Salting and marinating mushrooms. Marinating and salting mushrooms

Salting Mushrooms are convenient because they do not require sterilization, and in winter, salted mushrooms can be used to prepare various dishes. Almost all mushrooms can be salted, only some require special processing.

Methods for pickling mushrooms

Mushrooms can be salted hot or cold, and dry salting is suitable for saffron milk caps and russula.

For hot salting there are two ways:

  1. mushrooms are boiled in boiling water until tender for 20-30 minutes, washed with cold water and placed in prepared dishes, sprinkled with salt and pressed down with a weight on top. These mushrooms are ready to eat in 6-8 days.
  2. for noble mushrooms (boletus, boletus, boletus, boletus, boletus, boletus, honey mushroom) the second method is suitable - the mushrooms are dipped in boiling salted water (for 1 kg of mushrooms 1 glass of water), placed in sterilized jars, boiled vegetable oil is poured on top, and The neck is tied with paper. With this method, mushrooms can be used to prepare soups, main courses and even pickled mushrooms.

Cold way The good thing about pickling is that the mushrooms turn out hard and crispy and are perfectly stored. With this method, mushrooms (except for saffron milk caps and russula) must first be soaked for 5 hours in cold water. Some mushrooms (black milk mushrooms, bitter mushrooms, etc.) will have to be soaked for several days, changing the water at least twice a day. Then you need to put the mushrooms in a glass or enamel bowl, sprinkling with salt (spices are not needed in this method). Place a weight on top and cover with gauze. Such mushrooms should be salted for 30–40 days. Periodically it is necessary to remove the mold from above and wash the cargo. When cold salting, 1 kg of mushrooms requires 40-50 g of salt.

A suitable method for saffron milk caps and russula dry salting. Before salting, it is better to brush and wipe the mushrooms with a damp cloth, but if you do wash them, be sure to dry them. This method is very simple - you need to place the mushrooms in prepared glass jars, sprinkling them with dry salt and spices. Cover the top with gauze and place a weight. If the mushrooms settle after a couple of days, you can add fresh ones on top. Such mushrooms are ready within 7-10 days after the last batch is planted.

  • Almost any mushroom is suitable for pickling, the only difference is in the pickling method.
  • It is advisable to salt only the caps.
  • To avoid the sad consequences of honey mushrooms, sour mushrooms, morels and lines, salt only hot method.
  • If the mushrooms are very dirty, you can soak them in a saline solution for 3-4 hours.
  • When hot salting, to lighten the mushrooms, you can throw 1 tsp into the water. citric acid.
  • The ideal container for pickling mushrooms is a wooden barrel or tub. After salting, the barrel must be soaked for 10-15 days in cold water, changing the water periodically, and then steamed with soda.
  • The shelf life of salted mushrooms is 6-8 months.
  • Store salted mushrooms in a cool room at a temperature of 0-6 ͦ C.
  • Before eating, it is advisable to rinse salted mushrooms with cold water.
  • It is prohibited to salt in enamel containers with damaged enamel, in clay and galvanized tin containers.
  • Before salting, glass or enamel dishes should be thoroughly washed with hot water (rinse with boiling water) and, if possible, dried at high temperature.

Marinating and canning mushrooms

Cooking mushrooms with pickling and canning the same, the only difference is in the final stage. Pickling mushrooms is easy. The mushrooms are boiled until tender, salt, sugar, spices and vinegar are added. When marinating, mushrooms are placed in jars, filled with marinade, covered with plastic lids and stored in the refrigerator. For canning, jars of mushrooms are sterilized and sealed with metal lids.

Preparing pickled mushrooms

Tips for mpickling and canningmushrooms

  • Whole, small, beautiful mushrooms are selected for pickling and canning. If you decide to put large mushrooms in the jar, you need to cut them into 4 parts.
  • You can marinate and preserve porcini mushrooms, aspen mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, fly mushrooms, honey mushrooms, champignons, saffron milk caps, russula mushrooms, etc.
  • When marinating, add oil, first remove the skin from the cap.
  • In a jar, the caps and mushroom stems look more beautiful separately.
  • Do not cook boletus together with boletus - the boletus will turn black.
  • For marinating and canning, boil mushrooms until tender for 20-30 minutes; for mushrooms and boletus mushrooms, 10-15 minutes are enough.
  • To avoid darkening of the mushrooms, add a pinch of citric acid to the water.
  • When marinating, do not use metal lids.
  • When canning, metal lids must be sterilized.
  • It is advisable to consume pickled mushrooms no earlier than 25-30 days after harvesting (they must absorb the marinade).
  • Pickled mushrooms can be stored for 6-12 months. in a cool (up to 8 ͦC) place.
  • To avoid the development of dangerous botulism, which can occur in a hermetically sealed container, mushrooms must be washed very thoroughly, in several waters.
  • When pickling and canning, be sure to add vinegar at the very end of cooking.
  • To reduce the risk of contracting botulism, the canned jar should be opened and boiled for 30 minutes in boiling water.
  • Canned food that, upon opening, reveals a suspicious odor, color, or releases gas, should be thrown away immediately.
  • If you open a jar, do not store it, eat it immediately.

So, there are many ways to prepare and store mushrooms. Preparing mushrooms for the winter is easy, you just need a lot of work. But when, as a result of all your work, you receive wonderful delicacies for the winter, fatigue is forgotten and only satisfaction from your wonderful “creations” remains.

HOW TO PROPERLY SALT, DRY AND MARINATE MUSHROOMS? Many people collect mushrooms. As the season begins, everyone rushes into the forest in search of milk mushrooms, honey mushrooms and chanterelles. Picking mushrooms is a great pleasure and whole families do it. For some, this is not only relaxation and quiet hunting, but also the extraction of food. Everyone knows about the nutritional properties of mushrooms; they can replace meat. But when picking mushrooms, one should not forget about caution. Many mushrooms are dangerous for humans; if you are not sure, it is better not to take such a mushroom. You should not pick mushrooms near roads and in industrial areas; they absorb toxins very well and become dangerous themselves. If you have studied everything about mushrooms and are a confident mushroom picker, then try to prepare mushrooms for future use. Experts give some useful tips to housewives on how to prepare mushrooms. These tips include the most common answers to the questions of how to properly salt mushrooms, how to marinate and how to dry mushrooms in order to preserve them for future use and then use them. First of all, the easiest and safest method of preparation is pickling mushrooms. When salting mushrooms, a fermentation process occurs, as in vegetables, but much weaker, since mushrooms are low in carbohydrates. Mushrooms contain proteins, fats and vitamins; in addition, they are rich in extractive and aromatic substances, thanks to which dishes prepared using mushrooms have a good taste. All edible mushrooms, both tubular and lamellar, can be salted and pickled, but there are mushrooms that are very well suited for pickling: saffron milk caps, milk mushrooms, and trumpet mushrooms. The healthiest, youngest and smallest mushrooms are selected for pickling. Mushrooms deteriorate very quickly; it is advisable to salt them immediately after collection. If it doesn’t work right away, then lay them out in a cool place in one layer. We recommend that before pickling, the mushrooms should be sorted out, cleaned of pieces of soil, leaves, and pine needles. Cut the roots and wash them thoroughly, changing the water several times or under running water. There are two methods of salting - hot and cold. It is better to salt lamellar mushrooms using a cold method: saffron milk caps, milk mushrooms, russula, but many of them, for example milk mushrooms, have a bitter taste. Young milk mushrooms and saffron milk caps are not bitter, and there is no need to soak them. To remove bitterness, mushrooms need to be soaked in clean cold water for 3-4 days, changing the water several times during the day. After cleaning and soaking, lay out the mushrooms in layers no more than 5 cm thick, sprinkling each layer with salt (50 g of salt per 1 kg of peeled mushrooms), adding spices and garlic. You can use spices and herbs, but they are placed only on the top and bottom of the container. It is better not to add cherry leaves, as it turns the brine and mushrooms black. After 3-4 days, when the mushrooms have settled, add the mushrooms prepared in the same way with salt and cover with a wooden circle treated with boiling water and put under pressure. When pickling in jars, press the mushrooms with small sticks, resting them on the hangers of the jars, do not seal them hermetically. Harder mushrooms - boletus, boletus, aspen, chanterelle, boletus - are hot salted and pickled. After a good cleaning, such mushrooms are blanched for 2-3 minutes in salted water, then cooled in cold water so that they become more elastic. Then boil the mushrooms in salted water (30 g of salt per 1 liter of water) for 10-15 minutes from the moment of boiling, cook, stirring, until they settle to the bottom and the broth becomes transparent. These signs will show that the mushrooms are ready for pickling. You can add spices during cooking. Throw away the cooked mushrooms, let them drain and place them in a container along with the spices. Porcini mushrooms after shrinking should also be reported, pour melted fat or butter into the container on top and tie with parchment. Saffron milk caps are more common in the northern regions. Ryzhiki from the Vologda region are considered the best mushrooms in salted and pickled form. Spices when pickling saffron milk caps should be placed only on the bottom and on top, otherwise they may lose their bright color. You cannot mix different mushrooms when salting. Keep refrigerated. With cold pickling, saffron milk caps are ready in 5-6 days, milk mushrooms in 30. With hot pickling and pickling, mushrooms will be ready in 25-30 days. Salted mushrooms are used after preliminary soaking and rinsing of brine. They can simply be eaten with butter and onions. Mix with cabbage. Fry with potatoes and cook soup with them. You can prepare mushrooms for future use by pickling. For pickling, young porcini mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, honey mushroom boletuses, etc. are used. Mostly the caps are marinated, but the stems of porcini mushrooms can also be used, cutting them into circles. Mushrooms should be boiled in a weak solution of salt and vinegar. Each type of mushroom is processed and marinated separately. Cooking times vary for different mushrooms. There are hard mushrooms, and there are very soft ones. When the mushrooms settle to the bottom during cooking, you can drain them and let the water drain. Cool and place in jars or jars. Pour over the marinade. Such mushrooms are not sealed hermetically. They should be stored in a cool place. And as usual, remove any mold that has formed. You can sprinkle mustard on top or make an oil film. How to prepare the marinade: for 1 liter of water - 3 teaspoons of vinegar 80% essence, 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 3 bay leaves, 4 teaspoons of salt, cloves and cinnamon to taste. Pickled mushrooms will be ready in 8-10 days. Marinated mushrooms can be used to prepare salads and as an independent dish. Drying mushrooms. For drying, we recommend using porcini mushrooms. But boletus, boletus, boletus, and honey mushrooms are also dried. For drying, the best mushrooms are selected and care is taken to avoid any wormy ones. The caps of mushrooms are used for drying, but the stem of porcini mushrooms is often dried. The stem of the porcini mushroom must be cut into transverse slices of 3 cm each. Mushrooms intended for drying are not washed. The mushrooms need to be sorted and sorted by type and size, cleaned of debris, and even rubbed off the sand from the caps. Mushrooms prepared for drying are strung on a strong thread and dried in the sun. If the weather does not allow, you can dry the mushrooms over the stove and then dry them in the oven or stove. If you dry it in a gas stove oven, do not close the door. Dried mushrooms are very aromatic and are used to prepare first courses; dried porcini mushrooms are best suited for soups; they do not darken them. Before use, dried mushrooms must be soaked and washed well. Mushrooms are harvested by freezing only after they have been cooked. All mushrooms can be frozen; they must first be boiled or fried, cut and frozen. Pre-cooking will preserve the natural taste and aroma of the product and reduce the cooking time when using frozen mushrooms.

I've always dreamed of learning how to can mushrooms. Everyone in the family loves salted and pickled mushrooms. I collected recipes from all my friends, and I improved some of them myself, and I willingly share my recipes with friends.

Marinating mushrooms

Lamellar and tubular mushrooms are best suited for pickling, such as boletus, boletus, boletus, honey mushroom, and white mushroom. There are two methods of pickling. The first is that the mushrooms are boiled with marinade. You can prepare the marinade separately - this is the second method. When using the first method, the mushrooms will be very tasty, they retain their aroma, the marinade turns out to be very rich, but it looks quite cloudy and viscous. The marinade will be more transparent if it is prepared separately, but the mushrooms will have a slightly different taste. I offer several recipes to choose from. All calculations are given for 1 kg of mushrooms.

Recipe No. 1

Whatever mushrooms you take, you must wash them. The water should drain, and only after that they are put into the marinade. To prepare the marinade, pour half a glass of water and half a glass of 6% table vinegar into an enamel pan, add half a spoon of salt. When the marinade boils, add mushrooms to it and stir. Be sure to remove any foam that appears, and then reduce the heat. Mushrooms should cook for about 25 minutes. They will gradually settle to the bottom. Then add 10 g of sugar and a little citric acid. For spices you will need bay leaf (1 pc.), black pepper (5 peas), cloves (2 pcs.) and cinnamon (0.1 g). In principle, dill (2-3 g) will not spoil the taste. Bring the mushrooms with the marinade and spices to a boil again. Then place the hot mushrooms into steamed jars. The marinade can be diluted with boiling water. To prevent the mushrooms from molding, add 2-3 cm of vegetable oil on top, which must be boiled beforehand. Sometimes a few currant leaves are placed on top.

Recipe No. 2

Wash the mushrooms very thoroughly and pour in the marinade prepared in advance. It will require 400 g of water, an incomplete spoon of salt, black pepper - 6 peas, bay leaf - 3 leaves, cloves - 2 pcs., cinnamon, star anise and citric acid (for each spice - on the tip of a knife). Boil all this for 20-30 minutes, the heat should be low. After cooling the marinade to 70 degrees, pour in 20 g of vinegar (6 percent). You can add carrots and onions, cut into small cubes. While the marinade is being prepared, sterilize the jars and put the mushrooms in them, pouring the prepared marinade over them.

Recipe No. 3

Mushrooms need to be washed and boiled. After this, cool and put into jars, which must be thoroughly sterilized beforehand. Alternate layers of mushrooms with layers of onions, cut into rings. The marinade is prepared separately. For it you need to take half a liter of water, add half a liter of vinegar (6 percent) to it. You will need 30 g of salt, a little of bay leaf, black pepper, allspice. The marinade should not be very hot; it will have to be cooled to 40-50 degrees. Pour this marinade over the mushrooms and sterilize for 30 minutes.

Recipe No. 4

This recipe is suitable for canning honey mushrooms. They need to be covered with salt (about 15 g). Then prepare the following mixture: water, vinegar, vegetable oil (a glass of water, 50 g of vinegar, half a glass of oil). Pour this mixture over the mushrooms and cook for 30 minutes. Place mushrooms with boiling marinade into sterile jars, adding 1 clove of garlic and a little dill.

Pickling mushrooms.

Dry method

Dry method used for pickling dried mushrooms. They are simply wiped with a cloth (not washed), placed in a prepared container, sprinkled with salt along the way, and pressed down with a heavy object (pressure). No spices are needed for this method. After 7-10 days, the mushrooms are ready to eat.

Cold way

For cold pickling Good mushrooms are those that don’t need to be cooked: saffron milk caps, russula, milk mushrooms. They are soaked in clean water, changing it constantly. The pickling time is one to three days, and then the mushrooms are placed in containers (caps down), sprinkled with salt, and pressure is placed on top. After some time, a brine forms. It is advisable to keep the container with mushrooms at a temperature of 1-7 degrees. Cherry and currant leaves, caraway seeds, horseradish, dill, and garlic will give the salted mushrooms a special aroma. They can be eaten no earlier than after a month and a half.


For 1 kg of mushrooms, add 30 g of salt, a clove of garlic cut into slices, and dill. First, the mushrooms are soaked in brine (1 liter of water, 10 g of salt, citric acid). Salt is poured into the container, mushrooms are placed there, adding dill and garlic. Cover with a lid and place pressure on top. The mushrooms should sit for several days, after which they will settle. Then another layer of mushrooms with salt and spices is placed on top. In some cases, the first batch is placed in glass jars and stored in the refrigerator for at least 1.5 months. It should be remembered that the brine must completely cover the mushrooms.

Hot way

1 option

The most popular is the hot salting method. First, the mushrooms are boiled in a solution that should be highly salted and placed in jars. For 1 kg of mushrooms you will need half a glass of water, 3 tbsp. spoons of salt. When the water boils, remove the foam from it. Spices are added to the brine: bay leaf (1), allspice (3), cloves (3), dill (5 g), currant leaf (2). White boletus, boletus, and boletus take the longest to cook - about 25 minutes. For valuev, 20 minutes is enough, volushki and russula will be ready in 15 minutes. The mushrooms must cool, then they should be placed in jars. You can eat them after a month and a half.

Option 2

Pour salt into a saucepan with a small amount of water at the bottom and add mushrooms. They are boiled for 20 minutes and then allowed to cool. Spices are placed in sterilized jars in the usual quantities. Then the mushrooms are laid in layers, adding a couple of cloves of garlic and dill through each layer. Close the jar tightly, draining excess liquid. The top layer will be bay leaf, dill and a small amount of sunflower oil.

Jars covered with plastic lids can be stored in the refrigerator. After a month and a half they are ready to eat.

Salted and pickled mushrooms are rightfully considered a worthy decoration even for a festive table. However, it is worth remembering that mushrooms are also a rather capricious product that requires a special approach, both during cooking and during storage. This means that when starting to harvest mushrooms, it is important to consider a number of points.

On guard of your health! I will not dwell in detail on the issue of edibility and inedibility of mushrooms - this is a separate topic that requires a special approach. Let me just remind you that in addition to absolutely edible mushrooms, there are also so-called CONDITIONALLY POISONOUS mushrooms that can be eaten, but only if they are specially processed. So, if you are not sure of the edibility of what you brought in your basket, it is better not to take risks. After all, statistics show that every year in Russia alone from 800 to 1200 cases of mushroom poisoning are registered, and about 40-80 people die from it every year. I will dwell in more detail only on the issue of storing mushrooms. After all, it is no secret that if this product is stored incorrectly, there is a huge risk of contracting botulism. Let me remind you that botulinus is a bacterium that lives in the soil and in the natural environment it is an absolutely harmless organism. It becomes dangerous only when it finds itself in conditions of severe oxygen deficiency - for example, in a hermetically sealed jar with salted mushrooms. Under these conditions, the bacterium begins to produce toxins, which, if they enter the human body, lead to death or serious disability. That is why it is safer to store mushrooms prepared for the winter in any non-oxidizing container where air can freely penetrate.

And to prevent the mushrooms from becoming moldy in this case, you can pour boiled oil on top of them and tie them with a clean napkin. If you still plan to store mushrooms in sealed jars, then they must be sterilized. To do this, do not add marinade 1 cm to the edge of the jar, cover the container with a boiled lid and place the jars in a pan with hot water. Boil it all over low heat for 30-40 minutes, then seal it and let it cool. By the way, it is almost impossible to completely destroy the botulinus bacterium at home. More precisely, the bacterium itself dies during the first boiling of the mushrooms, but in order to destroy its spores, the mushrooms need to be boiled at least 2-3 times with intervals of 20-30 hours. It is much easier to avoid encountering this microorganism if you simply rinse and peel the mushrooms thoroughly before cooking. But, if doubts remain, already pickled mushrooms can be boiled for 15-20 minutes so that they become absolutely harmless. A couple of tips on preparing mushrooms for pickling and pickling. For canning, it is better to use small, dense young mushrooms. If the mushrooms are large, they need to be cut into pieces. It is advisable to salt and marinate each type of mushroom separately from each other. But sometimes different mushrooms can be mixed at your discretion. It is not recommended to soak and wash mushrooms for a long time, as they absorb water very quickly, which does not have the best effect on the taste. It is better to wash under running water. To prevent the mushrooms from darkening, you can put them (already washed) in sour-salted water (for 1 liter of water, a teaspoon of salt and a little citric acid). It is better to boil the mushrooms in an enamel bowl. The resulting foam must be removed. As soon as the mushrooms sink to the bottom, they are ready.

Marinating mushrooms

For this method of canning, it is better to use tubular and lamellar mushrooms (honey mushrooms, porcini mushrooms, boletuses, boletus mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, etc.). This can be done in two ways: cook the mushrooms TOGETHER with the marinade or cook the marinade separately from the mushrooms. The first method allows you to preserve the aroma of mushrooms as much as possible and get a richer marinade, which, however, becomes cloudy and viscous. But the second method keeps the marinade transparent, but not so tasty and rich. However, the choice of recipe is a matter of taste. Therefore, we offer the most popular ones. Calculation of products - per 1 kg. mushrooms

Recipe No. 1

We wash the mushrooms, let the water drain and immediately add them to the marinade for cooking. We prepare the marinade as follows: pour 0.5 cups of water, 0.5 cups of 6% table vinegar and 0.5 tablespoons of salt into an enamel pan. Place the mushrooms in the boiling marinade and stir constantly. After boiling, remove the foam, reduce the heat and cook the mushrooms for 20-25 minutes. After they settle to the bottom, add 10 g of sugar (but you can do without it), citric acid on the tip of a knife and spices: 1 bay leaf, 5 black peppercorns, 2 cloves and 0.1 g of cinnamon. If desired, you can also add 2-3 g of dill. Once again, bring everything to a boil and place the hot mushrooms in jars, which we preheat by steaming. If there is not enough marinade for pouring, you can use boiling water. You can also put currant leaves on top and add boiled vegetable oil (2-3 cm) to preserve the mushrooms from mold.

Recipe No. 2

Wash the mushrooms and pour in the prepared marinade. To prepare it, pour 0.4 liters of water into an enamel pan, add half a spoonful of salt, 6 black peppercorns, 3 bay leaves, a couple of cloves, a little cinnamon, star anise and citric acid on the tip of a knife. All this is boiled for 20-30 minutes over low heat. After this, the marinade is cooled to 60-70 degrees and 20 g of 6% table vinegar is poured into it. If desired, you can add diced onions to the marinade during cooking. Mushrooms are poured with the prepared marinade, placed in jars and sterilized.

Recipe No. 3

We wash the mushrooms, boil them, cool them and place them in sterilized jars, arranging the layers with onion rings. Separately, prepare the marinade: add half a liter of 6% table vinegar, 30 g of salt, a couple of bay leaves, 6 black peppercorns and 4 allspice peas and 5 small onions to half a liter of water. Cool the marinade to a temperature of 40-50 degrees. And pour in the mushrooms. Close the jars and pasteurize for about 30 minutes.

Recipe No. 4

– for marinating honey mushrooms, add 1 kg of honey mushrooms to 15 g of salt and sprinkle with water diluted with vinegar and vegetable oil (for a glass of water, 50 grams of 6% table vinegar and half a glass of oil). Heat all this and cook for 30 minutes. Place the boiling marinade with mushrooms in clean jars. Add a clove of garlic and a little dill. Sterilize for 15-20 minutes

Pickling mushrooms

Pickling is an easier way to prepare mushrooms. You can also salt mushrooms in different ways. Dry method, cold and hot. The first method involves preparing dried mushrooms, which are not washed, but only wiped with a cloth, and then placed in a special container, sprinkled with salt, and pressed down under pressure. Spices are not used with this method of salting. But only saffron milk caps and hazelnuts can be salted in this way. Mushrooms salted in this way can only be eaten for 7-10 days

Cold way Pickling is used for mushrooms that do not require pre-cooking - these are milk mushrooms, saffron milk caps and russula - and involves soaking pure mushrooms in frequently changed water or brine for one to three days. After this, the mushrooms are placed with their caps down in special containers, sprinkled with salt, and pressed under pressure to form a brine. Garlic, dill, cumin, currant or cherry leaves are added to taste. Such mushrooms are ready for consumption only after a month and a half. Plus, they require special storage conditions at temperatures from 1 to 7 degrees.

Recipe: For 1 kg of mushrooms - 30 g of salt, 1 clove of garlic (cut into slices), fresh dill. Soak the mushrooms for three days in brine (add 10 g of salt and a little citric acid to a liter of water). Pour salt into a specially prepared container and place the mushrooms. Sprinkle each layer with salt and add a sprig of dill and a few cloves of garlic. Cover with a lid and place the weight. After 1-3 days, when the mushrooms settle and give juice, you can put a fresh batch of mushrooms on top, which are also sprinkled with salt and spices, or transfer the first batch into glass jars, which are placed in the refrigerator for lactic fermentation for 1.5 months. The mushrooms must be completely covered with brine.

Hot method of pickling mushrooms- the most popular. Mushrooms are boiled in a highly salted solution with the addition of spices and placed in jars.

Recipe No. 1: Boil mushrooms in salted water (for 1 kg of mushrooms, half a glass of water and 2 tablespoons of salt), stirring constantly so as not to burn. After boiling, remove the foam and add 1 bay leaf, 3 allspice peas, 3 cloves, 5 g of dill and 2 blackcurrant leaves. The cooking time for different mushrooms is different: boletus, boletus and porcini mushrooms are cooked for about 20-25 minutes from the moment of boiling, valui 15-20 minutes, russula and volushki no more than 10-15 minutes. Cooked mushrooms need to be cooled and placed in specially prepared jars along with brine. You can eat them after 40-45 days.

Recipe No. 2: Pour some water into the bottom of the pan, add 20 g of salt and add mushrooms. Cook them for 20-25 minutes, then cool. Place 3-5 peas of allspice, 5-8 peas of black pepper and a couple of bay leaves on the bottom of clean prepared jars. Place a layer of mushrooms. Place 1-2 cloves of garlic on the mushrooms, then add another layer of mushrooms. Add dill and another layer of mushrooms. Fill the jar tightly and try to drain as much excess liquid as possible. Place a bay leaf, a sprig of dill on top and add a little flavored sunflower oil. Cover the jars with plastic lids and store in the refrigerator. You can eat such mushrooms already on the 40th day.

How to properly salt and marinate mushrooms?

After you boil the mushrooms, you can do with them as you wish.

The easiest way- This is to cool them, put them in small portions in plastic bags and leave them in the freezer until any suitable occasion. But it is also possible to process the entire batch at once. I talked about how to pickle mushrooms in a barrel in the chapter dedicated to filling the cellar. Here I will share with you a recipe for pickled mushrooms, as well as a mushroom appetizer.

For marinating First of all, tubular mushrooms are suitable - porcini mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, birch mushroom mushrooms, as well as lamellar mushrooms - honey mushrooms, rows of mushrooms, greenfinches, fat mushrooms and some other mushrooms. For pickling, take young, strong and completely worm-free mushrooms.

There are two main recipes for preparing marinade- with mushrooms and separately. The first one retains all the aroma and special taste of mushrooms, it turns out more saturated, but does not always have a pleasant appearance - it is dark, cloudy, viscous, often with mushrooms crumbled during the cooking process.

With the second method- pre-boiled mushrooms are placed in a boiling marinade already prepared. The liquid turns out lighter, purer and more transparent, but is inferior to the product prepared in the first way in terms of the strength of the mushroom smell and taste. Therefore, I will tell you how to pickle mushrooms in the first way, but, following the same recipe, you can also roll up jars with a transparent, separately cooked marinade.

So, place the prepared mushrooms in a colander, immerse them several times in a container with cold water, then transfer them to a pan with the prepared marinade (for 1 kg of mushrooms take 0.5 cups of water, 0.5 tablespoons of salt, 0.5 tablespoons of acetic acid, 1 bay leaf, pepper, cloves, dill - to taste).

When the water boils, remove the resulting foam and cook for another 20-25 minutes, and the mushrooms must be carefully stirred periodically to ensure even boiling. When cooked, the mushrooms themselves release juice and become covered with liquid. When the mushrooms are ready (settle to the bottom), add 10 g of sugar, 2 g of citric acid, bring to a boil again and immediately pack into prepared, steamed jars.

The jars are filled to the very top, covered with lids, placed in a pan with water heated to 70 degrees and sterilized for half an hour.

Here is a method for preparing mushroom caviar, a wonderful delicacy that is suitable for both a family dinner and a holiday table. To prepare it, it is better to take porcini mushrooms and chanterelles.

Fresh mushrooms are cleaned, sorted, placed in a colander, immersed in cold water for a few minutes, then allowed to drain. Pour 1 glass of water into an enamel pan, add 10 g of table salt and 4 g of citric acid, bring to a boil, add prepared mushrooms (about 1 kg) and cook over low heat until tender, stirring carefully. The foam that forms on the surface is removed with a slotted spoon. After the mushrooms have settled, cooking can be completed.

Boiled and cooled mushrooms are passed through a meat grinder, seasoned with 4-5 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of mustard, diluted in 4-5 tbsp. spoons of 5% vinegar, add salt and ground black pepper to taste. Everything is thoroughly mixed, packaged in prepared jars, covered with lids, placed in a pan with water heated to 40 degrees and sterilized at low boil for 1 hour.

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