What antiviral drugs are there for children? List of inexpensive but effective antiviral drugs for influenza and ARVI. Scheme and doses in children depending on body weight

Every year, residents of our country spend more than thirty billion rubles on antiviral drugs for colds and flu. Some choose an effective medicine based on the pharmacist’s recommendations, others based on bright advertising, price, beautiful packaging, advice from a friend or neighbor, while others do the right thing and go to the doctor. I want to present you with a list of the most popular and effective antiviral drugs. And also familiarize you with the features of each flu remedy. will quickly put you “on your feet.”

All anti-flu drugs, depending on their mechanism of action, can be divided into the following groups:

  1. vaccine preparations that stimulate the production of antibodies to influenza pathogens;
  2. drugs that increase the body’s protective properties by activating the production of interferon;
  3. true antiviral drugs that suppress the replication of the virus by inactivating neuromidase (Oseltamivir, Zanamivir) and those that block the M2 channels of the viral cell (Amantadine, Remantadine).

Effective remedies for influenza and ARVI are new drugs that have been on the market for no more than 10-40 years. Their “young age” is explained by long-term testing before they went on sale. We bring to your attention a list of medications that includes the best drugs for influenza and ARVI:

  • Ingavirin;
  • Remantadine;

Ingavirin is an effective medicine against influenza, ARVI and other diseases of viral etiology. Ingavirin, although a new medicine, has already earned good reviews from those who have tried it for treatment and.

The basis of the drug vitaglutam or imidazolylethanamide is pentanedionic acid.

Mechanism of action. The drug has antiviral, immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory effects.

Ingavirin has a detrimental effect on adenovirus infection, influenza A, B, respiratory syncytial virus, parainfluenza virus. Activates the production of interferons and cytotoxic lymphocytes (T-killers) in the body. Vitaglutam inhibits the reproduction of the virus at the stage of nuclear formation.

By reducing the production of inflammatory proteins, the drug relieves inflammation.

Ingavirin perfectly relieves intoxication symptoms, catarrhal symptoms, and leads to a rapid normalization of body temperature.

Side effects rarely occur in the form of mild allergic reactions.

The drug is not used in cases of hypersensitivity to its components and in children.

Ingavirin is capsules for oral administration of 60 mg and 90 mg. Average price in Russia:

  • Ingavirin 60 mg, 7 capsules – 380 rubles;
  • Ingavirin 90 mg, 7 capsules – 480 rubles.

Arbidol is a good medicine for influenza and ARVI, which consists of umifenovir and excipients.

Mechanism of action: Arbidol tablets have antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. Umifenovir copes well with influenza A and B viruses and coronaviruses associated with severe respiratory syndrome by blocking the fusion of the fatty membrane of the viral cell with the cell membrane. Increases the production of interferons, immune cells, enhances the activity of phagocytes.

The drug is well tolerated by patients. In rare cases, allergic reactions may occur.

The drug is not used in cases of hypersensitivity to its components and in children under three years of age.

There are no data on the use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation.

Arbidol does not affect the speed of physical and mental reactions, therefore it can be used in patients whose activities require increased attention.

Arbidol is available in the form of tablets of 50 mg, capsules of 100 mg, 200 mg, powder for suspension 25 mg/5 ml bottle 37 g,

Average price in Russia:

  • Arbidol 50 mg, 10 tablets – 180 rubles;
  • Arbidol 100 mg, 10 capsules – 250 rubles;
  • Arbidol Maximum 200 mg, 10 capsules – 500 rubles;
  • Arbidol powder for suspension 25 mg/5 ml bottle 37 g – 300 rubles.

Tamiflu is the most effective medicine against swine flu and influenza B. Tamiflu consists of oseltamivir and excipients.

The drug is widely used for the prevention and treatment of swine flu and other serotypes of influenza A and B.

Mechanism of action: a drug with a pronounced antiviral effect on influenza A and B viruses. Tamiflu acts directly on the virus by inhibiting neuromidase, without which the virus cannot spread throughout the body and multiply.

The drug effectively reduces the intensity and risk of complications and shortens the contagious period. When using the drug to prevent influenza, 90% of people who take Tamiflu do not get sick.

Resistance does not develop to Tamiflu.

The drug is not used in case of hypersensitivity to its components and in case of renal failure.

During pregnancy and lactation, Tamiflu is prescribed with caution when the expected effect outweighs the risk of adverse reactions and fetal pathology.

Side effects of the drug:

  • dyspepsia: nausea and vomiting are observed after taking the first dose. With further use, dyspepsia goes away;
  • very rare: diarrhea, abdominal pain, headache, cramps, cough, insomnia, malaise, nosebleeds, decreased hearing, conjunctivitis, dermatitis, urticaria, bronchitis, sinusitis, swollen lymph nodes.

Note! Some patients who took Tamiflu to prevent or treat influenza experienced seizures and delirium-type disturbances. The reason for such reactions could not be found out.

Tamiflu is available in the form of capsules of 30 mg, 45 mg, 75 mg and powder for suspension 12 mg/1 ml.

Average price in Russia:

  • Tamiflu capsules 75 mg 10 pcs. – 1360 rubles;
  • Tamiflu powder for suspension 12 mg/1 ml bottle 30 g – 1140 rubles.

Relenza and Tamiflu are antiviral drugs for influenza A and B. The active ingredient of the drug is Zanamivir. Relenza is available as a powder for inhalation through Diskhaler.

Mechanism of action: the drug has a pronounced antiviral effect on influenza A and B viruses. Zanamivir acts selectively on the virus by inhibiting neuromidase, without which the virus cannot spread throughout the body and multiply.

The drug effectively reduces the intensity of influenza symptoms, reduces the risk of complications and shortens the contagious period. Resistance does not develop to Relenza.

The drug is not used in case of hypersensitivity to its components. Patients with a history of bronchospasm require careful monitoring when treated with Relenza.

Side effects of the drug:

  • allergic reactions: urticaria, angioedema, rarely Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis.
  • bronchospasm;

Note! Some patients who inhaled Relenza to treat influenza experienced bronchospasm and breathing problems. If you have asthma or chronic bronchitis while using Relenza, have an inhaler containing Salbutamol or another bronchodilator on hand.

Average price in Russia:

  • Relenza 20 doses with Dishaler. – 1200 rubles.


Rimantadine is an old, proven remedy for the prevention and treatment of influenza and GRVI and tick-borne encephalitis based on rimantadine.

Mechanism of action of the drug. The drug has an antiviral effect. Remantadine is a derivative of amantadine (an anti-Parkinsonian drug) that stops the process of viral reproduction. The drug is effective at the onset of the disease.

Remantadine is contraindicated for persons with acute liver pathology, acute and chronic kidney disease, thyrotoxicosis, or hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Remantadine is not prescribed for pregnant women.

Adverse reactions:

  • impaired attention and concentration, sleep disturbance, headaches, dizziness, irritability, fatigue;
  • dry mouth, refusal to eat, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain.

Attention! The drug is prescribed with caution to people with hypertension and the elderly, as it increases the risk of stroke.

Remantadine is available in the form of 50 mg tablets and 100 mg capsules.

Average price in Russia:

  • Remantadine 50 mg, tablets 20 pcs. – 205 rubles;
  • Remantadine 100 mg, capsules 10 pcs. – 160 rubles;

Amiksin, like the above-mentioned drugs for influenza and ARVI, is widely used for their treatment and prevention. The basis of Amiksin is Tiloron.

Mechanism of action. Amiksin has good antiviral and immune-modulating effects by increasing the formation of interferons by intestinal cells, liver, T-lymphocytes and neutrophils. The drug also suppresses the reproduction of the virus by stopping the translation of viral proteins. Amiksin is active against influenza viruses, hepatitis A, B, C, herpes, cytomegaloviruses,

The drug is not used in cases of hypersensitivity to its components, in children under seven years of age, in pregnant and nursing mothers.

Adverse reactions rarely occur in the form of nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and allergic manifestations.

Amiksin is produced in the form of film-coated tablets of 60 mg and 125 mg.

Average price in Russia:

  • Amiksin 60 mg, 10 tablets – 600 rubles;
  • Amiksin 125 mg, 6 tablets – 700 rubles.

Antiviral drugs should only be taken after consulting a doctor. Only he will be able to choose an effective and safe drug for you, taking into account your age, severity of the disease and concomitant pathology. Self-medication can harm your body.

Every year, with the onset of a seasonal epidemic of colds and flu, we are faced with the question: are there inexpensive, effective antiviral drugs for adults on sale that really help protect against infection, or at least speed up recovery and prevent serious complications of ARVI?

Does the effectiveness of antiviral drugs depend on price and manufacturer? Are there tablets for influenza and ARVI, the effects of which have been tested and proven by international scientific research? You will find out the answers to all these questions below.

How to distinguish influenza from ARVI?

Acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI)- these are the most widespread inflammatory diseases in the world, which are caused by more than three hundred different viruses, affect the upper respiratory tract and are easily transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person. This explains the high epidemiological danger of ARVI and the need of modern medicine for effective antiviral drugs.

3 clinically proven antiviral drugs

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), clinically proven antiviral drugs include:




Baloxavir marboxil (Xofluza)

Active substance: the first drug in the group of cap-dependent endonuclease inhibitors.

Analogues: does not exist

Price: You can buy baloxavir marboxil in Japan for $50 per tablet.

This is the only single-dose antiviral drug that eliminates symptoms in two days and normalizes body temperature in just one day.

The clinical effectiveness of the drug is significantly superior to Tamiflu and other existing analogues.

Baloxavir marboxil acts against influenza A and B viruses, including strains resistant to oseltamivir (Tamiflu).

As of 2018, it is registered only in Japan and the USA.

Active substance: oseltamivir phosphate

Analogues: Nomides

Price: 1200-1400 rubles

Oseltamivir is a well-tolerated orally active neuraminidase inhibitor that significantly shortens the duration of symptomatic illness and accelerates return to normal activity levels when given immediately to patients with influenza. It therefore represents a useful therapeutic alternative to zanamivir (especially in patients who prefer oral administration) and the M2 inhibitors amantadine and rimantadine (due to its broader spectrum of anti-influenza activity and lower likelihood of resistance).

According to the results of large-scale international studies, Tamiflu reduces the likelihood of contracting the flu from a sick family member by 92% and the risk of the disease progressing to pneumonia by 78%.

Short-term administration of oseltamivir (75 mg once daily for 7 days) can significantly reduce the risk of illness from exposures when administered within 48 hours of the onset of symptoms in an infected person.

The drug is available in the form of capsules and powder for the preparation of a suspension, which can be given to children from 1 year, and in conditions of a flu pandemic - from 6 months. The issue of prescribing Tamiflu to pregnant and lactating women is decided on the principle of the ratio of expected benefits and potential harm.

In addition to the obvious drawback - the high price - the drug has a wide list of side effects, including not only allergies and dyspeptic disorders, but also such frightening manifestations as anaphylactic shock, hallucinations, convulsions, nightmares, psychosis and suicidal tendencies. For example, in Japan, according to official data, 15 teenagers who took Tamiflu committed suicide. However, a direct connection between the drug and the tragedies has not been proven. During the swine flu epidemic, the governments of the United States and Great Britain carried out massive government purchases of Tamiflu, which were subsequently stopped due to the discreditation of this antiviral drug.

Active substance: zanamivir

Analogues: No

Price: 960-1500 rubles

This French-made antiviral drug is a selective inhibitor of the neuraminidase enzyme, through which influenza virions are introduced into the cells of the human body.

Relenza is a fine powder that must be sprayed onto the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract using the included inhaler. Surfaces treated in this way are covered with a protective barrier that cannot be overcome by the pathogen. And if infection has already occurred, using Relenza helps stop the spread of the disease.

It is also noteworthy that the drug works in the extracellular space, without penetrating inside and without disturbing the normal state of tissues. Relenza can be used from the age of five.

The medicine is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding; it cannot be sprayed for diseases accompanied by bronchospasm. Relenza is very expensive, and recently reports of severe side effects of this drug have become more frequent: Quincke's edema, epidermal necrolysis, apnea, convulsions, hallucinations, depression. It should also be taken into account that Relenza is active exclusively against influenza A and B viruses; there is no point in using it against other acute respiratory viral infections.

Active substance: rimantadine hydrochloride

Analogues: Orvirem, Remavir

Price: 70-300 rubles depending on the brand

The drug belongs to the category of M2 channel blockers; it prevents virions from releasing their RNA after entering cells.

The drug is available in the form of tablets for adults and syrup for children over 1 year of age (under the brand name Orvirem).

Since 2009, it has not been effective against swine flu. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), high levels of resistance remain (>

This drug should not be used during pregnancy and lactation, renal and liver failure, thyrotoxicosis and severe forms of epilepsy. There is evidence that in elderly patients with hypertension, rimantadine increases the risk of hemorrhagic stroke. The medicine can cause allergies, headaches, dyspeptic disorders, insomnia, nervousness and poor concentration.

Active substance: adamantane-1-amine

Analogues: Midantan

Price: 50-150 rudders

This drug is the “ancestor” of the group of M2 channel blockers. Amantadine was first used as an antiviral agent in the 60s of the last century. It was later discovered and confirmed to be effective as a cure for Parkinson's disease. And in the USA, with the help of Amantadine, they were even able to cure rabies in humans.

In Russia, Amantadine and Midantan are widely used for the prevention and treatment of influenza along with Remantadine; all these antiviral drugs belong to the same class and have a similar principle of action.

Since 2009, it has not been effective against swine flu. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), high levels of resistance (>99%) to adamantanes remain among circulating influenza A (H3N2) and influenza A (H1N1) pdm09 (“2009 H1N1”) viruses. Therefore, amantadine and rimantadine are not recommended for antiviral treatment or prophylaxis of currently circulating influenza A viruses.

Amantadine has a very long list of contraindications: it is not used in childhood, for serious pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular, urinary and nervous systems, during pregnancy and lactation. The drug often causes allergies, dyspeptic disorders, etc. It should not be taken by people driving a car or operating complex machinery, since Amantadine reduces concentration.

Note! Any antiviral medications are only effective if you start taking them within the first 48 hours of the onset of cold symptoms.

Pros and cons of other antiviral drugs


Main plus

Rectal suppositories are one of the most powerful stimulants of nonspecific immunity.

Stimulates both innate and acquired immunity.

Effective against influenza A/H/3N2 and B viruses. It prevents viral particles from entering cells and releasing their harmful RNA.

Interferon inducer. It has a minimal incidence of side effects.

Sublingual tablets - temporarily increase nonspecific resistance to influenza.

A chemical compound that helps restore lymphocytic function, stimulates blastogenesis in a number of monocytes, and activates the activity of T-helper cells.

The nasal spray compares favorably with most other antiviral agents and activates cellular and humoral immunity.

A natural preparation that activates the production of B-lymphocytes and cytotoxic lymphocytes, stimulates the activity of macrophage cells.

Produces a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antipyretic, analgesic and decongestant effect.

Ampoules for preparing a solution and instilling into the nose. Strengthens local nonspecific immunity.

Stabilizes cell membranes, preventing the penetration of virions, induces the synthesis of alpha and beta interferons, stimulates cellular and humoral immunity.

Increases the production of interferon upon contact with an infectious agent and creates high titers of endogenous alpha and beta interferons in the body.

Oxolinic ointment - acts locally.

Strengthens the nonspecific immune response thanks to hexose glycoside.

Activates the production of all cytokines, but has a greater effect on the synthesis of protective proteins of the alpha class than beta and gamma.

Changes the properties of cell membranes so that the penetration of viral particles into them becomes impossible.

Stimulates the synthesis of endogenous interferons: alpha, beta and gamma. At the systemic level, it activates the activity of macrophages and neutrophils.

A modern Russian drug, active against 15 strains of influenza, is similar in origin and principle of action to Ribavirin.

Active substance: alpha-2b human recombinant interferon, tocopherol acetate, ascorbic acid

Analogues: Kipferon

Price: 230-950 rubles

This medicine is available in the form of rectal suppositories; this method of administration ensures the best absorption of interferon and minimal risk of side effects. Viferon helps to cope not only with influenza and ARVI, but also with severe chronic pathologies of a bacterial nature, since this drug is one of the most powerful stimulants of nonspecific immunity. Viferon suppositories are prescribed even to premature babies with congenital infectious diseases and sick pregnant women to minimize intrauterine infection of the fetus. The drug is available in a wide range of dosages: from 150,000 IU to 3,000,000 IU.

The only disadvantages of Viferon include its impressive cost. Undesirable side effects when using these antiviral suppositories are extremely rare and are limited to an allergic skin rash, which goes away on its own 72 hours after stopping the drug.

Active substance: sodium salt of a copolymer of gossypol and carboxymethylcellulose

Analogues: No

Price: 220-280 rubles

One of the most popular antiviral drugs for influenza and ARVI, it belongs to the group of inducers of endogenous interferons, however, Kagocel’s sphere of influence also extends to macrophages, T- and B-lymphocytes, fibroblasts, granulocytes and endothelial cells, that is, stimulation of both innate and and acquired immunity. The drug not only has an immunomodulatory and antiviral effect, but also protects the body from radiation and even suppresses the growth of tumors - this property is currently being actively studied. Kagocel is approved for use by adults and children over 3 years old; it is available in tablets; the course of treatment for influenza or ARVI takes 4-7 days.

This medicine is made from gossypol, a toxic yellow pigment found in cotton plants. In large doses, gossypol even stops spermatogenesis in men. However, it should be understood that Kagocel is a sodium salt of a copolymer, and not gossypol itself, so the drug exhibits completely different properties. However, it sometimes causes allergic reactions and is not prescribed to expectant or nursing mothers.

The Society of Evidence-Based Medicine Specialists, specifically Vasily Vlasov, criticizes two available studies that allegedly prove the effectiveness of Kagocel. In fact, these studies contain a wealth of evidence of poor practice, are sponsored by manufacturers, and are even accompanied by promotional materials.

Active substance: a-propyl-1-adaptyl-ethylamine hydrochloride

Analogues: in chemical structure and principle of action it is close to Remantadine

Price: 30-50 rubles

The drug belongs to the group of ion channel blockers and has scientifically proven effectiveness against influenza viruses A/H/3N2 and B. Adapromin prevents viral particles from entering cells and releasing their harmful RNA, thereby stopping the spread of infection throughout the body. You can take Adapromin both for prophylactic purposes during a seasonal flu epidemic, and during the first three days from the onset of the disease to alleviate its symptoms and reduce the risk of complications.

Adapromine is a fairly toxic substance; its use is often accompanied by dyspeptic disorders. This antiviral drug is intended strictly for adults and is contraindicated for people with kidney and liver disease, as well as pregnant and lactating women. Please also keep in mind that Adapromin only helps against the above types of influenza; it is not suitable for the prevention and treatment of ARVI.

Active substance: enisamium iodide

Analogues: No

Price: 360-420 rubles

The drug belongs to the group of inducers of endogenous interferons; after entering the bloodstream, it stimulates the production of the corresponding protective protein. This allows Amizon to indirectly prevent the spread of influenza and ARVI viruses, and the earlier treatment is started, the more successful the result will be. The medicine has no direct analogues on the pharmaceutical market, and has a minimal incidence of side effects - only about 6%, which is very good in comparison with other antiviral drugs from the group of interferon inducers.

The disadvantages of Amizon include the impossibility of use in childhood, as well as during pregnancy and pregnancy. These limitations are explained by the relative novelty of the drug and insufficient research into its effects on the body. Side effects occasionally include bitterness and burning in the mouth, drooling and swelling of the mucous membrane.

Active substance: sea buckthorn leaf extract

Analogues: No

Price: 120-180 rubles

This antiviral drug is a natural interferon inducer; it temporarily increases nonspecific resistance to influenza, adenoviruses, rhinoviruses, parainfluenza and other respiratory infections. The drug demonstrates the greatest effectiveness if therapy is started early. During the first 3-5 days of illness, Hyporamin sublingual tablets are recommended to be dissolved every 2-3 hours. The drug is approved for use in children over 3 years of age; the manufacturer has not provided data on the effect on pregnancy and lactation.

In case of prolonged excess of the dosage, the blood clotting properties may increase, but this indicator quickly returns to normal after discontinuation of the drug. The antiviral effect of Giporamine does not have a strong evidence base, so we can say that you purchase it at your own peril and risk.

Active substance: inosine pranobex

Analogues: Isoprinosine

Price: 580-660 rubles

The drug belongs to the group of immunomodulators and is effective in cases of infection with many viral infections, including influenza and ARVI. The active component of Groprinosin is an artificially created chemical compound that helps restore lymphocyte function during the period of immunosuppression, stimulates blastogenesis in a number of monocytes, activates the activity of T-helper cells, and prevents a decrease in the body's immune defense during prolonged exposure to glucocorticoids. Groprinosin is approved for use in adults and children over 3 years of age and weighing more than 15 kg.

This is a very serious and potentially dangerous medicine, it causes many side effects from a number of organs and systems, and is contraindicated during pregnancy, lactation, gout, urolithiasis, etc. It is advisable to use Groprinosin for influenza and ARVI only in patients with a clinically confirmed immunodeficiency state.

Active substance: sodium deoxyribonucleate

Analogues: No

Price: 230-460 rubles

The drug is available in a convenient form of nasal drops and spray, which simplifies its use for the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections. The active component of the drug exhibits not only immunostimulating and antiviral properties, but also has anticancer, antioxidant, lymphotropic, cardioprotective, anti-ischemic, antihistamine, membrane-stabilizing and anticoagulant effects. Derinat activates cellular and humoral immunity, thereby accelerating the specific immune response to viral invasion. This makes the drug compare favorably with most other antiviral drugs, which strengthen exclusively nonspecific protection and lose their effectiveness 3-5 days after the onset of influenza or ARVI. In addition, Derinat has no contraindications or side effects.

This is a very serious drug that should not be dispensed without a doctor's prescription. Not prescribed for children under 18 years of age, pregnant and lactating women, people with severe and autoimmune pathologies. May cause allergies and cause painful bumps at the injection site.

Active substance: oxolin

Analogues: No

Price: 50-70 rubles

Oxolinic ointment is a simple and affordable antiviral agent that has been successfully used for many years to prevent influenza and ARVI, as well as to treat herpes, herpes zoster, molluscum contagiosum and warts. The drug acts locally, it stabilizes cell membranes, prevents the penetration and replication of virions. To avoid catching a cold during an epidemic, it is recommended to lubricate the mucous membrane of the nasal passages with oxolinic ointment every 2 hours - this can be done by both adults and small children; this medicine also has no restrictions on pregnancy and lactation.

Sometimes after applying the ointment, a burning sensation in the nose occurs, which quickly passes. In rare cases, short-term rhinorrhea develops. The effectiveness of this antiviral drug for influenza and acute respiratory viral infections is very modest, observed only as part of prevention, or in the initial stages of the disease, subject to careful use.

Active substance: potato shoot extract

Analogues: No

Price: 140-3600 rubles depending on the form of release

Panavir is a domestic antiviral and immunomodulatory agent of natural origin, which enhances the nonspecific immune response thanks to a hexose glycoside, which includes glucose, xylose, mannose, rhamnose, galactose, arabinose and a complex of uronic acids. These substances, when released into the blood, stimulate the induction of endogenous interferons, therefore Panavir is effective against a wide range of diseases of viral and bacterial etiology. The drug is available in the form of a gel for external use for herpes, papillomas and non-healing wound lesions of the skin, as an injection solution for influenza, ARVI, tick-borne encephalitis, gastric ulcer and rheumatoid arthritis, as well as in suppositories for rectal and intravaginal administration for gynecological and urological pathologies. Panavir nasal sprays with the addition of eucalyptus extract have recently gone on sale.

This remedy is not prescribed to children under 12 years of age and nursing mothers; suppositories should not be used during pregnancy, but the use of solution and gel is acceptable. The drug is contraindicated for people with severe kidney and spleen diseases. Its antiviral effect is recognized only in Russia. The fabulous price of the medicine raises many questions, given the availability of biological raw materials from which Panavir is produced.

Active substance: complex of polyadenylic and polyuridylic acids

Analogues: No

Price: 160-190 rubles

Antiviral and immunostimulating agent from the group of interferon inducers. Activates the production of all cytokines, but has a greater effect on the synthesis of protective proteins of the alpha class than beta and gamma. It is used as a preventive and therapeutic agent for influenza, ARVI, viral rhinitis, conjunctivitis, keratitis and uveitis. Poludan is available in the form of a lyophilisate for injection, as well as eye and nasal drops, which is very convenient to use. This drug is approved for use in childhood, pregnancy and breastfeeding. Poludan is produced in Russia and has an affordable price and rarely causes side effects.

Currently, this medicine is undergoing the state certification process for another period, so it may be temporarily unavailable for sale. Sometimes during treatment with Poldan, local allergic reactions occur: skin rash, burning in the nose, swelling and redness of the lower eyelid.

Active substance: interferon alpha-2b recombinant

Analogues: Altevir, Genferon-Light, Interferal, Laifferon, Laferobion

Price: 180-2500 rubles depending on the form of release and manufacturer

The drug exhibits immunomodulatory, antiviral and antitumor effects. After entering the body, interferon changes the properties of cell membranes so that the penetration of viral particles into them becomes impossible. Therefore, it is best to use Reaferon-EC and similar drugs either to prevent infection with influenza and ARVI, or during the first 3-5 days of illness, when nonspecific immunity plays a leading role in resisting the pathogen. The medicine is available in the form of a dry lyophilisate, from which a medicinal solution is prepared for injection or intranasal administration. Recombinant interferon, unlike donor protein, is less likely to cause allergies and adverse reactions. This product has no restrictions for use other than pregnancy and lactation.

Currently, the cost of antiviral drugs for influenza and ARVI based on recombinant interferon alpha has increased significantly. Long-term therapy may be accompanied by dyspeptic disorders, attacks of chills, insomnia, and eating disorders.

Active substance: sodium salt of double-stranded ribonucleic acid of Saccharomyces fungi (baker's yeast)

Analogues: No

Price: 1100-1300 rubles

The drug stimulates the synthesis of endogenous interferons: leukocyte (alpha), fibroblast (beta) and lymphocyte (gamma), which, in turn, prevent the processes of penetration and reproduction of viruses and other intracellular infectious agents. Ridostin is an early type inducer; at the systemic level, it activates the activity of macrophages and neutrophils. The medicine is available in the form of a lyophilisate; for influenza and acute respiratory viral infections, it is administered by injection, once on the day of visiting the doctor and a second time two days later, provided the symptoms persist. Ridostin is approved for use by adults and children over 7 years of age.

The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and severe pathologies of the liver and kidneys. After administration of Ridostin, pain at the injection site and temporary worsening of the feverish syndrome may be observed. This antiviral drug is very effective, but it is expensive and difficult to purchase - it is a scarce product in pharmacies, which usually has to be ordered individually.

Active substance: triazavirin

Analogues: Ribavirin

Price: 1100-1300 rubles

A modern Russian antiviral drug, active against 15 strains of influenza. Launched on the market in 2014, it is similar in origin and principle of action to Ribavirin: it is included in the RNA of virions instead of adenine or guanine and forms complementary pairs with uracil and cytosine, which leads to failure in the RNA-dependent phase of replication. The drug is very promising and shows excellent results in clinical studies. Available in the form of capsules containing 250 mg of active substance. The therapy is well tolerated and side effects are rare.

Triazavirin is not prescribed to patients under 18 years of age, pregnant and lactating women, and people with severe liver and kidney dysfunction. All these restrictions are explained by insufficient study of the drug; perhaps in the future they will be softened or removed. The disadvantages of Triazavirin, of course, include its rather high cost.

A simple way to prevent infection with influenza or ARVI is to wear a disposable protective mask and replace it every few hours. This measure will be much more effective, cheaper, and most importantly, safer than antiviral drugs.

Is it possible to take antibiotics and antiviral drugs at the same time?

A virus is a non-cellular infectious agent against which antibacterial drugs are powerless. Therefore, if you have the flu or ARVI, antibiotics are not only useless, but even harmful, because they poison the body, which is already exhausted by intoxication. However, in some cases, viral diseases are complicated by a bacterial infection - sinusitis, otitis media, bronchitis, or even pneumonia develop. Most often, this occurs through the fault of the patient himself, who neglects the recommendations of the attending physician regarding complete rest and suffers the flu “on his feet.” In an organism weakened by the disease, pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microbes are activated, which leads to the occurrence of complications.

You can determine that a bacterial infection has been added to ARVI or influenza by the following signs:

    4-8 days after the acute onset of the disease and the gradual subsidence of its symptoms, a sharp jump in body temperature occurs, pain occurs at the site of the complication (throat, ears, eyes, paranasal sinuses), intoxication symptoms increase again, and general well-being worsens;

    The nature of nasal mucus changes - if at the beginning of the disease it was transparent and watery, now it becomes thick, cloudy, viscous and yellowish-green;

    In cases where influenza or acute respiratory viral infection is complicated by bronchitis or pneumonia of bacterial etiology, the patient is tormented by a cough with copious sputum, which also has a viscous consistency and a yellowish-green color, and sometimes an unpleasant odor.

Thus, you can take antiviral drugs for influenza and ARVI together with antibiotics, but only if the disease is seriously complicated, or threatens to be complicated by a bacterial infection (in the opinion of the attending physician). And even in this case, the selection of an antibacterial agent should be carried out as carefully as possible, because not all medications of this class are well compatible with antiviral drugs. In addition, the more often a person uses the same antibiotic, the worse the medicine acts, since the pathogenic flora inhabiting the body adapts and acquires means of defense, passing them on to new generations of microbes.

Self-administration of antibiotics for influenza or ARVI is strictly unacceptable, since this will increase the toxic load on the body and weaken the antibacterial effect of the drugs used in the future, when they may really be needed.

Are all antiviral drugs effective?

This is by no means an idle question, given the situation in the domestic pharmaceutical market:

    Over-the-counter availability of most antiviral and immunomodulatory agents;

    Almost complete lack of real control over the activities of pharmacy chains;

    The presence on sale of many drugs with unconfirmed effectiveness and serious side effects, certified only in Russia;

    A huge number of manufacturers pass off dietary supplements as real medicines - information that this is a dietary supplement is indicated in small print at the very end of the instructions, while phrases like “antiviral agent” or “drug for flu and colds” are on the packaging.

Video: the whole truth about antiviral drugs:

A modern Russian pharmacy is something like a medieval healer’s shop, where potentially dangerous substances are side by side with harmless plant extracts that supposedly help you recover, but how exactly is unclear. Or they help, but not everyone and not always. But for some reason they are quite expensive. The list of antiviral drugs we have presented for influenza and ARVI is replete with such drugs: it seems to have the simplest natural composition, but the price is prohibitive - should I buy it or not?

It's up to you to decide, but think for yourself: what explains the huge range and high cost of cold remedies? Of course, their demand. And also – almost “elusive” efficiency. How will you determine why you were lucky enough not to get sick this winter: did the pills help or did your immunity fail? How can you prove that the flu turned into pneumonia due to the fault of a low-quality drug? That’s right, nothing, because the complication could have resulted from many other reasons.

This is where the difficulty lies in answering the question: are all antiviral drugs effective?

Unfortunately, many of them simply don't work in reality. The creator of the website Encyclopatia.ru, author of the books Fashionista, neurologist-epileptologist and ultrasound diagnostician Nikita Zhukov told which antiviral drugs are useless.

The doctor made it clear that drugs that are positioned as means to improve immunity are in fact just a product of advertising. It turned out to be so effective that these drugs were even included in the list of essential medicines. While no research has been conducted on their effectiveness.

In higher medical schools, students are told that these drugs really work. After receiving a diploma and starting to work in their specialty, doctors recommend them to patients. According to Zhukov, no changes are expected in the next 20 years, which is why it is so important to be able to critically perceive such information.

Adding to the disorientation of the public and doctors is the fact that the use of these drugs not only does not meet resistance, but is often supported by government health authorities. and academic circles.

People consider this drug almost a panacea for flu and colds. However, not a single competent specialist will recommend him for admission. Doctors do not prescribe this drug because there is no evidence to prove its effectiveness.

WHO points out that all clinical trials conducted on Arbidol do not meet standard requirements. However, at the request of the Minister of Health, this drug was included in the international drug classification system.

In January 2017, some mechanism of action of Arbidol was discovered, but the effectiveness of this mechanism has never been proven.

Amiksin is also known under the names Lavomax, Tilaksin, Tiloron. This antiviral drug is used for treatment only in Russia. It is not used in other countries of the world. Studies of the drug were frozen because subjects began to develop side effects.


To date, there is no data regarding the mechanism of action of this drug. What active substance is its basis is known only to the manufacturer of Ingavirin. No studies have been conducted on the drug.

Agri, Anaferon, Gripp-heel, Aflubin, Influcid, Ergoferon, Oscillococcinum

All these drugs are homeopathic, that is, they are simply dummies. These sweet “tablets” can improve the taste of tea. In general, this is the only benefit that can be obtained from them.


According to the manufacturer, this drug should help improve immunity. In fact, there has not been a single study done to prove its effectiveness. The mechanism of its action is still unknown. However, this did not stop scientists from including it in the domestic flu vaccine.


The developers of this drug described the mechanism of operation of this drug as something out of science fiction. They point out that “lysates of bacteria (staphylococci, streptococci, Haemophilus influenzae, Klebsiella) should accumulate in the Peyer’s patches of the intestine.” From there, they should help increase immunity and thereby fight ARVI. It is quite logical that there is no evidence for this statement.


This medicine contains interferon. In the form of injections, it is used to treat viral hepatitis, sclerosis, and cancer. However, Grippfron is available in the form of a spray, suppositories and drops. They simply do not contain enough active interferon to have any therapeutic effect.

If a person receives the required dose of interferon, which could really help fight ARVI, this will lead to the development of side effects that are not inferior in intensity to the disease itself.


This drug is designed to stimulate the production of interferon in the body. It was created on the basis of the “acridone” molecule, about which science knows very little. Therefore, drugs such as Cyclovir or Neovir do not have scientifically proven effectiveness.


This drug is positioned as a new generation immunomodulator. It supposedly does not have all the disadvantages of medicines that were produced previously. However, no studies have confirmed its effectiveness.


Both Echinacea and the drugs created on its basis (Immunal, Immunorm, Esberitox and others) have no proven effectiveness.

About the doctor: From 2010 to 2016 practicing physician at the therapeutic hospital of the central medical unit No. 21, the city of Elektrostal. Since 2016 he has been working at diagnostic center No. 3.

Every person experiences a cold almost every year. Children of preschool and school age get sick especially often in winter. For treatment to be truly effective, you must consult a doctor for a prescription. But in recent years, more and more patients have complained that they are being prescribed expensive medicines when they could be prescribed cheap cold remedies. From today's article you will learn about just such. Below you will find cheap analogues of expensive cold medicines. But this does not mean that you can now safely self-medicate. If anything worries you, then you need to seek help from doctors. Only then can you be sure that the treatment is safe.

Antiviral drugs: the first prescribed

If a person falls ill, the infection is caused by a virus. This happens most often. Therefore, at the first symptoms of the disease, doctors prescribe antiviral drugs. Medicines such as Arbidol, Amiksin, Tamiflu, Kagocel and others are widely popular and in great demand. But all of them are quite expensive (about 400-1000 rubles). Does it make sense to overpay or can you find cheaper products?

Rimantadine can be used for colds caused by a viral infection. The medication costs on average. However, its effectiveness is no lower than that of the above medications. The drug "Rimantadine" acts exclusively on existing viruses. Therefore, it is not used for prevention purposes. It is forbidden to use the medication for children under 7 years of age. Can be replaced with inexpensive "Cycloferon". Tablets of 10 pieces will cost you 150-200 rubles. It's not as cheap as Rimantadine, but it's not very expensive either. The drug "Cycloferon" can be used in children from 4 years of age. In addition, the drug also has an immunomodulatory effect and can be used for preventive purposes.

Grippferon drops and spray are popular among doctors. This medication can be used in newborns and pregnant women and is prescribed everywhere. The nasal medicine costs about 200 rubles. You can replace the drug with regular Interferon for only 100 rubles.

Medicines to relieve a runny nose

Often when you have a cold, a person develops a runny nose, accompanied by nasal congestion. To eliminate this unpleasant symptom, doctors prescribe medications such as Nazivin and Sanorin. Such drugs cost about 200 rubles. You can replace them with “Naphthyzin”, “Galazolin”, which will cost you no more than 50 rubles. They can be used for no more than 3-5 days, like expensive analogues.

Doctors can prescribe Miramistin solution as an antiseptic. You can buy it at a pharmacy for 200-350 rubles. An analogue of this medication will be “Chlorhexidine”, which costs no more than 50 rubles. An expensive nasal antiseptic based on silver ions is Sialor (250-300 rubles). Without any fear, it can be replaced with Protargol solution for 60-80 rubles.

Replace “Pinosol” drops (200 rubles) with the drug “Pinovit” (100 rubles). These medicines are made from plant extracts and oils. Their composition is absolutely identical, only the manufacturer differs.

Rinse your nose

To treat viral and bacterial infections accompanied by rhinitis, saline solutions are often prescribed. These are the drugs “Aquamaris”, “Aqualor”, “Humer”, “Dolphin” and so on. They are relatively inexpensive (about 100-300 rubles). Is it possible to choose cheap remedies instead (for colds accompanied by a runny nose)?

You can replace these compounds with the drug "Rizosin". It costs about 80 rubles per bottle. If you want to save even more, then give preference to sodium chloride solution. This medicine will cost you 50 rubles for a large bottle of 200 milliliters. Note that you can prepare a saline solution for rinsing your nose yourself. In this case, it will be practically free. Add a spoonful of salt and soda to boiled water at room temperature, mix thoroughly and enjoy for your health!

for a cold

Sometimes it happens that a viral infection takes on a bacterial form. Often this is a consequence of improper treatment, reduced immunity, if a person suffers from a cold on his feet. In such a situation, the use of bactericidal and bacteriostatic drugs is indicated. You should not choose a cheap antibiotic (for colds) on your own, since the preferred medication may simply be ineffective. Therefore, consult your doctor and discuss the issue with him. Please note which drugs can be replaced with inexpensive analogues:

  • “Sumamed” (500 rub.) to “Azitrus” (50 rub.).
  • “Flemoxin” (300 rubles) for “Amoxicillin” (40 rubles).
  • “Suprax” (800 rubles) to “Cefatoxime” (50 rubles) and so on.

Cough preparations

For bronchitis and pneumonia, doctors always prescribe mucolytic or bronchodilator compounds. In pediatrics, drugs such as Lazolvan and Ambrobene are often used. The drugs can be taken orally or used by inhalation. They cost about 250-300 rubles per bottle. The medicine contains the active ingredient ambroxol. Based on the same component, the drug “Ambroxol” of the same name is produced, costing no more than 50 rubles.

What other cheap cold medicines are there for children? Mukaltin is also an effective and inexpensive cough remedy. These tablets cost an average of 20 rubles for 10 pieces. At the same time, pills help no worse than syrups. The drug can also be given to children. If desired, “Mukaltin” can be replaced with “Althea” syrup, which will cost you no more than 40 rubles.

Cheap preventative medicine for colds

Often, people who get sick often are prescribed preventive medications. At the same time, it is quite difficult to find a cheap product. For colds and flu, doctors prescribe drugs such as Ergoferon and Anaferon. They cost on average 300-400 rubles. The more expensive Isoprinosine is used (600 rubles). Homeopathic compounds are prescribed, for example “Ocillococcinum” (900 rubles). The medications “Bronchomunal” and “Immunal” are very popular.

You can replace the medications described with cheap cold remedies. For prevention purposes, use Echinacea or Echinacea-P tablets. They are an absolute structural analogue of the drug “Immunal”. At the same time, the difference in price is almost 900 rubles. “Echinacea-P” costs 90 rubles for 100 tablets, and “Immunal” costs 200 rubles for 20 pills. If you were unable to purchase the product described, then you can safely buy echinacea tincture or dried briquettes for brewing tea. The effect will be identical.

Symptomatic treatment

Patients often use drugs such as Fervex, Theraflu, and Coldrex in the form of powders for colds. One serving of such medications costs an average of 20-60 rubles. The composition also contains vitamin C. You can safely replace these magic sachets with cheap medicines. Regular Paracetamol will help you against colds. In most cases, it is the component of expensive drugs. 10 tablets will cost you about 8-12 rubles. You can also purchase vitamin C at the pharmacy at an affordable price (20 rubles per 100 tablets).

For fever, doctors also prescribe Nurofen. This drug is often used in young children. But adult patients also take it no less often. You can replace expensive tablets (200 rubles) with inexpensive Ibuprofen, the price of which is on average 50 rubles per 100 capsules.

Should expensive things be replaced with cheap ones: reviews

Is it really possible to find a good cheap cold remedy? Or is it better not to take risks and take expensive drugs that have already become familiar to everyone? What do doctors think about this?

Doctors report that some cheap drugs are sometimes better than expensive ones. Unfortunately, recently you can increasingly hear about counterfeit medicines. At the same time, the choice of ill-wishers falls on expensive drugs. After all, it is more profitable to counterfeit a medicine for 1000 rubles than one that costs 20 rubles. In this regard, doctors have recently been trying to prescribe inexpensive generics. But doctors still collaborate with pharmaceutical companies, promoting their drugs. Therefore, this issue remains controversial to this day.

Judging by consumer reviews, we can say that cheap cold medicines are no worse than expensive drugs. The stereotype that expensive means good is gradually crumbling. Perhaps, soon all consumers will take long-proven and inexpensive drugs, abandoning new drugs at exorbitant prices.


From the article you learned which cold medicines are prescribed most often and what they can be replaced with. It is not recommended to choose an analogue of the drug on your own. Despite this, many patients do not listen to this rule. It is worth remembering that when choosing a generic version of an expensive drug, you should pay attention to its composition, dosage and restrictions. Many cheap medications are not thoroughly tested and therefore have more contraindications. Save on your health without harming yourself, all the best!

It is known that the disease is easier to prevent than to treat. Modern antiviral drugs are intended for the treatment and prevention of viral infections. Which drugs are the most effective, and what should you choose to treat the influenza virus?

Cure for infection

The human immune system is capable of fighting the virus - it recognizes strangers and develops a program to destroy them, releasing special killer cells that carry out the programmed action. Therefore, one of the first and quite effective antiviral agents is vitamins, which support and stimulate the immune system.

The difficulty of combating viral infection is that the pathogen settles inside the cell membranes. A remedy to combat it must destroy living human cells, distinguish between healthy and infected cells, and act only against them.

Vitamins and immunity

The advantage of a vitamin antiviral agent is that it is harmless. If there is a risk of contracting the flu, you can give a loading dose of vitamin C to an adult and a child, a pregnant woman and a nursing mother, representatives of the older generation and people with chronic diseases. Vitamins are the most inexpensive antiviral agents.

Since the immune system itself is not always able to resist viruses, in the second half of the 20th century, a new generation of drugs was synthesized that contained specific substances that directed their action against viral pathogens. They limited the reproduction of the virus or made healthy human cells immune to infection. By analogy with immune cells, artificial interferon, a specific antiviral substance, was obtained. It counteracts any viral infections and actively fights various acute respiratory viral infections - influenza, rotavirus or colds.

Interferon and products based on it

Interferon is a specific protein that the human body synthesizes during viral infection. If immunity is normal, there is no need to boost it with additional antiviral agents. The need for someone else's interferon arises when the body cannot cope with the infection.

Interferon is synthesized by blood cells and infected human cells. It is also synthesized by neighboring cells that have received a signal that a viral pathogen has appeared nearby. This protein makes cells immune to infection and at the same time suppresses the synthesis of viral DNA shells, that is, it prevents the formation of new viral cells. Interferon does not penetrate cell membranes, but changes the chemical composition of their internal fluid, making it unsuitable for virus propagation.

Interferon is also synthesized during bacterial infection, but it is most strongly produced during the penetration of a virus.

The presence of interferon is effective at the beginning of the disease, when the amount of invading virus is controlled by the immune system. Therefore, taking antiviral drugs is most important on the first day of the disease, when the viral pathogen is actively spreading across the surface of the mucosa. Later, the effectiveness of treatment of even the best drugs with interferon decreases and weakens.

Medicines with interferon for influenza

Pharmaceutical antiviral drugs contain artificially synthesized interferon obtained from special strains of bacteria. It is called recombined (as opposed to donor interferon, called leukocyte interferon). Such interferon is not a product of donor blood; it cannot be a carrier of foreign infections.

Recombined forms are destroyed more slowly and act more efficiently. They have been used for almost 10 years. Due to their long-term use in mass treatment, drugs with interferons are classified as antiviral agents with proven effectiveness. They are allowed in children's treatment:

The form of release of drugs with interferons is mainly external. They are not drunk, but placed in the form of suppositories or applied to the nasal mucosa in the form of drops, ointments, or sprays. This is due to the rapid destruction of interferon in the digestive tract.

Potent drugs with interferon

In addition to the listed drugs, drugs with interferon are produced that are intended for the treatment of more serious viral diseases. They have also proven themselves to be good antiviral agents for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections:

Interferon is a general antiviral substance. It has proven effectiveness against various pathogens. At the same time, your own interferon is always better than synthesized one. A foreign protein can cause an allergic reaction. But its own production of interferon will not cause any allergies.

The next step in the development of antiviral drugs were drugs that stimulated the body to produce its own immune bodies. These are the so-called stimulators of interferon synthesis or its inducers.

Interferon inducers - immunity modulators

A group of drugs that stimulate the production of its own interferon in the human body are called immune modulators. Their use is safer in terms of long-term side effects. They are not “foreign immunity”, “crutches”, they force the body to work on its own.

All ARVI pathogens are natural inducers of interferon.

Inducers do not contain interferon, which is easily destroyed in the digestive tract. Therefore, their release form is tablets, powders, syrups, capsules that must be drunk. These are the best drugs for flu and colds.

Interferon inducers for influenza

Below is a list of manufactured inductors. Many of them are intended for the treatment of adults; children are allowed only from a certain age. They must be taken orally separately from food.

Interferon inducers for herpes and hepatitis

A number of drugs that are intended to treat serious infections have proven themselves in the treatment of ARVI, rotavirus, and influenza.

Viruses develop like any living organism, and medicine develops along with them. A number of substances have already been synthesized that act against a specific viral pathogen. What do the more recent developments of doctors and pharmacists offer, besides vaccinations?

Antiviral drugs for influenza

This group of drugs affects specific viruses. Representatives of two groups are most effective for acute respiratory viral infections - amantadines and neuraminidase inhibitors. Drugs of both groups disrupt the synthesis of enzymes necessary for the reproduction of viral particles. After taking them, the synthesis of new viruses stops.


Representatives of this group include amantadine, remantadine and madantan.

The active substance of the drugs was developed in the 60s, so today its effectiveness is reduced due to mutations and the adaptability of viruses. In addition, amantadines are effective only against influenza A strains and are ineffective against influenza B strains.

Table - medications with amantadine:

Neuraminidase inhibitors

Drugs in this group are more effective than amantandines. It is significant that they have fewer adverse reactions and are used in treatment by US doctors, while other antiviral drugs are used only in Russia.

Amantadine, Rimantadine, Oseltamivir and Zanamivir are licensed in the United States for the treatment of influenza.

Antiviral drugs for herpes

Treatment for influenza also uses medications designed to treat other infections. For example, drugs with ribavirin were intended to treat herpes, but have shown their effectiveness against influenza and ARVI.

Table - drugs with ribavirin:

When choosing a drug for the treatment and prevention of infection, you need to look at the active substance - often it is the same for different drugs at different prices of the drug.

Many new drugs have not been sufficiently researched and tested. It often turns out that they have an extensive list of complications and contraindications. Therefore, from the point of view of the absence of long-term side effects, it is better to use antiviral agents that have been tested in mass treatment for 8-10 years.

Three days ago, our regular reader Natalya asked me to write an article with a complete list of the most effective antiviral remedies for colds.

We first wanted to find a good article on the Internet and give it a link so as not to waste our time, but after searching the Internet for information, we did not find a single article that would answer this question completely. Thus, this material appeared, which collected more than 30 of the most effective and inexpensive antiviral drugs.


The human body is surrounded every day by hundreds of pathogenic microorganisms, which at any time can undermine the immune system and cause colds or viral diseases. Infections caused by viral agents cause up to 5 million deaths annually - this is, unfortunately, a sad statistic from the World Health Organization.

Despite the danger of viruses, people often ignore a cold and go to work or other public places with symptoms of the disease, thereby endangering others.

Such negligence towards health sometimes leads to serious complications, including disability and death. Therefore, every person, especially during epidemics, must be on alert and meet the virus with all weapons.

Viruses enter the human body through the upper respiratory system. With strong immune defense, they die in barrier zones - the mucous membrane of the nose and oropharynx and do not reach the lower parts of the respiratory system. Even if the disease begins, it will be mild and will go away in a week at most.

With a weakened immune status, unpleasant symptoms develop that are caused by viruses: runny nose, cough, pain and sore throat, fever, general malaise. They last more than seven days, and in some cases the full period of recovery occurs only after several weeks.

Not so long ago, therapeutic therapy for acute respiratory viral infections was carried out with the aim of alleviating symptoms. The modern approach to treatment is aimed at preventing complications by prescribing the necessary antiviral drugs that can stop the rapid progression of a cold and quickly relieve all symptoms of the disease.

When taking antiviral drugs in prophylactic doses a healthy person has an increased chance of not “catching” a respiratory infection in epidemiologically difficult times.

Should you be afraid of a cold?

In the understanding of many people, a cold is a harmless condition that is caused by hypothermia, draft, wet feet, etc. Indeed, about 20% of all “wet” noses have precisely these causes, but it is difficult to determine exactly what caused the disease. Therefore, the general name has taken root among the people - the common cold, which includes acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections and conditions associated with hypothermia.

The remaining 80% of viral infections require antiviral drugs, because Antibacterial drugs are not helpful in this case. To effectively treat colds, antiviral drugs are used that can cover a wide range of viral agents.

You shouldn’t be afraid of a cold; you need to deal with it wisely. A good antiviral remedy for a cold can only be selected by a doctor who knows what virus is currently “walking” around the city.

You can read more about the dangers and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections in this article.

The following types of viruses are the culprits of respiratory infections:

To suppress all these microorganisms, the pharmacological market provides antiviral agents, and your doctor will definitely tell you which one is best to choose.

What effective antiviral agents can be used for colds?

Antiviral drugs for adults and children differ in their group relationship (interferons, etiotropic drugs, others) and in their effect on the body. We will not dwell in detail on complex medical terminology, but will immediately move on to an introduction to antiviral drugs and their brief characteristics.

List of commonly purchased (best) antiviral drugs for colds:

Let's look at some of them.

Remantadine is an old, proven antiviral agent, inexpensive, and suppresses even swine flu strains. The drug is approved for use in children from one year of age. Most reviews about the drug are positive, but there are patients who report a number of side effects: dry mouth, nausea, dizziness, gastralgia, tachycardia, apathy, nervousness, and others.

The drug is prescribed in the first days of the disease when only signs of the disease appear.

Proven If Remantadine exhibits resistance to some mutating viruses, then the drug must be replaced with more modern antiviral agents. Not used for epilepsy, severe liver and kidney diseases.

The price for 100 mg capsules No. 10 ranges from 174 to 300 rubles. Tablets in a dosage of 50 mg No. 20 cost an average of 50 – 150 rubles.

Tamiflu is a drug that is highly active against influenza A and B strains. It is used in the first days of illness. Tamiflu may cause the following side effects: diarrhea, headache, nausea, insomnia, hallucinations, depression, anxiety and others.

Due to the high toxicity of the drug, some international experts consider Tamiflu a dangerous drug advertised by the manufacturer.

If you look at the official instructions for Tamiflu, then probably any patient will not read it to the end. There is a lot of research data and special instructions, which naturally suggests the complexity of the drug. One gets the impression that Tamiflu has not been studied enough, although it is recommended for patients from 12 months of age.

The price of the drug is high, the minimum cost in pharmacies is approximately 1,150 rubles per package (75 mg of oseltamivir No. 10). Therefore, we wrote a material where we reviewed cheap analogues of Tamiflu and instructions for using the drug.

Arbidol is a low-toxic antiviral drug used for influenza, ARVI, acute severe respiratory syndrome, immunodeficiency, as well as complex therapy for bronchopulmonary diseases, rotavirus and herp infections. The drug is used from the age of three, both for treatment and prevention.

Side effects are associated only with individual intolerance to the product, which makes it popular and safe to use. Arbidol is widely used in Russia and is included in standard treatment regimens for viral infections.

The average price of Arbidol is 220 rubles for 100 mg capsules No. 10, which is quite expensive. We looked at cheap analogues of Arbidol.

Ingavirin is an antiviral drug used for acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial infection, and adenoviruses. The drug is prescribed only for the treatment of adult patients. Ingavirin has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antitoxic effect, and has established itself as a highly effective immunomodulatory drug for colds of various origins.

The drug is non-toxic and rarely causes allergic reactions. A number of studies have shown that Russian Ingavirin has higher antiviral activity than Tamiflu (Switzerland).

The price for 60 mg capsules No. 7 averages 350 rubles.

Ribavirin is a fast-acting antiviral medicine used only after 18 years of age. The remedy is indicated for respiratory syncytial virus, adenoviruses, influenza, herpes, oncogenic viruses and other diseases caused by rare forms of viruses, for example, smallpox viruses.

Ribavirin will be relevant when traveling in Africa and South America, where there is a high probability of catching something “exotic” for your health.

The drug has toxicity and is contraindicated in heart failure, myocardial infarction, severe anemia, severe renal and hepatic pathology, autoimmune processes, and the patient's suicidal tendencies.

The price in pharmacies for domestically produced Ribavirin 200 mg No. 30 averages 160 rubles.

Amiksin has antiviral and immunomodulating effects. It is non-toxic, and in therapeutic doses, as a rule, has no side effects. At higher dosages, allergic reactions, chills, and gastrointestinal complaints were observed.

The drug is used from the age of seven, main indications: ARVI, influenza, herpes, hepatitis of viral origin, cytomegalovirus infection. Amiksin is used in the complex treatment of tuberculosis, urogenital infections and other pathologies.

Cycloferon is an immunomodulating agent used in patients over 4 years of age. The drug induces interferon, thereby forcing the immune system to exhibit antiviral, anti-inflammatory and immune protection against influenza, ARVI, papillomavirus, herpes, and other viruses.

Cycloferon is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance or severe liver diseases. There are also relative contraindications: gastrointestinal diseases and allergies in the past.

The price of Cycloferon tablets 150 mg No. 10 is approximately 165 rubles.

Tips for treating a cold

In the article, we reviewed the most popular drugs with antiviral effects for colds. Based on the information presented, you can make a list of inexpensive drugs:

  • Leukocyte interferon – 95 rubles;
  • Grippferon – 250 rub. (analogue of Derinat);
  • Cycloferon – 165 rubles;
  • Remantadine – 100 rubles;
  • Viferon – 250 rubles;
  • Anaferon – 220 rubles;
  • Arbidol – 220 rubles;
  • Ribavirin – 160 rub.

Naturally, the patient faces a dilemma: “Which is the best antiviral tablet to choose?” You should not select these drugs on your own, and cheap drugs will not always help replace an expensive drug.

That's why only the doctor decides question about the prescription of an antiviral drug, its dose and course of administration. In exceptional cases (independent use), it is recommended to use the drug following the clearly attached instructions for use.

An article on the topic - antiviral nasal drops - inexpensive but effective.

What immunomodulatory drugs can be used with antiviral drugs?

These medications include:

  • IRS-19 (nasal spray 20 ml) – 420 rubles;
  • Polyoxidonium (12 mg tablets No. 10) – 700 rubles;
  • Lykopid (tablets 10 mg No. 10) – 1400 rubles;
  • Ribomunil (0.75 mg tablets No. 4) – 300 rubles;
  • Broncho-munal (capsules 7 mg No. 10) – 470 rubles.

These funds help the body increase its adaptive properties and strengthen the resistance of cells against viruses and bacteria.

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