Happy September 1st, cool. Cool. Cool congratulations on the start of the school year

Collection title: Comic congratulations on September 1. I wish you high marks and creative flights. May every day be bright, successful, kind and memorable.

May this day be happy and fun. We will be waiting for you with news and in a good mood, which will change again tomorrow. Learn, grow spiritually, develop your ideas, improve! Strive, strive, don't give up! Good luck with everything! Be happy!

Hooray today is Knowledge Day! We want to wish, experiment and strive for perfection. Let your eyes shine with the fire of a living mind.

I wish you high spirits. Let calls, breaks, additional tasks, communication with classmates and conversations with teachers please you! Golden, school years! Then you will still remember with pleasure about these days! Do not spare your strength for your education, grab the opportunity to show yourself, take risks, tear, dare!

The Day of Knowledge! From September 1! Be sure of a good result long before you get it! The main mood! In general, you must remember that each lesson has positive aspects that you must be able to find.

We wish you to find yourself in the world of sciences, and then you will be able to discover new, amazing perspectives! Good luck, high results and good mood!

I wish you to have enough time for excellent studies and fun school leisure. Never forget that it is impossible to do without a certain intellectual baggage anywhere and never.

I wish you every day to rush to school like a bullet and spend time there with interest. Let this year count only the days of success and victories.

We wish you to always strive for the new and unknown, to achieve important goals and glorious victories throughout the entire educational path. Good health and incredible strength to succeed in everything.

With the start of the new school year! We want to wish you success, good luck, health, tolerance and wonderful results!

With the start of the new school year! We want to wish that there is always enough space in the head for new and interesting knowledge.

Happy new school year! I wish this academic year to combine fruitful and successful everyday life.

I wish you strong strength, a huge supply of patience and perseverance. May the source of your inspiration and purposefulness be inexhaustible.

With the start of the new school year! We want to wish that this academic year we managed to get the maximum number of the highest marks.

I congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge, on this wonderful holiday. Believe that time will fly by quickly, so that you do not even have time to notice. Let the instructions of your parents help you make a decision in difficult times, and the teacher's advice will come in handy for life!

Happy first of September! We would like to wish you to always be swift and active.

I wish you success and great achievements that your whole family would be proud of! Good luck and be positive. May there be many interesting things ahead, and each lesson gives you discoveries.

I wish you fun and easy learning, as well as success in all areas of your life. Strive for your goals, reveal your talents, believe in your dreams.

We wish you high marks, easy control, interesting lessons and true friends, with whom everything that has already been said can be easily realized! Have a successful and easy academic year, a lot of new knowledge and discoveries.

I wish you a fun, varied, successful academic year without deuces and defeats, but with a great mood and brave victories. May this day be remembered by new interesting acquaintances and the awakening of a thirst for knowledge.

I wish you to start this school year with a fun lesson. Let every business be exciting, entertaining, good and useful.

The first of September is the beginning of the new school year! Be tireless in your studies, and life will become more beautiful and better! And also never stop there and boldly conquer more and more peaks.

Hooray today is Knowledge Day! We want to wish that not a single day of study was in vain.

With the start of the new school year! We want to wish you a great desire to learn and learn.

Hooray today is Knowledge Day! We want to wish that what seems impossible is easily given and certainly fulfilled.

I wish you high marks and creative flights. May every day be bright, successful, kind and memorable.

I wish you only joy and great success, I wish you pleasant impressions and emotions. Let any subject be easily and perfectly given.

I wish you only everything that will help your mood to stay on top throughout this year. May this day be full of new emotions and acquaintances. You will not even have time to notice how quickly this school year will pass, and your favorite summer will come again.

So this day has come. September 1. I want you to study for your own pleasure, to enjoy every day. Let your thoughts be united, desires are similar, and opportunities and hopes come true!

So this day has come. September 1. I congratulate you, sunshine! But I won't keep you, because you can't wait to see your friends. Let this school year pass in such a way that you don’t even have time to notice. Learn to have fun.

Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge! I would like to wish you a successful and easy study, which will not give you trouble. Just study for fun, enjoy every day, chat with friends.

The Day of Knowledge! From September 1! Knowledge Day opens up new opportunities and gives inspiration! You will see that this year will pass quickly, so appreciate every moment. Tomorrow we are back in action. We wish everyone a festive mood, fresh thoughts, interesting hobbies, friendly conversations and a common desire to learn!

Comic congratulations on September 1 - Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge! I want you to never be upset about grades, because they don't play such an important role. Let nothing break you on the way to success! Learn to be the first in everything and always! Do not give up without a fight, do not hang your nose and do not lose heart! You will succeed!

Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge! I would like to wish you many interesting and useful lessons that will give you pleasure. Easy and pleasant study to you. Remember that you are not forced to study because adults are so bad. It's just that your knowledge will be very useful to you in later life.

Girlfriend, with the first of September
I want to congratulate you.
Forget about love for a year -
It's time to learn again!

It's time to sit over the books,
And pore over notebooks.
But if you really want to -
You know you can do everything!

My friend, the day of knowledge has come!
Smarter so that you become three times -
I want to wish you!
Succeed in education!

Teaching is a friend, not an enemy.
Sometimes, though it seems so,
But remember, study is important
She can help in life!

You've got a tough year ahead of you.
The students certainly know!
For knowledge, the path is open with might and main -
And from the bottom of my heart I wish

Patience to you! Gift us
You won't call it a stretch, I know!
But you are a teacher - the highest class,
I congratulate you on the day of knowledge!

The girls whisper behind your back
Everything seems to be not with me,
Didn't have time to stretch
How will they return to life now?

"Get out the kid from the parallel,
Looks like a spaniel
Julia seems to have become fat,
But I didn’t recognize Dima!”

This day has come again
The bell called us to school
Again algebra hammer,
Biology cramming!

My fate is not easy
On the first holiday of September!

This red date has come again,
Again to collect belongings to school,
Again contemplate our evil teachings,
The textbook is hammered on the desk stubbornly,

Summer passed at the speed of sound
I bite my nails in class out of boredom,
I'd rather wait for a change
With a friend to go crazy in the smoking room,

In the hands of a bouquet of white roses,
The school year will start again
To murmur to me over science again,
Listen to the dean's opening speech,

Take exams again
Close the tails for triples,
Cramming all night all those things
Gone where, dear summer?

Lectures will be boring again,
Nerds sit with smart faces,
How I love September 1st
Oh, mom, take me somewhere!

The bell rang in my ear,
The corridors of the school are pounding,
Re-filled, damn it,
Take a backpack in your teeth,

Again you gnaw granite
Learn all cases
Again the class woman stares her eyes,
As if seeing for the first time

Astrakhan scratches on the board,
Vovka eats under her desk,
Everything, the school year has begun,
Everything would be damn good!

Very sad summer finale,

How unfortunate life happens
Summer passed in the sweet haze of cigarettes
I don't want to go to school!

Forgive us for deuces,
For walks and jokes,
What is the tenth road
Sometimes we go around the school

That we are flying for a change,
We don't rush to class.
If we suddenly run away from the control,
This will not surprise you.

We bow to you for everything,
May God give you much strength
In careless loafers
You put your soul into it!

We waited for the Day of Knowledge again,
How it breaks to wander into this school,
A fresh black eye turns blue under the eye,
Very sad summer finale,

The last aster broke in my hands,
All classmates are just awful,
Someone's shoe sticks out from under the desk,
The physicist shows his fist to the class,

I sit very sadly, thinking,
How unfortunate life happens
Summer is over, it's time to go back to school
Congratulations on September 1st!

Finally a holiday! Lucky!
Just no mood.
It was summer, but, alas, it has passed,
And today - hello here, school.
Here, tell me, teacher, no offense,
At school, how can I not die of boredom?
Well, I'll go, of course, to pretend
That I gnaw with might and main the granite of science.
And, of course, I would be thrice right,
I don't study stupidly at school.
Having absorbed the sum of knowledge into a shard,
Soon I will turn yellow, because, like leaves,
I'll fall, rot, go to compost,
Instead of drinking beer with friends.
"To be or not to be" - the question is resolved,
Here is such a perspective.
Yes, no one asked me:
Autumn, enlightenment on the march.
But to study, simply, there is no strength,
If the class, moreover, is very senior.
The poet is not able to give out
Even the overwhelming joke
Because there is no inspiration
"What is autumn?" This is a school.

Lit with autumn colors
Ablaze with asters of bonfires
Educational first holiday of knowledge,
Greets all students.

Parade doors open
Braids, ties, bows,
All accompany their children
Into the world of backpacks and diaries!

Cool congratulations on the day of knowledge

Have fun with your backpack
And drop your notebooks
There's a mess in your head
Needs to be sorted out!

And I am to you on this day
I want to wish good luck
To get rid of laziness
There would be easy tasks

Don't die from longing
In the most boring lessons
And get fives
To be one of the best!

Cool congratulations on the start of the school year

Knowledge Day is a special holiday
Celebrations of science
It's not too late for everyone to take
Fate in your own hands.

New baggage of knowledge
Helps you find a turn
On dangerous, new
Life path.

Stock up on books
decent backpack,
clean notebooks,
The mood is excellent.

Beautiful cool congratulations on September 1

Accept congratulations:
Today is your first lesson.
You got up early
She braided her own braids,
A portfolio was collected from the evening,
And close the door yourself!
You are very big now
Look, how a flock of birds
Rushing to school kids
And it's time for you!
And favorite toys
Dolls, clowns, animals,
Just wait a little
Well, you are right here!

Cool congratulations on September 1 in verse

Three times "study" - the covenant is known to everyone,
But only on the Day of Knowledge it is not appropriate.
On this day it is customary to have fun,
To meet with friends, but not to study.
So I wish you luck
Good luck, good mood,
To make science easy for everyone,
So that the cheat sheets themselves are written,
So that no one notices them
So that only "excellent", no matter how you answer.

Funny congratulations on September 1

There is not much knowledge
Everyone understands.
School door opened
Get the parties!
Let the fives in the diaries
Yours will be settled.
Well, deuces, like fire,
They will be afraid of you.

Cheerful congratulations on the day of knowledge

We wish you to study for "five"!
In Russian - the rules are to answer everything,
In mathematics - all theorems,
And learn topics in English.
I always knew that any lesson you
I taught poetry so that you by heart,
We believe in you, student, you know
And never disappoint us!

Funny congratulations on the day of knowledge

Take, kids, you pencil cases and books
After all, you came to school for knowledge,
Here someone is the first time, and someone probably
Counting the last few days!

Today our school yard is smart and cheerful,
It stands on it in the line of kids!
This holy time flies over you
In the guise of a dove, the spirit of goodness!

Cheerful congratulations on September 1

What are you looking at, a little embarrassed,
I'm not sure if I'm happy myself -
School doors open
The boys are invited again.

Smells like paint in every classroom
Joyful people everywhere
Don't despair - in general
This will all pass soon.

In the meantime, congratulations
And I wish from the bottom of my heart
So that you become friends stronger,
First graders are kids.

Congratulations on September 1 with humor

What happened? Why
Leaves are yellow, swirling
Freeze, circle again
Looking back at us:
"We have recently seen
Like grimy, in the dust,
ran, fought
With a cry they jumped into the ravines!
And today, like a needle
All are neat and clean
And with bouquets: "Whose more?",
Are they all in a hurry to go to school?
Yes, it's a holiday for all the kids!
We will be full of knowledge
We will become a year older, higher,
This is important - look!

Congratulations on the start of the school year with humor

You are with flowers and with a tan,
Healing the nerves
You come to the school yard with longing
First lessons...

Do not be sad because the year is not long,
Have a little patience
Will be knocking very soon
Summer is in our window.

Work hard and great
You close the school year
Get carried away - even faster
Have a merrier year!

Resting is boring
Agree with me
Knowledge day has come to you
Autumn time...

Short funny congratulations on September 1

The kids reached out
To school in the morning
Roma, Kolya, Nadia...
Blue notebooks.
Backpacks and briefcases,
Paints are watercolors.
Desk, globe.
First grade.
knowledge day
We have now.

Humorous congratulations on September 1

Hello student, you got it!
Congratulations, you've played it!
Hard work again
And controlling curse
They hang over you.
Again noisy crowd
Classmates ran
And in the dining room - the same porridge ...

Gnawing on the granite of study again ...
Just don't be discouraged!
It all happened to
you worked on yourself

Became a great man
And made heaven out of life!

Cool congratulations on September 1 to students

The cheerful bell will ring,
And the notebook will open.
Here comes the school Here comes the school
He calls us again.
Somewhere your favorite ball is sleeping
Everyone is a student again.
The problem solver smiles,
And the diary is waiting for five.

September 1 is the most solemn day in the life of every student. For first-time students, this is a small but sure step into a new life, for high school students it is the beginning of another journey into the deep and exciting world of knowledge, communication, and extracurricular activities. On this day, it is customary to congratulate the perpetrators with beautiful, funny, funny and comic poems. Schoolchildren - with the first call, parents - with new achievements of their children, educational workers - with tangible contributions to the culture of the nation and remarkable work in the school field. On September 1, verses are always filled with sincere wishes, deep instructions and the kindest words.

Children's poems on a ruler for September 1

Each person associates the school line with the same attributes: lush flowers, white bows, smart holiday guests and, of course, solemn poems for September 1. On this day, many children cross the threshold of their native school for the first time, and some listen to the trills of the “first bell” for the last time. Everything should be perfectly organized so that no little things darken a bright day. It is better to select poems for the line for September 1 carefully, thoughtfully, slowly.

The bell rings louder and louder.

What a trill is spreading over the world!

Do you think the nightingale sang?

Not a nightingale. Lessons begin.

Oh, how it rings in all ends of the earth!

Let the sleeper wake up soon.

Do you think that guests have come to us?

And here it is not. Lessons begin.

Grab your bag and have fun

Some lazy people gather for a long time.

Do you think the tram is ringing with might and main?

What tram? Lessons begin.

Pillow covers the phone

My grandfather grumbles and gets upset:

"I'm getting old, there's some kind of ringing in my ears."

Of course, the call. Lessons are starting!

The bell rings, and is cheerful, and loud-mouthed,

And my heart is filled with joy,

And every day for each of us

Regular lessons begin.

Every year the call is cheerful

Brings us together.

Hello, autumn! Hello school!

Hello our favorite class.

Let us feel sorry for the summer a little -

We will not be sad in vain.

Hello, road to knowledge!

Hello September holiday!

The school sparkled for the academic year -

The windows gleamed, looking east.

New painting on the walls of the gym,

In the assembly hall, the curtain is a delight!

The school thought: "Oh, how I like

Live in silence, without worries and worries!

It is a pity that I will not be beautiful for long -

Soon hundreds of feet will trample me.

Again the calls will buzz like bees,

Again streams of speeches will flow ...

How tiring if you are a school

Or Gymnasium, or Lyceum.

Here is September. On a familiar road

The school is carrying a bouquet for a bouquet -

Any heart can not stand it, it will tremble.

The school nodded to the children: “Hello!

So many pleasant surprises at the door!

My bow to you, young minds.

How I miss the fun!

Well, did you grumble? I'm getting old, alas!

Beautiful poems for teachers on September 1 from children

Knowledge Day is always both cheerful and sad. The expectation of new student adventures causes positive emotions and pleasant excitement, but the end of a carefree vacation is a small, but still cause for sadness. A special place in this celebration of life is given to diligent teachers. They are again ready to take first-graders by the hands in order to lead them on the thorny path of knowledge to a brighter future. Congratulate your teachers with beautiful and kind poems on the first day of the new school year - give them a share of attention and inspiration. Beautiful poems for teachers on September 1, see below.

Hello school! Autumn again.

The class is calling again.

We will ask teachers

Take us to the world of knowledge.

We rested over the summer

Grow up, gain strength.

Children, are you ready for school? -

Our teacher asked us.

We came to school today

To learn how to live

Be home helpers

Cherish friendship.

We cannot live without knowledge

We really need them.

We will be useful to people

We are the masters of the Earth!

So that over our planet

The sun always shone

So that children always laugh

We have come to you, TEACHER!

The last call brings parting,

And the first of September - new meetings.

We believe: we will study with attention,

And it will be easier for the teacher with us.

We appreciate your work, we want new knowledge,

Let's put a lot of effort into this.

Good luck on the school path, -

Let's go to class soon!

Teacher. How proud this word sounds!

It is difficult to find a more important profession,

After all, knowledge makes life the basis

We are given wisdom and experience to gain.

Teacher. Second parent during school years

Gives advice, directs, scolds

Closes his eyes to our punctures

For us, the poor are standing by the mountain

Teacher. We are eternally grateful to you

Even if not immediately, but years later,

You are always perfect in our memory

And we are forever a child in your memory!

Children's poems for September 1 Knowledge Day

Children's poems for September 1 - Knowledge Day - are always kind, touching and naive. For the most part, they are addressed to their native school, teachers, worried parents. Each child strives to express their emotions, expectations and anticipation of future educational victories as accurately as possible. Learn a nursery rhyme with your child on September 1 by the Day of Knowledge, let the solemn ruler remain in your memory as bright memories.

Warmed by the cool sun, Forests are still dressed with foliage. First graders have bouquets. Day though sad, but cheerful, You are sad: - Goodbye, summer! And rejoice: - Hello, school!

In kindergarten, I was friends with everyone for many days, And now the time has come, There are more important worries. I have books in my portfolio. I have a bouquet in my hand. All the familiar boys Look after them in surprise. Why am I cheerful And dressed like a parade? I'm going to school today, This is not a kindergarten for you!

We were preschoolers, We went to kindergarten. We made clay And horses and rabbits ... We know a little letter, We learned to count. We count on our fingers: One, two, three, four, five... And now, now Open the door for us, school! Give us Painted primers as soon as possible! We want to learn as soon as possible, make friends with the primer! From page to page We will read it by spring! We will learn before the summer To draw, write, count, And always in all subjects We will receive five! And now, now Open the door for us, school! Accept us at school: Hello, we are the first class!

Children's poems for first graders on September 1

With the approach of September 1, all schoolchildren begin a thorough preparation for school everyday life: update their wardrobe, stock up on stationery, accumulate bright summer impressions in order to share them with classmates with joy. But such training is especially exciting for first-graders. For them, in such a period, everything seems unusual, distant, unknown, but so long-awaited. To ease the worries of future schoolchildren, learn with them in advance poems for first graders on September 1.

The kids reached out

To school in the morning

Roma, Kolya, Nadia...

Blue notebooks.

Backpacks and briefcases,

Paints - watercolors.

Desk, globe.

First grade.

knowledge day

We have now.

Warmed by the warm sun,

The forests are still covered with leaves.

First graders have bouquets.

A sad day, but a happy one

You are sad: - Goodbye, summer!

And rejoice: - Hello, school!

Here is autumn in the yard.

The birds flew south.

So it's time kids

Put books in briefcases.

First time going to class


Can't take their eyes off

From a spacious bright school.

All for desks. Here is the notebook.

Feel free to pick up the pens...

Stop running and playing

We'll take care of the adults!

Let them ask us at the blackboard -

We are proud to say to everyone:



Knapsack, copybooks, notebooks -

Everything has been fine for a long time!

Today is my first time

I'm off to first grade!

I'm seven years old

And I'm not happier!

Look what a miracle -

My first class bouquet!

I have a primer in my briefcase

And notebooks, and a diary!

Now I really -

Top notch student!

Poems for high school students on September 1 (for grades 9 and 11)

Poems for high school students on September 1 are fundamentally different from children's naive school poetry. Literally every line in them is thoroughly saturated with the bitterness of the upcoming parting with the native school walls, the exciting anticipation of the last exams and the expectation of an early entry into a new adult life. On September 1, in their poems, high school students sincerely thank the teachers for all the attention and patience given for 10 years.

Holidays are over, many days of rest

Friends meet again at the school doorstep

Strong, healthy! Praise for forest trips ...

With new knowledge! And happy new school year!

From the very threshold, life has laid out paths for you

Choose your own path and go boldly along it!

May good luck come to you, if you honestly lived!

May fate give you what you deserve.

Just remember, just remember, in the rumble and rhythm of the century

The most important profession is to BE HUMAN!

Tomorrow morning, like bird trills, Bells will ring all over the country. We rested and sunbathed, We were completely prepared for school. Like astronauts before launch We are a little worried now. We already miss our desks, Yes, and they are not happy without us ... The guys have enthusiastic faces, Everyone around is shouting at each other. Time to share my impressions with you and you with me. Who will tell about the sea tides, Who will remember the mountain pass. How many of us are cheerful and happy! Everyone has been somewhere. Our banner flutters in the wind, We align with it in the ranks. We are moving forward on the path of knowledge, We love our Motherland dearly.

Short poems for September 1 for children

Beautiful girls with lush bows and bright bouquets, boys in solemn suits with ties - on the Day of the first bell, the school gradually turns into a lively beehive. All the kids are looking forward to this event with great impatience, collect bright pens and notebooks, learn short poems for September 1 for children. Have you already chosen the best short rhyme for your baby on September 1st?

The red summer has gone

Cheerful and free.

It's time for great

Yard and school.

A little rainy

Cold and chilly

But still happy

And very, very friendly!

Summer flew by quickly, The school year has come, But autumn will bring us many good days. Hello golden autumn! A school full of sunshine! Our spacious, bright class, You meet us again.

The street became a river, Ringing, festive, colorful. The distances are turning blue... Primers and diaries We took on the road. We are stepping into first class - The whole country is looking at us!

Comic poems for children on September 1

Comic poems for kids on September 1 are heard all over the country. On the line they amuse first-graders, high school students, teachers, parents. Humorous rhymed lines dictated from the podium set a positive tone only for the holiday and for the entire upcoming academic year. Look at the best comic rhymes for September 1 for kids and choose the most suitable one.

To everyone who hurried to school

In the morning…

I wish you new strength

Collect knowledge.

Frankly do not yawn

To make friends.

And don't annoy yourself

All teachers!

Spend a good year

There's still sand in my hair

And the tan on the skin ...

The bell rings for the lesson

It's not good to be late...

And the students hurry

Sit down again

But you don't have to teach them.

Right from the start...

Let me just tell

How did the holiday go…

Hello again school.

Again you wander with flowers to school,

Didn't even walk around

And again the classes are waiting for you.

But there is no need to kill

What you need to re-grind granite.

Glad to meet your friends

A year ... it will fly by quickly!

Cool poems congratulations on September 1

Knowledge Day is not only a reason to be upset about the end of the period of idleness during the summer holidays, but also an occasion to rejoice at the next meeting with classmates and friends. So why not joke about such a great occasion. Give friends and teachers cool congratulations on September 1, infect others with fun.

Your studies have begun again.

The bell will ring out desperately

Invite to the desk, to the lesson.

Do not sigh that there is blue behind the window ...

The sun is shining as if speaking from heaven

That interest is also hidden in study!

Outside the school, summer will wait.

It took almost a year to say goodbye to him.

Heavy briefcases are waiting ... calls,

But friends-student will brighten up the days!

Try not to fall asleep in class

Lots of knowledge and skills to learn.

Let your studies only go for the future,

Serving, my friend, your school year!

Let study not drag you into the pool,

Holidays must be remembered!

How else can you stay here?

And in textbooks, how can a mouse not dig in?!

Do not dirty notebooks with clever words,

You will still forget what you taught.

Because during the school years all the time

You think: oh, summer would be faster ...

Poems about the first call on September 1

The line for the Day of Knowledge is an annual solemn event that evokes a whole myriad of many-sided emotions: sadness, joy, excitement, embarrassment, anticipation. Songs and poems about the first bell on September 1 are composed annually by thousands of talented poets. We have selected some of them for you.

Hello golden autumn!

Hello school! To the lesson

Calls us without stopping

Twisted call.

Me and funny friends

Far away on a school ship

Let's sail on the sea of ​​Knowledge

To an uncharted land.

We want to travel around the world

Pass the whole universe.

Wish us success

And happy journey.

Autumn has a wonderful view - September got down to business: Maple burns with a red flame. The robin blushed. On the flowerbeds, asters of all colors, Like stars, flaunt. And parents admire their students. September painted the school yard with flowers and smiles. From the leaves spread a carpet - It is with golden highlights. We go to school for the first time, Goodbye preschoolers! We want to join the school fraternity now, guys!

On September 1, 2019, a wonderful holiday will come again, which will be remembered by first graders for a lifetime, and adults will evoke the most pleasant memories from childhood - the day of knowledge! The holiday this year falls on a Monday, so students will go to school at the beginning of the week, which is very convenient for teachers' work schedules. Already now it is worth stocking up with congratulations verses.

Congratulations to girlfriends and friends since September 1 in prose, official, in verse, with humor, funny, short for SMS are contained in our fun selection, use is free, your congratulatory speech will be unusual and fun!

Congratulations to a friend since September 1, everyone chooses in their own style. Someone likes to congratulate briefly, someone is voluminous, but always with humor! In any case, congratulations to a friend should be positive and kind. For example, congratulations with humor to girlfriends from September 1.

This restrained and intelligent poem is perfect for congratulating strict friends.

We said goodbye to a wonderful summer,
And September on the calendar
The hot days are gone
Ahead of study, in the yard
We will not see mischievous boys,
And the earth is strewn with leaves,
And today he will write on the board
Our teacher: from September 1!
I wish you good impressions
Knowledge and emotions over the edge,
You learn without doubt
Don't let yourself get into trouble.
This is a school, wonderful moments,
First love and diary
And at change, revival
And the director's terrible growl.
Let five flocks fly to you,
And I wish you good friends
You read all the books to the cover,
Congratulations on the school year!

This pleasant poem is perfect for congratulating any girlfriend or friend:

Congratulations to my girlfriend
With the start of the school year,
I wish you excellent grades
Let adversity fly by.
To be called to the board less often,
To not take the diary at all,
Boys so as not to offend,
And let the year fly by like a moment.
I wish you inspiration
In subjects to be super,
And desire for new knowledge,
And every day is like a dream!
Less homework
I wish my friend now
Parents so that at meetings
They talked about you - you are class!
I wish not to get tired
Sitting at the desk, with whomever you want,
Fives to often grab
Good luck, and other joys!

This beautiful and pleasant congratulation is perfect for congratulating classmates:

Well, friends, buddies,
Lafa is over
And we spent the summer
And around the head.
And on the first day of school,
Everything is simple, everything is easy
September is magical
Looked in at our window!
And there is time before the session,
In bulk - you can live,
Let's have fun learning
Walk and do not grieve!
And let the teachers
We just believe
And if the offset was missed,
They would tell us - a trifle!
Give me a note urgently
Let's put it on for the whole year
Exams and more
Students are lucky!
But seriously,
I wish, my friends
The dean is not formidable to everyone,
Like, that's how I am!
Stipukhi to be enough
At least for noodles...
Everything, time is too short -
I'm in a hurry to learn!

My dear girlfriend
I wish on the holiday of September
Classroom studies and everything,
So that happiness is only to your window
shone with a ray of sunshine,
Do not think at all about the bad!
Forget about deuces - nonsense,
May it always be spring in my soul,
And let the boys wonder
And tired of these books.
I wish good teachers
Happy school year!
We will whisper at the desk,
Trust your secrets
Dream about boys, about a miracle,
And dream big about love!
And let not boring lessons,
Teachers give us...
With all my heart today the lines -
My girlfriend is awesome!

All girlfriends, classmates can also be pleasantly congratulated in writing, with a postcard, wall newspaper or congratulatory poster:

Here comes the autumn
That's where the heat ends.
Again a satchel behind,
School time again.

Don't relax this year
You absorb a lot of knowledge
A day for as many as three fives
You get more!

So the summer flew by -
We can't walk.
Back to school, back to school
We walk with you.

Collect notebooks soon
Don't forget the diary.
Put more in your bag
The smartest books.

If we try
Very lucky -
Let's pretend to be smart
Not vice versa.

(All congratulations for girlfriends on the site site are copyrighted, we strongly recommend leaving an indexed active link to this material: “congratulations on September 1”).

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