How to bake a roll with jam. Sponge roll - homemade dessert in half an hour. Yeast roll with jam

A sponge roll can become a real decoration for a holiday table. Properly prepared dough is soft and fluffy and goes well with any filling. Berries, fruits, condensed milk, poppy seeds and any other products can be used as a layer. In winter, it’s worth getting jam from summer stocks - such a pie will definitely come in handy for a friendly or family tea party. In addition, the roll is easy to take with you for a quick snack.

Recipe for sponge dough for rolls

The main condition is to properly prepare the dough for the sponge roll. In cooking, it is considered one of the simplest and fastest, so it is suitable even for beginners. In addition, it will only require those products that are always in the house:

  • 3 or 4 eggs, depending on their size;
  • powdered sugar or sugar - 3/4 cup (to taste);
  • flour - 3/4 cup.

Before starting cooking, turn on the oven at 160-170° C so that it has time to heat up. The dough for sponge rolls is prepared very quickly if you have a mixer at home. If you don’t have it, you can beat the egg whites with a whisk or fork, but the process will take longer.

Cooking steps:

  1. Carefully separate the egg yolks from the whites and place them in a separate container. Rub them with sugar or powdered sugar with a fork to form a small light foam and eliminate any lumps.
  2. Beat the egg whites with a mixer until they turn into a thick, stable foam. To make it hold better and the sponge cake to be more fluffy, remove the eggs from the refrigerator in advance. If they warm to room temperature, they will whip better.
  3. When the protein foam becomes stable, you can add the yolk, mashed with sugar. Continue beating the mixture until the mixture is uniform in color and consistency.
  4. Add flour and gently stir the dough, it is best to use a wooden spoon or spatula. The flour must be pre-sifted - this will make the sponge roll more fluffy.
  5. A good dough is liquid, homogeneous, and contains no lumps. Pour it onto a pre-prepared baking dish, having previously greased it with oil or covered it with paper.
  6. Bake the sponge cake for 20-30 minutes at a temperature of 160-170° C. You can check its readiness using a toothpick. If there is no sticky dough left on it, the pan can be removed from the oven.
  7. All that remains is to add the filling and form the roll. Leave it to soak for a while (depending on the recipe), then cut into portions and serve.

If you prepare several cake layers in advance, you can make a quick sponge roll in 5 minutes. It’s convenient to take it with you to work, and the dough will have time to soak before your lunch break.

The most delicious and original recipes for rolls

Fragrant fresh baked goods are the housewife’s calling card. Here you can experiment with fillings and types of dough, add different spices or cocoa (for chocolate sponge cake). A huge number of very tasty and simple recipes for sponge rolls have already been created, but it’s never too late to add your own twist to an already familiar dish.

Classic recipe with apricot jam and buttercream

On a winter evening, it is especially appropriate to prepare fresh, aromatic pastries and serve them with tea. A classic chocolate sponge roll goes well with apricot jam and rich cream with butter and condensed milk. Prepare the sponge cake according to the standard recipe, but combine the flour with a small amount of cocoa. The powder can be added at the very end, gradually pouring it into the dough until the desired shade is obtained.

To prepare the cream for the sponge roll you will need (store-bought or homemade), 180-200 g of butter and 250 g of condensed milk. You can additionally take a few drops of rum essence for taste, but this is not necessary.

Cooking steps:

If you don’t have apricot jam at home and don’t want to use store-bought jam, you can use coffee impregnation. To do this, simply brew strong coffee, strain it and apply to the cake.

Roll “Marble”

A simple and quick sponge roll can look fancy. An original solution is to use two types of dough of different shades to prepare it. If you successfully combine them before baking, you will get a cake with an unusual marble color. The taste will also delight you - the dark areas are prepared with the addition of cocoa powder, so they have a soft chocolate taste and aroma. You can use any jam or cream as a filling for the Marble sponge roll, but it goes best with condensed milk.

For this roll you will need all the ingredients that are needed for regular sponge dough, as well as a few spoons of cocoa powder and a can of condensed milk (to taste):

Marble sponge roll with condensed milk can be decorated with chocolate chips or cocoa powder. However, due to the unusual color of the dough, the dish does not need additional decoration. After the roll has been in the refrigerator for several hours (it is better to leave it overnight), cut it into portions and serve.

Summer roll with berries

In the summer there will never be any problems with how to prepare a sponge roll and what to use as a filling. Any fruit, collected in the garden or bought at the market, is suitable for it. To soak the crust, use last year's jam or take some from a new batch. The fruit and berry roll turns out light and airy, so it’s suitable even for hot summer days.

To decorate a sponge roll with jam and red berries, take a few fresh twigs. Their aroma adds freshness to the dish and eliminates the excessive cloying taste.

Recipe with cottage cheese and oranges

Cottage cheese filling is always appropriate in sponge roll recipes. It complements the taste of berries or fruits and will definitely appeal to those who don’t like too sweet desserts. For one roll you will need a white sponge cake, 2 large ripe ones and 800-1000 g of cottage cheese. If desired, you can add sugar or powdered sugar to the filling.

This is one of the simplest and healthiest homemade sponge roll recipes. It cooks quickly, but should be eaten immediately after cooking. If there are any extra portions left, be sure to put them in the refrigerator, since fresh cottage cheese is not kept warm.

Roll with butter cream and decorations

There is a simple way to bake a sponge roll so that it resembles a real work of art. Butter cream is very high in calories, so it is best to use it only for the holidays. This sponge cake has an unusual decoration - the finished dessert is covered with cream, and edible mushrooms are prepared from its remains. You will need:

  • sponge cake with cocoa added;
  • 300 butter;
  • a can of condensed milk;
  • 50 g chocolate;
  • half a spoonful of powdered sugar and cocoa powder;
  • green food coloring;
  • cookies for mushroom caps (you can buy or bake yourself).

The sponge cake is prepared according to the classic recipe. While it is cooling, you can start preparing the filling: Biscuit rolls with jam, condensed milk and any other filling can turn an ordinary tea party into a real holiday. Despite the fact that this dough is considered the easiest to prepare, it may also fail. Experienced housewives know the main secrets of how to prepare a really light and airy dough that will not become hard during baking and will be well saturated with the filling:

  1. The first rule is to always take the eggs out of the refrigerator a little in advance. Cold egg whites do not whip well, and the foam quickly settles. Some people advise adding salt, but this component will not help.
  2. Cool the roll while rolled up, so the dough will not crack afterwards. Roll the still hot cake into a tube using a towel or paper and start filling. Then carefully unroll the roll, apply the filling and roll it back - this way it will hold its shape better.
  3. Do not use homemade eggs for sponge cakes - too thick whites are not suitable for light, airy foam. Choose high quality store-bought eggs. It is better to take larger ones, since they contain more protein.
  4. Do not open the oven during the first 10-15 minutes of baking. You can check the condition of the cake simply by turning on the light. If cold air enters, the dough will not rise and will turn out tough.
  5. To prevent the sponge cake from burning, place a container with coarse salt on the bottom tier of the oven. Of course, also take into account the peculiarities of the technology and select the appropriate mode.
  6. Cool the sponge cake gradually. If you take it out into the cold or put it in the refrigerator, it will quickly become dense and hard and will not absorb the filling.

Recipes for sponge rolls with step-by-step photos can be found online and in cookbooks. This dough is prepared in 30-40 minutes using simple and affordable ingredients. As a filling, you can use any products that are in the refrigerator: jams or preserves, fresh fruits and berries, condensed milk or chocolate toppings. If you have time, it’s worth making custard, curd or butter cream. In the video, the sponge roll looks light and airy, and the original decorations will make it an excellent dessert for the holiday table.

Dragon eye sponge roll - video recipe

When you need to whip up something tasty for an unscheduled tea party as soon as possible, a quick roll with jam will come to the rescue. It requires a minimum of products and can be found in every home. So, if unexpected guests like to visit you, take this recipe into service.

You can always make a quick jam roll in 15 minutes, and you won’t be disappointed by unsuccessful baking. Therefore, if you have a jar of condensed milk, a couple of eggs, flour and some jam in your stash, you can safely start preparing the roll.

The simplest recipe for a roll with jam is suitable even for a novice housewife. Any jam is suitable for it, but the most aromatic one is made with strawberry, apricot, currant or cherry. It’s good when the jam has a pronounced sourness, then the roll turns out not cloying.

A 24 x 35 cm baking tray is ideal for this amount of dough.

Well, now in more detail, how to bake a roll with jam.

Homemade jam roll recipe

Here are all the products you will need for the dough: flour, condensed milk, chicken eggs, soda, vinegar, salt. We measure out the required amount of each ingredient.

We prepare a baking sheet on which we will bake the roll for tea with jam. Line a baking tray with baking paper, greased and dusted with flour. Turn on the oven to preheat to 200 degrees.

Let's start preparing a roll of condensed milk with jam. Pour condensed milk and eggs into a mixing bowl. You need eggs of medium size, the weight of the contents without shell is about 100 grams.

Beat with a mixer until fluffy white mass.

It took me about 5 minutes.

We extinguish the soda with vinegar.

Pour the slaked soda into the bowl with the milk and egg mixture. Add salt.

Now take a whisk and gradually, in three steps, add the sifted flour, constantly stirring with a whisk.

The dough will turn out like thick sour cream.

Pour the dough onto a baking sheet lined with paper and distribute it evenly.

Bake on the middle rack of the oven for 10-12 minutes. We do not open the oven door for the first 7-10 minutes. The time is approximate and depends on the capabilities of your oven. There is no need to wait until the dough is browned on top, otherwise it may be difficult to roll the roll. Check readiness with a wooden toothpick. As soon as the toothpick easily enters the dough and comes out clean, the base for the jam roll is ready.

We take it out of the oven. Immediately quickly coat with jam or marmalade. You can apply more jam from the edge from which we start folding, and less from the opposite edge.

Roll it up while it's hot, using paper to help you. If the jam “comes out” when rolling, open the already rolled roll a little and tuck the filling back in with a table knife. Let the roll cool.

Didn't you just want some tea? Suddenly there was a whiff so fragrant, gentle and painfully familiar... No, we’re not talking about what the shelves of markets and delis are literally lined with. It’s just that sometimes you can’t help but remember what made your mother happy before. Although I didn’t stand at the stove so often. In principle, you don’t have to start it, you bought a semi-finished product, threw it in the microwave and that’s it, you can eat it. Yes, there are a lot of baked goods today, but when you imagine what they put in it, you won’t even want something tasty. So your hand reaches out to the culinary recipes that your mother or mother-in-law once wrote down.

A roll with jam or preserves is one of those delicacies. Not difficult to prepare . No special products required. Gentle. Fragrant. In a word, incomparable. The only thing is that it is swept off the table in an instant. But any woman will take this as a compliment. The main thing is to know when to stop. And then a delicious rich dessert quickly!

And so, I’m sharing a recipe that I’ve tried more than once, each time using different fillings. By the way, that’s the point! After all, it can be either jam or soaked dried fruits, fruits, berries, citrus fruits and so on. But today we will make a jam roll. At one time I was seduced by the speed of cooking . Almost in 15 minutes. That is, guests are on the doorstep, or the mood has struck, and the biscuit is already on the table. But it’s better not to rush, so that later you won’t be ashamed of the marriage and you won’t have to throw away the food.


  • Eggs - 2-3 pcs.
  • Sugar - two thirds of a glass
  • Yogurt - 200 gr.
  • Vanilla sugar - bag
  • Soda - 1 tsp.
  • Vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Flour - one and a half cups
  • Jam – 1 glass
  • Powdered sugar – 1 tbsp. l.

How to make a delicious sponge roll with jam - step by step instructions

If I'm baking, I start in the oven. Well, if you don’t turn it on right away, what then? The dough is ready, and the oven is blazing with cold. In a word, let's turn on the gas, we need to bring it to 200-220 degrees, and we'll rush to continue. Our task is to beat the eggs into the bowl, add sugar and vanilla. Next, a whisk or, even better, a blender should handle everything - this will take 3-4 minutes.

Step 1. Mix eggs, sugar and vanillin in a blender

In the recipe I wrote baking soda and vinegar for extinguishing. Meanwhile, you can also use baking powder. But I chose the old proven method. Therefore, pour soda into a large spoon and quench it with vinegar. Mix with yogurt and add this mixture to the eggs.

Step 2. Add soda and yogurt to the resulting mixture

Turn on the blender and mix everything well. Then you need to add the sifted flour one spoon at a time and mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps. No matter how much is written in the recipe, you must always follow reality. I'm talking about flour. It says glass, but the dough has not reached the desired (flowing) consistency, i.e. more liquid or, conversely, thicker. Therefore, while beating the dough, we monitor its consistency.

Step 3. Gradually add flour, stirring constantly

It is advisable that the baking sheet be deep and wide, but so wide that the dough spreads evenly over it a centimeter high. Having laid the parchment here (having greased it with butter) so that it extends beyond the sides, pour in the dough. We do it like pancakes, that is, so that the mass spreads evenly. Now it's time to put the raft in the oven, which, I hope, is already heated to the right temperature.

Step 4. Distribute the dough evenly on the sheet

Attention - do not leave the kitchen for a minute. The matter can be decided in a minute. And the dough will burn or dry out.

You can tell by the smell whether it is ready. In a word, sometimes you can take it out after 7 minutes, and sometimes even ten is not enough. In a word, having taken out the finished dough, and it should look slightly pinkish, remove it from the parchment and gently transfer it to another strip of paper, first sprinkling it with powdered sugar. Very tightly, but also very carefully, roll the roll with the paper, pushing it forward with your fingers.

Step 5. Carefully roll the roll with paper

As soon as the biscuit sheet has cooled a little, straighten it, being careful not to break it, and spread it tightly with jam. We do everything quickly so that the biscuit does not have time to get wet. That’s why the ideal thing here is jam.

Step 6. Spread the cake with jam

So, having greased the entire surface with jam, carefully roll up the roll, helping yourself with paper, and sprinkle it with powdered sugar, chocolate chips, or coconut flakes. Let's put it aside, no matter how strong the temptation to quickly cut off at least a piece. First, we’ll cut it on the sides – we need to even it out, and then – into even circles. You'll like it!

Step 7. The roll is ready. Bon appetit!

Sweet rolls look very tempting on the shelves of confectionery stores. Of course, store-bought rolls are also very tasty, but making them yourself will be a hundred times better.

But when you have jam at home, there is nothing easier than making a jam roll. To make the sponge cake more juicy and tender, it is recommended to soak it in sweet syrup, and add a little cinnamon, vanilla or citrus zest for flavor. You can sprinkle the roll with powdered sugar, coconut shavings, pour over glaze or fondant, or decorate with berries, fruits, and chocolate chips.

Roll with apricot jam

Thanks to the step-by-step recipe, even an inexperienced housewife can easily prepare such a biscuit roll.

3 raw eggs,
1 tbsp. wheat flour,
1 tbsp. white sugar,
1 tbsp. liquid jam.

First we prepare the biscuit dough. We take the eggs and separate the yolks from the whites, after which we put the whites in the refrigerator for a while. Using a mixer, beat the yolks and 0.5 cups of white sugar until a fluffy white mass is formed.
Next, take the now cooled whites out of the refrigerator and beat with a mixer, adding all the remaining sugar. As soon as the foam becomes very thick, stop whipping.

Carefully mix the beaten whites with the yolks and add pre-sifted flour in small portions - carefully mix the biscuit dough with a spoon. The dough is completely ready, and now you need to bake a sponge layer for the roll.

It is advisable to place the dough on a special silicone baking mat or on parchment sheet, well greased with sunflower oil. We spread the dough with a spoon and spread it evenly in an even layer (no thicker than one centimeter).
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and place a baking sheet with dough in it. We bake the sponge cake for about 15, maybe 20 minutes, you need to constantly make sure that it does not burn, but slightly browns.

As soon as the cake is completely ready, we take it out of the oven, and now we need to act very quickly, before it cools down and hardens - we roll the cake together with a silicone mat and leave it for about a minute. Next, we unroll the cake and brush it with apricot jam, after which we quickly roll it up again, but this time without the help of a mat.

You can serve the roll as is or decorate it. Most often, the edges of the sponge cake are fried much more, so we carefully cut off the edges with a knife. Drizzle sugar glaze on top of the roll, which can be easily prepared by heating 1.5 tablespoons of water and ¼ cup of white sugar over low heat. You need to wait until the sugar has completely dissolved and the mixture begins to boil, while constantly stirring the glaze so that the sugar does not burn. You need to cool the glaze slightly, and then pour it over the biscuit; as soon as the glaze has cooled completely, it will turn white and turn into a delicious crispy crust.
Cut the biscuit into pieces, put it on a beautiful dish, and you can serve it.

Roll with jam and condensed milk

This roll is prepared very quickly, which is why it is very popular among experienced housewives, because it can be easily baked before guests arrive, and you don’t have to spend half a day in the kitchen.

1 tbsp. wheat flour,
2 raw eggs,
1 tbsp. l. vinegar,
1 can of condensed milk,
0.5 tsp. baking soda,
any jam, powdered sugar - to taste.

In a deep bowl, beat condensed milk with eggs, then add soda, pre-quenched in vinegar. Now add the sifted flour to the mixture and mix everything well.

Line a baking tray with parchment paper and place it on the prepared dough. By this time, the oven should warm up to 180 degrees, place a baking sheet with dough in it and bake the cake until completely cooked.

As soon as the cake is browned, take it out of the oven and cut around the perimeter with a knife, then carefully remove the layer of parchment. Grease the cake with jam and roll it into a roll.

Now place the roll on the prepared dish and sprinkle a small amount of powdered sugar on top. As soon as the roll has cooled slightly, cut it into small portions and can be served with tea.

Yeast roll with jam

This recipe will be a little more complicated than the previous ones and will be suitable for more experienced housewives, who know how to work with yeast dough.

500 g milk,
100 g white sugar,
800 g wheat flour,
300 g margarine,
1 packet of yeast (dry),
1 tsp. fine salt.

First, take the milk and warm it slightly so that it is at room temperature. As soon as the milk is warmed up, add sugar to it, introduce the yeast and let it rise.
We take the margarine out of the refrigerator in advance so that it softens slightly. Mix soft margarine with flour and add a little salt - mix everything well.
Now combine the flour and yeast mixtures and knead into a homogeneous dough. Then we leave the dough for a while so that it can rise properly, after which we roll it out into a thin layer, grease it with a small amount of margarine and fold it into an envelope. Roll out the dough again and repeat this procedure exactly three times.
At the end, roll out the dough, brush with any jam, then roll it up, cover it with a clean towel and leave it for a while. As soon as the product rises, grease it with egg and place it in an oven preheated to 220°C for 15, maybe 20 minutes.

Butter roll with jam

This dessert is prepared quite quickly and will be a wonderful decoration for any celebration.

1/2 tbsp. any jam,
1 raw egg,
½ tbsp. sour cream,
200 g butter,
2/3 tbsp. white sugar,
2.5 tbsp. wheat flour.

First, sift the flour onto the table, then add softened butter and sugar - rub it with your hands. Next, add sour cream and raw egg, knead the dough thoroughly.

Roll out the finished dough into a thin layer, then spread any jam on top and carefully roll it into a roll. Brush the top of the roll with beaten egg and place in a preheated oven, bake until the product acquires a dark brown color, but at the same time it is important to constantly ensure that the roll does not burn.

Roll with raspberry jam

This roll is very easy to prepare and will appeal not only to children, but also to adults with a sweet tooth.

1 tbsp. white sugar,
4 raw eggs,
2 tbsp. l. potato starch,
1 tbsp. sifted flour,
¼ tsp. baking soda,
any jam - to taste,
lemon juice or vinegar (to quench the soda).

Beat pre-chilled eggs with one glass of sugar, then add starch to the mixture and beat everything thoroughly again.

Sift the flour through a sieve and then add it to the dough. We extinguish the soda with lemon juice or vinegar and add it to the dough - the dough should have a homogeneous consistency.

Grease a baking tray with margarine or butter, and then pour the finished product onto it. dough and level with a spoon. It is important to ensure that the layer of dough is not thicker than two centimeters, otherwise it will be very difficult to roll the roll.
In a preheated oven, bake the roll for 20 minutes. Grease the finished cake with jam and carefully roll it into a roll, leave it for a while to cool, then trim the edges, cut into portions, and you can serve.

Roll with cherry jam

A roll prepared according to this recipe turns out to be unusually tender and tasty, and besides, it can be baked not only in the oven, but also in a slow cooker.

100 g butter,
200 g milk,
100 g white sugar,
2 raw eggs,
1 tbsp. wheat flour,
1 pinch of salt,
1 tbsp. l. yeast (dry),
vanillin, jam - a little, to taste.

First, mix the listed components into a homogeneous dough, then place it in a warm place for an hour and a half and wait until it rises.

Place the finished dough on the table, sprinkled with a small amount of flour in advance, and roll it out into a not very thick layer (about 1 cm). Next, grease the dough with cherry jam (you should use seedless jam) and carefully roll it into a roll.

Carefully grease the multicooker bowl with a small amount of oil and place the roll in it. Now close the multicooker bowl and turn on the “Heating” mode for 15 minutes. Then turn on the “Baking” mode and bake the roll for 60 minutes, then turn the roll over and leave for another 20 minutes so that it browns evenly on all sides.

You can serve this roll with whipped cream or ice cream, it turns out very tasty.

6 tbsp. l. any jam,
¾ tbsp. wheat flour,
1 tsp. vanilla extract,
0.5 tbsp. white sugar,
3 raw eggs.

First, turn on the oven, as it should warm up to 200°C. Line a baking pan with parchment paper
In a bowl placed in a water bath, beat the eggs, add salt, add sugar and leave for five minutes. Then remove the bowl from the bath and beat the mixture with a mixer for two minutes.

Add vanillin to the mixture, as well as sifted flour and mix everything well - you should get a homogeneous dough, which we pour into a mold lined with parchment and level with a spoon.

Bake the cake for 15 minutes until the cake is browned and begins to pull away from the sides of the pan.

Sprinkle a new sheet of parchment with a small amount of sugar and transfer the cake onto it, leaving for about five minutes to cool slightly.

Lubricate the cake with any jam (it is advisable that the jam is not too thick), and then carefully roll the cake into a roll. To facilitate this process, you can use parchment, which is gradually separated from the cake.
Immediately before serving, the roll is sprinkled with powdered sugar and cut into portions.

Curd roll with jam

This roll turns out to be very tender, soft and literally melts in your mouth, and it is also very easy to prepare.

For the test:
100 g cottage cheese,
1 raw egg,
100 g butter,
1 tsp. baking soda,
1 tbsp. wheat flour,
1 tbsp. l. white sugar.
For filling:
1 tbsp. l. white sugar,
150 g cottage cheese,
jam - a little, to taste.
For powder:
sugar and sesame.

First you need to grind the cottage cheese and knead all the ingredients into a homogeneous dough. Roll out the finished dough into a thin layer and sprinkle with soda. Roll the dough into a roll and roll it out into a rectangle again, then brush it with jam.

To prepare the filling, mix cottage cheese with sugar (plain sugar can be replaced with liquid honey). Place the filling on top of the jam, while retreating slightly from the edges of the dough.

Roll the dough into a roll and place it in a baking dish. Sprinkle the top of the roll with a small amount of sesame seeds and sugar, but you don’t have to do this if you wish.

Bake the roll in a preheated oven for about 20 minutes, then let it cool, remove from the mold, transfer to a dish, cut into small pieces, and you can serve.

The combination of this cottage cheese roll with condensed milk is very tasty and can be served with ice cream. In this case, it is advisable to use ice cream; ice cream with flavors can overwhelm the taste of the roll itself.

Useful tips from professional chefs:

If you use a recipe with yeast dough, you must remember that you cannot use hot milk, as in this case the yeast will not begin the fermentation process. This is why you need to use milk at room temperature;

When baking the sponge roll, it is very important not to overcook it in the oven, otherwise the cake will turn out very dry and it will be difficult to roll it up. The egg whites should be put in the refrigerator for half an hour, because when cooled they whip much better and faster. You will need to roll the sponge roll while it is hot.

Sweet rolls look very tempting on the shelves of confectionery stores. Of course, store-bought rolls are also very tasty, but making them yourself will be a hundred times better.

But when you have jam at home, there is nothing easier than making a jam roll. To make the sponge cake more juicy and tender, it is recommended to soak it in sweet syrup, and add a little cinnamon, vanilla or citrus zest for flavor. You can sprinkle the roll with powdered sugar, coconut shavings, pour over glaze or fondant, or decorate with berries, fruits, and chocolate chips.

Roll with apricot jam

Thanks to the step-by-step recipe, even an inexperienced housewife can easily prepare such a biscuit roll.

1 tbsp. wheat flour,

1 tbsp. white sugar,

1 tbsp. liquid jam.

First we prepare the biscuit dough. We take the eggs and separate the yolks from the whites, after which we put the whites in the refrigerator for a while. Using a mixer, beat the yolks and 0.5 cups of white sugar until a fluffy white mass is formed.

Carefully mix the beaten whites with the yolks and add pre-sifted flour in small portions - carefully mix the biscuit dough with a spoon. The dough is completely ready, and now you need to bake a sponge layer for the roll.

It is advisable to place the dough on a special silicone baking mat or on a parchment sheet well greased with sunflower oil. We spread the dough with a spoon and spread it evenly in an even layer (no thicker than one centimeter).

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and place a baking sheet with dough in it. We bake the sponge cake for about 15, maybe 20 minutes, you need to constantly make sure that it does not burn, but slightly browns.

As soon as the cake is completely ready, we take it out of the oven, and now we need to act very quickly, before it cools down and hardens - we roll the cake together with a silicone mat and leave it for about a minute. Next, we unroll the cake and brush it with apricot jam, after which we quickly roll it up again, but this time without the help of a mat.

You can serve the roll as is or decorate it. Most often, the edges of the sponge cake are fried much more, so we carefully cut off the edges with a knife. Drizzle sugar glaze on top of the roll, which can be easily prepared by heating 1.5 tablespoons of water and ¼ cup of white sugar over low heat. You need to wait until the sugar has completely dissolved and the mixture begins to boil, while constantly stirring the glaze so that the sugar does not burn. You need to cool the glaze slightly, and then pour it over the biscuit; as soon as the glaze has cooled completely, it will turn white and turn into a delicious crispy crust.

Cut the biscuit into pieces, put it on a beautiful dish, and you can serve it.

Roll with jam and condensed milk

This roll is prepared very quickly, which is why it is very popular among experienced housewives, because it can be easily baked before guests arrive, and you don’t have to spend half a day in the kitchen.

1 tbsp. wheat flour,

1 can of condensed milk,

0.5 tsp. baking soda,

any jam, powdered sugar - to taste.

In a deep bowl, beat condensed milk with eggs, then add soda, pre-quenched in vinegar. Now add the sifted flour to the mixture and mix everything well.

Line a baking tray with parchment paper and place it on the prepared dough. By this time, the oven should warm up to 180 degrees, place a baking sheet with dough in it and bake the cake until completely cooked.

As soon as the cake is browned, take it out of the oven and cut around the perimeter with a knife, then carefully remove the layer of parchment. Grease the cake with jam and roll it into a roll.

Now place the roll on the prepared dish and sprinkle a small amount of powdered sugar on top. As soon as the roll has cooled slightly, cut it into small portions and can be served with tea.

Yeast roll with jam

This recipe will be a little more complicated than the previous ones and will be suitable for more experienced housewives who know how to work with yeast dough.

100 g white sugar,

800 g wheat flour,

300 g margarine,

1 packet of yeast (dry),

1 tsp. fine salt.

First, take the milk and warm it slightly so that it is at room temperature. As soon as the milk is warmed up, add sugar to it, introduce the yeast and let it rise.

We take the margarine out of the refrigerator in advance so that it softens slightly. Mix soft margarine with flour and add a little salt - mix everything well.

Now combine the flour and yeast mixtures and knead into a homogeneous dough. Then we leave the dough for a while so that it can rise properly, after which we roll it out into a thin layer, grease it with a small amount of margarine and fold it into an envelope. Roll out the dough again and repeat this procedure exactly three times.

At the end, roll out the dough, brush with any jam, then roll it up, cover it with a clean towel and leave it for a while. As soon as the product rises, grease it with egg and place it in an oven preheated to 220°C for 15, maybe 20 minutes.

Butter roll with jam

This dessert is prepared quite quickly and will be a wonderful decoration for any celebration.

1/2 tbsp. any jam,

2/3 tbsp. white sugar,

2.5 tbsp. wheat flour.

First, sift the flour onto the table, then add softened butter and sugar - rub it with your hands. Next, add sour cream and raw egg, knead the dough thoroughly.

Roll out the finished dough into a thin layer, then spread any jam on top and carefully roll it into a roll. Brush the top of the roll with beaten egg and place in a preheated oven, bake until the product acquires a dark brown color, but at the same time it is important to constantly ensure that the roll does not burn.

Roll with raspberry jam

This roll is very easy to prepare and will appeal not only to children, but also to adults with a sweet tooth.

1 tbsp. white sugar,

2 tbsp. l. potato starch,

1 tbsp. sifted flour,

any jam - to taste,

lemon juice or vinegar (to quench the soda).

Beat pre-chilled eggs with one glass of sugar, then add starch to the mixture and beat everything thoroughly again.

Sift the flour through a sieve and then add it to the dough. We extinguish the soda with lemon juice or vinegar and add it to the dough - the dough should have a homogeneous consistency.

Grease a baking sheet with margarine or butter, and then pour the finished dough onto it and level it with a spoon. It is important to ensure that the layer of dough is not thicker than two centimeters, otherwise it will be very difficult to roll the roll.

In a preheated oven, bake the roll for 20 minutes. Grease the finished cake with jam and carefully roll it into a roll, leave it for a while to cool, then trim the edges, cut into portions, and you can serve.

Roll with cherry jam

A roll prepared according to this recipe turns out to be unusually tender and tasty, and besides, it can be baked not only in the oven, but also in a slow cooker.

100 g butter,

100 g white sugar,

1 tbsp. wheat flour,

1 tbsp. l. yeast (dry),

vanillin, jam - a little, to taste.

First, mix the listed components into a homogeneous dough, then place it in a warm place for an hour and a half and wait until it rises.

Place the finished dough on the table, sprinkled with a small amount of flour in advance, and roll it out into a not very thick layer (about 1 cm). Next, grease the dough with cherry jam (you should use seedless jam) and carefully roll it into a roll.

Carefully grease the multicooker bowl with a small amount of oil and place the roll in it. Now close the multicooker bowl and turn on the “Heating” mode for 15 minutes. Then turn on the “Baking” mode and bake the roll for 60 minutes, then turn the roll over and leave for another 20 minutes so that it browns evenly on all sides.

Roll with jam

You can serve this roll with whipped cream or ice cream, it turns out very tasty.

6 tbsp. l. any jam,

1 tsp. vanilla extract,

0.5 tbsp. white sugar,

First, turn on the oven, as it should warm up to 200°C. Line a baking pan with parchment paper

In a bowl placed in a water bath, beat the eggs, add salt, add sugar and leave for five minutes. Then remove the bowl from the bath and beat the mixture with a mixer for two minutes.

Add vanillin to the mixture, as well as sifted flour and mix everything well - you should get a homogeneous dough, which we pour into a mold lined with parchment and level with a spoon.

Bake the cake for 15 minutes until the cake is browned and begins to pull away from the sides of the pan.

Sprinkle a new sheet of parchment with a small amount of sugar and transfer the cake onto it, leaving for about five minutes to cool slightly.

Lubricate the cake with any jam (it is advisable that the jam is not too thick), and then carefully roll the cake into a roll. To facilitate this process, you can use parchment, which is gradually separated from the cake.

Immediately before serving, the roll is sprinkled with powdered sugar and cut into portions.

Curd roll with jam

This roll turns out to be very tender, soft and literally melts in your mouth, and it is also very easy to prepare.

100 g butter,

1 tsp. baking soda,

1 tbsp. wheat flour,

1 tbsp. l. white sugar.

1 tbsp. l. white sugar,

jam - a little, to taste.

First you need to grind the cottage cheese and knead all the ingredients into a homogeneous dough. Roll out the finished dough into a thin layer and sprinkle with soda. Roll the dough into a roll and roll it out into a rectangle again, then brush it with jam.

To prepare the filling, mix cottage cheese with sugar (plain sugar can be replaced with liquid honey). Place the filling on top of the jam, while retreating slightly from the edges of the dough.

Roll the dough into a roll and place it in a baking dish. Sprinkle the top of the roll with a small amount of sesame seeds and sugar, but you don’t have to do this if you wish.

Bake the roll in a preheated oven for about 20 minutes, then let it cool, remove from the mold, transfer to a dish, cut into small pieces, and you can serve.

The combination of this cottage cheese roll with condensed milk is very tasty and can be served with ice cream. In this case, it is advisable to use ice cream; ice cream with flavors can overwhelm the taste of the roll itself.

- if you use a recipe with yeast dough, you must remember that you cannot use hot milk, since in this case the yeast will not begin the fermentation process. This is why you need to use milk at room temperature;

— while baking the sponge roll, it is very important not to overcook it in the oven, otherwise the cake will turn out very dry and it will be difficult to roll it. The egg whites should be put in the refrigerator for half an hour, because when cooled they whip much better and faster. You will need to roll the sponge roll while it is hot.

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