Badger fat medicinal properties application. Medicinal properties of badger fat, contraindications and application. Unsaturated oleic acid

Badger fat has long been considered a panacea in the treatment of various problems associated with the bronchi and lungs. Today, most modern people trust official medicine and consider traditional recipes absolutely ineffective. Therefore, today we will talk about badger fat, find out whether this remedy is beneficial or harmful to the body, and how it is recommended to use it.

What's included

It is not without reason that badger product is a very popular remedy in the treatment of various diseases, as it is rich in saturated and unsaturated fatty acids and organic acids.

What is badger fat useful for and what does it help with?

The product in question has a positive effect on the body:

  • Helping improve protein metabolism in the body.
  • Having a beneficial effect on the human gastrointestinal tract.
  • Increasing hemoglobin.
  • Having a negative effect on pathogens of infectious diseases.
  • Promoting the restoration process of tissues in the body. The ability to envelop and protect mucous membranes has been noted.
  • Improving cardiac activity, reducing the risk of thrombosis and.
  • Eliminating hormonal imbalance, increasing potency and fertility.
  • Reducing the possibility of development.
  • Having a restorative effect on, and. Warns.

Did you know? It is known that the amount of fat in a badger’s body is insignificant, but during the preparation of the animal for winter, its content in the body increases 3-4 times.

Traditional medicine calls for the use of badger fat for people who suffer from:
  • Disorders in the digestive system.
  • Problems with the skin.
  • Organ diseases.
  • Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract.
  • Problems with the musculoskeletal system.
The positive effect of using badger fat in gynecology and for men is also known.

How to choose the right one when purchasing

Badger fat is a fairly expensive and unique product, so unscrupulous sellers are trying in every possible way to either completely counterfeit it and sell a product where the content of the natural component is zero, or add a little badger fat to cheap animal fat and pass it off as a quality product.
Often a popular product contains many preservatives to extend shelf life.

To protect yourself from deception, you need to take into account the rules that will prevent you from making mistakes when purchasing a badger product:
  • A product that has already expired will have an unpleasant smell of putrid odor and a rancid taste.
  • Normally, the product has a milky, slightly yellowish or creamy tint. If the color is different, dyes have been added, which gives the right to doubt the quality of the product.
  • The product should not be stored or sold in plastic containers.
  • A high-quality product melts and spreads when left at room temperature.
  • A product with impurities may not harden in the refrigerator, which indicates a low quality product.

How and where to store badger fat at home

The natural product is stored exclusively in the refrigerator at temperatures up to +5°. You can also store the product in the freezer at temperatures down to -20°. The medicine must be in original glass containers.

Folk recipes

Since badger remedy is an excellent helper in various problems of the body, it is actively used in many. Therefore, we will consider how to take badger fat for the prevention and treatment of various injuries and other problems in the human body.

To boost immunity

The badger product helps a lot with low blood pressure, which is why there are quite a few recipes for products based on it. The main problem with this product is the nasty taste, so children categorically refuse to use it.
But there is also a way out of this situation - to mask the unpleasant taste with tasty, sweet, and most importantly - healthy dried fruits.

Therefore, let's consider the most popular recipe for boosting immunity with badger product and dried fruits.

50 g of badger fat is diluted with (50 g), raisins (25 g), (25 g), (50 g). Dried fruits are finely chopped with a knife or meat grinder. The received product is taken for 30 days, 1 tbsp. bed a day before .

For a cold

Important!Badger fat cannot be used to treat children under 6 years of age.

For 4 dessert spoons of badger fat, black (50 g) and butter (50 g) are used. To prepare the product, melt chocolate and butter and cool slightly, then add fat. You can also add 3 tsp. cocoa, to enhance the chocolate aroma. The product is taken in 1 tbsp. spoon before meals, once a day. You can also dilute the medicine with warm milk and drink in small sips.

For ulcers and gastritis

Badger fat is also very effective in treating stomach ulcers. To do this, it is used in its pure form, without additives or additional ingredients. In the morning, on an empty stomach, it is recommended to use 1 tbsp. l. per day.

For stretch marks and muscle pain

If you have injured your muscles, it is recommended to prepare a mixture based on badger fat. To do this, prepare 50 ml of fat, 5 drops of lavender essential oil, 2 drops of peppermint essential oil and 15 ml of wheat germ oil. The product is mixed well and rubbed three times a day into the affected areas of the body, after preliminary steaming.

A positive effect from using this remedy from badger fat can be achieved for the treatment of sore joints; the application is the same as in the case of muscle injuries.

For hair

Badger fat can be effectively used to prevent or stop, restore dry and brittle skin.

To do this, it is recommended to pay attention to the following remedy, which is prepared independently.
For a tablespoon of badger product, use colorless henna (1 tbsp), aloe juice (1 tbsp), whey (2 tbsp), geranium essential oil (3 drops). The mass is applied to the hair and left for 1 hour, then washed off with warm shampoo. You can repeat the application once a week until a positive result is obtained.

For cracks on the feet and palms

Homemade cream based on a natural product has a healing, moisturizing and softening effect on the skin and. In order to achieve the desired effect, the day before the product is prepared, add 2 tsp to rose water (50 ml). lecithin. Leave the mixture to brew for 1 day. The next morning, the badger fat (100 ml) is melted and almond oil (50 ml), 20 g of beeswax and rose water with lecithin are added. Store in and apply to damaged skin twice a day. . When discussing contraindications, it is worth paying attention to the issue of using badger fat at a temperature, and whether or not it can be used in this case is worth considering in more detail.

The fact is that this product has a warming effect, so it is not recommended to smear it at elevated body temperatures. It is better to wait until the temperature subsides and only then resort to using an effective remedy. As for the harmful effects on, it is possible if the badger product is taken by people for whom it is contraindicated. Sometimes the product causes, and children may experience Quincke's edema in case of individual intolerance to the product.

If the product is not stored correctly or used after the expiration date, signs of food poisoning may occur that require going to the hospital.

Thus, badger fat is an effective remedy in the fight against common problems and diseases. The main thing is to choose a quality product and follow the dosage when using it, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body.

People began using badger fat as medicine more than 200 years ago. Hunters of that time noted the wound-healing and general strengthening properties of the product. Before hibernating, the animal accumulates a thick layer of fat, which contains many vitamins and nutrients. That is why the product has a positive effect on the human body.

Badger fat: composition and properties

Badger fat is a storehouse of minerals and important elements that help fight illnesses.

The product contains the following substances.

Vitamins A and E. They increase immunity, restore damaged tissue, synthesize collagen and keratin, relieve inflammation, and have a positive effect on the reproductive system.

B vitamins. These elements are involved in metabolic processes, hematopoiesis, normalize vision, strengthen hair and nails. Vitamins also promote digestion, regulate the functioning of muscles and the nervous system, and maintain the stability of hormonal levels in women.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids. They are not synthesized by the human body, but play an important role for it, so they need to come from outside. These acids prevent the formation of cancer cells, regulate, and have a positive effect on the cardiovascular, nervous and digestive systems.

Organic acids. They enhance the effect of vitamins A and E, prevent salts from depositing in joints, and stimulate the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Vitamin K. It is needed for normal functioning and blood clotting.

The benefits and harms of badger fat for the human body

The benefits of badger lard are that it:

  • increases the body's resistance to infections;
  • heals mucous membranes;
  • regenerates damaged tissues;
  • slows down cell aging;
  • reduces the risk of blood clots and plaques;
  • improves digestion;
  • strengthens hair and nails;
  • maintains normal hormonal levels;
  • reduces the risk of cancer;
  • participates in protein metabolism.

The fact that the product helps in the treatment of various diseases has been clinically confirmed. Badger fat is also used in traditional medicine, but if used incorrectly, it can cause harm to the body.

Several points need to be taken into account in treatment.

  1. Individual intolerance causes.
  2. An overdose can cause nausea, vomiting, etc.
  3. It is important to store badger fat correctly, and a spoiled product can no longer be taken. This is dangerous due to poisoning.
  4. Medicines based on this lard have contraindications; you should definitely read them before starting treatment so as not to cause harm.

Badger fat: application. What does it help with?

Most often, badger fat is indicated for coughs and. It is also used for other ENT diseases: colds, flu, laryngitis, pharyngitis, and others. It also copes well with pulmonary ailments, such as pneumonia.

Fat is used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcers), genitourinary system, heart disease, skin injuries, and problems with the musculoskeletal system.

In women, the product treats diseases at the hormonal level, and in men it is indicated for potency.

Badger fat is also used for general strengthening of the body after a severe illness. It helps restore strength after exhaustion.

In addition, the product is valued by cosmetologists due to the fact that it cleanses the skin and strengthens hair and nails.

Badger fat for cough and bronchitis

How is badger fat with milk useful for coughs in children?

Children from 3 years of age can take medicines with badger fat; at an earlier age, the liver cannot yet break it down into enzymes. It is quite difficult to persuade a child to take such a medicine, since it has a specific taste. That is why badger fat can be given not in its pure form, but in a mixture with milk. Here is the dosage per glass of liquid depending on age:

  • a third of a teaspoon for children 3-5 years old;
  • 0.5 teaspoon for the category 5-10 years;
  • 1 teaspoon for children over 10 years old.

Less than a century has passed since antibiotics and synthetic drugs were invented, which today make up the “arsenal” of doctors. How were our distant ancestors treated, what helped them resist diseases?

They had at their disposal a natural “pharmacy”, a variety of products of plant and animal origin, with the help of which they not only survived the difficult struggle for existence, but also gave birth to healthy offspring.

There were no doctors in the modern sense of the word at that time. But there were healers and traditional healers who knew the secrets of healing and passed on their experience from generation to generation.

Badger fat is a remedy that has come to us from time immemorial.

"He digs holes skillfully
He knows and loves this business.
He is a friend to all the animals in the forest,
And his name is...badger."

Our wise ancestors long ago adopted the fat of wild animals, which tend to hibernate in winter and emerge from it in the spring full of strength. One of these animals is the badger. They hunted him, and catching a badger was a great success. After all, his skin brought great benefits to the hunter’s family. Warm hats, fur coats, mittens, and high boots were made from thick badger fur. Clothes made from the fur of this animal were beautiful and durable, keeping warm well even in the most severe cold.

In addition, our ancestors widely used badger fat. There is a lot of evidence that over the past two hundred years, the fat of this animal has traditionally been used over a vast territory, from the Amur to the Arkhangelsk regions. To this day, it is considered a healing, proven and reliable remedy that can be used for medical purposes in various situations.

Fat is obtained on the eve of winter, when badgers are just preparing for a long period of hibernation and, therefore, have a fair supply of fat, rich in nutrients and useful substances.

Composition of badger fat

Badger fat is a real natural “storehouse” of vitamins, minerals and healthy substances. It is not surprising that people consider it a miracle cure, a panacea for many ailments. The following elements play the most important role in the composition of this product:

  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids, the importance of which is difficult to overestimate. The fact is that our body does not synthesize them on its own. They come exclusively from the outside, with food. So, if the body lacks linoleic and linolenic acids, a serious threat to the cardiovascular system will arise in the form of atherosclerosis - cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels. Blood clots can form with all the ensuing consequences. Polyunsaturated acids help reduce inflammatory processes and stimulate cellular metabolism. And such an important acid as oleic acid prevents the formation and proliferation of cancer cells. In other words, badger fat can strengthen the body's defenses and immunity.
  • Vitamin A, also known as the “growth vitamin”. Thanks to him, the processes of renewal of skin, hair, and nails proceed at a rapid pace. With sufficient intake of vitamin A, a person not only looks healthier and younger, but also feels the same. Chronic diseases recede, the aging process slows down, the skin becomes smooth, elastic, nails become strong, hair becomes strong and shiny, prone to rapid growth. By the way, vitamin A, which is part of badger fat, also inhibits the development of cancer.
  • B vitamins, without which the body is unable to maintain normal hormonal levels. They are regulators of metabolic processes in the body and sources of energy. This factor is especially important for women. Vitamin B, contained in badger fat, has an extremely beneficial effect on the condition of the female reproductive system.

Useful properties and uses of badger fat

This product significantly accelerates the processes of protein metabolism in the body, increases hemoglobin, immunity, and helps normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. It has been proven that badger fat improves male potency and helps fight infertility.

The therapeutic effect of its use directly depends on the concentration of biologically active substances in it. The best results can be achieved by using animal fat obtained just before the start of winter, in anticipation of hibernation. Such fat will have a strong bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect, which can have a powerful healing effect both when used externally and internally.

For hundreds of years, our ancestors used badger fat as an effective cough remedy, which was used not only for treatment, but also for prevention purposes. Bronchitis and pneumonia were easily curable, and even such a serious disease as tuberculosis could be cured by persistent use of badger fat.

This remedy helps cough for children and adults. It is perfectly absorbed by the body and, in addition to its healing effect, supplies the most important micro- and macroelements, vitamins, the lack of which so affects one’s well-being in winter and spring. Here is a far from complete list of diseases for which treatment with badger fat brings good results:

  • bronchitis;
  • colds (acute respiratory infections, ARVI, otitis media, laryngitis, pharyngitis, etc.);
  • stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • exhaustion after illness or surgery;
  • vascular diseases, atherosclerosis;
  • low immunity.

However, badger fat is most widely used for coughs, regardless of the origin of the latter. With its help, even a passionate smoker who has been suffering from a cough for many years can be cured of this chronic illness.

How to use badger fat?

In pharmacies you can find badger fat in capsules. This product is a dietary supplement that is taken in complete courses of treatment, according to the recommendations printed on the packaging. It is usually washed down with milk or tea. As a rule, these gelatin capsules are recommended for adults and children starting from the age of 12.

In pediatric practice, badger fat is used to lubricate the back, chest and feet of children with colds and coughs. It is quite difficult to persuade a child to drink this unpleasant-tasting drug. It is much easier to implement external treatment, which gives excellent results within a few days from the onset of the disease.

Still, dry cough is best cured by internal use of badger fat. In order for the baby to easily swallow the required portion of the product, it must be mixed with warm milk or honey, adhering to the proportion of 3 parts of the medicine to 1 part of honey. Give your baby a teaspoon three times a day, half an hour before meals, for two weeks.

Badger fat will undoubtedly benefit adults as well. A healthy person can consume one tablespoon of the product per day, washed down with tea with currant leaf or raspberry jam, rose hip decoction or milk. A single dose per day should be continued for two weeks, after which it should be taken twice a day - in the morning, after waking up and in the evening, before going to bed.

Many diseases - provided that treatment with badger fat is started in a timely manner - are successfully cured and do not become chronic. This also applies to compresses and rubbing used for bronchitis. Moreover, a favorable result is achieved not due to the warming effect, but due to the bactericidal effect of badger fat, its ability to destroy pathogenic bacilli.

Classic recipe for oral administration

Mix fat in a 3:1 ratio with the following products (optional):

  • rosehip decoction;
  • infusion of St. John's wort;
  • natural flower honey;
  • raspberry jam;
  • black currants, pureed with sugar.

Grind the mixture until pasty and take three times a day half an hour before meals for 2 weeks. After this time, you can switch to a two-time dose, in the mornings and evenings. Children under 12 years of age should mix badger fat with milk and give one teaspoon. It’s not for nothing that the recipe is called a classic; it really allows you to cure many diseases.

Badger fat against tuberculosis

Take 100 g of badger fat and polyfloral honey, add 50 g of aloe juice and mix thoroughly. Take 1 tbsp. spoon three times a day, 30-40 minutes before meals.

In the process of treating tuberculosis, you can alternate courses of treatment based on the recipe described above and this:

Mix 10 fresh chicken eggs, 10 lemons, ½ liter of cognac, 1 liter of honey and 1 liter of badger fat in a large container. The lemon should first be passed through a meat grinder along with the peel. Pour the crushed lemon mixture over the eggs along with the shells for 4-5 days, then chop the shells and grind everything thoroughly. Take a third of a glass three times a day.

Recipe for treatment in the early stages of lung cancer

Take ½ liter of cognac, polyfloral honey, aloe juice and badger fat, mix thoroughly and take 1 tablespoon half an hour before meals, three times a day.

By the way, this recipe was very popular among front-line soldiers who returned from the Great Patriotic War with a lung wound. In the post-war years, medicines were tight, and this recipe extended the lives of many people, and helped some to finally recover.

Recipe for using badger fat for weakened immune systems

Take 100 g of the following products: raisins, walnuts, flower honey, dried apricots, badger fat. Mix until smooth and take a tablespoon 3 times a day (adults), a teaspoon 2-3 times a day (children under 12 years old).

This recipe allows you to restore the body's defenses after a serious illness, taking antibiotics, or surgery.

Tibetan recipe for using badger fat

Take 100 g of badger fat, cocoa powder, aloe leaves, mountain honey; add 50 g of butter, 1 g of mumiyo and bee propolis extract, a teaspoon of medical alcohol. Take 1 tablespoon of the mixture per glass of hot milk, drinking it in small sips 2 hours before meals. Use this way 2-3 times a day.

The resulting mixture can also be used for rubbing, after diluting it with vodka in a 1:1 ratio.

Side effects and contraindications to the use of badger fat

Among the contraindications to the use of this product are the following:

  • infancy and early childhood;
  • diseases of the liver, gall bladder and pancreas;
  • allergy to the product.

Side effects of treatment with badger fat can include stool upset, nausea, and vomiting. In order to avoid such conditions, you should store the product correctly (in a dark, dry and cool place) and choose it wisely. The best place to purchase it is a reputable pharmacy. The release form of badger fat is bottles or capsules.

Signs of quality badger fat

Fresh and high-quality badger fat is usually white or slightly yellowish in color and has a characteristic smell and taste.

A spoiled product, usually of a pronounced yellow color, is characterized by an unpleasant sour, “rotten” odor and rancid taste. One of the most important indicators of a quality product is the expiration date indicated on the packaging.

Over its centuries-old history, traditional medicine has accumulated more than hundreds of thousands of recipes using products of plant and animal origin. Since time immemorial, when there were no antibiotics and other drugs, Mother Nature has been a source of energy and vitality for people, which helped them survive in difficult conditions. Traditional healers and healers constantly discovered new means to treat this or that disease, and passed on their experience to the next generation, improving the science of healing.

Unfortunately, today it is rare to meet an absolutely healthy person; often, from birth, a person is diagnosed with disorders or diseases - the reasons are obvious: heredity, lifestyle, poor ecology and other factors. Treatment is usually carried out with pharmaceutical drugs that are created chemically, the quality of which leaves much to be desired. People forget about the colossal and centuries-old experience of treatment with traditional medicine, which, when used correctly, gives amazing results for the prevention or treatment of many diseases.

Among the huge number of remedies used in alternative medicine, badger fat occupies special attention, which has been widely used for more than 200 years to treat a huge number of diseases. This product is recognized by official medicine as a high-quality and effective therapeutic and prophylactic drug.

Badger fat is obtained at the beginning of winter, when this wonderful animal is preparing for hibernation. During this period, animal fat has the most medicinal and unique properties. The process of preparing natural medicine is lengthy and consists of several stages, after which we receive a high-quality product of a yellowish or white color with a specific smell and taste.

Composition of badger fat

The main secret of badger fat lies in its composition, which contains irreplaceable biologically active substances, vitamins, and minerals for the full functioning of the body. Badger fat is so rich in nutrients that it can support the animal throughout hibernation and spring (6 months). Badger fat contains:

    Polyunsaturated fatty acids (Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9 acids)– improve metabolic processes, nourish tissues, have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant properties, are not synthesized by the body and should be supplied with food. These substances improve the functioning of the cardiovascular, endocrine, nervous, and reproductive systems, improve the condition of the skin, strengthen the immune system, and prevent the development of cancer. A deficiency of semisaturated fatty acids leads to high cholesterol in the blood, decreased immunity and other disorders.

    Minerals– take an active part in metabolic processes;

    Vitamins A and E- enhance the effect of unsaturated fatty acids, have high antioxidant activity, activate skin regeneration, increase immunity, participate in the process of growth and development, and play an important role in the reproductive system of men and women.

    B vitamins- play an important role in protein, fat, carbon and water-salt metabolism, form immunity, hematopoietic processes, improve vision, normalize the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems.

In addition, badger fat also contains other vitamins (PP, K, tocopherol, folic acid, carotenoids), macroelements and organic acids, which are essential for the full functioning of the body. Badger fat is used as a general tonic in a complex addition to traditional treatment. Considering the possible severity of the disease, stage, localization, it is clear that there is no need to give up antibiotics or other drugs prescribed by the doctor, but using badger fat, proven over centuries, will be useful and reasonable, while many doctors of official medicine themselves recommend using this product.

Medicinal properties of badger fat

Badger fat is widely used in folk and traditional medicine; it often becomes an alternative to many drugs and has the following properties:

    improves protein, fat, carbohydrate metabolism;

    increases immunity;

    regulates the hematopoietic system;

    has bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant effects;

    normalizes the secretory activity of the gastrointestinal tract;

    compensates for impaired enzyme formation due to poor nutrition;

    increases emotional tone;

    increases hemoglobin;

    normalizes hormonal balance;

    increases sexual activity;

    reduces the risk of developing cancer;

    normalizes the functioning of internal organs and systems;

    improves skin regeneration after injuries, burns;

    necessary during the period of growth and development;

    prevents aging of the body, improves the condition of skin, hair, nails.

In addition to the above properties of badger fat, it has other benefits for the treatment or prevention of various diseases and is considered a panacea for almost all diseases or disorders. After taking badger fat, all organic acids, minerals, and vitamins quickly enter the bloodstream and are absorbed 100%.

With the help of badger fat you can get rid of many diseases

How to take badger fat?

Badger fat is considered a completely affordable product that can be purchased at pharmacies or places selling traditional medicine. For safety and to avoid counterfeit products, it is better to buy this product in pharmacy chains, where each drug has a quality certificate and is completely safe for use. Badger fat is sold in the form of capsules or liquid form, in bottles. Sometimes preparations made from badger fat may contain additives from medicinal plants or beekeeping products, so before purchasing you should familiarize yourself with the composition of the drug.

Badger fat can be used to rub the chest, feet, back for colds, also lubricate purulent wounds, treat gunshot or knife wounds, insect and animal bites. Widely used for diseases of the joints or spine in the form of rubbing the sore areas of the skin. The substances found in this unique product clean wounds, draw out pus, relieve inflammation, and promote healing.

For oral administration, badger fat is recommended to be taken 3 times a day, for two weeks, one tablespoon, 30-40 minutes before meals with a small amount of liquid. Then you can reduce the intake to 2 times a day. Badger fat can be taken by children from 3 years old and adults. Before consuming badger fat, it must be softened and mixed with honey or syrup. Children drink this product with warm milk. Internal consumption of badger fat is not recommended for children under 3 years of age; rubbing and compresses can be used. If the drug is taken in capsules, the instructions for use should be followed.

Indications for use of badger fat

Healing badger fat is used as a dietary supplement or a source of essential fatty acids in complex therapy for the treatment or prevention of the following diseases:

    to increase immunity in case of frequent colds;

    the recovery period after an illness or the postoperative period - to restore strength;

    bronchopulmonary diseases: bronchitis, pleurisy, pulmonary tuberculosis;

    purulent infections: furunculosis, eczema, pustular rash;

    long-term non-healing wounds, ulcers, bedsores;

    skin injuries: burns, frostbite;

    exhaustion of the body: anorexia, dystrophy;

    inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract;

    diseases of the digestive system: gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum;

    diseases of the cardiovascular system: coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, hypertension, cerebrovascular accident;

    vein diseases: thrombophlebitis;

    diseases of the musculoskeletal system: radiculitis, osteochondrosis, arthritis;

    dermatological diseases: psoriasis, dermatitis of various etiologies;

    providing the body with useful substances during the period of growth;

    sexual dysfunctions;

    drug intoxication of the body.

For treatment or prevention, badger fat is taken orally or externally in the form of rubbing, compresses, and treating wounds after injury.

Badger fat is used in cosmetology; it improves complexion, gives skin firmness and elasticity, prevents aging and restores epidermal cells. At home, creams and masks are prepared from it. This healing product protects the skin from environmental influences, especially during frostbite and chapping.

Badger fat is used in both medicine and cosmetology.

Contraindications to the use of badger fat

Badger fat is usually well tolerated; only in some cases, side effects may occur in the form of nausea, vomiting, bowel problems, itchy skin, and rash.

    individual intolerance to the drug;

    pancreatic diseases;

    diseases of the liver and biliary tract;

    children under 5 years of age without consulting a doctor.

Badger fat in folk medicine

Badger fat is one of the effective animal products used in traditional medicine. There are a huge number of recipes with this healing product. Let's look at several of the most effective and affordable recipes using badger fat, which are used to treat and prevent a number of diseases.

Prevention and treatment of colds

It is recommended to take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of badger fat 3 times a day 40 minutes before meals for 2 weeks. This product can be mixed with honey or sweet syrup, this will help eliminate the specific smell and taste.

Severe respiratory tract diseases (tuberculosis, pneumonia, pleurisy)

Take 1-3 tbsp. spoons of fat 3 times a day for 1 month. After which they take a break for 2–3 weeks and repeat the course until complete recovery.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreatitis, gastritis

Eat 1 tbsp daily on an empty stomach. a spoonful of badger fat, after which you need to refrain from eating for 2 hours.

General strengthening agent

To prepare, you will need 100 g of badger fat, honey and cocoa powder (in equal portions), 50 g of butter and aloe, 5 g of mumiyo and alcohol tincture of propolis. Mix all ingredients until smooth and take 1 tablespoon once a day.

Badger fat in cosmetology

Nourishing cream for dry skin

For preparation you will need 50 ml of cocoa butter, jojoba, 50 ml of badger fat. Melt the badger fat, stirring constantly, add 8 drops of each oil, mix well and store in a glass jar.

Treatment of cracked hands and feet

Mix 30 ml of vodka and 1 teaspoon of lecithin and leave overnight. The next day, add 50 ml of badger fat, 10 g of beeswax, 25 ml of almond oil to this tincture. Mix everything thoroughly and add 20 drops of tea or lavender oil. Apply to the skin of the hands or feet 1 – 2 times a day until cracks are eliminated.

In the human body, badger fat is easily absorbed, improves blood composition, normalizes the functioning of internal organs and systems, strengthens the immune system and provides the body with all the necessary nutrients. It should be noted that you should not give up traditional treatment; only complex therapy, after consulting a doctor, can achieve the desired results.

Since ancient times, badger fat has been used in traditional medicine recipes. It is used to treat a large number of different diseases. This product is recognized by official medicine as one of the effective therapeutic and prophylactic drugs.

The medicinal product is prepared during the period when the animal is preparing for hibernation, usually in the first weeks of winter. At this time it is highest. Preparation of the product is a long process consisting of several stages. The result is a unique product, white, sometimes yellow, with a specific smell and taste.


The healing properties are due to the content in its composition of biologically irreplaceable active substances, vitamins and minerals necessary to ensure the proper functioning of the human body. This product has a colossal content of useful components, because it should support the animal during hibernation and in the first months after awakening for six months.

The composition of badger fat includes:

  1. Omega fatty polyacids. They improve metabolism, promote additional tissue nutrition, and have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. The body can only obtain this type of microelements from food, since it cannot synthesize them on its own. The healing properties of badger fat increase the performance of the cardiovascular, reproductive and endocrine systems, and also improve the appearance of the skin and prevent the formation of malignant tumors. A deficiency in fatty acids can lead to increased cholesterol, decreased immunity and other dysfunctions of the body.
  2. Minerals take an active part in metabolic processes.
  3. Vitamins E, A. They have high antioxidant activity, help increase skin regeneration and immunity, participate in the processes of growth and development, and also enhance the effect of fatty acids on the body.
  4. B vitamins. They are important in the metabolic processes of protein, fat, carbohydrates and water-salt, lay the foundation for immunity, circulatory processes, normalize vision, and the functioning of the peripheral and endocrine systems.

Among other things, badger fat contains vitamins PP, K, tocopherol, folic acid, carotenoids, as well as microelements and acids of organic origin, vital for the normal functioning of the whole body.

Thanks to such a rich composition, the product is used as a general strengthening and additional component of traditional medicine. It is worth noting that there is no need to replace full-fledged treatment with badger fat.


The drug is used as a dietary supplement, a source of fatty acids for therapeutic treatment and for prevention purposes.

The product is used in the following cases:

  • to increase immunity during colds;
  • for recovery after a cold or after surgery;
  • for diseases of the respiratory system - bronchitis, pleurisy, tuberculosis;
  • for purulent infections - furunculosis, eczema;
  • for difficult-to-heal wounds, ulcers or the formation of bedsores;
  • in case of injury to the skin - in case of burns or frostbite;
  • for anorexia and dystrophy;
  • in case of inflammation of the kidneys and genitourinary system;
  • for diseases of the digestive system - gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers;
  • in the presence of problems in the cardiovascular system - ischemia, atherosclerosis, hypertension, lack of blood circulation in the brain;
  • in case of venous diseases (thrombophlebitis);
  • for the treatment of ailments of the musculoskeletal system - radiculitis, osteochondrosis, arthritis and others;
  • to solve dermatological problems - psoriasis, various types of dermatitis;
  • in case of violation of the general health of the body.

For therapeutic and preventive purposes, badger fat is taken as food, externally - for rubbing, compresses, when treating wounds and in the postoperative period. The medicinal product is also used in cosmetology: masks are prepared from it.

How to use

Badger fat is taken one teaspoon, an hour before meals, three times a day. The medicine should be taken with milk or tea. This use of the drug is intended for adults, but whether children can take badger fat, the doctor will answer after examining the child. As a rule, children are prescribed the product, only the dosage is reduced to one teaspoon per day.

For the treatment of colds, diseases of the pulmonary system - bronchitis, tonsillitis and flu - the product is mixed with honey in a 1:1 ratio and taken orally, 40 grams daily. Additionally, the product is rubbed on the feet, shoulder blades and chest.

Recovery of the body after surgery, antibacterial therapy or severe illness will be more effective if treated with badger fat. To do this, mix the product with cocoa powder, aloe leaves, honey in the amount of 100 grams, add butter - 50 grams, mumiyo and bee propolis - grams each, as well as a teaspoon of medical alcohol. Take one tablespoon two or three times a day a couple of hours before meals, mixing the mixture with a glass of warm milk. If you dilute a potion of badger fat with vodka in a 1:1 ratio, it can be used as a rub.

To treat burns and wounds of the skin, damaged areas are pre-treated with hydrogen peroxide, then lubricated with the product and left uncovered. Use twice a day for a week.

The use of the drug must be agreed upon with your doctor in advance. To avoid the use of counterfeits, you should purchase badger fat at a pharmacy.

Taking the product by children

It is possible to use the drug to treat illnesses in children, and the process is no fundamentally different from taking the drug by adults. But there are two main points that must be observed:

  1. A child is allowed to take the medicinal product as food after he or she reaches the age of six and after consultation with the attending physician.
  2. The benefits of badger fat for a child’s body will be high only if the dosage of the product is calculated correctly. So, a child is allowed to take the drug in an amount not exceeding 1 teaspoon per day.


The use of the product is widespread not only in the treatment of various types of ailments, but also in the form of a cosmetic product. The healing properties of badger fat are used in masks for the face, hands, and décolleté. After using the product, the appearance of the skin and its condition improve, it takes on a young and fresh appearance.

Clinical studies have proven that all the benefits of badger fat are transferred to the body when using cosmetics made on the basis of this component. Including creams for use in winter. This product forms a film that prevents moisture loss, protects against chapping and frostbite.

Treatment of cracked hands and feet

Everything that badger fat is good for, all its microelements, vitamins and healing substances will benefit the skin. To prevent the formation of foot problems, it is recommended to use a mixture that contains the product. To prepare the tincture, you need to mix vodka (30 ml) and lecithin (teaspoon) and leave overnight. In the morning, add badger fat (50 ml), beeswax (10 g), almond oil (25 ml), and tea tree ether (20 drops) to the tincture. Apply the composition to the skin of the feet or hands a couple of times a day until the cracks are completely healed.

Nutritious cream

To combat dry skin, you can prepare a night cream that will contain all the healing properties of badger fat. You should prepare 50 ml of the medicinal product and the same amount of shea butter - a tablespoon, essential extract of ylang-ylang, geranium and - 8 drops each. Heat the main component in a water bath, add wheat germ and remove from heat. Cool, pour in all the essential oils while constantly stirring, mix thoroughly and pour into a glass container with a tight lid. Apply this cream before bed to areas of skin prone to excessive dryness. This could be the arms, elbows, neck, face and other parts of the body.

External cough treatment

One of the popular recipes for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system is badger cough oil for external use. To achieve a therapeutic effect, the product is rubbed on the chest. First, remove the product from its storage location (often from the refrigerator), set aside the amount of serving per rubbing, bring to room temperature, leaving it in the room for one hour. Rub into the chest and back. When applying, avoid the heart area. After rubbing, wrap with a warm cloth.

Contraindications and side effects

Contraindications to the use of badger fat include:

  • children under six years of age;
  • allergic reaction to the product;
  • diseases of the biliary tract, liver and pancreas.

Side effects include nausea, vomiting, indigestion and stool disorders. With proper organization of product storage, undesirable consequences after use can be avoided.


Where to buy badger fat? Many people purchase this product directly from hunters who catch the animal and prepare the product. But in this case, the resulting fat does not undergo the necessary purification process, which can be provided by modern equipment from pharmaceutical companies. In addition, there is no guarantee of the authenticity of the purchased product.

Finding out where to buy badger fat of the proper quality is not difficult: in any pharmacy the product is available for free sale. Pharmaceutical companies produce the drug as a dietary supplement. There you can examine the product and verify its authenticity.


Badger fat should be stored in a glass container with a tightly closed lid. Avoid exposure to sunlight. Maintain the temperature from 0 to +5 degrees Celsius.

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