Introductory course in German. Introductory phonetic course of the German language. Shishkova L.V. etc. The best textbooks for levels B1-B2

Textbooks and reference books: a review of the best German textbooks. How to choose a textbook or dictionary? What to look for? Which textbooks are suitable for self-study German language? Read in the new article!

The method of learning a foreign language, although it differs from memorizing school subjects in its informal style, is just as strongly dependent on the quality of educational materials. Especially if you decide to learn the language on your own. In this article we will look at what characteristics of a textbook you should pay attention to, what is a matter of taste, and without which the textbook is a dummy.

The most important!

Before we look at the German language textbooks in detail, let's decide on general requirements, which each benefit must comply with.

Firstly, relevance.

Language is a reflection of the development and progress of society, that is, it changes its specificity in the same way as generations of people do. The language of Germany in the 70s has its own characteristics, and the modern German language has its own. This is very important to consider, because sometimes we think that if a book was published half a century ago, it means it has stood the test of time, but This thesis is not suitable for language aids .

Choose fresh textbooks or republished reference books, but do not use your grandmother’s school textbook on German from the 50s as a basis.

Secondly, complexity.

The goal of any textbook is to give you the broadest possible knowledge and skills in speaking, reading, writing and listening. There are so-called youth textbooks, which to a greater extent focused on speaking and oral assimilation of all material.

Keep in mind that for individual training it is important to choose those publications that will equally fully help you work out both oral and written skills.

Thirdly, a systematic approach to grammar.

Left alone with the language, you need to spend more effort on understanding grammar. That is why pay attention to how the grammatical rules are presented.

The best option:

  • a footnote in a textbook with examples,
  • repeat the rule in workbook, but with tasks,
  • a summary table at the end of a chapter or the entire textbook.

This is very important, because the more exposure you have to a specific grammar topic in different aspects, the higher the chances that you will quickly and successfully master it.

Fourthly, additional materials.

In addition to learning grammar, improving your writing, reading, listening and speaking skills, you need to expand lexicon. One way or another, you learn new words by reading texts and completing tasks in your workbook. But it is much better if the textbook has additional pages with recommendations for films or short articles about German culture, unadapted notes from local newspapers, Interesting Facts etc. This way your vocabulary will be more diverse, and you will also receive information about culture and life in Germany, which is always exciting and gives bonus motivation.

Top 3 textbooks for beginners A1-A2

The first steps in a language, as in life, are the most difficult and responsible. You will want to learn a language, love it, or lose all interest, depending on how you become familiar with its alphabet, basic reading rules and grammar. That's why you should be careful when choosing your first study guide. Here are the three most suitable textbooks, in our opinion, to fall in love with German and study it all your life.


Miteinander Russische Ausgabe, Selbstlernkurs Deutsch für Anfänger or Deutsch ganz leicht A1

Both of these textbooks allow you to understand the basics of the language yourself, since they are bilingual, Russian-German. Also worth noting among the advantages is the simplicity of presentation, a large amount of visual material and practice at a level that can be mastered when left alone with the language.


Themen Aktuell A1-A2

For those who have already learned to read and construct simple sentences, textbooks are perfect Themen. They detail the most important topics for everyday communication, and offer many different exercises to keep you from getting bored: from dialogues to crosswords. However, it should be noted that there are no special phonetic exercises here, but there are tasks for repeating phrases after a native speaker.

If you feel that you need additional training, then use the publication Phonetik Aktuell.

Another a good option for all levels - these are Menschen textbooks.

They are especially popular in German courses in Germany.

Their undoubted advantage is availability of an extended version in electronic version textbook. For example, for some exercises the following options are available:

  • Interessant button (by clicking which you will receive additional information on the topic),
  • Spiel und Spaß (game task),
  • Film (short film on the topic).

Features like these replace group learning so you become excited about the language, interested, and willing to continue learning on your own.


Lagune A1-A2

This is a more strict design option, but unlike Menschen or Schritte, he does not specialize in language learning in groups, so all tasks can be completed on one's own .

One of the advantages that should be noted is the presentation of grammar. If Themen explains lexical material perfectly: there are many models for practicing words and expressions for everyday communication, then Lagune is a treasure trove for learning grammar.

Clear exercises of varying difficulty, grammatical rules with explanations, and a summary table at the end of each chapter.


We especially advise you to take a closer look at the dictionary Das Bildwörterbuch Deutsch, which will help you gain the necessary vocabulary. The advantage of this textbook is that it is divided into topics, opening the chapter you need, you see a comprehensive set of useful words with illustrations, as well as examples of use - what you need to independently expand your vocabulary, train visual memory, as well as non-standard learning words.

The best textbooks for levels B1-B2

If you have mastered level “A” and are ready to move on to the second level “B”, then most likely you have far-reaching plans for the German language.

Perhaps you have decided to move to Germany, go there to study, or simply become a polyglot and master German perfectly. In any case, now you need to choose a guide in accordance with your academic goals: be it

  • Test DaF,
  • exam at the Goethe Institute
  • Sprachtest at the embassy.

If you are focused on the exam, then those publications that will prepare you for this event, for example, Em neu B1-B2 or Ziel B1-B2, are suitable for you.

Ziel B1-B2

- in our opinion, the most successful textbook for preparing for the exam, due to its restraint and structured presentation of the material. Quite complex tasks allow you to thoroughly practice vocabulary and grammar, allowing you to develop linguistic flexibility, which will be useful to you in the exam.

Em neu B1-B2

- the most recent edition of this textbook dates back to 2008, which, of course, does not speak in its favor. But Em neu has a number of other advantages, such as a more lively presentation of the material.

The authors worked hard to create multi-level lexical and grammatical tasks. The textbook has well-developed footnotes and tables, which help to assimilate a large amount of new and complex material; moreover, such complex rules are convenient for memorization and repetition before tests or exams.

In general, for levels B...

At level “B”, your established habits in learning German already play a big role: you like to read more and thus learn new words, or you can take a ready-made “Wortschatz” in a textbook of your level and memorize it without any problems...

Whether you like dialogues, pictures, posters or prefer information extracts and only strict tasks is up to you. But both of these textbooks are worthy of your close attention. If you take courses or learn a language with friends, then excellent option it will be the same Schritte, corresponding levels.

Textbooks and reference books for C1-C2

Congratulations, you have successfully completed stages “A” and “B”, you are already fluent in the language and well versed in grammar. But in order to master the language peak, you need strong support in the form of strong textbooks and manuals on German.

As a basic textbook you can choose
Ziel C1-C2 or Fit für Goethe Certificate.


Ziel C1-C2

If at the second stage you studied from a textbook Ziel B1-B2, then it would be logical to continue learning the language according to Ziel C1-C2.

The main advantages of this manual:

  • relevance of topics, especially controversial ones, which is very important for the oral part of testing,

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German is one of the most widely spoken languages ​​in the world and is spoken in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium and other countries. Germany is a country with a developed economy, interesting story and a bunch of beautiful cities. This means that German can be useful both for business and work, and for exciting travel.

website collected for you best resources to study the language of Goethe, Nietzsche and Til Schweiger. Das ist Fantastisch, isn't it?

  • Deutsch-online - here you can download several options for video, audio and online courses to choose from. In addition, the site is full additional material, which will help you learn the language in a fun way: games, exercises, tests, German radio and online television.
  • is a multilingual site that combines German lessons with practical advice about life and work in Germany and Austria.
  • Speakasap - free and paid courses with audio and video accompaniment and exercises.
  • Englishonlinefree - suitable for beginners: there are reading rules, basic grammar, a phrase book, short videos, books and other materials.
  • Lingvister is an online school for learning German and other languages ​​via Skype with extensive speech practice.
  • Deutsche-welt - on the site you can find online courses, as well as many collections of courses, articles and dictionaries of the German language.
  • - the resource offers systematic online lessons, video lessons, audio books, tests, useful articles, interesting collections of words and phrases, and song lyrics.

German on social networks

Communication with native speakers

  • Livemocha is a popular social network for everyone who studies foreign languages. Training is based on the principle “if you help, they will help you.” Lessons and exercises are offered, the accuracy of which is checked by native speakers. And here you can simply communicate with other users in German.
  • Busuu is a virtual community for learning German and other foreign languages. On the website or in mobile application you can learn words, video chat with other members of the social network.
  • MyLanguageExchange - the site makes it possible to find a foreign interlocutor who is interested in learning your native language. Then you can talk to him on any topic in text or voice chat.
  • Lang-8 - here native speakers will help you correct mistakes in writing: you write the text, and foreign users correct mistakes and comment. Useful when preparing presentations and important letters.

Mobile applications

  • Hellotalk - simply choose the language you want to learn (more than 100 languages ​​are available) and immediately meet native speakers of that language.
  • Duolingo- free application with well-organized and user-friendly content, perfect for beginners.
  • Tunein is an application for listening to the radio.


  • De-speak is a Russian-language blog of a German language teacher with a large number of video lessons, audio lessons, articles and topics.
  • Claudi um di e Welt - an interesting blog of a traveler from Germany in German with stories about different countries and good photographs.
  • Berlin Ick liebe dir - blog about Berlin in German. As the authors of the blog write, “a blog for Berliners, for those who love Berlin, and for those who want to live in it.” News about city cultural events, colorful reports about restaurants, exhibitions and nightclubs, stories about interesting people.

Dictionaries and vocabulary

  • Multitran is a simple and convenient dictionary with a large number of words. The local community of translators will suggest translation of a complex expression or rare word.
  • Languageguide - the site will allow you to master basic vocabulary. Hover your cursor over an item and you'll hear the correct German pronunciation of the word or phrase.
  • ABBYY Lingvo Live is a “live” dictionary where you can not only look up the meaning of words and expressions, but also ask for help in translation.

The manual consists of two parts: a tutorial and a phrasebook.
In the self-instruction manual, the grammar rules are stated in simple, accessible language, and also provides exercises to consolidate vocabulary and grammar. While studying grammar, you simultaneously learn many words and expressions that are useful in everyday life using examples.
In the phrasebook you will find a range of topics for new acquaintances, friendly conversations and everyday communication.
At the end of the manual there is a list of Internet sites where you can find a lot of interesting information about Germany, the Germans and their culture. The manual is intended for everyone who wants to learn German.

Preface 4
Reading and pronunciation 6
Article 9
Noun 12
Adjective 17
Pronoun 24
Verb 28
Number 53
Preposition 56
Adverb 67
Basics of word formation 71
Simple sentence 84
Complex sentence 94
Test 98
Answers to exercises 100
Speech etiquette 112
Conversational situations 115
Time, days of the week, months, seasons 122
Nature and weather 127
Dating 138
Flirting 147
Work 152
Hobby 158
In the city 162
Museums and theaters 169
Transport 176
At customs 199
In the bank 202
At hotel 204
In store 210
In the restaurant 230
Sports 243
In the hairdressing and beauty salon 252
Religion 255
Medical assistance 260
Internet Guide 269

Reading and pronunciation.
Learning to read German is not difficult. You should pay attention to only a few features. Features of reading consonants:

  1. The letter h at the beginning of a word or root is read as an aspirated x: Herz (heart). In the middle and at the end of words, it is not read, but serves to lengthen the previous vowel: fahren (to ride), froh (cheerful, joyful).
  2. The letter j is pronounced like y, and in combinations ja and jit the Russian ear hears ya and yu: Jahr (year), Juni (June).
  3. The letter I is always softened when read: Blume (flower).
  4. The sound g is pronounced by most Germans with a burr: Re gen (rain).
  5. The letter s before or between vowels is read as z: Sonne (sun), lesen (read).
  6. The letter fi is read as s: grofi (big).
  7. The consonants k, p, t are pronounced with some aspiration: Park (park), Torte (cake), Koffer (suitcase).
  8. The letter v is pronounced like f: Vater (father). Only in rare cases (most often in borrowed words) is it pronounced as in: Vase (vase).
  9. The letter w is read like the Russian sound in: Wort (word).
  10. Double consonants are read as single consonants, but at the same time they shorten the vowel in front: Sommer (summer), Mutter (mother).

Free download e-book in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book German for beginners, Self-instruction manual, Phrasebook, Groshe Yu.V., 2008 -, fast and free download.

  • 400 most common English words, Self-instruction dictionary for quick and reliable memorization, Verchinsky A., 2019 - 400 most common English words, Self-instruction dictionary for quick and reliable memorization, Verchinsky A., 2019. If you memorize English words By … English Dictionaries, Vocabularies

This workshop is intended for students learning German from scratch, and precedes work with the basic teaching aids. The proposed set of exercises, accompanied by audio recordings, helps you master the basic rules of reading and pronunciation, become familiar with the basics of constructing German sentences and basic clichés.
The workshop is structured by analogy with modern authentic teaching aids of the German language, taking into account the requirements of the course “German as a second foreign language”.
The proposed workshop lasts approximately 30 hours and is suitable for students of all directions and specialties.

Horen Sie und lesen Sie.

Eins und zwei und drei und vier, funf und sechs. So zahlen wir! Sieben, acht und neun und zehn, elf und zwolf. Ja, das ist schon! Dreizehn, vierzehn, funfzehn... ja! Sechzehn, siebzehn... Alles da! Achtzehn, neunzehn, zwanzig. Wow! Einundzwanzig? Ja, genau! Zweiundzwanzig? Richtig! Top! Dreiundzwanzig... Danke, stopp! Drei?ig, vierzig, funfzig. Toll! Sechzig, siebzig. Wundervoll! Achtzig, neunzig. Cool ist das! Und...einhundert. Das macht Spa?!

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Download the e-book for free in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book German language, introductory course, Deutsch, Vorkurs, workshop, Garenskikh L.V., 2018 -, fast and free download.

  • Assalom, Deutsch, Textbook for 6th grade, Sukhanova N., Ulyanova L., Bekanacheva A., 2018
  • Deutsch mit SpaB, German language textbook for 2nd grade, Dadakhodzhaeva M.S., Mirzabaeva N.M., Kakhharova M., 2018
  • Deutsch, Textbook for 11 grades of secondary and secondary special, vocational educational institutions with Russian language of instruction, Imyaminova Sh.S., Abdullaeva S.Ya., Kholiyarov L.T., 2018
  • OGE 2019, German language, grade 9, Methodological recommendations, Oral part, Verbitskaya M.V., Makhmuryan K.S., Vetrinskaya V.V.
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