Exercise for triceps with a barbell. The best triceps exercise in the gym. Extension of arms with a crooked neck from behind the head

The triceps muscle, or triceps, occupies the attention of both, and. Men who take care of their physical form know that against the background of a beautiful embossed body, weak arms are out of place.

In women, with age, the skin and muscles on the arms sag, forming ugly "ears" above the neckline.

A bit of anatomy

The triceps muscle is located on rear surface. It consists of three heads - long, lateral and medial. All of them are responsible for flexion-extension of the shoulder muscles. The long bundle is responsible for the movement of the arm back and back to the body, for the ability of the forearm to unbend.

The long muscle originates from the tubercle of the scapula, beginning with a tendon; lateral located outside the humerus; the medial one is attached to the shoulder part of the arm and is partially covered by the first two. Three heads of muscles form a powerful tendon attached to the process of the elbow.

Exercises and technique in the gym

Both guys can train in the gym: many triceps exercises are suitable for both. It's good if a competent instructor in the hall will consult - where and how to start.

Did you know? The first inventor was named Gustav Zander. The Swedish physiotherapist has designed about seventy machines. They were bulky and more like medieval instruments of torture, but they were so in demand that the Swede became not only famous, but also rich.


on - in addition to the triceps muscle, the pectoral muscles are also involved:

  • get up to the frame of the simulator, simulating the bars;
  • clasp the arms of the simulator with your palms and take the position “on outstretched arms”;
  • straight, can be slightly bent into;
  • while inhaling, gently lower yourself down on your hands until a right angle is formed in the elbow bends;
  • it is advisable to take the shoulders back so that all the effort goes to the triceps - in this position, do not linger for a couple of seconds;
  • exhalation - a smooth rise;
  • repeat 10 times, three sets.

, but with a narrow grip:

  • it is advisable to work on a bench with racks or on a power rack;
  • when gripping the bar, the distance between the hands is no more than three;
  • while inhaling, the bar goes down, touching the chest immediately up - exhale;
  • in the “barbell up” position, rest, then repeat;
  • three sets of 6-12 reps.
Triceps exercises in the gym for girls on a lever simulator:
  • take a comfortable position on the simulator, keep your back straight, do not strain your shoulders, grab the levers with your palms;
  • press your elbows to the body, exhale and slowly unbend;
  • inhale - starting position;
  • 10-12 times, we approach three times.


The best exercise for triceps in for, which works exclusively on this muscle, is the extension of the arms on the upper block:

  • performed while standing, we cover the handle of the simulator with the palm down, the body is slightly bent, the elbows are pressed to the body, the handle is pulled up to;
  • while exhaling, lower the handle as far down as possible, to the area, while inhaling, return it up;
  • performed smoothly, 10-12 repetitions, three sets.
Extension with one arm in the "standing" position:
  • variation of the first lesson - the technique is the same, but with one hand;
  • in order to work out correctly, you need to take a comfortable stance: the body is tilted forward, the back does not move, one leg is laid back for emphasis;
  • returning to the starting position, resist the cable of the simulator, do not let your hand be pulled;
  • you should not work with a lot of weight and it is desirable to fix the wrist area;
  • perform 10 repetitions three times.

  • stand near the bench, lean on the bench with one palm;
  • take a dumbbell in another;
  • the elbow is pressed to the body, the elbow bend forms a right angle;
  • inhale the arm unbend, exhale - return back;
  • 10-12 times, three times.

Only the elbow joint should work here, the shoulder and forearm are not mobile. In the “dumbbell down” position, you should linger for a few seconds to tense the triceps. French bench press with a barbell:
  • performed lying on a bench, the body is pressed to the surface of the bench, legs on the floor, the grip of the bar is straight;
  • keep your arms stretched up, the distance between them is shoulder width apart;
  • while inhaling, the bar lowers, while the shoulder and forearm form a right angle, exhale - the bar rises until the arms are straightened;
  • try not to use your shoulders in the work, your legs should be pressed to the floor to maintain balance;
  • repeat 6-12 times in three sets.

These triceps exercises can be performed both in and at home, using two stools folded together instead of a bench; dumbbells are more suitable.

Aimed at heads

Almost all exercises involve all three beams, since they are interconnected, there is no separate lesson for working out one of them. But there are some tricks to enhance the effect for one specific muscle.

For a greater study of the long head, the complex of training with raised arms should be modified. For example, the French press described above - lower the barbell not to the forehead, but behind the head.
Similarly, flexion-extension with dumbbells - to carry out the movement from behind the head. To use the lateral head more, you should perform pronation of the hand, that is, the turning movement of the hand inward during dumbbell training.

The medial head is worked out during supination, that is, the movement of the brush outward. collapsible dumbbells are used for such exercises, leaving pancakes on only one side.

We swing triceps at home

You can pump triceps at home. Consider several options for classes for and at home. Let's start with men's activities.
with emphasis on the back:

  • lean with your hands on two folded stools (bench), legs are located on the floor or any elevation (sofa, stool);
  • inhale - the body goes down, the elbow bends form a right angle;
  • exhale - the body rises up.

Important! Pauses in both positions will increase the load, but do not spread your palms too wide, otherwise the delta will have a greater load.

Exercise for triceps with dumbbells at home - extension of the arms from behind the head:
  • sit on a stool, back straight, legs pressed with feet to the floor;
  • clasp yourself with one hand, the second with dumbbells;
  • dumbbell raised above;
  • inhale - the projectile falls behind the head, exhale - rises back;
  • 12 times is enough to complete.
Do not use a too heavy projectile - you should not linger in the “dumbbell behind your head” position. A classic exercise that does not require any additions is push-ups from the floor. You can use it for warming up, in addition to the triceps, the legs, pectoral and spinal muscles are also worked out. Training can be complicated by additional weight, for example, a heavy backpack on your back. Let's move on to women's activities.

Triceps exercises with dumbbells for girls:

  • put two stools next to each other, lean on them with your knee and one palm;
  • the body is maximally tilted, the shoulder blades are together, the press is tense;
  • in the other hand, bent at a right angle, a dumbbell;
  • the elbow is pressed to the body during movement;
  • slowly bend-unbend your arm with a dumbbell;
  • inhale - down, exhale - up;
  • for each hand 12 times, three trips.

  • sitting on a stool, one leg can be taken a little back for greater balance;
  • the dumbbell is covered by two palms and brought above the head;
  • inhale - the dumbbell falls behind the head as low as you can;
  • exhale - rises back;
  • Two sets of 12 reps are enough.

Did you know? Dumbbells were used by ancient Greek athletes, however, not for pumping the relief. Athletes with the help of these shells improved the results of triple long jumps. After the run, bouncing, the athlete threw the dumbbells back. This helped to jump about 20 cm further than without the "accelerator".

Lifting your own weight is the same push-up, only from a bench (stool):
  • lean on the support with two palms, legs straight, fingers on the floor;
  • tense to unload the lower back;
  • on inhalation - down, touching the support with the chest, on exhalation - up.

  • lean on a bench or stool with both palms (the support is located behind your back);
  • legs bent at a right angle;
  • go down on inhalation, on exhalation - up;
  • only the upper limbs should work, we do not strain the legs;
  • repeat both push-ups three times 10-12 times.
A healthy beautiful body relieves complexes and helps to feel comfortable. In modern life, it is not always possible to find time to go to the gym, but at home you can do it with no less benefit and pleasure.

Triceps is a triceps muscle that is located on the back of the arms and is responsible for their extension. The visual appearance and smartness of the arms is largely determined by the triceps., so you can’t do without training this muscle. We bring to your attention the 6 best exercises with dumbbells for triceps for girls that can be performed both at home and in the gym.

A strong triceps is needed for push-ups, pull-ups, various racks and chest exercises. In addition, flabbiness on the inside of the arm, where the triceps are located, can hardly be liked even from an aesthetic point of view. Girls can train triceps both at home and in the gym, and for its quality load it is enough to have only dumbbells.

Basic rules for training triceps for girls

Many girls avoid doing triceps exercises, afraid to swing their arms or increase their volume. We hasten to reassure you that if you perform exercises on your hands with a small weight (up to 5 kg), then no "buildup" of the muscles will occur. Yes, and with a lot of weight, we are not talking about any noticeable increase in muscle mass - maximum, you will bring the muscles into a slight tone and make the hands more embossed. But why would a girl do triceps exercises at all?

Why does a girl need to pump triceps:

  • By pumping the triceps, you tone the muscles on the back of the arms and get rid of ugly flabbiness and sagging.
  • The triceps are involved in most chest exercises, so without a strong triceps muscle, you won't be able to progress in chest exercises.
  • A strong triceps is needed for push-ups, pull-ups, racks, and most static plank exercises.
  • A strong triceps is also needed for the quality performance of many yoga asanas, if you plan to develop in this direction.

10 rules for triceps training for girls

So, what are the basic rules that girls need to know in order for triceps training to be of high quality, effective and useful?

1. What dumbbell weight take for triceps training:

  • For muscle growth: the maximum weight of the dumbbells so that you can do 10-12 reps to failure with the correct technique (for girls, usually up to 8-10 kg)
  • : enough weight so that you feel the load, but at the same time you can do 15-20 repetitions (for girls, usually up to 4-5 kg)
  • For beginners: dumbbells 1-2 kg with a gradual increase in weight

2. With what one day to train triceps exercises:

  • Classic variant: combine triceps exercises with exercises for. Exercises for the chest involve squeezing the weight, and the triceps are responsible for this function in the muscles of the arms. Therefore, he is directly involved in the training of the chest muscles. Start your workout with chest exercises, then move on to triceps exercises.
  • Alternative option: combine triceps exercises with exercises for. Biceps and triceps are antagonistic muscles, which is why many consider their joint training to be the most effective way strengthen muscles. Some girls choose this option, because it is convenient to train two arm muscle groups (biceps and triceps) on the same day. For those who train 3-4 times a week, delta exercises can be added on the same day.

3. As a rule, it is enough for girls to train triceps once a week. But if you are doing strength training 5-6 times a week and you want to purposefully work on your arm muscles, you can train triceps twice a week.

4. If you do not want to get injured and postpone training for a long time, then before doing triceps exercises, do a warm-up workout. After finishing the triceps exercises, do not forget to stretch the muscles, this will make the workout more effective. For an additional warm-up immediately before performing a particular exercise, you can do one set of this exercise without dumbbells. (or with very little weight).

5. The exercises below are suitable for both at home and in the gym. The convenience of training in the gym is a variety of dumbbells, so you can easily choose the optimal weight and increase the load in the future. But you can train triceps at home without compromising the result. At first, for training triceps at home, you can even use plastic bottles instead of dumbbells.

6. It is important to understand that gradually your muscles will get used to the load, so it is advisable to increase the weight of the dumbbells over time. Convenient for home workouts collapsible dumbbell which allows you to adjust the weight.

7. We suggest six triceps exercises, but you don't have to do them all on the same day. For a full triceps workout, it is enough to do 3-4 exercises in several approaches. (for example, two isolation exercises and one or two multi-joint exercises). You can alternate these exercises or periodically change the set of exercises in your class. However, remember that with different positions of the body, the triceps bundles are loaded in different ways, so it's best not to get hung up on the same exercises.

8. If you want to lose weight, remember to eat in a calorie deficit. If you want to build muscle, then eat in a calorie surplus and eat enough protein. (2-2.5 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight).

9. If you want to lose weight, then do at least twice a week for additional calorie burning and metabolism.

Isolation exercises for triceps with dumbbells

Most triceps exercises with dumbbells are isolation exercises, they practically do not involve other muscles. Therefore, when performing exercises, you should feel the load on the triceps. If this does not happen, you may be using too little weight or there are errors in the technique of the exercise. Please note that during triceps exercises with dumbbells, your shoulder (upper arm to elbow) remains motionless. Only the forearm moves. Control this moment throughout the session. Perform exercises smoothly, without jerking.

How many reps to do:

  • For muscle growth: 10-12 reps in 4-5 sets per arm with maximum weight
  • For easy muscle tone and fat burning: 15-20 reps in 3-4 sets per arm with medium weight

Each of these exercises can be performed first with one hand and then with the other, or with both hands at the same time. The first option allows you to perform the exercise more technically, since you will only need to control one hand. (you can hold the top of the other hand with your free hand to keep it still). The second option is more complex, but more economical in terms of time.

The dumbbell overhead press is one of the most effective dumbbell triceps exercises. Stand straight, arms shoulder-width apart, back straight. Take the dumbbells behind your head, elbows pointing at the ceiling. As you exhale, lift the dumbbells vertically up, the part of the arm above the elbow remains motionless. Hold for a couple of seconds and lower the dumbbells back behind your head.

This exercise can also be performed while sitting, this will help avoid transferring the load from the triceps to the back. The sitting dumbbell overhead press is more insulating, while the standing dumbbell press partially engages the back muscles.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees slightly and tilt your back, while not slouching or rounding your spine. Take a dumbbell in your hands, bend your elbows so that the dumbbells are at chest level. As you exhale, straighten your arms at the elbow, leaving the upper arm motionless. The arms are parallel to the body. Hold for a couple of seconds and return to the starting position.

Or this option, the so-called triangular push-ups:

Reverse push-ups, although they are more simple exercise than push-ups, but they also require strong triceps muscles to perform. Reverse push-ups are most often performed from the bench, but if desired, they can also be performed from the floor. To complicate this exercise, you can stretch your legs, and not bend them at the knees.

This exercise can be performed instead of the isolating exercise "Extension of arms in an inclination." What will be the advantage of the exercise "Extension of the arm in the plank"? Firstly, this exercise additionally involves the muscles of the abdomen and back. Secondly, the unstable position in the bar helps to include more muscles in the upper and lower body, which means training the body will be even more effective. Thirdly, such an exercise well increases the heart rate, which is useful for burning calories.

Stand in position, while your hands rest on the floor not with your palms, but with dumbbells. You can spread your legs a little wider for a more stable position. With your elbow bent, pull the dumbbell to your chest, hold for a split second, and then pull the dumbbell back until your arm is fully extended. When extending the arm, the shoulder (part of the arm above the elbow) remains motionless. Hold this position for a couple of seconds and bend your elbow again. Then return to the plank position. Please note that when performing the exercise, the back remains straight, the body is static, the pelvis is even (does not go up or down).

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Triceps workout options

We offer you several options for training for triceps. You can choose one of the suggested options, alternate between all three options, or create your own triceps exercise plan. If you are working on fat loss with light dumbbells (or you just don’t have heavy dumbbells available), then you can do 15-20 reps per arm.

Option 1

    8-10 reps x 2-3 sets10-12 reps x 4 sets
  • Bent over arms back: 10-12 reps x 4 sets

Option 2

    8-10 reps x 2-3 sets10-12 reps x 4 sets10-12 reps x 4 sets10-12 reps x 3 sets

Option 3

  • Reverse push-ups from the bench: 10-12 reps x 3-4 sets

Have you decided to seriously go in for sports or just “pump up your bitsuha”? It is necessary to pay attention to each muscle separately. Only harmoniously developed muscles of the whole body can cause admiration and recognition of others. Triceps is extremely important because it makes up about 70% of the muscles of the shoulder and gives the arms a pronounced relief from the back, even in a relaxed form. However, before starting the workout, let's remember the lessons of anatomy in order to better understand how to pump up the triceps with the maximum result.

The triceps muscle of the shoulder, or, as doctors call it - musculus triceps brachii, plays an important role in the extension processes. It is represented by three heads, called medial, lateral and long. Thanks to the latter, the ability of the joints to unbend is determined. Regarding muscle motility, it is worth remembering that when flexing the biceps, the triceps muscle unbends, and vice versa.

Muscle mass, each of the heads, for the most part depends on the genetic data of the athlete. This explains the great desire of many athletes to dilute the training program with triceps isolation exercises that have a greater impact on one of the three components.

Approach to training

All triceps exercises are divided by professional athletes into two groups, according to the name of the part that is more stressed when performed. Most triceps exercises give a full load to each head at the same time. The formation of one does not take place without the development of the others.

Lateral and medial:

  1. Push-ups with back stop;
  2. Extension from behind the head;
  3. French bench press;
  4. Close grip bench press;
  5. Extensions on the upper block.


  1. Bent over extensions;
  2. Lowering the bar behind the head while sitting;
  3. Extension with dumbbells lying at an angle;
  4. French head press;
  5. Thrust block from the back of the head.

Naturally, such diversity is necessary for harmonious development. Since we started talking about harmony, it should be said that pumping triceps and chest on the same day is undesirable. Although there is a widespread belief to the contrary.

Exercises on the chest make the triceps tense at the same time. Therefore, it is not worth downloading too much. If you decide to combine triceps and chest, then this can be compensated for by a special technique, according to which
The intensity of the load should be alternated in order every week: medium - weak - strong.

Can't go to the gym? You can use the best triceps exercises at home to fully pump your muscles, below, to replace the lack of special simulators:

  1. Close grip bench press;
  2. Lowering the EZ-bar behind the head while sitting;
  3. Push-ups with back stop;
  4. Push-ups between chairs or on bars;
  5. Push-ups from the floor with a narrow rack.

Some triceps exercises are fairly well-known and do not need careful consideration. If you doubt the correctness of your technique, then you can get acquainted with the performance techniques.

Technique for performing exercises for the medial and lateral heads

Push-ups with back rest

We rest with brushes on a gymnastic bench or two chairs, a bed is perfect if you practice at home. The legs are extended. Inhaling, we go down until the angle at the elbows becomes straight - 90 degrees. Exhaling, raise the body up, straightening the arms. You can increase the load using delays in the lower or upper position.

Extension from behind the head

We take a sitting position on a chair or bench. Feet press firmly into the floor. The back should be well arched at the waist. We hold the dumbbell above ourselves, the elbow is straightened. Taking a breath, lower your hand behind your back. Almost immediately, along with exhalation, we straighten it back.

When performing, you will have to monitor the shoulder joint so that it does not move. You can hold it with your free hand. A set should be done from 10-12 cycles.

French bench press

We lie down on the bench so that the back with the buttocks are tightly pressed. We rest our feet on the floor. We hold the bar above ourselves with a girth at the width of the shoulders. While inhaling, lower the bar to the forehead. Make sure your shoulders and elbows form a right angle. Having briefly lingered in this position, we exhale and raise the barbell with a slight slope from the head, and immediately do the next approach. You need to do 3-4 sets of 12 repetitions.

Close grip bench press

We take a lying position on a horizontal bench. Grip with a distance of 3 fists. We lower the projectile to the chest. Together with the exhalation, we begin to push the bar up until the elbows are fully extended. We take a breath, you can fix the position for a while, and again lower the projectile.

Weight must be selected with the expectation that there is enough strength for a maximum of 12 repetitions. The set is repeated 3-4 times. This triceps exercise is great because it engages the muscles of the chest and shoulders.

Extensions on the upper block

We stand near the simulator and take the handle so that the palms look down. Elbows are pressed. As you exhale, pull the handle down to your hips. After lingering for 2-3 seconds, slowly relax your hands.

This is considered to be one of the most effective triceps exercises, allowing you to completely focus the load on all heads. We also try to complete 3-4 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

Technique for performing exercises for a long head

Bent over extensions

It is best to do the following exercise at the end of your workout. We stand on the edge of the bench, rest with our palms and bend to a horizontal state so that the back is straightened parallel to the floor. If desired, put the foot on the bench. We bend the arm so that the angle at the elbow is straight.

We inhale and, holding the air for a couple of seconds, straighten the arm with the effort of one triceps muscle. We try not to use other muscles. After a short pause, slowly return to the starting position. Make sure the body does not move. Repeat 3 sets of 10-12 cycles.

Seated barbell press

Sit down and lift the bar up. Keep your back straight. Move your head slightly forward so as not to hit the bar. Gradually, with an inhalation, lower the bar by the neck and with an exhalation, slowly, begin to raise it. Repeat 12 times. Number of sets - 3.

Incline dumbbell extensions

Grab two dumbbells and lie down on an incline bench, face up. Inhale, and then as you exhale, pull your elbows out to the sides so that your shoulder blades can connect. Lock in and lower your elbows back. Repeat like everyone else.

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Triceps exercises

Without well-developed triceps, no arms will look beautiful. Well-defined biceps will certainly attract attention, but in general the arms will look unimportant if the back of the shoulder sections are flabby.

Triceps Anatomy

The back of the shoulder section of the arm is the triceps triceps muscle. All three heads of the triceps are engaged when the arm is extended. The external (lateral) head of the triceps muscle of the shoulder is attached to the back of the humerus and stretches to the elbow joint.

The inner (long) head of the triceps is attached just below the humerus - to the scapula, and stretches, like the outer head, to the elbow. The middle (short) head is located between the long and outer; it also starts from the shoulder, but is attached much higher than the rest of the heads of the triceps.

How to build triceps

To make triceps strong and embossed, you need to perform exercises in which all three heads are involved as much as possible. That is, presses in which the triceps are used to the maximum - to develop their physical strength, and extensions - to improve separation and increase volume. Basic triceps exercises are presented below.

Triceps exercises

This is a basic exercise for the triceps muscles of the hands. It is recommended for all athletes. But those who need good shape and mass can exclude it from the training program if their strength level is at the average level or above. To the intermediate level, close-grip triceps bench press is necessary for everyone, regardless of the goal.

It is believed that the width of the grip when performing a “narrow” bench press should be much narrower than the shoulders. In fact, there is no need for this. But the grip should not be more than shoulder width. The width of the grip at shoulder level is optimal for any athlete, regardless of his height and anatomical features.

When performing the bench press with a narrow grip, the legs should be firmly planted on the floor, and the entire torso should be pressed against the bench. Elbows should not diverge when lowering the bar. At the bottom, the bar should touch the upper abdomen, not the chest. The number of repetitions is 6 - 10.

This exercise is very similar to the bench press with a narrow grip - the same starting position and almost the same execution technique. Only the width of the grip should be necessarily slightly narrower than the width of the shoulders. And one more difference is that the neck falls on the upper part of the chest, literally two fingers below the chin. Elbows - as well as in the bench press with a narrow grip - should not diverge to the sides.

The California bench press is superior to the narrow bench in so far as it is one of the best exercises for mass, and at the same time it is also useful for increasing strength in benching exercises. This exercise has helped many powerlifters and bodybuilders achieve impressive results.

There is no other exercise in which all three heads of the triceps work at full power. If you perform it on a specially designated day for training the arms, the triceps will become strong and massive in a relatively short time. You need to perform 4 - 5 sets of 6 - 10 repetitions, no more than once every 4 days.

This is one of the most effective exercises for the inner head of the triceps. Of course, the other two also work, but not as hard as when doing the California bench press.

You are lying on a horizontal bench. Taking the barbell, squeeze it up, and - by bending your arms - lower it until the bar lightly touches the top of your head. It is recommended to use a curved bar for this exercise - since with a straight bar the hands are not in a very comfortable position, which affects the technique. The recommended volume is 4-6 sets of 6-10 reps.

4) Arm extensions with a dumbbell, sitting on a bench with an inclined back

This exercise - like the previous one - focuses on the long head of the triceps muscle of the hand. Arm extensions on an incline bench are most effective for those athletes who have a long triceps ligament (ending at the elbow, not above it). For athletes with short triceps, it is also suitable, but for the best effect, they should prefer the French press.

Taking a dumbbell weighing approximately 40% of the weight of the barbell in the close grip bench press, sit on the bench. Push your dumbbell arms up and bend them until you feel a full stretch in your triceps. Do 4-5 sets of 8-10 reps.

The angle of the back of the bench should be such that no discomfort is felt during the exercise. The recommended tilt angle is 25 - 45 degrees. For those who prefer to do this exercise regularly, the back angle should change every 2 to 3 workouts.

This exercise is inferior to the previous two extensions in terms of gaining muscle mass, but it will be more effective for improving relief and separation of the medial (long) head of the triceps. Triceps extension is performed as follows: sitting straight, bend your arm with a dumbbell until the triceps is fully stretched. 4-5 sets of 8-10 reps.

Taking a dumbbell in one hand, stand at the bench and, bending at the waist, rest against it with your “non-working” hand. Starting position - standing in an inclination, the arm with a dumbbell is bent at an angle, its shoulder part is parallel to the floor. Raise the dumbbell by extending the arm without changing the position of its shoulder part. 5 sets of 8-12 reps for each arm.
This exercise mainly works the lateral head of the triceps. It is better to include it in the training program when the desired mass is reached and it is required to improve the relief of the triceps muscles of the hands.

This exercise is more productive for "pumping" the outer head of the triceps than the extension of the arms in an incline. Both the middle and inner heads work in it, but to a small extent; the synergy of these two heads of the triceps helps the lateral head to work to its full potential.
For the best effect, it is better to use the handle in the form of the letter V. Taking the handle, pull it down until the shoulder parts of your hands are perpendicular to the floor and your forearms are parallel to the floor. This is the starting position. Due to the extension of the arms, lower the handle down until the arms are fully extended. Pausing at the bottom for a second, slowly return to the starting position, and repeat the movement. The triceps are pumped down on the block in 4 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

This is another dumbbell triceps exercise for the outer head of the triceps. It is recommended to include it in the "relief" period. In transverse extensions, almost one external head of the triceps muscle of the hand works.

Lying on a horizontal bench, raise your hand with a dumbbell up. Then lower it - across the torso. At the lowest point, the dumbbell should touch the bench, just above the opposite shoulder. 4 sets of 10-12 reps.

This exercise is almost the same as the previous one. The difference is that when performing extensions, both hands are involved at once. You lie on a flat bench, holding a dumbbell in each hand. Stretching your arms up, you lower the dumbbells across your torso. The dumbbells should not touch during the entire set, and the palms should always be turned back to back. 5 sets of 8-10 reps.

Complexes of exercises for triceps

Often regulars of fitness halls do not get the desired results, although they do not neglect the technique of performing exercises and comply with all conditions for the restoration of trained muscles. This mistake lies in the fact that they adopt not quite the right complexes. The right complex of a professional can be absolutely useless for a novice athlete.

Below are the triceps training complexes of the best triceps exercises. The first is for beginners, and the second and third are for intermediate level athletes.

1 complex

Monday: Bench Dumbbell Extension or French Press (depending on triceps length). 3 sets of 8 reps.
Block Presses – 3 sets of 10 reps.

Friday: Close grip bench press. For the first two workouts, do at least 8 reps per set, and no more than 4 sets. From the third week of training, start doing 5 sets of 6 to 10 repetitions.

You need to engage in this complex until the weight in the bench press with a narrow grip does not slightly exceed your own weight. After that, you can go to complex 2.

2 complex

Monday: Presses down on the block. Set the weight for 10 reps, and do 4 sets of 8 reps with it, resting between them for 1 - 1.5 minutes.
Extensions of the arms, standing in an inclination. Do 5 sets with a dumbbell that allows you to complete 12 repetitions. The interval between sets is 1.5 - 2 minutes.
Cross bending of the arms. 4 sets of 10-12 reps.

Friday: California bench press. 4-5 sets of 6-10 reps. Pick up the weight for 10 repetitions. Do 3 sets of 6 reps. Then do 10 repetitions. if you feel like you can do more than 20, stop. Rest 3 minutes. Then do another set, with the maximum number of repetitions.

3 complex

You need to move on to this complex only when the volume of the trained muscles has noticeably increased.

Monday: Bench arm extensions or French presses. 6 sets of 6 reps. With a weight for 8 reps, do 6 sets of 6 reps, resting 1 minute after each set.
Cross bends - 4 sets of 10 - 12 reps.

Friday: California bench press. Set weight for 8 reps, do 8 reps. Then, without resting, drop 5 kg, and complete the approach to failure. Do 2 more sets of weight loss, also without resting between them.
Presses down on the block. Perform 5 sets of 8-12 reps, resting between sets of 2-2.5 minutes.


How many weeks to adhere to a certain complex is an individual matter. For some, two months of training in the 1st complex is enough to start “advanced” training. Others are not enough and six months. It's all about genetic endowment. The main thing is to find exactly those exercises that suit you according to anatomical features. Regular training, full display and adherence to the correct technique for performing exercises are necessary conditions. Observing them, any person, regardless of physique and age, will achieve the desired results.

Usually triceps begin to grow after 2 months. In genetically gifted individuals - and even less. For hardgainers (poorly responsive to athleticism, hard to gain muscle mass) and girls, the “pumping up” period takes an order of magnitude longer. But in 6 months, every athlete (including hardgainers) should find pleasant changes in their triceps. If they are not there, the reason is either in nutrition or in other factors responsible for recovery after training.

It often happens that there is no progress precisely because the athlete does not perform the exercises that suit him best. For example, if the owner of a long triceps neglects extensions on an inclined bench, his growth progress will be significantly slowed down. Athletes with good genetics will also benefit greatly if these factors are taken into account.

Another reason for the slowdown in triceps growth in weakly responsive athletes may be that they switch to the “pumping” complex too early, or simply abuse the “pumping” (training with a large number of sets and repetitions, with small weights). Light weights and a high volume of work will not make weak and flat triceps massive. And if something similar happens, it will be a short-term effect.

This exercise program is for those who want to create a relief body, and for girls who just want to remove flabbiness from their hands, a special complex has been developed that they can perform at home. You can find a set of exercises

Triceps is a muscle that extends the arm. Together with the biceps, it forms the relief of the arm from the shoulder to the elbow (anatomically, this part is called the shoulder). Since the extensor of the arm is 2/3 of its volume, it makes sense to do shock exercises for the triceps.

It is difficult to choose the most effective triceps exercise, because each of them contributes to the development of the triceps muscle.

Types of exercises for triceps

What is triceps and how to pump it up is a question that worries many beginner athletes. If you really want to pump up, the basics of anatomy will come in handy in the first place. This will help you perform the exercises more correctly and better navigate your feelings.

It is known that by increasing the volume of the extensor (actually, triceps), the arm becomes much more massive. If you do it the way most beginners like to do - targeting only the biceps, you will have a small bump in the place of the flexor, but in general the arm will still seem thin.

By the way, the strength of the triceps significantly exceeds the strength of the biceps (2-3 times), so it is easier to pump it.

Speaking about how to quickly pump up triceps, first of all, you should decide what the word “quickly” means to you. If it's months, you're thinking right. If you dream of pumping it up in a week, then maybe it's time to stop believing in fairy tales?

Below are the most effective triceps exercises that will make your arm powerful and pumped up.

  • Basic exercises for triceps increase its mass and are the most difficult: these are push-ups from the bars with weights, reverse push-ups and bench press with a narrow grip.
  • The French press is difficult to classify as a basic exercise, but it is well suited for training triceps for mass. Due to the use of different necks, the French bench press helps to pump the entire triceps well. This is probably one of the best isolated exercises for triceps.
  • The rest of the exercises are designed to create a relief based on the available mass - this is, for example, working with dumbbells,.

By the way, the truly basic exercise in which the extensor of the arm works is the bench press. Of course, it is aimed at working out the pectoral muscles, but the triceps also get a decent part of the load. This exercise uses heavy weights. You won't be able to lift the same weight on close grip or French presses. As a rule, the working weights in these exercises differ by 2-3 times.

It makes no sense to list all the exercises for triceps, we will analyze only a part of them. Those that really help to pump up this muscle.

A set of exercises for the extensors of the arms

Let's start by looking at triceps exercises in the gym. This is the best way to train triceps!

Bench press

This is a basic exercise that pumps the chest, shoulders, triceps. Usually the bench press is performed on the same day that we swing the triceps. This is convenient, unlike the back-biceps scheme.

Yes, this is not the best exercise for triceps, since the target muscle group here is the chest. But without it, the hands will not grow. There is also an inverse relationship - weak hands greatly spoil the results in this exercise.

In addition to the classic bench press, to pump up a huge triceps muscle, you need to do a number of specialized exercises.

Close Grip Press

The best triceps exercises should work well on the triceps muscle and not strain the rest. This is the ideal. In practice, things are not so rosy.

For example, the close grip bench press is certainly very effective, but it puts a lot of strain on the shoulders. If the athlete has any shoulder injury, he will not be able to perform this press.

The narrow grip press is performed in such a way that the elbows are pressed to the body, and the bar is lowered to the middle of the chest. If you lower the bar to the bottom of the chest, the front bundles of the deltoids will overwork. If it is above the middle of the chest, the wrists are strongly bent at the lower point.

french press

An exercise that no triceps training program can do without. It is isolated if you perform this exercise correctly.

You need to lie on a horizontal bench and place your feet firmly on the floor. Next, take the bar with a grip that is comfortable for you and take it slightly behind your head. From this position, you can start work. Arms from shoulder to elbow are not perpendicular to the floor. You take your elbows behind your head a little further so that your arms slightly deviate from the vertical.

Lower the bar to the very head, then unbend your arms.

If at this time you feel (hear) clicks coming from your elbows or experience pain in your joints, try another bar or skip this exercise.

Reverse push-ups

This is one of the most effective exercises for triceps, as well as push-ups from the bars.

You need to find an emphasis for legs and arms (benches will do). In principle, you can put your feet on the floor, but this will make the exercise easier.

Put your hands behind you on one bench, put your feet on the other. You need to take a position so that the support under your arms is behind you and does not prevent you from moving up and down. Put pancakes on your knees (choose the weight so that 10 push-ups are difficult for you, and you could no longer do 11-12 times). Bend your arms and lower yourself down to a right angle at the elbows, then return to the starting position.

We swing triceps qualitatively, without jerks. If you do such push-ups with a jerk, either the pancakes will fly off your knees, or you will get a shoulder injury. In general, triceps training should be done with high quality.

Extension of arms on the block

Stand in a block frame near the top block, on which a straight bar was hung in advance. Grab it with a straight grip, bend over it from above to fix the weight below not due to the strength of the hands, but due to your weight. Press your elbows to the body - this position does not include the latissimus dorsi.

Do arm extensions 8-12 times per set.

Bar push-ups

When we don’t know how to pump up triceps without iron, bars come to the rescue.

If you are a physically prepared person and will do push-ups without additional weight, you will not see outwardly noticeable results. You need to add at least 5–10 kg and gradually develop strength so that muscle tissue begins to grow after it.

So, how to pump triceps on the uneven bars. The starting position is this - the legs hang in the air, squeeze them, the shins can be crossed. Straighten up, no need to lean forward, bring your elbows to the body.

Move straight up and down, like a shuttle, trying not to sway or lean forward or backward.

Feels like you should feel that the load is distributed to the triceps and a little front of the deltoids.

Work in a partial amplitude in the upper positions, make sure that your shoulders are fixed, that is, they do not fall or rise. If this starts to happen, the pectoral muscles and trapezium will begin to train.

Triceps workout with dumbbells

A good option is the french press with dumbbells. This is a triceps-friendly exercise if you don't have a barbell but dumbbells. In addition, you can rotate the brush as you like, and not be dependent on the shape of the fingerboard.

You can do this exercise with one dumbbell, clasping it with both hands. This is a comfortable and flexible grip. The dumbbell rotates slightly as you move your arms due to gravity. This element can be performed both sitting and lying down. Do not confuse it with a pullover - there the arms do not unbend.

The dumbbell overhead press is often placed last in a training program. It isolates the triceps, causing it to fill with blood.

It makes no sense to do this exercise with large weights, you need to pick up a tangible weight and work efficiently, trying to ensure the maximum amplitude of contraction of the triceps muscle.

Another interesting option is the extension of the arm with dumbbells in an incline. In this exercise, you need to bend over, take your hand from the dumbbells back and turn it with your elbow up. Try to keep your elbow parallel to the floor. If you can’t do this, it’s okay, work as best you can.


The most home workout option. If you press your elbows to the body and slowly push up, the triceps and the whole body are well strengthened. Due to the low speed of the movement, you will stay in a tense state for a longer time (this is the essence of such an exercise as the “bar”). Plus, the shock load will go to your triceps.

To complicate push-ups, you can use movable rotating stops.

Changing the angle of the body changes the load on the triceps. If the head is higher than the legs, then push-ups are easier. If it's the other way around, it's harder. The most extreme version of push-ups is upside down purely on the hands (push-ups in the horizon). But this is already aerobatics, which refers more to gymnastics than to pumping up muscles.

If you can do push-ups at least once, pressing your elbows to the body, then you already have the initial physical preparation.

Training schedule

If the muscle group is large, then it is better to give it a shock load every 7-8 days. For muscles such as triceps, it is acceptable to load more often - you can do 2 heavy workouts per week and one easy one. Or 1 heavy, 1 light. Training triceps once a week for muscle growth will not be enough.

  • When you do any exercise for the triceps, pay attention to the sensations - you should feel that you are working. If you do push-ups on the uneven bars, and the next day your pectoral muscle hurts and your arms don’t hurt at all, reconsider your technique. Push up so that it is the triceps that get tired. If the muscle stiffens, burns, gets tired after the exercise, it means that you are pumping it.
  • If your elbows start to hurt, pay attention to the technique, change the necks, bandage your elbows for the duration of the exercises. Try all of these before you quit your workout. Take a course of joint strengthening supplements that contain chondroitin and glucosamine. In the end, reduce the working weights and see if the pain disappears.

On isolated extensions of the arms (French press, extension of the arms on the block), pay attention to the position of your elbows - the farther the elbows from the body, the less the load on the triceps. You will feel it.

Press your elbows - you will immediately understand if this working weight is too big for you. This is the secret of such presses. Therefore, always watch your elbows yourself or ask someone to look after you. Compliance with the technique will help you pump up a large triceps and not get injured.

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