Astro forecast for March for Sagittarius. March horoscope for Sagittarius. Horoscope for March Sagittarius. Horoscope for March Sagittarius from Tamara and Pavel Globa

(March 2020)

Profitable trump cards will be in your hands, so do not miss the opportunity to play them. In everything you will be in the first place and in the forefront, which will favorably affect the quality of life.

The plan will be carried out without much effort, but you should not relax. Surrounded by enough people capable of minor dirty tricks - keep your eyes open. You will not only move up the career ladder, but also a stunning success with the representatives of the opposite sex. Gifts of fate will not just come into your hands - you have to work a little.

Try not to avoid responsibility, because your life and success are only in your hands. Thanks to natural delicacy and prudence, you will be able to resolve long-standing conflicts. Sociability will significantly expand the circle of friends, but carefully watch who fate brings you to.

Do not use people for selfish purposes - no one is able to forgive such a betrayal. The ideal period for the manifestation of creative talents, but one should not resort to too creative decisions and extraordinary actions. Success will come by chance, so you can be considered the minions of fate. Only forgetfulness and frivolity can interfere with the implementation of plans - it is urgent to take control of these character traits.

Goat Woman: Horoscope for March 2020

Capriciousness is unlikely to become faithful advisers, and punctuality will reduce your authority in many circles. Laziness will slow down several projects, so at the beginning of the month, make an action plan - and strictly adhere to it. You succeed, but such success can relax. And if now fortune favors you, then tomorrow the picture can change dramatically.

It is useful to change the occupation if the current place of work does not suit you for some reason. There is a high probability of the appearance of a patron whom you will charm with beauty, intelligence and charm. In this case, it is undesirable to mix personal life and career.

Goat Man: Horoscope for March 2020

Try not to give in to difficulties and never quit what you started. Bring all projects to their logical conclusion - and get a well-deserved success. The month will not bring anything terrible, since all emerging problems can be quickly resolved even without outside help.

Goat: Love horoscope for March 2020

There is almost no time left for personal life, but you should not ignore new acquaintances. Friendships can grow into something more, so take a closer look at your immediate surroundings, instead of looking for adventures away from home.

Everything is going smoothly for the family representatives of the sign, but children will require special attention. Pay attention to who your teenager communicates with, invite his friends home. In a relationship with a permanent partner, try to moderate your selfishness - the world does not revolve solely around you.

Goat: Financial horoscope for March 2020

There will be no problems with money during the whole month. However, this does not mean that you can mindlessly spend unimaginable amounts. Thrift will not be superfluous, and savings will help you buy a car or real estate in the future. A hobby can become an additional income if you find your circle of customers.

Relationships with friends can deteriorate due to finances, so do not lend them money and do not ask for a loan yourself. Even a small amount will affect friendship. If there is an opportunity to help, let it be advice or practical actions.

Goat: Health Horoscope for March 2020

On the part of health, you will not have to wait for unpleasant surprises - the body has a sufficient amount of the necessary vital energy. Your own thoughts can become a problem, so it is advisable for hypochondriacs to refrain from negativity. Suspicious symptoms and looking for various kinds of ailments will certainly lead to prolonged depression.

Stress never goes unnoticed, so it's important to be constantly on the move. Morning exercises, evening walks, socializing with friends and proper nutrition are the key to good health this month. Massage, yoga and swimming will help relieve stress.

Sagittarians will have to deal with a large number of unresolved issues this month. And, in most cases, they will be associated with your own home or family, because the Sun during this period will be in Sagittarius in the 4th house - the sector of the parental home and hearth. In other words, your family life, as well as relationships with relatives, according to the horoscope for March 2019 Sagittarius, come to the fore this month. Many representatives of the sign will want to understand the role that is assigned to them in the family, in its broadest sense - including parents, adult children and distant relatives. And, it is very likely that they will want to assert themselves here, to prove what they are capable of. With the positive aspects of the Sun, you will enjoy the support of loved ones in all your endeavors, which, to a large extent, will contribute to your success in professional affairs. This month, you may want to improve your home in some way, for example, by starting renovations here. Or you decide to purchase new housing so that everyone can comfortably accommodate there - in any case, March will be very favorable for this. But if the Sun, passing through the 4th house, makes negative aspects, unfortunately, this indicates that you will have to expect some problems in this area. Perhaps one of your loved ones will fall ill and you will have to resolve issues related to his state of health. Or, for some reason, relations with your parents, other older family members worsen. Try to listen to their advice, because, after all, they only want the best for you.

Horoscope of study, business and contacts Sagittarius

Mercury will spend March 2019 with Sagittarius also in the 4th house of the horoscope. However, it will be retrograde for most of the month. This suggests that this month, Sagittarians can often reminisce about their childhood, about their parental home, about the bright time of their youth. With the negative aspects of Mercury, on the contrary, you can remember some past grievances and how someone treated you unfairly - perhaps the same parents. Yes, this happens sometimes too. And we do not always find the strength to fully forgive our loved ones. Very often, such memories prevent us from fully realizing ourselves in real life, building successful relationships in our own family, and achieving professional success. It is quite possible that this month Sagittarius will be able to achieve some result in their affairs, which he first of all wants to inform his relatives in order to give them something.

Love and money sign Sagittarius on March 2019

Venus from the first day of this month will be with Sagittarius in the 3rd house - the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe closest relatives and information. She will help him establish a warm and trusting relationship with those who are nearby, including with his closest relatives, neighbors, and work colleagues. And in March it can be especially important. The horoscope for Sagittarius for March 2019 says that it is possible that someone close to you will now provide you with material support or, conversely, he himself will need your help. In general, thanks to their diplomacy, gentleness and tact, Sagittarians will easily make numerous acquaintances during this period, exchange information with various people. And if you still have not found your destiny, one of these meetings may well be your lucky chance. Of course, for this you need not to sit at home, but to visit some public places more often. For example, you can go somewhere on vacation, on a short trip. But with the negative aspects of Venus, unfortunately, trips and acquaintances this month can only disappoint you.

Horoscope of activity and health in March 2019

Mars will continue to hold strong positions in the 6th house of your horoscope until the very end of this month. The horoscope for March 2019 Sagittarius shows that now representatives of this sign can become real workaholics, forgetting about proper nutrition and the need to give rest to your body Unfortunately, overwork can lead not only to exacerbation of various chronic diseases, but also to a weakening of your immune system. It is not surprising that this month Sagittarius can expect some seasonal colds, as well as manifestations of allergies, in particular, skin rashes. Try to take the necessary measures in time, do not forget to get enough sleep and, if possible, limit your bad habits if you cannot give them up completely. Otherwise, you will lie in bed for a long time.

Sagittarius in March need to prepare for takeoff. On the eve of new events, women need to get rid of everything that pulls into the past. We need to clear the area around. You can start the audit with cabinets. The workplace also needs to get rid of trash. The horoscope for Sagittarius women for March 2020 portends that after such a cleansing, the representatives of the sign will easily begin to take off to new heights.

What awaits Sagittarius in March 2020

Women need to be wary of manipulators who skillfully know how to weave intrigues. In March, it makes sense to abandon real estate transactions. The stars warn that there will certainly be flaws in the objects you like. Sagittarius will have difficulties in relations with Pisces. But you definitely won't get bored with them. Caution must be shown with Capricorns, since communication with them will bring only negative emotions.

Well-known astrologers recommend not to fall into the blues. The advice will be relevant in the first half of the month. It will seem to Sagittarius that the world is unfair, because those around them do not appreciate them and use them. Such thoughts need to be driven away from yourself. Representatives of the sign should learn to control their emotional condition. Otherwise, you will have to constantly be in a bad mood, which will provoke unnecessary conflicts.

With groundless grievances, Sagittarians run the risk of scaring away friends and relatives. Not everyone can withstand the whims of ladies.

In the middle of the month, women will have to make a difficult choice. Think carefully before making a decision. The stars warn that the option that seems right to you may well turn out to be a losing one. If you can't decide for yourself, ask someone for advice. At the end of March, ladies will want to diversify communication, during this period it is worth going out more actively.

For women who are fond of horoscopes, we suggest watching a video with a prediction using tarot cards.

Horoscope for decades

    And what characteristic will you give to a Sagittarius woman?

love horoscope

In March 2020, the stars recommend not hiding your talents. Women do not need modesty during this period. For Sagittarius, the finest hour has come. Women will have the opportunity to surround themselves with bright and interesting people. Among the new acquaintances there may be a potential lover who will share your views and become the most faithful friend. Sagittarians next to such a partner will want to change their lives for the better. Change can affect all areas.

The stars warn that in the first days of March, a man holding a high position will show feelings for women. Ladies should be persistent and not reciprocate. The gentleman needs to compete for your attention, only then will he truly appreciate you.

The partner will soon begin to spend more and more time with friends, which will discourage Sagittarius. Representatives of the sign must be declared immediately about their dissatisfaction.

Financial horoscope

As of March 2020, women will be consumed by their ambitions. Representatives of the sign always sincerely believe in their own success. For the sake of conquering the peaks, women will be ready for a lot. Sagittarius during this period will begin to lead the thirst for rivalry. There is a high probability that the ladies will be able to achieve their goal.

In March, you will often have to contact your superiors. Against this background, friendships can develop. However, don't force things. Let the boss remain just your boss.

Sagittarians who are looking for a job will find a great position. The career of representatives of the sign in March will be on the rise. The stars recommend taking part in the work of public organizations.


Sagittarians need to pay more attention to health in the first days of the month. A chronic illness may remind you of yourself. In mid-March, women will notice that they have lost sleep. Aromatherapy will help you get back a good rest. Oils can be used for soothing sessions. They can help relieve stress. Peace will come at the end of the month. Sagittarians can even enroll in a Latin dance school.

Horoscope from Pavel Globa

Sagittarius women in March 2020 will be in time for everything and everywhere, because they know how to carefully plan things. In the first month of spring, you can re-register legal papers and visit government agencies. Planets favor any paper business. In the families of Sagittarius in March, complete harmony will reign. And lonely representatives of the sign expect numerous acquaintances. The astrologer recommends not giving up on events so as not to miss a meeting with the man of your dreams.

Horoscope from Tamara Globa

According to the astrologer, in March the stars will patronize Sagittarius in everything. What chances the representatives of the sign will have time to take advantage of depends only on them. Tamara Globa recommends women not to relax. Ladies should make the most of a good period to achieve desires and material stability. In March, you can draw up any documents or securities. Weekends should be spent with friends.

Horoscope from Vasilisa Volodina

In March, Sagittarius women need to start taking active steps to arrange their personal lives. If uncertainty worries you, March is a good time to clear things up or take your relationship to the next level. Strong alliances will not suffer, but superficial relationships will cease to exist. Any change will be positive.

Horoscope for women of the zodiac sign Sagittarius for March will help to avoid problems in the family and at work! The horoscope for March 2020 Sagittarius will tell women when and what hardships the stars have prepared for them. So, horoscope for March 2020 Sagittarius woman read on.

The horoscope for March 2020 Sagittarius advises a woman to be extremely restrained and abstract from conflict situations. An excellent month for settling relationships, as well as household chores and decorating the interior. You can buy furniture, accessories and useful things in everyday life. And the price will be affordable, and the quality is excellent!

The horoscope for March 2020 for Sagittarius promises a woman a lot of impressions from the journey they will go on. You have been planning this trip for a long time, so the rest will be amazing in every way. Yes, and the mood will become more positive, which will help get rid of spring depression. At the end of March 2020, expect big profits. Feel free to meet people, especially if your interests and life principles coincide.

Horoscope for March 2020 Sagittarius woman

For the Sagittarius woman, March 2020 is the time when the whole world revolves around her. Fans throw gifts, friends invite you to parties, relatives ask for advice, colleagues are happy to gossip with you over tea. Yes, and at home in your hands everything will literally burn. You know everything, you know how to do everything, you solve any problem in a matter of seconds.

Many ladies will want to be the best in every sense: to have an ideal family, a gorgeous figure, a good job, and so on. Leave at least some of these worries to your husband, otherwise this universal heaviness will crush you. Don't try to get everything at once. Think about what will really bring you happiness, and what you are striving for just for the sake of status.

If some hobby pleases you, but you fail to reach great heights in this direction, it does not matter. Enjoy the moment, spend more free time on yourself. In March, the horoscope advises you to update your wardrobe and change your hairstyle. Don't waste your health. You hate going to clinics, but if something bothers you, it's best to see a doctor.

To replenish energy reserves, it is more correct for a Sagittarius woman to use yoga and meditation. If you don't move much and work at the computer all day, try signing up for a dance class. This will relax the muscles after a long time in a sitting position. And in addition, you will strengthen the body, develop flexibility, listen to beautiful music and communicate with good people.

Horoscope for March 2020 for women Sagittarius

You may be seized by spring blues in the first decade of March. It will suddenly seem to you that the world is unfair to you, that others do not appreciate you, but use you for selfish purposes. As soon as you catch yourself in such thoughts, remember that these are tricks of the unfavorable placement of the planets. Try to pull yourself together. Otherwise, you will not only spoil your mood, but also provoke conflict situations. Tired of your claims and grievances, relatives and friends can really turn away from you.

Fate will put you in front of a difficult choice during the second decade of March. Think carefully before making a decision. The option that, at first glance, seems to be the most optimal for you, may turn out to be losing. If you're having a hard time making a decision, talk to a close friend on March 15 or 16. He will give you good advice.

The need for communication will increase dramatically during the third decade of the month. Go out more often, get to know each other in the virtual space no less actively. You will easily acquire new useful connections.

Horoscope March 2020 Sagittarius: woman and man

March 2020 promises unpleasant events for Sagittarius. They will get into situations that they will not be able to influence. This will force them to accept the unfavorable outcome of events for themselves and fall into despair or adapt to new life circumstances. Those who choose the second option will not be affected by depression and dissatisfaction with life. The first half of the month will be favorable for communication with others. Representatives of this zodiac sign will have to deal with the fate of people who care about them, who will find protection and support in them. The second part of March will bring trouble. They will turn into big trouble if Sagittarians do not reconsider their principles. Sagittarius woman. Representatives of this zodiac sign will hope in vain for success in business and the financial sector. These changes will not come true because of their emotional attitude to the difficulties that they will not be able to come to terms with. Circumstances will require them to pull themselves together and overestimate their capabilities. Personal life will also not become a reason for envy of these ladies. Lonely Sagittarius women will seem windy, which will alienate worthy men. Married ladies in the second decade will suffer from a deterioration in well-being, which will not allow them to travel with their spouse. Sagittarius man. Representatives of this zodiac sign expect a sharp change in unforeseen events. Layoffs from work are not excluded, which will force them to look for new ways of professional implementation and ways to quickly get out of the debt hole. In early March, these men will take care of family chores. They will pay attention to loved ones who will need their advice or help in realizing their plans. The middle of the month will be overshadowed by conflicts with the soulmate and household members, who will require them to make great efforts to improve their lives. The end of March will be marked by health problems.

Horoscope for Sagittarius Women: March 2020

Try to play by the rules to avoid trouble. Intrigues will not bring the result you expected. The truth will sooner or later be revealed, and friends and colleagues will turn their backs on you. Surround yourself with people who feel your mood - then you will not have to resort to forbidden methods. Be yourself, do not do meanness and do not deceive others. This tactic will bring useful people into your life.

Spend more time at home with your family and relatives, but do not lock yourself into four walls. To relieve internal tension, take a walk in the fresh air or get a pet. Arising conflicts are best resolved immediately, but the problem should be discussed calmly. If you let the situation take its course, after a while it will cover you with a “snowball”.

Friends will have a strong influence on your personal life, but you should not trust them blindly. No one knows your preferences and plans, so advice can even hurt. After quarrels this month, it is difficult to achieve reconciliation - try to avoid scandals and showdown. From lethargy and weakness, only healthy sleep and small physical activity in the form of morning jogging or gymnastics will help.

All of the above is nothing but a direct consequence of the influence of the leading planets. In March 2020, representatives of your sign will have significantly more patrons than antagonists. So, the traditional leader, Jupiter, and the star named the Sun, and the most loving planet, Venus, will be called to help you.

Each of the listed celestials will guard peace in all areas of life of Sagittarius. Jupiter will make sure that there are no special obstacles in your professional destiny. The sun will take control of your energy potential. It should be noted that during the season of traditional spring beriberi and all kinds of infections, you will feel cheerful and very optimistic.

As for Venus, it is she who you should thank for both ardent passions and March romanticism. Even those who are used to paying little attention to the sphere of feelings will want to find free time to build love or build relationships with loved ones.

It's a pity, but this generally idyllic way of life will be periodically violated by attacks from your only antagonist. It will be Pluto (a planet accustomed to achieving everything by detours). Pluto will remain true to itself and, undertaking a series of attacks on representatives of your sign, will act by proxy. As a result, the likelihood of becoming a victim of adventurers or scammers increases.

With the advent of spring, Sagittarians will feel a special upsurge in mood and efficiency. This will have the best effect not only on work, but also on relationships with others. Just do not lose this positive after the first minor failure, it will be really difficult to return it. As the horoscope for March 2019 advises, Sagittarius should smile as often as possible, please relatives and colleagues with a good mood and approach solving problems with humor.

In March, activities related to the implementation of long-planned projects will be especially successful. But before you start them, do not forget about the tails and finish what your hands do not reach. This will be appreciated according to merit, but otherwise there may be omissions with superiors or partners.

Sagittarians who are in a relationship do not expect any special changes this month. But for those who are in search, things are different. It is possible that representatives of this sign will be honored with attention by several fans at once. But in this case, it is better to discard frivolity and amorousness and do the right thing.


In March, Sagittarius can be troubled by chronic diseases, which, as usual, make themselves felt with the onset of spring. It is worth remembering and considering this, so from the very beginning of the month, direct all your efforts to strengthening the body. In a good way, the representatives of this sign should properly review their daily routine and take this as strict as possible. It is better to replace watching useless programs on TV with reading a book on self-development, and an extra hour of sleep for a morning run.

The horoscope warns Sagittarius: this month it is better to abandon serious operations and procedures that can be postponed until later. This is not the best time, so if there is an opportunity, then you should wait. It will be very useful to search for a worthy specialist and clinic, so as not to waste time.

Sagittarius, March 2019 will bring mood swings. An extremely upbeat and rosy mood can abruptly be replaced by sadness and indifference. The reason for this, oddly enough, will be Sagittarius themselves, so this nuance is worth following. Do not get upset over trifles, and consider certain difficulties as an invaluable experience.


The Sagittarius horoscope for March 2019 advises you to direct all your efforts to work in a team and implement joint projects. If the relationship between colleagues leaves much to be desired, it is you who can correct the situation and take everything under control. First, go somewhere together and get to know each other better, and only then start developing interesting and efficient projects together. You will see, the authorities will appreciate it very much and reward you with a worthy bonus.

Owners of their business or companies should reconsider their partners and hired workers in March. Among them may be those who constantly strive to leave early and do less than everyone else, while not hiding it. Do not worry, applicants for their place will be found immediately, so do not be afraid to part with loafers.

March is a very good month for the implementation of long-conceived ideas that relate to creativity and hobbies. If the Sagittarius skill does not yet allow you to think about your own business in this area, then it will not be superfluous to enroll in courses. In the future, the money spent will pay off, and representatives will be satisfied with how they have progressed in their favorite pastime.


Sagittarians this month are encouraged to reconsider things that take a significant amount of money. Instead of unnecessary trinkets that cost decent money, invest in self-development - books, courses, webinars and videos. The hostess of the year does not tolerate the thoughtless waste of money, so you should seriously think about it.

It is also not necessary to skimp on relatives and loved ones, because they are the main support and outlet for Sagittarius. If there is an opportunity to present them with unexpected gifts, then do it without hesitation. Such surprises will make happy not only them, but also you.

In March, an offer is possible that will be difficult to refuse. But do not rush, it can lead to trouble and drive into a minus. To begin with, responsibly study all the conditions and think a few times, and if you have even a little doubt, put this idea aside.


In March, representatives of this sign may be going through a difficult time, which will increase irritability and anxiety. Be sure to remember that it is the loved one who can comfort and support. Sagittarians, from time to time, can forget about it completely, which is why serious quarrels are not ruled out. Therefore, as recommended love horoscope as of March 2019, Sagittarius must restrain himself and warn the chosen one about his mood swings. If you feel that you are on the edge, it is better to go for a walk and unwind. When the nervousness recedes, be sure to talk with your soulmate about the situation.

Sagittarius, who have only recently found their love, may think about moving and legitimizing the relationship. And they will do the right thing, because March is great for such decisions. The period of substantiation in a new place and getting used to each other will pass calmly, quickly, and conflicts will bypass.

If the chosen one has not yet been found, listen to friends and relatives. Surely there are those who have been trying to marry you to a “worthy applicant” for a long time. Instead of stubbornly refusing, set a date yourself and go on it with only the best of intentions.

Man - Sagittarius

As the horoscope for March 2019 predicts, Sagittarius - a man enters a successful month that will reward representatives with both success in work and warmth in love. It is very important to find a middle ground and distribute your time so that it is enough for all important areas of life. If your career takes you over, you can say goodbye to your perfect relationship. A girl or spouse will not tolerate inaction and indifference, so try to give her enough attention.

In March, a Sagittarius man is waiting for a profitable offer from business partners. Although initially it may seem completely inconspicuous and incapable of making a profit. But be sure to consider it so as not to regret it in the future.

Woman - Sagittarius

If women - Sagittarius have a vacation scheduled for March, then the month will become one of the best of the year. Even if you didn’t intend to go on a trip, don’t be afraid and make a decision at the last moment. A little risk never hurt anyone, so feel free to buy tickets and pack your bags. An unforgettable vacation will not only energize you, but also lift your spirits, which could have suffered due to hard work.

If the man of your dreams suddenly appears in the ranks of colleagues, as the horoscope for March 2019 advises, Sagittarius - a woman should not reveal all the cards at once. It will not be superfluous to get acquainted and show interest, but no more. If he is really your person, then he will undoubtedly be interested and continue communication.

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