How to relax your neck muscles. Self-massage of the neck, how to relieve muscle tension in the neck and shoulder girdles How to relax the neck muscles

How to relieve neck muscle spasms is a question that worries patients in “sedentary” professions who lead a sedentary lifestyle. In such conditions, muscles become weaker and at the same time experience greater stress. As a result, when a sudden change in position occurs or tension increases, the neck muscles cannot cope. A spasm occurs that affects the nerves and blood vessels. Neck muscle spasms occur quite often because the neck is the most mobile area of ​​the spine.

The disease manifests itself as pain in the occipital and cervical region. Pain from the neck muscles can go to the shoulder girdle and arms. Sometimes the neck and arms become numb, and weakness is felt. To cope with symptoms, you need to relieve stress. Self-massage, painkillers, compresses, and just rest will help with this.

The following risk factors may lead to muscle spasms in the neck:

  • Mechanical damage;
  • Sedentary lifestyle, “sedentary” professions”;
  • Stressful mental states;
  • Nerve clamps after sudden movements;
  • Avitaminosis;
  • Hypothermia and drafts;
  • Calcium deficiency.

The neck muscles suddenly tighten, distorting nerve tissue and blood vessels. As a result, pain symptoms appear with spasm of the neck muscles.

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Spasms in the neck against a background of mental stress manifest themselves as unconscious muscle contractions, causing sharp pain. This tension can be chronic or temporary. It appears very suddenly. Sometimes - as a result of sudden movements. They create unusually strong pressure for the cervical spine. As a result, blood circulation is disrupted, and the neck muscles begin to contract and ache.

To cope with spasms in case of neurosis, you need to completely relax. Eliminate the source of stress. You can try meditation techniques. Create comfortable conditions for yourself, take your mind off all problems.


Osteochondrosis occurs very often because a huge part of the world's population now leads a sedentary lifestyle. People sit a lot at the computer, incorrectly distributing the load on the neck and the muscles that support it. Symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis are pain, stiffness of movement, numbness. There are “goosebumps” running down your neck and a slight tingling sensation in the back of your head. If the inferior oblique muscle of the neck is spasmed, the pain syndrome may pulsate strongly. The nutrition of the brain can often deteriorate, and in such cases, patients experience pain and dizziness, darkness before the eyes, and a pre-fainting state.

To relieve spasms in osteochondrosis, you need to improve blood circulation. Massage and simple physical therapy exercises will help. Unfortunately, taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs will not help much here. It is better to use vascular drugs - Cinnarizine, Trental.

Spasm of deep neck muscles

If the spasm occurs deep in the muscles, compression of the cervical artery may become a complication. As a result, the brain will no longer receive enough oxygen. Exercising in the morning, a contrast shower, and light self-massage will help here. To soothe tense muscles, menthol gels are used.

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Spasms of the cervical and shoulder girdle

If the neck and shoulder muscles are spasmed, the pain syndrome can be either aching or shooting. Such tension can become a symptom of mechanical sprains and excessive loads. Here it is better to forget about therapeutic exercises and ensure peace of mind. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac, Ibuprofen) will help. If possible, it is better to visit the clinic and get NSAID injections. When used externally, such drugs have the least impact.

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Trapezius spasms

If the trapezius is spasmed, the metabolic processes of the head, neck and facial muscles are disrupted. Long-term spasms of the trapezius can lead to cervical osteochondrosis. The muscles of the shoulder girdle will become rough, and if you try to stretch them, pain will occur. Symptoms can be relieved by taking a hot bath or attending massage sessions. Or folk rubbings will also help.

Spasm of the muscles of the head and neck

If you suddenly turn your head or lift something heavy and overexert yourself, a spasm may appear. At such moments, your head may immediately begin to hurt. Sometimes headaches only appear after a couple of days. When the neck muscles contract, the pain radiates to other parts of the body, depending on the area of ​​innervation of the affected nerves. This can literally lead to the inability to turn your head.

A possible complication in advanced cases is. Spasms begin to constrain the muscles of the throat, and the cervical spine becomes distorted. If the problem is not treated, the process can lead to a herniated disc in the neck. Myositis can occur due to hypothermia or draft.

Spasm of the neck and facial muscles

Convulsive contractions of the facial and neck muscles are tonic and clonic. Tonic is a common muscle spasm. It will appear due to excess voltage and low temperature. Clonic seizures are unconscious muscle twitches that can occur due to brain injury, epilepsy, or infections.

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To relieve spasm of the neck muscles, treatment should be carried out taking into account the cause of such manifestations. If the problem is not a neurological disease, excess tension in muscle tissue can be removed by simply rotating your head alternately in different directions. Physiotherapeutic procedures are good for relieving muscle tension. Electrophoresis, magnetic fields, laser, low-frequency current treatment.

Massage procedures (including self-massage), acupuncture and the services of a good chiropractor will effectively relieve tension.

Are your neck and shoulders tense and stiff? Do you have muscle spasms in your neck and shoulder girdle? Try applying gentle pressure to the back of your neck and trapezius muscles. Do you feel any lumps or slight discomfort?

If the answer is yes, then you probably have muscle tension in this area.

What can neck muscle spasms lead to?
Prolonged muscle tension leads to: deterioration of metabolic processes (metabolism), hypoxia (oxygen starvation) and changes in trophism (cellular nutrition) of muscle areas.

Therefore, such muscle spasms are one of the causes of: headaches, neck pain, stiffness of movement and, of course, osteochondrosis.

Tension in the neck with osteochondrosis.
Also, pain and spasmodic contraction of the neck muscles can be associated with manifestations of cervical osteochondrosis.

Local muscle spasms in cervical osteochondrosis occur in the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle (trapezius, supraclavicular, sternocleidomastoid, deltoid, etc.)

What you can do yourself for the cervical spine is light self-massage.

Massage has a mechanical and reflex effect on the movement of lymph and blood, various types of metabolism, and the tone of the vascular wall and muscles.

Regular massage of the collar area will be an excellent prevention of cervical osteochondrosis. And with osteochondrosis, massage helps improve blood and lymph circulation, reduces pain, and promotes a speedy restoration of spinal function.
Tips for self-massage of the neck.
1. Massage your neck together with the upper bundles of the trapezius muscle (shoulder girdle).
2. Perform all movements from top to bottom along the neck and shoulder girdle: from the hairline to the shoulder joint.
3, Massage your neck with both hands at the same time or alternately with your right and left.
4. If you are going to massage with one hand, you can further relax the trapezius muscles. To do this, you need to lean your elbow on the back of the chair with the hand of the same name as the side being massaged, and slightly tilt the body towards the massaged area.
Techniques for self-massage of the neck.
Pressing your palms tightly to the back of your neck, stroke it.
Use your fingertips to rub your neck in a circular motion (more intense than stroking).
Using pinching movements, grab the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle (with your thumb on one side and the other four on the other), stretch the muscles and move them towards the four fingers.
Lightly pat your neck and shoulders with your fingertips (while keeping your hands relaxed)
Finish the massage with stroking.
Doctors recommend that every day, when you have a free moment, you do self-massage of the neck area and perform simple gymnastic exercises.

These actions prevent the development of osteochondrosis and neck pain, and if a pathological process develops, they help restore health relatively quickly, and then significantly strengthen it.

Do it and be healthy)

If, while moving your head, you hear a crunching sound, it is difficult for you to turn it 90 degrees. or pain occurs when bending, which means the neck needs treatment. To enhance the effect, turns and tilts of the head must be accompanied by eye movements in the same direction. Perform slowly and smoothly.1. Sit on a chair, keeping your back and head straight. Take a deep breath and press your palms onto your forehead, while simultaneously tensing your neck muscles and preventing your head from falling back. Hold your breath and maintain tension for 5-7 seconds. As you exhale, remove your palms and completely relax for 10 seconds, dropping your head to your chest. Repeat 3-5 times.2. Inhale, with your hands clasped, press on the back of your head. At the same time, strain your neck and do not let your head drop. Hold your breath and stay in this position for 5-7 seconds. As you exhale, lower your arms and relax for 10 seconds. Repeat 3-5 times.3. After inhaling, press your left palm on your temple, trying not to succumb to the pressure for 5-7 seconds. Then exhale, relax the muscles of your neck and shoulders as much as possible, and rest for 10 seconds. Do the same with your right hand. Repeat the exercise 3-5 times with each hand.

4. Tilt your head forward and back the same number of times. As you inhale, move your head back, overcoming the resistance of your palms covering the back of your neck, and raise your eyes as high as possible. Hold your breath and maintain tension in your neck muscles for 5-7 seconds. As you exhale, return your head to its original position. Relax for 10 seconds.

5. When bending forward, the palms press on the neck, and it gradually yields to this pressure. As you inhale, the head lowers to the chest as much as possible. The chin is pressed against the neck and the gaze is lowered. The pose is maintained for 5-7 seconds. Then exhale, return to the starting position and relax.

6. As you inhale, slowly turn your head to the left, tensing your neck muscles, and try to look as far as possible in the direction of movement. Hold your breath and tension for 5-7 seconds. As you exhale, return your head to its original position and relax for 10 seconds. Perform the exercise 3-5 times in each direction.

7. Lower your head to your chest and relax your neck muscles. Try to “rub” your collarbones with your chin, gradually increasing the range of movements. Repeat 10 times.

8. Tilt your head back, relax the muscles of your face and neck. Try to “rub” the lower part of your neck with the back of your head. Repeat 20 times.

9. Relax and lower your shoulders. While inhaling slowly, stretch the top of your head up as much as possible, trying to stretch the cervical vertebrae as much as possible. At the same time, turn your head left and right with a small amplitude. Return to the starting position and relax. Repeat 5 times.

Regular practice helps relieve neck pain, insomnia, dizziness and headaches, ringing in the ears and numbness in the hands.

Perform in the morning and evening, and during the day periodically, preferably hourly, do separate exercises. For example, from 1st to 5th, then from 6th to 9th and finally from 10th to 13th. For prevention, it is especially necessary for those whose work requires a long stay in the same position or is associated with a computer.


Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is a common disease. This disease is especially common among older people. It is accompanied by pain in the neck area, radiating to the occipital and temporal parts of the head. The cause of the appearance and development of this disease is the depletion and hardening of the intervertebral cartilage of the cervical spine. As a result, this tissue loses its elasticity and integrity, which leads to the formation of bone growths. Due to the lack of an interacting substance, the vertebrae come closer together and begin to exert a mechanical effect on each other. In addition to the direct interaction of bone elements, blood vessels and nerve endings, of which there are a sufficient number in the cervical region, are subject to stress. The artery that supplies the brain with oxygen is pinched by the vertebrae, the nerve endings are subjected to additional stress, which all together causes pain and spasms. In addition to headaches, this process is accompanied by the formation of edema and tumors in the neck area, which leads to pain when moving the head and a feeling of discomfort during sleep. It is also obvious that the realities of the modern world are leading to a reduction in the age limit of people susceptible to this disease. Work, study and leisure are increasingly associated with the use of computer technologies, which contributes to people staying in an unnatural position for a long time with their heads slightly tilted. This factor entails an increase in the load on the vertebrae and accelerates the development of osteochondrosis. In addition, a causal-hereditary relationship of this disease has been identified. It most often affects those who have people with such syndromes in their family. For this reason, even teenagers can now develop the beginnings of osteochondrosis. Other types of this disease associated with its development in the lumbar and thoracic regions are less painful and have a longer development time. A person with such a diagnosis may not be aware of the illness that has overcome him for a long time. In the case of the cervical spine, everything is not so rosy and the process of disease development is much faster and more painful. The occurrence of this disease is also affected by the appearance of excess weight. Excess body weight is, first of all, a burden on many organs of the human body. The joints of the legs, in particular the knees and the spine, including the cervical spine, are the main elements that undergo the greatest impact in this case. But in addition to excess pressure associated with the appearance of additional body parameters, muscles and ligaments that lose elasticity and mobility are also negatively affected. The cervical muscles in this situation are no exception and lose some of the functions that support the vertebrae. Oddly enough, the appearance of this diagnosis is stimulated by a phenomenon such as metabolic disorder. No matter how surprising this factor may seem, it once again confirms that all reactions in the body are interconnected, and it is better to maintain it in a normal state rather than treat the consequences. As a result of metabolic disorders, cells stop receiving nutrients in full, which ultimately leads to negative consequences for the entire bone tissue. As a result of a violation of fat, carbon and protein metabolism in the vertebrae, the process of formation of salts occurs, their accumulation and formation of excess. And salts, as you know, are the main companion of osteochondrosis. Considering the causes of the disease, one should not be surprised at anything. After all, even the wrong choice of shoes is also the cause of this disease. Over time, high heels can contribute to your inclusion in the list of people with such a diagnosis. Flat feet can also be a cause. It is worth noting that old spinal injuries also affect the disease. Failure to comply with the doctor’s recommendations for successful recovery and continuation of a lifestyle that involves stress on the cervical spine leads to a worsening of the general condition and the emergence of a new diagnosis. A lifestyle that is not characterized by mobility can equally be the cause of osteochondrosis. Exercising and eating right will help you avoid an unpleasant moment. But in the name of saving the cervical spine, you should not fanatically rush into active areas of your activity. It must be remembered that thoughtless loads, as a result of which the spine does not have time and the possibility of recovery, can have an identical negative effect. An abrupt end to sports activity, which results in a weakening of the general muscular system, can also serve as a source of illness. But we should not forget about stress, which results in a narrowing of blood vessels and a decrease in blood flow to the human brain. After considering the causes of osteochondrosis, it is necessary to clarify in more detail the signs of the onset of this disease in order to immediately respond to these symptoms and not delay the start of the treatment process. As mentioned earlier, the disease is accompanied by the appearance of dull, less often acute, pain in the neck. In the morning, after sleep, these symptoms most often occur, as a result of which a person has an erroneous opinion about the diagnosis, which he himself made. Most often, this illness is attributed to a cold or the fact that it was simply blown away. Spread of pain to the occipital and temporal parts of the head. The ear and face may also be areas of discomfort. All these signs are characteristic of damage to the upper part of the cervical spine. When the disease has spread to the lower cervical region, pain appears in the suprascapular part of the back. Pain in the neck area intensifies with various movements, which limits the horizons, and subsides with rest and warmth. Taking these factors into account, it is necessary to make timely decisions aimed at the speedy restoration of damaged functions and cure.

TREATMENT METHODS If headaches of this nature have become a constant occurrence, and the symptoms described above increasingly begin to appear and remind you of themselves, you should not take independent action, but consult a doctor immediately. Remember that osteochondrosis can only be treated if it is detected at the initial stage, then the disease can only be alleviated. At the first stage, you will need to undergo a comprehensive examination, which includes many activities from general tests to a cardiac examination. If this particular disease is detected, you will have to undergo a comprehensive treatment procedure. In addition to taking medications, such a complex includes physical therapy of the affected area, massage, manual therapy and reflexology. Particular importance should be given to health-improving gymnastics and exercise therapy. Having selected an individual set of exercises, you can do them not only in the gym, but also at home, and the least intensive exercises can be performed at work during your lunch break. Monitor your lifestyle, nutrition and weight. Remember that in a healthy body there is a healthy mind.

Treatment of muscle spasms in the neck is a feasible task if you approach it competently and with responsibility for your health. After all, almost everyone has experienced pain in the neck area, even children. This area has a huge number of nerves, vessels and muscles, which are often damaged by various external and internal factors, provoking muscle spasms in the neck and shoulders of various types. And how to find treatment for such a scourge, and insure yourself as much as possible against repeated attacks. This is the topic of our conversation.

I want to tell you that I have experienced muscle spasms in the calf area more than once. But one day, during the most difficult time of my life, a moment came when tears flowed by themselves, from heaviness and pain, as if a concrete slab was lying on my shoulders and bouncing. And I just dreamed of a massage, for some reason it seemed to me that only it would help me. Fortunately, at that moment he was within walking distance.

Without a doctor's prescription, I begged the masseuse to give me a course. She just saved me, found the time and agreed. The specialist is simply awesome. At the first sessions it was terribly painful, but after about the 7th session, everything returned to normal, only one muscle made itself felt, and the massage therapist felt it, it was tense and gave pain when kneading it. As a result, the pain went away, but complete relief from the severity still did not occur.

Now, years later, I understand that I should have gone to the doctor and taken painkillers at first, and followed all the doctor’s orders. But at that moment I didn’t think as I should, I thought about myself last and succumbed to intuition rather than reason. Or maybe the brain was not working at full capacity, since the blood supply was already impaired.

Still, for almost a year, which is quite a lot, there was heaviness and dull pain in the reflex zone. And all the symptoms accumulated gradually, and the bundle wrapped itself more and more (stress, emotions, worries, expectations, hard work that I had never done in such quantities, fatigue). But everything could not have ended so well.

Therefore, to whom my story seems familiar, you can find out in more detail what a muscle spasm in the neck is, treatment with various methods, which muscles are involved in its occurrence, what danger this condition poses, and what needs to be done first.

What muscles are involved?in muscle spasm

General concept of spasms

Let's start with the general definition of the word spasm (stretch) - cramp, writhing, spasticity - involuntary muscle contraction of one or more muscles, causing sharp or aching pain.

The nervous system always responds to strong tension with strong relaxation. This is how the body protects itself.

Spasms occur in striated and smooth tissues.

Surely, you will be interested in learning a little more about tissues in order to have an idea about spasms in general.

  1. Striated tissues are found in the skeletal muscles, in the oral cavity, located in the upper third of the pharynx, in the external sphincters of the excretory tract (anal and urinary). They are responsible for the position of various postures in space, for swallowing and breathing. With spasm in this case, motor activity is disrupted, breathing and eating are difficult.
  2. Smooth tissue is found in the membranes of internal organs, in internal sphincters, and in the walls of blood vessels. It is responsible for emptying the bladder and intestines, gastric peristalsis, the uterus and fallopian tubes, and vascular tone. If smooth muscles are involved in the spasm, then the body lets you know that something is not right with this organ. Angina pectoris and cardiospasm occur due to vascular spasm; during pregnancy and childbirth, spasms often occur in the uterus.

By duration they are divided into tonic (long-lasting) and clonic (periodically contracting and relaxing), in the form of small twitches to strong, very painful contractions.

Factors for muscle spasms

  • . When moving, protruding protrusions in the form of hernias or osteophytes irritate the nerve root, causing pain, the brain commands the muscles to tense, the stronger the pain, the stronger the muscle tension.
  • Nervous stress and prolonged emotional experiences, overwork. Probably, these states are constantly present with other factors, they are simply inseparable.
  • Nervous diseases. In motor neuron disease MND.
  • Muscular dystrophy, epilepsy, meningitis, multiple sclerosis, etc.
  • Injuries, bruises and sprains. What's happening? Severe pain occurs, the muscles contract in response and remain tight even when the pain goes away.
  • Birth injuries in a child’s cervical region are a common cause of neck spasms that accompany a person throughout his life.
  • Static prolonged muscle tension. If you watch TV in an uncomfortable position for a long time, work or play on the computer, carry a heavy bag for a long time, overload during training, and much more. In this state, if you do not do relaxation exercises, the inhibition process becomes habitual for the cells.

Why do muscle spasms occur?

  • With sweat, a large content of valuable salts (sodium, potassium,
  • Violation of the regime of tension and relaxation, if this occurs simultaneously, then a spasm occurs.
  • Low carbohydrate diet. Overvoltage is dangerous here.

The exact reasons are still being studied to this day.

Muscle spasm in the neck - symptoms

  1. There may be strong or small twitchings on either side of the neck area, or they may not be felt at all, just heaviness and stiffness.
  2. Movements are limited: turning or tilting the head.
  3. Localization in the hands, swelling of the hands in the morning.
  4. Difficulty taking deep breaths. A lump may form in the throat.
  5. A spasmed muscle is hard and painful.

Consequences of spasm in the cervical spine

The proper nutrition of the brain, skin, muscles of the face and neck is disrupted. Muscles atrophy faster, giving a person an unhealthy appearance.

  • The face swells due to impaired lymph outflow, wrinkles form on the face faster than desired, a double chin appears, folds appear on the side of the neck.
  • Formed.
  • The emotional state worsens (mood deteriorates, panic attacks, fatigue and irritability appear).
  • In the reflex zone, the muscles are hard and painful, but should be soft and elastic.
  • Vagus nerve pinching. It is the 10th pair of 12 cranial pairs, it is the longest and has great significance in the human body. The vagus nerve is involved in the reflex actions of swallowing, vomiting, and coughing. Involved in the process of breathing and heartbeat. When it is damaged, diseases such as migraine, neurasthenia, angioneurosis, Rhine and Meniere's diseases develop. When the vagus nerve is compressed in the cervical region, malfunctions occur in the pancreas (impaired calcium formation) and, accordingly, problems arise in the gastrointestinal tract.

With frequent spasms, there is a disturbance in the blood circulation of the brain, even a small one, most often causing headaches, poor sleep, dizziness and malaise, and hypertension develops.

What causes muscle spasms in a child?

Muscle spasms in a child have their own characteristics; the development of ligaments and muscle tissue does not keep pace with the growth of the skeletal system, hence various types of spasms often arise. And children may or may not complain, especially for newborns.

Parents need to understand what is stuck in the neck? Are there any vertebral subluxations? This is exactly what happened to my children when they were children. There were no signs of painful sensations in the neck, my daughter, she was about 8 years old, was sitting, watching TV, turned her head to the right and her neck “jammed.” I applied ointments for about 2 days, it didn’t help, the spasm, as it seemed to me that it was precisely it, did not go away, I went to the hospital, it turned out to be a subluxation.

It happened to my son when he was three years old, I didn’t even experiment, I urgently took him to the emergency room of the Central District Hospital. A neurologist, who is also a chiropractor, fortunately was on duty that day (it was in the evening), and corrected the situation.

But muscle rigidity, especially in the back of the head, can occur against the background of infectious diseases (measles, rubella, polio), when the body is weakened and predisposed to the severe pathological condition of meningitis.

Everything that concerns children, if the cause of muscle spasms is not clear (tension in one position, an uncomfortable pillow, myositis or congenital torticollis), even without hesitation, consult a doctor, the Internet will not help. The doctor will prescribe the correct treatment, excluding a viral infection (massage, physiotherapy, drug therapy, chiropractor, exercise therapy, Shants collar).

First aid to the child should be provided with painkillers Maxicold, Paracytomol suppositories, Ibuprofen suspension is allowed, according to the instructions, for children from 3 months.

Almost all ointments are contraindicated up to 7-12 years of age, homeopathic up to 3 years of age due to the lack of clinical data (“Traumel S”, “Alorom”).

Muscle spasm in the neck treatment and diagnosis


You should consult a doctor if spasms last more than 2 days.

And if they are aggressive in nature, then immediately.

To make a correct diagnosis, it is advisable to find a competent neurologist so that the examination is correct, who will find the cause of the spasms and tell you how to treat.

If necessary, electromyography is prescribed to evaluate the functioning of motor neurons. MRI of the brain and spinal cord.

Drug therapy and physical therapy

Muscle spasms are best treated in complex therapy, prescribed: acupuncture, manual therapy, pharmacopuncture, cryotherapy, cupping, massage, drug therapy, vitamins, ointments. Try working with a psychologist, using relaxation and meditation.

Almost all muscle spasms are directly related to emotional experiences.

Pharmacopuncture is the introduction of medicinal substances into biologically active points for the purpose of prevention and treatment. If relaxation is disturbed, they form, in which pain appears, and with the help of microneedles with the necessary medicine they get rid of them.

  • Cryotherapy is the effect of low temperatures.
  • Hard massage of the sore area.
  • Drug therapy includes muscle relaxants, anti-inflammatory drugs, vitamins and minerals.

Drugs that relieve muscle spasms are divided into categories.

  1. Relaxing and relieving (muscle relaxants) symptoms.
  2. Painkillers.
  3. Combined (relax, relieve, anesthetize).
  4. Anti-inflammatory.

Muscle relaxants to relieve muscle spasms

Muscle relaxants relax striated muscles by blocking neuromuscular impulses. They are divided into central and peripheral effects.

In our case, for cervical spasms, centrally acting muscle relaxants are used. This group of drugs does not cure, but makes it possible to perform massage manipulation or manual therapy while relaxing the muscles. The effects of drugs are divided into:

  • ultra-short - from 5 to 7 minutes;
  • short - up to 20 minutes;
  • average – up to 40 minutes;
  • long - more than 40 minutes.

Remember that you cannot use them without a doctor’s prescription; there is a large list of contraindications.


Painkillers are taken for strong, deep spasms, when the pain becomes unbearable. The medications contain a large amount of lidocoine, analgin: Milgamma, Meloxicam, Novocain and many other drugs.

Combined, the most common in the form of injections and tablets. They recommend Mydocalm, the drug immediately relieves spasms and relieves pain. Of the modern drugs in tablets, “Sirdalud”, its analogue “Tizalud”.


Anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs (NSAIDs) - Ibuprofen, Baclofen, Diclofenac, etc.

Physiotherapeutic treatment is applied with vacuum cups. They have an excellent effect on blood circulation and lymph flow in the diseased area.

Ointments relieve numbness and are an anti-inflammatory, analgesic: “Dolgit”, “Capsicam”, “Fastum Gel”, “Finalgon”, “Ketanol”, “Tsel T”.

Vitamin therapy

Be sure to take complexes of vitamins, minerals, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium. Their daily intake in the body prevents seizures.

It will help strengthen the deep muscles of the neck so that spasms do not bother you; they should be in “combat readiness”, that is, strong, elastic, and stretch well.

Relieving muscle spasm - Jacobson's relaxation

Jacobson's technique rules.

  1. Nobody interferes. Comfortable clothes.
  2. Every 4 days, learn and memorize one exercise along with your muscles.
  3. Lesson time is no more than 15 minutes.
  4. Repeat the exercise 5 times.
  5. When tension occurs, pain and discomfort should not be allowed.

The whole family can do it, the child will find it very interesting.

Watch the video of the relaxation technique (watch from 11 minutes).

First aid for yourself with a neck spasm

What to do if a muscle spasm occurs?

  1. Choose a comfortable position so you can relax.
  2. Try to squeeze tightly, as if to shorten the cramped muscle.
  3. Apply cold to the area of ​​cramped muscles (ice, frozen grocery bag).
  4. After relaxation, warm up the muscle with massage techniques. Make a tight bandage on the calves.
  5. Those who have periodic seizures take medications that relieve symptoms in a matter of minutes.

If it occurs frequently, be sure to consult a doctor.


Any inhabitant of the planet can develop a muscle spasm of the neck under the influence of various factors; it is very unpredictable and it is not always possible to play it safe, no matter how hard you try. Most people live with this disease for the rest of their lives.

I sincerely wish that you do not experience these symptoms, but if they suddenly appear, then competently cope with the attacks using my advice.

I’ll end this article here. If the article was useful, share with your friends and subscribe to updates. Tell us about your cramps and how you managed to get rid of them?

Take care of yourself and your spine!

If you sit at the computer for a long time with your head forward, or lower it while looking at your smartphone, your neck muscles have a hard time. Constant tension causes stiffness and pain.

Life hacker collected exercises Yoga for chronic neck pain: a pilot randomized controlled clinical trial. , Yoga for Chronic Neck Pain: A 12-Month Follow-Up to stretch and strengthen the neck, shoulders and chest, which will relieve pain and help avoid it in the future.

When training doesn't help

This complex is not designed to treat specific disorders. If you have been diagnosed with osteochondrosis, herniated discs or other diseases, gymnastics should be prescribed by a doctor.

If the pain does not stop for several days, increases, or is accompanied by headaches, nausea, fever, seek medical help as soon as possible.

What exercises to do

The complex consists of two parts: simple stretching and muscle strengthening exercises and safe yoga asanas.

Exercise at least three times a week, or better yet, every day.

If pain occurs, stop immediately. After the exercise, the area being stretched should feel relaxed and soft.

How to do stretching and strengthening exercises for your neck and shoulder muscles

You will need a chair. Sit on the edge, straighten your back, lower and straighten your shoulders. Do each exercise for 10–15 seconds.

1. Turns and tilts

13. Moving your hands behind your head

Take the towel by the ends, pull it taut and move your arms straight up. Bring your upper body forward and move your straight arms with the towel further behind your head.

How to do yoga exercises

Follow the rules carefully and do not hold your breath. Maintain each pose for 30 seconds.

1. Half forward bend with emphasis on the wall (simplified uttanasana)

Stand straight, two steps away from the wall, facing it. Place your feet hip-width apart for comfort. From this position, bend at the hip and lean forward with a straight back to a 90° angle between your body and legs. Place your hands on the wall.

Try to straighten and stretch as much as possible. Hold the pose for 20–30 seconds.

2. Warrior Pose II (Virabhadrasana)

Stand up straight, spread your legs wide, point your toes forward, raise your arms to the sides, connect and straighten your fingers.

Turn your right foot 90° to the right. Bend your right leg at the knee to a right angle or close to it, and move your left leg back. Distribute your weight between both legs.

Twist your pelvis, stretch your back, lower your shoulders. Try to open your pelvis and chest. Repeat the pose on both sides.

3. Twisting (bharavajasana)

Sit on the floor, bend your right leg at the knee, point your shin outward and place your heel next to your pelvis. Bend your left knee, place your left foot on your right thigh.

Distribute your weight between your two sitting bones and lengthen your spine upward. Place your right hand on your left knee and turn your body and head to the left, grab your left toe with your left hand. Repeat on the other side.

4. Child's pose

Get on all fours, bring your feet together, and then lower your pelvis onto your heels. Lean forward, straighten your back and extend your arms straight in front of you, touch your forehead to the floor and completely relax in this position.

If your body is in an uncomfortable position for a long time, while sitting for a long time, and with ignorance of the neck muscles, it soon begins to overstrain and ache. These negative consequences lead to spasms, spinal malnutrition, and even mental illness.

In this article we will talk about how to relax your neck muscles.

connecting bridge

In Eastern teachings you can find the statement that the neck is a kind of bridge between the body and mind. This is said because four of the six senses are located in the head. It is the head that calculates the direction of bodily movements.

In Chinese medicine, it is believed that in the cervical-collar region there is a reflexogenic energy zone, which is responsible for brain activity and hand movement. The weight of the head is from four to eight kilograms. It is supported by seven small cervical vertebrae, cushioned by cartilage. But there are as many as 32 neck muscles that hold the head upright, promote movement and protect it. This area contains the four main arteries, the eight largest nerves, and the spinal canal. Through them, blood supply to the head, thoracic part of the body and upper limbs is realized, and nervous activity is also regulated.

When the collar area is overstrained, the functioning of blood vessels and nerve endings is disrupted, and the muscles do not receive the amount of blood they need. As a result, headaches occur, and some stiffness appears in the shoulder girdle. Tension of the neck muscles leads to the premature appearance of nasolabial and forehead wrinkles, swelling on the face, pinched nerves in the spinal cord, which causes radiculitis and disrupts the functioning of other organs.

Relieving tension in the trapezius muscle

There are different ways to relax the muscles in your neck and shoulders. Let's start with the simplest exercises. To relieve tension, first move your chest forward, then lift your shoulders towards your ears and let them fall, relaxing the muscles.

Before learning how to remove tension from the neck, learn to hold your head correctly. Pull the back of your head up as if your head is hanging from a thread attached to the top of your head. At the same time, the chin is slightly tucked towards you. This position is another way to relax the muscles of the head and neck. You can also get rid of the bad habit of raising your head or, conversely, lowering your head. In addition, proper head position promotes optimal breathing and maintains good posture.

Relax your shoulders and pull the crown of your head up. Feel the vertebrae in your neck stretch. At the same time, you can carefully and slightly turn your head. Then lower your head to your chest. Try to get your chin to your collarbone. Slowly turn your head to one side and the other, tilt it back so that you try to reach the lower part of your neck. Return to a position where the top of your head seems to be suspended by a thread.

Remember the position of your neck and head throughout the day and repeat the exercise, and also try to keep your head straight.

Gradually, you will learn a new habit, which will improve your overall health. This exercise will help not only people who simply have a tired neck. With it you will learn how to relax your muscles in general. All exercises should just be done with extreme caution.

Exercises to relieve back pain

Having learned how to relax your neck through training, you can sometimes get rid of pain in these areas. But when starting gymnastics, you should first relieve discomfort. Otherwise, exercise may even make the pain worse. Sit on the edge of the bed, the surface of which does not sag. Lie on your back and raise your legs. Find a position that feels most comfortable to your back muscles and stay in that position for a while. When standing up, try not to strain your lower back.

Exercises to relieve neck pain

To get rid of neck pain, do the following special exercises:

  1. Slowly tilt your head forward until it stops, and then lean back.
  2. Slowly turn your head in one direction and then in the other direction as far as possible.
  3. They bow their heads alternately to their shoulders.
  4. Resting your hands on your forehead and resisting, you tilt your head, fixing this position for several seconds; then, placing hands on the back of the head, also overcoming resistance, the head is tilted over.
  5. Take dumbbells up to two kilograms in your hands and keep your arms down, while slowly raising and lowering your shoulders.

Breathing exercises

They take air into their mouth and, holding their breath, tilt their head. Then raise and lower your shoulders several times. Return to the starting position and exhale. The exercise is repeated two more times.

The hands, clenched into fists, are extended forward, the knees are slightly bent and the hands are inhaled. As you exhale, bend your arms at the elbows, pressing them to your sides. The exercise is done three times.

Sit in a Turkish pose. Hands are folded in a lock at the back of the head. The head is lowered as you inhale and raised as you exhale. The tilts are repeated ten times.

Without changing posture, tilt your head. On inhalation - tilt, on exhalation - starting position. Repeat the bends ten times in one direction and the other.


Relaxation sessions will be extremely effective. Do them daily, and soon you will easily learn how to relax your neck muscles. Ways to relieve tension are effective not only for the neck, but also for other parts of the body.

For the session, choose calm and pleasant music, dress in comfortable clothes and lie on your back.

It’s good to add to relaxation. Breathe freely and calmly, but after exhaling, try to hold your breath a little. Do not overdo it. When performing the exercise, it is very important that your breathing remains free so that you can continue to relax.


Massage therapists know well how to relax the neck muscles. But those who have pain can easily massage themselves.

To do this, you first need to stand up and straighten your back, put your hands on the back of your neck and make stroking movements from top to bottom. Gradually you can add a little intensity and effort. If there are spasms in the neck, you will feel pain. You can't push too hard.

Then we move our hands to the forearm area, without stopping the massaging movements. The trapezius muscles should be captured in any case, even if you only have pain in one place in the neck. Usually muscle tension is along the entire length. Therefore, do not be surprised if during a massage you feel pain on your forearm.

After this area, you should move to the back of the head, at the junction of the neck and head. Since in modern life many people move little, spasms in this part are quite common. They are often surprised to find stiffness and tension in this area.

After this, they return to the neck and pay attention to it, and then move on to the back of the head again. Find the grooves at the base of your head and massage them. At the end, the scalp is massaged.

The massage is performed with stroking, squeezing, patting and vibration movements. If you have been looking for how to relax the deep muscles of the neck, then this is the method that will help you.


Besides exercises, don't forget about other methods that help you relax your neck muscles. Let's describe them.

  1. If you train your abs, avoid gaining excess weight, and watch your posture, this will significantly reduce the load on your back and make your muscles stronger. It will be easier to keep your head upright and prevent it from leaning forward.
  2. When working sedentarily, lean close to the table. Find yourself a comfortable place and take a break every hour to change your body position.
  3. Give rest to the neck muscles so that it does not swell from an unchanged position.
  4. Even while working, do simple neck exercises.
  5. Do not press your ear to your shoulder with the telephone receiver.
  6. Don't brush your hair with your head tilted back too far.
  7. The neck may become sore due to an uneven mattress or a very large pillow, or due to an uncomfortable position at night. It is best to choose a hard mattress and a small pillow for sleeping.


To avoid keeping stress inside, relieve it with an evening walk in the park. Take a warm, relaxing shower and drink herbal tea with honey. Then your sleep will be healthy. And your neck will have a good rest.

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