How to make delicious rhubarb pies according to a step-by-step recipe with photos. Step-by-step recipe for making rhubarb pies Baked rhubarb pies

We make the usual biscuit dough (I use 3 eggs, 1 tbsp sugar, 1 tbsp flour, 1 tsp baking powder, 1/2 tsp salt) - beat the eggs with sugar into a fluffy foam, add the sifted flour and baking powder, mix.

We peel the rhubarb petioles (I got 400 g of peeled ones), cut them into pieces, cover them with sugar and let them stand for 20-30 minutes. The rhubarb will release juice - drain it.
Further options are possible: you can put the rhubarb in a mold and pour the dough on top (as in a classic charlotte). Or you can do the opposite - pour the dough into the mold, and carefully arrange the pieces of rhubarb on top (like mine).

Bake in the oven at a temperature of 160-180 degrees, about 30-40 minutes (all ovens are different, check the dough for readiness with a toothpick!).

The result is a delicious pie! The consistency is like apple charlotte, but the taste is different - you can’t confuse rhubarb with apples. Delicious both warm and cold.

Taury Rhubarb Pie

  • Rhubarb
  • Butter or margarine
  • Sugar
  • Starch

We usually make this pie with apples, but it seems even tastier with rhubarb.

You will need: 4 eggs, 200 gr. butter or margarine, 1.5 cups of sugar (or a little more), 2 cups of flour (heaped), a little starch, rhubarb (about 150-200 g).

Separate the whites and yolks of 4 eggs. Mix the yolks with 3/4 cup of sugar, add a pack of softened butter (margarine). Add 2 large glasses of flour (a little more may be needed) and knead the dough. Then we divide it into two parts - 1/3 and 2/3, and put the smaller part in the freezer. We distribute the larger bun (2/3 of the dough) over the bottom of the mold and make a small side.

Prepare the filling: Peel and cut the rhubarb, sprinkle with sugar, add a little starch. You can add sugar, let the juice stand out and drain it. But I like it when there is a lot of juice. I usually estimate the amount of rhubarb and sugar by eye.

Beat the whites with 1/2 cup sugar until stiff foam. Spread the rhubarb and carefully place the whipped egg whites on top. Take the dough out of the freezer. You can take out the dough a little in advance and let it rest longer, because while I was making the filling, it didn’t cool down much and it was more difficult to grate the top of the pie. Grate a small ball of dough on a coarse grater over the egg white and into the oven. Bake at 180-200 degrees for 25-35 minutes. At first I baked for about 15 minutes only with the bottom heat, because often the top starts to burn, but the cake is not yet baked.

Rhubarb Pie from Eugene 17

  • Rhubarb
  • Sugar
  • Vanillin
  • baking powder

I really love rhubarb pie. I do this: 3 eggs (large) + 1 tbsp. sugar (less possible) + vanilla, beat thoroughly with a mixer until foamy, add 3/4 tbsp. flour mixed with 1 tsp. baking powder. I mix in the flour with a spoon, no need for a mixer.

I grease the sheet with vegetable oil, sprinkle it with a small layer of sugar, dust it with starch (you can sift it from a strainer) and put peeled rhubarb cut into small pieces in one layer. There is no need to cover the rhubarb with sugar first so that it does not release juice. Fill the rhubarb with dough and place in a heated oven.

Turn the baked pie over and pour cream whipped with sugar on top. I pour it warm, then they are absorbed well.

We usually eat it this way, but today I baked two “cakes”, soaked them in sour cream, added a sliced ​​banana between them, and poured shock on top. frosting and sprinkled with banana and apricot pieces - like a cake. It turned out very juicy, rhubarb gives a slight sourness, which goes well with the sweet dough and cream.

I make baking powder myself: I put 3 tablespoons of citric acid, 5 tablespoons of soda, 6 tablespoons of flour and 6 tablespoons of starch in a dry jar. Spoons can be any kind, even tea spoons or table spoons. The main thing is to collect approximately the same amount of powder. Then mix everything and close tightly. Remove the powder only with a dry spoon, otherwise a reaction will begin.

Rhubarb Pie from Mirage

For the test:

  • 100g butter
  • 50g sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 250g flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder or 0.5 teaspoon baking soda slaked with vinegar

For filling:

  • 500g rhubarb
  • 200g sugar

For filling:

  • 200g sour cream
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 50g ground almonds (you can do without them)

Wash the rhubarb petioles, peel and cut into small pieces. Place in a bowl, add sugar. Stir occasionally. In 10-15 minutes the rhubarb will give juice.
While the rhubarb is cooking, turn on the oven at 200 C and prepare the dough.
Grind the butter with sugar and egg until white, add sifted flour with baking powder or flour and slaked soda.
Place the dough in the mold and spread evenly over the bottom.
Place rhubarb and syrup on dough. The dough will bake, don't worry. Try to let the syrup “retreat” at least a little from the edges of the mold towards the middle.
Chop 500 g of rhubarb and add 200 g of sugar to make juice.
Bake the pie on the middle shelf for 30 minutes.
While the pie is baking, mix sour cream with beaten eggs, ground almonds (optional) and cinnamon.
Take out the pie, pour in the sour cream and egg mixture and put in the oven for another 15 minutes until the surface is baked (we look not at the color, but at the consistency, it should be quite dense, not liquid.
It is delicious to serve a warm pie with ice cream, but it is also good without ice cream - tender, juicy, with sourness!

Rhubarb Upside Down Pie from taw


  • 3 eggs
  • 0.5 tbsp. Sahara
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • vanillin
  • 2/3 tbsp flour (the dough should be medium thick, like charlotte)


  • Wash, peel and cut 300-400 g of rhubarb.

Spread room temperature butter over the bottom of a mold d=26cm. I baked in a silicone mold.
Sprinkle 0.5 cups of sugar evenly onto the bottom of the pan.
Powder the sugar with starch so that the juice from the rhubarb does not flow out, but mixes with the starch.
Add chopped rhubarb.
Pour the batter over the rhubarb
Preheat the oven to t=150-180°C.
Check readiness with a dry stick.
Cool the finished pie and turn the pie pan onto a plate. I sprinkled it with powdered sugar, you can top it with chocolate glaze.

Rhubarb and apple pie from Fairy-Violet

  • 0.5 kg puff pastry dough
  • 1 apple
  • 1 tbsp chopped rhubarb
  • 1 tsp vanilla sugar,
  • 2 tbsp sugar

It turned out delicious!

Rhubarb pies from Strekoza_S

Today I made unhealthy but delicious pan-fried rhubarb pies, and tomorrow I will try the recipes I liked from other participants.
What you will need: yeast dough, rhubarb, a little sugar/

Charlotte with rhubarb in a slow cooker from Extra

Beat 3 eggs with 2/3 tbsp. sugar into foam, add a glass of flour, 1/2 tsp. slaked soda. Immediately add chopped rhubarb to the dough (I left it covered with sugar for half an hour) and apple pieces, mix well. Bake in a slow cooker on “Baking” for 65 + 20 minutes.

Rhubarb Pie from Leshiy

I’ll share my favorite pie recipe, I made it on Monday, I didn’t have time to take a photo, the guests swept everything up... Made with 3 children in 10 minutes + baking.
2 cups of flour + a third of a cup of sugar + 200 grams of margarine (I use butter). Grinds into crumbs. We put it in the mold, form the sides, and do not compact it too much.
We clean the rhubarb and cut it into pieces, about 1.5-2 cm. Place it on the dough and lightly sprinkle with sugar. Place in the preheated oven for 5 minutes until the dough sets slightly.
While we are making the filling: Whisk 2 eggs with 0.5 cups of sugar + 150 g of sour cream and stir. Pour over the pie evenly. Let it bake for about 30 minutes until the filling sets and browns a little.

Any housewife who decides to bake pies with rhubarb inevitably faces the problem of excessive juice leaking from the filling. There is so much of this liquid that it can escape from any dough, even dense yeast dough. Therefore, in this article we will focus only on the issue of filling. How to make her behave quietly in the pie, and so that the products on the table look neat and appetizing, read on. So let's get started.

Rhubarb pies - recipe with semolina

Remove the top pink film from 10-15 stems and cut into centimeter-long pieces. Pour a little water into a small saucepan, throw in the rhubarb and add two tablespoons of sugar. When cooking, the amount of liquid will increase, so it should not burn. Boil the rhubarb until soft and the stems begin to spread. After this, carefully add a spoonful of semolina and mix. The liquid quickly begins to turn into jelly, and then into mush. After this, cool the filling and spread it on the dough.

Rhubarb Pies - Recipe with Peanuts and Raisins

Peel the stems and cut into pieces. Place them in a deep bowl and cover with sugar (half a glass of sand per half a kilo of rhubarb). Place in a cool place for at least an hour, or even better, overnight. Drain the resulting juice. You can then make compote from it. Pass the rhubarb through a meat grinder along with the raisins. Add crushed and use so much that the resulting mixture acquires the consistency of gruel. You can also add one or two spoons of ground cinnamon to it for flavor.

Rhubarb pies - recipe for stewed filling

According to this method, the peeled stems are cut into pieces and simmered in a saucepan over low heat. Sugar is added as the juice is released. We wait until the liquid begins to evaporate and the mass boils down. After this, strain the remaining syrup through cheesecloth and rub the pulp through a sieve. To be on the safe side, you can mix rhubarb with something hard, for example, ground nuts, chopped steamed dried fruits.

Rhubarb pies - recipe with grated May rose

Perhaps every Ukrainian housewife keeps a jar of this solid paste in her refrigerator. It is done very simply. In May, when the wild one blooms profusely (it is not suitable for these purposes), the petals are collected. They are lightly washed and placed in a jar, sprinkling each layer with granulated sugar. Leave at room temperature for 3-4 weeks. Then the sweet petals are passed through a meat grinder twice. Fill the jar up to two-thirds with the mass, since this paste tends to increase in volume later. Cover with a nylon lid and place in the refrigerator. In another month the rose is ready. It has a good firm consistency and performs well inside croissants, donuts and cookies.

We clean the rhubarb, chop it, sprinkle it with sugar. When it releases juice, drain the liquid. We pass the stem pieces through a meat grinder along with a few tablespoons of rose paste. This makes an excellent rhubarb filling for pies: moderately sour and sweet. If it turns out too thick, add the syrup obtained from soaking the stems, or honey. And if it's liquid - a rose.

Rhubarb, the time has come for this delicious product. Here it is already on sale in full and is even starting to grow in the country. We love rhubarb very much, so we are happy to make different dishes from it: cookies, muffins, open pies, compotes and even jam. Rhubarb is very useful for those who suffer from low acidity. And it also helps the heart function! In addition, the petioles are rich in vitamins C, B and PP. But, of course, it tastes very sour, so when preparing the filling for rhubarb pies, do not skimp on sugar.

So, to prepare rhubarb pies, let’s take the following products.

Peel and finely chop the rhubarb.

Add sugar, about 4 tbsp, and let stand. The rhubarb will give juice.

Then add about 100 ml of water to the rhubarb and put on fire. Cook briefly, about 5 minutes until softened, because the rhubarb may spread. Immediately place the finished rhubarb in a colander and let it cool.

While the filling is cooling, make the dough. I made the dough according to a new recipe, and I liked it, it’s called “Dough like fluff”, it really was like fluff...

So, take kefir and butter. Heat slightly in the microwave. Pour into a cup and pour in the yeast, add sugar and salt.

Add flour and knead the dough. Cover the dough with a towel and place in a warm place for 30 minutes.

This is how it will rise, not much, but it will be enough for us.

Notice how fluffy it is. Let's knead it again.

Divide the dough into equal parts.

Roll out each flatbread, not thinly, refer to the photo. Place the filling and 1 teaspoon of sugar on the dough. Let me remind you once again: our rhubarb is sour, so if you like it sweeter, add more, don’t be afraid that it will leak.

We pinch the dough, we get something like this.

Turn the pie seam side down.

Let the pies sit for 10 minutes.

Brush the surface of the pies with beaten egg and place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 25 minutes.

In 25 minutes our rhubarb pies are ready.

Help yourself and treat your friends.

Bon appetit!

One downside... these pies run out quickly. Therefore, make a double portion at once.

Rhubarb is widely used in cooking. Jam and compotes are prepared from the petioles and added as a filling to baked goods.

The article describes several simple recipes for rhubarb pies. You can supplement the filling with berries and fruits, and also add equally healthy sorrel.

Classic rhubarb pies

Such products are prepared from yeast dough. Makes 8 servings.


  • 1 stack Sahara;
  • 4 stacks flour;
  • bunch of rhubarb;
  • a packet of vanillin;
  • 0.5 teaspoon salt;
  • 3 tbsp. starch;
  • 1.5 stack. milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 3 tbsp. sour cream;
  • 1/2 stick of butter;
  • 10 g dry yeast.


  1. Combine milk and yeast, add a glass of flour. Stir.
  2. Add sugar and salt, mix the dough and leave for half an hour in a warm place.
  3. When the dough rises, add the rest of the flour, pour in the melted warm butter, stir and add the beaten eggs.
  4. Leave the dough to rise in a warm place.
  5. Finely chop the peeled rhubarb.
  6. Divide the finished dough into small pieces and roll each into a flat cake.
  7. Place a teaspoon of sugar, a pinch of starch and a little rhubarb on each cake.
  8. Pinch the edges and fry the sweet pies until golden brown.

Calorie content – ​​1788 kcal. Cooking takes two hours.

Pies with sorrel and rhubarb

In spring and summer, sorrel and rhubarb are replaced by fruits and vegetables. These perennial plants are rich in vitamins. To fill the pies, sorrel petioles and leaves along with stems are used.


  • 4 rhubarb stalks;
  • a bunch of sorrel;
  • 6 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 2 tbsp. semolina;
  • 3 stacks flour;
  • 1 stack water;
  • 1 tbsp. dry yeast;
  • 0.5 teaspoon salt;
  • 3 tbsp. vegetable oils;
  • 2 eggs.


  1. Add yeast, flour - 3 tbsp, salt and sugar to warm water.
  2. Stir the dough well, cover and leave to rise for 15 minutes in a warm place.
  3. Add the egg, butter and flour to the prepared dough. Place the dough in a bag and refrigerate for an hour.
  4. Make balls from the dough and roll out.
  5. Cut the peeled rhubarb into circles and finely chop the sorrel.
  6. Add semolina and sugar to the greens, stir.
  7. Place the filling on the cakes, secure the edges well and make a hole in the middle.
  8. Place the pies, seam side up, on a baking sheet and brush with egg.
  9. Bake the pies in the oven for half an hour.


  • 2 eggs and 1 yolk;
  • 250 g flour;
  • 2 tbsp. methane;
  • 250 g. cottage cheese;
  • loosened – one teaspoon;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 200 g each of rhubarb and strawberries;
  • 1 tbsp. starch;
  • 2 tbsp. water.


  1. Grind the cottage cheese and beat with a spoon of sugar, eggs and sour cream.
  2. Add sifted flour, baking powder and salt to the curd mass. Mix well with a mixer.
  3. Knead the dough a little with your hands until it becomes smooth and homogeneous.
  4. Place the dough in a cold place and make the filling: chop the peeled rhubarb and put it in a saucepan, add a spoonful of sugar and water. Simmer for seven minutes until the petioles become soft.
  5. Drain the liquid from the rhubarb and cool the stalks, add finely diced strawberries, starch and a spoonful of sugar.
  6. The plate is 5 mm. Roll out the dough thickly, cut out circles and add a spoonful of filling. Seal the edges and place the pies seam side down on a baking sheet.
  7. Brush the pies with yolk and bake for 25 minutes.

It takes 80 minutes to cook.

  • sugar – 5 tbsp. spoon;
  • three stacks flour;
  • lemon juice – 2.5 teaspoons;
  • cinnamon – 0.25 teaspoon;
  • 2 apples;
  • 1/2 tsp. salt;
  • water – 175 ml;
  • egg;
  • 175 g butter;
  • stack powdered sugar;
  • 60 g drain. cheese.
  • Preparation:

    1. Combine flour with salt and two tablespoons of sugar, pour in water in portions.
    2. Leave the finished dough for half an hour.
    3. Finely chop the butter and place it on the rolled out dough, roll out several times until all the butter is incorporated into the dough.
    4. Cut the dough into pieces and leave for seven minutes.
    5. Peel the rhubarb and apples and remove the seeds from the fruit.
    6. Cut the apples and rhubarb into pieces, add lemon juice - 0.5 tsp, sugar - 60 g, a pinch of salt and cinnamon.
    7. Place the filling on the dough and seal the edges.
    8. Brush the pies with egg and bake for 35 minutes.
    9. Beat the cheese and powder, add water and lemon juice. Apply the finished cream onto slightly cooled pastries.

    Recipes for delicious pies

    rhubarb pies

    30 minutes

    175 kcal

    5 /5 (1 )

    This time I'm going to teach you how to cook what will best strengthen your body and not leave you hungry. We will talk about nothing other than fried and baked rhubarb pies. This dish is unique because of its filling, which is extremely healthy for humans.

    Firstly, rhubarb contains vitamin B9 or folic acid. This acid takes part in the process of hematopoiesis, and also functions as a regulator of carbohydrate and fat metabolism in the human body. Secondly, the trace elements contained in this vegetable actually prevent the formation and development of cardiovascular diseases. Rhubarb strengthens the heart muscle and reduces the likelihood of a person having a stroke. Thirdly, the high vitamin A content in rhubarb promotes bone growth, improved vision and restoration of the mucous membranes of the entire body.

    All these properties of rhubarb make the recipes I provide truly unique and in demand.

    Rhubarb pies made from yeast dough

    Kitchen appliances and utensils

    • utensils for ingredients;
    • mixer;
    • wooden spoon;
    • sieve;
    • baking tray;
    • oven;
    • parchment paper;
    • towel;
    • knife and cutting board.


    How to choose ingredients for a dish

    When you prepare any dish with rhubarb, this vegetable must be of the best quality. The filling for pies, which consists of rhubarb, should not be spoiled by stale ingredients.

    The freshness and ripeness of rhubarb is very easy to determine; you just need to feel the stem itself. It should be strong and dense, and, importantly, even. Rhubarb is stored in vacuum bags, so when you buy packaged rhubarb, make sure the packaging is sealed.

    Step-by-step cooking recipe

    1. We take a deep bowl in which we will mix the ingredients prepared in advance. Pour 250 ml of milk into it, add 7 g of dry yeast.

    2. After that we add sugar. I add 4-5 tablespoons, but you can use whatever amount of sugar you like.

    3. Using a wooden spoon, we mix the ingredients. Let's take a sieve and use it to start pouring the flour into the bowl with the rest of the ingredients. Do not pour out all the flour at once; add only 5-6 tablespoons.

    4. After adding the flour, we thoroughly mix the entire contents of the bowl and leave for 20 minutes for the dough to infuse.

    5. Melt the butter in the microwave and add to the dough. After it, add vegetable oil and yolks.

    6. Mix and pour the remaining flour through a sieve.

    7. Using a mixer, we knead the dough at medium speed.

    8. Cover the resulting workpiece with a thick towel or lid and leave it in a fairly warm place for two hours. After the time has passed, knead the dough with your hands. After this, we start preparing the filling.

    9. Using a knife, finely chop the rhubarb on a board and place in a separate container. Don't forget to wash the vegetable!

    10. We form pies from the dough, place rhubarb in the center with our hands, press down and add 1-2 teaspoons of sugar.

    11. After this, we connect and pinch the edges of the pies and put the finished pie aside.

    12. Cover a baking sheet with parchment paper and place the finished pies. I got 12 of them. Leave the pies for 15-20 minutes.

    13. Take one yolk and brush all the pies with it using a brush.

    14. Preheat the oven to 220 degrees and bake our pies for 10 minutes. We serve ready-made rhubarb pies, cooked in the oven, warm!

    Video recipe for rhubarb pies in the oven

    In this video you can see a very accessible explanation of how you can quickly and deliciously prepare the above-described pies in the oven.

    PIES with rhubarb. Delicious pastry for pies!

    A recipe for incredibly tasty yeast dough for any pies!

    500 g wheat flour
    200 ml milk
    2 yolks
    75 grams sugar
    35 grams butter
    35 grams of vegetable oil
    5 grams dry yeast
    a pinch of salt
    rhubarb, sugar

    You can use whatever filling you like!

    The composition “Short Guitar Clip” belongs to the artist Audionautix. License: Creative Commons Attribution (


    Fried rhubarb pies

    • Cooking time: 25-30 minutes.
    • Number of servings: 13-16 servings.

    Kitchen appliances and utensils

    • pan;
    • cutting board and knife;
    • utensils for ingredients;
    • sieve;
    • mixer.


    Step-by-step recipe for preparing the dish

    1. From the very beginning we need to prepare the dough. And you can learn about how to knead the dough for pies in our simple articles. We take a bowl in which we will mix the ingredients prepared in advance. First we pour sour milk into it.

    2. The next ingredient we will add is sugar. You will need no more than 5-10 grams; we will use the rest to prepare the filling. After that, add baking soda to the mixture.

    3. Take a clean sieve and pour flour through it. Add vegetable oil and 2 yolks. Mix the ingredients.

    4. Using a mixer, we knead the dough at medium speed. We begin to knead the resulting workpiece with our hands until the dough reaches the desired condition.

    5. Let's start preparing the filling. We take the rhubarb petioles, wash them and cut off the ends. Peel and chop this ingredient very finely.

    6. We begin to form pies from the dough. Place rhubarb in each pie and add sugar on top. Wrap the filling in dough and press the edges tightly.

    7. Take a frying pan, pour in vegetable oil and heat it well. Place the pies and fry on each side until golden brown. Bon appetit!

    What do you eat these pies with?

    These pies are best eaten with various drinks, which are very refreshing. You can eat them with chilled tea, which not only complements such a wonderful dish, but also perfectly invigorates.

    You can also serve this dish with mashed potatoes, porridge, or instead of bread with soups. This will make it much more satisfying and tasty. This simple tip will help you add variety to your meals and make your family happy!

    Possible other preparation and filling options

    If you are looking for a universal dish that can be filled with almost any filling without spoiling it, then pies will come to your aid. There are an unlimited number of pies: sweet, sour, salty, soft, crispy, and so on. I will now advise you a couple of recipes that are necessary for every owner or housewife.

    The first thing you should learn to cook is fried meat pies. This is the dish that reminds us of childhood and allows us to get enough of the native taste that fills us with happiness. Next I recommend trying to cook. These are sweet and sour pies that can captivate with their aromas. When you just start preparing them, the room will immediately be filled with a bouquet of wonderful summer smells. Plus, they are extremely filling and very easy to prepare.

    These are not all the pies that I would like to tell you about, but these are exactly the ones with which you need to start getting acquainted with such pastries. This is especially true for those who want to learn how to cook this dish. But if you are an absolute beginner in cooking, then you just need to learn how to cook simple, but very useful in cooking. Based on it, you can prepare your own unique dishes, spending a minimum of effort and money! And only then I advise you to learn to cook.

    Share your recipes, discuss and add all sorts of original solutions to existing recipes using comments! Your experience and useful advice can be useful to many of us. Culinary inspiration and bon appetit to everyone!

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