Calcium gluconate side effects intramuscular injections. Calcium gluconate (solution for injection): instructions for use. How to give an injection

The popularity of calcium gluconate for bronchitis is explained by the low cost and high effectiveness of the drug. The only difficulty is that a quick effect is achieved when the drug is administered by injection, for which the patient requires medical personnel. What effect does calcium gluconate have and how will it help with bronchitis?

During bronchitis, swelling occurs in the bronchi, which interferes with the discharge of sputum and the nutrition of tissues. The inflammatory process impairs capillary blood supply, which leads to an increase in the period of illness and slower regeneration of the bronchial mucosa.

Calcium gluconate in injection form exhibits a rapid and strong anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effect. In addition, it relaxes spasmodic blood vessels and helps restore blood circulation and tissue nutrition.

The drug is prescribed as an additional therapy. as primary treatment? Expectorants are definitely needed to cleanse the respiratory tract. For bacterial infections, other antibiotics are also indicated.

Pharmacological group

The effects of some drugs can be so versatile that some patients are surprised and do not understand. Calcium gluconate is one such drug.

According to the pharmacological group, it belongs to macro- and microelements, calcium preparations. However, the drug is used in dietetics. Cardiology, pulmonology, hematology and other areas of medicine.

The mechanism of action is based on the fact that calcium takes part in the transmission of nerve impulses, muscle contraction, blood clotting and capillary permeability. The main effects of calcium gluconate are the following:

  1. Anti-inflammatory.
  2. Antiallergic.
  3. Hemostatic.

These effects are very important as an additional therapy for bronchitis.

Why are injections prescribed?

With bronchitis and many other diseases, the concentration of calcium ions decreases. The drug is prescribed to maintain the functions of the heart muscle, quickly relieve inflammation, reduce capillary permeability and, as a result, reduce swelling. General indications for this drug are:

  1. Some types of seizures.
  2. Allergic manifestations.
  3. Hemorrhages.
  4. Inflammatory diseases (pneumonia, pleurisy, endometritis, pleurisy and others).
  5. Dermatological problems - eczema, itching, psoriasis.
  6. Bleeding of various organs.

Calcium gluconate is used as an injection to obtain a quick effect and maximum bioavailability.. The medicine is especially indicated for bronchitis of allergic etiology.

Sometimes patients are prescribed a similar drug - calcium chloride, which has the same indications for use. However, calcium chloride has a more pronounced local irritant effect.

How to give an injection

The drug can be administered intramuscularly and intravenously. Using the jet method, the drug is injected into a vein slowly - one 5 ml ampoule takes about 5 minutes. For drip administration, the drug is pre-diluted with a solution of glucose or sodium chloride. The rate of administration is 6 drops per minute.

The course of treatment involves 10 injections. Doing less is not recommended. But the duration of antibiotic therapy or taking expectorants can sometimes vary. or the doctor decides, taking into account the severity of the disease.

Only a medical professional should administer the injection.

Before use, the ampoule with the medicine must be warmed to body temperature. When administered, it creates a burning and spreading heat effect, which is why calcium gluconate is known as a “hot shot”.

After just 2-3 injections, the patient notices a positive clinical effect - the sputum comes out much easier, the cough subsides, and breathing is restored.

Side effects

Some patients may experience the following side effects:

  1. Nausea and indigestion.
  2. Decreased heart rate.
  3. Necrosis at the injection site.

Drug interactions

Pharmacological interaction with diuretics, cardiac drugs and tetracycline antibiotics is possible. The patient must inform the doctor about all medications taken before prescribing calcium gluconate.

Special patient groups

Pregnant women and children always constitute a special group of patients who require dose restrictions or adjustments. For children under 14 years of age, calcium gluconate should not be administered intramuscularly due to the high likelihood of tissue necrosis.

It is not prohibited to use the drug during pregnancy. However, it should be remembered that both a deficiency and an excess of calcium are harmful, so the doctor may prescribe additional tests to determine the concentration of the macroelement in a pregnant woman.

The patient cannot decide on his own which injections to give. Such drugs are prescribed only by a doctor. Antihistamines and mucolytics can relieve bronchitis over the counter. The duration of the course is determined by the doctor.

general description

Microelements that actively participate in the formation of the structure of bone tissue, stimulate the functioning of the hemostasis system, improve blood clotting and contraction of the heart muscles during their dystrophy, contain the injection drug “Calcium Gluconate”. The injections “deliver” calcium, which is an essential component, into the human body. This microelement supports stable cardiovascular activity. The injectable drug “Calcium Gluconate” also stimulates various processes associated with the transmission of nerve impulses. Injections during intravenous infusion cause stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system and increased secretion of adrenaline by the adrenal glands, and also produce a moderate diuretic effect.

pharmachologic effect

The drug "Calcium Gluconate", which contains active substances (calcium salts of gluconic acid), stimulates the normal functioning of the myocardium, contraction of smooth muscles and skeletal muscles. Many different pathologies are accompanied by a decrease in the level of calcium ions in the blood plasma. For example, with pronounced hypocalcemia, a state of tetany is observed, characterized by convulsive syndromes and an increase in muscle-nervous excitability as a result of a decrease in the concentration of ionized calcium in the blood. The administration of the drug “Calcium Gluconate” will help in this situation. Injections (reviews irrefutably prove this fact) perfectly eliminate all manifestations of tetanic syndrome and reduce the permeability of vascular walls. In addition, this remedy has an excellent hemostatic effect and a strong antiallergic effect.


A wide range of applications for the injection solution “Calcium Gluconate”, injections of which doctors give when the biological mechanism of the thyroid glands is insufficient, includes cases of increased excretion of this microelement from the body, for example, during dehydration. Also, this drug is often prescribed as an adjuvant for various pathologies of an anaphylactic nature and in the case of allergic complications caused by drug therapy with other drugs. In addition, the injection solution "Calcium Gluconate", injections of which are given in the case of parenchymal hepatitis, toxic liver damage, eclampsia, paroxysmal myoplegia (especially its hyperkalemic form) and nephritis, demonstrates high efficiency. Also, this drug, which has a hemostatic effect, is often used for various dermatic diseases. It is quite effective as an antidote for poisoning of varying severity with magnesium salts, varieties of oxalic acid, its soluble salts and fluoric acid.

Contraindications and side effects

Side effects of the drug "Calcium Gluconate" include possible nausea, vomiting, feeling of heat, and bradycardia. When administered intramuscularly, tissue necrosis was observed in some cases. There may also be signs of irritation of the gastric mucosa, which can cause constipation. As for contraindications, this drug is strictly not recommended for people who have a tendency to form blood clots, as well as those suffering from atherosclerosis and increased blood clotting. In addition, this injection solution is contraindicated in severe hypercalciuria, renal failure, calcium nephrourolithiasis, and sarcoidosis. Extreme caution must be exercised when using the drug in case of electrolyte disturbances, dehydration and melaabsorption syndrome.

Drug compatibility and interaction

The drug "Calcium Gluconate" can reduce the hypotensive effect of "Verapamil" without affecting its arrhythmic effect. A decrease in calcium absorption from the gastrointestinal tract under the influence of the drug “Kolestyramine” was also revealed. When taken in parallel with Hiradin, the effect of slowing intraventricular conduction cannot be excluded.

In this article you can read the instructions for use of the drug Calcium gluconate. Reviews of site visitors - consumers of this medicine, as well as the opinions of specialist doctors on the use of Calcium gluconate in their practice are presented. We kindly ask you to actively add your reviews about the drug: whether the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, what complications and side effects were observed, perhaps not stated by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of calcium gluconate in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use for the treatment of osteoporosis and other forms of calcium deficiency in the body in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.

Calcium gluconate- a calcium preparation replenishes the deficiency of calcium ions necessary for the transmission of nerve impulses, contraction of skeletal and smooth muscles, myocardial activity, bone tissue formation, and blood clotting.

Calcium is a macroelement involved in the formation of bone tissue, the process of blood clotting, and is necessary to maintain stable cardiac activity and the processes of transmission of nerve impulses. Improves muscle contraction in muscular dystrophy, myasthenia gravis, and reduces vascular permeability. When administered intravenously, calcium excites the sympathetic nervous system and increases the secretion of adrenaline by the adrenal glands; has a moderate diuretic effect.


Approximately 1/5-1/3 of the orally administered drug is absorbed in the small intestine; this process depends on the presence of vitamin D, pH, diet and the presence of factors that can bind calcium ions. The absorption of calcium ions increases with calcium deficiency and the use of a diet with a reduced content of calcium ions. About 20% is excreted by the kidneys, the remaining amount (80%) is removed with the contents of the intestines.


  • diseases accompanied by hypocalcemia, increased permeability of cell membranes (including blood vessels), disruption of the conduction of nerve impulses in muscle tissue;
  • hypoparathyroidism (latent tetany, osteoporosis), vitamin D metabolism disorders: rickets (spasmophilia, osteomalacia), hyperphosphatemia in patients with chronic renal failure;
  • increased need for calcium ions (pregnancy, lactation, period of increased growth of the body), insufficient content of calcium ions in food, disturbance of its metabolism (in the postmenopausal period);
  • increased excretion of calcium ions (prolonged bed rest, chronic diarrhea, secondary hypocalcemia due to long-term use of diuretics and antiepileptic drugs, glucocorticosteroids);
  • poisoning with salts of magnesium ions, oxalic and fluoric acids and their soluble salts (when interacting with calcium gluconate, insoluble and non-toxic calcium oxalate and calcium fluoride are formed);
  • hypercalcemic form of paroxysmal myoplegia.

Release forms

Tablets 500 mg

Chewable tablets 500 mg.

Solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration (injections) in ampoules of 100 mg/ml.

Instructions for use and dosage

Grind before use.

Orally, before meals or 1-1.5 hours after consumption (with milk). Adults - 1-3 g 2-3 times a day (maximum daily dose - 9 g).

Pregnant and nursing mothers - 1-3 g 2-3 times a day (maximum daily dose - 9 g).

Children: 3-4 years old - 1 g (maximum daily dose - 3.0 g); 5-6 years - 1-1.5 g (maximum daily dose - 4.5 g); 7-9 years - 1.5-2 g (maximum daily dose - 6 g); 10-14 years - 2-3 g (maximum daily dose - 9 g); frequency of administration - 2-3 times a day.

When administering calcium gluconate solution intravenously or intramuscularly, a single dose of the drug should correspond to 2.25-4.5 mmol of calcium. A solution of calcium chloride is administered intravenously in a stream (slowly) in a single dose of 500 mg, intravenously in a drip - in a single dose of 0.5-1 g.

Side effect

  • constipation;
  • irritation of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • hypercalcemia.


  • hypersensitivity;
  • hypercalcemia (calcium ion concentration should not exceed 12 mg%);
  • severe hypercalciuria;
  • nephrourolithiasis (calcium);
  • tendency to thrombosis;
  • sarcoidosis;
  • simultaneous use of cardiac glycosides (risk of arrhythmias);
  • children under 3 years of age.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Application is possible according to the dosage regimen.

special instructions

In patients with mild hypercalciuria, decreased glomerular filtration rate, or a history of nephrourolithiasis, treatment should be carried out under the control of the concentration of calcium ions in the urine.

To reduce the risk of developing nephrourolithiasis, drinking plenty of fluids is recommended.

Calcium gluconate has similar effects to calcium chloride, but is less irritating.

Drug interactions

Forms insoluble complexes with tetracycline antibiotics (reduces the antibacterial effect).

When used simultaneously with quinidine, intraventricular conduction may slow down and the toxicity of quinidine may increase.

Slows down the absorption of tetracyclines, digoxin, and oral iron supplements (the interval between doses should be at least 2 hours).

When combined with thiazide diuretics, it may increase hypercalcemia. Reduces the effect of calcitonin in hypercalcemia. Reduces the bioavailability of phenytoin.

Analogues of the drug Calcium gluconate

Structural analogues of the active substance:

  • Calcium gluconate B. Brown;
  • Stabilized calcium gluconate;
  • Calcium gluconate-Vial;
  • Calcium gluconate-LekT;
  • Calcium gluconate solution for injection 10%.

If there are no analogues of the drug for the active substance, you can follow the links below to the diseases for which the corresponding drug helps, and look at the available analogues for the therapeutic effect.

The product is available in tablet form (regular and chewable tablets), as well as in the form of an injection solution. Sold in packages and ampoules. One tablet of Calcium Gluconate, which helps with insufficient calcium levels in the diet, contains 250 or 500 mg of the active substance.

The concentration of the active substance in 1 ml of solution is 95.5 mg. The solution contains calcium sucrose and water as auxiliary components.

Pharmacological properties

Calcium gluconate - what is it? Calcium is an essential macronutrient that is involved in the processes of bone tissue formation, transmission of nerve impulses, and blood clotting. This macronutrient is also necessary to maintain normal cardiac function.

In addition, calcium improves muscle contraction in muscle dystrophy and myasthenia gravis, and also reduces vascular permeability. When administered intravenously, the drug exhibits a moderate diuretic effect, and also enhances the secretion of adrenaline by the adrenal glands and causes stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system.

The use of the medication has a less irritating effect than calcium chloride.

Injections, tablets Calcium gluconate: what does the medicine help with?

  • hyperphosphatemia in patients with chronic renal failure;
  • Ca metabolism disorders in the postmenopausal period;
  • hypoparathyroidism;
  • poisoning with oxalic acid, Mg salts, soluble fluoric acid salts;
  • long-term treatment with diuretics, corticosteroids or antiepileptic drugs;
  • rickets;
  • osteoporosis;
  • increased need for calcium (during pregnancy, breastfeeding, intensive growth of children);
  • latent tetany;
  • bone fractures;
  • osteomalacia;
  • insufficient Ca content in the diet;
  • vitamin D metabolism disorders;
  • conditions that are accompanied by increased excretion of calcium, chronic diarrhea, prolonged bed rest;
  • spasmophilia.

As an addition to the main treatment, calcium gluconate tablets are used as an allergy remedy for:

  • parenchymal hepatitis;
  • itchy dermatoses;
  • toxic liver damage;
  • febrile syndrome;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • jade;
  • angioedema;
  • with bleeding of various origins;
  • nutritional dystrophy;
  • eclampsia;
  • serum sickness;
  • hives;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis.

What do calcium gluconate injections help with?

In ampoules, the drug is prescribed for certain pathologies of the parathyroid glands, conditions that are accompanied by increased excretion of Ca from the body, as an adjuvant for allergies, as well as for allergic complications of treatment with other drugs.

The medicine is used to reduce vascular permeability in various pathological processes, nephritis, eclampsia, liver intoxication, hyperkalemia, parenchymal hepatitis, hyperkalemic form of periodic paralysis (paroxysmal myoplegia), as a hemostatic agent.

Indications for administering the drug intravenously or intramuscularly are also poisoning with soluble salts of fluoric acid, oxalic acid or Mg salts, for skin diseases (psoriasis, itching, eczema).


The instructions prohibit the use of Calcium Gluconate in the presence of the following diseases or disorders:

  • hypercalcemia;
  • tendency to thrombosis;
  • hypercoagulability;
  • severe atherosclerosis.

In addition, the drug is not prescribed for severe renal failure. In patients with mild renal impairment, as well as a history of urolithiasis or mild hypercalciuria, the drug should be used with caution.

For those patients who have a tendency to form stones in the urine, it is necessary to increase the volume of fluid consumed during treatment with calcium preparations. Children are not recommended to have intramuscular injections.

Medicine Calcium gluconate: instructions for use


Take before meals, after crushing or chewing. A single dose for patients over 14 years of age is from 1 to 3 g (2-6 tablets for each dose). Patients 3-14 years old are given 2-4 tablets. 2-3 rubles/day.

Treatment lasts from 10 days to 1 month. The duration of the course is determined by the attending physician individually depending on the patient’s condition. The permissible upper limit of the daily dose for elderly patients is 4 tablets. (2 g).

Instructions for use of Calcium gluconate in injections

It is administered intravenously or intramuscularly. For patients over 14 years of age, injections are given once a day. A single dose is from 5 to 10 ml of solution. Depending on the patient’s condition, injections can be given daily, every other day or once every two days.

For children from birth to 14 years of age, the dose of 10% calcium gluconate solution intravenously varies from 0.1 to 5 ml. Before administration, the drug should be warmed to body temperature. The medicine should be administered slowly - over 2-3 minutes.

To administer less than one milliliter of solution, it is recommended to dilute a single dose to the required volume (syringe volume) with a 5% glucose solution or 0.9% NaCl solution.

Carrying out autohemotherapy

10 ml of calcium gluconate solution is injected into the patient's vein, and then blood is immediately taken from the vein and transferred back in the form of a subcutaneous injection or injection into the gluteal muscle.

Side effects

When used internally, the product can cause irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa and constipation. When the solution is administered intramuscularly or intravenously, diarrhea, vomiting, bradycardia, and nausea may occur. Also, with intravenous administration, the following may occur:

  • general feeling of heat;
  • fainting;
  • blood pressure will decrease with rapid administration;
  • burning in the mouth;
  • arrhythmia;
  • heart failure.

With intramuscular injections of calcium gluconate, tissue necrosis may occur at the injection site. An overdose causes the development of hypercalcemia, to eliminate which calcitonin is administered - 5-10 IU per kilogram of body weight per day.

Calcium gluconate for allergies

Calcium gluconate is used in combination with antihistamines. The drug is prescribed, among other things, to eliminate side effects caused by taking other medications.

Doctors have proven that one of the causes of allergies may be a severe calcium deficiency in the body. It is with its deficiency that most allergic reactions in children are associated: the child’s body grows very rapidly, and as a result, the Ca content in all its tissues decreases.

The tablets are taken orally before meals. The dose depends on the characteristics of the disease and the age of the patient.

In addition, in some cases, the patient may be prescribed intravenous administration of the solution. In case of allergies, calcium gluconate is not recommended to be administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously (especially to children).

The course of treatment for allergies usually lasts from 7 to 14 days.

Drug interactions

The simultaneous use of calcium supplements with calcium channel blockers reduces the pharmacological effect of the latter. When combining oral forms of calcium gluconate and tetracyclines, the absorption of tetracycline drugs is impaired, and therefore their pharmacological effect is reduced.

Cholestyramine reduces the absorption of calcium from the gastrointestinal tract. Quinidine in combination with calcium slows down intraventricular conduction. In addition, this drug combination increases the toxicity of quinidine.

With intravenous administration of calcium before or after the use of Verapamil, the hypotensive effect of the drug is reduced. Parenteral use of calcium supplements is also not recommended during treatment with cardiac glycosides, since this combination of drugs leads to increased cardiotoxic effects.


  • B. Brown.
  • Calcium gluconate-Vial.
  • Glycerophosphate granules.
  • Calcium-Sandoz.
  • Additive calcium.
  • Hydroxyapatite.
  • Calcium pangamate.
  • Calcium lactate.
  • CalViv.
  • LecT.

Can calcium gluconate be used for children?

The most common indications for use of the drug in pediatrics are conditions caused by insufficient intake of calcium into the body from food, as well as conditions caused by impaired absorption of calcium in the intestine.

The development of hypocalcemia, along with a reduced calcium content in food, is also promoted by hypovitaminosis D. In addition, certain diseases of the parathyroid glands and thyroid gland can cause hypocalcemia.

Why is calcium gluconate prescribed to children?

In addition to these diseases and rickets, indications for prescribing the drug for children are allergic diseases (acute or chronic), skin diseases, pathologies manifested by blood clotting disorders, physiological conditions that are accompanied by an increase in the child’s body’s need for calcium.

How to take Calcium Gluconate correctly?

Children are recommended to dose calcium gluconate depending on their age. In the first 12 months of a child’s life, the standards for daily Ca intake range from 0.21 to 0.27 g. Children under 3 years of age require 0.5 g of Ca per day, children 4-8 years old - 0.8 g, children over eight years of age - 1-1.3 g.

Children under 12 months are given 3 tablets per day (1.5 g), children under 4 years old - 6 tablets per day (3 g), children under 9 years old - depending on the severity of calcium deficiency and the characteristics of the clinical situation - 6-12 tablets. day (3-6 g), children under 14 years old - 12-18 per day (6-9 g).

The daily dose is divided into 2-4 doses.

The drug is usually administered intravenously to children as an emergency treatment: for bleeding, convulsions, acute allergic reactions. The solution is not administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly to children. Medicine can only be injected into the muscle in adult patients!

Calcium gluconate during pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy and during breastfeeding, the use of the drug is possible taking into account the ratio of benefit to the mother/risk to the fetus (child). Only the attending physician can say for sure whether pregnant women can take Calcium Gluconate in each specific case. When taking the drug during lactation, it may penetrate into milk.


In Moscow, St. Petersburg and other Russian cities, you can buy calcium gluconate tablets for 4 rubles, ampoules for 109 rubles. In Kyiv, its cost reaches 3-4 hryvnia. In Minsk you can buy injections for 2-7.5 rubles. The price in Kazakhstan is 40 tenge.


The most common reviews of the drug Calcium Gluconate are reviews for allergies. The drug is prescribed to both adults and very young children. At the same time, most people consider it a worthy alternative to more expensive and advertised medications.

To compensate for calcium deficiency, tablets are usually prescribed, but in some situations the drug is administered intravenously or into a muscle.

Reviews of calcium gluconate injections intramuscularly suggest that the procedure is quite painful. Moreover, unpleasant sensations usually occur not during the injection, but after it.

Reviews about calcium gluconate intramuscularly indicate that intravenous injections are tolerated somewhat easier than injections into the muscle. However, it should be remembered that the injection is “hot”, and after it you should not stand up suddenly.

However, you should not forget that the product is a medical drug, so only a doctor can recommend treatment for it.

“You need to drink the tablets and, along with them, eat at least 2-3 slices of tangerine or orange, in short, citrus fruits. Since calcium is better absorbed when taking vitamin C. I started my course of treatment and already in the second week the result became noticeable, my nails stopped peeling and there was much less breakage, hair stopped falling out and shedding, and a vibrant shine appeared.”

“It’s even better not to swallow calcium gluconate, but to put the tablet under your tongue and slowly dissolve it!!! Then it is absorbed much better and really is a good result for a penny.”

“The child turned out to be allergic to cow’s milk (cow’s protein). Well, we found out later, but at first there were various medications. At the very beginning, the doctor prescribed us calcium gluconate tablets. After all, these tablets are capable of removing toxic substances from the body.”

“You shouldn’t get carried away with ingestion—calcium is deposited in the body.”

Calcium gluconate - what is it?

Before using the medicine, it is useful to familiarize yourself with what calcium gluconate is. As a chemical substance, it is a white crystalline or granular powder, tasteless and odorless with the chemical formula gluconic acid salt. Its pharmacological action is limited to replenishing calcium deficiency. The properties of the medicine also include antiallergic, detoxification and hemostatic effects. The drug is used for anti-inflammatory purposes, to increase permeability and reduce vascular fragility.

Calcium accounts for 9%, which affects the corresponding metabolism in the body. Ions of the substance are needed for the transmission of impulses between nerve cells, contraction of skeletal and smooth muscles and myocardium. They are involved in the process of blood clotting, formation and preservation of bone tissue. The drug replenishes the deficiency of ions, its effect is milder and non-irritating than chloride.

Calcium tablets

The first form of release is calcium gluconate tablets, which are white flat-cylindrical in color and shape. 1 tablet contains 500 mg of active substance, the auxiliary components are starch, talc and calcium stearate. Available in packs of 10 and 20 pieces, they differ in price. Prescribed for use by children, they have no taste and are easy to swallow.

Calcium gluconate in ampoules

Calcium gluconate injection solution is intended for intravenous or intramuscular administration. Externally it is a colorless transparent liquid in ampoules of 5 or 10 ml. It is used to normalize the functioning of the human body and restore the function of calcium metabolism. The drug affects the heart and the transmission of nerve impulses. Recommended for use by adults.

Calcium Gluconate injections

The drug can be administered by intravenous or intramuscular injections. In the first case, the procedure is carried out in a therapy room, while the second option is also suitable for home use. Indications of injections include disruption of the transmission of nerve impulses, myocardial function and contraction of the heart muscles. Injections relieve colds, allergies, and internal bleeding.

Calcium Gluconate intravenously - for what?

For certain pathologies of the thyroid gland, calcium Gluconate is prescribed intravenously. Indications for use are allergies, nephritis, liver intoxication. Injections into a vein are prescribed for vascular permeability, hepatitis, myoplegia and serve as a hemostatic agent. The doctor prescribes intravenous injections for poisoning, psoriasis, itching and eczema.

Relieves gluconate from skin diseases, boils, chronic colds and diabetes. Rheumatism and recovery after operations or long-term illnesses require the injection of 10 ml of the drug into a vein, after which the blood is drawn and a subcutaneous injection or injection is given into the gluteal muscle. For children, only intravenous administration is indicated, because intramuscular administration can cause the formation of tissue necrosis.

Calcium gluconate injections intramuscularly

If taking tablets is not available, then calcium gluconate is prescribed intramuscularly. For the procedure, the gluteal muscle is used as the softest, where the least pain is felt after the injection. The advantages of intramuscular injection include painlessness, absence of bumps and bruises, rapid action and penetration into the blood. Contraindications are kidney failure, failure of the heart and lungs, excess calcium in the body.

Calcium gluconate - indications for use

Common factors for which Calcium Gluconate can be used include the following diseases and dysfunctions:

  • hypocalcemia;
  • increased permeability of cell membranes;
  • disturbances in the functioning of nerve impulses in muscle tissue;
  • hypoparathyroidism, osteoporosis, tetany;
  • vitamin D metabolism disorders – rickets;
  • increased need for calcium - in pregnant women, during lactation, during postmenopause, for adolescents during the active growth phase;
  • calcium deficiency in the diet;
  • bone fractures, chronic diarrhea, prolonged bed rest or treatment with diuretics, anti-epileptic drugs;
  • teething;
  • colds, runny nose, bronchitis;
  • poisoning with oxalic acid, magnesium salts, fluoric acid salts - due to chemical activity.

As an addition to complex therapy, tablets and injections are used:

  • for allergies and itchy dermatosis, atopic dermatitis;
  • for the treatment of febrile syndrome, urticaria, serum sickness;
  • to stop bleeding, including in gynecology;
  • to relieve dystrophy, bronchial asthma, pulmonary tuberculosis, hepatitis, nephritis;
  • when removing toxins from the liver.

Calcium gluconate for allergies

Doctors have proven that calcium gluconate can help against allergies if the cause of the reaction is a lack of ions of the substance. The drug is prescribed to adults and children, combined with antihistamines. Take the tablets before meals with water. The dose is prescribed individually, the course is from 1 to 2 weeks. In severe cases, intravenous injections are indicated.

Calcium gluconate for colds

Dr. Komarovsky claims that calcium gluconate is necessary for children with colds, since due to a deficiency of calcium ions, the child catches a cold. To increase the body's resistance, it is given pills or intravenous injections. In addition to getting rid of colds, indications for taking the substance by a child include rickets, thyroid diseases, allergies and skin diseases. According to reviews, it is useful to take the medicine during active growth.

Calcium gluconate - instructions for use

Like any medicine, the instructions for using calcium gluconate contain a lot of useful information. According to the annotation, the drug is quickly absorbed by the intestines, penetrating the blood and taking on an ionized and bound state. Ionized calcium remains the most physiologically active; it enters bone tissue. It is excreted from the body in urine and feces.

You should carefully monitor the implementation of the dose prescribed by your doctor so that an overdose does not occur. It leads to hypercalcemia, the antidote for which is calcitonin. According to the instructions, the drug is not compatible with carbonates, salicylates and sulfates. Particular care should be taken in patients with hypercalciuria, reduced glomerular filtration. To prevent nephrourolithiasis, along with taking it, drinking plenty of fluids is recommended.

How to drink calcium gluconate tablets

After prescribing the drug, the question naturally arises of how to take calcium gluconate. Inexpensive tablets are taken before meals or 60-90 minutes after meals, washed down with milk and chewed. Adults are prescribed up to 9 g per day, divided into 3 doses. Up to a year, an infant takes 0.5 g, up to 4 years - 1 g, then every 2 years the dose is increased by 0.5 g. Children take it 2-3 times a day. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, women take no more than 9 g per day. Treatment lasts 10-30 days. The permissible daily dosage for elderly patients is 2 g.

How to inject calcium gluconate

Injections of the drug are called hot injections, but not because they, like chloride, give a feeling of warmth or burning, but because of the injection of a heated solution to body temperature. Over 14 years of age, it is permissible to use 5-10 ml per day, administered at a time. The patient's condition affects the frequency of injections - every day, 2 days or every other day. Until the age of 14, a 10% solution up to 5 ml can be administered.

The drug is administered slowly - up to 3 minutes, sometimes the drip method is used. For intravenous administration, use a clean syringe, free of residual ethyl alcohol. Children are allowed to administer the drug only into a vein, because intramuscular use will lead to tissue necrosis, which, according to reviews, will take a long time to heal and leave unpleasant sensations on the body.

Calcium gluconate - side effects

Doctors note the following side effects of the drug:

  • irritation of the gastrointestinal tract, constipation when used internally;
  • when administered intramuscularly or intravenously, diarrhea, vomiting, and nausea are possible;
  • bradycardia, burning mouth, fever;
  • rapid injections cause low blood pressure, arrhythmia, cardiac arrest or fainting;
  • intramuscular injection can cause tissue necrosis;
  • An overdose is dangerous due to an excess of ions.

Contraindications for calcium gluconate

There are the following contraindications to Calcium Gluconate, which make it impossible to use the product:

  • hypercalcemia, hypercalciuria, hypersensitivity;
  • nephrourolithiasis, sarcoidosis;
  • to avoid the risk of arrhythmia, the drug should not be combined with cardiac glycosides;
  • According to reviews, it can be used with caution in cases of dehydration, diarrhea, atherosclerosis, and electrolyte metabolism disorders;
  • Do not combine the product with alcohol.

Price of Calcium Gluconate

It will be useful for all patients to know how much calcium gluconate tablets cost. Its price depends on the place of purchase and form of release. You can buy it inexpensively at an online pharmacy, where its cost will be less than if you order a similar drug through the catalog of a regular pharmaceutical department. The average price will be as follows:

Video: Calcium gluconate - application


Milana, 28 years old

A month ago, after suffering from a cold, I felt very bad; I developed a cough and viscous sputum. Conventional medications did not help, so the doctor advised a course of intramuscular injections of inexpensive calcium Gluconate. After 2 injections I felt better, and after finishing the course I got rid of the unpleasant symptoms completely.

Evgeniya, 22 years old

3 months ago I found out that I was going to become a mother, and since then I have been very careful about my health and the needs of my body. The doctor said that for normal growth of the fetus, calcium gluconate is needed, which saturates the tissues with ions. I drink it every day - chew it, wash it down with milk. I like that the tablets are affordable and do not cause rejection.

Leo, 41 years old

My child began to grow actively, but along with growth came increased fatigue, loss of appetite and sleep. The doctor said that this was due to a lack of calcium ions, so he prescribed calcium Gluconate tablets at a reasonable price. So far I don’t see any changes, but I hope that after the full course my son will not experience any unpleasant symptoms.

Now we will talk about such a pharmaceutical as calcium gluconate (injections). We will consider its use, indications for its use, and contraindications in more detail.

So, this is a drug used parenterally, that is, injected as a solution into the muscle, and also used intravenously, it is available in ampoules of 10 milliliters.

The solution should be stored in accordance with the conditions that are presented in detail on the packaging of the pharmaceutical product; in addition, using the medication after its expiration date is contraindicated. The use of the medication allows you to replenish calcium deficiency in the body; this mineral compound is necessary for the full transmission of nerve impulses.

In addition, the calcium present in this pharmaceutical preparation is involved in the contraction of skeletal muscles, as well as smooth muscles; it takes an active part in the activity of the heart muscle, the so-called myocardium, as well as in the biochemical process of blood coagulation.

Calcium also takes part in the formation of the structure of bone tissue, otherwise, with a deficiency of this important component, bones become more brittle, which can cause more frequent fractures.

The drug Calcium Gluconate has the following pharmacological effects: anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, and hemostatic (hemostatic), in addition, a moderate diuretic effect.

Calcium gluconate - application

Calcium gluconate is used parenterally, that is, injections are made intramuscularly, in particular into the gluteal muscle, and also intravenously. Typically, a single dosage of a pharmaceutical product corresponds to 2.25-4.5 mmol of calcium.

It is recommended to administer the solution intravenously as a stream slowly, with the injection carried out over two or three minutes both into a vein and intramuscularly, or the procedure is carried out by drip. It is recommended for adults to prescribe 10 milliliters of the pharmaceutical product every day, or the injection is carried out after one or two days.

For children, the dosage of this pharmaceutical drug Calcium Gluconate is from 1 to 5 milliliters and the drug is also administered quite slowly every two or three days after preliminary consultation with the doctor.

The injection must be carried out carefully, since extravasation (puncture) of the vein can cause so-called necrosis (death) of soft tissues; in such a situation, the patient must be provided with appropriate and urgent medical care.

If the patient is diagnosed with insignificant hypercalciuria in the laboratory, and nephrourolithiasis or a decrease in so-called glomerular filtration is diagnosed, then the use of the medication is recommended under constant monitoring of the amount of calcium in the urine. This will control the proper absorption of calcium in the human body.

It is worth noting that in order to reduce the risk of the patient developing so-called nephrourolithiasis (urolithiasis), the patient is recommended to drink plenty of fluids to prevent the deposition of stones in the urinary tract and kidneys.

Calcium gluconate, when used simultaneously, may reduce the effectiveness of drugs from the group of calcium channel blockers. Cholestyramine reduces calcium absorption. When used together with quinidine, a slight slowdown in intraventricular conduction is observed.

When treating a patient with drugs from the group of cardiac glycosides, the use of calcium gluconate injections is not recommended, as the cardiotoxic effect may increase.

What are the indications for use of calcium gluconate?

I will list when calcium gluconate injections are indicated for use:

Lack of calcium in the body;
For eclampsia in pregnant women;
In the presence of hypoparathyroidism;
Injections of the drug are used for detected parenchymal hepatitis;
For some skin diseases;
In case of toxic damage to the liver tissue;
An effective medicine for nephritis;
Prescribe medication for paroxysmal myoplegia, which occurs in a hyperkalemic form;
The drug is effective as an antidote for poisoning with oxalic acid, as well as magnesium salts;
If the patient has exudative-inflammatory processes.

As an additional pharmaceutical agent, calcium gluconate is prescribed for some allergic diseases. In addition, as a hemostatic medication, if the patient has bleeding: pulmonary, as well as nasal, gastrointestinal, uterine.

What are the contraindications for use of calcium gluconate?

There are some contraindications to the use of the pharmaceutical drug Calcium Gluconate; instructions for use give them:

Injections of this medication are not prescribed for laboratory-confirmed hypercalcemia;
The use of pharmaceuticals is contraindicated in severe hypercalciuria;
Do not use the medicine for severe renal failure;
In case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

In addition, this pharmaceutical drug is not prescribed to persons with a tendency to form thrombosis.


It is recommended to use Calcium Gluconate in accordance with the above indications for the use of the drug, as well as strictly as directed and under the supervision of a treating specialist. It is also important to control the absorption of calcium and the exchange of calcium and phosphorus in the human body.

Be healthy!


Calcium gluconate for allergies: how to use the drug

A sufficient level of calcium in the blood serum and body tissues guarantees low permeability of the walls of small-caliber blood vessels - this prevents the penetration of potential allergens into the circulatory system.

Even after the substance that provokes the reaction enters, it cannot be absorbed into the blood and come into contact with its cells responsible for the development of acute allergies. In this case, calcium gluconate, which contains not only calcium, but also a compound that has a direct effect on the condition of connective tissue (gluconate), helps accelerate the patient’s recovery process.

In the vast majority of cases, for the treatment of allergic reactions, the doctor prescribes calcium gluconate with antihistamines (the choice of the specific drug is up to the doctor).

This drug is recommended for use as part of complex therapy for various allergic reactions - these include even those that develop in response to the ingestion of chemical compounds used as medications.

Studies have proven that calcium gluconate remains the optimal means of treating and preventing allergies, but has little activity in preventing or eliminating the symptoms of osteoporosis that develops against the background of age-related and hormonal changes.

There are several dosage regimens for the drug. In the vast majority of cases, this drug must be taken orally in the form of tablets or intramuscularly in the form of injections:

  • adult patients - 3-6 tablets (single dose ranges from 1 to 3 grams) two or three times a day;
  • children aged three to four years receive 1 gram of the drug per dose (2 grams per day);
  • children aged five to six years – 1.5 grams per dose (3 grams per day);
  • children aged seven to nine years - 2 grams per dose (6 grams per day);
  • children aged ten to fourteen years – 3 g per dose (9 grams per day);
  • elderly patients (over 60 years old) – no more than 2 grams per day.

There are situations in which a doctor may recommend administering the drug by injection (“hot” injections), but such manipulations are not always well tolerated by patients due to the appearance of a feeling of heat and hot flashes.

It should also be remembered that if the technique of administering the drug is violated and even a small amount of the active substance gets into the subcutaneous tissue, inflammation of the veins and tissues located around the vessel may develop.

If infection gets into the injection site, abscesses may develop, requiring persistent and lengthy surgical treatment.

Regardless of the method of treatment, the course of taking the drug should be at least 7 and no more than 16 days.

The most common side effects that occur during treatment with calcium gluconate are signs of overdose and poisoning (stomach pain, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea), as well as heart rhythm disturbances.

Treatment with calcium gluconate: myths and reality

Today you can increasingly hear that the use of calcium gluconate to treat allergies does not give the desired result, and it is time to abandon this drug in favor of new and modern medications.

Manufacturers of pharmaceutical drugs, of course, can be understood - calcium gluconate has a minimal cost, while modern antihistamines are quite expensive. Other corporations recommend abandoning the drug and giving preference to coral and other “organic calcium preparations,” the price of which is many times higher than the cost of gluconate.

Many supporters of organic drugs say that organic calcium is excellently absorbed from the intestinal lumen, which cannot be said about calcium gluconate. This statement has practically no justification, because the absorption of calcium and gluconate is influenced not by the auxiliary components in the composition of the drug, but by the state of the body itself, namely:

  • the level of parahormones produced by the cells of the parathyroid glands;
  • the level of calcitonin secreted by the thyroid gland;
  • vitamin D concentration.

For normal absorption of calcium through the wall of the digestive tract (the wall of the small intestine), vitamin D, certain amino acids (L-arginine and lysine), and calcium-binding protein are required.

These compounds ensure normal absorption of calcium by the body, because its passive absorption, which does not directly depend on these substances, occurs only in the duodenum. When metabolism changes, only a minimal amount of calcium gluconate enters the body; an insufficient amount will also be detected when a person receives insoluble calcium salts with food and water, which have nothing to do with the drug in question.

Calcium gluconate is absorbed by both children and adults, which is why doctors recommend taking this drug if treatment is not contraindicated.

Causes of allergies

Doctors have long proven that allergies most often first appear in childhood. This is due to rapid growth of teeth and bone mass and insufficient calcium in the body. With age, this important element is washed out of the body.

Plus, harmful substances are constantly coming in from the external environment. A lack of calcium leads to increased permeability of the walls of blood vessels, as a result of which toxins and allergens enter the body more intensively. This may be the reason for the use of calcium gluconate in the treatment of allergies.

Calcium gluconate - instructions for use for allergies

When allergies occur, doctors often prescribe calcium gluconate as part of the treatment regimen.

This is a complex drug that does not have a narrow focus - it is prescribed for a wide variety of forms of allergies.

In severe forms of allergies, accompanied by swelling of body parts, calcium gluconate reduces swelling. The advantage of the medicine is that calcium gluconate is well absorbed by the walls of the stomach and blood vessels. Thus, the drug quickly enters the bloodstream and produces a therapeutic effect.

It comes in two forms:

1. tablets
2. injections

Application and dosage of calcium gluconate

How to take calcium gluconate for allergies?

It is necessary to drink calcium gluconate in tablets before eating. The drug can be dissolved in clean cold water.

  • Dosage for adults: 1-3 g (3-6 tablets) two or three times a day.
  • Children from 2 to 10 years old should be given 1 gram (3 tablets) also two or three times a day. After 10 years, a single dosage is 2 g (4 tablets).
  • People of retirement age are not recommended to take more than 2 grams of the drug per day.

Before using the medicine, you must consult your doctor to determine the exact dosage and time of administration.

A course of treatment, as a rule, is two or three weeks.

Intravenous calcium gluconate is administered very slowly. The dosage is about 500 mg and depends on the age and weight of the patient. It is better to entrust injections to a highly qualified nurse. The injection method of administration is used only in emergency cases.

It is better for children to take this drug in tablets.

Side effects of calcium gluconate

When relieving allergic conditions, calcium gluconate can cause side effects such as:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • pulse disturbance;
  • problems with bowel movements (constipation).

Contraindications to the use of calcium gluconate

1. This drug should not be taken if a person suffers from kidney failure or has any problems with kidney function.

2. Disturbances in the functioning of the parathyroid gland can lead to a refusal to take calcium gluconate. In this case, the drug simply will not be absorbed, and there is no point in taking it.

3. Hypercalcemia is another contraindication, since there is excess calcium in the body.

4. Atherosclerosis - calcium gluconate can worsen this disease.

5. A predisposition to thrombosis is also a contraindication for use.

Compatibility with other medications

In most cases, the doctor prescribes taking calcium gluconate along with other antiallergic medications. In this case, the treatment effect becomes higher and occurs faster.

Calcium gluconate can also be used as a prophylactic for allergies even before the onset of exacerbation of the disease.

Another advantage of this drug is its low price and availability. However, before starting use, it is necessary to consult with a doctor and take into account contraindications for use.

Let's look at the instructions for using calcium gluconate in injections. In the form of tablets for oral administration, the medicine has been familiar to pharmacy customers for many decades.

A solution for intramuscular and intravenous administration of Calcium gluconate is available in ampoules. The volume of the solution can be 5 or 10 ml, 5, 10 or 20 ampoules in a box with instructions for use.

Manufacturers are different.

Each milliliter of the medicine contains 100 mg of calcium gluconate, 10 ml - 1 g, respectively.

Properties of calcium

Calcium is an essential macronutrient necessary for the normal functioning of our body. He takes an active part in the following processes:

  • metabolism;
  • muscle contractions;
  • secretion of hormones;
  • during blood clotting;
  • formation of bone tissue.

Deficiency of this element leads to various disruptions in the functioning of systems and organs, as well as the occurrence of diseases. For example, tetany is attacks of muscle cramps that appear when there is a deficiency and disturbance of calcium metabolism in the body.

Calcium gluconate replenishes the body with the necessary amount of macronutrients, has anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory and homeostatic effects. With intravenous administration of the solution, the secretion of norepinephrine by the adrenal glands increases, and some diuretic effect appears.

Indications for use

  • hypocalcemia;
  • bleeding;
  • increased permeability of blood vessels;
  • decreased vascular permeability (hemorrhagic vasculitis);
  • allergies;
  • nephritis;
  • parenchymal or toxic hepatitis;
  • eclampsia;
  • poisoning with magnesium salts and oxalic acid.


  • individual intolerance to the drug;
  • excess calcium in the body (hypercalcemia);
  • hypercalciuria (excretion of large amounts of calcium in the urine);
  • increased blood clotting;
  • atherosclerosis (vascular disease in which cholesterol is deposited on their walls and plaques form);


For urolithiasis. In this case, it is recommended to increase the drinking regime and undergo laboratory determination of calcium in the urine.


The solution is administered intravenously or intramuscularly, slowly, warmed to body temperature.

Adults: 5-10 ml of calcium gluconate every day, 1 time or every 2-3 days. Intramuscular administration is not recommended for children. If absolutely necessary, the dosage is 1-5 ml every 2-3 days.


The instructions for use do not describe such cases.

Side effect

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • constipation;
  • bradycardia;
  • hypercalciuria;
  • with intramuscular administration - tissue necrosis.

Interaction with other drugs

  1. Along with calcium channel blockers, calcium gluconate reduces their effect.
  2. With verapamil, it reduces its hypotensive effect.
  3. With cardiac glycosides, the cardiotoxic effect is enhanced.
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