Popcorn: benefits and harms, making homemade popcorn. Growing corn for popcorn

Popping corn has been widely known to mankind since prehistoric times as a cultivated plant. The growing demand for popping corn products today is explained, on the one hand, by its higher yield compared to other food grains and, on the other, by its qualities as a food product.

The grains of popping corn, unlike other subspecies, contain significantly more (20%) fat and protein, approaching the content of the latter in rye and even wheat.

An important economic property of popping corn is the ability of the grains to increase in volume when exploding.

Corn is an almost waste-free plant. In the world today, more than 500 different, main and by-products are produced from corn.

Requirements for growing conditions for popping corn

Among the existing subspecies, popping corn is characterized by lower biological adaptability to various growing conditions and especially to the main environmental factors, such as temperature, humidity, light, and nutrient supply. Regarding the requirement for heat in certain phases of growth, popping corn exhibits a specific feature: a higher heat requirement during the period from germination to flowering and a significantly lower requirement from flowering to ripening. This biological property distinguishes popping corn from all other subspecies and most sharply from sweet corn, which requires much more heat during the period from flowering to ripening.

This biological feature of popping corn, especially its late-ripening forms, is of great economic importance. When cultivating mid-late and late varieties and hybrids, it is possible, along with mature cobs, to obtain a large amount of high-quality green fodder in the form of leafy stem mass, which can be used for livestock feed and for silage. Unfortunately, the relatively high heat requirement of popping corn is an obstacle to its advancement to new, more northern areas.

The requirement of popping corn for elements of soil nutrition is especially increased in the first period of growth, since at this time the plants and their root system grow relatively slowly.

Sites that are most suitable for popping corn are those that are fertile, least weeded, and have the best moisture supply. It does not work well on very light and sandy soils, despite their good aeration. The slower growth of this crop compared to fodder corn, especially at first, leads to the fact that it is more strongly inhibited by weeds. In this regard, the selection of less infested sites is one of the main agronomic requirements for popping corn.

Popping Corn Fertilizer

Popping corn, due to the growth characteristics of its root system (smaller root distribution area), requires a large supply of nutrients in the soil. Organic fertilizers have a primary influence on the yield of this crop, provided they are applied in a timely manner.

Mineral fertilizers are of great importance for the cultivation of popping corn. They should be applied before or at the time of sowing corn, since with later application they do not dissolve and remain inaccessible to plants. The exception is areas with drip irrigation, where mineral fertilizers can also be used for feeding (it is good to add them to slurry).

Along with the above fertilizers, it is advisable to also use micro- and bacterial fertilizers.

The following varieties and hybrids of popping corn are included in the State Register of Plant Varieties of Ukraine: Vulcan, Dneprovskaya 925, Daliel, Dneprovskaya 929, Erlikon. They can be successfully cultivated both in private and in private farms and collective farms.

Tillage for popping corn is generally carried out in the same way as for feed corn.
The entire soil cultivation system is designed to solve the following problems: ensuring a better water-air regime in the soil, which creates conditions for better growth of the corn root system and, as a consequence, better growth of the above-ground mass; destruction of weeds, which is especially important for popping corn, since it fights weeds much worse due to slow growth, especially after emergence.

Basically, the system of soil cultivation for popping corn crops can be reduced to the following measures: plowing; autumn harrowing of plowed land to protect the soil surface from drying out and weathering; early spring harrowing to better preserve moisture reserves in the soil; repeated cultivations aimed at preserving moisture, increasing soil aeration and, most importantly, controlling weeds.

Preparing seed material for sowing primarily involves careful calibration of the seeds, since sowing with aligned seeds leads to a more uniform emergence of seedlings and better, more uniform, plant growth.

Issues of crop care when growing popping corn are somewhat more important than when growing forage corn. One of the first jobs in caring for crops is harrowing them.

The next activity after harrowing, and in some cases combined with it, is inter-row cultivation of corn crops, which must be carried out more carefully. During the entire growing season there should be at least three inter-row cultivations. The first is carried out to a depth of 12 cm. The depth of subsequent ones varies depending on soil moisture.

The quality of grain for blasting improves when it dries on the stand, since in this case more uniform drying of the grain is ensured in all its layers. When grain is harvested raw and dried in dryers, its explosiveness is somewhat worse, since it is less equalized in moisture content. In this regard, harvesting of popping corn should begin when the moisture content of the grain is within 15-20%.

Popcorn contains 9.4% protein, 3.3% fat and 76.5% carbohydrates, 354 kcal (1481 kJ). Corn sticks and flakes contain, respectively, 10.3 and 15.1% proteins, 1.6 and 1.3% fats, 81.0 and 73.3% carbohydrates and are characterized by the following energy value: 359 and 347 kcal.

It is better to store popping corn grain, brought to the required moisture content, on the cob, since the technological qualities of the grain are well preserved (even for 3-4 years). Before storing, you need to remove all diseased and pest-damaged cobs for better preservation. It is recommended to dehull the cobs shortly before using the grain for processing.

Using popcorn kernels. Popcorn kernels are used exclusively for food preparation. The most common product obtained from it is popcorn. Grain is also of interest as a raw material for large-scale industry. Corn grits contain more than 67% starch, about 7% protein and up to 1.6% fat, so its calorie content is very high. 100 g of product contains 320 kcal.

Puffed corn comes in a variety of varieties, depending on the products added to it during frying. So, when about 5% salt is added to it, table puffed corn is obtained, used as croutons with soup and broths; up to 15% salt - salted puffed corn, used as food with beer; when added instead of salt, about 20% sugar is sweet puffed corn, 32% sugar is amateur puffed corn.

The variety of food products made from popping corn is very large. In this regard, it is becoming more widespread in the population’s diet than products from other subspecies.

- This is an integral part of a good film show. Many people talk about the dangers of popcorn. Is it really?
Delicacy of the ancient Indians

Puffed corn is a delicacy that is hundreds of years old. The American Indians were the first to make popcorn. They accidentally discovered that some types of grains explode when heated. Already in the 20th century, scientists explained this phenomenon. The thing is that corn grains contain droplets of starch and water. When heated, the water inside the grain boils, which leads to an explosion: the grain opens and increases in size.

Today, popcorn is the favorite food of moviegoers. A bucket of popcorn during a movie show has already become a tradition for most. Have you ever thought about how harmful that product can be? How much damage are you doing to your body if you regularly consume popcorn?

Which popcorn is unhealthy?

You've probably heard about the dangers of popcorn. Many doctors talk about this, strongly recommending that you give up popcorn or at least minimize its consumption.

The results of numerous studies indeed confirm the fact that popcorn is harmful. But we are talking here only about the popcorn that is sold in cinemas. As a rule, this is puffed corn, for the preparation of which a lot of oil, sugar, salt, aromatic additives and other chemical compounds are used that can be hazardous to human health. In addition, this popcorn is very high in calories and has a stimulating effect on appetite.

How to make your own popcorn?

As you already understand, it is better to refuse “cinema” popcorn. And if you can’t imagine watching a movie without popcorn, then you can cook it yourself. So, in supermarkets you can buy organic popcorn, which is easy to prepare. Just put the bag in the microwave, wait a while and the popcorn is ready.

You can easily make popcorn from corn (you just need to choose the “exploding” varieties). It will be enough to heat the pan over maximum heat, add vegetable oil and add corn so that it covers the bottom of the pan. Quickly cover with a lid and listen to the “cannonade” of bursting grains. As soon as the process subsides, the popcorn is ready! This, by the way, is the easiest and cheapest way to make popcorn. If you invited friends home to watch a movie, you can easily prepare a large amount of popcorn.

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What are the benefits of popcorn?

While popcorn sold in movie theaters and supermarkets is unhealthy, things are different with natural popcorn. This is a whole grain product that contains a large amount of fiber, which is very beneficial for digestion. Fiber helps eliminate toxic substances, in particular nitrites, which are so abundant in processed foods and sausages.

It has been noted that regular consumption of natural popcorn helps normalize blood sugar levels and also normalizes the secretion of insulin, which is important for the prevention of diabetes.

Popcorn contains many vitamins and microelements. In particular, these have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular, digestive and nervous systems. Potassium, which corn is rich in, normalizes the body's water balance and improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Arkady Galanin

Adults love this delicacy, and children are simply delighted with it. We can say that a Sunday holiday in the park with children cannot be imagined without a bucket of popcorn, just like watching movies in the cinema.
To be sure of the quality of the product, it is better to make it yourself. To do this, you need to know all the features of the process and, in particular, which corn is most suitable for popcorn.

Making popcorn itself is not difficult. Purchased or selected grains are heated in a large, deep frying pan until the shell breaks. The main thing here is not to overcook and not burn the dish.
For lovers of popcorn who cook it constantly and in large quantities, special devices have been created to facilitate this process.

What you will need

You can cook corn in different ways, using different equipment.

  • Popcorn machine. It is equipped with a plate that controls the temperature inside by constantly stirring the grain. As a result, the product is homogeneous and does not burn;
  • A machine whose operating principle is based on the supply of hot air. It is fed into the lower holes. Finished grains are discharged into an attached container;
  • A cauldron with a long handle. This is a fairly old device that has been used by chefs for centuries. Of course, cooking in it requires skill, otherwise the grains will burn. In addition, it requires a lot of vegetable oil, which is not very healthy.

Popcorn machine

How to cook

A couple of hours before cooking, you need to put the grain in the freezer. It should be removed when the pan is already hot. A sudden change in temperature will cause the corn to burst quickly.
A little oil is poured into the frying pan, which is distributed over the entire surface of the dish so that all the corn is covered with a small layer of oil.
Homemade popcorn should be quickly poured into bowls to prevent it from burning.

Important! You need to act carefully, because popping corn can fly all over the kitchen.

This is a very economical product. After all, from a small handful of grains you get a whole mountain of airy delicacy. The corn is ready, just sprinkle it with fine salt or powdered sugar and you can enjoy its taste.
The calorie content of such a dish is quite high, so you shouldn’t get carried away with it, especially for people who care about their health.

Benefits and harms

The corn from which popcorn is made contains a large number of useful substances, such as:

  • Fast carbohydrates.
  • Vitamins of groups B1 and B2.
  • Microelements.
  • Antioxidants.

They have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive tract, the condition of the skin, hair and nails, as well as the heart and blood vessels. However, you should not overuse this dish. This can lead to breathing problems and weight gain.

The most popular varieties of corn for popcorn

To prepare a truly high-quality dish, you need to know what kind of corn is needed for popcorn. Compared to regular grains, these varieties should be high in fat and protein and low in starch. The shell of their grains is thinner and breaks easily when heated. And they also contain a lot of moisture, which, when heated, is converted into steam, breaking the structure of the grain into a foamy mass.
The most popular varieties of puffed corn are:

  • Gobble, gobble. Medium early variety. It has elongated yellow grains.
  • Hotel. The plant is tall with large ears, resistant to sudden temperature changes and lodging. It is a mid-early variety.
  • Ping pong. It has small ears with small grains. Belongs to mid-early cultures.
  • Granddaughter's joy. An early ripening plant with small cobs. It has high yields, but does not grow well in poor soils and dry weather.
  • Red popcorn. The grains have a very beautiful, rich red color with excellent taste. Even the name of the variety says that this crop has high decorative properties.


Important! To understand which corn is suitable for growing popcorn, you need to study the composition of its grains. If the fat and protein content of the grain is more than 21%, it is suitable for preparing this dish.

Features of growing and caring for crops

The main stages of growing corn for popcorn are identical to caring for a conventional crop. However, there are still some features:

  • slow development of the root system;
  • the need for constant weeding;
  • correct choice of soil.

This type of corn is planted in early May. The seed or seedling method is suitable. The distance between neighboring plants should be at least half a meter. Another condition for obtaining a good harvest is compliance with the rules of crop rotation. You can’t plant it in one place for several years. The best predecessor is nightshade crops.

Important: To prevent cross-pollination, two varieties of corn cannot be planted side by side: for popcorn and for regular consumption.

  • To grow corn for popcorn, several conditions must be met:
  • Harrow the area before planting.
  • Cultivate between rows at least three times per season.
  • If necessary, carry out regular watering.
  • Periodically feed the plants with mineral fertilizers.

Granddaughter's joy

In retail you can find popcorn in the form of a semi-finished product. Just throw it into a frying pan and fry. This is an absolute advantage. However, very often it contains many harmful substances. Therefore, it is best to grow such corn on your own plot.
Harvesting begins after the ears have fully ripened. At the stage of milk maturity, it will not make popcorn.
After harvesting, the grain is dried for about a month in a dry and cool place and then stored in cotton or paper bags.
Just like raw, overdried grains are difficult to burst when frying. The problem can be solved by leaving them in a damp place for a week.
These are the main features of choosing and growing corn for popcorn on a farm. If you take them into account, you can get a wonderful harvest of ripe cobs and enjoy popcorn all winter.

Puffed corn (popcorn) is loved by both adults and children. Who hasn't walked through the park, or sat in the cinema with a big bucket of popcorn?

But, unfortunately, manufacturers often add harmful additives, and nutritionists recommend preparing this delicacy exclusively from homemade corn at home.

1 General information about history

The origins of making popcorn go back to the North American Indians. They were the first to discover that some varieties of maize (wild corn) begin to burst when heated.

The Indians prepared popcorn in two ways. First: whole cobs were placed in oil boiling over a fire. Second: they separated the grains and put them in small baskets, after which they hung them over the hearth and shook them periodically. And already in 1519, the navigator Hernan Cortes discovered this dish to Europeans.

1.1 Which corn is suitable for popcorn?

Not every variety is suitable for preparing this delicacy. Corn seeds, suitable for making popcorn, have a drop of water containing starch inside. Under the influence of high temperature (in the microwave or in a frying pan), the water heats up and turns into steam, which becomes cramped inside the grain. The pressure on the walls of the grain becomes unbearable and the steam bursts it from the inside.

Fun fact: Popcorn grains contain 21% more fat and protein than regular cereal grains. The composition of this cereal is similar to wheat.

Corn suitable for popcorn has thinner walls. They look shiny and varnished. The percentage of starch in them is much lower than in regular ones.

1.2 The best varieties for popcorn

Among the wide variety of types of corn, there are several of the most proven and popular:

corn for popcorn "Vulcan"

  1. "Volcano". It grows up to 200 cm, the length of the cob is about 20 cm. The grains are light, oblong. One of the most disease-resistant varieties.
  2. "Gobble-gobble". Mid-early variety. Relatively low stem, about one and a half meters. The grains are orange and wide.
  3. "Zeya." One of the most spectacular varieties of corn. It has grains of a rich burgundy color. Early variety. The stem is up to 180 cm. The length of the cob is about 20-25 cm.
  4. "Ping pong". A tall plant, grows up to 220 cm. It produces a large number of small (120-150 mm) cobs with oblong-shaped grains.
  5. "Hostel". Drought-resistant variety that tolerates heat well. Tall stems reach 230 cm. Heads of cabbage are large, up to 25 cm.
  6. "Granddaughter's Joy". A very productive, early ripening variety, which, however, requires frequent watering. Resistant to diseases. It grows low (150 cm) and has small heads of cabbage (12-15 cm).
  7. "Red". A very beautiful variety with ears of deep red color. Grows up to 150 cm with small heads of cabbage. Very popular and decorative.

When choosing a variety of popping corn, take into account your location, climate, and growing conditions! Create the most correct conditions for growth for the plant, and it will definitely delight you with a harvest.

1.3 Growing corn for popcorn

Growing this cereal is no different from growing regular corn. It should be remembered that the rhizome develops extremely slowly, does not like sandy soils, and the plant itself is oppressed by grass.

2 Popcorn making technology

Popcorn is most often sold as a semi-finished product with various flavors and sweeteners. The manufacturer carefully packages it in bags and you just need to put it in the microwave or oven.

But, having home-grown popping corn at home, you can not depend on the tastes of the manufacturer, but experiment yourself!

To grow a harvest of corn that is useful in many respects, you need to know the correct technology for growing it. After all, without proper knowledge you cannot get good grain. Read about the cultivation, care and varieties of corn in our article.

Growing Sweet Corn

Feed corn has higher yields compared to sugar corn. But it cannot compare with it in nutritional and taste qualities. The sugar content in the latter is significantly higher than in conventional industrial crops. Such heads of cabbage at the stage of milky ripeness are very tasty and are enjoyed fresh and for canning for the winter.

The main conditions for growing and caring for corn are warmth and humidity. The plant reacts especially sensitively to spring night temperature changes, so it needs to be sown when the ground is well warmed up. Moistened soil is also important; when grain gets into it, it should germinate immediately. In dry soil this will happen late, which will lead to a decrease in yield.

It is very important that young seedlings are not disturbed by weeds, so the area should be treated with herbicides both after the autumn harvest of the previous crop, and in the spring after cultivating the garden.

Growing corn for popcorn

Popcorn, beloved by adults and children, grows in the most common place because it is made from special popping corn by heating it. Heads of cabbage differ from technical types of plants in the smaller size of the head of cabbage itself and the grains themselves.

A very important stage in the technology of growing and caring for this type of corn is soil preparation. The plant is very sensitive to good root aeration and soil nutrition. It is advisable that the sowing of corn be preceded by the cultivation of vegetables or wheat in this place.

After the autumn harvest, the remains are mowed and the soil is dug up. Fresh manure is added to it, which at the end of winter is dug up again and carefully placed in the soil to increase its fertility.

It would be a good idea to add nitroammophoska to the soil before planting. The area is finely harrowed and grain is sown to a depth of 8 cm in well-moistened heated soil.

Not everyone knows that not all corn is suitable for popcorn. There are special varieties that have a number of differences from feed varieties and those intended for the food industry. What they are - we will figure it out together.

What kind of corn is needed for popcorn?

For those who want to grow this miracle cereal themselves, we offer the best varieties of corn for popcorn. Among them:

  • Rice,
  • Gobble, gobble,
  • Carousel,
  • Summer night,
  • Baby,
  • Ping pong.

The grains must have a durable shell, which is as if covered with “varnish”. It is important that the composition of corn grains for popcorn is distinguished by a special combination of components such as starch, fiber and moisture. When the grains are heated, the moisture inside them expands, the durable shell holds back this process for a certain time and does not crack, so the steam has time to be evenly distributed throughout the entire grain.

At the moment of explosion, evenly distributed moisture opens and loosens the grain pulp. In this case, unopened corn grains should be no more than 2% of the total volume.

A completely different picture is observed if you try to heat feed or food varieties of corn. The soft shell will crack almost immediately and you will end up with uneven loosening of the grain and most of it won't even explode. Therefore, not every variety is suitable for making popcorn.

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