Oncocytology: what is it, areas of application, gynecological smear for cytology. Cervical cytology smear: transcript Transcription of a cytological examination of a cervical smear

Women's health requires the constant intervention of narrow medical specialists. When a woman is pregnant, she seeks advice from a gynecologist; when she gives birth, midwives come to the rescue. During medical examinations, the fair sex must be examined by mammologists and the same gynecologists. Health is priceless, that's why we care about it so much. Recently, such a disease as cancer destroys more and more bright hopes for a wonderful future. Oncology of the uterus or mammary glands is dangerous because in the first stages it cannot be determined if you do not periodically come for examinations.

The Science of Cytology to Help Diagnosis

Cytology is not fully related to the medical sciences. Rather, it is more biological, but is important for the diagnosis of various diseases. This science is concerned with the study of the structure and basic functions of living cells. Under the microscope, the entire cycle of cell existence is determined. From its inception to aging and death. Particular importance is given to the reproduction of living cells, the presence of organelles, the occurrence of any pathological processes in their functioning.

Medicine actively uses the developments of this science for its diagnostic purposes. To date, cytological studies of scrapings from the cervix are widely used. Knowledge of the structure and structure of cells makes it possible to develop innovative technologies in the treatment of dangerous diseases. Cytology has become a branch of laboratory research. It does not make any predictions, but is only descriptive. Oncocytology has become a new section - a science that helps diagnose neoplasms as soon as they appear.

Cytological examination in gynecology

With pathologies of the cervix or suspicion of them, a cytological examination of the smear is performed. Before the start and end of the treatment of gynecological diseases, as well as during the usual planned medical examination, a smear for cytology is mandatory. This study assesses the condition of the cells of the cervix and other female organs.

For the first time such an analysis was carried out in the thirties of the last century. And the first classification of cells taken for cytological examination was published in 1954. It was changed several times, and its present version was developed in 1988. According to this version, cervical cells are divided into different classes, characterizing the degree of atypicality, ranging from normal to invasive cancer. These data are of great diagnostic value and allow you to choose the most effective therapy.

Examination of cervical cells with a smear

A smear is not taken during a colposcopy or vaginal examination. The procedure itself is carried out under a microscope. Epithelial cells tend to be constantly updated, that is, to exfoliate. They appear in the lumen of the cervix and in the vagina. The structure of these cells is such that both healthy and atypical elements can be determined by microscopy.

One of the simplest and least invasive research methods, which is not accompanied by discomfort, is the pap test. This procedure allows you to detect the possibility of degeneration of cervical cells into cancer.

Also, with the help of this test, it is possible to diagnose a tumor process in other female organs, for example, in the uterus or ovaries. Unfortunately, the Pap test is not always accurate. There were situations when, after several negative results, a woman was still diagnosed with cervical cancer. But, perhaps, such incidents happened due to the wrong taking of the material. Malignant degeneration begins from the lower layers and gradually grows upward. If you take only the surface layer, then you can only notice malignant changes at the final stage.

Scraping for cytological examination

The material for a cytological examination of a smear is taken with a brush and a special spatula, with which cells arranged in layers are scraped off with pressure. During this procedure, a lot of material from the cervix gets on the glass, the structure of which does not change.

This process is completely painless. The cells are scraped off in several places and put on a glass slide. After that, the preparation is fixed with a special solution and stained with dyes. The smear is then sent for testing.

The result of a cytological study may indicate the presence of atypical cells that occur with severe inflammation or cancer.

How is the study of cervical cells carried out?

Cryocautery is an absolutely safe and painless procedure. It consists in the fact that the affected areas of the tissues of the cervix are frozen with a special probe. Then they peel off.

Also, after a cytological examination of the cervix using a scraping, the gynecologist may prescribe additional procedures such as laser therapy and excision of the pathological area with a loop.

The study of the material obtained from the cervix allows you to determine the features of the cellular structure of this anatomical region, identify pathological changes and confirm or refute the proposed diagnosis.

The most common type of cytological analysis in gynecology is the PAP test, or Papanicolaou study. It was developed at the beginning of the twentieth century for the early diagnosis of cervical cancer, and it continues to be used today. Also in this area there are the latest methods - ThinPrep, or liquid cytology. This technique significantly increases the efficiency of diagnostic search and allows timely diagnosis and effective treatment.

Indications for cytological examination

The main goal of the implementation of the analysis for the cytology of the cervix is ​​the early detection of cancer. Timely detection of atypical cells in the biomaterial is necessary for the possibility of blocking the cancer process. Cervical cancer is one of the most common oncological pathologies among women. Its danger lies in the asymptomatic course, which is why research is so important.

Pap smear analysis is an accurate and fast way to obtain reliable data on the presence or absence of atypical cells with precancerous or cancerous changes. In addition, the technique allows to identify some background diseases, the etiology of which is not tumor.

Cytological examination of cervical smears is the standard for detection and follow-up of the following pathological conditions:

  • the presence of pathogenic microflora;
  • violations of the cycle of menstruation (duration, intensity);
  • viral diseases (genital herpes, human papillomavirus infection - HPV);
  • infertility (impossibility of conception);
  • erosive changes in the cervical epithelium;
  • pathological discharge from the vagina.

A cytology smear is also necessary as a screening test in such cases:

  1. Planning for pregnancy.
  2. Several births in a row.
  3. Early age of a woman during first birth.
  4. Frequent change of sexual partners.
  5. Postmenopause.
  6. Planning for the placement of an intrauterine device.
  7. Visible pathological changes when examining the cervix in the mirrors.
  8. A burdened family history (cases of cervical cancer and other oncopathologies among relatives).
  9. long-term hormone therapy.
  10. A long time ago the previous study on cytology.

Cytological examination of cervical smears is recommended to be carried out annually for preventive purposes, and if any pathological abnormalities are detected, at least twice a year to monitor the effectiveness of therapy.

Preparation for the procedure for taking biomaterial

In order for the result of cervical cytology to be reliable, it is necessary to take into account the rules for preparing for biomaterial sampling. They are as follows:

  1. Exclusion of hygiene procedures in the form of douching (sanation).
  2. Abstinence from sexual activity for three days before the procedure.
  3. Temporary refusal to use tampons, vaginal suppositories, tablets, creams and gels.
  4. Abstinence from urination two hours before sampling.

In addition, you need to be aware of such nuances:

  • obtaining a smear from the cervical canal is possible only outside of menstrual bleeding, the optimal period is 10-12 days of the cycle;
  • smear cytology will not be reliable in the acute phase of an infectious disease, therefore it is carried out after a course of therapy;
  • intravaginal administration of any kind of medication should be stopped in agreement with the attending physician at least five days before the material sampling procedure.

Additional conditions and rules that the patient must take into account must be checked with the gynecologist.

Material sampling technique

To obtain material that will be subjected to cytological examination, the doctor makes a scraping from the exocervix - the outer part of the cervix - and from the mucous lining of the vagina using an Eyre spatula. To obtain a scraping and subsequent examination of a smear from the cervical canal, a special probe is used - endobrush. Its use allows obtaining biomaterial in sufficient quantity for analysis.

A gynecologist's tool kit for obtaining material may include:

  • Eyre spatula;
  • spirette - a tool for aspiration of material from the endocervix;
  • endobrush;
  • tweezers;
  • gynecological mirror;
  • Volkmann spoon.

The sequence of actions during the procedure includes:

  1. Gynecological examination of the cervix in the mirrors. At the same time, the walls of the vagina are expanded and scrapings are performed, which can cause a feeling of slight discomfort.
  2. At the same time, material is taken for analysis of microflora.
  3. The resulting biomaterial samples are applied to the glass and fixed, then labeled and transferred to the laboratory for analysis.

Interpretation of the results of colposcopy of the cervix

The time of the procedure for obtaining biomaterial is no more than 15 minutes.

Interpretation of study results

The normal balance of microflora and the absence of pathological changes in the analysis of a smear for cytology confirm the healthy state of the cervical canal. The cells in the smear during the study are compared with the morphological standards of the norm, that is, their size, shape, structure should not have abnormal deviations.

The doctor confirms the compliance of the results of the study with a healthy state in the following cases:

  1. A smear for cytology includes epithelial cells of a cylindrical single-layer type.
  2. When taking a smear from the transition zone or the vagina, the detection of stratified epithelial cells is also normal.

Even minor deviations in cell morphology are reflected in the laboratory report. Changes may confirm inflammatory diseases or the presence of benign anomalies. Most often noted:

  • inflammatory atypia;
  • atypia due to the presence of HPV;
  • mixed atypia;
  • atypia of unclear etiology, which require further diagnostic appointments.

What causes changes in the epithelium of the cervix?

Deviations in a cytology smear from normal values ​​can provoke such pathologies and conditions:

  1. Human papillomavirus infection.
  2. herpetic infection.
  3. Trichomoniasis.
  4. Candidiasis.
  5. Prolonged use of medications, in particular antibiotics.
  6. The use of hormonal contraceptives.
  7. Installation of an intrauterine device
  8. Pregnancy.

What changes are possible?

Benign changes may include:

  1. Detection of Trichomonas, Candida fungi, anomalies caused by infection with the herpes virus.
  2. Cellular atypia provoked by inflammatory reactions: metaplasia, keratosis.
  3. Atrophic changes in epithelial cells in combination with inflammation: colpitis, metaplasia.

Dysplastic changes and atypia suggest the following conditions:

  1. Atypia of unknown origin (ASC-US).
  2. High risk of the presence of cancer cells in the material (HSIL).
  3. Precancerous atypia: different degrees of dysplasia.

If cancer cells are detected, it is necessary to prescribe additional methods of examination and the subsequent course of therapeutic correction (conservative or surgical treatment) with constant cytological control.

Cervicometry during pregnancy: features of the procedure

Labeling of cytology results

Changes in the results of cytological analysis of the designations presented in the table below.

Any degree of dysplastic changes is a signal confirming the need for further research and the appointment of adequate therapy.

Degrees of dysplasia

There are such degrees of dysplastic changes in the epithelium of the cervix:

  1. Light. Confirms the beginning of an active inflammatory process.
  2. Moderate. It speaks of a high risk of developing oncological pathologies.
  3. Heavy. Precancerous.

Timely detection of dysplasia contributes to greater effectiveness of therapy, since it is still possible to prevent oncopathology.

Atypical cells detected: what does this mean for the patient

Regular medical consultations are the key to the effectiveness of both treatment and prevention.

The gynecologist should conduct a detailed consultation, during which he will tell what it is in a particular case, explain the advisability of conducting an additional examination. Additional diagnostic search methods will allow you to correctly determine the most effective course of therapy.

For diagnosis when atypical cells are detected during a cytological examination in gynecology, the following are additionally prescribed:

  • repeated cytological analysis of the epithelium of the cervix;
  • biopsy;
  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • human papillomavirus test.

It is important to follow all medical recommendations and prescriptions, this will allow you to identify and correct the pathological process in a short time. The effectiveness of the course of treatment should be regularly monitored by cytological examination. Therapy will be considered completed when the results of cytology confirm the healthy state of the cervical epithelium.

The study of scrapings from the cervix is ​​an important diagnostic procedure that should be carried out regularly for preventive monitoring of the woman's health. An annual visit to the gynecologist for examination and diagnosis of possible pathologies should be the rule of life for everyone, because the early diagnosis of any disease is the key to the timely start of treatment and its high efficiency.

Often, when visiting a gynecologist, after an examination in a gynecological chair, an ultrasound scan, a woman receives a referral for a smear for cytology. Let us consider in detail this type of study, we will name the indications for its implementation, the features of the material sampling.

What is "cytology" in gynecology?

In most cases, when cervical cytology is prescribed, the girl does not know what it is. To begin with, it must be said that the cervical canal is an anatomical formation that resembles a tube in appearance. It directly connects the vagina with the uterine cavity. It contains stratified and cylindrical epithelium.

Taking material from this area of ​​the reproductive system helps to identify atypical cell formations in time. So it is possible to diagnose a precancerous condition and prescribe the appropriate treatment. The assessment of cellular structures takes place under a microscope with high magnification. The nuclear content of the cells is subjected to careful analysis.

What does a cytology smear show?

A common variant of this type of study is the Pap test. It was first used in the early 20th century by the Greek scientist Papanikolaou. He was directly involved in the diagnosis of malignant processes in the early stages. This smear for cytology also allows you to identify background processes of non-tumor origin, which have a risk of turning into cancer.

Considering all the above possibilities of the PAP test, doctors prescribe it for the following changes in intraepithelial structures:

  • anomalies in the structure of cells of high and low severity;
  • the presence as a result of previous studies of pathogenic microflora in high concentration;
  • violations of the menstrual cycle of an unidentified nature;
  • diseases of the reproductive system of a viral nature (HPV, herpes);
  • abnormal discharge from the vaginal cavity after menstruation.

Atrophic type of smear for cytology

PAP test in gynecology is one of the main studies that help identify the cell ratio in the cervical canal. With an atrophic type of smear in the field of view of the microscope, the laboratory assistant fixes a large content of squamous epithelial cells. This indicates changes in the structure of the epithelial tissue, which is often recorded in dysplasia. Further diagnosis, by conducting, establishes the degree and severity of the violation. A smear for pathological cytology is the initial stage of a comprehensive examination of the reproductive system.

Inflammatory type of cytology smear

The cytology of the cervix helps to identify inflammatory processes at an early stage, prescribe the right therapy. With an inflammatory type of smear, changes are recorded at the cellular level - the ratio of glandular cells, squamous epithelial cells may increase. At the same time, the woman notes the presence of symptoms of inflammation, which are manifested in a change in the cycle - acyclic discharge, an increase in the volume of menstrual blood, strong.

When to take a smear for cytology?

Almost like any study of the reproductive system, cytology analysis is carried out on a certain day of the menstrual cycle. The procedure for taking the material is carried out on the 10-12th day from the moment it starts. It must be borne in mind that the result may be inaccurate if there is an infectious process in the body. If necessary, the analysis is also carried out with the disease, but after 2 months from the moment of recovery, a control study is prescribed. If a woman uses vaginal suppositories, baths, douches, an analysis is possible 7 days after the end.

As for the indications for the study, doctors can prescribe an analysis for:

  • frequent births (3 times in 4 years, for example);
  • early first delivery (birth of the first child before the age of 18);
  • setting an intrauterine device;
  • lack of examinations of the reproductive system over the past 3 years;
  • the presence of visible changes when viewed in a gynecological chair using mirrors;
  • aggravated anamnesis (tumor-like processes were recorded in the family along the female line).

Preparing for a cytology smear

Liquid cytology involves evaluating the material after immersing it in a special environment. Previously, a smear for cytology was carried out with the application and fixation of the material on the glass. To obtain an accurate result reflecting the picture of the state of the uterine structures, a woman must adhere to the following rules before the procedure:

  • exclusion of douching 5-7 days before the collection of material;
  • exclusion of sexual intercourse for 3 days;
  • do not use tampons, gels, vaginal creams;
  • do not urinate 2 hours before the procedure.

How is a smear taken for cytology?

A Pap smear is performed in a clinic setting. The woman is located in the gynecological chair. During the procedure itself, the gynecologist takes cells from the cervical canal, from the vaginal mucosa. In the first case, a special probe is used - endobrush. Enter it after a slight expansion of the uterine canal by using a dilator. Eyre's spatula is used to take material from the walls of the vagina.

When liquid cytology of the cervix is ​​performed, during the manipulation itself, a woman may feel slight discomfort, mild soreness. Its appearance is due to the expansion of the cervical canal, which is equipped with a large number of nerve endings. The duration of the procedure depends on the experience of the gynecologist, and averages 5-10 minutes. The resulting material is placed in a test tube with a reagent and sent to the laboratory.

Cytology smear - transcript, norm

After a cytology smear has been performed, the interpretation of the results is carried out exclusively by the doctor. Only a specialist can make a comprehensive analysis of the situation, evaluating the results of cytology. The state of cellular structures is a reflection of the state of the reproductive system. Based on the results obtained, doctors can suggest an oncological process by prescribing an additional study (colposcopy, curettage).

Atypical cells in a smear for cytology

When a woman learns that the results of the study revealed a poor cytology, this news becomes a cause for concern. It is worth noting that this conclusion does not mean cancer. According to the established terminology of medical opinions, this definition refers to the presence of pathological changes in the epithelial layer of the vagina and cervical canal.

According to the generally accepted methodology for evaluating results, changes are indicated as follows:

  • 0 - the taken material is of poor quality, unsatisfactory (taken in small quantities, the patient was not properly prepared);
  • Grade 1 - indicators are normal;
  • Grade 2 - there are atypical structures;
  • Grade 3 - there is dysplasia of varying severity;
  • Grade 4 - precancerous condition, first stage;
  • Grade 5 - cancer.

Squamous epithelial cells in a smear for cytology

When liquid cytology of the cervix diagnoses squamous cells in the canal, doctors talk about a disease such as hyperkeratosis. A large number of squamous epithelium scales is fixed in the field of view of the microscope. This type of cellular structures is present in analyzes at. This disease refers to benign tumors. When conducting an additional study, colposcopy, a white area is fixed on the cervix.

It is worth noting that when only single scales are present in the smear results, colposcopy is mandatory. If during its implementation no changes were detected on the surface of the reproductive organ, then the analysis is considered normal. A smear for cytology performed in this case has no diagnostic value. The patient is monitored - once every 3 months a woman visits the consultative department, is examined.

Glandular epithelium in a smear for cytology

Analysis of the smear for cytology, deciphering it, further helps to establish inflammatory processes in the uterus. One of these is cervical dysplasia. With a mild degree of violation, the disease is perfectly amenable to correction by prescribing anti-inflammatory drugs. Moderate and severe dysplasia can be regarded as a precancerous condition. At the same time, a biopsy becomes an obligatory additional study - taking a section of the affected cervical tissue for histological examination.

Polymorphic-rod flora in a smear for cytology

Deciphering cytology often contains the entry "polymorphic rod flora." In order to understand what this means, it must be said that the sticks present in the vagina can have:

  • morphotype of lactobacilli (similar in structure and appearance to Doderlein sticks);
  • small sticks.

The first type of rods makes up the normal microflora of the vagina. At the same time, the presence of single leukocytes is allowed. The presence of a large number of small sticks indicates a change in the composition of the microflora, which can be recorded with vaginal dysbiosis, gardnerellosis. Such conditions require urgent medical intervention, the appointment of therapy.

The complexity of diagnosing diseases of the genital organs in women often leads to a loss of time required for successful treatment. Often, the development of cancer cells is asymptomatic, and only a special examination can reveal a dangerous disease. A smear for cytology or a pap test in women allows you to identify cancer at an early stage and start treatment on time.

A cytological examination of the tissues of the cervix in women allows you to determine 5 types of changes in the cells. A smear for cytology is an inexpensive and effective diagnostic method that has been used in medicine for more than 50 years. It is recommended to conduct a study for all women without exception aged 21 to 65 years at least 1 time per year. Deciphering the Pap test gives a complete picture of the presence or absence of any abnormalities.

A cytological smear (Pap test, Pap smear, smear for oncocytology) is performed during a gynecological examination. The doctor uses a mirror to examine the vagina, the entrance to the cervical canal and the cervical mucosa. If there is suspicion of an anomaly, cells are taken with a special brush from 3 areas: from the walls of the vagina, the cervical canal, the entrance of the cervix. The procedure is comfortable, painless and does not require special preparation.

The mucus is applied evenly to the glass slide, dried and sent to the laboratory.

The laboratory assistant with the help of reagents stains the smear, examines it through a microscope. This method determines the indicators:

  • cell structure;
  • cell size;
  • the shape of the epithelium;
  • mutual arrangement;
  • the number of cells per unit area;
  • pathological changes in the structure of cells.

A cytology smear allows you to identify most inflammatory diseases, precancerous pathologies of the epithelium (dysplasia), and malignant tumors. After taking a smear, spotting is often observed for 2-3 days, which is normal. Extremely rare - severe bleeding, abdominal pain, chills, fever. In this case, an urgent examination by a gynecologist is required.

When is an analysis ordered?

Ideally, every woman can undergo a cytology test regularly, without special instructions from a doctor. A routine gynecological examination can reveal the presence of inflammation of the cervix and cervical canal. A cytological smear is only a method of confirming the diagnosis. Therefore, it is better to adhere to the recommendations of the gynecologist - if there are no indications for analysis, then you should not worry ahead of time.

However, a cytology study should be carried out for women under the age of 40 - once a year, older women - 2 times a year and more often. Cases in which a cytological examination is prescribed without fail:

  • with menstrual irregularities;
  • in inflammatory processes of the cervical canal, cervix, etc., especially chronic ones;
  • in violation of reproductive function;
  • during pregnancy planning;
  • before surgery and other medical procedures;
  • before installing an intrauterine device;
  • taking hormone-containing drugs;
  • obesity 2, 3 degrees;
  • diabetes;
  • the presence in the body of the papilloma virus, genital herpes;
  • active sex life of a woman with frequent change of partners.

How to prepare for analysis

To ensure the maximum degree of purity of the smear, you should follow the rules before going to the gynecologist:

  • Do not use local drugs (vaginal tampons, suppositories, ointments).
  • Do not douche.
  • Wait until the end of the month.
  • In inflammatory diseases with abundant secretion, a general treatment should first be carried out. After a control smear confirming recovery, you can proceed to the analysis for cytology.
  • You can not urinate 3 hours before the cytological analysis.
  • It is better to refrain from sexual intercourse 2 days before taking the secret.

Compliance with these rules will avoid unnecessary anxiety and repeated visits to the doctor.

If the doctor prescribed a smear for oncocytology, this does not mean that the doctor has made a terrible diagnosis and is waiting for its confirmation.

Remember: prevention is better than cure.

What can a cytological analysis reveal?

How to decipher a smear for oncocytology? The interpretation of the data obtained in the laboratory is understandable only to the doctor. And not always the gynecologist gives a detailed picture of the disease, not wanting to waste time on explanations.

In the process of research, you can get 5 results:

It is important to remember that a smear shows only the degree of cell change, the presence of inflammation, infections, but does not determine exactly the cause that causes them.

On the basis of only a study on cytology, the gynecologist does not make a diagnosis, for this a comparison with other analyzes is necessary.

2, 3, 4 type of changes revealed in the study of cytology, may be a sign of diseases:

  • ectopia (erosion) of the cervix;
  • papillomavirus infection;
  • herpes genital;
  • parakeratosis of the cervix;
  • bacterial vaginitis;
  • cercivit;
  • vaginal candidiasis, etc.

Result interpretation

Deciphering the results of the analysis for the doctor is a simple matter, for the patient it is incomprehensible letters and terms.

If atypical cells are found in the smear, the laboratory assistant will write about this in the conclusion, and also determine the type of changes. Therefore, if the transcript of a smear for cytology does not contain special notes, then most likely no pathologies were found.

The time for a smear for cytology is from 1 to 5 days. Pathological changes in the cells of the cervical canal and cervix on the way to the diagnosis of "cancer" go through several stages, and not in 1-2 days. Cytological examination allows identifying atypical cells at the initial stage and starting treatment, which in most cases leads to complete recovery. Therefore, cytological examination has been widely introduced into medical practice as a quick, painless and inexpensive way to diagnose cancer cells at an early stage.

Of great importance in the timely treatment of diseases in gynecology is the cytological examination of the cervix.

This examination will allow to detect atypical cells of the mucous membrane of the cervix in the early stages, to investigate the state they are in, to detect inflammation processes.

How is material collected for cytological examination?

A cytological study is the analysis of material, the sampling of which is made from the mucous membrane of the cervix of a woman, in the laboratory. When examining a scraping taken, tissue cells, their shape, size and other indicators are studied. Various changes in the structure of the cells of the mucosal tissue do not have manifestations, and therefore this cytological study is of great importance in the detection of cancerous processes in the initial stages.

A sample is taken for examination by a gynecologist using a special spatula, spoons or probe. Cells are collected for analysis from the outside of the cervix, from the fornix and canal in a small amount. The procedure is performed on a gynecological chair. A woman may feel slight discomfort, but in general, the collection of a smear is painless.

Together with the scraping, a sample is taken for laboratory analysis from the cervical canal using a brush.

A smear for a cytological examination is taken when there is no menstrual flow, and before the procedure itself, the cervix is ​​​​cleaned with a swab.

The collected material is transferred to the glass and sent to the laboratory, where they will conduct the study.

Diagnostic analysis is carried out in several ways, including the Pap test and the Bethesda method. After the data received, the attending specialist deciphers the cytological examination of the smear. Responses from the laboratory will be ready within 7-10 days after the scraping.

Pap test responses

  • Pathological changes in the structure of the cells were not detected, respectively, we can conclude that the woman is healthy;
  • Some changes in the cell nucleus, a slight increase in it, indicate that inflammation and infection are present in the mucosa of a woman. Such results are considered normal, because they exclude the presence of atypical cells. But in this case, the doctor may prescribe an additional examination to identify the cause of the enlarged nucleus;
  • The presence of minor cellular changes with pathology of the nucleus and cytoplasm indicates the possibility of developing a malignant tumor;
  • The presence of a small number of abnormal cells that are malignant. With such results, additional studies are mandatory;
  • The presence of pathological cells in large numbers, such a process in the cervix is ​​considered precancerous.

Decryption data on the Bethesda system

Deciphering the cytological examination of the cervix by the Bethesda method is considered more open and provides maximum information.

This method is based on the determination of pathological changes in the cell nucleus. The result depends on the number of abnormal cells, their location. This system can detect diseases such as dysplasia and cervical cancer.

If the result of the study is negative for the presence of pathologies in the cells, the woman is considered healthy.

Only an experienced specialist deciphers the results of the study, since the data in the laboratory is recorded in Latin letters.

How often is a cytological examination performed?

Gynecologists advise women to be examined and tested for cytology once a year, cancerous changes in cells usually have a slow development. Early detection of atypical changes in cells will help to start timely treatment.

Women with HIV or those who take steroids and are also on chemotherapy are prescribed cytology individually, the frequency of the analysis is determined by the attending specialist.

To obtain reliable results, it is necessary to follow some rules before a cytological examination:

  • Four days before taking a smear, you must refrain from sexual contact;
  • Do not perform vaginal douching;
  • Refrain from using medicines and cosmetics intended for the vagina;
  • Immediately before visiting the gynecologist, you need to drink about half a liter of water, since the smear is taken on a full bladder.

Cytological examination is an inexpensive and very important examination, because early detection of cancerous processes is easily treatable.

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