How to draw a man on the shoulders with a pencil. How to draw a person in full growth? How to draw a person step by step How to draw a baby

The dream of most people is to learn how to draw beautifully, to do it with a pencil, you need special skill. To learn how to portray a person, that is, a portrait, you need to know a couple of tricks and gain experience. In general, there is no difficulty, the main thing is not to be lazy. Do not be afraid to seem like a ridiculous student, you are just learning and striving for creative success.

How to learn to draw a person with a pencil step by step

When starting to work on your hobby, you need to take into account the theory a little. If you want to portray a person, you need to take into account and understand its proportions. Without observing them, the drawing will turn out to be a little realistic and funny. First, study a medium-sized figure, this will give a base on which to build proportions in the future. Use the head as a unit of measure for the relative sizes of other body parts. For example, to make it more clear, the average height of the depicted person is seven, eight heads. In a man, of course, the figure is different from the female, and also, in children, their outlines are not similar to adults. But this is with regards to general points, but in general, the proportions may not correspond to reality, in a pencil drawing, it is important to understand the mood of the person being portrayed, character and expression.

How to learn to draw a person with a pencil for beginners

If you are just learning to draw, this is not a problem, it is even interesting to start and discover something new for yourself. Try to perform movements in one line without fear of making a mistake. You can depict a person different ways, the most suitable for a beginner in this matter, it is better to disassemble the drawing in parts. Probably many people remember how at school or in kindergarten they taught to draw sticks, circles, connecting them together. This is partly correct in order to avoid strong distortion of real body parts.

    1. Build a rectangle on paper, and in its middle, draw a straight strip, slightly longer than the figure itself.

  1. Above the quadrangle, the oval figure of the shoulders, draw a dotted line of future clothes in the lower region.
  2. Now the oval of the head, try not to make it too small, and depict the neck below.
  3. All figures can be depicted carelessly for the time being, since they perform only an auxiliary function and will be removed later.
  4. Then draw a couple of circles in the area of ​​​​the arms, legs, this is part of the elbows, knees.
  5. And now, from the shoulders, draw the reaching arms, corresponding to the section of the leg with the knees.
  6. Actually, the contour of our little man is ready, it remains to carefully erase the auxiliary lines, to give the most realistic look.
  7. An important part of the drawing, the face and contour of a person, not forgetting the details, clothing. Draw folds of clothes, shadows in the direction of light. Namely, if it falls on the left, then a shadow is depicted on the right.
  8. All these actions are aimed at the primary technique of depicting a portrait, after you are closest to reality, hone your skills in portraying people, proceed to study the portrait of faces. To draw people, animals, landscapes, it is always easier to break the action into several steps. This technique is used not only by novice artists, but also by experienced, confident ones.

How to learn to draw a person's face with a pencil

Having become acquainted with the stages of depicting a full-length portrait of a person, his figure, contour, you can move on to a more complex level. As with the physique, the face in the portrait is depicted in parts. If you want to draw only one face, not in full growth, then immediately determine its location. To get started, take a well-sharpened thin pencil, medium hardness. This will make it easier to work with sketches, and by the way, do not erase them until you are firmly convinced of the transition to thicker outlines. When working with a portrait of a face, the most important thing is accuracy in proportions than with a torso. The face is always slightly pointed at the bottom and more rounded at the top. And like any hobby, practice, practice more. Stop at a particular person, and hone your skills.

How to learn to draw a portrait of people with a pencil

For example, let's take the face of a girl, the shape of the face is oval. In general, girls are always more interesting to draw, there is more expressiveness of the eyes, a variety of forms. Everything, as usual, is drawn in an elongated circle, separated by dotted lines. Vertical, goes in the middle, and there should be several horizontal ones.

The first divides the face slightly below half, the second another part. For you to understand, the meaning of these lines is to show the approximate location of the nose - a vertical line, eyes, lips - these are horizontal. But you can’t press hard on the pencil, the contour will be erased as soon as you reach the proportionality of the face. With light movements, draw the parts of the nose, below the lips. Then the most important thing in the portrait is the element of sketching the mirror of the soul. Their location is slightly above the bridge of the nose, its outer edges indicate where the inner corners will go. There is one fact, perhaps, which not everyone knows, that the distance between the eyes is equal to the size of one eye. Consider what form the person being portrayed has and try to get closer to her. Drawing eyebrows should start from the inside, the point that is closer to the nose. And accordingly, do not forget about eyelashes. To make a smooth mouth, draw an auxiliary cone-shaped contour from the outer corners of the eyes to the area of ​​​​the intended lips.

How to learn to draw a person with a pencil from scratch

Always use auxiliary lines, an artist from scratch, their help is inevitable. Start with simple and banal drawings without, everything comes with experience. If you decide to draw only people's faces so far, in order to give them the most specificity, remember about the part of the cheekbones, the shape of the chin, wrinkles. Always pay special attention to the parts of the eyes, it is necessary to convey the look of a person, his emotions, and the mood at the moment. To do this, you need to learn how to draw the general outlines of the structure of the eye:

    1. If you make a mistake with the shape of the eye, the resemblance to the picture will be lost. Therefore, try to determine the lines of the eyes as accurately as possible.

  1. After, the pupils are drawn, they are always black, in the form of a small dot in the middle of the eye.
  2. From the pupil for realism, draw small veins, two, three highlights, and slightly darken the upper part.
  3. Eyelashes are drawn on the upper eyelid thicker and longer, but slightly different sizes. Otherwise, they will look like glued.

With a simple pencil, add shadows and blend them, this will add volume to the image and the illusion of movement, that's the whole picture is ready. Try to practice as often and as much as possible to hone your skills.

Learn to draw with a pencil - video tutorials

For amateur artists, the problem of “how to draw a person” arises already in the first lessons during training, regardless of whether you take lessons from a teacher or master fine art on your own. Many find it difficult to cope with the task, which is frustrating and frustrating for aspiring artists. This often leads to the fact that many "give up" to understand how to draw a person.

The first thing to do if a work of art does not work right away is to change the approach to business. To master this type of drawing requires consistency and perseverance. No matter how strange it may sound, but before you start the process of drawing, you need to carefully consider everything. So, here is a detailed instruction on how to draw a person in stages.

General composition rules

Before you learn how to draw people, you need to learn the rules for building a composition. For a good picture, it is important to correctly place objects or figures on a plane. This is called layout. The artist must determine how the composition will look. But it should be borne in mind that the compositional and geometric center should not coincide.

The sketch is done with a pencil with light movements. Proportions are distributed in accordance with the age of the person, and the body should sit on a support or stand firmly on its feet.

Do not be discouraged if you do not immediately understand how to draw a person with a pencil in stages. Professional artists have been training and studying human anatomy for years. But you do not have Dali's ambitions, and you just want to learn how to portray a person - it is enough to correctly distribute the proportions. Experts advise to highlight the shoulder girdle, hips and limbs well.

Don't spend a lot of time on the overall composition. From the sketch, move on to drawing the details, and a clearer designation of the picture.

face image

The face is the most complex element in the image of a person. Even a graphic portrait requires thoughtful approach and practice. The artist must be able to convey facial expressions, emotions and depth of view. The image consists of several stages:

General outline. It depends on him whether the portrait will turn out. Having determined the place of the face in the composition, draw an oval with light movements without pressing. Repeat until you achieve perfect symmetry.

Now, you can start marking all the parts of the head. On the oval, draw a horizontal stroke that will divide the face in half, and another parallel

the previous one. From the bottom center, draw a perpendicular that defines the location of the nose. Define the eyes, mouth, and don't forget the ears.

Regardless of whether you want to understand how to draw a man or a woman, you will have to figure out how to draw the eyes, lips, nose and eyebrows. The task of the artist is to determine the shape, location and presence of asymmetry and convey all this in a portrait.

The final stage is drawing details and applying shadows. The process does not take much time, but it can make the image voluminous and expressive.

Eye drawing

When we learn to draw a portrait, the eyes are the most difficult. Mastering the technique of drawing eyes can give your work more liveliness and realism.

We start with the contour - these are horizontal and vertical lines intersecting in the center. If you draw two eyes at once - do not forget about symmetry.

Now we draw a rectangle in the center of which is the intersection of the previous strokes.

Now, "stretch" the eye, give it realism. Inside the rectangle, we designate a circle, which will later become the cornea. And we connect with conditional strokes, from the edges of the rectangles to the center, mark the corners.

We give a real shape. With the help of an eraser, we delete everything unnecessary. After that, we raise the right corner of the eye to the level of the cornea, and lower it to the lower corner.

Now is the time to draw the pupil and eyelashes, shading the folds.

The last one is color. You can use colored pencils, crayons or paints. The eye becomes alive.

It is impossible to imagine a portrait without a nose. It should be well written, taking into account all the details. But we start, as usual, with markup.

Noses are different for everyone, but we will focus on a neutral academic version:

Draw a straight vertical line - this is the future back of the nose. Below - horizontal - where the nostrils will be located.

On the sides we apply light strokes to indicate the wings.

Now everything is very simple - give the nose the desired shape and connect all the points.

Now we get rid of all the excess with the help of an eraser.

We give volume, with the help of hatching and darkening in the area of ​​​​the nostrils and wings.

How to draw lips

The lips are not given as much time as the eyes, which convey the mood. But incorrectly drawn lips spoil the impression of the whole drawing, even if otherwise it is perfect.

We designate three horizontal stripes. Central - should be longer than the other two, approximately twice.

We give the lips a schematic shape by connecting all the lines.

One of the most difficult stages is to depict the upper lip with a “heart”, dividing it into two parts.

We make the image realistic by giving it volume. Apply light shading to the junction of the upper and lower lips, as well as the corners.

Full Body Man: Drawing Tips

How to draw a person in stages for beginners is the number one problem. In comparison with a portrait, it is easier to depict a human figure. The face in the picture is depicted schematically, the emphasis is on drawing the torso.

There are several options for depicting a figure. We will analyze one of the simplest ways:

contours. Draw a rectangle with 3:4 proportions - this will be the torso. Divide the rectangle into two equal parts vertically, the line should extend slightly beyond the shape. At the top, mark the line of the shoulders, and at the bottom of the rectangle - the outline of the T-shirt.

The next step is the general outline. Here, with the help of all the same circles, the elbows and feet are indicated. And on the sides, draw two lines that connect the torso to the knees.

Limbs. We circle the schematic representation of the limbs. Don't be discouraged if you don't get accurate lines the first time.

Delete extra outlines. Erase all the schematic symbols with an eraser, leaving only the main lines. You don't need to draw anything, just make the drawing more real.

When the figure is ready, start drawing the face and clothes. You already know how to draw a face. In clothes, do not forget to draw folds, this will make the drawing more realistic.

Drawing in motion

Drawing a person in motion is more difficult than drawing a static figure. But even such a drawing can be mastered by beginners.

For example, let's take the image of a ballerina, and analyze each step of the process.

We designate the contours of the future dancer, taking into account the proportions of the body. The skirt is drawn in the form of an oval with a sharp left edge. At the bottom, draw two lines at the bottom - the future legs and at the top - the ballerina's hands.

Now delete the extra lines and get the outline of the ballerina. This is already the final stage. The matter is left to the details.

Face. If the image is large, you will have to try to draw all the details: accurately depict emotions, indicate wrinkles and shadows. In the case when the figure is in the distance or has a small scale, you can schematically designate a face.

Now pay attention to the details: draw the clothes; think about where the girl is dancing, draw the background.

Now carefully examine the result of your labors so as not to miss important details.

Good afternoon! Today we will draw a person, this time a teenage guy. This lesson on drawing a person is simpler, since it is basic, does not contain complex details, shadows, and was created by us in order for you to fix the proportions of the human body.

Step 1

First, consider the growth of a person - this parameter will be the same at all three angles. A person's height fits into 7 heads, of which 2 heads fall on the torso, about 3 on the arms, and 4 on the legs. Please note that the first stage in our case is to draw brushes without arms. The width of the shoulders (from the edge from one shoulder to the edge of the other shoulder) is -2.5 head widths, and the line of the pelvis should be significantly narrower than the line of the shoulders (by the way, these lines are approximately equal in length). By the way, it should also be noted that all lines and proportions are approximate, since the addition of all people is individual - for example, if we draw a very elderly person, we will add a little stoop by changing the line of posture, and if we are talking about drawing a physically developed person, we will make the shoulders even wider.

Another important point is that the person's posture does not change at all angles, we just look at him from different angles - it is because of this that there are differences in the three stickmen. The line of the torso should not be straight, because the curves of the spine are approximately repeated in it. But the shoulders, arms and legs are drawn in straight lines, bends are present only in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe joints.

Step 2

Now let's frame the stickman to make a silhouette.

The neck looks from all angles like a short cylinder on which the head is attached. Sloping lines of the shoulders depart from it, this can be seen from the first spirit of the angles. The torso has a slight, smooth narrowing from the chest to the waist - by the way, this is noticeable at every angle.

The arms look like elongated cylinders, only from the side, at the third angle, they are the most voluminous. The groin area on the first two looks like a triangle. The legs, like the arms, look like cylinders, only they are more voluminous and there is a pronounced narrowing from the waist to the knee. The bending of the calf muscles is also interesting - we note that everything said about the legs applies to all three angles.

Yes, do not forget to mark the head at the first angle with the eye line (horizontal, approximately in the middle) and facial symmetry, this is a vertical line, it also passes through the center, but slightly bends in the upper part.

Step 3

A very simple step. We outline the hairstyle and eyes, as well as the mouth, do not forget about the eyebrows. Notice how the hairstyle looks different in all the steps.

And here you can very well consider the rule of facial proportions: the upper tip of the ear lies in the same plane with the eyebrows, and the lower one lies with the tip of the nose. Look at the third angle, and you definitely won't get confused.

Step 4

We are drawing a boy of 15 years old, which means he needs appropriate clothes. We draw him the contours of the shirt, it should be open in front and hang rather than fit. However, in the back area, it sits more tightly, you can see this in the corresponding picture. On the third angle, you can clearly see the distance at which the shirt is from the body, more precisely, its front part. The folds in the area of ​​the upper part of the forearms (the sleeves are rolled up) are present in all types.

Jeans slightly follow the contours of the legs - they also narrow at the knees and also expand after them, only these curves are smoother than those of the legs themselves. Jeans, moving away from the hips, become more distant from the legs, this can be seen from the first angle.

Step 5

Now we draw facial features (quite easy, in a few lines) and clothes on the whole body of our hero. The folds are very interesting here. Look at the back and you will once again see that there the shirt fits snugly against the body, because there are almost no folds there. The place where the sleeves are turned up can be difficult, but here you only need to know that all the folds in the area of ​​the lapel, inside it, are horizontal, and already higher they become more and more vertical.

We also draw folds on jeans, then outline and trim the back pockets. The folds here are longitudinal, transverse ones are found only in the areas of the knees and in the lowest part.

Today we will continue the topic of drawing a human figure, and in this lesson we will study proportions. In this lesson we will learn how to learn how to draw a person in stages with a pencil in full growth. In order for the following information to be really useful for you, I propose to prepare a sheet of paper and a pencil and immediately draw with me.

First of all, it is necessary to clarify: we will consider, and also learn how to build and draw a figure of a tall man with ideal academic proportions. The figures of most people have their own characteristics, sometimes very far from the reference, nevertheless, they are all interesting and beautiful in their own way. In order to learn how to correctly display the characteristic features of the figure of each person individually in the figure, you first need to remember the ratios and proportions in their ideal version.

If you've never drawn full body people before, start simple:

  • First, try to build some proportional skeletons so that the arms, legs, palms, pelvis, knees and other parts are in place.
  • Then put on the human body on these frames, it is possible in a very simplified version, without muscle relief. You can dress your character in simple clothes.
  • From such a skeleton, you can make a man or a woman, a full or thin person, he will have everything in place. Train!
  • If everything works out well, try to show the muscles of the arms, legs, torso.

Learning to draw a person in stages

In an ideal figure, a person's height is equal to the height of eight of his heads. Therefore, if the height of a person's head is multiplied by eight, we get his ideal proportional growth.

We determine the main proportions

Prepare a piece of paper and a pencil, let's start drawing. On your working surface, determine the height (height) of the future person, draw a vertical straight line.

  • Divide the height of this straight line exactly in half. Half the height of a person (the middle of this line) is pubic bone.
  • We divide the upper and lower formed parts in half again. Thus we define accordingly: at the top chest level, on this line there will be nipples, at the bottom of the line under kneecaps.

For clarity, in order not to get confused with the structure of the human figure, divisions and lines, it would be reasonable to build a simplified skeleton as in the figure below:

Such a scheme at first glance may seem complicated or even boring, but those who learn it and apply it correctly in practice will be insured against errors with proportions during the creation of human drawings.

head and face

In order to learn how to correctly draw a person in full growth, it is also important to know and remember the scheme of construction and the proportions of the head and face. We define the main lines that will help us build a face with the correct proportions.

  • First, we divide the height of the head into two equal parts - we get eye line(shown in red line).
  • We define hairline, it is 1/7 of the height of the head. This line is shown in orange.
  • Next, divide the height of the head into 3 equal parts. Thus, we get eyebrow line(shown in green) and a line nose(blue).
  • Divide the segment from the tip of the nose to the chin in half - we get the level of the edge lower lip, above we mark the line of the mouth.
  • The line of the nose coincides with neck line, This is especially evident when looking at the head in profile.
  • auricle We start drawing at the level of the axis of the eyes and end at the line of the nose. In profile, we place the ears on a vertical that divides the skull in half.

The height from the top of the head to the line of the nose is equal to the size of the palm. This is a very important measurement, mark it for yourself, it will come in handy more than once today.

Torso and pelvis

In order to find important key points of the chest and pelvis, we need to mark the size of the height of the palm somewhere in the corner of the picture, now we especially need it.


In order to correctly draw a human figure, it is important to understand the proportions of the arms, elbows, forearms, collarbones and hands.

These are guidelines that almost always coincide with everyone.


If it's too difficult to cope with these measurements and proportions, try printing this image with ready-made markup, and practice drawing a person according to this scheme.

I hope this makes things easier and helps you.


In this lesson, we figured out the basic proportions of the human body and after some training you will be able to draw a full-length human figure without preliminary marking, marking only the main landmarks.

This knowledge will be enough if you depict a person at a remote distance or dressed in clothes made of dense fabric.

See also our publication and video on how to draw a girl, here the nuances of building a female figure in full growth are revealed.

In the following lessons, we will take a closer look at the main muscle groups that you need to know and take into account when drawing a person in light clothing or without it.

I wish you creative success!

Proportions of the human figure have been of interest to artists, philosophers and educators for the past 20 centuries or more. The Roman architect Vitruvius wrote at the beginning of the 1st century AD: “Nature so well put together the human figure that the face, from the chin to the roots of the hair, is a tenth of the whole body.” He also argued that the navel is the center of the body, so a circle drawn around this point would touch the outstretched fingers and toes of the person lying on their back. This theory was illustrated in famous drawing by Leonardo da Vinci below.

Unfortunately, theory only works in practice. if the arms are at a very specific angle. However, it can be seen that when the arms are stretched out to the sides, the distance between the tips of the fingers is about the same as between the crown of the head and the soles of the feet. This is useful rule when determining arm length.

During the Renaissance, human anatomy became the subject of detailed study, and artists became involved in the search for meaningful mathematical relationships between the sizes of different parts of the body. Comprehensive approaches have been devised to determine " perfect figure". Since then, hundreds of such approaches have been developed using various parts of the body as units of measurement, including the head, face, legs, forearms, index finger, nose, spine, and so on. But since no one approach was universal, because one cannot deny the obvious fact that all people are different, these approaches are of interest only to the classics. Accepted ideal body proportions also are changing from one generation to another. Therefore, we must generally resort to observing a wide range of sizes and shapes of people that we see around us.

For our purposes, however, it is useful to study the figure of medium size, as this gives us a base on which to build proportions.

The most common method— the use of head height as a unit of measurement for relative measurements of various parts of the body. The average figure is seven heads, but a range between six and eight heads is also considered normal. In fact, most often in drawing guides, the "ideal" figure is depicted eight heads high- mostly, I suspect, because then you can divide the body vertically into eight convenient parts: chin, nipples, navel, crotch, mid-thigh, knees, calves and feet, which makes life easier for the instructor!

However, rules are there to be broken! We can admire the remarkable achievements of Roman architects and renaissance painters/mathematicians, all of whom should offer us a handy check of proportions, but it would be foolish to limit ourselves to this method only.

Proportions of children

When drawing children, you will find that the head occupies a much larger proportion of the total height. The head of a newborn baby is about a quarter of the total height, and the length of the legs is much less. But as the child grows, the legs increase in length much more than other parts of the body in relation to the total height of the body, so that the head becomes proportionately smaller.

Subcutaneous fat distribution

During childhood, male and female body shapes are very similar. The shape of the average adult male body is mainly dictated by the size of the muscle mass, while the figure of the average woman depends mainly on the size of the fat masses. When girls reach puberty, there is an increase in fat deposits in very specific places to give roundness to the breasts and hips of an adult woman.

Below are illustrations of where it is deposited subcutaneous fat in women and men. Both sexes have reserves high on the back between the shoulder blades, which show up in obese people of both sexes with hunched shoulders and a short neck. However, other places where fat accumulates differ between the sexes. An overweight man is more characteristic of the waist than the hips. excess fat in men stored above the hip bone on the back on either side of the spine and on the upper abdomen. overweight women, on the contrary, as a rule, they gain more at the hips than at the waist. Their main fat storage sites are the lower abdomen, buttocks and thighs, as well as the chest and back between the shoulder blades, just like in men.

The distribution of fat in a woman

Proportions of the elderly

In old age flexor muscles, usually, are shrinking, become shorter. It makes the body bent when it is in its normal standing position. The shoulders are rounded, in the thoracic spine its natural curve increases and the neck pushes the face forward. Even when the body is relaxed, the arms and legs remain slightly bent.

Skin and subcutaneous fat become thinner and muscles contract. Elbow joints and wrists appear larger, and veins may become prominent and protrude from under the skin. All fat deposits on the body and face become softer and tend to sag at the elbows and under the chin.

From the next lesson we move on to human drawing practice.

Hope you enjoyed this tutorial! Leave your comments and remarks about the course.

The following materials were used in the article:
- Ron Tiner "Figure Drawing without a model";
- Loomis E. Nude. Drawing guide.

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