The best hosting in the world. The official rating of the best hosting and an overview of those with whom I have personally worked. Which hosting is better to choose

Good afternoon to all those who have landed on this page. As you probably already understood from the title, the topic of today's article is the best hosting for sites in Russia.

I decided to raise this issue, since all my friends and readers often turn to me with it. It is understandable, because nowadays more and more people create various online projects, and many need the advice of an experienced webmaster.

It so happened that I have been doing it for five years now. During this period, I had to change more than a dozen different hostings.

But why didn't I sit on one? There are several reasons:

  • Inexperience. As a beginner, I did not understand at all what to look for when choosing a hosting;
  • Price. I was not ready to spend a lot of money on my projects at once;
  • Growth of projects. As projects grew, new needs arose;
  • Technology. Over time, new technologies appear on the market that work faster and better and have a better price.

Actually, now I will conduct a detailed analysis of the main hosting parameters, share my reviews and my personal opinion so that you, dear readers, do not have to face all these problems. Our today's rating will help you choose one hosting and work with it for a long time without unnecessary difficulties and worries.

1. Beginners

Many people who are planning to create their own website know that for this they first of all need hosting and a domain, but not everyone knows the definition of these words. So I'll try to explain what it is in simple words.

  • Hosting is a server that allows you to give access to information (on the site). Imagine a computer that works around the clock and is constantly connected to the Internet. This is where your site is stored.
  • Domain (domain name) - the address of your site. Domain on my blog: website

It should be understood that hosting plays an important role in the development of any Internet resource, download speed and stability of work depend on it. After all, no one wants to be on a site that takes a long time to load and periodically does not work.

And vice versa, the faster and more stable the work, the better your resource is promoted in search engines.

Why You Shouldn't Choose Free Hosting

Also, all beginners should clearly understand that you should not choose free hosting for the site. It would be much wiser to sign up for a hosting with a trial period. And all because free providers have a number of significant disadvantages, such as:

  • Third party advertising on your site;
  • Low load limit;
  • Terrible technical support;
  • Reduced functionality;
  • And a whole host of negative characteristics.

2. How to choose hosting for the site

Next, we will talk about the main parameters that you should pay attention to. There will be a lot of them, and if you do not want to delve into all these details, then you can simply trust my rating and choose from it the hosting that occupies the first positions.

Hosting Quality Characteristics

  1. Service cost is one of the most important factors. "How much does hosting cost?" is the first question to be asked. You can see the same services at different providers at completely different prices. The host should not be very cheap and very expensive, otherwise you can think about whether he is honest with clients.
  2. Data center location(server). Make sure the server is as close as possible to your clients. For example, if you operate in Russia, then you should host on Russian hosting. This step will help increase the speed of loading the site.
  3. Bonuses and discounts. Initially, this may seem like just a “nice addition”, but if you delve deeper into the analysis, you will notice that some hosting providers offer prices much lower if you pay for services for a year in advance. Thus, you can save about 5-15%.
  4. Test period. Really good hosting companies are not afraid to give customers a free trial period, because their owners do not doubt the quality of their services and are confident that new users should be completely satisfied with everything. The average period that you can get for a free trial is 1 month.
  5. Support quality. It is difficult even for an experienced webmaster to do without high-quality and timely support. Truly high-quality support will never leave you in a difficult situation and will do everything in its power to help solve the problem. Also a good indicator of support is the response speed, ideally it should be from 15 minutes to an hour, bad is when you have to wait more than two hours for a response.
  6. Company official. It is worth paying attention to such things as the presence of a telephone, documents confirming their activities. They can guarantee you that the company will not disappear one day.
  7. Reviews. If you are really serious about finding the best hosting, then be sure to use the universal rule for everyone: check reviews. Moreover, it is better to do this in several places, so as not to be deceived.
  8. Company age. The longer a company operates, the more you can rely on it.

Technical and functional characteristics

  1. Reliability(uptime) - this parameter tells us how stable the hosting is. It is measured as a percentage and depends on the continuity of work throughout the year. An uptime of more than 99.9% would be considered a good indicator. The rest of the time, hosting may be unavailable due to technical work.
  2. Technical features. If you have a dynamic site (for example, a CMS, a la WordPress), you need hosting with PHP support. Its version is important, for example version 7.* works several times faster than its predecessor. You should not choose hostings that support PHP version below 5.6. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that some scripts require specific extensions on the server. So, what must be present for a dynamic site:
    1. FTP & SSH access;
    2. SSD, not regular drives;
    3. PHP version >= 5.6;
    4. MySQL version >= 5.4.
  3. Hosting panel is a hosting management interface. It is worth understanding that appearance panels are not only a matter of taste, but also of convenience, which is so necessary for beginners. Here I also want to note that the vast majority of panels are intuitive.
  4. Backup frequency. Backup is a backup of files and databases. A very important thing that can be compared with an insurance pole: you should always have it just in case.
  5. Limits on the number of databases and sites. Most hosts require additional payment for the creation of additional databases and sites, more than the amount initially indicated. If you plan to create several projects, then you should pay attention to this.
  6. Memory. An important parameter for those people who are planning to create projects containing a large number of media files. For a simple information site or blog, even 100 megabytes is enough for a couple of years. In any case, for an additional fee, you can always expand the amount of disk space.
  7. Free SSL certificate. It is needed for more secure communication in case people leave personal data on your site, for example, they register. It also gives a green line "Reliable" in the browser bar. Now such a certificate is on almost every self-respecting site. Many hosting providers provide them to their users for free. Why not save an extra $5-10 a year?

I have not listed all the options. The rest of the characteristics of the vast majority of hosting are the same.

3. Rating of hosting providers 2018 in Russia

In my top, only the highest quality hostings are selected, whose quality parameters are at the highest level relative to many others, but now let's find out which provider is the best of the best?

HostingAdvantagesPrice per monthTest periodTerm of the workGrade


Choosing a data center

Virus Protection

Free SSL

Promo code:

Since 20045+


Choosing a data center

Virus Protection

Databases: ∞

30 daysSince 20075

Hello friends! We continue to deal with questions on the creation of the site. In the last part, we learned . Today we will talk about what kind of hosting to choose for the site and where to buy it.

I will tell you what characteristics you need to pay attention to and I will review the TOP 7 hosting providers from which you can easily choose the best way for your project in terms of price and quality.

I will not dive deep into the technical aspects, so even a beginner will understand.

To choose the best hosting option, you need to understand the site with what characteristics you are going to place on it.

For most who make a site from scratch, any of the cheapest shared hosting will do. For example, (1 month free). Because young sites do not have high traffic and load.

I do not advise you to immediately buy an expensive powerful server. Start with the simplest, then as the load grows, you can easily upgrade the tariff or move to another hosting.

Think about it when hosting can't handle the load. I transfer my information sites to dedicated servers after they reach 20,000 visitors per day.

I propose to start the selection with the initial data. I understand that most modern hostings support any site characteristics and this section is essentially useless, but still, let's figure it out.

Site characteristics

What site are you going to create?

Site Type

All other characteristics depend on the type. If you are creating a simple project: a blog, an information site, a project business card or a personal portfolio, a landing page, an online store, then you do not need high performance, any of those listed in this article will do.

If you are going to make a portal or service where you will upload heavy data or complex computational algorithms, then a simple virtual hosting may not be enough. In this case, I can advise you to take a VPS or a dedicated server.


Hosting load is expressed in units such as CP. CP is an abstract value that is calculated in many ways. In simple terms, it depends on how many users access the resources (data) of the site, and how much these resources consume server power when used.

When the site is young or under development, this load cannot be estimated. In other cases, you go to the reports and see what load is on your resource daily.


Volume is the amount of storage for site data, like the size hard drive on the computer. You can find it out if you already have a website ready for launch.

For example, a landing page weighs up to 3 MB on average. If you are making an information site that will be updated daily with content (articles and photos), then 1-2 GB will definitely be enough for the next year or two.

The problem is that beginners do not know how to optimize data, thus uploading very heavy files to the site and managing to spend all the disk space that they have to buy in a month.

For 4 years of blogging, I used only 1.5 GB. Come to me, I will teach you how to optimize content correctly so that the pages load quickly and do not load the hosting.

Platform (CMS)

Another parameter that you need to know is what engine your site is on and whether it is supported by hosting. If WordPress, Bitrix, Joomla or another popular CMS, then you don't have to worry. All hosts support them.

We estimate our parameters, taking into account plans for the future, and choose the necessary hosting based on them.

Hosting Features

What else to look for when choosing the best host?

Test period

All normal providers provide a test period from 1 week to several months. This allows us to get acquainted with all the functionality, stability of work and launch the site without investments.

Location of data centers

According to the law on personal data (152-FZ), all databases of sites that collect personal data of Russian users (phone numbers, e-mail, names, surnames, and so on) must be stored on the territory Russian Federation. Otherwise, access to your site in Russia may be blocked.

When choosing a hosting, look at where its data centers are located.


An individual parameter that only you can evaluate. How convenient and intuitive is the personal account with all the functions and settings.

Technical support

The speed and quality of support response is an important factor of choice. When working with hosting, there are often situations when technical support is needed.

Variety and flexibility of tariffs

Considering your goals and plans for the future, see if there is an opportunity to increase the performance characteristics of a hosting without moving to another one.

Don't get free hosting

There are so-called free hostings, I would even say shareware, because free cheese happens you know where.

Such providers do different things, they can show their ads on your site and thus monetize, they do not bear any responsibility for data problems, technical support can take a long time to answer or demand many times more for a tariff upgrade with a lack of performance.

If you just want to practice making websites, then use it, but I don’t recommend it for serious projects.

TOP-7 hosting

Overview of the best providers according to the reviews of webmasters in Russia and the CIS. They work on Linux and Windows operating systems and have everything necessary for the functioning of any sites.

Beget - in my opinion, the best hosting, most of the sites I have on it. They recently added a flexible pricing feature, a very handy feature that makes it easy to change settings as needed.

For example, if you run out of storage space, you can increase it. You choose only what you need, without overpaying.

  • Works since 2007.
  • Price: from 115 rubles per month.
  • Test period: 1 month.

Pretty convenient and intuitive interface, supports everything modern languages programming and CMS. It is possible to switch to VPS and a dedicated server.

Read detailed overview and instructions for working with Beget.

REG.RU is the most popular Russian domain name registrar. Provides hosting services and a bunch of other useful tools.

  • Works since 2006.
  • Data center in Moscow.
  • Price: from 84 rubles.
  • Test period: 1 month.

Makhost is a popular Russian provider. Slightly old interface personal account. As it was 6 years ago, when I kept sites on it, it has remained so.

  • Works since 2004.
  • Data centers in Moscow and Amsterdam.
  • Price: from 52 rubles per month.
  • Trial period: 10 days.
  • Number of sites in the minimum tariff: 1.

timeweb is an average hosting with different rates in terms of performance and cost.

  • Works since 2006.
  • Data center in St. Petersburg.
  • Price: from 99 rubles.
  • Test period: 10 days.
  • Number of sites in the minimum tariff: 1.

Sprinthost is a good inexpensive shared hosting. A simple and intuitive interface that any beginner will understand.

  • Works since 2005.
  • Data center in St. Petersburg.
  • Price: from 98 rubles.
  • Test period: 15 days.
  • Number of sites in the minimum tariff: 2.

Offerhost is a young hosting provider, perhaps with the most favorable conditions for beginners. But if you look at the prospect of developing your project, then the following tariffs are more expensive than those of competitors.

  • Works since 2016.
  • Data center in Moscow.
  • Price: from 49 rubles per month.
  • Test period: no.
  • Number of sites in the minimum tariff: 5.

FastVPS - only powerful VPS and VDS servers from Russia and Europe. This option is for those who no longer have enough conventional shared hosting.

  • Works since 2006.
  • “How to create your own blog and earn from 20,000 rubles” work stably.

    After all, we live in the 21st century and now there are no problems with server performance, everyone has powerful hardware, tariffs for any needs, high-speed communication channels and round-the-clock technical support.

    It remains for you to wish only success and prosperity in creating your Internet project. Subscribe to blog news and stay tuned for new interesting articles for webmasters.

    Write in the comments which host you chose and why.

    In the next part, I will show you how to buy hosting with an example.

Highly Recommended don't buy too cheap hosting! As a rule, there are a lot of problems with it: the server sometimes does not work, the equipment is old, support takes a long time to respond or cannot solve the problem, the hoster's website is buggy, errors in registration, payment, etc.

We have also collected rates from thousands of hosters so that you can choose hosting at a specific price.

Cloud hosting- distribution of load on several servers, if the server with your site is overloaded or does not work. This ensures that users will be able to see your site anyway. But this is an expensive, more complex option that not all providers provide.

Shared hosting- suitable for most projects entry level with attendance up to 1000 people per day. In such hosting, the server power is divided between several hosting accounts. The service is easy to set up even for beginners.

VPS- suitable for more complex projects with a sufficiently large load and attendance of up to 10,000 people per day. Here, the server capacity is fixed for each virtual server, while the complexity of the setup increases.

Dedicated server- needed for very complex and resource-intensive projects. A separate server is allocated for you, the power of which will be used only by you. Expensive and difficult to set up.

Accommodation and maintaining your own server in the hosting data center is not a very popular service and is required in exceptional cases.

CMS is a website content management system. Hosters try to make a separate tariff for each of them or simplify the installation. But in general, these are more marketing moves, because. Most popular CMS do not have special hosting requirements, and those that do are supported on most servers.

Test period- provided by the hoster for free for 7-30 days, so that you can verify its quality.

money back- the period during which the hoster undertakes to return the money if you do not like the hosting.

Bulletproof hosting- companies that allow you to post almost any content, even prohibited (spam, warez, doorways, pornographic materials). These companies do not remove your website content on the first complaint (“abuse”).

Unlimited hosting- hosting that has no limits on the number of sites, databases and mailboxes, traffic, disk space, etc. Usually this is more of a marketing gimmick, but you can find something interesting for yourself.

Secure Hosting- one where the administration constantly updates the software installed on the servers, installs basic protection against DDoS attacks, antivirus and firewalls, blocks hacked sites and helps them "cure".

DDOS Protection- companies that provide hosting with DDoS protection. Such packages are significantly more expensive than usual, but they are worth the money, as your site will be protected from all types of network attacks.

The main problem now is the most reliable provider, because no one wants to lose the information and traffic stored on the server due to constant interruptions in the availability of the site. Therefore, it is worth focusing primarily on the age of the hosting, i.e., how long it has been “afloat”, but not choosing a provider based on the monthly cost.

Also, we do not recommend giving preference to free options. They are suitable only for a novice webmaster who is just learning how to make simple sites and does not want to get into all the subtleties of CMS (engines). It makes it easier to understand how to transfer a domain, how to load a website, etc. For more experienced professionals, paid hosting is the best option.

Hosting Rating: Verified Providers of 2019

Interruptions in work, poor download speed, lack of adequate technical support - all these are constant companions of bad hosting. And here is a list of quality indicators of a good provider:

  • Perl, PHP, ASP, CGI, htaccess support;
  • Plenty of disk space;
  • Multiple sites are allowed;
  • Powerful and fast server.

The hosting rating 2019 in Russia will help you navigate in all its diversity.

The best option for a young site is BEGET

Beget— hosting is inexpensive and quite functional. A big plus is the availability of operational technical support, ready to help. On average, waiting for a response is not delayed for a period of more than half an hour. On the market since 2007 has since won an excellent reputation.

The interface is extremely clear and convenient - to use hosting, there is no need to understand the instructions or googling for a long time. It is optimal for a novice webmaster, since it supports the WordPress CMS, which is popular with beginners, as well as Bitrix, Joomla, Drupal, MODx and others. 4 basic tariffs are named:

  • Blog
  • start;
  • noble;
  • Great.

Their main difference is in the allowable load, the amount of hard disk space and the number of sites that can be hosted. The average price is 135 rubles per month. Among other services: virtual hosting, VIP hosting, domain registration. If the tariff is paid for a year in advance, the client receives from 1 to 5 domains (depending on the chosen tariff plan) in the .ru zone for free. Site transfer is free.

Distinctive features:

  1. Compatible with popular CMS;
  2. Uptime 99.8%, can handle loads up to 65 CP/day;
  3. New functions are constantly added, the interface is being finalized;
  4. The test period is 30 days. At the moment, the longest among competitors.

Universal and diverse REG.RU

Provider REG.RU on the market since 2006. Just recently, hosting has released a mobile application that allows users to easily manage the site without even being at a PC.

Differs in versatility: it is optimal for both a small blog and a large online store. Customers are offered 3 control panels, 6 tariffs and 3 vip programs to choose from. In general, everything is as simple and convenient as possible. The average monthly cost is about 186 rubles.

If you use this promo code C176-242F-5BC8-F5FE when registering for REG RU, you will get a 5% discount.

Bonuses: free SSL certificate, extended file system, the ability to select any control panel. All tariffs have automatic protection against DDoS attacks, built-in antivirus and even their own website builder.

Maximum benefit with minimum payment - HOSTLAND

Provider Hostland pleases with a loyal approach to the formation of value tariff plans: on average, 399 rubles per month will cost the most expensive of the proposed tariffs. Using it, the webmaster gets 20 Gb of free disk space and an unlimited amount of MySQL, which will allow the owner to create several more sites on this hosting, which can be easily and conveniently managed through an unlimited number of databases.

The most budgetary tariff is 119 rubles. The site is easy to understand, a nice bonus will be SSL certification, which is already included in the price of any of the available tariff plans. Additional hosting features:

  • Setting up and transferring a site from a third-party hosting is free of charge;
  • Compatibility with php 7;
  • There is an Ai-Bolit antivirus scanner.

To start using the trial period, just visit the provider's website, enter your email address in the field and that's it. No more gestures, the account will be activated instantly.

The optimal combination of quality and cost, coupled with convenience - TIMEWEB

timeweb has earned its place in the TOP of the best hosting in Russia due to the availability of favorable rates: the most budgetary for 129 rubles per month, the most expensive for 450 rubles. At the same time, each comes with a domain as a gift. It has been operating on the Russian market since 2006 and does not slow down even now. According to statistics, every month the provider increases its client base by 4 thousand people, today more than 150 thousand webmasters use its services.

The company is trying to offer users new items, of the latest - the ability to group accounts. Now it is much more convenient to switch between different accounts by pressing just one key. The downside is the need for a separate payment for an SSL certificate.

Description of features:

  1. Powerful servers that provide a high load threshold;
  2. Large limit of free memory;
  3. Is there a good website builder?
  4. Support for 5.3-5.6 versions of php, Python and Perl;
  5. Disk space can be expanded at the request of the client;
  6. All sites run on SSD drives, which are many times better and faster than outdated HDDs.

The downside is the slow work of the support service, you will have to wait at least a day for an answer here.

Hostinger with unlimited traffic

Provider Hostinger offers customers to use any of 3 tariffs: "Simple", "Premium" and "Business". The second and third options allow you to use unlimited resources in your work. This is not only unlimited traffic, but also disk space, the number of sites and accounts. VPS price range from 296 rubles. up to 4000 rub.

Hosting allows you to work with a convenient and intuitive panel, where you have access to all the necessary options from the file editor to instant CMS installation. If a client needs to create a simple landing or business card, it is convenient to use the integration with the website builder. As in many other hostings, here a free domain is issued when you pay for hosting for a year or more (the exception is the purchase of the basic starting tariff “Simple”).

SPRINTHOST is another option for beginners

SprintHost is the provider that closes the hosting rating of 2019 and, to be honest, has not even been in the TOP-30 for a long time. You will not find so much tyranny in any hoster. The service management is not clear what they think and regularly throw out some unpleasant surprises to their customers.

On the Internet you can find a lot of reviews about what comrades from St. Petersburg go down to just to get more money from their clients for ugly services rendered. Everything written below was published when the sprinthost was even more or less normal.

Focuses on the needs of novice webmasters, so I developed basic tariffs worth 98, 298, 498 rubles and a premium option.

So simple and a budget option great for a small blog or online store. An interesting feature host can be called the Nginx UP module, which shows the degree of file loading. Additionally, users may be offered to rent VDS and servers.

If the client needs more disk space, alas, it will have to be purchased separately. Therefore, the provider's tariff plans lack flexibility. In such a situation, the client will be forced to switch to another tariff, which will not suit everyone.

Other available options include:

  • Virtual hosting;
  • You can get a free domain if you pay the tariff for a year in advance;
  • There is good technical support, users can ask questions over the phone at any time of the day;
  • If a person moves from another hosting, he is given two months as a bonus free service at SPRINTHOST.

Hosting prices are lower than market prices, which undoubtedly attracts.

How to choose the best hosting for your needs?

Based on this rating of hosting providers, each webmaster will be able to choose the best one for himself. As you can see, the issue of cost is far from the main criterion that you should focus on. A modest cost is usually limited functionality, and an overpriced monthly fee does not yet guarantee a full set of options required for operation.

You need to look for a provider that has an affordable price and that meets your needs. One cannot do without practical testing of a particular service. In practice, for young resources, Beget or HostLand is more often used, although webmasters with experience also prefer the first option. By the way, this site (site) is also located on . In any case, the ideal hoster is always honest with his clients, he has round-the-clock support, and there is no need to pay extra for basic services “from above”. He has a good uptime, and even if technical failures occur, he is ready to compensate users for the inconvenience caused.

We invite you to watch another video version of the TOP 10 providers rating (where exactly Beget takes 1st place):


Hosting– a service for placing client files on the network. Based on a set of physical equipment (server) and software with Internet access. Hosting providers provide space (server disk space) to host data that will be available over the Web on an ongoing basis. All sites created on CMS (engines) "live" on hosting - remote storages with a lot of fine settings and physical parameters.

Rating "Best virtual hosting in Russia" - TOP 10:

Choice #1 (Hit!)

1. Bluehost - #1 hosting in the world → detailed review

- the best and collectively the most interesting hosting provider in the world among all existing ones. It is officially recommended by the developers of - the most popular CMS! Regardless of location, Bluehost hosting will the best choice. Its servers are located in the USA and cover an area of ​​about 5 square kilometers, and 118 data centers in the region support this power. different countries peace. Thanks to this, CloudFlare CDN technology works extremely efficiently, providing lightning-fast data transfer speeds, no matter how large the physical distance between site visitors and servers is. The average server uptime is 99.95%, TTFB delays are below 500 ms. Linux-based CentOS is used as the OS, and Windows can also be installed on dedicated servers.

The hosting is bulletproof, that is, the sites located on it are not turned off under any circumstances - complaints, claims and other conflicts. The settings are flexible, you can disable almost everything that you are not going to use (extensions, PHP and Apache modules), reducing the load on the physical server and speeding up your projects. Hosting provides excellent protection against spam, DDoS and personal data security. Data is backed up daily. Universal hosting without weaknesses. With a convenient control panel (extended cPanel), which can be easily customized. With a bunch of additional features, good technical support and a positive reputation among reputable experts, as evidenced by the results of their surveys - for example, WHSR 2013-2016.


  • Instant automatic installation of engines with one click!
  • High performance and stability
  • Generously resourced and inexpensive fares
  • Modern hardware, sharpened for speed and reliability: latest versions of Intel Xeon, SSD drives, backup servers, emergency generators, etc.
  • Full package of hosting services: virtual, dedicated, physical servers, domains, scripts, extensions and much more in stock
  • Daily automatic data backups
  • Tariff plans optimized for effective work with WordPress, online stores on WooCommerce and other e-Commerce platforms
  • Efficient 24/7 technical support
  • Bullet resistance
  • High level security: anti-spam, DDoS, antivirus, step-by-step authentication and more
  • Guaranteed 100% moneyback within 30 days
  • SSL certificate is given as a gift
  • Often there are promotions with bonuses and discounts
  • High-quality support service (live chat and phone), extensive knowledge base


  • Technical support in English
  • Some extra features will prove costly
  • There are restrictions on the volume of database tables (10 GB), the number of files (200K) - the threshold is high, but it exists
  • The site may be temporarily blocked if the load or spam limits are significantly exceeded. After fixing the problem, everything will work


  1. Shared hosting - from $2.95/month for 1 site and 50 GB of disk space
  2. Virtual Dedicated Server (VPS/VDS) – from $19.99/mo
  3. Dedicated Server from $79.99/month
  4. FREE domain name for 1 year

detailed overview

– an interesting hoster in all respects. Perhaps the best among domestic. Perfectly balanced in terms of reliability, power, quality of service, ease of use and cost. Powerful hardware gives the speed and stability of the sites. You can order regular hosting, VPS or rent a dedicated physical server. Control panel of our own design, with a rich set of additional usefulness (quick backup, counters on the main page, CMS installation in 1 click, a good file manager, SEO settings and advertising right there, etc.). One of the best.

Support is 24/7, polite and efficient. Responds to chat, phone and email. SSL certificates, site migration and SSH access are free here. There are apps for iOS/Android for hosting management. Two-factor authentication is supported, it is possible to transfer access rights to the account to third parties. There is also a built-in website builder with a set of good templates, quite usable. There are many additional services in the assortment (increase the volume of disk, mail, CPU load limit, add IP, website, etc.). Hosting for 1C-Bitrix stores comes with a separate tariff, here you can also buy a license for this CMS.


  • Excellent control panel with a bunch of convenient and useful features
  • Good server uptime (99.5%) and site performance
  • Reliability
  • Rich set of services and additional features
  • Availability of mobile applications
  • Regular promotions with gifts and discounts
  • SMS notifications about events on the account
  • Using SSD Drives and KVM Virtualization for VPS
  • Convenient configurator for custom assemblies of VPS server hardware
  • Support for SSH keys
  • Choosing an OS for VPS - Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS or Windows (you can buy a license here)
  • 30% discount on VPS for schoolchildren, teachers and students
  • Excellent technical support, competent and available through several communication channels at once
  • Often arrange promotions that are beneficial for customers


  • Sites from which there is an intensive mailing list may block
  • Websites get 502 errors occasionally
  • Can block the site for third-party complaints or for late payment

Shared hosting prices:

  1. Year+ (119 ₽/month) - 5 GB of space, 1 website, 1 database, 3 backups, 10 GB for mail, free SSL, 1 as a gift
  2. Oprimo+ (169 ₽/month) - 10 GB of space, 10 sites, 10 databases, 3 backups, 10 GB for mail, 1 or.rf as a gift
  3. Century+ (289 ₽/month) - 15 GB of space, 25 websites, 25 databases, 3 backups, 10 GB for mail, any domain from 8 zones to choose from as a gift
  4. Millennium+ (439 ₽/month) - 25 GB of space, 50 sites, unlimited databases, 3 backups, 10 GB for mail, any domain as a gift

3. Majordomo → detailed overview

Majordomo is an old-timer of the market, has been operating since 2000, and is one of the top ten Russian hosts. They themselves transfer sites to virtual and dedicated hosting for free, traffic on all tariffs is unlimited. They use Supermicro servers on SSD drives and Cisco and Juniper network equipment. The control panel of our own design, comfortable, pleasant to look at. There is hardware and software protection against DDoS attacks and effective spam filtering. It is possible to extend services on credit: hosting works for another 14 days with a negative balance. The trial period is also 14 days.

VPS hosting has no limits on the number of domains, sites, databases, ftp, you get root access. You can order ISPmanager for an additional fee. Each virtual server within it will receive an individual IP address. Backup storage is limited to 5 GB. You can enable SMS notifications. Technical support is round the clock, in 95% of cases it answers within 2 hours. Prices are normal and stable - they have been kept at the same level for the last 3 years. There are promotions for renewing domains at low prices. All necessary technologies are supported (languages, CMS installation in 1 click, etc.). Domains, SSL-certificates, as well as promotional codes for Google services are given for paying tariffs.


  • Support for current versions of PHP, MySQL, quick installation of CMS and other software conveniences
  • Using industrial SSD drives in servers
  • Registration bonuses: domain, SSL and points from Google as a gift, 25% discount on the logo from Logaster
  • They transfer websites for free, sometimes they even help optimize them for speed
  • Possibility to order additional services: SMS notifications, storage for backups and data, protection against spam and viruses, additional FTP accounts for virtual hosting, etc.
  • Built-in DDoS protection
  • Round the clock and competent technical support
  • Free trial period - 14 days


  • The limitations of the stock control panel do not allow you to configure the backup policy yourself, you need to contact technical support for this
  • Technical support works via mail, there is no telephone connection with the company, but there is an online consultant on general issues
  • During technical work on the servers, user sites are unavailable, although this is usually warned in advance
  • High cost of domain renewal - almost 4 times higher than the base
  • The speed of sites on shared hosting periodically sags
  1. Start (99 ₽/month) - 10 sites, 10 databases, 10 GB of storage on a regular hard drive, access to Perl and SSH, DDoS protection, promo code from Google for 3000 rubles, 25% discount on the logo for the site from Logaster
  2. Unlimited (199 ₽/month) - unlimited sites and databases, 10 GB SSD, access to PHP, Perl, Ruby, Python, CGI, SSH, 1-click CMS installation (WP, Joomla, 1C-Bitrix, OpenCart), free SSL, bonuses from Google and Logaster, one free .ru or .rf domain
  3. Unlimited + (299 ₽/month) - unlimited sites and databases, 15 GB on an SSD drive and everything else from the lower plans

4. Jino → detailed review

Jino is one of the old, well-known Runet hosts. Offers regular virtual and VPS hosting on hybrid drives (SSD+HDD). There is a daily rate. The change of tariffs takes place online, without drawdowns. Control panel of our own design, convenient and nice. The traffic is unlimited, you can use both shared and dedicated IP addresses. There are several versions of Linux (Debian, FreeBSD, CentOS, Ubuntu) or Windows Server to choose from.

The limits of received resources can be set by OpenVZ (software) or KVM virtualization (hardware level) - to choose from, this is reflected in the tariffs. SSH access, web console, two-factor authentication is. Domains are inexpensive, registration in 1 click. There is a built-in landing page builder, a good one (89 ₽/month), as well as a bunch of incentive programs with gifts. Good quality iOS/Android mobile apps are available.


  • A wide range of tariffs divided by the type of server virtualization
  • Many partners and related discounts, promotions and more
  • Single account for all Gino services, two-factor authentication
  • Stable operation - high server uptime, bug-free control panel
  • You can immediately install the desired CMS with the appropriate server settings
  • Possibility of daily extension of services
  • Very handy built-in file manager
  • Many payment methods
  • Competent and friendly technical support


  • Few iron resources on basic tariff plans (Alpha/Ios)
  • You can not return unused money after the termination of the contract
  • Hybrid drives (SSD+HDD) instead of pure solid state drives
  • Sometimes technical support is delayed with a response up to 3 hours

Fares cost:

  1. Alpha (99₽/month) – OpenVZ virtualization, 1 core x 500 MHz, 512 MB RAM; hybrid drive 5 GB, control panel
  2. Beta (499 ₽/month) – OpenVZ virtualization, 2 cores x 2000 MHz, 2048 MB RAM; 20 GB disk, dedicated IP for 89 ₽/month
  3. Gamma (1499 ₽/month) – OpenVZ virtualization, 4 cores x 2000 MHz, 4096 MB RAM; disk 40 GB
  4. iOS (199 ₽/month) – KVM virtualization, 1 core x 500 MHz, 1024 MB RAM; hybrid drive 7 GB
  5. Pente (599 ₽/month) - KVM virtualization, 2 cores x 2000 MHz, 2048 MB RAM; disk 30 GB
  6. Deca (1599 ₽/month) - KVM virtualization, 4 cores x 2000 MHz, 4096 MB RAM; disk 70 GB

5. Beget → detailed view

Beget is a well-known hoster with experience, reliable and powerful. All servers are equipped with SSD drives. Virtual, VIP hosting for high-load projects and VPS on the rails of KVM virtualization. It is possible to rent dedicated physical servers (hardware Intel, Supermicro). Many versions of Linux are supported (you can choose OS on VPS, there is root access). The control panel is branded - fast, convenient and pleasant to look at. Technical support around the clock, high quality.

Hosting will appeal to lovers of comfort in the workflow and maintenance. The test period is 30 days. Any popular free CMS can be installed automatically. You can also buy paid licenses here, receiving various bonuses. Domain registration at reasonable prices. They help you move websites for free. Backup is automatic, traffic is unlimited on all tariffs.


  • Wide range of services and tariffs
  • Excellent user-friendliness/functionality control panel
  • Proven hardware, powerful network
  • SSD drives on all tariff plans
  • Free SSL connection
  • High uptime, sites work stably and quickly
  • Automatic installation of CMS and related applications of your choice
  • Round-the-clock and quite sincere technical support
  • Long test period


  • The standard load limit (65 CP) is easily exceeded. Compensated by the purchase of additional capacities
  • Technical support response is delayed from time to time
  • It is necessary to monitor the balance - in case of delays, the site can be deleted
  • Occasionally at night, sites experience a 502 error


  1. Blog (165₽/month) - 3 GB disk, 2 sites, peak load up to 65 SR
  2. Start (230 ₽/month) - 10 GB disk, 5 sites, 1 domain in the .ru zone as a gift
  3. Noble (330 ₽/month) - 20 GB disk, 10 sites, 2 domains in the .ru zone as a gift
  4. Great (460 ₽/month) - 25 GB disk, 25 sites, 5 domains in the .ru zone as a gift

6. Sprinthost → detailed overview

Sprinthost is a St. Petersburg provider that entered the market in 2005. Offers pre-configured shared hosting and VDS boxes designed for experienced users - you have to configure them manually. You can test dedicated servers for 10 minutes directly on the hosting site from the Linux console. They help with the transfer of sites from other hostings and give 2 months of hosting on top at the selected rate. Technical support is round the clock, responds quickly in a universal and to the point. They can perform simple software installation/configuration operations for the client, help to understand the engine, patiently answer primitive questions, etc. In general, the quality of technical support is the main trump card of the provider.

The control panel has its own, very convenient, logically arranged. You can install CMS and other software in 1 click, there is SSH access, support for up-to-date versions of scripts, which, by the way, are quickly executed here. The test period lasts 15 days, but only for virtual servers. VDS does not have it. Site speed and uptime are high, but the vulnerability of servers to attacks and spam breaks these statistics, the provider can block the whole server when overloaded. You can also register a domain here, but the cost of renewing popular domains (.ru, .rf) is about 60% higher than the cost of registration. However, this information is honestly listed on the official website. A normal hoster with average prices, good technical support, but some problems with mail servers and security.


  • High server uptime - up to 99.9%
  • The use of SSD drives is already at a minimum rate
  • High page loading speed on shared hosting
  • Efficient, round-the-clock, competent technical support service, they always help (ticket system, phone, live chat)
  • Decent trial period, the possibility of a refund for the unused period
  • Convenient control panel of our own design
  • Give domains and SSL when paying for tariff plans
  • There is protection against DDoS attacks, HackScan anti-virus protection, two-step authorization, a log of operations and other means of protecting accounts and websites
  • For VDS servers, the KVM resource allocation model is used
  • You can order a large number of additional resources and services at normal prices
  • Test period 15 days, no card data entry required


  • There is a possibility of a refund, but it is accompanied by paperwork and delays
  • Once every six months, the hoster changes the IP addresses of the servers, which sometimes leads to problems for individual sites
  • Sometimes sites are unavailable for up to several hours
  • Mediocre protection against viruses and spam
  • Mail servers are unstable, message size limit - 50 MB, quantity limit - 15,000 messages per month
  • They can ban sites when there is a stream of complaints or when server resources are exceeded (error with code 5030 crashes)

Shared hosting cost:

  1. Vostok (168 ₽/month) - 5 sites, 5 GB of SSD space, help for beginners in transferring and setting up a site, automatic installation of popular CMS, SSL certificate as a gift
  2. Vostok 2 (360 ₽/month) - 20 sites, 15 GB of space on an SSD drive, mail with anti-spam without restrictions on the number of mailboxes, or.rf as a gift
  3. Vostok 3 (600 ₽/month) - unlimited sites, 20 GB of SSD space, advanced web server, PHP accelerators, xDebug support, 2 domains and SSL certificates for them as a gift

7. Sweb → detailed overview

Spaceweb - high-quality, progressive hosting. With powerful, fresh equipment, diligent, round-the-clock technical support and a full range of necessary services. Many freebies and all sorts of promotions: domains, site transfer, site builder, SSL certificates (Symantec) as a gift, juicy discounts on some domain zones and domain renewals within them. The VDS test period is 30 days. There is also a 2-week grace period for payment - they will not immediately turn it off in which case. The same applies to domain renewals.

Automatic backups once a day. Installation of many CMS to choose from. All servers run on SSD drives. Atispam, email antivirus, DDoS protection, support for Ruby, Python, Perl, latest versions PHP (7.2) and MySQL (5.6) - everything is there. In the description of any tariff, it is indicated in an understandable language how many visitors it will withstand and what it is suitable for - the only hosting in the selection that has more than just numbers and terms for the experienced. The control panel has its own, convenient (there is also a paid ISPmanager). The distribution of resources for VDS is hardware (KVM virtualization), the Linux version can be selected during installation, there is root access, including remote via VNC.


  • Hardware: SSD drives, high server uptime and speed
  • Compliance of the Data Center with PSI DSS, FSB and Tier III security certificates
  • Excellent 24/7 technical support
  • Rich set of services
  • Favorable promotions, convenient rental conditions
  • Friendly interface, automatic installation of specialized software


  • You can not buy additional RAM for the VDS server. Due to the need to restart servers and loss of client data. However, some people can do this.
  • Occasionally there are problems with Bitrix backups

Virtual hosting:

  1. (79 ₽/month) - 1 site, 1 GB SSD, 1 database, free SSL, 1 domain as a gift
  2. Takeoff (159 ₽/month) – 5 sites, 5 GB SSD, 5 databases, free SSL, 1 free domain
  3. Rocket (279 ₽/month) – 10 sites, 10 GB SSD, 10 databases, free SSL, 2 domains for free
  4. Cosmos (479 ₽/month) - 20 sites, 15 GB SSD, 20 databases, free SSL, 3 domains for free
  5. Rektivny-20 (799 ₽/month) - 20 sites, 20 GB SSD, 20 databases, free SSL, 1 domain as a gift, increased server capacity for a load of up to 5000 visitors per day
  6. Reactive-30 (1479 ₽/month) - 30 sites, 30 GB SSD, 30 databases, free SSL, 2 domains as a gift

8. AdminVPS → detailed overview

AdminVPS is a reliable Russian hosting provider with servers in Moscow, Germany and the USA. Provides high-quality hosting services on dedicated virtual servers. Modern equipment, high uptime, competent and efficient technical support. Thanks to the use of KVM virtualization, you will honestly receive a server hardware resource allocated at a rate. SSD drives, full root access, Tier III data center reliability, downtime compensation - everything is serious.

There is moneyback for unused days. Backups are daily, SSL-certificates are included as a gift. DDoS protection, free help to move the site, advanced and convenient ISPmanager 5 control panel, high site speed - important things are implemented on good level. The country where the server is located can be selected in the tariff scale. The default is Debian OS (Cent OS/Ubuntu are also available). The provider is problem-free, we know, because we ourselves checked it and have been using it for a long time (we host our other ru- and en-language sites on WP).


  • Modern hardware in an advanced Datapro Tier III data center
  • Quick server activation
  • Guaranteed Iron Resources
  • Only SSD drives are used
  • High reliability, uptime 99.98% - one and a half hours of downtime per year
  • Round-the-clock, very competent and frisky technical support
  • Hardware level DDoS protection
  • Free SSL
  • Dedicated IPs
  • Transfer of sites on a turnkey basis
  • Multiple Linux builds to choose from
  • Convenient control panel
  • Moneyback guarantee and downtime compensation in 5-fold volume


  • Occasionally there are lags in the control panel
  • In case of complaints about the site, the administrator can block it

Fares cost:

  1. Micro (299₽/month) - 1000 MB RAM, 2600 MHz processor (Intel Xeon); 10 GB disk, 1 TB traffic, free administration and SSL
  2. Start (699 ₽/month) - 1500 MB RAM, 2600 MHz processor (Intel Xeon); 20 GB disk, 2 TB traffic
  3. Standard (1299 ₽/month) - 2000 MB RAM, 2 x 2600 MHz processor (Intel Xeon); 30 GB disk, 3 TB traffic
  4. Pro (1999 ₽/month) - 4000 MB RAM, 4 x 2600 MHz processor (Intel Xeon); 50 GB disk, 4 TB traffic
  5. VIP (2999 ₽/month) - 8000 MB RAM, 4 x 2600 MHz processor (Intel Xeon); 80 GB disk, 5 TB traffic

9. → detailed review is a niche monster, providing almost every conceivable service in this area. A huge tariff park with distinctions according to many features, quantitative and qualitative: capacity, disk, virtualization type, profile, platform (OS), specific CMS, and so on. Options for every need. If you do not understand the technical nuances, then you will not be able to choose a suitable hosting configuration without outside help. There are several control panel options to choose from (cPanel, Plesk, ISPmanager).

The platform has its own high-quality website builder, domain registrar, automatic CMS installation (even they have separate configurations with tariffs). Implemented DDoS protection, double anti-virus scanning, spam and hacking protection. Website transfers are free. There is a money back guarantee. The default is CentOS. OpenVZ and KVM virtualization (different tariff lines). Traffic everywhere is unlimited. All services are managed from a single center. Promotions, discounts, bonuses - everything is there. Technical support around the clock.


  • Powerful equipment, guaranteed receipt of the declared resources
  • Effective protection against spam, viruses and DDoS attacks
  • Increase server capacity instantly, without downtime
  • High speed websites
  • Choice of the best admin panels, several OS options and many supported CMS
  • Smart corporate website builder
  • Great billing interface
  • There are no restrictions on traffic and the number of mailboxes
  • Storage up to 30 backups
  • Free SSL Certificates
  • SSH access to sites
  • Money back guarantee for unused period
  • They give .ru and .rf domains as a gift
  • free mail from Yandex and, spam protection


  • There are a lot of tariffs and other offers - it's easy to get confused
  • MSSQL database size limit of 1 GB, which cannot be changed in any way
  • High cost of domain renewal
  • If the site gets under DDoS, it can be blocked. Or you need to buy protection
  • Technical support by phone does not always work at night, sometimes answers with unsubscribes - uneven quality of support

Tariffs for virtual hosting:

  1. Host-0 (124 ₽/month) - 7 sites, 12 GB SSD, unlimited databases and traffic, free SSL, or.rf as a gift
  2. Host-1 (199 ₽/month) - 15 sites, 17 GB SSD
  3. Host-3 (299 ₽/month) - 30 sites, 27 GB SSD

10. Fozzy → detailed review

Fozzy is a hosting company with its own data centers in Russia, USA, India and Europe. Offers virtual, VPS hosting (Windows/Linux) and rental of dedicated physical servers. You can also order ASP.NET and hosting specifically for Bitrix and Forex. Uses Dell hardware. The automatic installer supports the most popular CMS (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, ModX, NetCat, etc.). You can choose from cPanel or ISPmanager control panels (paid).

Backups are created daily for virtual accounts and weekly for VPS accounts. CDN is free. There is FTP and SSH access. Free period - 7 days. Servers have good ping, sites load quickly. The reliability of work is high. Technical support around the clock. Everything is built on SSD drives. VPS uses OpenVZ virtualization and a free default control panel (SolusVM). You can use Docker to test applications securely.


  • Reliable equipment, high speed
  • Good technical support
  • Many services provided
  • High server uptime, good ping
  • Multiple control panels available


  • When there is a large influx of traffic, a 503 error occurs
  • Weak DDoS protection
  • Sites with gray and black offers are willingly banned here, and neighboring white projects can fly with them
  • Let's encrypt certificates in cPanel are not installed automatically

Shared hosting cost:

  1. Fast Site ($3.9/mo) - 10 GB space, 1 website, 1 database, free domain
  2. 5 fast sites ($9.5/mo) - 50 GB space, 5 sites, 5 databases, free domain

Which hosting is better to choose?

When choosing a hosting or a specific tariff, you need to start from the task pursued. Price is one factor, but not the most important. The main indicators are the reliability of work and the quality of technical support. The quality of both in the process of site administration will be noticeably greater than everything else. As a rule, control panels are more or less convenient everywhere. The set of scripts and the ability to install popular CMS up to the dedicated tariffs for them are also approximately the same everywhere. The hardware is not the same, but SSD drives are used almost everywhere. The main point is the resource allocation policy of a particular hoster. The higher the overload threshold, the better for you. You should also pay attention to the stability of the mail server.

It stands out from our selection - a reliable global provider with great functionality, strong technical support and an affordable price level. Also, AdminVPS, Sweb look good in terms of cost and features. Take any of them, as long as there are enough resources for the task on the selected tariff plan.

Focus on the reputation and reviews of hosters, especially the negative ones. Everyone has something of the shortcomings, moreover, we ask you not to attribute the inflated cost to those. A couple of dollars in one direction or the other will not play a role, if your site “lies” for several hours a couple of times a week, you will lose more due to lost profits.

Can I use free hosting?

Free hosting is more of a marketing than an offer worth using. Such offers exist only so that customers, feeling the limitations of a free plan, switch to a paid one. Moreover, you will not understand the level of quality of a paid service on a Free account. A truncated amount of traffic, low page loading speed, ignoring by technical support, lack of basic features, intrusive advertising and other delights await users on "free" hosting.

It is better use free trial periods- many hosts provide full-featured test periods (Timeweb has a 10-day free trial). During this time, all features will be available to you without the need to pay. Install engines, test their work, try individual functions that are important for your project. Drive the server up and down as you like without restrictions.

We recommend that you immediately discard the idea of ​​​​using free hosting from your head. After all, sooner or later you will have to transfer the site to a normal hosting. In addition, many providers, upon request to support, extend the test period if you do not have enough time to decide. Thus, you will know exactly what awaits you after paying the tariff, and you will be able to make an informed decision on whether to buy or refuse hosting services.

Choosing a hosting, given the range of providers and services, is not such an easy task. Most often, before starting work, you will not understand what a hoster is. In the process, nuances emerge that are not reflected in any way in the description, tariffs and advertising. You can navigate by reviews - this is perhaps the best option. Or a rating review like ours - it shows really noteworthy options.

- considered the best foreign hosting, if the site is created for foreign users, then it is worth using Bluehost. The prices are the same as those of Russian providers, but the limits are higher, they provide more resources and, most importantly, you can count on bulletproofness. The system automatically makes backups within the framework of virtual hosting. Spam and DDoS protection is very good.

We recommend choosing a provider with good reviews and good technical support. The quality and speed of customer service are top criteria that you should pay attention to. As a rule, for services with good technical support, everything else is also organized at a decent level. Cost is a secondary factor, since it differs from competitors not very noticeably and does not always reflect the quality of the service. More expensive is not always better. Well, vice versa.

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