a useless grated vegetable.

In fact, everything is easier than you think. Simply add a little lemon juice or even a few drops of vinegar to an already grated vegetable, and the bitterness will go away.

Thus, the acid of both products neutralizes the bitter taste of radish, so you can get all the nutrients without any barriers.

We considered the useful and medicinal properties of a vegetable - radish, as well as the diseases that it can overcome. We also got acquainted with contraindications, in which the use of a product such as radish is strictly prohibited.

We decided that you can eat radish salads, regardless of the season. Such a dish will always delight you with its freshness and juiciness.

But, it should be remembered that each product should be used in moderation so as not to acquire new diseases.

Radish is a vegetable plant that belongs to the cruciferous family. The root crop has a rounded or elongated shape, the color of the vegetable can be very diverse: red, purple, yellow, white, pink. The most popular varieties are red and red-white. This plant is rich in vitamins and minerals necessary for human life.

Radish is a common plant with unique antibiotic properties. It destroys microbes that form in the mouth and throat and cause unpleasant odors. While chewing a fresh root crop, under the influence of the substances that make up the radish, microbes die, and mustard oils irritate taste buds, improving appetite. In addition, it has been proven that eating fresh radishes reduces the risk of tumor formation and the occurrence of oncology.

Radishes are unpretentious to growing conditions, but even in the presence of excellent fertile soil, the basic requirements must be observed. Otherwise, the vegetable will be bitter and flabby.


The main reason for the sharp, sometimes bitter taste of radishes is the presence of mustard oil in the fruits. It is it that gives the vegetable useful properties and piquancy in the taste of the pulp. This culture belongs to the early spring vegetables, preferring not too long daylight hours. It should not exceed 10 hours. Most often, planting begins in early spring or late summer.

It is possible to plant in the greenhouse immediately after the snow melts. At this time, the temperature and light conditions are more suitable for the germination of strong plants. From an excess of light during the day, the plant ages faster and its fruits begin to taste bitter. To slow down this process, plantings are covered with opaque covering materials, forming a shady place. But too much darkening of the plants will cause bolting in the radish, so it needs to be regulated by opening and closing.

When covering plantings, it is important to ensure that the supply of oxygen to the plants is free.

In order to get rid of the bitter taste in a vegetable, you need to find out why it appeared. There may be several reasons for this:

  • insufficient and uneven (from time to time) watering;
  • overgrowth of root crops: when overripe, the flesh becomes rough, cracks, dries out from the inside, bitterness appears;
  • unthinned planting of radishes, lack of oxygen, lack of weeding from weeds.

The bitter taste of radish appears due to non-compliance with the rules for growing this vegetable. Violation of at least one of the conditions leads to a deterioration in the quality of the entire crop or its complete absence.

Conditions for a good harvest

To get a tasty, juicy vegetable crop with a pleasant sweet aftertaste and an unobtrusive point, seedlings need regular and high-quality care.


With a thickened planting of radishes, one should not expect excellent taste from root crops. With excessive crowding, vegetables grow weak, depleted, lack nutrients and trace elements. The root system of such seedlings does not develop. The lack of light rays and water affects the formation of the root crop. The plant is fighting for space and nutrition, and does not direct forces to the development of the fetus.

Extra and weak seedlings should be removed at the time when one true leaf appeared. Later rarefaction will lead to the fact that part of the plants will go into the stage of formation of an arrow with flowers. Thinning must be carried out without fail, the distance between plants should not be less than 4 cm, otherwise the flesh of the radish will coarsen, become fibrous and dry. The vegetable will take on curved shapes.

It is possible to plant seeds using cells from egg grates. We press them into the soil and get a clear row of recesses for planting a seed. One seed is planted in each hole. With this planting method, thinning is not required.

It is necessary to thin out and then loosen the soil with radishes very carefully, avoiding damage to the roots of plants. Otherwise, the culture will begin to form arrows, the nutritional qualities of the vegetable will lose their value. Thinning radishes is not by pulling out excess plants, but by pinching.


Radish is a moisture-loving plant. Demanding for the presence of moisture in the soil appears already when the first true leaf appears, at the very beginning of the formation of the root part of the vegetable. He needs a timely, uniform, regular supply of moisture to the soil. Ideally, for watering 1 square meter of radish beds, 10-15 liters of not very cold water are needed. Do not allow the land around the crop to dry out. Fruits that have experienced a lack of moisture do not make up for it after the restoration of the irrigation regime. The pulp loses taste, crunchiness. Such a vegetable is prone to cracking, loss of smoothness, prone to shooting.

On hot summer days, radishes should be watered early in the morning and late in the evening every day. When cooler weather sets in, watering can be reduced to 1 time in 2-3 days, monitoring the condition of the soil and preventing it from drying out. Daytime watering is of no benefit, as the water from the plants quickly evaporates through the leaves. Strait of the soil layer must be carried out at a distance equal to the length of the radish root. If frequent watering is not possible, ridges with vegetables can be mulched with sawdust, dry grass. So the moisture in the soil after watering is stored for a long period.

Proper watering of radishes should be carried out using a watering can with a frequent strainer; when grown in greenhouse conditions, immediately after watering, the room must be ventilated. In the absence of regular watering, growing radishes becomes completely useless.

When watering a crop, you should not get too carried away either. Both a lack and an excess of water in the ground can cause a bitter taste of a vegetable. In addition, excessive soil moisture can cause the formation of various diseases of the root crop, its decay


Weeding beds from emerging weeds is carried out regularly. Weeds take moisture, microelements from cultivated plants, block access to light rays. Radishes grow weaker, emaciated compared to vegetables from weeded beds. Weeding rows with radishes should be carried out very carefully, removing weeds with light movements, trying not to damage the seedlings of the crop itself.


Inter-row spaces should be loosened immediately after watering or rain. Drying, the soil forms a dense layer on the surface that does not allow oxygen to pass through in sufficient quantities. The plant experiences its shortage and weakens. The fruit is filled with bitterness.

Loosening is carried out pointwise, around each radish bush.

Timely harvest

Radish fruits are harvested as they ripen. During the warm period, the culture needs to form a root crop up to 2 cm in diameter in order to become suitable for storage. In terms of ripening, this process lasts from 20 to 45 days, depending on the variety of crop. It is useless to leave large vegetables in the soil, their growth will stop, the flesh will undergo coarsening, drying and the formation of fibers. Keep radishes in a cool place, tied in bunches. At elevated storage temperatures, the vegetable becomes soft, flabby.

Some vegetable growers practice this method: pour a thin layer of salt into each recess before planting the crop seeds. It destroys microbes and viruses in the soil and gives the roots an unusual taste, the fruits become crispy, juicy. This method perfectly protects root crops from the formation of bitterness, since salt absorbs and retains moisture.

How to eliminate bitterness?

If it was not possible to get rid of the causes of bitterness in time, the fruits suitable for cooking, can be saved in several ways:

  • Soaking in salted cold water. Place the radishes, previously peeled and peeled, in a container and add about 2 liters of clean water with 1 tablespoon of table salt diluted in it. We leave the roots to get wet for half an hour, then drain the water and rinse with running water. You can do this twice if necessary. But most often, in order to correct the bitterness, one soaking is enough.
  • Rinsing. Rinse peeled and cut into slices root crops under running water, salt. Salt draws out excess bitterness. Then the salt from the surface of the slices can be shaken off or, if necessary, rinsed again with water.
  • Scalding with boiling water. Peel the vegetables, cut into pieces, put in a container and pour boiling water for about 8-10 minutes. The bitter taste will disappear, but a certain amount of vitamins and trace elements will also be destroyed. Boiled radishes are less suitable for salads.
  • Lemon and sugar. Cut or grate the radish on a coarse grater, pour over with freshly squeezed lemon juice, sprinkle with sugar on top. If there is no desire to use sugar, natural honey is suitable, which will add piquancy to the salad.
  • Salting. Cut the radish into thin slices and sprinkle with salt. We are waiting for the radish to give juice. Then you need to rinse the chopped vegetables in running water and sprinkle with lemon juice.

If you need to urgently get rid of bitterness without soaking, a salad using radish can be seasoned not with oil, but with sour sour cream. It will hide the bitter taste of this vegetable.

You should not immediately get rid of bitterness. Her presence is very useful, and you can always remove it. When soaking mustard oils are partially washed out, the healing disinfecting properties are reduced, therefore, the benefits of the vegetable are also reduced.

The most delicious and tender radish will grow in sunny beds with light loosened soil. The yield of a vegetable depends on the availability of top dressing, but it is worth remembering that radishes do not grow on soils with the addition of fresh manure. In this case, the plant will form only green foliage. In beds with clay soils and low nutrient content, root crops will be flabby with obvious signs of a bitter taste.

By following these simple rules for growing radishes, anyone, even a novice gardener, will be able to get an excellent harvest of tasty, crispy, juicy radishes without any signs of obtrusive bitterness in taste.

For information on how to grow radishes so that they are not bitter, see below.

How to remove bitterness from radish?

  1. Grate, blanch and squeeze. And if you then pour lemon juice over it, then there will be no bitterness.
  2. fill with water and let stand for 5 hours
  3. The radish needs to be cut thinner and salted. After 5 minutes the bitterness will go away.
  4. Rub or cut, salt, let stand for 20-30 minutes. Drain juice or squeeze lightly. The radish becomes softer, the bitterness goes away, but the spicy spicy taste remains. Delicious with herbs and sour cream. It is better to take Margelan radish.
  5. Why then a radish? The whole taste is bitter. Take the daikon, it's sweet.
  6. Take a carrot.
  7. Vinegar, lemon juice, pomegranate juice - some kind of acid. I prefer vinegar and fruity is better.
  8. put in a bowl sprinkle with salt, but not very much, let it stand for 10-15 minutes, then squeeze the juice and that's it. you can eat
  9. Personal experience - grate redb = bku, put in a colander or other utensils. and shake for 3 minutes....bitterness and "spirit" go away...
  10. Of course, you can also rinse the grated radish, or you can add grated carrots, a little grated apple, and add sour cream, in extreme cases, mayonnaise. tasty!!!
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Not a single rural and country garden is complete without cucumbers, potatoes, green onions, radishes and other popular vitamin crops.

But sometimes the grown crop brings grief, when, for example, gardeners cannot understand why the radish is bitter, what are the reasons for the unpleasant taste. We will find out what is the reason for the bitterness of radishes, how to prevent it, and what to do with already grown root crops to get rid of the bitter taste.

Why radishes are bitter and how to protect the crop from bitterness

Radish root crops are saturated with many valuable substances that strengthen the immune system and speed up metabolism: especially a lot of vitamin C in bright red fruits. Although radishes are unpretentious crops, violation of some cultivation rules leads to bitterness of fruits, sometimes so pronounced that there is nothing left but to send the crop to compost. Why radish is bitter, and how to correct the mistakes of its cultivation?

Causes of bitterness of radish pulp

Before we learn how to remove bitterness from radishes, let's find out what are the reasons for its appearance. Radishes have a bitter taste in the following situations:

  • lack of moisture. Vegetables are bitter when they are watered occasionally and unevenly.
  • Fruit overripe. If you do not remove the root crops in time, they become coarse, crack, dry from the inside and acquire a bitter aftertaste.
  • Overgrowing of ridges with weeds, dense plantings, lack of oxygen.

As you can see, the bitterness in the radish is formed due to the insufficient attention of gardeners to caring for the crop and harvesting. Just a few misses can nullify efforts and lead to a tasteless harvest.

Having found out why the radish is bitter, we will learn how to prevent such a nuisance. To get a tasty juicy radish with a sweetish aftertaste and a pleasant sharpness that does not turn into bitterness, it is necessary to provide the seedlings with high-quality and, most importantly, regular care.

In order not to puzzle over how to remove bitterness from grown radishes, we take care of them as follows:

Thinning out

If the seeds are sown too densely, you should not expect tasty and juicy fruits. Plants in such a situation do not develop, but fight for existence, taking away nutrients, light and moisture from each other.

Be sure to thin out the seedlings, leaving 3-5 cm between the seedlings, otherwise the crop will be bitter, coarsely fibrous, dry and inedible. In order not to thin out the radish, we plant it with the help of an egg cell, pressing it into the ridge and leaving an imprint. In each hole we place one achene, and we get strong, friendly shoots.


Radishes, like other moisture-loving crops such as cucumbers, need regular and even watering. You can’t leave the dacha for a week, and then come and fill the ridges with water. Plants that have spent so much time without water no longer “recover” enough to form good tasty fruits. On the contrary, they will crack and lose their presentation.

In the hot season, we water the radish in the early morning and late evening - daily, in the cool - once every 1-3 days, not allowing the soil to dry out. Watering the plants during the day does not make sense: the moisture will quickly evaporate through the foliage. The depth of watering should be the same as the length of the roots.


As with dense crops, weeds deprive seedlings of water, light, and nutrition, so don't be surprised why radishes are bitter. Regularly weed the beds as weeds appear.


After each rain and watering, we will certainly loosen the aisles, otherwise the soil will take on a crust, and the roots will not receive enough oxygen for normal development.

We do not allow overripe

We collect the ripened crop in several steps, without leaving adult root crops in the ground. They will not grow anymore, but will only become coarse, dry and bitter.

Experienced gardeners who want to avoid bitterness in radishes resort to one trick: before sowing, they pour a little salt into the grooves. Salt disinfects the environment and gives the fruits a pleasant taste, juiciness and crunchiness.

Having understood why the radish is bitter, we will learn how to correct the bitter taste in the already harvested crop when preparing salads and other dishes.

Ways to eliminate bitterness from radishes

Soaking in salt water

We soak the peeled radish in this way:

  • Pour 2 liters of water at room temperature into a saucepan.
  • We dissolve 1 tbsp in it. table salt.
  • We place peeled radish fruits in the solution.
  • Wash the radishes after half an hour.

After treatment with salt, the bitterness from the root crops should disappear.


Cut the radish into cubes or slices, rinse thoroughly with running water and salt. Salt takes away the overly bitter taste.

Boiling water treatment

Cut the radish into slices or cubes and for 10 minutes. fill with boiling water. The bitterness will be eliminated, but, unfortunately, some of the beneficial substances will also go with it.

Using Lemon and Sugar

To eliminate bitterness from radishes intended for salads, we do the following:

  • Cut or three fruits on a coarse grater.
  • Drizzle them with fresh lemon juice.
  • Sprinkle with a little granulated sugar, and the bitterness will go away.

Instead of sugar, you can use any quality honey: it will make the taste of the dish more piquant.


Three or thinly cut radishes and sprinkle with salt to make it give juice. We wash the slices with running water and sprinkle with lemon juice.

If you need to rid the radish of bitterness, and there is no time for soaking or other processing, when preparing the salad, we season it not with vegetable oil, but with sour cream - sour is better. Unlike oil, especially unrefined oil, it perfectly masks bitter notes.

Now it is clear why the radish is bitter, and what mistakes the gardeners are to blame for. Compliance with the basic rules of care, especially regarding the watering of this vegetable crop, will never lead to a bitter harvest.

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Milk soup with noodles is a dish that for many remains only a memory of early childhood and is perceived solely as...
Charlotte in the microwave cooks faster than in the oven and, with the right approach to business, is not inferior in taste to dessert cooked ...
If you just fry the liver, you get a fairly hard and dry product. Therefore, it is not popular with children. But...
Catfish fish is readily used by culinary specialists to prepare real fish delicacies. Its meat is tender, soft, has almost no...
Cooking croutons in the oven is even easier than buying them in the store. At the same time, you can be sure that for this dish...
Name: Ghomi (mamaliga) Gomi - the national dish of the Mengrelians (Samegrelo - a corner of western Georgia) Ingredients Gergili - 1 kg 150...