Why the bank's license was revoked by Krylovsky and whether people's deposits will be returned. On the revocation of the banking license from the Krylovsky credit institution and the appointment of an interim administration Krylovsky Problems

central bank Russian Federation(Bank of Russia)
Press service

107016, Moscow, st. Neglinnaya, 12

On the revocation of the banking license from the Krylovsky credit institution and the appointment of an interim administration

By Order No. OD-2190 of the Bank of Russia dated August 2, 2017, from August 2, 2017, the banking license of the credit institution Joint Stock Commercial Bank Krylovsky (joint stock company) JSCB Krylovsky (JSC) (registration No. 456, Krasnodar) was revoked ). According to the financial statements, as of July 1, 2017, the credit institution ranked 360th in terms of assets in banking system Russian Federation.

The basis of the resource base of the credit institution was the attracted funds of the population. In 2017, the bank pursued an aggressive policy of attracting funds from individuals. The Bank of Russia repeatedly applied supervisory measures against JSCB Krylovsky (JSC), including two restrictions and one time a ban on attracting household deposits.

On July 26, 2017, the Bank of Russia audited the cash desks of a number of divisions of JSCB Krylovsky (JSC) and revealed a large shortage of funds. The formation of the necessary reserves for possible losses on actually non-existent assets revealed the complete loss of the credit institution's own funds (capital).

The managers and owners of the bank did not take effective measures to normalize its activities. Moreover, their actions showed signs of dishonest behavior, expressed in the submission of false reports to the Bank of Russia, the withdrawal of assets with damage to the interests of creditors and depositors. Information about these facts will be sent by the Bank of Russia to law enforcement agencies. In these circumstances, the Bank of Russia, on the basis of Article 20 of the Federal Law “On Banks and Banking Activities”, fulfilled its obligation to revoke the banking license from JSCB Krylovsky (JSC).

The decision to apply an extreme measure of influence - revocation of a banking license - was taken by the Bank of Russia in connection with the credit institution's failure to comply with federal laws governing banking activities, as well as Bank of Russia regulations, the value of all equity (capital) adequacy ratios is below two percent, a decrease in the amount of own funds (capital) below the minimum value of the authorized capital established as of the date of state registration of the credit institution, taking into account the repeated application within one year of the measures provided for by the Federal Law "On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)".

In accordance with Order No. OD-2191 of the Bank of Russia dated August 2, 2017, a temporary administration was appointed to JSCB Krylovsky (JSC) for a period of validity until the appointment in accordance with the Federal Law "On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)" of a bankruptcy trustee or appointment in accordance with Article 23.1 of the Federal Law "On Banks and Banking Activity" of the liquidator. The powers of the credit organization's executive bodies have been suspended in accordance with federal laws.

JSCB Krylovsky (JSC) is a member of the deposit insurance system. The revocation of a banking license is an insured event provided for by Federal Law No. 177-FZ “On insurance of deposits of individuals in banks of the Russian Federation” in relation to the bank's obligations on deposits of the population, determined in accordance with the procedure established by law. The specified Federal Law provides for the payment of insurance compensation to bank depositors, including individual entrepreneurs, in the amount of 100% of the balance of funds, but not more than 1.4 million rubles in total per depositor.

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The Bank of Russia revoked the license, which gave the right to carry out financial transactions in the next bank. Now this list includes the joint-stock commercial bank Krylovsky from the sunny city of Krasnodar. It happened on August 2, 2017 after the Bank of Russia issued a corresponding order.

Bank history

The year 1990 is considered to be the year of foundation of this joint-stock company. It was formed as a small banking structure in the Krasnodar Territory. As soon as it opened, it immediately became a member of the state deposit insurance program. The place of registration of the institution was the city of Krasnodar. The bank received a license for its activities under the number 456. It was a medium-sized bank, and its activities were mainly related to the issuance of corporate loans and raising funds from individuals.

The head office was located in Krasnodar. In addition to it, 22 branches were located on the territory of the region. There was also a branch in Moscow. "Krylovsky" had the ability to provide services in a wide range. They were associated with lending to corporate clients and attracting funds from citizens in the form of deposits. The branch had its own cash service for payment financial transactions.

In total, Krylovsky had 9 physical shareholders and three legal entities. Chief among all the shareholders is Mikhail Ruzin. He owns most of the total number of shares, namely 66.48%. A certain part, namely, 6.25% is controlled by Capital Holding LLC, which also belongs to him.

Financial indicators

According to such an indicator as the size of assets, Krylovsky ranked 338th among all banks that exist in Russia. In June 2017, therefore, the indicator is reduced by 1 position. Meanwhile, the dynamics of assets is one of the indicators by which one judges how effective an institution is.

It is an indicator of the stability and reliability of a credit institution. In the rating of the volume of deposits, Krylovsky Bank took 256th place. But in June 2017, he is already in 249th place, i.e., there is a decrease by as much as 7 positions.

In terms of the volume of loans issued, the bank was in 464th place among all existing banks in the country. This pattern was observed in May 2017. A month later, there was a decrease in this indicator by 17 points. After analyzing the situation, we can conclude that there is a pronounced negative trend in the activities of this battery. These data called into question the stability and reliability of the bank in financial terms.

By order of the Bank of Russia dated August 02, 2017, Krylovsky's license was revoked, giving the right to conduct financial transactions. The reason was the results of the audit, which was carried out in separate divisions on July 26, 2017.

Krylovsky bank website

Starting from 2017, JSCB Krylovsky has pursued a very aggressive policy related to financial flows from individuals. The Bank of Russia has repeatedly taken actions related to supervisory response measures against this financial institution. There have been repeated restrictions on the attraction of such funds. Once even a complete ban was issued. Based on the results of the audit conducted on July 26, 2017, a significant shortage of funds was revealed. Proper reserve stocks in case of losses were not formed. As a result, the moment came when the bank completely lost its own funds.

Revocation of the license from JSCB Krylovsky

The inspectors saw signs of dishonesty in the bank's activities. No action was taken by management. Moreover, false reporting was revealed. There was a withdrawal of assets, which infringed on the interests of creditors and depositors. Information about this fact was sent to the relevant authorities. Guided by the financial performance of a credit institution, one can assume that there was a banal theft.

All this was the basis for the license No. 456 from Krylovsky to be revoked.

The situation with payments to depositors

Since this battery was a member of an insurance-related program, all losses will be compensated in the manner prescribed by law.

The "Deposit Insurance Agency" notified the clients of the failed bank through one of its structural subdivisions. The Department of Public Relations announced that the insured event occurred on August 02, 2017.

Organizations for the issuance of insurance indemnities were selected using a competitive basis. PJSC "Sberbank" turned out to be the favorite of the competitive race. Claim statements are accepted during the entire time until the bank is liquidated. The process will start on August 16, 2017. All applications will be entered in a special register.

Insurance compensation to customers will be paid in the period from August 16, 2017 to the same date in 2018 inclusive. Everything will be paid according to the application, which will have to be submitted to the Agency or to the subdivision of Sberbank PJSC, which is on the list of places where insurance will be paid.

The amount of insurance is equal to the amount on the account, but not more than 1.4 million rubles. If the account is presented in foreign currency funds, then the conversion into the national currency is carried out as of August 2, 2017.

If there are counterclaims, they are deducted from the amount of insurance. Compensation is issued until the completion of the procedure related to the liquidation of a banking institution.

The list of places where compensation payments will be made can be found on the Agency's portal.
To receive a refund, you must personally appear at one of these offices and present your passport. When you visit, you will need to write an application. It is written on a special form, which will be issued when visiting a branch of the agent bank. You can also receive compensation through another person, but it requires a power of attorney, which has a notarization.

If a former client of Krylovsky lives in a place where there are no institutions paying compensation, then an application for this is sent by registered mail to the Agency's address in Moscow.

During an audit at the end of July, the Central Bank revealed a large shortage of funds in the bank. An analysis of the formation of reserves for possible losses also showed a complete loss of the bank's own funds, the Central Bank indicates. The managers and owners of the bank provided false reports to the Central Bank, and also removed assets from the bank to the detriment of creditors and depositors. The regulator draws attention to the fact that in 2017 the bank pursued an aggressive policy of attracting funds from individuals. The Bank of Russia imposed restrictions twice and once a ban on attracting deposits from the population by Krylovsky Bank. A temporary administration has been appointed to the Krylovsky JSCB. The powers of the executive bodies of the credit institution have been suspended. According to the reports, as of July 1, the credit institution ranked 360th in the Russian banking system in terms of assets.

Information for depositors of Krylovsky Bank


At present, Krylovsky Bank has been relieved of its management, which has lost its authority. Today, August 16, 2018, the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) begins paying insurance compensation to depositors of Krylovsky Bank, whose license was revoked by the Bank of Russia on August 2.

The total amount of payments to bank depositors, including individual entrepreneurs (IP), will be about 8.5 billion rubles. Depositors of Krylovsky will be able to receive an insurance payment at the Sberbank agent bank, the amount of payment is no more than 1.4 million rubles.

Krylovsky bank revoked license where to get money

Proper reserve stocks in case of losses were not formed. As a result, the moment came when the bank completely lost its own funds.

Revocation of the license from JSCB Krylovsky The inspectors saw signs of dishonesty in the bank's activities. No action was taken by management.


Moreover, false reporting was revealed. There was a withdrawal of assets, which infringed on the interests of creditors and depositors. Information about this fact was sent to the relevant authorities.

Guided by the financial performance of a credit institution, one can assume that there was a banal theft. All this was the basis for the license No. 456 from Krylovsky to be revoked.

Why the bank's license was revoked by Krylovsky and whether deposits will be returned to people

MOSCOW, 2 August. /TASS/. On August 2, the Bank of Russia revoked the license for banking operations from the Krasnodar joint-stock commercial bank Krylovsky, which is a member of the deposit insurance system. According to the reporting data, as of July 1, 2017, the credit institution ranked 360th in the banking system of the Russian Federation in terms of assets, the regulator reports.
According to the Central Bank, in 2017 the bank pursued an aggressive policy of attracting funds from individuals. The regulator has repeatedly applied supervisory response measures to Krylovsky, including two restrictions and one time a ban on attracting deposits from the public. In the course of the audit of the cash desks of a number of divisions, carried out by the Central Bank on July 26, a major shortage was revealed.

DIA: payments to bank depositors Krylovsky

Krylovsky is a member of the deposit insurance system. The Deposit Insurance Agency will start paying depositors no later than August 16, 2017. Each depositor, including an individual entrepreneur (IP), is entitled to receive insurance compensation as soon as possible.

The insurance compensation is paid to the depositor in the amount of 100% of the sum of all his accounts (deposits) in the bank, including those opened for business activities, but not more than 1.4 million rubles in total. The amount not compensated by insurance will be repaid during the liquidation of the bank as part of the claims of creditors of the first priority (for individual entrepreneur accounts opened for entrepreneurial activities - as part of the third priority).
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Advertising Banks Loans We are in touch Revocation of the license from Krylovsky Bank There is a possibility that the bank still has some capital, which means that we will be able to receive our money without any problems. But since this option does not always work, we move on to the next one. The second option is to go to court. This is a better option, although you should not count on a 100% result. Here we will need to act extremely quickly, literally at the same moment when we learned that the license was revoked. They know the practice of such cases and, most likely, they will immediately indicate the chances of success for you. Information for depositors of Krylovsky Bank Applications for payment of insurance compensation can be submitted by depositors during the entire period of the bank's liquidation.

The Central Bank revoked the license from the Krasnodar bank "Krylovsky"

A list of places where compensation payments will be made can be found on the Agency's portal. To receive a refund, you must personally appear at one of the indicated departments and present your passport. When you visit, you will need to write an application. It is written on a special form, which will be issued when visiting a branch of the agent bank.

You can also receive compensation through another person, but it requires a power of attorney, which has a notarization. If a former client of Krylovsky lives in a place where there are no institutions paying compensation, then an application for this is sent by registered mail to the Agency's address in Moscow.

Lead economy

Financial indicators According to such an indicator as the size of assets, Krylovsky ranked 338th among all banks that exist in Russia. In June 2017, therefore, the indicator is reduced by 1 position.

Meanwhile, the dynamics of assets is one of the indicators by which one judges how effective an institution is. It is an indicator of the stability and reliability of a credit institution.

there is a decrease by as much as 7 positions. In terms of the volume of loans issued, the bank was in 464th place among all existing banks in the country. This pattern was observed in May 2017. A month later, there was a decrease in this indicator by 17 points. After analyzing the situation, we can conclude that there is a pronounced negative trend in the activities of this battery.

On August 2, he withdrew the license for banking operations from the Krasnodar joint-stock commercial bank Krylovsky, which is a member of the deposit insurance system. According to the reporting data, as of July 1, 2017, the credit institution ranked 360th in the banking system of the Russian Federation in terms of assets, the regulator reports.

According to the Central Bank, in 2017 the bank pursued an aggressive policy of attracting funds from individuals. The regulator has repeatedly applied supervisory response measures to Krylovsky, including two restrictions and one time a ban on attracting deposits from the public. In the course of the audit of the cash desks of a number of divisions, carried out by the Central Bank on July 26, a major shortage was revealed.

The formation of the necessary reserves for possible losses on actually absent assets revealed a complete loss of the bank's own capital, the report says.

As the regulator notes, the managers and owners of Krylovsky did not take effective measures to normalize its activities. Moreover, their actions showed signs of dishonest behavior, expressed in the presentation of false reports to the regulator, the withdrawal of assets with damage to the interests of creditors and depositors.

Information about these facts will be sent by the Bank of Russia to law enforcement agencies. In accordance with the order of the Bank of Russia, a temporary administration was introduced into Krylovsky. It will work until the appointment of a bankruptcy trustee or liquidator. The powers of the executive bodies of the credit institution have been suspended.

The financial condition of the bank

Bank "Krylovsky" was founded in 1999. In addition to the head office in Krasnodar, it has additional offices in the village of Kushchevskaya, where an operating cash desk also worked, additional offices in the village of Krylovskaya, the cities of Sochi and Novorossiysk, a branch in Moscow and branches in the Moscow region.

According to IFRS reporting for 2016, at the end of the year the bank had 3.7 billion rubles. customer funds, including 2.3 billion - individuals. At the beginning of this year, the bank had one client with balances of more than 20 million rubles.

The bank had 182 borrowers with a total amount of debt on granted loans of 871 million rubles. Last year, the bank received a loss of 44.7 million rubles. against a profit of 50.5 million rubles. a year earlier. The Bank participates in the system of compulsory insurance of deposits of individuals in banks of the Russian Federation.

The shareholders of Krylovsky are nine individuals and three legal entities, the main shareholder at the end of the year was Mikhail Ruzin living in Moscow (66.48%), LLC, which is solely owned by Ruzin, owns another 6.25% in the bank.

Payouts to depositors

According to the Deposit Insurance Agency, payments to Krylovsky depositors will begin no later than August 16. Agent banks that will pay compensation will be selected on a competitive basis no later than August 8.

Depositors may submit applications for payment of insurance compensation during the entire period of liquidation of the bank.

Office work

As the operators of the bank's branches in the Krasnodar Territory told TASS, the head and additional branches of the Krylovsky bank stopped servicing customers.

"Bank employees are at their workplaces, but we do not carry out transactions with accounts of legal entities. The time for accepting applications from individuals for compensation of deposits will be announced later," Yelena Krupchenko, manager of the additional office of Krylovsky Bank in the village of Krylovskaya, told TASS.

The closure of TASS offices was also confirmed in the bank's subdivisions in Sochi and the village of Kushchevskaya. At the head office in Krasnodar since the morning, operators on the telephone line confirmed that the bank was not working. It has not yet been possible to get a comment from the management of the Krylovsky JSCB.

The property of the Krasnodar bank was put up for auction.

The Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) put up real and movable property of the Krasnodar bank Krylovsky for open auctions at an initial price of 167.6 million rubles. In August last year, the Central Bank canceled the license of a credit institution due to its aggressive policy of attracting funds from individuals and the almost complete loss of its own assets. As a result, liabilities to creditors, which fell on the shoulders of the DIA, amounted to 8.7 billion rubles. The creditors of the first stage were paid 183.3 million rubles, the agency expects the next proceeds to the bankruptcy estate of the debtor from the sale of his property. Experts are confident that the Krylovsky real estate put up for auction will be in demand by buyers.

The Deposit Insurance Agency, which is the bankruptcy trustee of the Krasnodar JSCB Krylovsky, deprived of its license, announced an open auction on August 28 to sell the bank's property. Information about the auction is published on the Internet resource of the DIA. Eight lots were put up for auction for a total of 167.6 million rubles. The first lot with an initial cost of 4 million rubles. is a non-residential premises at the corner of Mira and Kirov streets in Krasnodar (68.5 sq. m). The second lot with an initial cost of 29.8 million rubles. - non-residential premises (521.9 sq. m) in the Sochi village of Dagomys. The lot also includes a video surveillance system, an ATM, an automatic fire alarm and other equipment in a former bank office. The third lot is an apartment (29.6 sq. m) in Sochi and is offered at an initial price of 2 million rubles, the fourth is a non-residential building (483.2 sq. m) and a land plot (2493 sq. m) in the village of Krylovskaya for RUB 38.2 million The fifth lot is a non-residential building (1133.3 sq. m) and a land plot (1047 sq. m) in the village of Tomilino, Moscow Region, a collapsible armored operating cash desk, land settlements for an administrative office building and a bank branch. The initial price of the lot is 62 million rubles. The sixth lot is a non-residential premises (126.4 sq. m.) in the city of Vidnoye, Moscow Region with an initial price of 25 million rubles, the seventh and eighth lots are a black Lexus LS600H and a silver trailer with an initial price of 6.6 million rubles. and 21 thousand rubles. respectively.

Ilya Volodko, CEO of MACON Realty Group consulting company, believes that real estate objects previously used by the bank are more attractive at auction than warehouse or industrial premises. First of all, according to him, this is due to the fact that banks always choose good places for their offices: the city center, busy streets, good visualization and the main entrance. “In this case, the objects are liquid due to small areas and an adequate market price per square meter,” the expert said.

According to the SPARK-Interfax system, the authorized capital of Krylovsky Bank, registered in 1999 in Krasnodar, is 160 million rubles. The bank is 66.4% owned by Mikhail Ruzin, who also owns 100% Capital Holding LLC, which has a 6.2% stake in the bank. Profit "Krylovsky" after taxes for 2015 amounted to 2.1 million rubles. The total volume of bank deposits amounted to 2.59 billion rubles. As of July 1 last year, the organization was in 360th place in the Russian banking system.

Earlier, Kommersant-Kuban reported that the Bank of Russia revoked the license from Krylovsky Bank in early August 2017. According to the regulator, in 2017 the bank pursued an aggressive policy of attracting funds from individuals. "The formation of the necessary reserves for possible losses on virtually non-existent assets revealed a complete loss of the credit institution's own funds," the Central Bank of the Russian Federation reported. In September of the same year, the Investigative Committee of the ICR in the region opened a criminal case on the falsification of financial accounting and reporting documents in the Krylovsky Bank in order to hide signs of bankruptcy. A case of embezzlement of funds and property of the organization was also initiated. To date, a preliminary investigation is underway in criminal cases.

In October 2017 Court of Arbitration of the Krasnodar Territory declared JSC "AKB" Krylovsky "" bankrupt and introduced bankruptcy proceedings against it. As Kommersant wrote, shortly before this, the bank returned about 6 billion rubles. off-balance sheet deposits, and also prepared the necessary documents, as a result of which almost 100% of depositors were able to claim insurance compensation, and this, according to the DIA, is about 21.2 thousand people. The Central Bank noted that the amount of liabilities to Krylovsky's creditors was 8.7 billion rubles. According to the DIA, as of June 1, 2018, 183.3 million rubles were allocated for settlements with creditors.

According to Bogdan Zvarich, senior analyst at Freedom Finance Investment Company, referring to the statements of the interim administration at the time of revocation of the bank's license, out of 8.7 billion rubles. funds of clients that are not credit institutions located in Krylovskoye, 8.5 billion belong to individuals and individual entrepreneurs, and only about 200 million rubles. — legal entities (about 2.3%). "Probability of getting legal entities of funds is small, since they are the last in the queue of creditors,” the expert believes.

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