Matsesta resort in Sochi. Sights, indications and contraindications, reviews. Treatment with matsesta Matsesta baths indications

Matsestin baths for most patients are a factor of active general influence, under the influence of which changes occur in the body.

Even before arriving at the resort, the patient must undergo a thorough medical examination and establish the possibility and necessity of resort treatment for this disease. It is highly advisable to eliminate existing infectious concomitant diseases (chronic inflammation of the tonsils, lesions in the gallbladder, etc.) before arriving at the resort.

Upon arrival at the resort, the first two to three days are usually used for examining the patient, resting from the road and adapting to new climatic conditions. In some cases, treatment is carried out with warm sea baths with the appointment of an appropriate regime of movement, rest and nutrition. Sometimes drug treatment is prescribed to prepare the patient for spa procedures.

When prescribing Matsesta baths, the following are taken into account: the general condition of the body, the nature of the disease and the body’s reaction to the proposed treatment. Depending on this, the dosage is based.

General condition of the body. Persons who are physically stronger can be prescribed Matsesta baths of high concentration. In cases of exhaustion, loss of strength, and anemia, Matsesta baths of medium concentration are usually prescribed.

If the general condition is unsatisfactory, with great fatigue, weakness, too excited, or a feverish state, Matsestin baths are not allowed.

Nature of the disease. Along with taking into account the state of the cardiovascular system, the direction of the balneological effect is determined. For diseases of the cardiovascular system, the nature of the disease (the activity of the disease process and the degree of circulatory failure) is taken into account.

The body's reaction to Matsesta baths. Matsestin baths cause complex reactions in the body that occur both during the bath and for a certain time after it. Noting this fact, we must keep in mind that the nature of the responses depends not only on the strength of the stimulus, but also on the state of the body. The body's response manifests itself both immediately after taking the Matsesta bath and during the first period of treatment. General weakness, some malaise, mild headache, irritability, and worse sleep may appear. This temporary deterioration in the body’s condition represents a general “bathing” or balneological reaction of the body to Matsesta baths.

Along with deviations in the general condition of the body, pain in places affected by the pathogenic process may intensify, and an exacerbation reaction occurs. The strength of the reaction depends on the resistance of the body. The healthier a person is, the more stable the irritated system is, the less the reaction. The stronger the violation, the sharper the reaction. Many patients believe that the exacerbation reaction predicts a good treatment outcome, but this is far from true. In some patients, the exacerbation reaction sometimes does not appear at all, although Matsesta treatment is quite successful. Matsestin baths (except for the period of the “bathing” reaction) are usually easily tolerated by the body. After taking a bath, a feeling of vivacity, a surge of strength, or excessive fatigue, slight fatigue, and slight drowsiness appear, disappearing after normal rest.

The dosage of Matsesta baths is determined by: their chemical composition - hydrogen sulfide concentration, temperature, hydrostatic pressure, duration of the bath, placement of baths (the nature of the intervals) and general conditions for taking Matsesta baths.

Chemical factor. Matsestin baths of low concentration - up to 50 mg/l and medium concentration up to 100 mg/l - act more easily and are a valuable therapeutic treatment for a number of diseases. They cause less functional stress on the organs and are prescribed in cases that require careful “gentle” treatment. Matsesta baths of medium concentration are used:

  1. How to adapt the patient’s body to the strong effects of baths with high concentrations.
  2. To relax or reduce the stronger effects of highly concentrated baths.
  3. As final - final.
  4. And as independent, course Matsesta baths, when highly concentrated baths can have too energetic an effect - dramatically aggravate the rheumatic process, dramatically change the functional state of the cardiovascular system.

Treatment with highly concentrated Matsesta baths of 150 mg/l and especially 400 mg/l is carried out strictly individually, depending on the nature and form of the disease, taking into account the general condition of the body. During a thorough clinical examination, before prescribing highly concentrated Matsesta baths, special attention is paid to the condition of the circulatory, respiratory, liver and kidney organs. In case of circulatory disorders and even with moderately severe pathology of the respiratory system, liver and kidneys, highly concentrated Matsestin baths at 400 mg/l are contraindicated. Since highly concentrated Matsestin baths at 400 mg/l are a vigorous irritant that can cause too strong a reaction and lead to worsening of the disease, it is not recommended to start treatment with them. At first, you should use Matsesta baths of low concentration up to 50 mg/l, or medium concentration - up to 100 milligrams of hydrogen sulfide per liter of water. If three or four such baths are well tolerated, they gradually switch to highly concentrated baths of 150-400 mg/l.

Temperature factor. When considering other aspects that determine the effect of Matsesta baths, it is necessary to dwell on the importance of the temperature factor. Initially, to identify the reactivity of the body, adhere to the upper limits of a lukewarm or indifferent temperature of + 35°.

The term “indifferent temperature” can be used only conditionally, contrasting it with the idea of ​​cold and hot temperatures. For each person, there are individual indifferent temperatures that approach the normal temperature of his body. The limit of this “indifference” is different for different people and depends on individual sensitivity. In this regard, the work of L.I. Nesterova, who observed a change in temperature in the stomach under the influence of Matsesta baths, is of interest. She found that Matsesta baths at +30-34° usually lower the temperature of the skin and stomach. Baths at a temperature of +37° increase the temperature of the skin, but have little effect on the temperature of the stomach. Based on her research, L. I. Nesterova comes to the conclusion that as a result of using low-temperature baths, the temperature of the entire mass of circulating blood, and therefore the entire body, decreases. A.I. Nesterov, V.A. Nikolsky and others determine the indifferent temperature of hydrogen sulfide baths at +35°.

The assignment of temperature during treatment with Matsesta baths is highly individual, depending on the underlying disease process, the state of the cardiovascular system and the body’s tolerance. For diseases of the cardiovascular system, lukewarm - indifferent temperatures (35-34°) are recommended, but there cannot be a template here either. Thus, for hypertension, atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis and endarteritis, A.I. Nesterov recommends giving warmer temperatures of 35-36°. For rheumatic diseases, it is recommended to take baths at 35-36°. For many diseases, after the first indifferent baths, the temperature in them increases and in the final baths it decreases again, in order to somewhat harden the body. In case of metabolic disorders (obesity), if there are no contraindications from other organs, cooler baths (32-31°) are also given.

Local hand and foot baths are usually prepared at a higher temperature. In winter, the temperature of Matsesta baths is 1-2° higher than in summer.

Hydrostatic pressure. Matsesta waters, used in the form of baths, like ordinary fresh baths, act on the body with their mass. The amount of hydrostatic pressure on the body can vary significantly depending on the height of the water level in the bath. The mechanical effect of baths on blood circulation is expressed in the compression of superficial veins and capillaries, as well as lymphatic vessels, facilitating their emptying and the movement of blood from the center to the periphery. Hydrostatic pressure, the magnitude of which depends on the height of the water column in the bath, has a known effect on the breathing process. By compressing the patient's abdomen and part of the chest, which are submerged in water, a full bathtub thereby complicates breathing. When the patient is in the bath, breathing movements become more rapid, deeper and stronger.

Changes in breathing and blood circulation during a bath are little noticeable to the body of a healthy person. In a patient with a disorder of the respiratory apparatus or cardiovascular system, the mechanical factor can have a noticeably adverse effect, simultaneously affecting the dynamics of blood circulation and respiration. In such cases, it is necessary to abandon full baths and move on to procedures that are more suitable in terms of the magnitude of hydrostatic pressure: half baths, sitz baths, 4 and 2 chamber baths.

Time factor. A very important point when taking a Matsesta bath is the time factor. Depending on the concentration of hydrogen sulfide, the individual characteristics of the patient and his reaction to the Matsesta bath, the duration of each procedure can last from 3 to 15 minutes or more. Staying in the bath more than expected not only does not contribute to further improvement, but on the contrary, can lead to a sharp deterioration in the patient’s well-being. General weakness sets in, headache, dizziness, palpitations, cyanosis (cyanosis), and unwanted changes in blood pressure appear.

Highly concentrated baths should initially not exceed 3 minutes. Subsequently, the duration of each of them increases by 1 minute and is brought to 6-8 minutes.

By changing the ratios of hydrogen sulfide concentration, temperature and duration of the Matsesta bath, one can achieve a relative replacement of one weak factor by strengthening another.

The length of breaks between baths should depend on the general condition of the patient and his reaction to the Matsesta bath. Usually baths are given every other day. If well tolerated and without a significant exacerbation reaction, they are prescribed for two days in a row, with a third day of rest. If the patient feels general weakness, fatigue, and drowsiness after a bath, then this usually serves as a signal to increase the intervals between baths and, in some cases, even cancel baths.

General conditions for taking Matsesta baths. Regarding the general conditions for taking Matsesta baths, it is necessary to emphasize the extreme importance of having a cozy and comfortable environment in the room where the baths are taken, which has a beneficial effect on the patient’s psyche. Of great importance is the creation of optimal sanitary and hygienic conditions that provide the patient with the necessary air temperature, humidity, inadmissibility of the accumulation of hydrogen sulfide, etc. It is also very important to provide exemplary care for patients in bathroom buildings, create peace and tranquility, avoid long queues, and organize a calm and comfortable rest after taking Matsesta baths.

The course of administration depends on the underlying disease process, the state of the cardiovascular system and the reactivity of the body. The duration of treatment ranges from 8 to 12 - 18 baths. Matsesta baths with an average concentration take up to 15-18 per course of treatment. The number of highly concentrated baths per course of treatment is set strictly individually, taking into account the nature of the disease and the severity of the process, the state of the cardiovascular system and nervous system. The average course prescription is 6-7 baths.

“Local” Matsestin baths (for hands and feet) are used in the form of 4-chamber regular baths or with the passage of electric current - galvanic-Matsestin baths. Local baths are made at a higher temperature.

“Local” procedures - inhalations, irrigation, microenemas, as a rule, are combined with general Matsesta baths. To avoid excessive effects of hydrogen sulfide, it is not recommended to prescribe more than two Matsesta procedures at the same time. On the day of taking a hydrogen sulfide bath, you can take no more than one Matsesta procedure: inhalation, irrigation, or microenemas.

The combination of other types of physiotherapy is best done on days free from Matsesta baths. For example, in the intervals between Matsesta baths it is good to take sea salt-pine baths.

A number of patients who come to the resort believe that the more Matsesta baths and other procedures they take, the sooner they will recover. However, many years of medical practice and observations of resort clinics convince us that overloading patients with many procedures leads to harmful consequences.

Treatment regimen. The patient’s behavior before and after the bath determines the therapeutic effect of Matsesta waters. Therefore, it is very important for the patient to comply with the specific individual regimen and rules prescribed by the doctor when taking Matsesta baths.

The physiological reactions caused by the Matsesta bath can be strengthened or weakened depending on the regime of the post-bath period. By changing the regime, you can enhance the “training” or “gentle” effect of Matsesta baths. In cases where it is necessary to achieve a decrease in vascular tone in case of hypertension, vascular neuroses, with a tendency to spasms, A. I. Nesterov recommends striving to continue the first phase of the Matsestin redness reaction and a more gradual transition of the vessels to their usual normal state. This is achieved by taking long, warm Matsesta baths, by warming the patient well immediately after the bath, which softens the sharp contrast of the transition from the first phase to the second. The rest time after baths in such cases is increased to 30 minutes.

For vascular neuroses with decreased tone in general and the cardiovascular system in particular, where active “training” treatment is needed, they strive to strengthen the second phase of the Matsestin redness reaction. In this case, Matsesta baths are short, strong, cool, followed by rest without much heating.

We remember what hydrogen sulfide is from school chemistry. It is difficult to forget this substance if you have inhaled its smell at least once. It's a gas, and it smells disgusting - like a rotten egg. But that's not all: hydrogen sulfide is toxic! In high concentrations, when inhaled, the gas can cause dizziness, nausea, convulsions, coma and even death. Normally, our cells produce a small amount of this gas, so the body is very familiar with it and uses it for medicinal purposes. An example of this is hydrogen sulfide baths. Indications and contraindications for their use should definitely be carefully studied before deciding on such therapy. This is exactly what we will do today.

What are hydrogen sulfide baths

When talking about hydrogen sulfide baths, we do not mean some kind of gas chamber, but a healing method that is based on the use of mineral waters enriched with “rotten” gas. At the same time, the maximum benefit from such therapy is obtained by individually selecting the concentration of gas in water. The therapeutic effect is determined not only by the presence of hydrogen sulfide in water, but also by its temperature, pressure, and mechanical action.

Hydrogen sulfides in medicinal baths can form solutions of different strengths:

  • weakly sulfide, where the concentration of hydrogen sulfide reaches a maximum of 50 milligrams per liter;
  • medium sulfide with a concentration of 50 to 100 milligrams per liter;
  • strongly sulfide, in which each liter can contain up to 250 milligrams of hydrogen sulfide;
  • very strong - with a concentration of 250 milligrams of hydrogen sulfide per liter of water.

Indications for such hydrotherapy depend on the diagnosis and severity of the patient’s disease. This therapy is offered in a sanatorium-resort setting.

The benefits of hydrogen sulfide baths

Hydrogen sulfide aquatherapy can be prescribed for a number of diseases. Penetrating through skin tissue, hydrogen sulfide enters the blood, brain fluid, and stimulates multiple nerve endings. As a response to such a stimulus, signals are received from the nerve centers that change the activity of the functional systems and organs of the body. Along with this, there is an improvement in the functional state of the peripheral and central nervous systems.

Under the influence of hydrogen sulfide in the skin, the formation of biologically active substances (histamine, acetylcholine, heparin) occurs, causing dilation of blood vessels and capillaries, thinning the blood, rushing it to the skin and tissues, increasing blood flow, decreasing pulse, and lowering blood pressure. The complex has a training effect on the cardiovascular system. When taking hydrogen sulfide baths, metabolic processes in muscles and joints improve, pain and inflammation decrease. Hydrogen sulfide has a positive effect on carbohydrate metabolism, reduces the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood, and stimulates the function of the endocrine system.

Hydrogen sulfide baths: indications and contraindications

Who is prescribed hydrogen sulfide aquatherapy? First of all, people suffering from:

  • hypertension;
  • ischemia;
  • joint diseases;
  • diseases of the spine;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • skin problems;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system.

However, this treatment has contraindications:

  • ischemia with frequent attacks of angina;
  • heart defects;
  • arrhythmia;
  • renal failure;
  • stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • mental disorders;
  • anemia;
  • tumor processes.

Before prescribing hydrogen sulfide therapy, the patient must undergo a comprehensive examination to identify indications and contraindications.

For children

Is this therapy prescribed for children? Yes, there are indications, but you should be careful. Since all systems of a child’s body still work differently from those of adults, it is difficult to predict the effect of hydrogen sulfide baths on children’s health. However, as an auxiliary physical treatment, they can be prescribed for children with cerebral palsy, with birth injuries and for some other diseases.

In gynecology

Hydrogen sulfide can also make a significant contribution to women's health. Indications for hydrogen sulfide sources are available in patients with:

  • inflammation of the organs of the reproductive system (parametritis, endometritis, colpitis, erosion, etc.);
  • adhesive processes in pipes;
  • infertility;
  • cycle disruption;
  • climacteric syndrome.
  • pregnancy;
  • post-abortion and post-operative periods (up to six months);
  • endometriosis.

Hydrogen sulfide water is prescribed to patients in the form of baths and irrigations.

How to take hydrogen sulfide baths

A hydrogen sulfide bath is a treatment, not a hygienic procedure, and therefore there are some rules for taking it:

  • Before the procedure, you should avoid physical activity and long walks;
  • You should not go for the procedure on an empty stomach or immediately after eating;
  • if you have symptoms of acute respiratory infections, headaches and other ailments, you should refuse baths;
  • Immediately after the procedure, it is recommended to lie down in the rest room for 10-30 minutes.

You should sit quietly in the bath, without causing unnecessary body movements to release gas from the water. You should only dive into the water up to your chest - no deeper!

The effectiveness of treatment is noticeable with a course approach.

Hydrogen sulfide baths at home

Is it possible to set up a hydrogen sulfide clinic without leaving your home? Yes, if you buy hydrogen sulfide salt at the pharmacy. However, such self-medication is very dangerous: do not forget about the toxicity of hydrogen sulfide! Only a doctor should prescribe it, and he also calculates the dosage of salt. But it’s better to do the wiser thing - go to a specialized sanatorium: both rest and health are guaranteed!

Hydrogen sulfide baths in Abkhazia, Pyatigorsk, Matsesta

The best hydrogen sulfide clinics are located in areas of natural hydrogen sulfide springs. The closest ones to us are Abkhazian, Pyatigorsk and at the Matsesta resort. The Matsesta resort is especially popular. There are unique springs where, in addition to hydrogen sulfide, the water is enriched with iodine, fluorine, bromine, copper, gold and many other benefits. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to go to this balneological resort on a voucher. The main thing is to take a sanatorium-resort card issued at your place of residence, and appointments can be made directly at the department, where you can come from a hotel or boarding house, for example, without living in the sanatorium itself.


Are hydrogen sulfide baths harmful? Undoubtedly, if there are contraindications to such therapy. Harm may include aggravation of the condition due to hypotension or angina pectoris, kidney and liver dysfunction. After baths, weakness, dizziness, and nausea may occur. Even if you experience these symptoms in the absence of contraindications to treatment, it is worth discussing the situation with your doctor; perhaps everything will improve if the concentration of the active substance in the water decreases.

When going to Sochi, are you wondering when is the best time to go? If you are primarily interested in treatment, then it is more advisable to do it in the spring or autumn, when the weather is quite favorable and there is no influx of vacationers. The hot summer months are more suitable for sea and sunbathing. Combining both is not recommended due to the heavy load on the body.

Recently, the popularity of treatment with natural factors has been increasing again. This is due to its high efficiency and low risk of side effects. Today we can say that our citizens are “returning” to Russian resorts. We hope that treatment in Sochi, Matsesta will help you improve your health and live an active, joyful, fulfilling life.

Treatment on Matsesta

Indications for treatment with macesta:

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system (hypertension, hypotension, coronary heart disease, etc.)
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, polyarthritis, etc.)
  • Skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis, diathesis, etc.)
  • Gynecological diseases (chronic inflammatory diseases of the appendages, infertility, adhesions, etc.)
  • Disease of peripheral vessels and nerves (thrombophlebitis, endarteritis, varicose veins, plexitis, nervitis, etc.)
  • Disease of the central nervous system (NCD-neurocirculatory dystonia, post-traumatic encephalopathy, migraine, etc.)
  • Post-burn and post-operative keloid scars.
  • Diseases of the oral cavity and gums (periodontitis, periodontal disease, gingivitis, stomatitis, etc.)
  • Diseases of the nasopharynx and paranasal sinuses (chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, etc.)
Set of available procedures:
  1. Hydrogen sulfide procedures:
    - general hydrogen sulfide bath
    - 4-chamber bath
    - local procedures (inhalations, microenemas, head irrigation, gynecological irrigation, gum irrigation, ascending shower)
  2. Iodine-bromine bath
  3. Radon bath
  4. Sea bath
  5. Pine bath
  6. Coniferous pearl bath
  7. Medicinal phyto-baths:
    - antirheumatic bath
    - valerian
    - cold bath
    - rosemary
  8. Iodine-bromine inhalations, irrigation of gums with iodine-bromine, gynecological irrigation with radon.
  9. Paraffin-ozokerite treatment
  10. Manual massage
  11. Emulsion mud bath
  12. Underwater shower massage

Contraindications for treatment at the Sochi-Matsesta resort:

Diseases in the acute stage, acute infectious diseases, chronic diseases in the acute stage and complications of acute purulent processes. - All sexually transmitted diseases in acute or contagious form. - Mental illnesses, all forms of drug addiction, chronic alcoholism, epilepsy. - Blood diseases in the acute or acute stage. - Cachexia of various origins. - Malignant neoplasms. - All diseases requiring hospital treatment and diseases requiring surgical intervention. - All patients with frequently recurring bleeding of any etiology. - Pregnancy with 26 weeks or any period in the presence of obstetric pathology. - All forms of tuberculosis in the active stage. - For resorts with hydrogen sulfide waters (Sochi-Matsesta), the referral of patients with diseases of the lungs, pleura and bronchial asthma is contraindicated. - All diseases in which patients are not capable of independent movement and self-care and require constant care.

About the treatment of macesta

In this section you can familiarize yourself with some aspects of Matsesta balneotherapy, with indications and contraindications.

But I would like to draw special attention to the fact that the appointment for Matsesta balneotherapy is purely individual and only as prescribed by the attending physician.

In the sanatorium you can meet people with the same diagnosis of the disease. But, nevertheless, doctors do not prescribe the same treatment for them. Some are prescribed Matsestin baths, while others may be prescribed chamber or some other baths: radon, iodine-bromine, etc.

When prescribing procedures, the doctor takes into account not only the diagnosis, but also the stage of the patient’s disease, the presence of concomitant diseases, the patient’s age and other data. Here the doctor decides which treatment can give the most effective results.

And if in ancient times, and not quite in ancient times, local residents said that the miraculous Matsestina water cures many diseases, today scientists and practitioners have clearly defined the range of diseases for which Matsestina balneotherapy is prescribed.

Treatment at a resort? This is a complex complex of effects on the human body, which is based on individually selected methods of balneo-climate-physiotherapy and the reactivity of the patient’s body.

Depending on the combination of therapeutic methods and the degree of disease activity, the immediate and final results of spa therapy are manifested and determined. The main healing factor of the Sochi resort is, as everyone knows, Matsesta hydrogen sulfide water. This is a truly unique balneological pharmacy in its physical and chemical qualities.

Matsesta springs contain varying concentrations of hydrogen sulfide from 60 to 420 mg/l, total mineralization from 3 to 30 g/l. The composition of Matsestinskaya hydrogen sulfide water includes gases hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, methane and other microelements - bromine, fluorine, iodine, etc., various salts up to 30 g/l.

The main healing factor of Matsesta waters is hydrogen sulfide, which causes a number of reactions in the body through the penetration of free hydrogen sulfide through the skin and respiratory tract and affects cellular and tissue structures. The Matsestinsky effect of exposure is manifested directly by the reaction of redness of the skin, which is based on the expansion of blood vessels, acceleration of blood circulation, and an increase in the number of functioning capillaries. At this time, the skin seems to inhale hydrogen sulfide. Then there is a flow of blood to the internal organs. Doctors attach great importance to these ebbs and flows of blood. Within a few minutes of taking a bath, the normal flow of blood and its distribution throughout the body changes dramatically. Despite the short duration of the procedure, disruption of normal blood supply, or, as doctors say, hemodynamics, occurs quite quickly and severely. During the rush of arterial blood to the skin, a great revitalization of the tissues occurs, the cells of which are excited and, abundantly washed with oxygen-rich blood, are better nourished. At the same time, the internal organs do not work at full load, they seem to be resting.

The influence of Matsestin baths extends to blood circulation as a whole: blood pressure changes, heart rate slows down, and respiratory function increases. Hydrogen sulfide baths have a clear effect on the course of nervous and reflex processes, on the cellular structures of the central and peripheral nervous system. By actively influencing metabolic processes in the body, sulfide baths find their use in complex spa treatment of a number of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, skin, gynecological diseases, and neuroendocrine pathology.
Scientifically based data obtained as a result of many years of scientific and practical research formed the basis for the indications for referral to sanatorium-resort and Matsestin balneotherapy in Sochi.

In recent years, thanks to targeted scientific research, new methods of sulfide balneotherapy for patients with coronary heart disease and active rheumatism have been developed using Matsestin baths 25 mg/l. New methods of complex balneotherapy for patients with hypertension, rheumatoid polyarthritis, spinal diseases, consequences of burns with the development of keloid scars, allergic dermatoses, glaucoma and a number of other diseases have entered into practice.

Issues regarding the development of balneostomatology are being actively addressed. Matsetotherapy has a great effect in the treatment of periodontal disease and gingivitis, as well as the treatment of patients with trigeminal neuralgia and neuritis of the facial nerves, staged rehabilitation treatment on Matsesta for patients with infectious-allergic myocardium, after operations on peripheral vessels, occupational dermatoses and other patients admitted to health resorts directly from leading clinical institutes of the country.

Treatment methods are different. During a course of treatment, 10 to 14 general baths are usually given. Treatment with general baths is often combined with other Matsestin procedures: irrigation, inhalation, etc.

If the effect of hydrogen sulfide water needs to be concentrated on a specific area of ​​the arms and legs, doctors prescribe four-chamber or two-chamber baths to the patient. The inhalation center treats patients with upper respiratory tract diseases.

The temperature of mineral water when prescribing general baths ranges from 35 to 37 degrees; with local procedures and irrigation, the water temperature rises to 38-39 and even 41 degrees. The duration of the procedure, as a rule, does not exceed 10-15 minutes.

As the practice of resort clinics and sanatoriums in Sochi shows, 97% of patients taking Matsestin treatment receive a complete cure of their ailments or significant relief of the disease.

In all cases, after taking the Matsestin procedure, rest is necessary, both immediately after taking a bath and upon arrival at the sanatorium - an hour or two. Resort guests who arrived in Sochi without vouchers can go to the Matsesta outpatient department, where they will undergo the necessary examination and receive an appointment for Matsesta treatment.

based on materials from the Holding "Balneological Resort "Matsesta"

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Articles about maceta treatment

The use of Matsesta irrigations in the complex rehabilitation of children with post-burn and post-operative keloid scars.
Kurtaev O. Sh., Karamanyan E.A., Ilinykh O.I.- LLC Balneological resort Matsesta (holding) Sochi

A serious medical, social and economic problem is thermal skin lesions that occur as a result of exposure to hot steam and liquid, electricity, fire of clothing from a flame, from exposure to acid and alkali.

In children, post-burn scars manifest themselves not only as a cosmetic defect, but also as various functional disorders of individual organs and systems due to the occurrence of secondary changes in the growing body. Currently existing therapeutic methods may not be effective enough, since scar growth does not stop. Radical surgical intervention in children aged 4-10 years may be inappropriate due to the upcoming growth of the bone skeleton, as well as the secondary appearance of keloid scars along the edges of the transplanted skin and at the donor sites. Prevention and treatment of hypertrophic and keloid scars that develop at the site of a burn or injury is one of the main problems in the rehabilitation of burnt patients.

Keloid scar is a consequence mainly of burn damage to the skin. Its formation is associated with excessive development of scar tissue. The details of the development of keloid formation remain largely unclear.

In the most general terms, it can be compared to a tumor-like growth: the structures from which a keloid is formed are replete with coarse bundles of collagen fibers and fibrous connective tissue.

A feature of the burn process, even after successful surgical treatment, is the tendency to excessive development of scar tissue, which leads to keloid.

In this case, those who have suffered burns to the face and upper extremities find themselves in the worst position. They experience not only physical, but also moral suffering due to cosmetic defects; this gives rise to neuroses, leading to alienation, isolation, and the formation of an inferiority complex.

The problem of thermal injury and its consequences has not yet been resolved. Ignoring rehabilitation measures to prevent scar contractures and deformities leads to disability of 14% of the total number of burnt people.

In 1992, the Ministry of Health developed and approved in accordance with the established procedure a method of treating post-burn hypertrophic and keloid scars using Matsesta hydrogen sulfide irrigations. Every year, more than 200 children with burn injuries were rehabilitated at the Maly Akhun sanatorium and received the necessary balneological procedures. Unfortunately, at present, the rehabilitation of children and adults is carried out mainly through courses, while about 100 people are served annually. Currently, on the basis of the Maly Akhun sanatorium, there is a Scientific Research Center for Balneology and Rehabilitation of the Black Sea Zonal Directorate of Special Sanatoriums of the Ministry of Health of Russia, which, together with the Balneological Resort Matsesta, continues to conduct research work on the rehabilitation of burn patients and their implementation in practical healthcare.

The lack of funding for rehabilitation activities significantly complicates the work with this difficult group of patients.

But cooperation with the country’s leading burn centers indicates a great need to expand the rehabilitation of this profile.

In the structure of general burn injuries in the Russian Federation, more than 40,000 people annually receive burns at work.

BC "Matsesta" is rightfully recognized as the largest balneological resort in Russia, which has unique balneological equipment, methodology and highly qualified medical personnel. The main indications for the use of Matsesta waters are problems associated with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, neurological diseases, skin diseases, and the treatment of burns is rightfully recognized as an exclusive area that has no analogues throughout the country.

When exposed to a directed flow of Matsesta hydrogen sulfide water under a certain pressure, three factors act on the organs: chemical composition, temperature, osmotic pressure, which have a stimulating effect on blood circulation and help improve tissue nutrition through the activation of metabolic processes.

When developing a method for treating post-burn and postoperative scars with Matsesta hydrogen sulfide water, clinical and laboratory observation of more than 1000 children aged 4-15 years was carried out. This technique is a means of pathogenetic therapy aimed at normalizing impaired functions of the nervous system, significantly improving blood circulation and local metabolism in the affected areas of the skin.

A feature of the developed method is the effect on post-burn and postoperative scars in children with hydrogen sulfide water at dosed pressure and different temperature conditions. For this purpose, a system has been created to regulate the noted parameters, effective regimes for dispensing procedures have been developed with simultaneous objective monitoring of treatment results. A course of treatment with irrigation is carried out in a specialized department of the BC “Matsesta”, equipped with the necessary equipment.

Regimes for dispensing procedures have been developed depending on the age of the child, regulating the concentration of mineral water, temperature, pressure, duration and number of procedures per course of treatment.

Irrigation was carried out on the face, neck, arms, torso, and lower extremities. A technique for irrigating patients with large affected areas has been developed.

After the course of treatment, there was a subjective improvement in the condition of the affected areas of the skin, a decrease in the feeling of tightness, the scars became softer, more elastic, and the affected skin became lighter.

In addition to irrigation, post-burn patients, depending on the condition, were prescribed gentle therapeutic exercises, climatic treatments, sea bathing in the summer, swimming in the pool in the winter, and dosed heliotherapy. In some cases, according to indications, physiotherapeutic and drug treatment.

In them I talk about the beautiful natural attractions of the resort, about its history, about modern objects and architecture that are worth visiting. Using these articles you can easily plan your route around Sochi.

But there is one place in Sochi where people come driven by other goals. This is Matsesta. Matsesta hydrogen sulfide springs have unique healing properties. And it was thanks to them that Sochi gained fame as a balneological resort more than a hundred years ago.

So I finally decided to look at Sochi from this angle. And she went to Matsesta to find out everything from the source. what is called.

Matsesta springs: they smell bad, they heal well

In the center of the coat of arms of the city of Sochi is depicted bowl filled with fire water . This is the symbol of Matsesta. It is unknown whether Sochi would be so popular now if not for the wonderful properties of Matsestin water...

People have known for a long time that this water miraculously cures many diseases. Many travelers wrote about this in their diaries. The Romans, Athenians, and Byzantines sailed to it from across the sea, calling it a happy spring for its high healing properties. In ancient times, depressions were hollowed out in the rocky ground so that the source would fill them with “fire water” and it would be possible to take healing baths.

But only at the beginning of the twentieth century. treatment at the Matsesta springs was put on a scientific basis. September 15, 1902, a graduate of Kharkov University, a twenty-four-year-old physician Victor Frantsevich Podgursky founded a balneological hospital in Matsesta. At that time it consisted of two wooden bathtubs in a small barn. The holiday procedures were carried out under medical supervision. And in 1912 A hotel was built nearby for those wishing to improve their health “without leaving the cash register,” in this case, from the source.

The word “Matsesta” itself is translated from the Adyghe-Ubykh language as “fire water”. Well, they apparently called this water fire because it is quite hot, and the body turns red after taking a bath. Because hydrogen sulfide contained in Matsesta water penetrates the body through the skin and lungs. Blood circulation accelerates and improves, blood vessels dilate, thereby improving cell nutrition and oxygen supply. Visually this is expressed in redness of the skin.

However, let's return to history. Comrade Stalin, who had problems with his arm and suffered a stroke, on the advice of Mikoyan, comes to Matsesta for treatment. After the Matsesta baths he felt much better. And Stalin became a frequent visitor to Matsesta. So often that he even builds a dacha here for himself. I talked about this dacha in the article.

It was hard to come up with a better advertisement for the resort, right? And a line of crowds of both high-ranking and ordinary citizens flocked to Sochi in order to receive treatment and improve their health. With the influx of holidaymakers, the Matsesta springs began to dry up. Geologists were given a task of national importance: to discover new reserves of healing waters. Two different versions have emerged explaining the origin of the sources and their volumes.

According to one of them, the Matsesta waters are the remains of an ancient sea, which 100-200 million years ago covered the entire area of ​​the modern Caucasus. And according to this version, the volume of water from Matsesta springs is limited and non-renewable.

According to another hypothesis, more substantiated, Matsesta water originated from the waters of the Black Sea by filtration through microcracks of the basalt seabed. Under the influence of biological and physico-chemical processes, water changes its qualities and turns into healing. It follows that the reserves of Matsesta waters are inexhaustible.

Now water for treatment is extracted deep from the ground, from drilled wells. But the smell of hydrogen sulfide will greet you at the entrance to Matsesta...

How to get there

Matsesta is a microdistrict located in the Khostinsky district of Sochi. Accordingly, regular city buses go there. We were traveling by car.

You need to turn off Kurortny Prospekt near the bas-relief of the Matsesta girl:

Opposite is the entrance to the health path - Sochi health path. I told you more about this route.

We turn off and then drive along the Cheltenham alley, under two overpasses of the Kurortny Prospekt backup, along the Matsesta River. The surrounding area is an ordinary residential area, like all others in Sochi. After about 10 minutes, the main road turns left, and we drive straight and come across a fence, behind which is the hospital building. All arrived.

What diseases are treated on Matsesta

We get out of the car and immediately feel a specific hydrogen sulfide “aroma”. We set off towards a beautiful semicircular building - this is what it looks like today balneological complex "Old Matsesta":

This is the body of hydrogen sulfide baths. It is called the “Palace of Health”, and officially - Bathroom Building No. 4. It was built in the shape of two semicircles in 1940 according to the design of the architect Alexander Golubev on the site of the old Podgursky hospital. Around the bathroom building there is a huge lush park where you can wander around, studying different types of plants. This is where tourists now come for medical procedures.

To be honest, when I went to Matsesta, I didn’t set myself the task of taking baths - there are no absolutely healthy people, of course, but I’m not yet inclined to complain about serious ailments... But when I found out what an extensive list of indications for taking hydrogen sulfide baths, Then I involuntarily began to think - should I take a course of treatment? After all, my body wouldn’t refuse such a “renovation.”

So, Matsesta waters are effectively used in balneology in the treatment of a number of diseases:

  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, polyarthritis, etc.),
  • cardiovascular system (hypertension, hypotension, coronary heart disease, etc.),
  • central nervous system (neurocircular dystonia, post-traumatic encephalopathy, migraine, etc.),
  • diseases of peripheral vessels and nerves (thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, plexitis, neuritis, etc.),
  • gynecological diseases (chronic inflammatory diseases of the appendages, infertility, adhesions, etc.),
  • skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis, diathesis, etc.),
  • post-burn and post-operative keloid scars
  • diseases of the nasopharynx and paranasal sinuses (chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, etc.),
  • diseases of the oral cavity and gums (periodontal disease, periodontitis, gingivitis, stomatitis, etc.),
  • consequences of industrial accidents and occupational diseases.

We learned all this when we received a booklet at the entrance to the building. And when I saw this Palace of Health from the inside, I realized that I definitely wanted to get treatment here:

These are the PALACES that were built for the treatment of ordinary citizens in the Soviet Union under Stalin! Stalin himself was treated in a separate building.

In the center of the hall is a drinking pump room. We are allowed to try Plastunsuki mineral water. It tastes like narzan in Chvizheps.

But we won’t be able to take a bath without a sanatorium-resort card. There is another option: even if you came to Sochi without a medical card, you can go to the outpatient department of Matsesta itself. There you will undergo the necessary examination and receive an appointment for treatment. In order to receive treatment in Matsesta, you do not have to stay there - you can stay in any other hotel or sanatorium in Greater Sochi.

As the brochure we received at the entrance explained to us, an effective course of treatment is at least two weeks (10-14 procedures). A one-time procedure will yield virtually no results. Before and after the procedures, rest for 1-2 hours is required. You need to rest first while sitting or lying down - about 20 minutes. Then you can take a walk through the shady park. The procedures should not be taken on an empty stomach or immediately after a heavy meal. On the day of taking a bath, in no case should you drink alcohol (yep, that’s how it is - treat like that!), It is advisable to refrain from smoking.

Any other water procedures and sunbathing are also prohibited. Therefore, to avoid temptation, it is better to visit Matsesta during the non-beach season - from October to May.

In addition, for 2-3 days after the procedure, a persistent smell of hydrogen sulfide persists, which cannot be removed by any shampoos, gels or deodorants. But patients regain ease of movement, clean skin, nerves are restored, and a rejuvenating effect is also noticeable! Well, isn't it worth it to smell bad for a couple of days?

Look at which people chose Matsesta water:

And here is the history of the creation of the Matsesta Balneological Resort:

Having made a circle around the lobby of the hospital, we go for a walk in the adjacent park. Now there are not many people here: it is evening, and all procedures are carried out before lunch.

The same brochure recommends visiting landscape-natural monument “Matsestinsky Spring”. This is the place where hydrogen sulfide water comes directly to the surface. It is his photograph that is often decorated with booklets of the Matsesta resort:

As soon as we approached them, there was a smell of hydrogen sulfide in the air - an indescribable sensation :-) The area around them is fenced and landscaped, the entrance fee is 100 rubles... In my opinion, it’s a little expensive to just go in and take a photo as a souvenir. The water of the springs is cloudy and has a turquoise hue. You don’t even really want to get close to it - the smell of hydrogen sulfide is especially strong here. But the lady at the entrance claims that many tourists are trying to swim...

Behind the source, in the rock, there are caves. The length of these karst caves is about eighty meters. The entrance to them is sealed with bars to protect the curious from the dangerous intrusion into the “smelly” dungeons, since the air in the caves contains a life-threatening concentration of hydrogen sulfide.

After taking a couple of photos, we leave this place and continue our walk through the park - it’s much nicer to breathe here:

At the end of the park, going beyond the fence and walking another 30 meters, we saw a sign for Eagle Rocks . This is also a very popular place among tourists. I wrote about him in the article But then we walked from the Agur waterfalls. And from the other side - from Matsesta - you can get closer there directly by car. So we didn’t deny ourselves the pleasure of dropping in there as well.

And this is how it is always in Sochi - everything is nearby: both to receive treatment and to admire the beauty.

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One of the most unusual healing methods is hydrogen sulfide baths. A procedure that is familiar at first glance hides a whole set of interesting mechanisms for improving the health of the human body. This justifies many indications for this therapy.

Hydrogen sulfide baths are a type of balneotherapy - a procedure for using mineral waters for health purposes. A distinctive feature of specifically hydrogen sulfide baths is diluted free hydrogen sulfide. The ions of this gas have a complex therapeutic effect when they enter the human body through the skin.

It is thanks to the complex effect on the body that hydrogen sulfide baths have a huge range of indications for use.

Due to the specific effects of hydrogen sulfide on the body’s condition, which will be described later, this procedure is not suitable for everyone. Therefore, before undergoing it, you must consult a doctor.

Types of hydrogen sulfide baths

Based on the patient's susceptibility to the effects of hydrogen sulfide and the severity of the disease, baths with different gas concentrations are used.

So, depending on the hydrogen sulfide content in 1 liter of water, the following types of baths are distinguished:

  • weak – 10-50 mg of gas;
  • medium – 50-100 mg of gas;
  • strong – 100-250 mg of gas;
  • especially strong - 250 mg of gas.

Weak baths are the least common, because the gas content in them is not enough for a therapeutic effect. As a rule, they are used to adapt particularly sensitive patients to the conditions of a hydrogen sulfide environment.

Hydrogen sulfide baths have different indications, so when carrying out these procedures, in addition to the concentration of the solution, the following also varies:

  • Duration of bathing:
  1. 6 min;
  2. 10 min;
  3. 15 minutes.

The duration of the procedure depends both on general well-being and on the goals of the therapy - prevention (short sessions) or treatment (longer sessions) of the disease.

  • Frequency of the procedure:
  1. 1 day of procedure – 1 day of rest;
  2. 2 days of procedure – 1 day of rest.

A break of 1 day is mandatory. The number of procedures between breaks depends on the patient’s individual resistance to the effects of hydrogen sulfide.

  • Water temperature:
  1. 30 C – for healthy skin and maintaining body tone;
  2. 35-37 C – for the treatment of chronic diseases and maintaining immunity;
  3. 40 C – to get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of a cold.

The mechanism of action of baths and benefits for the body

When taking a therapeutic bath, free hydrogen sulfide enters the body through the pores of skin cells and, to a lesser extent, by inhalation. As a result, skin cells become irritated and release hormones that promote the expansion of skin capillaries and their subsequent filling with blood. Outwardly, this manifests itself in a sharp reddening of the patient’s body, he begins to feel warmth and a slight burning sensation.

Since the positive effect of the procedure depends on the concentration of hydrogen sulfide in the water, at a relatively low concentration the gas only affects the capillaries of skin cells. At high concentrations (about 250 mg/l), the effect is also observed in larger blood vessels, including the vessels of internal organs.

However, a large dosage of hydrogen sulfide is accompanied by a stronger irritable reaction, which has negative consequences. That is why it is necessary to take hydrogen sulfide baths with extreme caution.

Once in the patient's blood, hydrogen sulfide begins to oxidize. As a result, various sulfur compounds are formed, which have a healing effect.

Below are the positive therapeutic results of taking hydrogen sulfide baths:

  • Blood purification– sulfur compounds improve carbohydrate metabolism in blood vessel cells. There is also a decrease in cholesterol levels in the blood.
  • Lower blood pressure– cleaned blood vessels do not create obstacles to free blood circulation, so the heart does not have to strain once again to push blood more intensely.
  • Strengthening the immune system, reducing inflammation– blood cells that destroy foreign harmful bodies are able to penetrate the target unhindered and with greater speed.
  • Tonic effect – increased blood circulation caused by the expansion of capillaries of skin cells promotes active oxygen saturation of all body systems. As a result, the patient feels a surge of strength and vigor.
  • Accelerated healing of skin lesions– the process of tissue regeneration is directly related to the content of nutrients in the blood.

By affecting the body in this way, hydrogen sulfide remains in it for some time after the procedure. As a result, the patient may smell unpleasant gas for some time. Later, hydrogen sulfide is eliminated from the body through the kidneys and in much smaller quantities through the lungs.


Recommendations for the use of hydrogen sulfide baths can be given by a medical specialist for the treatment of diseases of a very different nature, since almost all diseases are associated with the humoral (blood) component of the body, which is the main subject of balneotherapy.

Hydrogen sulfide baths are mainly indicated for skin and cardiovascular diseases

Below is a table describing the main diseases that can be treated by taking hydrogen sulfide baths:

Organ system Disease
The cardiovascular system
  • hypertension;
  • tachycardia;
  • heart failure;
  • varicose veins;
  • condition after a heart attack
Musculoskeletal system
  • arthritis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • ankylosing spondylitis
Nervous system
  • inflammation of the nervous tissue of the peripheral nervous system;
  • organic brain lesions;
  • condition after stroke
  • acne;
  • furunculosis;
  • psoriasis
Genitourinary systemamong women:
  • obstruction of the fallopian tubes;

for men:

  • prostatitis;

in both sexes:

  • inflammation of the genital organs;
  • inflammation of the ureters;
  • cystitis.
Digestive system
  • ulcers of various localizations;
  • gastritis;
  • hepatitis;
  • condition after surgery


Hydrogen sulfide baths, the indications for which were discussed above, also have a number of factors limiting their use. First of all, this concerns exacerbations of severe chronic diseases of various types. The serious condition in which the body finds itself during exacerbations can only worsen with the active influence of hydrogen sulfide on diseased organs.

It is important to control the line between the normal state of a chronically ill person and the state of exacerbation of his disease.

Below is a list of diseases for which hydrogen sulfide baths are not recommended:

Not only for patients with the above pathologies, taking hydrogen sulfide baths can be associated with unpleasant consequences. As a therapeutic method, balneotherapy is a powerful, radical remedy, which is associated with a number of possible side effects.

Side effects

Hydrogen sulfide baths can be called a risky method, since the improvements expected by the doctor’s indications for taking baths and side or (balneological reactions) have approximately equal probability.

Almost always, after the procedure, the patient experiences:

  • prostration;
  • slight increase in temperature;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • general deterioration of health.

A more serious symptom is sleep disturbance. In this case, it is important for the doctor observing the patient to make changes to the individual course of taking hydrogen sulfide baths.

In exceptional cases, the patient may experience an exacerbation of the disease that was being treated. Here it will be necessary to completely stop taking hydrogen sulfide baths.

Side effects of the acute form are unlikely and are rather the exception. Any institution providing balneotherapy services must conduct a professional medical examination of its patients and, based on its results, select an individual treatment program.

How are treatment procedures carried out?

Before starting balneotherapy, it is important to meet a number of conditions necessary to obtain the most positive results.

These include:

Hydrogen sulfide baths, indications for which can be given for various reasons, have the same administration procedure:

  1. Initially, 200 liters of hot water is poured into the bathroom, in which hydrogen sulfide and other necessary chemical compounds are immediately diluted strictly in the prescribed dosage.
  2. Cold water is added to the resulting solution. This is done to reduce the temperature of the bath to the required level (as a rule, it is about 35-37 C).
  3. Then the procedure begins. The patient lies down in the bathtub and stays in it for 10-12 minutes.
  4. After the time has passed, the person’s body needs to be dried with a towel. It is not recommended to rub the patient - just remove excess moisture.
  5. After taking a hydrogen sulfide bath, it is advisable to allow the patient to rest for half an hour. This will help reduce unpleasant side effects.

Balneotherapy is not performed once. As a rule, this is a complex of 10-15 sessions, once a day.

But the procedure cannot be carried out daily - the body must be able to fully recover after each session. Typically, medicinal baths are taken every other day. After completing a complex of 15 sessions, the patient can undergo the procedure again only after 4-5 months.

Carrying out the procedure at home

Anyone can undergo the balneotherapy procedure independently, at home. To do this, you will need to purchase special bath salts. It is available at the pharmacy without a prescription, but before carrying out the procedure you should consult with a specialist doctor.

The algorithm for taking a hydrogen sulfide bath is similar to carrying out this procedure in a medical institution:

The specifics of taking hydrogen sulfide baths at home are associated with some risk. The reason for this is the inability to thoroughly ventilate the bathroom, which can lead to hydrogen sulfide poisoning. Therefore, when conducting balneotherapy at home, it is desirable to have another person present who can help in a problematic situation.

If unpleasant symptoms of poisoning begin to appear (weakness, difficulty breathing, nausea, dizziness), the procedure must be interrupted, and in subsequent times the concentration of medicinal salt must be reduced.

Sanatoriums and resorts in Russia with hydrogen sulfide water

Hydrogen sulfide baths (indications for the procedure are indicated above) can be taken in resort sanatoriums specially designated for this.

Indeed, in addition to the artificially prepared hydrogen sulfide baths described above, there are also natural sources with a rich content of hydrogen sulfide. Located in nature, such sanatoriums provide a calm and harmonious atmosphere that promotes a speedy recovery for patients.

In Russia there are many sources where you can take hydrogen sulfide baths. A list of the most famous and best of them is presented below.

Hydrogen sulfide baths in Abkhazia

In Abkhazia there are many sanatoriums with natural hydrogen sulfide springs.

The most frequently visited ones will be described below:

The best option for getting acquainted with hydrogen sulfide baths is the Abkhazian balneotherapy center of Gagra. The concentration of hydrogen sulfide in water coming from a local deep well is only 44 mg/l, which is equivalent to a weak hydrogen sulfide bath created artificially.

The water temperature in the springs is about +40C. Such conditions are optimal for those who are trying balneotherapy for the first time.

Another place in Abkhazia where you can take hydrogen sulfide baths is the village of Kyndyga. The water here is as much as +100C, which attracts a huge flow of tourists, since the positive effect of balneotherapy depends not only on the gas concentration, but also on the temperature of the water in the bath.

There are also cooling pools on the territory of the sanatorium, so visitors have the opportunity to choose the temperature that suits them. The concentration of hydrogen sulfide in the Kyndyga springs is also low here, as in the Gagra sanatorium.

The springs in the Abkhazian village of Primorskoe are also very popular. The concentration of hydrogen sulfide in their water is significantly less than in Gagra. It is only 9 mg/l. This hydrogen sulfide content is insufficient for productive treatment.

However, this reduces the possibility of poisoning and unpleasant side effects from bathing. A distinctive feature of the sanatorium in Primorskoye is the hydrogen sulfide mud baths. Their therapeutic effect is comparable to balneotherapy.

Hydrogen sulfide springs of Pyatigorsk

The springs located in the city of Pyatigorsk are also very popular. After all, thanks to them, this city has become a real resort. Healing hydrogen sulfide water flows here from several wells at once.

The gas concentration in it is low - only 10 mg/l. This allows children and especially sensitive patients to safely undergo balneotherapy. Treatment with drinking water is also common here, which attracts most vacationers to this area.

In addition to hydrogen sulfide, Pyatigorsk springs are rich in iron, silicon, radium and radon. This gives them a peculiar specificity, but also additional medicinal properties.

Hydrogen sulfide springs in Pyatigorsk are among the oldest in the country. The first of them was opened in 1809, it was at that time that the city gained popularity. For example, the famous writer Lermontov was treated in this place, who was inspired by the landscapes of the local surroundings.


The strongest hydrogen sulfide baths of natural origin are located in Matsesta, a small resort region located near Sochi. The water here has a record high concentration of hydrogen sulfide – 700 mg/l.

This gas content is dangerous to life, so the water has to be specially treated. For this purpose, there is a sanatorium in Matsesta that can accommodate a large number of vacationers and provides the opportunity to take hydrogen sulfide baths of varying concentrations.

The local nature has an additional therapeutic effect on patients. Matsesta has the only forests in the country with a subtropical climate.

Therapeutic baths containing hydrogen sulfide are one of the most unusual and little-known therapeutic methods. Statistics show that medications or surgical interventions are usually used to treat diseases. People who have become disillusioned with these methods may benefit from trying hydrogen sulfide baths as a more natural and less harmful alternative.

Article format: Mila Friedan

Video about hydrogen sulfide baths

Who can be harmed by a hydrogen sulfide bath:

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