A conspiracy from a bad word spoken in anger. A conspiracy-amulet from a bad word spoken in anger Do the spoken words come true in anger

Today, most people do not have faith in God or in any other Higher Powers so much that they do not realize the full importance of promises and vows given in a fit of spiritual despair. And in vain, because when we take oaths, we incur great troubles, since in this case what we consider ordinary and nothing meaningful words, in fact, turns out to be promises given to otherworldly forces. In my practice, there are many cases when these otherworldly forces demanded from people the exact fulfillment of this oath, which turned into numerous sorrows and problems for them.

In this article, I would like to give all readers an important advice: never make oaths and promises that you really do not want to fulfill. Believe it or not, but the astral forces that control our destinies will not leave your words without attention and at the most inopportune moment for you will demand to keep the promise given in a fit of emotions. In particular, you should never swear by your children, their or your own health, you should not swear or try to make a deal with higher powers, promising to do something in exchange for momentary help in any business. In all these cases, you can incur such troubles and troubles that only the strongest will help you get rid of. practical magic by an experienced craftsman.

To confirm my words, I would like to describe several situations with which people turned to me, who at one time neglected the rule not to take an oath. The first story is about a student girl who was so afraid of exams that every time she fell into a real panic. And in this state, she saw no other way out of the situation, as soon as she turned with prayers and promises to higher powers. In requests for help in the exam, she said that she was ready to pay for a good grade with any price, even if it was her personal happiness.

Many years have passed since then, and this girl has turned into an adult blooming woman who cannot find her only one, get married, have children and live happily ever after. family life. Of course, the woman no longer remembers those promises and oaths that she foolishly gave in her girlhood, but the forces to which she turned did not forget anything. They acted according to the scenario that a young student once offered them - they helped her successfully complete her studies, but in return they took away her personal happiness. And now for this woman, practical magic has become the only hope for a happy fate, capable of destroying the circle of failures she has closed on the love front.

The power of an oath given in an emotional outburst.

Any words uttered by us in a fit of emotion acquire a double force. That is why it is impossible in our hearts to wish someone misfortune, since in most cases such words do not go unheard and are immediately put into practice. It is by this principle that negativity is induced: if someone, in a fit of envy or anger, wishes you trouble, then it will definitely come.

The same can be said about oaths: promises made in a fit of desperation or anger will certainly reach their addressees. And if you promised otherworldly forces that you would sacrifice something in return for their favor, this sacrifice will certainly be in demand. It is also impossible to promise to give up something in order to achieve some goal, since the higher powers do not like such human self-confidence at all. Therefore, they will in every possible way force a person to break his oath, creating such life situations in which it will be impossible to keep this promise. And as soon as a person gives up and retreats from his word, the most severe punishment will immediately follow. And although practical magic is able to neutralize the negative received in response to the violation of the oath, nevertheless, certain consequences will still have their force.

It must be said that any attempts to bargain with the Higher Forces, be it God or astral spirits, are doomed to failure in advance. The mere fact that a person tried to collude with them extremely angers otherworldly forces, and they make every effort to prove to a person how weak and imperfect he is. A good example of this can be a situation when a man asks the Higher Powers to hide the truth about his betrayal and swears by his health that this will not happen again. The demons, disturbed by such a promise, will surely offer a man such a temptation, which he simply will not have the strength to refuse. And the result of the oath will be the health lost under the terms of the contract, a divorce from his wife, who became aware of another betrayal - not the one that the demons helped hide, but the next one.

In principle, practical magic does not recommend swearing at all, but this can only be done in situations where you are telling the pure truth. For example, when you are accused of something that you really did not do, then the oath can help you justify yourself and at the same time will not cause the wrath of otherworldly forces. If, with the help of an oath, you try to hide your offense, then the punishment for lying words will be inevitable.

Appeals to higher powers as a source of troubles and misfortunes.

To show how dangerous it can be to turn to otherworldly forces for help, I want to give one more life situation. One woman's child was seriously ill. Each time, seeing his suffering, she in grief turned to God with requests to heal her son, and in return offered her own health. These words were uttered in such desperation that they did not go unnoticed. And although, in fact, the woman, of course, did not want to take on the disease, but only dreamed of the recovery of her child, the incorrectly formulated request was literally fulfilled.

Then the story developed according to a sad scenario: the child underwent a course of treatment, after which he felt better, now he is undergoing rehabilitation therapy, and there are hopes that he will return to normal life over time. But the woman herself began to get sick, and none of the doctors can give her a definite diagnosis: judging by the results of numerous examinations and tests, the woman is in perfect order, however, she is losing strength more and more every day.

This situation is a clear example of how dangerous it is to turn to the Higher Forces with requests directed to the detriment of oneself or someone else. If you want your loved ones to be healthy, ask for their health, but never offer your health in exchange for their recovery.

In practical magic, there are many cases when a request for the recovery of someone was left without attention, but the health of the requester deteriorated sharply, in some cases people did not even have time to save, because they did not know what to treat. The specificity of the illness caused by oaths and appeals to higher powers is such that modern medicine does not have the ability to recognize its nature. Accordingly, a person does not receive timely assistance, which can lead to the most sad consequences.

Oaths and vows that turn against us.

We have already said that one should not swear by one's children, since by doing so we endanger their happiness and well-being. Indeed, since for each person there is nothing more precious than their own child, such oaths can be confidently called the strongest and, at the same time, terrible. For example, swearing by one's own children often becomes the strongest argument for a woman who wants to justify herself to her lover. And it’s not so scary if the woman is really not to blame for anything and this oath is designed to confirm her innocence. If, in fact, the conscience of a woman is unclean, and the oath is pronounced only in order to somehow correct the situation and hide her own misconduct, then the most serious troubles become the result of rash words.

When you swear by your children, you thereby place them at the disposal of otherworldly forces, who will certainly use their power as soon as you break your promise to them. And there is no doubt that you will break it: even if you firmly believe that you are ready to keep this word and give up something in your life, the demons will certainly begin to offer you all sorts of temptations. And since human nature is weak, in some of the situations you will not be able to resist the temptation and commit an act that will give your own children to be torn apart by otherworldly forces.

By the way, you should not think that such a naive defense, like fingers crossed behind your back, can really help to avoid punishment in cases where you knowingly swear in a lie. In fact, this defensive technique has no power and is invented by those who seek to remove from their conscience the burden of a deliberately false oath. And the only real salvation from imminent punishment is sincere repentance and requests for forgiveness.

The danger of vows given to dead people.

Along with the fact that it is impossible to make promises to otherworldly forces, it is also impossible to swear anything to already deceased people. The most common example of vows given to the dead is the promise to the deceased spouse never again to marry or have sex with anyone. What is dictated by the impulse of a grief-stricken spouse who has lost a loved one is quite understandable. Moreover, it is quite clear that at the time of the death of a loved one, a person is really in such a state that he cannot even think that someone else will appear in his life.

But when time passes and grief gradually recedes, life takes its toll. And this is where the problems begin: as soon as a person begins to develop a relationship with someone, the deceased spouse begins to appear to him. Even though the spirit does not utter a word, it becomes clear to the spouse that the discontent of the deceased is due to the fact that the vow given to him is violated: not to have close relations with anyone.

When I am asked to help in such situations, I always try to find out what actions were performed by the spouses of the deceased at the time when they imprudently made their vow to the deceased. Some put letters or notes with oaths of eternal fidelity in the coffin, some pronounce these oaths in words, and some even put their photographs in the coffin so that even in the afterlife they supposedly be next to their spouse. In all these cases, people make a big mistake. the consequences of which will have to be corrected with great difficulty.

Even more sad consequences await those who make promises to the dead suicidal. If in cases where a person dies a natural death, his reposed soul goes to better world and does not disturb the living for no particular reason, then the souls of suicides cannot find peace for a long time. Since the road to a better world is closed to them, the souls of suicides continue to be among the living and very often appear to their relatives or spouses. And as soon as any love story appears in the life of the spouse, who at one time gave the vow of celibacy, the soul of the suicide immediately begins to demand strict observance of the oath.

In conclusion of this article, I would like to once again warn everyone against oaths and vows, since these rash words very often bring serious troubles and troubles to people.

A conspiracy from a bad word spoken in anger

The word is a great power. Prayers are made up of words, but a word can also hurt, even kill. The word materializes, carries in itself what a person puts into it, especially if, during a quarrel, a blood relative wishes a bad thing.

People have long since reconciled, the quarrel gradually faded from memory, but the materialized evil has not disappeared anywhere, it already exists in the world and affects people.

Inna M. says:

“My mother loves us, but as far as I can remember, during quarrels, she curses us at the top of her lungs: “God forbid you wrap snot around your fist, push around, but more, maybe you will appreciate your mother.”

And I really suffer all my life, no share, no happiness. Everything as my mother wished: I shake my snot on my fist. Recently, one grandmother told me that I was cursed by my mother, that the stamp of her words was in my eyes. She also said that both my children and my grandchildren will now suffer.

Natalya Ivanovna, is there any protection against this and how to remove it?

A protective conspiracy from bad words is read at dawn. The conspiracy is as follows:

How not to take milk from a duck,
Do not collect apples from rye,
Do not twist a rope out of the water,
Don't knock oil out of shit
So do not spoil the curse:
Neither blood nor someone else's,
Neither old nor young
Not in gray hair, not in bald spots,
No teeth, no teeth.
Don't be on this curse
No mother, no sisters, no brothers.
Protects the church cross
And the Lord is His servant (name). Amen.

And now I will tell you about how to remove evil from a person. In a cup of water, move the knife counterclockwise and read a special plot forty times in a row. Then wash yourself with charmed water. The words of the conspiracy are:

Christ is coming
Leads twelve students
Speaks, explains, shows
He punishes his commandments.
Souls can't be cursed
Souls must be saved from evil.
Save, Lord, save
Remove the curse from your servant (name).
I believe in the One God Christ.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In a fit of anger, you can say a lot of curses to your interlocutor, which later you will be ashamed to remember. Of course, it is best to keep your mouth shut at such moments, but this is not always possible.

No wonder they say: the word is not a sparrow. Fly out, don't catch it! Therefore, be very careful with words, especially curses.

The ritual “from rash words” is as follows. On any day of the month, excluding the first 3 days of the new moon, cut off your nails and a few ends of your hair from your head. Burn them, and pour the ashes onto a small piece of foil and place next to a lit wax candle. Say three times: “Mother of God! Elijah the Prophet! Give the servant (s) of God (mu) (name) forgiveness for verbal transgression. I report the day, hours, a minute from the servant (a) of God (th) (name). Lord, you said: “I will forgive the sinner 77 times, I will forgive the sins.” Forgive me too. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!" After sunset of the same day, bury the ashes near the aspen.

Curse protection. On the waning moon in the afternoon, prepare from clay, as you can, a human figure about 20-25 cm high and leave it in a bright, cool place until it dries completely. Then, from natural linen (undyed!) Fabric, sew clothes for the doll, depending on your gender. But an obligatory part of the toilet should be a hat and a small canvas bag, which must be hung around her neck on a harsh thread. On the first day of the full moon, from the beginning of a new day until sunrise, place a cooked doll on the table. To the left of it, pour out a handful of earth collected from the four corners of your house after sunset, then about the same amount of salt taken from four different packs. On the right, place a lit wax candle, a small container of water and a four-leaf clover sprig dried in the shade in the western part of the dwelling. Take the earth in your left palm, and in your right candle. Making circular movements above the earth, begin to read the plot: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Protect my body, protect me from the fierce misfortune. Repay an unkind and envious word. Let it be so!" Next, put the candle in its original place, and pour a pinch of salt into the ground and, dipping a sprig of clover into a container of water, sprinkle the mixture and place it in a canvas bag. Put the clover on top, folding it several times. Tie the fabric with white silk thread and put on the clay figure around the neck. Come up with a name for her so that it begins with the same letter as yours. AT this case the doll represents your double, which will absorb all the negative energy programs from the outside, directed at your person. This is especially true of curses pronounced against you by close people and strangers.

Keep your "protector" in a wardrobe among outerwear. At the end of the magical ritual, extinguish the candle and put it away until the next use, eat salt until it runs out. Water, like other ritual attributes, acquires the ability to neutralize the negative energy impact and promotes a speedy recovery. Drink it in three sips when you suddenly feel unwell or in case of illness, and also add to cleaning solutions while cleaning the room and wipe glass, mirrors, polished wood surfaces, floors and furniture.

The performed magical manipulations are considered valid for 3 years. After this period, a new figurine is molded, and the old one with all its contents is burned after sunset on a fire made in a deserted place from aspen logs or branches. The resulting ashes are taken out to the third crossroads from the house. They pour out with the words: “Earth, take your ashes. Let it be so!"

They return, turning over their left shoulder and not turning around. Wash hands under running water.

To keep the curse from returning. If you wished someone evil in anger, accidentally cursed someone, then try to perform this ritual so that evil does not return to you tenfold. Exactly 33 days in a row, morning and evening, write on a new piece of paper: “Your words are in your bodies! Lord, forgive me for my sin, protect and protect me from a return blow! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen, amen, amen!" After that, light a church candle bought for a big holiday, and burn this note, reading “Our Father” while it burns. Throw the ashes on a porcelain saucer and flush down the toilet, strictly making sure that it does not fall from the saucer to the floor. If this happens, then the plot will not work, and you will need to look for something else to protect against a return strike.

The next day, go to church, light a candle for the repose, order a funeral service, distribute a commemoration. Defend completely the service, take the sacrament and confession. Order a magpie and three masses for your health in the church, put three candles each at the icons of the Savior, the Holy Trinity, the Mother of God, St. Nicholas the Pleasant and Panteleimon the Healer. When leaving the temple, make a feasible donation. If you are an old person, then you especially need to watch your words, especially during a quarrel, because curses are very strong. But the return blow is not weak either.

If you nevertheless cursed someone in the heat of a quarrel, then I advise you to hold such magical protective ritual. Buy a loaf of black bread and a pack of salt. Go to the person you cursed. Break the loaf of bread in half with him. Exchange pieces, dip the bread in salt, and exchange bread again. At the same time, the one who cursed says: “Forgive me for my sin! I'm taking everything I've done from you." And he should answer: "The Lord has forgiven you and I too." Next Sunday, go to church together and light candles for your health, for the health of your enemies, for the repose of deceased relatives. When leaving the temple, you need to make a feasible donation.

If you accidentally cursed someone and repent of your act, you can try this ritual. The slander is recited on untouched water on the first Wednesday of the full moon: “Wednesday, middle, drive on water! I deny Christ, I cover myself with faith! Guardian angel, my patron, have mercy on me, a servant of God (your name). Sit on my right shoulder, guard me from morning to evening, from dawn to evening dawn! I repent of my sin of an evil tongue! Close me from the return lightning! Lord, my God, you add to my age, and at death, deliver me from mortal torment! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen, amen, amen!"

The usual curse is imposed consciously. Its purpose is to harm a person, to punish for misconduct, to take revenge. The sorcerer performs a special ceremony, creating an energy channel between himself and the victim. Only by opening the way, the black magician can convey the negative. But a mother's curse is an impact that does not require any rituals. After all, a woman’s connection with children is formed even at conception. From that moment on, the thoughts and words addressed to the child have an influence on him. In fact, a woman only has to formulate the right message, and there will be no problems with its transmission. It is enough for a mother to get angry, angry, annoyed, lose her temper - and every word directed at the child will powerfully hit him, launching a curse.

Most often, women thoughtlessly throw such phrases: “May you die!”, “Disappear!”, “Go to hell!”, “Damn you!”, “Go away, damned!”, “You will not be happy!”.

A mother does not necessarily hate her child. In many cases, she expresses aggression due to incontinence, excessive emotionality, fatigue. Perhaps the woman will regret the inadvertently escaped words and try to make amends. But nothing will help: the curse of a mother on a son or daughter is imposed precisely at such moments of loss of control. And the more often such incidents are repeated, the stronger the negative program will be.

How to protect yourself from a mother's curse

The child is absolutely defenseless before the mother. On a subconscious level, he perceives her words as truth and does not feel the need to resist. A mother's curse works even in cases where:

  • the person has already grown up and lives separately (the connection is still preserved);
  • the woman sincerely repented and would like to take back her words (you can’t return what was said);
  • the family does not believe in magic, including curses (impacts exist regardless of people's opinions).

That is why the curse of the mother is considered so terrible: it is extremely difficult to defend against it, although not impossible. The main thing is to realize that the relationship with the parent is destructive and that you need to resist, forgetting about family feelings.

Putting full protection against the curse is realistic only if the impact has not yet taken effect (for example, the mother often says something unpleasant and insulting, but real threats have not yet reached). It is also permissible to use the ritual to prevent the situation from aggravating (new curses will not overtake a person).

You will need:

  • mirror;
  • photograph of the mother;
  • church candle.

It is necessary to lean the picture with the front side against the mirror. Then you need to light a candle and read the plot:

“You gave birth to me, carried me in your womb, protected me from others, did not save me from myself. From now on, let your evil remain with you, but do not touch me, it is reflected in the mirror.

You should wait until the candle burns out to the end. It is recommended to always keep a mirror with you, especially when talking with your mother. This is a talisman that will serve as protection from the curse. It is desirable to give the used photo to the parent; don't keep it at home.

Mother's Curse: Signs of Impact

It is very important to recognize the induced negative as early as possible. Usually people themselves feel that a mother's curse weighs on them: the symptoms of such an influence are quite obvious.

The main signs of a mother's curse:

  1. Feeling dependent on the will of the parent. Even adults who have their own families and are distinguished by strong character feel that their mother suppresses them. They may not understand why this happens and how it is expressed: the sensation is purely intuitive.
  2. Words spoken by the mother in anger or irritation come true. Comprehension does not come immediately, but at some point a person realizes: he lives the life that his parent once predicted to him.
  3. General feeling unwell, persistent problems, depression.

Since the mother's curse acts in the same way as corruption, in one way or another it affects all areas of life. The main emphasis is on the sphere that the parent has “jinxed”, but part of the force of the destructive program is directed to the general destruction of the full-fledged existence of a person.

There are many examples of maternal curses. The most common situations are:

  • the girl leaves her husband pregnant and returns to her parents' house, where she is not loved too much. The mother keeps repeating: “Yes, so that neither you nor your offspring are here!” The result is a miscarriage, the birth of a sick child, and in the worst case, a birth curse;
  • the son enters the university in a specialty that his mother does not like. She constantly repeats: “If you sit without a crust of bread with your diploma, you won’t earn money.” The result - the guy leads a miserable existence and cannot get a normal job;
  • the daughter goes against her mother's wishes and wants to marry an "unsuitable" person. The parent screams in her hearts: “Yes, it would be better if you stayed in the girls forever!” The result - the guy leaves, and the girl remains single for the rest of her life (the program of the crown of celibacy is turned on).

The mother's curse exists, and many more people experience it than you might think. In no case should you let the situation take its course: you need to clear the negative as soon as possible.

How to remove the mother's curse yourself

It is difficult to get rid of the mother's curse. Many healers and magicians refuse to perform the ritual, since the removal of such an impact gives a very strong rollback. It is recommended to look for an experienced black sorcerer who specializes in working with related magical influences and is not afraid to take risks.

If there is no way to ask for help, it remains only to try to remove the curse of the mother on your own. The procedure is quite lengthy and complicated, but all conditions must be met.

You will need:

  • sharp knife;
  • church candle;
  • container with water.

The rite involves a gradual cleansing of the curse. They cast spells on the waning moon (the phase of the moon can always be viewed in the lunar calendar). You should light a candle and say a conspiracy:

“The mother gave birth to a child, left it in an open field, left it in a dark forest, gave it to evil beasts to be torn to pieces, blessed it with an unkind word, called it black trash, didn’t baptize it in the name of God, left it to the dark forces for fun. The pure fire burns the unkind words of the mother, cleanses the child in a mighty flame, frees from the shackles of the curse, drives away the evil beasts, leads the dark forces away, illuminates life with light, protects from maternal misfortune. The wax melts, flows down, disappears, and so the parental curse leaves me, doesn’t touch my life, takes away my troubles, leaves me forever, so that the bad word no longer has power over me, so that the evil said never reaches me again. My existence will be illuminated with heavenly light, my well-deserved mother will return, but it will no longer touch me, black words will no longer stick to me, as this candle burns out to the end, so the curse will disappear.

Next, you need to make a deep incision on the left arm and squeeze out some blood into a bowl of water. Also, a curl should be cut off with a knife, burned, and the ashes thrown into the water. The ritual will end when the candle burns out. Water must be poured under a dry tree.

The ceremony is repeated daily until the end of the waning moon phase. Then take a break until the next such period. It is necessary to cleanse until there is a feeling that the mother's curse has ceased to operate. It is advisable to combine this ritual with a protective rite on the mirror in order to prevent new magical attacks.

How to remove the curse of a dead mother

Death does not stop the negative program. The mother's curse on the child continues to work, even if the woman is long dead. The old magical influence is removed with the help of a special rite.

You will need:

  • wax;
  • container with cold water;
  • handful of coins.

Conspiracy-amulet from a bad word spoken in anger

The word is a great power. Of the words, but the word can hurt and hurt, even kill. The word materializes, carries in itself what a person puts into it, especially if, during a quarrel, a blood relative wishes a bad thing.

People have long since reconciled, the quarrel gradually faded from memory, but the materialized evil has not disappeared anywhere, it already exists in the world and affects people.

Inna M. says:

“My mother loves us, but, as far as I can remember, during quarrels she curses us at the top of her lungs: “God forbid you wrap snot around your fist, push around, but more, maybe you will appreciate your mother.”

And I really suffer all my life, no share, no happiness. Everything as my mother wished: I shake my snot on my fist. Recently, one grandmother told me that I was cursed by my mother, that the stamp of her words was in my eyes. She also said that both my children and my grandchildren will now suffer.

Is there any protection against this and how to remove it?

From bad words they read at the dawn. The conspiracy is as follows:

How not to take milk from a duck,

Do not collect apples from rye,

Do not twist a rope out of the water,

Don't knock oil out of shit

So do not spoil the curse:

Neither blood nor someone else's,

Neither old nor young

Not in gray hair, not in bald spots,

No teeth, no teeth.

Don't be on this curse

No mother, no sisters, no brothers.


And the Lord is His servant (name). Amen.

And now I will tell you about how to remove evil from a person. In a cup of water, move the knife counterclockwise and read a special plot forty times in a row. Then wash yourself with charmed water. The words of the conspiracy are:

Christ is coming

Leads twelve students

Speaks, explains, shows

He punishes his commandments.

Souls can't be cursed

Souls must be saved from evil.

Save, Lord, save

Remove the curse from your servant (name).

I believe in the One God Christ.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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