Apilak - royal jelly. Processed royal jelly Royal jelly apilak instructions

Beekeeping is an important industry not only in the national economy. Derivatives from the hive are widely used in medicine. Along with honey, wax, and beebread, royal jelly (apilak), produced by worker bees to feed the larvae in their hive, also has beneficial properties. The beneficial properties of this product are so high that its industrial production has been established.

Royal jelly is the secretion of the allotropic glands of bees - the maxillary and pharyngeal glands. This opaque pasty mass, which has a burning sour taste, can be milky white in color or take on a slightly creamy tint.

Apilak, sold in pharmacies, is a balm with a different base. The solution in water does not have a specific color, and the slightly alkaline composition is transparent. If you leave the drug at room temperature, the apilak will acquire a slightly yellowish tint.

In industrial beekeeping, royal jelly is collected in June-August, when there are a lot of nurse bees in the colonies. A freshly harvested product contains from 9 to 18% carbohydrates, 2-5% fats, and up to 14% proteins. Minerals and other beneficial substances occupy only 1%, but this does not detract from the value of apilak.

In the dried product, the amount of the main composition increases and looks like this: carbohydrates 28%, fats 19%, proteins 55%. So milk has a fairly high calorie content - 100 g of apilak gives 135.5 kcal.

Main Components

  • Milk proteins include globulins and albumins, as well as more complex components - lipoproteins, glycoproteins, nucleoproteins. The protein formula also contains 21 amino acids, of which 10 are essential.
  • The milk also contains styrene, waxes, phospholipids, organic acids and vitamins.
  • Particular importance is given to biologically active fatty acids.
  • The milk with which bees feed the queen contains large quantities of vitamin E - a good stimulant of sexual activity. By the way, the product for feeding worker bee larvae does not contain this component.
  • Various microelements were found in small doses in apilak - Fe, Mg, Co, Si, Cr, Au, Hg, As, etc.

When collecting royal jelly, a standardization method is used, assessing the quality of the product based on indicators such as consistency, taste, smell, color, and absence of mechanical impurities.

Fresh milk, under the influence of oxygen, light, heat and other factors, loses its biological activity quite quickly. Therefore, the product is lyophilized (dried) at the factory. But even in this case, special conditions for its storage are required. At temperatures ranging from 0-14°C and air humidity of 75%, milk powder is suitable for 5 years.

Some beekeepers also extract apilak privately. It should be taken into account that in the open air microorganisms immediately enter the milk, which provoke the process of decomposition of the active components. Therefore, you can store the product (and even then for a short time) in the refrigerator using sterile dark glass jars.

Royal jelly is highly valued on the world market, as it is an effective biological stimulant for normalizing the functioning of almost all organs.

  • Problems of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, arthritis, brucellosis, tuberculosis are the main areas for the use of apilac.
  • Thanks to acetylcholine, which is part of apilak, hypertension is regulated, since the drug has a dilating effect on blood vessels.
  • Treatment of atherosclerosis and coronary insufficiency, stimulation of hematopoiesis, regulation of the function of the endocrine glands - all this occurs more effectively with the use of apilak.
  • The diuretic effect of milk helps to establish metabolic processes (which means normalizing weight).
  • Apilak helps to increase immunobiological reactivity and turn on protection, strengthening the body's resistance to various types of infections.
  • In combination with beebread and honey, balsamic remedy helps older people cope with any illness. Their diuresis is normalized, the cholesterol level in the blood decreases, which returns their blood pressure to normal, their respiratory function improves, and in some, their sexual function is restored.
  • The antioxidant properties of the drug have even been used in the treatment of a number of cancer diseases.

The product helps to enhance the body’s vital functions, relieve pain, improve sleep, improve appetite and lift mood, increase physical and mental performance.

Pharmacy drugs

Many pharmacological companies around the world have long been creating drugs based on royal jelly. Below is a list of only a small portion of what is available on the global market.

  • In Estonia they produce “Lyophilized Apilak” in tablets, suppositories, ointments, and creams. Drugs taken orally have a general strengthening effect. Those intended for external use have an anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect, helping to improve the condition of the epidermis.
  • The Vietnamese produce dragees with milk extract and filler - “Jelly Royal”, which belongs to the category of multivitamins. This biostimulant is prescribed for debilitated patients, elderly people and young children as a dietary supplement.
  • A good tonic and general strengthening remedy for loss of strength and asthenia are “Ginseng-plus” capsules, produced by the Slovaks. In addition to the healing root, they also contain royal jelly, as well as vitamins A and E.
  • The French drug "Apifortil" contains 200 g of apilac in each capsule. The drug is included in therapeutic complexes for the treatment of atherosclerosis, vitamin deficiency, and overwork. It is also recommended to use it for preventive purposes.

In addition to the beneficial properties, there are also contraindications to the use of this medicinal product.


  • Apilak is strictly prohibited in the treatment of Addison's disease.
  • Despite the fact that the drug is used in the treatment of arthritis to relieve pain symptoms, in chronic, advanced forms, a relapse of the disease may occur.
  • People who are sensitive to bee products should not use this product. In this case, apilak can provoke allergic reactions - rash, redness of the skin, itching, as well as abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting.

You should not take the drug in the evening, as it has a stimulating effect and can cause insomnia.

Taking into account the beneficial properties of royal jelly from bees, you should not rely on the recommendations of friends. Treatment should only take place under the supervision of a doctor, since it is impossible to choose the right prescription for yourself. Each specific case will require an individual approach and a specially developed treatment regimen.

It is not for nothing that this drug is called uterine - it contains enough useful substances and hormones that have a beneficial effect on fertilization. Therefore, the remedy is sometimes prescribed to women who have problems conceiving. Apilak will help get rid of frigidity, making a woman more sensual. The product is also recommended for nursing mothers to stimulate lactation.

There is no doubt about the benefits of beauty products - an established metabolism helps improve not only your mood, but also your complexion, strengthen your hair and lose excess weight.

For men, milk is not only a good aphrodisiac, but also an opportunity to cope with impotence. After all, the product has a positive effect not only on the sexual function of women, but also on men’s too. The drug will help improve sperm quality, making a man more fertile.

By taking biological supplements based on this product, you can always keep yourself in good physical shape and enable your brain to work more actively. The product will also help cope with chronic fatigue.

Royal jelly is included in cosmetic skin care products. But you can also prepare health-improving and rejuvenating masks at home.

  • Mix 2 tbsp. cow's milk with 1 tsp. honey, add a little royal jelly and grind everything into a homogeneous mass. The product can be applied not only to the face, but also to the skin of the hands.
  • Taking 100 g of liquid honey and royal jelly (dried), the composition is heated in a water bath. Then 20 ml of infused decoction of celandine (or string) is introduced and everything is mixed well until it thickens. Apply warm to the skin of the face and neck.

These masks are used in the evening like a regular cream - there is no need to rinse off. In the morning it is enough to simply wash your face first with warm water, then with cool water. It is also recommended to add a little apilac to your night cream.

Apilak can be safely added to any hair care product - this will greatly enhance its effect. But you can prepare such a mask.

  • It is necessary to mix the milk with an aqueous solution of propolis (15%) and add 1 tbsp. honey Using this product, massage the scalp for several minutes. Then it should be wrapped for half an hour, after which the mask is washed off using shampoo.
  • You can strengthen and improve your hair with the following ingredients: royal jelly, sour cream, honey, burdock oil. You can choose the proportions yourself, in any case you will get the expected effect.

If you additionally take apilac preparations orally, the effect will increase, because the necessary components will flow to the roots along with the blood.

Price in pharmacy

You can buy royal jelly in pharmacies around the country, packaged in various forms. Thus, a package of 10 mg tablets No. 25 in some pharmacies will cost 170 rubles, in others – 220 rubles. 3% ointment costs about 150-250 rubles. (50 g).

Royal jelly 100% in capsules can be found for 190 rubles. (10 capsules per pack).

Some beekeepers collect royal jelly and distribute it through their websites. This may be a frozen native product sold directly in the mother liquor. Its approximate price is 300 rubles. The queen cell usually holds from 250 to 300 ml. Absorbed apilak is offered packaged in 8 g bottles at the same price.

Apilak (royal jelly)- secretion of the uterine glands of worker bees. It serves as food for the larva of the future queen; has general tonic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, bactericidal, antiviral effects. The anabolic effect of apilac is much stronger than the anabolic effect.

Fresh royal jelly is more effective than dried royal jelly.

In Russia, it (a preparation made from dried royal jelly) is available in tablets. One tablet contains 10 mg of active substance.

Take tablets strictly once a day in the morning. Since apilak is destroyed in the stomach, it is placed under the tongue, where it is absorbed, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract.

The dosage is strictly individual.

The following are produced abroad royal jelly preparations: apiserum (France), apifortil (Germany), longivex (Canada), lacapnis (Bulgaria), epirgshol, phytadon, melkal-cin (Romania). In Romania, there is Apigum chewing gum, which contains pollen, honey, apilac, propolis, and extracts from medicinal plants.

Apilak, like other drugs acting on the central nervous system, in small doses can cause: lethargy and drowsiness; in the middle - increased tone during the day and sound sleep at night; in excessive -

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The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Bee royal jelly- a natural product that first became known in 1690 thanks to the beekeeper Swammerdam. The first person to draw attention to the possibility of using royal jelly as a medicine was Remy Chauvin. 1954 was the first year of research into this product in therapy. Since then, royal jelly has proven itself well as a means of treating and preventing a huge number of different diseases. In this article we will dwell in more detail on Apilak..

Apilak is a medicinal product that has a general strengthening effect and is royal jelly from bees.

Composition of the drug

In addition to royal jelly, this drug contains: vitamins, folic acid, various macroelements and microelements, amino acids, as well as other active substances of biological origin. Apilak has a general tonic effect and also stimulates cellular metabolism.

Indications and method of use

So, Apilak or royal jelly is used most often during the period of convalescence, which is observed in a person after illness. It is also used for lactation disorders in the postpartum period and as an adjuvant in the treatment of neurotic disorders and arterial hypotension.

Royal jelly in the form of Apilak must be taken sublingually. Adults are prescribed one tablet in the morning, afternoon and evening. The Apilac tablet should be placed under the tongue and kept there until completely absorbed. The course of treatment with this drug is from ten to fifteen days.

For example, if a person has coronary heart disease, he needs to take two Apilac tablets under the tongue three times a day. The course of treatment for this disease lasts about a month. After a certain period of time, the course of treatment can be repeated if necessary. In case of hypertension, the patient is prescribed half a tablet of royal jelly under the tongue in the morning and evening. The course of treatment is also one month.

If you have hypotension, Apilak can also help you. It must be taken two tablets three times a day for two to three weeks. After a two-week break, treatment can be repeated if necessary. Royal jelly, which is the main component of this drug, leads to improved well-being and, as a result, to increased performance, helps to normalize blood pressure.

Side effects

The use of Apilak can also lead to some side effects in the form of allergic reactions or sleep disturbances. This drug is contraindicated for people with Addison's disease, as well as if a person has hypersensitivity to the components of the drug or bee products.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Royal jelly can be safely used both during pregnancy and lactation, if there is a clear need for it. If the use of Apilac causes any side effects, then it must be completely canceled.

To summarize, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that royal jelly is a fairly valuable product, which, like many

Apilak is a biostimulating restorative drug based on royal jelly. Stimulates metabolic and restoration processes in tissues, improves their supply of nutrients. It is used for protein-energy deficiency, pathological lack of appetite, various digestive disorders in children, reduced erectile abilities in men, to mitigate the symptoms of menopause in women, for lactation disorders after the birth of a child, for recovery after heavy aerobic and anaerobic training. Available in the form of sublingual tablets. The drug contains vitamins (ascorbic acid, thiamine, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, inositol, cyanocobalamin, biotin, folic acid), macro- and microelements (potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, copper , cobalt, sulfur, silicon, nickel, chromium), amino acids (tryptophan, histidine, valine, methionine) and a number of other biologically active compounds. The drug is very useful for pregnant women. It ensures normal transplacental nutrition of the fetus and increases immunity in the mother and unborn child. Apilak helps athletes recover from intense training loads, increasing adaptive abilities and pushing back the threshold of fatigue. When using the drug, asthenic patients experience improved well-being, improved sleep quality, improved appetite and general psycho-emotional background. Apilak showed good results in the correction of such a pathological condition as hypogalactia, i.e. insufficiency of secretory activity of the mammary glands. There are early (in the first 10 days after the birth of the child) and late (starting from the 10th day after the birth of the child). At the same time, transient secretory insufficiency of the mammary glands in the first few days after childbirth, which sometimes occurs in primiparous women, is not considered hypogalactia. The inclusion of Apilak in a drug course for the treatment of hypogalactia along with nicotinic and glutamic acids and vitamins allows one to achieve good results.

The study of royal jelly as a medicine began in the 50s of the last century. It was found that the secretion of the uterine glands of worker bees can serve not only as food for the larvae of the future queen, but is also an effective general strengthening agent for people weakened after long-term and severe illnesses, patients suffering from asthenia, and the elderly. Apilak exhibits the following effects:

General tonic;






The anabolism of Apilak is expressed to a much greater extent than that of methyluracil. The drug strengthens the immune status, increases mental and physical performance, has a vasodilating effect on the blood vessels of the heart and brain, stimulates the central nervous system, exhibits an antihypertensive effect, causes mild euphoria, enhances the secretion of acetylcholine, thereby increasing strength and adrenaline, resulting in endurance increases. Under the influence of the drug, male libido and erectile abilities significantly increase, which makes it possible to use it for various sexual disorders. The stimulating effect on the genital area is due to the ability of royal jelly to excite some hypothalamic centers. Good results can be achieved using Apilak to mitigate the manifestations of menopausal disorders. The drug also has a pronounced beneficial effect on children: they gain weight faster, develop more physically, become more active and cheerful. Royal jelly also has a beneficial effect on the lipid profile, reducing the content of low-density lipoproteins (the so-called “bad cholesterol”) in the blood plasma. The dosage of Apilak is strictly individual and is determined experimentally based on the individual characteristics of the body and the therapeutic response.


Biogenic stimulant. It has a general tonic effect, stimulates cellular metabolism and regenerative processes, improves tissue trophism.

Release form

10 pieces. - contour cellular packaging (1) - cardboard packs.
10 pieces. - contour cell packaging (2) - cardboard packs.
10 pieces. - contour cell packaging (3) - cardboard packs.

Almost all waste products of bees are actively used in medicine and not only in folk interpretation. They are used in conventional pharmacology, added to medicines, and also produced as independent tonic and medicinal preparations. One of these representatives is royal jelly, which, for ease of administration and storage, is presented in adsorbed form, as a dry mixture, as well as in tablets and granules.

Dry, adsorbed or live royal jelly, is there a difference?

Naturally, a live product has the maximum amount of useful substances, but it is difficult to comply with storage conditions, and the cost is significantly different from its dry counterpart. In addition, the collection of royal jelly itself occurs only during certain periods, which makes year-round use of this substance difficult. To solve this problem, experts have learned to adsorb royal jelly using special absolutely safe enzymes, and also convert it into a dry mixture. Adsorbed royal jelly is a paste, and in dried form the drug is found in tablets or packaged form. Based on such a unique powder, preparations of various spectrums of action are produced, which include Apilak, which contains not only a bee product, but also other excipients.

Understanding the uniqueness of the composition of royal jelly, the most gentle technologies possible are selected for its transformation so that the beneficial compounds of the bee product reach the consumer with minimal losses. Manufacturers of products such as Apilak adhere to this principle. In this case, the methods of taking the drug may differ depending on the release form.

What is royal jelly

The substance in nature has the consistency of sour cream and is a kind of food for bee larvae until they mature. The queen herself constantly feeds on such milk, which allows her to live for about 5-7 years (the life of a worker bee is 2-3 months), and also lay a number of larvae at a time that exceed her weight.

The purpose of royal jelly explains its unique composition, which contains many vitamins. These are eight representatives of group B, enzymes, microelements, nucleic and organic acids, amino acids, proteins, carbohydrates and many other equally important, useful compounds. If we consider native royal jelly, then the concentration of all these components is maximum. In other forms, the amount is slightly less, but is present in sufficient proportions to provide effective treatment, as evidenced by positive reviews.

If you choose the right course of taking royal jelly and take a high-quality drug, then the following effects on the body are possible:

The above positive effects on the body are only some of the widest range of beneficial effects on the human condition. The peculiarity is that almost everyone can take this bee product, including pregnant women and small children. The only thing you need to make sure is that there are no allergic reactions. If serious diseases have already been diagnosed, especially Addison's disease, oncology, then taking the drug even in small doses is strictly prohibited.

Which bee jelly to choose

It is very difficult and expensive to obtain live milk from bees, but at a pharmacy or at a specialized outlet it is easy to purchase an adsorbed product or a version of the drug in the form of tablets or capsules. One of these representatives is Apilak, previously mentioned. The manufacturer is one of the most famous companies that have existed for a long time in the market of biological additives and medicinal natural compounds. Apilak consists mainly of dried bee jelly, folic acid and some other vitamin supplements. The tablets are convenient to take, since the composition is dosed, they have a long shelf life and do not compromise the properties of the drug. Regarding recommendations for use, Apilak is suitable for the treatment of many disorders, including nervous, dysfunction of internal organs, and blood vessels.

Dry, adsorbed or, less commonly, native royal jelly has its own method of use and dose for each purpose. For each option, a different recipe is selected and can be agreed upon with a specialist. It is important to observe frequency and take certain breaks between taking the drug, which is what professional courses of treatment with bee products imply. To increase the effect, you should not arbitrarily mix any form of milk with honey, propolis or other components, as sometimes this is simply not necessary. This statement is appropriate when considering Apilac, as well as some other supplements.

Regardless of which form of royal jelly is chosen, you need to focus not only on the manufacturer’s data, instructions for use, but also on the cost. This bee product is one of the most expensive compared to other substances, which is explained by the unique composition and labor-intensive extraction of liquid from the hive. You need to purchase it exclusively at specialized points, since buying it secondhand can become an unjustified investment of money.

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