Gas formation in the intestines is odorless. What to do when gases are difficult to pass from the intestines. Video - Bloating, gas formation, gases in the intestines, flatulence. Causes and quick self-help

Many people are faced with such an unpleasant problem as increased gas formation. What to do in such cases? What are the causes of flatulence? Is it possible to improve the functioning of the digestive tract at home? These questions interest many patients.

Gas formation in the intestines

Normally, a healthy person produces approximately 0.9 liters per day. By the way, the process of formation of gas compounds is associated mainly with the vital activity of microorganisms living in the digestive system.

But some people experience increased gas production. This disorder has its own medical name - flatulence. By the way, this disorder is an invariable companion to many diseases of the digestive tract. According to statistics, people over 50 years of age most often suffer from constant flatulence.

Increased gas formation: causes

Flatulence is an extremely unpleasant problem. And today many people are interested in questions about why increased gas formation occurs. Modern medicine knows many reasons for this phenomenon:

  • Often flatulence is caused by dietary habits.
  • The reasons for increased gas formation can also be attributed to the fact that qualitative and quantitative changes in the microflora are observed.
  • Flatulence also occurs against the background of diseases of the digestive tract associated with impaired enzyme synthesis, as a result of which incompletely digested food accumulates in the intestines, where fermentation processes begin.
  • Gases in the intestines can accumulate in the presence of some mechanical obstruction, which is observed in the presence of dense feces, tumors, accumulation of helminths, etc.
  • Disturbances in intestinal motility can also cause flatulence.
  • Some people experience so-called high-altitude flatulence - increased gas formation begins with a decrease in atmospheric pressure.

Flatulence and disorders of the digestive tract

Of course, the increased formation of gases affects the functioning of the entire digestive system, bringing a lot of problems into a person’s life. Here are the main complaints of patients with a similar diagnosis:

  • First of all, pain occurs in the abdomen, because an increase in the volume of gas entails stretching of the intestinal walls and a reflex spasm.
  • Another symptom is constant bloating, which is again associated with an increase in the volume of gases formed.
  • Many patients complain of constant This happens when gas mixes with liquid inside the intestines.
  • Flatulence is often accompanied by disturbances; patients complain of diarrhea, although the possibility of periodic constipation is also possible.
  • Due to the backflow of gases from the stomach, people with a similar diagnosis suffer from frequent belching, which is also extremely unpleasant.
  • Improper digestion and the presence of products of incomplete breakdown of food in the intestines leads to nausea.
  • One of the symptoms is frequent flatulation - the release of gases from the rectum. The unpleasant odor is caused by the presence of hydrogen sulfide in the gases.

General symptoms of flatulence

Constant increased gas formation in the stomach affects not only the functioning of the digestive tract - this phenomenon negatively affects the functioning of the entire body. In particular, people suffering from chronic flatulence often complain of heart problems. For example, it is possible to develop arrhythmia, rapid heartbeat, and also an occasional burning sensation in the heart area. Such disorders are associated with irritation of the vagus nerve as a result of swelling of the intestinal loops.

Many patients also complain of sleep problems. Insomnia in most cases is associated with intoxication of the body, since gases are partially absorbed by the blood. Of course, constant discomfort in the stomach also affects a person’s emotional state. And disruption of normal digestion and absorption of nutrients over time leads to general malaise, deficiency of vitamins and minerals.

Increased gas formation in children

According to statistics, approximately 90% of newborn babies experience such an unpleasant phenomenon as increased gas production. The reasons in this case can be very diverse. To begin with, it is worth remembering that the baby’s digestive system is not yet populated with the necessary beneficial bacteria. In addition, the cause of flatulence and the accumulation of gases in the intestines can be poor nutrition, for example, the use of inappropriate artificial milk formulas or the nursing mother not following the correct diet.

How to deal with increased gas formation in a baby? Modern medicine offers some natural drugs that facilitate the removal of gases from the intestines. Abdominal massage can help relieve pain. In addition, doctors recommend placing the baby on his tummy more often - this is also a kind of massage. You can also free the intestines from gases using a special rectal tube.

Flatulence and pregnancy

Increased gas production during pregnancy is by no means uncommon, since most expectant mothers face a similar problem at some point in their pregnancy. Naturally, such violations do not appear just like that.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, an increase in the amount of gases is associated with hormonal changes. Indeed, during this period, the endocrine system secretes an increased amount of progesterone. This hormone causes the smooth muscles of the uterus to relax, which prevents miscarriage. But at the same time, such changes also cause relaxation of the intestinal walls, which entails disruption of its normal release from gases.

Increased gas formation during pregnancy is also observed in later stages, which is associated with the growth of the fetus and an increase in the size of the uterus, which begins to put pressure on the intestinal loops. This creates a mechanical barrier for food and gases.

Modern diagnostic methods

If you notice increased gas formation, what should you do in such cases? Of course, you need to tell your doctor about your problems, since if left untreated, flatulence can lead to extremely unpleasant consequences.

The specialist will definitely prescribe an examination for you, since in this case it is important not only to establish the presence of flatulence, but also to find its cause. For this purpose, the patient submits stool samples for analysis. The coprogram provides information about the presence of certain digestive disorders, and bacteriological culture helps to assess the state of the intestinal microflora.

In some cases, an X-ray is also performed using a contrast agent - such a study shows whether there are any mechanical obstacles in the intestines to the movement of food and gases. In addition, colonoscopy and fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy are performed - these procedures make it possible to completely examine the walls of the digestive tract.

Increased gas formation: what to do? Treatment of flatulence with medications

If you have such a problem, it is best to consult a doctor immediately. What treatment does increased gas formation require? Treatment in this case directly depends on the cause of this disorder. For example, in case of dysbiosis, patients are prescribed probiotics, which help restore the microflora.

In some cases, it is advisable to use drugs that enhance If there is some kind of mechanical obstruction in the intestines, then first it must be eliminated. For example, for constipation, laxatives are used; in the presence of a tumor, surgical intervention is necessary.

Sorbents are another group of drugs that are necessary for such a problem as Medicines help bind and remove toxins from the body. Some patients are prescribed enzymatic agents to aid digestion. For severe pain, antispasmodics can be taken.

The right diet for increased gas production

In fact, the treatment of flatulence can be accelerated if you make the right diet. First of all, the menu needs to include foods that have a positive effect on the digestive system. It's no secret how healthy fermented milk products are, and with increased gas formation they become indispensable.

In addition, you can include porridge in your diet - rice, buckwheat, millet porridge, etc. Such dishes provide the body with the necessary nutrients without causing an increase in gas formation. You can eat baked fruits (apples are especially healthy), steamed vegetables, and boiled meat (it is advisable to choose dietary varieties, such as chicken breast, rabbit meat). You can also add some spices to your dishes. For example, marjoram, fennel and cumin improve digestion and facilitate the process of removing gases from the intestines.

List of foods prohibited for flatulence

Of course, there are products that increase gas formation. And people suffering from flatulence should avoid such foods. It’s no secret that legumes affect the process of gas formation; at first, they should be completely excluded from the diet.

In addition, it is worth limiting the amount of foods rich in coarse fiber. This group includes garlic, cabbage (especially raw), as well as radishes, spinach, raspberries, onions, radishes, gooseberries, and some varieties of apples. It is recommended to exclude grapes, kvass, beer and alcoholic beverages from the diet, as they enhance the fermentation processes in the stomach, which, accordingly, leads to the formation of a large amount of gases.

It is also worth limiting the amount of difficult-to-digest foods. This group includes pork, lamb, mushrooms and eggs. It is not recommended to abuse simple carbohydrates, which are so rich in sweets and baked goods.

Folk remedies for the treatment of flatulence

Many people notice increased gas formation. What to do in such cases? Of course, traditional medicine offers a wide variety of remedies that can relieve bloating and reduce the amount of gases formed.

The simplest and most affordable “medicine” is dill seeds. To prepare the product, you need to pour two teaspoons of seeds into two glasses of boiling water. Close the container with a lid and leave for 20-30 minutes. Now the liquid can be strained. Adults take half a glass three times a day.

To combat flatulence, you can also use carrot seeds. Place a tablespoon of seeds in a thermos, pour a glass of boiling water and leave overnight. You need to drink half a glass three times a day. By the way, it is better to warm up the decoction before use.

You can replenish your home medicine cabinet with almond oil. For flatulence, apply 6-8 drops of oil to a piece of white bread and eat. In addition, fennel helps fight bloating and gas; you can buy ready-made teas at the pharmacy. Experts also recommend drinking a glass of filtered water at room temperature in the morning on an empty stomach.

You can understand that this is exactly what is happening by discomfort in the abdomen, it becomes swollen, and sometimes painful sensations appear. A large accumulation does not pose a serious danger, but the problem must be treated. How to cope with gases in the intestines yourself, and whether this can be done, will be discussed further.

The accumulation of gases in the body occurs for various reasons:

  1. Conversation while eating. In this case, excess air is swallowed, which is not absorbed by the intestines, but settles in it.
  2. Emotional stress. During times of severe stress, food reaches the lower gastrointestinal tract faster and does not have time to be digested.
  3. Quick snacks. Poorly chewed food is not completely digested, causing gas formation.
  4. 3-4 days before the start of menstruation, women suffer from flatulence.

Gases can provoke products that tend to cause fermentation, these include:

Rye bread, kvass, beer - they cause fermentation.

  1. Some fruit and vegetable products: apples, potatoes, cabbage, beans, etc.
  2. Dairy products if a person is lactose intolerant.
  3. Sugar in large quantities causes fermentation.
  4. Water with appropriate bubbles.

Finally, walk in place, raising your knees high.

Traditional methods against gases

If gases do not leave the intestines, you can use traditional medicine methods:

  • Dill. Dill-based products are given even to small children. The decoction is prepared simply: grind a spoonful of plant seeds in a coffee grinder and pour in 1.5 cups of boiling water, leave for 3 hours. Drink the prepared infusion during the day in 3 doses. You need to drink before main meals.
  • Chamomile. It has antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties, and also relieves pain. To remove gas in the stomach, you need to take a spoonful of flowers and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Let it brew a little, strain and drink 100 ml 4 times a day.
  • Caraway. Brew a spoonful of plant seeds with a glass of boiling water and let cool. Drink half of the resulting infusion at one time before a meal. Acts as an antispasmodic, prevents rotting and fermentation of food in the gastrointestinal tract.

Fennel, coriander, ginger, mint and other plants also effectively fight gases in the intestines.

Treatment with medications

If gases are difficult to pass from the stomach of an adult, there are reasons for this. Sometimes you have to get rid of them with the help of medications. Especially if there is gurgling, pain with contractions. Then treatment must be carried out in two directions. The first is to find the root cause and eliminate it if possible. The second is to eliminate as much as possible and counteract its accumulation.

If gases from the abdomen do not pass well, medications can be used in treatment:

Only by finding out the reason why the accumulated gases do not escape can you prescribe the correct treatment:

  • If they cannot be removed due to tumor growth, then surgery is performed.
  • When blisters constantly collect and the problem intensifies, the patient is prescribed Cerucal.
  • When the cause is a change in the intestinal microflora, symptomatic drugs and lactobacilli are prescribed, which restore the microflora.
  • If the cause of flatulence is constipation, then measures to eliminate it are prescribed.

Espumisan is considered the first and safest remedy for quickly getting rid of gases in the intestines. It is given to children from the first days of life for severe colic. You can drink it if you know exactly the cause of flatulence or as prescribed by your doctor.

Treatment with diet

When gas accumulates in the stomach, you need to know how to get rid of the problem forever by eliminating certain foods from your diet. You need to find out what you have and try not to use them. Each person has his own provocateur of advanced education. Some suffer from flour products or sweets, while others cannot tolerate fried foods and meat products. If you have an accumulation of gas in your stomach, then you need to avoid foods that have a lot of fiber. These are the following products: all legumes, rye bread, all citrus fruits, fruit and berry products, tomatoes and onions.

Intestinal problems worry every second person; they come in different etiologies and types. 60% of patients who seek help with this problem experience constant bloating and gas in the intestines. This condition is not a separate disease, but can signal dangerous processes in the body that are pathological in nature. What causes this symptom and how to deal with it?

Reasons for the development of flatulence

Increased gas formation in the intestines, which causes bloating, is called flatulence in medical terminology. This symptom is very common and relates not only to diseases of the digestive tract, but also to pathological problems in other organs. In addition, flatulence can occur as a result of poor nutrition. It causes pain, severe discomfort and inconvenience.

The most common causes of persistent bloating and general gas include:

  1. Drinking large amounts of carbonated drinks, which increases the amount of gas in the intestines.
  2. Improper eating, swallowing a lot of air, eating in large pieces, poor chewing, this can be observed if a person is in a hurry, eats on the go or talks while eating.
  3. Overeating, when more food enters the body than needed, it remains in the intestines, the fermentation process begins and, as a result, the amount of gases increases.
  4. Simultaneous consumption of poorly combined foods that activate the activity of intestinal bacteria.
  5. Eating large amounts of fatty, fried foods and foods that slow down bowel function.
  6. A sharp change in diet, diet.
  7. Taking certain medications that affect the intestinal microflora, for example, antibacterial agents, data on this likelihood are indicated in the instructions.
  8. Abuse of soda, such a remedy is usually used as a remedy, it relieves burning, but at the same time provokes the release of gases and causes flatulence.

There are also pathological factors that can cause excessive gas formation:

These are just the main reasons why your stomach is swollen. We can conclude that abundant gas formation is observed as a result of digestive disorders.

Video “Why do gases appear in the intestines?”

An indicative video that will tell you why gases appear in the intestines and how to deal with them.

How does bloating appear?

A bloated stomach can worry everyone due to certain problems; from time to time this symptom is observed in every person. The following categories of people most often encounter it:

  • newborns and children under one year (75%), bloating develops as a result of the intestines adapting to new food;
  • patients suffering from chronic diseases of the digestive system;
  • mature people.

The formation of gases in the human body is a completely normal process if their amount does not exceed the norm and does not cause pain. A person without intestinal pathologies releases 600-700 ml of gases during the day, but if there are problems, then several times more is released. With severe flatulence, daily excretion can be about 5 liters.

Before fighting, it is necessary to establish the cause and accurately recognize the symptom. Flatulence causes the following symptoms:

  • the abdomen increases in size and becomes hard;
  • feeling of overcrowding;
  • sounds are heard, constant rumbling;
  • random release of gases;
  • during the act of defecation, a large amount of gases is released;
  • empty burp;
  • unpleasant taste in the mouth;
  • digestive disorders, namely nausea, constipation or diarrhea;
  • shortness of breath and dull pain in the heart;
  • sleep disturbance, scary dreams;
  • general weakness, poor health.

Symptoms usually worsen after eating, especially if there was a lot of food and it is heavy on the intestines. Pathological factors can cause this symptom constantly, regardless of diet and diet.

Treatment methods for flatulence

For people suffering from this problem, it is necessary to consult a gastroenterologist in a timely manner. A specialist will determine an accurate diagnosis and help you choose a remedy that effectively helps against bloating and gas. Drugs are prescribed depending on the etiology of the disease.

Laboratory tests include the following procedures:

  • general blood analysis;
  • general urine analysis;
  • coprogram for determining blood and mucus in stool;
  • biochemical analysis for the determination of enzymes;
  • blood sugar levels;
  • determination of electrolytes in the blood;
  • stool culture.

This range of diagnostic procedures will allow us to determine the exact cause, based on which treatment is prescribed. Therapy is aimed at several vectors:

  • getting rid of accumulated gases in the intestines;
  • restoration of microflora;
  • elimination of the underlying disease.

To overcome bloating, you need to act in a timely manner using the following methods:

  • drug therapy;
  • diet;
  • traditional methods of treatment (if the stage allows).

Interesting fact:

If we are talking about a pathological condition, then a treatment regimen is prescribed that acts comprehensively and will relieve all symptoms, including flatulence.

Increased gas formation can be easily overcome with the help of the following drugs:

  • sorbents, means for removing toxins. The most popular drugs: Enterosgel, Smecta, activated carbon.
  • anti-bloating agents, they promote the removal of gases from the body and their rapid absorption into the blood. The most popular medicine for bloating and gas from this group is Espumisan. It acts quickly and has no toxic effect on the body.
  • antispasmodics to relieve pain, which often occurs with excessive gas formation. Popular drugs: Papaverine, No-spa.
  • enzyme products to improve digestion - Pancreazym, Festal.

Therapy will not be effective without special nutrition, so a diet is prescribed. From the diet you need to remove all foods that are difficult to digest, fatty foods, spicy foods, vegetables and fruits, and smoked foods. You should also avoid snacking and eating on the go. Dry food and fast foods are not allowed at all.

You need to eat 4-5 times a day, in small portions, chewing thoroughly. Food should not be hot or too cold. For cooking, you must use the method of stewing or steaming. There is no need to load your stomach before bed. To better absorb food, you can do some light physical exercise an hour after eating.

Doctors also allow treatment with unconventional methods, especially when it comes to chronic flatulence. The most popular folk remedies for bloating and gas, which have proven their effectiveness:

  1. Parsley decoction. Pour 20 grams of parsley flowers into a glass of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Drink one tablespoon 4-5 times a day until symptoms disappear.
  2. Dill decoction. This is an effective remedy that can be used even by newborn children. A tablespoon of dill seeds is poured into a glass of boiled water. The medicine should sit for an hour and be ready for use. Dosage depends on age. For small children, 4-5 drops several times a day, for adults 3 teaspoons 4-5 times a day.
  3. Tea with mint and ginger. This medicine has a double effect. Mint soothes the intestinal lining, while ginger acts as an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent. The ingredients should be taken in equal proportions, 1 teaspoon each, and pour a glass of hot water. After half an hour, the tea is ready, you need to strain and drink before meals.

Completely eliminate sweets, coffee, carbonated drinks and alcohol during therapy. All these products cause increased intestinal motility and can cause flatulence.

Constant bloating is a very unpleasant and painful phenomenon. Therefore, everyone should know effective methods to combat it.

Video “Causes and treatment of bloating”

An indicative video that will help you understand the main causes of gas, as well as find out why bloating occurs.

Bloating is a consequence of gas formation in the intestines. As a rule, this is not a big deal: gases that constantly form are normal. Most of them enter the bloodstream and then into the lungs, where they exit the body. But if a person suffers from regular bloating and flatulence, this may be a symptom of a stomach and intestinal disorder. In this article we will look at why the stomach is swollen and gases often pass, what could be the cause of this and what treatment methods will help.

It is not customary to talk about things like flatulence, and people are often embarrassed to see a doctor because of such a problem, which, of course, is wrong. If this symptom persists for a long time, your doctor should definitely examine you.

The following gases usually accumulate in the intestines:

  • nitrogen (N 2);
  • carbon dioxide (CO 2);
  • hydrogen (H2);
  • methane (CH 4);
  • oxygen (O 2).

They account for about 99 percent of intestinal gases and are odorless. Foul gas occurs when intestinal bacteria break down protein in food. As a rule, the following connections cause it:

  • hydrogen sulfide (H 2 S);
  • ammonia (NH 3);
  • dimethyl sulfide (C 2 H 6 S);
  • methanethiol (CH 4 S);
  • volatile (or gaseous) fatty acids (eg butyric acid, propionic acid).

Remember! Most often, short-term bloating is not a symptom of illness. In most cases, this occurs due to nutritional problems, which can be dealt with by adjusting the diet.

Bloating is a common problem: in Russia, according to a study, about 13 percent of respondents say they have suffered from flatulence in the last seven days. About one in five adults sometimes experience a bloated stomach - especially common in people with irritable bowel syndrome, which affects about 15 million people.

How does air appear in the intestines?

The fact that after eating food more air appears in the intestines is quite natural. However, flatulence can occur not only due to the characteristics of digestion, but also due to stress, nervousness or the habit of eating too quickly, which is why people swallow a lot of air (aerophagia).

Most gases are released during digestion, such as carbon dioxide (CO2) from the neutralization of stomach acid and fatty acids in the intestines. Fatty acids come from dietary fats. They are also formed along with CO 2 when sugar-containing compounds (carbohydrates) enter the colon and are fermented by bacteria there. This occurs, for example, with lactose intolerance, but can also be associated with eating foods high in fiber.

Some of the accumulated CO 2 , which is odorless, enters the lungs through the blood and is exhaled. The remaining air in the intestines - a mixture of CO 2, hydrogen, nitrogen, methane, ammonia, sulfur and other fermentation products (odor components) - leaves the intestines through the anus after about half an hour. By comparison, solid food requires careful digestion and takes one to two days to process.

Last but not least, certain foods often cause bloating or flatulence. Most often these are fatty and sweet foods, semi-finished products, as well as ready-to-eat products containing flavoring additives, lactose, sorbitol as a sugar substitute or fructose as a sweetener. These ingredients cause stomach problems for many. Although simple fructose is naturally found in many fruits.

Why the stomach swells and gases often pass: reasons

Bloating and flatulence are caused by an imbalance in the normal intestinal microflora. Because of this, gas-forming intestinal bacteria develop very actively.

There are several reasons:

  • aerophagia – swallowing large amounts of air while eating;
  • increased production of gases in the intestines;
  • deterioration in the process of removing gases through the blood;
  • poor nutrition;
  • diseases of the stomach and intestines.

Diseases of the stomach or intestines are one of the causes of flatulence

Poor nutrition


In addition, some acute or chronic bowel diseases and irritable bowel syndrome are among the causes of flatulence. Constant bloating is almost always a symptom. Researchers believe that disrupted microflora is the cause of this disease and associated symptoms such as diarrhea, constipation and bloating.

Intestinal diseases can also cause a person to have a swollen stomach and often pass gas. These include:

  • Crohn's disease;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • celiac disease;
  • diverticulosis;
  • diverticulitis;
  • intestinal stenosis;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • short bowel syndrome;
  • elongated and abnormally curved colon;
  • adhesive disease;
  • intestinal atony.

In addition, diseases of other abdominal organs can cause flatulence, for example:

  • gastroesophageal reflux disease;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • chronic cholecystitis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • exocrine pancreatic insufficiency;
  • chronic inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis);
  • ovarian cancer or other cancers in the abdominal cavity.

Patients suffering from diabetes mellitus often develop neuropathy. This can negatively affect the nerves in the intestines, leading to flatulence.

In addition, some drugs can cause flatulence, such as:

  • antibiotics;
  • drugs for the treatment of diabetes;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • strong analgesics (opioids);
  • laxative;
  • diet pills.

With portal hypertension (increased pressure in the portal vein) and a form of heart failure in which blood in the veins stagnates (right ventricular failure), the removal of intestinal gases through the blood is impaired, which contributes to flatulence.

Flatulence is common in pregnant women - and this is normal, since the growing fetus can put pressure on the intestines. Also, during premenstrual syndrome (PMS), women often complain of bloating. This happens due to the characteristics of the reproductive system located next to the intestines. This symptom usually goes away after 2-3 days.

Video - Bloating, gas formation, gases in the intestines, flatulence. Causes and quick self-help

Flatulence in a child

In children, flatulence and abdominal pain (colic) occur frequently, especially in the first three months of life. This occurs because their digestive system is not yet fully developed, and also depends on the mother's nutrition if the baby is breastfed. Even drinking can contribute to your baby's bloating if he swallows too much air while breastfeeding or bottle-feeding. Therefore, parents must choose the right method of feeding their baby.

Associated symptoms

Along with flatulence and bloating, the following often occur:

  • diarrhea;
  • constipation;
  • rumbling in the stomach.

If all the air in the intestines cannot escape, it creates pressure on the organs above the intestines. The consequence of this may be:

  • frequent belching;
  • loss of appetite;
  • nausea;
  • gagging.

If the cause of bloating and flatulence is chronic inflammatory bowel disease, the following may occur:

  • deficiency of vitamins and minerals;
  • vomit;
  • pallor;
  • unintentional weight loss;
  • fatigue, nervous exhaustion, general weakness;
  • “fatty” stool (steatorrhea).


Despite the fact that bloating and frequent passing of gas are most often harmless and do not carry any consequences, it is worth examining if they become constant. The reason probably lies in diseases of the internal organs or intestines.

If you often pass gas and have a swollen stomach, consult a specialist.

Before sending the patient for examination, the doctor takes a history and asks some questions.

  1. How long have you suffered from flatulence?
  2. Do gases have a smell?
  3. Apart from bloating and flatulence, do you suffer from other symptoms such as pain or rumbling?
  4. Do you experience diarrhea, constipation, or a combination of both?
  5. Have you been stressed lately?
  6. Have you changed your usual diet?
  7. Are these symptoms particularly noticeable after eating dairy or grain products?
  8. Do you suffer from chronic diseases that may be associated with flatulence, such as diabetes?
  9. Do you take medications, and if so, what kind?
  • the specialist pays attention to whether the patient’s abdomen is swollen and whether rumbling is heard;
  • using a stethoscope, he “listens” to the stomach and intestines;
  • The doctor presses on the abdominal wall to determine whether it is tense.

If there is a suspicion that abdominal bloating is caused by a tumor or stenosis, a digital rectal examination is performed, in which the doctor inserts a finger into the rectum.

If, after physical diagnostic methods, the doctor still suspects that flatulence is caused by some disease, additional examinations are prescribed:

  • stool test (for example, for occult blood);
  • general blood test (when deciphering, attention is paid to protein concentration, ESR, sugar level);
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity;
  • hydrogen breath test;
  • gastroscopy;
  • colonoscopy.


Bloating and therefore flatulence disappear on their own in most cases - treatment is not always necessary. However, if these symptoms become permanent, the main thing the patient needs to do is:

  • exclude from the diet foods containing gluten (baked goods, sauces, etc.) and lactose (milk, cream, kefir, etc.);
  • stop medications that cause this side effect and, if necessary, replace them in consultation with your doctor;
  • take digestive enzymes if the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted.
  • chew food thoroughly;
  • eat often in small portions – 5-6 times a day;
  • do not speak while eating - this will help to avoid swallowing large amounts of air;
  • drink a lot of water, but still;
  • do not use sweeteners;
  • exercise – this will help keep the intestines in good shape;
  • avoid stress – because of it, problems with the gastrointestinal tract arise quite often;
  • do not abuse cigarettes.

Following these tips will help not only get rid of flatulence, but also not encounter it in the future.


Table 1. Medicines for the treatment of flatulence

  • Activated carbon;
  • white coal;
  • "Enterosgel";
  • "Lactofiltrum";
  • "Polyphepan".
  • The active ingredients of the drugs absorb gases in the intestines and remove them from the body. They are not recommended for long-term use, since they also remove useful substances along with gases.
  • "Espumizan";
  • "Bobotik" (for children);
  • "Kuplaton";
  • "Simat";
  • "Colikid";
  • "Disflatil."
  • Drugs in this group have no contraindications and are suitable for both pregnant women and infants. Their action is based on the deposition of mucous foam containing gases. Thanks to this, they are more easily absorbed by the mucous membrane and excreted either through the blood or through the anus. The drugs themselves do not enter the bloodstream and are not absorbed by the body. Moreover, they are non-toxic and completely safe.
  • "Linex";
  • "Yogulact";
  • "Bifiliz";
  • "Bifidumbacterin";
  • "Hilak forte";
  • "Acipol."
  • These drugs contain strains of live lactobacilli, which make up the intestinal microflora. Once in the gastrointestinal tract, the drugs restore its balance, stimulate the immune system and suppress the activity of gas-forming and putrefactive bacteria. Thanks to this, the digestion process improves.
  • "No-Shpa";
  • "Besalol";
  • "Spazmonet";
  • "Papazol";
  • "Trimedat";
  • "Papaverine";
  • "Spazmol."
  • These remedies do not help with flatulence and bloating, but relieve pain that can arise from pressure on internal organs. However, antispasmodics should not be taken for a long time, as they are addictive and impair intestinal motility. It is better to take them in combination with drugs that relieve the cause of pain - then the discomfort will be quickly eliminated.

    Folk remedies

    An effective remedy for getting rid of flatulence and bloating is tea made from four herbs: fennel, cumin, anise and mint. They are mixed in equal proportions and poured with 400 ml of boiling water, after which they are infused for 15-30 minutes. It is recommended to drink 2 glasses of this tea per day.

    Herbal decoction

    They can also be brewed as tea, either individually or mixed. Such drinks will relieve cramps and abdominal pain, flatulence and nausea.

    Gentle clockwise massage of the abdomen, application of moist heat or wraps will also help with such symptoms. Warm baths with aromatic oils will not only relieve discomfort, but also promote relaxation.

    Let's sum it up

    Bloating and flatulence are not pathologies and do not indicate the presence of any diseases in the body if they occur occasionally in a person. However, if they do not leave the patient for a long time, it is worth consulting a doctor and establishing the cause of such discomfort.

    Bloating is a common ailment associated with indigestion, as a result of which gas begins to accumulate in the intestines. In itself, this phenomenon is not dangerous: in isolated cases, the problem is resolved without medical intervention and the person happily forgets about the recent discomfort.

    If the condition becomes chronic, and accompanying symptoms in the form of bursting heaviness, pain, vomiting, heartburn or belching interfere with a full life, you need to consult a gastroenterologist. Often, the accumulation of gases in the intestines is associated with pathological changes in the digestive tract.

    Studies have shown that the average person produces 0.6–1.8 liters of intestinal gas per day. It enters the body from two sources: when swallowing air (exogenous) and produced by intestinal bacteria (endogenous). It consists of varying amounts of oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen and methane. The first three come from swallowed air, and the latter are byproducts of the breakdown of food debris from probiotic bacteria that inhabit the colon.

    Careful analysis of the gas emitted by humans has shown that it consists mainly of exogenous air and only a small amount of endogenous air, so most often it does not smell. However, gut bacteria produce several sulfur-containing compounds that may be the primary culprits of malodor. The human nose detects hydrogen sulfide and ammonia even in microscopic concentrations. Therefore, bloating and the inability to control the passage of foul-smelling “air” can have certain social consequences.

    Causes of gases

    The development of flatulence is provoked by various disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and enzyme deficiency. Such disorders lead to the fact that food is poorly digested, enters the intestines in an undissolved form, decomposes in it, forming a lot of gas. In addition, bloating is often a consequence of swallowing large amounts of air, smoking, and eating foods high in fiber.

    Products that cause increased gas formation

    Increased gas formation, manifested by belching or flatulence, may indicate the following pathological conditions:

    • autoimmune pancreatitis;
    • celiac disease;
    • Crohn's disease;
    • ulcerative colitis;
    • diabetes;
    • irritable bowel syndrome;
    • eating disorders;
    • gastroparesis;
    • lactose intolerance;
    • dysbacteriosis;
    • endometriosis and cesarean section in women;
    • peptic ulcer;
    • intestinal obstruction;
    • gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

    Other causes of belly bloating include:

    • helminthiasis in children or adults;
    • mental disorders, stress;
    • taking medications;
    • systematic overeating;
    • late pregnancy;
    • abnormalities of intestinal development;
    • postoperative period.

    Video: Why flatulence is scary

    Accurate diagnosis

    Determining the cause of flatulence is based on the symptoms and course of the disease, the specifics of which the doctor clarifies during an oral conversation with the patient. Subsequently, a physical examination is carried out - examination, palpation and percussion of the abdomen, as well as a number of laboratory and instrumental tests:

    1. General and biochemical blood test.
    2. Bacteriological examination to determine lacto- and intestinal microflora.
    3. Coprogram of feces.
    4. Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.
    5. Colonoscopy or fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy.
    6. X-ray of the examined organ.

    After a thorough examination and identification of the reason why gases are constantly formed, the doctor will determine the method of therapy and adjust the patient’s diet.

    How to get rid of gases in the intestines

    Treatment of flatulence is always comprehensive, aimed at improving the general well-being of the patient, eliminating signs of bloating and cramps in the stomach and intestines. Therapy includes the following activities:

    • Correction and adherence to a gentle diet.
    • Removal of excess gases from the lumen of the colon.
    • Normalization of peristalsis.
    • Restoration of microflora.
    • Elimination of provoking pathologies.


    It is impossible to remove gases in the intestines with medications alone. However, taking pharmaceuticals can significantly alleviate the patient’s condition and reduce the intensity of discomfort. The most prescribed remedies for flatulence are:

    • Probiotics, which contain live strains of microorganisms. They produce “friendly” bacteria and inhibit pathogens, thereby restoring the intestinal flora. The most famous drugs in this group are Bifiform, Linex, Simbiter.
    • Prebiotics contain dietary fiber necessary to maintain the vital activity of native microflora. They help with diarrhea and poisoning, when the stomach is seething or feels heavy. Represented by the following list: Hilak-Forte, Lysozyme, Duphalac.
    • Prokinetics are recommended to stimulate the passage of food through the esophagus. Such means are Motilium, Ganaton, Motilak.
    • Sorbents designed to remove toxins, gases, and allergens from the intestines. They are also used for slagging in the body. Representatives of this group of medications are Smecta, Enterosgel, Phosphalugel, activated carbon.
    • Enzymes are aimed at restoring the digestive tract. The most popular drugs are Pancreatin, Festal, Mezim.
    • Defoamers are designed to quickly relieve symptoms of flatulence, as they normalize intestinal motility and promote the absorption of gas bubbles by its walls. These medications include Espumisan, Simethicone, Maalox, Pepsan.
    • Laxatives are prescribed for bloating with constipation to improve motility. Most often, the patient is recommended to use Normaze, Duphalac, Fitolax, Bisacodyl or glycerin suppositories.
    • Antispasmodics are intended to relieve severe pain due to flatulence. As a rule, these are No-Shpa, Drotaverine, Spazmalgon.

    Video: Gases in the intestines, how to deal with them

    Folk remedies

    Alternative treatment methods are no less effective in combating gas pollution. Unlike pharmaceuticals, they are more harmless and are always at hand, so they are simply irreplaceable at home.

    Chamomile decoction:

    1. 1 tbsp. l. dry herbs, pour 200 ml of boiling water and simmer for 10 minutes.
    2. Leave for half an hour covered in a warm place.
    3. Take orally twice a day (morning and evening) 30 minutes before meals, 100 ml at a time.
    4. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.

    Herbal infusion:

    1. Mix dry raw materials of St. John's wort, yarrow and marsh dried grass (20 g each).
    2. Take 3 tbsp. l. and pour 1 liter of boiling water.
    3. Leave for 2 hours, then filter.
    4. Drink ½ tbsp. 5 times a day.

    Anise seed decoction:

    1. Pour 20 g of dry raw material into 1 liter of water.
    2. Boil and leave until completely cooled.
    3. After filtering, take ½ tbsp. three times a day.


    A balanced diet is an important component of complex therapy for flatulence. First of all, it is necessary to exclude from the menu foods that cause excess gas:

    • Beans and lentils.
    • Vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts.
    • Bran.
    • Dairy products containing lactose.
    • Fructose, which is present in sweet fruits and is used as a sweetener in soft drinks and other foods.
    • Sorbitol, a sugar substitute found in some candies and artificial sweeteners.
    • Carbonated drinks.
    • Alcohol.

    Dishes allowed for consumption normalize stools and help eliminate intestinal gases. The menu should include:

    • Dairy products.
    • Porridges cooked in water (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal).
    • Low-fat varieties of fish and meat (rabbit, turkey, chicken) stewed or baked.
    • Boiled vegetables.
    • Wheat bread and crackers.
    • Natural herbal tea and pure water.

    If gases do not pass

    When a patient needs urgent help to relieve a condition, a rectal tube can be useful. However, it can be used only in rare cases, if gases do not spontaneously pass away. In such a situation, you can also use herbal preparations and homeopathic remedies - dill water, fennel tea, since they are harmless even for a child.

    Gases in pregnant women

    Approximately 70% of women during gestation face the problem of flatulence and bloating, which is associated with a number of reasons: hormonal and enzyme imbalances, lack of physical activity, exacerbation of chronic gastrointestinal pathologies and, of course, mechanical compression of the intestines.

    Drug therapy during this period is undesirable, so you need to get rid of the problem in other ways:

    • Strict adherence to diet.
    • Moderate physical activity (hiking, yoga, swimming, water aerobics).
    • Taking approved medications (Espumizan, Iberogast) and traditional medicine (mint, valerian, fennel).

    Prevention of flatulence

    To avoid digestive tract disorders, accompanied by constipation, diarrhea and increased gas formation in the intestines, it is necessary to pay special attention to proper nutrition and an active lifestyle.

    • First of all, you need to give up snacking.
    • The food consumed must be balanced and contain useful micronutrients.
    • Drink enough clean water (at least 1.5 liters per day).
    • Eliminate gas-forming foods and liquids from your diet.
    • Quit smoking and alcohol.
    • Switch to fractional meals (eat often, but little by little).


    Abdominal muscle training can also help with bloating. This type of load will allow excess gas to leave the intestines, reduce pain and bloating.

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