Our kitchen recipes for meringue cakes. How to make a meringue cake: step-by-step recipe with photos. How to make meringue cake at home

Today I will tell you and share step-by-step photos on how to bake a very tasty “Flight” cake at home. I won’t lie, baking this meringue cake is quite difficult and takes a long time. But believe me, it's worth it!

When my daughter turned 1 year old, I decided to surprise my guests with an unusual dessert and found this recipe. The admiration of my guests knew no bounds! Since then I have been constantly making meringue cake for all major holidays. It has become my signature. And now my daughter does it with great success. If it works for us, it will definitely work for you too!

Ingredients for meringue (meringue):

  • chicken egg whites - 6 pieces;
  • sugar - 400 gr.;
  • citric acid - on the tip of a knife;
  • walnuts - about 1 cup shelled.

Ingredients for cream:

  • milk - half a glass;
  • sugar - 200 gr.;
  • yolks - 6 pcs.;
  • butter - 200 gr.;
  • vanillin.

Step-by-step recipe for baking a festive meringue cake “Flight”

Keep the eggs in the refrigerator until you prepare the meringue. They must be well cooled. On the contrary, remove the butter from the refrigerator in the evening; it should be soft.

Walnuts need to be chopped. You should not use a coffee grinder. She will smash them into dust. I use my grandmother's old method - newspaper and rolling pin. I put some nuts inside the newspaper and rub them with a rolling pin. You can also use a mortar if you have one. Only then you need to thoroughly wash it from the nut oil. And he just threw the newspaper away - that’s all.

Set the chopped nuts aside for now.

Now comes the most difficult and crucial moment - separating the whites from the yolks. I remind you that they must be cold! For the first cake, take 3 eggs and 200 gr. sugar, you can grind it into powder. But I don't do that.

Prepare three bowls or other convenient containers, always dry. Lightly hit the center of the egg shell with a knife. Gently break the shell in half over one container. Let the whites drain. Very carefully transfer the yolk from one half of the shell to the other at an angle so that the remaining white flows out. If you come across flagella or cords, it is better to leave them in the yolk. If a little protein remains in the yolk, it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that not even a tiny drop of yolk gets into the white. Then it won't fluff up. If this happens, it is better to set it aside and take another egg.

Pour the yolk into a second container. Protein - in third. And over the first one, continue to break the eggs and then pour each new white, if it is not defective, into the third container. We put the yolks in the refrigerator for now.

Make sure the bowl in which you will beat the meringue is clean and dry. Meringues are a very capricious thing. Pour the egg whites into a bowl, pour sugar on top and place citric acid on the tip of a knife. You need to beat for a long time. I have a food processor with two beaters. They beat the meringue for 5 minutes.

If you don't have a food processor. If you have a regular mixer, then I think you will have to beat for 15 - 20 minutes. I remember that I burned out more than one mixer with this. Although, today's whipping machines are probably more powerful than they were 20 years ago.

If the mixture does not spread, holds its shape and does not run off the spoon, then it is ready.

Pour in half the nuts and mix well with a spoon.

Turn the oven on to the lowest heat possible. Take a small baking dish. The dough volume is small. In a large pan, the cake will not rise. Grease the parchment paper very generously with softened butter.

Spread over meringue baking mixture.

Level well with a spoon, knife or special device.

Place the pan with the cake in the preheated oven on the middle racks. The fire is the smallest. Dry for about 1.5 hours. A lot depends on how low the heat your oven can produce. It's easier with an electric oven. The problem is that you absolutely cannot open the oven! It is difficult to see how the cake behaves if there is no backlight. When I had the old stove, I sniffed. As soon as the smell of pleasant baking changed slightly to burnt, I immediately turned off the gas.

Now wait until the oven has cooled completely before removing the first layer.

Carefully turn the cake over and remove the paper from the sides. If it is poorly oiled, it may come off with difficulty. Use a knife.

Remove the paper completely.

If your cake does shrink, crack or break, don’t worry! Everything will be covered with cream.

Preparing custard for meringue cake

For a different custard recipe, see the eclairs recipe.

Mix the remaining 6 yolks with a whisk. We put it closer to the stove.

Pour half a glass of milk into a suitable saucepan (not an enameled one, everything will burn in it). Before doing this, the pan must be rinsed with cold tap water. Bring the milk to a boil. We make the smallest fire.

Pour in the sugar and stir until it is completely dissolved in the milk. We do not turn off the gas under the milk.

Now take a ladle and pour the milk and sugar into the yolks in a thin stream. At the same time, stir the yolks intensively with a whisk. When the liquid mass becomes very hot from the milk and sugar, again pour it in a thin stream back to the milk, which is standing on the stove over low heat. Now, without ceasing, stir the milk with a whisk. Add vanillin. We do not stop stirring until the milk-yolk mass thickens and begins to “puff”. Turn off the gas, stirring for a few more seconds. Set the saucepan aside to cool.

What is this for? If the yolks are not heated with milk, they can curdle in hot milk, and we will get a sweet scrambled egg. And if you don’t stir the mass, it will burn.

Beat the softened butter with a mixer until it turns white.

Add the milk-yolk mixture little by little to the whipped butter. kneading well with a spoon. You should not use a mixer; the cream will turn out more liquid than necessary. If you want, you can add color to the cream with food coloring, cocoa or fruit juice. But I've never done that.

This is how thick the cream should be.

Spread the finished first cake layer with custard.

Place the second cake layer on top. We also spread cream, hiding any defects and covering the edges well.

Our delicious meringue cake “Flight” is ready! You can decorate it as your imagination tells you. But I assure you, it is so tasty that decoration does not play a special role.

Once again, I draw your attention to the reasons why meringue (meringue) may not work out:

  • the yolk gets into the white - the mass will not beat;
  • the mixture was not beaten long enough - the cake will not rise or will settle during baking;
  • open the oven - the cake will settle;
  • the cake is burnt - if possible, cut off the burnt areas with a knife. Otherwise, bake a new one;
  • If the cake shrinks or breaks - no problem, cover it with cream.

Today I will tell you and share step-by-step photos on how to bake a very tasty “Flight” cake at home. I won’t lie, baking this meringue cake is quite difficult and takes a long time. But believe me, it's worth it!

When my daughter turned 1 year old, I decided to surprise my guests with an unusual dessert and found this recipe. The admiration of my guests knew no bounds! Since then I have been constantly making meringue cake for all major holidays. It has become my signature. And now my daughter does it with great success. If it works for us, it will definitely work for you too!

Ingredients for meringue (meringue):

  • chicken egg whites – 6 pieces;
  • sugar – 400 gr.;
  • citric acid - on the tip of a knife;
  • walnuts - about 1 cup shelled.

Ingredients for cream:

  • milk – half a glass;
  • sugar – 200 gr.;
  • yolks – 6 pcs.;
  • butter – 200 gr.;
  • vanillin.

Step-by-step recipe for baking a festive meringue cake “Flight”

Keep the eggs until you prepare the meringue. They must be well cooled. On the contrary, remove the butter from the refrigerator in the evening; it should be soft.

Walnuts need to be chopped. You should not use a coffee grinder. She will smash them into dust. I use my grandmother's old method - newspaper and rolling pin. I put some nuts inside the newspaper and rub them with a rolling pin. You can also use a mortar if you have one. Only then you need to thoroughly wash it from the nut oil. And he just threw the newspaper away - that’s all.

Set the chopped nuts aside for now.

Now comes the most difficult and crucial moment - separating the whites from the yolks. I remind you that they must be cold! For the first cake, take 3 eggs and 200 gr. sugar, you can grind it into powder. But I don't do that.

Prepare three bowls or other convenient containers, always dry. Lightly hit the center of the egg shell with a knife. Gently break the shell in half over one container. Let the whites drain. Very carefully transfer the yolk from one half of the shell to the other at an angle so that the remaining white flows out. If you come across flagella or cords, it is better to leave them in the yolk. If a little protein remains in the yolk, it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that not even a tiny drop of yolk gets into the white. Then it won't fluff up. If this happens, it is better to set it aside and take another egg.

Pour the yolk into a second container. Protein - in third. And over the first one, continue to break the eggs and then pour each new white, if it is not defective, into the third container. We put the yolks in the refrigerator for now.

Make sure the bowl in which you will beat the meringue is clean and dry. Meringues are a very capricious thing. Pour the egg whites into a bowl, pour sugar on top and place citric acid on the tip of a knife. You need to beat for a long time. I have a food processor with two beaters. They beat the meringue for 5 minutes.

If you don't have food processor, but if you have a regular mixer, then I think you’ll have to beat for 15-20 minutes. I remember I’ve burned out more than one mixer with this. Although the current whipping machines probably more powerful than they were 20 years ago.

If the mixture does not spread, holds its shape and does not run off the spoon, then it is ready.

Pour in half the nuts and mix well with a spoon.

Turn the oven on to the lowest heat possible. Take a small baking dish. The dough volume is small. In a large pan, the cake will not rise. Grease the parchment paper very generously with softened butter.

Spread over meringue baking mixture.

Level well with a spoon, knife or special device.

Place the pan with the cake in the preheated oven on the middle racks. The fire is the smallest. Dry for about 1.5 hours. A lot depends on how low the heat your oven can produce. It's easier with an electric oven. The problem is that you absolutely cannot open the oven! It is difficult to see how the cake behaves if there is no backlight. When I had the old stove, I sniffed. As soon as the smell of pleasant baking changed slightly to burnt, I immediately turned off the gas.

Now wait until the oven has cooled completely before removing the first layer.

Carefully turn the cake over and remove the paper from the sides. If it is poorly oiled, it may come off with difficulty. Use a knife.

Remove the paper completely.

If your cake does shrink, crack or break, don’t worry! Everything will be covered with cream.

Preparing custard for meringue cake

Mix the remaining 6 yolks with a whisk. We put it closer to the stove.

Pour half a glass of milk into a suitable saucepan (not an enameled one, everything will burn in it). Before doing this, the pan must be rinsed with cold tap water. Bring the milk to a boil. We make the smallest fire.

Pour in the sugar and stir until it is completely dissolved in the milk. We do not turn off the gas under the milk.

Now take a ladle and pour the milk and sugar into the yolks in a thin stream. At the same time, stir the yolks intensively with a whisk. When the liquid mass becomes very hot from the milk and sugar, again pour it in a thin stream back to the milk, which is standing on the stove over low heat. Now, without ceasing, stir the milk with a whisk. Add vanillin. We do not stop stirring until the milk-yolk mass thickens and begins to “puff”. Turn off the gas, stirring for a few more seconds. Set the saucepan aside to cool.

Meringue cake is incredibly delicious! No other cake can compare with it for the tenderness and airiness that is inherent only in cakes made with meringue. Yes, there are complex recipes for meringue cakes, like Kievsky, but there are also very simple ones, like this one. Be sure to try it, very tasty and beautiful, you and your children will definitely like it.


  • meringue:
  • 6 chilled whites (200 gr.)
  • 300 gr. powdered sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla sugar
  • filling:
  • 600 ml. cream 35% fat
  • 3 tbsp. powdered sugar
  • 1/2 cup shelled peanuts
  • decoration:
  • 10-20 gr. grated chocolate
  • 100 gr. strawberries

    Preparation of meringue

  • First of all, let's bake the meringue, don't worry, it's not as difficult as it seems at first glance. So, we separate the whites from the yolks. Here you should be extremely careful so that the yolk does not get into the whites, otherwise the whites will not whip. The dishes must be clean and dry.
  • We use yolks for other dishes, for example, for baking Easter or Easter cake.
  • Before whipping the egg whites, take two sheets of parchment paper and on each sheet draw a circle the size of our future meringue cake.
  • Immediately turn on the oven and let it warm up. Set the temperature to 120°C.
  • Now we begin to beat the chilled egg whites, using the broom attachment. I’ll say right away that it’s quite difficult to beat the egg whites for meringue by hand, so we use kitchen appliances.
  • When the whites lighten and increase in volume, add powdered sugar in portions. Also add vanilla sugar.
  • Beat the whites until you get a stable, airy foam that you can take with a spoon and the mass does not spread.
  • Carefully place half of the whipped egg white onto the first parchment paper.
  • Distribute the whipped egg whites evenly with a spatula to form a circle.
  • We place the second part of the whipped egg whites on the second parchment, as a result we should get two meringue cakes.
  • Place the cakes in a preheated oven. If there is, then set the “convection” mode.
  • Cook the meringue for an hour and a half at a temperature of 100°C. Depending on the oven, it may take a little more or less time.
  • I would like to draw your attention to the following: you should not open the oven except at the last moment to make sure that the meringue for the cake is ready.
  • During cooking, the meringue increases slightly in volume, but it should not inflate a high cap. If the cap inflates, the temperature is too high and should be reduced.
  • After an hour and a half, we check the meringue for readiness: the cakes acquire a beautiful creamy color, and they should be completely dry on the outside and almost dry on the inside. When pierced with a pin, this is clearly visible. If the cakes are still raw, continue drying at 100°C.
  • Turn off the oven and leave the cakes in the hot oven to dry. You can form the meringue cake only after the cakes have completely cooled. If you try to make a cake with warm meringue, the cream will certainly melt and flow.
  • Preparing the filling for the meringue cake

  • Lightly dry the peeled peanuts in a frying pan. Place the cooled nuts on the board.
  • To prevent the nuts from scattering all over the kitchen, cover them with a clean towel and roll them out with a rolling pin until you obtain large nut crumbs. Set the nuts aside for the time being.
  • To prepare a good thick buttercream, we need fresh liquid cream with a fat content of at least 35%. The cream should be well cooled.
  • Start whipping the cream at medium speed. When the cream begins to increase in volume, add powdered sugar. For every 200 gr. Add one tablespoon of cream with a heap of powdered sugar.
  • Continue beating and increase speed. Whip until the cream becomes thick. Here you need to be very careful not to miss a moment and not to over-whip the cream so that the cream does not decompose into oil and water.
  • Assembling a meringue cake

  • Assembling this cake couldn't be easier. Place the first cake on a flat dish. Apply half, or a little less, of the buttercream.
  • Sprinkle with nuts. I must say that peanuts go great with meringue, so you don’t have to skimp on the nuts and add more of them.
  • Place the second meringue cake on top, apply buttercream and sprinkle with nuts again.
  • If desired, decorate the meringue cake with grated chocolate and fresh strawberries. Place in the refrigerator so that the cake soaks a little.
  • If you want the meringue cake to be crispy, you should assemble it shortly before serving.
  • If you want the cake to be tender, then let the cake sit for about 12 hours. In this case, the meringue is completely saturated with cream, and the result is an incredibly tasty and tender cake that looks more like cream mousse. Try it, very, very tasty))))

I have already talked more than once on the pages of Alimero about where to put extra whites. Today I want to tell you, dear girls, about one more method. Perhaps the most delicious))

As you probably already guessed from the name and photograph, we are talking about protein or meringue cakes. Yes, yes - there is absolutely no flour in them! But enough sugar.

Difficulty level: below the average

Cooking time: active actions 20 minutes, baking - 1.5 hours

To prepare two protein cakes with a diameter of 15 cm, I took:

    sugar - 100 g*

    salt - a pinch

    sunflower oil for greasing parchment paper - 2 tsp.

* If you take whites from medium-large eggs, add another 25 g of sugar.


The instructions for my blender say that you should not allow continuous operation for more than 2 minutes. I don’t know if violating this rule always leads to overheating or breakdown, but I don’t want to check :)

Therefore, to beat the protein mass for a particular recipe, I often combine a choice of two devices out of three - a regular mechanical whisk, a blender with a whisk attachment and a mixer. This time I used a tandem of the first and second.

So, I started whipping the whites, first slowly, then faster.

I replaced the mechanical whisk with an electric one and beat until stiff.

Add sugar little by little, continuing to beat.

Beat for a few more minutes until it becomes glossy.

By the way, after filming this process, I prepared protein cakes again. I beat it in a blender glass - it turned out to be even more convenient.

Using a saucer, I drew two circles with a diameter of 15 cm on parchment paper that matched the size of my largest mold.

You can also bake the cakes on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. It’s just that my baking sheets are terribly uneven (they are over 25 years old), so I use a mold with a more or less even bottom.

If the size of your mold/baking tray allows, you can draw 3 or 4 circles and bake twice as many cakes at once. Or make 1 or 2, but with a larger diameter.

Here you should first think about how tall you would like the cakes to be. If they are taller than mine, then leave the diameter at 15 cm, and take 2 large eggs or 3 small ones.

I greased the paper with sunflower oil.

Moved the sheet into the form. I placed the egg white mixture inside each circle.

If you plan to use the cake layers to make a cake, then you can pay more attention to their top - level it more thoroughly with a spoon. Or vice versa - make interesting peaks on the surface of the cake, which will be on top of the cake.

That's all - delicious meringue cakes are ready!

You can layer them with any cream and assemble them into a cake. You can simply coat with sour cream or sour cream, sprinkle with berries and eat! You can prepare a variety of desserts with them... The choice is yours! ;)

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Recipes for making cakes at home with photos

meringue cake


3.5 hours

300 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

Meringue-based sweets are always airy and tender, they turn out fluffy, large in size, but at the same time light in weight. Children really like to chew meringue pieces that are crunchy and melt on the tongue. Adults are captivated by the apparent lightness of such desserts - they mistakenly believe that cakes with meringue are low in calories.

The popularity of these sweets also lies in their ease of preparation, availability of products and versatility - after all, they can be combined with butter, custard, butter creams, berries and fruits, ice cream and chocolate, whipped cream and sweet sauces. Meringue can be a dessert in its own right; it is also used in sweets and for decorating cakes. There are many recipes for making an airy cake. I’ll present one of these today. It is prepared on the basis of sponge cake, meringue and condensed milk cream. And it’s simply called “Air”.

  • Kitchen appliances and utensils: container for preparing dough; container for preparing cream; mixer; parchment; baking tray; form for baking; pastry syringe or bag; multicooker; oven.

Required Products

Meringue was invented by the French. From French this word is translated as “kiss”.

How to make meringue cake at home

In order to explain more clearly how to bake an “Air” cake with meringue, I wrote out the recipe with photos step by step. Conventionally, the cooking technology can be divided into five successive periods:

  • Baking a biscuit;
  • Preparation of meringue;
  • Preparing the cream;
  • Assembling the cake;
  • Cake decoration.

And I divided the entire process of making homemade meringue cake and its recipe into 18 stages, each of which is accompanied by a photo.

1. At the first stage, place a can of condensed milk in a pan of water, bring to a boil and leave to cook for 1-1.5 hours.

2. Step 2 Ingredients:

  • eggs – 5 pieces;
  • sugar – 175 g.

We start making a sponge cake with meringue by baking the sponge cake. Since we will need an oven to bake the meringue, to speed up the process, I prepared the sponge cake in a slow cooker.

The biscuit is prepared in the traditional way. Separate the whites from the yolks. Using a mixer, beat the yolks with sugar. The mixer should be turned off when white foam appears on the surface of the mixture.

3. Step 3 Ingredients:

  • salt – 0.5 teaspoon.

Beat the whites in a separate container with a mixer and salt. As a result, you should have an air mass come out.

4. Step 4 Ingredients:

  • corn starch – 75 g;
  • flour – 175 g.

Mix flour with starch. Then add it in small portions to the yolk mixture. Mix well.

5. Carefully introduce the protein mass.

6. Grease the multicooker bowl generously with butter. Pour the dough into it. In the menu we find the “Baking” option. It will take 1 hour to bake a sponge cake for a meringue cake at home - this is exactly the time we set on the timer. (The time will depend on the brand of multicooker. Mine is Redmond). At the end of the program, there is no need to open the lid, and the biscuit should be left in the “Warming” mode for 15 minutes.

After this time, open the multicooker lid and cool the biscuit without removing it from the bowl. When you notice that its sides have separated from the walls of the bowl, first turn the sponge cake onto a steamer, and then move it onto a wooden board.

While the sponge cake is preparing, we bake the meringue.

If you don’t have a multicooker, then after you put the sponge cake in the oven preheated to 180 degrees, proceed to preparing the butter cream. Prepare the meringue last.

7. Step 7 Ingredients:

  • eggs – 5 pieces;
  • salt – 0.5 teaspoon.

We start baking the meringue crust for the cake by turning on the oven at 110 degrees. We separate the whites from the yolks. Add salt to the whites and beat with a mixer. You should end up with a stable mass that does not change its position during any manipulation of the container where it is located.

8. Step 8 Ingredients:

  • sugar – 250 g.

Slowly add sugar to the whites without removing the mixer. Beat this mass for 7-10 minutes.

9. Next comes the stage of baking the airy cake layer. Place parchment paper on the bottom of the baking pan. We separate a small amount from the protein mass, which we place in a pastry syringe or bag. Place the rest of the mixture in a baking dish.

10. Cover a baking sheet with parchment and squeeze out small meringues onto it. We will need them to decorate the cake. Place the mold and baking sheet in the oven, which should be preheated to 90-110 degrees. And leave the mixture to bake for 2 hours. It will be necessary to periodically check the readiness of the meringue. The small meringues will be ready in about 60 minutes.

At this time, we are making butter cream for the meringue cake, the recipe for which I also provide with a photo.

Recipe for cream cake with meringue

11. Step 11 Ingredients:

  • butter – 300 g.

Beat the butter with a mixer until it turns into a fluffy mass.

12. Step 12 Ingredients:

  • condensed milk - 1 can.

Add the cooked condensed milk little by little to the butter, stirring until smooth.

Butter and condensed milk must be at the same temperature. This way they will mix better.

13. Let's start assembling the meringue cake with nuts. Cut the cooled biscuit into two halves. It is very convenient to do this with a thick thread. First, I use a knife to slightly trim the separation area, then I insert the thread there, holding its ends with both hands. I run it along the entire base, crossing its ends.

14. Apply syrup to the first layer, which is prepared from two tablespoons of any jam diluted in eight tablespoons of water. Then apply butter cream.

15. Place the meringue crust. We also grease it with cream and sprinkle with chopped toasted peanuts.

16. First spread the bottom of the second sponge cake with jam syrup. And cover it with a layer of meringue. Place the not-yet-ready cake in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.

17. Add 1 teaspoon of cocoa to the remaining cream (optional).

18. After 15 minutes have elapsed, take out the cake and coat its top and sides with cream. Sprinkle the sides with nuts. Let's start decorating.

I first left a little white cream, which I used to draw curls. I placed small meringues along the edges of the top cake. The center was strewn with nuts.

You can use your imagination and use other decoration methods. I will tell you more about how else you can decorate a meringue cake in the next section.

How to beautifully decorate and serve a meringue cake

In my opinion, the combination of white meringues located along the edges of the cake, filled with hot chocolate or icing, looks very beautiful. The top of the meringue can also be decorated with thin streams of chocolate.

To get inspired by new ideas, also try to see how airy cakes are decorated in photos on the Internet. Sometimes you can “profit” from very unusual ideas there.

In addition to detailed instructions for baking an “Airy” meringue cake and its step-by-step recipe, I have selected for you several tips and recommendations that will be useful when preparing it.

  • When separating the yolks from the whites, care must be taken to ensure that even a small amount of yolk does not get into the whites. This may result in the whites not beating well.
  • Proteins should be folded in with smooth movements in one direction from top to bottom.
  • Instead of starch, when making biscuit dough, you can use baking powder - 0.5 teaspoon.
  • In order to check the degree of readiness of the sponge cake, use a match, a toothpick, etc. They are immersed until halfway through baking. If the stick comes out dry, it means the cake is ready.

When preparing a sponge cake in the oven, do not open it for the first 20-25 minutes to prevent the cake from settling. After the biscuit has cooled, it needs to be left in the oven for a while, since a jump in temperature also causes it to settle.

  • To simplify the process of preparing a delicate, airy cake as much as possible, you can buy ready-made sponge cake in the store.
  • Instead of peanuts, you can add any other nuts. It is better to fry them first.
  • You can find out whether you have achieved the required consistency of the protein mass for the meringue by turning over the container in which you prepared it. The mass should not leak out.
  • For the meringue cake, you need to take only sufficiently cooled egg whites. This will make them more stable.
  • It is advisable to refrigerate the finished cake for 3-12 hours.
  • A saw knife is suitable for cutting.

I am sure that using the above tips, the process of making an airy cake will become simple and problem-free for you.
100 gr. meringue
100 gr. walnuts
100 gr. prunes

3 eggs (whites only)
150 gr. Sahara
lemon juice

Impregnation for biscuit:
100 gr. Sahara
100 ml. water
1 tbsp. l. cognac
Cognac can be replaced with other strong alcohol, or you can omit it altogether.

500 gr. butter at ROOM TEMPERATURE!!!
1.5 b. (500 g) condensed milk

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How to prepare a traditional sponge cake, see here:

BISCUIT Classic A simple recipe for the perfect sponge cake Classic sponge cake

“Abandoned” BISCUIT or Polish-style sponge cake. The biscuit prepared according to this recipe turns out fluffy, smooth, porous, soft and very tasty! A special nuance in preparing this sponge cake is that after baking, before cooling, it must be thrown upside down from a height of about half a meter.
There is a theory that if you “expel” the air bubbles that are supposedly in the sponge cake after baking, quickly and before it cools, the sponge cake will retain its shape. Myth or truth, the technology really works. The result is a smooth sponge cake that does not fall even 1 mm.

Classic sponge cake
(shape with a diameter of 22-24cm):

4 eggs
140 gr. Sahara
70 gr. flour
30 gr. starch

Classic sponge cake
(shape with a diameter of 26-28cm):

5 eggs
180 gr. Sahara
90 gr. flour
35 gr. starch

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Please note that the set of ingredients is slightly different from my recipe.

Invitation to discuss the cake and possible improvements

On the Internet you can find a lot of recipes for airy meringue-based cakes - both simple and more complex, with a varied set of ingredients. I wonder what you think about my recipe? How do you prepare airy cakes and what recipes do you use? I will be glad to read any of your comments.

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