Is it possible to sell a cross to a pawnshop. Get acquainted with a girl for sex, video dating a couple. What pectoral crosses are accepted in such financial institutions

When answering the question of whether Orthodox people are allowed to purchase pectoral crosses in jewelry stores, it must be understood that there is no canonical indication of a ban on such acquisitions. However, a believer often makes such an important purchase for himself in the temple. This is due to several aspects.

pectoral cross is sacred to the believer. It is important that the crucifix be consecrated. In Orthodox churches, pectoral crosses are consecrated before they go on sale. Therefore, from such a position in the House of God, the pectoral cross acquired by a person is already a consecrated shrine, and not just a holy image of the crucifixion of Christ.

The second important point is that in the temple a believer can acquire exactly Orthodox cross. For people unaware of the differences, Catholic and otherwise, there is an error in purchasing a body crucifix in a jewelry store that does not correspond to Christian Orthodox tradition.

It should be noted that these two main important moments when choosing a place to buy a pectoral cross, they categorically do not talk about the prohibition of acquiring a crucifix in a jewelry store. Not every Orthodox church is rich in a choice of crosses (although the high cost and external beauty of the crucifixion is not the very purpose of its acquisition). A believer may like a particular cross in a jewelry store. For example, a golden or silver-made symbol of the salvation of mankind. In this case, a person can purchase a cross in a jewelry store. But in this situation, it is necessary to have an idea of ​​which cross is considered Orthodox.

It is nailed to each of the Savior's feet (for the Catholic one, one nail is used for both legs). In addition, on the back there should be the inscription "save and save" or some Orthodox prayer. There should also be an abbreviation that Jesus Christ is depicted on the cross. There may be abbreviations IH CI (Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews), as well as the inscriptions NIKA (meaning Jesus Christ conquers), the Son of God, the King of glory. In this case, the cross can be both eight-pointed and eight-pointed. In general, it is advisable to make such a purchase with a person who can tell you which particular cross is Orthodox.

The next step after acquiring a pectoral cross in a jewelry store should be the obligatory consecration of the crucifix in an Orthodox church.

When purchasing a pectoral cross, a believer must be clearly aware that this is not just a beautiful piece of jewelry or a "talisman". The cross is a shrine for a Christian, a symbol of human salvation and the victory of the Lord Jesus Christ over death.

What is a pectoral cross and how to properly handle it. What does wearing the cross give us in general and why is it needed?

People have a lot of questions about the pectoral cross:

  • is it possible to wear and put on someone else's cross, for example, a deceased relative;
  • is it possible to raise the found cross from the ground and what to do with it later - to wear it later, or not worth it;
  • is it possible to buy a cross at a pawnshop;
  • is it possible to wear two crosses at all;
  • Is it possible to wear a cross that has been repaired.

The Orthodox cross is not an amulet or a talisman

The consecrated cross that we wear on a chain or cord is a sign of our belonging to Orthodoxy, our shrine, protection, constant prayer and help in spiritual confrontation, and its weight on our neck is a constant reminder to us that all our thoughts and deeds must be committed and dedicated to the service of God.

You need to wear it with the prayer side to the body. A person who wears a cross on himself testifies to his involvement in the feat of Christ, hopes for salvation and his resurrection for eternal life. To wear a cross for a believer means to acknowledge your sins, repent and try to atone for them.

The best and most expensive gift for a believer will be a pectoral cross. You can give it for the corresponding holidays - christening, name day, birthday. It can be new, or it can be found. It is important that it be consecrated in the temple and contain the power of the cross.

You need to wear it under clothes, not flaunting it, because that's what it's called - wearable, this is not an ornament, and not a charm, so you should not amuse your vanity by flaunting such an intimate object, boasting and bragging is useless here .

Of course, there is nothing wrong when the cross is visible in the neckline of a sundress or an open shirt, but it cannot be worn over closed clothes. It is necessary to care not about the external manifestations of faith, but to carry the image of Christ in your heart.

What to do with someone's lost cross and is it possible to pick it up from the ground

The ministers of the church are unanimous in their opinion on this issue, the cross found must be raised, since this is God's providence. God gave the finder a happy opportunity to save the shrine from desecration and trampling in the mud. Raising the cross is a just and charitable deed.

The found cross must be carefully lifted from the ground with respect and humility, with a prayer and used at your discretion. You can wear it yourself, having consecrated it in the church, you can give it to a person in need of a cross, or you can simply bring it to church and leave it there.

But in no case should you step over the cross and leave it for further desecration - wallow in the mud.

There is a belief that by wearing someone else's cross around the neck, a person takes on the fate and sins of the former owner. The Church condemns such superstitions, because a shrine is not a chest in which accumulations are stored, and our Lord gives everyone his own fate, the one and only, the one that we can do and each of us carries his own cross.

The attitude of clergy to superstitions regarding the cross

Church ministers do not approve of various fortune-telling, predictions, mysticism, and beliefs. When asked if someone else’s bad and difficult fate will be passed along with someone else’s cross, they answer with just a few words: “The cross is the cross. And even two crossed sticks are quite capable of helping a true believer to resist evil and devilish machinations. In God's bright world there should be no place for superstitions."

This means that you can and should use the wearable crosses of your deceased relatives and venerate them as a family relic. And a mother or father may well put their cross on their child by buying a new one and putting it on.

Wearing a cross given by relatives is a charitable deed, the main thing is that it be consecrated in the church. It is also quite possible to wear a cross bought at a pawnshop and consecrated by you in a church, it will not bear any negativity and the fate of the previous owner.

What really can not be done with a cross

The cross is a symbol and sign of our faith, our relationship to God and the Divine, therefore it must be treated with awe and immense respect.

For a truly and deeply believing person it is unacceptable:

  • try to consecrate the cross himself, even if he knows the right prayers and actions, since only people with a church rank can sanctify, since these prayers are allowed for use only by church ministers;
  • you can’t deliberately flaunt a cross, it’s sinful and not pleasing to God, pride is one of the worst sins;
  • you can’t remove the cross without special need, if there was a need to remove the cross, putting it on, you must definitely read a prayer;
  • you can not wear jewelry and amulets, which are objects of superstition, on the same chain or lace with a pectoral cross;
  • you also can’t wear a cross in a bag, ears or on a chain-bracelet on your hand - this is considered blasphemy;
  • you can’t throw away a broken cross, because it shouldn’t be trampled under foot, it’s not garbage.

Here, perhaps, is all that a true believer needs to know about his shrine and relic, which helps him fight against sinfulness, protects him from devilish machinations, strengthens in faith and brings peace and tranquility.

Do you have an unnecessary gold pectoral cross that has been gathering dust for years without work? Give him a second life, and at the same time improve your financial situation! It is profitable to sell a gold pectoral cross in Moscow at Multi Pawnshop. Our office is located right in the center of the capital, 5 minutes from the Kitay-Gorod metro station.

How much does it cost to sell a gold cross?

When evaluating any piece of jewelry, we use simple and clear criteria.

  • Material.

For calculation base price cross (still without an allowance for artistic qualities), the actual cost of 1 gram of a particular gold sample, multiplied by the weight of the noble metal, is used. You can check it on the corresponding page of our website. Please note that the difference between low and high breakdown can be up to 2-3 times.

  • The presence of inlays.

The company highly appreciates crosses with precious stones. Our specialist will determine their value during a visit or preliminarily online using a photo. The most expensive thing is to take a cross to a pawnshop if it is encrusted with precious stones of the 1st category - diamonds, sapphires, rubies or emeralds.

  • condition and artistic value.

We accept body crosses of any make, age and condition. However, it should be understood that a branded item will cost much more than "consumer goods". If the degree of preservation does not imply the possibility of reusing the cross, then it is assessed as a scrap of precious metal. The only exceptions are old rarities that have a collection value.

How to hand over a gold cross to a pawnshop?

  • Pre-evaluate your item using the online form.
  • If you are satisfied with our conditions, drive up to the office where the cross will be evaluated using modern certified equipment.
  • Complete the paperwork and get paid.

We guarantee complete anonymity of the transaction, provide qualified free consultations and many additional services, including the possibility of an exchange on favorable terms for you.

The pectoral cross is a thing that a Christian should not part with under any circumstances. Usually, a pectoral cross (or, as it was traditionally called in Rus', a vest) is put on a baby at baptism, and a person does not part with this thing until death. The priests say that it is best to never take off and change the vest, because every Orthodox believer must carry his own cross. But there are situations when the cross still has to be changed.

This may be the case when man lost his old vest or received a new one as a gift, for example, with inlay from precious stones. How to consecrate a cross bought in a store? Do I need to light the chain for the cross? Priests unanimously affirm that it is necessary. However, it all depends on the particular store. If the cross was bought in a store belonging to a particular temple, it is most likely that all goods were originally consecrated (this must be clarified with the seller when buying).

If the vest is purchased or made to order in a jewelry store, then most likely it has not yet been consecrated. Only the clergy know how to consecrate this important subject for a Christian.

The main functions of the pectoral cross

Christian under no circumstances should he take off his cross, because:

  • The cross is a reliable protection against the attacks of enemies and evil spirits.
  • A person who wears the main symbol of the Christian faith on the body, thereby openly confesses Jesus Christ and preaches his faith to other people.
  • The vest protects a person throughout life, helps to overcome temptations, fight diseases and troubles.
  • A Christian who wears a cross thereby likens himself to Jesus Christ, who also carried his cross to Golgotha. And the one who does not wear a vest denies the Lord and openly demonstrates the weakness of faith, disregard for God and Orthodox traditions.

When the believer wears a vest and treats him with respect (kisses at night, does not take off while washing and bathing), this indicates that a person takes his faith seriously and treats it informally. And one who refuses to wear a cross cannot be considered a believer, even if he regularly visits the temple. Priests say: those who do not wear a vest sometimes many temptations and troubles, such a person can be openly acted upon dark forces. Not without reason, even in Ancient Rus' about people who were distinguished by a crazy and violent disposition, they said: There is no cross».

Many believers on Orthodox websites and forums ask the question: is it possible to consecrate a cross at home? Of course, in our time the rhythm of life is very intense, not everyone has the opportunity to attend church regularly. In many churches, priests, by prior order, go to the house to bless apartments and cars, to receive communion and unction of the sick and the elderly. But how to consecrate a cross at home and is it possible to do this at all?

The Church unequivocally answers this question: such an opportunity cannot be provided to believers, since in order to consecrate some things and accessories, it is required to bring the consecrated product into the temple. Do I need to consecrate the chain for the cross? Not necessary. But if the vest is already attached to the chain, the priest brings it to the altar along with the chain. This is much more convenient than consecrate a small cross without chain. Here is how the vest is consecrated:

  • The believer comes to the temple, after the end of the service he goes to the priest and shows the cross that needs to be blessed.
  • If necessary, the owner of the vest makes a feasible donation or pays for the service of consecrating the cross in a candle shop (this is negotiated with the priest in advance).
  • The priest inspects the product and informs the believer about whether this cross corresponds to Orthodox canons. If the product is made according to Catholic canons, the priest has the right to refuse consecration.
  • In the event that the vest is made in accordance with the Orthodox tradition, the priest brings it to the church altar and consecrates it. Sanctification consists in reciting special prayers appropriate to the occasion. Then the cross is sprinkled with holy water and blessed. After that, the believer can wear it without removing it until death.

It is necessary to consecrate not only the vests bought in the store, but also the crosses found on the street. It should be borne in mind that the product that was found on the street must certainly be picked up and taken to the temple. The cross is the main shrine of Orthodoxy, and this thing should not be allowed to be trampled under foot.

Only the priest can consecrate the vest, no one else has the right to do so. But the believer, if he wishes, may apply consecrated cross to the relics of a beloved saint in order to ask this saint for help, intercession, strengthening in faith. Many people do this when they go on pilgrimages to holy places.

Buying a product: important points

How much does it cost to bless a cross? It should be borne in mind that all products that are sold in church shops on the territory of temples have already been consecrated, so it is best to purchase a cross in such places. If the vest, which was found on the street or bought in a store, needs to be consecrated, the price for this service may be different depending on the temple. It should be noted that in most churches, the priest renders such a service to parishioners for a "feasible donation." When purchasing a pectoral cross in a church shop or in a jewelry store, you should keep in mind the following:

  • According to Orthodox tradition, one nail is nailed to the feet of Jesus Christ on the crucifix. In the Catholic tradition, these are two nails.
  • The crucifix depicted on the cross must also comply with other Orthodox canons of the image of Jesus Christ.
  • On products made of precious metals, there must be a sample.
  • If the cross is purchased for a child, it should be small in size and with rounded ends, without sharp corners. This is very important from a safety point of view so that the child does not get hurt. When choosing a children's vest, you need to pay attention Special attention on the reliability and quality of the chain. And it is best to choose an ordinary thin rope, because many chains, especially those made of low quality metal, contain nickel. This metal is a strong allergen, its use in products for children is unacceptable.

Do not chase expensive products. It is best to choose the simplest cross, because the vest is not an ornament. This is a thing that symbolizes the Christian faith.

How to wear

You need to wear a pectoral cross correctly. The priests unanimously affirm that under no circumstances should one exchange vests with each other. This custom used to be quite common in countryside. Especially often men who consider themselves close friends exchanged crosses with each other. People believed that in this way they "brotherhood", that is, they become relatives. However, the clergy categorically forbid this. Each believer has his own cross, and it is he who must be carried, literally and figuratively.

Under no circumstances should the vest be removed. Before taking your child to school or kindergarten, the mother must definitely check if the baby has a cross. Many young mothers do not put this important symbol of Christianity on their newborn child, as they are afraid that the baby might suffocate himself with a string. The solution to this problem is very simple: you need to shorten the rope so that it becomes safe.

Only baptized people have the right to wear a pectoral cross. An unbaptized person is not considered a member Orthodox Church, therefore, he cannot wear a vest, even as an ornament. It is also forbidden to wear an Orthodox cross to people who have a different religion (Buddhists, Catholics, Muslims).

Before going to bed, a pious Christian reverently kisses his vest before reading prayers for the coming dream. The cross must be worn in such a way that its reverse side is hidden, and the front side (with a crucifix) is visible. You should not flaunt a vest, even if it is a unique work of jewelry art. The cross is best hidden from prying eyes.

It is necessary to consecrate a pectoral cross bought in a store or found on the street. This should be taken very seriously, because the cross accompanies a person all his life, from the moment of baptism until his death. But the easiest way is to purchase already consecrated products. This can be done at any church shop in the territory. Orthodox church. A properly consecrated vest is not only reliable protection and patronage of God, but also proof of a strong Orthodox faith person.

Have you decided to lay your pectoral cross? Don't know which financial institution to contact? In our article, we will look at all the nuances of such a transaction and help you choose a company that will offer you as much as possible.

Is it possible to take a cross to a pawnshop?

Of course, but only on condition that it is made of precious metal (, silver, platinum) or encrusted with precious / semi-precious stones. A cross, as well as other jewelry, will be readily accepted in almost any pawnshop.

What kind of pectoral crosses are accepted in such financial organizations?

Most often, pawnshops accept crosses. Of course, you can also pawn a silver one, but you should understand that you are unlikely to be offered much for it.

Editorial Board. If you decide to rent an antique cross, or a cross that has a great cultural, artistic, jewelry or historical value, or a set, such as a cross, then it is better to turn to antique dealers or buyers of such values. So you can get much more than in a regular pawnshop.

How much can you get for a gold cross at a pawnshop?

What amount can you expect? Typically, in such financial institutions, offer from 50 to 70% off market value products.

The following factors affect the price of a mortgage:

  • weight of the cross;
  • quality and cost of metal (alloy);
  • the appearance of the product;
  • artistic value;
  • the presence of precious / semi-precious stones.

In addition, the amount that you receive for your pectoral cross is also affected by the terms of the contract (term, interest, etc.).

How to choose a pawnshop?

Buy a gold or silver cross at a pawnshop

Remember that in such organizations you can not only pawn your jewelry, but also buy a cross. So you can save a lot on such purchases.

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