Why dream of peeling mushrooms in a dream. I dreamed that I was picking mushrooms: how to interpret it from dream books. Why do you dream of good mushrooms?

Everyone sees dreams, some see them as omens and signs from above, and others, having seen them, immediately forget. Why do you dream about collected mushrooms? But, one way or another, there are a great many dream books and explanations of all the concepts and objects seen in a dream.

It’s not for nothing that mushrooms are called “lesh meat.” The very fact that they grow in the forest, that is, in a place where people do not live, but all kinds of evil spirits live, already emphasizes the mythical meaning of the mushroom in a dream.

It is not for nothing that in Russian folk tales, witches brewed a potion from mushrooms, caused damage with the help of poisonous mushrooms, and could completely drive any person crazy and deprive them of their will.

Since ancient times, people have especially revered the boletus mushroom, calling it the “king of the forest” and rewarding it with special miraculous powers.

Therefore, in Slavic interpretations of dreams, a mushroom symbolizes caution and an encounter with something unusual, and it cannot be said that it is dangerous or useful for a person. But in any case, seeing mushrooms in a dream is a warning that in the near future you need to be very careful and suspicious about everything.

Why do you dream about collected mushrooms? Remember the details of the dream!

  • If you see that mushrooms are not growing in the forest, but, for example, in your home or workplace, then this is most likely a warning from fate that you are taking a big risk, and everything you plan can be extremely dangerous.
  • Mushrooms growing on your personal belongings indicate that fate will not bring you any changes in the near future.
  • If you saw yourself wandering through the forest and finding mushrooms, you will soon meet a person who can give you useful, good advice.
  • Having seen large quantities of giant mushrooms in a dream, you should think about your character and habits. Because such a dream means that you have too many vices that can take you far. Try to fight them. After all, if fate sends you such a dream, then all is not lost for you and you can still change for the better.
  • A young girl or an unmarried (divorced) woman who sees mushrooms in a dream should think seriously about entering into a new relationship. Because for them this is a sign of shameful and criminal love. They can embarrass themselves.

As usual, different dream books interpret this dream differently.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Finding mushrooms means living a long time in good health and full sanity. Picking mushrooms in the forest means having a lot of empty, useless troubles.

But if you pick champignons in a dream, this portends a quick climb up the career ladder and great luck.

Vanga's Dream Book

The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga believed that seeing mushrooms growing in abundance in the forest is a warning of imminent danger and possible betrayal. Collecting boletus mushrooms in a basket is a quick joyful event

On the contrary, picking poisonous mushrooms is a toadstool to bad luck and possible loss (not only monetary). Collecting wormy mushrooms means you will soon find out the betrayal of a loved one or close friend.

Miller's Dream Book

According to this dream book, picking mushrooms in the forest for young people foretells that they will soon find their love and marital happiness. If a married couple collects mushrooms, this promises an end to quarrels and scandals, the improvement of marital relationships and the return of love. Collecting poisonous or wormy mushrooms means disgracing yourself with a shameful extramarital affair, or some shameful secret will be revealed.

If a single woman picks bad mushrooms, then most likely she will be deceived in her expectations regarding the man she loves. In this case, it is best for her to reconsider existing relationships and try to change them.

Eating mushrooms in a dream means entering into an extramarital or shameful affair.

Dream Interpretation of Yuri Longo

World-famous psychologist Yuri Longo believes that to see any mushrooms in a dream - to soon receive joyful, long-awaited news. Most likely, you will learn about your victory in something and about receiving money. If you find a fly agaric among the edible mushrooms, then nothing bad will happen, it’s just a minor nuisance on the path to success.

But if you eat poisonous mushrooms, you will most likely find yourself in a difficult situation from which it will be difficult to get out.

Freud's interpretation of sleep

Psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud believes that picking mushrooms in a dream means having a lot of promiscuous sexual relationships. Collecting poisonous or rotten mushrooms means you will soon have offspring.

Briefly about the main thing

You dream of a lot of mushrooms to improve your financial situation and pleasant surprises. Such a dream can also portend conflicts with loved ones .

Interpretations of dreams about mushrooms depending on the details

Depending on the type of mushroom:

  • white - for luck;
  • boletus - to minor troubles;
  • oyster mushrooms - for the help of friends;
  • milk mushrooms - for a romantic acquaintance;
  • redheads - to a new successful business;
  • red - for a joyful event;
  • chanterelles - to dubious purchases;
  • boletus - to vain anxiety;
  • honey mushrooms - to betrayal of friends;
  • boletus - for a trip out of town for a picnic;
  • boletus - to success at work;
  • saffron milk caps - to profit;
  • champignons - for a meeting with an old acquaintance.

Depending on the appearance of the mushrooms:

  • large - to fulfill a dream;
  • boiled - to overwork;
  • rotten - to a successful resolution of a controversial issue;
  • small ones - to problems on the path to success;
  • growing - to a good mood;
  • fresh - for a meeting with an influential patron;
  • cut - to failure;
  • edible - to positive changes;
  • wormy - to self-doubt;
  • collected - to get rid of bad habits;
  • clean ones - to add to the family;
  • pickled - to fear of the future.

Depending on where the mushrooms are located in the dream:

  • in a bucket - for a visit from a close friend;
  • in water - to increase self-esteem;
  • in a basket - for longevity;
  • in the forest - to manipulation by a friend;
  • in the bag - to the emergence of an additional source of income;
  • in the grass - to difficulties in communication;
  • at home - to unplanned expenses;
  • in a clearing - to a short-term romance;
  • on a tree - to a long-term illness;
  • on the table - to disagreements with relatives.

Based on actions:

  • to see - to a joyful event in the family;
  • eat - to reconciliation with a loved one;
  • buy - to the successful completion of a difficult project;
  • find - to improve health;
  • brought - to a gift from a loved one;
  • tearing - to minor troubles in everyday life;
  • collect - to promotion;
  • cut - to win a large sum;
  • fry - to gain new sexual experience.

Depending on who finds the mushrooms in a dream:

  • pregnant woman - to the implementation of plans;
  • woman - to pride in the success of children;
  • man - to hard work;
  • many people - to a quarrel with a friend.

Depending on what else you dreamed about:

  • a lot of apples - to good news from distant relatives;
  • a lot of berries - to complete a complex project.

TOP 5 negative values

  1. A whole basket of little rotten mushrooms dreams of disappointment in life.
  2. Salty - to tears.
  3. Large mushrooms with worms- to mistakes at work.
  4. Limp champignons- to dismissal.
  5. Make soup from a lot of toadstools- to an unsuccessful trip.

TOP 5 positive values

  1. A large number of different mushrooms dreams of moving to a new home.
  2. Fried - for a fun time with friends.
  3. Sell ​​them on the market- to a salary increase and/or obtaining a leadership position.
  4. Prepare them for an interesting journey.
  5. Cleaning means a change in lifestyle.

Do you want your dream to come true?


If you want the dream not to come true, share the interpretation on social media. networks

Why do you dream of a lot of mushrooms according to Miller’s dream book?

According to Gustav Miller:

  • a lot of porcini mushrooms dream of wealth and profit;
  • large ones - to the fulfillment of a cherished desire;
  • different - to happiness and harmony in personal relationships.

Video about why you dream about a lot of mushrooms

Provided by the channel “Interpretation of Dreams Online - Website”.

What does a dream about mushrooms mean according to Freud’s dream book?

A dream about picking a large number of mushrooms symbolizes a harmonious relationship with a loved one.

Vanga's Dream Book

For men:

  • a lot of mushrooms growing near the house, dreams of concluding an important contract;
  • If you saw in a dream how you collected a whole basket, then this is a sign of the successful implementation of creative ideas.

For women:

  • a forest clearing with mushrooms dreams of receiving an expensive gift;
  • if a young woman saw in a dream that she found mushrooms while walking, then this is a sign of overcoming difficulties on the way to the goal;
  • cut them off - to the appearance of a faithful friend.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Interpretations from Tsvetkov’s dream book:

  • a clearing of good mushrooms is a sign of purchasing real estate;
  • a lot of huge mushrooms - to the successful implementation of the project;
  • collecting them means a humiliating situation at work.

Loff's Dream Book

According to Loff's dream book, a dream of a large number of poisonous mushrooms can mean problems due to unfinished business.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

For men:

  • a forest full of mushrooms dreams of communicating with two-faced people;
  • collecting them in a basket means ill-gotten gains.

For women:

  • to look for and find a clearing with a lot of mushrooms dreams of minor troubles;
  • collecting a lot of all kinds of mushrooms - to new useful acquaintances;
  • collecting a full basket means a major purchase;
  • several bags - to wealth.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

According to the dream book of Nostradamus, a dream about a green meadow in which a lot of mushrooms grow is a symbol of wealth and success.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

Interpretations from Meneghetti's dream book:

  • dreams of collecting a lot of mushrooms means getting rid of an opponent;
  • finding poisonous ones means vain hopes;
  • preparing a dish from them means deception by scammers.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

According to Longo's dream book, a dream about collecting various mushrooms foreshadows the conclusion of a profitable contract.

Other meanings:

  • one large white mushroom and many small mushrooms dream of betraying a friend;
  • champignons - to difficulties on the way to the goal;
  • chanterelles - for a fun time;
  • milk mushrooms - for a trip to an exotic country.

Azar's Dream Book

According to Azar, a large mushroom meadow in a dream is a symbol of problems that require urgent solutions.

For men:

  • if a guy dreams of picking a lot of mushrooms, it means that in real life he will meet a decent girl.

Dream Interpretation Kananita

For men:

  • a field with dried mushrooms dreams of gossip;
  • and a cemetery nearby - to a great loss.

Dream Interpretation Veles

Such a dream is a sign that the dreamer needs to be the first to take a step towards reconciliation with his friend.

Aesop's Dream Book

If you dreamed of a clearing with edible mushrooms, and among them there were several poisonous ones, it means that serious life trials await you.

For men:

  • to see in a dream that you have collected a lot of rotten mushrooms - to profit earned by dishonest means.

For women:

  • In a dream, picking large and beautiful mushrooms means the failure of a successfully started business.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

According to the Wanderer’s dream book, such a dream foreshadows an exacerbation of a chronic disease.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

According to the dream book of Catherine the Great, a large pile of cut mushrooms dreams of an improvement in one’s financial situation.

For men:

  • for a married man - to a series of failures.

Dream book of healer Akulina

According to the dream book of the healer Akulina, such a dream foreshadows joyful events.

English dream book

For women:

  • a married woman dreams of a lot of mushrooms as a sign of misunderstanding with her husband;
  • for a virgin - for the wedding.

French dream book

According to the French dream book, you dream of a lot of wormy mushrooms for the visit of annoying guests.

Assyrian dream book

A dream about a large number of cut mushrooms foreshadows the implementation of a plan with the help of friends.

Modern dream book

According to the Modern Dream Book, you dream of collecting a lot of edible mushrooms as a sign of an exciting journey.

Phoebe's Great Dream Book

Interpretations from Phoebe's Great Dream Book:

  • buying a lot of mushrooms means an unsuccessful search for a solution to the problem;
  • cutting them off means disappointment due to lack of funds;
  • preparing a dish from them means participating in an important business event.

Chinese dream book

According to the Chinese dream book, such a dream promises the receipt of an inheritance.

Muslim dream book

For women:

  • A married woman dreams of a lot of mushrooms for the birth of a child.

Dream book for women

For women:

  • An unmarried woman dreams of picking a lot of mushrooms as a sign of success in business.

Dream book for men

For men:

  • a man who is married dreams of a lot of mushrooms as a sign of a new addition to the family;
  • single - for a romantic date;
  • for the groom - to disagreements with the bride.

Lunar dream book

Interpretations from the Lunar Dream Book:

  • on a new moon, a lot of mushrooms dream of trouble;
  • on the waxing Moon - to the beginning of a profitable project;
  • on a full moon - to a change of place of residence;
  • on the waning moon - to participate in an adventure.

Intimate dream book

Interpretations from the Intimate Dream Book:

  • In the morning, a lot of mushrooms dream of meeting an interesting person;
  • during the day - to a new romance that may end in marriage;
  • in the evening - to loss of reputation due to gossip;
  • at night - for a romantic trip.

Dream interpretation by days of the week

Values ​​from the dream book by day of the week:

  • on Monday you dream of a lot of mushrooms to win in court;
  • on Tuesday - to a pleasant surprise;
  • on Wednesday - to great joy;
  • on Thursday - to obstacles on the way to the goal;
  • on Friday - to melancholy;
  • on Saturday - to litigation;
  • on Sunday - to loss of money.

Video: interpretations of dreams about mushrooms in large quantities

Provided by the channel “Interpretation of dreams online - Dream Interpretation Expert”.

They can be either a healthy and tasty product or a deadly poison, so dreams with their participation can have a double meaning. The meaning largely depends on the details of sleep, on the characteristics of the dreamer, the type of mushrooms, and much more.

Interpretation of sleep

Meaning for a woman

She dreams of a mushroom if she is overcome by forbidden desires, mercantile desires to obtain material value through the intimate sphere. The desire to get rich can lead a woman into dangerous jungles.

Favorable meaning of the dream - this is pregnancy, mutual love, a blessing for some business.

Unmarried girls such dreams promise dubious pleasures, deceptive vows on the part of the admirer.

For pregnant women, mushrooms in a dream foretell family well-being and the love of a spouse. Fried mushrooms speak of a woman’s envy of another family’s wealth. Seeing a large mushroom with a thick stem in a dream means the birth of a boy.

For a man

For men, such a dream portends unexpected complications., obstacles on the way to the goal. In love affairs, it foreshadows the appearance of a rival, in the professional sphere - rejection from colleagues.

Seeing mushrooms on your hands means that you have offended a close friend. Picking mushrooms in a clearing means receiving a reward for your services.

See a girl picking mushrooms portends the pregnancy of the beloved.

edible mushrooms

In many ways the interpretation of a dream depends on the type of edible mushrooms:

  • Honey mushrooms portend prosperity and profit, an increase in capital due to unexpected income.
  • Champignon they talk about an unexpected meeting with an old acquaintance, an event that will bring material benefit to the dreamer in the future. Eating champignons means imitating someone, falling under the influence of a charming person, thereby betraying your principles.
  • Chanterelles indicate busyness, vanity, which will only bring a person fatigue and regret about lost time. Cooking chanterelles speaks of making an important life decision.
  • Milk mushrooms portend a stupid quarrel out of nowhere between blood relatives. Collecting milk mushrooms means provoking the spread of gossip and rumors. For adventurous people, the dream foreshadows a streak of failures and hardships.
  • Saffron milk caps indicate that the dreamer has fallen under the influence of others and cannot distinguish his own opinion from the imposed one. A lot of saffron milk caps means an awkward situation.
  • Oyster mushrooms indicate envy of colleagues, an unhealthy atmosphere in the team.
  • Butter dream of troubles, problems in relationships with the opposite sex. If a married woman eats a plate of butter in a dream, it means an unplanned pregnancy.
  • Boletuses (redheads) they talk about losses and troubles, about trials along the way that will strengthen the dreamer’s character and make him stronger and more persistent. A dream about these red mushrooms portends receiving help from an unfamiliar person.
  • boletus indicate fair punishment, retribution for and reward according to deserts.
  • Boletus are harbingers of a new addition to the family, be it the birth of children or a wedding, and also speak of good health and well-being.
  • Dried mushrooms portend disappointment and financial loss. For women, such a dream promises the preservation of beauty until old age, and for men - obtaining a good position through dubious means.
  • Mushroom soup portends a well-deserved rest, peace, and newfound well-being. Eating mushroom soup means a happy marriage. Pour mushroom soup into bowls - wait for guests.
  • Fried mushrooms they talk about the dreamer’s inability to keep his mouth shut, even if what is said is the absolute truth.
  • Boiled mushrooms indicate the dreamer’s good health and family happiness.
  • Marinated mushrooms They say that you will have to fight for your happiness. In love, such a dream foreshadows the appearance of a third wheel.
  • Frozen mushrooms indicate career growth and success in entrepreneurship, but also speaks of problems in personal life. The dreamer is faced with a choice - either career or love.
  • Salted mushrooms in a jar indicate a person’s carelessness, his craving for extreme sports and danger. The dream predicts serious problems and serious injuries.


The meaning of the dream also depends on the type of inedible mushrooms:

  • Toadstools they warn about danger from a close friend, advise to be vigilant and not to trust anyone. The dream also warns of the possibility of the evil eye or damage.
  • Fly agarics are a positive symbol and indicate good luck in business. A mushroom with a large red cap predicts a meeting with a beautiful and interesting person, in whom the dreamer will find a friend and like-minded person.
  • Rotten or mushrooms with worms warn of troubles and harm to the dreamer’s health. For married people, the dream speaks of a spouse or wife.

Clean and buy them - what does this mean?

Cleaning mushrooms in a dream speaks of a person’s subconscious desire to change his life, to get beyond the usual. Peeling mushrooms with a knife foreshadows the opportunity to change everything in life.

Buying or receiving mushrooms from someone means a successful acquisition, receiving an expensive gift, monetary reward for a person’s efforts. Taking mushrooms from someone’s hands means mutually beneficial cooperation with some person.


Seeing a clearing of mushrooms in a dream indicates that the dreamer has surrounded himself with hypocritical and deceitful friends. A round mushroom meadow foreshadows betrayed trust, betrayal of a loved one, and dashed hopes.

Seeing a clearing of mushrooms in a dream, but not picking them, means getting a lucky chance, but not taking advantage of it for fear of being deceived.

For a young girl, such a dream indicates that her lover is not who he seems. There is a danger that a young man may leave a pregnant girl alone.

For men, on the contrary, such a dream portends success in business, victory over competitors, conclusion of a profitable contract.

If you suddenly see that mushrooms have grown on your back, this indicates a painful state of the body, health problems. Large mushrooms along the spine indicate psychological problems, frayed nerves, and chronic fatigue.

Such a dream also indicates that someone is spreading unseemly rumors behind a person's back.

The world of dreams is considered mysterious and shrouded in uncertainty. You should not expect from dreams that they will predict the future in the form of some specific and desired picture. It's too naive, pointless.

But people who know how to use dream books, listen to their intuition, analyze and correctly understand the signs, have the ability to predict the future.

So, did you dream about mushrooms? It is worth understanding in detail what this means and what changes are coming. Because a sign can be not only joyful, but also a warning of danger.

Do not rush to immediately assert that mushrooms dream of something specific and have one specific meaning. It will not be superfluous to take into account the details, which are different in every dream. It is they who carry information for interpretation.

For example, in your dream you cooked mushrooms, ate them, or picked them, or simply watched them grow in the forest or were sold at the market. It also matters the size, appearance, poisonous fungus or not.

Why do you dream about mushrooms? Situations in dreams can be completely different, so it is important to thoroughly remember the events that took place in them. The more details, the more accurate the interpretation.

In a clearing or in a basket

1) If you saw bad, wormy mushrooms in a dream, then this is considered to be not a very good sign. According to many dream books, worminess warns of a possible risk of contracting a disease in the near future.

It can also mean a deterioration in psychological condition, depression, and blues. If you see wormy or rotten mushrooms in a dream, try to prevent in advance or somehow influence the upcoming “gray” period in life.

2) Sometimes dreams are unusual, even fantastic. For example, mushrooms in a dream are gigantic, larger than a whole house. This promises good luck. Your dreams are destined to come true, and your hopes will be justified. If an important event or business meeting is planned, then everything will go very well. Or at work they will notice your efforts and efforts, rewarding decent work with a bonus or promotion.

3) Why dream of inedible mushrooms (toadstools, etc.). In dreams of this type, everything is not as terrible as it might seem. Their meaning does not pose a threat at all, but, on the contrary, is a favorable sign.

Dreaming about episodes with poisonous mushrooms is a happy incident that will happen very soon and will bring positive changes to your life. If you dreamed of fly agarics, a person from whom you absolutely do not expect such an act will present a pleasant surprise.

4) Mushroom glade. A very common dream. Seeing mushrooms growing in a clearing in a forest in a dream means hypocrisy, infidelity on the part of friends. That is, you are surrounded by not exactly those people with whom you should spend time and spend your attention on them.

Accordingly, the more mushrooms in a dream (no matter whether good or bad), the more two-faced people are around you. Moreover, it does not matter at all what kind of mushrooms are in the dream (porcini mushrooms, honey mushrooms, champignons): they all warn of possible betrayal.

Seeing mushrooms in a clearing in a dream, do not rush to get upset, but try to take a closer look at how best friends or colleagues behave in different situations. Perhaps you simply did not pay attention to their behavior. Having figured out the one who is capable of doing meanness, do not communicate with him less friendly, but simply stop trusting important secrets.

What did you do in your dream?

1) Why do you dream about picking mushrooms? A common event is the process of picking mushrooms (on the lawn, in the forest, no matter where). Such a dream reports a big successful event, or good news from relatives and friends awaits you.

In business and entrepreneurship, such dreams promise significant profits. For unmarried people, picking mushrooms in a dream means a quick marriage. In any case, if you were picking mushrooms, the dream book interprets this as a sign of prosperity and success.

2) In the dream, the mushrooms had already been picked before you, and only the cut off stems and roots remained. What meaning could such a dream have? You will probably encounter (or have already encountered) a situation where you feel excessive suspicion, show excessive anxiety. Many dream books claim that it is these anxious feelings that will interfere with your important business, you will miss the chance to do something meaningful.

3) Similar interpretation if you happen to try mushroom dishes. Eating mushrooms in a dream (white mushrooms, milk mushrooms, honey mushrooms, pickled, fried, mushroom soup) means suspecting loved ones of lying. Your mistrust may be unfounded, and you risk becoming the instigator of a conflict that will lead to the rupture of warm and strong relationships. Don’t rush to cut from the shoulder, it’s better to weigh all the words you say.

4) Why do you dream of porcini mushrooms with sour cream? Having tasted such a dish in a dream, you must be careful and prudent in life. The dream means temptation, enticement.

Do not rush headlong into the maelstrom of feelings, do not waste your attention on suddenly arising ardent feelings from someone else towards you. You risk being deceived and losing your good reputation.

5) Did you see yourself eating a raw mushroom? Do not be afraid. Even if it is poisonous, the authors of dream books still claim that it is a sign of longevity and health.

6) Seeing mushrooms in a dream and cooking them means making a responsible decision on your own. You shouldn’t look for help and advice, it’s better to trust your intuition and your heart.

Interpretation of “mushroom dreams”

  • According to the dream book of Miller, a famous interpreter, if you dream of mushrooms, fate warns of danger and tries to warn you. That is, you are in such a hurry to get everything at once that you risk losing what you have. In a dream, honey mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, chanterelles, saffron milk caps are forbidden feelings in reality. Collecting toadstools in the forest and eating them is a danger of getting sick.
  • Interpretation of Vanga. The clairvoyant explained that the interpretation depends directly on the type of mushroom in the dream. Wormy - betrayal on the part of a comrade, poisonous - betrayal of a friend who was still considered reliable and faithful. Seeing a dried mushroom means illness; a mushroom clearing means pleasant surprises.

  • Loff's interpretation. According to his dream book, good mushrooms have a positive interpretation, bad mushrooms have a negative interpretation. Toadstools predict obstacles, edible ones (boletus mushrooms, honey mushrooms) predict pleasant events. Why dream of mushrooms already cooked in dishes? At Loff's they promise gifts of fate.
  • According to Freud's dream book, picking mushrooms in a dream means a frequent change of sexual partners. If you dreamed that you were throwing away mushrooms, it means that you are expressing your imagination in an intimate relationship with your partner; cleaning them means that in life you are very selective and respectable. Wormy - perhaps this is strange, but for Freud it promises the birth of a child.
  • The dream book of Nostradamus suggests understanding in more detail what mushrooms mean in dreams. In his interpretations, the size of the mushroom, the type, and how exactly it was dreamed matter. For example, fly agarics are not only poisonous, but they are also often included in various medicinal potions. Therefore, if you dreamed that you collected fly agaric mushrooms in the forest or ate them, then in life you will either face danger or have a breakthrough in solving a complex problem.

Correct interpretation of “mushroom” dreams

Why do you dream about mushrooms? This is an interesting and complex question. In principle, most dream books identify mushroom pictures with unpleasant changes and deception.

However, the decisive factor in any interpretation is the interpretation of the details. After all, everyone dreams of different things, and several people will not be able to see the same picture. Therefore, interpreters advise using several dream books to create a more accurate explanation of the plot seen in a dream.

“Mushroom” dreams, in essence, are a hint of hidden intentions and suspicions, but this is why it was invented to decipher them in order to be able to influence the course of events.

Having received a good interpretation, do not rush to rejoice. Caution never hurts. And with a bad interpretation, you shouldn’t give in to negativity at all. Interpreters recommend, on the contrary, to use the received warning to the maximum and make sure that the waking “mushroom” dream becomes a positive event.

Did you see mushrooms in your dream? They hint at an inadequate, illusory perception of the world and warn that pleasure can bring a lot of unpleasant troubles. In some interpretations, on the contrary, they promise well-being, respect and prosperity. So, why do you dream about mushrooms? Popular dream books will tell you about this.

Interpretation according to Miller

Did you dream about mushrooms? Miller's dream book considers them a manifestation of unhealthy desires and vicious thoughts. The same image indicates excessive haste in an attempt to earn even more money.

Why do you dream if you had to eat mushrooms? This is an omen of humiliation and shame. The plot predicts serious problems for a young girl due to her disregard for public opinion and the desire for forbidden pleasures.

Interpretation according to Aesop's dream book

This dream book considers mushrooms to be a symbol of suspicion, caution and at the same time wisdom. Did you dream of a fabulous boletus mushroom that talked in its sleep? Expect fantastic luck and prosperity. Why dream if in the night you yourself turned into a mushroom? In reality, you have to take on some serious responsibility.

Seeing yourself in a mushroom meadow is not very good. This means that you are surrounded by deceitful friends who deliberately mislead. Did you dream that mushrooms grow literally before your eyes and reach incredible sizes? Show wisdom and earn respect.

Why do you dream about a huge basket of mushrooms? In reality, it is necessary to refute the false accusation. Did you dream that someone had already collected all the mushrooms in the forest before you? By being overly cautious, you will miss a great opportunity and others will take advantage of it.

According to the dream book, seeing wormy mushrooms most often means illness, disappointment and lack of money. If mushroom soup appears in the night, then the dream book is sure: suspect a loved one of a dishonest act.

Decoding according to the dream book of N. and D, Winters

Why do you dream of mushrooms according to this dream book? In a dream, they signify a completely random and not particularly successful acquisition. Did you dream of a clearing with large mushrooms? Unexpectedly receive profit from a dubious source.

Seeing toadstools, fly agarics and other poisonous mushrooms at night means that you will receive a very tempting offer, but the dream book strongly advises you not to accept it, otherwise you will get into a lot of problems.

Interpretation according to the dream book for the whole family

If you dreamed of mushrooms, then in the very near future something extraordinary and even inexplicable will happen. Mushrooms in a dream most often symbolize stupid thoughts.

If an unmarried woman happened to eat mushrooms in a dream, then she risks getting into an unpleasant situation and experiencing humiliation.

The meaning of the image according to Danilova’s dream book

Why do you dream if you happen to pick mushrooms and cook various dishes from them? the dream book considers this a bad sign, foreshadowing humiliation and shame. You are ready to commit a stupid act, after which you will become an object of universal condemnation.

If an unmarried girl dreams of this plot, then men will treat her with disdain, and the pursuit of pleasure will lead to loss of dignity and self-respect.

Interpretation according to the modern combined dream book

Why do you dream about picking forest mushrooms? You will bring heartache to a loved one without even realizing it. Most likely, the previous relationship will have to be interrupted. Did you dream that you were collecting champignons? The dream book is sure: you are wasting your personal time and life resources. And gossip less, otherwise other people will be added to the regiment of ill-wishers.

In a dream, did you have a chance to string mushrooms on a thread for drying? In reality, you will be able to defeat your enemies. For a woman, such a vision promises a lot of fans. Seeing and eating fried mushrooms means that you will soon be able to advance in your career.

Why do you dream if you happen to buy edible mushrooms? A successful and joyful period is approaching. Cooking mushrooms in a dream warns of serious domestic disagreements. Eating mushrooms that have already been cooked in any way is bad. Most likely, you will get sick and things will come to a standstill.

Why do you dream about picking mushrooms, buying them?

Did you dream about picking mushrooms? The intended acquisition will turn out to be extremely successful, and the hard work will certainly be rewarded. Why dream that while picking mushrooms you come across a completely rotten specimen? Be careful: you will be betrayed. If you managed to collect fly agaric mushrooms, then you have clearly lost your way, but collecting champignons symbolizes imitation and life by other people’s standards.

Did you imagine that you bought mushrooms? You are in too much of a hurry to earn money, so you risk committing a rash act. Mushroom picking is also associated in dreams with amazing luck in professional activities. It's good to see a whole basket of collected mushrooms. The image promises numerous and strong offspring.

Why fry or cook mushrooms in a dream?

The interpretation of the dream depends entirely on the type of cooking. So, frying mushrooms means that an insoluble situation will arise and friends will help you cope with it.

Cooking mushrooms in a dream means a thoughtful and therefore successful action. Did you dream that someone else was cooking mushrooms? Minor repairs around the house are coming. The worst thing is to see another character salting or pickling mushrooms at night. In reality, ill-wishers will do everything to get you kicked out of work.

I dreamed of mushrooms in the forest, houses, a lot of mushrooms

Why do you dream of mushrooms growing on a tree or stump? They symbolize wisdom, as well as secret influence on the dreamer. The same plot reflects a young soul who finds it difficult to navigate the spiritual knowledge of the world.

It's bad to see mushrooms that have grown on clothes. The coming stage of life will be stagnant, without any changes. Seeing a lot of mushrooms on your things also means spiritual degradation.

Did you dream that you were wandering through the forest among giant mushrooms? In a similar way, the vices and wicked thoughts of the dreamer himself are reflected. But it’s good to pick mushrooms in the forest. This is an omen of decent income. If you managed to fill a huge basket at night, then in reality your big dream will come true.

What does a mushroom clearing, a clearing with mushrooms mean?

Did you dream of a clearing with mushrooms? You will suddenly experience pleasure, but it will not last. Did you see a clearing with a huge amount of mushrooms in your dream? A dream you never hoped for will come true. Picking mushrooms in a clearing or in a forest thicket marks an unexpected find or profit. Seeing an oak grove with mushrooms at night means that skillful business management will provide a stable income.

There are mushrooms in a dream

The interpretation of such a dream is quite contradictory. Eating mushrooms means that you will live to a ripe old age with a clear mind. If mushrooms are cooked in sour cream, then life will be relatively rich and health will be good. Eating mushrooms at the same time can lead to shame, deception and humiliation.

If you happen to eat edible mushrooms, then it’s time to stop eating meat products; if they are poisonous, then there is a great danger of unknown origin hanging over you. If you managed to get poisoned by completely edible mushrooms at night, then you simply do not adequately assess the current situation or do not want to notice something.

What do toadstools, fly agarics, poisonous mushrooms mean in a dream?

In general, seeing any poisonous mushroom is a big disaster. Did you dream that you were planning to poison someone with toadstools or fly agarics? Family relationships will noticeably deteriorate. Eating fly agarics in a dream can mean a visit from uninvited and not particularly pleasant guests.

But if you manage to poison yourself with poisonous mushrooms, then a pleasant meeting with friends is coming. Why do you dream of a large toadstool? In a dream, she personifies a sorcerer, a person with an “evil eye,” or simply a deceitful person. The same image warns of a woman’s betrayal and failure to fulfill her promises.

What do frozen, fried, wormy, dried mushrooms symbolize?

Why do you dream of frozen mushrooms? In a dream they hint at a stop or delay. Seeing fried or boiled mushrooms can lead to satisfaction and benefit from the mistakes of others. For men they promise overwork, and for women an unplanned pregnancy.

Did you dream about dried mushrooms? In the near future you will be able to have a good rest, get some treatment or lose weight. Selling or buying such mushrooms means that you are guaranteed a successful purchase.

What do mushrooms mean for a man, woman, pregnant woman?

For men, mushrooms are an unkind sign, hinting at the pursuit of forbidden pleasures and loss of wealth. The mushrooms warn the girl about the loss of morality and self-esteem.

Women dream of porcini mushrooms as a sign of an unplanned pregnancy, and men as a sign of a secret affair. If a girl dreams of mushrooms, then she will regularly cheat on her unloved husband. For a pregnant woman, mushrooms mean danger during pregnancy.

Mushrooms in a dream - a little more decoding

Why do you still dream about mushrooms? They warn of deterioration in health, illness, and rapid aging of the body. But if there are a lot of mushrooms in a dream, then, on the contrary, you should expect happy circumstances that will help significantly improve your life. Besides:

  • Chanterelles, saffron milk caps – acquisition of dubious character
  • honey mushrooms - expect nasty things from friends and neighbors
  • morels - excellent health
  • pigs - saving, frugality
  • white – longevity, good luck
  • toadstools - bad person, evil eye, damage
  • tea - doubts, mistrust
  • fly agaric - deception, lie, illusion
  • poisonous in general - the influence of dark forces, an otherworldly threat, witchcraft
  • edible - miraculously avoid danger
  • with red hats - a good solution to old problems
  • with black - sadness, confusion, failure
  • rotten - wear and tear of the body, old age
  • rotten - death of an elderly person
  • growing up in an unusual place - a risky business
  • collect - painstaking work, gift
  • trample - fight with yourself
  • cook - major family changes
  • salt - change of place of work
  • frying is a successful endeavor
  • stew - stable profit
  • in sour cream - prosperity, luxury
  • dry - minor difficulties at work
  • yes – benefit at someone else’s expense
  • treat - secret love, humiliation
  • a whole basket - big profit
  • buy mushrooms - gossip, slander
  • sell - others have problems

If in a dream you happened to see others around you eating mushrooms, but not giving them to you, then in the very near future a major scandal will break out in the workplace. And you will suffer the most in it.

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