What dangerous situations can arise in the city. Dangers in the city and in the countryside. Man-made emergencies: definition, criteria for assessing their consequences

Incredible Facts

Imagine that you are in the middle of a panicking crowd, you are taken hostage or a tornado is approaching you.

It would seem that, hopeless situation, but there is always a way out if you try to remain calm and react quickly.

These and other life-threatening situations, and tips to help you get out of them with minimal losses.

Rules of conduct in dangerous situations

1. Crush

Try to stay on your feet - this is the key to survival. Once you're knocked down, your chances are greatly reduced.

In this case, if you cannot get up immediately, take defensive posture raising his legs and covering his head with his hands. Point your head in the direction of the crowd to avoid getting hit and try to get back on your feet.

In case of fire, stay downstairs to avoid smoke and breathe through a damp cloth.

2. Dog attack

Keep calm, try do not shout, do not look into the eyes of the dog not show fear or anxiety. Convinced of your safety, she may lose interest in you.

Don't let your dog be behind you. If she begins to circle around you, which is a sign of an impending attack, turn around with her.

If you have any an object such as an umbrella, place it in front of you to appear bigger and better manage your space.

In all cases, remember to protect face, chest and throat. Keep your hands in fists to protect your fingers.

3. Plane crash

First, before boarding a plane, dress appropriately in case of an emergency. Jeans and long sleeves can protect you to some extent from burns and sharp objects.

Passengers in the back of the aircraft are more likely to survive than those in the front. The most dangerous times are first 3 minutes after takeoff and 8 minutes before landing. At this time, it is best to keep your shoes on, raise a table, and pay attention to the nearest exits. Keep your hand luggage under the seat in front to prevent your feet from hitting the seat. If a blow is unavoidable, take the correct position.

The first 90 seconds after a crash are important. At this time, you need to remain calm and get out of the plane as quickly as possible.

Dangerous situations of a natural nature

4. Snow avalanche

Don't try to overtake her. The avalanche will be faster than you even if you are skiing. You have a much better chance if you move not straight down, but horizontally.

If that's not possible, close your mouth and place your hands in front of your face to create an air pocket you'll need when the snow falls.

Don't try to scream, as this consumes the oxygen you need. Finally, you can urinate (seriously!) to make it easier for the search dogs to find you.

5. Behavior during a thunderstorm

Try to find a low-lying place and squat down. You need to be as low as possible, but so that your body touches the ground as little as possible.

Now cover your ears. If you really find yourself in the middle of a thunderstorm, thunder can damage your eardrums.

6. Tornado

The most important thing in this situation is to find shelter. If you can't find it, try to determine the direction of the tornado.

Get out of the car and run in the opposite direction. The tornado can move at speeds up to 100 km per hour, so you should hurry. If all else fails, lie down on the ground, cover your head, and hold on.

7. Big Wave

The best thing to do is try to swim across the wave before it breaks. If this is not possible, you need draw out arms and legs to spread the shock and keep yourself from sinking deep into the water.

Do deep breath and wait until the excitement subsides. You will be thrown from side to side, but try to keep your bearings and don't panic. Try to get back to the surface as quickly as possible, breathe and try to re-evaluate the situation, as you may be in it again.

8. Fall from the mountainside

Do not try to reach for some support, it will not help you. Press your chin to your chest and try to use your legs as brakes.

9 Jellyfish Sting

Try to get to the shore as soon as possible and sprinkle sand on the remains of the jellyfish's tentacles.

Once dry, use item such as a credit card to clean them off in one go. Do not rub this area, as this may further release toxins into the skin.

Occurrence of dangerous situations

10. You fell through the ice

Get out in the same direction you came from, because you know that there the ice was able to support you.

If there is no one around to help you, you will have to use your forearms to push yourself out. Rest your hands wide apart on the edge of the ice floe and pull yourself up, pulling your torso and legs in turn.

Don't get on your feet crawl to the shore.

11. Lost in the forest: what to do

Use branches and leaves so that you can return along the path you have traveled. Climb to the top to see if you can get your bearings.

Now move down the slope until you find a river or other moving body of water. Follow in the direction of flow, this usually leads to a city or a village.

If you can't find it, keep moving straight ahead and follow the sun.

12. The car fell into the river

If you accidentally drove into a body of water, you have approximately 90 seconds before the cabin is completely flooded with water. Unfortunately, when the lower edge of the door is immersed, it becomes impossible to open it, so you need to open the window and unfasten the seat belts. If you can't open the windows, try kicking them out with your feet.

13. Actions in case of fire

As a rule, it is not fire that kills people, but smoke. Need be as low as possible as hot gases rise up.

Stay near the wall and walk along it until you find a way out. Whatever you do, try not to inhale the gas. If you feel that you are losing consciousness, lie down in a layer on the floor opposite the door. This will help the firefighters find you more easily.

14. Leg cramp: what to do

Cramping in the water can be very dangerous. The first thing to do is turn over and swim on your back to keep water out of your lungs. Then stretch the place where the cramp occurred, for example, pulling the foot, or wait until it passes.

15. Foot stuck in seaweed

If possible, swim on your back, as you would with a cramp. If your head is underwater, try not to panic and conserve oxygen. Use your hand to push the algae off your leg until you are free.

Don't try to move, as it may worsen your situation.

16. What to do if you choke

If you're in a public place, it's best to stay there. In this case, you are more likely that someone will come to the rescue.

If there is no one around, you will have to do Heimlich maneuver himself. This means that you need to make a sharp blow to the stomach (between the navel and costal arches) on a hard object, such as a chair. The goal is to compress the air in the diaphragm and push the object out of the throat.

17. Elevator attack case

The worst thing that can be done, and what the victim often instinctively does, is to move back to the far wall of the elevator.

The best thing be in the corner near the door next to the elevator control panel. At least that way you have better control over the situation.

18. Fall from a height

No matter how hopeless this situation, there were cases when people survived. There are several factors that increase your chances.

First, take arched position(a familiar term in skydiving). Essentially, you need to stretch out as far as you can to create resistance.

Secondly, schedule a landing while avoiding the concrete surface (ideally land in the water). You can try to move to the right, for example, lowering your right shoulder and vice versa.

Finally, relax, bend your knees, feet forward and try to roll. So at least you increase your chances of a happy ending.

Dangerous and emergency situations

19. Nuclear explosion

In this situation, you can survive if you are outside the shock wave radius. Of course, if there are warning signs, you need to find shelter, preferably underground. If you are in the affected area, fall to the ground and cover your head, as soon as you see the explosion, as it can take up to 30 seconds for the shock wave to reach you.

Do not look at the flash, it will immediately blind you. If you have a good hiding place, it is best to sit there and wait for rescue.

20. Shooting at school and other premises

American studies on school shootings have shown that there are 4 factors that increase your chances of survival. No matter how trite it may sound, but the first thing to do is run away (preferably in a zigzag).

However, this is not always possible. The second is barricade the door. If you create an obstacle, the armed one will most likely not waste his time on it. However, if he does decide to infiltrate, it is best play dead. To do this, you need to remain calm and control your breathing. And fourth, if all else fails, use the adrenaline to your advantage and try to fight back.

21. You were taken hostage

If you plan to escape, you need to do it quickly. The first few minutes are important. There may be other people around, but you should be careful. If the chances are low, you can complicate your situation, in which case it is better to play by the rules.

Watch everything that happens and try to understand why you were kidnapped. Perhaps this will help you find out what the kidnappers are planning to do.

Although many hostages survive, it may take several years before rescue comes. Whatever happens, don't lose hope and weigh the risks and benefits of trying to escape.

22. Crossfire

The first and most obvious is to try to slip away. If this is not possible and there is no shelter nearby, lie down flat on the ground, putting your hands behind your head (at least it's better than standing with your arms above your head).

Try to assess the situation and slowly crawl back to safety.

23. Buried alive in a coffin

As unbelievable as it may sound, there have already been such cases. First and foremost, stop panicking cover your face with clothes because there is a lot of dirty work to be done.

Stretch your arms and legs up and, using your legs (which are stronger), push. Pray that the coffin is wooden. In this case, you need make a hole.

As soon as this happens, the earth will begin to crumble on you (that's what you need to pull the clothes over your head for), and you need to push it with your feet to the other end of the coffin.

Provided that you are not very deep, it is time to dig your way to the surface.

More than 140 million people live in Russia, including about 100 million in cities. The number of cities is constantly growing, and their population continues to increase.

In the process of long historical development in urban settlements, a special habitat has been formed for a person. It includes natural components: inanimate - abiotic (relief, climate, water), and living - biota (flora, fauna), as well as an artificially created component of the urban environment - the technosphere (industrial enterprises, transport, residential buildings). An obligatory part of the urban environment is the population. All these components constantly interact with each other and develop. Sometimes the result of such interaction and development is various kinds of violations and failures, leading to the emergence of numerous and very diverse problems.

Natural problems are associated, as a rule, with the degradation of natural landscapes. In cities, the main components of the habitat are changing: the geological structure and terrain, the state of surface and groundwater, climate, soil cover, flora and fauna. All living things in the urban environment are trying to adapt to these changing conditions. It would seem that the urban environment changes only on the surface of the earth, but in the depths, under houses and asphalt, much remains unchanged. However, this is not the case.

Man in the distant past created intricate underground passages, tunnels, manholes, hiding places under palaces and castles, used natural voids - caves. In modern cities, communications are sometimes located at a depth of several hundred meters. Rivers are hidden in underground tunnels, metro lines, various pipelines, cable networks, etc. are laid there.

All these structures and communications significantly affect the hydrological conditions (the level of groundwater decreases), as a result of which the soil-forming process is disturbed.

For the purpose of improvement, the relief is changed (hills are leveled in some places, while in other areas, on the contrary, they are poured). For landscaping, ornamental plants are brought from various regions that can survive in the city.

Resource and economic problems are caused by the large scale of the use of natural resources, their processing and the formation of various, including toxic, waste, which leads to environmental violations and negative impacts on the health of urban residents.

Almost all enterprises are sources of industrial pollution, and since most plants and factories are concentrated in cities, the concentration of harmful substances in the air, soil and water poses a great danger to human health and even life.

The city is also an increased noise irritation (from cars and other equipment, signaling equipment, various industries). It leads to increased fatigue, decreased mental activity, physical and nervous diseases. Specific fatigue is also caused by the need for long trips in public transport.

In the city, even the houses themselves are potentially dangerous, especially multi-storey ones, from the roofs of which icicles break in winter and spring, and various objects can fall out of windows and balconies. Therefore, in urban conditions, additions to a headgear such as a pith helmet, helmet or other protective device are quite appropriate. This will at least to some extent be able to ensure the safety of passers-by.

In general, you should carefully look not only up, but also under your feet. City roads and sidewalks can become slippery for a number of reasons, and as a result, a large number of injured people appear, especially the elderly.

In cities, infectious diseases spread faster due to high crowding of people and numerous contacts between them, which can lead to epidemics.

And on top of all these troubles, the quality of the natural environment as a whole is almost constantly declining in cities.

It happens that vegetation also plays a negative role - in the pursuit of fast-growing and beautiful plants that tolerate the conditions of the urban environment, ornamental plants are imported in large quantities, which can cause various allergic reactions in the townspeople.

And yet, the greatest danger lies in poor-quality drinking water, polluted air, poor-quality food, increased levels of radioactivity, and strong exposure to electromagnetic waves.

Birds, rodents, insects and microorganisms, which are carriers and sources of diseases, also cause a lot of troubles, breeding in large numbers in city dumps and sedimentation tanks.

Today, the population of developed and almost half of the inhabitants of developing countries live in industrial centers. If in 1950 there were only 5 cities in the world with a population of more than 5 million people (a total of 47 million people), then in 1980 there were 26 such cities with a total population of 252 million. In 2000, there were already about 60 cities with a population of over 5 million with a total population of 650 million people.

It is also estimated that a city with a population of 1 million people per day. 625 thousand tons of water, 2000 tons of food, 4000 tons of coal, 2800 tons of oil, 2700 tons of gas and 1000 tons of motor fuel are required. The waste of such a city is also huge: 500 thousand tons of sewage, 2000 tons of solid waste, 150 tons of sulfur compounds, 100 tons of nitrogen oxides are released into the atmosphere.

The car has become one of the main culprits of urban pollution. Only rubber dust from tire abrasion enters the air per year from each machine up to 10 kg. And how many toxic substances are emitted from the exhaust pipe, how much oxygen is absorbed by the car engine and carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide are released, and the air is simply heated by the engines (the heat output of 100 thousand moving cars is equal to the heat received from several million liters of hot water).

District heating pipelines release up to 1/5 of the heat passing through them to the outside. Heat transfer from factories and plants, furnaces and boiler houses, various mechanisms and devices also contributes to heating the air basin of cities, from these industries 2/5 of the energy of all burned fuel enters the air. It is not surprising that smoke domes with low air humidity and high temperatures form over large cities. Therefore, thunderstorms occur more often in cities, more cloudy and rainy days, but less snow falls (in the center of a large city - by about 5%). The onset of the seasons in large cities has been shifted - spring begins a little earlier, and autumn is delayed. Natural illumination, especially in the city center, is 5-15% less than in the suburbs, wind speed is 20% less. The number of condensation centers (10 times) and fogs (2 times) increases. Every fourth disease is associated with urban air pollution, and carbon dioxide is such that inhaling it for several hours can disrupt brain activity. In the atmosphere of cities, carbon dioxide is 20 times more than in rural areas, and 2000 times more than over the sea. Lead emissions from car exhausts can cause brain damage and mental retardation in children. In addition, mercury, asbestos and other harmful substances are present in the air of cities. Having stood at the crossroads all day as a police officer, you can get the amount of harmful substances contained in 5 packs of cigarettes.

Cities are increasingly becoming places unsuitable for a healthy life for people, and for all living things in general. It has long been known that the life expectancy of a city dweller has decreased by 10%. The adaptive mechanisms of our body are great, but not endless.

In addition, the unfavorable criminogenic situation should be taken into account. The rate of growth of crime in cities is 4 times faster than the rate of population growth in them.

In a generalized form, the structure of urban crime is as follows.

The first place is occupied by acquisitive crimes, among which theft of personal, state and public property predominates, in the second place - hooliganism, in the third - violent crimes: murder, grievous bodily harm and rape. The number of property thefts in cities is almost twice as high as in rural areas. The frequency of thefts from apartments and dormitories, rest houses and sanatoriums, as well as pickpocketing, theft of vehicles is also much higher. In the cities of Russia, a new type of crime has appeared - racketeering (extortion).

There is a high intensity of looting and robbery in cities related to the taking of personal property. As a rule, expensive and scarce wearable items, imported audio and video equipment, furs, and jewelry are stolen.

Factors affecting urban crime include:

In urban conditions, traditional forms of social control are less effective. The socializing role of small groups, including families, that compels proper behavior in the city is weakening in some cases. In the countryside, where everyone knows each other, this circumstance in itself serves as an element of social control, forces one to reckon with the general socio-psychological interconnectedness. The conditions of urban life often do not allow the formation of the same connections and communities.

Some factors of urban life directly affect the development of certain forms of criminal activity. Thus, a high population density contributes to the commission of, for example, burglaries and pickpocketing, hiding the traces of a crime, it allows criminals to “dissolve” in the mass of people and lead an antisocial lifestyle.

The housing problem, the lack of life support have a direct impact on the level of domestic crime. It has been established that about 70% of the so-called apartment hooliganism is committed in communal dwellings and hostels. The anonymity of the way of life generates in individuals a psychological attitude towards impunity, irresponsibility for unlawful behavior.

Finally, in the city more than in the village, the number of convicted, which affects the rates of recidivism.

Radical and sometimes painful reforms in almost all spheres of life have given rise to a number of phenomena in cities that are becoming serious criminogenic factors. Among them:

  • * economic instability;
  • * increase in the unemployment rate;
  • * increased stratification of the population in terms of income;
  • * change at the level of state policy of ideological attitudes towards property, means of production and the psychological unwillingness of many people to accept these changes;
  • * lack of power;
  • * the manifestation of bureaucracy and the spread of corruption in the state apparatus.

This obviously explains the high growth rates of crime in recent years and, in particular, the increasing cases of mass antisocial manifestations, often accompanied by grave consequences (murders, bodily injuries, arson, pogroms, destruction of property, disobedience to authorities).

A serious social irritant and criminogenic factor are refugees, who are mainly concentrated in cities. Here they meet with great difficulties of a housing and property nature, with the problems of finding a job, placing children in school and childcare facilities, obtaining a livelihood, establishing normative ties with new people.

Many of them, unable to cope with the difficulties, begin to earn a living illegally, engaging in theft, robbery, robbery, and often organizing criminal communities (gangs) for these purposes.

It is in large cities that various informal youth associations appear. Informal associations are associations of people of a certain social and age group on the basis of a specific lifestyle, perceived by them as an elitist, and group value orientations elevated to the rank of an absolute. Some of them benefit people, but not all.

In the early 80s. 20th century new music broke into the life of the country's discotheques, denying lyricism, excessively heavy, loud, frenziedly expressive. Furious drummers struck deafeningly, guitars rang loudly, vocalists squealed in an apocalyptic guise, from time to time turning into a guttural growl. The words “Satan”, “Lucifer” (the lord of hell), “death”, “grave” sounded with force. Vampires, skeletons, demons, monsters bared their teeth from the records.

In the same period, such informal people as metalworkers appeared, dressed in leather jackets with numerous metal decorations, heavy chains, and studs. Their wrists were covered with bracelets studded with spikes. Sometimes these bracelets were strung on the arm up to the elbow. Spikes were on the shoulders, boots. The image of the metalworker was complemented by rearing hair, cruciform earrings in the ears. The number of stable groups of metalworkers ranged from 8-10 to 30 people. Some items were used by them to inflict bodily harm. They used alcohol, toxic and narcotic substances.

Punk rock - the spiritual basis of another variety of informals - originated in the United States, then was adopted in the UK, and from there it migrated to many developed countries. The word "punk" itself appeared in England in the 16th century. and meant "prostitute". Now the word has the widest range of meanings: sucker, inexperienced kid, petty thief or bully, weakling. The appearance of punk was formed under the influence of an indispensable desire to "slap the face of public taste." The image of punk was designed under the slogan: “Disgrace is beautiful. Shock is awesome." Aggressive is the very appearance of punks with war paint, like a savage. Cheeks and earlobes pierced with pins, combs protruding militantly or hair twisted into horns, chains that can be used as weapons on occasion, metal spikes, adherence to the most “aggressive” color of the spectrum - the color of blood, fingerless gloves, as if for demonstration animal claws. This is the classic look of punk. Aggression is also demonstrated in behavior, for example, in the ritual of greeting among the punks themselves, “physical” methods of communication are actively used - all kinds of brawls, pushes, blows. Sexual desire is a symbolic character of punk. A special place here is occupied by a kind of cult of perversion. In the appearance of punks, one can trace some signs characteristic of a homosexual (women's hairstyles, perm, hair bleaching with hydrogen peroxide, whipped unkempt bangs; the use of decorative cosmetics by men; coquettish exposure of certain parts of the body; an unnatural facial expression - languid, lustful, or defiantly demonstrating spoiled mood). "Game of idiocy" is also popular among punks. For example, it is allowed to portray the mentally handicapped somewhere in public transport.

Informal rockers are sometimes simply called motorcyclists, since the motorcycle is their main form of transport. But such a name does not fully convey the essence of the phenomenon. First, the rocker violates the rules of public safety, and in many cases deliberately, counting on a certain reaction from others. Secondly, the rocker creates situations that are dangerous to life and health, and creates it on purpose. Thirdly, getting into these situations (as well as into the scandals, fights, other incidents and troubles associated with them) is most often not a choice of a specific act of behavior from several possible options, but following some learned stereotypes. Fourthly, the core of the rocker's behavior is constant competition (races) with other rockers, motorists, and the police. The race is an obligatory ritual of his life.

"Fans" or "fans" are young people who get emotional release at football, hockey matches and post-match processions. They are distinguished by shoes, scarves, emblems, signs of the club they support. As weapons, "fans" use brass knuckles, chains, pipes, sticks, etc.

Under certain conditions, the listed groups of young people can pose a real danger to the people around them, and this should be taken into account in everyday life.

Introduction ………………………………………………………………………….3

Chapter 1. Zones of increased danger…………………………………... 4

1.1 Street……………………………………………………………………….. 4

1.2 Modern housing……………………………………………………... 4

1.3 Places where people congregate…………………………………………………... 5

1.4 Transport………………………………………………………………….. 6

Chapter 2 Negative impact of the urban environment…………………. 7

2.1 Technogenic hazards………………………………………………...... 7

2.2 Environmental hazards…………………………………………………. 8

2.3 Social dangers………………………………………………...... 12

Chapter 3 Security system………………………… 14

Conclusion ………………………………………………………………........16

Bibliography ………………………………………………………...17


At the present stage of development, the problems of large cities are acute for mankind.

The city, as an artificial habitat created by man, is significantly different from the natural environment. If in nature a person is faced with the influence of external natural conditions, then in society, the most complex phenomenon of which is the city, external influences come primarily from people or from the circumstances caused by them.

The city includes components that include natural components (relief, climate, water, flora and fauna), an artificially created component - the technosphere (industrial enterprises, transport, residential buildings) and an obligatory part of the urban environment - the population.

During a long historical development in cities, a special habitat has been formed for a person. In the process of life, a person is inextricably linked with the urban environment, making up an interacting system with it. This interaction gives both positive (life comfort) and negative results. The negative result of human interaction with the city is determined by hazards - negative impacts that suddenly arise, periodically or constantly acting in the "human - urban environment" system.

A positive result determines that the city, as an artificial habitat created by man, allows a person to be less dependent on extreme natural factors than before. The city provides ample opportunities to improve the comfort of living conditions, to develop the spiritual and creative activity of each person.

In connection with the special role of cities in the development of mankind, the question arises of how to do so in order to maximize the positive and minimize the negative impact of the city on a person. Solving this issue will be the goal of this work. To solve this issue, it is necessary to identify areas of increased danger in the city, to talk about the negative impacts of the urban environment on a person, their consequences and ways to deal with them. And also indicate the services included in the city's security system.

Chapter 1. Zones of increased danger.

Knowing and taking into account areas of increased danger allows you to predict the development of a possible extreme situation, provide appropriate rules of conduct and thereby ensure your safety.

1.1. The outside

This danger zone includes non-residential houses, back streets, deserted streets, wastelands, lanes.

Later, at night, it is better to bypass such dangerous places: let the path lengthen, but the degree of danger will decrease. But if you had to go down the alley, you need to stay close to the edge of the sidewalk and away from the dark entrances, where a sudden intruder can drag you. You should walk with a confident look, just in case, holding an umbrella or a lantern in your hands.

When walking along the highway, you need to keep to the side where the traffic is moving towards - so you can not be dragged into the car that drove up from behind.

If possible, try to avoid contact with anyone. When threatened, it is best to flee. If it was not possible to escape, it is necessary to fight back, using the available means at hand for self-defense. Having become a victim of a robber, a rapist, you should try to remember his face, clothes and other signs and immediately report to the police.

Also on the street, you should carefully look at only the sides, but also under your feet. City roads and sidewalks can become slippery for a number of reasons and, as a result, there are a large number of injured people, especially the elderly.

1.2.Modern housing.

In the city, even the houses themselves are potentially dangerous, especially multi-storey ones, from the roofs of which icicles break in winter and spring, and various objects can fall out of windows and balconies.

The entrances and elevators of apartment buildings, where attacks are most often committed, also pose a danger. In order not to become their victim, you should follow certain precautions:

You should not enter with strangers, suspicious people into the entrance, the elevator;

Once alone with a stranger in an elevator, you should immediately exit;

When attacked, you need to call for help, ring someone's door.

modern dwelling- the focus of various networks of communal and individual household support. In a modern well-appointed apartment, a closed, branched electrical wiring has been laid, networks of pipes for water supply, heating, as well as sewerage have been laid. for removal of various household waste. Many kitchens are equipped with gas stoves, the gas to which is supplied through pipelines. Under these conditions, a variety of extreme situations are possible. All pipelines in which, as a result of long-term operation, exposure to the environment, are susceptible to corrosion, wear out. Sometimes it is not at all necessary to be a specialist in order to deal with a particular situation, to try to prevent serious consequences.


Each section of the pipeline has a central, intermediate and terminal cocks (valves). In case of water leakage from the tap, it is necessary to close the intermediate one, and in the event of a serious accident, close the central valve, which is usually located in the basement of the entrance, the terminal and intermediate taps in the apartment. The same should be done in the event of an accident in the heating system. All emergencies must be reported to the house management, call in specialists and try to prevent severe flooding of the apartment, since flooding can lead to a short circuit in the electrical wiring, and this, in turn, to electric shock and fire in the house.


This situation is easier to prevent than to deal with its consequences. In the event of a fire, it is necessary to localize the source of ignition, preventing the access of air to the fire. If a fire is caused by a short circuit in the electrical wiring, turn off the electrical distribution switch located on the landing of each floor, then, if possible, turn off the central switch of the entrance. Next, you need to call the fire brigade and start extinguishing the fire with available improvised means (water, sand, etc.). The main thing in this situation is to notify the neighbors of the fire and save the people caught in the fire.

Building destruction.

This extreme situation can occur as a result of an explosion or due to the destruction of building structures. In this situation, it is necessary to show determination, courage, and most importantly, restraint, to properly organize the rescue of people, to prevent panic (often people in a panic state rush from the windows of the upper floors). When buildings are destroyed, flooding, fire, and electrical wiring can occur. In any case, the most important thing in this situation is to organize the rescue of people, especially from the upper floors.

1.3. Places where people gather.

Congested places, where it is easy for criminals to commit crimes and hide, are areas of increased danger. It can be railway stations , parks , cinemas , places of various festivities , underground passages, etc. .

At train stations, a criminal can hide, getting lost among people, sitting on any train. Stations with their crowds attract mainly thieves and swindlers, “homeless people”, since among a large number of people there will always be simpletons who are easy to deceive. While at the station, the following safety rules should be observed:

Do not leave things unattended;

Do not trust your things, luggage to strangers;

Do not exchange large bills for smaller ones without special need;

In order not to become a victim of fraud, you should not play various lotteries, "thimbles", take part in draws and drawings. After standing for a few minutes and looking closely at who is constantly playing and winning, you can see for yourself that these are the same faces.

parks- favorite gathering places for young people, teenagers, various companies, places for drinking alcohol, and a person in a state of intoxication loses control over himself, attracts robbers and criminals of all stripes. It is easy for a criminal to hide in the park, so you should not go into secluded wilderness places, you should stay near people.

city ​​markets are also high risk areas. These are possible places of accumulation of thieves, robbers, swindlers. Here it is also easy for a criminal to hide, lost in the crowd.

Later, at night, it is better to bypass dangerous places: let the path lengthen, but the degree of danger will decrease. If possible, try to avoid contact with anyone. When threatened, it is best to flee. If this is not possible, then it is necessary to use all available improvised means for self-defense. Having become a victim of a robber, a rapist, you should try to remember his faces, clothes and other signs and immediately report to the police.

1.4 Transport.

All people, regardless of age and position, use different types of vehicles. But not everyone thinks that modern transport is a zone of increased danger. A feature of modern transport is its high saturation with energy. The most energy-intensive types of vehicles are trams, trolleybuses, subway and railway transport.

Introduction ………………………………………………………………………….3

Chapter 1. Zones of increased danger…………………………………... 4

1.1 Street……………………………………………………………………….. 4

1.2 Modern housing……………………………………………………... 4

1.3 Places where people congregate…………………………………………………... 5

1.4 Transport………………………………………………………………….. 6

Chapter 2 Negative impact of the urban environment…………………. 7

2.1 Technogenic hazards………………………………………………...... 7

2.2 Environmental hazards…………………………………………………. 8

2.3 Social dangers………………………………………………...... 12

Chapter 3 Security system………………………… 14

Conclusion ………………………………………………………………........16

Bibliography ………………………………………………………...17


At the present stage of development, the problems of large cities are acute for mankind.

The city, as an artificial habitat created by man, is significantly different from the natural environment. If in nature a person is faced with the influence of external natural conditions, then in society, the most complex phenomenon of which is the city, external influences come primarily from people or from the circumstances caused by them.

The city includes components that include natural components (relief, climate, water, flora and fauna), an artificially created component - the technosphere (industrial enterprises, transport, residential buildings) and an obligatory part of the urban environment - the population.

During a long historical development in cities, a special habitat has been formed for a person. In the process of life, a person is inextricably linked with the urban environment, making up an interacting system with it. This interaction gives both positive (life comfort) and negative results. The negative result of human interaction with the city is determined by hazards - negative impacts that suddenly arise, periodically or constantly acting in the "human - urban environment" system.

A positive result determines that the city, as an artificial habitat created by man, allows a person to be less dependent on extreme natural factors than before. The city provides ample opportunities to improve the comfort of living conditions, to develop the spiritual and creative activity of each person.

In connection with the special role of cities in the development of mankind, the question arises of how to do so in order to maximize the positive and minimize the negative impact of the city on a person. Solving this issue will be the goal of this work. To solve this issue, it is necessary to identify areas of increased danger in the city, to talk about the negative impacts of the urban environment on a person, their consequences and ways to deal with them. And also indicate the services included in the city's security system.

Chapter 1. Zones of increased danger.

Knowing and taking into account areas of increased danger allows you to predict the development of a possible extreme situation, provide appropriate rules of conduct and thereby ensure your safety.

1.1. The outside

This danger zone includes non-residential houses, back streets, deserted streets, wastelands, lanes.

Later, at night, it is better to bypass such dangerous places: let the path lengthen, but the degree of danger will decrease. But if you had to go down the alley, you need to stay close to the edge of the sidewalk and away from the dark entrances, where a sudden intruder can drag you. You should walk with a confident look, just in case, holding an umbrella or a lantern in your hands.

When walking along the highway, you need to keep to the side where the traffic is moving towards - so you can not be dragged into the car that drove up from behind.

If possible, try to avoid contact with anyone. When threatened, it is best to flee. If it was not possible to escape, it is necessary to fight back, using the available means at hand for self-defense. Having become a victim of a robber, a rapist, you should try to remember his face, clothes and other signs and immediately report to the police.

Also on the street, you should carefully look at only the sides, but also under your feet. City roads and sidewalks can become slippery for a number of reasons and, as a result, there are a large number of injured people, especially the elderly.

1.2.Modern housing.

In the city, even the houses themselves are potentially dangerous, especially multi-storey ones, from the roofs of which icicles break in winter and spring, and various objects can fall out of windows and balconies.

The entrances and elevators of apartment buildings, where attacks are most often committed, also pose a danger. In order not to become their victim, you should follow certain precautions:

You should not enter with strangers, suspicious people into the entrance, the elevator;

Once alone with a stranger in an elevator, you should immediately exit;

When attacked, you need to call for help, ring someone's door.

modern dwelling- the focus of various networks of communal and individual household support. In a modern well-appointed apartment, a closed, branched electrical wiring has been laid, networks of pipes for water supply, heating, as well as sewerage have been laid. for removal of various household waste. Many kitchens are equipped with gas stoves, the gas to which is supplied through pipelines. Under these conditions, a variety of extreme situations are possible. All pipelines in which, as a result of long-term operation, exposure to the environment, are susceptible to corrosion, wear out. Sometimes it is not at all necessary to be a specialist in order to deal with a particular situation, to try to prevent serious consequences.


Each section of the pipeline has a central, intermediate and terminal cocks (valves). In case of water leakage from the tap, it is necessary to close the intermediate one, and in the event of a serious accident, close the central valve, which is usually located in the basement of the entrance, the terminal and intermediate taps in the apartment. The same should be done in the event of an accident in the heating system. All emergencies must be reported to the house management, call in specialists and try to prevent severe flooding of the apartment, since flooding can lead to a short circuit in the electrical wiring, and this, in turn, to electric shock and fire in the house.


This situation is easier to prevent than to deal with its consequences. In the event of a fire, it is necessary to localize the source of ignition, preventing the access of air to the fire. If a fire is caused by a short circuit in the electrical wiring, turn off the electrical distribution switch located on the landing of each floor, then, if possible, turn off the central switch of the entrance. Next, you need to call the fire brigade and start extinguishing the fire with available improvised means (water, sand, etc.). The main thing in this situation is to notify the neighbors of the fire and save the people caught in the fire.

Building destruction.

This extreme situation can occur as a result of an explosion or due to the destruction of building structures. In this situation, it is necessary to show determination, courage, and most importantly, restraint, to properly organize the rescue of people, to prevent panic (often people in a panic state rush from the windows of the upper floors). When buildings are destroyed, flooding, fire, and electrical wiring can occur. In any case, the most important thing in this situation is to organize the rescue of people, especially from the upper floors.

1.3. Places where people gather.

Congested places, where it is easy for criminals to commit crimes and hide, are areas of increased danger. It can be railway stations, parks, cinemas, places of various festivities, underground passages, etc. .

At train stations, a criminal can hide, getting lost among people, sitting on any train. Stations with their crowds attract mainly thieves and swindlers, “homeless people”, since among a large number of people there will always be simpletons who are easy to deceive. While at the station, the following safety rules should be observed:

Do not leave things unattended;

Do not trust your things, luggage to strangers;

Do not exchange large bills for smaller ones without special need;

In order not to become a victim of fraud, you should not play various lotteries, "thimbles", take part in draws and drawings. After standing for a few minutes and looking closely at who is constantly playing and winning, you can see for yourself that these are the same faces.

parks- favorite gathering places for young people, teenagers, various companies, places for drinking alcohol, and a person in a state of intoxication loses control over himself, attracts robbers and criminals of all stripes. It is easy for a criminal to hide in the park, so you should not go into secluded wilderness places, you should stay near people.

city ​​markets are also high risk areas. These are possible places of accumulation of thieves, robbers, swindlers. Here it is also easy for a criminal to hide, lost in the crowd.

Later, at night, it is better to bypass dangerous places: let the path lengthen, but the degree of danger will decrease. If possible, try to avoid contact with anyone. When threatened, it is best to flee. If this is not possible, then it is necessary to use all available improvised means for self-defense. Having become a victim of a robber, a rapist, you should try to remember his faces, clothes and other signs and immediately report to the police.

1.4 Transport.

All people, regardless of age and position, use different types of vehicles. But not everyone thinks that modern transport is a zone of increased danger. A feature of modern transport is its high saturation with energy. The most energy-intensive types of vehicles are trams, trolleybuses, subway and railway transport.

Automobile transport firmly entered the category of the most dangerous. A car accident (catastrophe) is one of the main causes of death in a modern city. In most cases, a car accident occurs due to non-compliance with elementary safety measures and traffic rules, as well as due to insufficient awareness of the consequences of a particular violation of road safety rules. For example, few people know that a collision with a fixed obstacle at a speed of 50 km / h without a seat belt is tantamount to jumping face down from the 4th floor.

About 75% of all accidents in road transport occur due to violations of traffic rules by drivers. The most dangerous types of violations still remain speeding, ignoring traffic signs, driving into oncoming traffic and driving while intoxicated.

Often bad roads (mostly slippery), machine malfunctions (first place - brakes, second - steering, third - wheels and tires) come to accidents. A feature of car accidents is that 80% of the wounded die in the first 3 hours due to heavy blood loss.

Many traffic accidents are caused by pedestrians. One of the causes of accidents involving pedestrians is the incorrect behavior of pedestrians on the carriageway and incorrect prediction of the nature of their behavior by the driver. The following main violations of the rules of behavior by pedestrians and driver errors that led to the occurrence of an accident can be distinguished:

Unexpected exit of a pedestrian onto the roadway;

Crossing the carriageway outside the pedestrian crossing;

Hitting a pedestrian, "rushing" along the roadway in the traffic. This is due to the fact that a pedestrian who is between the streams of moving cars is very frightened, and his behavior is chaotic and does not lend itself to reasonable logic;

Distraction of the driver's attention when performing a maneuver.

Human. riders should also take some precautions that can reduce the risk of injury in the event of an ADR:

In the event of an accident, safety is guaranteed by a stable fixed position of the body - sitting in a chair, lean forward and put your crossed arms on the chair in front, press it to your hands, move your legs forward, but do not stick under the chair, as a broken chair can damage your legs;

When falling, group up, cover your head with your hands. Do not try to stop the fall by grabbing onto a handrail or something else. This leads to dislocations and fractures;

Do not fall asleep while driving - there is a risk of injury during maneuvering or sudden braking;

If a fire breaks out in the cabin, inform the driver immediately;

In the event of an accident, open the doors with the emergency door release button. If this fails, break the side windows;

If possible, extinguish the fire yourself with the help of a fire extinguisher located in the cabin;

Having got out of the burning cabin, immediately begin to help others.

Underground is a huge artificial system, a well-functioning mechanism.

extreme situations in the subway can arise:

On the escalator;

On the platform;

In the train car.

The most dangerous thing is to break the rules for using the subway on the escalator:

While the escalator is in motion, hold on to the handrail;

Do not place luggage on the handrail, but hold it in your hands;

Don't run up the escalator;

Do not sit on the steps of the escalator;

Use the emergency brake handle if a passenger spills luggage, hesitates when leaving an escalator, or gets stuck in a gap between steps.

Extreme situations on the platform are less common, but it's still best not to get too close to the edge of the platform. Someone on the run can accidentally push you, you

you yourself can slip, when landing the crowd can push a person into the opening between the cars.

If, in case of a breakdown or technical problems on the line, your train is standing in the tunnel, first of all, remain calm and follow all the orders of the metro workers.

Chapter 2. Negative impacts of the urban environment.

A person, solving the problems of achieving comfortable and material support, continuously affects the urban environment with his activities and products of activity, generating man-made, environmental and social hazards in the city.

2.1. Technological dangers.

Technogenic hazards are created by elements of the technosphere - machines, structures, substances, etc. as a result of erroneous or unauthorized actions of a person or groups of people.

In large, and even more so in the largest cities, the functional zones of industrial, communal, residential, historically formed through the floorboard, are still preserved. The number of victims from accidents (catastrophes) in transport, industrial and other facilities is growing. Transport accidents (catastrophes) are described in detail in the previous chapter, so we will consider industrial accidents below.

Industrial accidents(catastrophes) occur as a result of a sudden failure of parts, mechanisms, machines and assemblies or due to human negligence and can be accompanied by serious violations of the production process, explosions, catastrophic floods, the formation of fires, radioactive, chemical contamination of the area, injury and death of people. Of particular danger are accidents (catastrophes) at potentially hazardous production facilities: fire hazardous, explosive, hydrodynamically hazardous, chemically hazardous, radiation hazardous. Emissions into the atmosphere or spills of highly toxic substances are possible at industrial facilities. There are no guarantees against radiation damage to people associated with possible accidents at nuclear power plants or military facilities with nuclear weapons. It is at these facilities that accidents (catastrophes) most often occur, accompanied by significant material losses, violation of living conditions, injury and death of people.

A person is exposed to significant man-made hazards when they enter the coverage area of ​​technical systems, which include highways, radiation zones of radio and television transmission systems, and industrial zones. The levels of hazardous impact on a person in this case are determined by the characteristics of technical systems and the duration of a person's stay in the danger zone.

The technogenic activity of cities and the modifications of the human environment associated with it have led to the need for a closer study of the environmental problem. As a result of environmental problems in industrial cities, the health of the population is deteriorating, the level of morbidity and mortality is increasing, and life expectancy is being reduced.

There are measures for the rational arrangement of territories, taken in order to improve the environmental situation:

Technological (transition to more advanced, "clean" technologies);

Technical (improvement of devices for cleaning discharges into water bodies and emissions into the atmosphere);

Structural (closure and withdrawal of polluting industries from the city and, conversely, the development of industries that are environmentally appropriate for it);

Architectural - planning (organization of industrial zones, creation of sanitary - protective gaps).

2.2. Ecological dangers.

Cities are increasingly becoming places unsuitable for a healthy life for people, and for all living things in general.

The environmental problems of cities, mainly the largest of them, are associated with an excessive concentration of population, transport, and industrial enterprises in relatively small areas, with the formation of anthropogenic landscapes that are very far from the state of ecological balance.

The vegetation cover of cities is usually almost completely represented by "cultural plantations" - parks, squares, lawns, flower beds, alleys. It happens that vegetation also plays a negative role - in the pursuit of fast-growing and beautiful plants that tolerate the conditions of the urban environment, ornamental plants are imported in large quantities, which can cause various allergic reactions in the townspeople.

Birds, rodents, insects and microorganisms, which are carriers and sources of diseases, also cause a lot of troubles, breeding in large numbers in city dumps and sedimentation tanks.

And yet, the greatest danger lies in poor-quality drinking water, polluted air, poor-quality food, increased levels of radioactivity, and strong exposure to electromagnetic waves.

Today, ¾ of the population of developed and almost half of the inhabitants of developing countries live in industrial centers. If in 1950 there were only 5 cities in the world with a population of more than 5 million people (a total of 48 million people), then in 1890 there were 36 such cities with a total population of 252 million. In 2000, there were already about 60 cities with a population of over 5 million with a total population of 650 million people. The growth rate of world population is 1.5 - 2.0 times lower than the growth of the urban population, which today includes 40% of the world's people.

About 29 million (excluding water and air) various substances enter the city-millionaire per year, which, during transportation, processing, give a significant amount of waste, some of which enters the atmosphere, the other part, together with wastewater, enters water bodies and underground aquifers. horizons, another part in the form of solid waste into the soil.

atmospheric air.

Scientists believe that every year thousands of deaths in cities around the world are related to air pollution. Atmospheric pollution is responsible for up to 30% of the general diseases of the population of industrial centers. Over large cities, the atmosphere contains 10 times more aerosols and 25 times more gases, among which carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are the most widespread. With a high content of gases and dust (soot) in the air and stagnation of air over the industrial areas of cities, smog is formed. Smog is especially dangerous in case of air pollution with sulfur dioxide. It affects the human respiratory organs and reduces resistance to other harmful impurities in the air (smoke, ground, asphalt and asbestos dust). At the same time, 60-70% of gas pollution comes from road transport. The car has become one of the main culprits of urban pollution. Up to 10 kg of rubber snout enters the air from each car from tire wear per year. And how many toxic substances are emitted from the exhaust pipe, how much oxygen is absorbed by the car engine and carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide are released. Lead emissions from car exhausts can cause brain damage and mental retardation in children.

District heating pipelines release up to 1/5 of the heat passing through them to the outside. Heat transfer from factories and plants, furnaces and boiler houses, various mechanisms and devices also contributes to heating the air basin of cities, from these industries 2/5 of the energy of all burned fuel enters the air. With low air mobility, thermal anomalies over the city cover atmospheric layers of 250 - 400 m, and temperature contrasts can reach 5 - 6 ° C. It is not surprising that smoke domes form over large cities with low air humidity and high air humidity and high temperature. The number of condensation centers (10 times) and fogs (2 times) increases. Every fourth disease of citizens is associated with urban air pollution, and its saturation with carbon dioxide is such that inhaling it for several hours can disrupt brain activity. Home air is no less a serious danger to human health. According to scientists who compared the air in apartments with polluted city air, it turned out that the air in the rooms is 4-6 times dirtier and 8-10 times more toxic. This is caused by exposure to lead white, linoleum, plastic, synthetic carpets, washing powders, furniture, which contains a lot of synthetic adhesive, polymers, paints, varnish, etc.

The main sources of indoor air pollution can be conditionally divided into four groups:

1. Substances entering the room with polluted air.

2. Products of degradation of polymeric materials.

3. Anthropotoxins (human waste products).

4. Combustion products of household gas and household activities.

Drinking water. Cities consume 10 or more times more water per person than rural areas, and water pollution reaches catastrophic proportions. Wastewater volumes reach 1 m3 per day per person. Therefore, almost all large cities experience a shortage of water resources and many of them receive water from remote sources.

Despite the fact that a person cannot live more than 9 days without water, it is water that is an important cause of cardiovascular diseases and malignant neoplasms. Rather, not the water itself, but the toxic substances dissolved in it.

A particular problem is water pollution by detergents - complex chemical compounds that are part of synthetic detergents. Detergents are difficult to clean up, and up to 50-60% of their initial amount usually ends up in water bodies.

Among industrial wastes discharged into water, in addition to organic compounds, salts of many heavy metals (cadmium, lead, aluminum, nickel, manganese, zinc, etc.) are the most dangerous for the body. Even in low concentrations, they cause a violation of various functions of the human body. High concentrations of salts of heavy metals cause acute poisoning.

The unsatisfactory sanitary and technical condition of water supply facilities and networks in cities is the cause of secondary microbial contamination of drinking water during transportation through the distribution system. The reasons for this are the wear of water distribution networks (50 percent or more), untimely elimination of accidents and leaks, and the lack of preventive disinfection of water pipes.

Don't drink chlorinated water;

Use only water that has been purified by high-performance cleaners or by freezing;

Drink only boiled water!

Radioactivity. In recent years, the issue of the effects of radiation on humans and the environment has received the greatest attention. Speaking about the sources of background radiation in residential premises, it is advisable to dwell in more detail on the significance of such a gas as radon. Radiation danger is created, first of all, due to inhalation of alpha-emitting aerosols of decay products of radon and sodium. A person comes into contact with radon and thorium everywhere, but mainly in stone and brick houses, when using gas for cooking and heating, with water. A great danger is the ingress of water vapor with a high content of radon into the lungs along with the inhaled air, which most often occurs in the bathroom, where, as studies have shown, the concentration of radon is 3 times higher than in the kitchen and 40 times higher than in residential areas. rooms. Measures to preserve heat in winter can lead to a significant increase in the concentration of radon inside residential premises.

The danger of radon, in addition to the functional disorders it causes (difficulty breathing, migraine, dizziness, nausea, depression, early aging, etc.), also lies in the fact that, due to internal irradiation of the lung tissue, it can cause lung cancer.

In order to reduce the risk of radon exposure, it is necessary to carry out protective measures:

Thoroughly ventilate the premises;

Use special coatings for floors;

Replace gas stoves in apartments with electric ones;

Use proven materials for the construction of new houses.

electromagnetic fields as an unfavorable factor in the environment of residential and public buildings. As a result of many years of observation, it turned out that electromagnetic fields (EMFs) pose a huge health hazard, because with prolonged exposure to humans, they can cause cancer, leukemia, brain tumors, multiple sclerosis and other serious diseases. EMF created by various devices generating, transmitting and using electrical energy is a widespread and constantly growing negative factor in the urban environment.

Currently, there are a huge number of EMF sources located both outside residential and public buildings (power lines, satellite communication stations, radio relay installations, TV transmission centers, open distribution devices, electric vehicles, etc.) and indoors (TVs, video recorders , computers, cellular radiotelephones, household microwave ovens, etc.)

In cities, there is a significant change in the level of EMF intensity during the day: during the day during the work of industrial and municipal enterprises, it increases, and decreases in the evening. Daily fluctuations of the artificial EMF dramatically change the electromagnetic environment of the city as a whole. Naturally, this does not go unnoticed for the residents of the city, many of whom are exposed to EMF at their workplaces. The main way to protect the population from the effects of external electromagnetic fields in a residential area is distance protection, that is, there must be an appropriate sanitary protection zone between the EMF source and residential buildings. Another reliable way to protect the body from the harmful effects of EMF, the sources of which are household appliances and personal computers, is time protection. That is, the time of work near such devices should be limited.

Noise in the residential environment. Austrian experts have found that the life expectancy of a person is reduced by 10-12 years due to the noise of large cities. According to sanitary standards, noise in a residential area should be no more than 60 dB, and at night - no more than 40 dB. The limit value of noise that does not cause harmful effects is 100 dB. However, on busy streets, noise often reaches 120-125 dB. But over the past decade alone, the noise in large cities of Russia has grown 10-15 times.

The noise "symphony" of the city consists of many factors: the rumble of railways and the roar of aircraft, the rumble of construction equipment, etc. The most powerful chords are the movement of vehicles, which, against the general background, makes up to 80% of the noise.

Noise seriously affects the well-being and health of people. So, for many young people listening to loud music in the style of "rock", the hearing can deteriorate forever. However, noise damages more than just hearing. A number of studies show that noise can increase blood pressure and cause damage to the cardiovascular system. Excessive noise makes it difficult for students to assimilate the material, causes irritability, fatigue, and a decrease in labor productivity.

The high levels of noise generated by televisions and radios in the home have been shown to interfere with the development of sensory-motor skills in children during the first two years of life. Constant exposure to loud noises also hinders the development of speech and suppresses the exploratory instinct.

Statistics show that workers who are constantly exposed to noise are more likely to experience cardiac arrhythmias, vestibular disorders and other diseases. They often complain of fatigue and increased irritability.

Against a background of noise with a strength of about 70 dB, a person performing operations of medium complexity makes twice as many errors as in the absence of this background. It has also been established that tangible noise reduces the efficiency of people engaged in mental work by more than one and a half times, and physical - by almost a third.

Of course, much in the fight against noise depends on us. For example, if you work in noisy industries, it is advisable to wear sound-absorbing headphones. With a strong source of noise inside the building, the walls and ceiling can be finished with noise-absorbing material, such as foam. If you live in a house located on a street with heavy traffic, then during peak hours you should close the windows facing the street and open the windows facing the courtyard. And, of course, do not turn on television and radio equipment at full power, especially in the evening and at night.

To reduce noise in a residential area, the following principles must be observed:

Place low-rise buildings near noise sources;

Noise protection facilities to build parallel to the highway;

Group residential properties into closed or semi-closed quarters;

Buildings that do not require noise (warehouses, garages, etc.) should be used as barriers to limit the spread of noise.

Vibration at home.

Vibration as a factor of the human environment, along with noise, is one of the types of its physical pollution, which contributes to the deterioration of the living conditions of the urban population.

Vibrations in buildings can be generated by external sources (underground and surface transport, industrial enterprises), in-house equipment of built-in trade enterprises and public utilities. Vibration in the apartment is often caused by the operation of the elevator. In some cases, tangible vibration is observed during construction work carried out near residential buildings. Regularly repeated after 1.5-2 minutes, floor vibrations, shaking of walls, furniture, etc. disrupt the rest of residents, interfere with the performance of household chores, do not allow them to concentrate on mental work. People living in such houses experience increased irritability, sleep disturbance. Persons aged from 31 to 40 years old and with diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system are most susceptible to the negative effects of vibration.

The most important direction in solving the problem of limiting the adverse effects of vibration in living conditions is the hygienic regulation of its permissible effects.

At present, we can confidently speak about the complex impact of a number of adverse factors that have led to a decrease in the protective forces of the city dweller's body and increased susceptibility to various diseases. There is a connection between the geochemical structure of urban pollution and the state of public health, traceable at all stages - from the accumulation of pollutants and the occurrence of immunobiological changes in the body to an increase in morbidity. Being a function of many variables, the health of the urban population is an integral indicator of the quality of the environment.

2.3.Social dangers.

An unfavorable social situation arises as a result of epidemics, the resolution of social, interethnic and religious conflicts by non-parliamentary methods, the actions of gangs and groups, which leads to disruption of the normal life of the population, death of people, destruction and destruction of material and cultural values.

The consequences of an unfavorable social situation in cities can be very different: from the emergence of dangerous living conditions during an epidemic to destruction, fires, the emergence of extensive foci of chemical, biological, radiation contamination, mass deaths during military operations, during public unrest, committed terrorist attack.

The accumulation of people in cities is a fertile ground for the emergence of interpersonal and group conflicts, the deterioration of the criminal situation, and the increase in danger to human life and health. The number of offenses, terrorist acts, riots is growing year by year. The rate of growth of crime in cities is 4 times faster than the rate of population growth in them

Radical and sometimes painful reforms in almost all spheres of life have given rise to a number of phenomena in cities that are becoming serious criminogenic factors. Among them:

Economic instability;

Increasing unemployment rate;

Strengthening the stratification of the population by income level;

Change at the level of state policy of ideological attitudes in

property, means of production and psychological

the unwillingness of many people to accept these changes;

lack of power;

The manifestation of bureaucracy and the spread of corruption in the state


This obviously explains the high growth rates crime in recent years and, in particular, the increasing cases of mass antisocial manifestations, often accompanied by grave consequences (murders, bodily injuries, arson, pogroms, destruction of property, disobedience to authorities).

A serious social irritant and criminogenic factor are refugees, which are mainly concentrated in cities. Many of them, unable to cope with the difficulties, begin to earn a living illegally, engaging in theft, robbery, robbery, and often organizing criminal communities for these purposes.

It is in large cities that various informal youth associations- Metalheads, punks, fans, rockers, skinheads. Under certain conditions, the listed groups of young people can pose a real danger to the people around them, and this should be taken into account in everyday life. Informal associations are the main participants in the violation of public order in public places, that is, in riots. One of the types of mass disorder - mass pogroms associated with violence, arson, destruction of property, use of firearms, explosive or explosive devices with armed resistance to government officials.

Another kind - mass spectacles, also always fraught with explosive danger. To the greatest extent, this applies to rock music concerts, when the ecstasy of listeners, often drugged up, leads to sad consequences. A fairly large number of fans die in stadiums, despite the security measures taken. Religious holidays are also often accompanied by human sacrifices. Potentially dangerous events also include demonstrations, political demonstrations, national holidays.

The high degree of public danger of participants in mass spectacles is due to the fact of the existence of a difficult, controllable large crowd of people, the facts of causing damage to property and harm to the health of citizens (and sometimes death), disorganization of the activities of authorities and administration.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that any mass riots cause material and physical harm, disorganize the life of society.

The real threat to security in modern society has become terrorism. Terrorism in any form of its manifestation has become one of the most dangerous socio-political and moral problems in terms of scale, unpredictability and consequences. Basically, any form of manifestation of terrorism threatens the security of large cities and their population more, entails huge political, economic and moral losses, exerting strong psychological pressure on people and taking more and more lives of innocent citizens.

Chapter 3. Security system.

Having considered the sources of danger in a modern city, it is necessary to name the services that help people cope with emergency situations. Speaking about the security system of the city, it must be emphasized that there are city and regional services.

Security services in the city:

Fire Protection Service (Fire Brigade)

Law enforcement service (police)

Health Service (Ambulance)

gas service

the main task fire service- having found the source of the fire, localize it, save people in trouble and, of course, put out the fire. Firefighters use fire engines of different purposes: main, special and auxiliary. Each fire truck is assigned a combat crew, consisting of a commander, a driver and firefighters. Combat crews on the main and special vehicles are called a squad. A squad built by a tanker truck, a pump truck, or a pump-hose car is the primary tactical fire department. The latter is able to independently carry out the tasks of extinguishing a fire, saving people, protecting and evacuating material assets.

The militia is called upon to ensure the protection of public order, personal and other property, the rights and legitimate interests of citizens, enterprises, organizations and institutions from criminal encroachments and other anti-social actions. The most important tasks of the militia are the prevention and suppression of crimes and other antisocial actions, the rapid and complete disclosure of crimes, and the utmost assistance in eliminating the causes that give rise to crimes and other offenses.

Ensuring the safety of traffic and pedestrians on the streets and roads. entrusted to the road patrol service (DPS). The activities of the traffic police are aimed at carrying out measures to prevent and reduce the severity of road injuries, suppress offenses in the field of road safety and are built in accordance with the principles of legality, humanism, respect for human rights and publicity.

Among the main tasks of the DPS:

Supervision of observance of traffic rules;

Traffic regulation;

Participation in the protection of public order and the fight against crime;

Implementation of urgent actions at the site of the road traffic

accidents, providing assistance to the injured and evacuating them to

medical institutions;

Transportation of damaged vehicles from the scene of an accident.

Emergency has a team of doctors of various specialties, well-trained support staff, a fleet of maneuverable cars. The main task of this service is to provide medical assistance to the victim and, if necessary, deliver him to the nearest medical facility. Modern medical equipment allows you to expertly assess the condition of the victim (patient) and help him in time.

The main task of the emergency gas service is to detect and eliminate gas leakage resulting from an emergency or related to improper operation of gas equipment.

It is very important, in case of an accident or a dangerous situation, to remember correctly the order of calling the corresponding service:

1. Pick up the handset of the phone and dial the desired number.

2. Report the reason for the call.

3. Give your first and last name.

4. Report where to arrive and phone number.

District utilities include: water supply, electricity, gasification system, road service. In addition, each district is divided into micro-districts, where, under the operational departments, there are elevator services, services for electrical networks, heating networks and sewerage networks. Ensuring life safety is a fairly broad concept, this system should also include the sanitary and epidemic service, the water rescue service, the regional headquarters for civil defense and emergencies. The honor and dignity of citizens, their property and housing inviolability are guarded by the courts and the prosecutor's office.


Thus, analyzing the role of the city in human life, we see that human life in a modern city is potentially dangerous. Even without being born, being in the womb, a person is exposed to constantly existing and acting dangers of a different nature. And from the moment of birth, the dangers threaten the life and health of citizens much more in comparison with rural residents. This is due to the fact that human activity aimed at transforming nature and creating a comfortable artificial habitat, which is the city, often causes unforeseen consequences. All human actions and all components of the urban environment (primarily technical means and technologies) have the ability to generate dangerous and harmful factors along with positive properties and results. In this case, a new positive result, as a rule, is accompanied by a new potential danger.

Therefore, ensuring security in the conditions of a modern city of life is the main task for urban residents, enterprises, organizations and institutions. The solution to the problem of ensuring life safety is to ensure normal (comfortable) conditions for people's activities, to protect a person and his environment (urban, residential, industrial) from the effects of harmful factors that exceed the normatively permissible levels. It can be said that the task of ensuring the safety of human life in the city, as a habitat, is not to eliminate existing hazards, but to reduce the potential level of hazards and reduce the consequences of their actions. Realized in space and time, the dangers of the city threaten not only an individual, but also a particular social group.

How to achieve security? The first and foremost way is to raise the awareness of the people. Parents from childhood are obliged to teach their child to behave correctly in dangerous situations on the street, in public transport, when communicating with strangers, interacting with dangerous objects and poisonous objects and poisonous substances. Actively contribute to the formation of the foundations of ecological culture and a healthy lifestyle.

In secondary educational institutions, teachers should pay special attention to the formation in the minds of children and adolescents of a heightened sense of personal and collective security, instilling skills in recognizing and assessing dangers, as well as safe behavior in emergency situations at home, at school, on the street.

For the prevention of dangers and protection from them, the development of the proper worldview and behavior of people is the science of "Life Safety". Its purpose is to form knowledge and skills to protect life and health in dangerous and emergency situations, to eliminate the consequences and provide self- and mutual assistance in case of danger; a conscious and responsible attitude to matters of personal safety and the safety of others; the ability to recognize and evaluate dangerous and harmful factors of the human environment, to find ways to protect against them.

"Life Safety" provides general safety literacy, being an integral part of the preparation of a comprehensively developed personality.


1. Life safety: A textbook for universities / L.A. Mikhailov, V.P. Solomin, A.L. Mikhailov, A.V. Starostenko and others. - St. Petersburg: Miter, c007.

2. Life safety: Proc. manual for universities / Ed. prof. L.A. Ant. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: UNITI - DANA, 2003.

3. Denisov V.V., Denisova I.A., Gutenev V.V., Montvila O.I. Life safety. Protection of the population and territories in emergency situations: Proc. allowance. - Moscow: ICC "MarT", Rostov n / D: Publishing Center "Mart", 2003.

4. Mikryukov V.Yu. Life safety: Textbook / V.Yu. Mikryukov. Rostov n/a: Phoenix, 2006.

5. Novikov Yu.V. Ecology, environment and man: Proc. manual for high schools, secondary schools and colleges. - 2nd ed., Rev. and additional /Yu.V. Novikov. – M.: FAIR-PRESS, 2002.

The twentieth century was considered the century of urbanization - a time when new cities quickly appeared and the proportion of the urban population increased. In 2005, the number of urban residents exceeded three billion people, which is more than 48% of all inhabitants of the Earth.

There are so many things to do in the city! There are theaters, museums, beautiful houses, parks, sports facilities. It would seem, what could be dangerous in the city? After all, this is not a taiga where a person can get lost, die from cold and hunger, become a victim of predators. Nevertheless, there are many threats in cities too.

In order to assess the degree of danger of the city, let's compare the features of the life of a city dweller and a rural dweller.

As a rule, a villager can do a lot himself: provide himself with food, prepare fuel, build a house or make the necessary temporary shelter, catch fish, and if he is a hunter, then make a trap.

A city dweller most often does not possess many of the useful skills of a rural dweller, because they are not needed. He has a reliable house, it has water and heat, any food is in a nearby store, and medicines are in a pharmacy.

In rural areas, all residents are well acquainted with each other. The appearance of new people and something unusual immediately becomes noticeable and does not go unnoticed. Here everyone knows everyone and who is capable of what.

Citizens, unfortunately, do not always even know their neighbors.

The pace of life in the countryside and in the city is very different. In the city during the day, events and conditions usually change quickly. In the morning, a city dweller hurries to work, it often takes one or two hours to get to work, by several modes of transport, in crowded and noisy conditions, and this is very tiring and even annoying, and negatively affects a person’s behavior. He may be inattentive on the road or be aggressive. And this can happen to both the passenger and the driver. Then on the road just expect trouble.

A villager works near his home. The environment is much calmer and the events of the day are more predictable.

Evening classes, work, visits to theaters, concerts force residents of the city to return home at a later time, when the streets are empty and the likelihood of meeting persons with criminal intent increases.

In cities, there are many factories, plants that have harmful industries that pollute the environment. The abundance of various communications - gas and water pipelines, sewerage networks and wells, electrical cables - is a source of sudden accidents and threats to the well-being, health and even life of a city dweller. A strong wind breaks and brings down trees, wires are torn, pipelines are destroyed. Rain and fog, snow and ice contribute to a sharp increase in the number of road accidents.

Of course, in a village or town there are no such problems. But there are difficulties to which the city man is not adapted, a lot of physical work. For example, you have to get up after dark to take care of domestic animals on the farm, work in the field in hot and bad weather in order to get a good harvest. And you can suddenly lose the fruits of many months of work due to a natural disaster - a natural fire, flood, hurricane, frost. Natural disasters can completely destroy small settlements. However, the largest natural disasters - such as, for example, earthquakes or floods, can also inflict heavy damage on the city - due to the large concentration of people and dense buildings.

Some facts

    In May 2001, due to ice jams on the Lena River and a sharp rise in the water level in it, 98% of the territory of the Yakut city of Lensk was flooded. Over 3,200 houses were destroyed and 90% of the population had to be evacuated to safe areas. Work to eliminate the consequences of the disaster and improve life in the city was headed by the Russian Emergencies Ministry. By the end of September, all the victims moved into new homes.

And now let's think about what we read, formulate the main types of urban hazards and their causes:

  • pollution of the environment by harmful emissions from enterprises and transport;
  • the need to constantly visit crowded places (transport, shops, markets);
  • heavy urban traffic and its vulnerability to inclement weather;
  • the presence of a large number of utility networks and communications with the possibility of accidents on them;
  • a lot of people with antisocial behavior and bad intentions.

We can conclude that all types of adverse factors lead to the emergence of dangerous situations in cities: man-made, natural and social. The same factors also manifest themselves in rural areas, but technogenic and social factors are to a lesser extent than in the city.


  1. Do you think there are differences between the dangers in the life of a city dweller and a rural dweller?
  2. What dangers can lie in wait for a person on the roads of a city with heavy traffic? Can they be avoided? How? Give an example.
  3. What dangers can lie in wait for a person in rural areas? Can they be avoided? How? Give an example.
  4. What natural emergencies can occur in a city? In the countryside?
  5. If any dangerous situation arises, then who comes to the rescue in the city and in the village? Give 2-3 examples.


  1. Look at the picture carefully and answer the questions. - What dangerous situations can arise? Name at least five cases.
    • What needs to be done to avoid disaster? Justify your answer for each case.
  2. Prepare a short story about:
    • “What will happen in your locality if the electricity is completely cut off for three days?”
    • “What are the consequences of prolonged heavy rains in your community?”

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