Sbts clarification. Base prices for design work for construction. VII. Clarifications on determining the base price of design work for the construction of artificial structures

I Clarifications on determining the base price of design work for the construction of housing and civil facilities
1 How to determine the cost of designing individual heat points (including built-in ones) with a capacity of 0.8-1.5 Gcal / h?
2 Does the base price for designing a kindergarten take into account the cost of designing a laundry, a catering unit?
3 How to calculate the cost of fencing a residential complex?
4 How to calculate the anchoring cost of an elevator project for a hospital?
5 How to determine the cost of designing a ski slope, lifts and snow blowers?
II Standards for the preparation of technical documentation for the overhaul of buildings and structures for residential and civil purposes
1 Does the Regulation on the composition of sections of project documentation and the requirements for their content, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 No. 87 (Regulation), apply to the SBC "Standards for the preparation of technical documentation for the overhaul of buildings and structures of housing and civil as of 12.03. 2012 (SBCP 81-2001-05)
2 What does the work on the preparation of technical documentation for the overhaul of the facades of buildings and structures include?
3 How to determine the cost of preparation of technical documentation for the overhaul of balconies?
4 How to determine the cost of interior design during the overhaul of buildings and structures?
5 How to calculate the cost of overhauling a cafe for 100 seats?
6 How to determine the cost of capital repairs of boiler houses?
III Territorial planning and planning of territories
1 Are reduction factors (0.4 and 0.6) used in price calculation in SBCP 81-2001-01 "Territorial planning and territory planning" ed. 2010?
2 What kind of works include projects of territory planning and land surveying?
3 How to calculate the cost of implementing the scheme of planning organization of the land plot of the microdistrict?
4 How to calculate the cost of developing a municipal development project?
IV Communication objects
1 How to determine the cost of designing security systems - a television security and surveillance system (TSON)?
2 What tables of the recommended relative cost of developing sections of design and working documentation of buildings and structures apply to station structures (2 OS) SBTsP 81-2001-02?
V Water supply and sewerage facilities
1 Which of the Handbooks should be followed when determining the cost of a sewer collector with a diameter of 1400 mm and a length of more than 5 km in the city?
2 How to determine the cost of designing water deironing facilities?
3 How to determine the cost of designing wastewater pumping stations with a capacity of 0.0065 thousand m3/hour?
4 How to determine the cost of designing a short-range drainage?
VI Public roads
1 How to determine the cost of measures to protect existing utilities?
2 How to calculate the cost of developing design documentation for drive-in pockets for highways (stops)?
VII Communal engineering networks and structures
1 Which design objects include tables No. 48 and 49 of the GSN "Handbook of basic prices for design work in construction" Municipal engineering networks and structures "(SBTsP 81-2001-07), containing indicators of the recommended estimated relative cost of developing sections of design working documentation?
2 What are the objects of energy supply included in the Directory of basic prices for design work in construction "Utility engineering networks and structures" ed. 2012 (SBCP 81-2001-07), are they linear?
3 How to determine the cost of designing relay protection using integrated circuits?
4 How to determine the cost of designing lightning protection cables for organizing high-quality communications, as well as a fiber-optic communication line (FOCL)?
5 How to determine the cost of designing architectural lighting for the facade of a building?
6 How to determine the costs associated with the participation of the design organization on behalf of the customer in the selection of a site (route) for construction?
7 How to determine the cost of designing an overhead line (VL) with the presence of sections of 3 categories of complexity according to SBCP 81-2001-07 "Municipal engineering networks and structures"?
8 How to determine the cost of designing electrical networks and electrical calculations?
9 Does the power line include branches to consumers (from the main to the consumer) according to SBTsP 81-2001-07?
10 How to determine the cost of designing overhead power lines with a voltage of 0.4 kV and a length of up to 1 km or less?
11 On the conditions for designing power electric cables up to 35 kV and the composition of the project documentation being prepared
12 How to determine the cost of designing water supply networks of the same diameter and purpose, but passing along different routes?
VIII Buried structures and structures, dewatering, anti-landslide structures and measures, pile foundations
1 In what cases is the coefficient for seismicity applied according to the Reference book of basic prices for design work for construction "Recessed structures and structures, dewatering, anti-landslide structures and measures, pile foundations" ed. 2004?
IX Clarifications on determining the cost of performing other design or design-related work
1 How is the tax taken into account under the simplified taxation system in the calculation of the cost of design work according to the reference books of base prices?
2 How is the base price of design work calculated in the case when the indicator of the design object is more than twice the maximum indicator?
3 How to determine the cost of completing the facility with additional equipment to ensure its uninterrupted power supply?
4 How to determine the cost of compiling an instruction manual for a capital construction facility?
5 How to calculate fire risks? What percentage of the cost in the "Fire Safety" section do they make up?
6 Does the Regulation on the composition of sections of project documentation and the requirements for their content, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 No. 87 (Regulation), apply to the SBC "Standards for the preparation of technical documentation for the overhaul of buildings and structures for housing and civil purposes" approved Ministry of Regional Development of Russia by order No. 96 of March 12, 2012 (SBCP 81-2001-05)?
7 How to calculate the costs of the main contractors in accordance with MDS 81.35-2004?
8 When determining the cost of design from the cost of construction, an analogue object is used. The cost of an analogue object is determined taking into account the regional coefficient. When determining the cost of design, is it right for a design organization to apply a regional coefficient for the salary of employees, if the cost from which the design cost is taken already takes it into account?
9 How to determine the amount of costs for the implementation of architectural supervision of construction?
10 How to determine the cost of environmental impact assessment (EIA) work?
11 How to determine the cost of pre-design development?
12 How to determine the cost of design work for the demolition or dismantling of facilities and structures?
13 What is included in section 12 "Other documentation" of the Regulations on the composition of sections of project documentation and the requirements for their content, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 No. 87?
14 What is the basis for the preparation of a consolidated estimate of the cost of construction?
15 What reduction factors should be entered into the calculation formula if the cost of construction and installation works in the total cost of construction is less than 60% (for example, 18% and 28%)?
1 Indices for prices for design work from the 1st quarter of 1993 to the 4th quarter of 2013 (list)
2 Letter of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation 12.11.2013 2133 1-SD/10 on the indices of change in the estimated cost of construction and installation works, on the indices of change in the estimated cost of design and survey work, the indices of change in the estimated cost of other works and costs, as well as indices for IV quarter 2013 changes in the estimated cost of technological equipment







1. Question: How is the cost of work on the selection of a land plot (route) for construction determined?

Answer: The choice of a land plot (route) for construction is carried out, as a rule, during the development of justifications for investments in the construction of an object.

When determining the cost of developing the Justifications for Investments in the construction of an object, the costs of design organizations associated with their participation in the selection of a land plot (route) are taken into account in this price.

In cases where the selection of a land plot is not carried out during the development of the Rationale for Investments in the construction of an object, the base price of the Rationale for Investments should be adjusted using a correction factor as the performance of work in a reduced volume, against the volume provided for by the current regulatory documents.

The amount of costs associated with the implementation of these works is given in the Practical Guides for the Application of Base Price Guides for Design Works for Construction and can be up to 5 % from the cost of project development.

2. Question: How is the price of drawing up a Petition (Declaration) of intent to invest in the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures determined?

The need to perform interior work in excess of the requirements of SNiP should be specifically stipulated in the design assignment.

30. Question: How is it taken into account in the prices for design work, determined according to the Directory of basic prices for design work for construction "Objects of housing and civil construction" ed. 1994, the need to develop as part of the automation project documentation:

· thermal units and points when heat meters are installed in them;

· supply and exhaust ventilation systems;

· sewer valves, water supply and sewage pumps?

Answer: The base price determined by the Directory of base prices for design work for construction "Objects of housing and civil construction" publications 1994 established depending on the total cost of construction, the cost of designing the entire complex of buildings, structures and types of design work included in the Consolidated estimate calculation of the cost of construction, including automation systems for engineering units of buildings and structures, is taken into account.

At the same time, the indicators of the relative cost of developing design documentation, given in the tables of the Manual for determining the relative cost of developing design documentation for housing and civil construction projects, are purely indicative and can be determined by the institute independently within the established total price, depending on the complexity of the work.

31. Question: Is the cost of designing automatic fire extinguishing installations, fire and burglar alarms taken into account when determining the base prices for the current sections of the Collection of prices for design work for construction (publications 1987-90.)?

Answer: When determining the base prices for design work according to the current sections of the Collection of prices for design work for the construction of the publication 1987-90 the cost of designing automatic fire extinguishing installations, fire and burglar alarms is determined in addition to the price for the development of design documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures (see clause 2.10 of the Temporary recommendations for determining basic prices for design work for construction. Appendix No. 1 to the letter of the Ministry of Construction of Russia from December 17, 1992 No. BF-1060/9).

Complex prices Reference books of basic prices for design work for the construction edition 1994-98 the cost of designing fire and security protection systems is taken into account. In this regard, these works are not subject to additional payment.

32. Question: What price document determines the cost of designing fire and security protection systems for enterprises, buildings, structures?

Answer: The cost of designing automatic fire extinguishing and fire alarm installations for enterprises, buildings and structures is recommended to be determined according to the Directory of basic prices for design work for the construction of "Fire and security protection systems", which is approved and recommended for use by the letter of the Gosstroy of Russia dated September 28, 1999 No. NZ-3287/10.

With the entry into force of this Handbook, the section 60 "Automatic fire extinguishing, fire and security alarm systems" Collection of prices for design work for the construction edition 1987-90 gg.

The specified Directory is used to determine the base price for designing fire and security protection systems for enterprises, buildings, structures only when these works are performed under a separate design assignment.

33. Question: What are the coefficients in the Directory of basic prices for design work for construction "Fire and security protection systems"(editions 1999) relate to pricing, and which - to taking into account complicating factors?

Answer: In the Directory "Fire and Security Protection Systems", the coefficients that take into account complicating factors are provided for in paragraphs. , chapter 2 "The procedure for determining the base prices for design work" and paragraph 2 of the notes to table 6, all the rest are pricing.

34. Question: For which sections of the Collection of prices for design work for the construction of the publication 1987-90 it is possible to determine the cost of designing heat points for residential and civil buildings?

Answer: The cost of designing heat points is not included in the prices of the section 39 "Residential and civil buildings" Collection of prices for design work for the construction edition 1987-90 and can be determined additionally according to other sections of the Price Book - 6; 9; 10.

35. Question: How is the base price for the development of design documentation for heat substations (TP and CHP) of low productivity determined?

Answer: Due to the absence in the sectoral section "Electric Power Industry" of the Collection of Prices ed. 1987-90 and the Base Price Guide for Design Work for Construction "Energy facilities" ed. 1996 prices for the design of TP and CHP, to determine the price of these works, you can use the section 9 "Chemical industry" Collection of prices ed. 1990 subject to changes and additions (Tables 9 - 14, paragraph 100) with the introduction of correction factors into the calculation in accordance with paragraph 18 of the Instructions for the Application of Section Prices (“For Chapter 14:

· with an indicator less than the minimum by more than 2-4 times - 0.7;

· with an indicator less than the minimum by more than 4 times - 0.6).

36. Question: How is the cost of bank protection design determined?

Answer: To calculate the base price for the design of coastal fortification, the Directory of base prices for design work for construction can be used. "Objects of river transport" publications 1995 year or section 54 "River transport" Edition Price Book 1990 year, bearing in mind that the introduction of the Base Price Guides, in which prices are set depending on the cost of construction, does not provide for the abolition of the relevant sections of the Price Book. In this case, it is preferable to use documents of a later edition, i.e. Reference books of basic prices that meet the level of modern requirements for the development of high-quality project documentation.

37. Question: How can one calculate the base price for designing a flyover for trams and metro trains?

Answer: Due to the absence in the Directory of basic prices for design work for construction “Railways and highways. Bridges. Tunnels. Subways. Industrial transport» and, in particular, in the chapter 4 "Artificial structures", range of these works, we consider it possible to apply for their assessment the corresponding indicators of the cost of designing railway bridges, bearing in mind in this case the similarity of static, dynamic and vibration loads on the structure. The same approach to determining the base price of work can be carried out when designing bridge structures for the passage of metro trains.

38. Question: Does table 25 of chapter 5 of the Reference book of basic prices for design work for construction take into account “Railways and highways. Bridges. Tunnels. Subways. Industrial transport» the costs of determining the maximum spring and rain flood discharges, the average height and slope of the catchment?

How are the costs of designing a suspension pedestrian bridge across a river with different banks (one steep, the other gentle) determined?

Answer: table 25 chapter 5 of the Reference book of basic prices for design work “Railways and highways Bridges Tunnels. Subways. Industrial transport» hydraulic calculations are taken into account. The cost of determining the maximum flow rates of spring floods and rain floods are related to hydrological calculations and table prices 25 not taken into account.

The cost of designing a suspension pedestrian bridge across a river with different banks is determined by an individual calculation and agreed with the customer (chapter 5 , paragraph 3 ).


1. Question: How is the price of developing technical documentation for the overhaul of buildings and structures determined?

Answer: When determining the cost of developing technical documentation for the overhaul of buildings and structures, it is recommended to apply:

Temporary Collection of prices for the preparation of project documentation for the overhaul of residential and public buildings, approved by the order of Roszhilkommunsoyuz dated 10.08.90 No. 1 (SCPR 90 G.). At the same time, the inflation index is applied to the prices of the said Collection;

· Directory of base prices for the development of technical documentation for the overhaul of building structures of buildings and structures, prepared by FSUE "TSENTRINVESTproekt" Gosstroy of Russia and OJSC "Proektneftekom" ed. 1998

At the same time, for these purposes, you can use the Base Price Guides, as well as the current sections of the Price Book for design work for construction using a reduction factor of not more than 0,5, depending on the scope of work, to the design price for new construction conditions.

2. Question: On the basis of what regulatory documents the self-supporting subdivision of the city administration has the right to provide paid services and what should be guided by when determining the cost of the services provided?

Answer: Taking into account that the acting "Collection of prices (price lists) for the types of work and services performed by self-supporting bodies of architecture and urban planning and their subdivisions", approved by the resolution of the Gosstroy of the RSFSR dated November 15, 1988 No. 97, is not included in the system of regulatory documents in construction, until the release of new price documents for the performance of the work in question, its provisions can only be used in terms of determining the time standards for the list of types of work and services included in its composition.

The amount of payment for the mentioned works and services is determined in current prices, applying the hourly tariff rates adopted by local governments to the norms of time. The cost estimate compiled on the basis of the types of work performed is approved in the prescribed manner.

3. Question: How is the amount of costs associated with the approval of project documentation determined?

Answer: Based on the provisions of paragraphs. 3.4 and 3.6 of SNiP 11-01-95, project documentation developed in accordance with state norms, rules and standards, as well as initial data, specifications and requirements issued by state supervision (control) bodies and interested organizations, is not subject to additional approval. In this regard, the costs of design organizations for the coordination of documentation at the request of regional executive authorities, supervision and control, as well as with interested organizations, are not taken into account by the prices of the Handbooks and are determined additionally in the prescribed manner.

Costs associated with payment for works (services) performed by self-government bodies (administrations), State supervision (control) and interested organizations that issue to the customer and design organization initial data, technical conditions and requirements for connecting the facility to engineering networks and public communications, and also carrying out approvals of design solutions provided for in SP 11-101-95 and SNiP 11-01-95, as a rule, are not subject to additional payment.

If these organizations are on full economic account, payment for the specified works (services) is made by the customer at contractual prices. These clarifications are given in paragraph 11 of the Model Regulations on the procedure for issuing initial data and technical specifications for design, approval of construction documentation, as well as payment for these services, approved by the Ministry of Construction of Russia on February 6, 1996 and sent with a letter dated February 13, 1996 No. BE -19-4/9.

Appendix 1

valid price documents for design work for
construction, approved (recommended for use)
Gosstroy of Russia (Gosstroy of the USSR)
as of 01.01.2002


SC - Collection of prices for design work for construction editions 1987-90;

SBC - Reference books of basic prices for design work for construction editions 1994-99;

NP - natural indicators;

KB - investment.

Price document name

Approval date

Price dependency


1. Industry facilities

SBC "Nuclear Energy Facilities" (2nd edition)


SBC "Energy Facilities"

SC, r. 1 "Power industry"

SC, r. 2 "Oil industry" (except chapters 1, 2)

Oil industry

SBC "Objects of the oil industry"

SBC "Enterprises of transport, storage of petroleum products and gas stations"

SBC "Objects of the main oil transportation"

SC, r. 3 "Oil refining and petrochemical industry" (without the oil refining industry - chapters 1.4 - 8; tables 3 - 12)

Oil refining and petrochemistry

SBC "Objects of the oil refining industry"

SBC "Gas Industry Objects" (2nd edition)

SC, r. 5 "Coal industry"

SC, r. 6 Ferrous metallurgy


SC, r. 7 "Non-ferrous metallurgy"

SC, r. 8 "Mining"

SC, r. 9 "Chemical industry"

SC, r. 10 "Production of mineral fertilizers"

SBC "Objects of machine-building industry"

mechanical engineering

SC, r. 11 - 25 (without p. 22)

SC, r. 26 "Forest and woodworking, pulp and paper industry" (except chapters 5 and 6)

Forestry, woodworking, pulp and paper industry

SBC "Forestry Objects"

SC, r. 33 "Forestry"

SBC "Pulp and paper industry facilities"

SBC "Building materials industry facilities"

SC, r. 28 "Light and textile industry"

SC, r. 29 "Fishing industry"

SC, r. 30 "Medical and microbiological industry"

SC, r. 31 "Enterprises of the agro-industrial complex"

Agro-industrial complex, trade and public catering

SC, r. 42 "Trade and catering enterprises"

SBC "Objects of the agro-industrial complex, trade and public catering"

SC, r. 32 "Flour-grinding and feed industry"

SC, r. 34 "Water management construction"

SBC "Objects of the printing industry"

SC, r. 43 "Enterprises of logistics and marketing"

SC, r. 41 "Objects of arrangement of geology"

SC, r. 53 "Peat industry"

SC, r. 58 "Local industry"

II. Objects of housing and civil purpose

SBC "Urban Planning Documentation"

SBC "Objects of housing and civil construction"

SC, r. 39 "Residential and civil buildings"

SC, r. 44 "Health institutions"

SC, r. 45 "Higher Educational Institutions"

SC, r. 46 "Theatrical and entertainment enterprises"

SC, r. 47 "Cinema Objects"

SC, r. 51 "Research institutions"

SC, r. 52 "Physical culture non-sports facilities"

SC, r. 56 Utilities

SC, r. 57 "Consumer service enterprises"

SC, r. 65 "Urban engineering structures and communications"

III. Linear construction objects: water supply and sewerage (VC), transport and communications

SBC "VK Objects"

SBC “Railways and highways. Bridges. Tunnels. Subways. Industrial transport»

KB - prices for industrial vehicles only

SC, r. 55 "Motor transport enterprises"

SBC "River transport facilities"

NP - water approaches and raids

SC, r. 54 "River transport"

SBC "Objects of civil aviation"

SC, r. 36 "Buildings and structures of air transport"

SC, r. 35 "Marine transport enterprises"

SBC "Communication Objects"

KV - only prices for postage

IV. Structures included in the construction complex of the facility

SBC “Gas equipment and gas supply of industrial enterprises, buildings and structures. Outdoor Lighting"

SC, r. 59 "Protective structures of civil defense"

SBC "Fire and security protection systems"

SC, r. 61 "Gas cleaning and dust collection facilities"

SC, r. 62 "Industrial furnaces, dryers, chimneys and ventilation pipes, thermal insulation and anti-corrosion protection structures"

SC, r. 63 "Recessed structures and structures, building dewatering and drainage"

Annex 2

Temporary recommendations
to determine the base prices for design work for construction in a market economy, taking into account inflationary processes

(Appendix 1 to the letter of the Ministry of Construction of Russia

Moscow 1992

Temporary recommendations have been developed to refine the General Guidelines for the Application of the Price Book for Design Works for Construction in connection with the activities of design organizations in the transition period to a market economy and taking into account inflationary processes and serve to determine base prices when reaching an agreement on the level of the contract price for design products.

Under the general editorship of V.K. Kraskov.


*Hereinafter referred to as the "price (cost)" without the word "base".

1.1. Prices for design work for construction are developed based on the main indicators of the designed objects: capacity, length, capacity, area, etc. (hereinafter referred to as the main indicators of the designed objects).

In cases where prices are set in the sections (tables) of the Collection depending on the main indicator - capacity, expressed in rubles (thousand rubles, million rubles), the main indicator of the projected facility should be brought to the price level that was in effect before January 1, 1991.

1.2. The prices given in the sections of the Collection are set in relation to the composition, procedure for the development, coordination and approval of design estimates for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures; project documentation for regional planning and development of cities, towns and rural settlements (SNiP 1.02.01-85; VSN 38-82).

1.3. The sections of the Collection contain prices for individual design of new construction of industrial and residential facilities, consisting of a complex of workshops, buildings and structures.

The same sections provide prices for individual design of individual workshops, buildings and structures (part of the complexes) in order to determine the cost of developing design estimates for the expansion, reconstruction, technical re-equipment of these facilities.

1.4. Collection prices do not include:

development of design solutions specified in the design assignment in several versions;

development of working drawings for special auxiliary structures, fixtures, devices and installations in the design of facilities with particularly complex structures and methods of work;

development of solutions for the monumental and decorative design of enterprises, buildings and structures;

making changes to the working documentation (with the exception of correcting errors made by the design organization);

development of detailed drawings of metal structures (KMD) and process pipelines of prefabricated production;

surveys and measurement work at facilities subject to reconstruction, expansion and technical re-equipment;

development of design documentation for the manufacture of non-standard and non-standard equipment, in addition to the preparation of initial requirements for the design of this equipment;

demo layouts;

development of projects for the production of construction and installation works (PPR), design estimates for the construction of temporary buildings and structures for the needs of construction organizations;

research and experimental work in the design;

business travel expenses;

additional costs associated with the implementation of design work by organizations located in the regions of the Far North and in remote areas equated to them and other areas;

costs for the acquisition of standard design and engineering documentation;

ecological substantiation of economic activity in design materials;

performing the functions of the customer, as well as additional work on his behalf.


2.1. The project development price is determined by the formula:

Сn - project development cost in thousand rubles;

WITH - the price of working documentation development in thousand rubles;

K1- the ratio of the project price to the price of working documentation.

Price of working documentation development (WITH) is determined by the formula:

, where

a and in - constant values ​​for a certain interval of the main indicator of the designed object, in thousand rubles;

X- the main indicator of the designed object;

Ki- a coefficient that takes into account a significant increase in costs for the production of project products associated with the liberalization of prices, changes in the amount of mandatory payments and the composition of costs included in the cost of these products. The coefficient is set based on the level of the minimum wage.

Note. Coefficient Ki, equal to 18*) is applied to the prices of the Collection of the 1987 edition with additions and changes to it, published in 1988-1989.

Values a, b, Ki are given in the sections of the Collection.

*) Ki= 18 - determined as of 1.10.92

2.2. The cost of developing design estimates for the expansion, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises, workshops, buildings and structures is determined at the prices of the Collection, based on the value of the main indicator of the projected object, which should be achieved as a result of its reconstruction, technical re-equipment, using a coefficient of up to 2.0 installed by the design organization.

2.3. The cost of design work to be performed in a reduced composition and volume against that provided for by the current regulatory documents (development of additional project options or individual technological, structural, architectural and other solutions developed in accordance with the design assignment) is determined at prices for the development of design estimates documentation of the relevant facility using a reduction factor, the size of which is set by the design organization in accordance with the complexity of the work as agreed with the customer.

2.5. The cost of the types of design work included in prices is determined according to the tables of relative cost given in the sections of the Collection and can be specified by the design organization within the total cost for each design stage, both when performing work on its own, and when transferring part of the work to subcontracting design organizations in agreement with them .

In the same manner, the relative cost of other types of design work not highlighted in the relative cost tables can be determined.

The tables of the relative cost of developing design and estimate documentation given in the Book of Prices for New Construction do not apply to the cost of developing design and estimate documentation for the reconstruction and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises, buildings and structures. The determination of the relative cost of developing these types of design work (within a certain total cost) when performed by one design organization is carried out by this organization, depending on the complexity of the work performed. For works performed with the involvement of subcontracting design organizations, the relative cost of design work is established in agreement with these organizations.

2.8. The cost of design and estimate documentation, determined on the basis of the main indicators of the facility being designed, according to the indicators specified as a result of its development, is not recalculated.

2.9. In the case when the projected object has a value of the main indicator less than the minimum or greater than the maximum indicator given in the price table of the section, then the cost of developing working documentation is determined by extrapolation.

In cases where the accepted indicator is less than half of the minimum or more than twice the maximum indicator given in the table, the cost of design work is determined in the manner prescribed by paragraph.

2.10. Cost of designing industrial furnaces and dryers; off-site engineering networks, communications and structures; protective structures of civil defense; automated enterprise management systems (APCS); automated process control systems (APCS); automatic fire extinguishing installations, fire and security alarms; gas cleaning and dust collection facilities is determined according to the relevant sections of the Collection and price tags in addition to the prices for the development of design estimates for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures.


3.1. The cost of developing design and estimate documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures in difficult conditions is determined at the prices of the Collection, applying the following coefficients to the cost of design work:

Factors complicating design

Coefficient applied to the following stages


"working documentation"

Permafrost, subsidence, swelling soils; karst and landslide phenomena; located construction sites above mine workings, in flooded areas, etc.

Seismicity 7 points

Seismicity 8 points

Seismicity 9 points

If there are two or more complicating factors, coefficients are applied for each factor.

3.2. The cost of designing special protective structures against dangerous physical and geological processes and phenomena (landslides, mudflows, landslides, etc.) is determined based on specific conditions by calculating the cost of labor costs and is paid additionally.

3.3. Instructions on the application of prices and correction factors given in one section (chapter, table) of the Collection are not allowed to be used when determining the cost of design work for other sections (chapters, tables) of the Collection.

3.4. The cost of an additional number of copies of design and estimate documentation issued to the customer at his request in excess of that established by the relevant regulatory documents is determined in addition to the base price.

3.5. The cost of performing other stages performed on behalf of the customer is determined by the design organization in agreement with the customer in relation to the prices at the "project" stage, taking into account the scope of work.

Annex 3


Index size

No. and date of the letter from Gosstroy (Minstroy, Minzemstroy) of Russia


I quarter

II quarter

2,5 (2.5´18=45)

9-1-2/59 dated 04/13/93

III quarter

4,9 (4.9´18=88.2)

9-1-2/143 of 07/09/93

IV quarter

9,9 (9.9´18=178.2)

9-1-2/209 of 10/07/93


I quarter

16,8 (16.8´18=302.4)

9-1-2/3 dated 01/06/94

II quarter

31,9 (31.9´18=574.2)

9-1-2/69 of 04/07/94

III quarter

41,2 (41.2´18=741.6)

9-1-2/105 dated 06/27/94

IV quarter

50,9 (50.9´18=916.2)

9-4/140 dated 10/06/94


I quarter

69,9 (69.9´18=1258.2)

9-4/1 dated 04.01.95

II quarter

98,9 (98.9´18=1780.2)

9-4/63 of 03/29/95

III quarter

2,16 (2.16´1000=2160)

9-4/116 dated 04.07.95

IV quarter

2,54 (2.54´1000=2540)

9-4/151 dated 04.10.95


I quarter

2,83 (2.83´1000=2830)

9-4/3 dated 04.01.96

II quarter

3,24 (3.24´1000=3240)

9-4/39 dated 04/03/96

III quarter

3,41 (3.41´1000=3410)

9-4/78 dated 02.07.96

IV quarter

3,49 (3.49´1000=3490)

9-4/106 dated 04.10.96


I quarter

3,68 (3.68´1000=3680)

9-4/2 dated 08.01.97

II quarter

3,87 (3.87´1000=3870)

9-4/36 of 04/16/97

III quarter

3,97 (3.97´1000=3970)

9-4/67 dated 07.07.97

IV quarter

4,06 (4.06´1000=4060)

9-1-1/114 dated 10/06/97


9-1-1/6 dated 01/13/98

I quarter

9-4/10 dated 01/19/98

II quarter

9-1-1/60 of 04/07/98

III quarter

9-4/89 dated 07.07.98

IV quarter

BE-178 dated 11/05/98


I quarter

AT-588 dated 28.12.98

II quarter

BE-1043/10 of 04/01/99

III quarter

AT-2194/10 dated 06/30/99

IV quarter

ASh-3412/10 dated 07.10.99


I quarter

ASh-6/10 dated 05.01.00

II quarter

ASh-1636/10 dated April 19, 2000

III quarter

ASh-3648/10 dated 21.08.00

IV quarter

ASh-4440/10 from 09.10.00


I quarter

ASh-9/10 dated 04.01.01

II quarter

ASh-1691/10 dated 05.04.01

III quarter

ASh-3623/10 dated 04.07.01

IV quarter

ASh-5360/10 dated 03.10.01


I quarter

ASh-32/10 dated 08.01.02


1. Question: How to determine the cost of designing individual heat points (including built-in ones) with a capacity of 0.8 - 1.5 Gcal/hour? 6

2. Question: Does the base price for designing a kindergarten take into account the cost of designing a laundry, a catering unit? 7

5. Question: How to determine the cost of designing a ski slope, lifts and snow blowers? eight


1. Question: Does the Regulation on the composition of sections of project documentation and the requirements for their content, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 No. 87 (Regulation), apply to the SBC "Standards for the preparation of technical documentation for the overhaul of buildings and structures appointment”, approved by the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia by Order No. 96 dated March 12, 2012 (SBCP 81-2001-05)?. eight

2. Question: What does the preparation of technical documentation for the overhaul of the facades of buildings and structures include? eight

3. Question: How to determine the cost of work on the preparation of technical documentation for the overhaul of balconies? eight

4. Question: How to determine the cost of interior design during the overhaul of buildings and structures? nine

6. Question: How to determine the cost of overhaul of boiler houses? nine


1. Question: Are reduction factors (0.4 and 0.6) used in price calculation in SBCP 81-2001-01 “Territorial planning and territory planning”, ed. 2010?. ten

2. Question: What kind of works do projects of territory planning and land surveying refer to? ten


1. Question: How to determine the cost of designing security systems - a television security and surveillance system (TSON)?. eleven


1. Question: Which of the reference books should be followed when determining the cost of designing a sewer collector with a diameter of 1400 mm and a length of more than 5 km in the city?. eleven

2. Question: How to determine the cost of designing water deironing facilities? 12

3. Question: How to determine the cost of designing wastewater pumping stations with a capacity of 0.0065 thousand m 3 /hour? 12

4. Question: How to determine the cost of designing a drainage of a small extent?. thirteen


1. Question: How to determine the cost of measures to protect existing utilities?. thirteen


1. Question: What design objects are tables Nos. 48 and 49 of the GOS "Reference book of basic prices for design work in construction" Municipal engineering networks and structures "(SBTsP 81-2001-07), containing indicators of the recommended estimated relative cost of developing sections of the design and working documentation?. fourteen

2. Question: What are the objects of energy supply included in the Directory of basic prices for design work in construction "Utility engineering networks and structures" ed. 2012 (SBCP 81-2001-07), are linear?. fourteen

3. Question: How to determine the cost of designing relay protection using integrated circuits?. fifteen

4. Question: How to determine the cost of designing lightning protection cables for organizing high-quality communications, as well as a fiber-optic communication line (FOCL)? fifteen

5. Question: How to determine the cost of designing architectural lighting for the facade of a building? fifteen

6. Question: How to determine the costs associated with the participation of the design organization on behalf of the customer in the selection of a site (route) for construction? fifteen

7. Question: How to determine the cost of designing an overhead line (VL) with the presence of sections of 3 categories of complexity according to SBCP 81-2001-07 "Municipal engineering networks and structures"? sixteen

8. Question: How to determine the cost of designing electrical networks and electrical calculations?. sixteen

9. Question: Does the transmission line include branches to consumers (from the main to the consumer) according to SBTsP 81-2001-07? sixteen

10. Question: How to determine the cost of designing overhead power lines with a voltage of 0.4 kV and a length of up to 1 km or less? sixteen

11. Question: About the conditions for designing power electric cables up to 35 kV and the composition of the design documentation being prepared. 17

12. Question: How to determine the cost of designing water supply networks of the same diameter and purpose, but passing along different routes? 17


1. Question: In what cases is the coefficient for seismicity applied according to the Reference book of basic prices for design work for construction "Deep structures and structures, dewatering, anti-landslide structures and measures, pile foundations" ed. 2004?. 17


1. Question: How is the base price of design work calculated in the case when the indicator of the design object is more than twice the maximum indicator? eighteen

2. Question: How to determine the cost of completing an object with additional equipment to ensure its uninterrupted power supply? eighteen

3. Question: How to determine the cost of drawing up an instruction manual for the operation of a capital construction object? eighteen

5. Question: Does the Regulation on the composition of sections of project documentation and the requirements for their content, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 16, 2008 No. 87 (Regulation), apply to the SBC "Standards for the preparation of technical documentation for the overhaul of buildings and structures appointment”, approved by the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia by Order No. 96 dated March 12, 2012 (SBCP 81-2001-05)?. nineteen

7. Question: When determining the cost of designing from the cost of construction, an analogue object is used. The cost of an analogue object is determined taking into account the regional coefficient. When determining the cost of design, is it legal for a design organization to apply a regional coefficient on the salary of employees, if the cost from which the cost of design is taken already takes it into account? 20

8. Question: How to determine the amount of costs for architectural supervision of construction? 20

9. Question: How to determine the cost of environmental impact assessment (EIA)? 21

10. Question: How to determine the cost of pre-design development? 21

11. Question: How to determine the cost of design work for the demolition or dismantling of facilities and structures?. 21

12. Question: What is included in Section 12 "Other Documentation" of the Regulations on the composition of sections of project documentation and the requirements for their content, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 No. 87?. 22

13. Question: What is the basis for the preparation of a consolidated estimate of the cost of construction? 22

14. Question: What reduction factors should be entered into the calculation formula when the volume of construction and installation works costs in the total cost of construction is less than 60% (for example, 18% and 28%)?. 23

Annex 2. Letter of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated 11/12/2013 21331-SD/10 on the indices of change in the estimated cost of construction and installation works, on the indices of change in the estimated cost of design and survey work, the indices of change in the estimated cost of other works and costs, as well as indices for IV quarter 2013 changes in the estimated cost of technological equipment. 26

I Clarifications on determining the base price of design work for the construction of housing and civil facilities
1 How to determine the cost of designing individual heat points (including built-in ones) with a capacity of 0.8-1.5 Gcal / h?
2 Does the base price for designing a kindergarten take into account the cost of designing a laundry, a catering unit?
3 How to calculate the cost of fencing a residential complex?
4 How to calculate the anchoring cost of an elevator project for a hospital?
5 How to determine the cost of designing a ski slope, lifts and snow blowers?
II Standards for the preparation of technical documentation for the overhaul of buildings and structures for residential and civil purposes
1 Does the Regulation on the composition of sections of project documentation and the requirements for their content, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 No. 87 (Regulation), apply to the SBC "Standards for the preparation of technical documentation for the overhaul of buildings and structures of housing and civil as of 12.03. 2012 (SBCP 81-2001-05)
2 What does the work on the preparation of technical documentation for the overhaul of the facades of buildings and structures include?
3 How to determine the cost of preparation of technical documentation for the overhaul of balconies?
4 How to determine the cost of interior design during the overhaul of buildings and structures?
5 How to calculate the cost of overhauling a cafe for 100 seats?
6 How to determine the cost of capital repairs of boiler houses?
III Territorial planning and planning of territories
1 Are reduction factors (0.4 and 0.6) used in price calculation in SBCP 81-2001-01 "Territorial planning and territory planning" ed. 2010?
2 What kind of works include projects of territory planning and land surveying?
3 How to calculate the cost of implementing the scheme of planning organization of the land plot of the microdistrict?
4 How to calculate the cost of developing a municipal development project?
IV Communication objects
1 How to determine the cost of designing security systems - a television security and surveillance system (TSON)?
2 What tables of the recommended relative cost of developing sections of design and working documentation of buildings and structures apply to station structures (2 OS) SBTsP 81-2001-02?
V Water supply and sewerage facilities
1 Which of the Handbooks should be followed when determining the cost of a sewer collector with a diameter of 1400 mm and a length of more than 5 km in the city?
2 How to determine the cost of designing water deironing facilities?
3 How to determine the cost of designing wastewater pumping stations with a capacity of 0.0065 thousand m3/hour?
4 How to determine the cost of designing a short-range drainage?
VI Public roads
1 How to determine the cost of measures to protect existing utilities?
2 How to calculate the cost of developing design documentation for drive-in pockets for highways (stops)?
VII Communal engineering networks and structures
1 Which design objects include tables No. 48 and 49 of the GSN "Handbook of basic prices for design work in construction" Municipal engineering networks and structures "(SBTsP 81-2001-07), containing indicators of the recommended estimated relative cost of developing sections of design working documentation?
2 What are the objects of energy supply included in the Directory of basic prices for design work in construction "Utility engineering networks and structures" ed. 2012 (SBCP 81-2001-07), are they linear?
3 How to determine the cost of designing relay protection using integrated circuits?
4 How to determine the cost of designing lightning protection cables for organizing high-quality communications, as well as a fiber-optic communication line (FOCL)?
5 How to determine the cost of designing architectural lighting for the facade of a building?
6 How to determine the costs associated with the participation of the design organization on behalf of the customer in the selection of a site (route) for construction?
7 How to determine the cost of designing an overhead line (VL) with the presence of sections of 3 categories of complexity according to SBCP 81-2001-07 "Municipal engineering networks and structures"?
8 How to determine the cost of designing electrical networks and electrical calculations?
9 Does the power line include branches to consumers (from the main to the consumer) according to SBTsP 81-2001-07?
10 How to determine the cost of designing overhead power lines with a voltage of 0.4 kV and a length of up to 1 km or less?
11 On the conditions for designing power electric cables up to 35 kV and the composition of the project documentation being prepared
12 How to determine the cost of designing water supply networks of the same diameter and purpose, but passing along different routes?
VIII Buried structures and structures, dewatering, anti-landslide structures and measures, pile foundations
1 In what cases is the coefficient for seismicity applied according to the Reference book of basic prices for design work for construction "Recessed structures and structures, dewatering, anti-landslide structures and measures, pile foundations" ed. 2004?
IX Clarifications on determining the cost of performing other design or design-related work
1 How is the tax taken into account under the simplified taxation system in the calculation of the cost of design work according to the reference books of base prices?
2 How is the base price of design work calculated in the case when the indicator of the design object is more than twice the maximum indicator?
3 How to determine the cost of completing the facility with additional equipment to ensure its uninterrupted power supply?
4 How to determine the cost of compiling an instruction manual for a capital construction facility?
5 How to calculate fire risks? What percentage of the cost in the "Fire Safety" section do they make up?
6 Does the Regulation on the composition of sections of project documentation and the requirements for their content, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 No. 87 (Regulation), apply to the SBC "Standards for the preparation of technical documentation for the overhaul of buildings and structures for housing and civil purposes" approved Ministry of Regional Development of Russia by order No. 96 of March 12, 2012 (SBCP 81-2001-05)?
7 How to calculate the costs of the main contractors in accordance with MDS 81.35-2004?
8 When determining the cost of design from the cost of construction, an analogue object is used. The cost of an analogue object is determined taking into account the regional coefficient. When determining the cost of design, is it right for a design organization to apply a regional coefficient for the salary of employees, if the cost from which the design cost is taken already takes it into account?
9 How to determine the amount of costs for the implementation of architectural supervision of construction?
10 How to determine the cost of environmental impact assessment (EIA) work?
11 How to determine the cost of pre-design development?
12 How to determine the cost of design work for the demolition or dismantling of facilities and structures?
13 What is included in section 12 "Other documentation" of the Regulations on the composition of sections of project documentation and the requirements for their content, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 No. 87?
14 What is the basis for the preparation of a consolidated estimate of the cost of construction?
15 What reduction factors should be entered into the calculation formula if the cost of construction and installation works in the total cost of construction is less than 60% (for example, 18% and 28%)?
1 Indices for prices for design work from the 1st quarter of 1993 to the 4th quarter of 2013 (list)
2 Letter of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation 12.11.2013 2133 1-SD/10 on the indices of change in the estimated cost of construction and installation works, on the indices of change in the estimated cost of design and survey work, the indices of change in the estimated cost of other works and costs, as well as indices for IV quarter 2013 changes in the estimated cost of technological equipment


This Collection of explanations on the use of the Collection of prices and Reference books of basic prices for design work for construction * (Questions and answers) 2012 - 2017 (hereinafter referred to as the Collection) is an updated version of the "Collection of explanations for the use of the Collection of prices and Reference books of basic prices for design work in construction ( Questions and Answers), developed by the Center in 2012 (hereinafter referred to as the Collection-2012), and refers to manuals designed to facilitate the activities of designers in solving certain specific, most pressing issues of pricing and estimated rationing of design work.

The clarifications included in the Collection may also be useful for developers (customers), construction contractors when they solve similar problems, for example, when setting the initial (maximum) price for design work for the construction of facilities.

Updating the Collection developed by the Center in 2012 is associated with the need to bring the answers to the questions presented in it, which have retained their significance to date, in line with the current legislative and regulatory framework, in which there are changes and additions that have occurred over the period from 2012 to present time.

The issue of estimating the cost of design work and other engineering services related to investment activities in construction has always been of great importance for participants in the investment process, since its optimal solution ensures the efficiency of production and financial activities of both customers-developers and contractors-developers of project documentation.

In accordance with Article 30 of the Regulation on the composition of sections of project documentation and the requirements for their content, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 16, 2008 No. 87 (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation): "Estimate documentation for the construction of capital construction projects financed in full or in part with the involvement of funds of the federal budget, is compiled using the estimated standards included in the federal register of estimated standards to be used in determining the estimated cost of capital construction projects, the construction of which is financed from the federal budget.

The current market relations in the sphere of economic activity, including in the field of design, determine the formation of free (contractual) prices. In this case, all current price indicators for the cost of design work are advisory reference documents used in determining the base design price. For capital construction projects, the construction of which is financed in whole or in part with the involvement of federal budget funds, the current estimated standards for the cost of design work entered in the Federal Register are mandatory.

The clarifications included in the Collection are based on the legislative and regulatory framework in force as of April 01, 2017, are not a regulatory document and express the point of view of the Center's specialists (developers of estimated standards for design work) based on an analysis of the current regulatory and regulatory framework in this area.

Currently, the base price of design work for the construction of facilities is determined by:

Current industry and specialized sections of the Collection of prices for design work for construction with amendments and additions to them editions of 1987 - 90. (SC);

Reference books of basic prices for design work for the construction of the edition 1995 - 2008. (SBC).

Reference books of basic prices for design work in construction edition 2010 - 2016. (SBCP).

The list of valid price documents as of 04/01/2017, entered in the Federal Register, as well as the abbreviated name of all current Directories, are given in this Collection.

Taking into account the simultaneous effect of the above estimated standards developed for use in various economic systems of management, the possibility of a reliable and adequate assessment of the cost of design work is associated with a large number of questions on the application of price documents in the field of design.

This Collection, compiled in the form of questions and answers, provides recommendations on determining the cost of work related to the design for the construction of enterprises, buildings, structures for various industrial purposes, the most common in the practice of calculating base prices and forming contractual prices for these works based on them. , taking into account changes in legislative, legal and regulatory documents from 2012 to the present.

This Collection is a continuation of the materials on the application of SC, SBC and SBTsP, published in the "Collections of explanations on the use of the Collection of prices and Reference books of basic prices for design work for construction (questions and answers)" 2002-2016; 2004-2016; 2005-2016; 2006-2017; 2007-2017; 2008-2017; 2009-2017 and 2010-2017

List of abbreviations used in the collection

APL - Architectural and planning task
inflation indices - Indices of changes in the cost of design work due to inflationary processes, published quarterly by the Ministry of Construction of Russia.
ITM GO EMERGENCY - Measures for civil defense and warnings and measures for the prevention of natural and man-made emergencies
MU-2009 - Guidelines for the use of reference books of basic prices for design work in construction, approved by order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2009 No. 620 and registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on March 23, 2010 No. 16686.
MU-2015 - Guidelines on the procedure for the development of state estimated standards "Reference books of basic prices for design work in construction", approved by order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia on 04.06.2015 No. 406 / pr
PD - Project documentation
Position - Regulations on the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content; approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 No. 87 (with amendments and additions).
Working drawings AS, KM and KZh - Marks of the main sets of working drawings "Architectural and construction solutions", "Metal structures", "Reinforced concrete structures"
RD - Working documentation
Collection-2012 - Collection of explanations on the use of the Collection of prices and Reference books of basic prices for design work in construction (Questions and answers) - JSC "CENTRINVESTproject", M., 2012.
Compilation 2012 -2017 - Collection of explanations on the application of the Collection of prices and Reference books of basic prices for design work for construction * (Questions and answers) - OJSC "CENTRINVESTproject", M., 2012 - 2017.
SBC - Reference books of basic prices for design work for the construction of the edition 1995-1999, 2003, 2004, 2006-2008. Abbreviations of the names of the CBC are given in this Collection.
SBCP - Reference books of basic prices for design work in construction edition 2010-2016. Abbreviations of the names of the SBTsP are given in this Collection.
Reference books - SC, SBC, SBTsP.
SC - Collection of prices for design work for the construction of the edition 1987-1990. Abbreviations of the names of sections of the SC are given in Appendix 1 to this Collection.
Federal Register - The Federal Register of Estimated Standards to be applied in determining the estimated cost of capital construction projects, the construction of which is financed with the involvement of federal budget funds.

I. Clarifications on determining the base price of design work for the construction of housing and civil facilities

1 How to determine the cost of developing design documentation for a 17-storey monolithic residential building (three block sections, including two - individual and one - mirror) using the block-section method?

The cost of developing project documentation using the block-sectional method for a 17-storey monolithic residential building, consisting of 3 block-sections, is determined in the manner prescribed by clause 2.1.3 of chapter 2.1 "Residential buildings, hotels, hostels" of the Directory of basic prices for design work in construction "Objects of housing and civil construction" edition of 2010 (SBCP 81-2001-03) and is:

[(1662.038+0.118x56555.10)x(0.2+0.8x(18719.37/56555.1x1+19002.59/56555.1x1+1883 3.14/56555.1x0.35)]x0 ,4х3.31=9120.36 thousand rubles, where

1662.038 and 0.118 - constant values ​​of the base price (clause 9 of Table 1 of the SBCP 81-02-03-2001);

56555.1 - total construction volume of the building;

18719.37 - the volume of an ordinary block section;

19002.59 - volume of the end block section;

18833.14 - the volume of the end block section in a mirror version;

0.35 - coefficient for "binding", taking into account the complexity of the work in connection with the introduction of changes in the presence of a mirror image of the end block section;

0.4 - the share of the development of project documentation in the total base price;

3.31 - index of change in the estimated cost of design work in accordance with the letter of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia dated November 7, 2011 No. 30394-IP / 08.

If it is necessary to link as a reusable design documentation developed for the first 17-storey monolithic residential building, for two other 17-storey residential buildings, the calculation can be carried out according to the formula:

Thousand rub., where - coefficient for "binding", established by clause 2.1.2 of chapter 2.1 of SBCP 81-2001-03.

The principal methodological approach to calculating the cost of designing a 17-storey monolithic residential building (three block sections, including two - individual and one - mirror) using the block-section method, given in question 1 of section I of the Collection-2012 , is current and is not subject to adjustment.

2 In the designed residential building, according to the design assignment, electric food preparation is planned. Is it possible to transfer the percentage allocated to the "gas supply" section (2%) to the "Electricity" section according to the relative cost table (No. 41)?

In accordance with paragraph 1.8 of Section I of the Guidelines for the use of base price reference books for design work in construction, ed. 2010, it should be borne in mind that the Handbooks provide recommended indicators of the relative cost of developing sections of design and working documentation, which can be specified for departments of the design organization when designing a specific facility within a certain total design cost, depending on the complexity of the work performed. Thus, the indicator of the relative cost of developing the "Power supply" section can be increased by 2%.

Updated answer

The fundamental methodological approach to the calculation of the design price, given in question 2 of section I of the 2012 Digest, is relevant and is not subject to adjustment at the present time.

3 How to determine the cost of designing (selecting) profiles for their manufacture at a specialized enterprise when designing glazing for balconies and loggias?

Answer provided in the 2012 Collection

When designing the glazing of balconies and loggias, the design (selection) of profiles for their manufacture at a specialized enterprise, as well as drawings of window blocks, are carried out by the manufacturer (or by his order by a design organization), the indicated costs are not included in the cost of design work and are determined additionally on the basis of costing according to the estimate f. 3P.

Updated answer

The principal methodological approach to the calculation of the design price, given in question 3 of section I of the 2012 Digest, is relevant and is not subject to adjustment at the present time.

4 How to determine the price for designing a theater for 40 seats, 260 seats and 3000 seats?

Answer provided in the 2012 Collection

The price of designing a theater for 40 and 3000 seats can be determined according to the price indicators contained in Table 15 "Theater and entertainment enterprises" SBCP 81-2001-03, and in the manner established by paragraph 2.1.3 of Section II of MU-2009, i.e. in accordance with the formulas given in paragraphs 2.1 and 2.3 of example 2 of Appendix No. 2 of MU-2009.

Calculation formula (theater for 40 seats - item 2.1 of example 2):

1510.00-[(2058.54-1510.00)/(200-50)x(50-40)x0.6] = 1488.06 thousand rubles, where:

1510.00 - "a" paragraph 1 of the table. No. 15 SBTsP 81-2001-03;

2058.54 - "a" paragraph 2 of the table. No. 15 SBTsP 81-2001-03;

Calculation formula (theater for 3000 seats - item 2.3 of example 2):

3882.56+[(3882.56-3437.50)/(2000-1000)х(3000-2000)х0.6]=4149.60 thousand rubles, where:

3882.56 - "a" paragraph 5 of the table. No. 15 SBTsP 81-2001-03;

3437.50 - "a" paragraph 4 of the table. No. 15 SBTsP 81-2001-03;

0.6 - decrease in the price of the amendment (Appendix 1 to MU-2009).

As for the cost of designing a theater for 260 seats, it is determined as a direct price according to paragraph 3 of Table. 15 SBCP 81-2001-03, since the specified indicator of the projected object - a theater for 260 seats, is included in the interval "over 200 to 600" seats, and amounts to 2940.74 thousand rubles.

Updated answer

The fundamental methodological approach to the calculation of the design price, given in question 4 of section I of the 2012 Digest, is relevant and is not subject to adjustment at the present time.

5 How to determine the costs for the design of site engineering networks and structures, the construction of which is associated with the main facility?

Answer provided in the 2012 Collection

For a possible approximate cost estimate for the design of site engineering networks and structures, the construction of which is associated with the main facility in accordance with the design assignment being prepared, one should focus on the level of costs up to 30% of the price of the main design work.

The cost of such low-voltage networks and systems as a structured cabling system, a local area network, an access control and management system, a closed-circuit television system are not taken into account by SBCP 81-2001-03 and are additionally estimated according to the Directory of basic prices for design work in construction "Communication facilities" ed. 2010

Updated answer

Base prices for the design of individual buildings SBTsP 81-2001-03 take into account the costs of designing external engineering networks within the construction site:

The cost of external engineering networks and structures not included in the base prices of SBTsP 81-2001-03 is determined using the Reference Books corresponding to the design object, entered in the Federal Register (for example, SBTsP 81-2001-02, SBTsP 81-2001-07, SBTsP 81- 2001-14, SBTsP 81-2001-17 and others).

The cost of such low-current networks and systems as a structured cabling system, a local area network, an access control and management system, a CCTV system, are not taken into account by SBCP 81-2001-03 and are additionally estimated by SBCP 81-2001-02.

6 When building a one-story house with an attic, is it taken into account in the total volume of the building?

Answer provided in the Collection - 2012

When determining the cost of designing a residential building with an attic floor, the construction volume of the latter is taken into account in the total volume of the building.

Updated answer

Question 6 of Section I of the Collection-2012 is relevant at the present time and is not subject to correction.

7 How to determine the cost of developing a draft design?

Answer provided in the 2012 Collection

The development of a draft design is not provided for by the provisions of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2004 No. 190-FZ and Government Decree of February 16, 2008 No. 87. In this regard, the procedure for determining the cost of developing a preliminary design in the SBC-2010 is not regulated.

A preliminary design can be developed in special cases at the request of the architectural and urban planning supervision, which is reflected in the design assignment and APL. The composition and content of the draft design is determined by urban planning organizations and is attached to the APL.

If it is necessary to develop a preliminary design, which should be reflected in the design assignment, its costs can be calculated in accordance with the complexity of the work as agreed with the customer, or, in order to avoid calculating the cost in accordance with the cost calculation in the 3P form, use price indicators, contained in the SBC-2010 for the conditions of new construction, using a correction factor, the amount of which is set by the contractor in agreement with the customer.

Updated answer

Question 7 of Section I of the Collection-2012 is relevant at the present time and is not subject to correction.

8 How to determine the cost of works for industrial aesthetics and interiors?

Answer provided in the 2012 Collection

The development of architectural solutions for interiors is taken into account by the prices for design work contained in SBCP 81-2001-03 "Objects of housing and civil construction" ed. 2010, except for the relevant work performed in accordance with GOST 21.507-81.

The price for the performance of these works, if it is not highlighted in the relative cost tables, can be determined by the developers of design documentation independently within the integrated price for the development of design documentation, including as part of the architectural and construction part.

Approximately, the cost of work on industrial aesthetics and interiors can be 5-8% of the cost of developing the relevant working documentation, depending on the complexity of the work.

Updated answer

Question 8 of Section I of the 2012 Collection is relevant at the present time and is not subject to correction.

9 How to determine the total percentage of the base price if the assignment for the design of a capital construction object provides for the simultaneous development of design documentation and partial development of working documentation?

Answer provided in the Collection - 2012

The base prices contained in SBCP 81-2001-03 take into account the costs of developing design and working documentation, excluding value added tax.

If the assignment for the design of a capital construction facility provides for the simultaneous development of design documentation and partial development of working documentation, then in accordance with paragraph 1.5. of section I of the Guidelines for the use of reference books of basic prices for design work in construction, approved by the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation by order of December 29, 2009 No. 620 and registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation of March 23, 2010 No. 16686 (MU-2009), total percentage the base price is determined depending on the architectural, functional, technological, constructive and engineering solutions contained in the project documentation, as well as the degree of their detail.

Updated answer

Question 9 of Section I of the 2012 Collection is relevant at the present time and is not subject to correction.

10 What costs for the design of external engineering networks within the construction site are taken into account by the price indicators of SBCP 81-02-02-2001?

Answer provided in the 2012 Collection

The price indicators established for the design of individual buildings and contained in the Reference book of basic prices for design work in construction "Housing and civil construction facilities" edition of 2010 (SBCP 81-02-02-2001) take into account the costs of designing external engineering networks within construction sites:

Conduits - to the first well;

Sewerage - to the first well;

Power supply - from buildings to the connection point in the TS;

Heat supply, heating - from the building to the valves;

Internal gas supply - from the building to the nearest carpet;

Low-voltage networks - from the building to the nearest well on telephone sewer networks.

Updated answer

Question 10 of Section I of the 2012 Collection is relevant at the present time and is not subject to correction.

11 What costs are not taken into account by the price indicators of table No. 1 of SBCP 81-2001-03?

Updated answer

When determining the cost of designing residential buildings at the base prices of Table No. 1 SBCP 81-2001-03, the costs of:

The use of hinged ventilated facades; the cost of these works can be determined additionally as a share of the cost of works under the section "Architectural solutions"; at the same time, the size of the indicator of the relative cost of developing facades (12.5%), given in Appendix 3 to MU-2009 (above-ground part, paragraph 1), can serve as a guideline;

Retaining walls and stairs; the price of these works is determined according to the relevant reference books of basic prices for design work for construction;

Development of dispatching systems for engineering networks and structures, automation systems for engineering systems;

Design of booster water pumping stations (clause 2.1 of section 2 of SBCP 81-2001-03); the cost of design work for the construction of these pumping stations is determined according to the relevant reference books of basic prices for design work for construction.

Updated answer

Question 11 of Section I of the Collection-2012 is currently relevant. In addition, the prices of table No. 1 SBTsP 81-2001-03, in addition to the work given in paragraph 1.3.6 of section I of MU-2009, do not take into account the design costs:

Low-voltage networks and systems (structured cabling system, local area network, access control and management system, CCTV system);

Individual heating points.

II. Clarifications on determining the base price of design work on territorial planning and planning of territories

Answer provided in the Collection - 2012

In accordance with the existing procedure for calculating the base price of design work for the construction of facilities, the main indicator of which differs from those given in the Directory of base prices for design work for the construction of facilities (CBC), is allowed only if the indicator of the facility is less than the minimum or greater than the maximum, given in price table, no more than 2 times (see clause 2.1.3 of section II of the Guidelines for the use of base price reference books for design work in construction, ed. 2010).

In the case when the indicator of the design object is less than twice the minimum indicator given in the CBC table, the base price of the design work is calculated on the basis of costing.

At the same time, to determine the cost of designing an object with an indicator less than the tabular indicator by 2 times or more, according to the price indicators of the Directory, as an analogue, you can use the corresponding values ​​of the CBC price indicators for an object that is 2 times less than the tabular indicator.

At the same time, a reduction factor is introduced into the calculation, taking into account the difference in the complexity of designing the object under consideration and the object with an indicator whose size is 2 times less than the tabular one.

Based on the foregoing, when calculating the price of developing a master plan with a population indicator of less than 5: 2 = 2.5 thousand people. according to tab. 2 SBCP 81-2001-01, the calculation is carried out for 2.5 thousand people. and a reduction factor (K down) of 0.7-0.9 is introduced for a small population indicator, i.e. (47.06 + 11.22x2.5) x K down. x I inf. X....

Updated answer

The fundamental methodological approach to the calculation of the design price, given in question 1 of section II of the 2012 Digest, is still relevant today.

At the same time, we present an adjusted formula for calculating the cost of developing a master plan with a population indicator of less than 5: 2 = 2.5 thousand people. according to table No. 2 SBTsP 81-2001-01:

(47.06 + 11.22x (0.4 * 5 + 0.6 * 2.5)) x K lower. x I inf. X....

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that when financing the development of a master plan from budgetary sources (See paragraph 1 of Article 8.3 of the Federal Law No. in question 1 of section II of the Collection-2012, it is necessary to coordinate with the Ministry of Construction of Russia and the customer, in other cases - with the customer when forming contractual prices.

2 How to determine the costs for the development of documentation related to landscape design?

Answer provided in the 2012 Collection

To calculate the cost of developing documentation related to landscape design, the price indicators of tables 4 and 5 of SBCP 8102-01-2001 "Territorial planning and planning of territories" ed. 2010

Updated answer

Question 2 of Section II of the Collection-2012 is relevant at the present time and is not subject to correction.

3 How to determine the cost of developing the dendrological part?

Answer provided in the 2012 Collection

The development of the dendrological part as part of the relevant design work can be assessed in terms of p.p. 1 - 7 of Table 5 SBCP 81-01-2001 "Spatial planning and planning of territories", approved by the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation by Order No. 260 dated May 28, 2010 and registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on September 14, 2010 No. 18239, recommended for use in accordance with the federal the register of estimated standards (registration No. 130 of October 25, 2010); at the same time, the volume of work performed should be taken into account, focusing on the indicators of the relative cost of developing design and working documentation, given in Table. 10 (clause 1) of the said price document.

Updated answer

Question 3 of Section II of the Collection-2012 is relevant at the present time and is not subject to correction.

4 What type of coefficients (pricing or complicating) do the coefficients from table 8 of the CBC "Territorial planning and planning of territories" ed. 2010?

Answer provided in the 2012 Collection

Increasing coefficients to prices for the development of urban planning documentation (table 8, items 1-3, 5-8) are price-forming, and item 4 is complicating.

Updated answer

Question 4 of Section II of the Collection-2012 is relevant at the present time and is not subject to correction.

III. Clarifications on determining the base price of design work for the construction of communication facilities

1 How to determine the indicators of the relative cost of developing design and working documentation when designing specific facilities within the total cost of developing design products?

Answer provided in the Collection - 2012

Tables of relative cost Nos. 28 - 31 of the GOS SBTsP 81-2001-02 were developed in accordance with the Regulations on the composition of sections of project documentation and the requirements for their content, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 16, 2008 No. 87.

In accordance with paragraph 1.8 of the Guidelines for the use of reference books of base prices for design work in construction, approved by the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation by order No. 620 dated December 29, 2009 and registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation No. 16686 dated March 23, 2010, presented in SBCP 81-2001-02, the recommended indicators of the relative cost of developing sections of design and working documentation, if necessary, can be clarified by the design organization when designing a specific facility within the total cost, depending on the complexity of the work performed.

At the same time, to determine the indicators of the relative cost of developing design and working documentation for the design of specific facilities within the total cost of developing design products, the Center considers it possible to use the indicators of the relative cost of sections given in the tables of the relative cost of developing design and working documentation for the construction of facilities contained in the expired in connection with the release of SBCP 81-02-02-2001 Reference book of basic prices for design work for the construction of "Communication Facilities" edition of 1996, and reducing factors for the absence of such sections as "Scheme of planning organization of a land plot", "Architectural solutions" , "Constructive and space-planning solutions", "Gas supply", "Water supply", "Water disposal" and others established by SBCP 81-2001-02, are not used in calculating the cost of design work for the construction of communication facilities.

Updated answer

Question 1 of Section III of the Collection-2012 is relevant at the present time and is not subject to correction. Please note that tables No. 28, 29 SBTsP 81-2001-02 provide the recommended estimated relative costs for the development of sections of PD (RD) of communication buildings and structures, and tables Nos. 30, 31 SBTsP 81-2001-02 - for linear communication facilities . The above tables SBTsP 81-2001-02 do not apply to engineering and technical support systems (communications, low-voltage networks), the definition of which is given in paragraph 21 of Article 2 of the Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures.

2 What design objects are linear communication objects according to SBTsP 81-2001-02?

Answer provided in the 2012 Collection

Linear objects include all structures, the price indicators of which in the State estimated standard "Reference book of basic prices for design work in construction" Communication objects "ed. 2010 (SBCP 81-2001-02) are set per unit length (l.m; km ), and the rest of the structures reflected in SBCP 81-2001-02 refer to industrial facilities (buildings, structures).

Updated answer

Question 2 of Section III of the Collection-2012 is relevant at the present time and is not subject to correction. Please note that the definitions of buildings, structures, linear facilities, engineering and technical support systems are given in paragraph 21 of Article 2 of the Federal Law "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures" dated December 30, 2009 No. 384-FZ.

3 How to determine the cost of designing cable communication lines with fiber optic cable?

Answer provided in the 2012 Collection

The cost of designing cable communication lines with an optical fiber cable is recommended to be determined according to the price indicators contained in paragraphs 10-12 of Table 4 "Cable Communication Lines" of the State Estimated Standard "Handbook of basic prices for design work in the construction of "Communication Facilities", approved by the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation by Order No. 260 dated May 28, 2010 and registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on September 14, 2010 No. 18439.

Updated answer

Question 3 of section III of the Collection-2012 is relevant at the present time and is not subject to correction.

IV. Explanations on determining the base price of design work for the construction of engineering industry facilities

1 How is the cost of designing an object of the machine-building industry determined if the construction is carried out in stages?

Answer provided in the Collection - 2012

When designing an object of the machine-building industry, the construction of which is carried out in stages, the cost of design work is determined for each stage based on the cost of construction of the objects included in the stage, in the manner established by the Directory of basic prices for design work for the construction of "Objects of the machine-building industry" edition of 1995. and Methodological guidelines of the 2010 edition.

Updated answer

Question 1 of Section IV of the Collection-2012 is relevant at the present time and is not subject to correction.

V. Clarifications on determining the base price of design work for the construction of public roads and urban engineering structures and communications

1 How to determine the cost of preparing design and working documentation for sections of a highway with a length of 2 km or less?

Answer provided in the Collection - 2012

The cost of preparing design and working documentation for sections of a motor road with a length of 2 km or less is determined by price indicators p.p. 1-3 tables No. 2 of the Directory of basic prices for design work for the construction of "Public highways" ed. 2007 for the object as a whole - "automobile road", regardless of the length. Accordingly, if the length of the designed section of the road is less than 2 km, when calculating the base price, the interpolation formula is not applied, and it is necessary to use the indicated price indicators only depending on the category of design complexity.

Updated answer

Question 1 of Section V of the Collection-2012 is relevant at the present time and is not subject to correction.

2 How is the price calculated according to the price indicators of table 11 "Quarterly, interquarterly, street cable power networks" CBC "City engineering structures and communications" ed. 2008 (SBC-2008): based on the total length of the cables or the length of the trench?

Answer provided in the Collection - 2012

In accordance with Note 2 to Table 11 of SBC-2008, when determining the cost of designing cable lines, the price is calculated based on the total length of all cables. Cable lines are understood as a cable consisting of 3 or more cores. Therefore, it is not the lengths of the cores that are summed up, but the lengths of the cables consisting of the cores twisted in them. If there is more than one cable line in one trench, then their lengths are summed up.

Updated answer

The provisions of SBC-2008 regarding the application of table 11 "Quarterly, interquarterly, street cable power networks" are excluded from the Federal Register. To determine the cost of designing quarterly, interquarterly, street cable power networks, SBTsP 81-2001-07 should be used.

In accordance with clause of SBCP 81-2001-07, when determining the cost of designing cable lines using Table No. 17, the price is calculated based on the total length of all cables. Cable lines are understood as a cable consisting of 3 or more cores. Therefore, it is not the lengths of the cores that are summed up, but the lengths of the cables consisting of the cores twisted in them. If there is more than one cable line in one trench, then their lengths are summed up.

3 How to determine the cost of designing a system for on-line and remote monitoring of insulation moisture (ODC) in case of channelless laying of heat networks?

Answer provided in the 2012 Collection

The hydraulic calculation, which includes the development of the UEC system, when designing pipelines, including for channelless laying of heat networks, is part of the design of heat networks, and if it is performed on a separate task, it can be regarded based on the cost of the main work with a reduction coefficient in accordance with the actual labor intensity.

Updated answer

Question 3 of Section V of the Collection-2012 is relevant at the present time and is not subject to correction.

4 When determining the cost of underground pedestrian crossings, are all additional costs associated with the introduction of the Regulations on the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content, as well as amendments to it, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 No. 87, respectively, of April 13 .2010 No. 235 and dated February 15, 2011 No. 73?

Answer provided in the 2012 Collection

The prices of the Directory of basic prices for design work for the construction of "Urban Engineering Structures and Communications" ed. 2008, according to the price indicators of which the cost of underground pedestrian crossings is determined, all additional costs associated with the introduction of the Regulations on the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content, as well as amendments to it, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008, are taken into account. No. 87, No. 235 dated April 15, 2010 and No. 73 dated February 15, 2011, incl. and with the development of section 10 "Measures to ensure access for persons with disabilities", and are not subject to additional payment.

Updated answer

The provisions of the SBC-2008 regarding the application of price indicators, which determine the cost of designing underground pedestrian crossings, have been excluded from the Federal Register. To determine the cost of performing these works, table No. 13 of SBCP 81-2001-16 should be used. The provisions of SBCP 81-2001-16 take into account the requirements of the design standards for pedestrian underpasses in force at the time of the development and approval of the Directory, i.e. as of 01.01.2015

VI. Clarifications on determining the base price of design work for the construction of fire and security protection systems

1 In what cases is the Reference book of basic prices for design work for the construction of "Fire and security protection systems" ed. 1999?

Answer provided in the Collection - 2012

Reference book of basic prices for design work for the construction of "Fire and security protection systems" ed. 1999 (SBC-99) is used to determine the base price for the design of these systems only when performing work outside the complex, according to a separate design assignment.

Updated answer

Question 1 of Section VI of the Collection-2012 is relevant at the present time and is not subject to correction.

2 How to determine the cost of design work for the evacuation of people in case of fire?

Answer provided in the Collection - 2012

The calculation of the costs for designing the evacuation of people in case of fire is an integral part of the "Measures to ensure fire safety" section, the costs for the specified work are taken into account by the complex prices for the design of the main capital construction object and are not subject to additional payment.

Updated answer

Question 2 of Section VI of the Collection-2012 is relevant at the present time and is not subject to correction.

VII. Clarifications on determining the base price of design work for the construction of artificial structures

Answer provided in the Collection - 2012

When designing pedestrian crossings with individual structural elements (spans, supports) according to the Directory of basic prices for design work for the construction of "Artificial Structures" ed. 2004, the price of works is determined according to table 1 in the manner prescribed by clause 2.2 of chapter 2, while in the case of calculating the price of designing supports according to table 4, the corresponding share of costs is completely excluded from the complex price.

Updated answer

When designing pedestrian crossings with individual structural elements (spans, supports), the price of work is determined in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 2.1 of the SBCP 81-2001-16 according to table No. 1, while in the case of calculating the cost of designing supports according to tables No. 3, 4, an adjustment is necessary relative cost indicators given in tables No. 15, 16 of SBCP 81-2001-16, taking into account the provisions of clause 2.1.11.

2 How to apply the coefficients listed in p.p. 2.6 and 2.7 to table 1 of the Directory of basic prices for design work for the construction of "Artificial structures" ed. 2004 (SBC-2004)?

Answer provided in the Collection - 2012

Application of the coefficients listed in p.p. 2.6 and 2.7 to Table 1 of CBC-2004, it is possible when designing bridges, overpasses and overpasses with typical spans and individual support structures using typical structural elements (see the first paragraph of clause 2.2 of Section 2 of CBC-2004).

In all other cases, the listed coefficients are included in the calculations based on price indicators for Tables 3 and 4 of the CBC-2004.

Updated answer

SBTs-2004 became invalid due to the entry into force of SBTsP 81-2001-16. When determining the cost of designing according to the specified Handbook, it should be borne in mind that the application of the coefficients listed in paragraphs 2.1.16 and 2.1.17 of Chapter 2.1 to Table No. 1 of SBCP 81-2001-16 is possible when designing bridges, overpasses and overpasses with standard span structures and individual structures of supports using typical structural elements (see the first paragraph of clause 2.1.11 of chapter 2.1 of SBCP 81-2001-16).

In all other cases, the listed coefficients are entered in the calculations for price indicators to tables 3, 4 of chapter 2.1 to table No. 1 of SBCP 81-2001-16.

VIII. Clarifications on determining the base price of design work for the construction of road transport enterprises.

1 How to determine the cost of designing 2 identical checkpoints for 2 posts?

Answer provided in the Collection - 2012

The cost of designing 2 identical checkpoints for 2 posts can be determined according to clause 30 of Table 2 of the Reference Book of Base Prices for Design Work for the Construction of "Motor Transport Enterprises" ed. 2006 according to the formula:

For the reuse of an identical checkpoint (see clause 3.2 of the Guidelines for the use of Handbooks for design work in construction, ed. 2010);

1.1 - increase in cost due to the introduction of the Regulations on the composition of sections of project documentation and the requirements for their content, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on February 16, 2008 No. 87 and dated April 13, 2010 No. 235;

3.31 - inflation index to the cost of design work for the IV quarter of 2011 (letter of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated November 7, 2011 No. 30394-IP / 08).

Updated answer

Question 1 of section VIII of the Collection-2012 is relevant at the present time and is not subject to correction. The inflation index is applied in the amount established by the Ministry of Construction of Russia for the corresponding period of work.

IX. Clarifications for determining the cost of other design or design-related work

Answer provided in the Collection - 2012

In accordance with the letter of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated 04.07.95 No. 9-4/116, the average index of changes in base prices for design work for construction from the level as of 01.01.91 to the level as of 01.01.95 is equal to 1000 and applied to the prices of the Book of prices for design work for the construction of ed. 1987-1990, the level of which is 01/01/91, in accordance with the letter of the USSR Gosstroy dated 09/06/90 No. 14-"D".

In connection with the denomination and change in the scale of prices (1000 times) when determining the base prices for design work for construction according to the Price Book and Reference books of basic prices for design work for construction ed. 1987-1990 and 1995-1999 accordingly, the prices in which are set depending on the natural indicators of the design objects, should be guided by the provisions set forth in the letter of the Gosstroy of Russia dated 13.01.98 No. 9-1-1 / 6 "On determining the base prices for design and survey work for construction after 01.01. 98", as well as quarterly indices of changes in the cost of design work due to inflationary processes.

Thus, based on the inflation rate as of 01/01/95 (1000) and the scale of denomination (1000 times), the index of price changes for design work, established on 01/01/91 and on 01/01/95 is the same and for the I quarter of 2001 - 7.71 (letter of the Gosstroy of Russia dated 04.01.2001 No. ASh-9/10).

Updated answer

Question 1 of Section IX of the Collection-2012 is relevant at the present time and is not subject to correction. Indices of changes in the cost of design work due to inflationary processes, published quarterly by the Ministry of Construction of Russia, are given in this Collection.

2 How to determine the cost of development of pre-project documentation?

Answer provided in the Collection - 2012

The development of pre-project documentation by the provisions of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2004 No. 190-FZ and the Regulations on the composition of sections of project documentation and the requirements for their content, approved by Government Decree of February 16, 2008 No. 87, is not provided. In this regard, there is no procedure for determining the cost of developing pre-project documentation in the Reference books of basic prices for design work in construction (Reference books).

Pre-project documentation can be developed on the instructions of the customer, which is reflected in the design assignment.

If it is necessary to develop pre-project documentation, its costs can be calculated in accordance with the complexity of the work as agreed with the customer, or, in order to avoid cost calculation in accordance with the cost calculation in the 3P form, the price indicators for design work contained in the Handbooks for the conditions of new construction are used , using a correction factor, the size of which is set by the contractor in agreement with the customer.

Updated answer

Question 2 of Section IX of the Collection-2012 is relevant at the present time and is not subject to correction.

3 How to determine the cost of making changes (adjustments) to the design and working documentation?

Answer provided in the 2012 Collection

In accordance with paragraph of Section I "Basic Provisions" of the Methodological Guidelines for the Application of Reference Books of Base Prices for Design Work in Construction, approved by the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation by Order No. 620 dated December 29, 2009, the prices of these Reference Books do not take into account the costs of making changes ( correction) in the design and working documentation, with the exception of correcting errors made by the design organization.

If the project organization performs adjustments to the design and working documentation in connection with the specification of the scope of work at the request of the customer, the costs can be compensated from the funds allocated in the Consolidated Estimated Calculation of the Construction Cost (SSCC) for unforeseen work and costs, which is stipulated in paragraph 4.96 of the Methodology for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation of 05.03.2004 No. 15/1 (MDS 8135-2004).

Updated answer

Question 3 of Section IX of the Collection-2012 is relevant at the present time and is not subject to correction.

Answer provided in the 2012 Collection

Prices for design work for construction are set in the reference books of basic prices for favorable engineering and geological conditions, i.e., designing, mainly, strip and column foundations. In the presence of soils with low bearing capacity and increased depth of foundations, requiring, in particular, the design of pile foundations, the price of the relevant design work is calculated according to the specialized Directory of basic prices for design work for construction "Deep-rooted structures and structures, dewatering, anti-landslide structures and measures, pile foundations" ed. 2004

At the same time, the costs of ordinary foundations in the amount established in Appendix 3 to the Methodological Guidelines for the Application of Reference Books of Base Prices for Design Work in Construction, ed. 2010 (hereinafter - Guidelines).

Updated answer

Prices for design work for construction are set in the reference books of basic prices for favorable engineering and geological conditions, i.e., designing, mainly, strip and column foundations. In the presence of soils with low bearing capacity and requiring an increased depth of foundations, as well as requiring, in particular, the design of pile foundations, the price of the relevant design work is calculated according to the specialized SBTsP 81-2001-15.

At the same time, the costs of ordinary foundations in the amount established in Appendix 3 to MU-2009 should be excluded from the integrated design price.

5 How to determine the base price for the development of technical documentation for the demolition and dismantling of construction projects?

Answer provided in the 2012 Collection

In this case, the indications of paragraph 2.13 of Chapter 2 of the Reference book of basic prices for design work for the construction of "Oil Main Transportation Facilities" ed. 2007, containing indicators for calculating the indicated costs: 0.35 - for linear facilities and 0.2 - for site structures of the total cost of design work (P + R).

Updated answer

Design works for the demolition and dismantling of construction sites are not included in the prices for the development of design and working documentation for the construction of new facilities and are additionally estimated according to the relevant price documents or, in their absence, based on the design price of the relevant new construction facilities.

In this case, the indications of paragraph 1.19 of Chapter 1 of SBCP 81-2001-07 can serve as a guide, containing indicators for calculating the indicated costs: 0.35 - for linear facilities and 0.2 - for site structures of the total cost of design work (PD + RD).

6 How to determine the costs of developing a structured system for monitoring and managing engineering systems of buildings and structures (SMIS)?

Answer provided in the Collection - 2012

The costs of developing a structured system for monitoring and managing engineering systems of buildings and structures (SMIS) are not included in the cost of the ITM section of the Civil Defense Emergencies of the corresponding construction site. The assessment of these works can currently be carried out in the manner prescribed by paragraph 2.1.4 of the Guidelines for the use of Reference books of basic prices for design work in the construction of the 2010 edition, i.e. on the basis of costing (form 3P).

Updated answer

Question 6 of Section IX of the Collection-2012 is relevant at the present time and is not subject to correction.

7 How to determine the cost of the section "Measures to ensure compliance with energy efficiency requirements and requirements for equipping buildings, structures and structures with metering devices for energy resources used"?

Answer provided in the 2012 Collection

With the introduction of the Regulations on the composition of sections of project documentation and the requirements for their content, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 No. 87, as well as amendments to it, approved by Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 13, 2010 No. 235 and dated 02/15/2011, No. 73 (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation), there was a slight increase in the amount of work in the preparation of project documentation: on the one hand, due to the expansion of the composition and requirements for the content of sections of the project documentation, including the transfer of a number of issues that were worked out in detail during development of working documentation for the first stage of design. In addition, a number of new and "tightening" existing requirements for industrial, fire, environmental, sanitary and epidemiological safety of construction projects, etc. have appeared.

Thus, the additional requirements for the developed design documentation in accordance with the introduction of the Regulations and amendments to it, including section 10 (1) "Measures to ensure compliance with energy efficiency requirements and requirements for equipping buildings, structures and structures with metering devices used energy resources" can be compensated additionally at the expense of the recommended additional costs in the specified amount to the total cost of design.

As for the Base Price Guides that came into effect after February 16, 2008, that is, SBCP 81-2001 (01; 02; 03), the price indicators contained in them take into account the above costs and are not subject to additional payment.

Updated answer

Question 7 of Section IX of the Collection-2012 is currently relevant in the application of SC and CBC. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the cost of developing the section "Measures to ensure compliance with the requirements of energy efficiency and the requirements for equipping buildings, structures and structures with metering devices for the energy resources used" is taken into account by the prices of the SBP.

8 How to determine the cost of an energy survey (energy audit) and drawing up an energy passport of a construction site for budget customers?

Answer provided in the 2012 Collection

In accordance with Article 15 of Chapter 4 of the Federal Law of November 23, 2009 No. 261-FZ "On Energy Saving and on Increasing Energy Efficiency and on Amending Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation", an energy inspection (energy audit) can be carried out in relation to products, technological process, as well as a legal entity, an individual entrepreneur.

Energy audits are not included in the project documentation carried out in accordance with the Regulations on the composition of sections of project documentation and the requirements for their content, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 No. 87, as well as amendments to it, approved by Government decrees RF dated April 13, 2010 No. 235 and dated February 15, 2011 No. 73 (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation).

With the introduction of the above Regulations, there was a slight increase in the amount of work in the preparation of project documentation: on the one hand, due to the expansion of the composition and requirements for the content of sections of project documentation, including the transfer of a number of issues that were worked out in detail during the development of working documentation, to first stage of design. In addition, a number of new and "tightening" existing requirements for industrial, fire, environmental, sanitary and epidemiological safety of construction projects, etc. have appeared.

In order to take into account the above circumstances in price documents that were put into effect before February 16, 2008, it is advisable to clarify the percentage when determining the share of costs for the development of design and working documentation with an increase in the share of costs at the "P" stage by 10% with a possible increase in total costs for design work in general from 6 to 14% (average 10%) with appropriate regulatory justification and application of calculations.

Thus, additional requirements for the developed design documentation in accordance with the introduction of the Regulations and amendments to it, including the preparation of an energy passport, can be compensated additionally at the expense of the recommended additional costs in the indicated amount to the total design cost.

As for the Directory of basic prices for design work in construction "Housing and civil construction facilities" SBCP 81-2001-03, entered into force after February 16, 2008, the price indicators contained in it take into account the above costs for compiling an energy passport and additional are not payable.

Updated answer

Question 8 of Section IX of the Collection-2012 is relevant at the present time and is not subject to correction.

9 How to determine the price for the development of design and working documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures in difficult conditions (permafrost, subsidence and other soils, seismicity)?

Answer provided in the Collection - 2012

In accordance with paragraph 3.7 of Section III of the Guidelines for the Application of Reference Books of Base Prices for Design Work in Construction, ed. 2010, the price for the development of design and working documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures in difficult conditions (permafrost, subsidence and other soils, seismicity) is determined by the price indicators of the Handbooks, established from the natural indicators of design objects, using multiplying factors to the cost of those sections (subsections) of design and working documentation, for the development of which the current regulatory documents establish special requirements, leading to an increase in the complexity of design work (architectural and construction, water supply, sanitation, etc., part of the estimate section related to the listed sections).

Updated answer

Question 9 of Section IX of the 2012 Collection is relevant at the present time and is not subject to correction.

10 How to determine the costs for the development of sections "Forest Land Reclamation Project" and "Forest Development Project"?

Answer provided in the 2012 Collection

In accordance with the Regulations on the composition of sections of project documentation and the requirements for their content, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 No. 87, section 12 "Other documentation ..." should contain documentation, the need to develop which during the design and construction of the facility capital construction is provided for by legislative acts of the Russian Federation, including the "Project for the reclamation of forest fund lands" and the "Project for the development of forests."

At the same time, the costs associated with the performance of these works, if they are not taken into account by the complex prices of the Reference books of basic prices for design work for construction (CBC), can be determined:

Technical land reclamation - according to price indicators p.p. 3.12 - 3.17 Table 3 CBC "Industrial facilities of chemical fibers" ed. 2004; p.p. 3.14 - 3.19 of Table 7 of the SBC "Objects of the oil refining and petrochemical industry" ed. 2004, as well as according to p.p. 28.1 - 28.7 of table 4 of the SBC "Objects of the main oil transport", ed. 2007;

Biological land reclamation - according to p.p. 9 - 12 tables of the SBC "Forestry Objects" ed. 2006 and according to p.p. 28.1 of table 4 and appendices to table p. 11 of the SBC "Objects of the main oil transport", ed. 2007;

- "Forest development project" - based on the complexity of the work on the basis of costing in the 3P form given in MDS 81-35.2004

Updated answer

Question 10 of Section IX of the Collection-2012 is currently relevant. At the same time, instead of those excluded from the Federal Register, the SBC "Objects of the oil refining and petrochemical industry" ed. 2004 and SBC "Objects of the main oil transport" ed. 2007, the provisions of SBCP 81-2001-13 and SBCP 81-2001-08, respectively, shall apply.

11 What is the procedure for allocating start-up complexes as part of the design and working documentation for construction?

Answer provided in the Collection - 2012

In accordance with the Regulations on the composition of sections of design documentation and the requirements for their content, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 No. 87, the allocation of start-up complexes as part of design and working documentation for construction is not provided.

If it is necessary to perform the above works on a special order of the customer, their cost is determined as a share of the total design price, i.e., a reduction factor is introduced into the calculation formula, taking into account the actual amount of work performed.

Updated answer

Question 11 of Section IX of the Collection-2012 is relevant at the present time and is not subject to correction.

Answer provided in the 2012 Collection

The main requirements for working documentation, as well as their composition, are established by GOST R 21.1101-2009 SPDS "Basic requirements for design and working documentation". Marks of the main sets of working drawings are contained in Appendix B to the specified GOST.

Working drawings, including AS, KM, KZh, are the subject of the development of working documentation for the corresponding capital construction object, therefore, the costs of their implementation are taken into account by the prices for design work and can be separated from the total design cost (sections: architectural, structural and volumetric planning decisions) of a specific object, depending on the complexity of the work.

Updated answer

The principal methodological approach to determining the cost of developing the working drawings of AS, KM and QOL is relevant at the present time and is not subject to adjustment. At the same time, the main requirements for working documentation, as well as their composition, are currently established by GOST R 21.1101-2013 "SPDS. Basic requirements for design and working documentation".

13 About the level of costs in the column "budget documentation" of the table of the relative cost of developing design and working documentation for the construction of facilities?

Answer provided in the 2012 Collection

The indicators of the relative cost of design work, given in the tables of Reference books of basic prices for design work for construction, are purely indicative and reflect the accepted technology for the development of project documentation by the organization co-editor of the Directory.

At the same time, attention should be paid to the level of costs in the column "budget documentation" of the table of the relative cost of developing design and working documentation for the construction of facilities:

If it is up to 10%, then it does not take into account the calculation of the amount of work, and the specified work is included in the cost of developing specialized design sections;

If it is more than 10%, then the calculation of the amount of work is provided for in this column.

Updated answer

Question 13 of Section IX of the 2012 Collection is relevant at the present time and is not subject to correction.

14 Which objects are classified as especially dangerous and technically complex, and which ones are unique?

Answer provided in the 2012 Collection

The concepts of "Especially dangerous, technically complex and unique objects" when determining the cost of design work for the reconstruction of enterprises, buildings and structures are taken into account in accordance with Article 48.1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2004 No. 190-FZ (as amended and supplemented), with this paragraph 1 of the said article establishes the classification of objects as especially dangerous and technically complex, and paragraph 2 - to unique objects.

As for the use of multiplying coefficients up to 2.0 and up to 1.7 in the formula for calculating the price of design work for the reconstruction of construction projects, the coefficient up to 2.0 is taken into account if the price is set from physical indicators (capacity, productivity, length, area, etc.). ), and up to 1.7 - when calculating the cost of design as a percentage of the volume of capital investments.

Updated answer

Question 14 of Section IX of the 2012 Collection is relevant at the present time and is not subject to correction.

15 Is the development of isometric drawings included in the cost of creating a three-dimensional electronic model for designing objects?

Answer provided in the 2012 Collection

The cost of developing isometric drawings of building structures, equipment, pipelines, etc. to create a three-dimensional electronic model is determined in addition to the prices of Reference books of basic prices for design work in construction in accordance with costing.

Updated answer

Question 15 of Section IX of the Collection-2012 is relevant at the present time and is not subject to adjustment, except for cases of application of the provisions of SBCP 81-2001-21. In addition, the general provisions of individual SBTsP introduced the procedure for applying and the amount of correction factors when determining the cost of design with information modeling.

16 How many copies of design and working documentation are included in the prices of the Handbooks?

Answer provided in the 2012 Collection

In accordance with clause 3.10 of the Guidelines for the use of base price reference books for design work in construction, ed. 2010 (MU-2009) the prices of the Handbooks take into account the issuance of 4 copies of design and 4 copies of working documentation to the customer.

The cost of an additional number of copies of design and working documentation issued at the request of the customer can be determined by calculating the cost in accordance with the cost calculation and included in the total cost of performing work under contracts for the development of design and working documentation.

Updated answer

Question 16 of Section IX of the 2012 Collection is relevant at the present time and is not subject to correction.

17 How to determine the amount of costs for the examination of design and survey work?

Answer provided in the 2012 Collection

The amount of costs for the examination of design and survey work (R&D), included in Chapter 12 of the Consolidated Estimated Calculation of the Cost of Construction, is determined according to the indicators established in the appendix to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05.03.2007 No. 145 based on the total cost of R&D at the level of 01.01 .2001, with their subsequent indexing in accordance with the data published quarterly by the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation.

The price determined in this way includes the costs of all sections of expert work, including the examination of industrial safety, environmental, cost estimates, etc.).

Updated answer

Question 17 of Section IX of the Collection-2012 is relevant at the present time and is not subject to adjustment. At the same time, price indexation is carried out in accordance with inflation indices (of this Collection).

18 How is the production of custom specifications for equipment paid?

Answer provided in the 2012 Collection

Clause 4.5 of the Clarification on the use of the Collection of Prices and Reference Books of Base Prices for Design Work for Construction, approved and recommended for use at a meeting of the Interdepartmental Commission for the Development of Documents on Pricing in Construction under the Gosstroy of Russia on May 28, 1999, became invalid, since its wording corresponded to work on the preparation of custom specifications in the scope of the requirements of the USSR Gossnab.

Taking into account that the preparation of custom specifications for equipment is a function of the customer-builder, if the customer entrusts the design organization with the work of compiling custom specifications (in the form established by the equipment manufacturer), then it is paid in addition to the cost of design work in the amount of up to 10% of the cost of designing the relevant sections of project documentation (technological, plumbing, etc.).

The design organization transfers to the customer as part of the developed design documentation only the specifications for the equipment.

If the design organization transmits as part of the design documentation being developed the "Collection of Specifications for Equipment" (including in Excel format), made in a separate volume, then the specified work is paid by the customer additionally in the amount of 2% of the cost of designing the relevant sections.

Updated answer

Question 18 of Section IX of the 2012 Collection is relevant at the present time and is not subject to correction.

19 Is there a new price document to replace the Price List for the development by design organizations of the USSR Gosstroy of design documentation for the manufacture of non-standardized equipment of the 1987 edition?

Answer provided in the 2012 Collection

At present, there is a Reference book of basic prices for the development of design documentation for custom-made equipment, agreed with the Committee of the Russian Federation for Mechanical Engineering and put into effect on 09/01/1998 (SBC-1998), instead of the Price List for the development of design documentation for manufacturing by design organizations of the USSR Gosstroy non-standardized equipment 1987 edition

SBC-1998 is included in the register of estimated standards to be applied when determining the estimated cost of capital construction projects, the construction of which is planned to be carried out with the involvement of federal budget funds (Register), and has registration number 77 dated December 15, 2009.

Updated answer

Question 19 of Section IX of the Collection-2012 is relevant at the present time and is not subject to correction.

Appendix 1

current state estimated standards for design work, entered by the Ministry of Construction of Russia into the Federal Register, as of 03/01/2017

Table 1

No. p / p Reducing the standard Name of the state estimate standard Information about the entry into force of the document Date and order number of federal executive authority Registration number of the estimated standard and the date of its inclusion in the Register* Dependence of the base price in the Directory
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Reference books of basic prices with the price level as of 01.01. 2001 Preparation of project documentation in accordance with SNiP 11-01-95 "Instruction on the procedure for the development, approval, approval and composition of project documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures"
1 SBTs-NDP-06 Reference book of basic prices for design work for the construction of "Oil industry facilities" - № 12 15.12.2009 NP
2 SBTs-UP-06 Reference book of basic prices for design work for the construction of "Coal industry facilities" Rosstroy Order No. 110 dated April 20, 2007, Rosstroy Letter No. SK-31/02 dated January 12, 2006 - No. 18 dated 12/15/2009 NP
3 SBTs-AP-04 Reference book of basic prices for design work for construction "Objects of the aluminum and electrode industry" - No. 21 of 12/15/2009 NP
4 SBTs-GRP-04 Directory of basic prices for design work for the construction of "Mining facilities" - No. 22 dated 15.12.2009 NP
5 SBC-PVC-04 Directory of basic prices for design work for the construction of "Chemical fiber industry facilities" Order of Rosstroy No. 110 dated 20.04.2007, Letter of Rosstroy on entry into force No. AP-2642/10 dated 07.05.2004 - No. 25 dated 12/15/2009 NP
6 SBTs-PMU-06 Reference book of basic prices for design work for construction "Facilities for the production of mineral fertilizers and other chemical industries" Rosstroy Order No. 110 dated April 20, 2007, Rosstroy Letter No. SK-31/02 dated January 12, 2006 - No. 26 dated 12/15/2009 NP
7 SBTs-PSS-06 Reference book of basic prices for design work for construction "Industrial facilities of synthetic resins and plastics, fiberglass and fiberglass. Production of plastic products" Rosstroy Order No. 110 dated April 20, 2007, Rosstroy Letter No. SK-31/02 dated January 12, 2006 - No. 27 dated 12/15/2009 NP
8 SBC-SdP-04 Reference book of basic prices for design work for the construction of "Shipbuilding industry facilities" Order of Rosstroy No. 110 dated 20.04.2007, Letter of Rosstroy on entry into force No. AP-2642/10 dated 07.05.2004 - No. 43 dated 12/15/2009 KV, NP - treatment facilities
9 SBC-LH-06 Reference book of basic prices for design work for the construction of "Forestry Objects" Rosstroy Order No. 110 dated April 20, 2007, Rosstroy Letter No. SK-31/02 dated January 12, 2006 - No. 46 dated 12/15/2009 NP
10 SBC-MKP-04 Directory of basic prices for design work for the construction of "Objects of the flour-grinding and cereal and feed industry" Order of Rosstroy No. 110 dated April 20, 2007, Letter No. AP-3030/06 dated June 8, 2004 on entry into force of Rosstroy - No. 55 dated 12/15/2009 NP
11 SBC-MVS-06 Reference book of basic prices for design work for construction "Objects of reclamation and water management construction" Order of Rosstroy No. 110 dated 20.04.2007, Letter of Rosstroy on entry into force No. AP-2642/10 dated 07.05.2004 - No. 56 dated 12/15/2009 NP
12 SBC-PAU-08 Reference book of basic prices for design work for construction "Facilities for the production of nitrogen fertilizers and organic synthesis products. Oxygen sub-sector. Methanol sub-sector" Order of Rosstroy No. 143 dated 30.04.2008, Letter of Rosstroy on entry into force No. VB-750/02 dated 18.03.2008 - No. 62 dated 12/15/2009 NP
13 SBTs-M-04 Directory of basic prices for design work for the construction of "Metropolitan" Order of Rosstroy No. 110 dated 20.04.2007, Letter of Rosstroy on entry into force No. AP-2642/10 dated 07.05.2004 - No. 69 dated 12/15/2009 NP
14 SBTs-PAT-06 Reference book of basic prices for design work for the construction of "Motor transport enterprises" Rosstroy Order No. 110 dated April 20, 2007, Rosstroy Letter No. SK-31/02 dated January 12, 2006 - No. 70 dated 12/15/2009 NP
15 SBTs-RT-04 Reference book of basic prices for design work for the construction of "River transport facilities" Order of Rosstroy No. 110 dated 20.04.2007, Letter of Rosstroy on entry into force No. AP-2642/10 dated 07.05.2004 - No. 71 dated 12/15/2009 KV; NP - water approaches and raids
16 SBTs-MT-04 Reference book of basic prices for design work for the construction of "Marine transport facilities" Order of Rosstroy No. 110 dated 20.04.2007, Letter of Rosstroy on entry into force No. AP-2642/10 dated 07.05.2004 - No. 73 dated 12/15/2009 KV; NP - shipyards, separate facilities outside the complex
17 SBC-AD-07 Reference book of basic prices for design work for the construction of "Public highways" Rosstroy Order No. 110 dated April 20, 2007, Rosstroy Letter No. SK-3743/02 dated October 9, 2007 - No. 75 dated 12/15/2009 NP
18 SBC-GOChS-06 Reference book of basic prices for design work for construction "Engineering and technical measures of civil defense. Measures for the prevention of emergency situations. Protective structures of civil defense and other special structures" Rosstroy Order No. 110 dated April 20, 2007, Rosstroy Letter No. SK-31/02 dated January 12, 2006 - No. 81 dated 12/15/2009 NP
19 SBC-GISK-08 Reference book of basic prices for design work for the construction of "Urban Engineering Structures and Communications" (valid except for Chapter 2 "City Transport Tunnels and Pedestrian Crossings", Chapter 3 "Underground Communication Tunnels", Chapter 4 "City Water Supply", Chapter 5 "City Sewerage" ", chapter 6 "Urban reservoirs", chapter 7 "Quarterly, interquarterly, street cable power networks", tables No. 2 - 11 to chapters 2 - 7 of this Handbook) Order of Rosstroy No. 143 dated April 30, 2008, Letter of Rosstroy on entry into force No. VB-1711/02 dated April 24, 2008, Order No. 140 / pr of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated February 27, 2015 - No. 65 dated 12/15/2009 NP
20 SBTs-PP-04 Reference book of basic prices for design work for construction "Industrial furnaces, dryers, chimneys and ventilation pipes, thermal insulation and anti-corrosion protection structures" Order of Rosstroy No. 110 dated 20.04.2007, Letter of Rosstroy on entry into force No. AP-2642/10 dated 07.05.2004 - No. 84 dated 12/15/2009 NP
Reference books of base prices with the price level as of 01.01.1995 (10 standards) Preparation of project documentation in accordance with SNiP 11-01-95 "Instructions on the procedure for the development, approval, approval and composition of project documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures"
21 SBTs-GP-99 Reference book of basic prices for design work for the construction of "Objects of the gas industry" (2nd edition) Rosstroy Order No. 110 dated 20.04.2007, Letter No. NZ-4298/10 dated 12.07.99 on entry into force of the Gosstroy of Russia - No. 17 dated 12/15/2009 NP
22 SBTs-OE-96 Reference book of basic prices for design work for construction "Energy facilities" (valid with the exception of table No. 1 "Steam turbine condensing power plants (CPP) with units with a unit capacity of up to 300 MW; 500, 800 MW and combined heat and power plants (CHP)", tables No. 2 "Individual boiler houses", tables No. 3 "Diesel power plants", tables No. 4 "Gas turbine power plants (GTPP) with units with a capacity of up to 12 MW, 15-30 MW", tables No. 5 "Heat networks", tables No. 6 "Special installations heating networks", tables No. 8 "Open electrical substations with a voltage of 110-750 kV", tables No. 9 "Repair and production bases of electric networks and repair and maintenance points of electric networks", tables No. 10 "Overhead power lines with a voltage of 110750 kV", tables No. 11 "Power lines with voltage up to 10 kV with substations with voltage 635/0.4 kV; power lines 35 kV; transformer substations 35/6 -10 kV") Rosstroy Order No. 110 dated April 20, 2007, Decree No. 18-82 of the Russian Ministry of Construction on entry into force dated November 25, 1996 - № 9 15.12.2009 HF
23 SBTs-MashP-95 Directory of basic prices for design work for the construction of "Objects of the engineering industry" Rosstroy Order No. 110 dated April 20, 2007, Decree No. 18-82 of the Russian Ministry of Construction on entry into force dated August 11, 1995 - No. 42 dated 12/15/2009 HF
24 SBTs-TsBP-96 Reference book of basic prices for design work for construction "Pulp and paper industry facilities" Rosstroy Order No. 110 dated April 20, 2007, Decree No. 18-19 of the Russian Ministry of Construction on entry into force dated March 7, 1996 - No. 47 dated 12/15/2009 KV, NP - plants, factories
25 SBC-PSM-97 Reference book of basic prices for design work for construction "Building materials industry facilities" Rosstroy Order No. 110 dated April 20, 2007, Decree No. 18-18 dated June 23, 97 of the Gosstroy of Russia on the entry into force - No. 48 dated 12/15/2009 NP
26 SBTs-PgfP-95 Directory of basic prices for design work for the construction of "Objects of the printing industry" Rosstroy Order No. 110 dated April 20, 2007, Decree No. 18-13 of the Gosstroy of Russia on entry into force dated February 8, 2007 - No. 57 dated 12/15/2009 NP
27 SBTs-POZ-99 Reference book of basic prices for design work for the construction of "Fire and Security Protection Systems" Rosstroy Order No. 110 dated April 20, 2007, Letter No. NZ-3287/10 dated September 28, 99, on entry into force of the State Construction Committee - No. 82 dated 12/15/2009 NP
28 SBTs-KD-98 Directory of basic prices for the development of design documentation for custom-made equipment Letter No. 9-10-17/33 of the Gosstroy of Russia dated June 16, 1998 on the entry into force - No. 77 dated 12/15/2009 NP
Standards of the Gosstroy of the USSR: Collections of base prices with the price level as of 01.01.1991 (29 standards) Preparation of project documentation in accordance with SNiP 1.02.1-85 "Instruction on the composition, procedure for developing, coordinating and approving design estimates for the construction of enterprises , buildings and structures".
29 SC-2-87 Collection of prices for design work for construction. Section 2 "Oil industry" (valid except for chapters 1, 2) Rosstroy Order No. 110 dated April 20, 2007, Letter No. ACh-999-6/5 of the USSR Gosstroy on entry into force dated February 27, 1987 - № 11 15.12.2009 NP
30 STs-7-87 Collection of prices for design work for construction. Section 7 "Non-ferrous metallurgy" (valid with the exception of Chapter 1 "Zinc, lead, copper smelting, copper electrolyte plants", Chapter 2 "Nickel-cobalt plants", Chapter 6 "Repartitions and workshops for the production of rare metals and semiconductor materials", Chapter 3 "Aluminum and electrode industry") Order of Rosstroy No. 110 dated April 20, 2007, Letter No. ACh-1003-6/5 of the USSR Gosstroy on entry into force dated February 27, 1987 - No. 20 dated 12/15/2009 NP
31 SC-9-87 Collection of prices for design work for construction. Section 9 "Chemical industry" (valid with the exception of chapters 3 "Sub-sector of synthetic resins and plastics", 4 "Sub-sectors: glass fibers and glass-reinforced plastics. Processing of plastic products", 5 "Sub-sector of chemical fibers and threads", 6 "Oxygen sub-sector" , 9 "Sub-sector of chemical reagents and high-purity substances", 11 "Sub-sector of varnishes and paints", 12 "Sub-sector of household chemicals", 13 "Methanol sub-sector") Rosstroy Order No. 110 dated April 20, 2007, Letter No. ACh-932-6/5 of the USSR Gosstroy on entry into force dated February 25, 2007 - No. 23 dated 12/15/2009 NP
32 SC-11-87 Collection of prices for design work for construction. Section 11 "Power engineering" - No. 28 of 12/15/2009 NP
33 SC-1-87 Collection of prices for design work for construction. Section 1 "Electric power industry" (with the exception of chapter 1 "Nuclear, thermal and diesel power plants and boiler houses", chapter 2 "Heat networks and special installations of thermal networks", chapter 3 "Individual hydraulic structures of power plants and boiler houses", paragraphs of chapters 4 - 9 concerning determining the cost of design work "Overhead power lines with a voltage of 110-750 kV", Chapter 10 "Overhead power lines with a voltage of up to 20 kV, transformer substations, distribution and sectioning points with a voltage of up to 20 kV, relay protection, automation and electrical calculations of networks up to 20 kV. Electric networks of cities and towns", chapter 11 "Cable power transmission lines", chapter 12 "Hydraulic and pumped-storage electric networks") Rosstroy Order No. 110 dated April 20, 2007, Letter No. ACh-763-6/5 dated February 17, 1987 from the USSR Gosstroy - № 10 15.12.2009 NP
34 SC-10-87 Collection of prices for design work for construction. Section 10 "Production of mineral fertilizers" (valid with the exception of chapters II "Production of the main chemical industry - mineral fertilizers", III "Production of nitrogen fertilizers and products of organic synthesis", IV "Production of chemical plant protection products" and V "Buildings and structures of auxiliary production, auxiliary and general purpose purposes") Order of Rosstroy No. 110 dated April 20, 2007; - No. 24 dated 12/15/2009 NP
35 SC-12-87 Collection of prices for design work for construction. Section 12 "Heavy and transport engineering" Order of Rosstroy No. 110 dated April 20, 2007, Letter No. ACh-758-6/5 of the USSR Gosstroy on entry into force dated February 17, 1987 - No. 29 dated 12/15/2009 NP
36 SC-13-87 Collection of prices for design work for construction. Section 13 "Electrical industry" - No. 30 dated 12/15/2009 NP
37 SC-14-87 Collection of prices for design work for construction. Section 14 "Chemical and petroleum engineering" Order of Rosstroy No. 110 dated April 20, 2007, Letter No. ACh-760-6/5 of the USSR Gosstroy on entry into force dated February 17, 1987 - No. 31 dated 12/15/2009 NP
38 SC-15-87 Collection of prices for design work for construction. Section 15 "Machine-tool and tool industry" - No. 32 dated 12/15/2009 NP
39 SC-16-87 Collection of prices for design work for construction. Section 16 "Industry for the production of products for general machine-building applications" Order of Rosstroy No. 110 dated April 20, 2007, Letter No. ACh-1158-6/5 of the USSR Gosstroy on entry into force dated 03.09.87 - No. 33 dated 12/15/2009 NP
40 SC-17-87 Collection of prices for design work for construction. Section 17 "Instrumentation" Rosstroy Order No. 110 dated April 20, 2007, Letter No. ACh-646-6/5 of the USSR Gosstroy on entry into force dated February 11, 2007 - No. 34 dated 12/15/2009 NP
41 SC-18-87 Compendium of prices for design work for construction, Section 18 "Automotive and bearing industry" Order of Rosstroy No. 110 dated April 20, 2007, Letter No. ACh-645-6/5 of the USSR Gosstroy on entry into force dated February 11, 2007 - No. 35 dated 12/15/2009 NP
42 SC-19-87 Collection of prices for design work for construction. Section 19 "Tractor and agricultural engineering" Rosstroy Order No. 110 dated April 20, 2007, Letter No. ACh-641-6/5 of the USSR Gosstroy on entry into force dated February 11, 2007 - No. 36 dated 12/15/2009 NP
43 SC-20-87 Collection of prices for design work for construction, Section 20 "Engineering for livestock and feed production" Order of Rosstroy No. 110 dated April 20, 2007, Letter No. АЧ-638-6/5 of the USSR Gosstroy on entry into force dated February 11, 1987 - No. 37 dated 12/15/2009 NP
44 SC-21-87 Collection of prices for design work for construction. Section 21 "Construction, road and municipal engineering" Order of Rosstroy No. 110 dated April 20, 2007, Letter No. ACh-625-6/5 of the USSR Gosstroy on entry into force dated February 11, 1987 - No. 38 dated 12/15/2009 NP
45 SC-23-87 Collection of prices for design work for construction. Section 23 "Repair enterprises of the coal industry" Order of Rosstroy No. 110 dated April 20, 2007, Letter No. АЧ-629-6/5 of the USSR Gosstroy on entry into force dated February 11, 1987 - No. 39 dated 12/15/2009 NP
46 STs-24-87 Collection of prices for design work for construction. Section 24 "Plants for the repair of rolling stock, switch and electrical" Rosstroy Order No. 110 dated April 20, 2007, Letter No. ACh-633-6/5 of the USSR Gosstroy on entry into force dated February 11, 2007 - No. 40 dated 12/15/2009 NP
47 SC-25-87 Collection of prices for design work for construction. Section 25 Structural Steel Plants Order of Rosstroy No. 110 dated April 20, 2007, Decree of the USSR Gosstroy on entry into force No. 63 dated March 20, 2007 - No. 41 dated 12/15/2009 NP
48 SC-26-87 Collection of prices for design work for construction. Section 26 "Forest and woodworking, pulp and paper industry" (valid except for chapters 5 and 6) Order of Rosstroy No. 110 dated April 20, 2007, Letter No. АЧ-727-6/5 dated February 16, 1987 of the Gosstroy of the USSR on the entry into force - No. 44 dated 12/15/2009 NP
49 STs-33-87 Collection of prices for design work for construction. Section 33 "Forestry" Rosstroy Order No. 110 dated April 20, 2007, Letter No. ACh-928-6/5 of the USSR Gosstroy on entry into force dated February 25, 1987 - No. 45 dated 12/15/2009 NP
50 STs-28-87 Collection of prices for design work for construction. Section 28 "Light and textile industry" Order of Rosstroy No. 110 dated April 20, 2007; - No. 49 dated 12/15/2009 NP
51 SC-29-87 Collection of prices for design work for construction. Section 29 "Fishing Industry" Order of Rosstroy No. 110 dated April 20, 2007; - No. 50 dated 12/15/2009 NP
52 STs-30-87 Collection of prices for design work for construction. Section 30 "Medical and microbiological industry" Rosstroy Order No. 110 dated April 20, 2007, Letter No. ACh-931-6/5 of the USSR State Construction Committee dated February 25, 1987 - No. 51 dated 12/15/2009 NP
53 SC-43-87 Collection of prices for design work for construction. Section 43 "Procurement and marketing enterprises" Rosstroy Order No. 110 dated April 20, 2007, Letter No. ACh-648-6/5 of the USSR Gosstroy on entry into force dated February 11, 1987 - No. 58 dated 12/15/2009 NP
54 SC-41-87 Collection of prices for design work for construction. Section 41 "Objects of arrangement of geology" Rosstroy Order No. 110 dated April 20, 2007, Letter No. ACh-640-6/5 dated February 11, 1987 from the USSR Gosstroy - No. 59 dated 12/15/2009 NP
55 STs-53-87 Collection of prices for design work for construction. Section 53 "Peat industry" Rosstroy Order No. 110 dated April 20, 2007, Letter No. ACh-647-6/5 of the USSR Gosstroy on entry into force dated February 11, 1987 - No. 60 dated 12/15/2009 NP
56 STs-58-87 Collection of prices for design work for construction. Section 58 Local Industry Rosstroy Order No. 110 dated April 20, 2007, Letter No. ACh-628-6/5 of the USSR Gosstroy on entry into force dated February 11, 1987 - No. 61 dated 12/15/2009 NP
57 STs-61-87 Collection of prices for design work for construction. Section 61 "Gas cleaning and dust collection facilities" Order of Rosstroy No. 110 dated April 20, 2007, Letter of the USSR Gosstroy No. ACh-760-6/5 dated February 17, 1987 - No. 83 dated 12/15/2009 NP
Regulatory and methodological documents (2 standards). Preparation of project documentation in accordance with the "Regulations on the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 16, 2008 No. 87"
58 MU-2009 Guidelines for the use of reference books of basic prices for design work in construction Registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation No. 16686 dated March 23, 2010 Order of the Ministry of Regional Development dated December 29, 2009 No. 620 No. 121 of 04/02/2010 Methodology
59 MU-2015 Guidelines on the procedure for the development of state estimated standards "Reference books of basic prices for design work in construction" No. 196 dated 10.06.2015 Methodology
State estimated standards Reference books of basic prices with price levels as of 01.01. 2001 (24 standards). Preparation of project documentation in accordance with the "Regulations on the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 16, 2008 No. 87"
60 SBTsP 81- 2001-01 State estimated standard "Handbook of basic prices for design work in construction" Territorial planning and planning of territories " dated October 25, 2010 No. 130 NP
61 SBTsP 81-2001-02 State estimated standard "Reference book of basic prices for design work in construction" Communication facilities " Registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation No. 18439 dated September 14, 2010 Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia dated May 28, 2010 No. 260 dated October 25, 2010 No. 132 NP KV - postal service
62 SBTsP 81-2001-03 State estimated standard "Reference book of basic prices for design work in construction" Housing and civil construction facilities " Registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation No. 18439 dated September 14, 2010 Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia dated May 28, 2010 No. 260 dated October 25, 2010 No. 131 NP, KV - unique objects
63 SBTsP 81-2001-04 State estimated standard "Reference book of basic prices for design work in construction" Aviation industry facilities " Recognized as not needing state registration letter of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated January 18, 2012 No. 01/2311-BE Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia dated November 29, 2011 No. 547 dated 23.01.2012 No. 163 NP
64 SBTsP 81-2001-05 State estimated standard "Handbook of basic prices for design work in construction" Standards for the preparation of technical documentation for the overhaul of buildings and structures for residential and civil purposes " Recognized as not needing state registration letter of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated 10.05.2012 No. 01/35519-BE Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia dated March 12, 2012 No. 96 dated 18.05.2012 No. 171 NP
65 SBTsP 81-2001-06 State estimated standard "Handbook of basic prices for design work in construction" Nuclear facilities "(Valid except for tables for NPPs with VVER and BN reactors) Recognized as not needing state registration letter of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated 28.06.2012 No. 01/51782-BE Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia dated May 14, 2012 No. 198 dated 06.07.2012 No. 173 HF
66 SBTsP 81-2001-07 State estimated standard "Handbook of basic prices for design work in construction" Municipal engineering networks and structures "(Valid except for the provisions of Chapter 2.8.2 in terms of determining the cost of overhead power lines with a voltage of 35 - 750 kV and tables No. 19 -24, chapter 2.8. 3 and tables no. 25 - 29, chapter 2.8.4 - 2.8.5 and tables no. 30 - 33) Recognized as not needing state registration letter of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated 03.07.2012 No. 01/52444-101 Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia dated May 24, 2012 No. 213 dated 12.07.2012 No. 174 NP
67 SBTsP 81-2001-08 State estimated standard "Reference book of basic prices for design work in construction" Objects of the main pipeline transport of oil " Recognized as not needing state registration letter of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated July 27, 2012 No. 01/59780-YuL Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia dated June 18, 2012 No. 229 dated 13.08.2012 No. 179 NP
68 SBTsP 81-2001-09 State estimated standard "Reference book of basic prices for design work in the construction of "Railways" Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated September 30, 2014 No. 590/pr dated 02.10.2014 No. 184 NP
69 SBTsP 81-2001-10 State estimated standard "Reference book of basic prices for design work in the construction of the "Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation" dated November 18, 2014 No. 186 NP, KV - objects of rocket technology
70 SBTsP 81-2001-11 State estimated standard "Reference book of basic prices for design work in construction" Objects of the agro-industrial complex, trade and public catering " Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated October 17, 2014 No. 634/pr dated 11/18/2014 No. 185 NP
71 SBTsP 81-2001-12 State estimate standard "Reference book of basic prices for design work in construction" Civil aviation facilities " dated 03.03.2015 No. 189 NP
72 SBTsP 81-2001-13 State estimated standard "Reference book of basic prices for design work in construction" Facilities of the oil refining and petrochemical industry " Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated February 27, 2015 No. 140 / pr dated 03.03.2015 No. 190 NP
73 SBTsP 81-2001-17 State estimated standard "Reference book of basic prices for design work in construction" Water supply and sewerage facilities " dated 03.03.2015 No. 191 NP
74 SBTsP 81-2001-14 State estimated standard "Reference book of basic prices for design work in construction" Gas equipment and gas supply to industrial enterprises, buildings and structures " Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated February 27, 2015 No. 140 / pr dated 03.03.2015 No. 192 NP
75 SBTsP 81-2001-16 State estimated standard "Reference book of basic prices for design work in construction "Artificial structures" Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated February 27, 2015 No. 140 / pr dated 03.03.2015 No. 193 NP
76 SBTsP 81-2001-15 State estimated standard "Reference book of basic prices for design work in construction" Buried structures and structures, dewatering, anti-landslide structures and measures" Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated February 27, 2015 No. 140 / pr dated 03.03.2015 No. 194 NP
77 SBTsP 81-2001-18 State estimated standard "Reference book of basic prices for design work in construction" Ferrous metallurgy facilities " Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated February 27, 2015 No. 140 / pr dated 03.03.2015 No. 195 HF
78 SBTsP 81-2001-20 State estimate standard "Reference book of basic prices for design work in construction" Zinc, lead, copper-smelting, tin, copper-electrolyte and nickel-cobalt plants " Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated 04.06.2015 No. 406/pr dated 10.06.2015 No. 197 NP
79 SBTsP 81-2001-19 State estimated standard "Reference book of basic prices for design work in construction" Enterprises of transport, storage of petroleum products and gas stations " Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated 04.06.2015 No. 406/pr dated 10.06.2015 No. 198 NP
80 SBTsP 81-2001-21 State estimated standard "Reference book of basic prices for design work in construction" Nuclear facilities " Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated 09.09.2015 No. 648/pr dated 14.09.2015 No. 199 NP
81 SBTsP 81-2001-22 State estimate standard "Reference book of basic prices for design work in construction" Automated process control systems (APCS)" Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated January 27, 2016 No. 30/pr dated 10.02.2016 No. 207 NP
82 SBTsP 81-2001-23 State estimated standard "Reference book of basic prices for design work in construction" Energy facilities. Energy generation" dated 10.02.2016 No. 208 HF
83 SBTsP 81-2001-24 State estimated standard "Reference book of basic prices for design work in construction" Energy facilities. Power grid facilities" Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated January 27, 2016 No. 30/pr dated February 10, 2016 No. 209 KV, NP - special calculations and work, FOCL
84 SBTsP 81-2001-25 State estimate standard "Reference book of basic prices for measuring work and surveys of buildings and structures" Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated April 25, 2016 No. 270/pr dated 26.04.2016 No. 210 NP
Industry estimate standards for scientific and design work for restoration
1 RNiP 4.05.01-93 Guidelines for determining the cost of scientific and design work for the restoration of immovable monuments of history and culture Order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated December 29, 1993 No. 810; Orders of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated 06/03/2015 No. 395/pr, dated 06/28/2016 No. 465/pr
2 STsNPR-91 Collection of prices for scientific design work on the monuments of history and culture. General part, sections 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Order of the Ministry of Culture of the USSR dated 05.11.1990 No. 321; Orders of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated 06/03/2015 No. 395/pr, dated 06/28/2016 No. 465/pr Register data from 31.01.2017 Deadline for inclusion in the register until 12/15/2016
3 STsNPR-91 Collection of prices for scientific design work on the monuments of history and culture. Sections 4, 10 Order of the Ministry of Culture of the USSR dated October 25, 1991 No. 286; Orders of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated 06/03/2015 No. 395/pr, dated 06/28/2016 No. 465/pr Register data from 31.01.2017 Deadline for inclusion in the register until 12/15/2016
4 STsNPR-91 Collection of prices for scientific design work on the monuments of history and culture. Section 11 Preparation of primary accounting documentation for immovable monuments of history and culture Order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated February 4, 1992 No. 50; Orders of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated 06/03/2015 No. 395/pr, dated 06/28/2016 No. 465/pr Register data from 31.01.2017 Deadline for inclusion in the register until 12/15/2016
5 STsNPR-91 Collection of prices for scientific and design work on monuments of history and culture (STsNPR-91-12). Section 12 Order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated November 05, 1990 No. 321; Orders of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated 06/03/2015 No. 395/pr, dated 06/28/2016 No. 465/pr Register data from 31.01.2017 Deadline for inclusion in the register until 12/15/2016

Annex 2

Indices of changes in the cost of design work due to inflationary processes, published quarterly by the Ministry of Construction of Russia

table 2

No. p / p Period Index size No. and date of the letter from Gosstroy (Minzemstroy, Rosstroy, Ministry of Construction, Ministry of Regional Development) of Russia
1 2 3 4
1 I quarter 18 Temporary recommendations for determining base prices for design work for construction in a market economy, taking into account inflationary processes (Appendix 1 to the letter of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated 12/17/92 No. BF-1060/9)
2 II quarter 2.5 (2.5x18=45) 9-1-2/59 dated 04/13/93
3 III quarter 4.9 (4.9x18=88.2) 9-1-2/143 of 07/09/93
4 IV quarter 9.9 (9.9x18=178.2) 9-1-2/209 of 10/07/93
5 I quarter 16.8 (16.8x18=302.4) 9-1-2/3 dated 01/06/94
6 II quarter 31.9 (31.9x18=574.2) 9-1-2/69 of 04/07/94
7 III quarter 41.2 (41.2x18=741.6) 9-1-2/105 dated 06/27/94
8 IV quarter 50.9 (50.9x18=916.2) 9-4/140 dated 10/06/94
9 I quarter 69.9 (69.9x18=1258.2) 9-4/1 dated 04.01.95
10 II quarter 98.9 (98.9x18=1780.2) 9-4/63 of 03/29/95
11 III quarter 2.16 (2.16x1000=2160) 9-4/116 dated 04.07.95
12 IV quarter 2.54 (2.54x1000=2540) 9-4/151 dated 04.10.95
13 I quarter 2.83 (2.83x1000=2830) 9-4/3 dated 04.01.96
14 II quarter 3.24 (3.24x1000=3240) 9-4/39 dated 04/03/96
15 III quarter 3.41 (3.41x1000=3410) 9-4/78 dated 02.07.96
16 IV quarter 3.49 (3.49x1000=3490) 9-4/106 dated 04.10.96
17 I quarter 3.68 (3.68x1000=3680) 9-4/2 dated 08.01.97
18 II quarter 3.87 (3.87x1000=3870) 9-4/36 of 04/16/97
19 III quarter 3.97 (3.97x1000=3970) 9-4/67 dated 07.07.97
20 IV quarter 4.06 (4.06x1000=4060) 9-1-1/114 dated 10/06/97
1998 9-1-1/6 dated 01/13/98
21 I quarter 4,15 9-4/10 dated 01/19/98
22 II quarter 4,35 9-1-1/60 of 04/07/98
23 III quarter 4,46 9-4/89 dated 07.07.98
24 IV quarter 5,27 BE-178 dated 11/05/98
25 I quarter 5,27 AT-588 dated 28.12.98
26 II quarter 5,56 BE-1043/10 of 04/01/99
27 III quarter 5,9 AT-2194/10 dated 06/30/99
28 IV quarter 6,46 ASh-3412/10 dated 07.10.99
29 I quarter 6,8 ASh-6/10 dated 05.01.00
30 II quarter 6,93 ASh-1636/10 dated April 19, 2000
31 III quarter 7,04 ASh-3648/10 dated 21.08.00
32 IV quarter 7,33 ASh-4440/10 from 09.10.00
33 I quarter 7,71 ASh-9/10 dated 04.01.01
34 II quarter 8,06 ASh-1691/10 dated 05.04.01
35 III quarter 8,48 ASh-3623/10 dated 04.07.01
36 IV quarter 8,62 ASh-5360/10 dated 03.10.01
37 I quarter 9,12 ASh-32/10 dated 08.01.02
38 II quarter 9,77 ASh-1717/10 dated 04.04.02
39 III quarter 10,19 ASh-3981/10 dated 19.07.02
40 IV quarter 10,38 ASh-5844/10 dated 09.10.02
41 I quarter 10,64 NK-70/10 dated 09.01.03
42 II quarter 10,96 SK-2144/10 dated 04/09/03
43 III quarter 1.46 to the price level as of 01/01/01 11.28 to the price level as of 01/01/95 SK-4107/10 dated 07.07.03
44 IV quarter 1, 50 11, 59 SK-6291/10 of 06.10.03
45 I quarter 1, 54 11, 9 SK-91/10 dated 09.01.04
46 II quarter 1,6 12,37 SK-2206/10 dated 07.04.04
47 III quarter 1,64 12,67 AR-722 dated 27.07.04
48 IV quarter 1,68 12,97 IM-1312 dated 10/22/04
49 I quarter 1,73 13,38 500-VG/70 dated February 14, 2005
50 II quarter 1,81 13,96 2586-MP/70 dated May 27, 2005
51 III quarter 1,87 14,42 4078-BA/70 dated July 25, 2005
52 IV quarter 1,93 14,89 SK-4714/02 dated November 10, 2005
53 I quarter 1,99 15,35 SK-280/02 of 02/01/2006
54 II quarter 2,08 16,04 SK-1524/02 dated April 21, 2006
55 III quarter 2,13 16,42 SK-2843/02 dated 10.07.2006
56 IV quarter 2,16 16,67 SK-4250/02 of 09.10.2006
65 I quarter 2,19 16,92 SK-184/02 of 01/23/2007
66 II quarter 2,23 17,21 SK-1394/02 of 04/09/2007
67 III quarter 2,27 17,51 VK-2766/02 dated July 23, 2007
68 IV quarter 2,39 18,40 SK-3742/02 dated 09.10.2007
69 I quarter 2,48 19,06 VB-5/02 dated 09.01.2008
70 II quarter 2,58 19,85 VB-1302/02 dated 04.04.2008
71 III quarter 2,69 20,70 16568-SK/08 of 07/09/2008
72 IV quarter 2,76 21,25 26064-SK/08 dated October 14, 2008
73 I quarter 2,83 21,83 3652-SK/08 dated February 12, 2009
74 II quarter 2,97 22,87 10217-SK/08 of 04/09/2009
75 III quarter 3,03 23,36 21713-SK/08 dated 07/13/2009
76 IV quarter 3,08 23,72 33498-SK/08 dated October 13, 2009
77 I quarter 3,05 23,49 1289-SK/08 of 01/20/2010
78 II quarter 3,05 23,49 22030-BT/08 dated May 26, 2010
79 III quarter 3,13 24,08 28203-КК/08 dated 07/26/2010
80 IV quarter 3,13 24,08 39160-КК/08 dated 11/18/2010
81 I quarter 3,13 24,08 4511-КК/08 of 03/02/2011
82 II quarter 3,19 24,56 15076-КК/08 of 06/09/2011
83 III quarter 3,27 25,20 18769-AP/08 of 07/15/2011
84 IV quarter 3,31 25,53 30394-IP/08 dated 11/07/2011
85 I quarter 3,35 25,81 4122-IP/08 dated February 28, 2012
86 II quarter 3,42 26,35 10837-IP/08 of 05/04/2012
87 III quarter 3,46 26,67 23167-AP/08 of 09/03/2012
88 IV quarter 3,53 27,19 2836-IP/12/GS dated 03.12.2012
89 I quarter 3,58 24,08 1951-BT/10 dated 02/12/2013
90 II quarter 3,60 27,77 9912-SD/10 of 06/07/2013
91 III quarter 3,64 28,05 13478-SD/10 dated July 29, 2013
92 IV quarter 3,64 28,05 21331-SD/12/GS dated November 12, 2013
93 I quarter 3,64 28,05 3085-EC/08 dated February 28, 2014
94 II quarter 3,64 28,05 8367-EC/08 dated May 15, 2014
95 III quarter 3,70 28,50 15285-EC/08 of 08/04/2014
96 IV quarter 3,70 28,50 25374-YUR/08 dated November 13, 2014
97 I quarter 3,73 28,73 3691-LS/08 of February 12, 2015
98 II quarter 3,73 28,73 19823-YUR/08 dated 06/26/2015
99 III quarter 3,84 29,59 25760-YUR/08 dated 08/13/2015
100 IV quarter 3,84 29,59 35491-ВМ/05 dated 11/03/2015
101 I quarter 3,92 30,17 4688-ХМ/05 dated February 19, 2016
102 II quarter 3,92 30,17 17269-ХМ/09 of 06/03/2016
103 III quarter 3,92 30,17 31523-ХМ/09 dated 09/27/2016
104 IV quarter 3,95 30,43 41695-ХМ/09 dated 12/09/2016
105 I quarter 3,99 30,77 8802-ХМ/09 dated 03/20/2017

Document overview

Clarifications are provided on the application of the Price Book and Base Price Guides for design work for construction (2012-2017).

They can be useful for developers (customers), contractors, including when setting the initial (maximum) price for design work.

Thus, clarifications were given on determining the base price of design work for the construction of residential and civil facilities, fire and security protection systems, artificial structures, and road transport enterprises.

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