Adult Baptism Procedure. Baptism of a child: rules, advice and practical issues. If godparents do not fulfill their duties, is it possible to take other godparents and what needs to be done for this

The Significance of the Preparatory Rites

The Russian Orthodox Church is passing through a unique historical stage. Today, as in the ancient Christian Church, adult, formed personalities come to Baptism. That Sacrament, which over the past few centuries, until the tragedy of the 20th century, was performed almost exclusively on babies, at the turn of the 20th-21st centuries became the lot of adults.

In this regard, according to the logic of things, the institution of catechumens, that is, persons who are consciously preparing to join the church, should be restored. Indeed, in the ancient church, those who were preparing to receive were gradually introduced into her life. For a long period of time, which in different years ranged from 40 days to three years, they studied the truths of faith, read the Holy Scriptures, and took part in common prayers. It is noteworthy that the bishop, to whom the wishing to be baptized came, tested his moral qualities and the sincerity of his desire to become a Christian.

It is clear that much of this practice of the early Christian church in modern conditions, for various reasons, is unfeasible. But catechetical conversations before Baptism, reading the Holy Scriptures, Orthodox literature, participation in divine services, common prayers in the temple, are not only available, but should be obligatory.

The Sacrament of Baptism should not be profaned and become an ethnographic rite performed for purposes that have nothing to do with the essence of Christianity. Moreover, the preparatory rites, which were of significant importance for the early Church, and composed specifically for the Baptism of adults, did not disappear and did not subsequently become “infantile” (due to the age of those brought to Baptism), but to this day they have retained the “adult” rites , which has always been an integral part of this Sacrament.

Therefore, the Baptism of an adult must be preceded by preparation, which, in essence, will be his gradual entry into church life.

Before Baptism

An adult who wants to be baptized must have an idea of ​​the most important components of the Orthodox faith. It is necessary to read the New Testament, and also to know the main part of the dogmatic teaching about the Holy Trinity, About the Incarnation of the Son of God, His Cross Sacrifice and Resurrection, about the Church of Christ, About the Sacraments - Communion, Baptism, Chrismation.

Announcements are held in many churches, and those who sign up for Baptism are required to visit them. If there is no such practice in the temple, you can talk with the priest and find out everything you need about the rite of Baptism. The basics of Orthodox dogma will need to be studied independently. In addition, those who wish to be baptized must know by heart the most important Christian prayers - the Creed, the Lord's Prayer "Our Father", and "Virgin Mother of God, rejoice." These prayers are in any prayer book.

It is advisable for an adult to prepare for the rite of Baptism, if possible, by a three-day fast, that is, refusing to eat meat, dairy foods, eggs, alcoholic beverages, and smoking. Before proceeding to the Sacrament, Christians, according to the word of Jesus Christ, must be reconciled with everyone with whom they were in a quarrel. Fasting also implies abstaining from entertainment and watching entertainment TV shows. Married persons should renounce marital relations during this period.

The rite of Baptism for an adult

The divine service of the Sacrament of Baptism consists of the rank of announcement, the follow-up of Holy Baptism, which includes several rites: the blessing of water, the blessing of oil, Baptism and the dressing of the newly baptized in white baptismal clothes. After Baptism, the Sacrament of Chrismation is performed.


Before reading the catechetical prayers, the priest performs the following sacred rites: he blows three times in the face of the person being baptized, this is symbolically connected with the moment of the creation of man, when God took the earthly man created from the dust, and breathed into his face the breath of life, and man became a living soul (Gen. 2; 7). Then the priest blesses the person being baptized three times, and laying his hand on his head, begins reading the prayers.

After reading the prohibition prayers (prayers for the prohibition of evil spirits), a rite of renunciation of Satan is performed. The one who receives Baptism turns his face to the west - a symbol of darkness and dark forces, the priest will ask him questions, and he must consciously answer them. After renouncing Satan, the baptized confesses fidelity to Christ (combines with Christ), now facing east, as in the previous rite, answers questions repeated three times. Then the catechumen reads aloud the Creed - one of the main Christian prayers, containing in brief, all Orthodox dogma. This prayer must be known by heart. After reading the prayer, questions from the priest follow, this is repeated three times. Now the catechumen is ready to receive Holy Baptism.

Baptism begins with the blessing of water. Before this, the priest dresses in white clothes, a symbol of the new life brought to earth by Jesus Christ. Candles are lit if godparents participate in the ceremony, which is also acceptable for adults, they are also given candles in their hands. The consecration of water is followed by the consecration of oil, the person being baptized is anointed with it: his forehead (forehead), chest, back between the shoulder blades, ears, arms and legs, the meaning of the anointing is that. to sanctify the thoughts, desires and actions of man. entering into a covenant with God.

After anointing, baptism is performed by immersion in the font three times, with the pronunciation of sacramental words, that is, the baptismal prayer. But when they leave the font, the new member of the church is dressed in white clothes from christening set - a symbol of purified, renewed human nature.

For men, this is a baptismal shirt, for women - a long shirt, like a nightgown, always with sleeves, or a baptismal dress. Baptismal clothes must be new, pure white.

The newly baptized priest puts a pectoral cross around his neck, with the pronunciation of a special prayer. After this, the Sacrament of Chrismation is performed. Then the priest with the newly baptized goes around the font three times, which is a symbol of eternity. After solemn hymns, the Epistle of the Apostles and the Gospel are read. In conclusion, the ritual of cutting hair takes place, this is a sign of the Christian's surrender to the will of God.

What is required for adult baptism?

To participate in the rite of Baptism, you need to buy a baptismal set in advance: baptismal towel - a new, white towel, large enough to wipe dry after the font, baptismal shirt. a pectoral cross, several candles and slippers (slates), since at a certain moment of the Sacrament a person must be without shoes, without socks, stockings, etc. - for anointing with holy oil.

The practice of committing Adult Baptisms different in different temples. In some churches, when women and girls are baptized, the font is surrounded by a screen. then the immersion is performed without clothes, the priest sees only the head of the baptized. In other churches, women are baptized in shirts or long shirts. Women, in all cases without exception, must be in the temple in a headscarf or other headdress. Signing up for Baptism, you can find out in the candle shop all the details of the Sacrament in this temple.

The online store is happy to offer clothes for Baptism of different sizes, for adults and teenagers, as well as all the necessary accessories: terry towels, scarves, holiday sets of candles. You can also buy a pectoral cross from us, gold or silver, made of white or blackened 925 sterling silver.

Clothes for baptism can be purchased in a church shop, or sewn on your own, an Orthodox cross is traditionally embroidered on the back of a baptismal shirt, a baptismal towel can also be decorated with Orthodox symbols. Baptismal clothes are not used in everyday life and, as a rule, are not washed.

It is advisable that everything necessary for Baptism be prepared in advance, you will be much calmer on the day of the Sacrament, since at the last moment there may not be shirts of the right size or suitable crosses in shape and size in the church shop.

Believers wear the pectoral cross all their lives, without taking it off, except perhaps in special circumstances (at the request of a doctor, etc.)

In Orthodox society, it is customary to baptize newborn babies. Materials about this ritual are presented everywhere. It is completely different with adults. Such a topic as the baptism of an adult, what is needed for him and how it is carried out, still raises questions, so we propose to consider its features in relation to adults.

The baptism of an adult is inextricably linked with why and how one should be baptized. This topic is treated from several positions, namely:

  • underlying reasons for undergoing this ritual;
  • rules and the need to use the sign of the cross.

The Sacrament is considered to be the starting point for bringing a person into the Orthodox Church. After the ritual, an adult is allowed to take part in church sacraments, worship. Adult baptism allows loved ones and relatives to submit notes to the church in their name.

During the baptismal action, human sins are forgiven, for which the clothes of the person being baptized are washed. It is believed that the soul becomes as snow-white as the christening clothes. For the salvation of the soul, participation in the life of the Church is required. This will ensure spiritual growth and purity of intentions.

At the core is an understanding of how important and necessary it is to be baptized. The main purpose of the ritual is the expiation of sins. This does not only take into account adult sins. Newborn babies are also considered sinners. Consider original sin. It is transmitted to the representatives of the human race by inheritance.

One reason for using the sign of the cross is to imitate the Lord God. Initially, Jesus Christ plunged into the waters of the Jordan. Then he accepted all the sins of mankind. Subsequently, Jesus gave his life as payment for human sins. This happened as a result of the suffering of the Lord on the cross.

There is a disappointing tendency to perform the rite without understanding the importance of the Sacrament. Such representatives of society are driven by imitation of the opinion of the majority. At the same time, people do not think about the true meaning of the ritual. The main reason for its implementation should be faith and an irresistible desire to become part of the divine unity.

Preparation for the Sacrament

The main impulse for performing the sacrament of baptism over a mature person should be the true Christian faith. Only the desire to reunite with the Lord God is considered a criterion of spiritual purity and sincerity. That is why, before passing the Sacrament, a person needs to decide how ready he is for gaining faith. After the ceremony, the newly baptized must live with immersion in the church atmosphere. This means that you need to systematically visit the temple, know and read prayers, comprehend the divine service. If church life is ignored, the Sacrament has no meaning.

Note! The baptismal ritual is performed regardless of the age of the person at any time of the year.

The performance of the ceremony for an adult is inseparably linked with the question of what is needed for baptism. In order for a mature person to go through the ritual, not only faith in the Divine principle is necessary. It is important to understand and understand Orthodox dogmas. The postulates of religion are given in the Gospel.

It is inappropriate to seek through the ritual of earthly blessings, solving problems in the family and at work. The sacrament should not be a tool for success. The main condition for performing the ceremony is the desire to live according to Christian beliefs.

Direct preparation for baptism consists of several stages:

Catechesis includes conversations with a clergyman, presented in the form of a program "12 conversations". It consists of such topics as the foundations of the Orthodox faith, the duties of every Christian, the way of life of a believer. Helps the believer find answers to existing questions, involves reading the Gospel, studying the prayer "Our Father" and the text of the Creed. Associated with the conduct of confession, the announcement of baptized sins, evil thoughts and inclinations, It takes from 1 week to a year (depending on the chosen temple).

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Collection of ritual items, the list of which includes a pectoral cross, a chain, a baptismal shirt, a towel, open slippers. The exact list of necessary items for the Sacrament is issued in the church where the ritual will be held. Things are purchased in the church shop directly on the day of the Sacrament or in advance, there is an option to purchase through an online store.

Choice of godparents

Among what an adult needs for the rite of baptism, there is a choice of godparents. It is important to understand that such people should be role models. It is they who will support the newly minted Christian in the hours of doubt and ordeal. The duties of a godfather include:

  • spiritual education of the godson;
  • learning the basics of the Christian life;
  • instruction in accordance with Orthodox teaching.

When choosing a godfather, you should pay attention to the following qualities:

  • responsibility;
  • reliability;
  • responsiveness;
  • high moral principles.

The spiritual recipient for the female is a woman, for the stronger sex - a man. According to the church charter, it is enough to choose one godfather. However, often they pick up both the godfather and the godmother. It is not forbidden to invite a relative to the role of a godfather. This will only strengthen the Orthodox ties within the clan.

Note! After the ceremony, you can not change godparents.

The difference between the baptism of an adult and a child is the right to refuse godparents. A mature person independently decides on the need for a godfather. Those who should not be invited as godparents include:

  • parents of the baptized;
  • non-believers in the Orthodox dogma;
  • unbaptized or supporters of a different faith;
  • monks/nuns;
  • people who are legally married;
  • a bride and groom or a couple in a relationship with each other;
  • people with neurological diseases and mental disorders;
  • people of low moral principles;
  • children (girls under 13 years of age, boys under 15 years of age).

It must be borne in mind that the rite of baptism for an adult is somewhat different for mature men and women. The following features should be taken into account:

During the ceremony, the fabric of the baptismal shirt is translucent. To prevent embarrassing situations, the fair sex is advised to wear a swimsuit underneath. It is important to bring a change of underwear with you.

During the ritual, the person's ankles must be open. The pectoral cross must be consecrated. The cross is bought in any church shop, regardless of the place of the ceremony. It is not recommended to purchase a gold cross: it is believed that gold is the metal of sinners; Silver should be preferred.

For the ritual, you will need several candles. Before the ceremony, you should buy candles for those accompanying the baptized.

Informative! What you need: the main rules and signs

Preparation includes the fulfillment of the following conditions:

  • Baptized and godparents must be smartly dressed.
  • The fair sex must cover their heads with a scarf.
  • Women are not allowed to paint their lips with bright lipstick, wear trousers and come in short skirts or dresses.
  • Men are not allowed to wear shorts to the temple.

The order of the Sacrament

For centuries, the regulation on how to be baptized for an adult has remained unchanged. The church determines how baptism is performed. One of the conditions for the baptism of an adult is the presence of a clergyman who is being baptized and his godparents. The ritual for an adult occurs in the following sequence:

  1. Assigning a baptized name. The name is assigned according to Christmas. The new name is associated with the Saint, who will be the heavenly patron of the baptized.
  2. The laying on of the priest's hand. The gesture invisibly represents God's hand. The act is personified with the blessing of Christ, the imposition of God's protection and patronage of the believer.
  3. Reading a prayer service (or rite of announcement). Prayer imposes a ban on the action of evil spirits. The holy text puts protection on the intrigues of the devil and his minions, they are expelled;
  4. The renunciation of the baptized from evil spirits. Assumes a ban on unclean spirits. The prayer is read with an appeal to the west.
  5. Renunciation of spiritual recipients from the action of the minions of the devil.
  6. Confession of fidelity to God. The godparents answer the questions of the clergyman with an appeal to the east. It involves the obligatory reading of the prayer "Symbol of Faith".
  7. Anointing with water and oil. The water and oil involved in the ceremony are consecrated in advance. The priest must be in white robes. Under the prayer speeches of the clergyman, the oil is lowered three times into holy water. Candles are given to godparents. During the ceremony, 3 candles are lit in the eastern part of the font.
  8. Chrismation. Under the reading of the prayer, the baptized person is anointed in the area of ​​​​the eyes, forehead, cheeks, arms and legs.
  9. Hair cutting. The priest cuts off a lock of hair from the head of the person being baptized. After the ceremony, the hair remains in the temple as a sacrifice to the Divine.
  10. Reading a prayer to the baptized. The believing person is illuminated by the grace of the Holy Spirit, is associated with the physical and spiritual change of a person, represents the “second human birth”. All sins are forgiven, a Guardian Angel is assigned to protect the soul.

Eating before the Sacrament

Often on the eve of the Sacrament, the question arises whether it is possible to eat any food before baptism. To whether it is possible to eat before the Sacrament, the answer is unequivocal. Eating before this ritual is not prohibited. There is an exception to the rule. Eating before the ceremony is prohibited in the event that a person alternately undergoes the sacraments of Baptism, Communion or the Eucharist. The age of the person is taken into account. The ban applies to persons over the 3-year period.

Note! It is forbidden to take any food not before Baptism, but before Communion. The time period after 12 am before the ritual is taken into account.

In addition to general restrictions, a person sets his own rules for eating. Such a condition often arises from ideological considerations and is of an individual nature. A person excludes fast food from the diet a couple of days before the Sacrament. On the morning before the ritual, any meal is skipped.

It is necessary to listen to the needs of not only the soul, but also the body. In case of illness or illness, it is recommended to refrain from strict restrictions.

Rite cost

In the course of preparing for the Sacrament, a person involuntarily wonders how much it costs to be baptized in a church. It should be understood that the rite has no regulated cost. This is due to the non-commercial activities of the temples. The notional value represents a donation. At the same time, the contribution for an adult is no different from a child.

The answer to how much it costs to be baptized in a church is in a particular temple. Donations vary. The amount of the contribution is affected by the city where the Sacrament is performed, the location of the temple, and the established internal donations of the temple. So, in Moscow, donations amount to 2-4 thousand rubles, and in the Moscow region - 1 thousand. On average, the fee for the ritual is 1-3 thousand rubles.

The cost depends on the order of the ritual. It is possible to order an individual ceremony. In this case, only relatives and friends of the person being baptized will be present at the Sacrament. In some situations, the fee is not set. The person himself decides how much he is willing to donate. In case of financial insecurity of the person being baptized, the rite is carried out free of charge.

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Summing up

Baptism is an important milestone in a person's life as a Christian. The ceremony requires moral readiness and preparation. Studying the procedure for conducting the Sacrament will allow a person to freely begin the right path in life.

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Baptism of an adult - how it goes and what is required for the sacrament

Adults go to the sacrament of Baptism deliberately. According to the canons, a person of any age can be baptized. In this article, you can learn in detail about the sacrament of adult baptism in the Christian church.

Preparation for christening

Acceptance in adulthood is conditioned by the believer's desire to lead a righteous life. Christian etiquette provides for knowledge of the canons, familiarity with the Old and New Testaments, understanding the meaning of the main commandments of God, the study of the main Orthodox prayers - "Our Father" and "Symbol of Faith". To help those who wish to accept Christianity, public discussions are held at the churches. There, the clergy can be asked questions of interest and listen to the basics of faith. Etiquette must be observed in the church. This is not only the rules of conduct, but also the appearance of the visitor to the temple.

A person who comes to the temple to accept Orthodoxy, ideally, must go through the following stages of life:

  • bible study,
  • finishing Sunday school or attending catechumens,
  • spiritual lifestyle,
  • good deeds from the heart
  • search for a spiritual mentor and a conversation with him,
  • church visit.

Like other Orthodox rites, christening must be preceded by a minimum three-day fast and confession.

Practices associated with adult baptism

Orthodoxy can be accepted at any stage of life from birth to death. It is known from the Bible that the son of the Lord Jesus Christ accepted the faith at the age of 30, when a person's worldview had already been formed. It is understood that after the adoption of faith, the soul is born again. There is deliverance from sins, including from the first-born of our forefathers. The one who wants to accept the faith must purify the soul through confession and repentance.

Serving the sacrament with an adult is no different from accepting the faith with a child. The difference lies in the preparatory stage. An adult goes to the adoption of Orthodoxy consciously, not trying to get a benefit. Such a sacrament can only be performed once in a lifetime.

In all churches, baptisms are held on the days when services are held. But a popular date for baptism is the great Orthodox holiday celebrated on January 19th. Indeed, on this day, Jesus Christ converted to Christianity after bathing in the waters of the Jordan. Temples conduct baptisms on this great holiday, but you need to remember that there can be many people who want to. Often, together with the christening, people want to swim in open waters (on the river in the hole). But you need to adequately assess the state of your health. The body to ice water must be prepared and hardened.

What to do before the ceremony

Preparation for the ordinance includes choosing a spiritual mentor and the temple in which he serves. After the place is approved, it is necessary to find out in the church the days when the sacrament is held for adults. There are fonts for complete immersion of those who accept the faith in a few churches. More often, the sacrament is limited to the presence of a small container with holy water. Searching for a church with a font is pointless, because the essence of the sacrament does not change.

The clergyman will tell you what preparation is required for an adult to perform the sacrament, what rules of conduct will need to be observed during christening. You need to take care of all household details in advance, buy the necessary for the event. Cleanliness of the body on this day is no less important than the purity of the soul.

What to buy for an adult for baptism

In the church where the ceremony will take place, they will tell you what you need to bring for it. It is necessary to show a certificate of attending public talks with the clergy and a passport.

In order for the sacrament to pass comfortably, you need to take care of suitable clothes and paraphernalia in advance. These should be:

  • christening clothes (shirt or chemise),
  • towel,
  • candles for all those present at the sacrament,
  • cross with a chain or rope.

If the baptism will take place in a church with a font, then you need to have a large towel or sheet and change of shoes with you.

The cross as a symbol of faith

The pectoral cross is a symbol of a Christian. All who have undergone the sacrament of baptism are required to wear it at all times. Here the words of the apostle "I have been crucified with Christ" are recalled. All those who wear crosses believe that it serves as a talisman - it helps to protect from evil, lead a charitable life and do good deeds. You can often hear that crosses made of expensive precious metals are not used during the sacrament. But the clergy refute this erroneous opinion. It doesn't matter what the symbol of religion will be. The main thing is why he was dressed as a man.

The material from which the cross is made can be any. It is preferable to buy gold, silver or wooden attributes. It is believed that the baptismal cross has power, so it is advisable to wear it all your life. Gold products are durable and less susceptible to external influences, they last longer than other materials.

The main requirement for the cross is its consecration. This can be done in advance or at the sacrament itself.

sacrament clothing

Christening clothes for adults must be purchased in advance. You can do this in a candle shop. There are also towels and scarves for women to cover their heads. Religious etiquette provides for the use of a shirt during the ceremony. It should be long, covering the knees.

Female representatives can use nightgowns. The main requirement for this clothing is that it must not have been previously worn. Such an outfit can be white, as a symbol of purity or any light shades. After the sacrament, all items of clothing, towels that participated in the sacrament should be kept as a memory. They are not washed and not used in everyday life after baptism. It is believed that they have a certain power and can be used when the host is ill.

Prayers you need to know for the ceremony

The sacrament of baptism includes the reading of prayers. They will need to be pronounced together with the clergyman. It is advisable to know them by heart. The main prayers of an Orthodox Christian are: "Our Father", "Symbol of Faith", "Hail to the Mother of God Virgin".

Choice of godparents

It is generally accepted that godparents participate in the christening of both an adult and a child. In Orthodoxy they are called godparents. In fact, the church allows baptism without godparents. Children need a godparent for guidance in life and participation in his spiritual upbringing. At the ceremony itself, he holds the child, answers the questions of the clergyman and reads prayers.

The canons established that a girl should have a godmother, and a boy should have a godmother. It is impossible to say unequivocally about the need for godparents for an adult. This should be decided only by the person who accepts the faith. An adult does not need a recipient for baptism. But a good mentor for further spiritual life will not hurt a new Christian.

When choosing godparents, you need to remember that they must be Orthodox, church-going people who adhere to an appropriate lifestyle. Godparents should not be in a marital relationship with each other and with the person being baptized.

Fasting before the ceremony

A person, preparing for the sacrament, is subjected to the first test. It can be said that this is how the seriousness of the intentions of the one who wants to accept the faith is checked. It is necessary to give up non-fast food for at least three days. Fast (non-lean) food includes:

  • meat,
  • dairy,
  • fish products,
  • eggs.

On the day of the ceremony, eating from midnight is prohibited. Fasting is not only a refusal to eat, but also a purification of the soul. During fasting, it is necessary to stop smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages, watching TV and listening to music, and engaging in an intimate relationship. Time away from entertainment should be used for reading prayers, the Bible, the Lives of the Saints, visiting the temple.

Choice of spiritual father and conversation with him

After deciding on baptism, you need to find the holy father. They should be a clergyman, whom the one who accepts Orthodoxy will trust, not be afraid to talk with him, ask all the questions of interest. Before the ceremony, a conversation with the priest should take place. Before it, it is necessary to learn Christian postulates so that the priest sees a person’s desire to join the church.

Before baptism, adults are required to undergo a catechization procedure - attending conversations with clergymen. There, the future Christian will learn about the foundations of faith, his duties to the church and God. There is no need to pre-register for these sessions. You can find out from the priest the schedule of the talks and go to the beginning. They take about 2.5 hours. After that, each listener is given a certificate.

What happens during the sacrament - sequence of actions

Performing a ceremony over an adult or a child has no differences. The sequence of actions of the priest remains the same. In some temples, the sacrament is held in the building of the church itself, and in some there is a separate room for this. After the sacrament is performed, the person being baptized enters the church for churching, attachment to the icons and relics of the saints. You can find out how the ceremony will take place in the chosen church from the priest or in a candle shop.

The order of the sacrament

An adult may become uncomfortable during the ceremony if it is not known in advance about the stages of the ceremony. It is better to familiarize yourself with them in advance. First, the priest names the person being baptized with an Orthodox church name. It may coincide with or differ from the mundane.

Then comes the laying on of hands. It is called upon to receive the blessing of the Lord for those who have accepted the faith. From that moment on, the human soul is protected by higher powers.

Then comes the stage of reading prayers. At this time, the person undergoing the ceremony is asked questions. He must clearly and distinctly answer them. Next comes the renunciation of evil forces and the swearing of an oath to the Lord.

Then, together with the clergyman, the person being baptized pronounces aloud the "Symbol of Faith" prayer. Every Christian must know it by heart. It gives the characteristics of the foundations of the Christian faith.

Then the person being baptized is sprinkled three times or immersed in holy water. This moment represents the spiritual cleansing of a person, rebirth.

After that, the priest puts a holy crucifix on the neck of the person undergoing the ceremony. Now wearing it is the duty of a Christian.

In the event that there was a complete immersion in the font, it will be necessary to change into dry clothes. Next comes the reading of prayers and the ritual of chrismation. It consists in applying oil to the forehead, mouth, chest, hands of the person being baptized. Then he, together with the priest, makes three circles around the font. The final stage is the cutting of a small lock of hair from the baptized, the pronunciation of the prayer "Let us pray to the Lord" and kissing the crucifix.

The difference between adult baptism and infant baptism

The difference in the rite of baptism over an adult and a child is that for the baby the questions during the sacrament are answered by the recipients, they also read prayers. An adult is able to do it himself. For the churching of female babies, the priest brings them to the Royal Doors, an adult woman does this on her own. The clergy carry the boys through the Royal Doors and bring them to the altar. Adult men pass through the gates where deacons are supposed to pass during the service.

Feminine features

Orthodox etiquette implies the covering of the head in the temple by female representatives. The scarf and clothes are removed before immersion in water. At churches where there is a baptismal font, a screen can be installed so that the priest can only see the upper body and head of the woman. But this is not provided for in all churches.

The restriction for performing the ceremony on female representatives is the "impurity" of the body. During menstruation, attachment to shrines is prohibited. It is impossible to touch holy water, therefore, baptisms must be appointed taking into account these circumstances.

If the baptized person feels uncomfortable in a wet translucent shirt, you can wear a bathing suit under it.

Rite cost

According to church canons, trading in churches is not allowed. There should be no charge for administering the sacrament of baptism. But churches today have to survive, because many of them are self-sufficient. Therefore, fixed prices are set in churches for various church rites, from baptism to funeral services.

They can only tell you the exact cost of the ceremony in the temple of your choice. It depends on the size of the city or village, size, beauty of the church. You may have to pay for church candles, an icon of a saint whose name is given at baptism, for a certificate of the ceremony.

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There are a huge number of articles written on the subject of infant baptism, what traditions exist and how this sacrament should be performed correctly. However, it is worth noting that no one considered this option as a rite of baptism for an adult, because it is then that a person takes a very serious step, not following fashion trends, but instead adhering to his convictions, thereby acting deliberately.

In this article, you can get acquainted with how an adult is baptized, what rules exist, what is needed for it, how this ceremony is performed, and much more.

Let's understand what baptism is. This ceremony is a kind of sacrament where a believer, with an appeal addressed to the Lord, the Son and the Holy Spirit, immerses his body three times in water, while he kind of dies for carnal and sinful life, in order to be spiritually reborn from the Holy Spirit.

The sacrament of baptism of an adult implies deliverance from original sin, that is, the sinful act of his forefathers, who endowed him at birth.

The Orthodox custom itself can be carried out over a person only once, which is comparable with birth, because a person is born only once.

However, such a rite is extremely inappropriate in the case when a person is trying to find any earthly benefits at the expense of it, gain luck, or even thereby wants to resolve family troubles. Therefore, one of the most significant conditions for the fulfillment of the sacrament is an unshakable desire to live one's life according to Christian customs.

After a person performs the ceremony, he must begin to live a full-fledged Orthodox life, that is, learn to live in the Lord, learn worship, read a prayer service and regularly attend church. If this does not happen, then the sacrament will simply lose all meaning.

It is imperative to prepare for this kind of procession, remember all your committed sins, addictions, wrongs, and it is also worth learning and confessing by heart before baptism from a clergyman.

Baptism of an adult: rules and some customs

  • This kind of procession is available to absolutely every person, of different ages and on any day convenient for him.
  • From this it follows that it is possible to carry out the rite of baptism over a believer, at any time, even from the first breath at birth until death.
  • However, it must be remembered that in each church the sacrament can take place in different ways and a certain procedure for its conduct can also be established, which will largely depend on the circumstances that have arisen, church routine and opportunities.
  • Based on what, it is best to find out in advance how the ceremony will take place in the cathedral that you have chosen.

What is required for adult baptism

The main reason for conducting the sacrament for a mature person is the presence in him of the Orthodox Christian faith, sincere and pure, coming from the whole soul. The purpose of baptism is union with the Lord. That is why those who come to the baptismal font must decide for themselves whether they need it and how ready they are to accept the faith.

Baptism of an adult: what is needed for the ceremony for men and women

A mature person who desired to undergo the rite of baptism must first of all have faith in the Almighty, as well as familiarize himself with and share the Orthodox dogmas given in the Gospel.

Before proceeding to the sacrament, one should go through a special preparation called catechesis, which usually consists of several conversations with a clergyman, where a person can hear about the duties of a Christian, Orthodox dogma, and the visitor himself will be able to get answers to all the questions that have arisen. And only after that you can proceed to the ceremony.

As for the baptism itself, then a person will definitely need a baptismal shirt, open slippers, a cross, but towels can also come in handy. However, at the same time, it is best to find out the exact list of necessary things in the church where you are going to conduct the sacrament.

Now let's move on to such a question as the baptism of adult women and what features you should know:

  • Women of the fairer sex should take into account that the wet fabric during the ceremony may well shine through, in order to avoid embarrassing situations, it is recommended to wear a regular swimsuit underneath, and you can also take a change of underwear with you. Do not forget that for almost the entire duration of the ceremony, the baptized must have their ankles bare.
  • Regarding the cross, there are no special recommendations here, an ordinary cross, which is freely sold in church shops in the temple itself, may well come up. It's okay if you purchased a pectoral cross somewhere else, as the priest will be able to consecrate it right during the ceremony. The main thing to remember is that in no case should you buy a gold cross, because gold itself in the Orthodox religion is considered a sinful metal and it is best to prefer silver to it.
  • It is also important to buy one or more candles (for those who accompany you) before the beginning of the sacrament.

Baptism of an adult: rules and how the sacrament is performed

  • The first stage of the sacred ceremony is the naming of a person, thanks to which he receives his Saint acting as a heavenly patron, whose name was chosen for him;
  • The next stage is performed as a sign of receiving blessing and protection by laying on the hand of a clergyman, moreover, it personifies God's hand, and the Lord himself, from the moment of the sacrament, will begin to provide not only patronage, but also take under his special protection the believer who turned to him;
  • After that, a prayer service is said, where from the Temple, in the person of the servant of the Lord, unclean spirits and the devil, the terrible and mighty name of the Almighty, are forbidden to intrigue the newly baptized, and also helps to drive them away;
  • Immediately after all evil spirits will be expelled by the name of the Lord, the hour comes when the believer himself must renounce it;
  • Before the baptism of an adult, it is initially necessary to consecrate oil and water, and after that the clergyman proceeds to anoint the water with oil and only then the person being baptized. Then the person is immersed three times in the consecrated water with the pronunciation of prayer speeches from the priest;
  • At the moment of pronouncing the prayer, the believer is illuminated by the grace emanating from the Holy Spirit, thanks to which all of his spiritual and physical nature will change, that is, the person himself of his kind will go through the stage of rebirth, but in a different capacity. Just the same, that is why this custom was called the “second birth”, because all those sinfulness that the Orthodox had were completely forgiven by the Almighty. A kind of mentor is assigned to him, capable of protecting the human soul, he will become a Guardian Angel for the believer.

Do not forget that the Orthodox will carry the grace received during the sacrament throughout his life, wasting it with stupid and unnecessary deeds or, on the contrary, increasing it with righteous deeds.

The Lord is always with you!

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