What massage techniques are used for flat feet. Foot massage – acupressure, for flat feet, for hallux valgus, for children. The main causes of flat feet include

Flat feet is a flattening of the arch of the foot. There is flattening of the longitudinal and transverse arch of the foot. The longitudinal arch of the foot rests on the floor in front by the heads of the metatarsal bones, and in the back by the tubercle of the heel bone. The transverse arch rests on the floor with the heads of the first and fifth metatarsal bones. The arch of the foot is strengthened by ligaments and short muscles of the foot, as well as partly by long flexors. Flat feet are common in children and young people. It can be traumatic, for example, with a broken ankle, paralytic, with paralysis of the anterior tibial and peroneal muscles, static, as a result of overloading the foot with excess body weight. With flat feet, the spring function of the foot is impaired. The patient develops pain in the foot when standing or walking for a long time, and fatigue. Climbing stairs is especially painful when you have to step on the heads of the metatarsal bones. There is no pain when going down stairs and stepping on the heel. At night, with rest, the pain stops. When walking for a long time, cramps occur in the lower leg muscles. The finger extensor tendons and peroneal muscles are tight and thickened. With flat feet, the medial edge of the foot almost touches the floor. The severity of flat feet is determined by the plantagraphy method, that is, the study of the shape of the imprints of the sole. Treatment consists of prescribing foot and lower leg massage, special therapeutic exercises, wearing arch supports or orthopedic shoes. The main attention is paid to massage the muscles and ligaments of the arch of the foot. The purpose of massage and therapeutic exercises: strengthening the muscular-ligamentous apparatus of the foot, improving the condition of the tibial and peroneal muscles, reducing their hypertonicity, improving nutrition and blood circulation, eliminating fatigue and pain. The massage begins with the anterolateral group of muscles of the lower leg and the back of the foot. A light massage is used here, consisting of light stroking and light rubbing. First, a preparatory massage is performed, consisting of the following massage techniques:
1. Grasping continuous stroking with both hands (start from the base of the toes and end at the knee joint).
2. Alternate rubbing on the same surface.
3. Stroking.
4. Spiral rubbing with four fingers (the technique is performed simultaneously with both hands).
5. Embracing continuous stroking. Then, on the anterolateral group of lower leg muscles, the following is applied:
1. Smoothing with two thumbs from the ankle joint to the head of the fibula.
2. Spiral rubbing with one thumb.
3. Smoothing with two thumbs. Finish the massage of this surface with a general grasping continuous stroking. After this, a deeper massage of the posterior group of leg muscles is used. It consists of the following techniques:
1. Enveloping continuous stroking from the heel to the popliteal fossa.
2. Alternate rubbing.
3. Enveloping intermittent stroking without overlap.
4. Spiral rubbing with four fingers and both hands simultaneously.
5. Covering intermittent stroking with overlap.
6. Longitudinal intermittent kneading.
7. Separate and sequential stroking.
8. Transverse continuous or intermittent kneading.
9. Cross-shaped stroking.
10. Chopping.
11. Embracing continuous stroking. Then they move on to massage the sole, where they apply:
1. Plane stroking with the palm from the base of the fingers to the heel.
2. Spiral deep rubbing with four fingers.
3. Comb-like stroking.
4. Comb-like rubbing.
5. Comb-like stroking.
6. Smoothing the interosseous muscles with your thumb.
7. Spiral rubbing of the interosseous muscles with one thumb.
8. Ironing.
9. Thumb pressure.
10. Smoothing with your thumb. From the side of the sole, thoroughly rub the heads of the metatarsal bones and the soft tissues between them with the thumb, and also rub vigorously with the thumb along the edge of the heel. It is necessary to massage the muscles of the eminence of the thumb quite firmly. Used on these muscles:
1. Pincer-like stroking.
2. Deep spiral rubbing with one thumb.
3. Pincer-like stroking.
4. Tong-shaped kneading.
5. Pincer-like stroking. Before massaging the foot and lower leg, it is useful to use a thermal procedure. The massage lasts 15-20 minutes daily. A massage course consists of twenty to twenty-five procedures. Massage courses are regularly repeated after one to one and a half months. To obtain a lasting therapeutic result, it is necessary to conduct at least three to four courses.

  • 1) 1. Reducing the pain that occurs with flat feet.
  • 2. Achieving more intense lymph and blood circulation.
  • 3. Strengthening weakened muscles

Methodology and guidelines

Before massaging the foot and lower leg, it is useful to use a thermal procedure. The massage lasts 15-20 minutes daily. At procedure 3-4, special exercises are added. A massage course consists of 20-25 procedures. Massage courses are regularly repeated after 1-1.5 months. To obtain a lasting therapeutic result, it is necessary to conduct at least 3-4 courses.

Sequence of massage

The massage should be carried out in the following sequence:

  • 1. Massage the calf muscle.
  • 2. Massage the Achilles tendon.
  • 3. Massage the outer side of the lower leg.
  • 4. Massage the back of the foot.
  • 5. Sole massage.
  • 6. Massage the calf muscle.
  • 7. Sole massage.

Calf muscle massage.

To perform massage techniques on the calf muscle, the person being massaged should be placed on his stomach, and a roller should be placed under his ankle joints. It is necessary to carry out the following procedures:

  • 1. Stroking:
    • a) straight;
    • b) alternate.
  • 2. Squeeze:
    • a) coracoid;
    • b) transverse.
  • 3. Kneading:
    • a) ordinary;
    • b) double ring;
    • c) combined;
    • d) circle-shaped with phalanges of bent fingers, first with one and then with two hands;
    • e) circular beak-shaped, first with one and then with both hands.
  • 4. Stroking is straightforward.

Achilles tendon massage.


  • a) straight “pincer-shaped”;
  • b) spiral “pincer-shaped”;
  • c) straight with tubercles and pads of the thumbs;
  • d) circular phalanges of bent fingers;
  • e) circular beak-shaped;
  • f) circular edge of the thumb.

Massage of the outer side of the leg

The person being massaged should be placed on his back, with a cushion placed under his knees.

With your far hand you should:

  • 2. Kneading:
    • a) circular with the pads of four fingers;
    • c) circular beak-shaped;
    • d) circular edge of the thumb.

Near hand:

Squeezing with the heel of the palm.

Massage of the back of the foot.

Without changing the position of the person being massaged, you should grab his foot from the side of the sole with your near hand and perform massage techniques with your far hand:

  • 1. Stroking is straight in the direction from the fingertips to the ankle joint.
  • 2. Rubbing:
    • a) rectilinear pads of the four fingers of the intermetatarsal spaces;
    • b) circular pads of the four fingers of the intermetatarsal spaces;
    • c) straight with the pad of the thumb;
    • d) circular with the pad of the thumb;
    • e) straight with the pad of the middle finger;
    • f) circular with the pad of the middle finger;
    • g) circular with the edge of the palm.
  • 3. Stroking (on the back of the shin).
  • 4. Squeeze (on the back of the shin).

Sole massage

  • 1. Stroking the sole with the back of the hand.
  • 2. Rubbing in the direction from toes to heel:
    • a) circular with the pad of the thumb;
    • b) circular with the pads of four fingers;
    • c) straight with a fist across and along;
    • d) circular ridge of the fist.
  • 3. Compression of the foot.

Calf muscle massage

  • 1. Stroking is straightforward.
  • 2. Squeeze beak-shaped.
  • 3. Kneading:
    • a) ordinary;
    • b) circle-shaped by the phalanges of bent fingers;
    • c) circular beak-shaped.

Sole massage


  • a) straight with a fist;
  • b) circular with phalanges of bent fingers.

To strengthen the muscles that support the inner arch of the foot, it is recommended to combine massage sessions with corrective exercises, with passive and active movements of the foot:

  • 1. Flexion.
  • 2. Turns inward.
  • 3. Extension.
  • 4. Spreading and moving your toes.
  • 5. Picking up various small objects with your toes.
  • 6. Rolling a small ball.
  • 7. Sliding movements of the foot of one leg along the shin of the other.
  • 8. Squats on a stick lying across the foot.

Many people, having heard from a doctor a diagnosis of flat feet in themselves or their child, do not worry, thinking that this is a minor problem and people with flat feet are no different from healthy people. This may be true, but only at the initial stage of the disease. Stage 1 flatfoot does not cause pain and does not cause much discomfort, but do not forget that the disease tends to progress, aggravating the health condition. You cannot delay the treatment of pathology, much less leave this issue without a solution. Let's look at how legs hurt with flat feet and how to identify this ailment in order to know in what situations to consult a doctor.

It is not difficult to determine flat feet, and you can actually do this at home by studying the mark from the wet sole of the foot, which will be printed on a sheet of paper. If the foot is in contact with the floor surface at more than three points (heel, 1st and 5th points of the metatarsals), then you need to take an x-ray and see an orthopedist who will conduct an examination and take the necessary measurements. We must not forget that self-diagnosis is not carried out in a child at an early age. At 1 year of age, the arches of a child’s feet are not yet formed, so a flat foot is considered a physiological condition. And already at 2 years of age and older, you need to consult an orthopedist if problems arise with the development of the child’s feet, especially if it is difficult for him to walk barefoot, he is less active than his peers. Let's look at what types of pathology occur in children and adults.

Transverse flatfoot

Transverse flatfoot affects more the adult population, and in 60-65% of cases women suffer from it and only 30% remain in men. The human foot is designed in such a way that it does not fully contact the floor surface - this is necessary to create a shock-absorbing function. Thanks to the shock-absorbing function, the resulting vibration and load during movement are not transferred to other joints and the spine, which is why a person may not get tired for a long time and not feel pain in the joints. But if at least one arch of the foot begins to descend, the shock absorption function will decrease, causing not only pain in the legs, but also in the back, knees and other joints.

Symptoms and causes

Let's look at the first type of flatfoot - peppered, in which the forefoot suffers. The transverse arch is formed in the metatarsal of the foot and forms an arch, that is, the 2-4 metatarsal bones are on a hill, and the 1st and 5th metatarsal bones create the support of the foot. When the arch flattens, a stage occurs in which the front of the sole becomes flattened, increasing the level of stress on the toes.

The disease has 3 stages of development, with the 1st stage characterized by the appearance of slight discomfort in the legs when walking for a long time. In stage 2, symptoms of pain appear in the forefoot, the foot becomes wider, and the pathology is accompanied by impaired mobility of the toes. It is with this type of flatfoot that hallux valgus develops.

Valgus is manifested by a curvature of the finger, which looks inward, and the bone, so known to women who love high heels, begins to protrude. As the disease progresses, the shape of the remaining fingers changes; in appearance they resemble the shape of a hammer, the nails look down and often a person suffers from deformation and rotation of the nail plates into the skin of the fingers. The advanced form of the pathology is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • severe pain, often at rest;
  • increased leg fatigue;
  • callus in the anterior part of the sole and in the area of ​​the bone;
  • mobility of the foot, ankle and toes decreases;
  • It becomes uncomfortable to wear shoes.

If you do not begin to defeat the disease in the early stages, then it will not be possible to completely cure the pathology in an adult patient. As you know, the causes of transverse flatfoot are associated with wearing uncomfortable shoes due to excessive loads on the legs. The appearance of the disease is influenced by injuries, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, excess weight, and metabolic disorders.


Let's consider the question of how to correct flat feet in adult patients. In order to stop the progression of the disease, negative factors must be eliminated. To do this, you need to follow a diet to get rid of or prevent the appearance of excess weight, and reduce the load that the foot experiences.

The treatment algorithm is aimed at using orthopedic shoes, and if the disease is in the initial stage, then you can limit yourself to insoles. Age plays an important role, and since this form most often affects people over 40 years of age, a certain approach to treatment is needed. The patient should regularly do foot exercises, go to the pool well, and undergo a course of massage and physiotherapy.

Prevention of flat feet is aimed at avoiding injuries, wearing comfortable shoes and not overworking the legs.

Longitudinal flatfoot

Longitudinal flatfoot affects more young people, from adolescence (15-17 years) to 25 years. By the way, this form of flatfoot is more common in children. The disease develops due to drooping of the lateral arches of the foot, and flattening on one side may develop or a flat foot may develop completely.


Let's look at the reasons why flat feet occur, and as a result, your legs hurt. A newborn baby does not have a formed foot with arches, since its osseous-ligamentous apparatus has not yet strengthened. An infant up to 2 years old can only have a congenital form of the disease, which makes up only a few percent of all cases. Naturally, the question arises of how to determine the disease in an infant or older child.

With the congenital form, deviations are visible, which the doctor will notice; all other forms will still not progress until the child begins to walk. The causes of the disease in children 2-6 years old are associated with excessive stress during the period when the child begins to walk. The situation is aggravated by circumstances when children wear uncomfortable shoes with dented soles and the wrong size.

By the way, both excessive loads and uncomfortable shoes provoke the development of flat feet in adults. The disease can be caused by infections that affect the joints, for example, the consequences of polio. Often the history of children, and even adults with flat feet, reveals rickets and leg injuries (fractures).


Now about the main thing, what symptoms occur with longitudinal flatfoot and whether the disease can be cured. At stage 1, discomfort appears when wearing shoes and after exercise. Over time, the pain increases, and it becomes difficult for a person to take off and put on shoes. Children show a decrease in activity, they become slower than their peers.

Externally, there is an increase in the length of the foot, which is covered with calluses on the sides and on the heel. The lowering of the arches leads to the fact that the shock absorption function decreases, a person’s gait is distorted, and he becomes quickly tired. A common complication is the formation of heel spurs and plantar fasciitis. When these diseases occur, a person begins to suffer from severe pain, which intensifies with exercise. In both children and adult patients, uneven wear on the soles of shoes can be noted.

The disease might not be considered dangerous, since it progresses slowly and does not always remind itself of severe pain, but the key word “progression” makes itself felt. If you catch it in time and change your lifestyle, start doing physical exercise and wearing the “correct” shoes, then flat feet can slow down the progression process and not bother the person too much. But when left untreated, flat feet can not only disrupt a person’s lifestyle and worsen their quality of life, but also lead to disability. In most cases, disability occurs due to complications with the joints and spine, arthrosis, osteoporosis, and osteochondrosis develop.


Let's consider the question of how to get rid of flat feet. We can immediately emphasize that in children under 7-14 years of age it is still possible to cure the pathology if you adjust your lifestyle, use orthopedic shoes, insoles, and take a course of exercise therapy and ERT. With adult patients, everything is more complicated and the question of how to overcome the disease is already based on stopping the progression of flat feet. It will not be possible to completely get rid of flattened arches of the feet, but the sooner you start treating, the higher the chance of getting by with minimal manifestations of the clinical picture.

Women are advised to avoid heels and prefer comfortable shoes with a wide toe box and a firm center sole. To do this, experts advise wearing orthopedic shoes and insoles. For longitudinal flat feet, a special cushion placed under the insole helps.

Many people wonder if walking barefoot is healthy. Yes, if you walk on sand, gravel, earth, but not on asphalt or hard flooring. In the summer, you need to swim more, walk barefoot on the beach, or simply organize forays into nature. Walking barefoot replaces massage and some exercise therapy.

When treating any form of flatfoot, you need to perform a complex of gymnastics, which includes exercises for the fingers. Massage stimulates the foot muscles, strengthens them, so you need to take a course 1-2 times a year. Treatment of flat feet should begin at an early stage; the disease should not be neglected, even if minor symptoms appear.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system are common among both adults and children. One of the most frequently diagnosed pathologies is flat feet. It develops when the longitudinal or transverse arch of the foot thickens, providing its shock-absorbing properties. Conservative treatment of the disease usually includes massage.

Foot massage for flat feet improves blood circulation, strengthens leg muscles, relieves muscle tension, fatigue and swelling. Conservative treatment started in the first stages of the disease gives good results, especially in children.

To correct flat feet, you will need to undergo a whole range of massage procedures. The course can consist of 10 to 15 sessions, depending on the stage. They take place every other day, one procedure lasts about 10 minutes.

Massage for flat feet includes not only massaging the feet. For a more pronounced effect, it is necessary to pay attention to the lumbar region, since this is where the nerves of the lower extremities originate. The entire surface of the legs is massaged down to the hips.

A massage performed by a professional includes the following techniques:

  • Stroking is carried out with the edge of the palm or the knuckles of the hand clenched into a fist.
  • Rubbing is carried out with fingertips and applied on the sole.
  • Vibration is carried out by patting, chopping, shaking.
  • Kneading and pinching. This technique massages the toes and arch of the foot.

It is important that all therapeutic massage techniques are carried out from the bottom up, that is: from the toes to the heel, from the ankle to the knee. It is necessary to knead the feet very carefully, paying special attention to all anatomical structures in turn. There are two main techniques that are widely used to correct foot deformities. Professional massage therapists choose one of them based on the severity and individual characteristics of the disease.

  1. In the first case, the massage therapist carries out warming movements of the leg from the toes to the knee. Next, massages the lower leg from all sides. Then he treats the sole and ends the session with a massage of the big toe.
  2. In the second case, first knead the calves, then the heel, the outer surface of the lower leg, the foot and the sole. Next, they return to the calf muscle. The session ends with massaging the sole.

Particular attention is paid to the back of the ankle, which suffers the most with foot deformities. They rub her, stroke her, pat her. The ankle joint is massaged as with.


The best effect of a massage will be if it is performed by a qualified specialist. But if this is not possible, you can perform self-massage. Starting position for the procedure: rest your foot on the edge of the chair. Self-massage is performed in the following sequence.

Massage for transverse flat feet

Transverse flatfoot is when the forefoot flattens and the toes fan out. This type of deformation is most common in women after 35 years of age. The disease cannot be treated, but its progression can be stopped. For this purpose it is prescribed wearing orthopedic insoles, warm relaxing baths, massage for flat feet.

It is not necessary to get a massage from a specialist, it will be enough to buy massage Mat and walk on it daily for 5–10 minutes. You can also knead your feet yourself by squeezing, stroking, rubbing with your fist or fingers. Hydromassage has an excellent effect.

Foot massagers for flat feet

Using a massager for flat feet is an inexpensive and undoubtedly useful activity. Such devices will help:

  • strengthen leg muscles;
  • relieve fatigue and tension;
  • eliminate pain;
  • improve blood supply to the lower extremities.

All massagers can be divided into three groups.

Foot massage for flat feet in children

Every year more and more parents become concerned about the condition of their child’s feet and consult a doctor. Worn on the inside of the shoe may indicate foot deformity. The main symptoms are pain and difficulty wearing shoes. However, many children do not even notice these manifestations. To treat foot deformities in a child, orthopedic shoes or insoles and massage are prescribed.

It is better to entrust the massage to a massage therapist, but you can do it yourself. For faster results, carry out the procedure daily. The main task - relax and warm up the muscles of the legs and back. There are two main massage techniques for flat feet in children.

  1. In the first case, they massage in order: the calf muscles, the Achilles tendon, the ankle and the sole. Then kneading is carried out in the reverse order.
  2. In the second case, the massage begins from the knee and moves lower to the very tips of the fingers. Then the lower leg is massaged on all sides, then proceed to the sole and foot. The session ends with massaging the thumb.

Foot massage for hallux valgus

Involves placing your feet with your heels facing outward. This type of deformity is more common in children under 5 years of age. Babies' feet are not yet fully formed, so whether a child's feet are susceptible to hallux valgus can only be determined by a doctor.

The specialist will recommend a set of exercises and massage. You can do a massage at home yourself. Starting position: baby lies on his stomach. To start rub and knead the baby’s back. Moving from the sacrum towards the armpits, stroke your back and rub it. Then take fold of skin at the bottom of the back and “drive the wave” to the very top. Repeat this action several times. Complete the back massage with light strokes.

Next comes a foot massage. Start with light strokes. Rub, remember, pat, pinch the entire surface of the legs from hip to foot. Finish with stroking again. Special attention should be paid to the ankle. The massage movements remain the same, you need to carefully stretch the ankle joint. Then move on to the sole. Knead it gently, but with effort. Massage the entire surface of the foot, knead each toe.

Turn the child onto his back and repeat the same set of actions. Massage the front side of the legs less intensely, and it is also necessary to eliminate vibration effects.

The sooner deviations in foot placement are noticed and treatment is started, the faster the recovery will be. Self-massage can also be done to prevent disease if you are at risk.

Flat feet are considered one of the most common foot problems in people. Loss of tone and complete weakening of the muscles leads to a heavy load on the joints, knees, and leg bones. In this regard, orthopedic diseases, back pain, finger deformities, and scoliosis occur.

Flat feet is a serious disease that needs to be cured. There are medicinal methods and methods of traditional folk medicine.

But has the greatest effect foot and leg massage for flat feet .

This procedure allows strengthen foot muscles, get rid of constant pain, fight fatigue from movement .

The chances of congestion in the veins and arteries of the body are reduced.

Thanks to the massage the foot gains elasticity, the arch of the sole is restored .

The greatest result will be brought by a symbiosis of such a procedure, therapeutic exercises and exercises for prevention.

Basic steps

Techniques used during foot and leg massage for flat feet, the following:

Trituration. Carry out using your fingertips, moving them clockwise or counterclockwise. Zones – sole, toes, ankles, heel.

Stroking. It is performed either with the back of the hand or with the knuckles.

Vibration. Involves rapid finger pressure, patting, and shaking.

Movement of joints. There are independent or forced ones.

Forceps method. A universal way to knead the foot.

It consists of pinching the inside and outside of the foot and toes.

Classical technique

Foot massage technique for flat feet

Massage of feet and legs for flat feet begins with cleaning the skin and further rubbing it . The patient lies on his stomach, and a pillow or bolster is placed under the knee and the outside of the ankle. Using the cream, lightly stroke the desired areas of the body. When rubbing, you can use any other essential oils. It is customary to move your hands from toe to heel.

The next stage includes warming up the sole with a fist . The leg is fixed with the other hand, which holds the top of the foot. It is necessary to introduce an exercise involving the simultaneous raising and lowering of all toes. Afterwards, rub with the palms, while the thumbs must be pressed tightly to the massage area. It is important to perform all actions measuredly, carefully and monitor the patient’s pain.

The next step includes kneading the foot . Massage movements are carried out with the thumbs from the center of the foot to its edges. Then, separately, gently massage each toe from bottom to top. The procedure must be completed with stroking.

After massaging the feet, they move on to massage the legs. Rub the area from the ankles to the inside of the knee with deep movements. It is necessary to carry out 10-15 repetitions. This part of the procedure should be alternated with light stroking. Then, using the same technique, knead the upper legs.

The whole procedure takes about 25-30 minutes.

Pediatric therapy for flat feet

The technique of massaging the feet and legs for flat feet in children has several differences:

  1. Firstly, at the beginning of the procedure, the child lies on his back, then he is turned over onto his stomach .
  2. Secondly, they highlight three stages carrying out techniques consisting of general methods, therapeutic exercises and restorative massage itself.

Accepted start the procedure by massaging the calves, Achilles tendons, and shins . But only after this go to the very bottom .

Massage do in one day , at least 15 times. Particular attention is paid to the ankles. Techniques for each part of the legs must be gradually alternated.

Massage for flat feet is an effective method of combating this disease in adults and children. The formation of the correct shape of the sole is guaranteed by the consistency of this procedure.

You should be careful about self-medication and, first of all, consult with the appropriate doctor.

Useful accessories for massaging legs and feet with flat feet

Massage rollers

There is probably no person in the world who does not love foot massage, and in some cases it is simply a necessity, such as foot and leg massage for flat feet.

Massage is useful, it relaxes, and with a professional approach it also improves your health. But it is not always possible to use the services of a massage therapist, so it is good to have on hand aids, both special and ordinary household ones, to carry out a proper and high-quality massage.

  • Among the special means it is worth noting, for example, massage rollers. Place this roller under your desk and occasionally stimulate the reflex zones on the soles of your feet. Such a massage improves blood circulation throughout the body, will increase your ability to work and will relieve fatigue from your legs . And when performing a massage of the feet and legs with flat feet, it will be more useful than ever.
  • Recently gained popularity massage mats. And for good reason. It is enough to stand on such a mat for 5 minutes twice a day, alternately changing the supporting leg, for example, during hygiene procedures in the bathroom. Such a massage will increase your vitality all day, improves the body's health by stimulating the reflex zones of the feet. In addition, the procedure is very useful for children to prevent flat feet when appropriate massage is performed.

  • Another affordable and useful purchase could be shoes with special massage insoles, which will stimulate the necessary reflex zones of the legs when walking. In this case, during normal walking, one of the elements of foot massage for flat feet is provided.

In addition to massage of the legs and feet for flat feet, the fairer sex is often also interested in how to use oats to cleanse the body. You can read recipes and reviews at this link.

If special means are not yet available to you, you can get by with ordinary household items: a bed, a chair, balls, marbles, stones. Before your MRZN session, try a warm foot bath. This will dilate the blood vessels and warm up the muscles. Sit on the bed, place your foot on the corner of the head of the bed, or, if there is none, additionally take a stool. Press your foot on the corner with the frequency of walking: press – pause. Then move a centimeter lower, and so on across the entire surface of the foot.

Place small pebbles and sand in your socks , and now it’s like you’re walking along the beach. You can also pour sand, stones, beans and other objects for massage into a basin or box and periodically stand there with your feet. Children will be delighted with this procedure!

Walking barefoot on pebbles or sand in the summer is an excellent prevention of flat feet.

Another type of “household” MRZN - rolling a small ball with your foot . Sitting on a chair, roll the ball on the floor alternately with your left and right foot. If you have problems with bowel movements, rolling clockwise, as well as along the foot, is useful. In addition, such a massage has a beneficial effect on the bronchopulmonary and cardiovascular systems.

For an experienced massage therapist, wooden massage sticks and various probes will be a good help. These accessories help you avoid fatigue during work and carry out long, intense massage sessions. It should be remembered that MRZN is always an imitation of walking on an uneven surface : sand, stones, etc. Therefore, it is important to observe the pace and sequence of actions: pressing, relaxing, massaging.

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