If in a dream it rains. Why dream of getting caught in heavy rain? Hear the sound of the storm

Every day we receive many signals from our subconscious. One of them is dreams. Psychologists say that a dream is just an interpretation of what has been experienced during the day. But is it? People have always attached great importance to those signs that come in a dream. Dreams related to the weather were considered especially significant. For example, there are several answers to the question of why heavy rain is dreaming. Depending on your life experience and experiences, the interpretation of a dream about heavy rain depends. The dream book will help you choose the most likely of them. Interestingly, not all weather phenomena in a dream are usually interpreted. Rain belongs to the category of exceptions and you can and should pay close attention to it when analyzing sleep.

Wet in a dream? No problem!

Any dream associated with rain speaks of significant events in life. It is very important what feelings you experience when you touch the drops. If the rain comes in a strong stream and does not cause discomfort, then great luck awaits you. Dancing in the rain also indicates imminent happiness and joy. If you are lucky enough to get caught in a warm summer rain, get ready for a romantic adventure. According to the English dream book, for young girls this promises a quick marriage.

Keep your nose to the wind!

The interpretation of sleep with rain also depends on what the weather is like in a dream in general. Particular attention should be paid to the presence or absence of wind. For example, if there is no wind, you can expect luck, happiness and good luck. If you get wet in such a rain, then this promises harmony and peace in the family. Happiness will come from where you do not even expect it.

Wind with rain signals the need to calculate the consequences of your decisions

But if you dream of a real hurricane with wind and heavy rain, this may indicate that you are taking on too much. You try to do as much as possible without thinking about the consequences of your actions. The advice of this dream is to stop for a minute and calculate all the possible scenarios for the development of events after making a decision.

Grandfather Freud would be pleased

Considering a dream with rain a little deeper, we note that in all cultures it symbolized fertility and creative power, something that gives life. Therefore, if a woman gets wet in a dream in the rain, then subconsciously she wants a child and is ready to become a mother.

If a woman gets wet in the rain in a dream, it means that she is ready to become a mother.

Accordingly, if she is hiding from the rain, she is most likely afraid of an unwanted pregnancy. If a man gets wet in the rain, he should pay attention to the sexual sphere. If he hides from the rain, most likely, this indicates problems with potency. If an older child dreamed that he was holding an umbrella over his mother and protecting her, then he subconsciously did not want and was afraid of the appearance of other children in the family. At the same time, Freud argued that if you got wet and cold in a dream, it means that the blanket just slipped off you, and there is no point in looking for a hidden meaning here.

The most important thing is the weather in the house

If you check with an intimate dream book, then the duration and temperature of the rain will play a very important role here. For example, a warm short rain that does not even cover the sun indicates the onset of idyll and harmony in the family. If the rain lasts for a long time, then this is an omen of a protracted conflict or quarrel. Cold rain indicates that the relationship is in crisis and you are stressed because of it. If it's raining like a solid wall, there may be no mutual understanding between you and your partner.

Did you dream of a cold lingering rain? Pay more attention to your chosen one or chosen one

The only way out of this state is to wait out this rain together in the warmth. If in a dream a cloud with rain "hangs" only above you, then most of the problems in the relationship are far-fetched. Look around, smile at the world and your partner. No rain lasts forever. After a thunderstorm, there is always clear weather. It will come in your relationship.

However, if you interpret the rain dream for the family as a whole, its meaning changes somewhat. For example, if rain drops fall on one of the relatives, it means that Fortune favors him. If a person falls under a cold and unpleasant rain, then he needs to reduce his ambitions and for some time come to terms with the fact that not everything is achieved immediately and with a swoop. If a child is left in the rain and cannot hide from it, it means that he experiences an excess of guardianship, attention and care. In this case, you just need to give him a little more freedom. If an adult remains in the rain, then this may be a signal that he feels misunderstood and lacks communication. If a woman sees rain from her window in a dream, then this is to tears.

Watch in a dream at the rain from the window - to sadness

These tears can be provoked by anything. For example, if cloudy, grayish or brownish drops are seen from the window, then tears will be caused by betrayal in the family circle or adultery. If drops form foam on the asphalt, then tears will be associated with minor problems, which, nevertheless, will occupy all thoughts for quite a long time.

Esotericists are not like people

In most dream books, getting caught in the rain means changes, some events, and so on. In contrast, from an esoteric point of view, rain is always a blessing. This is a necessary cleansing, renewal and the beginning of something new. The nature of the rain indicates how this very renewal will take place. Rain with thunder, thunder and lightning indicates cardinal changes, that something very deep and significant is leaving your life. This may be the destruction of perception patterns, the rejection of programs imposed by parents, the exit from someone's care. If the streams pouring on you do not bring discomfort and the jets of water gently wash you, then everything goes on as usual. You have worked off part of your negative karma, and now it is leaving, washed away by rain. In this case, the rain may simply wash away the imaginary "dirt" from you in a dream. Especially favorable among esotericists is a dream in which jets of rain pass through a person. This is usually interpreted as the deepest and highest quality cleansing.

Slavs are a businesslike and practical people

The Slavic dream book is an ideal example of how the agricultural peoples interpret any phenomena. For them, everything is connected with work on the ground and seeing rain in a dream is a waste of time. Also, a little rain is an excuse for something, and a heavy downpour is a huge bad luck. If a person got wet in a dream, then in Rus' this promised him illness and other troubles.

But for our ancestors, the Slavs, a thunderstorm in a dream meant a warning from the gods

Blind rain was considered an omen of pleasant change. At the same time, seeing a thunderstorm and lightning was considered a serious omen, because the main god of the Slavs - Perun - just "in charge" of thunder, lightning and precipitation. Therefore, if a person dreamed of a thunderstorm, this was regarded as a warning to the gods.

And what will the Muslim dream book say about the rain?

Despite the fact that the Slavs and Muslims have never lived in peace and harmony, the attitude of both of them to the rain is generally similar. So, according to the Muslim dream book, to see rain in an area where it is quite rare - to war. At the same time, attention is drawn to the cleansing power of water. So, if rainwater floods the house from floor to ceiling, then it cleanses the home, taking with it all the problems, rowing and sorrows. If a person sees dusty or plain rain in a dream, it means that he will always have abundance in his house, and he will be able to get all earthly goods at his disposal.

For Muslims, rain could dream of abundance

If a sick person dreams of rain with thunder, then this can and should be regarded as a sign of a speedy recovery. Interestingly, if the debtor sees such a dream, then he must immediately pay his debt. Seeing rain in a dream is a very favorable sign for a prisoner. According to the Muslim dream book, he will soon be released.

The French are a loving people. And their interpretation of dreams is appropriate

According to the French dream book, rain is an omen of depression, sadness and despondency. Perhaps this attitude has developed due to the peculiarities of the architecture of Paris, because in the rain the Parisians practically could not go out. If a Frenchman dreams of golden streams of rain, he will not be happy in any way. The fact is that according to the French dream book, such rain does not promise good luck, but an early adultery. A warm rain can be an omen of imminent profit, or it can talk about upcoming pleasant chores. Interestingly, the French dream book interprets a strong thunderstorm, a downpour with a terrible wind as a very good sign for people who are engaged in honest work and earn a living with their own hands. If you dream in a dream that thunder rumbles over your very house, the Frenchman will only be happy for you, because in the French dream book this means that Fate keeps you from shocks and problems.

The French are convinced that seeing lightning in a dream is a new love.

In the same way, if lightning flashed above you in a dream, be prepared to meet a new love.

Indian dream book: rain is an assistant to hardworking people

According to the Indian dream book, a heavy downpour is a very good sign for honest and hardworking people. He promises them rest and quick fun. Light rain is an omen of a good season for farmers and losses for merchants. In the Indian dream book, rain is always interpreted ambiguously.

He always brings something good to someone, and to someone - losses, losses and disappointments.

As you can see, every nation has its own ideas about what rain is dreaming of. A reasonable question arises, which of the interpretations to follow? Everything is really simple. Alternatively, you can simply choose the option that you like best and in which you want to believe. Whether a dream will come true or not depends largely on whether a person believes in it. Therefore, if lightning flashed above you in a dream, check with the French dream book and wait for your soulmate to appear on the horizon. The second interpretation is a bit more complicated. First, analyze the events that have happened to you recently and, based on this, choose the interpretation that most harmoniously complements them.

Dream interpretation to go in the rain

Rain is a common natural phenomenon that we observe many times in our lives. It is not surprising that at times we dream of such a phenomenon. What can this dream lead to? Can he lift the veil of the future before you?

Why get caught in the rain in a dream

It is believed that rain represents the inner state of a sleeping person. This is a dream of those people who expect changes, want changes in their usual way of life, and are trying to develop spiritually.

Why dream of rain according to interpreters

Dreamed of precipitation

Each dream interpreter gives his own unique prediction to such a natural phenomenon seen in a dream. Although many agree that such a vision is a signal from above. Take decisive action.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Cananite

This dream book believes that the more it rains, the more positive the dream. But to get wet from bad weather, to feel wet clothes on yourself - to an early illness.

You see how the sun is shining brightly, it is raining, and you decide to walk - you will be visited by pleasant changes in life.

Dream Interpretation Taflisi

This dream book considers rain as a positive sign of change.. A person with poor health will find good health, a prisoner will receive freedom in the near future, if a person is tormented by an unresolved problem, then it will be resolved one of these days.

Esoteric dream book

Get wet in the rain - to cleanse. Your soul will find peace, perhaps the so-called “washing” with tears of relief will happen, peace and tranquility will fill your heart.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Get wet in the warm summer rain - fortunately in love affairs. Why else dream of this - a stressful situation will occur, which, nevertheless, will be pleasant and useful for you.

Walking in the downpour, experiencing inconvenience from strong winds, cold - the appearance of obstacles in business.

She dreams that you are literally overwhelmed by rain - you will experience delight, a pleasant shock.

Dream interpretation of the 21st century

This interpreter considers this night vision as unfavorable. What might look like this:

The stronger the bad weather, the more troubles will fall to your lot.

Get very wet - pay attention to your health, it can let you down.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

Standing in the rain, but not getting wet at all - you can avoid a conflict situation that would greatly spoil your business relationship.

Why walk in the rain and get wet to the skin - unfortunately, a situation will occur as a result of which you will significantly spoil your relationship with the people around you. This dream will negatively affect the situation in your family.

Why see how your relative suffers from bad weather? He will have unforeseen troubles, which he will be able to cope with only with outside help.

It is a dream that you still managed to hide from the weather - you will find a person who will become an influential patron for you, who will be able to solve your problems.

To stand under the streams of dirty, rusty water - they will slander you, you will have to make a lot of efforts in order to regain your good name.

Dream Interpretation believes: to feel raindrops on your body - you will soon have health troubles. It is necessary to take appropriate measures in time.

Aesop's interpreter

Shelter in a dream from bad weather

This source is quite favorable to dreams associated with rainy weather:

  • walking in the rain and not getting wet - your hopes will come true, your dreams will come true;
  • get very wet in the pouring rain - you can put an end to old troubles and enter a new, better stage of your life;
  • to wash in the downpour - to have a good time with close friends;
  • swimming in the river in the rain is a solution to a long-standing complex problem;
  • enjoying walking in the downpour - you prefer to let everything take its course, hoping for a lucky break. Any business that requires minimal effort from you seems like heavenly punishment to you.

A lingering downpour - an indication from heaven

Why watch a drizzling, monotonous torrential rain throughout the night's sleep? Higher powers ask you in a peculiar way whether your life is too boring, perhaps you are mired in gray everyday life, do not give yourself a single minute of joy?

Such a vision is a signal that you should urgently change something in your usual way. Introduce novelty into your everyday life.

Negative dream predictions about rain

If you dream that you got wet in a downpour, then you may find yourself defenseless against the actions of some people. Interpreters even give you a hint that meanness against you will be committed by a close person, relative or friend. This will happen at a time when you are completely unprepared for it. In addition, you will be tormented for a long time by the question of why certain events occurred. You will mistakenly blame yourself for what happened.

Walking under a downpour with hail - wait a little with the implementation of your plans, now is not the most favorable time. The fact is that hail symbolizes obstacles, interference, failures.

Running in the downpour, trying to find shelter, according to Miller - to disturbing thoughts, anxiety.

The interpreter Tsvetkova says that walking in the rain at night means that you will act absurdly, which will cause bewilderment of the people around you.

Rain dream positive

Get wet in a dream under a downpour

When a woman dreams that she is soaked in a torrential downpour, the dream means that global changes for the better will soon take place in her life. At the same time, the dream book does not indicate the field of activity in which dramatic changes will be noticed. You may be promoted, you will meet an influential young man who will become your destiny, and perhaps you will gain a substantial amount of money. The dreamer's life will sparkle with new bright colors.

The only negative that the interpreter sees in what is dreaming is that you will cause the envy of some people. But they cannot harm you.

Why watch the drops fall on your body, while they are transparent and give you pleasure or relief? You will meet nice people. This may be a new acquaintance, a meeting with an old friend who has not been seen for a very long time.

Gustav Miller is quite positive about the situation when he dreams of a downpour for people who have recently found their soul mate. Such a dream suggests that your relationship will be sincere, warm and durable.

The seer Vanga also positively considered falling under the warm torrential rain. She believed that such a dream promises couples a warming relationship.

Rain is one of the most controversial symbols of sleep.
Very often dreams before important events in life that can affect a person's life situation in a given period of time. If rainwater was clean in a dream, then such a dream is always a good thing.

May mean a new stage of life ; update ; cleansing ; profit ; tears ; can mean a situation or event in the near future that will leave an impression.

Just to see pure rain in a dream is to see the pure energy of life. Such a dream is only for good events.

You are standing in the rain in a dream, the rain is pleasant, the water is clear - a pleasant event is possible ; cleansing of the old and unnecessary ; possible income, new job ; it is possible to obtain the necessary information or news. Basically everything is probably just pleasant and joyful.

If in a dream you are cold in dirty rain, there was discomfort from dampness, rain in a dream gave you trouble - you may be upset about something, you will be sad, cry ; there may be a situation where you will not be comfortable.
Sometimes, together with symbols such as strong wind, dark clouds, thunder, hurricane, it can mean small life problems, especially if the water is dirty or the dirt around is clearly visible.


In a dream, falling under pure torrential rain means that energy and interest will add flavor to your pleasure. You will also take ownership of the property.

If it is raining from dark clouds, you will realize the futility of your deeds.

To understand in a dream that it is starting to rain, and, hiding from it, to get wet means that you will quickly and successfully implement your plans.

If in a dream you are at home and watching the pouring rain from the window, then good luck and passionate love await you.

The sound of rain on the roof - to domestic happiness, as well as a little luck.

If during the rain the roof leaks in your house and the water is clean, then you will suddenly get illegal pleasure; dirty or muddy water portends trouble.

If, under the sound of rain, you regret some imperfect deed, then you will seek favor at the expense of someone else's sense of justice.

Seeing others in the rain means that you will lose confidence in your friends.

For a girl to see herself in wet and dirty clothes in the rain is a sign that she will behave immodestly with someone and her friends will suspect her of frivolous hobbies.

If in a dream it rains on cattle, then your destiny will be disappointment in the business sphere and environment.

If you see a downpour in a dream, it means that soon you will experience great anxiety.


Rain is a waste of time.
Quiet is an excuse.
Heavy rain is a big setback.
Get wet - stagnation, illness.
Rain with sun, blind rain - a pleasant change.
Wet your head - passion.


Rain without wind is always something good; end of bad times.

Rain falls in a dream day and night - especially well.

Get wet in the rain - domestic happiness; fidelity in love; You will find happiness where you least expect it.
Rain with wind - anxiety.
Rain and storm - dissatisfaction.
Rain and flood to the windows - happiness, good luck.

Following the UK, where it is constantly wet and cloudy, the best topic for polite conversation has become a discussion of weather changes. People don't like being caught in the rain. Streams of water spoil clothes and hair. At the same time, during a drought caused by intense heat, the rain that fell is considered a miraculous salvation.

Why dream of rain at different times of the year? Does its strength and accompaniment by peals of thunder affect the interpretation? Weather phenomena accurately reflect the inner state of the dreamer. Torment and discontent in most cases cause the appearance of lightning in a dream, and liberation from negative emotions - a warm tropical downpour.

Most dream books explain rain with transparent drops in dreams by a change in the mood or point of view of the sleeper. After weighing and analyzing what is happening, he decided to settle the conflict. If the water is cloudy, the person continues to worry about the betrayal of acquaintances.

Rare drops warn of trouble. An unexpectedly falling downpour will bring losses and losses in reality. When water runs over the face and hands, misfortune can happen to loved ones.

Hiding in a dream from the raging elements under a tree, in reality, the dreamer should count on the help of a friend. Watching the rain from a new beautiful house dreams of a successful outcome of events, and from a destroyed one - only a temporary respite of adversity. Thundering thunder and streams of water from the sky tell the debtor about quick settlements with creditors, and the patient about recovery.

Why dream of rain - the meaning in different dream books

Warm or icy, heavy or rare rain in a dream will bring happiness or sadness to the life of those who see the dream. Dreams cannot be interpreted as a sure sign of frustration and waking tears. Different details of sleep and attitudes towards it often portend directly opposite events.

According to Miller

According to Miller's dream book, the summer rain that soaked the dreamer's clothes speaks of the restoration of his strength and energy. He wants to immediately begin active actions to implement his plans. Soaked to the skin in a dream, this will succeed. Moreover, luck will smile at him in love. A woman after such a dream will receive an invitation to a date. It is worth agreeing, since the gentleman will surely turn out to be the second half.

If the downpour is cold and the wind is blowing, a person in reality is threatened with misunderstandings in the family and with colleagues. Sheltered from falling drops, he will avoid serious danger. A leaking roof will make you go through a few unpleasant minutes and worry, but everything will end well.

To illness with chills and fever, there is a dream of rain pounding loudly on the roof. Meteor shower symbolizes the fulfillment of cherished desires.

According to Freud

Sigmund Freud attributed rain to the signs of fertilization and the birth of a new life. The sleeper, caught in the summer rain, is pleased with intimate relationships. If a woman hides from the rain, she is afraid of getting pregnant, and a man who does not want to get wet experiences sexual problems. A child who covers himself and his mother from drops does not want a brother or sister to appear in the family.

A woman who dreams of motherhood does not get angry because of clothes spoiled by water and is in no hurry to hide from the rain.

According to Vanga

The famous clairvoyant associated rain in a dream with the purification of the soul. In women, after such a dream, the gift of foresight wakes up and intuition increases. She is able to help relatives with advice and draw the right conclusions about what is happening. This is especially true when the drops in a dream do not fall on clothes, but the world around is seen through a veil of rain.

A rainbow is a good omen. Prosperity and happiness will come to the house of the one who sees her in night dreams.

According to Aesop

The dream book of the writer Aesop explains a leisurely walk in the rain in a dream by the dreamer's ability to choose the shortest paths to solve the problem. Getting wet so that streams of water poured from the body marks a new stage in life. Old grievances and mistakes will be forgotten, and new achievements await ahead. Washing your hair with rain water promises fun activities.

A negative meaning is being in an unfamiliar house during a downpour. In reality, enemies will be able to interfere with the implementation of plans. If the sleeper got caught in the rain and did not get wet at all, he will feel a surge of strength, and all things will be argued.

By Meneghetti

According to Meneghetti, rain in a dream reflects the despondency and depression of the sleeper. It is even worse if the sky is overcast with black clouds. Without the support of strangers, a person is unlikely to come out of despair.

According to Loff

Heavy rain in dreams, according to Pastor Loff, will not bring positive changes. Uncontrolled flows of water mean uncontrollable situations that the sleeper will face. The less he attends public events, the less danger he will be exposed to.

When in a dream the house is filled with rainwater, failures will leave the dreamer's family. The same applies to a woman carrying full buckets of water. She will forget about worries and disorder. Moreover, the wealth of her family will grow.

The darker the clouds and the brighter the lightning flashes, the more confused the dreamer is. Dark colors in dreams speak of accumulated negative emotions. By holding them back, a person only exacerbates the emotional conflict. Transparent drops and warm rain reflect contentment with life and relationships with others.

By the seasons

Summer rain demonstrates the sleeper's confidence in achieving his plans and the beginning of a successful period. In winter, rainfall portends stunning news. If a cold rain has passed in the spring and autumn, the dreamer will experience great annoyance, and if it is warm, joy awaits him.

Heavy rain

The sound of drops indicates the presence of gossips in the environment of a person, discussing his every act. Famous dream books give two interpretations of the appearance of a shower in a dream.

  1. The first, negative, is the prediction of failures in financial transactions and serious losses.
  2. Another is true if a person is not frozen in the rain. It speaks of the end of the "black" strip, which is symbolically washed away by water flows. Most often this concerns family squabbles.

a little rain

A light drizzle means boring everyday life and routine in the dreamer's life. In autumn, many people's mood deteriorates due to bad weather and early twilight. A dream with gray clouds will have a similar effect. Gustav Miller advised getting rid of sadness by doing your favorite hobby or talking with friends.

Rare drops shining in the sun promise a meeting with an old friend. She will make the dreamer very happy.

Thunderstorm with lightning

The Small Velesov dream book interpreted rain with lightning as a harbinger of anxiety. If lightning struck very close, the sleeper will receive amazing news. Girls dream of heavy rain with a thunderstorm before breaking up with their lover.

Strong wind with rain

The wind symbolizes anxiety and sadness, as rain is interpreted in some sources as tears. A hurricane or a north wind will change life for the worse. Correcting the situation will not be easy.

Even gusty breaths will be useful if the dreamer takes advantage of their power and unfolds the sails on the yacht to sail in the right direction. The south wind promises positive changes and leads.

The meaning of sleep with lead clouds and a terrible thunderstorm will be smoothed out if the sleeper was not afraid of a natural phenomenon and kept calm. Someone likes to walk in the rain in reality, as in childhood, despite the puddles. The mood after waking up plays an important role in the interpretation of dreams.

Get wet in the rain

Falling under a “rusty” downpour that stains an outfit means a real chance to become an unwitting participant in someone else’s conflict. People weaving intrigues will be delighted with the appearance of a newcomer and will draw him into their game. She threatens the dreamer with trouble and loss of reputation.

When during a downpour the clouds disperse and the sun peeps out, even a wet person feels warmth and peace. In reality, his affairs will improve, and relations with loved ones will improve thanks to patience and kindness.

See the rain from your house

A cozy house and an armchair with a plaid, in which the sleeper waits out the rain with a thunderstorm, characterize his non-conflict disposition and the ability to avoid shocks in real life. To some, his position will seem erroneous, but he himself is sure that she saves him from adversity. Another interpretation reports a fortunate combination of circumstances that allows a person to achieve what they want without much effort.

Hiding from the rain in someone else's house

You should not hope for joyful incidents in reality after a dream with waiting for rain in a strange house. A slightly adventurous act promises losses and disappointments. A woman after such a dream can get into an ambiguous situation.

see puddles after rain

Puddles reflect memories of the past, which are gradually washed away from memory by water falling from the sky. You need to move forward and try to make out the outlines of objects hidden behind the raindrops. Perhaps the old secrets hurt the current success. After a dream with puddles remaining behind, they will stop disturbing the sleeper.

Walk in the rain

Why dream of heavy rain, which absolutely does not cause inconvenience in a dream? It shows readiness for change and hope for the favor of fate. An umbrella opened above your head speaks of prudence, and running into the rain speaks of the ability to change your life on your own.

After washing with water from the sky, the sick will feel an improvement in their condition. Dancing in the rain is characteristic of a person who knows how to find a common language with others.

The meaning of sleep by day of the week

  1. Dreams from Sunday to Monday are usually empty, as they are ruled by the Moon. Often, events of the past come up in them, but they do not report anything new about current affairs. If puddles are visible in a dream, the troubles associated with the mistakes made will sink into oblivion.
  2. Tuesday is under the influence of Mars. Thunder and lightning are appropriate attributes for a restless planet. Most likely, the sleeper will encounter a hurricane or heavy rain in his daydreams. Both plots push him to change.
  3. The supremacy of Mercury will help to realize the mood and aspirations of the dreamer. The sun peeping through the clouds will demonstrate optimism and hopes for a brighter future.
  4. On the night of Thursday, subordinate to Jupiter, it is worth thinking about work and promotion. Warm shiny drops and a southern breeze advise you to leave doubts and boldly demonstrate your abilities and talents. The reward will not keep you waiting long.
  5. Venus allows dreams to reflect real facts and patronizes lovers. A dream on Friday night will tell you about your soulmate, and the sounds of thunder will turn out to be an unkind omen.
  6. Saturn is a fatal planet that has a serious impact on the well-being of travelers and risk-takers. The rain in a dream, which caused a flood, washing away both the dreamer and everything in its path, calls for prudence.
  7. Light and bright visions will demonstrate that the Sun is benevolent to the sleeper. On Sunday night, pleasant dreams promise success and joy in any area of ​​\u200b\u200blife.


The rain reminds of childhood, when there was no fear of getting wet or catching a cold. Jumping in puddles and splashing like all the kids. With age, attitudes towards many phenomena change, and people try to behave reasonably, but in dreams you can fearlessly break the foundations and walk in heavy rain.

Dreams with rain appear quite often, and each forms its own chain of incidents that follow it. The question arises: will it be possible to turn the tide of events, if in dreams you had to get wet under ice jets? Often dreams only reflect the mood of a person. Attempts to change current circumstances will end successfully with the application of efforts and the right way to implement them. At this time, new plans and ideas will be born, and warm rain in a dream will predict their triumph.

My name is Julia Jenny Norman and I am an author of articles and books. I cooperate with the publishing houses "OLMA-PRESS" and "AST", as well as with glossy magazines. Currently I help promote virtual reality projects. I have European roots, but I spent most of my life in Moscow. There are many museums and exhibitions that charge with positive and give inspiration. In my spare time I study French medieval dances. I'm interested in any information about that era. I offer you articles that can captivate a new hobby or just give you pleasant moments. You need to dream about the beautiful, then it will come true!

  • Autumn rain
  • Produces an annoying sound.
  • Stormy water runs straight over the stones. The waters are splashing, splashes are rushing around. white heron
  • Takes off in fear for a moment. Wang Wei Primary elements - earth, metal, water, wood. Elements - humidity, dryness, cold, wind. Emotions - thoughtfulness, sadness, fear, anger. Organs - spleen, pancreas, lungs, kidneys, liver, large intestine, bladder, gallbladder. Planets - Saturn, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter. Explanation and interpretation The previous article talked about the need for autumn rains to purify nature before plunging into hibernation. The connection between natural phenomena and their symbolism in dreams is complex: water washes away excessive tension, excessive passions in nature and in the sphere of the human psyche. But water has no eyes: it washes away all the information that it meets on the way, water absorbs information into itself. When a person drinks water or bathes, this is perhaps internally necessary, but outwardly there is always a voluntary action: to drink more or less, to swim ... Rain is a natural element in all the fullness of its properties uncontrolled by a person. Once the rain has begun, it cannot be resisted: the rain will dry up only with the disappearance of the inner cause that gave rise to it. A person wants to see the sky and the sun: a person needs the yang energy of the sun. Therefore, quite favorable for nature and man in business (the correct change of external seasonal rhythms is the basis of human life and well-being on earth), rains, in a private, human aspect of the situation, have a depressing effect on the psyche, which is reflected in the symbolism of dreams. Rain in a dream to see / get wet in the rain / try to see objects, the road behind the veil of rain is yin-water washing away external yang information. Seeing rain in a dream, falling under it, getting wet - rain in a dream - is the merging of all fleeting states and signs of droplets of the internal state and the external situation into a single whole. Separately, the states and causes could be ignored and not noticed, but now the internal states are already stronger than the dreamer, and there is nowhere to hide from them. The situation that rain symbolizes in a dream is internally and externally unfavorable for the dreamer: he was busy with himself for too long and rarely paid attention to what was happening around him. Outwardly, the situation is not so much uncontrollable as it is as if there is no person in it: nothing depends on him and no one pays attention to him. The veil of rain before the eyes is the inability to clearly perceive and respond adequately to the surroundings: everything is not clearly visible and everything in front is blurred before the eyes. And everything that is ahead in a dream, in a dream there is a future: close objects / landscape - a near future; distant outlines - distant future. If the outlines of the future are blurred by the doge to indistinguishability, then the future as the sum of its own purposeful actions does not exist. But the future cannot not exist at all: with personal passivity, the future will be provided by others. Then the dreamer is completely at the mercy of the external situation: anything can happen at any moment, and no one will be found guilty - everything will be washed away by the rain. This cannot be favorable, and the most unpleasant thing is to fall into a dream under heavy rain, such a dream is interpreted as a waste of time and big failures in the absence of any attempts to change one's attitude to the world and behavior. From a medical point of view, tedious rain in a dream means a sluggish spleen, dangerous moisture in the lungs, whose normal element is dryness, and the unpreparedness of the kidneys for winter. Fear, along with rain in a dream and a feeling of cold, fine dampness, cold hands and feet, signal an already existing depletion of the kidneys. Rain with solar gaps / rain ends in a dream - this means a favorable end to the situation and the return of the yang energy of Heaven to the dreamer. Which does not relieve the dreamer of the need to realize the reasons for his past depression, which caused the dreamy image of rain. Rain with darkness and the dreamer wakes up with a feeling of rain, darkness and fear - very unfavorable: with a weak spleen, lungs and affected kidneys, there is no vitality to resist being washed away by rain from life as something unnecessary to nature in the fall. You can become a ballast of nature only through your own fault, extremely inadequately relating to the world, people and your person. This is where you need to think carefully.
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