How to properly bandage your knee with a regular bandage. How to properly bandage and fix the knee and ankle joint with an elastic bandage? High elasticity bandages

Elastic bandaging is a simple therapeutic technique performed in many areas of medicine, which is aimed at preventing thrombotic complications that are severe for the body.

The compression effect provided by the bandage allows you to avoid the deadly consequences of vascular diseases, injuries to the knee and other joints of the lower limb.

Who needs to apply an elastic bandage? Indications for the procedure depend on the class of material from which the dressing is made:

  1. Bandages of low elasticity. Such a product can be stretched no more than 69% of its length.
  2. Medium elastic bandages. The degree of elongation is 70–140%.
  3. High elasticity bandages. The product stretches by more than 141% of the length of the bandage.

Low elasticity bandages

Compression products of this class are used in the treatment of serious diseases. Most often they are used for conditions such as:

  • Varicose veins in the last stage.
  • Severe lymphedema.
  • Chronic venous insufficiency of severe stage.
  • Postthrombotic disease.

Medium elastic bandages

They are used during surgical operations on the vessels of the lower limb, for example, during sclerotherapy.

They can be used to reduce the risk of disease progression in existing varicose veins, as well as chronic venous insufficiency in moderate cases.

High elasticity bandages

These products are applied for the purpose of prevention during pregnancy, after surgery, in the presence of hematomas, and during intense sports activities. Can be applied to the knee or other joints to reduce tension on ligament and tendon formations.

An elastic bandage is applied to the knee joint after damage to the ligaments and menisci, arthroscopy, and during therapeutic rehabilitation exercises.

During prolonged bed rest after injuries, operations, general anesthesia, compression materials of this class are also recommended.


There are a number of conditions in which the use of any compression stockings, including elastic bandages, is contraindicated. Such diseases include:

  1. Obliteration (closing of the lumen) of arteries in diseases such as atherosclerosis, Raynaud's disease, endarteritis.
  2. Diabetes mellitus with the development of trophic and vascular disorders of 2–3 degrees of severity.
  3. Inflammatory, infectious lesions of the skin at the site of application of the bandage.

The effect of compression hosiery and bandaging of the lower limb is based on the creation of different pressure on the parts of the leg. The maximum impact is on the ankle and lower leg, the knee experiences less pressure, which reaches a minimum in the upper thigh. This effect promotes blood movement from bottom to top.

The muscles located under the applied bandage are in greater tone and the vascular branches located in their thickness work more intensely.

If the bandage is applied only to the knee area, it tightens the intra-articular formations and promotes their anatomical integrity during loading. Effects of elastic compression:

  • Pressure on the surface of the limb.
  • Protecting the vein wall from being stretched by blood.
  • Normalization of blood flow, intensification of blood exchange between tissue and vessel.
  • Prevention of thrombus formation due to muscle tension and vascular tone.
  • Compression of ligamentous and tendon structures, prevention of injury.

Knee bandaging technique

The most common and effective method of applying an elastic bandage to the knee is the turtle bandage. This bandaging method is available in two versions:

  • Converging bandage.
  • Expanding bandage.

With the convergent version, the first two rounds of the bandage are applied below the joint, and the second two above. The lower and upper tours alternate until they come closer to each other in the middle of the joint.

With a diverging bandage, the first round is applied to the center of the joint, and each subsequent one is either higher or lower than the previous one. There are several general rules for the procedure:

  1. It is correct to start applying a bandage at a distance of at least 20 cm from the damaged area.
  2. Each subsequent round must overlap the previous one by 70%.
  3. Bandaging should be done with moderate tension on the product. Try to increase the compression closer to the middle of the joint.
  4. The procedure and the applied product should not cause pain. Release the tension if this happens.
  5. Flexion and extension in the joint after compression should be performed in full, but with great effort. If the bandage slips from the application site, you need to repeat the technique with greater tension on the material.

Elastic compression during the rehabilitation period

Traumatologists most often prescribe knee bandaging after an injury or surgery, such as arthroscopy. During this period, dosed physical activity on the joint in the form of exercise therapy is allowed and even recommended.

After applying an elastic product, exercise on an exercise bike, walking and running on a track, and gymnastic exercises developed by physical therapy doctors have an excellent effect.

It is necessary to combine physical activity with additional physiotherapeutic procedures:

  • Electrophoresis of anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Magnetotherapy.
  • Acupuncture.
  • Electromyostimulation.

Physiotherapy will promote intensive blood supply to the joint tissues, and exercises with an applied elastic product will correctly distribute the load and restore the function of the joint.

Alternatives to bandaging

Some products immobilize the joint completely and are indicated in the early postoperative period or immediately after injury. The compression effect of these structures replaces the plaster cast, restores the anatomical relationship of the tissues, and causes their speedy recovery.

Movable models of fixators are designed to enhance the effect of rehabilitation measures and correctly dose the load on the joint tissue.

During exercise, orthoses reduce the pull on ligaments and tendons and increase blood flow in the affected area. A traumatologist should prescribe fixation devices, taking into account the indications and contraindications of each patient.

Elastic bandaging is used in many areas of medicine. Low cost and ease of use make the procedure accessible to many patients. But the compression effect can be achieved only by observing all the requirements of this therapeutic technique.


Many patients resort to using an elastic bandage at the slightest sign of knee damage, without paying attention to the requirements for elasticity and application rules. The price of such bandages is low, so an elastic bandage can be found in the first aid kit of almost every person. Few people attach importance to the stretching of the dressing material, and the purpose of use depends on this parameter.

There are several elasticity classes:
  1. Bandages with low elasticity have a stretch not exceeding 70%.
This bandage is used for severe illnesses:

The cost of such an elastic bandage is the highest among other types. But the maximum does not exceed 700 rubles.

  1. A bandage with medium elasticity has a stretch range of 70-140%. It is advisable to apply a bandage of this nature after vascular operations. The bandage is also used for varicose pathologies to eliminate complications or is prescribed to patients with venous insufficiency. The average price of such a bandage is 120-350 rubles. Of course, there are bandages that have special impregnation or an unusual color, which will cost more. However, the price of such a product does not affect its functional characteristics.
  2. Bandage bandage with high elasticity is most often used. The minimum price for such a product is 60 rubles. An elastic bandage can be applied for preventive purposes during pregnancy and during sports, if there is a possibility of damage to the ligamentous apparatus under the influence of physical activity.
An elastic bandage is applied to the knee:
  • after arthroscopy;
  • in case of damage to the meniscus, ligaments or tendons;
  • in the presence of hematomas;
  • during the rehabilitation period during gymnastics.

After serious injuries or surgery, it is recommended to apply a bandage below the knee to prevent blood clots.

Instructions for using the bandage


Video - How to apply an elastic bandage to the knee


First of all, purchase a bandage that matches the characteristics, which is sold in pharmacy chains or supermarkets. It can be produced under various trade names: pressure bandage, compression bandage. Pay attention to the stretchability of the bandage.

In addition to the bandage itself, you will need a fastener. Typically, these metal hooks are included with the bandage. There are also self-fixing bandages, one side of which has an adhesive coating or Velcro along the edges.

If the bandage does not have fasteners or clamps, you will have to use a pin to secure it.

Leg position

When applying a bandage to your knee, you must take the correct position of your leg. The place where the manipulation will be carried out must provide freedom of action and not limit it.

The leg itself must be pulled forward without straining it. The knee should be slightly bent but relaxed.

Bandaging technique

One of the effective methods for bandaging the knee is the turtle bandage. The bandage can be wound correctly in the form of a converging or diverging bandage.

A converging bandage involves applying the first pair of rounds below the knee, and the next two above the joint. After this, you need to apply tours, alternating the upper ones with the lower ones, gradually bringing them closer to the middle of the knee. The bandage must be secured in this place.

It is correct to start wrapping the divergent bandage from the middle of the knee, applying subsequent rounds above and below the joint, alternating directions.

Knee bandaging methods

Regardless of the method of applying an elastic bandage, it is important:
  • when applying a bandage, correctly step back from the damaged area no less than 20 cm;
  • subsequent rounds should overlap the previous ones by 70%;
  • When bandaging, it is necessary to apply moderate bandage tension, trying to increase compression in the area of ​​the middle of the joint.

All manipulations associated with applying bandages and subsequent wearing should not provoke unpleasant, let alone painful, sensations. If pain occurs, the bandage is loosened. Any movement of the knee after applying the bandage can be carried out in full, but you will have to make an effort. If the bandage does not hold on or slips off, the procedure is repeated, applying a stronger bandage tension.

Control the tension. The bandage should fit snugly to the joint, but not tighten, impeding blood circulation. You can check the tension of the bandage by inserting your finger under the bandage. If this cannot be done, the bandage is applied with excessive tension and will have to be loosened.

Reasons for loosening or completely rewinding the pressure bandage are marks on the skin, discoloration of the skin, tingling or numbness in the fingers or lower leg.

Effect of elastic bandage

A correctly applied bandage creates different pressure on different parts of the leg. Impact
The maximum pressure should be applied to the sections below the knee, decreasing towards the knee and have minimal pressure in the upper thighs. This overlay promotes natural
blood flow from bottom to top.

The muscle tissue located directly under the bandage is in increased tone, and small vessels are able to work more intensely.

When applying a bandage only to the knee, the intra-articular components are fixed, which helps maintain anatomical integrity under load.

Elastic compression helps:
  • creating pressure on the surface of the leg;
  • protection of venous walls from stretching;
  • normalization of blood flow;
  • exchange of blood between tissues;
  • prevention of thrombosis;
  • compression of the ligamentous components of the knee;
  • prevention of injuries.

Compression during rehabilitation

Knee taping is quite common after knee surgery or injury. The rehabilitation period involves dosed physical activity.

Exercise therapy exercises are allowed to be done while protecting the knee from excessive stress and unexpected injuries.. An elastic bandage is often used for this. In addition, after knee surgery, elastic bandaging is necessary to prevent complications such as blood clots.

Exercises with an elastic bandage help distribute the load, gradually developing the damaged joint.

It should be taken into account that there are a number of contraindications for the use of elastic compression. Therefore, if you have diabetes mellitus, endarteritis, Raynaud's disease, or atherosclerosis of the lower extremities, you will have to abandon this method of knee compression. It is forbidden to apply bandages in the presence of inflammatory or infectious lesions of the skin.

Knee bandages are used to protect the joint from external influences. Bandages are used to contain medications, protect affected areas from contamination, stop bleeding, and provide rest or immobility during a sprain or injury.

Types of dressings

An accident can happen to any person, which may result in damage to the skin, disruption of the integrity of bone, cartilage tissue or knee mobility. In such cases, the person requires emergency help. However, in case of injury, fracture or sprain, it is not always possible to immediately consult a doctor.

To provide first aid, apply a bandage that will help protect open wounds from infection and the damaged joint from unnecessary movements. Depending on the type of joint damage, methods of applying a bandage are chosen.

We can distinguish the main types of bandages used for applying to the knee:

Protective, which are applied to a damaged joint that has damage to the skin or soft tissue. This bandage helps protect the wound, especially an open one, from the penetration of pathogenic particles and dirt into it. Therefore, to exclude any contact with the environment, an aseptic bandage is applied to the injured knee. For this purpose, a bactericidal adhesive plaster, gauze or bandage with the use of disinfecting drugs can be used. Pressure used to apply to the knee during bleeding caused by injury. A hemostatic bandage or gauze is applied rather tightly around the damaged area. Immobilizers, which are used for dislocations or sprains. A fixing bandage helps protect the knee from unnecessary stress, which helps avoid complications and additional damage. If it is necessary to protect the leg during a fracture, a solid dressing material is used for fixation.

Methods for applying bandages

Bandage dressings are common in medical practice. A material such as a bandage is considered universal. It has all the qualities that a dressing material should have. It is distinguished by its density, elasticity and ability to pass air. Bandages can be made from various materials, such as gauze, elastic or dense fabrics.

Methods for applying a bandage are chosen depending on the type of joint damage.

To protect and stabilize the knee, apply a bandage in the form of a bandage:

circular (circular); spiral ascending or descending; eight-shaped or cruciform; creeping or serpentine; spicate; tortoiseshell, which can be divergent or convergent; complex.

Each bandage has its own requirements for application technique. Some injuries require a combination of several types and methods of dressing.

Turtle headband

In case of damage to the articular elements of the knee or areas located near the joints, it is advisable to apply a turtle bandage.

A tortoiseshell bandage can be applied to the knee joint in two ways:

Convergent dressing is used for damage to the joint itself. A divergent dressing is required if the periarticular areas are injured.

How is a converging bandage applied?

Both gauze and elastic bandages can be used for this dressing. Convergent dressing is necessary to immobilize the joint in case of intra-articular injuries or when the integrity of the skin or soft tissue directly on the surface of the joint is violated.

If there are open wounds, sterile bandages are used for dressing. In this case, you must wash your hands thoroughly and carry out all manipulations using disposable gloves. These methods will help prevent germs from entering an open wound.

The converging dressing itself is carried out according to the following scheme:

The end of the bandage is held in the left hand, holding the head itself with the right. The patient should be in front of the bandager with the knee bent to 100-120 degrees. The first rounds are applied above the joint, making several securing turns around the knee. Further rounds alternate above and below the joint, crossing at the knee area. Each new round must overlap the previous one by half. The dressing ends in the center of the knee, where it is secured.

After bandaging, it is necessary to check the tightness and correctness of the bandage.


Video - Immobilizing bandage on the knee

How is a dilapidated dressing applied?

The need for this type of dressing appears when there is damage to the periarticular areas.

The technique of applying dressings is similar to the previous technique with the exception of:

Bandaging begins from the middle of the knee. The last rounds occur in the area above the knee joint, where the bandage is secured.

Regardless of the method of applying the dressings, it is necessary to check its density and quality. A correctly applied bandage does not create obstacles to the natural movements of the joint, does not put pressure on the skin and blood vessels, and does not provoke painful or unpleasant sensations.

Therapeutic bandages

Quite often, therapeutic bandages are used for therapeutic purposes in case of joint pathologies. To do this, you can use ready-made ointments, tinctures of healing injuries, applications from plant materials, minerals and ready-made medical dressings.

Saline dressing

Salt, due to its physical and chemical properties, is a sought-after raw material that is used to treat joint pathologies.

Salt helps treat joint pathologies

Salt therapy helps saturate tissues with minerals, warm the joint, improve blood flow and reduce swelling.

Typically, patients are recommended to take a salt bath or heat with salt. But more effective is a salt dressing, which has a local effect. Thanks to the evaporation of the saline solution with which the bandage is soaked, intercellular fluid is actually drawn out of the tissues of the diseased organ, which improves lymph flow and speeds up recovery.

To prepare a 10% saline solution, use ordinary water in which sea salt is dissolved. Gauze folded in 8 layers is soaked in this solution. You can also use cotton fabric, which must be pre-washed and ironed.

A saline gauze bandage is first applied over the joint, and then wrapped with a regular bandage on top. It is not recommended to wrap such a medical bandage with film, so as not to impede the flow of air to the tissues.

Keep the saline healing bandage on the joint for about 15 hours until completely dry. The procedures are repeated every other day or carried out daily for about two months.

It is advisable to carry out such treatment of the knee during exacerbations of arthritis, bursitis, rheumatism, polyarthritis, as well as during rehabilitation after injury.

Magnetic headbands

Magnetic therapy is effectively used to restore metabolic processes in the knee. The action of the magnetic field helps eliminate pain, reduce inflammation, which promotes recovery.

Procedures using magnetic influence can be carried out not only in physiotherapy rooms. For the convenience of patients, special dressings are produced that can easily be used at home.

The magnetic knee bandage is equipped with 24 magnets and special Velcro that allows you to attach it to your knee. The use of such a device is recommended for patients with arthritis, arthrosis, and those who have sustained a knee injury.

A specific bandage, thanks to the creation of a magnetic field, helps:

Increase the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the pathological area by improving blood flow. Eliminate or significantly reduce pain, swelling and inflammation. Improve the condition of the ligamentous and muscle tissues of the joint. Strengthen the process of regeneration of cartilage tissue.

This bandage can be used both during exacerbation of inflammatory processes and rehabilitation after injuries and operations, as well as for preventive purposes in case of chronic joint pathologies.

Treatment with a magnetic bandage is carried out in courses that can consist of 30 procedures. The bandage is applied directly to the knee and secured with Velcro. This device is worn until the effect is achieved.

In case of severe pain, it is allowed not to remove the bandage with magnets for up to three days. After the procedure, repeat as necessary.

Magnetic treatment is prohibited:

during pregnancy; patients with pacemakers; in the presence of open wounds or infectious lesions on the skin at the site of application of the bandage.

Magnetic treatment can be used as monotherapy or in combination with medications and auxiliary methods of therapy.

An ankle or knee sprain is a fairly common injury. One way to prevent further progression of the problem is to bandage the sprain tightly.

The ankle joint suffers especially often in winter, when the risk of injury due to slippery roads increases. However, this injury often occurs among athletes who subject their joints to heavy loads. A properly applied bandage will allow you not to disturb the damaged joint until you see a doctor and undergo appropriate treatment. In addition, a tight bandage on the leg will help to significantly reduce pain and discomfort in the injured foot.

Assistance is provided in 4 stages. First of all, the victim must be ensured peace. Next, apply an appropriate bandage, fixing the injured joint. If the pain is severe enough, painkillers can be used. After providing first aid, you should contact an orthopedist who will assess the extent of the damage and prescribe treatment.

To apply a bandage, it is better to use an elastic bandage, as it has high plasticity and is not subject to deformation. Once the bandage is done tightly, you don’t have to worry about the bandage slipping or stretching. Also, the elastic bandage can be easily removed if it is necessary to treat the sprain site with ointments.

The bandage should be tight enough, but at the same time, not squeeze the lower leg, preventing normal blood circulation. If the blood vessels are compressed too much, the person will feel numbness in the limb. There are several rules that allow you to carry out bandaging with maximum reliability, ensuring a comfortable condition for the damaged joint.

The bandage is applied in turns, from right to left. The procedure begins from the bottom of the ankle, gradually moving up. The wraps of the bandage should lie neatly and evenly. Crisscrossing of tissue and severe wrinkles should be avoided. Each turn of the bandage should overlap the previous one by approximately 2–3 cm. It is recommended to attach the bandage to the thinnest part of the ankle.

During the procedure, the patient should be in a comfortable position with the leg slightly elevated. The foot should be perpendicular to the shin. Typically, a bandage takes up to 1.5 meters of bandage. Upon completion of the procedure, the back of the foot should be almost completely covered with dressing material, and the heel, on the contrary, should be open.

No less often, people are faced with the problem of how to make a tight bandage on the knee joint. Knees often suffer during icy conditions. Despite the weather conditions, people prefer the beauty of shoes over their comfort, therefore, the chance of getting injured is very high. It is better to prepare for the possibility of injury in advance by studying the rules for applying a bandage to the knee in case of a possible sprain. This is only first aid, which is necessary to eliminate the risk of further damage, as well as to reduce the pain syndrome. The optimal treatment will be prescribed by an orthopedist, who should be consulted as soon as possible after the injury.

Typically, first aid includes rest, cooling the knee joint to relieve tissue swelling, and applying a bandage. As in the case of the ankle, the knee joint should be bandaged tightly, avoiding strong compression and pinching of the blood vessels. The most suitable is an elastic bandage, the width of which is 10 cm. Do not unwind a large amount of bandage at once. It is much easier to unwind the roll little by little. In this case, the bandage will be smooth, without pronounced wrinkles or kinks in the material.

The end of the bandage is applied to the damaged area and the bandage begins in a circular motion. The first turn is performed in the middle of the most voluminous part of the joint. In case of tissue damage and bleeding, the wound is pre-treated and covered with a sterile napkin. The next turn is directed upward, trying not to overlap more than a third of the previous turn. After this, make a turn of the bandage in a downward direction, also leaving about a third of the previously applied turn open. In principle, the knee joint bandaging technique resembles a figure eight. Each turn is located above or below the thickened middle of the knee. In this way, tight fixation of the damaged organ is achieved. You can secure the bandage using a safety pin or tape.

Often, a person with signs of a sprain is in no hurry to visit a medical facility, preferring to carry out treatment on their own. In this case, it is necessary to take into account several rules that will avoid the risk of further injury. You should not engage in sports or excessive physical activity until the damaged joint is completely restored. A new injury can lead to ligament rupture, which will require specific treatment, including surgery. If you need to leave the house, it is better to wear flat-soled shoes. If the bandage puts too much pressure on the joint, leading to numbness of the tissues, it is necessary to apply it again, ensuring blood flow. It is advisable to maintain a rest regime for the first time after injury, without exposing the leg to stress.

A properly applied tight bandage will eliminate unpleasant, painful symptoms in a short time. But, nevertheless, it is better to carry out treatment after consultation and under the supervision of an orthopedist.

Since ancient times, people have been accustomed to bandaging everything for faster healing of wounds. An elastic knee bandage is one of these remedies. Below we will look at how it differs from other bandages and what it is needed for.

What are elastic bandages and what are they for? As soon as bandages were invented, they began to be divided into antiseptic and pre-antiseptic. The predecessor of the elastic bandage was a knitted bandage, which performed the same functions as the modern “rubber” bandage. These bandages are designed for repeated use because they are not intended for open wounds.

Types of elastic bandages

Bandages come in different widths, lengths and degrees of stretch. Before purchasing, you need to carefully study the type of bandages:

Low distensibility (30-100%) is designed for the treatment of chronic vein problems, such as: venous insufficiency, deep vein thrombosis. Very convenient for first aid when you need to immediately apply a long-term bandage. They provide a strong fixation of additional products on the affected area without causing any discomfort. Medium extensibility (100-150%) is used to treat varicose veins, a disease with trophic and post-phlebitis syndromes. Very effective for maintaining tissue after cast removal and compression sclerotherapy. High extensibility (150% or more) is used for less severe varicose veins and for the treatment of post-phlebitis diseases. Very convenient after surgery for swelling, for supporting joints after injuries and operations, for patients in bed rest.

Before you buy a bandage, you should familiarize yourself with some recommendations in this regard:

It is better to consult a specialist; you need to pay attention to extensibility (depending on what kind of injury); it is more profitable to choose a company that has already proven itself in the market (this way you will save on the long service life of the bandage); depending on the injury received, different lengths of elastic bandage will be required; if the doctor prescribed a “tight” bandage, then he should also clarify what kind of bandage needs to be purchased.

An elastic bandage is much more profitable and convenient than a regular medical bandage. Firstly, a rubberized bandage can be wound a second time, when a regular bandage stretches and deforms after the first use, although it costs less, it will last much less than an elastic one.

The elastic bandage has very useful properties. It especially helps athletes, since they are often injured (sprains, bruises, dislocations, or just pain in the joints). When stretched, the bandage fixes the sore spot very well and does not allow unnecessary movements. Such a bandage also has the ability to warm, so before wrapping the affected area, you can rub in a warming ointment, the effect of which will be enhanced by the “bandage”.

Rules for applying a bandage to the knee

In most cases, a bandage is applied to the knee due to damage or excessive stress on the joint or after surgery. Sometimes athletes, particularly athletes before training or competition, wrap their knee to prevent injury. Because during athletic activity the main “impact” falls on the knee joint. And to keep it safe, you can bandage and fix your knee in advance.

So, the instructions say that you need to apply the bandage following clear instructions. The process of applying a bandage to the knee:

First of all, you need to buy a bandage at a pharmacy or sports store. Sellers can offer bandages with different fasteners; you should choose according to your own taste. You should sit so that your leg is in a relaxed position. The roll must be held in one hand, and its free end in the other. Next, place the free end behind the knee, just below the cup. The edge of the bandage should follow the crease line under the knee. Next, you need to bandage your leg, covering the free end. Each new layer should slightly block the previous one. For greater convenience and an even bandage, you need to slightly tighten the bandage, but not too tight, so as not to disrupt blood circulation. When you are done with the lower part of the knee, you should move on to the upper one. Everything is done in the same way, but you need to ensure that the bandage is evenly covered. After completing all the wrapping manipulations, you need to secure the remaining end of the bandage. This can be done with special locks or simply tuck the end under some layer. After this, you need to bandage the other leg according to the same pattern. For convenience, you should check whether the bandage is tight and does not restrict movement. To do this, you can squat or bend your legs several times. If it is tied too tightly, it is better to straighten it a little, otherwise it will be uncomfortable later.

Once you have acquired the skills of how to properly bandage joints or injury sites, you can familiarize yourself with a number of tips on how and in what cases to use an elastic knee bandage.

You need to bandage in a relaxed state. If a leg injury occurs, it is better to apply the bandage in bed in the morning. The elastic bandage must be applied evenly, because microtrauma to the skin may occur. In order to avoid untimely stretching of the bandage, it is necessary to open it only outward and close to the skin. Each level of dressing should overlap the previous one by 20-50%. As you finish bandaging, you should loosen the tightness a little. The bandaging area should be slightly larger than the injury area (10-15 cm). You should throw away unusable bandages that have lost their rubber properties. Bandages can be applied after warming up the muscles (warm-up or special ointment). When training in the gym, you should only use bands when working with heavy weights. In other cases, it is unnecessary and will not bring any benefit. Again, in the gym, between sets of strength exercises, it is better to unbind your leg so that the skin can breathe.

Side effects

If the bandage is too frequent and tight, damage to the inner surface of the cup may occur.

If the bandage is tied very tightly, it will lead to excessive friction between the two bone surfaces.

For the same reasons, muscle tissue can also be damaged. Therefore, you need to be very careful when carrying out such procedures.

Sometimes excessively frequent use of bandages can lead to psychological dependence. This applies to athletes who do strength training in gyms with exercise equipment. Sometimes a person gets so used to working with bandages that after that he can no longer perform the exercise until he ties the bandage. Although the bandage is just a precaution, some may think that without it something will break or fail.

Is there an alternative?

For greater convenience and fixation, special knee pads were invented. They imply a lightweight “dressing”, that is, just put it on - and that’s it. Stores that specialize in selling this type of product offer special bandages with inserted ribs to regulate the rigidity of the fixation.

In most cases, special knee pads perform the same functions as an elastic bandage. They support the joint, help reduce pain and reduce swelling. There are also special bandages with orthopedic properties.

Reinforced knee pads are used in the following cases:

dislocation; paralysis; arthrosis; synovitis; infection.

Knee pads, however, have a slight advantage over a simple elastic bandage: they are distinguished by their ability to prevent muscle atrophy and guarantee freedom of the limbs. They improve blood circulation and thereby have a positive effect on the injured joint or, on the contrary, act as a preventive measure.

In any case, the choice is yours. Many athletes use knee pads because they are convenient and quick to use, and some still use an elastic bandage. Your preference should be given to a product that is more convenient for individual needs and characteristics. An elastic bandage on the knee is a more beneficial means for prevention, when a bandage is already a more serious remedy with a strong orthopedic effect.

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There are many reasons why you should wrap your knees in a bandage. You can bandage your knees when playing sports (such as weightlifting) or apply a bandage to an injured knee joint. Although it seems like a simple matter, there are certain rules that need to be followed to avoid damaging your knee. In this article you will learn how to properly bandage your knee.


Part 1

How to bandage a knee

    Gather everything you need. You will need the right material to wrap it around your knee. Purchase a special knee bandage, also called a pressure bandage or compression bandage. This bandage can be bought in many supermarkets or pharmacies. The most popular elastic bandage is the ACE brand, but other brands of bandages are also available. You will also need something to secure the bandage. Most bandages come with elastic clasps with metal hooks, but if you buy a bandage without clasps, find something you can use to secure it, such as a safety pin.

    • You can also purchase a self-adhesive bandage that has an adhesive coating on one side. There are also wraps with Velcro on the edges. Choose the bandage that you think suits you best.
    • Bandages are available in different sizes. Choose the bandage that suits you.
  1. Take the correct posture. When bandaging your knee, you should take the correct position. First, sit in a place where nothing will restrict your freedom of movement. Second, extend the corresponding leg in front of you. It is necessary to stretch the leg properly, without straining it and relaxing the knee so that it remains slightly bent.

    Proceed with dressing. Take the bandage in your hand. Don't unwind it just yet - it's more convenient to gradually unravel the bandage by wrapping it around your knee. Place the hand with the bandage on your leg, about five centimeters below the knee joint. Take the free end of the bandage and pull it just under your knee. Holding the free end with one hand, unwind the bandage around your knee with the other. Wrap the bandage once around your knee, returning to the free end. Pull the bandage until it fits snugly around your leg.

    Apply a bandage to your knee. Wrap the bandage around your knee, pulling it taut and gradually moving up your leg. When wrapping the kneecap, leave a small gap of about the size of a finger between the leg and the bandage. Wrap the bandage until the knee joint is completely bandaged. Secure the end of the bandage with Velcro, tape, or fasteners.

  2. Make sure the bandage is not too tight. Do not tighten the bandage too tightly. The bandage should fit snugly to the leg, but not squeeze it. To check if the bandage is too tight, try sticking your index finger under it. It should go under the bandage. It is necessary that the bandage fits tightly around the knee, supporting it, but it should not impede blood circulation.

    Part 2

    In what cases should you bandage your knee?
    1. Decide whether you need to bandage your knee. There are many reasons why you should wrap your knees. Many people wrap their knees in a bandage before playing sports, further strengthening the knee joints. Some people apply a sling after a partial ligament tear, providing external support to the joint. Weightlifters bandage their knees before squats to strengthen them.

      • If you have injured your knee or think you have injured it, see your doctor before resuming your active lifestyle.
    2. Use a bandage for prevention. Knee braces are used not only for serious injuries and illnesses. The knees are also bandaged to prevent damage and injury. The bandage additionally strengthens the knee joint, helping it to withstand significant loads painlessly.

      • The only injury that requires a knee brace is a grade 1 knee sprain. Such a sprain can only be diagnosed by a qualified specialist.
      • If you have injured your knee, seek help from an orthopedic surgeon. This will reduce your risk of re-injury. Don't try to diagnose yourself.
    3. Do not apply a bandage to your knee for any serious injury. In many cases, a bandage is not needed. If you have a torn ACL or any other ligament, do not bandage your knee unless your orthopedic surgeon advises you to do so. You should also not apply a regular bandage to your knee if you have a torn inner or outer meniscus.

      • You can bandage your knee if the bandage helps treat the injury and your doctor is okay with using it before surgery.
      • Never apply a cast to try to restore a very unstable joint by simple fixation.

Compression bandages and bandaging are used for various deviations of the musculoskeletal system and vascular diseases. An elastic bandage is often placed on the knee or other joints to reduce stress. In order not to aggravate the condition or contribute to the deterioration of the condition while preventing injury, it is important to know how to apply a bandage correctly. By studying the features of dressing with an elastic bandage, you can quickly heal the damaged area and avoid adverse reactions of the body. Before bandaging your knee, it is important to consult with your doctor so as not to harm the affected area.

When should it be used?

Before bandaging an injury, it is important to study the contraindications and rules for applying a bandage, and also choose it with the help of your doctor. A fixing bandage is used on the knee for pathological processes of the musculoskeletal system and during vascular abnormalities.

Elastic bandages are used depending on the type of their extensibility. This is an indispensable thing for people involved in professional sports. They may bandage knees for sprains, bruises, pain, or dislocations to stabilize the damaged area. Wearing a bandage promotes faster healing of injuries by securing the area. If it is wound correctly, this reduces the load on the affected area. It is recommended to use an elastic bandage for sports, after arthroscopy, other operations and for the following conditions:

  • arthrosis;
  • varicose veins;
  • postoperative swelling;
  • sclerotherapy;
  • thrombosis;
  • lymphedema;
  • venous insufficiency;
  • postphlebitis disease;
  • postthrombotic disease;
  • sprained ligaments and tendons;
  • pregnancy (for preventive purposes);
  • injuries.

Types of bandages

The structure of the material can be low-elastic.

Bandages are produced in several varieties. This facilitates better selection during the treatment of each ailment. For the best effect and quick recovery, it is important to consult with your doctor so as not to aggravate the condition and not cause adverse reactions in the body as a result of the wrong choice. It is important to properly tie up the injury. Some pathologies require a careful approach to choosing a bandage. Elastic bandages come in the following varieties:

  • Low elasticity (can stretch up to 69 percent). Sometimes used for fixing medications. Used when the body is damaged:
    • varicose veins;
    • emphydema;
    • thrombosis;
    • venous insufficiency;
    • postthrombotic deviation.
  • Medium elasticity (can stretch one and a half times). Gives a healing effect after removing plaster casts. Used for postphlebitis syndrome, venous insufficiency, as well as:
    • in the postoperative period for blood vessels;
    • with varicose veins;
    • with trophic syndrome.
  • High elasticity (stretches more than one and a half times). Applicable:
    • after surgery if hematomas and swelling are present;
    • to reduce the load after surgery;
    • in the post-traumatic period;
    • for preventive purposes during gestation;
    • while playing sports.

How to properly apply an elastic bandage to your knee?

Each subsequent round of the bandage must overlap the previous one.

It is important to start applying the bandage 20 centimeters short of the affected area. Knee bandaging is performed on a relaxed knee joint. It is better to warm up the damaged area before wrapping the injury. Each round must be wound so as to cover the previous layer by at least half. It is not recommended to wrap the elastic bandage too tightly or without tension at all; you should stretch it evenly throughout the entire process.

There should be no pain or discomfort during the application of the bandage and when wearing it. The presence of pain indicates an incorrectly applied bandage to fix the knee. The dressing should not constrain the joint; movements are performed in full amplitude, but with effort. It is not recommended to wrap an injury with a bandage that has lost its ability to stretch. You cannot properly bandage your knee with this bandage. The bandage on the knee joint is applied using two methods:

  • Converging method. The first two circles are wrapped below the knee joint, and the next two above the knee, thus alternating the wrapping circles until they come together in the center.
  • Divergent option. Apply in reverse order, starting from the center of the kneecap and ending above or below the knee.
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