Methods for fast and high-quality learning of the German language. Ways to learn German. Move from simple to complex

Every modern person understands that learning a language today is an integral part of success not only at work, but in life in general. But sometimes this fact is not enough to encourage oneself to the learning process.

Most often, there is motivation from the outside, that is, when someone makes you do it: parents, teachers, boss. However, even this is not enough for a successful study. Therefore, in order to learn, for example, the German language, the impulse should not come from an outsider, but only from you.

Before you start learning, you need to ask yourself a question about the reason why you would like to know this or that language. The answer to it will become your goal, the achievement of which will help you in the process of learning the language.

Following this, it is necessary to correctly and clearly formulate this goal. Decide how long you need to master a foreign language. At the same time, this goal must be realistic in execution.

Make a study plan, or rather, determine how much time you will spend on learning and how much on rest. Insignificant breaks of several minutes every half hour of classes will make it possible for your desire to study not to fade away. In order to always remain interested in learning a language, you need to feel invigorated and rested.

An excellent tool for supporting motivation is encouragement or a sense of accomplishment. To do this, you need to systematically record your results and achievements, do their analysis.

Learning a large number of words in a day - will it help to learn the language, is it possible? This question is often faced by most people who are trying to replenish their vocabulary base in a short period of time. In fact, this is real only when using mnemonics. However, there is not much benefit from this.

Mnemonics is the process of constantly repeating memorized words. In order for words to remain in your memory for a long time, they need to be repeated for a very long time. For example, you are learning the words of the German language. You memorize one hundred words a day. By the end of the week, you should have repeated all seven hundred. You won't get any result.

In addition to this, the words that you will memorize thanks to mnemonics may not be useful to you in everyday communication. It is better to choose another method that will be much simpler and more effective. For example, you can learn words using a variety of flashcards, or by comparing or choosing alternatives.

Many people are interested in the effectiveness of memorizing words through the use of the twenty-fifth frame. It will be possible to recall the words that have been learned by this method only when a person is introduced into a trance. This process does not occur in active memory, so the person is not aware of what he is currently remembering . From the foregoing, it can be understood that the twenty-fifth frame in the knowledge of languages ​​is ineffective.

What do you need to do in order not to forget what you have already learned?

To keep all the knowledge gained, you need to practice. A learned language, for example, German, should always accompany you through life. There are a large number of ways of independent knowledge of the language, which allow you not to forget, but on the contrary, to develop and improve the level of the language being studied.

The best way is to read books, magazines, newspapers in the original. The only condition is that for the first time it is necessary to choose literature that will not be difficult for your level of knowledge of the language, and then it is more difficult to take. There are also many adapted editions that are suitable for students with an intermediate level. Information about the starting vocabulary for free communication and reading is located in the output. Greater efficiency is guaranteed by audio books, which have not only the text that appears on the computer screen, but the voice pronunciation of words, sentences and text. Thanks to such books, it is easier for students to perceive the text and remember how to pronounce this or that word correctly.

Also, the methods of self-learning a foreign language include watching films in the target language with subtitles, listening to songs in this language, chatting online with people who speak this foreign language, and many others.

However, the most productive option is considered to be in a country where the language you learn is the main one. Don't be embarrassed that you have a terrible accent or a lot of speaking mistakes. This will not surprise anyone, but you will get invaluable experience that will help you master the language.

Learning German is a lot of work. Do not believe the big names of articles and courses on the Internet and in the media called "German in 3 months", "Learn German quickly" or "How to become a polyglot without effort." This does not happen in nature.

The process of learning German is always full of difficulties. Most likely, you will step over yourself through your teeth many times, memorizing another dozen unknown German words written out in the dictionary for the next lesson.

Moreover, the teacher, most likely, will scrupulously check the whole thing, look at you strictly, at best say “good” and, most likely, next time he will ask at least the same amount.

It is paradoxical that we started the article on how to speed up the learning of the German language in this way. But in skype German courses, we never tell our students that it will be easy.

People who promise high results without an equal effort on the part of both the student and the teacher most likely simply do not know what they are talking about.

But at the same time, we can promise that studying with us will be interesting, exciting, and that you will master the German language much faster. Some of the tricks on how to speed up the learning of the German language, as well as make the learning process more interesting, we will be happy to share in this article.

For some, the tips below may seem unusual and unexpected. Yes, teachers prefer not to talk about many really useful things, giving out information “bit by bit” to their students after they pay money.

But people will turn to us in any case, since no tricks aimed at speeding up or diversifying the study of the German language will replace a good tutor. But first things first.

1. Find yourself the “right” boyfriend or girlfriend

This is one of the most effective ways combine the pleasant with the useful. To learn German faster, you need to interact with it as often as possible. The best way to do this is to surround yourself with German-speaking people who do not know Russian at all and will not let you relax even for a minute.

And the real language enthusiast should not pay any attention to the rest. Moreover, 98% of people on the planet are constantly talking to themselves. After all, our internal dialogue does not stop even for a moment.

We constantly prove something to ourselves, affirm and retell something. As they say in Tibetan Buddhism, the mind of an ordinary person is a raging elephant, which is extremely difficult to tame. Imagine what will happen if you direct this colossal energy in the right direction!

If you talk to yourself regularly, loudly and clearly aloud, then, firstly, you will get used to your language very quickly. Many people find it difficult to speak German to others simply because they are afraid of how their speech will sound from the outside. They get lost, get lost and make many times more mistakes than if they did the same thing resolutely and without fear.

But after talking a little with yourself, you will soon realize that not everything is as bad as it seems. Your speech is very good, considering that you are just in the process of learning German. From this point on, the conversational skill will begin to improve at a completely different speed.

In addition, speaking in a foreign language always involves some other muscles of the face and mouth, which are not used in the process of communicating only in their native language. To develop them, you need to exercise regularly.

By thinking in German, you will activate a large layer of previously learned vocabulary. And in the future, at the right time, the right words themselves will “be found” during a conversation with other people. Most of us think much more than we talk. By integrating this aspect of your life with the German language, the learning process will go faster.

5. Memorize films in German

Is this the first time you've heard such "instruction"? In fact, memorizing phrases from movies, TV shows, TV shows, books and songs is much more effective than just cramming unfamiliar words written out in a dictionary. Indeed, in this case, all the vocabulary contained in the phrases learned in this way immediately becomes active.

If this is your favorite movie, then along with the lines, you will probably remember the context in which the words were spoken, and even the facial expressions of the characters. Associative memory will be fully utilized. Thus, it will not be difficult to get the necessary bunch of words and phrases from the subconscious at the right time.

But effectively learning a film in German is also a whole science. We recommend the following sequence of actions:

  1. Choose your favorite German-language film.
  2. Watch it first with subtitles and then without them.
  3. Download the movie script from the internet and then print it out.
  4. Read the script and highlight any words that seem unfamiliar to you.
  5. Learn this words.
  6. Watch the movie again, reading everything that the characters say along the way.
  7. Break the script into scenes and begin to gradually memorize it.

Memorizing a movie is no more difficult than memorizing 300 unfamiliar words from a dictionary. But it's much more fun. Moreover, it will allow you to literally speak German on the go. This is an extremely effective, fast and, moreover, very fun way to learn.

We wish you to take advantage of these powerful tips to speed up your German learning as productively as possible. But do not forget at the same time that they do not replace classes with a teacher, but only supplement them.

Perhaps someone will tell you that you can quickly learn a language without a teacher, studying hard alone. Of course, some progress through persistent self-study can be achieved.

But to learn German by yourself, and even to do it quickly, is simply impossible. An experienced teacher will always correct the student in time so that the mistakes he makes in pronunciation and spelling of words and sentences do not become a habit.

In addition, a good teacher will offer the shortest possible path to mastering the German language, based on the student's abilities.

By signing up for classes with one of them, you can be sure that the process of your training will be led by real professionals in their field. We advise you to try. Moreover, our trial lesson is completely free.

Many probably wondered how to quickly and effectively learn a foreign language and what method of all existing is the most effective.

There are many different methods and curricula, each of them has its pros and cons, but no matter how you learn German - on your own or with a tutor, in a group or individually, in a language course in Berlin or at home with a book - there is a few important rules that will help you quickly learn a foreign language and gain solid and thorough knowledge.

1. Exercise systematically and regularly

Invest in learning a foreign language at least 1-1.5 hours a day. It is important to accustom yourself to study regularly, because discipline is the only factor that can resist your laziness and the desire to do anything, just not to learn words and not to study grammar. Opening the textbook only once a week, it is difficult to achieve success! Even after a day, the brain already forgets what and in what order was studied last time, and if you study even less often, then half the time of the lesson will just be spent on repetition! Therefore, it is worth hacking on your nose: regular practice is the key to success!

2. Move from simple to complex

You should not try to remember a thousand words at once or understand all tenses and prepositions. It is necessary to “absorb” the material slowly and in small portions. In a foreign language lesson as in a sport, you should not immediately take the heaviest weight and strive to complete the most difficult exercise. You need to increase the load gradually and gradually take all the new more difficult levels.

3. Work with a dictionary, write out and learn new words

A dictionary for a learner of German is the main aid in learning. There are many online services that provide the ability to translate words from one language to another for free: Yandex, Lingvo, Leo and others. At more advanced stages of language learning, it is worth using predominantly monolingual dictionaries, not trying to translate every word into your native language, but trying to explain unfamiliar words in a foreign language with the help of synonyms, phrases, antonyms, whole phrases - this way words will be easier to remember and consolidate in memory.

4. Remember words in context

Never memorize words individually, alphabetically or in random order! Words must be remembered in context as they are used in speech. For example, you can memorize words in a phrase and sentence. For each new word, come up with three, and preferably five, sentences. Then this word will definitely never be forgotten. In addition, memorizing words in context means: a) learning other words related to the same thematic range: for example, colors, clothing items, animal names to learn together; b) learn derivatives of these words and other forms: for example, malen - der Maler - die Malerei, der Mensch - menschlich - die Menschheit etc.

5. Practice grammar

No matter how boring and difficult it may be, but without knowledge and - most importantly - understanding of grammar, it is impossible to freely build correct phrases and sentences in a foreign language. You can try to remember phrases by heart, without understanding, but the older a person becomes, the worse he will remember words in an intuitive way, as children do, the more he will be remembered in a logical way - not on the basis of imitation, but on the basis of understanding. Grammar is important for understanding what you want to say. It is important not to be afraid to make grammatical errors in a sentence, because the Germans themselves often speak with errors and cannot explain why they need to speak. "mit dem Bus fahren", but not "auf die Bus fahren". But at a certain stage, without knowledge of grammar, it will be very difficult to move on. If grammatical errors interfere with understanding, or if the lack of skills in the correct use of articles and verbs in the right form interferes with communication, your interlocutors will at one point simply get tired of guessing what you meant by your facial expressions and intonation: Sie liebt Peter or Peter liebt sie if you don't know what word order should be in a sentence.

6. Combine techniques

It is important to pay attention to different aspects of speech - not only to read, but also to speak, not only to listen to the text, but also to write down its summary, ask questions to it. There is no one universal technique that would suit everyone and everyone.. Learning a foreign language is a very individual process, it depends on age, abilities, communication skills in the native language, motivation, diligence and many other factors. Find "your" method - for example, watch films in the original or read books, and in addition to this, also use other methods - chat in German on Skype, correspond with someone, etc.

7. Surround yourself with German

A very effective technique is the technique deep dive". It is important to surround yourself with a foreign language from all sides. Paste cards around the house with the names of objects in a foreign language - a bed, a table, a pen, a drawer, a switch, etc. Hang posters and tables of irregular verbs or declensions of articles and adjectives on the walls. Let three forms of verbs hang by the mirror in the bathroom, prepositions and adverbs at the dinner table, and a table of articles in a prominent place in the living room. The main thing is to change these cards to new ones from time to time, otherwise over time they will no longer be perceived as new and will simply be part of the interior. Translate the contact and Facebook into German, listen to the news in the background and, while you are in a traffic jam, listen to audio books in German. The language level does not allow? There are plenty of audio and for beginners, start simple as mentioned above.

8. Put into practice

Without active use in speech, words are forgotten very quickly! Write letters, emails, chat, on the pages of the forum - by the way, there is a section where members of the forum communicate with each other only in German. A great way to practice German and learn new words! Let's say you need to learn 10 irregular verbs by tomorrow - come up with a coherent story of ten sentences, each with one verb. It's easier and more reliable to remember!

9. Maintain Interest

In order to want to learn the language further, it is very important to maintain interest in it, be interested in the culture, politics, sports of the country, its famous people, and recent events. The incentive to go to Germany on vacation, friends with whom you speak German, the goal of going to university or finding a job will help keep the interest at the right level. Paste motivational flyers around the room, aphorisms that will help you find the strength to study.

10. Repetition is the mother of learning!

Yes, in German - just like in other subjects. It is important to refresh the material already covered from time to time, especially if there was a break in classes, so do not be lazy to review the already completed rules in the textbook and exercises for them again and again.

We hope these simple tips help you achieve the best results in learning German. Look for yourself, try different techniques, do not stop there! Good luck and success!

Germany is a beautiful country with good food and delicious beer, a developed economy and beautiful scenery, excellent study programs for students, so more and more people want to learn German from scratch.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age.

Are you over 18 already?

Features of learning German

A lot of people want to know how it is possible and whether it is possible to learn a foreign language (in our particular case, German) quickly, simply and painlessly. Yes, it is possible and quite feasible, but in a pair, with a teacher or in special linguistic courses, sometimes it turns out easier and better. And here the point is not that someone will explain the basics of grammar to you and put the necessary information into your head, because in the end you can come to everything yourself. The fact is that the courses increase your desire to learn. The main problem that all beginners face is the lack of strong motivation, interest and fortitude, self-control. It is these qualities that allow, after long days, weeks and months, to start speaking a foreign dialect with ease and beauty.

If you do not have a clearly defined goal and desire to achieve it, then it is very difficult to force yourself to sit regularly for several hours a day over textbooks memorizing words, sentences, articles, irregular verbs and grammar.


How to start learning German from scratch on your own?

The beginning is always the most difficult in the learning process, the end result depends on how everything goes. There are many different methods and ways to learn a foreign syllable, but you need to start, of course, from the very basics - the alphabet, letters and their sound.

You can buy manuals that are usually bought for children, self-help books for beginners, or download free introductory video lessons from websites that help you learn German on your own. Children's books and textbooks are a very good option if you do not know a single foreign dialect, as they have a clear plan and structure, explain grammar and rules in an accessible and simple way, taking into account the psychology and knowledge of a beginner.

c"> Ways to learn German at home

In order to achieve the desired results, you need to make some efforts, show self-discipline and perseverance, because you will need to spend several hours behind textbooks. But besides the standard cramming and memorizing grammar rules, you can use other learning options.

Increasingly, children in schools or language courses are using the game method, which makes it easy to remember the necessary information, learn complex grammar and expand vocabulary. The easiest way is to place in the house cards with the names of objects in the language being studied, a table of irregular verbs or articles that are so difficult to remember. Stumbling eyes on this or that record, you will remember its meaning. In the future, the task can be complicated by adding different characteristics or descriptions to the words.

It is not for nothing that children at school are recommended to read a lot in order to learn to speak well. Even if you still do not understand everything well, still look through books and magazines in the right dialect, look at pictures and look for words in the dictionary, write them out in a notebook, enriching your speech.

If you have already gone through several lessons on your own, learned the basic phrases for greeting and want to continue in the same spirit, then you should register on special free learning sites. You can chat with a fellow student like yourself, chat with an ethnic German, or find a German-speaking friend who studies Slavic languages ​​with whom you can exchange valuable tips and help with your studies.

d"> Difficulties in learning German that should not scare

It is impossible to answer the questions whether it is difficult to learn German, how much it can be done, how quickly to start reading and writing. It all depends, as mentioned above, on your determination and perseverance, desire and patience. But even the most diligent students face difficulties, here are some of them:

  • many dialects that are not always understandable for those who learn the language from scratch;
  • fast speech, during which words are distorted and letters disappear;
  • complex grammar with many irregular verbs, articles and other things;
  • incomprehensible sentence structure and slang.

But they should not be frightening, because everything can be overcome, learned and understood, found in smart books, heard over a glass of beer and a plate of delicious sausages, because the people of Germany are very responsive and will always help those who are trying to master their native language.

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