I hear voices in my sleep and wake up. The voice calls by name. What does it mean, what happens? Male or female

Miller's dream book

Hear pleasant calm voices in a dream- an omen of reconciliation and consent; rough voices with loud intonations promise trouble. Someone's crying voice in a dream will make you wonder if you are going to offend a loved one.

Hear command in a dream- self-doubt.

You can neither speak nor shout because there is no voice You will be shocked by the bad news.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Hear someone's voice in a dream- this is a sign that you do not lose hope. If the voice is loud- to profit nasal- to slander nice- to the news cock-like- to gossip hoarse- to losses whispering- to a clear enemy, noisy- to trouble calm- to reconciliation and harmony.

Hear your name spoken in a dream by unfamiliar voices- means that your affairs will be in a risky state, but strangers will help you.

To lovers who hear the voice of their beloved- you should pay attention to this warning: perhaps they were not attentive enough to each other. Otherwise, they are threatened with separation due to a quarrel.

A cry for help in which you recognize a familiar voice- means the illness of the one who called you.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Women's dream book

Hear someone's warning voice in a dream- means the approach of a series of failures, to the meeting with which you must gather your courage.

General dream book

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Hear pleasant and calm voices in a dream- a good sign, such a dream promises you reconciliation with enemies and harmony in the family, rude voices in a dream can promise trouble, angry voices or voices with a very high timbre can portend failure in business or disappointment in friends.

English dream book

But hear mournful lamentations, weeping is a harbinger of joy.

Live conversation of many people in a dream- means that some joyful event will break into your life and change a lot for the better.

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

In general, a loud male voice heard in a dream- promises the dreamer glory and prosperity.

Women like a dream- indicates that they have forgotten important people.

Lunar dream book

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Psychoanalytic dream book

Symbolic dream book

Call by name- to major life changes, a warning of danger.

screams- to troubles, strong feelings (sometimes far-fetched).

Obeying or making contact with him- can eventually lead to tragic consequences.

There is another voice (manifested in the intermediate stages of sleep) "creating the dream"- in accordance with his dictation, an easily suggestible bodysuit translates the meaning of what was said into dynamic images. This voice is the inner speech, the mental reflection of the sleeper himself.

And another sound broadcast- refers to the voice of a reasonable structure of a person's fate - for a man it manifests itself, more often, in a female voice; for woman- male voice or paternal.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Distinct, warning, parting- to danger; big changes. Particular attention is paid to the voices of our loved ones (father, mother, nanny). Depending on their content, they warn about a critical period in the dreamer's life, or refer to the trouble of the one whose voices were.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Erotic dream book Danilova

Calm and friendly tone- signifies reconciliation and harmony.

Esoteric dream book

Ukrainian dream book

Speak loudly- joy.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Voices are unintelligible- gossip, deception in cases with documents; clear voice- extraordinary news, for good or for worse, depending on the tone; the words- indications for the future; encouraging voices- to dishonor.

Collection of dream books

Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn bedding inside out.

Don't tell anyone a bad dream before dinner.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Although most dreams catch us with their visual images, sometimes we clearly hear a whole gamut of sounds. The most common sound dream is the one in which we hear someone's voice.

Sometimes dreams of this kind frighten, leave a feeling of anxiety and fear. But do not prematurely draw negative conclusions.

The dream interpretation characterizes the voice as a warning, a good sign or a harbinger of change. Listening in a dream to someone's speech, try to understand and remember who is talking to you, what and in what tone the words sounded, whether they addressed you by name.

The voice of the dead

Probably the most controversial and disturbing question is why the voice is dreaming. Traditionally, the dream book advises to listen to the words that the dead say. It can be advice, a warning, or a simple wise parting word from the other world. The voice of the deceased in a dream is not such a terrible sign as many used to think.

It is especially important to listen to the speech of the deceased if he is yours. Our loved ones come into our dreams only with good intentions, in order to tell something important. Some dream books claim that the voice of a deceased mother in a dream is a harbinger of a happy family life, and the voice of a grandmother is a quick success in any professional endeavors.

But if you had a dream where the voice of the deceased calls you by name behind him - be careful. Perhaps everyone knows that it is impossible to respond to such a cry. This dream is a warning: in the near future you need to be more careful, take care of your health and not enter into dubious acquaintances.

Who is speaking?

Hearing a voice in a dream, it is also important to understand who spoke to you: a man or a woman?

  • Hearing an unfamiliar female voice in a dream is a sign of success. And if, among other things, admiration and delight can be traced in the intonation, and she calls you by name, achievements will not only lead you to career growth, but will also give recognition to the environment.
  • The dream book often interprets the voice of a young guy as a deception and a cunning trick to confuse you. So listen to what he says and do the opposite.
  • If you dreamed of the voice of an unfamiliar man in a dream, this portends the appearance of a rival for a man and a patron for a girl.

Not a sound

A common dream plot is talking or screaming in a dream, but not making a sound, as if your voice was gone. There are various interpretations of such a dream.

  • If you scream or speak in a dream without a voice, events await you in the future that you cannot influence. At the same time, not everything will suit you to the full, and you will have to put up with some unpleasant aspects of what is happening.
  • On the eve of a real performance, a dream where you lost your voice will be a great sign. Success awaits you at the event, and all fear of the public will disappear in an instant.
  • Sometimes a dream in which you cannot speak or scream is simply explained: you are tired. Probably hard work, anxiety, lack of sleep and other things that negatively affect our well-being have done their job. Such a dream is a sign that it is time to take a break.
  • Another meaning of "voiceless" sleep is your distrust of people in reality. You rely solely on yourself, refusing other people's help. But take a closer look at your surroundings: friends are nearby, and they can really help.

We talk with relatives

In a dream, we are able to talk with our relatives, whom we see every day. Moreover, such a dream can only be a reflection of a recent conversation, a desire to raise an important topic, or it can mean something else.

Talking with a spouse or spouse is a change in marital relations. There is a possibility that a series of conflicts will come, after which, fortunately, complete understanding and harmony will come. If your significant other refers to you by name, this is a pleasant sign: he or she often thinks of you.

Pay attention to what the baby’s voice is dreaming of, especially if he calls you. In reality, you probably do not pay enough attention to your children. And although, most likely, it happened because of work, try to visit the children more often. Especially if now your child has come to a difficult teenage period, when a serious conversation with parents will help to avoid trouble.


Hearing a voice in a dream means subconsciously analyzing the state of affairs at the moment. Here it is worth listening to the words and intonations. Sad notes in the father's voice mean that everything will not develop as planned. Cheerful cheerful voice - things will turn out well.

To hear a voice in a dream - in reality to think about creating a family. Such a dream is especially important for a girl. There is a possibility that she is so immersed in her career and work that she completely forgot about herself, about her feminine destiny.

For lovers

The simplest meaning is a reflection of your thoughts. You are so absorbed in the object of your passion that you hear his voice even in dreams. At the same time, your feelings are completely mutual, and even if you have not yet received confirmation of this, very soon he or she will open to you.

  • The frustrated, displeased voice of a lover may portend tension in a relationship. To avoid this, try to be more attentive and affectionate with your loved one.
  • If a lover addresses you by name, soon he plans to make you a pleasant surprise and constantly thinks about it.
  • The voice of a loved one that you heard on the phone portends an early meeting.
  • If you hear your beloved calling you, it means that in reality he misses you and thinks a lot about you.


It happens that the voice that we heard in a dream, in the end, actually wakes us up. Such dreams can also be a sign worth paying attention to.

If you woke up abruptly from your own, it's time to take care of your nerves. Apparently, in reality you have been tense and worried a lot, and the tension is looking for a way out in any way.

Waking up from your own is a good sign. Such a favorable period has come in your life that even in your dreams you laugh and are full of happiness.

Not the best sign if the voice from which you woke up calls you. The situation will develop in such a way that even a very close person can unwittingly harm you with his advice. In the near future, try not to listen to other people's words, but turn to your intuition.

If the voice that addressed you in a dream by name seemed otherworldly or unpleasant, in real life everything will turn out perfectly. The intrigues that your enemies will try to build for you will turn against them. Author: Ksenia Maisova

Collection of dream books

What is the dream of the Call in a dream according to 11 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Call” symbol from 11 online dream books. If you did not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all the dream books of our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of sleep by an expert.

Eastern dream book

What is the dream of the Call in a dream according to the dream book?

To a serious illness or other trouble in this person.

A dream in which you hear that your lover is calling you- warning: you risk losing your loved one.

Hear the voice of a dead person- to a serious illness or major trouble in business.

Family dream book

If someone called you in a dream- know that your affairs will be at risk, but strangers will help you.

Hear the call of a friend or relative- means the illness of one of them.

Dream Interpretation for Lovers

If lovers have a dream in which they hear the voice of a loved one- this means that in real life they pay too little attention to their lover, which is why quarrels and separation are possible.

Dream Interpretation of Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if the Call is dreamed in a dream?

The call is an extraordinary incident of an unpleasant nature.

Miller's dream book

Hear your name spoken in a dream by unfamiliar voices- means that your affairs will be in a risky state, but strangers will help you.

This voice is an echo, returning from the future to your mind, which perceives the voice of its ancestor through that part of itself where the memory of it remains. In every person, some part of the mind remains unchanged, being passed down in the family from generation to generation.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Why see the Call in a dream?

Hear in a dream someone's distant call- portends that in real life something out of the ordinary and at the same time unpleasant will happen to you.

Hear in a dream that your mother is calling you- means that you have chosen the wrong path in business and your companions will soon leave you alone with your broken trough.

If your mother calls you from beyond- it means that soon you will receive good news about matters in which you are extremely interested.

In general, to hear the voices of the dead in a dream- a warning to be more careful with your health, because you may be threatened by illness or injury as a result of an accident, it is especially advisable to heed such a call during ice.

Calm, insinuating, call- an omen of reconciliation and harmony.

For people in love such a dream- promises the joy of mutual communication and a happy marriage.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

The call is an extraordinary incident of an unpleasant nature, success, wealth.

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

Hear your name in a dream, pronounced by unfamiliar voices- means trouble in matters that strangers will help you deal with.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Interpretation of sleep: Call from the dream book?

The call is a serious warning.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

An unfamiliar call is a danger.

Esoteric dream book

The meaning of sleep: Call from the dream book?

Someone is calling you, you don't know who- danger from people.

Video: Why the Call is dreaming

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The Call was dreamed, but the necessary interpretation of sleep is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why the Call is dreaming in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    I dreamed of a pond. There were dusk. I went into the water. And I began to hear someone calling me. A quiet, calm, sonorous voice called Lena, Lena, Lena ... It felt like a mermaid was calling. I went ashore. She began to speak into the water - show yourself, show yourself ... After a while, a tail appeared from the water. And I realized that the mermaid was calling me. I went around the pond. And I saw a mermaid swim under the water on her back. She had black hair. I went around the pond again and went into the input. I walked a short distance and realized that there was a slope under the water and I began to slide down. When I realized this, I began to return to the flat surface of the bottom. And I got it quickly. Then I saw some kind of structure sticking out of the water. In the hole, I saw some old coins. I called the girl who was with me (in a dream I knew her) Now I can’t remember who it was. We began to inspect this building and I found a secret place where there were a lot of old coins. On the coins there were numbers 50 (coin large in diameter), 5 (coin small in diameter). Coins with the number 50 prevailed. There were a couple of coins in denominations of 1 ruble. I collected coins with the number 50. The girl collected small coins. No one touched the ruble. I don't remember further.

    I was walking along a wide road on a warm, sunny summer day, green foliage all around, the sun, I have a child in my arms, next to me is a man with whom we actually broke up two years ago. He told me: "Beloved ..." I don’t remember further. His voice was low, calm, confident. It was clear from his intonation that he was explaining something to me.

    we live with MCH in a rented apartment. Our floor is creaky. At night, I distinctly heard how someone walked around the room past our sofa, stood at his feet and said “Hi!” to me, while calling me by name. The voice was kind, similar to the voice of my classmate from the institute (all communication with him was interrupted at the beginning of autumn, none of our group knows where he is and what is happening with him, we know only the last place of work and that’s all, he hasn’t been in contact with anyone since I really liked him at the institute, but it was unrequited love, he didn’t know anything about my feelings.) I didn’t open my eyes and didn’t see if someone was really in the room. we live together, the neighbors are quiet, the cat was not in our apartment that night (it is very hot at home, so he moved to the dacha)

    I dream of a hangar, there is poor lighting in the hangar and hay is piled in different places, from this hangar I go into the room and there is another door but it is closed, things are scattered in the room, the boxes are standing, the music is playing all the time, you turn it off and it is by itself turns on, then when I went to another room a woman started calling me, come in for tea, but I couldn’t answer her anything ..

    hello! I fell asleep as I dreamed that someone took me by the shoulder and said (the voice was female) the name of my young man, who was away from me for some time. and for 2 nights I had the same dream. I didn’t I know what to think. Please tell me what is it for?

    In fact, I almost don’t remember the dream itself. I remember that through a dream I heard my son calling in a half-whisper "mom, mom", I wake up - there is no one. But sometimes I heard this whisper even after I woke up. Immediately comes to mind - maybe he is bad? I go to my son's room - he sleeps peacefully. The last time I heard my son's call, he was away and should not return until the next day. I was very worried, what if something happens on the road? But, thank God, the son got home safely. Unfortunately, my feelings of fear and anxiety have not gone away ...

    Hello. Today in a dream I was hiding from people under the toilet around it was shit and it messed up my hair and shoulders when I climbed out. And then I went to help my friend throw manure and fell into it and I can’t get up. that someone is calling me

    That night (on the eve of the birthday of a loved one) I had a dream, how bad it would be for me, I wanted to vomit (sorry), everything was like in reality, I woke up from what was unpleasant in my mouth .., then I fell asleep again and the dream continued , a person close to me was in an abandoned building, I was with him, he suddenly felt ill, began, excuse me, to puke, I seemed to be about to leave, he called out loud, I just went to another room, one floor above, also abandoned, I closed the door with a key, I saw a creeping shadow in the window, then a loud knock on the door, I got scared ... and woke up. We are now in a quarrel with this person. Before that, two weeks ago, I dreamed that I called him loudly, but he he left without turning around. Thank you for your attention .. The interpretation of this dream is very important to me.

    Hello! Tonight I clearly heard that someone called me in a dream (there is no one at home, I live alone) briefly and clearly called my name. I didn’t dream, but only someone’s voice called my name briefly and clearly, that I even answered: “Yes?” Thanks in advance!!!

    I heard my mother call me, twice she said: “daughter!”, very gently, I woke up and it seemed to me that my mother was standing near the bed, in a black dress and with a black bandage on her head. When I opened my eyes, it turned out that these were just things in an open closet. Mom died almost a year ago. She was buried in a black dress. Six months before my mother’s death, I also heard a voice and woke up from this, the voice said: “wake”. This time, before my mother called me in a dream, I had a dream in which my mother was, she died and on the third day she woke up, just cleared her throat and sat down. My grandmother (my mother's mother) and I were very happy, but I could not believe that my mother was alive, it seemed to me that she would die again. Mom was very thin and emaciated, as before her death, but her strength seemed to be coming to her and she felt good. She and her grandmother went into the room and measured her mother's jewelry (grandmother put on her mother's earrings with some black stones, I don't remember those with my mother). Then the doorbell rang and I was afraid that they had come to pick up my mother and decided that I would not give her up. I looked through the peephole, there was just a girl who came to measure things from my store. Then I heard a voice.
    It means something? Or is it a mess of my experiences?

    Hello Tatiana! For three days in a row I wake up at night and hear my best friend calling me by name, but she is alive. And today at 3 am I woke up again and heard her calling me, then I fell asleep again and woke up at 6.40 and heard my granddaughter calling me, only granddaughter lives in another city That is, for tonight I was called twice. What is it. I am a healthy person, I work as a school principal, I am currently on vacation.

    I dreamed something completely different, I don’t even remember. Then, as if in a state of half-asleep, I wandered and as if someone's cry broke through the dream with the words “Nastya! They beat me!” I can't recognize the voice of a man. This scream woke me up.

    I dreamed that a man was standing behind the door to another room (it was with transparent glass), he was hiding from me, but I see him, he calls me by name - Sabina, Sabina, Sabina, the sound is closer and closer, I feel he is near, he will touch me now, I'm scared, I'm trying my best to wake up, finally I succeed, on the same day I find out that dad is dying, tell me, what kind of dream is this?

    Hello! My aunt died almost 3 weeks ago, her husband died 3 days ago. today they dreamed of me together, they said that we would be "there" together. And someone started calling me by name, as if in reality. I woke up, then fell asleep again, and again I began to hear my name called, as if my mother’s sister asked “have you gone to bed yet?” and again they call, Luda, Luda. I woke up again., my eyes just closed, it’s impossible to wake up, it’s worth dozing off, and again this call. Please tell me what does this mean? Thank you in advance.

    I dreamed something, what exactly I don’t remember, but through this dream I heard a male voice calling me, and I understand in a dream that I need to wake up, I opened my eyes and at first I didn’t understand where I was, then I turned around and saw a male the silhouette that called me, after a few seconds, the silhouette of this body disappeared. He scared me a lot

    hello Tatyana, I got up at night to drink water and when I lay down I heard someone call my mother, I thought it was my son, but no, he was fast asleep, the voice belonged to a little girl of 3-4 years old, what would it be?

    Hello! For several times now I have been waking up from the fact that someone is calling me by name and this is not in a dream, since I almost never see dreams. I sleep very badly, and if I fall asleep, it’s as if I fell and you were cut. I distinctly hear my name being called in a calm female voice. I wake up and no one. My husband and I live together

    Hello. I don’t remember the dream, I just woke up at 4 o’clock from the fact that someone who looked like my husband was calling me by name and I answered him “what” and woke up as if he woke me up for work. Thanks

    I heard my grandmother calling me, who died, came from the room to the corridor, saw her, she is very thin and looks bad. And suddenly he says to me: What did you want from your grandmother? grandmother is a little drunk .... I tell her - nothing, go away, you died, she turned around and left, and I crossed her three times after ...

    Good evening! I didn’t really sleep, but I distinctly heard a male voice unknown to me call my name. The voice was calm, but at the same time it was somehow upset. could it call me? Yes, I responded to this call.

    Hello. I had a dream a couple of hours ago, I still can’t sleep. I remember the dream vaguely, but I’ll try to convey in general terms. I’m wandering through the forest in a dream, the forest is very thick, like night. an old wooden house and a light is on in the windows. From the window, looking at me (my late grandmother (who already dreamed of me and calling me to follow her) and my living mother, and together they ask me to come to them drumming on the glass with my hands. I shout to them that I won’t go to them, and the roots of trees begin to move on the ground around me and centipedes with beetles climb up my legs, I try to escape, but the roots wrapped around my legs. with tears in my eyes

    we lay on the couch or on the bed. it was warm and good. a feeling of such unimaginable happiness. happiness with my ex-husband, with whom we have not lived together for a year and a half and do not communicate almost. I was next to him, looking into his eyes, but he still called me: “Come back to me, please come back!” and so three times, and then I woke up. For some reason I was very anxious after sleep.


    Place and home have nothing to do with my real life. In a dream, I am 11 years old, I have an older sister, a younger brother, mom and dad, and we live in a village by the river. Everything is great. But black people without faces came and killed my father's sister and mother, my brother and I hid in a barn, they found us and I woke up, half asleep I heard my brother screaming and crying. Half asleep a woman's voice called me

    Good afternoon, I had a dream in which people whom I never knew predominate, the mistress of the house poured me soup, which I could not eat for a very long time, then her husband interfered with me (he ate my plate), then her daughter came, then I talked to some girl at their house, then their son came, and I started talking to him, he hugged me so tightly and said you became such an adult, with a hint that he only remembers me very little. And suddenly my grandmother said my name very clearly, and I opened my eyes, in general, for one second I was sure that she was nearby, got up, ran to the phone, there was nothing there, not a call. I read forums on the Internet, nothing sensible is written,
    Please answer my dream.

    Hello. 3 weeks ago, on the night from Sunday to Monday, which I spent visiting my sister in an apartment, in a separate strange room, I had an ordinary calm dream, unremarkable. I don't remember exactly what. at 3.19 I jumped from the fact that I heard someone call me by name through a dream. an incomprehensible voice: male or female, sounded like water through water ... What could this mean?

    I practically don’t remember the dream, I just clearly heard the voice of my husband, who calls me by name (he had never called me that before) from another room, I answered loudly and woke up from fright when I heard my voice. She jumped up and went to her husband's bedroom - he slept peacefully.

    Hello. Today I dreamed that I was sitting in my class during a break, nothing was happening, and suddenly I heard a clear male voice that called me three times, I looked around - there was no one around. After that I woke up.

    i dreamed that a car came for me and the taxi driver called me to go with him to the next world. it was night. I cried. I didn’t agree for a long time because I have children, and finally he stopped calling me and said that he would leave alone. He gave me time. I’m afraid!

    There was no such thing as sleep. I woke up from the fact that I heard my daughter call quietly: "Mom." I raised my head to the call and saw that the door had closed. I went to my daughter's bedroom, she is sleeping peacefully.

    i dreamed that I was in the hospital, lying in the treatment room on the floor, blood was flowing down my leg, in a thin stream, and the nurse pricked me with a syringe and pumped out the blood, supposedly for one of my relatives, and then a woman’s voice called me clearly, strictly "Lena!"

    I hear my name being called loudly, clearly, a male voice, similar to the voice of a deceased father, he tells my daughter “tell her mother to wake up”, I woke up, could not understand why they woke me up. I see black tulips, I put a flower on the graves of my relatives, but my father does not have a grave, my mother's sister advises me to put a photo of my father and put a flower next to me. I am preparing small cakes, 1 should be taken to my mother's sister, after calling her. The deceased brother is arguing with his ex-wife, she has strange eyes with dark turquoise pupils. Thank you.

    from Monday to Tuesday, at 23.40 - I heard the words of my mother 3 times from sleep, in a cold sweat I began to examine the silhouette (similar to my daughter-in-law) but the voice was of my son, I asked to turn on the light, because the switch was behind my back and became get out of bed and he disappeared, I took the Jerusalem candles and began to read prayers for my sons for peace on earth and for the war to end and I walk under the impression of this dream .. so that they would not be taken into the army, because for nothing and not for who to fight...

    I heard the voice of my dead grandfather in my dream. He opened the door and came into my apartment, talking to someone on the phone. Then the door slammed shut, he entered, but did not go beyond the threshold. I felt like he was snoring, but nothing more

    I don’t remember exactly the dream, I just remember that I had a lot of milk in my chest and it literally splashed from my chest. and then a man called me by name, the voice was not loud but not a whisper, clear as if he would be me, I immediately recognized the voice of this person, the impression was that I was waiting for this person and fell asleep, and he came and woke me up.

    Merged a quiet whisper (But sharp) his name many times. According to my sensation, it was the voice of my mother. But I only heard the voice of the visions, not any darkness, nothing. I dreamed this for the first time and after that I woke up many races, but I had nothing more to dream about. Vobshem barely waited for the rise.

    2 days ago my relative died, we buried him, I came home very tired in the evening and at about 22:00 I fell asleep and then I distinctly heard someone like me, but I didn’t understand whether it was a woman or a man, but the voice was like in reality

    I was walking along some kind of corridor and accidentally stepped on some kind of white mass (like chewing gum) And my foot stuck to it. I barely tore off my foot. Then I heard a voice. He called my name. And I wanted to run to this voice, but my sole clung to the ground and did not let me run. And I woke up

    Hello, I dreamed of damp gloomy weather, an old strange yard, an abandoned well in it and a swamp around it, which begins to suck me in and I fall into this well and scream my husband’s name, then abruptly fly up from the well ...
    The next day I dreamed of a cemetery, a funeral procession was going on, an old woman’s funeral, the poor, it seems like the homeless were burying an old woman, a hole was dug, and one of those who carried the coffin was wearing a white mask, it is also called the “Guy Fawkes mask” and this old woman is simply thrown out of the coffin into this hole and go ...

    I was standing in a room with a guy I broke up with less than a week ago, and I heard someone calling him from the street. I told him that someone was calling him, and he replied that he knew, hugged and kissed.

    Today, from Saturday to Sunday, I dreamed that my loved one offended me, and I ran away from him. It was dark, it was probably late in the evening ... I was walking, thinking about the situation that had happened, and I heard his voice, so calm, kind, "Ira, Ira, wait." And so three times I hear a voice from different sides, but I can’t see him anywhere. What can this dream mean?

    I dream that my childhood friend and her husband are setting me up, I don’t remember what, they make everyone think that I did it, I don’t remember beyond sleep. And then it’s dark and then I hear my son waking me up, I immediately wake up, my heart is pounding right away, it’s not calm in my soul, I went to check it, but he is sleeping and I go to bed.

    I dreamed that a neighbor (not a very nice, annoying person) was calling me through the window of the room opposite, as if she wanted to wake me up. It seems that I even got up, looked at the door, but only saw THAT window, the neighbor did not.

    Hello! For more than six months now, periodically, someone wakes me up during a night's sleep, it can be in the morning and at night, and this happens not once a night, but throughout the entire sleep from evening to morning. Until tonight, this there was a cry of “mom.” I woke up and listened to the child who was sleeping ... I wake up abruptly, from fear that something happened. And so several times. the same thing. But today it has changed. The voice was calm, just called “mom”, it was 2 times a night, I woke up just as abruptly, the child slept with me, everything was fine, but then instead of the voice and the word “mom”, I was awakened by a cat meowing behind me. I woke up and remembered that the cat was outside. Not much later, I woke up, as if from a phone call that my husband was calling, although the phone was in the kitchen and on silent mode. I got up all broken. What is it Why is someone calling me and waking me up? It also happened not just to call, but as if from a push I wake up. Thank you!

    I want to wake up, but I can’t, my eyes don’t open, I feel myself, well, I don’t feel anything, I hear knocks, as if from the construction site, like the neighbors have long knocks, I feel that someone is coming to the windows where I sleep and I’m terribly afraid and then the woman’s voice says (my name ) "Lilya Lilichka, let's go home!" and all I sharply open my eyes ... .. but I immediately recognized the voice of a woman, this is my late grandmother, who was 12 years old and died.

    It was not like a dream, I was just sleeping and I heard the voice of my father sounded over my head, he just called my name and immediately the feeling went, the body was stabbed with blunt needles on the chest, as if a heavy stone of air had descended and I could not move until recited a prayer in my mind three times

    The dream began with me playing with my friend, but I didn’t have the strength to support him, and then I smoothly move to my apartment, go and faint, and at the same time they whisper something in my ear ( I still didn't understand these words, but at the end I distinctly heard "21 days")

    Hello, something strange happened to me at night, I woke up from the fact that someone called me, (it was like in reality) I went to the door and opened the door, there was no one there, the voice was not familiar to me,

    a former classmate came to me, we talked, laughed. then I said that it would not hurt me to lose weight, and she said that I was normal. then people came home, I knew several of them. she lay on the bed and ate something. Then a woman came into the apartment, I don't know her. she was not very beautiful and unkempt, slightly plump. she called me all the time. and very insistently, I followed her, then I had to enter the room, but I did not follow her, because there was a lot of cigarette smoke in that room, which makes me sick. then she persuaded me, and then left. then I came into the room and drove the chewing people out of the apartment.

    I had a dream, or rather I don’t remember it at all, as if I hadn’t dreamed anything. I only distinctly heard my name pronounced once. And immediately woke up. What is it for? What does it mean?

    I woke up from the fact that I was called by a guy with whom I don’t practically communicate now, but we are connected by a bed! he sat in an armchair and called me in a soft voice! I woke up from this, but his voice still sounded in my head and I didn’t feel well, I was thrown into the cold, then into the heat, then I fell asleep

    Hello, I had such a dream today.
    in a dream, someone woke me up by some man, I hadn’t seen him before, he woke me up in a dream and asked me to see him out, he had to open the door and close it, after he called me, I woke up in reality and went to open the door seemed to be to this person, but in the end there was no one and I went back to sleep in horror. tell me why this dream is very interesting to me

    Through a dream I heard the voice of my beloved. She called me anxiously.
    I also dreamed of riding an SUV on the rocks (down the mountain), I was scared, but I liked it at the same time.
    after that I dreamed that I was riding with my brother in an expensive convertible

    Good afternoon!
    I went to rest in the afternoon, and it seemed to me that I was sleeping for a very long time and in my dream I heard the very loud voice of the deceased mother, she seemed to be alarmed and shouted my name.
    Thanks in advance.

    dreamed of a mother who died a year ago. At first, for some reason, she hid small live chickens from me in the refrigerator. then she invited me to the hairdresser's and I went with her. along the way, she said that she needed to take as much money as possible somewhere, I had money, I opened my wallet and showed it to her. It contained 10 thousandth bills, to which she says, look, otherwise it won’t be enough, because I might not like anything.

    a week ago, the deceased grandfather dreamed and called me, I woke up sitting on the bed with one foot already on the floor. Today I had a dream, someone was calling me, I didn’t understand who, I jumped out of bed and realized this already on the way to another room.

    i had a dream that someone was asking to go outside! who exactly is not clear! then when I woke up on the street some strange music was playing in the car, although we didn’t turn it on and there was a knock on the door

    I dreamed that I was lying in bed and heard a girl calling for help, and I heard it very quietly, and I understood that people who are closer to the source of the sound do not hear this call (that is, I kind of felt this call for help , it seemed to me that it was coming from a neighboring house, either from some apartment, or from somewhere else), suddenly a girl appears in front of me, who told me something like: “let me die” and started sticking her fingers into the socket , I stopped her and asked, where did the cry come from? she said that next door and I woke up.

    i had a dream supposedly in my house, I saw a room or a house to which I didn’t know before, but it was raised high from the floor, asked the man to open it, and there the now deceased friend lies as if sleeping, and everything is littered with bales of grain, there are sprouted ones, and sweets, I asked him to throw me some candy - he threw it off, it turned out that a bottle and 2 candies fell out - I gave it to him and 2 boys next to him and these 2 candies to them - and the grain was left there

    You can hardly call it a dream. Just 2 days in a row (today and yesterday) I wake up at 5.30 in the morning from the fact that my mother, who died in May of this year, wakes me up with a loud cry. And 3 weeks ago there was a dream, the content of which was not remembered, but I clearly remember the words of my mother, “I want to eat like that.” Went to church, brought bread and chocolate chip cookies. Defended a custom memorial service. I invited my friend, who knew my mother well, sat down, talked, remembered my mother. And now here's the shout. ???

    when I was lying in bed, I felt cold, then I was as if fettered, I couldn’t move, I felt that behind me (I was lying on my right side) someone or something lay in bed. Then a terrible whisper whispered my name in my ear.

    Lots of people, both familiar and unfamiliar. No matter what dream, I wake up from the clear, loud voice of my husband, calling my name. In the summer, I often heard the call of my mother while sleeping by name, I wake up abruptly, but in fact no one called me. And often. At the same time, my friend got cancer and died suddenly.

    Hello, I almost don’t remember the dream itself, I woke up from the fact that I heard a male voice calling me by name, the voice seemed very familiar, it was 5 in the morning in the room I live alone, looked out the window, there was no one on the street either ... they said it was the abbreviated name “Tanya” .. and it was like a scream, as if a person was far away, which is why I thought that maybe someone was shouting on the street.

    I saw myself sleeping in bed, just like it was in reality. And suddenly she heard the voice of a woman. She insistently called me by my name once. It seemed to me that I woke up for a moment and then fell asleep again, but nothing else dreamed. It was today.

    i dreamed that I was grieving for my dead mother and suddenly I remembered that my aunt and her sister were alone at home and it might be bad, but I completely forgot about everything, I called her in a panic and before I had time to dial the number I hear her call me by name in a weak voice. in reality, both mother and aunt died.

    I dreamed from 03.12 to 04.12 that the man with whom I broke up 2.5 weeks ago was going to his relatives, I didn’t see him in a dream, I only heard him. And in the same dream I saw myself with one earring, I understood that the earring was lost, but I did not feel anxiety, I thought that there would be.

    clearly in a dream I hear a female voice calling, similar to my mother's but much younger. from this I wake up and say now my mother, I go up to her but she is sleeping. and not just once. the voice wakes up in a dream, calls. in the morning I understand that this is not my mother's voice, but it is very similar to my mother's voice but much younger.

    I woke up from the fact that I clearly heard a female voice (unfamiliar) that called me by name. I woke up and answered, but there was no one in the room. And it was already morning.

    Good afternoon. Yesterday I woke up abruptly from the fact that in a dream I heard a loud call from my father, he sharply shouted out my name. I didn’t see the dream and my father. My father is seriously ill at the moment. He is bedridden after a stroke.

    I used to have a dream, but maybe this is not a dream, because I immediately raised my head and there was no one. My wife asked me Kolya are you sleeping. Somewhere in two days, the voice of my son asked me Are you sleeping. And somewhere in a week and a half, the son died. Tonight, at about the same time, from three in the morning to four again, the voice Get up, what are you sleeping, let's go. He lifted his head and looked again no one was there. I do not know what will happen next, maybe someone's death again.

    Hello. I don’t remember the dream exactly, but in a dream I suddenly hear my name in a rather harsh tone. After that, I wake up immediately. (In reality, no one can call me, because I live alone). And this is not the first time this has happened, although dreams are always different.

    I dreamed that the ex-boyfriend with whom they broke up ten years ago, passing by me, called me, beckoned me with his hand and I went. The front door was closed, shabby door without a handle, but I easily opened it and went inside where I saw my ex and was very glad

    I dream periodically (it was 5 times, maybe more) that my mother’s voice calls me by name. I actually wake up and go to her .- and she is sleeping ... she is already 85 years old and I am worried about her health and condition ....

    i dreamed that someone was calling me by the name Andrey, Andrey, whose voice I can’t say, I didn’t understand, woke up and thought that my mother or sister was calling me, but it wasn’t them, the alarm rang soon and I got out of bed and went I had a dream at work from 02.03. 2016 on 03.03.2016

    hello!!! i had a dream, how, standing on a bridge with people, I was going to say something, but at that moment my 10-year-old son sleeping next to me began to ask in a dream\"talk, talk to me mom\". the time was three o'clock. what does it mean?

    Hello, I had a dream this morning at about 9 o'clock in the morning. In a dream, I was walking to my lady along the sidewalk, I live in a comfortable house, and I see how my mother was walking from work to meet me, she did not see me, and when I ran to her, my voice answered me cousin(the voice was serious) and I immediately woke up.

    They called me several times, and each time it got louder and louder, and when they called me for the last time, there was a feeling that this person was next to me and he didn’t say my name, but shouted with all his might .... then I woke up.

    At 05:26, I was called by the clear, clear voice of "Vovka", similar to the voice of my adopted son Misha (but I'm a little not sure that it was his voice). I even woke up and asked: "What?"
    I dreamed of a room where there were people I knew and did not know. The premises are residential, but some sweaty, unkempt people lived there. There I met them and other good people I know.

    I was on the bus, there were people I knew, someone asked the bus to stop to go to the toilet, I went out with some girl and we sat on the side of the road to go to the toilet a little and then I hear that someone calls me quietly, but I didn’t see anyone, someone called me a second time, I got scared, and that girl and I got on the bus and sat down, the bus started moving, but then they tell me that someone is looking for me smell and pursues our bus, I lay down on the floor so that the pursuer would not see me through the windows, but they told me that he sees me and then my dream ended.

    In a dream, my best friend called me by name (very loudly). I woke up from this. There was only one in the apartment. That night I didn't dream anymore.
    And a couple of days after that, I dreamed of the late grandmother of this friend (whom I had never seen). Later he showed me her photo. To say that it was a shock for me is an understatement.
    In a dream, I cried, and she reassured me and said that everything would be fine and that she would help us.
    What is it for? Help me to understand.
    Thanks in advance.

    My only son died, he was 30 years old, he fell from the 9th floor, he was absolutely sober, he did not use drugs, and I dreamed about him as if he were two years old, my mother was calling me, and my gold was lying around him

    Good morning Tatyana ... Today, no matter how I dreamed myself, I just heard a voice that called several times ... "Natasha .... Natasha, etc.", I opened my eyes, lay down and closed again ... it continued .... I woke up.

    I didn’t remember something in a dream, and suddenly I clearly hear a cry of OH! and I clearly understand that this is the voice of a young girl and she did it joyfully, I woke up and I was slightly overcome with fear, then I couldn’t sleep, I thought maybe it was the brownie being naughty?

    I dreamed that a man was standing next to me. I didn't see him, I just felt him. And he called my name, or rather called me. I got scared, woke up and looked around the room, there was no one there.
    And before this dream, I dreamed that a black / th cat (cat) entered my room. I remembered that I don't have a black / th cat / cat. And woke up

    woke up at night from her answer to calling me by name (unfamiliar voice)
    an unfamiliar voice called me, I responded and immediately woke up from my answer, then realized that it was in a dream, calmly fell asleep

    I have an orphan grandson, I am raising him, in the morning through a dream it seemed to me that he was calling “mom”, I shouted “what” to him. Somehow it became scary because his mother, my daughter died, and he does not call me mom

    I dreamed that I was standing in the dark filled with darkness and the voice of the deceased uncle, who told me “Get up, we are all waiting for you”, after that someone grabbed my hands and I woke up from a terrible, panicky fear.
    Tell me what to expect from this dream? Many thanks in advance

    slept at work at night and in a dream someone called me in a whisper by my name and I almost woke up and gurgled .. but continued to sleep and immediately distinctly and a little louder again called a male voice by name as if standing outside the door nearby ... I finally woke up and for a while lay listening .. but it was quiet ... the voice was of our bartender and by the way he stayed at work at night doing inventory at the bar ... after a few minutes I got up and went out the door into the corridor but there was no one ... in the morning I asked the security guard but no one called me ..a little earlier, a few days ago, in the same situation, I woke up from the fact that someone was running upstairs. sister is seriously ill..is in the hospital..doctors say she has no chance

    The late grandmother called me through the keyhole, called me by name and asked me to open the door, the door did not open, because she said that she had died and woke up from this. died less than a year ago, before that I dreamed once, but I don’t remember the dream

    I lay down to sleep for an hour and, having not had time to close my eyes and take a nap, I clearly heard that my son called me (who went missing 2.5 years ago), I jumped out of bed, but naturally there was no one around.

    We are living. .at the apartment, here ... .. the owner died. ..in June…..in that room. ..where I sleep…..today…me….Someone. ... loudly .... and frightened .... called, I answered ... .. already. ... from the bed .... I got up, but there was no one .... there was no one!

    I was chatting with my girlfriend on vkontakte, and I was lying on the bed, and suddenly I took a nap, and I heard her voice whisper in my right ear with my name, and woke up abruptly, I wrote this to her, she thinks that this is nonsense, what does my dream mean? I hope everything goes well with her. Can you answer me as soon as possible?

    hello. I dreamed that I took a watch from two guys who hid it from me. it seemed to me that they wanted to install wiretapping in the clock)) I took them away, but they were broken. then through the window someone called me by name, I saw that someone was passing by the window. the window was open. I tried to see, then this guy called me out the window, and at that time I was hiding at the table and watching him, trying not to give myself away. when he walked away, I decided to look out and saw a guy at the window with blue eyes looking at me. then I dreamed that I was stealing corn heads with someone, but for this person, and not for myself. there were a lot of them hanging out. I thought I needed it too. then I jumped down and began to collect, but some other people came there and I hid from them. only their legs were visible. then I betrayed myself again. they were women. then we talked about something with them. and I also saw the table plentifully set, with guests. there, it seemed to me, some famous people were sitting behind him, relatives too. but I watched it from the side. the table was like a festive one, but not in the house, but on the street. next to the place where the corn dreamed. thanks for the interpretation.

    in a dream it was that I really missed one girl, I came to her, her friends were there, we hugged, then we started talking with friends, in particular, they were friends, then she walked away and started calling me, I said that I would come now, she was crying and kept calling, then I turned around and she was gone

    I hadn't slept yet, but I was on the verge of falling asleep. I saw a field and a woman in a long white dress was standing on the road. And suddenly she loudly called my name. I even got scared. And she opened her eyes. Everything inside was shaking. It seemed like they were actually called. Usually everyone turns to me Irina. And she called Ira.

    Good afternoon!!! I still didn’t understand - either a shout by name in a dream (I didn’t dream anything) ... Or through a dream it was like a shout by name and immediately woke up ... The voice is unfamiliar and the type of voice is the fastest - unisex, and dreams I didn’t… But tomorrow I’m on a trip across the line of contact in Donbas…

    I clearly heard that they called me by name and opened my eyes, and the voice was of my dead mother. and then the call and all

    Hello, we have such a problem, my girlfriend is already very scared because someone calls her in a dream with a rough male voice, at night she often wakes up last from the fact that someone is calling. Today I went to work, she fell asleep again, someone called her, she called from the cemetery, she saw a shadow and a candle was burning nearby - after that she could not sleep anymore. Please help what is this?

    I was in some unfamiliar apartment. I don't remember the interior very well. But I remember standing in the hallway. And someone is calling me. Quietly at first. Then louder and louder. To the point that I covered my ears with my hands and fell to my knees. Then he looked at his hands and they were covered in blood. I screamed and suddenly everything stopped.

    I dreamed that a man whom I don’t see calls me by name. busy with her work, but he called me not usually and affectionately like that (Katyushenka and Katerinochka), but it seemed to irritate me, I answered without turning around with irritation, “Oh, yes now” and I woke up ...

    Today I woke up from the fact that in a dream or not in a dream at about one in the morning, a male voice called me by name, and it was the voice of a guy whom I have loved since childhood, but alas, he reciprocates me. It was strange that we don’t communicate with him in any way and don’t even see each other now, although we were friends in childhood, the problem is that I can’t forget and I dream about him almost every night. I don’t know why it might just be that I’ve been thinking too much about him lately or to what I want to see and say about what has accumulated, even if he doesn’t care, It’s just strained, in this call, what I first I live alone, and secondly, my voice was very clear, as if into a microphone above my ear, and I had a feeling that I was even afraid of the whole apartment by a diminutive name at first, although there was absolutely nothing terrible in a dream and his voice was pleasant and calm. Help me figure out what this is about?

    The dog began to bark at nothing. I woke up calmed the dog, then could not sleep. I lay with my eyes open and in a whisper who called me, I went out there was no one there .. But then the dog again began to bark at the void.

    Dear Tatyana!
    On the eve of the third anniversary of his father's death, he heard his voice in a dream:
    "Son!!!" That's what I heard. But I didn't see it. I didn't sleep soundly. You could say dozing. Before that, our dog woke me up around 4 am. Begged for the street. I had to go. Lie down upon return. fell asleep. The alarm rang at 6 am. My loved ones woke up. I didn't get up because it was the day off. Dozing. Through my drowsiness I heard the conversations of my wife and daughter going to work and school. And then the father’s strong voice: “Son !!!” I jumped out of bed and said "Yes!" In the evening I told my wife everything. She replied that in the morning I did not doze, but slept. Because he snored. Before this episode, I heard the voice of the deceased father in a dream. But he didn't understand anything. I remember that the intonation was of a disgruntled person. And again. I did not see my father, but only heard. Maybe because he was cremated on his instructions.
    In the latter case, the father's voice was cheerful and kind. One might even say funny. And, moreover, the voice was not the same as the father had on the eve of death - senile. He died at the age of 76, but as if he were 30-40 years old. Yes, and that's what else. During his lifetime, my father always addressed me by my first name: Sergei or Seryoga. Depending on the mood. But he never addressed me with the word son. I do not know why. He is my own father. I look very much like him. But not the character that came to me from my mother.
    Dear Tatyana! I have had many dreams in my 55 years. But this dream haunts me. I am not asking you for the interpretation of a dream. I don't believe in dream books. It seems to me that my father is trying to contact me. Convey that he is!
    It is interesting to know your opinion.
    Thank you!
    Sergey Vadimovich.

    Hello! I don’t remember him, maybe I was dreaming .. but I woke up from the fact that someone called me by the name of Lu-da! I opened my eyes and began to listen, maybe someone came into the house and called out to me? No one ....

    in a dream I heard the voice of a small child who called my mother, I answered that my little one and woke up abruptly. My children are adults. A couple of hours later I had a dream that I was in my parents' house and little kittens were rubbing near me, I tried to drive them out of the house but woke up abruptly. I don't remember anything else / Thank you.

    They call in the morning, I answer and wake up. Mostly the voice of my husband, although he is not in the room at that time.

    In my dream, I was with my boyfriend, we were standing at my house, in the yard, but then some woman I didn’t know appeared, she let him in and he went, I told him not to go, but he heard me and went to her call.

    Good afternoon, today (from 04.03 to 05.03) I had a dream, as if it were winter outside, we were walking with friends and they were going somewhere to go further for a walk by car, but they didn’t call me and I silently went home, but didn’t go far, just around the next turn and fell, as there was a lot of snow, I met another friend who was also going home, but he went ahead, and I heard that a boy was calling me who was going to leave with the others, I returned, but he said that did not call me, said goodbye and went home.

    Mom, who is no longer going to go somewhere, we collect things that are randomly scattered. Through the window, someone shoots rays of New Year's Elumination. Mom wants to swim before the road and from the bathroom I hear her calling me Lena, Lena ... I run into the bath and see how she is trying to get out of it and she doesn’t have half of her left hand ... as if the prosthesis has fallen off. although there were no prostheses during life. And at this point the alarm rang.

    I dreamed of a former young man (we broke up a long time ago, almost a year ago), we were lying together on the bed, the dream was in very bright and warm colors (like the morning sun), he said “you are my everything” and lay down curled up, head to my body, in the wounds below the chest, closer to the stomach.

    I dreamed that I was leaving the building, and the person who was not indifferent to me shouted my name after me, looking out of the window of this building, and I turned around, and I watched everything as if from the side.

    I didn't dream anything, I distinctly heard a whisper of the call of the Name. I heard a woman's voice very clearly, I woke up from this and looked at my wife, she was sleeping. It was so real that goosebumps ran. This was the first time.

    When I was sleeping, I heard a very gentle voice of a man in my head! The voice was clear! The voice called my name affectionately! Twice Lenochka, Lenochka! I answered him in Java and woke up

    Just dreamed.

    I sleep in the same room as in reality, suddenly the door to the room opens and two silhouettes of a person (like women that I can’t see them - it’s very dark), one of them begins to say in a soft voice Ninaa get up, Ninochka wake up, I ask 'Mom, is that you?' And in a fraction of a second (blinking eyes) a figure abruptly stands in front of me and in a rougher, vile voice says 'Nina!! Nina!', leaning over me. And I woke up abruptly in the same position as in the dream, in front of the same door where they were standing. Nothing has changed except for the presence of two silhouettes.

    I dream of a phone ringing, I pick up the phone, and there the voice of the deceased mother asks me to take her away from my brother, supposedly he is giving her to the hospital. I specify which one, I promise her to come soon. Suddenly I see that I have already arrived and began to look for her in the hospital, I pass and see old people lying, but she is not among them. And suddenly in a dream I realize that she is no longer alive and I wake up in fear

    The call came from the door. The voice was from our neighbour. Loud and good. No anger or any negative feelings. A month ago, I also dreamed like that ... But there was just a call from an unfamiliar voice. A few days later, the mother of my son's mother-in-law died. Old 90 years old. We almost didn't know each other.

    I dreamed that I was holding my child in my arms and standing in the bathroom, some kind of granny (feels familiar) climbs into the bath and starts to wash, at this time I’m quite sharp (I’m nervous, I need to put the baby to sleep) pull the tap and out of the hole hot water starts sloshing through the wall. the next moment, granny gets out of the bath and leaves lamenting about her sore back. I burn myself with water and even scream. Then a handsome young man and my daughter appear. I swear at her why she doesn’t sleep, and then the guy and I stand at the window and see ducks flying there, snow is falling and people are playing hockey on the rink in front of the window. I go to the bathroom and the guy is trying to help drown out the water spouting from the wall, splashes are falling on us, this is no longer hot water, we are not wet, but the water is constantly splashing on us like a waterfall. The next moment, I move the curtain in the bath and see water with blood there, my daughter is sitting on the side of the bath, and I wet the water on the floor with rags and survive them in the bath. The water is always clean and warm, but I am dry. I remove the child from the bath, saying that she does not belong there, and then I hear the female call of my name and immediately wake up.

    Everything around was white. And someone called me. It was a male voice, and it sounded like my father's voice. My dad broke up with my mom when I was 5-6 years old. And he called me with these words:
    Karina, and to me.

    I am standing on the street, there is a multi-storey building in front of me, on the first floor there is a girl I know (I like her) calling me, screaming, I want to come to her, but I can’t, a high wall interferes

    In the morning I woke up from the fact that a woman’s pleasant quiet voice called me by name. At first, my mother thought because we live in the same apartment, except for her, there is no one to call. But my mother calls me differently. Then I realized it was a dream.

    The dream came before waking up. I don't remember what happened before. I was called by the name of my long-dead beloved mother. Just said "Tanyusha". I didn't see her. I can't add anything to this. Mom died 17 years ago. I dreamed during this time 1-2 times. Thank you if you can explain the meaning of this dream.

    Hello. My husband and I fled and I didn’t even think about him. At first I had a dream that I was sleeping, and through a dream I feel like someone was holding my hand tightly, I seem to wake up (in a dream), I see my husband, I’m surprised What, come? And then I wake up for real, and I feel my hand for some time. I had this dream 2 times. me. NATALIA, NATALIA, NATALIA! ”That’s right, with such an intonation, 3 times. I understand that I’m sleeping, but I just can’t wake up, as if through a web, I hardly break out of this dream, I wake up in reality ...

    To dream that I quarreled with my husband because of my ex-boyfriend (I hadn’t seen him and didn’t remember him for several years) and suddenly my mother’s voice came out of nowhere loudly and sharply: “Zhenya !!” At first I did not understand, then again and I suddenly woke up in a fright

The name of a person is an important energy conductor. People get so used to it that it becomes their second self. In magic, the name also matters, especially in various rituals such as damage or love spells. But what does the sign "If you hear that your name is called" mean? in this article.

The meaning of the name in magic and the signs associated with it

The name plays an important role in a person's life. However, it can come into conflict with its inner essence and energy. It is for this reason that many feel discomfort if the name at birth is given to them incorrectly, which is associated with a conflict between the energetics of the name and the person. For example, a mother, hoping to raise her daughter tender and feminine, gives her the name Lisa. But for a girl with a tough, penetrating life energy, such a name may turn out to be too soft, and she herself may not accept it and not love it when she is called by name, although outwardly it will somewhat soften her energy. Therefore, for different people, hearing their own name becomes pleasant or unpleasant. Especially if there is negative karma or situations associated with some name.

If you hear that you are called by name, then this may be a sign associated with the approach of an important event. Negative or positive depends on your attitude towards it. According to ancient signs, the call by name often predicts trouble. Especially if someone in the crowd was called and your name was called at the same time. Very often, this sign makes you be vigilant, attentive. It is possible that the guardian angel is trying to warn you against some kind of trouble.

Wanting to stand out from the crowd, many teenagers, and sometimes adults, come up with various abbreviations for themselves, and often it differs from that named by their parents. For example, Alexandra, whom everyone at home is used to calling Sasha, like a boy, or Shurochka, can call herself Alya, Lex or even Alice among friends. Therefore, her old and new name can evoke different emotions. Often, teenagers and even adults choose a new name for themselves during periods of various grievances, conflicts, in order to give themselves significance, or even sometimes completely change it in their passport. Therefore, it plays a role here, whether you heard your new name or the old one, associated with negativity. If the new - expect success, joy and pleasure in your life, the old - to troubles, troubles and various complications.

What to do if you hear your name often

If a person is all right with the psyche, then this sign may indicate that clouds have begun to gather over you. If you hear that you are called by name in the crowd, in conditions of poor hearing, and this phenomenon was repeated several times, then modern books on magic advise responding to such a name or look in the direction from which the sound came. Thus, you can protect yourself from a bad spirit, misfortune or threat that hangs over you, and also understand what kind of signal is being sent to you from above. However, often such a sign means minor troubles and that it is worth showing care and caution in something.

Quite a lot about emotions, disposition and habits can be found out by voice, but what does it mean to hear it in a dream? The dream interpretation explains what a familiar or unfamiliar voice is dreaming of, relying on fundamental data.

For a correct interpretation, we should take into account the timbre of the voice, as well as its tone and emotionality. The main role is played by the meaning of the spoken words heard in a dream, and most valuable is who you heard them from: from yourself, from a stranger, from a loved one or friend.

call of the dead

According to the interpretation of the esoteric dream book, to distinguish the voice of the deceased calling you to him is a signal of an approaching threat to life. In reality, you will have to face trials, and your success will be determined by self-control.

What is the dream of the voice of the deceased old woman. The dream interpretation promises that you have abilities that have been inherited from her, and therefore you have a huge obligation. If you manage to parse the instruction from a loved one, then you must definitely adhere to it, and in the end you will successfully continue the common cause.

You made out the voice of a dead parent in a dream, the dream book portends the approach of good in the family. If a negative intonation of the voice was heard, and you felt anxiety, then you should be wary of ill-wishers or clarify whether you are doing the right thing.

Hearing in a dream the voice of a dead man who died shortly is a sign of impending disagreements. Probably, there have been misunderstandings for a long time, but at the moment the peak of aggression has come, which will definitely go over to you, thereby causing injury.

Losing your voice in a dream is an obscure sign, characterized as an omen of a threat or bad news. In a dream, this association will manifest itself as a “lump in the throat”, in reality you will not find the strength in yourself to adequately perceive the news of the death of a loved one.

Why dream of an inaudible voice around? The dream interpretation gives an interpretation that in the coming life an event will occur, the result of which you will not influence in any way. You can come to terms with fate and remember the saying: "Everything that is not done is for the better." When in your existing life you need to speak to a large number of people and you do not have the opportunity to speak out, then the interpreter's prediction is positive. Why dream of a lost voice before a performance? In the end, you will have a great performance, during which the excitement will not interfere.

The dream interpretation also gives physical explanations when your voice disappears in a dream. In reality, your body is exhausted from systematic stress, work and emotional overload. You should interrupt your fast-paced activity for a while, set aside time for sleep, otherwise you will soon get a breakdown of your nerves.

If you speak loudly in a dream and you can’t hear your voice, then soon there won’t be a single person left in your environment who you can rely on. Due to your closeness and secret aggressiveness, you will lose your own friends, and at the moment when you need help, no one will help.

Male or female

When the dreamer heard the voice of a woman, the dream book compares this with the inner consciousness of a person. As a rule, one's own subconscious appears before the dreamer in the face of a woman, and in such a dreamy vision one must find signs to resolve existing troubles.

What is the dream of the voice of an unfamiliar woman? If you heard delight or strong surprise in the speech of a stranger, this means that in the near future you will commit an unusual act for yourself, which will become fateful in the future.

For a dreamer, hearing a male voice in a dream is a positive signal. Her masculine principle contacts with her, having the opportunity to answer questions that defy any explanation. If you managed to find a way out of the current situation in life, then you should translate it into activity.

Hearing the voice of a young guy in a dream warning about something is a reliable sign that it is necessary to do the opposite. The main thing is to listen to the timbre, if you discerned a lie, then this dream book recommendation will be the most truthful.

Voices of relatives

Why dream of a father's voice? This plot expresses the current state of affairs. If you heard sorrow and hopelessness, then in real life circumstances will not turn out the way you would like. On the contrary, a happy and affirming cry is a foreshadowing of a dream book about successfully developing affairs.

Why is the spouse's voice dreaming? If you are lying close, then there is a possibility that in reality you heard your husband, perhaps he said something in a dream. But, the dream book interprets the dream in a different way: you are on the verge of betrayal, and bypassing this you will never be able to have good family relationships. Hearing your mother's voice in a dream is an unfavorable sign. The dream interpretation says that you do not perform the functions entrusted to you personally by the people around you and the family. If nothing changes, then probably contact with the environment will be much weaker, and no one will support you.

Why is the son's voice dreaming? For a parent, the dream interpreter promises sad predictions: the child is in danger of trouble, and only you can prevent it. For a father who saw a similar dream, the dream book portends that the child needs his support.

What is the dream of the voice of a lover? Analytically, your subconscious is fully filled with thoughts about your loved one, and in reality love is mutual. Do not be afraid of what has not yet happened, and then you will give yourself to love. If the voice of a lover was heard, and he was disturbing, then you should beware of a possible rival. You should give your loved one kindness and affection in order to protect him from looking at others.

Hearing the voice of a former lover is a sign that he yearns for you. The insensitivity and indifference that robbed you after separation can easily be destroyed if you surrender to feelings. Why dream of a voice on the phone? If you know a person talking on the phone, then there is no doubt - you will have an unexpected meeting. In particular, such a prediction is reliable if you have not met him for a long time.

Timbre and intonation

Why dream of a hoarse voice? A slight hoarseness, like a smoking person, means that you will be a victim of intrigue, as a result of which you will lose your authority. However, if the wheezing was dying, then the dream book portends the departure of enemies from your life path.

A screaming voice in a dream that guarantees prosperity and fame is a positive sign of the interpreter, but only when it is heard from a person who exists in real life. Following him in a dream - in reality, they will give you what they offered.

What is the dream of a child's voice? The dream book explains that you have been given a signal, and by adhering to it, you need to protect your children. Take care of them, at the moment, the most difficult and unsafe stage in the life of children is foreseen. The dream book interprets somewhat differently what the child’s voice is dreaming of, heard in complete silence. If, after what you heard, you felt a cold that ran through your whole body, then you should beware of the threat from above.

otherworldly call

If you had to distinguish the voices of strangers and they are quiet and positive, then you are not afraid for the future state of affairs. One way or another, life will give you much more than you yourself sought. You will master something more valuable than financial well-being. If you had to hear a rough and loud voice in your head in a dream, then the interpreter promises a trial with you in reality. Because of the impartial action you have committed towards another person, you will experience deep regret about what happened.

To feel the voice of a demon in a dream, calling you to commit bad actions, is a signal of receiving a psychological shock that can only be cured thanks to doctors. Listen to the recommendations of the interpreter and visit the doctor, in this situation it is simply necessary.

The voice woke me up in a dream

It happens that we wake up from a dream due to an extraneous sound or a cry made in the dream itself. Why dream of your own voice? If, due to your cry in a dream, you instantly woke up, then your nerves are severely shaken, you are very worried about something, and until this is resolved, do not expect peace in your dreams. If you distinguish a laughing voice in a dream, according to the dream book, this is interpreted as emotional experiences, but positive ones. At the moment, your emotional state is elevated, and it is possible to carry out the main act.

Hearing a voice through a dream is an omen of a dream book that the dreamer needs to save his own financial condition from deceitful people. Some ill-wishers are plotting. Hearing a familiar voice in a dream is a positive signal. An angel protects you, so not a single difficulty on the way to your plans is terrible.

When in a dream a voice calls you by name, the dream book warns that a serious trouble may occur on your way, entailing further unforeseen consequences. And it should be expected from a person with whom you have a long-term relationship. Therefore, initially listen to the advice of a close friend or loved one, and take into account your own intuition - in any case, it will not let you down.

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