Very kind pictures with wishes! Pictures with inscriptions "wishes" Postcards of health and happiness to you my friend

To please another person, a reason is not at all a prerequisite. Sometimes, several kind words or a sincere greeting - can become more expensive than thousands of gifts. And if you complement all this with a thematic postcard or just a funny picture with a wish, you will get a very original congratulation.

If for some reason you cannot congratulate the person in person, our website will come to the rescue. Here you will find wishes with which you can congratulate someone close to you in an interesting and unusual way. Distance is not an obstacle to expressing your respect to a person you care about.

Our content includes a huge assortment of cards with congratulations and wishes for many categories:

Brutal, with specific humor - can be intended for a man, a loved one, a friend;

Romantic, cute, a little glamorous - your girlfriend, lover, friend will like them;

Original wishes for your wedding day or wedding anniversary - you can be sure that your congratulations will be remembered by the recipient;

Funny, with wishes in poetry or prose, for any age, profession and even appearance.

Imagine how much joy a message “Good morning!” or “Good night!” accompanied by a chic card with flowers and bouquets will bring to your friend.

Are any of your colleagues on sick leave? Absolutely no time to visit him? No problem. You can wish him a speedy recovery and good health with a cool themed card - your colleague will appreciate this sign of attention.

New items in this section:

In the age of the Internet, when information flows are overflowing with negativity, pages are full of serious world news, when at work your eyes widen from the abundance of numbers and graphs - even such a small thing as a postcard with wishes of happiness and goodness can lift your spirits and energize you for the whole day.

All images, poems and wishes are available absolutely free. Selected postcards can be placed in any in social networks, both in private messages and on walls. Pictures of wishes are not just a sign of attention - they are a hormone of happiness and a charge of positivity in one bottle.

Have fun yourself, make your loved ones happy - and then no circumstances can spoil your mood!

Let everything be wonderful in life!
Graceful! Sweet! Gently!
Passionately! Brilliantly! Bright!
Fantastic! Beautiful! Fashionable and practical!
Carefree! Tasty! Delicious!
Extraordinary! Colorful! Successful!
Just! Flawless!
And with pleasure, of course..!

Let all your worries
They will return with gratitude,
And it's hard work
Suddenly it turns into joy,

Let all your worries
They will rush into the distance at dawn,
May happiness illuminate you
With your radiant light!

I wish you bright days, joy in your Soul,
To a home of comfort and warmth
Peace and Goodness

Don't plan for failure - life will go topsy-turvy!
Set yourself the task of thinking less about the bad!
Our thoughts are material - don’t think of trouble!
Every word is real - why are you talking nonsense!

How many times have you, by the way, said: “I knew it!”?
So he thought and defamed, dug a hole for himself?
How many times have you cursed and reproached the villainous fate,
And then he looked for a loophole in what he himself said?

The subtle world is somewhere nearby, there are thoughts and words in it
They bloom in a lush garden, twigs like weeds!
Tara-bars, conversations, this and that - verbal rubbish!
Then you climb the fences that you set up for yourself!

Better think positive. Don't whine! Do not get mad! Don `t cry!
Don't worry about every penny! Take a break! Can not? Sing!
Sing about joy and happiness, and about life without separation!
You yourself will notice that the bad weather has suddenly receded.

Somehow it became cleaner nearby, something is less unlucky,
Look: the time has come and the soul itself is singing!
You don’t twist ropes with your thoughts, you don’t wag your tongue,
Life goes easily and deftly, and does not rush head over heels!

So, becoming a little wiser, you live easier, more joyfully -
It is you who pave the path along which you yourself walk!

Valentina Leskova

What happiness it is to see and breathe,
Dream and Admire the Light,
Decorate the Soul with poetry,
Communicate with love for the World.

What happiness it is to walk on Earth,
Washing my face with the rays of the sun,
Find your way among the roads,
No longer doubting anything.

Strive and strive upward,
Connecting over the Earth,
With that Joy - one for all,
With that Grace - one for all.

What happiness it is to be yourself!

© Copyright: Tatyana Brazhnikova, 2003

Let the impossible become possible!
Let everything that is far become closer!
And let everything that seems so difficult
Solves beautifully and easily...

Happiness is when you need someone who needs you

Light of smiles... Tenderness of words...
Subtle aroma of flowers...
Happiness, joy and friends
Let everything be with you!

Love life - don't focus on problems,
Although fate sometimes presses you so hard...
We are not saints, everyone has a mistake -
Only those who do not live do not make mistakes!

Happiness is contagious. The happier you are, the happier those around you are.

Wish everyone happiness and you will be happy yourself.

Holy Righteous Alexy Mechev

Best wishes!

Smile first and your soul will feel warmer!!!

Experience a whole bunch of the warmest words from the emotions that you see in the pictures, and a kind word will save the whole world, while you yourself become kind, white and fluffy, wanting to know the kindest World in the pictures.. Take the picture and rejoice in the very, very kindness and everything will be very good!

We love goodness and it loves us, and what cool, good-natured words that are filled with delights and very subtly reflect our kindness inner world!!!

Much, much kindness and many more warm words and all this in pictures with kindness! Explore the World of kindness and give a kind postcard to another kind person!

I want to see and rub noses against each other!

Yes, just imagine one day has passed, you smiled so sweetly and walked out the door..

From the coolest and warmest heart, I...

The hedgehog came out of the fog and read a gentle parable, she is so kind!

It is certain that it is those people who believe in goodness who do this very goodness for their own pleasure and for your happiness...

The hedgehog has lost his smile, let's help the hedgehog find his cheerful smile and everyone will rejoice!!!

Yes, I’m generally happy about everything, and of course you should be too!

In short, the cat refused to be very smart and wise... or rather a little kitten!!!

And after that, the handsome lion and the lioness aunt decided to just compare!

Of course, I wish you all the best - I am the same hedgehog from the fog!!! now wearing glasses...

Have you seen happiness? Here it is! Look at happiness when it falls right on your head or merges...

And everything will be better than everyone else and then everything will be a bundle!

Picture Rainbow-Road and it is the happiest!!!

A funny picture - and happiness - as it turns out!

Sometimes there were no reasons and there was happiness...

Picture - Tell me, whoever ordered it is lucky, I have arrived!

This is happiness, this is happiness, there is so much of it!!!

It’s true, it’s true, whoever is happy is the one who never wishes harm on others...

Funny or happiness or never give up... someone clearly tried...

All the same, everything will be fine and most are confident of this...

The happiest eyes - have you seen this? touching picture.

The cat calms the baby and tells him not to roar... do you think he will convince him?

From heart to heart and happiness is all we have with you... happiness comes!

let's not quarrel anymore, huh? These are the happy ones...

Happiness will soon fly to you on wings if you tell your friends about it!!!

Yes, I just want to say hi to you all and that's it - Everyone is happy and that's the most important thing...

I'll give you so much positive stuff...

I always live on walls, shelves and bring a lot of happy abundance!

I will open my heart to you and you will rejoice with me!!!

You know that people like you only decorate the whole world!

I am the most beautiful and I am the happiest and I am a duck!

Good morning for happiness and bon appetit and then all day in harmony...

Good morning and good people you and more good ideas for you and then you will meet many, many positive things...

dreams definitely come true when you are very close to me! Accurate and true, and happiness is nearby...

My smile will definitely make everyone brighter!!1

I definitely wish everyone happiness today and in addition I want to give you much, much more good luck and joy and warmth!

The main thing is to always believe in the good and everything will be fine and that’s the main thing and you know that the World is very beautiful!!!

Good morning, and you definitely weren’t expecting me to visit? I hope you don’t send me away, I’m so happy and I want to make you happy!!!

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