Why do metal objects stick to a person. Spoons and irons stick to the body of a magnet girl from Donbass. Have you tried washing

Apparently, a special scientific name has not yet been invented for this phenomenon. We are talking about the ability of some people to hold various objects on the surface of the body without the use of sticky or adhesive substances and special devices such as magnets, etc. The total weight of objects held sometimes reaches 500-600 grams, as stated in the article by V. Orlov "Objects stick: what would that mean?" from "Technology-youth". I had not noticed such abilities before. However, even now this ability I have is more than modest.

Not so long ago I watched a program in which Elena Nikolaevna Sukhareva participated. She demonstrated the "ability" to hold electric irons on her chest and shoulders and promised the reporter that she would help him produce something similar. She placed metal coins on his forehead. Then Elena Nikolaevna pinned a certificate to the reporter's forehead, and when she said that everyone could do the same, I took a two-kopeck coin and pressed it to my forehead: it stuck ... Then I attached a few more coins. 3, 5 and 10 kopeck coins did not last long, and kopeck and two kopeck coins hung indefinitely.

Two days later I repeated the experiments, and it turned out that nickels can also hang on the forehead. By the end of the day, I managed to hang an aluminum teaspoon. The teaspoon steel did not want to hold on. It is curious that two days ago the aluminum one did not hold either. After thinking about the cause of sticking, a guess came to my mind. I took a glass cup, smeared its edges with vaseline, warmed it from the inside with a flame of burning cotton wool soaked in cologne, and applied it to the right side of my chest. He held it for several minutes until he pulled the skin into himself. Then I washed off the Vaseline. When the skin was dry, I applied an aluminum teaspoon. She hung, although she did not last long. And before the procedure with a glass did not hold at all.

So, my guess was confirmed. The skin holds objects because as yet unknown processes occurring inside it cause it to draw air into itself. With a sufficiently tight fit of the object to the skin, the air pressure becomes less than atmospheric pressure so that a friction force proportional to the said pressure difference holds the object, if it is not too heavy. But then it remains to be assumed that such a property of the skin, most likely, is different in its strength in different people. What can activate this property?.. If you draw air out of the skin for some time, then processes will take place in it, the result of which will be the drawing in of air.

I have noticed that my skin only holds metal objects. It holds well, for example, aluminum foil folded in 8 layers and even small office furniture. But cardboard, plastic, glass - no. This can be explained as follows: the approach of metal activates the process of drawing in air by the skin, while other materials do not produce such an effect. In one of the newspaper articles on this topic, there is a testimony of a person that when he approaches a massive metal object, he feels a tingling on the skin. Such evidence can be interpreted as confirmation of the latter hypothesis. But it happens that the skin of some people is activated when non-metallic objects approach it, and these people hold such objects.

Quantonics - Quantum Approach

Description of psychotechnics Magnetism

The ability that is considered phenomenal among people is magnetism. No illusion! Everything is done by personal psychic power. You magnetize any objects (and not only metal ones) to any part of your body. The description gives a clear sequence of distribution of attention to certain spectra of sensations "within oneself", due to the emergence and strengthening of which any object is "magnetized" to the body (to the arms, chest, head). It can also be objects made of plastic, glass, paper, wood.

Precautions are described, recommendations are given for the further development of these sensations. The work on "nurturing" and strengthening this type of sensations structures the whole body, leads to the strengthening of the body's immune system. You will be able to amaze your relatives, acquaintances and friends with your “magnetic abilities” the very next day (if not the same day you “stir up” this dormant power in yourself).

So. First you need to prepare a metal spoon (or rather a few different sizes). After all, if a table spoon does not magnetize in view of its mass, then a teaspoon will “stick” faster. Then you can already magnetize to yourself in increments - the more confidently you do this, the harder you can hold objects on yourself.

Let's start with the head.

You need to sit in front of the table on the edge of the chair. The table is needed so that if the spoon falls, then at least not on the floor. Sitting on the edge of a chair is necessary in order not to relax too much, the back muscles will reflexively keep you straight and toned.

We take a prepared spoon in our hands, examine it, stroke it with our fingers from all sides, study it as if we took this object for the first time in our life, and we have never encountered such an object before. Let for a moment, but you need to stir up a state of surprise or sincere interest in the subject. In our case, a metal spoon. Why metal and not wood or plastic? Just because if you magnetize, then something metallic. After all, our consciousness knows that this is possible only with metal objects. We just need to turn on magnetism in ourselves, and first try with a spoon. So, an inner surprise flashed, even doubt. As soon as you caught it (or thought you caught it) - take a spoon in one hand (either), carefully look at it, concentrate on any point on the spoon so that there are no thoughts in your head. Let this also be short, a couple of seconds in total, but no thoughts for a couple of seconds. Concentrate your gaze so that the spoon begins to blur. It will work out that way if you concentrate on some point. Then we bring the spoon to the forehead and at the moment of contact with the skin of the forehead we mentally say “I am a magnet!”. We put a spoon to the forehead with a “scoop”, and “held” it to the tip of the nose, listen to the sensations on the skin and a little deeper inside under the skin (there is a skull bone), you can slightly press the spoon. The spoon touches two points: on the forehead and on the tip of the nose. Then, keeping attention on the sensations of the spoon on the forehead, we transfer attention towards the back of the head inside the head. At the same time, the gaze is defocused (it will be defocused anyway if attention is focused on internal sensations).
So, inside the head from the back of the head, such distant and subtle sensations should appear, like “threads”, which appear one by one, increase in size and stretch towards the forehead, to the place where you put a spoon to your forehead. This is not from the middle of the head, but just a little back from the center of the head, from the side of the back of the head. We keep our attention on the spoon and on these sensations from the back of the head.
The first seconds are difficult, since attention cannot be directed in two directions at once, you will very quickly switch it either to a spoon on your forehead, or to sensations inside the back of the head. But after a while, you will understand that attention has nevertheless become simultaneous here and there, as soon as you “feel” these sensations in your head. It is generally a strange feeling - to feel the head at the same time from two sides. But this allows you to prevent any extraneous thoughts, a state of complete concentration and "prostration" is achieved at the same time. So (in order not to be distracted), as soon as you find that you are holding both the sensations of the spoon on your forehead and the sensations inside the head in the form of strings, immediately begin to gradually loosen the pressure on the spoon, slowly release your fingers. With the growth of internal sensations, you yourself will begin to understand that with the growth of internal sensations, as it were, the spoon sticks to the skin, is pressed in, as if these internal “threads” “grabbed” it. Holding these inner sensations, release your fingers - the spoon will remain on your forehead. You will feel its weight, that it is hanging in a vertical position, as if magnetized to the forehead. But it’s too early to rejoice (this is very important!), because you can’t even pretend that you are surprised. It is necessary, after the spoon has remained hanging, slowly, grain by grain, begin to lower your head forward so that the lower part of the spoon goes away from your nose and does not lean on it. You will find that the spoon is holding without any "help".

Common mistakes:

1. Haste, fuss, inability to concentrate.

2. If you pretend to be calm, then keep in mind that you are only pretending, but inside you are not calm and are engaged in self-deception. This is not a trick, and you are not a magician. Therefore, you will not “grope” the “threads” from the back of the head, and the spoon will not be magnetized.

The time to “turn on” usually takes about five minutes maximum, even for the most especially linear ones. Of course, provided that everything is done strictly as written. You can always stop the mental dialogue for a couple of seconds, and when you “find the strings”, then there will be no thoughts at all. As soon as you are delighted, an impulse of “joyful thought” will appear - the spoon will fall. If you keep yourself in such inner attention, you can be with a spoon for a long time, you can even walk around the room. With the growth of sensations, inner confidence will grow, and objects can be made heavier. Start with a metal spoon, it's easier. And then you can magnetize everything: lighters, glasses, fountain pens, etc.

A warning:

1. Magnetism turns on quickly (i.e. people usually quickly recognize the right sensations), but if you suffer from migraines, other types of headaches - do not take on this technique!

2. This technique indirectly affects the general tone of the body, increases resistance to disease, and the nervous system becomes stronger.

Attaching an object to the body.

1. Defocusing of the gaze, attention to the chest area, while inhaling, I imagine the direction of movement of energy (air) to the center along the chest area, as if there is a huge funnel, while feeling that the entire area in front of you, like the surface of a balloon, is attracted and deepens towards the spine , from the back of the head to the coccyx.

2. I apply an object, I catch the difference in sensations in the center of the head (“threads”) and sensations in the body. The head attracts in the head (inner screen), as a part of me, I am one with this subject. At the same time, I don’t name the object, I don’t recognize it, that is, with a defocused look, there is complete silence in my head, the object is a part of me, my reality that sticks. To hold (stick), you can give a command to yourself - to hold the object. On the hand, if the object is held vertically, there may be a tingling and burning sensation in the center of the palm, as if this area in the center is filled with a thick substance.

3. There may be slight dizziness and a state of detachment after performing the technique. But these conditions pass quickly and painlessly.

P.S. Similar techniques are given for self-development. There are many of them, they are not as complex as they are often presented. However, the effect of contact with unusual abilities causes an increase in self-confidence, strengthens the body, self-esteem, personal status, etc. In this description, only a part, a “surface” is provided. The depth of development of these and other sensations provides much more opportunities than one might imagine.

Try! This is very unusual!

Everything is possible! And it's easy to do. This is an unusual multidimensional reality, where everything always has its place, and you never interfere with anyone or anything.

Why do spoons stick

AT recent times, according to scientists, the number of "magnetic" people has increased significantly. If earlier isolated cases were known, now there are hundreds of them. And in Bulgaria in 1990, as part of an international meeting on psychotronics, there was even a competition called "Magnetic Palm", the participants of which demonstrated their abilities. "Magnetism" has already become a mass phenomenon, but there is still no final diagnosis and the causes of the phenomenon have not been determined.

1. Some cases from the history of "magnetic" people

Carolina Claire(age 17, Ontario) fell ill in 1877. She lost fifty kilograms, often fell into an unusual state, being in which she talked about countries where she had never been. After a year and a half, the girl finally recovered, but this did not bring her joy. Objects that came into contact with it became magnetized. Knives and forks literally stuck to her hands, and they had to be torn off with great effort. The phenomenon was studied in the summer of 1879 by representatives of the Medical Association of Ontario.

Frank McKinstry (Missouri, 1889) was also the object of medical study. When he felt charged in himself, he had to, by all means, move quickly. Otherwise, his feet were so "glued" to the floor or the ground that he had to turn to passers-by for help.

Louis Hamburger(age 16, 1890). The unfortunate young man was a real human magnet. He could, for example, with the tips of three fingers lift a glass jar filled to the brim with metal filings weighing two and a half kilograms!

Christina Gyularyan (10 years old, Kaliningrad near Moscow) "hung" not only metal objects, but also a rather thick magazine from her palms.

V. Nikulichev(WWII veteran, Adygea). Spoons, forks, knives, strainers, coins, pocket watches, glasses and even irons were used for experiments. All of them, as if attracted by a powerful magnet, hung on the palms of this man and did not fall. The compass, brought to the chest of V. Nikulichev, stuck, and when turning, the arrow rotated along with the compass body.

J. B. Ranson.The magazine "Electrical Experimenter" (June, 1920) reported the incidence of botulism at once thirty-four prisoners in one prison. One of the poisoned tried to throw away a piece of paper, but the paper seemed to be “glued” to his palm! It soon became clear that all the patients were in the same state of electrification. In the presence of patients, the compass needles began to rotate in different directions, metal objects could not be pulled out of their hands. However, all these phenomena ceased as soon as the patients recovered.

2. About the work of scientists

Revaz Vladimirovich Khomeriki, head of the laboratory of magnetobiology in Tbilisi, has been dealing with this issue for more than twenty years, ever since he first discovered the effect of “sticking” of objects in the psychic A. Krivorotov. Studying the "magnetic" abilities of people and Moscow professor V. Volchenko.

In particular, he collected information about the total weight of the items held - six hundred grams. The limit lies, says the professor, in the region of ten kilograms. and even more.

It happens that the researchers themselves feel the enormous attraction of their wards. “During the experiment,” the scientist testifies, “I felt that some kind of force was pulling me back. I looked around - the subject was standing with her hands outstretched to me. We checked it on other participants in the experiment - yes, it pulls. R. Khomeriki also reports a similar effect that manifested itself in the subject: acting from a distance of sixty centimeters on the experimental frog, she accelerated or slowed down the rhythm of her heart by ten to twenty beats. Khomeriki examined many people who have the ability to attract objects. The temperature difference between the center of the palm and the tailbones of the middle fingers in ordinary people does not exceed one and a half degrees Celsius. For biomagnetizers, it can be ten times greater. The hands of the subjects, as a rule, are cold: the temperature in the fingertips sometimes drops to seventeen degrees Celsius.

3. Stickiness in terms of physics

1. Operating factors

In the body of any animal, there are many free and space charges - many charges of the same sign, localized in a relatively small volume. Therefore, in the human body, in its most diverse parts, direct and alternating currents always flow. Man, at least, is a source of electromagnetic, electrostatic, acoustic and gravitational fields. For most people, these fields are weak and practically do not manifest themselves in everyday life. Only a few were richly endowed by fate in this regard, and they began to possess amazing abilities, in particular, to attract various objects to themselves.

The basis of this ability, in my opinion, may be the following factors: adhesive ability of the skin, magnetism, electrostatics and atmospheric pressure. The first, as not playing a significant role, will not be considered. The remaining three, in principle, can occur in pure form (only one factor acts), but, most likely, they act in combinations,

2. Description of acting factors

Magnetism.If sticking is due to the human magnetic field, then attraction can be detected already near the human body. He brought his finger to the paper clip, and lo and behold - she reached out to him. The second criterion is that an object sticking to a Magnetic begins to stick to a normal person, a Non-Magnetic. Weaker, of course, but still noticeable. No wonder: throw a nail on a permanent magnet - after that, he himself will begin to attract his fellows.

Both steel objects and those made of copper, gold, silver are attracted - something that is "not subject" to the usual magnetic field. This means that in the field of the Magnetic there is also a scalar magnetic field, which does not act on ferromagnets, but "sees" paramagnets well.

Electrostatics.If a sticky object is removed from an ideal Electrostatic (magnetic fields are weak) and placed on the body of an ordinary person, then it will not stick to it, because charges, having lost contact with the field, will quickly return to their equilibrium state. The objects removed from the Magnetic, as noted above, remembered their past. The second sign: the leaves of the electrometer should diverge when approaching the Electrostatic. Symptom three (for strong fields) - Electrostatic affects digital devices, such as computers. The fourth sign is the ability to act remotely on para- and diamagnets, for example, on pieces of paper, pieces of plastic.

Thirteen-year-old Inga from Belarus appears to be an Electrostatic. It attracts objects of various weights and from various materials not only with the palms, but also with the soles of the feet. Two two-kilogram dumbbells and a hammer were hung from a large frying pan, which Inga held on a straightened palm. When the father brought the dumbbells to the bottom of the pan, a click was heard, and it took considerable effort to pry the hammer or dumbbells from the pan. Inga herself did not experience any inconvenience, holding a load weighing more than four kilograms. She even claimed that she did not feel weight at all, as if her hand was empty! For such "tricks" she does not even need to concentrate and enter into some special state. It is difficult for Inge to play the piano, as well. the keys "reach out" for the fingers. Her hands radiate heat, which is especially felt when she brings them to the body of the interlocutor. At the same time, the temperature of her hands is no higher than that of an ordinary person.

Atmosphere pressure. A reasonable, it seems, explanation of the phenomenon is offered by Vietor Mokronosov: “After thinking about the cause of sticking, I came up with one guess. I took a glass cup, smeared its edges with vaseline, warmed it from the inside with a flame of burning cotton wool soaked in cologne, and applied it to the right side of my chest. He held it for several minutes until he pulled the skin into himself. Then I washed off the Vaseline. When the skin was dry, I applied an aluminum teaspoon. She hung, although she did not last long. And before the procedure with a glass did not hold at all.

The skin holds objects because as yet unknown processes occurring inside it cause it to draw air into itself. With a sufficiently tight fit of the object to the skin, the air pressure becomes less than atmospheric pressure so that a friction force proportional to the said pressure difference holds the object, if it is not too heavy. But then it remains to be assumed that such a property of the skin, most likely, is different in its strength in different people. What can activate this property?.. If you draw air out of the skin for some time, then processes will take place in it, the result of which will be the drawing in of air.

I have noticed that my skin only holds metal objects. Holds well, such as aluminum foil folded in 8 layers and even small office furniture< http://www. klio-furniture. en >. But cardboard, plastic, glass - no. This can be explained as follows: the approach of metal activates the process of drawing in air by the skin, while other materials do not produce such an effect. In one of the newspaper articles on this topic, there is a testimony of a person that when he approaches a massive metal object, he feels a tingling on the skin. Such evidence can be interpreted as confirmation of the latter hypothesis. But it happens that the skin of some people is activated when non-metallic objects approach it.

items, and these people hold such items. Probably, the psychological factor plays here not the last, if not the first role.

The second sign of pure Atmospherics is that when you touch the body with an object, you will not feel any force impact. Having pressed it to the body, it will be possible to take possession of it again only by applying, often, considerable effort. Remember the experiments of the German tester Otto von Guericke (1602-1686) to understand what the power of atmospheric pressure is.

4. Etiology of stickiness

Revaz Khomeriki explains the appearance of such a large number of people with "magnetic" abilities by an unfavorable ecological situation, which leads to a breakdown of normal wave interactions in the internal environment of the body. Tbilisi scientists have developed a method of self-prevention for those whose "magnetic" properties have caused any unpleasant symptoms.

In my opinion, the phenomenon is a consequence of some features of the human body, its illness or poisoning - acute or chronic. The clinic is determined by volumetric electric charges, electrical conductivity of body tissues and functional properties of the brain.

5. Kashpirovsky on the "magnetization" of people

From the revelations of Anatoly Mikhailovich (spelling and style of the original):

metal objects has long attracted attention with its unusualness.

The lack of a reasoned scientific explanation of this phenomenon gives rise to various hypotheses, theories, conclusions, which are mainly divided into two directions - metal adhesion occurs due to the influence of "space" or "bioenergy".

Both have nothing to do with reality. Especially with regard to the “bioenergy” that has set its teeth on edge. My influence is not based on hypnosis, not “energy”, not a word. And the strongest psychological programming, directed into the sphere of the unconscious in the form of my so-called "invisible, inaudible, imperceptible arrows", the essence of which is even more mysterious than these stickings themselves.

Kashpirovsky is cunning, because his arrows are nothing more than a purposeful influence of the external will on the psycho-physiological state. And this is hypnosis in its strictest and most general definition. So, the mass “magnetism” caused by the magician is not generated by a miracle of miracles, but by that means of influence that was known to mankind three millennia ago. The old remedy, however, the result is impressive and, I think, Anatoly Mikhailovich deserves to be included in the annals of the history of magnetic biology.

"Programming" with stickiness hypnosis is a natural process. After all, the self-suggestibility of “magnetism” was known for a long time: “... in some subjects, in the process of performing experiments, the temperature of the hands greatly increased. For example, N. Yakushkina even had jets of sweat dripping from her fingers when she focused her attention on them. This effect was caused by self-hypnosis, a subconscious desire to ensure that the experience was sure to be successful.


Some of what I have said about the nature of "magnetic" people is perhaps doubtful or even incorrect. However, the truth, I hope, is somewhere nearby. Stickiness is a consequence of the presence of abnormally large volumetric charges in the human body.

Information sources

1. Nepomniachtchi N.N. Incredible cases.http :// bibliotekar. en/encZag/88. htm.

2. Nikolaev G.V. Crisis in fundamental physics. Is there a way out?


3. Mokronosov Victor. Why do objects stick to the human body? 08/04/2012.

http://www. dddkursk. ru / number /592/ new /003020/

4. Kashpirovsky A.M. Page « Sticking of spoons is one of my "invisible arrows" phenomena. http://www. kashpirovskiy. com/pages/4110.

05.11.15, C:\Documents and Settings\Sheferad1\My documents\1_All branches of knowledge\1_science and technology\12_Miracles and mysteries\My articles\3_My article_Why spoons stuck_051115.doc

"The reason for the publication of this message with the attachment of photographs of persons with objects stuck to them during performances in Ust-Kamenogorsk was information on the Internet that many years ago, as a result of watching my TV shows, a young woman suddenly had a reaction of sticking spoons and irons .

The conclusions of the "experts" about the impact of "space" or "bioenergy" given in the video about this case made me, refuting them, conduct a series of demonstrations of this phenomenon evoking at once in a large number of people. And, each time spending only three minutes on it.

My influence is not based on hypnosis, not “energy”, not a word. And the strongest psychological programming, directed into the sphere of the unconscious in the form of my so-called "invisible, inaudible, imperceptible arrows", the essence of which is even more mysterious than these stickings themselves.

A. Kashpirovsky.

Metal objects with a rough surface do not stick to bare areas of the body of a "man-magnet". Hence: the reason for the "sticking" of spoons, forks and even irons is ... atmospheric pressure, or rather, its asymmetry. As you know, it, this pressure, at sea level is even slightly more than one kilogram per square centimeter. And this is a real force that we do not feel at all; atmospheric pressure manifests itself as an observable force only when there is a difference in this pressure.

We put experience. We take a piece of glass and apply it to the window glass. The shard does not stick. Wet the shard with water or grease it with vegetable oil. The shard sticks. The same thing happens when various bodies with a smooth surface are applied to a sweaty human body: on the outside of the applied body, atmospheric pressure is normal, and on the attached side it is less, because at the moment of applying the body we put pressure on it and thereby displace air from - under it.

It's simple, gentlemen, comrade scientists and psychics: "biological magnetism" is the atmospheric pressing of objects to the human body. This conclusion is proved by simple experiments in a hyperbaric chamber: when the pressure is lowered, the stuck bodies "fall off". And it is no longer necessary to write doctoral dissertations on the topic of biomagnetism (it turns out that we also have such doctors of sciences).

Some forms of wildlife use atmospheric pressure to the substrate, such as snails, slugs and earthworms. And as a "contact fluid" for the effective displacement of air from under them, they use mucus. This allows them to "travel in comfort", albeit upside down, along the smooth ceiling of the film greenhouse.

There is a lot of mathematics in physics textbooks, but little of physics itself. Hence the "miracles". The force of Archimedes does not act on bodies hermetically attached to the bottom and walls of the vessel or on a caisson installed on the seabed. In these cases, the displacing force, due to the mobility and weight of the particles of the medium, simply turns into the pressing force of the pressure of the medium on the immersed body. This knowledge should be written in the natural history textbook for grade 4. True, the student will not need it, because he will have to explain the buoyancy force of Archimedes through the differentiation of pressure along the height of the liquid or gas column and calculate it by integrating the pressure of the medium over all points on the surface of the immersed body ... And this is exactly what Archimedes himself refused 2200 years ago, by "calculating" the displacement force with the help of conventional balances.

The supposedly lost treatise of Archimedes "On Floating Bodies" began with the following theorems: "All liquids and gases have weight and are under the pressure of the force of the weight of their own and higher layers"; "All transparent liquids and gases consist of identical, equidistant and relatively immobile (oscillating or trembling) particles in a state of mutual repulsion and unstable (or sensitive) equilibrium." And all his contemporaries considered air to be a weightless chaos, that is, a gas ... Bodies or substances with a chaotic movement of particles really do not have weight. For example, a fireball of an atmospheric atomic explosion, ball lightning, a candle flame compressed by atmospheric pressure have no weight... But not only the chaos in the minds of scientists allows them to write doctoral dissertations on the topic of non-existent biomagnetism.

Science is born where one incomprehensible is explained by means of something even more incomprehensible, or where someone manages to turn the obvious into the incredible and where there is a lot of mathematics. See for yourself, a piece of glass wetted with water sticks to a window glass, and in your textbooks this is explained by the surface tension of water; the same shard of glass sticks to your forehead, and modern science explains this experience in terms of e-mail. magnetism, biomagnetism and intermolecular interactions. And this is when the correct explanation of these experiments could have been given as early as the 4th grade at a natural history lesson in the topic "Archimedes' Law" ...

If there is a desire, then all the laws of Archimedes are here: "ABC from future geniuses": the theme is "Archimedes' laws."


Good afternoon! Yesterday my daughter put the phone on my back (I was in a sitting position). But he does not fall, I straighten my back, and he hangs. I took spoons, hung them on the pectoral muscles, shoulders, even on the forearm - they hang. I was delighted. I'm special! I remembered that such people are shown on TV! I hung spoons for my son - they hang! Mothers too.

Thanks Igor!

I also have whole sets of dishes hanging on me ...
At a party or at a party I joke sometimes. You will accidentally draw a spoon across your cheek and release your hand, as if forgetting about the spoon. And the spoon hangs, does not fall. Then you pretend that you are looking for a spoon :)

The KP correspondent proved this by his own example.

Recently, reports of human magnets capable of attracting metal have been appearing from everywhere. Unique abilities are found either in boys, or in girls, or even in grandparents. I myself recently met a Simferopol pensioner, Nadezhda Poselskaya, who, having hung two heavy Soviet irons on her chest, almost squatted. Talking to her, I made a curious discovery. It turns out that almost all of these people discovered the gift of metallopathy in themselves after reading an article and watching a program about those to whom iron “sticks”. We decided to repeat ourselves - and it turned out! So why, I thought, should I not try?

Spoons misused

The coin, attached to the temple, obediently remained hanging on it. Another one perched nearby, then a third, a fourth ... And now my entire forehead was dotted with metal circles. The money did not fall off, even if I tried to move my head, get up, walk. Then it was the turn of the spoons, and they also stuck like cute little ones! Forks, knives, a slotted spoon, an opener behaved identically ... In general, a bold experiment about the number of cutlery that you can “dress” in stopped only by the fact that there was no free space left on the body.

My child, delighted that his mother became "magnetic", began to ask permission to bring classmates to visit in order to demonstrate to them the miracle parent. And then suddenly he grabbed a couple of spoons and successfully attached them to his chest and on his side! At that moment, I began to doubt that the phenomenon in question was rare and unique.

In the next few days, all of my guests were tested for "magnetism". And it turned out that three or four out of five subjects attract iron!

True, for some, things did not go beyond a single spoon attached to their chest, but others held several difficult objects on their bodies. I walked around the newly magnetized and repeated the immortal words of Dr. Watson from the Sherlock Holmes series: “But, damn it, how ?!”

Have you tried washing?

First, I asked doctors I knew to explain to me why metal things stick to living people. But the doctors only shrugged their shoulders and talked at length about the features of the anatomical relief: they say, they are helped to keep the bulges and depressions on the skin invisible to the eye.

Physicists generally refused to comment on anything, ironically about it.

Have you tried taking a shower? - Delicately asked the head of the Crimean Regional Center for Human Development Andrey Korman, puzzled by my question. - Maybe it's all about sweating? Here's a sticky secret for you!

Of course, his version did not look as beautiful as “the production of an exceptionally strong magnetic field by the body” (this is how the Encyclopedia of the Supernatural explains biomagnetism). But for the sake of the purity of the experiment, I had to repeat hanging kitchen utensils on myself immediately after the bath. No changes: everything is sticky in the old way!

Another version of the origin of miraculous abilities was proposed by cosmetologist Alena Kucherenko. Like, it's all about the structure of the skin, whose pores act like vacuum suction cups, which are, for example, on the legs of a fly or the tentacles of an octopus. With their help, objects are held. However, this did not explain why one part of the body is "magnetic", and the second, even if it is nearby, is not.

It's all about iron!And not only…

Finally, my efforts to find scientific truth were crowned with success.

Do items stick? Like this? - Tatyana Chudomekh, a specialist in magnetotherapy, asked me again and immediately put a teaspoon to her chest, where it remained hanging.

In response, I smiled and nodded my head in the affirmative.

You see, here, between the collarbones, is the thymus gland. Apparently, its natural magnetic field is stronger than that of other organs. In fact, every organ has it. The harmonization of these fields gives magnetic "ability". Only they are not unique, but the norm for each person. Of course, people are all different, because they are expressed more strongly in someone, weaker in someone, and almost imperceptible in someone, but still present. When this subtle mechanism is broken, there is a reason to find out if everything is in order with health. Perhaps there was a signal about some diseases, primarily cardiovascular.

It turns out that we are all magnetic people and have "superpowers"! By the way, according to metal pathologists who have become adept at handling irons and forks, training successfully develops personal magnetism, helping to keep more and more weight on the body.


The most famous Velcro

    Russian Leonid Tkenaev from Saratov held a metal blank weighing 11 kg on his body. His wife, children and grandson had the same abilities. Moreover, the whole family believed that the accident on the Chernobyl nuclear power plant: it was after her that these people discovered unusual properties in themselves.

    13-year-old Belarusian girl Inga Gaiduchenko held a 3-kilogram hammer and also attracted plastic, wood and paper.

    Mikhail Vasiliev, a resident of Cheboksary, entered the Guinness Book of Records. The man weighed about 60 kg, and "glued" 165 kg of iron objects to his body.


How to train magnetism

Try to start experimenting with spoons. Both tea rooms and dining rooms are equally easily magnetized. They are made from various alloys, so almost everything, even silver ones, attracts well. For some reason, cupronickel ones are best kept on the chest. Then you can move on to forks, scissors, scoops - in general, what is enough imagination and what will be at hand.

The metal object that you are "magnetizing" can be flat or convex - it is important that most of its surface is in contact with the skin. And it must also be dry, since a drop of water completely neutralizes the “magnetism”.

Not all bodies are equally attractive. The strongest place is the space from the neck to the chest (decollete area). So it turns out that iron forks stick especially well in the place of the thymus gland!

Metal is also attracted to the upper back, and some people have objects hanging on their palms.

The easiest way is to “dress” in iron in front of a mirror, fixing where each object sticks.

Oddly enough, light things are more difficult to hold than heavy things: for example, coins do not always hold when walking, and with a ladle or a “necklace” of cutlery, you can walk around for hours.

After the metal object is removed, it is easy to attach it to any person. And it doesn’t matter if he has the talent of a “magnet” or not - the piece of iron is already magnetized!

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