Eyebright for the eyes use. The use of eyebright for eye diseases: effective traditional medicine. Eyebright for vision

The origins of traditional medicine go back to our forefathers. People have long been treated with all kinds of herbs and improvised means. The practice of medicine passed from generation to generation, passing on a wealth of knowledge. Some of the popular plants in the treatment of many diseases were calendula, eyebright herb, St. John's wort and.

Eyebright (lat. Euphrasia) is a small plant with small leaves and a short stem. It belongs to the family of norichaceae, and reaches 30 cm. The flowers of this plant do not exceed 10 mm in length and contain a distinctive sign in the form of a yellow spot on the lower petal. They look like little stars, which is why this plant is popularly called star eyebright. Blooms from August to October.

Fruits in the form of an oval-shaped box. You can find it everywhere: in the forest, on the hillside, among the bushes and even on the side of the road. It grows in Ukraine, Belarus and the European part of Russia. Propagated by seeds.

  • essential oils;
  • fatty acid;
  • magnesium;
  • manganese;
  • vitamins;
  • microelements that restore vision.

Area of ​​application of eyebright

It is used for a variety of ailments, including being added to various dietary supplements. Initially, it was used only in folk medicine, but now pharmacological manufacturers are engaged in this. Star eyebright helps with spasms, inflammation, reduces eye pressure, and improves the functioning of the immune system. Eyebright is used for diffuse memory (sclerosis), to restore the functioning of the intestinal tract, and improve the skin (eczema, diathesis, allergic reaction).

Eyebright herb helps cleanse the body of toxins and waste, and also restores lost appetite.

However, starry eyebright is mainly used for eye diseases. For this property it is called “sight-enlightening or light-giving.” When reading in dim lighting or working at a computer for long periods of time, your eyes become strained and tired. To restore and relax your vision, you need to use baths or make compresses. Currently, our eyes are especially susceptible to various radiations. We constantly look at our phone, TV, computer or tablet. This causes the eyes to weaken and the level of vision to change. Eyebright herb is a real salvation for the eyes. In addition to external use, it can be taken orally. Drink infusion, decoction or juice. In case of eye diseases, eyebright is the first friend and assistant.

She specializes mainly in eye diseases:

  • Inflammation of the eyes from fatigue;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • Dry eyes;
  • Allergy

Important! This herb is not a remedy for complex eye diseases such as glaucoma or increased intraocular pressure. In such cases, you need to consult a doctor.

Ways to use the herb

The grass is harvested during flowering. Dry in the fresh air, but do not allow direct sunlight. When using dryers, you need to maintain a temperature of 40° C. The resulting raw materials are stored in a dark and dry place, tightly closed in jars. Moisture is harmful to dry grass. Shelf life: 1 year.

The extract of this herb is used in various recipes. Eye drops are also made from it. At home, you can prepare a decoction or tincture to boost immunity.

Strengthening decoction recipe :

How to brew eyebright so as not to lose trace elements? You will need 2 teaspoons of dry herb, pour 2 cups of boiling water, and leave to infuse for 2 hours. A longer brewing time will deprive the broth of its beneficial properties. Take 3 times a day, half a glass before meals. Long-term use for the eyes helps restore vision and strengthen the immune system.

Tincture of eyebright :

To prepare the tincture, you need 50–60 grams of dried herb, use 230 ml of 70 percent alcohol. Leave for 10 days in a cool, dark place. Shake once every 2 days.

Eyebright is used for the eyes with great success. With the help of lotions and compresses, it relieves irritation and dryness. Helps in the treatment of conjunctivitis. Strengthens muscles, thereby increasing the level of vision. Eyebright herb increases the overall immunity of the body, which protects vision from viral diseases.

Medicinal herb extract :

As a result of research, scientists have found that eyebright extract is used not only for eye diseases, but also copes with sore throat, flu and even bronchitis. It is actively used for diseases of the stomach and genitourinary system, as well as for cardiovascular diseases. The drug is used both in the form of lotions and as a powder in dry form.

Among other things, the plant is also used for hair growth. You need to wash your hair with this decoction 2 times a week. The oils contained in eyebright help moisturize the scalp and stimulate hair growth.

Terms of use

Before rinsing your eyes, you need to thoroughly wash your hands and disinfect them. Otherwise, instead of treatment, you will introduce even more diseases.

Many people are lax about hand washing. Although this is completely wrong. Hands are carriers of all kinds of infections and bacteria. Throughout the day we touch all kinds of surfaces and come into contact with many people. Thus, it is the hands that carry the main amount of information and types of microbes. This is an ideal environment for their reproduction.

Hand washing rules:

  1. Hold your hands under water for 15 seconds so that the skin soaks and absorbs the required amount of soap.
  2. Wash your hands with any soap, preferably antimicrobial.
  3. Wash your hands for 30 seconds, otherwise germs will not be destroyed.
  4. Wipe your hands dry with a clean towel.

After you have disinfected your hands, brew the decoction. After cooking, it must be strained and cooled.

Note! Yesterday's broth will not work, as it will be stale. It is necessary to rinse the eyes from the outer edge.

Compresses from eyebright decoction should be carried out in this way:

Dip a clean cotton pad into a fresh, cool infusion of the herb. Apply wet pads to closed eyelids and leave for 10 minutes. Lie still and rest. This option will help relieve eye fatigue and relieve the heaviness of the eyelids.

Eyebright contains not only medicinal properties, but also contraindications. This herb is not recommended for women expecting a child and people diagnosed with anacid gastritis. In addition, it must be taken into account that this the plant increases internal pressure and constricts blood vessels!

Since eyebright herb is a wonderful helper for the eyes, it is used as an additive in various drops or vitamins. One of the wonderful remedies for the treatment and prevention of glaucoma, corneal ulcers, retinal detachment and other diseases is “flavigran eyebright”. The drug consists of eyebright herbs, sea buckthorn, blueberries and buckwheat. Recommended by ophthalmologists to enhance therapy for eye diseases.

To summarize, I would like to say that the plant is incredibly beneficial for the human body as a whole. Rich in various substances. This wonderful herb is simply a storehouse of useful microelements that humans need. Eyebright is one of the most faithful friends and helpers for the eyes.

Eyebright grass (video)

Vigilantly noticing the characteristics of the herbs growing nearby, the people gave this plant the name eyebright. It is also called eye socket, ophthalmic or eye grass, and even raspberry. This is because it used to effectively treat eye ailments.

Today, when the load on the human visual system has increased several times, information about how it is used eyebright(lat. Euphrasia officinalis), has become relevant again.

Eyebright can be found almost everywhere: in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova - in meadows, wastelands, along roadsides. But she especially prefers pastures and fields with cereal crops.

Being an annual plant, it is forced to actively reproduce by sowing a large number of seeds from the fruit-box, and the fight against it sometimes remains unsuccessful. At the same time, eyebright looks very attractive on individual plantations.

The eyebright itself grows small - up to 15 cm in height. The leaves of the grass are also small, ovoid, without edges, with clearly defined teeth. The stem is erect, weakly branched and bare at the lower nodes.

Small flowers, collected in dense inflorescences, have a beautiful color - a yellow spot stands out brightly against a white background, and purple stripes are scattered around it. The shape of the flowers is also noteworthy - it is zygomorphic, that is, symmetrical about only one axis. The upper “lip” of the flower is curved upward, and the lower one is divided into 3 lobes and lowered to the ground.

Medicinal properties of eyebright

The upper part of the herb – flowers and leaves – is used for medicinal purposes. Their phytochemistry has been poorly studied by official science, but some studies have shown that they contain:

  1. tannins (compounds with astringent and bactericidal properties);
  2. iridoids – aucubin, catalpol (metabolite compounds with a wide range of biological activity);
  3. flavonoids – quercetin, apigenin (have a variety of pharmacological effects on the human body);
  4. organic acids – caffeic, ferulic (show carcinogenic, immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory activity);
  5. macro- and microelements - silicon, magnesium, zinc, chromium and others (they are a participant, and often a catalyst, in reductive and synthesizing processes).

Thus, the value of eyebright, depending on the nature of the substances it contains, is determined to be quite high. To preserve it, the plant is harvested in June-September, when it blooms. It is worth tearing it out entirely, since all parts of the eyebright are suitable for medicinal purposes.

Like any other plant material, immediately after collection it must be sorted and spread out in a thin layer somewhere in the open air, but always in the shade. Finished raw materials are afraid of excess air humidity, so they need to be packaged in thick paper and stored in a dry, ventilated place.

The use of eyebright in therapy

Based on the information accumulated by people, eyebright has several types of effects:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antispasmodic;
  • enveloping;
  • hypotensive;
  • sedative.

It has also been noted that eyebright remedies optimize blood circulation, reduce eye pressure, remove puffiness and stimulate the immune system.

Oral (internal) use of various decoctions and infusions of eyebright helps reduce symptoms of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, gastrointestinal dysfunction, memory impairment, and allergic reactions.

It makes sense to use it for rheumatism, gout, and hypertension. The eye herb is also used as part of cardiac preparations, since it contains glycosides of the corresponding group.

There are also results for the treatment of eczema, diathesis, and seborrhea. Hair regularly washed with eyebright infusion grows faster and acquires a beautiful appearance.

And of course, eyebright shows its abilities best for the eyes - it relieves both banal fatigue and relieves various diseases.

Use of eyebright in ophthalmology

Man has not yet invented ideal artificial lighting, and therefore, despite technological breakthroughs, he still spends most of his life in conditions that are far from ideal for the organs of vision. Constant eye strain, aggravated by an unhealthy lifestyle, leads to more and more people putting on glasses and never parting with them.

In order not to aggravate the situation, you should worry about your vision in advance:

  1. adjust the lighting intensity in a timely manner;
  2. control the time spent on screens of various devices;
  3. Allow your eyes to relax by resting and applying healing lotions to them.

So, if redness of the eyes is noticed, dryness is felt or, conversely, tearfulness appears, it is recommended to use the so-called eyebright steam or infusion: steam 50 g of dry herb in a liter of boiling water until it cools to an acceptable temperature, when you can apply lotions with it. eyes.

In addition to preventive measures, eyebright also exhibits healing properties in the case of such serious ailments as glaucoma and cataracts. Treatment in this case should be comprehensive.

Often, experts prescribe several ophthalmic herbal preparations simultaneously for oral administration in the form of powder, tea, infusion and external use - compresses. The effect of eyebright is enhanced by calendula, chamomile, fennel, and they are often present in the list of medical prescriptions for farsightedness, myopia, and barley.

Preparation of tincture from eyebright herb

One of the most popular eyebright remedies is tincture - this is a good preventive measure for maintaining normal vision. It is taken for eye fatigue, a feeling of sand in the eyes, redness of the eyelids, etc. In addition, the drug also has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. It is prepared like this:

  1. Measure out 50g of dry herb.
  2. Pour them into 220 ml of strong alcohol (70%).
  3. Shake thoroughly and seal the container.
  4. Place it in a room where a stable temperature is maintained (up to 20C) and the sun’s rays do not penetrate (ideally in the cellar).
  5. Shake the liquid every two days.
  6. After 10 days, you can begin a course of treatment, depending on the type of pathology, lasting 2–6 months.
  1. inside – 1 tsp. three times a day 40–50 minutes before meals;
  2. outside – dilute the strained liquid with boiled water in a ratio of 1:5 and use for lotions.

The diluted drug is also suitable for the treatment of runny nose, skin wounds, eczema, and diathesis.

What is Eyebright Extract?

Water and alcohol extraction of the herb under special conditions allows you to extract the maximum bioactive nutrients from the raw material, therefore, the value of the extract increases several times. As a result of processing, a complete vitamin and mineral complex is obtained, the action of which is aimed at improving the condition of the visual system.

A positive result is obtained due to the activation of blood supply and metabolism in the retina and optic nerve.

Cells and the lens are protected from free radicals and thus reduce the risk of age-related tissue degeneration, the development of myopia, cataracts, glaucoma and other dysfunctions caused by natural aging.

You need to purchase such a drug in pharmacies, first making sure that it is produced by a reliable company and has the necessary certificates.

Eyebright infusions and teas

For acute respiratory viral infections, as well as to restore gastrointestinal functions, increase appetite and general tone, the easiest way is to use an infusion:

  1. add 10 g of dry crushed eyebright to 200 ml of boiling water and let it brew for 3 hours, then strain and drink 0.5 cups 3 times a day;
  2. pour chopped herbs into cold drinking water (2 tsp per 200 ml) and bring to a white spring and leave for 3 minutes; drink 0.5 glass four times a day.

Therapy with the drug should be long-term, during the process it is necessary to monitor the results and monitor the patient’s well-being.

How are other types of eyebright used?

Not only medicinal eyebright is known among the people; other varieties of it have also found use: eyebright erecta and eyebright vulgaris. In appearance they are similar and differ from the medicinal plant only in height (they grow up to 50 cm) and the presence of spiny leaves. Often, relatives of eyebrights settle in the same clearing, and only an experienced botanist can sort out which grass is which.

However, these herbs are also used to treat the eyes by:

  1. taking orally (half a glass 4 times a day) and washing the eyelids with infusion of eyebright (for 200 ml - 1 tbsp of raw material);
  2. dropping into the corners of the eyes and applying lotions (for 2 teaspoons of eyebright - a quarter glass of water, leave for 2 minutes after boiling);
  3. taking warm baths (for 250 g of water – 3 tsp of eyebright, boil for 10 minutes).

Contraindications for eyebright

We must remember that eyebright has contraindications: it is not recommended for use by hypertensive patients, pregnant and lactating women, allergy sufferers and people with hypoacid gastritis.

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    Description and appearance

    The genus Eyebright belongs to the Broomrapaceae family and includes about 200 species of annual plants growing in meadows, along roadsides and fields, in wastelands, in steppes and light forests, on dry slopes of rivers and ravines. In Russia it grows almost everywhere.

    Most representatives of the genus are medicinal plants, which have been used by humanity for a long time to get rid of various ailments. Eyebright is especially famous. It has a wide range of therapeutic effects, including use in the treatment of eye diseases. This is what people call it - “eye grass”.

    Eyebright is a small (10-15 cm) herbaceous plant with a straight, branching from the middle and slightly pubescent shoot of dark brown shades.

    Leaves: small, oppositely located, sessile, rounded-ovate, toothed.

    Flowers: small, two-lipped, white or purple in color with a rounded yellow spot on the lower lip and blue veins. Flowering lasts all summer and autumn.

    Fruits: small dry hairy capsules filled with brown seeds.

    Procurement of raw materials

    Flowering shoots and leaves are used for medicinal purposes.

    The collected parts of the plant are dried using devices or devices that can heat up and maintain a constant temperature of 40°C. If there are none, the shoots can be dried in the open air, under canopies or in a dry, warm and well-ventilated room.

    The dried parts of the plant are crushed and stored in thick paper packaging or in well-closed jars in a dry place. Collected eyebright shoots retain their healing properties for one year.

    Chemical composition

    The terrestrial parts of eyebright are rich in important organic compounds:

    • glycosides (aucuban), coumarins and anthocyanins;
    • flavonoids, tannins;
    • bitterness, essential and fatty oils;
    • resins and tannins;
    • some aromatic acids;
    • vitamins B, A and C.

    These substances provide high biological activity of the plant. The composition of the “eye grass” includes a large number of micro- and macroelements: iron, chromium, magnesium, silicon, zinc, boron and manganese.

    Lungwort officinalis - description, beneficial properties and contraindications

    Beneficial features

    The chemical composition of the plant determines its healing properties. Eyebright has the following actions:

    • anti-inflammatory;
    • painkillers;
    • antispasmodic;
    • calming;
    • enveloping;
    • antibacterial.

    Being a small plant with an inconspicuous appearance, this plant is a real storehouse of substances useful to humans.

    Eyebright for the eyes

    The main healing specialization of eyebright is the treatment of eye diseases of various origins in adults and children.

    The plant successfully copes:

    • with inflammatory processes of the conjunctiva and optic nerve, reduces redness, lacrimation, relieves swelling and itching;
    • with eye fatigue after prolonged strain;
    • with high light sensitivity of the organ of vision;
    • with age-related changes.

    With long-term use, the herb improves visual acuity.

    Eyebright treats serious diseases such as myopia and farsightedness, cataracts and glaucoma.

    Other healing properties

    Eyebright is widely used for healing the digestive tract and allows:

    • improve intestinal motility and normalize stool;
    • cure catarrh of the stomach and colon;
    • alleviate the condition of gastritis, accompanied by an increased level of acidity, enterocolitis;
    • restore appetite, the absence of which is caused by diseases of the digestive system.

    Teas, decoctions and infusions from this plant are good for the prevention and treatment of influenza, colds, and respiratory diseases:

    • tonsillitis;
    • cough with sputum difficult to clear;
    • inflammation of the vocal cords;
    • bronchitis and asthma.

    Compresses, baths and lotions from eyebright can get rid of diathesis, rashes, eczema and dermatitis.

    Infusions are used in cosmetology. They promote hair growth and improve its structure. This is an excellent effective anti-dandruff remedy.

    Traditional medicine recipes

    Aqueous and alcoholic solutions are prepared from the resulting raw materials for internal and external use.

    Aqueous decoctions of universal use:

    • 10 g of dry eyebright is poured into a glass of freshly boiled water and left for 3 hours. Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day.
    • 2 teaspoons of dry eyebright are placed in a container with 250 ml of cold water, put on fire and brought to a boil. After the solution has cooled, filter and use for external use.

    Infusions for eye treatment:

    • 40 g of dry herb are placed in a liter of boiling water and left to infuse for 3 hours. The resulting solution is filtered and used for instillation, eye washing, compresses and lotions.
    • 50 g of dry herb is poured into 200 ml of 70% alcohol and left for 10 days in a dark place at a temperature of 20 - 25°C. Shake the solution once every 2 days. The alcohol tincture can be stored for 5 years and used to relieve burning, dryness, eye fatigue, treat cataracts and glaucoma, and maintain visual acuity.

    Alcohol tinctures of eyebright have a hypotensive effect. Water drinks increase blood pressure.

    Use in pharmacology

    Modern pharmacology uses the healing properties of the eye herb. It is included in some medications and dietary supplements:

    • In pharmacies you can buy eyebright extract, convenient for preparing infusions.
    • Eyebright HerbNature’s Way capsules containing eyebright extract are considered a popular remedy for improving vision.
    • Eyebright HerbBilberry Ginkgo Complex Plus Lutein dietary supplement based on eyebright and blueberries.

    Contraindications for use: stomach diseases accompanied by low acidity, pregnancy and childhood.

    Eyebright is an effective remedy for treating many diseases. However, it is worth remembering that only with an integrated approach to treatment and on the recommendation of a doctor, this plant can bring maximum benefit.

The medicinal plant eyebright is famous throughout Europe and in some Asian countries as a powerful remedy for a number of diseases. It is highly valued, as it has a pronounced therapeutic effect for diseases of the eyes, stomach, and skin. There are several varieties of this herb, but not all of them are equally beneficial. To harness the healing power of a plant, it is important to know what it looks like, what exactly it does, and how to use it correctly.

Chemical composition

The Austrian scientist R. Wettstein was the first to identify the type of eyebright in 1896. But this plant is still an object of interest to scientists. Practice shows that it has a powerful therapeutic potential, which to this day has not been fully studied. But even the information that science has already managed to obtain is enough to know the characteristics of the chemical composition of plant materials and its effect on the human body. Through analysis and research, scientists were able to find out that the grass contains the following components:

  • glycosides;
  • essential oils;
  • flavonoids;
  • lignan;
  • aucubin;
  • catallol;
  • tannins;
  • bitterness;
  • anthocyanins;
  • coumarins;
  • zinc;
  • manganese;
  • copper;
  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • silicon;
  • chromium;
  • organic acids.

This list of substances in combination has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, cleanses blood vessels and strengthens them. Due to the synergy effect, the total effect of all components is higher than each one individually. Therefore, it is precisely this set of components and their high concentration that provides a pronounced therapeutic effect. This allows the herb to be used in complex therapy of chronic and acute diseases.

What it looks like and where it grows

Eyebright is a representative of the genus Eyebright, family Broomrapaceae. This species has pronounced medicinal properties and is widely used for the treatment of various diseases. This herbaceous plant has an annual development cycle and reproduces by seeds. Botanical characteristics:

  • maximum plant height – up to 20 cm;
  • leafy stems;
  • leaves are rich green in color with a jagged edge, small;
  • inflorescences are asymmetrical, axillary, milky-white with a yellow core.

After flowering, small seed-bearing fruits are formed. Flowering dates do not always coincide in different regions. In Russia, the plant is widespread in all regions, but in the southern part the flowering phase is activated at the end of June, and in the northern part you can admire the opened inflorescences and begin collecting raw materials only in August. You need to look for eyebright in fields, on the edges of forests; it grows and other plant species survive along paths in plantings and groves.

You can grow eyebright at home, but to do this you need to collect the seeds in time, when they are well ripe. In the middle zone this happens around the first half of September. The seeds should be left in the freezer for the winter, where they will undergo stratification and get rid of possible diseases that infect many wild plants.

Collection and storage

The collection of plant materials must be carried out strictly according to the rules. Failure to take precautions or delays in harvesting will result in the grass being useless or even dangerous. Here are the basic rules regarding collection:

  1. It is strictly prohibited to cut plants along highways and industrial facilities, as they accumulate harmful and carcinogenic toxins.
  2. Collection must be carried out in the morning in sunny weather, as soon as the dew has dried on the grass.
  3. To harvest grass, you need to use only clean containers and work with gloves, since you cannot wash the raw materials before drying.

Eyebright begins to bloom in the second half of summer. The optimal time for collecting raw materials is August. You can also cut the grass in September, but you need to choose the weather conditions that are as pleasant as possible. It is important that there is no rain for 5-6 days before harvesting. Here are step-by-step instructions for preparation:

  1. Cut off the above-ground part of the plant, without roots.
  2. Place in small bundles and tie with natural wool or cotton thread.
  3. Tie the inflorescences down in the attic or under a canopy so that the raw materials dry out.
  4. Make sure that the grass is not exposed to direct sunlight and there is no high humidity.

Chop the completely dried grass with scissors and place it in a dry container for storage. To preserve the healing properties and aroma of the plant, it is necessary to seal the container hermetically. Glass and tin jars are well suited for these purposes. It is not advisable to use plastic and fabric bags for storage. In synthetic containers, plant materials can absorb toxic substances, and in fabric they will evaporate essential oils and become less effective for treatment.

You can also wait until flowering ends and collect the seeds. Oil is prepared from them, which is used in cosmetology and the treatment of skin diseases. The seeds can be steamed with boiling water and drunk for gastritis, colitis, stomach ulcers and flatulence. They accumulate fats and fatty acids, which stimulate tissue regeneration and heal wounds. Also, these components help strengthen and restore the nervous system after stress and great emotional or mental stress.

Maximum storage time is 2 years. In order to preserve all the valuable properties of the grass over such a long period, it is important to organize suitable conditions:

  1. There should be nothing in the room that gives off a strong odor.
  2. Medicinal raw materials should be stored in a warm place where there are no frequent temperature changes.
  3. It is important to protect the grass from direct sunlight.

Properly collected and harvested herb has a pronounced healing effect. To get the maximum benefit from its use, it is important to know in what situations it helps overcome health problems. Listed below are the beneficial properties of this plant that science has been able to identify to date.

  1. The anti-inflammatory effect is pronounced both externally and internally. Thanks to the presence of flavonoids and coumarins, herbal remedies soothe and relieve inflammation in infectious diseases and allergic reactions.
  2. The antibacterial effect is expressed only when applied topically. The herb is effective in combating skin infections caused by pathogenic microflora. Also, when taken orally, the infusion of the herb destroys Helicobacter (a bacterium that causes gastritis) and some types of intestinal infections.
  3. The hypotonic effect is used to lower blood pressure in hypertension.
  4. The diuretic effect is used to quickly remove excess fluid from the body, as well as to cleanse the kidneys.
  5. The choleretic properties of the herb are due to the presence of bitterness in its composition. This feature is used for congestion in the liver and gall bladder.
  6. The antitussive effect of eyebright is used for ARVI, bronchitis, and pneumonia. Infusion and tea from the herb thins mucus and speeds up its elimination.
  7. The hepatoprotective effect of eyebright is known even to traditional medicine, so the herb is recommended for use in preparations for chronic liver diseases. It stimulates the regeneration of hepatocytes (liver cells), normalizes metabolism, and prevents the development of cirrhosis in viral hepatitis.
  8. A mild laxative effect will help to quickly cleanse the intestines, normalize the digestion process and remove accumulated toxins from the body.
  9. Eyebright normalizes the secretion of enzymes necessary for complete digestion and absorption of food, so it is used immediately before meals.
  10. Eyebright helps cope with nicotine addiction and is used to further cleanse the lungs of tars and heavy metals that accumulate in the body over many years of bad habit.
  11. The soothing effect of eyebright is also used for sore and tired eyes. The complex of biologically active components helps with the presence of boils and inflammation of the mucous membrane. In addition, eyebright, when used internally, normalizes the functioning of the optic nerve and muscles, strengthens the eyeball and lens, due to which vision can be restored.

As you can see, eyebright is a powerful natural remedy that can support the body, stimulate its recovery, and also provide protection against various diseases.

Eyebright is recognized as one of the most effective plants for diseases of the eyes, respiratory system and digestive tract. It can be used alone or supplemented with other varieties of medicinal plants to enhance the effect. For different diseases, the treatment regimen, recipes, as well as the combination of herbs with other ingredients differ.

For eye diseases

Eyebright is also popularly called “eye grass”, as it helps to cope with diseases that affect this part of the body. Important rules of use:

  • make sure there is no allergic reaction;
  • Before use, treat your hands with an antiseptic;
  • For compresses, use only a sterile bandage.

The infusion for compresses is prepared in a clean container from 200 ml of water and 1 tablespoon of herbs. In case of inflammation of the mucous membrane, redness and fatigue, cold compresses should be applied. If your eyes are affected by a bacterial infection, you can use a warm infusion. The compress is applied for 10 minutes, 3 times a day. The duration of treatment is from 2 to 8 weeks.

To enhance the effect of topical use, it is recommended to use eyebright tea internally, ½ cup 3 times a day. You can prepare drops for wetting and washing the eyes according to this recipe:

  • 1 teaspoon chamomile;
  • a pinch of fennel seeds;
  • 1 tablespoon eyebright;
  • 200 ml boiling water.

Pour in the herb mixture and leave with the lid closed until it cools completely. Use the liquid to wash the eyes with a syringe. You can simply wipe your eyelids with a cotton pad soaked in the infusion 4-5 times a day.

For gastritis and colitis

Stomach diseases can be treated with alcohol or vodka tincture of the herb. The dosage differs depending on the type of product:

  • for alcohol – 20 drops 3 times a day for 3 weeks;
  • on vodka – 30 ml 3 times a day for 1 month.

The medication is taken strictly 10–15 minutes before meals. It is necessary to combine treatment with dietary nutrition - avoid sour, fried, spicy and fatty foods.

For hepatitis

Eyebright is effective against viral and toxic hepatitis, but only at those stages when liver function is completely preserved. Relevant for minor liver dysfunction. If acute hepatitis develops, it is necessary to stop taking it for a while, as there is a risk of worsening the condition. Once remission is achieved, treatment can be resumed. For the treatment of hepatitis, a 6-month regimen is used:

  1. Take ½ teaspoon of eyebright powder three times daily for 2 months.
  2. 1 month break.
  3. Take 50 ml of infusion twice for 2 months.
  4. A single dose of water infusion in a volume of 50 ml for the remaining 30 days.

2 months after completion of the first stage, it is necessary to undergo diagnostics to determine how the drug works, undergo an ultrasound of the abdominal organs, and also perform a biochemical blood test.

Hepatitis is a chronic disease with a sluggish inflammatory process, so you should not rely only on grass. It must be used in combination with the main therapy as an adjuvant.

For diseases of the bronchi and lungs

For chronic bronchitis, pneumonia and persistent cough, a decoction is used for inhalation and oral administration. To prepare a decoction, you need to take 2 tablespoons of the herb and pour 500 ml of cold water. Boil under a closed lid over low heat; when it boils, wait 3 minutes and turn off. Breathe the steam of the infusion 3 times a day, but do not go out into cold air for 2 hours after the procedure. Therefore, to cure a cough, you need to plan your time correctly.

You need to take the same decoction internally, but drink it in small portions - 40 ml, every 3-4 hours. During the treatment period, it is advisable to avoid contact with cold air and be sure to drink plenty of fluids to thin the mucus.

Bronchial asthma is a dangerous condition in which any herbal remedy can cause a severe allergic reaction, including swelling of the larynx, which can lead to respiratory arrest. It is also dangerous to use the herb for bronchospasm. Eyebright is effective for such conditions, but before use you need to do an allergy test and consult your doctor.

For skin diseases

Skin infectious or allergic dermatitis, furunculosis and inflammation are most effectively treated topically. To do this, you can use a decoction of eyebright. There are three types of procedures using this medicinal raw material that are effective in treating skin diseases:

  • wiping;
  • compresses;
  • baths.

In the presence of a pronounced, acute inflammatory process or boils, prolonged contact with moisture is contraindicated, so it is better to use an alcohol tincture or wipe with a water decoction. If there are long-term non-healing ulcers, irritation and mild inflammation, you can take baths with an infusion of herbs - 100 grams per 3 liters of water.

For nicotine addiction

Due to its ability to affect the human nervous system, the herb can be used by those who want to quit smoking. But it is important to understand that this is not a panacea. Eyebright only helps to normalize the condition during the period of withdrawal and cope with the obsessive desire to return to the addiction.

To treat smoking addiction, a strong infusion of eyebright is used in its pure form; it cannot be diluted with water. An infusion is prepared from 250 ml of boiling water and 3 tablespoons of herbs. You need to drink it 1 tablespoon before meals for 3 weeks. During this time, the body will cleanse itself and the desire to smoke will pass.

To achieve maximum effect, you can use a mixture of two herbs:

  • thyme (inflorescences);
  • eyebright.

You need to mix plant materials in equal proportions, brew in the same concentration - 3 tablespoons per 250 ml. Infuse and strain, store in the refrigerator. Drink for 3-4 weeks. It is also important to avoid temptations and not have contact with people who smoke during treatment. If during the day there is a strong desire to smoke a cigarette, you should chew a pinch of dry herb powder.

Application in cosmetology

The abilities of eyebright have been known to women since ancient times. In the old days, there was not a large amount of caring cosmetics for the beauty of skin and hair, so the ancestors had to use exclusively the power of nature. Eyebright can still help you look attractive today if you use it to take care of your appearance. This herb can solve the following problems:

  • pimples, acne;
  • peeling and inflammation of the skin;
  • enlarged and clogged pores;
  • loss of skin elasticity;
  • dandruff;
  • baldness;
  • weakening of the hair follicle;
  • slow hair growth;
  • rosacea

To harness the power of this herb, there are several classic recipes and uses that you can use.

  1. For acne, it is useful to use a decoction of eyebright to wipe the face every 4-5 hours. During treatment you need to give up decorative cosmetics.
  2. Peeling of the skin and a tendency to inflammation are best treated with eyebright oil ointment. You need to infuse 3 tablespoons of the raw material in olive oil for 21 days, then decant and apply 2 times a day.
  3. If the pores are clogged, you should steam your face with an infusion of the herb, and then wipe it with a cotton pad soaked in an alcohol tincture. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a week.
  4. There are two ways to restore healthy skin turgor. Wipe your face 2 times a day with ice cubes made from a strong infusion of herbs. Instead of ice, you can simply use chilled liquid, applying it to the skin with a cotton pad.
  5. For dandruff, use an infusion to rinse your hair. You need to prepare it immediately before use - take 2 tablespoons of raw material for 1 liter of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Use every evening for 2 weeks.
  6. You can stop hair loss using a mask of 1 tablespoon of honey, the same volume of castor oil and 30 drops of alcohol tincture. Leave the mask on for 1 hour, repeat every 3 days. The same recipe is effective in weakening the hair follicle, for treating dull and damaged hair.
  7. To stimulate hair growth and make it healthier, you need to use the following mask: 1 teaspoon of turmeric, egg yolk, 30 drops of infusion, 1 teaspoon of olive oil. Rub into hair roots and leave for 20 minutes, repeat every other day.
  8. For rosacea, using cold compresses from the infusion is effective. You need to apply a bandage soaked in water broth for 10-15 minutes every evening for 30 days.

All these recipes are equally good, but only if the person is not allergic to the plant or other components of the medicine. Otherwise, they will only harm your health, appearance and create additional problems that are not always easy to eliminate.

You can prepare medicines from eyebright at home. To do this you need to know basic recipes and proportions. Otherwise, the medicines will be too strong or will not have the required concentration of active substances. You should not experiment with your health; it is better to choose classic recipes for the preparation of medicinal compositions, time-tested and proven to be safe and effective.


An aqueous infusion is a liquid dosage form that contains up to 40–50% of active ingredients from plant materials. In this form, it can be taken by absolutely everyone, even those who have been diagnosed with liver disease (if such problems are present, the use of alcohol and vodka tinctures is strictly contraindicated).

The recipe is simple and quick - brew 1 teaspoon (heaped) of vegetable raw materials with a cup of boiling water, cover the vessel with a lid. The preparation time for this product is 30 minutes. After this, take a fine sieve or gauze, strain the liquid so that there are no residual raw materials in it, and divide the resulting medicine into 3 portions. This infusion should be prepared daily and stored throughout the day in the refrigerator. Bring liquid to room temperature before use. The infusion helps with the following pathologies:

  • fatty liver disease (course of 21 days together with diet);
  • psoriasis (3 courses for one and a half weeks with a break of 2-3 days);
  • allergic skin reactions - externally for wiping and compresses 2-3 times a day;
  • gastritis (for 7–10 days before each meal, 50 ml);
  • inflammation of the eyes (compresses 2 times a day).

The infusion can be prepared in a thermos. The proportions must be observed - take 1 teaspoon of herb for a 200 ml cup. That is, if the thermos is 0.5 liters, then you need to pour 2.5 teaspoons of raw materials into it.


Alcohol tincture is a type of medicine in which it is possible to extract a maximum of valuable substances from raw materials, up to 80%. Alcohol is an organic solvent that breaks down the components of the herb at the molecular level, therefore, for the treatment of severe diseases that require an increased dosage of active substances, it is best to use an alcohol tincture.

Here's what you need to prepare this type of medicine:

  • 200 ml medical alcohol;
  • 2 tablespoons of medicinal dry raw materials;
  • dark glass bottle with a sealed cap.

You need to pour the grass into a container, add alcohol and leave in a dark place for 2 weeks, shaking every 3 days. After this, there is nothing useful left in the plant material, so the tincture must be strained into a clean container and closed. Drink 20 drops before each meal, but the course should not last longer than 30 days. This tincture can be stored for no longer than 2 years, but if sediment appears during use, you need to settle the liquid and carefully strain through several layers of gauze or a cotton filter.


The decoction can be prepared immediately for 3 days if there is a need for regular use. But you need to know how to prepare it correctly so as not to spoil the raw materials. The fact is that the herb contains substances that quickly disappear with the evaporation of the liquid. Therefore, you need to prepare the decoction strictly under a closed lid and insist in the same way. The decoction is stored in the refrigerator in a closed bottle. Do not use it if there is an unpleasant odor. The maximum shelf life is 4–5 days.


You can also prepare aromatic tea from the herb, which has a delicate taste and aroma. This is the safest type of medicine, since the concentration of active substances is quite low. The duration of tea treatment is from 10 days to 2 months. This dosage form is effective for the following diseases:

  • Chronical bronchitis;
  • angina;
  • ARVI;
  • pneumonia;
  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD);
  • hypertension;
  • swelling;
  • cholecystitis.

Tea is prepared from ½ spoon of raw material, which must be poured with boiling water and infused for 3-5 minutes. You can boil vegetable raw materials. Tea for colds, viral and bacterial infections can be taken with honey, lemon and grated ginger root to enhance the effect. Rules for using tea:

  • quantity – 150 ml per dose;
  • time – 15 minutes before meals;
  • Frequency of use: 3–5 times a day.

It is important to combine tea with drinking plenty of fluids, as it has a pronounced diuretic effect. Loss of fluid during illness is dangerous for the body, as homeostasis and water-salt balance are disrupted, and toxins accumulate in the body.

Pharmaceutical preparations based on eyebright

The pharmaceutical industry has been using eyebright plant extracts as the main component for drugs for decades.

  1. Blueberry-F is a means for restoring vision, which combines extracts of two medicinal plants. Blueberries complement the properties of eyebright.
  2. Eyebright in capsules is a drug that is designed for long-term treatment of eye diseases and helps restore vision in case of myopia.
  3. Faurin - eye drops used for conjunctivitis and infectious eye diseases.
  4. Star eyebright - capsules in which the herb extract is supplemented with vitamins that restore vision.

Any eye medications can only be used as prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication is dangerous and fraught with negative consequences for the entire body. Before using pharmaceutical products, you need to study the instructions in detail and pay attention to the list of contraindications - they are different for each drug, since auxiliary components are used.

Contraindications for use

If you use herbal remedies or pharmaceutical preparations based on eyebright incorrectly, you can harm your health. Therefore, it is important to know in what cases the use of this herb is contraindicated.

  1. Pregnancy is a period when it is better to refrain from taking internal medications and herbal remedies. The plant can be used externally, but only with the permission of a doctor.
  2. Breastfeeding is one of the stages when it is better to completely eliminate the use of plant materials and eyebright preparations. The fact is that the active components that make up the herb are able to penetrate into mother’s milk, and with it into the child’s body. This is dangerous due to severe allergic reactions and other negative consequences.
  3. If gastritis with low acidity is detected, this is also a reason to refuse to take herbal remedies internally. It further inhibits the secretion of gastric juice, which can cause disruptions in food digestion and pain.
  4. Hypotension is another categorical contraindication. The use of medications or home remedies that contain eyebright can dramatically reduce blood pressure, which can even cause cardiac dysfunction and fainting.
  5. An exacerbation of cholelithiasis, accompanied by blockage of the bile ducts, is also a reason to stop taking the herb. The fact is that the components of the plant stimulate the secretion of bile, and if the ducts are blocked, it cannot exit normally, which is dangerous due to rupture of the bladder and peritonitis.
  6. An allergic reaction or hypersensitivity to plant raw materials is also a reason to refuse to use it. To identify the presence of an allergy, it is enough to test herbal-based products on an area of ​​sensitive skin on the wrist - apply and wait 30-40 minutes. If the skin becomes red or itchy, such medications should not be used.

The use of eyebright in pediatric practice is also prohibited for patients under three years of age. For older children, eyebright-based remedies can be used externally, but only after consultation with a pediatrician and a specialist in herbal medicine.

Eyebright is a medicinal plant for many diseases. If you use it correctly, in the absence of contraindications, you can significantly speed up the body’s recovery process and protect it from the negative consequences of diseases.

« Important: All information on the site is provided for informational purposes only. Before applying any recommendations, consult with a specialized specialist. Neither the editors nor the authors are responsible for any possible harm caused by the materials.”

Eyebright (also called eye grass, meadow heather, eye socket, toad grass) grows in forest areas, meadows, sandy slopes, foothills, and along roadsides. The plant can reach 10-30 cm in height, the trunk is reddish-brown, pubescent with hairs, branched, the leaves are small, opposite, oval in shape, jagged along the edges. The flowers of the eye grass are pale purple or white, two-lipped, with a yellow spot on the three-lobed lower lip, sessile in the axils of the leaves.

The healing power of eyebright is due to its composition, presented in the form:

  • Flavonoids (rutin, quercetin, isoquercitrin);
  • Essential oil;
  • Small;
  • Saponinov;
  • Acids (benzoic, fumaric, caffeic);
  • Glycosides;
  • Gorechey;
  • Tannins;
  • Kumarinov;
  • Fatty oils;
  • Anthocyanins;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Carotene.

Eyebright also contains trace elements such as silicon, magnesium, chromium, iron, nickel, manganese and others.

Beneficial features

The use of eyebright in the treatment of eye diseases, gastrointestinal lesions, and fever is mentioned in medieval medical treatises. Currently, the plant is included in homeopathic remedies intended for the treatment of a large number of eye diseases: excessive fatigue during hard work at the computer, blepharitis, conjunctivitis, increased intraocular pressure, etc.

In folk medicine, using the herb in the form of decoctions, lotions and infusions, the medicinal properties of eyebright are used to combat inflammation of the eyelids and lacrimal sacs, styes, involuntary oscillatory eye movements, and spots on the cornea. Plant-based preparations help improve visual acuity, especially in older people.

Herbalists also treat exhaustion and dystrophy with eyebright - thanks to the bitterness it contains, it stimulates the appetite. Meadow heather is considered a tonic and strengthening agent; infusions and decoctions of the herb are used to improve immunity and speed recovery after long-term and severe injuries.

The antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects of eyebright in the treatment of wounds are used when applied externally in the form of powder from a dried plant. With the help of powders and poultices, herbs fight warts, felons, scrofula, dermatoses; baths of decoctions are taken for pyoderma (pustular skin diseases).

The calming, hypotensive, astringent and antiseptic properties of eyebright are used in folk medicine for: gastritis with high acidity, sore throat, enterocolitis, gout, rheumatism, high blood pressure, bronchitis accompanied by persistent cough and viscous secretion, inflammation of the vocal cords.

The plant, thanks to the glycosides contained in its composition, is used in many herbal preparations that help normalize the activity of the heart muscle. Decoctions and infusions of eyebright, taken externally and internally, treat eczema, neurodermatitis, diathesis in children, and also wash the hair to improve hair growth and strengthening.

Indications for use

The use of eyebright in alternative medicine is recommended for therapy:

  • Blepharitis;
  • Iritov;
  • Conjunctivitis;
  • Trachomas;
  • Dacryocystitis;
  • Nystagmus;
  • Corneal opacities;
  • Barley;
  • Sore throat;
  • Laryngitis;
  • Runny nose;
  • Bronchitis;
  • Hypertension;
  • Cystitis;
  • Hyperacid gastritis;
  • Neuroses;
  • Colitis;
  • Angina pectoris;
  • Skin lesions;
  • Rheumatism.


  • Low stomach acidity and anacid gastritis;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Low blood pressure (because the herb extract helps to narrow blood vessels);
  • Breastfeeding.

Before using orbital-based drugs, it is advisable to consult your doctor.

Home remedies for eyebright

To treat conjunctivitis, barley and other eye diseases, use a decoction of eyebright, for the preparation of which 3 teaspoons of dried raw materials are poured with 400 mg of boiling water and kept on low heat for 8-10 minutes, then cooled for an hour and filtered. Used in the form of lotions and baths 2-3 times a day; the decoction can also be used to treat purulent wounds, neurodermatitis, pyoderma, and eczema.

For external use (washes, lotions) for eye lesions, use an infusion of eye herbs, dill fruits and elderberry flowers, taken in equal proportions. The infusion is prepared in this way: pour 2 teaspoons of the mixture into a glass of boiling water and filter after cooling, apply 3-4 times a day.

When treating bronchitis, laryngitis, and sore throats, take an infusion of the plant, for the preparation of which 3 teaspoons of crushed eyebright are poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water, after 2 hours of infusion, it is filtered and consumed ½ cup 3-4 times a day. For gastrointestinal lesions, it is recommended to take dried herb powder in an amount of 2-3 g three times a day with a small amount of milk.

When treating glaucoma, use an infusion prepared from 2 teaspoons of herbs, poured with a quarter glass of boiling water, the cooled and strained drug is instilled into the eyes 3 times a day, 1 drop, and lotions are made with it for 0.5 hours 2-3 times a day. day.

To combat colds, tea is brewed from a mixture of eyebright and fennel, taken in equal parts: 1-2 tablespoons of the mixture are poured into 400 g of boiling water, drunk hot several times a day.

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